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2002, IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks
15 pages
1 file
Nervous systems and their constituent neurons often display complex dynamics in response to inputs with simple characteristics. Until recently, these behaviors were not even classiAEed, let alone understood. This lack of understanding impedes determination of the utility of dynamical processing elements in artiAEcial neural networks. This paper summarizes a comparison of the responses of an ionic permeability based neural model to periodic inhibitory driving with that of a living preparation. Unlike previous, simpler models, duplication of most neuron response types was excellent, and simulation results led to insights into neuron activities that were subsequently veriAEed by examination of the living data. It is hoped that knowledge of the underlying physiological mechanisms and formal properties of neuron dynamics will lead to advances in artiAEcial neural network computational theory.
Neural computation, 1999
Here we compare the behavior of a leaky integrate-and-fire neural model with that of a biophysically realistic model of the rat neuron to determine which membrane properties influence the response to such stimuli. We find that only the biophysical model with voltage-sensitive conductances can produce chaotic behavior.
During a synaptic transmission in a mammalian system, biological information gets transferred from one neuron to the next by means of biomolecular signaling. This occurs through the conduction of Calcium ions through nanopore protein channels across the neural cell membrane. This process is vital for all the activities of the living system. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) transcription of specific neural genes in the postsynaptic neuron also plays a major role in the entire process of synaptic transmission dynamics. Several electronic circuits have been proposed for replicating such a neural synaptic communication process. The invention of memristors was a major turning point in the development in this area; it provided for a much more novel, efficient and miniaturized neural circuit emulation and has been substantiated to be the preeminent biomimicry of biochemical mechanism occurring at the synapse. Electronic circuits that imitate biological behavior are called biomimetics. Biomi...
Journal of …, 2003
Conventionally, the parameters of neuronal models are hand-tuned using trial-and-error searches to produce a desired behavior. Here, we present an alternative approach. We have generated a database of ~1.7 million single-compartment model neurons by independently varying eight maximal membrane conductances based on measurements from lobster stomatogastric neurons. We classified the spontaneous electrical activity of each model neuron and its responsiveness to inputs during runtime with an adaptive algorithm and saved a reduced version of each neuron's activity pattern. Our analysis of the distribution of different activity types (silent, spiking, bursting, irregular) in the eight-dimensional conductance space indicates that the coarse grid of conductance values we chose is sufficient to capture the salient features of the distribution. The database can be searched for different combinations of neuron properties such as activity type, spike or burst freque ncy, resting potential, frequency-current relation, and phase response curve. We demonstrate how the database can be screened for models that reproduce the behavior of a specific biological neuron and show that the contents of the database can give insight into the way a neuron's membrane conductances determine its activity pattern and response properties. Similar databases can be constructed to explore parameter spaces in multicompartmental models or small networks, or to examine the effects of changes in the voltage-dependence of currents. In all cases, database searches can provide insight into how neuronal and network properties depend on the values of the parameters in the models.
Trends in Neurosciences, 1993
In controlling animal behavior the nervous system has to perform within the operational limits set by the requirements of each specific behavior. The implications for the corresponding range of suitable network, single neuron, and ion channel properties have remained elusive. In this article we approach the question of how well-constrained properties of neuronal systems may be on the neuronal level. We used large data sets of the activity of isolated invertebrate identified cells and built an accurate conductance-based model for this cell type using customized automated parameter estimation techniques. By direct inspection of the data we found that the variability of the neurons is larger when they are isolated from the circuit than when in the intact system. Furthermore, the responses of the neurons to perturbations appear to be more consistent than their autonomous behavior under stationary conditions. In the developed model, the constraints on different parameters that enforce appropriate model dynamics vary widely from some very tightly controlled parameters to others that are almost arbitrary. The model also allows predictions for the effect of blocking selected ionic currents and to prove that the origin of irregular dynamics in the neuron model is proper chaoticity and that this chaoticity is typical in an appropriate sense. Our results indicate that data driven models are useful tools for the in-depth analysis of neuronal dynamics. The better consistency of responses to perturbations, in the real neurons as well as in the model, suggests a paradigm shift away from measuring autonomous dynamics alone towards protocols of controlled perturbations. Our predictions for the impact of channel blockers on the neuronal dynamics and the proof of chaoticity underscore the wide scope of our approach.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Changes in intracellular Na + concentration ([Na + ] i) are rarely taken into account when neuronal activity is examined. As opposed to Ca 2+ , [Na + ] i dynamics are strongly affected by longitudinal diffusion, and therefore they are governed by the morphological structure of the neurons, in addition to the localization of influx and efflux mechanisms. Here, we examined [Na + ] i dynamics and their effects on neuronal computation in three multi-compartmental neuronal models, representing three distinct cell types: accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) mitral cells, cortical layer V pyramidal cells, and cerebellar Purkinje cells. We added [Na + ] i as a state variable to these models, and allowed it to modulate the Na + Nernst potential, the Na +-K + pump current, and the Na +-Ca 2+ exchanger rate. Our results indicate that in most cases [Na + ] i dynamics are significantly slower than [Ca 2+ ] i dynamics, and thus may exert a prolonged influence on neuronal computation in a neuronal type specific manner. We show that [Na + ] i dynamics affect neuronal activity via three main processes: reduction of EPSP amplitude in repeatedly active synapses due to reduction of the Na + Nernst potential; activity-dependent hyperpolarization due to increased activity of the Na +-K + pump; specific tagging of active synapses by extended Ca 2+ elevation, intensified by concurrent back-propagating action potentials or complex spikes. Thus, we conclude that [Na + ] i dynamics should be considered whenever synaptic plasticity, extensive synaptic input, or bursting activity are examined.
We need to prepare a report on the specific topic from practical knowledge and comparison between real life data with our recording statements process. We will able to know real life situation and start a career with some practical experience. From the activities we got experience about the practical field. When we visited Mayer Doa grocery shop we saw that it is a retail business. The owner serves the customer that means he has no other employers. He is the employer of his own business. So, he is so busy to serve the customer of his business. The business has no strong monitoring system. The owner does not maintain any recording process. He only maintains his business to cash receive, Accounts receivable and Account payable. We have collected oral information from Mayer Doa grocery shop for preparing the business trial balance, income statement, owner's equity statement and balance sheet statement. While preparing this report we have got great opportunity to spread our knowledge depth in all retail business. Mayer Doa Grocery Shop is one kind of sole proprietorship Business. The sole proprietorship is the simplest business form under which one can operate a business. The sole proprietorship is not a legal entity. It simply refers to a person who owns the business and is personally responsible for its debts. A sole proprietorship can operate under the name of its owner or it can do business under a fictitious name, such as Mayer Dua Shop. The fictitious name is simply a trade name-it does not create a legal entity separate from the sole proprietor owner.
2022 Dicembre 2022 Nuova Serie N. S. Anno XXXII (XLII dell'intera serie) RASSEGNA DEL CENTRO DI CULTURA E STORIA AMALFITANA In questo numero: Saggi La dinastia dei Fusilis (898-957) di Giuseppe Gargano Origini, sviluppo e abbandono di alcuni siti fortifi cati campani fra X e XV secolo. Un bilancio sulle forme di incastellamento e decastellamento di Alfredo Maria Santoro Catasto provvisorio di Positano (1815) e considerazioni sull'evoluzione storica del comune fi no alla conclusione del decennio napoleonico di Antonio Capano I Savoia fra Ravello e Raito, collage bibliografi co di Antonio Porpora Anastasio Beni Culturali La trasformazione monumentale della cattedrale di Santa Trofimena in Minori: documenti inediti sul Settecento. Con una nota biografica del vescovo Serafino Vitale
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