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Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica, 2009
Dicţionarul multimedia al teatrului românesc, 2020
Revista istorică, 2023
The city of Timişoara was one of the most important urban settlements in the southern parts of the Hungarian medieval kingdom. In 1552, following a brutal military campaign, Timişoara and its surroundings were occupied by Ottomans and integrated in the Empire. Although in the beginning was a real shock for the Christian communities inside the city (Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox), the religious life continued under Turkish rule. A lot of documents from the second half of the 16th century offer information about the cohabitation between different Christian denominations and, of course, the Christian-Muslim relations. The Ottoman authorities had established the best relations with Serbian Orthodox church, recognizing many of its privileges, even allowing the foundation of a Serbian Orthodox bishopric inside the city. The Catholic and Protestant communities felt much stronger Ottoman pressure, because the two Christian denominations tried to get support from Turkish authorities in their dispute over faith. In the early 1580, the Holy See sent the first missionaries to the city in order to help Catholic inhabitants and to stop Reformation to spread among them. The Protestant believers had their own dispute with the Catholics, but were not united at all: a few Lutherans, some Calvinists and even a curious Antitrinitarian bishopric under influence of Judaic theology can be found inside the city in the second half of the 16th century
Cercetări arheologice, 2022
Acest studiu este dedicat unei categorii speciale de material arheologic, păstrate în colecțiile Muzeului Național de Istorie, terra sigillata de la Feldioara. Analiza a fost realizată pe un lot de 44 de piese ce au fost descoperite în cadrul campaniilor arheologice întreprinse între anii 1987-1990. În urma analizei stilistice (în cazul pieselor cu decor), coroborată cu analiza tipologică și cea a pastelor din care sunt confecționate obiectele am constatat faptul că importurile provin din două mari centre producătoare de terra sigillata: Lezoux și Rheinzabern. Astfel, centrul de la Lezoux reprezintă locul de proveniență a celei mai mari părți din sigilatele descoperite la Feldioara. Atelierele de la Rheinzabern constituie, de asemenea, una dintre sursele principale de terra sigillata de la Feldioara.
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2006
Developing the knowledge-based economy has changed dramatically in the guiding forces of urban development in Europe. In conditions of globalization, the competitiveness of cities not only depends on basic infrastructureroads, energy, water and sanitation-thouse beeing forced to fight on the field of technology through the adoption of modern management structures. Thus, the provision of services at higher level becomes the main activity in cities, leading to the emergence of a new concept, the "intelligent cities".
In the history of Romanian literature in Bessarabia Creangă's modelling role is exem¬pli¬fied especially during the turning periods, when the concept of literature is radicalized (years 20-30, 60, 80). Across different searches and wanderings of prose writers, namely, the organicist perspective of the structure of the Bessarabian literary phenomenon elucidates the importance of the Creangă model in overcoming the different complexes, among which, especially, of the narrow-minded Romanian.
Altarul Reîntregirii, 2015
One of the most dynamic works of Romanian Orthodox Church in the last 25 years is spiritual care for Romanians working abroad. Sensitive to the pastoral needs of the Romanian Orthodox believers temporarily or permanently established in the countries majority unorthodox, Romanian Patriarchate organized new Orthodox dioceses and parishes in different countries, to ensure to the Romanian believers religious assistance and an appropriate pastoral care, an ethos of life similar of the country, with traditions, habits, religious services and community organization.
Background. Ischemic colitis is very rare in our country; there are difficulties in diagnosis and surgical treatment, and the late diagnosis in advanced cases causes a high rate of fatalities. Case. A 73-year old woman was presented with melena, diffuse abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Laboratory evaluation revealed a WBC of 20,900/mm 3 , blood glucose level of 194 mg/dl, without other abnormalities. Plain abdominal radiography and abdominal ultrasound were normal. Emergency exploratory laparotomy revealed a rubbery hard colon, without the normal aspect of haustrations, feeling like a parenchimatous organ, from the left colic angle to the recto-sigmoid junction. The dissection of the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery proved its complete thrombosis. We performed a left colectomy with terminal colostomy on the transverse colon. Postoperative course was uneventful. Nine months after the first operation, we restored the continuity of the digestive tract by a colo-rectal anastomosis, without any problems.
Cercetări Arheologice, 2012
A major real estate development required a rescue archaeology intervention in the very downtown Bucharest, mainly between February and June 1996. A large section, 75 long and about 3 m large was made in the street, mostly mechanically, just in the front of the National History Museum. The archaeological rescue digging documented 12 rooms belonging to a large inn, built by a famous Ruler of the Romanian Country (Ţara Românească), Constantin Brâncoveanu, in the last decade of the XVIIlh century. This kind of inn, of Oriental inspiration, is typical for the passage from Late Middle Age to Modem times, and is, in fact, a complex project including hosting areas, enclosure for animals, large storehouses, but usually churches also. Flourishing in towns with a certain demographic growth, but with a very poor communication means, like Bucharest, the inns were supposed to gather all goods needed by community in five months of cold and wet weather, when the road network was impracticable. The inn functioned about 160 years, until around 1860, the internai spaces being frequently restored, up to 7 times. Despite the fact that the landlord was unique, for its entire existence, a comparison between the type of internai rehabilitation operations proved that the initiative was lefi on tenants, the sequence type offloors (wood, bricks or vegetal cover) being unrepeatable. The use ofthe spaces-when proved by micromorphological study-is also distinctive, either cooking area, workshops connected with open fire, or even stables for sheep, for some relatively short episodes. Those 12 rooms are placed on the western wing of the building, on the main facade, facing a major street-Podul Mogoşoaiei-studied in the southem end of the archaeological section. The public road was made of wooden boards supported by wooden pillars buried under the walking levei, similarly with a bridge, from which the street took its name ("pod" meaning bridge). This type of public street, made entirely of wood, is documented in wet lowlands, where stone is not available, like Timişoara (western Romania). The history of the place begins during the late XV 1 h century, for which deep buried huts were discovered. For the mid XVIlh century a new type ofhouse was in use, made ofwood, relatively large and with cellars, typical for aristocracy. In the XVIIlh century this strip of land was no more a constructive area, a little cemetery being discovered in the southem part of the trench. The layers dated between the cellar-houses and the inn are first in which fragments of bricks and mortar were recorded, probably from buildings in proximity. Regarding the political history of the Romanian countries, it might be surprising that from our discoveries Ottoman co ins are missing. W e found instead some Turkish pipes, a good witness of adopting an oriental lifestyle. This paper also presents the main results of the sedimentological and micromorphological study performed on Constantin Vodă Inn archaeological site. The field study firstly considered in the analysis of the sedimentary successions observed on the main stratigraphic profiles and the identification of the different types of units. The main diagnostic criteria observed in the field at the macroscopic leveitexture, structure, color, nature of constituents, homogeneity and degree of compaction-allowed establishing a typology of sedimentary facies necessary for the interpretation in terms of mechanisms of formation, in order to identify human activities and post-abandon transformations of the accurnulated deposits. Thus, different types of construction and arrangement units, occupation units and natural accumulations were recognized. Micromorphological analysis, at the microscopic scale, brings detailed information on the sedimentary units and thus contributes to a better interpretation of the archaeological levels. Extraordinary information provided by this study is the identification of sferulites, structures indicating the presence of the domestic animals (Ovis/Capra) in spaces fitted out with a wooden floor. The palinological expertise-the first ever done in an archaeological site from Bucharest-revealed a predominance of a ruderal vegetation, followed by hydrophilic vegetation and lowlands trees, but not cereals, explained by the position is in the middle of the medieval town.
International journal of scientific research in computer science, engineering and information technology, 2021
Cyberspace is a domain that uses the electronic and electromagnetic spectrum to store, modify, and exchange data through network and system-related physical infrastructures. Cyberspace is an endless space known as the Internet. Computer transactions, especially transactions between different computers, can be viewed as a space. Images and text on the Internet exist in cyberspace. The term is used in conjunction with virtual reality, giving the name of the imaginary place where a virtual object exists. If a computer creates a picture of a building that allows the architect to "walk in" and see what the nature of a design is, the building is said to be in cyberspace.Cybercrime is a series of organized criminal attack cyberspace and cyber security. Cybercrime such as Hacking into computer,this can be through a network system and clicking on unfamiliar links connecting to unrecognized Wi-Fi, downloading software and files to unsafe sites, consuming energy, electromagnetic radiation waves, and more. Cyber security is a serious problem and must be taken seriously as it has become a national concern. Currently, most electronic devices such as computers, laptops and cell phones come with built-in firewall security software, but even so, computers are not 100 percent accurate and reliable in protecting our data.
Insight Inteligência, 2018
Πρακτικά Εργασιών 8ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου με Διεθνή Συμμετοχή «Τεχνολογίες της Πληροφορίας & Επικοινωνιών στην Εκπαίδευση», Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας, Βόλος, 28-30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012, 2012
The Cambridge Companion to the American Graphic Novel, 2023
Abandono escolar en la educación media superior de México, políticas, actores y análisis de casos., 2048
BMC sports science, medicine & rehabilitation, 2024
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
Adriana Panaite, Romeo Cârjan, Carol Căpiță (eds.), Moesica et Christiana. Studies in honour of Prof. Alexandru Barnea on his 70th anniversary, Editura Istros, Brăila, 2016
Örgütsel Kariyer Yönetimi ve Örgütsel Bağlılık -Kitap Künye, 2021
Geophysical Research Letters, 2019
Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal
Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2014
Reice Revista Electronica Iberoamericana Sobre Calidad Eficacia Y Cambio En Educacion, 2010
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 1998
Ahmad Afiffudin, 2022
Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2013
European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 2021