Thermal characterization of gallium nitride p-i-n diodes
J. Dallas, G. Pavlidis, B. Chatterjee, J. S. Lundh, M. Ji, J. Kim, T. Kao, T. Detchprohm, R. D. Dupuis, S. Shen, S.
Graham, and S. Choi
Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 073503 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5006796
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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 112, 073503 (2018)
Thermal characterization of gallium nitride p-i-n diodes
J. Dallas,1 G. Pavlidis,2 B. Chatterjee,1 J. S. Lundh,1 M. Ji,3 J. Kim,4 T. Kao,3
T. Detchprohm,3 R. D. Dupuis,3 S. Shen,3 S. Graham,2 and S. Choi1,a)
Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
Pennsylvania 16802, USA
George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
Georgia 30332, USA
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
Georgia 30332, USA
LG Electronics, 38 Baumoe-Ro, Seocho-Gu, Seoul 06763, South Korea
(Received 27 September 2017; accepted 2 February 2018; published online 14 February 2018)
In this study, various thermal characterization techniques and multi-physics modeling were applied
to understand the thermal characteristics of GaN vertical and quasi-vertical power diodes. Optical
thermography techniques typically used for lateral GaN device temperature assessment including
infrared thermography, thermoreflectance thermal imaging, and Raman thermometry were applied
to GaN p-i-n diodes to determine if each technique is capable of providing insight into the thermal
characteristics of vertical devices. Of these techniques, thermoreflectance thermal imaging and
nanoparticle assisted Raman thermometry proved to yield accurate results and are the preferred
methods of thermal characterization of vertical GaN diodes. Along with this, steady state and
transient thermoreflectance measurements were performed on vertical and quasi-vertical GaN p-i-n
diodes employing GaN and Sapphire substrates, respectively. Electro-thermal modeling was
performed to validate measurement results and to demonstrate the effect of current crowding on the
thermal response of quasi-vertical diodes. In terms of mitigating the self-heating effect, both the
steady state and transient measurements demonstrated the superiority of the tested GaN-on-GaN
vertical diode compared to the tested GaN-on-Sapphire quasi-vertical structure. Published by AIP
Gallium Nitride (GaN) has attracted attention for
advancing legacy silicon (Si) based devices in high power
and high frequency power electronic applications. Due to the
superior material properties of GaN over Si and the resulting
improvement in Baliga’s figure of merit,1 GaN devices show
promise in developing power conversion systems with a
reduced size and weight and improved power (SWaP) and
efficiency.1–4 However, GaN application for next generation
devices has previously been restricted by the lack of bulk
GaN substrates forcing devices to be grown as lateral structures, including high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs).
While lateral GaN structures have proven to be successful
and have shown superior performance over Si devices, such
devices are subject to performance restrictions preventing
them from reaching the full potential of GaN. Such performance restrictions include limited breakdown voltage,
dynamic on-resistance, current collapse, large residual stress,
and overall larger chip size.5–8 However, more recent
advancements in high quality bulk GaN substrates have
enabled GaN vertical devices to be fabricated, such as
diodes, which are not subject to the previously identified
issues.9–11 Despite these structures possessing potential benefits, reduced device size and enhanced power handling
capabilities result in intense self-heating which leads to several performance degradation attributes. For diodes, these
include an exponential increase in leakage current at reverse
biased conditions, increased specific on-resistance, increased
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:
[email protected]
capacitance, breakdown voltage shift, and turn-on voltage
shifts.5,10,12–14 Despite knowledge of this, limited studies
have been performed to understand the thermal characteristics of GaN p-i-n diodes. Furthermore, thermal characterization techniques developed for lateral GaN structures are yet
to be validated for use in GaN vertical devices.
In this study, thermal analysis of vertical and quasivertical GaN p-i-n diodes was performed on the diodes that
were fabricated as in Refs. 12 and 15 for the vertical and
quasi-vertical diodes, respectively. Cross-sections of the
tested devices are shown in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b). To determine
if existing thermal characterization techniques can provide
insight into thermal characteristics of vertical structures,
steady state measurements with a base temperature of 45 C
and forward bias power dissipating conditions of 200, 400,
and 600 mW were performed on the quasi-vertical diode via
FIG. 1. Simplified schematic of the tested (a) quasi-vertical and (b) vertical
diodes. The diodes consisted of a 65 lm p-contact and an 85 lm GaN mesa
diameter. The thicknesses of the p-GaN, i-GaN, n-GaN, and substrate were
280 nm, 6 lm, 1.1 lm, and 430 lm, respectively.
112, 073503-1
Published by AIP Publishing.
Dallas et al.
infrared (IR) thermography, thermoreflectance thermal imaging (TTI), and Raman thermometry. Infrared (IR) thermal
microscopy was performed using a Quantum Focus
Instruments InfraScope via a medium wavelength infrared
(MWIR) InSb infrared camera with 512 512 pixels. A 15
MWIR objective was used to perform thermal imaging,
resulting in a lateral resolution of 2.8 lm. Since measurements captured the temperature of the low emissivity
p-contact, which can be subject to significant errors, the calibration procedure utilized an emissivity correction process
similar to Ref. 16 based upon two base temperature sets of
35 C/55 C and 65 C/85 C. However, even with emissivity
corrections, infrared measurements may result in errors due
to poor signal-to-noise ratios resulting from the low emissivity of the p-contact and poor spatial resolution. Further
information regarding inaccuracy of p-contact measurements
can be found in the supplementary material. In addition,
the infrared technique cannot accurately probe the GaN
surface temperature, as GaN is transparent to infrared wavelengths and the measurement will be corrupted by signals
originating from outside of the focal plane. As a result,
thermoreflectance thermal imaging was utilized to validate
infrared measurements on the p-contact since it is ideal for
measuring highly reflective (and hence low emissivity) materials. Furthermore, thermoreflectance exhibits an enhanced
lateral spatial resolution as compared to IR thermography.
Thermoreflectance thermal imaging was performed on
the p-contact using a Microsanj NT-210B system equipped
with a 1626 1236 charge coupled device (CCD) camera.
Experiments were carried out with a 20 objective (NA
¼ 0.35) and a variety of dispersed LED illumination sources
including those with wavelengths of 470 nm and 530 nm that
resulted in thermoreflectance coefficient (Cth) values17,18
with the largest magnitude. It should be noted that dispersed
LEDs are used as opposed to laser based methods as the
LEDs are of low enough power that heating effects from
photon absorption by the metal can be neglected. The Cth
values were determined by the process given in Ref. 19,
which uses a temperature controlled stage to periodically
elevate the temperature of the sample under study. Cth is
determined over an iterative process that averages the difference in the reflectance signal captured at the elevated temperature (57 C) and the cooled temperature (25 C).
Based upon this procedure, Cth values were determined to be
2.939 104 6 3.53 106 K1 and 1.788 104 6 1.62
106 K1 for green and blue light, respectively. The uncertainty associated with the Cth values mainly results from the
rough and non-uniform surface of the p-contact, which leads
to errors when averaging over the p-contact surface to determine a reliable value. Other sources of error include uncertainties associated with thermocouple reading and optical
detection (for reflectivity calculation) during the Cth calibration process. The theoretical diffraction limited lateral spatial
resolutions for both wavelengths were less than 0.75 lm, and
the resolution of the detector was 0.18 lm/pixel. All diode
timing/pulsing parameters were conservatively selected to
ensure diodes to reach their steady state temperatures. The
quasi-vertical diode was operated with square voltage pulses
of 10% duty cycle and a 400 ls on-time, while the vertical
diode was operated with 150 ls on-time for steady state
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 073503 (2018)
measurements. The duration of light illumination for the
periodic measurement was 32 ls. While the thermoreflectance technique is ideal for capturing the temperatures of the
reflective p-metal contact, it is rather incapable of performing reliable measurements on the GaN region.17 As such,
Raman thermometry was performed as it has demonstrated
success in measuring the temperatures of the channel region
of GaN HEMTs.
While existing Raman thermometry techniques, such as
the multi-peak fit method,20 have demonstrated strength for
temperature assessment of GaN HEMTs, they are limited in
use on vertical devices due to obstructed optical access from
the metallic p-contact and since measurements are carried
out with a sub-bandgap laser to prevent induction of photocurrent. Measurements utilizing a sub-bandgap laser have
been successfully applied to HEMTs since the GaN thickness
is on the order of a few microns resulting in minimal depth
averaging; however, vertical GaN structures consist of a relatively thick material stack composed almost entirely of GaN.
This results in severe depth averaging and overlapping peaks
originating from the differently doped GaN layers that are
composed of the material stack, limiting the use of existing
techniques based on linewidth and peak position shifts.21
Further information regarding depth resolution of confocal
Raman thermometry can be found in the supplementary
material. However, Raman thermometry is capable of assessing the surface temperature of vertical structures by applying
an intermediate material to the surface such as nanoparticles,
similar to measurements performed in Ref. 22.
A survey of various nanoparticles was performed to find
suitable candidates for nanoparticle assisted Raman thermometry including diamond (99% purity), aluminum nitride
(99.5%), aluminum oxide (99.99%), boron nitride (BN)
(99.8þ%), zinc oxide (99.5%), and titanium dioxide (99.9%
and 99.98%). Each nanoparticle was selected because of its
large bandgap, which minimizes heating from laser absorption and offers electrically insulating properties, since each
material gives a distinct Raman peak. Of these, only anatase
titanium dioxide (TiO2), diamond, and hexagonal boron
nitride (BN) demonstrated sufficient signal-to-noise ratios in
reasonable data accumulation times. The temperature
FIG. 2. Raman temperature calibration of diamond, TiO2 (99.98%), and BN.
TiO2 shows both higher sensitivity to temperature and lower uncertainty
compared to BN and diamond.
Dallas et al.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 073503 (2018)
dependent Raman peak shifts of TiO2 (Eg mode: 143 cm1
at room temperature), diamond (F2g: 1328 cm1), and BN
(E2g: 1367 cm1) are shown in Fig. 2. As can be seen, diamond and BN Raman peaks show similar sensitivity (slope)
to temperature rise; however, BN shows a significantly less
uncertainty. Additionally, TiO2 (99.98%) appears to be most
sensitive to temperature changes as indicated by its large
slope shown in Fig. 2 and Table I. Because of this, TiO2 was
selected to be applied to the GaN p-i-n diodes to enable
nanoparticle assisted Raman thermometry.
The TiO2 nanoparticles were applied by dropping a
solution of isopropanol and nanoparticles onto the diode.
Isopropanol was then allowed to evaporate, leaving TiO2 on
the diode surface. As this technique does not rely on plasmon
resonance, such as in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
(SERS), no additional fabrication steps in altering the surface
roughness are needed. After applying TiO2 to the quasivertical diode, the nanoparticles were allowed to reach thermal equilibrium with the diodes and the Stokes peak shift of
the Eg phonon mode23 was used to evaluate the temperature
response of the nanoparticles. The application of nanoparticles creates several benefits as compared to traditional
Raman techniques such as allowing surface temperature
measurements of both the GaN and metal region, allowing
lateral and vertical spatial resolutions to exceed that of its
diffraction limit (in the case of probing isolated particles),
and eliminating inclusion of stress effects in the Raman
response to device temperature rise. Measurements were
performed on the nanoparticles that were deposited on the
p-contact. In order to reduce the overall Raman signal
accumulation time and because of the lower material cost,
agglomerated TiO2 particles with a purity of 99.9% were
utilized instead of isolated TiO2 particles with a purity of
99.98%. Lateral x-y mapping measurements were performed
using a Horiba LabRAM HR Evolution via a 2.5 lm diameter
circular region with 0.25 lm steps. A sub-bandgap 532 nm
laser was used to avoid particle-heating with a 10% neutral
density filter and was transferred through a 50 objective,
resulting in 8 mW laser power at the sample surface. A 15%
electron multiplying charge coupled device (EMCCD) gain
was also applied to amplify the signal of the TiO2 nanoparticles to reduce the signal acquisition time while maintaining
the signal-to-noise ratio at a reasonable level. It was found
that slopes correlating the peak position shift with the temperature rise from x-y mapping of agglomerated particles with a
purity of 99.9% and individual particles with a purity of
99.98% show excellent agreement with each other. A more
detailed discussion of nanoparticle purity and temperature
gradient formation is given in the supplementary material.
Thermoreflectance measurements were carried out on the
GaN-on-GaN vertical diode, and the results were validated
through simulation. A coupled electro-thermal modeling
scheme24 using Sentaurus TCAD and COMSOL Multiphysics
was utilized to estimate the heat generation and temperature
distributions to gain further insight into the self-heating effect
associated with each diode. For each mesh point, this model
self-consistently solves the Poisson, current continuity, electrohydrodynamic, and heat conduction equations to derive the
electrostatic potential, electron/hole concentration/energy/temperature distributions, heat generation, and lattice temperature
rise. The resulting set of differential equations are discretized
and coupled nonlinearly, and the solutions are obtained by a
nonlinear iteration method. Figure 3(a) shows the radial temperature distribution of both the quasi-vertical and vertical
diodes obtained through thermoreflectance thermal imaging.
As can be seen, the vertical diode operates at a significantly
lower temperature at a power dissipation of 600 mW due to
the higher thermal conductivity of GaN compared to Sapphire.
The p-contact lateral temperature distribution of the quasivertical diode is relatively uniform, while the vertical diode
has a temperature more concentrated towards the center of the
diode, decreasing towards the peripheral of the p-contact.
Figure 3(b) compares the total heat generation cross-section
TABLE I. Slope and uncertainty of the linear fit obtained for TiO2
(99.98%), BN, and diamond as obtained from Raman temperature calibrations. The typical acquisition time to obtain a signal-to-noise ratio greater
than 20:1 at 35 C for agglomerated particles is also shown.
Slope (cm1/ C)
Error (cm1/ C)
Acquisition time for
a S/N of 20:1
Laser power was 4 mW, while others were performed at 8 mW.
FIG. 3. (a) Radial temperature distribution at 600 mW obtained from thermoreflectance thermal imaging. Excursions in the measured temperatures
originate from p-metal surface defects such as black spots that can be seen
in the inset. (b) Heat generation profile obtained through electro-thermal
modeling of the quasi-vertical structure and the vertical device.
Dallas et al.
obtained through electro-thermal modeling of the two diode
structures. As can be seen, the quasi-vertical diode has a large
heat generation concentrated near the periphery of the pcontact, extending vertically throughout the mesa.14 This is
attributed to the phenomenon of current crowding where the
electrons get crowded near the n-electrode and result in a spike
in electron density near the p-electrode edge. A recent study14
on quasi-vertical and vertical diodes shows that this problem is
significantly alleviated in the vertical design. As the vertical
diode exhibits a more uniform current distribution and heat
generation throughout the entire diode, the problem of current
crowding is non-existent there. This suggests that the vertical
diode structure is preferred over the quasi-vertical diode in
terms of device reliability since the possibility of forming local
hotspots under forward biased conditions is mitigated.
Figure 4 shows the combined results of IR, thermoreflectance, Raman, and thermal simulation for the quasivertical diode. Overall, all techniques show reasonable
agreement with thermal modeling. However, it is seen that at
power levels of 200 and 400 mW, IR measurements underpredicted the temperatures compared to those obtained from
thermal modeling. This is consistent with the fact that the
p-contact metal has low emissivity. Essentially, this low
emissivity causes low power (i.e., low temperature) measurements to be subject to an error resulting from low MWIR
(2–4.5 lm) photon emission (or thermal radiation) of the
metal surface. However, at 600 mW, the diode is of sufficiently high temperature that enough photons are being emitted to lessen the severity of errors to an extent that good
agreement was achieved with the other techniques.
Contrarily, mean values from Raman and thermoreflectance
results show excellent agreement with each other and the
model for all tested power levels. The large errors associated
with the Raman measurements are due to error propagation
from uncertainties associated with the x-y map based calibration method previously discussed. The agreement between
these two techniques provides support for the accuracy of
FIG. 4. Comparison of experimental and simulated temperatures of the
p-contact of the quasi-vertical diode at forward power dissipation levels of
200, 400, and 600 mW with a base temperature of 45 C. For better readability, the IR thermography and thermoreflectance thermal imaging (TTI) data
points were offset along the x-axis. As the uncertainty associated with
thermoreflectance measurements is small (<0.66 C), the error bars are not
visible in the graph.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 073503 (2018)
the thermoreflectance results. Along with this, thermoreflectance demonstrated self-consistency among the tested illumination wavelengths—470 nm and 530 nm and white light
(the results are not displayed in Fig. 4).
While steady state measurements can provide insight
into the heat generation profile of the diodes, these devices
are normally operated as rectifiers, switching between forward and reverse biased states, and thus, understanding the
transient thermal behavior of the diodes is important.
Because of this, thermoreflectance transient measurements
were performed with a temporal resolution of 3 ls. The transient measurements were performed at room temperature,
while the diodes were switched from a zero-bias state to a
forward bias condition dissipating 600 mW for both the
vertical and quasi-vertical structures. Figure 5 shows the
results of transient thermoreflectance measurements. As can
be seen, the GaN-on-GaN vertical diode has a favorable transient response, as it operates at a lower peak temperature
(due to the higher thermal conductivity of GaN as compared
to Sapphire) and has a much faster cooling response. The
thermal time constants were obtained through fitting the
exponential decay and were determined to be 8.3 ls and
22.8 ls for the vertical and quasi-vertical diodes, respectively. This 65% improvement is thought to be mainly due
to the removal of the thermal boundary resistance at the
GaN/sapphire interface and the lower specific heat and thermal diffusivity of the GaN substrate compared to sapphire.
As a result of this, the tested vertical diode is preferred over
the tested quasi-vertical diode for high frequency operation,
as it will have less residual thermal energy from the previous
cycle remaining. Contrarily, the tested quasi-vertical diode
will not have sufficient time when operating in high frequency ranges to thermally stabilize. This will result in an
accession of the operating temperature of the diode, which
may result in performance degradation attributes and impact
the device reliability.
Through the use of infrared thermal microscopy, thermoreflectance thermal imaging, Raman thermometry, and
electro-thermal simulation, an accurate measurement scheme
for GaN p-i-n diodes was established. It was demonstrated
FIG. 5. Transient thermoreflectance measurement results for the vertical
(red) and quasi-vertical (black) diodes at room temperature and 600 mW.
Dallas et al.
that infrared measurements were subjected to inaccuracy
when assessing the temperature of the low emissivity
p-contact at low power conditions. Because of this, the application of infrared thermography for temperature measurements of vertical devices should be limited for high power
dissipating conditions where the metal (with emissivity of
0.15) temperature exceeds 100 C. If the goal of temperature mapping is to locate hotspots or failure points, IR thermography provides a convenient means to conduct such
evaluation. Thermoreflectance and nanoparticle assisted
Raman thermometry proved to be viable options for the temperature assessment of GaN p-i-n diodes. This suggests that
the proposed measurement techniques can be applied to
vertical WBG structures to further understand heat generation in such devices so that thermally aware designs can be
exploited to allow the GaN vertical device technology to
reach the full potential of the material. Along with this,
steady state and transient measurements demonstrated the
superior thermal characteristics of the tested vertical GaNon-GaN structure as compared to its GaN-on-Sapphire quasivertical counterpart.
See supplementary material for considerations regarding
TiO2 nanoparticle purity, accuracy of infrared thermography
results for p-contacts, depth resolution of confocal Raman
thermometry, and temperature gradient formation in nanoparticles during testing.
Funding for efforts by the Pennsylvania State University
was provided by the AFOSR Young Investigator Program
(Grant No. FA9550-17-1-0141, Program Officer: Dr.
Michael Kendra, also monitored by Dr. Kenneth Goretta).
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