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Tidsskriftet Antropologi
4 pages
1 file
Anmeldelse af Cecilie Rubows 'Indendørsmenneskets natur'
Grundtvig-Studier, 2007
Kvinde-Evangeliet: Om Grundtvigs mandebilleder og kvindesyner[The Women ’s Gospel: On Grundtvig ’s images of men and women]By Uffe JonasGrundtvig’s ideals of maleness and femaleness stand in complex relationship. He has generally been perceived as a classic patriarch, pater familias, father of both nation and church, of which he was a chosen prophet. This prophetic-patriarchal pillar makes up what might reasonably be called the masculine column of his work. Yet at the same time his domestic roles engaged him with the feminine side of life and supplied him with a fund of personal and intimate experience.From this he drew much of his life-philosophy, which is sensitive, sensible and erotic through and through. Not only was he a great and faithful lover of women, but his images of manliness are permeated by feminine ideals such as dialogue, wisdom, poetry, compassion, tenderness, human equality. With a strongly masculine pathos, he tends to favour feminine values and virtues as heraldi...
Tidsskriftet Antropologi
Historisk Tidsskrift, 2011
Ved Dansk Historikermøde 2003 fremlagde jeg en analyse af danske faghistorikeres historiebegreb, der efterfølgende blev trykt i Historisk Tidsskrift. 1 Det affødte kun en kort debat med Carsten Due-Nielsen, 2 og i et forsøg på at få igangsat en bredere debat herom vil jeg nu skitsere, hvad der for mig udgør et frugtbart og velbegrundet alternativ til den fremherskende opfattelse-et historiebegreb, der kan betegnes som socialkonstruktivistisk. Rivaliserende historiebegreber Jeg fremstillede ikke dansk faghistorie som en monolitisk traditionsdannelse, men pegede på, at den fremherskende opfattelse saetter lighedstegn mellem begreberne 'historie(n)' og 'fortid(en)'. Historie defineres følgelig som en videnskab om det fortidige (på tysk Vergangenheitswissenschaft)og faghistorikere som fortidsspecialister, og dermed etableres der et metodisk-teoretisk skel mellem at udforske fortidige og nutidige sagforhold-en graensedragning, som den britiske historiker Raphael Samuel har søgt at indfange ved hjaelp af en rammende metafor:
Begrebet sarbarhet anvands allt oftare i forskning om hallbara samhallen och jamlik halsa. Men det ar ett begrep som anvands mycket olika inom olika omraden, och darfor kan vara mera forvirrande an klargorande. Sarbarhet ar ett manskligt gundvillkor, men vart samhalle skabar stor ojamlikhet mellan individer och samhallen i deras sarbarhet. Pa individniveau ar dar med ”precision public health” skapat forhoppningar om att kunna identificera sarbare individer, som bor ta sarskilt ansvar for sit beteende. I epidemiologien har ojamlikhet i sarbarhet visat sig ha etiologisk och halsopolitisk relevans. Hallbarhets- och utvecklings-forskningen har fokuseret pa sarbarhet i betydningen bristande kapabilitet, och har gjort framsteg med at identifcera hur sarbarhed i pa samhaallsniveau kan reduceras. Pa det sattet ar sarbarhet ett begrep av relevans for bada jamlik halsa och hallbara samhallen.
Politica, 1989
Jordens Folk, 2008
Klinisk Sygepleje
Tidsskriftet Antropologi
Taking its point of departure in their recent fieldwork, the authors explore the concept of knowledge in two different ways. How is scientific knowledge conceived in the debate surrounding the passage of the new Danish legislation on universities? And how is it possible to work with knowledge in the form of humanistic research as object of anthropological enquiry? In anthropology, knowledge, in relation to research has especially been studied regarding the natural sciences, i.e. in laboratories. The authors see this as a logical consequence of the development in anthropological method and theory, where the anthropological object has increasingly been defined as an object with a specific physical integrity – that is, as tied to a group of people and/or a physical place. This discussion finds an interesting parallel in the debate of the new act. Scientific knowledge is by some humanistic researchers understood as a solitary process where demands from larger society, as well as from th...
Acción Psicológica, 2013
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 2010
Io sono cultura , 2024
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2018
Divulga-CI - Revista de Divulgação Científica em Ciência da Informação, 2023
Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, 2014
JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1995
Rheumatology International, 2013
European Review, 2019
Environment International, 2013
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2015
Mediators of Inflammation, 2014
Journal of Translational Medicine, 2012
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2001