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Hooper, J.N.A. & Bergquist, P.R. 1992 06 29: Cymbastela, a new genus of lamellate coral
reef sponges. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 32(1): 99 137. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835.
Seven species of lamellate, stalked sponges from Australasian waters are referred to a new
genus, Cymbastela gen.nov. Six species from tropical, predominantly coral reef habitats: C.
stipitata (Bergquist & Tizard) (type species) and C. vespertina sp.nov., both from NW
Australia, C. concentrica (Lendenfeld) and C. coralliophila sp.nov. both from the Great Barrier
Reef, Queensland, C. marshae sp.nov. from the Houtman-Abrolhos Is, Western Australia, and
C. cantharella (Levi) from New Caledonia). Another species is recorded from temperate South
Australian waters (C. notiaina sp.nov. from the Gulf of St Vincent). All the species conformed
to the existing interpretation of Pseudaxinyssa Burton, but they are referred here to Cymbastela
since all are substantially different from the type species of Pseudaxinyssa, A. tethyoides
Kirkpatrick. Pseudaxinyssa is synonymized with Axinyssa Lendenfeld. The seven species of
Cymbastela are primarily differentiated by their spicule length and geometry, axial and
extra-axial skeletal development, growth form, lamella thickness and live colouration. Four
species are sympatric over part of their range in tropical Australia, whereas three species have
more restricted, allopatric distributions in temperate Australia and the western Pacific Ocean.
Li Pseudaxinyssa, Axinyssa, Cymbastela, new genus, new species, Porifera, Axinellidae,
taxonomy, biogeography, Australasia.
John N.A. Hooper, Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane, Queensland 4101,
Australia; Patricia R. Berg quist, Department of Zoology, University of Auckland, Private Bag,
Auckland, New Zealand; 29 January, 1992.
No formal revision of the complete order
Axinellida has yet been published, even though
for many years it has been recognized these
marine sponges were polyphyletic (Bergquist &
Hartman, 1969). Recent work on several families
within the Axinellida, using a phylogenetic
framework, has gone some way towards
redistributing some of these taxa amongst other
existing orders. Families considered so far (with
their affinities as suggested by particular authors),
are Axinellidae (Halichondrida; Van Soest et al.,
1990), Desmacellidae (Poecilosclerida; Van
Soest, 1984), Hemiasterellidae (Hadromerida;
Hooper, 1986; Voultsiadou-Koukoura & Van
Soest, 1991), Rhabderemiidae (Poecilosclerida;
Hooper, 1990), and Raspailiidae
(Poecilosclerida; Hooper, 1991). However, it is
not yet clear whether the concept of an order
Axinellida should be abandoned completely, or
retained and restricted to one or few families.
Additional, non-morphological data is required to
confirm or refute these ideas (discussion in
Hooper et al., 1992), and until such is available
none of the above assignments can be completely
Axinellidae is undoubtedly the most difficult of
all the families of Axinellida to interpret. The
original conception of the family, basically corresponding to the old subfamily Axinellinae of
Lendenfeld (1889), with major additions by
Hallmann (1916) and de Laubenfels (1936), included genera with an `axinellid skeletal plan'
consisting of a condensed axial core with diverging plumose or plumo-reticulate extra-axial
branches. This definition stands today (e.g.
Hartman, 1982), even though nearly half of the 50
nominal genera included in the family have skeletal structures other than axinellid (e.g. evenly
reticulate - Reniochalina; sinuous - Rhaphoxya;
dendritic - Acanthella; thickly encrusting/leptoclathrid - Fasubera). In such cases, genera with
atypical skeletal structures were included in
Axinellidae because their spicule geometries were
similar to those with axinellid skeletons. However, recent biochemical evidence indicates that
the family contains several distinctly
heterogenous groups of genera (Bergquist &
Hartman, 1969; Hooper et al., 1992).
A recent revision of halichondriids by Van Soest
et al. (1990), based primarly on morphological
characters, suggested that genera of Axinellidae
could be redistributed into three existing families
(Axinellidae, Desmoxyidae and Halichondriidae)
and a new family (Dictyonellidae). Van Soest et
al. (1990) referred these four families to the order
Halichondrida, and although we do not presently
support or refute this ordinal placement, we agree
that for the Axinellidae at least, there is a pressing
need for a re-evaluation of the major morphological characters used to distinguish taxa within the
Axinellidae, including the relative importance of
these characters as reliable indicators of
phylogenetic affinity.
It is difficult in many cases to assign species of
Axinellidae to genera with complete assurance, as
there are few morphological characters with clear
importance at the supraspecific level. Unlike most
groups within Poecilosclerida, for example,
Axinellidae lack any unique or diverse spicule
geometries, and lack microscleres which could
provide clues on affinities between genera. Thus,
the major problem preventing resolution of the
supraspecific taxonomy of Axinellidae is the difficulty or inability to define autapomorphies and,
furthermore, there is disagreement in the interpretation of the relative importance of the few
existing morphological characters that do occur in
the group - in particular spicule shape and skeletal
organization. Biochemical evidence may provide
more objective information on the affinities of the
numerous genera presently included in the family,
but the few data available are not entirely clear
(Hooper et al. 1992): there are, in many cases, no
obvious morphometric characters that correlate
consistently with generic groupings based on
chemotaxonomic data (see Hooper et al., 1992).
The `axinellids' are one group of Porifera that
require rigorous genetic study.
The existing subdivision within Axinellidae,
resting solely on morphological features, concerns
the skeletal architecture, presence or absence of a
specialised ectosomal skeleton, and morphology
and diversity of structural megascleres. The curvature and geometry of megascleres, however, is
thought to vary considerably within a particular
species groups, and confuse the interpretation of
interrelationships between species even further.
This problem was first identified by Dendy
(1905), who noted that oxeas may become strongyles or even styles, and curved or sinuous strongyles, once considered apomorphic for genera
such as Acanthella, reappear throughout the family.
Consequently, it is not surprising that there are
many genera of Axinellidae that presently contain
heterogenous assemblages of species, particularly
the large groups of Phakellia, Acanthella, Axinella, to each of which numerous species have been
assigned. A similar situation exists for
Pseudaxinyssa, and although it contains only eight
nominal species - prior to the present work - some
of these are obviously quite different from the type
species. Levi (1983) first stated that Pseudaxinys-
sa was probably polyphyletic, and this was recently reiterated by Van Soest et al. (1990). The
present paper re-evaluates Pseudaxinyssa, returns
its type species and several other described species
to Axinyssa, and creates a new genus to receive
several described species and a number of new
species mainly from tropical Australian coral reef
Preparation of material for light microscopy and
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is described
elsewhere (Hooper, 1991). Abbreviations used in
the text are as follows: AM, Australian Museum,
Sydney; BMNH, The Natural History Museum,
London; CMNZ, Canterbury Museum, Marine Invertebrate collection, Christchurch; MNHN
LBIM, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle,
Laboratoire de Biologie des Invertebres Marins et
Malacologie, Paris; NCI Q66C-, US National
Cancer Institute shallow water collection program
(Australian Institute of Marine Science,
Townsville, contract) - primary material in
USNM, duplicates/fragments in NTM and QM;
NTM, Northern Territory Museum, Darwin;
ORSTOM, Institute Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation,
Noumea; PIBOC, Pacific Institute of Bio-organic
Chemistry, Far Eastern Scientific Centre,
Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Vladivostok;
QM, Queensland Museum, Brisbane; SMF,
Natur-Museum und Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt; USNM, United States National
Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington; ZMB, Zoologisches Museum
ffir Naturkunde an der Humboldt Universitdt,
Family AXINELLIDAE Ridley & Dendy
Axinyssa Lendenfeld, 1897
Axinyssa Lendenfeld, 1897:116; Burton, 1931:349;
Van Soest et al., 1990:25.
Axinomimus de Laubenfels, 1936:163; Van Soest eta!.,
1990:27 (type species Axinella paradoxa Ridley &
Dendy, 1886:482 [by monotypy]; holotype BMNH
Pseudaxinyssa Burton, 1931:350; Van Soest et al.,
1990:27 (type species Axinyssa tethyoides
Kirkpatrick, 1903:245 [by original designation];
holotype BMNH 1902.11.16.25, schizotype MNHN
Not Pseudaxinyssa, sensu Bergquist & Tizard, 1967:
190; Levi, 1983:719.
Axinyssa topsenti Lendenfeld, 1897:116 (by
monotypy) (holotype ZMB 2971, schizotype BMNH
DIAGNOSIS (emended)
Massive, frequently subspherical, sometimes
lobate or lobate-digitate growth forms, often with
an apical cloacal cavity or fistulose surface conules; surface with prominent, regularly spaced
conules; choanosomal axial skeleton open
plumose, dendritic or vaguely radiating tracts of
larger oxeas, without axial compression, with
poorly developed spongin fibres; fibres cored by
larger oxeote megascleres; subectosomal extraaxial skeleton plumose, plumo-reticulate, ascending to surface, without obvious spongin fibre
component; mesohyl usually with abundant collagenous spongin; specialised ectosomal skeleton
may be present in the type species, or absent,
consisting of tufts of smaller oxeas perched on
peripheral choanosomal skeleton, protruding
through surface, forming surface conules;
megascleres oxeas or modified oxeas, one or two
Lendenfeld (1897:116) created the genus
Axinyssa for a single species, A. topsenti Lendenfeld, which had a vaguely plumose, ascending
choanosomal skeleton composed of multispicular
tracts of large oxeas, with smaller stylote oxeote
spicules in brushes on the surface. These
choanosomal spicule tracts and smaller ectosomal brushes protrude through the surface for
a short distance, producing characteristic
microconules. There is no distinctive, compressed
core in the skeleton (termed 'axial condensation'),
although there is differentiation between the axial
and extra-axial regions. Several other species
were subsequently described and included in
Axinyssa (Kirkpatrick, 1903; Topsent, 1906; Wilson, 1925).
Burton (1931) created Pseudaxinyssa for two
species previously assigned to Axinyssa - the type
species A. tethyoides Kirkpatrick (1903), and A.
gravieri Topsent (1906). He also included a previously undescribed species, P. tenuispicula Burton (1931) from Natal. All three species differed
from Axinyssa sensu stricto in lacking a
specialised ectosomal skeleton of smaller styloid
oxeas. They were closer to Axinella in their skela-
tal structure, but had only oxeas as megascleres
(Axinella usually has styles and oxeas, or only
styles, although at least one anomolous oxea-bearing species is also known [see below]). Van Soest
et al. (1990) noted that a specialised ectosomal
skeleton, such as that seen in A. topsenti, commonly occurs within many axinellids and, as such, it
may not be a reliable or even valid taxonomic
character when used above the species level. We
provide further evidence to support this conclusion in the present work, (i.e. Cymbastela
coralliophila sp.nov. having a specialised ectosomal skeleton), supporting the proposal that
Axinyssa and Pseudaxinyssa (s.s.) should be
Pseudaxinyssa, as defined by Burton (1931),
were massive sponges, without strong differentiation between the axial and extra-axial skeletons,
and without any evidence of axial condensation.
The type species Axinyssa tethyoides
(Kirkpatrick) is subspherical, with fistulose,
usually blind surface papillae, with large oxeas
between 530-790pm long scattered between
skeletal tracts and forming a branching reticulate,
non-compressed, undifferentiated skeletal architecture (i.e. no distinct axial and extra-axial
components). However, the subsequent addition
of two stalked, cup-shaped sponges from the Indowest Pacific, Pseudaxinyssa stipitata Berquist &
Tizard (1967) and P. cantharella Levi (1983), did
not fit at all with the original conception of the
genus. These two species had compressed-reticulate axial skeletons, with diverging plumose (or
plumo-reticulate) extra-axial skeletons, and spongin fibres were reasonably well developed. Both
groups of species were similar to A. tethyoides
only in having diverging tracts of oxeas near the
periphery of the skeleton, whereas in other features they were quite different. Therefore, it is
proposed here to include these anomolous stalked,
predominantly cup shaped species in a new genus.
Following from Van Soest et al.'s (1990)
revision of Axinyssa and our own observations on
various museum specimens, 13 species may be
referred to the genus, most from the tropical
oceans (also indicating known geographic distributions, and material we have examined):
A. aculeata Wilson (1925:445) (Philippines;
A. ambrosia (de Laubenfels, 1934:14) (Puerto
Rico; none).
A. aplysinoides (Dendy, 1922:39) (Cargados
Carajos, Amirante, Seychelles; none).
A. digitata (Cabioch, 1968:229) (Roscoff;
A. fenestratus (Ridley, 1884:464) (Arafura Sea;
holotype BMNH 1882.2.23.255).
A. gravieri Topsent (1906:563) (Red Sea;
specimen of Levi (1965:15), MNHN LBIM
A. paradoxa (Ridley & Dendy, 1886:482) (Tristan de Cunha Is; none).
A. pitys (de Laubenfels, 1954:178) (Palau Islands; holotype USNM 23103).
A. radiata (Levi & Levi, 1983:968) (New
Caledonia; paratype MNHN LBIM DCL 2955).
A. tenuispicula (Burton, 1931:350) (Natal;
A. tethyoides Kirkpatrick (Natal; holotype
BMNH 1902.11.16.25).
A. topsenti Lendenfeld (Adriatic; holotype
ZMB 2971).
A. valida (Thiele, 1899:12) (Moluccas; ?
paratype SMF 1821).
Another species exists in the MNHN collections, identified as a new species of Pseudaxinyssa
by Claude Levi (pers.comm.) ('holotype' MNHN
LBIM DCL1497) from Anborombe, Africa (M.
A. Crosnier stn CRO 69), and it too should be
included in Axinyssa. The affinities of the remaining species which have been included in
Pseudaxinyssa at one time or another are as follows:
P. cantharella Levi (1983:719) (New
Caledonia) belongs to the new genus described
P. stipitata Bergquist and Tizard (1967:189)
(northern Australia) also belongs to the new genus
described below.
P. tricalyciformis (Bergquist, 1970:15)
(holotype CMNZ Mar. Inv. 3/63), a replacement
name for Axinella lamellata Bergquist (1961:188)
(preoccupied), from the Chatham Islands, was
referred to Pseudaxinyssa by Bergquist & lizard
(1967:190). It has oxeas, some with styloid
modifications, forming a condensed axial skeleton
and plumose extra-axial skeleton, and is returned
to Axinella. Discrepancies in dates of referral and
description of that species are a consequence of
delayed publication of the 1970 paper, which was
completed in 1966 (Bergquist, 1970:4).
Following Van Soest et al.'s (1990) revision of
the `halichondrid' axinellids Axinyssa was
referred to the family Halichondriidae Vosmaer,
as emended by them, in having vague, ill-defined
spicule tracts, with a high ratio of spicules to
spongin. By comparison, 'true' members of the
Axinellidae have ordered, axially condensed,
extra-axially plumo-reticulate skeletons. The type
species of Pseudaxinyssa, A. tethyoides fits well
with the emended definition of Halichondriidae
(see Figs 1-2), and a redescription of A. tethyoides
is provided here for comparative purposes with the
new genus described below.
Axinyssa tethyoides Kirkpatrick
(Figs 1-2)
Axinyssa tethyoides Kirkpatrick, 1903: 245-6, pl. 5,
fig.12, p1.6, fig.8a,b.; Van Soest et al., 1990:27,
fig. 18.
Pseudaxinyssa tethyoides; Burton, 1931:350.
HOLOTYPE: BMNH 1902.11.16.25: Cone Point, Natal,
South Africa, 68m depth. SCHIZOTYPE: MNHN LBIM
Broken shell substrate.
Known only from the type locality.
Shape: Subspherical, massive growth form,
64mm diameter, with slightly flattened basal
region (point of attachment) (Fig. IA).
Surface features: Detachable, relatively fragile
skin, covered with numerous small papillae, 25mm long, 1-2.5mm diameter, most erect, fistulose, but few open at the apex. When open,
diameter of oscule approximately lmm.
Colour: Live colouration unknown, mottled
black and dark brown in ethanol.
Texture: Firm, barely compressible consistency,
easily crumbled.
Ectosome: Membraneous, without specialised
skeleton, with moderate quantities of detritus
within heavy organic matrix, occasionally with
spicules from peripheral choanosomal skeleton
protruding through surface, corresponding to surface papillae (Fig. 2B).
Choanosome: Skeleton branching reticulate,
open-meshed (mesh diameter 140-320p,m),
without trace of axial condensation or differentiation between axial or extra-axial regions. Skeletal
tracts pauci- or multispicular, 80-170p,m wide,
composed of tightly bound oxeas, without spongin
fibres, bound together within heavy collagenous
mesohyl (Fig. 1B). Near periphery skeletal tracts
diverge to surface, protruding through ectosome
slightly or not at all.
Spicules: Oxeas of single size class, long,
robust, symmetrical, slightly curved at centre,
FIG. 1. Axinyssa tethyoides, holotype (BMNH 1902.11.16.25). A,whole specimen (scale=30mm). B,SEM of
skeleton (scale=lmm). C,spicule (scale=250p,m).
tapering to sharp points (Fig. 2A) (length 533 648.4 789 p.m, width 18 -22k- 43)1m).
Cymbastela gen.nov.
The large size of spicules, undifferentiated axial
and extra-axial skeletons, lack of a condensed
axial skeleton, absence of spongin fibres, presence
of heavy collagen in the mesohyl, and a spherical
fistulose growth form distinguish this species
from all the Australian Pseudaxinyssa' species.
For reasons discussed above we consider that this
distinction is at the generic level.
Pseudaxinyssa, in part, Bergquist & Tizard, 1967: 190;
Levi, 1983:719.
Pseudaxinyssa stipitata Bergquist & Tizard, 1967:189
(holotype AM Z3101).
Typically stalked, cup-shaped, thinly lamellate
growth form. Ectosome with or without
FIG. 2. Axinyssa tethyoides, holotype. A, spicules. B,
section through peripheral skeleton.
specialised skeleton of smaller oxeas.
Choanosomal skeleton with compressed reticulate
axial region, in which major tracts run longitudinally through lamellae, and with gradually
ascending, diverging, radial, plumose or plumoreticulate extra-axial region, in which tracts become plumose and project through surface.
Spongin fibres well developed, cored by oxeas,
frequently with telescoped points. Predominantly
autotrophic, most species containing symbiotic
cyanobacteria. Oviparous.
Latin, cymba - cup, stela - column (f.); Cymbastela, for the predominantly stalked, cup-shape
growth forms.
Cymbastela is an unusual axinellid in its growth
form, although this morphology is also repeated
in several Haplosclerida, such as some Haliclona
and Amphimedon. Typically the genus has a
reticulated, compressed axial skeleton and a
plumose extra-axial skeleton, both composed of
TABLE 1. Comparison in spicule dimensions between
described species of Cymbastela. All measurements
given in micrometres, and expressed as minimum mean - maximum range of measurement. N=number
of specimens examined.
C. cantharella (N=3)
Type material
Other specimens
Other specimens
Other specimens
C. concentrica (N=5)
C. coralliophila (N=8)
Other specimens^I
C. marshae (N=3)
Other specimens
C. notiaina (N=1)
C. stipitata (N=38)
It is difficult to define any particular character
which may serve as a synapomorphy for Cymbastela, clearly differentiating it from its sister group
Axinella, in particular. Virtually no single feature
is unique; levels of homoplasy are comparatively
high within the Axinellidae. The lamellate growth
form is characteristic and consistent, but not unique to Cymbastela: two species of Axinella, A.
vaceletia (Pansini) and A. shoemakeri de Laubenfels, are also lamellate. Similarly, Axinella
polycapella de Laubenfels has a reduced spicule
complement, with mostly only oxea megascleres,
although in Cymbastela many of the oxeas have
telescoped ends, and it is probably this feature that
is most important in defining the genus. Therefore,
all three characters in combination - growth form,
spiculation and skeletal architecture - are considered to be valid discriminatory characters
defining the new genus.
Seven species are referred here to Cymbastela,
only three of which have been previously
described. The genus is most common in the tropical Australian - western Pacific region, although
one temperate species is also known.
Characters found in both preserved material
[and live specimens] are indicated.
1. Oxeas mostly with telescoped ends ^ 3.
C. vespertina (N=8)
Other specimens
well formed spongin fibres. In the extra-axial
region there are always fewer paucispicular,
reticulate fibres interconnecting the multispicular,
radial or plumose, ascending fibres. This structure
shows some similarities to the skeletons found in
Axinella Schmidt (i.e. A. polypoides Schmidt,
sensu Vosmaer, 1912), in which there is a condensed, reticulate axis and plumose-branching
and reticulated extra-axis, and Phakellia Bowerbank (i.e. P. ventilabra Linnaeus, sensu Vosmaer,
1912), in which there is a condensed, reticulate
axis, and a plumose, radial, non-branching or
poorly-branching extra-axial skeleton. Both
Axinella and Phakellia have spicules consisting of
styles, strongyles and oxeas, in all combinations,
whereas in Cymbastela spicules are only oxeas,
usually with telescoped ends. Cymbastela is superficially most similar to Phakellia (sensu Vosmaer), due to the emphasis of the extra-axial
skeleton over other structures, but it is probably
most closely related to Axinella in all other features.
Oxeas mostly with tapering ends 2.
2.Thicker lamellate, cup-shaped growth form, often
with external buttresses, concentric lamellae,
and lateral projections [typically pigmented
olive-green and mauve]) C.
stipitata (Bergquist & Tizard).
Thinly lamellate, usually simple, concentric or
asymmetrical cup-shaped growth forms,
without exterior projections [dark maroonbrown, evenly pigmented]
C. vespertina sp.nov.
3. Oxeas well silicified 4.
Oxeas poorly silicified, vestigial, thin, with
strongyloid-rounded telescoped ends [small
symmetrical vase-shaped, thin lamellae, even
surface, live colouration unknown]
C. notiaina sp.nov.
4. Specialised ectosomal skeleton of smaller oxeas
present, overlaying projecting subdermal
skeleton of larger oxeas [wide cups or thickly
lamellate lobes attached directly to substrate,
usually with convoluted external surface, mot-
tied olive-green and olive-brown colouration] ^ C. coralliophila sp.nov.
Without specialised ectosomal skeleton 5.
5. Axial skeleton not compressed, predominantly
plumo-reticulate, extra-axial skeleton radial,
not plumose, ectosomal skeleton with plumose
projecting spicules [concentric cups, usually
buttressed or with other sorts of external
projections, thin lamellae, convoluted margins,
with obvious differences between interior
(porous, inhalant) and exterior (smooth, exhalant) surfaces, pale orange]
C. cantharella (Levi).
Axial skeleton compressed, predominantly
reticulate, extra-axial skeleton predominantly
reticulate, ectosomal skeleton with plumose
projecting spicules [concentric or convoluted
cups, thin lamellae, evenly pigmented dark
brown or olive-brown]
C. concentrica (Lendenfeld).
Z2412: same locality, 7.x.1975 (stn Don.196, coll. A.J.
Dartnall). NTM Z2422: same locality, 3m depth,
14.viii.1985 (stn EP24). NTM Z2542: same locality,
0.5m depth, 4.x.1985 (stn EP25). NTM Z2547: same
locality, 15.xi.1985 (stn EP26; coll. A.M. Mussig).
NTM Z2552: same locality, 12.xii.1985 (stn EP27; coll.
A.M. Mussig and C. Hood). NTM Z2250: same locality,
12°24.5'S, 130°48.0'E, 10m depth, 12.iv.1985, coll. C.
Hood and J.R. Hanley (stn EP22). QM G300001 (fragment NTM Z2392): same locality, 8m depth,
29.vii.1985 (stn EP23). NTM Z3179: same locality,
12°29.5'S, 130 ° 48.0'E, 0.5m depth, 10.ix.1987, coll. N.
Smit, by hand (stn JH-87-017). NTM Z401: Vestey's
Beach, 12°26.2'S, 130 ° 49.9'E, intertidal, 11.xii.1981
(stn MB4). NTM Z479: Fannie Bay beach, 12 ° 25.0'S,
130°50.0'E, intertidal, 9.ii.1982 (stn EP7). NTM Z2009
Axial skeleton compressed, predominantly
plumose or longitudinal, less obviously reticulate, extra-axial skeleton predominantly
plumose, ectosomal skeleton plumose [irregular cups, thin lamellae, no basal stalk,
smooth surface on both interior and exterior
faces, evenly pigmented olive-green/maroon]
C. marshae sp.nov.
Cymbastela stipitata (Bergquist and Tizard)
(Figs 3-5, Table 1)
Pseudaxinyssa stipitata Bergquist and Tizard,
1967:189-191, text-figs 3-4, p1.5, fig.3.
HOTOTYPE: AM Z3101: East Point Reef, Darwin, NT,
12 ° 25.0'S, 130 ° 49.1'E, intertidal, 13.x.1965, coll. E.
Pope and R.S. Williams.
OTHER MATERIAL: (All material collected by the author
unless otherwise indicated). DARWIN REGION, NT:
NTM Z163-165: East Point Aquatic Life Reserve,
12°25.0'S, 130 ° 49.1'E, 0.5m depth, 13.xi.1981 (stn
EP6). NTM Z261 (4 specimens): same locality,
17.ix.1981 (stn EP3). NTM Z294: same locality, lm
depth, 18.viii.1981 (stn EP4). NTM Z309: same
locality, 0.5m depth, 20.ix.1981 (stn EP5). NTM
Z2145: same locality, 27.ix.1984 (stn EP17). NTM
Z2207: same locality, 23.xi.1984 (stn EP18). NTM
Z2225: same locality, 22.i.1985 (stn EP20). NTM
Z2240: same locality, 8.iii.1985 (stn EP21). NTM
Z2250: same locality, 12.iv.1985 (stn EP22). NTM
FIG. 3. Cytnbastela stipitata. A, typical growth form
(specimen NTM Z2009). B, in situ (specimen NTM
FIG. 4. Cymbastela stipitata. A, SEM of skeleton (specimen NTM Z2009) (scale=500p,m; left magnified 40.8
times, right magnified 320 times). B, peripheral skeletal architecture (scale=lmm). C, oxea (scale=100p,m).
FIG. 5. Cymbastela stipitata, specimen NTM Z2009. A, spicules. B, section through peripheral skeleton. C,
enlarged portion showing the close-meshed reticulate near the axial skeleton. D, confirmed distribution.
(fragment QM G300006): W side of Weed Reef,
12°29.2'S, 130°47.1'E, 19m depth, 11.v.1984 (stn
WR2). NTM Z2190: 'Bommies', Weed Reef,
12 ° 29.2'S, 130°37.6'E, 6-10m depth, 16.xi.1984 (stn
WR6). SAM TS4023 (fragment NTM Z1655): Old Man
Rock, Nightcliff, 12°21'S, 130°51'E, intertidal, (coll. R.N. Southcott and A.E. Adams, stn
A573). NTM Zi424: Lee Point, 12°19.2'S, 130 ° 53.1'E,
intertidal, 13.xii.1981 (stn LP2). NTM Z779: W side of
Channel I., Middle Arm, 12°33.4'S, 130°52.5'E, 2m
depth, 7.vii.1982 (stn Cl2). NTM Z796: S side of Channel I., Middle Arm, 12°32.3'S, 130 ° 51.3'E, llm depth,
16.vii.1982, coll. S. Chidgey. NTM Z2105: N side of
Fish Reef, Bynoe Harbour 12 ° 26.2'S, 130 ° 26.2'E, 910m, 5.ix.1984 (stn FR2). COBOURG PENINSULA
REGION, NT - NTM Z2491: Coral Bay (now known as
Seven Spirit Bay), Port Essington, 11°09.4'S, 132°04'E,
4-7m depth, 13.ix.1986 (stn CP71). NTM Z3301, 3302:
Inside outer barrier to Coral Bay, S side of Bay, Port
Essington, 11°09.4'S, 132°04.0'E, 2-7m depth,
12.ix.1986, SCUBA (stn JH-85-020). NTM Z3244: SW
side of cliff face, Table Head, Port Essington,
11°13.5'S, 132 ° 10.5'E, 2-5m depth, 11.ix.1986,
SCUBA (stn JH-85-019). NTM Z119: Sandy I. No. 2,
Arafura Sea, 11°05.5'S, 132°17'E, 7m depth, 20.x.1981
(stn CP26). NTM Z536: E of Point Edwards, Port
Bremer, CPMNP, 11°08.5'S, 132°18.8'E, 6-7m depth,
1.v.1982 (stn CP33).
Restricted to shallow coastal waters, ranging
from intertidal to 19m depth. Substrate
predominantly rock or coral rubble, and the
sponge is most abundant in areas where there are
relatively light loads of sediment.
Northwestern Australian waters (Fig. 5D). Levi
(1983) suggested that C. stipitata also occurs in
the lagoon off Noumea, New Caledonia, but it is
possible that he was referring to the new species
described below from the Great Barrier Reef,
Cymbastela coralliophila sp.nov.
Shape: Stalked, cup-shaped growth form, usually with thick, uneven, crenellated margins, smooth
interior surface, mostly smooth exterior surface of
vase, but often with lateral growths and projections on exterior surface. Growth variants common, sometimes with 2-4 concentric, successively
smaller cups growing inside each other, with or
without buttressed exterior projections near base.
Margins and stalk typically relatively thick, up to
14mm and 32mm maximum widths, respectively.
Although growth variants may occur within
metres of each other, specimens tend to be thinner,
more elongate (more vasiform), and less convoluted with increasing depth (Figs 3A,B).
Surface features: Oscules not visible optically,
although small, evenly distributed pores (0.81.8mm diameter) seen under higher magnification, usually situated on points of surface conules.
In some cases distribution of pores coincides with
distribution of parasitic barnacles (Acosta sp.),
whereas other openings appear to be true inhalant
or exhalant pores.
Colour: Live colouration clearly dependent on
well-being of resident algal symbionts - variations
in pigmentation related to degree of shading,
water depth and water clarity. Typical live
colouration of intertidal specimens olive-green on
margins (Munsell 2.5GY 5/4), olive-green with
maroon-brown tinge on inside of vase (5GY 4/42.5R 4/2), maroon-brown on exterior of vase and
stalk (2.5R 4/4). Subtidal specimens typically
evenly pigmented olive-brown or olive-maroon
(2.5-10R 3/2). Heavily shaded, damaged
specimens or material from waters with exceptionally high turbidity may be completely beige
(i.e. without pigments).
Texture: Consistency always stiff, firm, but
flexible, with roughened, sand-paper texture
produced by spicules protruding slightly from dermal skeleton. Surface always optically smooth,
microscopically hispid and microconulose, frequently raised into regular or irregular ridges or
rounded digitate projections.
Ectosome: No specialized skeleton on surface,
but with prominent, relatively closely meshed,
diverging plumose brushes of choanosomal oxeas
protruding through ectosome for short distances
(up to 1501.m maximum), producing microscopic
surface conules. Subdermal skeleton more-or-less
plumose, with more closely meshed multispicular
skeletal tracts than on ectosome. Tracts may or
may not be interconnected by paucispicular
transverse fibres, but usually hidden by diverging
spicules (Figs 4, 5B-C).
Choanosome: Axial skeleton compressed, composed of very close-meshed plumose or vaguely
plumo-reticulate multispicular fibres, mostly running longitudinally along core of lamellae, occupying majority of lamella diameter. Only few
interconnecting uni- or paucispicular tracts observed at core, but these mostly obscured by closemeshed reticulation. Disjunction between
longitudinally orientated axial skeleton and vertically disposed extra-axial skeleton only noticeable very close to periphery. Choanosomal fibres
lightly invested with spongin, with few extra-fibre
megascleres. Mesohyl matrix lightly reinforced
with collagen, with abundant microalgae scattered
Spicules (refer to Table 1 for dimensions):
Megascleres unmodified oxeas, symmetrical,
thick, curved centrally, with mostly fusiform
sharply pointed ends, sometimes with very slightly telescoped points but this feature never as well
developed as in other species. Structural
megascleres coring fibres slightly larger than
those scattered between fibres (Fig. 5A).
With the exception of a few specimens from
very turbid waters, which may have shed their
algal symbionts, most specimens of C. stipitata
contained cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), dispersed evenly throughout the sponge mesohyl.
Only rarely were these symbionts seen inside
spongin fibres. The olive-green, olive-brown
sponge pigmentation, characteristic of this
species, may be a photosynthetic by-product of
these symbionts: the several shallow water
specimens tested were chlorophyll positive (as
demonstrated by acetone extracts of tissues).
Parasitic barnacles of the genus Acasta are also
common within this sponge.
This species is immediately differentiated from
other tropical Australasian Cymbastela species by
the emphasis of its plumose skeletal architecture
over other skeletal components. In other species
the reticulate connections within the skeleton are
more obvious, and overall skeletal architecture is
predominantly plumo-reticulate, but in C.
stipitata the reticulate component of the skeleton
is masked slightly by the dense plumose tracts. In
this regard the species is most similar to C. marshae sp.nov. from the Houtman-Abrolhos Is, WA,
which has much smaller spicules (Table 1). In
some respects it also resembles the northwestern
Australian C. vespertina, which is found in
deeper, less turbid waters. The latter species,
however, has much thinner lamellae and is usually
evenly pigmented maroon-brown to purple-grey
alive. Cymbastela stipitata is contrasted further
with other species below.
Cymbastela vespertina sp.nov.
(Figs 6-8, Table 1)
Pseudaxinyssa n.sp.; Hooper et al., 1992: Table 1, Fig
HOLOTYPE: NTM Z3939 (fragment QM G300010): N
side of Cumberland Strait, Wessel Is, NT, 11°27.6'S,
136°28.7'E, 32m depth, 15.xi.1990, coll. J.N.A.
Hooper, SCUBA (stn JH-90-028). PARATYPES: NTM
Z2615: East Point Aquatic Life Reserve, Darwin, NT,
12 ° 24.5'S, 130°48.0'E, 9-12m depth, 3.iv.1986, coll.
J.N.A. Hooper, SCUBA (stn EP28). QM G300002
(fragment NTM Z3948): S of W headland, Rimbija I.,
Cape Wessel, Wessel Is, NT, 11 ° 0.5°S, 136 ° 43.8'E,
15m depth, 16.xi.1990, coll. J.N.A. Hooper, SCUBA
(stn JH-90-030).
OTHER MATERIAL: (All material collected by the author
unless otherwise indicated). NORTHWEST SHELF
REGION, WA: NCI Q66C-1323-F (fragment NTM
Z3470): Offshore from Norcape Lodge, Learmonth,
Exmouth Gulf 21°56.6'S, 114°09.1'E, 6m depth,
17.viii.1988, coll. NCI, SCUBA. DARWIN REGION, NT:
NTM Z2696: East Point Aquatic Life Reserve,
12°24.5'S, 130°48.0'E, 9-12m depth, 3.iv.1986, coll.
J.N.A. Hooper, SCUBA (stn EP28). NTM Z2699: East
Point Aquatic Life Reserve, 12°24.5'S, 130°48.0'E,
9-12m depth, 3.iv.1986 (stn EP28). ARAFURA SEA, NT:
NTM Z3069, NCI-Q66-0519-F: Parry Shoals,
11°11.72'S, 129 ° 43.26'E, 16m depth, 12.viii.1987, coll.
A.M. Mussig, SCUBA (stn AM 87-2). WESSEL ISLANDS, NT: NCI Q66C-4828-0: S of W headland,
Rimbija I., Cape Wessel, 11 ° 0.5'S, 136°43.8'E, 15m
depth, 16.xi.1990, coll. NCI, SCUBA (stn JH-90-030).
Patch rock reef, fringing coral reef, or rock
heads, sandy bottom over hard corals, gorgonians,
sponges and algae, in areas of strong current;
6-32m depth range.
Northwest coast of Australia, from Exmouth
Gulf to Wessel Islands (Fig. 8C).
Latin, vespertinus, western, or of the evening;
for the west Australian coastal distribution of this
Shape: Thin-walled, lamellate, cup shaped
sponges, 95-190mm high, 70-170mm maximum
diameter, lamellae 2-4.5mm thick. Lamellae typically do not rejoin completely, usually producing
asymmetrical cups. Apical margins of lamellae
usually even, but larger specimens may consist of
2-4 concentric cups, with lamellae forming spiral
walls. Sponges attached to substrate by large, flat
basal plates, up to 55mm maximum diameter, with
FIG. 6. Cymbastela vespertina sp.nov. A, holotype (NTM Z3939). B, paratype (NTM Z2615), in situ.
FIG. 8. Cymbastelavespertina sp.nov. (holotype NTM Z3939). A, spicules. B, section through peripheral skeleton.
C, known distribution.
FIG. 7. Cymbastela vespertina sp.nov. (paratype QM G300002). SEMs of skeleton showing: A, section through
lamella (scale= I mm); B, slightly compressed plumo-reticulate axial arrangement (scale=500p.,m); C, oxeas and
terminations (scale=100Rm).
short, thick stalk, 14-36mm long, 14-28mm
diameter (Fig. 6A,B).
Surface features: Smooth, even, uninterrupted
by any surface processes. Microscopically surface
with minute conules. Oscules not seen, but small
evenly distributed pores, up to 0.8mm diameter,
scattered over surface of lamellae.
Colour: Live colouration dark maroon brown
(Munsell 2.5R 4/4) to greyish purple (5R 5/2),
always evenly pigmented, whereas in ethanol
colour usually dark brown or dark grey.
Texture: Firm, slightly compressible texture,
sandpaper-like to touch.
Ectosome: Membraneous, without specialised
spiculation, but with regularly spaced plumose
brushes, composed of 3-8 oxeas, from ascending
extra-axial tracts, protruding through surface for
short distances, up to 100p,m from ectosome.
Position of plumose spicule brushes on surface
coincides with minute surface conules. Subectosomal region predominantly plumose, slightly
plumo-reticulate, with ascending plumose portion
of skeletal tracts greatly emphasised over uni- or
paucispicular reticulate, transverse, connecting
tracts. Spongin fibre mesh size in peripheral
skeleton up to 1401im diameter, more open than
in axial region (Figs 6,7).
Choanosome: Skeleton slightly axially compressed, plumo-reticulate, with plumose component emphasized only slightly over reticulate
component of skeleton: former consisting of multispicular ascending tracts, latter with
paucispicular, connecting tracts, both enclosed
within spongin fibres (Fig. 8B). Spongin fibres
light but well developed, with small mesh sizes,
up to 90p.,m maximum diameter. Mesohyl with
moderate quantities of brown-pigmented collagenous spongin, and only few spicules dispersed
outside fibres. Choanocyte chambers oval, 2890pLm diameter.
Spicules (refer to Table 1 for dimensions):
Megascleres oxeas without any modifications,
relatively long, slender, slightly curved centrally,
tapering to sharp fusiform points, with very few
examples bearing telescoped points (Fig. 8A).
This species is usually associated with symbiotic microalgae (cyanobacteria) in shallow
water (i.e. is chlorophyll positive), and the symbionts are probably responsible for producing the
characteristic dark purple-mauve live pigmentation, although one specimen (Z3939) was pale
beige in situ and may have shed its algae. Parasitic
barnacles are rare.
This species was originally thought to be merely
a modified, deeper-water form of C. stipitata, as
there are similarities in skeletal architecture and
spicule dimensions. However, morphological differences described above, particularly the asymmetrical cup shape, the very thin lamellae and
darker pigmentation, and differences in free
amino acid profiles between C. vespertina and C.
stipitata (Hooper et al., 1992), indicate that these
two sympatric populations are heterogenous and
sibling species.
Cymbastela concentrica (Lendenfeld)
comb.nov. (Figs 9-11, Table 1)
Antherochalina concentrica Lendenfeld, 1887:788,
p1.22, fig.42.
LEC'TOTYPE (here designated): AM Z1993: Port Molle
(now Airlee Beach), Qld, 20°13'S, 148 ° 49'E, no other
collection details known. (cf. published locality of St
Vincent Gulf, South Australia). PARALECTOTYPES:
BMNH 1886.8.27.451, 460: same locality.
OTHER MATERIAL. QUEENSLAND - NTM Z3169 (fragment QM G300009): Outer slope of reef front, Blue
Lagoon, Lizard I., Great Barrier Reef, 14°40'S,
145 ° 48'E, 10-20m depth, 1987, coll. A.W.D. Larkum
( . PC 348T, PC 346). QM G300003: Inner Gneerings, Moreton Island, 26 ° 38.5'S, 153°09.5'E, 14m depth,
01.v.1991, coll. Thorogood, JA, SCUBA (ref.JT-8).
Inshore fringing reefs and coral reef slope, up to
20m depth.
Northern, central and southern Queensland (Fig.
Shape: Cup- or vase-shaped growth forms, up
to 150mm high, 125mm maximum width, consisting of relatively thin (approximately 2mm wide),
convoluted, conical lamellae or symmetrical cups
on short basal stalk. Stalk length up to 45mm long,
25mm diameter. Lamellae may produce concentric whorls inside cup, or merely contain a few
irregular bumps; margins of lamellae slightly convoluted (Fig. 9A-C).
Surface features: Lamellae smooth, slightly irregular, with low conules and ridges on exterior
surface, more even interior surface; no buttresses
or external processes.
FIG. 9. Cymbastela concentrica. A, Paralectotype (BMNH 1886.8.27.451). B, specimen (NTM Z3169; photo A.
Larkum). C, field number PC 346, unaccompanied by voucher specimen (photo A. Larkum).
FIG. 10. Cymbastela concentrica. A, SEM of skeleton (specimen NTM Z3169) (sca1e=500p,m; left magnified 21.2
times, right magnified 186 times). B, peripheral skeletal architecture (scale=100p,m). C, spicule with telescoped
ends (lectotype AM Z1993) (scale=501.1,m).
FIG. 11. Cymbastela concentrica, lectotype (AM Z1993). A, spicules. B, section through peripheral skeleton. C,
known distribution.
Colour: In life, dark brown (interior) (Munsell
5YR 3/2) or olive brown (exterior) (2.5YR 4/4).
Chlorophyll pigments abundant (seen in acetone
extracts of freshly preserved material), due to
presence of large population of cyanobacteria
(microalgal) symbionts.
Texture: Smooth, stiff and flexible consistency,
with a slightly velvet surface texture.
Ectosome: Optically smooth, lacking specialized skeleton, but microscopically villose, with
substantial portions of spicule from peripheral
skeleton protruding through surface and forming
plumose brushes. Spicules protrude up to 230p.m
from surface, and brushes may contain up to 8
spicules (Figs 10, 11B). Microalgae, seen in fresh
material, appear to be concentrated near periphery
of skeleton.
Choanosome: Skeletal architecture plumoreticulate, with poorly differentiated axial and
extra-axial skeletal regions - reticulate skeleton
emphasised over plumose portion (Figs 10, 11B).
Central region of choanosomal skeleton only
slightly axially condensed, predominantly reticulate, with plumose paucispicular ascending tracts
curving gradually towards surface, interconnected
by uni- or paucispicular transverse tracts, whereas
peripheral skeleton more clearly diverges into
plumose ascending multi- or paucispicular tracts,
interconnected by uni- or paucispicular transverse
tracts. Spongin fibres and spicule tracts, 40-60p.m
wide in axis, become less heavily cored and more
widely spaced towards periphery, 20-40p,m wide,
ultimately forming distinctive plumose dermal
brushes. Spongin fibres (22-60p.m wide) lightly
developed, nearly fully cored by megascleres,
producing ovoid to eliptical meshes (42-77 p.m.
60-185p.m wide in axial and extra-axial regions
respectively). Collagen abundant in mesohyl but
very lightly pigmented. Choanocyte chambers
oval to elliptical, 45-150p,m diameter.
Spicules (refer to Table 1 for dimensions): Variable length, relatively, slender, fusiform oxeas,
moderately curved at centre, usually with very
faintly telescoped points (Fig. 11A).
Cyanobacteria were only seen in freshly
preserved material, not in the type material, and
appears to be concentrated mainly in the
peripheral skeleton.
Lendenfeld (1887) states that C. concentrica was
originally collected from St Vincent Gulf, South
Australia, whereas both the AM and BMNH
registers, and the specimen labels with the type
material, indicate that the collection locality was
Port Molle, Queensland. Although the exact type
locality of this species will always be doubtful, the
new record of the Queensland material described
here from Lizard and Moreton Is suggests that the
Museum register notations may be correct. According to Burton (1934:558), and notes in the
BMNH register (in M. Burton's handwriting), this
species has some similarities with Phakelliaflabellata (Carter) from southern Australia. However,
the skeletal architecture and spiculation of C. concentrica is quite different from that of Phakellia,
and the two species are regarded as convergent in
these two superficially prominent features.
The redescription presented above differs
slightly from the description given by Lendenfeld
(1887), who recorded oxea dimensions of
130x5 vim. In this regard his description conforms
more closely to the new specimens described
above than to the type material (Table 1). Apart
from their smaller spicule dimensions these two
specimens are identical to the type material in
growth form, including lamellae thickness and
surface features, skeletal architecture, spiculespongin fibre structure and spicule geometry, and
it is suggested here that all five specimens of C.
concentrica described above are conspecific.
However, the existence of these two anomalous
specimens casts some doubt over the accuracy of
absolute spicule dimensions as a useful diagnostic character within this genus (see Fig. 24), suggesting that spicule size may vary with latitudinal
Cymbastela concentrica is similar to most of the
other lamellate Australasian Cymbastela species
in a number of features. Many species contain
symbiotic algae (i.e. are chlorophyll positive),
they all have a thin, lamellar, plate-like, cup- or
vase-shaped growth form, with well developed
spongin fibres, and a more-or-less slightly condensed plumo-reticulate axial skeleton, plumose
or plumo-reticulate extra-axial skeleton, and if
present, a plumose ectosomal skeleton. Species
appear to differ substantially only in spicule
dimensions, spicule geometry (presence or absence of telescoped points, and possession of hastate or fusiform points), and the degree to which
the skeleton is organized into axial and extra-axial
sections. For example, C. stipitata (from inshore
waters of northern Australia) has larger
megascleres, spicules are only rarely terminated
by telescoped points, and there is a more obvious
differentiation between the axial and extra-axial
regions of the skeleton, including a more con-
densed axial core, and an emphasis on the plumose
portion of the skeleton. Cymbastela cantharella
from the outer reefs of New Caledonia also has a
stalked lamellar growth form, slightly differentiated axial and extra-axial skeletons, but it has
distinctive orange, yellow-orange live colouration, and relatively slender oxeas. In contrast,
Cymbastela concentrica has a relatively poorly
differentiated axial and extra-axial skeleton, only
slightly condensed choanosomal axis with emphasis on the reticulate extra-axial portion of the
skeleton. This takes the form of a plumo-reticulate extra-axial skeleton, a plumose ectosome, and
oxeas which are similar in size to those of C.
Cymbastela cantharella (Levi)
(Figs 12-14, Table 1)
Pseudaxinyssa cantharella Levi, 1983:719-722, fig.1,
coast New Caledonia, 40m depth, no other details
OTHER MATERIAL: NTM Z3869: Precise locality unknown, Noumea lagoon, SW coast, New Caledonia,
22 ° 20'S, 166 ° 13'E, 25m depth, coll. ORSTOM, SCUBA
(ref. R1261). NTM Z3872 (fragment QM G300004):
Exterior of Grand Recif Mbere, off Noumea, New
Caledonia, 22°20'S, 166 ° 13'E, 30m depth, 21.ix.1990,
coll. J.N.A. Hooper, SCUBA (stn JH-90-018).
Slope and ledges near base of barrier reef, dead
coral and silt substrates, 15- 75m depth.
Known only from the New Caledonia region
(Fig. 14C).
Shape: Short, erect cup-shaped or semivasiform lamellae, 80-150mm high, up to 170mm
maximum diameter, on short stalk, 30-40mm
long, 10-17mm diameter, with thin lamellate
walls, 3-6mm diameter, usually with convoluted
margins, occasionally with secondary cups or
lamellae growing inside primary cup, often with
buttresses and secondary projections (Fig. 12A).
Surface features: Surface of lamellae
predominantly smooth, although distinct differences between interior (inhalant) and exterior faces
of cups exist. Exterior of lamellae microscopically
smooth, optically uneven, interior of cup with
numerous small oscules, 0.5-2mm diameter, each
surrounded by slightly raised membraneous lip
(Fig. 12B). Oscules approximately 2mm apart,
throughout interior surface of lamellae producing
concentric striations within interior of cup.
Colour: Pale orange alive (Munsell 2.5-7.5 YR
8/10), beige in ethanol.
Texture: Firm, flexible, slightly compressible;
exterior of lamellae with sandpaper like texture,
interior more compressible.
Ectosome: Membraneous, without specialised
skeleton, with heavy layer of slightly darker col1 ag en , up to 801im wide, through which
choanosomal oxeas protrude for about half their
length. Projecting oxeas occur individually or in
paucispicular plumose bundles, regularly dispersed across surface, arising from ascending
radial tracts in peripheral skeleton (Figs 13, 14B).
Choanosome: Choanosomal skeleton plumoreticulate, without axial compression or any
noticeable differentiation between axial and extraaxial regions, apart from plumose ectosomal
spicules (Fig. 14B). Two components of skeleton
predominant: first, radial spongin fibres, cored by
multispicular tracts of oxeas, run longitudinally
through lamellae, and gradually ascend to surface,
becoming plumose and diverging near periphery;
second, radial fibres interconnected by uni- or
paucispicular tracts of oxeas, only weakly organised as a reticulum. The skeleton in places is
almost halichondroid (Fig. 13). Spongin fibres
only lightly invested in spongin, up to 75Rm
diameter, forming elongate or rectangular meshes,
up to 125Rm diameter, with small oval
choanocyte chambers, 25-40vm diameter.
Mesohyl heavily reinforced with collagen and
containing scattered small (possibly juvenile)
Spicules (refer to Table 1 for dimensions):
Oxeas relatively short, slender, slightly curved at
centre, occasionally asymmetrical, tapering,
fusiform, sharply pointed but usually with very
slightly telescoped points at absolute apex of
spicule (Fig. 14A).
No symbiotic cyanobacteria were seen in any of
the three specimens examined.
Cymbastelacantharella is apparently unlike all
other species of the genus in that it contains a
number of biologically active metabolites (Levi,
1983, and pers.comm.), although the nature of this
chemical activity is not yet published. It also differs from other tropical species in lacking any
evidence of symbiotic microalgae, and in this
respect it is similar to the two temperate species
described here. Cymbastela cantharella has other
features typical of the genus, especially growth
form - being thinly flabellate with irregular, buttressed surface processes similar to those seen on
C. stipitata, and the geometry of the oxeas is also
similar in these two species. However, the New
Caledonian species differs from other Cymbastela
in external colouration (orange alive, possibly due
to the lack of photosynthetic pigments found in
other tropical species), prominent surface
sculpturing on the oscular face of cups, skeletal
architecture (having a dense radial-plumose
skeleton, with a secondary paucispicular secondary reticulate skeleton, with an overall nearlyhalichondroid appearance, and radial-plumose
ectosomal skeleton), and specific dimensions of
oxeas (Table I).
Cymbastela coralliophila sp.nov.
(Figs 15-17, Table 1)
Pseudaxinyssa sp.; Wilkinson, 1983:411.
Pseudaxinyssa n.sp.; Bergquist et al., 1980:424, Table
1; Levi, 1983:720.
HOLOTYPE: NTM Z4038: S side of Blanchard Reef,
Qld, 13°23.4'S, 143°44.4'E, 14m depth, 12 - xii - 1990,
coll. J.N.A. Hooper, USSR RV `Akadetnik Oparin',
SCUBA (stn JH-90-054).
NORTHERN SECTION: NTM Z4039: S side of Blanchard
Reef, 13°23.4'S, 143 ° 44.4'E, 14m depth, 12-xii-1990,
coll. J.N.A. Hooper, USSR RV `Akademik Oparin',
SCUBA (stn JH-90-054). NCI Q66B-2242-Y: W side
Canoe I., 10°20.6'S, 142°06.4'E, 4m depth, 6.v.1987,
coll. NCI, SCUBA. - CAIRNS SEcrioN: NTM Z3165,
3166, 3167, 3168 (fragments): Outer slope, reef front,
Blue Lagoon, Lizard I., 14°40'S, 145°28'E, 10-20m
FIG. 12. Cymbastelacantharella. A, specimen (NTM Z3872). B, close up view of interior surface of cup (specimen
NTM Z3869).
FIG. 13. Cymbastela cant harella. A, SEM of skeleton (specimen NTM Z3872) (sca1e=500p,m; left magnified 106
times, right magnified 566 times). B, peripheral skeletal architecture (scale=100p,m). C, oxeas, including juvenile
form (specimen ORSTOM RAl279) (scale=100p,m).
FIG. 14. Cymbastela cantharella, specimen (NTM Z3872). A, spicules. B, section through peripheral skeleton. C,
known distribution.
depth, 1987, coll. A.W.D. Larkum et al. (ref. PC341T,
PC342T, PC344T, PC345T, respectively). NCI Q66C0260-W: N end Bowden Reef, off Townsville,
19 ° 2.06'S, 147 ° 55.89'E, 14m depth, 3.ii.1987, coll.
(fragments NTM Z2735, QM G300012): Davies Reef,
Townsville region, 18°50'S, 147°39'E, depth unknown,
17.viii.1982, coll. C.R. Wilkinson (stn Don.214).
CAPRICORN SECTION: NCI Q66C-1766-L (fragments
NTM Z3509, QM G300008): 100m NW of small rocky
point at embayment edge, NW Brampton Island, Whitsunday Islands Group, Mackay region, 20 ° 48.0'S,
149°15.0'E, 12m depth, 07.xi.1988, coll. NCI, SCUBA
(stn DON-0272). NCI Q66C-0816-A: W end Deloraine
I., Whitsunday Is Group, Mackay region, 20 ° 09'S,
149°04'E, 20m depth, 10.xi.1987, coll. NCI, SCUBA.
Coral reef substrates, including lagoon, sloping
fringing reef, irregular coral boulders with muddy
sand between, gorgonian beds, and also areas of
high sedimentation. Depth range extends from
subtidal to 20m.
Northern, central and southern sections of the
Great Barrier Reef, Queensland (Fig. 17C).
The species name refers to the restricted distibution of all material so far described, the sponge
being found exclusively on coral reefs.
Shape: Large vase-shaped, cup-shaped or simply lamellate growth forms, usually with large marginal opening, or sometimes nearly flattened
completely against substrate, 80-170mm high, up
to 350mm maximum marginal diameter. Usually
attached to substrate by short stalk, up to 30mm
high, 25mm diameter, sometimes lamellae are
direct outgrowths of the basal attachment. Lamellae relatively thick, lobate, 8-15mm thick excluding lateral projections (Fig. 15).
Surface features: External, exhalant, surface optically smooth, relatively even, with or without
bumps, ridges and lateral growths. Internal, inhalant, surface relatively uneven, often with concentric striations and ridges, or with irregular
bumps, lobate growths and depressions on lamella
walls, typically with small digitate or lobate
projections at centre of cup. Occurrence and
development of surface outgrowths, on both interior and exterior surfaces of lamellae is highly
variable. Oscules small, 0.5-2mm diameter, dis-
persed on tips of microconules or ridges on inte-
rior surface of cups, subdermal canals visible
below slightly translucent ectosome (Fig. 15C-D).
Colour: Live colouration typically mottled
olive-brown (Munsell 7.5YR 5/4), olive-green
(5Y 6/6) with maroon-brown tinge externally (5R
4/2), green (7.5GY 3/4) or olive-green internally
(2.5GY 5/4). Colour in ethanol white or greenishwhite.
Texture: Compressible, difficult to tear, rough
exterior texture.
Ectosome: Ectosome microscopically hispid,
with specialised skeleton. Subectosomal skeleton
ascending, plumose, produced by pauci- or multispicular tracts of larger, choanosomal oxeas running at right angles to surface, overlain by
specialised ectosomal skeleton of tangential, multispicular brushes made up of smaller ectosomal
oxeas. Specialised dermal skeleton markedly
plumose, mostly orientated tangentially or
paratangentially to surface (Figs 16, 17B).
Choanosome: Choanosomal skeleton with only
slight axial condensation, with axial and extraaxial components only slightly differentiated (Fig.
17B). Axial region predominantly radialplumose, less markedly plumo-reticulate, with
skeletal lines mostly directed longitudinally
through lamellae, but gradually ascending
towards peripheral skeleton; extra-axial skeleton
more-or-less radial-plumose, with multispicular
ascending spong in fibres interconnected by
paucispicular transverse fibres (Fig. 16). Spongin
fibres well formed but only very lightly invested
with spongin, 75-110p,m diameter. Fibre reticulation forms elongate oval to elliptical meshes, 85350Rm diameter, relatively similar in diameter
between axial and extra-axial regions; choanocyte
chambers relatively large, oval, 90-2101J.m
diameter. Ascending fibres cored by multispicular
tracts of larger choanosomal oxeas, whereas
transverse fibres uncored or with uni- or
paucispicular skeletal lines. Mesohyl matrix reinforced with moderate quantities of collagen. Very
thin, smaller oxeas, similar in length to those on
surface skeleton are dispersed throughout the
mesohy 1, possibly juvenile forms of larger
choanosomal oxeas.
Spicules (refer to Table 1 for dimensions):
Choanosomal oxeas thick, slightly curved at
centre, typically symmetrical, occasionally
anisoxeote, with hastate-rounded or slightly
pointed, usually very faintly telescoped ends. Ectosomal oxeas thin, mostly straight, fusiform, with
sharply pointed, rarely telescoped ends (Fig.
FIG. 16. Cymbastela coralliophila sp.nov. A, SEM of skeleton (specimen NTM Z2735) (sca1e=500m; left
magnified 19.5 times, right magnified 93 times). B, peripheral skeletal architecture (specimen NTM Z3509)
(scale=50011,m). C, two sizes of spicules (scale=100Rm).
FIG. 17. Cymbastela coralliophila sp.nov. (specimen NTM Z2735). A, choanosomal and ectosomal spicules. B,
section through peripheral skeleton. C, known distribution.
Oviparous, with synchronous release of eggs
and sperm (A. Ayling, pers. comm.).
Sponges tested chlorophyll positive, and it is
likely that the species' live pigmentation is partially or entirely produced by cyanobacterial symbionts. Several specimens also had numerous
zoanthids on upper and lower surfaces, and barnacles (Acasta sp.) embedded within the mesohyl.
Cymbastela co ralliophila has been recorded frequently from the Great Barrier Reef, but until now
it has remained undescribed.
The species conforms with Burton's (1931) interpretation of the genus Axinyssa, as distinct from
his nominal genus Pseudaxinyssa, in that it contains two distinct size classes of oxeas, the smaller
found predominantly on the surface, the larger
forming the structural skeleton. On the other hand,
the very close similarities in growth form, skeletal
architecture and spiculation that exist between this
species and the other Australasian lamellate Cymbastela suggests that this feature is not important
above the species level of classification. Cymbastela coralliophila also differs from other members
of the genus, as construed here, in having an
almost flattened, usually relatively large cupshaped growth form, with flabellate lamellae. The
skeletal structure is most similar to C. cantharella,
with the radial-plumose skeletal tracts
predominant over the reticulate component of the
skeleton, and with only minor differences between
the axial and extra-axial regions. The species are
contrasted further in Table 1.
Cymbastela marshae sp.nov.
(Figs 18-20, Table 1)
HOLOTYPE: NTM Z2876: Northern edge of Pelsar Islets, Houtman-Abrolhos Is, WA, 28° 47.6'S, 114°
00.7°E, 25m depth, 09.vii.1987, coll. J.N.A. Hooper,
USSR RV `Akademik Oparin', SCUBA (stn JH-87001).
OTHER MATERIAL: HOUTMAN-ABROLHOS IS, WA NTM Z2901 (fragment QM G300005): Pelsar Islets,
28°47.2'S, 113°58.5'E, 22m depth, 10.vii.1987, coll.
J.N.A. Hooper, USSR RV `Akademic Oparin', SCUBA
(stn JH-87-002). NCI Q66C-4198-F: 1.5 km N of northern point, West Wallabi I., Wallabi Group, 28°25.7'S,
113 ° 42.0'E, 8m depth, 12.ix.1990, coll. NCI, SCUBA.
Growing at base and on reef slope of Acropora
and Seriatopora coral reef, in sand, silt or rock
substrates, in Turbinaria zone, 8-25m depth.
Known only from the Houtman-Abrolhos Islands, WA (Fig. 20C).
Named after Mrs Loisette Marsh, Curator of
Marine Invertebrates, Western Australian
Museum, Perth, in respect of her dedication to the
study of the marine fauna of Western Australia.
Shape: Thin, irregularly lamellate lobes forming
asymmetrical vases, or symmetrical cup-shaped
sponges, 125-255mm high, 120-235mm wide at
apex of lamellae, with thin lamellae, 2-6mm maximum width, attached directly to substrate by a
basal attachment, without a basal stalk (Fig. 18).
Surface features: Smooth, relatively even surface. Exterior surface with few low, irregular
bumps, shallow depressions and concentric
ridges, with or without horizontal lamellate
projections growing on side of exterior surface.
Interior, oscular surface of lamellae smooth, with
concentric ridges, few low, irregular conules or
depressions, sometimes with secondary lamellae
or whole cups growing within interior surface.
Very small oscules scattered over interior of cups,
up to 1.5mm diameter.
Colour: Olive-green and maroon alive (Munsell 5Y 5/4 and 2.5R 4/8), evenly pigmented on
exterior and interior surfaces, beige in ethanol.
Texture: Firm, flexible, slightly compressible
texture, smooth to touch, difficult to tear.
Ectosome: Membraneous, without specialised
skeleton, with plumose brushes of choanosomal
oxeas protruding through surface for up to
170p,m, consisting of 2-8 spicules per bundle.
Ectosome with thin layer of darker pigmented
granular collagen, 40-7011m wide, with heavy
concentrations of microalgae, and also with a thin,
disorganised paratangential layer of choanosomal
oxeas scattered between erect, protruding ectosomal brushes. Subectosomal skeleton cavernous, predominantly plumose, slightly reticulate,
with reticulate component decreasing closer to
periphery (Figs 19, 20B).
Choanosome: Choanosomal skeleton plumoreticulate, with axial skeleton dominated by longitudinal tracts running through lamellae,
gradually ascending towards surface, becoming
smaller, 15-25p,m diameter, usually with greater
silica to spongin ratio. Fibre meshes elongate oval
or diamond-shaped in axis, 70-105 p.m maximum
diameter, generally more cavernous in periphery,
up to 150p,m maximum diameter. Choanocyte
chambers small, up to 45 p.m diameter. Mesohyl
matrix only lightly invested with collagenous
spongin, with abundant microalgae scattered
Spicules (refer to Table 1 for dimensions):
Oxeas relatively short, slender, slightly curved at
centre, with tapering, fusiform, usually telescoped
points (Fig. 20A).
Although not analysed chemically (acetone extracted), the olive-green and maroon pigments of
this species are probably due to the presence of
cyanobacteria scattered within the mesohyl. Each
of the specimens examined was also found to have
several barnacles boring within the lamella wall,
near the base of the sponge.
This species is most closely related to C.
stipitata in skeletal structure, as the plumose longitudinal and ascending primary tracts dominate
the skeletal architecture. Both species have condensed axial regions and differentiated axial and
extra-axial skeletons, with well developed
plumose ectosomal skeletons. Cymbastela marshae also has a cavernous subdermal region, and
spicules are about half the dimensions of those in
C. stipitata (Table 1). The present species is close
to C. coralliophila in growth form, lamella thickness and surface pigmentation.
Cymbastela notiaina sp.nov.
(Figs 21-23, Table 1)
FIG. 18. Cymbastela marshae sp.nov. A, holotype
(NTM Z2876), in situ. B-C, specimen (NTM Z2901)
in situ (B) and preserved (C).
nearly plumose near peripheral skeleton (Fig.
20B). Axial skeleton slightly condensed at centre
of lamella with reasonably well differentiated
axial and extra-axial regions. Spongin fibres well
developed, with obvious differentiation between
multispicular primary (longitudinal and ascending) and uni- or paucispicular secondary
(transverse, connecting) elements (Fig. 19).
Primary fibres 30-80p,m diameter, rarely fully
cored with megascleres, secondary fibres much
HOLOTYPE: SAM TS4025 (fragments NTM Z1623a,
QM G300007): Precise locality unknown, Gulf of St
Vincent, SA, 34°33-45'S, 137 ° 57'-138°10'E, depth and
date of collection unknown.
South Australia (Fig. 23C).
Greek, notos, south; notiaina refers to the
southern distribution of this species.
FIG. 19. Cymbastela marshae sp.nov. A, SEM of skeleton (specimen (NTM Z2901) (scale=lmm). B, peripheral
skeletal architecture (scale=100p,m). C, oxeas (scale=100p,m).
FIG. 20. Cymbastela marshae sp.nov. A, spicules. B, section through peripheral skeleton. C, known distribution.
Shape: Small, symmetrical vasiform sponge,
96mm high, 125mm maximum diameter at apex
of cup, on short thick stalk with expanded basal
attachment, 12mm long, 35mm diameter, and thin
lamellae, 3-5mm thick (Fig. 21).
Surface features: Interior and exterior surfaces
optically even, without conules, buttresses or
other lateral growth projections. Exterior surface
has longitudinal, concentrically striated ridges.
Oscules minute, less than lmm diameter, dispersed over interior surface of cup.
Colour: Live colouration unknown, olivebrown in ethanol.
Texture: Firm, flexible, compressible in
preserved state, smooth to touch.
Ectosome: Ectosome optically smooth,
membraneous, slightly hispid due to protruding
spicule brushes, slightly microconulose, with
microconules corresponding to surface brushes.
Ectosomal skeleton distinctly plumose, with
bundles of 2-15 choanosomal spicules protruding
up to 90p,m from surface, perched on ends of
ascending extra-axial skeletal tracts (Figs 22,
Choanosome: Choanosomal skeleton with no
axial condensation, and only slightly differentiated axial and extra-axial regions (Fig. 23B).
Skeleton almost regularly reticulate at the core,
with oval meshes, 70-120p.m diameter, formed by
multispicular spongin fibres, both longitudinal
and connecting. Skeleton plumo-reticulate
towards periphery, with ascending multispicular
fibres predominant over uni- or paucispicular
transverse connecting fibres. Spicules form
plumose brushes close to, and protruding from,
surface. Fibre meshes in peripheral skeleton elongate-rectangular, slightly larger than in axis, 100140p.m diameter (Fig. 22). Spongin fibres
relatively large, 40-85p.m diameter, partially but
never fully occupied by spicules. Mesohyl matrix
lightly reinforced with collagen, choanocyte
chambers oval, 40-901.Lm diameter.
Spicules (refer to Table 1 for dimensions):
Oxeas almost vestigial by comparison with other
species, poorly silicified, very thin, small, only
slightly curved at centre, with prominently telescoped ends and rounded tips (Fig. 23A).
No symbiotic cyanobacteria were seen in the
This species is presently known only from the
holotype described above, although a small fragment from a second specimen exists in the SAM
collection (SAM TS4058 [section/fragments
NTM Z1665, QM 0300011], from Port Noarlunga, SA), may also belong to the species. Cymbastela notiaina is easily differentiated from other
taxa by its regular, nearly completely reticulate
choanosomal skeleton, the small size of
megascleres (Table 1), and the telescoped,
rounded (strongylote) points of oxeas, unlike any
other species.
Small differences in field characteristics, such
as live colouration, growth form, surface features,
including outgrowths on the surface and lamellae
thickness, as described above for each species, can
serve as field identifiers for the seven known
species of Cymbastela. However, morphological
differences seen in preserved material, which correlate with these species boundaries are less obvious. Certainly, in terms of general skeletal
structure and spicule geometry the genus is relatively homogenous, and it is only through small
but significant differences in a small number of
skeletal characters that species can be reliably
differentiated. These characters, which are shown
to be most important, include spicule length,
spicule geometry, including the presence or absence of telescoped ends on spicules, and degree
of silicification, and the relative, proportional
development of the axial and extra-axial
skeletons. On this basis it was possible to construct
a key to species of Cymbastela (see above), with
emphasis given to the morphology of preserved
specimens. Thus, whereas the characters used to
differentiate species in this key may seem trivial,
these differences correspond with more obvious
field characteristics, many of which are no longer
visible in the preserved material.
It was also noted that, in general, species could
be separated by their mean spicule dimensions.
Generally, the relative size of oxea megascleres
decreases with increasing latitude (Fig. 24A-B),
such that species from low (tropical) latitudes (C.
stipitata, C. coralliophila, C. vespertina) have
larger oxeas than those species from higher
latitudes (C. cantharella, C. marshae, C. notiana).
Cymbastela concentrica, which has a wide
latitudinal distribution (14-26°S; Fig. 24B), also
has a relatively wide range of spicule dimensions
(Fig. 24A, symbol 5).
Although it is possible that more extensive sampling along the cool temperate Australasian
coastline will reveal additional species, Cymbastela is presently known to be predominantly a
shallow water, tropical or subtropical genus,
usually associated with coral substrates. The
genus appears to be endemic to the Indo-west
Pacific, extending only as far as New Caledonia
(longitude 166°E) to the east, and to the HoutmanAbrolhos Islands (113.5°E) to the west, and so far
there are no confirmed records of the genus from
either Indonesia (unpublished Siboga and Snellius
II collections, R.W.M. Van Soest, pers.comm.) or
New Zealand (personal observations). However,
it is possible that misidentified specimens of Cymbastela exist in other museum collections. The
genus is certainly not present in the published
collections of Hentschel (1912), from the Aru and
Kai Islands, southeast Indonesia (ZMB collections), in which close similarities with the
northwest Australian sponge fauna can be seen
(e.g. Hooper, 1991).
Three species of Cymbastela have restricted,
allopatric distributions (C. cantharella, C. marshae, C. notiaina; Fig.25), whereas on the
northwest and northeast coasts of Australia there
are two groups of more-widely distributed, sympatric species. Within the northwestern area of
sympatry (Fig. 25), there is some evidence of
niche separation between the two populations, C.
stipitata and C. vespertina. The former species has
a predominantly shallow water distribution, found
mostly in the intertidal region and only exceptionally down to 19m depth, whereas C. vespertina is
found mostly in deeper water, only rarely above
8m depth. Population characteristics of the northeast Australian sympatric species, C. coralliophila and C. concentrica, have not yet been
determined, and the latter species, in particular, is
still poorly known.
Under Van Soest et al.'s (1990) interpretation of
the existing family Axinellidae Cymbastela would
be placed with a group of genera having axially
condensed and extra-axially plumo-reticulate
skeletons, for example Auletta, Axinella,
Axinosia, Homaxinella, Phakellia, Pseudaxinella,
Reniochalina and Teichaxinella, which Van Soest
et al. (1990) retained in a newly defined concept
of family Axinellidae. Of these genera Cymbastela is most closely related to Axinella. Conversely, they placed the genus Axinyssa, previously
considered to be a close relative of
`Pseudaxinyssa' s.l. (= Cymbastela), in a
redefined family Halichondriidae since it has
poorly developed spicule tracts. This group would
contain `axinellid' genera such as Axinyssa and
Amorphinopsis, several genera previously in-
FIG. 21. Cymbastela not iaina sp.nov. A, holotype (SAM TS4025).
FIG. 22. Cymbastela notiaina sp.nov. A, SEM of peripheral skeleton (holotype, SAM TS4025) (scale=100p,m).
B, axial skeleton (scale=100p,m). C, spicules with telescoped ends (scale=50p,m).
FIG. 23. Cymbastela notiaina sp.nov. A, spicules. B, section through peripheral skeleton. C, known distribution.
eluded in Desmoxyidae (e.g. Myrmekioderma),
and other genera traditionally associated with the
halichondrids and hymeniacidonids (e.g.
Ciocalypta, Hymeniacidon). A third group of
`axinellids' with dendritic skeletons (e.g. Acanthella, Dictyonella, Scopalina), were removed to
the new family Dictyonellidae. The fourth family,
Desmoxyidae, was also previously aligned with
the Axinellida, differing from other `axinellids' in
having a reticulate-fasciculate choanosomal
skeleton and a fleshy corrugated surface (Van
Soest et al., 1990:18). It contained several desmoxyid genera (e.g. Higginsia), but excluding
Mynnekiodenna, as well as some Axinellidae
(e.g. Ptilocaulis). We consider that these new
family divisions proposed by Van Soest et al.
collections of marine sponges from Australia and
New Caledonia; Prof. Georgy Elyakov, scientific
staff and crew of the USSR RV `Akademik
Oparin' (PIBOC) for their collaborative field
work at the Houtman-Abrolhos Islands (1987);
Avril Ayling (`Sea Research', Daintree) for unpublished information on reproductive observations, Tony Larkum (Sydney University) for other
information on several of the new species
described here, and Rob Van Soest (ZMA,
Amsterdam) for valuable unpublished information and comments on the manuscript. Penny
Barents (AM, Sydney), Shane Parker (SAM,
Adelaide), Shirley Stone (BMNH, London),
Claude Levi (MNHN, Paris), Dieter Kalmann
(ZMB, Berlin), Klaus Ruetzler (USNM,
Washington) and Manfred Grasshoff (SMF,
Frankfurt) are thanked for providing access to type
material from their respective collections.
400 -
300 Li
BERGQUIST, P.R. 1961. Demospongiae (Porifera) of
FIG. 24. A, Comparison in spicule lengths (rim) between seven species of Cymbastela, and B, latitudinal
differences in distribution for each species. Box-andwhisker plots show the range of spicule dimensions
(i.e. 'whiskers'), the median values (i.e. 50% of data
values, between lower and upper quartiles - open
boxes), and the average length of oxeas for each
species (i.e. mid-range bars). Key to species codes: 1,
C. stipitata; 2, C. coralliophila (large and small
oxeas); 3, C. vespertina; 4, C. cantharella; 5, C. concentrica; 6, C. marshae; 7, C. notiaina.
(1990) have some merit over the existing, confused system for Axinellidae - Halichondriidae Hymeniacidonidae, but we are uncertain whether
all these `axinellids' and `halichondrids' have a
monophyletic origin, and we leave open the question of their ordinal classification for the time
being. Further evidence from molecular and
genetic nature may be useful in evaluating these
relationships in an objective context.
We thank Peter Murphy and associates (NCI,
Townsville), Clive Wilkinson (AIMS,
Townsville) and Cecile Debitus (ORSTOM,
Noumea), for providing access to their diverse
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4,6,7), and areas of overlap between four sympatric species (numbers 1,2,3,5) on the northeast and northwest
coasts of Australia. 1, C. stipitata; 2, C. coralhophda; 3, C. vespertina; 4, C. cantharella; 5, C. concentrica; 6,
C. marshae; 7, C. notiaina.
de la Station Biologique de Roscoff. Nouvelle
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HALLMANN, E.F. 1916. A revision of the genera with
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