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2024, Daily Sabah
7 pages
1 file
Esen, B. (2024) ‘General health view of the Turkish society’, Daily Sabah, 30.07.2024.
The EPMA Journal, 2010
Turkey is one of the leading countries with its developing economy, high young population, and with its geopolitical location being an intersection between Asia and Europe. It is aimed at setting a good example for developed and developing countries with its health policy targets. We reported and discussed here the demographic data of Turkish population, the main aims of Ministry of Health, social security system and its scope and structure, health services, healthcare institutions and their infrastructures, human resources in health, health staff training and also outline of Turkish foreign policy. We mentioned predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory medicine according to Turkey's healthcare approach.
This study focuses on examining elemental health knowledge level of Turkish citizens in Karabük. It can be said that environmental conditions, new life styles, in-dustrialization and political problems play role in the development of health issues and problems. The understandability, practicality and sorting the reliable information out is mostly related to the level of health knowledge and health literacy. Therefore, health literacy is a necessity for every segment of the society because the level of health literacy and patients' ability for explaining their health problems to the health care providers, hence going through a convenient treatment process, are bound to each other. The research was grounded on two questions related to elementary health knowledge: What are the five sense organs? Where are stomach and kidneys in our body? Within this context, a quantitative analysis was conducted by street interviews with Karabük citizens in random sampling. Öz Bu çalışma, Karabük halkının temel sağlık bilgisi düzeyini anlamak üzere yapılan bir araştırmadır. Çevresel koşullar, yeni yaşam biçimleri, sanayileşme ve politik so-runlar sağlık sorunlarının ortaya çıkmasında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Sağlıkla ilgili bilgilerin anlaşılabilmesi, uygulanabilmesi ve güvenilir bilgiyi ayıklayabilme becerisi sağlık bilgisi ve sağlık okuryazarlığının düzeyine bağlıdır. Bu anlamda sağlık okuryazarlığı toplumun her katmanı için önemli bir olgudur; çünkü hastala-rın sağlık uzmanlarına sağlık sorunlarını anlatabilme becerisi ve dolayısıyla gerekli tedavi sürecini uygun şekilde sürdürebilme becerisi ile sağlık okuryazarlığı düzeyi birbiriyle ilişkilidir. Araştırma, temel sağlık bilgisine ilişkin iki soru üzerine ku-rulmuştur: Beş duyu organımız nedir? Mide ve böbrekler vücudumuzun neresinde-dir? Bu çerçevede rastgele örneklem üzerinden Karabük halkıyla sokak anketi yü-rütülerek nicel bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Sağlık okuryazarlığı, sağlık bilgisi, sağlık iletişimi, sağlığın geliştirilmesi, sokak anketi
International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2019
Background: The unfair distribution and delivery of health-care resources have been recognized as a problem in the worldwide. In the past 18 years, Turkey has undergone rapid social, cultural, and economic changes. The lifestyle and dietary habits of its people have also been changing, and the rates of diabetes, obesity, cancer, and other chronic diseases have increased dramatically over the past two decades. The health transformation program (HTP) has improved the Turkish health-care system since 2003. The main goal of HTP was to progress government, to provide equality between citizens, to give satisfaction to users and providers, and to subsidise the health-care system in Turkey. Aim: The aim of this study is to assess health-care services and health care quality delivery in the Republic of Turkey with special emphasis on governmental hospitals, university hospitals, primary healthcare centers (PHC) and to make comparison with low-, medium-and high-income countries. Methods: This is a retrospective, descriptive study. The ministry of health Annual Reports, websites of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), The World Fact Book, organization for economic cooperation and development report, Compendium of Health Statistics, the Google engine, and PubMed were searched for information about Turkey's health-care system and its history. Papers and websites in English were evaluated. There was no restriction on types of articles and sources. Results: Turkey has made outstanding reforms in health status in the last two decades, especially after the implementation of the HTP. The doctor's perception has more influence regarding consultation length and visit than the patient's. The results of consultations in volunteer practices in Istanbul showed that the mean and SD of the consultation length for the whole sample of 360 patients was 7.95 ± 4.38, (with range = 3-25 min). Consultation time has been affected by the patients' diseases, genders that women got longer consultation time, medical practices at the urban or rural areas, and ages which older patients required longer consultation time. The current study revealed that increasing doctor's workload leads to decrease the length of consultations. Moreover, average life expectancy reached 75.3 for men and 80.7 for women in 2015. The infant mortality rate decreased to 10.7/1000 live births in 2015, down from 117.5 in 1980. The leading causes of death are diseases of the circulatory system followed by cancer. Conclusions: The Turkish health system and health-care delivery have been improved over the last decade. Still far from perfect, there is a particular planning to increase medical workforce in PHC including well-trained staffs for a specific area. An urgent need is to acquire more accurate and reliable data from hospital and PHC centers in Turkey. Additional some attempts should be made to assess quality of healthcare in relation to services and process.
The candidate confirms that the work submitted is his own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement.
Frontiers in Public Health
AimSelf-rated health (SRH) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) have closely related outcomes in measuring general health status in community-based studies. The aim of this study is to determine changes in the self-perceived overall health of people and affected factors by comparing the findings of two studies conducted in the same research area.MethodsBoth studies were conducted using the same measurement tools in households determined by random sampling techniques in the same research areas. The first and second studies were conducted with 1,304 and 1,533 people residing in 501 and 801 households in 2004 and 2017, respectively. The demographic data form, the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), and a single-item SRH questionnaire were used for data collection.ResultsThe rate of good SRH increased from 56% to 70% while the average NHP score decreased from 30.87 to 20.34. The predictors of negative health perceptions were the presence of chronic diseases (OR 3.4–2.7-times higher),...
The Health Care Manager, 2006
Many countries are currently struggling with the public desire for improved health care and provision of basic services on the one hand, and the rising costs of health care on the other. Turkey is acutely experiencing this problem because of its relatively advanced level of economic development and its relatively low level of health status compared to Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and European Union countries. Since 1990, there has been vigorous debate in the Turkish society regarding the best way to improve public health through improved primary health care. The current government is pursuing a proposal that has been mentioned before, but in a more serious effort than has been previously made. This is an approach to primary care based on systems such as those in the United Kingdom and in Germany, and the basic components are family physicians who have a particular list of patients whom they provide care for. Financing of the system is to be provided with a new general health insurance scheme. In this study, 38 family practice residents at the 3 major training hospitals for this specialty completed an investigator-designed questionnaire for the purpose of characterizing their concerns regarding this proposed system of primary health care delivery. The participants' responses indicated that the new system, which is known as the Family Physician System, will contribute importantly toward raising the overall level of health in Turkey. Specific expected benefits include closer patient-physician relationships, increased job satisfaction on the part of family physicians, and an overall increase in income for the physicians working in the system.
International Journal of Preventive Medicine , 2019
Background: The unfair distribution and delivery of health‑care resources have been recognized as a problem in the worldwide. In the past 18 years, Turkey has undergone rapid social, cultural, and economic changes. The lifestyle and dietary habits of its people have also been changing, and the rates of diabetes, obesity, cancer, and other chronic diseases have increased dramatically over the past two decades. The health transformation program (HTP) has improved the Turkish health‑care system since 2003. The main goal of HTP was to progress government, to provide equality between citizens, to give satisfaction to users and providers, and to subsidise the health‑care system in Turkey. Aim: The aim of this study is to assess health‑care services and health care quality delivery in the Republic of Turkey with special emphasis on governmental hospitals, university hospitals, primary healthcare centers (PHC) and to make comparison with low‑, medium‑ and high‑income countries. Methods: This is a retrospective, descriptive study. The ministry of health Annual Reports, websites of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), The World Fact Book, organization for economic cooperation and development report, Compendium of Health Statistics, the Google engine, and PubMed were searched for information about Turkey’s health‑care system and its history. Papers and websites in English were evaluated. There was no restriction on types of articles and sources. Results: Turkey has made outstanding reforms in health status in the last two decades, especially after the implementation of the HTP. The doctor’s perception has more influence regarding consultation length and visitthan the patient’s. The results of consultations in volunteer practices in Istanbul showed that the mean and SD of the consultation length for the whole sample of 360 patients was 7.95 ± 4.38,(with range = 3–25 min). Consultation time has been affected by the patients’ diseases, genders thatwomen got longer consultation time, medical practices at the urban or rural areas, and ages which older patients required longer consultation time. The current study revealed that increasing doctor’s workload leads to decrease the length of consultations. Moreover, average life expectancy reached75.3 for men and 80.7 for women in 2015. The infant mortality rate decreased to 10.7/1000 live birthsin 2015, down from 117.5 in 1980. The leading causes of death are diseases of the circulatory systemfollowed by cancer. Conclusions: The Turkish health system and health‑care delivery have beenimproved over the last decade. Still far from perfect, there is a particular planning to increase medicalworkforce in PHC including well‑trained staffs for a specific area. An urgent need is to acquire moreaccurate and reliable data from hospital and PHC centers in Turkey. Additional some attempts should be made to assess quality of healthcare in relation to services and process. Keywords: Assessment, health care services, health performance, management, Ministry of Health, Turkey
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences , 2016
are included into the research. Data are evaluated by number and percentage calculations, besides Chi-Square Test of Independence is used in order to determine whether there is a statistically significant relationship between variables. Statistical analyses are made at a significance level of 0.05 with using the SPSS-17 package program. Conclusions: Of the thesis prepared in Medical and Nursing departments, 8.9% of them by Marmara University, 8.2% of them of Erciyes University and Dokuz Eylul University, 7.1% of them by Hacettepe University are prepared. Theses are published so close to each other in the years
Öz: Türkiye Sağlık harcamaları 2009 yılından beri istikrarlı bir şekilde büyümektedir. Yıllık ortalama büyüme oranı %10'un üzerindedir. Sektör büyüklüğü 2017 yılında 412 milyar TL'ye ulaşmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı finansman kaynağı, finansman hedefi ve sağlık hizmetleri talebine göre sağlık harcamalarının incelenmesidir. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler TUİK web sitesinden ilgili dönem için elde edilen verilerdir. Bu çalışma TUİK tarafından düzenli olarak yayınlanan 2009 ve 2017 yıllarına ait sağlık harcamaları verilerinin istatistiksel olarak düzenlenerek analiz edilmesi sonrasında hazırlanmıştır. Analiz kapsamında Regresyon, ANOVA ve CAGR ve temel istatistiksel yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Analizler SPSS ve Eviews programı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen bulgulara göre 2018 yılı sonunda kamu ve özel hizmet sağlayıcılarının sağlık harcamalarının toplamı 467.310 Milyon TL olması beklenmektedir. Özel hizmet sunucularına yapılan harcamaların 2009 yılından beri genel hizmet sunucu sektörüyle paralel bir büyüme sergilediği, 2017 yılında özel hizmet sunucularının toplam sağlık harcamalarındaki payının %22 oranında olduğu görülmektedir. Ayrıca 2018 yılı sonunda özel hizmet sağlayıcılarının sağlık harcamaları toplamının 102.098 Milyon TL olması beklenmektedir. Çalışma sonunda sağlık harcamalarının GSYİH içindeki payının diğer OECD ülkelerinden daha düşük olduğu ve bu durumun yüksek büyüme potansiyeline işaret ettiği belirlenmiştir. Türkiye'deki yaşlı ve yüksek risk taşıyan yaş gruplarının, sağlık harcamalarında artışı gösterecek şekilde yaş segmentlerinden daha hızlı büyümekte olduğu ve yıllara göre bakıldığında yaş gruplarının büyüklüğünün istatistiksel olarak farklılaşmakta olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
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