International Journal on Digital Libraries manuscript No.
(will be inserted by the editor)
Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections
with the Generic System X2
Holger Meuss2 , Klaus U. Schulz1 , Felix Weigel1 , Simone Leonardi1 , François Bry3
Centre for Information and Language Processing, University of Munich (LMU), Germany
European Southern Observatory (ESO), Garching, Germany
Institute for Computer Science, University of Munich (LMU), Germany
Received: date / Revised version: date
Abstract. This article reports on the XML retrieval system
X2 which has been developed at the University of Munich
over the last five years. In a typical session with X2 , the user
first browses a structural summary of the XML database in
order to select interesting elements and keywords occurring
in documents. Using this intermediate result, queries combining structure and textual references are composed semiautomatically. After query evaluation, the full set of answers
is presented in a visual and structured way. X2 largely exploits the structure found in documents, queries and answers
to enable new interactive visualization and exploration techniques that support mixed IR and database-oriented querying,
thus bridging the gap between these three views on the data to
be retrieved. Another salient characteristic of X2 which distinguishes it from other visual query systems for XML is that
it supports various degrees of detailedness in the presentation
of answers, as well as techniques for dynamically reordering
and grouping retrieved elements once the complete answer
set has been computed.
Key words: XML, graphical user interfaces, interactive information retrieval, schema browsing, answer exploration, result visualization, semi-automatic query creation
1 Introduction
Two tendencies for the current and future development of digital libraries are crucial for the purpose of this paper. First,
the amount of books, journals, articles that are made available in a typical digital library grows continously. For example, more than 15 million citations are now available in the
PubMed (MEDLINE) database [14], and 460, 000 references
have been added in 2002. The PubMed Central digital archive
Send offprint requests to: Holger Meuss
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[20], launched in 2000, currently contains issues of some
160 journals as searchable documents. Second, an increasing number of documents in digital libraries come with their
logical structure and appropriate meta-information made explicit and accessible. The eXtensible Markup Language XML
[2] has become a generally accepted standard for representing
such aspects of structure and contents. Often all documents in
a digital library – or all entries indexed by a scientific search
engine – are annotated with XML, following a common document grammar. In some of our own experiments, e.g., we
used a large collection of textual XML documents from the
Bertelsmann company, as well as the complete INEX 2004
collection containing more than 12,000 scientific articles totalling to 500 MB [13].
As far as adequate IR technologies are concerned, the
continous growth of information represents a serious problem, whereas the explicit encoding of structural aspects and
the annotation with meta-information represents a chance.
Improved retrieval techniques that take advantage of the structural information to be found in document repositories might
represent one key for successfully dealing with large data
sets. Two specific challenges are relevant for the system presented in this paper.
First, special querying technologies for XML documents
exploiting both their structure (or meta-information) and contents may help to improve the behaviour of traditional flattext IR systems in terms of the common performance parameters precision and recall. In fact, structured document retrieval occupies a position in between classic (vague) IR and
database technology. On the one hand, suitable references to
structure can be used to formulate strict and non-vague conditions on answer documents and thus increase retrieval precision. In a “documents as databases” paradigm, this allows
direct access to the more database-like parts of a document,
such as its title, author, year of publication, or keywords. On
the other hand, queries that are more precise in one part can
be made more liberal in other parts, which explains that also a
higher recall can be achieved. The improvement of precision
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
and recall seems to be the guiding idea in the heart of most
approaches to structured document retrieval.
The second challenge, ignored by many approaches to
structured document retrieval, is of equal importance from
our point of view. The structural conditions of queries used in
XML retrieval induce a specific structure on each answer. It is
natural to ask which new forms of user interaction are within
reach if this additional information is used in an appropriate way. New interaction paradigms should allow for visual
exploration of XML documents, their schema and query results, involving both structure and content in an integrated
way. We should depart from the naive idea of classical IR
systems which assume that the task is solved merely by passing an ordered list of documents to the user. Some obvious
questions are: How can we use the inherent structure of answer documents in order to support new forms of visual and
interactive navigation in the answer space, to simplify the selection of relevant documents and (perhaps more importantly,
e.g. in the “documents as databases” paradigm) of relevant
document parts? How can we use the inherent structure in
order to group and order answer documents and their parts,
enabling a “bird’s eye” perspective, and to adjust the retrieval
granularity dynamically?
In this paper we describe the XML retrieval system X2
(for querying and eXploring XML), concentrating on the visual and interactive exploration of (1) the database schema
and (2) answer sets to queries. X2 has been conceived, implemented and tested at the University of Munich over the
last five years. While in the beginning we concentrated on
algorithmic problems related to query evaluation [15], the focus of our recent work is the second of the aforementioned
challenges. After a series of practical tests, a third general
objective has been added: In order to formulate a query with
interesting structural conditions, the user must have an idea of
the structure of documents in the repository. Hence the system should offer some kind of active support for exploring the
structure of entries of the library, and for formulating suitable
structural conditions in queries. This advocated the integration of a schema browsing facility into X2 which tightly interacts with the module for visual query creation. As a common
frontend to the different interactive modules (schema exploration, query formulation, answer exploration), X2 provides
a graphical user interface (GUI) that helps users to identify,
formulate and satisfy their information needs.
Before explaining, at the end of the following section, the
structure of the paper which parallels the system architecture
to a certain extent, we start with a brief overview of X2 .
2 System overview
The current retrieval model used for X2 , which takes all the
abovementioned aspects into account, is shown in Figure 1.
Structure and contents of the database (DB) are summarized in the DB schema, which visualizes existing label paths
and occurrences of keywords under particular label paths. Using a well-defined set of operations, the user may generate
Fig. 1. The retrieval model of X2 . The numbers
sections in the remainder of this article.
refer to related
distinct simplified views on the DB schema, hiding parts that
are not of interest. The resulting restricted view, which only
contains label paths and keywords that seem relevant to the
user, defines a “sphere of interest”. This visual exploration
of the DB schema ends with the automated generation of a
tree-structured query based on the final view. Of course, the
generated query may be post-edited. Alternatively, an experienced user may directly compose a (textual or graphical)
query. These additional possibilities are not indicated in the
The query is evaluated in the database. The full answer
space for the query is computed and represented in the form
of a so-called Complete Answer Aggregate (CAA) [15]. The
CAA collects all nodes (elements) of the database that contribute to some answer, avoiding redundancies. It also encodes structural relationships between relevant elements and
organizes document nodes in a way that reflects the structure
of the query. Consequently users can easily relate parts of the
answer space with nodes and conditions in their query, and
therefore fully understand the topology of the answer space.
Owing to these properties, CAAs offer a good basis for the
last retrieval step to be described next.
The final visual exploration of the answer space is again
supported by a rich set of manipulation techniques for the visual representation of CAAs. Using these operations, the user
may display, group, re-order, or hide elements in the answer
set. In this way, the interactive separation of relevant and irrelevant parts of the original answer space is supported. Eventually the exploration leads to a reduced answer space that is
nearer to the intended retrieval result and presents elements
that are judged relevant, organizing them in a structured way.
This reduced answer space represents the final retrieval result, which may be visualized, exported and used in different
ways. If the user is not satisfied with the result, the exploration of the answer space might have given valuable hints
as to how to create a modified query which better covers the
user’s real information need. In this sense, our approach is
open to query refinement and iteration.
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
It is important to note that X2 is a generic retrieval system for all sorts of XML documents in digital libraries, independent of the actual domain being described in the documents. It has been used and tested with document collections
from a broad range of domains, such as scientific literature
databases, linguistic corpora, judicial text documents, lexicographic data and documents containing travel information.
Organization of the paper. In the remaining sections, the central components and ideas behind X2 are explained in greater
detail, following the organisation indicated in Figure 1: Section 3 explains the formal document model underlying X2
and describes the syntax and semantics of the query language.
The database schema, which builds on the notion of a ContentAware DataGuide [25], is introduced in Section 4 where we
also describe operations and strategies for the visual exploration of the database schema and for the automated generation of queries. Section 5 introduces Complete Answer Aggregates and explains how this data structure is used to represent the set of all answers to a given tree query in a structured, condensed and non-redundant way. Section 6 describes
the visual exploration of the answer space, presenting in more
detail a typical retrieval session with X2 . It also covers the integration of result ranking with the system. In Section 7 we
sketch some ideas for future work and describe related work.
3 Preliminaries
We briefly comment on possible problems related to distinct
information needs that motivate the techniques for user interaction supported by X2 . Afterwards we sketch the formal
query model employed in X2 . A more detailed discussion of
the mathematical foundations of X2 can be found e.g. in [15].
3.1 Information needs and complex information spaces
From an abstract point of view, the purpose of any information system is to map the current information need of a user
into the information space spanned by the underlying data resource. To satisfy the information need, appropriate parts of
the data must be selected and possibly reorganized, at least in
case of structured retrieval, to produce a meaningful and pertinent answer to the user’s inquiry. In his influential work on
the notion of relevance in Information Retrieval (IR), Mizzaro
[16] distinguishes various manifestations of the information
need of a user. In a typical retrieval situation, the objective
real information need underlying an inquiry, which the user
is often not fully aware of, is perceived by the user in a particular way. This perceived information need is transformed
into an (informally) expressed information need and finally
translated into a formalized information need, i.e. a query in
a formal query language of an information system, be it a
database, a digital library, a web search engine, etc.
Mizzaro’s work explains the problems and errors that may
occur in this complex transformation process, emphasizing
that retrieval systems should offer strong support to the user
in order to avoid failure and useless work. Interestingly, less
attention has been paid to the reverse translation process, in
which users have to relate the query result to their formulated
query and perceived information need. Few retrieval systems
try to support the user in this “backward” translation process,
to the best of the authors’ knowledge none of them being an
XML system. XML retrieval systems consider their task finished as soon as the formal result has been delivered in the
form of XML documents, as they regard only a formalized
query as input, ignoring the long way a perceived information need has to go before becoming a formalized information
This paper deals with retrieval of XML documents, a situation where both the forward and backward translation process is complex since queries and documents are structured
in a non-trivial way. For a typical user who is not quite familiar with the (details of the) document structure, it is difficult
to bridge the gap between the perceived and the formalized
information need. He may not even be familiar with the information need formalized by a given query he is running,
which might have been created earlier by himself or someone
else. Therefore the system should offer special assistance in
expressing and formalizing the queries. Since answers come
with their own structural relations, additional support is also
required for relating the items in answer sets to the formalized and to the perceived information need. The graphical
user interface of X2 addresses all these issues by providing
iterative, interactive and visual access to queries, documents
and answers.
3.2 XML documents as trees
XML documents are formalized as finite ordered labeled trees.
The set of nodes is given by the elements of the document;
edges describe the direct inclusion of document parts. We
distinguish between text nodes and structure nodes. Labels
of structure nodes are members of a given set of node labels
L (corresponding to XML element types). Text nodes are always leaves and labeled with text. The alphabet of text tokens
is Σ. The symbol < denotes the left-to-right ordering of siblings, which relates two distinct nodes iff they have a common parent node, whereas <lr stands for the document order
(capturing XPath’s preceding and following axes).
In the remainder of the paper, standard notions from tree
(graph) theory such as child, ancestor, descendant etc. are
used without further explanations. A textual node v is said
to contain a keyword k iff the label (textual contents) of v
contains k as a token. By contrast, v governs k iff k is contained by v or any of its descendants.
For simplicity, attributes, namespaces, etc. are ignored in
this informal presentation. Nonetheless, these features can be
used in our framework; the current implementation of X2 distinguishes between attributes, structure nodes (elements) and
textual nodes.
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
3.3 Simple tree queries and full query language
We present the syntax and semantics of the kernel query language of X2 . This language subsumes the core of the W3C’s
XML Path Language XPath [6] and adds extra features like
optional nodes and wildcards for search terms. Ignoring additional constraints, our queries have the form of trees that
are to be matched against document trees. Using the standard
X2 mode for query formulation, queries are represented in a
graphical way in the form of trees (see Figure 4 on page 7 for
an example). This (1) makes it easy to understand the meaning of a query; (2) leads to a more concise representation than
the term-based linear syntax used in XPath (with its inherent
syntactical redundancy [18]); (3) supports various forms of
visual user interaction like query formulation, manipulation
and presentation; and (4) simplifies the correct association
between image nodes in documents and the corresponding
query nodes in the visual presentation of the answer space.
From a purely formal point of view, tree queries are described as conjunctive queries over trees [12], which facilitates the use of additional constraints (like horizontal order conditions) as well as the analysis of expressivity and
tractability properties [12].
Definition 1 (Atomic path constraint). Let X be a finite
set of variables, x, y ∈ X, A ∈ L, w ∈ Σ. An atomic path
constraint is an expression of the form (and meaning)
– x →1 y
– x →+ y
– A(x)
– w#x
(y is a child of x)
(y is a descendant of x)
(structure node x has label A)
(token w occurs in the label of text node x).
Definition 2 (Simple tree query). A simple tree query is a
conjunction of atomic path constraints such that child and
descendant constraints impose a tree structure on the set of
query variables.
Since child and descendant constraints impose a tree structure on a simple tree query, we may use terms like root, child,
sibling etc. in the context of such queries. When referring
to the tree structure of a query, the aforementioned child constraints and descendant constraints are treated as interchangeable, i.e. both are considered as simple edges of the query.
Descendant constraints are called soft edges, whereas child
constraints are referred to as rigid edges.
Definition 3 (Answer to a simple tree query in a document). An answer to a simple tree query Q in a document
is a variable assignment µ mapping each query variable x in
Q to a document node (i.e. XML element) µ(x), such that all
atomic path constraints of Q are satisfied. If we consider a
collection C of documents, then any answer to Q in a document T of C is called an answer to Q in C.
The full query language of X2 is given by the class of tree
queries. These queries are more expressive than simple tree
queries, extending them with additional constraints:
Order: Siblings in a tree query can be specified to stand in
one of two possible order relations: document order <lr
or direct order <.
Optional subtrees: A full subtree of a query can be marked
as optional. An answer µ may be partial in the sense that
variables of the optional subtree do not receive images,
and constraints involving these variables are ignored.
Root preservation: A full tree query can be marked to be rootpreserving. An answer µ of a root-preserving tree query
has to map the root of the query to the root of a document.
Leftmost/rightmost children: A query node can be marked to
be a leftmost or rightmost child. An answer µ must map
leftmost and rightmost children to nodes having no left or
right siblings, respectively.
Text wildcards: The alphabet Σ is enriched such that the reserved symbols * (representing an arbitrary sequence of
letters) and % (representing one arbitrary letter) can be
used in labels of textual query nodes.
Keyword conjunctions and disjunctions: Keywords in labels
of text nodes can be either disjoined or conjoined.
XML attributes: Structural nodes can be equipped with constraints specifying attribute names and values.
This selection of additional constraints has proved to cover
a range of useful and expressive constructs while guaranteeing efficient evaluation.
4 Visual schema exploration and query generation
In Section 3.1 we explained Mizzaro’s [16] observation that
the successful translation of the real information need of a
user into a formalized information need is a difficult process.
From this picture it is clear that the usability and effectiveness
of a retrieval system crucially depends on the kind of support
that is offered to formulate queries which really cover the actual information need.
We now decribe the SchemaBrowser used in X 2 . The motivation for such a browser has been discussed in the introduction. Before explaining the functionality of this tool, a few
words on the kind of schema we use are in order.
4.1 DTDs versus DataGuide and CADG
Consider a DTD as the one shown in Figure 2, which describes the documents used in the following examples. We
call DTDs normative schemata, since they impose a structure
on a document collection that must be obeyed by XML documents. Typically a DTD permits a variety of content models that might not occur in a given conforming document
collection. This is contrasted by structural summaries like
the DataGuide [11] or Content-Aware DataGuide (CADG)
[25], which are descriptive schemata of a document collection: a DataGuide summarizes the currently expressed document structure in tree structure such that all document nodes
with the same label path to the root are represented by a single
node in the index tree, called an index node.
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
<!-- ........... library ........... -->
<!ELEMENT library (publication*)>
<!-- ......... publication ......... -->
<!ELEMENT publication (meta, content)>
<!ATTLIST publication type (article|book|proceedings|
technicalReport|thesis) #REQUIRED>
<!-- .......... metadata ........... -->
<!ELEMENT meta (authors, title, subtitle?,
inPublication?, volume?,
number?, pages?, editor?,
publisher?, date?, uri?)>
<!ELEMENT authors (author+)>
<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT subtitle (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT inPublication (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT volume (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT number (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT pages (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT editor (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT publisher (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT date (month?, year)>
<!ELEMENT month (#PCDATA)>
<!-- ........... content ........... -->
<!ELEMENT content (abstract?, section+, bibliography?)>
<!ELEMENT abstract (paragraph+)>
<!ELEMENT paragraph (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT section (title, subsection+)>
<!ELEMENT subsection (title?, paragraph+)>
<!ELEMENT bibliography (reference+)>
<!ELEMENT reference (meta)>
Fig. 2. Sample DTD
The DataGuide has originally been designed as a main
memory index structure for semistructured documents. Evaluating a query against a DataGuide involves (1) finding document nodes with the right label path by matching query
paths to index paths, and then (2) filtering out those document
nodes whose textual content (held in secondary storage) does
not contain the query keywords.
The CADG enhances this concept by storing additional
keyword information in the index nodes (not necessarily physically, as shown in [25]). Thus the relevance of an index node
(and all document nodes it represents) for a given query keyword may be decided during the path matching process, which
drastically reduces access to secondary storage. For a detailed
description and evaluation of the CADG, see [25].
4.2 A SchemaBrowser based on the CADG
In our work, the CADG not only serves as an index structure
for the document collection being queried. It is also the basis
for the SchemaBrowser, which visualizes the CADG in the
form of a GUI tree, thus providing a compact and simplified
view on the database schema.
From the internal representation of the CADG, other useful information about the database is obtained and displayed
on demand to give a more precise picture of its contents. This
extra-schema information includes e.g. the list (or else the
number) of keywords contained in or governed by an index
node1 , as well as the number of label paths in the database
with a given prefix or where a given keyword occurs.
Query generation. As described in the sequel, the user interactively adapts the view on the database schema provided by
the SchemaBrowser until he has obtained enough information to formulate a query. Simultaneously, the user decides
which part of the schema should be mentioned in the query.
To reflect the user’s “sphere of interest”, the resulting query
typically not only contains nodes for selecting parts of documents with a specific content, but also “output” nodes representing parts of the documents the user wishes to see regardless of the text they contain (see Query 1 for an example). The SchemaBrowser then feeds this subschema as input
into a QueryGenerator, which produces an editable graphical query representation according to the user’s selection. In
terms of Mizzaro, this translation is meant to support users
in the error-prone transformation process from perceived to
formalized information need.
Adjusting focus and selectivity. During the exploration of the
schema, the aforementioned statistical information provided
by the SchemaBrowser helps the user estimate the expected
size of the answer space. He may choose to include or avoid
particular labels and keywords in his query in order to render it more selective and keep the query result reasonably
small. For instance, realizing that the keyword “markup” occurs too frequently, the user may decide to search for “XML”
instead. Returning to Mizzaro’s picture, in this phase the user
(1) compares his perceived information need with the content
and structure of the document collection, thus getting closer
to his real information need, and (2) expresses this information need – in terms of a subschema and the resulting query –
such that it can be successfully matched to the documents in
the collection.
Browser details. Figure 3 shows the SchemaBrowser, which
visualizes the schema of an XML literature database conforming to the DTD from Figure 2. In this representation,
index nodes can be activated (shown in red/bold) with the
mouse or by using the widgets on the right: the user can activate all nodes with a certain label, of a certain type (element
oder attribute), or nodes that contain or govern a given keyword. In Figure 3 all title nodes were selected by using the
operation activate all nodes with label ’title’. One can also
inspect contained or governed keywords of a marked node
(highlighted in blue) in a separate window, as shown for the
author node in Figure 3. Various inheritance and set operations are supported for propagating node activations, such
1 An index node contains (governs) a keyword if any of the document
nodes it represents contains (governs) that keyword, as defined in Section 3.2.
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
Fig. 3. View of the SchemaBrowser
as intersection, set complement, propagation to ancestors etc.
Activated nodes can be hidden and, most importantly, they
can serve as a basis for automatically generating a query tree.
The panel on the lower right in Figure 3 depicts some of
the extra-schema information obtained from the underlying
CADG. We plan to extend this rudimentary statistic summary
with some data mining functionality.
Schema exploration and query generation: an example. The
following sample information need illustrates the capabilities
of the SchemaBrowser and QueryGenerator:
Query 1. “I would like to see interesting recent papers on
XML written by Sally Sonntag.”
This (expressed) information need is transformed into a
formalized information need (query) step by step: First, we
look at the list of all available authors by marking the upper authors node and clicking the button show governed keywords. In this way we see that there is no author with surname
“Sonntag”. We realize that there has been a slight mismatch
between our expressed information need and the real information need, which might refer to the surname “Sontag”, a
name that in fact appears in the list of authors.
As we are interested in papers on XML by Sally Sontag, we activate all nodes containing the keyword “Sontag”
or governing the keyword “XML” and hide all other nodes
in the index tree. The resulting keyword-specific tree in Figure 4, containing only nodes which are potentially relevant to
the above information need, is much smaller and hence easier to browse. After manually deactivating some nodes not
to be reflected in the answer (like library, e.g.), we let the
SchemaBrowser generate a query which we will further edit
to reflect our above mentioned information need: A textual
query node with the keywords “Sally Sontag” is added to
the author node, and a textual query node with the keyword
“XML” to the section node. Eventually we add an optional
year node to the publication node.2 The resulting query is
shown in Figure 4. This query contains nodes that seem unnecessary at first sight, since they do not restrict the query
(like the optional year node or the section node). They are
included nonetheless as “output nodes”, reflecting part of the
“sphere of interest” during exploration of the answer set, as
we will see later. Every query node is represented by a rectangle, structural nodes are annotated with the node’s label,
textual query nodes are labelled with the word <text> and
show the keyword being queried. A rigid edge is expressed
by a solid line, while for soft edges a dashed line is used.
Generating query trees automatically from nodes selected
in the index tree has several advantages. While inspecting the
index tree the user learns about the structure of the underlying
document. In our example he will become aware of the fact
that there are author nodes on two different levels, thus being
able to specify in his query whether he is interested in authors
of publications in the document collection or authors of cited
papers. This underlines the fact that the free use of the full
XML structure (as opposed to the restricted field search in
database-oriented query systems, see Section 7.1) allows for
the formulation of new and more precise queries.
2 In the visual query representation optional query nodes are represented
by a dashed rectangle.
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
Fig. 4. The generated and post-edited Query 1
5 Complete Answer Aggregates
For the sake of usability, XML retrieval systems should not
present a query result as a simple enumeration of individual
answer mappings (see Defintion 3 on page 4), as suggested
by the following observations:
– There might be exponentially many answer mappings,
which aggravates the user’s burden of conquering the result space.
– Distinct answer mappings may share common parts (submappings). This again makes it difficult for a user to understand the topology of the result space completely, compare and analyze distinct answers and relate them to each
– An answer mapping, in its basic form, is a flat concept
(list of query node/document node pairs) that ignores the
geometric form of tree queries and document trees. This
makes it less amenable to visual presentation and exploration.
In particular, these issues discourage the presentation of
search results as a list of flat documents, which is common
in traditional IR systems. In X2 , by contrast, the full set of
answers is computed and visually represented in the form of
a Complete Answer Aggregate (CAA). This data structure is
introduced informally here, a formal definition can be found
in [15]. CAAs collect answers in a structured, condensed and
non-redundant way, using mechanisms for structure sharing.
From a complexity point of view, this leads to query evaluation in polynomial time (see below), even though the total
number of single answer mappings may be exponential. The
visual presentation of CAAs (see Figure 5) encourages and
supports various exploration and browsing techniques to be
presented in the next section.
A CAA inherits its macro structure from the tree structure
of the query Q: For each query node (variable) v, a slot sv is
computed that collects all possible images of v in answers
to Q. In the GUI, distinct slots are represented as boxes and
graphically arranged in a way that directly reflects the structure of the query, as shown in Figure 5. Each box/slot sv for a
given variable v is graphically partitioned into subrectangles
that represent the possible image nodes of v. In the following,
these subrectangles are called fields. For both slots and fields,
the GUI provides a variety of display modes (views) differing
for example in their degree of detailedness. These views are
chosen individually for each slot and field in a context menu.
In the internal representation of a CAA, pointers are used
to encode the following relationship: assume that in Q there
exists a (soft or rigid) edge from variable u to v (i.e., v is a
child of u in Q). Let d and e respectively denote possible images of u and v that are listed in su and sv and represented as
fields. Then d is linked to e iff there exists an answer to Q that
maps u to d and v to e. Guaranteeing that all single answer
mappings can be reconstructed from the CAA, these links are
used in the GUI to display structural dependencies between
image nodes (fields) of distinct variables. In this way, e.g., the
matching part of each retrieved document can be visualized.
For the following examples, the reader should keep in
mind that only those database nodes are added to the CAA
and represented as fields that participate in at least one full
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
answer mapping. Hence the set of fields assigned to a variable
depends on the conditions imposed on other query variables.
In this sense, the CAA exactly represents the document nodes
of the answer space.
The algorithm for computing the CAA (described in [15])
for a query Q runs in time O(|Q| · |D| · hD · log(|D|)) where
|Q| and |D| respectively denote the size of the query and the
database, and hD denotes the maximal depth of a path in a
document. If no ordering constraints are used, then the complexity is O(|Q| · |D| · hD ), which is optimal [15]. We developed a special index structure for textual XML documents,
the CADG [25]. Using CADGs, typically only a small portion of the database has to be visited during query processing,
which contributes to the high overall efficiency of X2 .
6 Interactive and Visual Result Exploration
This section deals with the graphic representation and handling of Complete Answer Aggregates, illustrating the main
exploration capabilities of X2 in a real-world retrieval scenario. The exploration techniques, while presented in a smallscale example for didactic reasons, also apply to larger answer sets. A systematic overview of all exploration features is
given in Section 6.2. The last part addresses scalability issues
which arose during our experiments with very large test collections. We show how integrated result ranking and thresholding cope with unselective queries and large answer sets.
6.1 A Sample Exploration Session with X2
Suppose the user runs two queries against a digital library
of scientific papers (contents and metadata) conforming to
the DTD shown in Figure 2. The first query is driven by the
following information need:
Query 0. “I would like to know in which papers Sally Sontag
cited her colleague Jim Jones.”
which is expressed by the query shown in Figure 5. The user
would like to end up with a list of cross-references as a basis
for further literature research. The example is meant to show
how the user implicitly takes advantage of the higher precision and result specificity3 provided by structured document
retrieval (as opposed to flat-text search), e.g. for inspecting an
interesting document excerpt.
The CAA obtained for the query, also given in Figure 5,
has the same tree-shaped macro structure as the query. Initially, all slots in the aggregate tree simply display the respective number of their fields (initial view). Curious about which
papers were selected, the user switches to the summary view
on the publication slot (see Figure 6). In this view, the slot
expands in size to show the individual fields it contains, each
accompanied by a short descriptive label extracted from the
3 Retrieval precision is defined as the percentage of relevant documents
among those retrieved. The fewer irrelevant parts of documents a structured
query result contains, the more specific it is.
Fig. 5. Query 0 and initial view on the corresponding CAA
corresponding document. As shown in the figure, the description here consists of the paper’s title. By contrast, the user
activates the exhaustive view on the reference slot, which
provides more detailed information on its fields. As depicted
in Figure 6, the authors and title of each cited paper are displayed, along with an optional URI and publication date. The
exhaustive view thus provides the user with a linked list of
all relevant references. The two author slots, collecting the
document nodes where the authors Sontag and Jones appear
in the metadata, were only needed for selecting the right documents during query processing and can be hidden during
browsing, as indicated in Figure 6.
In the above example, a flat retrieval result would consist of a set of entire documents, each with much irrelevant
content besides the actual references. Moreover, since there
would be no means to specify that “Sally Sontag” must occur
as author of a paper and “Jim Jones” as author in a reference,
the user would need to filter out manually those documents
where Jones cited Sontag, or Jones and Sontag published together, or someone else cited both Sontag and Jones, etc.
A second example is meant to illustrate the various exploration modes supported by CAAs, including clustered and
re-ordered views of slots, as well as activation, inheritance,
and inspection of fields and slots at different granularity levels. It shows how answer sets can be scaled down during answer exploration by (1) aggregation and (2) hiding answer
elements. These techniques prove especially valuable when
dealing with larger result sets (but see Section 6.3 for a discussion of scalability issues). The information need in this
example is expressed by the query from Section 4.2 (see Figure 4 on page 7):
Query 1. “I would like to see interesting recent papers on
XML written by Sally Sontag.”
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
Fig. 6. List of references obtained from the CAA in Figure 5
Fig. 8. Clustering and activating fields in the CAA from Figure 7. Fields
belonging to papers published in 2003 are highlighted red.
Fig. 7. Initial view on the CAA for Query 1 (see Figure 4)
As can be seen from the field counts in Figure 7, the
matches for this query do not fit the rendering space available.
One way to structure this query result is to cluster and order
salient parts of the documents according to their textual content. For instance, enabling the cluster view on the year slot,
the user can browse through the XML-related publications
by Sally Sontag published in 2003, 2002 and so on (see Figure 8). In a situation where the document collection in question provides appropriate mark-up, categories like “database
systems”, “information retrieval” etc., assigned to each publication, could be used to cluster matching documents according to the research field they belong to.
In a next step, the user aims to reduce the number of items
being displayed in the CAA. To this end, he activates fields
by a mouse click (activating all fields of a cluster can be done
in one step by using the respective mark all button). In our
example, the user activates all fields in the 2003 cluster of
the year slot. Activated fields are highlighted red (e.g. in Figure 8). Activations can be passed through to other fields by
choosing one of several inheritance mechanisms for the full
CAA. In our example the inheritance mechanism is simple
co-occurrence in the same document, i.e. all fields belonging
to the same document as one of the activated fields are now
activated, too. By pressing a dedicated show activated-only
button in the menu bar, only activated nodes are displayed in
the CAA, as can be seen in Figure 9. Note that as a result, all
slots contain only the highlighted fields belonging to papers
published in 2003.
Faced with this reduced number of documents, the user
starts exploring the remaining fields in the publication slot.
A small floating frame, similar to the quick info or tool tip in
common GUIs and triggered by a button in the menu bar, displays a field info for each slot entry being hovered, as shown
in Figure 9. The field info data is automatically extracted
from the documents. In this scenario, some metadata of the
publication in question is listed.
The article on XML indexing techniques, whose field info
is displayed in Figure 9, arouses the user’s interest. He now
wishes to see the sections on XML in a restricted table of
contents, which is not part of the document schema (see the
DTD in Figure 2 or alternatively the CADG in Figure 3 on
page 6). To this end, he abandons the previous activations
and activates only the respective field in the publication
slot, along with all fields belonging to the desired document.
Again this is achieved by inheritance. Since we are still in the
show activated-only mode, only parts of that particular publication are now displayed in the aggregate (see Figure 10). The
user may now simply inspect the list of highlighted section
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
the user may either terminate the retrieval session or continue
browsing the CAA, or else enter a new retrieval step by reformulating the query.
6.2 Exploration Techniques in X2
The sample exploration session above has demonstrated many
features of X2 . We will now briefly review these features in a
more systematic way and explain others that have not been
mentioned so far. Note that while not all of the following
functionality makes sense for the sample document collection used in this paper, it proved to be useful for most of the
collections X2 has been tested with.
Fig. 9. Field info for a particular paper in the CAA from Figure 8. The aggregate now only contains fields belonging to documents published in 2003.
Fig. 10. Table of contents obtained from the CAA in Figure 9. The CAA has
been further restricted to display only one particular publication from 2003.
A document viewer shows that paper with the search keywords highlighted.
fields in the summary view, which assembles all headings of
top-level sections in the order of their appearance in the paper
(see Figure 10).
In the last step of this example, the user chooses to see
the paper about indexing XML in a full-text view. Triggered
by the field context menu, the entire document content is displayed in a separate document viewer window, as illustrated
in Figure 10. The formatted document content is automatically generated from the XML source using a stylesheet for
transformation. In order to establish the relation to the user’s
information need, all occurrences of the query keywords are
highlighted in the text. After inspecting the full document,
Views. In general, a view defines how a field corresponding
to an XML node is displayed in the CAA. Views can be selected individually for slots and fields. Apart from the inital
view, the summary view, and the exhaustive view already described, the current implementation of X2 provides a technical view displaying the internal CAA structure in more detail,
a minimal view for hiding a slot and its descendants, and a
cluster view (see below). Novel views can easily be plugged
into the system in order to adapt X2 to special requirements of
new document collections. While this is currently done programmatically (without modifying the document collection),
we plan to define views using XSLT stylesheets in the future.
Node activation and inheritance. The context menu associated with fields in a slot allows to activate arbitrary many documents nodes individually, which are then highlighted red.
In order to display hierarchic relations and order relations
between nodes, there are a number of inheritance mechanisms that propagate activations through the CAA. An inheritance mechanism is always chosen for the entire CAA.
Nodes having inherited an activation which are not individually activated by the user do not propagate activation themselves. They are displayed in a lighter red than individually
activated nodes. The button show activated-only in the menu
bar of the CAA window serves to hide all document nodes
not being activated (whether inherited or individually). Apart
from inheritance based on document co-occurrence, which
has already been used in the example, there is a variety of
inheritance mechanism based on hierarchic node relation like
ancestor/descendant, and on order relations.
Node ordering. Each slot’s context menu provides a variety
of ordering mechanisms for fields in that slot, based on their
textual content, attribute values or the number of children
they have in the CAA. Alternatively, fields may be sorted according to their relevance score (see Section 6.3). They are
displayed in ascending or descending order according to either numerical or lexicographical comparison.
Clusters. Fields can be clustered according to their textual
content, attribute values, or the number of their children. In
the current implementation, all fields contained in a cluster
are still visible, whereas we plan in the future to treat field
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
Fig. 11. Fields sorted by decreasing relevance w.r.t. a query against the INEX
2004 collection [13]. Only the 50 most relevant fields in this slot are displayed, corresponding to nearly 7% of the answer set (top-k thresholding).
clusters like individual fields with respect to display and most
interaction functionality.
Windows: favourites, field info, document viewer. There are
three extra windows supporting the user in browsing and navigation. The favourites window allows to store selected nodes
from a CAA temporarily. This is helpful when the user needs
to keep track of visited nodes in a large answer space. The
field info and the document viewer windows have already
been introduced in the examples above.
6.3 Result ranking and scalability issues
While the aforementioned visualization techniques help to organize the query result and reduce the number of fields to
be displayed simultaneously, they are not entirely satisfactory
when applied to large answer sets. As a matter of fact, visualizing a slot containing some hundred or even more fields in a
compact and useful manner requires refined techniques which
allow the user to (1) reduce the number of fields displayed in
the slot, and (2) sort the remaining fields by decreasing relevance w.r.t. the query. Figure 11 shows a CAA computed for
a rather unselective query against the 500-MB INEX 2004
collection [13] which gives rise to the scalability issues just
mentioned. The user searches sections talking about the vector space model as well as Information Retrieval in general.
As indicated in the upper left corner of the sec slot in Figure 11, the system retrieves 736 sections, each with a relevance score computed according to one of the implemented
ranking models, currently either XPRES [27] or s-term [22].
(For a comparison of these and other models, see [26].)
The exhaustive view on the sec slot visualizes the relevance distribution over all fields in a small histogram. Each
vertical bar in the histogram represents one or more fields
(depending on the total number of fields in the slot) whose
greatest relevance score determines the height of the bar. The
red vertical line in Figure 11 symbolizes the number of fields
currently displayed in this slot, which we refer to as the rank
threshold. Those bars which are left of the threshold are highlighted, such that the user can tell from a quick glance at the
histogram which portion of the answer set is currently visible. The four numerical displays next to the histogram serve
both to visualize the exact threshold value and to accept a
new threshold, which immediately affects the histogram and
the displayed fields. The lower two displays, labelled “max.
rank”, hold the rank threshold both as an absolute value and
relatively to the total number of fields in this slot. The upper two displays, labelled “min. relevance”, represent the relevance score threshold, i.e. the minimal relevance score of
any field displayed in the slot, again both as an absolute value
and as the percentage of the greatest relevance score of any
field in the answer set, respectively. The relevance threshold
is visualized as a horizontal line in the histogram, as shown
in Figure 12, and triggers highlighting of those bars reaching
above the threshold.
In order to reduce the number of fields to be displayed, the
user sets either the rank threshold or the relevance score threshold by typing an appropriate ab- Fig. 12. Threshold selection by
solute or relative value into the relevance score
corresponding text field. When
the upper text boxes are updated with a new relevance score
threshold, the corresponding rank threshold is displayed automatically in the lower boxes, and vice versa. Alternatively,
the user may drag the red line in the histogram to a new position. To this end, mouse-sensitive threshold selectors appear
next to the histogram, a vertical one for setting the relevance
score threshold and a horizontal one for the rank threshold.
Histogram and text fields are synchronized and update each
other when receiving user input. No matter which way the
thresholds are modified, the slot is updated immediately to
show the appropriate number of fields in descending order of
In our sample result from the INEX collection, the user
decides first to explore the 50 most relevant sections about
the vector space model and Information Retrieval (Figure 11),
and then expands the view to see all section reaching at least
10% of the maximal relevance score (Figure 12). Using these
two variants of top-k queries, X2 allows for an intuitive and
dynamic adaption of the result size which is most useful when
searching particular information in large answer sets. By contrast, the presented methods like ranking, reordering and clustering offer only limited support for data mining purposes on
XML documents. Here suitable interaction and visualization
techniques are yet to be developed.
7 Conclusion
7.1 Related work
Before surveying related approaches to visual retrieval and
exploration, a brief comparison of common form- or field-
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
based query interfaces to native XML systems like X2 is in
order. In the more database-oriented query facilities for structured documents which are currently most common especially
in a web context, retrieval is restricted to occurrences of search
terms in a static set of predefined fields. While field-based
search interfaces are easy to use, they cannot capture the full
hierarchical structure of XML documents which they therefore hide rather than exploit in the way X2 does: (1) to increase retrieval precision and (2) to present the search results
in a structured, explorable form that relates them to the exact
part of the query they matched. Moreover, field search must
be tailored specifically to the schema of a given document
collection (like e.g. the Entrez search interface for MEDLINE
[14], or the various systems related to computational biology
surveyed in [3]) and therefore needs manual adaption to accomodate new collections or changes to the schema of a collection. We argue that the hierarchic nature of XML documents
calls for a generic treatment in query systems in order to expose its powerful features in retrieval and maintenance.
An early predecessor of graphical query languages in the
field of semistructured data is GOOD [9], a retrieval system for graph databases. In the retrieval model employed by
GOOD, a query result is a subgraph of the database graph
which matches the query. The structure of the query, however, is lost in the answer, and GOOD does not offer exploration techniques for the answer subgraph.
Most query languages for XML exploit visualization techniques for query construction and representation only [17, 7,
23]. Closest in spirit to our work are the DataGuide (when
used for schema browsing as in [10], or for query generation as described in [11]) and XML-GL [5]. The latter is a
full-fledged XML query language for retrieval and manipulation of XML documents that uses visual syntax elements
only. XML-GL does not support interactive query formulation and result exploration. The DataGuide as a means for
schema browsing is introduced in [10]. A simple and intuitive
formalism in [11] sketches how to use the DataGuide to construct a path query incrementally and explore the document
collection at the same time. The DataGuide browser relies
on a graphical tree representation with expandable nodes like
the one presented in Section 4. In contrast to our work, this
model cannot handle queries that are more complex than simple paths or contain descendant (i.e., soft) edges. Besides, the
CADG [25] underlying our SchemaBrowser exploits its additional keyword information to provide a content-specific view
on the database schema. Neither [11] nor [25] covers techniques for exploring the query result. [15] introduces CAAs
in this context, but does not investigate schema browsing or
query creation. BBQ [17] provides interactive and visual query
generation. Users select elements from the DTD underlying
a given document collection and arrange these elements into
queries. Compared to the query generation approach presented
here, this has the disadvantage that DTDs, being normative
schemata (see Section 4.1), generally allow for content models that do not occur in the current document collection. In
addition, queries generated with BBQ can only be post-edited
in a textual form.
Obviously, ranking mechanisms are another means to simplify the inspection of large answer sets. Dedicated ranking
schemes for structured document retrieval currently attract
much attention in IR research [21, 22, 8, 27,24, 26]. X2 is a
system that is to a large extent independent of the ranking
mechanism used, hence the research papers mentioned above
are complementary to the issues discussed in the paper at
Interactive and iterative techniques have a strong tradition in IR. For instance, various methods for iterative query
refinement and relevance feedback stem from IR research.
However, since “mainstream” IR focusses on flat textual documents, visual exploration techniques are less common. Systems like Scatter/Gather [19], being based on visualizations
of document distance metrics, are completely complementary
in their visual metaphors, so that they can hardly be compared
to the approach presented here.
Related work from the field of database systems has been
collected and carefully analyzed in a survey by Catarci et al.
[4]. Visual retrieval systems are categorized according to (1)
the graphic representations that are used for data and queries
on the one hand and for query results on the other hand, (2)
the kind of interaction strategies that are offered to help users
in understanding the database content and in formulating appropriate queries, and (3) syntax, semantics and expressivity
of the query languages they support.
As to the kernel languages and functionalities, there are
also similarities between X2 and wrapper generation tools
such as Lixto [1]. Lixto comes with a sophisticated GUI to
allow users to interactively construct wrappers that locate and
collect valuable pieces of information in structured documents.
7.2 Discussion and Future Work
The contributions of X2 can be summarized as follows:
– full-fledged and seamlessly integrated visual access to the
XML documents, schemata, queries, and retrieval results
– novel exploration, aggregation and rudimentary data mining techniques for visualizing the structure of retrieval results and the entire document collection
– use of CAAs for relating structured search results to the
structure of the query and documents in an interactive exploration process
– integration of database and IR techniques with special
consideration of the hierarchic nature of the underlying
XML data, to access the more database-like parts of a
– improved precision w.r.t. flat-text retrieval
We tested the applied techniques with a wide spectrum
of applications, among others: (1) linguistic data containing
XML representations of syntax trees, (2) touristic data containing descriptions of cities with hotels, sightseeing sites,
restaurants, traffic information etc., and (3) the INEX 2004
collection of the IEEE Computer Society’s journal publications from 1995 to 2002 [13]. We observed that although
our query and answer representations are flexible and generic
Meuss, Schulz, Weigel, Leonardi, Bry: Visual Exploration and Retrieval of XML Document Collections with X2
enough to cope with such heterogeneous domains, some applications needed special query constructs not foreseen in our
initial design. Among these constructs added later were e.g.
a variety of mechanisms for querying order relations which
proved helpful in linguistic research. Similarly, the way element content is displayed in a CAA must be tailored to a
given document collection sometimes. However, a generic
solution which does not alter the collection is indispensable
for obvious reasons. We therefore developed a simple and
generic framework for specifying how element descriptions
are generated, which is yet to be improved (see Section 6.2).
The development of X2 is still work in progress. Accompanying the system development, prototypes have been presented and used in Information Retrieval courses at the University of Munich in 2002 and 2003, and positive and negative aspects have been discussed. The main features approved
by the students include (1) the way search results are explored interactively and systematically, (2) the fact that users
can choose between different views on individual parts of the
search results, and new domain-specific views can be integrated into the system, and (3) the flexible and expressive
query formalism which can refer to all parts of the XML
structure, unlike retrieval systems allowing access to a predefined set of fields only. Major occasions for criticism were
the following:
1. It is difficult to formulate queries if the XML structure is
unknown or only partially known to users.
2. The visualization should be based more upon standardized techniques and widgets, e.g. for displaying trees.
3. When faced with a large search result, users easily get
lost, even if techniques to scale down the number of displayed elements (see Secions 6.1 and 6.2) are used.
4. The system’s performance degrades when exploring (not
computing) large answer sets, causing exploration of big
CAAs to become sometimes tedious.
The first problem was solved to a large extent with the
integration of the SchemaBrowser into X2 (see Section 4).
We plan to address the second issue by using well-known
visual metaphors in the near future. We would also like to
investigate whether a form-based web query interface could
be adapted to offer at least part of the flexibility of structured
document retrieval with X2 . In response to the third objection,
we equipped the system with ranking mechanisms recently
proposed for XML documents (see Section 6.3). Combined
with thresholding facilities for hiding elements whose relevance score is too low, they provide the most intuitive way
for a user to organize the answer space. Finally, we are still
struggling to decrease the response time of the GUI in the
case of big CAAs, which is partly due to the Java GUI libraries we use.
Apart from the points mentioned above, we currently concentrate on the following major goal:
Fully interleaving query formulation and result exploration.
In the current version of X2 , users first formulate their queries,
supported by the SchemaBrowser, and afterwards browse the
query result. We plan to depart from this strictly sequential
model, visualizing query and result in the form of a single
query/result object that is extended, manipulated and explored
at the same time. The development of such a model is facilitated by the fact that CAAs inherit their macro-structure from
the query.
We would like to thank Marcus Schilling and all other students who helped with their programming skills and motivation to make X2 a working system. We also thank the anonymous referees for their detailed and helpful comments on a
preliminary version of this paper.
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