Vol. 274, No. 48, Issue of November 26, pp. 33827–33830, 1999
© 1999 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.
centration for barbed end assembly during movement, so as to
sustain rapid steady filament growth. Recent works have shown
that actin-binding proteins of the actin-depolymerizing factor
(ADF)1/cofilin family are the regulatory factors that elicit the rapid
turnover-barbed end growth of actin filaments driving the forward
movement of the leading edge.
Control of Actin Dynamics
in Cell Motility
Marie-France Carlier, Fariza Ressad,
and Dominique Pantaloni
From the Dynamique du Cytosquelette,
Laboratoire d’Enzymologie et Biochimie Structurales,
CNRS, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
* This minireview will be reprinted in the 1999 Minireview Compendium,
which will be available in December, 1999. This is the third article of four in
the “Proteins That Regulate Dynamic Actin Remodeling in Response to
Membrane Signaling Minireview Series.” This work was carried out with the
support of the Association Française contre les Myopathies (AFM), the Association pour la Recherche contre le Cancer (ARC), and the Ligue Nationale
contre le Cancer and by Human Frontier in Science Grant RG 227/98.
This paper is available on line at
The abbreviation used is: ADF, actin-depolymerizing factor.
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A large number of cellular processes, including cytokinesis, endocytosis, chemotaxis, or neurite outgrowth, is mediated by polymerization of actin filaments. In response to extracellular stimuli,
motile protrusions of the plasma membrane, in the form of lamellipodia or filopodia, are driven by the continuous initiation, polarized growth, and turnover of actin filaments at the leading edge of
the cell.
Recent progress has been made in identifying the key players
responsible for the spatio-temporal control of actin-based motility
and in understanding the molecular mechanism supporting their
function. The linkage of the actin cytoskeleton to the signaling
pathway is generally mediated by the interaction of a small Gprotein (Rac, Cdc42) in its active, GTP-bound form, with a multipartner “connector” at the plasma membrane. The activation of the
connector allows it to recruit the Arp2/3 complex, which initiates
branched barbed end growth of actin filaments (see the first minireview in this series (60)) forming the dense reticulated actin
network seen in high resolution electron microscopy images of
lamellipodia (1–3).
Pathogens like Listeria or Shigella or the vaccinia virus, which
propel themselves through the cytoplasm by polymerizing actin at
their surface (4), harness the cytoskeletal machinery downstream
of the signaling pathway in a constitutive fashion and provide a
biochemical approach of the mechanism of actin-based motility.
Once actin polymerization is initiated, continuous filament
growth causes membrane protrusion (or bacterium propulsion) at a
rate of 1–25 mm/min. Growing filaments remain stationary with
respect to the substratum (5), demonstrating that actin polymerization is linked to the movement. Barbed end growth of filaments
initiated at the leading edge (or at the surface of Listeria or Shigella) is fed by subunits provided by continuous depolymerization
of filaments from their pointed ends at the rear of the lamellipodial
extension, which is thus maintained at a constant width (6). Conversely, the actin tail formed at the rear of Listeria or Shigella
remains at a constant length in a stationary regime of propulsion
(7). The steady polymerization reflects actual turnover of actin
filaments according to a treadmilling process (8). One of the fascinating aspects of actin-based motility is the rapid rate of filament
turnover, which supports the movement. Typically, to push the
membrane forward at 10 mm/min, individual barbed ends must
readily incorporate 100 subunits/s. This rate is 200-fold higher
than the treadmilling rate measured in vitro for pure F-actin turnover at steady state. From a thermodynamic point of view, both the
activated nucleation and the rapid barbed end growth of filaments
imply that upon cell stimulation, the concentration of monomeric
ATP-actin is increased above its level in quiescent cells, so as to
promote nucleation, and remains high, well above the critical con-
In Vivo Properties of ADF/Cofilin
ADF/cofilins have been recognized early as a family of essential,
conserved, widespread, small (15–18 kDa) actin-binding proteins
(see Ref. 9 for review) playing an important role in cytokinesis (10),
endocytosis, and in the development of all embryonic tissues (11),
as well as in pathological situations such as ischemia, oxidative or
osmotic stresses, and tissue regeneration (12). Genetic studies
point out the importance of ADF/cofilin as regulators of actin dynamics in movement and morphogenesis. In budding yeast, temperature-sensitive mutants of cofilin that fail to rapidly depolymerize actin show defects in endocytosis (13). Overexpression of cofilin
in Dictyostelium discoideum induces the formation of membrane
ruffles and increases the motility of the amoeba (14). Mutations in
Drosophila twinstar gene that lower the expression level of ADF
lead to defects in cytokinesis and aster migration and to the assembly of misshaped actin structures at the site of formation of the
contractile ring (15). Missense mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans unc-60B gene encoding for an isoform of ADF lead to improper actin assembly in myofibrils (16). In plants, ADF controls
the pathways of actin-based cytoplasmic streaming (17) and pollen
tube growth (18). ADF/cofilins are expressed at high levels in
embryonic heart and skeletal muscle, whereas lower amounts of
the protein are present in adult tissue (11, 19).
Remarkably, the stimulus-responsive function of ADF/cofilin
(except for yeast cofilin) is regulated by phosphorylation of a single
conserved serine identified in the N-terminal region (20, 21). The
activity of ADF is induced by dephosphorylation, which occurs
rapidly in response to various stimuli known to promote the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, such as growth factors (nerve
growth factor, insulin), chemotactic peptides, or agents increasing
the levels of [Ca21]i and cAMP (9) (for review of works before 1996
see Refs. 22 and 23). Although ADF/cofilin appears diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm of quiescent cells, the activated (dephosphorylated) protein translocates to regions of the cells where actin
filaments are highly dynamic, like the leading edge of ruffled
membranes, the cleavage furrow of dividing cells, or the neuronal
growth cone (11, 24, 25). Dephosphorylation correlates with increased motility and extension of cellular processes. The phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms of ADF always coexist in a
cell, but the ratio between the two forms varies. Moreover, phosphate turnover is recorded on ADF, indicating that the phosphorylation level is continuously tuned at a rate which is also dependent on signaling (22). The regulation of the phosphorylation level is
not fully understood yet and must be complex, because phosphatase inhibitors like okadaic acid or calyculin A lead to dephosphorylation (activation) of ADF. The phosphatase responsible for activation of ADF is unknown. On the other hand, LIM-kinase 1
(whose deletion is linked to cognitive defects associated with Williams syndrome) has been identified as the kinase that phosphorylates and inactivates ADF in vivo (see Refs. 26 –28 for review).
LIM-kinase 1 is a downstream effector of the small G-protein Rac,
which controls lamellipodium formation. Not only is LIM-kinase 1
activated by Rac, but expression of dominant-negative mutated
LIM-kinase 1 blocks Rac-induced formation of lamellipodia. These
results are surprising, at face value, because the formation of
lamellipodium induced by Rac implies that ADF be activated, i.e.
dephosphorylated. The real message from these experiments may
be that rapid phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycles of ADF/
Minireview: Control of Actin Dynamics in Cell Motility
FIG. 1. Structure of ADF/cofilin. A, ribbon structure of yeast cofilin
showing the regions of the molecule involved in G- and F-actin binding
(courtesy of Pekka Lappalainen). B, image reconstruction of a standard actin
filament (a) and of a cofilin-decorated actin filament (b) (courtesy of Amy
Structure of ADF/Cofilin
Sequence data base searches have allowed identification of a
large family of actin-binding proteins containing an ADF homology
module (30). The ADF/cofilins, the twinfilins, and the drebrin/
Abp1p proteins represent three phylogenetically distinct subclasses of this family, all three coexisting before the divergence of
yeast and animals. Twinfilins contain two repeats of the ADF
homology domain, whereas drebrin has an additional C-terminal
SH3 domain. Although twinfilins and drebrin have been identified
as actin-binding proteins, their functions differ from the better
characterized ADF/cofilin.
ADF/cofilins from different organisms present a high degree of
sequence homology, especially in the N-terminal and C-terminal
regions. Many organisms contain more than one variant (except for
yeast and amoeba, which have only one cofilin). Although different
variants display discrete quantitative functional differences (see
next section), the general mechanism of action of the different
ADF/cofilins is conserved. Accordingly, the three-dimensional
structures of vertebrate ADF (destrin) (31), yeast cofilin (32), and
Acanthamoeba cofilin (actophorin) (33), obtained either by NMR or
x-ray crystallography, appear very similar. The ADF fold (Fig. 1A)
is similar to the fold of either segment 1 or segment 2 of gelsolin or
villin, with five central b-sheets flanked by three to four a-helices.
No sequence homology, however, can be found between ADFs and
proteins of the gelsolin family, and their functions and biochemical
properties are clearly different. The three-dimensional structural
similarity between ADF and gelsolin led Hatanaka et al. (31) to
propose that ADF and gelsolin segment 1 might interact with actin
in the same manner. This hypothesis was upset by mutagenesis
studies, which point to a different interface and define regions of
the molecule interacting with both G- and F-actin, whereas others
interact with F-actin only (34). Further insight into the ADF/actin
interface is brought by the electron micrograph observation of
ADF-decorated filaments. Image reconstruction (35) shows that
ADF interacts with two actin subunits along the long pitch helix,
bridging subdomain 1 of one of the actins to subdomain 2 of the
second subunit (Fig. 1B). The binding sites of ADF and of gelsolin
segment 2 on F-actin show some, but not complete, overlap. The
most striking feature of ADF binding to F-actin is the associated
massive structural change of the filament, which is visualized by
an increase in twist of 5° per subunit (for human ADF) with no
change in the axial rise (2.7 nm) or with the radial position of the
actin subdomains. As a result, the long pitch helices crossover
every 27 nm on average instead of every 36 nm for standard F-actin
filaments. The change in twist varies somewhat with the ADF
species and may be in relation with differences in thermodynamic
stability of the filament decorated by different ADFs. The ADF/
cofilin is unique, among all other F-actin-binding proteins, in inducing this change (see Ref. 36 for review), which indicates that
despite the overlap in the footprints of gelsolin segment 1, segment
2, and ADF on F-actin, the interface of ADF with F-actin must be
different from that of gelsolin. The observed competition between
ADF and gelsolin segment 2 (37) or myosin subfragment 1 (38) for
binding to F-actin then should be understood in terms of different
structures of the filament linked to the binding of different proteins
to actin, rather than in terms of a classical competition for the same
site. This view accounts for the different functions of all these
proteins. Similarly, ADF does not bind to phalloidin-decorated
filaments or to F-ADP-Pi-actin filaments (39 – 41), which are structurally and mechanically different from F-ADP-actin filaments.
Accordingly, ADF accelerates Pi release on F-actin (42). Hence ADF
reveals the structural variability of the actin filament (43) and may
use it to specify functionally different filaments.
In the absence of a high resolution structure of the ADF-G-actin
complex, molecular dynamics have been used to propose a structural model, showing some similarity to the actin-gelsolin segment
1 complex (44). How the structure of this complex can be compatible with the reconstruction of ADF-decorated filaments is unclear.
Future progress in orienting the cofilin molecule along the filament
using appropriately located gold labels and taking into account the
mutagenesis studies should help in deriving an atomic model of
ADF/Cofilin Increases the Turnover of Actin Filaments,
Which Powers Actin-based Motility
The in vitro biochemical properties of ADF and its effects on
actin assembly-disassembly have shed light on its function in actinbased motility and morphogenesis. Early works had shown that
ADF caused depolymerization of filaments and had a weak severing activity (see Refs. 9 and 45 for review), both effects being more
pronounced at high pH. Further studies showed that ADF elicits
the partial depolymerization of F-actin, that is promotes the establishment of a new steady state of assembly, in which a higher
concentration of monomeric actin is maintained (45). The underlying mechanism is as follows. First, under physiological ionic conditions, all ADF/cofilins recognize the ADP-bound form of both Gand F-actin with a high specificity,2 i.e. with a 100-fold higher
Although no direct evidence exists for different structures of actin depending on bound nucleotide, it is remarkable that a number of actin-binding
proteins display selective binding to either ATP- or ADP-actin. Thymosin b4
and profilin interact with ATP-G-actin with 50- and 20-fold higher affinity,
respectively, than with ADP-actin, whereas gelsolin binds ADP-actin
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cofilin (hence increased phosphatase activity as well as LIM-kinase
activity) are associated with Rac stimulation. In plants, a Ca21-dependent kinase phosphorylates ADF on serine 6 (29).
FIG. 2. Enhancement of actin turnover by ADF. This scheme summarizes important properties of ADF involved in its function. 1) ADF binds
cooperatively to F-actin, which results in the coexistence of two populations
of filaments: bare filaments and ADF-decorated filaments, which have different dynamic properties. 2) ADF-decorated filaments depolymerize 30-fold
more rapidly from their pointed ends than bare filaments, leading to steadystate accumulation of ADF-ADP-G-actin, ATP-G-actin, and a higher rate of
barbed end assembly.
Minireview: Control of Actin Dynamics in Cell Motility
depolymerization of actin at steady state at pH 8.0 than at pH 7.0
(9, 45, 49, 58). This effect is more or less extensive from one ADF
species to the other. The rate of nucleotide exchange on G-actin is
known to increase by 1 order of magnitude upon increasing pH.
Therefore an increase in pH causes a faster recycling of ADP-Gactin into polymerizable ATP-G-actin. The fact that, despite this
faster recycling, a higher amount of depolymerized actin is maintained at high pH in the presence of ADF indicates that the rate of
depolymerization of ADF-F-actin from the pointed ends increases
upon increasing pH. Consistently, the enhancement of filament
turnover by human ADF is 3-fold greater at pH 8.0 than at pH 7.0.3
The pH dependence of ADF function may be physiologically relevant, in particular in plants, where steep pH gradients are observed at sites of cell growth (e.g. pollen tube) where active actin
dynamics are thought to take place.
Interestingly, profilin, another G-actin-binding protein known to
play a positive role in actin-based motility, acts in synergy with
ADF to further enhance filament turnover. This effect, which was
theoretically anticipated (46, 55), was experimentally demonstrated (50). The functional properties of profilin complement those
of ADF in the treadmilling cycle. By accelerating nucleotide exchange on G-actin, profilin recycles ADP-G-actin into profilin-ATPG-actin complex, which actively participates in barbed end assembly. Profilin thus enhances the processivity of treadmilling, lowers
the pool of ADF-ADP-G-actin, and accelerates actin-based motility
in the motility medium fully reconstituted from pure proteins (61).
Analysis of the kinetics of binding of ADF to actin has helped to
understand the molecular mechanism of enhancement of filament
turnover. As mentioned above, ADF interaction with G-actin is a
simple, rapid, reversible bimolecular reaction. Binding to F-actin is
more complex. The time courses show a high degree of kinetic
cooperativity with a lag followed by an acceleration (42, 49), indicating that ADF nucleates a local structural change of the filament
which propagates along the polymer, consistent with the change in
twist. In addition, ADF dissociates slowly from F-actin. This binding behavior has important implications in the function of ADF. At
substoichiometric ratios of ADF to F-actin, ADF does not statistically partially saturate all filaments but fully saturates a small
number of filaments, thus generating two populations of energetically different filaments. The ADF-decorated filaments rapidly lose
subunits from their pointed ends, whereas the bare filaments actively incorporate actin subunits at their barbed ends. In other
words, the treadmilling process takes place not only from one type
of end to the other but from one filament type to the other type (51).
The result is a fiber-by-fiber renewal of the whole population of
filaments by substoichiometric amounts of ADF. The efficiency of
turnover is expected to be optimum when the two pools of bare and
ADF-decorated filaments are equal, which is in fact observed (45).
Interestingly, the dynamic behavior of F-actin in the presence of
ADF then becomes very similar to the dynamic instability of microtubules, which also results, albeit through a different molecular
mechanism, in a fiber-by-fiber renewal and organization of the
meshwork. We suggest that this mechanism of action of ADF may
have implications in the control of the morphogenetic organization
of actin filaments in neurite extension, axon guidance, muscle fiber
assembly in myoblasts, and other developmental processes in
which the spatial reorganization of actin filaments is involved. The
bell-shaped curve of the ADF concentration dependence of filament
turnover observed in vitro indicates that the level of active ADF
has to be finely tuned in vivo for maximum efficiency. Consistently,
in C. elegans, ADF mutations leading to increased activity of ADF
result in defects that are similar to those induced by a lower
activity (16). The level of active ADF is controlled by phosphorylation in a simple fashion. The affinity of ADF for G- and F-actin is
decreased 20-fold by the serine to aspartate mutation, which mimics phosphorylation (49). Hence phosphorylation of ADF is equivalent to a decrease in the amount of endogenous active protein,
without any change in activity per se.
M.-F. Carlier, unpublished data.
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affinity than ATP- or ADP-Pi-bound actin (40, 42, 45, 46). Second,
the ability of ADF to interact with both G- and F-ADP-actin, with
a slight preference for G-actin, allows it to participate in the assembly of ATP-actin, making use of the associated hydrolysis of
ATP. ADF acts at two important kinetic steps of the ATPase cycle
in actin assembly, shown in Fig. 2. 1) The rate of dissociation of
ADF-F-actin from the pointed ends is 30-fold higher than the rate
of dissociation of F-actin (45, 47); 2) the dissociation of ADP from
the depolymerized ADF-G-actin is 10 –20-fold slower than the dissociation of ADP from G-actin (45, 46, 48). The combination of these
two properties affects actin dynamics at steady state as follows.
Because depolymerization from the pointed ends is the rate-limiting step in the treadmilling cycle, the addition of ADF to pure
F-actin greatly accelerates filament turnover, up to values comparable with those observed in vivo in lamellipodia. The following
changes in the concentrations of monomeric actin species are associated with the faster turnover. The rapid disassembly flux of
ADF-F-actin into ADF-ADP-G-actin complex readily leads to a
proportional increase in the production of ADP-G-actin because
ADF is in rapid equilibrium (k1 5 250 mM21zs21; k2 5 20 s21 at
4 °C) with ADP-G-actin (49); as a result, the production of ATP-Gactin via nucleotide exchange increases too. The concentration of
ATP-G-actin settles at a steady-state value, [ATP-G-actin]SS, such
that the flux of assembly onto barbed ends balances the rapid
disassembly from the pointed ends. Direct measurements demonstrate that [ATP-G-actin]SS increases from 0.1 to 0.3 mM in the
presence of ADF (50). The rate of barbed end assembly equals k1B
([ATP-G-actin]SS 2 CCB). Because the value of CCB is slightly lower
than 0.1 mM, barbed end growth is very slow in the absence of ADF
and 30-fold faster in the presence of ADF. Hence ADF appears
responsible for the fast rate of individual barbed end assembly,
which supports actin-based motility. Indirectly, by increasing the
concentration of ATP-G-actin, ADF contributes to enhance nucleation of filaments by the Arp2/3 complex. This effect is greatest in
the presence of capping proteins. ADF then increases the concentration of ATP-G-actin up to 1 mM, and rapid filament turnover is
measured in solutions of F-actin containing Arp2/3 and capping
proteins (51), conditions that are found in motile cellular extensions (52). The role of ADF in motility of Listeria in acellular
extracts has also been observed (see Refs. 45, 53, and 54 for review).
Genetic studies in yeast (13) confirm that the enhancement of
filament turnover is the physiological function of ADF in vivo. The
recent successful reconstitution of actin-based motility of Listeria
and Shigella from pure proteins comprising actin, Arp2/3 complex,
ADF, and capping protein as essential components (61) is supportive of the model of biased treadmilling that was put forward for
actin-based motility (55).
The partial depolymerization of actin induced by ADF is very
different from a sequestering effect. A sequestering protein binds
G-actin specifically, depolymerizes actin in a fashion linearly dependent on its concentration, and does not affect the turnover of
filaments. Depolymerizing actin, like a sequestering factor would
do, would fail to account for the stimulating effect of ADF in
motility. In summary, the partial depolymerization of F-actin is the
manifest consequence of the biological function of ADF, which is to
enhance actin dynamics, not to depolymerize actin. The name
“actin-depolymerizing factor,” derived from early biochemical studies, misleadingly describes the actual function of ADF.
Because of the slow nucleotide dissociation from ADF-actin complex, the major monomeric actin species when F-actin is assembled
at steady state in the presence of ADF is not ATP-G-actin but
ADF-ADP-G-actin. The pool of ADF-ADP-G-actin represents 1–10
mM actin, depending on the ADF species and on the pH. It is easy
to appreciate, from the scheme presented in Fig. 2, that the size of
this pool can be modulated by changing the rates at which ADFADP-G-actin is produced (dissociation from the pointed end) and at
which it is consumed (via either ADP dissociation from the complex
or dissociation of ADF from ADP-actin). The differences in the
steady-state concentrations of ADF-ADP-G-actin observed between
different ADFs or between wild-type and mutated ADFs (16, 45, 47,
56, 57) are most likely because of differences in the rate constants
for those reactions, and the net physiologically relevant effect is a
regulation of filament turnover. The effect of pH is particularly
interesting. ADF from diverse sources causes a more extensive
Minireview: Control of Actin Dynamics in Cell Motility
Conclusion and Perspectives
Biochemical studies have helped to understand the physiological
role of ADF/cofilin in motility and morphogenesis. Many issues
remain open for future investigations. Elucidating the regulatory
pathways involved in phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of ADF
in relation to signaling clearly is a major challenge. Whether the
localization of dephosphorylated ADF in motile regions of the cell is
linked to local pH changes or to interaction with other factors like
the recently described Aip1 protein, which seems to potentiate ADF
binding (59), is still unknown. Combined structural and mutagenesis studies should define the interfaces of G- and F-actin with
ADF, help understand the structural basis for the functional variability of different ADFs, and provide insight into the different
structural states of the actin filament.
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Lowered Thermodynamic Stability of
ADF-bound Filaments: Relation with Structure
and Length Distribution
The binding of ADF to ADP-G-actin and ADP-F-actin implies
that ADF-ADP-actin polymerizes reversibly. Detailed balance implies that the critical concentration for polymerization of ADFADP-actin is n-fold higher than the critical concentration for assembly of ADP-actin because ADF binds with a n-fold higher
affinity to ADP-G-actin than to ADP-F-actin. As n varies from one
ADF species to the other, the stability of the ADF-decorated filaments varies accordingly. For instance, the critical concentration
for assembly of ADP-actin is increased 2.5-fold by Arabidopsis
thaliana ADF1 and 6-fold by vertebrate ADF (49). The change in
structure of the filament associated with ADF binding is expected
to reflect the change in thermodynamic stability. The lower thermodynamic stability of ADF-decorated actin filaments, for which
structural evidence has recently been provided (62), is also expected to correlate with a change in length distribution because the
average length is determined by the thermodynamic properties of
assembly. In vitro, the distribution in length is controlled by either
one of the two pathways, depolymerization-nucleation-elongation
on the one hand and fragmentation-reannealing on the other hand,
which are kinetically different but thermodynamically equivalent.
The establishment of the steady state length distribution is very
slow for pure actin but much faster in the presence of ADF because
of the enhanced actin dynamics. The destabilization of filaments by
ADF (increase in critical concentration) has to be accompanied by a
decrease in average length. ADF had in fact been considered early
as a weak severing factor (see Ref. 9 for review), and this view is
often offered as the easiest interpretation of kinetic data (42, 58).
More recent detailed studies of the decrease in average length
induced by ADF show that under optimum conditions the change in
length is modest and cannot in itself account for the large increase
in turnover ADF (42, 50, 51). At the physiological ADF:actin ratios
of 1:10, the measured change in length is very small. The “severing”
activity of ADF was also postulated to account for its effect on
motility. However, because ADF does not cap one of the ends of the
filaments like gelsolin does, a simple severing activity would generate as many polymerizing barbed ends as depolymerizing pointed
ends at steady state. The new barbed ends would grow while the
new pointed ends would depolymerize, the net rate of barbed end
growth per filament being unchanged. A severing activity thus
cannot be effective to enhance actin-based motility, which requires
a change in the intrinsic kinetic parameters. Hence severing cannot account for the function of ADF. A recent localization study of
Arp2/3 and ADF in motile cells (3) shows that ADF is at the rear of
lamellipodia but excluded from the narrow zone adjacent to the
leading edge where filaments are nucleated, which rules out the
possibility that these new ends are created by a severing action of
ADF. In conclusion, the severing effect is not a physiological function of ADF but a consequence of its effect on actin dynamics.
Control of Actin Dynamics in Cell Motility: ROLE OF ADF/COFILIN
Marie-France Carlier, Fariza Ressad and Dominique Pantaloni
J. Biol. Chem. 1999, 274:33827-33830.
doi: 10.1074/jbc.274.48.33827
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