Found Chem
DOI 10.1007/s10698-012-9172-y
The two faces of chemistry: can they be reconciled?
Mark E. Eberhart • Travis E. Jones
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012
Abstract Shortly before his death, Richard Bader commented in this Journal on the
dichotomy that exists within chemistry and between chemists. We believe that the
dichotomy results from different goals and objectives inherent in the chemical disciplines.
At one extreme are designers who synthesize new molecules with interesting properties.
For these chemists, the rationale underpinning molecular synthesis is far less important
than the end product—the molecules themselves. At the other extreme are the chemists
who seek a fundamental understanding of molecular properties. We suggest that the
Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules, by virtue of the rich hierarchical structure
inherent in the theory, offers a bridge through which to unite these two groups. However, if
there is to be reconciliation, it falls to the theorists to develop ‘‘quantum mechanically’’
correct tools and concepts useful to the synthetic and applied chemist.
Quantum theory of atoms in molecules
Chemistry is a discipline of two faces, one applied and the other theoretical. The applied
face focuses on the design and synthesis of molecules and solids, while the theoretical face
looks for explanations of a molecule or solid’s properties. At first blush, this observation
may not seem to warrant note, yet it does set chemistry apart from its sister sciences. The
applied and theoretical components of physics, for example, have been subsumed into
separate areas of study and specialization. Classical physics is largely concerned with the
theories of statics, dynamics, electricity, magnetism, fluid dynamics, and so forth, while the
application of these theories forms the basis of civil, mechanical, electrical, and aeronautical engineering.
The formal recognition of the applied and theoretical components of science as distinct
is to some degree driven by the different values of designers and theoreticians. From these
M. E. Eberhart (&) T. E. Jones
Molecular Theory Group, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401, USA
[email protected]
M. E. Eberhart, T. E. Jones
values, vocabulary arises that is nuanced to the specific disciplines; the physicist and the
civil engineer may both use the word mass, but the image evoked by the word is likely to
be quite different. For chemists, however, where there has been no clear separation of the
science into its design and theoretical parts, our value differences can result in confusion,
misunderstanding, and controversy. But from this controversy there also comes an
opportunity to align theory to the needs of the applied chemist.
This is exactly the situation that presents itself to the community advancing the
Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) (Bader 1990). That there is controversy
and misunderstanding is clearly evidenced by the recent article in which Richard Bader
(2011) ‘‘presents thoughts on the divide that exists in chemistry between those who seek
their understanding within a universe wherein the laws of physics apply and those who
prefer alternative universes wherein the laws are suspended or bent to suit preconceived
ideas.’’ Before leaping headlong into this controversy, however, it is worth taking a deeper
look at the value difference that place the laws of physics in opposition to the ideas of some
Dirac (1929) was probably the first to articulate the values of the modern quantum
chemist when he wrote,
The underlying physical laws necessary for the mathematical theory of a large part of
physics and the whole of chemistry are thus completely known and the difficulty is
only that the exact application of these laws leads to equations much too complicated
to be soluble. It therefore becomes desirable that approximate practical methods of
applying quantum mechanics should be developed, which can lead to an explanation
of the main features of complex atomic systems without too much computation.
One can only imagine what Dirac would consider to be ‘‘too much computation,’’
nonetheless, for nearly 80 years the emphasis has been to exploit growing compute power
to implement increasingly complex but computationally feasible approximate methods that
allow the properties of molecules and solids to be calculated. For many theoreticians, the
ability to calculate a property from first principles serves as a complete explanation of its
On the other hand, the designer is interested in identifying molecules with a given set of
properties. As has been argued before (Eberhart 2002), this ability is conferred by what are
known as structure-property relationships, which express the control that structure plays in
mediating properties.
The search for structure-property relationships is an essential component of scientific
inquiry and usually begins with a precise hierarchical description of structure, where each
level is characterized by a different length scale (Smith 1981). However, Cohen (1976) has
argued that sometimes representations of structure are mere constructs that allow one to
rationalize properties. Cohen called structure-property relationships of this type, ‘‘reciprocity relationships,’’ which abound in the contemporary picture of molecular structure.
Known to every first year chemistry student is the common classification of molecules
and solids as ionic, covalent, Van der Waals, or metallic. These classifications grew
exclusively from the desire to see structure as the origin of a particular property. It was
Arrhenius’ (ca. 1885) need to explain the property of electrical conductivity of some
solutions that gave rise to the ion and the description of a crystal as ionic. Lewis (1916)
originated the covalent bond as a way to explain the existence of binding forces in nonionic
molecules. The need to explain the formation of condensed phases by molecules whose
atoms possessed a full octet of electrons (an impossibility according to the Lewis picture)
led to the Van der Waals bond (ca. 1922). The metallic bond (ca. 1925) grew from the need
The two faces of chemistry: can they be reconciled?
to explain the differences in conductivity between nonionic solids. All of these representations of the bond were devised before the discovery of quantum mechanics. However,
they were so effective in explaining the chemical phenomena of interest, and so useful in
the synthesis of new molecules, that during the first half of the twentieth century they
became the principal descriptors of molecular-structure and the basis for many, if not most,
of the structure property relationships used by the applied molecular scientist. Hence, many
of these structure property relationships cannot be reconciled with quantum mechanics, i.e.
‘‘wherein the laws of physics apply.’’
Simply stated, if the goal is to bring chemistry in its entirety under the umbrella of
physics, it is unlikely that providing a quantum mechanically correct description of
molecular structure will be sufficient. To achieve this goal, one must build an entirely new
set of quantum mechanically correct structure-property relationships that are as useful as
the reciprocity relationships that they will replace.
The Hohenberg–Kohn theorem (Hohenberg and Kohn 1964) provides insight as to the
form that some of these relationships may take. It posits that all ground-state molecular
properties are a consequence of the charge density. And, of course, QTAIM provides an
extremely rich—quantum mechanically correct—description of charge density. It seems
only reasonable, therefore, to seek relationships between charge density, as descried by
QTAIM and, at a minimum, ground state properties. And as Cyril Smith (1981) has argued,
this search should begin with a precise hierarchical description of structure.
The QTAIM structural hierarchy
Though little noted, intrinsic to QTAIM is a structural hierarchy derived from volumes
bounded by surfaces on which the gradient of the charge density vanishes at every point.
Such surfaces are referred to as zero flux surfaces or ZFSs. By virtue of being bounded by
ZFSs, these volumes are quantum observables, that is, they are characterized by properties
that are in principle measurable (Bader 1990). Though there are infinitely many such
volumes, the initial formulation of QTAIM was concerned only with those where the
bounding ZFSs did not intersect an atomic nucleus. These distinct volumes, called Bader
atoms or sometimes atomic basins, partition the charge density of a molecule or solid into
space filling regions each of which encloses a single nucleon—hence the name, ‘‘atom.’’
QTAIM’s structural hierarchy is a consequence of the topological connections between
Bader atoms, which are determined by the charge density’s rank 3 critical points, CPs.
These are the places where the charge density, a three-dimensional scalar field, achieves
extreme values in all directions. As with all 3D scalar fields, the charge density possesses at
most four kinds of CP: local minima, local maxima, and two types of saddle points. These
CPs are denoted by an index, which is the number of principal positive curvatures minus
the number of principal negative curvatures. For example, at a minimum, the curvature in
all there principal directions is positive; therefore it is called a (3, ?3) CP. The first number
is simply the number of dimensions of the space and the second is the net number of
positive curvatures. A maximum is denoted by (3, -3), because all three curvatures are
negative. A saddle point with two of the three curvatures negative is denoted (3, -1), while
the other saddle point is a (3, ?1) CP.
The charge density at the atomic nucleus is always a maximum a (3, ?3) CP (within the
approximate Coulomb Hamiltonian the charge density at a nucleus is cusp with the curvatures undefined), hence it is also called a nuclear CP. The other CPs, which must be
present in a molecular system, sit on the ZFSs bounding the Bader atoms and mediate their
M. E. Eberhart, T. E. Jones
connectivity (Bader 1990; Zou and Bader 1994). The simplest topological connection
results from a shared (3, -1) CP between two Bader atoms, which is indicative of a charge
density ridge originating at the (3, -1) CP and terminating at nuclear CPs. In essence, this
charge density ridge possesses the topological properties imagined for the chemical bond,
which motivated studies showing the presence of such a ridge between atoms that conventional wisdom assumed to be bound. Accordingly, this ridge is descriptively referred to
as a bond path and the accompanying (3, -1) CP as a bond CP. Thus, through QTAIM, a
structure was associated with the strictly heuristic concept of the bond as a simple link.
Other types of CPs have been correlated with other features of molecular connectivity.
A (3, ?1) CP is required at the center of ring structures (rings of bond paths). Accordingly,
it is designated a ring CP. Cage structures must enclose a single (3, ?3) CP and are given
the name cage CPs. In these cases, the Bader atoms of a ring or cage share ring or cage CPs
with the other atoms of the ring or cage, which is indicative of the more complex nature of
the topological connections between these atoms.
Though only recently noted (Eberhart 2001; Jones and Eberhart 2009, 2010), CPs, bond
paths, and the ZFSs of Bader atoms are elements drawn from the larger set of extremal
points, lines, and surfaces. These extremals are generically referred to as ridges and valleys. Incorporating all members of this set into QTAIM provides a more robust, elegant,
and unified topological theory of molecular structure.
In 2D, a ridge is a familiar topographic feature, the path (gradient path) connecting
mountain passes to neighboring peaks, for example. There is only one such gradient path,
and it is a path of locally least steep ascent terminating at the local maximum. Consequently, it is an extremum with respect to all neighboring paths. Similarly, a valley is an
extreme gradient path connecting a saddle point to a local minimum, and because valleys
and ridges differ only by the sign of the curvatures along the path, both are often referred to
as ‘‘ridges.’’ In 3D fields (the electron charge density), ridges are the points, gradient paths,
and zero flux surfaces that are extreme with respect to all neighboring points, gradient
paths, and zero flux surfaces respectively. They are denoted by an index, n - d, where n is
the dimensionality of the space and d is the number of principal directions in which the
charge density is extremal (Eberly et al. 1994). Thus, a 0-ridge is nothing more than one of
the four types of critical points. A 1-ridge is an extremal gradient path, of which the bond
path is an example. And a 2-ridge is an extremal gradient surface, of which the ZFSs
bounding Bader atoms are examples.
For an extended system1 there will always be four kinds of charge density CPs (0-ridges),
six kinds of 1-ridges, and four kinds of 2-ridges. The 1-ridges pairwise connect the four kinds
of critical points and the 2-ridges are surfaces containing three distinct CPs. The ridge
structure forms a set of space filling volumes homeomorphic to a tetrahedron. Coincident with
the four vertices of each tetrahedron is a nuclear, bond, ring and cage CP, respectively. The six
edges of the tetrahedron are 1-ridges, and the four faces are 2-ridges, Fig. 1.
The resulting tetrahedra are simplices, which means that they are the most basic unit of
charge density retaining local topology. Simplices may be glued together to form a
simplical complex that is homeomorphic to the charge density topology of any molecular
system. Accordingly, these simplices have been designated irreducible bundles, IBs, where
bundle is used to evoke an image of a bundle of gradient paths.
All examples are drawn from extended systems where the ridge structure is somewhat easier to visualize
than it is in finite molecules. In solids all possible ridges are present and all gradient paths are of finite
length. Though only examples drawn from extended systems will be given here, the arguments are generalizable to open systems, i.e. molecules and surfaces Jones and Eberhart (2010).
The two faces of chemistry: can they be reconciled?
Fig. 1 An irreducible bundle of
fcc Cu. The CPs are shown as
spheres: nuclear CP top, ring CP
middle left, bond CP middle
right, and cage CP bottom. The
dark rods are gradient paths
(differential gradient bundles)
originating at the cage CP and
terminating at the atom CP. The
gradient paths in the IB are
confined to the tetrahedral
volume. The faces of this
tetrahedron are 2-ridges each
containing three CPs
By way of illustration, consider an fcc copper crystal. The topology of this structure is
distinguished by five symmetry-unique CPs: a ring CP, a bond CP, a nuclear CP, and two
cage CPs–one each at the center of the tetrahedral and octahedral holes. These CPs give
rise to two distinct irreducible bundles, shown in Fig. 2. The first has as its vertices the
nuclear, ring, bond, and cage CP from the tetrahedral hole and the second the nuclear, ring,
bond, and cage CP from the octahedral hole. Since the two IBs have three vertices in
common, they must share a tetrahedral face, i.e. a 2-ridge. Together these two IBs form the
symmetry unique wedge of the fcc crystal structure, which, under the operations of the fcc
space group, will generate an extended simplical complex whose physical realization is the
full charge density of fcc copper.
From a molecule or solid’s simplical complexes one can construct subcomplexes, called
d-skeletons, which recover the charge density at various topological levels. In particular,
the 0-skelton of the simplical complex is the set of all of its CPs. Its 1-skeleton consists of
all 1-ridges and is called the underlying graph of the complex. The 2-skeleton is the set of
all 2- ridges, and the 3-skeleton is the full simplical complex. A molecule or solids
underlying graph will contain as a subset the molecular graph common to modern
depictions of molecules. However, the molecular graph depicts only bond paths, i.e. the
connections between atoms, while the underlying graph (1-skeleton) depicts the full set of
1-ridges and captures the topology of the atomic connections, providing a more complete
representation of bonding than the traditional picture of a bond as a simple connection.
In addition to the extended simplical complexes, local structures can be generated by
gluing together a finite number of IBs. The most interesting of these are given through the
union of IBs sharing a single CP. The union of all IBs sharing the same nuclear CP will
generate Bader atoms. The union of all IBs sharing the same cage CP will yield the
repulsive basin first noted by Pendás, Costales, and Luaña (1997). Additionally, one can
construct the union of all IBs sharing the same ring point. Finally, there is the union of all
IBs sharing the same bond CP. This volume will contain a single bond critical point and its
associated bond path and is referred to as a bond bundle, again to stress the fact that as a
bundle of gradient paths the volume is bounded by ZFSs and hence has well defined
properties, for instance an energy.
M. E. Eberhart, T. E. Jones
Fig. 2 The two symmetry unique simplices, IBs, of the fcc crystal structure. The IBs are shown to the right
as shaded polyhedra relative to the fcc tetrahedral hole. Top right is the IB containing the cage CP located in
the octahedral hole while bottom right is the IB containing the cage CP from the tetrahedral hole. These two
IBs may be glued together to form the symmetry unique wedge of the fcc structure (left), which, under the
operations of the fcc space group will generate the charge density of the full fcc crystal
Fig. 3 The irreducible and bond bundles of the B2 structure. The Al atoms are located at the corners of the
cube and the Ni atom at its body center. Shown (left) is half of the Ni–Ni second neighbor bond bundle
resulting from the union of the 16 IBs (darker wedge). The first neighbor bond bundle and the IBs from
which it is formed are shown on the right
To illustrate, consider the B2 ordered intermetallic of NiAl, Fig. 3. There are two
symmetry unique bond CPs in this structure. One is located on the interatomic axis joining
aluminum atoms to their eight nearest-neighbor nickel atoms. The other bond CP is on the
interatomic axis joining nickel atoms to their six second-neighbor nickel atoms. Consequently, there are fourteen bond paths terminating at each nickel nuclear CP and eight
terminating at each aluminum nuclear CP. These two types of bond CP necessitate two
different bond bundles, which are shown in Fig. 3. The Ni–Ni second neighbor bond
bundle is constructed from the union of sixteen IBs of one type and the Ni–Al bond bundle
from the union of six IBs of two types.
The two faces of chemistry: can they be reconciled?
Because a bond-bundle is a simplical complex, it also may be represented in terms of a
skeletal structure. Its underlying graph (1-skeleton) provides a compact representation of
the connection between atoms.
While the IB is the basic structural element reflecting the connections between atoms, it
too has a structure built from volumes bounded by ZFSs. To help with visualization, begin
by noting that sufficiently close to a nuclear CP all charge density gradient vectors are
radial and of the same magnitude. As a result, it is always possible to find a spherical
isosurface, S, of radius dR centered on each nuclear CP. In the conventional spherical
coordinate system, every point on such a sphere may be specified in terms of a polar and an
azimuthal angle, S(h, /). Through each point of this surface there corresponds a gradient
path, G, that originates from any number of cage CPs and terminates at the nuclear CP at
the center of S. Hence, each gradient path may be specified by a pair of coordinates, G(h, /
). An IB will intersect S to produce a triangle. The set of points on this triangle are denoted
as SIB(h, /). The gradient paths terminating at the nuclear CP and passing through the
points interior to SIB(h, /) will originate at the same cage CP and together form a compact
open set that is the interior of the IB. Obviously, 2-ridges form the boundary of this open
set and its closure is the IB.
Imagine covering SIB(h, /) with a set of nonintersecting differential elements of area
dA. The gradient paths passing through the points comprising each of these area elements
gives rise to a family of differential volume elements bounded by ZFSs. These differential
gradient bundles, dG(h, /), (see Fig. 1) are the smallest structures admitted by QTAIM
that, in principle, possess measurable properties, and for each nucleon, are parameterized
by h and / only. The properties of larger structures, such as IBs or Bader atoms, are found
by integrating over the properties of the differential gradient bundles. But more significantly, the underlying value of a property derives from a 2D property distribution that is
itself well-defined within the QTAIM formalism.
The existence of QTAIM specific 2D property distributions sheds light on what has been
one of the controversial aspects of QTAIM, the assumption that a bond path and CP is
indicative of a bonding (energy lowering) interaction. Bader and Preston (1969) have
argued that the nature of the bonding interaction derives from the relative curvatures of the
charge density parallel and perpendicular to a bond path and not simply from the existence
of a bond CP. In support of this argument, Bader and Preston investigated the charge
density of dimers including He2, which served as an example of a ‘‘unbounded’’ interaction, along with several ‘‘covalent’’ dimers such as H2. Similarly, Fig. 4 shows the charge
density and gradient paths for ‘‘unbounded’’ Ar2 and ‘‘covalent’’ N2 molecules. Note that
the family of gradient paths for these molecules are quite distinct. For Ar2 the gradient
paths are atomic like—radial—except in the immediate neighborhood of the 2-ridge that is
the ZFS of the Ar Bader atoms. In contrast, for N2, the gradient path curvature is distributed along a greater length of the path, and particularly, much closer to the nucleus. But
significantly, all gradient paths, and hence all differential gradient bundles, sample both the
region parallel and perpendicular to the bond path. Values of charge density properties at a
point, or along a path other than a differential gradient bundle, have no physical significance within the QTAIM formalism. The implication that a bond CP or a bond path carries
information about the ‘‘bond’’ is misguided and contrary to QTAIM formalism.
M. E. Eberhart, T. E. Jones
Fig. 4 The gradient paths of Ar2 (left) and N2 (right) superimposed on a charge density contour plot. As
discussed in the text, the number of electrons contained in the volumes produced by revolving the white
‘‘wedges’’ about the internuclear axis will give a QTAIM consistent representation of the electron
Fig. 5 Representative gradient paths of two IBs from the octahedral hole of fcc elements. For each IB the
nuclear CP is at the top , the cage CP to the right, the ring CP is center foreground, and the bond CP on the
left. The structure of the family of gradient paths is fully determined by specifying their curvature and
torsion at each point in the IB. As in the case of the dimers, we find examples where the curvature and
torsion are confined to the regions close to the Bader atom boundaries, e.g. Ar (left) and those where the
curvature and torsion are distributed along the gradient path length e.g. Rh (right)
As an illustration of this point, consider the 2D charge density distribution of N2 and
Ar2. This distribution is found by integrating the charge-density within the differential
gradient bundles. In the case of dimers, these are volumes produced by rotating about the
internuclear axis a wedge produced by two gradient paths contained in the same internuclear plane and separated by an apex angle of dh. Figure 4 shows two such wedges for
both N2 and Ar2, one wedge contains the bond path and the other is perpendicular to the
bond path. Consistent with our calculations, and as is apparent, in the case of N2 it is the
wedge containing the bond path with the greatest charge density. On the other hand, for
Ar2, the charge density in the wedge perpendicular to the bond path contains the greatest
charge density—though the difference is small and falls within the range of computational
error. Still, the difference in the distribution is telling and provides a quantitative distinction between a ‘‘Van der Waals’’ and a ‘‘covalent’’ bond.
Obviously, the 2D property distributions provides a more detailed and complete
descriptions of atom-atom interactions than does the current vocabulary, e.g. ionic,
The two faces of chemistry: can they be reconciled?
covalent, etc. However, it seems reasonable that these common classes of interactions will
manifest distribution similarities. What remains then, is to divine the metrics that will be
most useful in characterizing the structure of the family of differential gradient bundles and
demonstrating that there are relationships between these structural metrics and the property
As a first step in developing these relationships, we will hazard a guess as to the
structural metrics that might characterize the family of differential gradient bundles by
noting that the members of this family are basically space curve, each of which is fully
specified by its curvature and torsion at each point along the curve. Inspections of Figs. 4
and 5 drive the point home that these structural features are sensitive to the classes of atomatom interactions. However, building the convincing case that there are indeed relationships between these structural metrics is clearly beyond the scope of this, or any single
investigation, and we leave it as a clarion call to the QTAIM community to confirm the
existence of these relationships.
Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge support of this work under ONR Grant No. N00014-10-10838 and under ARO Grant No. 421-20-18.
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