Artificer in gem-setting workshop of circular hamlet guild

--Androcephal young bull ಕೊಣ್ಡಹಬ್ಬ feast in honour of Vīrabhadra venerated trefoil ಕೊಣ್ಡ koṇḍa. Tbh. of ಕುಣ್ಡ [ಆಹವನೀಯ ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಗಾರ್ಹಪತ್ಯಂಗಳೆಮ್ಬ ಮೂಱುಂ ಕೊಣ್ಡಂಗಳೊಳುತ್ತರವೇದಿಯೊಳಗ್ನಿ ಸನ್ಧಾನಂ ಗೆಯ್ದು Pb. 6, 33 va.]; (Śmd. 355; Abh. P. 10, 183 va.; My.). -ಕೊಣ್ಡಪ್ಪ. -ಅಪ್ಪ. N. (S. Mhr.). -ಕೊಣ್ಡಬಣ್ಡಿ. a cart used at the koṇḍa feast (My.). -ಕೊಣ್ಡಹಬ್ಬ. a feast in honor of Vīrabhadra at which Liṅgavantas carry an idol of Vīrabhadra and dance with it on live coals in a pit (My.). खोंड khōṇḍa m A young bull, a bullcalf.Rebus: कोंड kōṇḍa  A circular hamlet; a division of a मौजा or village, composed generally of the huts of one caste (guild) कोंड kōṇḍa f A deep part of a river; hence, a deep fire trench. कोंदण kōndaṇa setting of a gem. trō̃ŕyak 'clover’ (Kaláṣa — Dard.)(CDIAL 6080) > tri-arka ‘three coppers’-- Indus Script evidence of venerated trefoil. Thus, the androcephal young bull signifies artisan with expertise in setting of gems in koḍ ‘horns’ rebus: koḍ ‘workshop’

Artificer in gem-setting workshop of circular hamlet guild --Androcephal young bull ಕ ೊಣ್ಡಹಬ್ಬ feast in honour of Vīrabhadra venerated trefoil Title Androcephal bull AO 3146 Louvre Object figurine / archaeological artifact type Date 2000 BCE Third Dynasty of Ur (2112 BC–2004 BCE) Medium chlorite Dimensi length: 19 cm (7.4 in) ; height: 12 cm (4.7 in) ; thickness: ons 8 cm (3.1 in) ಕ ೊಣ್ಡ koṇḍa. Tbh. of ಕುಣ್ಡ [ಆಹವನೀಯ ದಕ್ಷಿಣ್ ಗಾಹಹಪತ್ಯಂಗಳ ಮ್ಬ ಮ್ೊಱುಂ ಕ ೊಣ್ಡಂಗಳ ೊಳುತ್ತರವ ೀದಿಯೊಳಗ್ನಿ ಸನ್ಾಾನಂ ಗ ಯುು Pb. 6, 33 va.]; (Śmd. 355; Abh. P. 10, 183 va.; My.). -ಕ ೊಣ್ಡಪಪ. -ಅಪಪ. N. (S. Mhr.). -ಕ ೊಣ್ಡಬ್ಣ್ಡಡ. a cart used at the koṇḍa feast (My.). ಕ ೊಣ್ಡಹಬ್ಬ. a feast in honor of Vīrabhadra at which Liṅgavantas carry an idol of Vīrabhadra and dance with it on live coals in a pit (My.). खोंड khōṇḍa m A young bull, a bullcalf.Rebus: कोंड kōṇḍa A circular hamlet; a division of a मौजा or village, composed generally of the huts of one caste (guild) कोंड kōṇḍa f A deep part of a river; hence, a deep fire trench. कोंदण kōndaṇa setting of a gem. trō̃ŕyak 'clover’ (Kaláṣa — Dard.)(CDIAL 6080) > tri-arka ‘three coppers’-- Indus Script evidence of venerated trefoil. Thus, the androcephal young bull signifies artisan with expertise in setting of gems in koḍ ‘horns’ rebus: koḍ ‘workshop’ 07-09-2024 pers [email protected] 1 Recumbent Calf from Uruk. Made of limestone and lapis-lazuli, this small model of a recumbent calf may have been a votive object, intended as an offering to Inanna, the Sumerian goddess of love, fertil. Collection: Vorderasiatisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Sitting bull. Black marble (formerly inlaid), found in Warka (ancient city of Uruk), Djemdet-Nasr period (ca. 3000 BC). |H. 12.7 cm (5 in.), L. 22.2 cm (8 ½ in.), W. 8.6 cm (3 ¼ in.)Louvre Museum. AO7021.jpg 07-09-2024 pers [email protected] 2 Sumerian bull-calf amulet in steatite, 3300-2900 BCE. An Ancient Near Eastern Sumerian Uruk White Limestone Votive Statuette of a Reclining Young Bull Inlaid with Lapis Lazuli his Legs Folded under his Body Showing his genitalia Some inlays now lost Smooth silky patina Circa 3000 BCE Size: 3cm high, 2.5cm wide, 5.5cm deep - 1¼ ins high, 1 ins wide, 5¼ ins deep 07-09-2024 pers [email protected] 3 trōŕyak 'clover’ (Kaláṣa — Dard.)(CDIAL 6080) > tri-arka ‘three coppers’ ̃ -- Indus Script evidence of venerated trefoil Kul ‘tiger’ rebus: kol ‘working in iron’ kolhe’smelter’ + loa ‘ficus glomerata’ rebus: loh ‘copper, metal’ + Five. taṭṭal 'five' Rebus: ṭhaṭṭha brass (i.e. alloy of copper and zinc). Silver plate Five Ficus leaves + trefoils Plate depicting a walking feline, tree, and hills. Silver and niello. Niello /niːˈɛloʊ/ is a black mixture, usually of sulphur, copper, silver, and lead, used as an inlay on engraved or etched metal, especially silver. Tabaristan, northern Iran, 6th-7th c. CE Museo Nazionale d'Arte OrientaleRome, Italy Figurine. Priest. Mohenjodaro wearing a shawl with trefoil design worn on investiture ceremony after a successful yajna. Base of Śivalinga with trefoil design 07-09-2024 pers [email protected] 4 Findspot of walking feline with trōŕyak 'clover’ design decorated on body ̃ A map of Taberistan region. Tabaristan or Tabarestan (Persian: ‫طبرستان‬, romanized: Ṭabarestān,or Ma zanderani: ‫تبرستون‬, romanized: Tabarestun, ultimately from Middle Persian: Tapur(i)stān), was a mountainous region located on the Caspian coast of northern Iran. It corresponded to the present-day province of Mazandaran, which became the predominant name of the area from the 11th-century onwards. --Webb, Peter (2018). "Tabarestan". In Nicholson, Oliver (ed.). The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press 07-09-2024 pers [email protected] 5 Significance of trefoil as Indus Script & Egyptian hieroglyph rebus त्र्यम्बका, ‘3 eyes’ *त्र्यकक ‘3 flashes of sun, moon & fire’ त्र्यम्बका ज्योतितलकङ्ग This is an addendum to – 1.Trefoil hypertext trōŕyak of Indus Script Corpora deciphered as ̃ tryambak, ‘three copper minerals’ 2. Arka, ‘metalwork, Agni’ is a tough metaphor in R̥gveda -- trōŕyak 'clover’ (Kaláṣa — Dard.)(CDIAL 6080) Metath. tri-arka ‘three flashes, three ̃ metals’; arká m. 'flash, ray, sun' RV. [√arc] Pa. Pk. akka- m. 'sun', Mth. ak (CDIAL 624) arc (instr. arcā) fn. shining, brilliant RV. vi, 34, 4; adorn, sing, praise. -- pota ‘bead’ Potr̥ ‘purifier R̥tvij, yajna priest’; పో త pōta ’Molten, metal infusion, cast in metal’. 07-09-2024 pers [email protected] 6 trōŕyak 'clover’ > tri-arka ‘three metals’, ‘three rays ̃ -- sun, moon and fire’ Stone base for Śivalinga.Tre-foil inlay decorated base (for linga icon?); smoothed, polished pedestal of dark red stone; National Museum of Pakistan, Karachi; After Mackay 1938: I, 411; II, pl. 107:35; Parpola, 1994, p. 218.Finely polished stone pedestal from Mohenjo-daro, decorated with 'trefoil' figures. After Parpola, Asko, 1985, The sky garment: a study of the Harappan religion and its relation to the mesopotamian and later Indian religions. Studia Orientalia, 57. Helsinki: The Finnish Oriental Society: fig. 91. Two decorated bases and a lingam. Mohenjo-daro. Three stone lingas found in Harappa are just pillars without any anthropomorphic associations. The only intimations of sacredness we have are the trefoils which decorate the Mohenjo-daro lingam base. Trefoils painted on steatite beads. Harappa (After Vats. Pl. CXXXIII, Fig. 2) Trefoils painted on bangle fragments (H98-3516/8667-01 & H98-3517/8679-01) 07-09-2024 pers [email protected] 7 arka (√arc instr. arcā) shining, brilliant RV. vi, 34, 4; adorn, sing, praise अस्मा एतद्ददव्यर्चेव मासा ममममक्ष इन्द्रे न्द्ययामम सोमः । जनं न धन्द्वन्द्नमि सं यदापः सत्रा वावध ृ ुर्हवनानन यज्ञः ॥ (RV 6.34.4) Griffith: As brightness mingles with the Moon in heaven, the offered Soma yearns to mix with Indra. Like water brought to men in desert places, our gifts at sacrifice have still refreshed him. सायणभाष्यम ्-- “एतत ् एतस्स्मन ् “ददवव ददवसे सौत्येऽर्नन “अर्चेव अर्चहनसाधनेन स्तोत्रेणेव “मासा मानेन ‘इन्द्राय त्वा वत्र ृ घ्ने' इत्याददमन्द्त्रसाध्येन युक्तः “ममममक्षः वसतीवयेकधनाख्यामिरद्मिरामसक्तः “सोमः “अस्मञ । वविस्क्तव्यत्ययः । अस्स्मन ् “इन्द्रे “न्द्ययामम ननयतोऽित ू ् । यद्वा । अस्मञ इन्द्रायञतत्स्तोत्रं ब्रवाणीनत शेषः । ददवव द्युलोके अर्चेव अकहः सूयह इव मासा । लुप्तोपममेतत ् । मानत पररस्छिनत्तीनत मासश्र्चन्द्रमाः । स इव ममममक्षो वष्टृ ्यद ु कानां सेक्ता य इन्द्रो वतहतेऽस्स्मस्न्द्नन्द्रे ऽमिषत ु ः सोमो ननयम्यते स्म । ककंर्च तममन्द्रं “यज्ञः यजनसाधनञः पुरोडाशाददमिर्हववमिहः साधं “र्वनानन स्तोत्राणण “सत्रा सर् “वावध ृ ुः अवधहयन ् । तत्र दृष्टटान्द्तः । “धन्द्वन ् धन्द्वनन मरुदे शे “अमि अमिमुखं “सं “यत ् सम्यग्यत्यो गछिन्द्त्यः “आपः “जनं प्राणणनममव । यथा मरदे श उपलभ्यमाना आपः प्राणणनं वधहयस्न्द्त तद्वत ् ॥ 07-09-2024 pers [email protected] 8