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2024, IJSES
4 pages
1 file
With covid-19, the way the schools work has drastically changed. The old-school methods are being suppressed, and things such as distant learning and online courses are becoming more and more popular as the main gateways for teaching. This drastic change, which was by no means bad, has fulfilled its duty. But has it really filled all the gaps that it created. In the short time that it was really highlighted, all seemed well, and people went forward. But was it all well. As expected, when you force changes, things might go initially well, but some things go wrong. That’s why you’re not meant to force things into somebody but to slowly make an effort to implement them. Therefore, it should be acknowledged that there are some bad things behind the curtains of greatness. Portugal is a country where educational system before COVID was simple and not so online, so when the changes came, teachers were lacking skills and students were given rushed material. Why rushed. It felt like they just gave material out without having a proper protection. And even now it kind of feels like it. So, this paper aims to explain how safe the educational system is for the students in Portugal. How secure is it. Is the liberty given by the educational system good.
Journal of Anthropological Research, 2023
Building upon recent efforts to assess the history of anthropology in light of renewed calls for disciplinary decolonization, this paper turns to the role of US anthropologists in the infamous policy known as Indian termination, or the withdrawal of all federal aid, services, and protection from tribal members, as well as the end of reservations. Contextualizing the activism of the applied anthropologist John H. Provinse against the backdrop of broader shifts in post-WWII US liberalism, I argue that Provinse's support for termination in the late 1940s reflected an embattled social democratic and pluralistic conception of Indian-US relations. This perspective contrasted with and was ultimately overshadowed by the assimilatory sentiments that would become institutionalized in the termination policies of the 1950s. Thus, Provinse provides an analytical opening from which to explore the discipline's relationship with termination as well as the affordances and limitations of liberal anthropological activism. Moreover, such a case offers a generous rejoinder to more speculative assessments of the discipline's many pasts.
Non è facile circoscrivere in una definizione l’universo Dolce & Gabbana. Un mondo fatto di sensazioni, tradizioni, cultura, mediterraneità. Domenico Dolce & Stefano Gabbana hanno fatto dei loro cognomi un marchio conosciuto in tutto il mondo, facilmente riconoscibile per il suo glamour e la sua grande versatilità. Due stilisti che hanno saputo fare della loro italianità un vessillo. Due stilisti che hanno saputo interpretare e imporre al mondo il loro stile sensuale e unico. Due stilisti giovani, che si rivolgono ai giovani e che dai giovani traggono ispirazione. Due stilisti adorati dalle star di Hollywood, che ne hanno fatto i loro beniamini; due stilisti che vestono tutte le rock star del momento, che li hanno eletti leader indiscussi. Gli stilisti di Madonna, Monica Bellucci, Isabella Rossellini, Kylie Minogue, Angelina Jolie. La donna Dolce & Gabbana è una donna forte, che si piace e sa di piacere. Una donna cosmopolita, che ha girato il mondo ma non dimentica le sue radici. Una donna che indossa indifferentemente guêpière estremamente sexy o reggiseni in vista sotto capi trasparenti, contrapponendoli a maschilissimi gessati con tanto di cravatta e camicia bianca o alla canottiera da uomo, ma portando sempre tacchi altissimi che le danno comunque un’andatura estremamente femminile e sexy. Ama la maschilissima coppola portata dalla Sicilia e il rosario della prima comunione, che porta come collana: può essere indifferentemente manager, moglie, mamma, amante, ma sempre e comunque donna sino in fondo. E lo stesso vale per l’uomo. Rilassato, si veste per se stesso, un po’ edonista, molto attento ai particolari. Ama tutto quello che non lo schematizza, è libero, di successo. Può andare in ufficio con un impeccabile gessato o indifferentemente con dei jeans stracciati e un blazer. È uno che detta le regole, non le subisce: di grande carisma, impone le sue tradizioni mettendo la coppola, il gilet e l’intramontabile canottiera bianca. Ecco perché Domenico Dolce & Stefano Gabbana fanno notizia sempre: i loro abiti parlano per loro, il loro stile inconfondibile manda messaggi ben precisi in un linguaggio sempre uguale, ma paradossalmente sempre diverso, in continua evoluzione e in tutte le lingue del mondo.
Succès des Politiques de Développement en Asie de l’Est, 2020
Succès des Politiques de Développement en Asie de l’Est est un livre destiné aux étudiantes, étudiants, professeurs et chercheurs en politique qui souhaitent aborder les problèmes de développement dans les pays du Sud. Il s’agit de ceux et celles qui peuvent avoir besoin d'une introduction à ce sujet, dans les principales théories et dans la manière de planifier une étude critique de sa propre initiative, c’est-à-dire une étude qui remet en question les vérités conventionnelles. En d'autres termes, il ne s'agit pas d'un livre en faveur d'études universelles des politiques de développement qui prennent généralement des expériences en Occident comme point de départ. Il s'agit plutôt d'un livre qui passe en revue les expériences pertinentes des pays d’Asie de l’Est1 dans les cadres dominants afin d’aider à les relier et à les dépasser. Il est question de franchir et d’aller au-delà de ces cadres en définissant d'abord les théories générales en relation avec les politiques interdisciplinaires du développement, puis en se concentrant sur les agents politiques, les processus, les institutions et les structures qui affectent et sont affectés par les problèmes de développement, et c’est seulement par la suite et sur la base d'une solide connaissance empirique des pays de cette région qu’on s’ouvrira à des généralisations plus larges, voire universelles, qui pourront inspirer d’autres régions en développement telles que celle l’Afrique Sub-saharienne.
Australian Institute for International Affairs, 2024
The merits of the international order based on rule-of-law extend to more than just the US. Middle powers have a role to play, and can influence great powers when collective pressure can be brought to bear.
Behavioural Processes, 2011
Studies of dogs report that individuals reliably respond to the goal-directed communicative actions (e.g., pointing) of human experimenters. All of these studies use some version of a multi-trial approach, thereby allowing for the possibility of rapid learning within an experimental session. The experiments reported here ask whether dogs can respond correctly to a communicative action based on only a single presentation, thereby eliminating the possibility of learning within the experimental context. We tested 173 dogs. For each dog reaching our test criteria, we used a single presentation of six different goal-directed actions within a session, asking whether they correctly follow to a target goal (container with concealed food) a (1) distal hand point, (2) step toward one container, (3) hand point to one container followed by step toward the other, (4) step toward one container and point to the other, (5) distal foot point with the experimenter's hands free, and (6) distal foot point with the experimenter's hands occupied. Given only a single presentation, dogs selected the correct container when the experimenter hand pointed, foot pointed with hands occupied, or stepped closer to the target container, but failed on the other actions, despite using the same method. The fact that dogs correctly followed foot pointing with hands occupied, but not hands free, suggests that they are sensitive to environmental constraints, and use this information to infer rational, goal-directed action. We discuss these results in light of the role of experience in recognizing communicative gestures, as well as the significance of coding criteria for studies of canine competence.
La propiedad es el derecho por virtud del cual una cosa pertenece en particular a una persona con exclusión de cualquiera otra.
Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 2024
The goals of this paper is to offer a phenomenological analysis of the phenomenon of horror and argue that horror displays an organization of experience that cannot be traced back to the activity of the constituting subject. The main claim is that the essential feature of horror consists of its unintelligibility, which is neither reducible to the psychoanalytical repression nor to the complete breakdown of intelligibility but should be rather conceived as counter-intelligibility: horror occurs when anomalies and irregularities that are normally seen as disrupting the phenomenal field and undermining everyday intelligibility turn into positive principles of a new organization of experience. The confusion and perversion of horror consist of transforming the negativities and counter-forces of the cultural phenomenal field into a positive way of being. Horror is an optimal way of bringing non-optimality and disarray, which is characterized by self-exclusion from the cultural domain of intelligibility.
This article describes the boehmian idea of God through the analysis of two texts: 1) Jacob Böhme, L’impronta delle cose, Il Basilisco Genova 1988; 2) Alexandre Koyré, La philosophie de Jacob Boehme, Vrin, Paris 1979. The first text corresponds to "Signatura Rerum" of Böhme. We did follow Böhme in his analysis of the divine, that states that God ist first good and then really a Person, a living subject and a concret entity.. But Böhme enter the profund reality of God too, and then he points out also hisnegative aspects, like the God-Nothing, the God-Evil and the God-Abyss. This offer us a very complete theory of God, that had no comparison in the dogmatic theology. Fot these reason these theory is very usefull not only for the religious thinker but also for the simple believer.
Literatura y lingüística, 2023
sarrollo (ANID) / Programa de Becas / DOCTORADO NACIONAL/2020-21201867. Así también, ha sido apoyado por el Núcleo de Investigación de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural Aplicado (número de concesión 039.406/2021).
Lexis (n.s.), 2021
Among the fragmentary plays of Aeschylus, the Lycurgeia has received particular attention from scholars in all periods, since it has been unanimously recognized as the literary archetype of the Dionysian tetralogy that inspired Euripides' Bacchae. Handling the extant fragments nonetheless requires considerable effort, due to problems related to the citation technique employed by the testimonia as well as corruptions in the manuscript tradition over the course of the centuries. In this respect, one fragment (Aesch. fr. 60 R., test. schol. vet. Tr. Aristoph. Av. 276 a-b, II 3, 49 Holwerda + Suda μ 1301 Adler) of Edonians, the first play of the tetralogy, is particularly difficult as a result of the apparently incurable corruption that afflicts it. Beginning from the textual assessment of Radt (TrGF III 181), the main purpose of this paper will thus be to shed new light on the editorial issues affecting this fragment, by offering both a fresh collation of the variant readings in the manuscripts of Aristophanes and a meticulous examination of the most significant conjectures by editors of Aeschylus. I offer a fresh critical text of the fragment, in an attempt to demonstrate how a more accurate evaluation of the manuscript tradition might help restore part of the (allegedly) genuine Aeschylean text. In addition, I undertake a broad examination of the most salient exegetical issues, along with a hypothetical reconstruction of the performance context of the fragment.
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Kesatuan, 2019
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022
Bulletin of the "Transilvania" University of Braşov. Series III, Mathematics and Computer Science, 2024
Revista Española de Cardiología, 2008
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022
Scientific Reports
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2005
Index de Enfermería, 2011
Материалы 8 международной научной конференции (21-22 ноября 2024 года, г. Минск), 2024