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Em comemoração aos 70 anos do CNPq proferi a palestra "Um agente público com deficiência nas ações de acessibilidade e inclusão social" na Mesa-Redonda Qualidade de Vida no trabalho e inclusão de pessoas com deficiência no serviço publico - relato de experiências. Disponível no YouTube do CNPq:
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum dan Keadilan
The study examines contentious issues related to democracy and development in Africa. Substantially relying on secondary sources of data collection to adequately reflect the issues involved in this study, an interdisciplinary approach to historical research was adopted using content analysis. The study discovered empirical evidence supporting the argument that leadership changes are frequent or uncommon. In both situations, these leaders choose to govern in countries with weak or non-existent institutions, allowing them to avoid accountability for their corrupt behavior and abuse of office. According to the study, some challenges that have slowed development are lack of accountability, transparency, and democratic government, which must be addressed realistically for progress. Making the African system run more effectively and efficiently depends on the characteristics and eccentricities of those in authority.
Public Library Quarterly, 2024
The 215+ day war on Gaza has brought new visibility and interest in the history, politics, and experiences of Palestinians–including by children. Teachers and librarians say there are not enough children's books that center Palestinians, but do they not exist or are they only difficult to find? Written for professionals in the publishing industry, this article based on original research explores trends in the publication of English-language children's books featuring Palestinian narratives. It delves into the difficulty teachers and librarians face when trying to find Palestinian children's books.
Plumilla Educativa
La investigación tuvo como propósito determinar la incidencia de la estra-tegia didáctica del Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP), en el mejo-ramiento de los resultados obtenidos de las pruebas SABER11 en el área de matemáticas, teniendo como sujetos a los educandos de la Institución Educativa “JORGE VILLAMIL CORDOVÉZ” de Pitalito (Huila). Esta estra-tegia didáctica resignifica el modelo tradicional de la enseñanza de las ma-temáticas, pues permite reflexionar sobre la actividad académica y mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, a través de trabajos colaborativos y auto-dirigidos, los cuales propician la comparación, la revisión y el debate permanente de lo aprendido y de los contenidos que circulan en el aula. El presente estudio hace parte del macro-proyecto Didácticas alternativas: una posibilidad que responde a la diversidad en el aula. Con característi-cas de una investigación empírico analítica, de corte cuantitativo, donde inicialmente se determinaron las competencias...
O estudo tem por objetivo apresentar e analisar a construção da identidade popular por meio da narrativa oral de contos no Cariri cearense. Os mitos e contações são fatores antigos e sempre presentes na vida dos seres humanos. Para tal pesquisa, utilizou-se o método qualitativo. Inicialmente, foi feito um debate teórico, e foram colhidas, posteriormente, as narrativas orais de quatro moradores do Cariri. A intenção foi observar, sob o olhar das narrativas e da literatura, como as contações são vistas. No final deste trabalho, considera-se que os contos fazem parte da cultura local e colaboram efetivamente para a construção da identidade da região, bem como influenciam diretamente na vida das pessoas.
Forthcoming: Journal of Economic Structures, 2020
This study assesses the simultaneous openness hypothesis that trade modulates foreign direct investment (FDI) to induce positive net effects on total factor productivity (TFP) dynamics. Twenty-five countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and data for the period 1980 to 2014 are used. The empirical evidence is based on the Generalised Method of Moments. First, trade imports modulate FDI to overwhelmingly induce positive net effects on TFP, real TFP growth, welfare TFP and real welfare TFP. Second, with exceptions on TFP and welfare TFP where net effects are both positive and negative, trade exports modulate FDI to overwhelmingly induce positive net effects on real TFP growth and welfare real TFP. In summary, the tested hypothesis is valid for the most part. Policy implications are discussed.
New Media and Society. Researches in the Hungarian Environment, 2017
Soziale Passagen, 2019
The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 42(1), 82-99, 2024
Pearls and Irritations, 2024
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2017
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2016
MRS Proceedings, 2012
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
European Journal of Biology, 2019
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Engineering & Technologies, 2017
RED. Revista de Educación a Distancia, 2005