31 [2023] 2 [66]
ISSN 1330-0652
UDC 71/72
31 [2023] 2 [66]
7-12 [2023]
Dashnor Kadiri
Morana Pap
Bojan Baletić
Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan
Definitions and Strategies
Scientific Subject Review
UDC 711.4:004(410.111+443.611+460.235.2+450.251)
Fig. 1 London’s Queen Elizabeth’s Olympic Park
Scientific Paper
31[2023] 2[66]
Dashnor Kadiri1, Morana Pap2, Bojan Baletić3
University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture, Fra Andrije Kaèića Miošića 26, Zagreb, Croatia
University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture, Fra Andrije Kaèića Miošića 26, Zagreb, Croatia
University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture, Fra Andrije Kaèića Miošića 26, Zagreb, Croatia
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Scientific Subject Review
UDC 711.4:004(410.111+443.611+460.235.2+450.251)
Technical Sciences / Architecture and Urban Planning
2.01.02. - Urban and Physical Planning
Article Received / Accepted: 14. 4. 2023. / 20. 12. 2023.
Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan
Definitions and Strategies
information and communication technologies (ICT)
smart city
smart economy
smart environment
smart people
This study examines and contrasts the implementation and results of
smart initiatives across four domains - smart people, smart economy,
smart environment, and information and communication technologies (ICT) - in four large-sized smart cities: London, Paris, Barcelona,
and Milan. By investigating these domains, the study intends to
assess the effectiveness of smart city strategies. It examines how
technology and data-driven approaches have been implemented to
enhance citizen participation, promote environmental sustainability,
and stimulate economic growth.
This research contributes to an in-depth comprehension of the
many facets of smart cities and their potential to transform urban
2[66] 31[2023] 236-247 D. KaDiri, M. PaP, B. Baletić Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan
mart cities have emerged as a promising solution to complex challenges that urban
areas face with rapid population growth. With
the development of technology, smart cities
such as London, Paris, Barcelona, and Milan
have implemented smart city strategies to improve the quality of life for their residents, increase resource efficiency, and promote sustainable development. However, despite the
growing interest and investment in smart city
initiatives, comprehensive research is required to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of these strategies in attaining their intended objectives. Rapid urbanization and
population growth in these cities have created numerous problems, including traffic congestion, environmental degradation, and insufficient infrastructure. Smart city strategies
address these issues using digital technologies and data-driven approaches to optimize
resource allocation, enhance service delivery,
and create more habitable and sustainable
urban environments. The implementation of
smart city strategies in London, Paris, Barcelona, and Milan reflects the recognition of
the potential benefits of incorporating innovation and technology in urban administration. While there is a growing body of research
on smart cities, most existing literature has
focused on specific case studies or aspects of
smart city development. To identify common
trends, share best practices, and benefit from
each other’s experiences, a comparative analysis of smart city strategies across multiple
Scientific Paper
cities, such as London, Paris, Barcelona, and
Milan, is necessary. This study seeks to contribute to the existing body of knowledge by
addressing these gaps and providing a thorough analysis of smart city strategies in London, Paris, Barcelona, and Milan. Through a
comparative analysis, the study will identify
similarities and differences between the strategies and shed light on the factors contributing to their development. The study aims to
compare and contrast the implementation of
smart initiatives in four domains - smart people, smart environment, smart economy, and
information and communication technology
(ICT) - in the large smart cities of Barcelona,
Paris, London, and Milan. By investigating
these domains, the study intends to evaluate
the efficacy of smart city strategies and identify best practices in these cities. It will investigate how these cities have utilized technology and data-driven approaches to promote
citizen engagement, environmental sustainability, and economic growth. Therefore, the
following research question is posed: How do
the objectives, priorities, and implementation
approaches of the smart city strategies in
London, Paris, Barcelona, and Milan differ in
four domains, and what factors contribute to
these differences?
an analysis of sMart city Definitions
anD strategies
Smart cities have emerged as a focal point of
urban development initiatives, with cities
around the globe attempting to harness the
potential of technology and innovation to improve various aspects of urban life. However,
the concept of smart cities is complex and
encompasses a variety of definitions and
strategies. The purpose of this paper is to
provide an analysis of smart city strategies
and definitions based on the field’s most influential literature.
The smart city, in the context of urban development, is characterized by the integration of advanced information and communication technologies (ICT), knowledge-based institutions,
and a focus on creating high-quality living environments. The primary objective of smart cities
is to improve the quality of life for citizens by
optimizing resource utilization and promoting
sustainability. This definition highlights the
multi-dimensional nature of smart cities, encompassing technological innovation, institutional support, and a focus on the well-being of
citizens (Giffinger et al., 2007: 15).
A different perspective on the definition of a
smart city suggests a multi-faceted framework
that includes three fundamental considerations: technology, people, and institutions.
According to this framework, smart cities
should utilize technology to enhance urban
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Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan D. KaDiri, M. PaP, B. Baletić 236-247 31[2023] 2[66]
services, actively engage citizens in decisionmaking, and establish effective institutional
structures to support smart city initiatives. This
definition highlights the importance of considering not only the technological aspects of
smart cities but also their social and institutional dimensions (Nam and Pardo, 2011: 286).
It is imperative to acknowledge the significance of digital technologies and e-participation in promoting transparency and encouraging citizen involvement in smart cities when
devising strategies. The judicious deployment
of these technologies empowers citizens to
participate actively in decision-making processes, leading to more democratic and responsive governance. Furthermore, publicprivate partnerships are often utilized to carry
out smart city initiatives. These partnerships
enable collaboration between governments,
private businesses, and citizens, leveraging
their combined resources, expertise, and networks to advance the development of smart
cities (Anthopoulos, 2017: 222).
The authors highlight the importance of new
media and citizen participation in urban design. They argue that incorporating new media
technologies and platforms enables citizens to
actively participate in the planning and design
of their cities, leading to more inclusive and
user-centered urban environments. This approach aligns with the idea of smart cities that
prioritize citizens as key stakeholders and active participants in shaping urban development (De Lange and De Waal, 2013: 2).
The analysis of definitions reveals common
elements such as the use of digital technologies, citizen engagement, and sustainability.
Strategies including public-private partnerships and citizen-centered approaches have
facilitated successful implementations. However, privacy, interoperability, equitable access, and sustainability must be carefully addressed as obstacles. By considering these
factors, policymakers and city planners can
develop inclusive and effective smart city initiatives that improve urban life and foster
sustainable development (Table I).
sMart city characteristics
Europe’s smart cities exhibit several distinguishing characteristics that define their
transformative potential. Various characteristics contribute to the innovative and sustainable nature of smart cities.
Citizen participation stands out as a critical
characteristic of smart cities. Empowering citizens through digital technologies and platforms enables them to actively participate in
the decision-making processes, which fosters
a sense of ownership and promotes inclusiveness. Citizen participation is essential for en-
Table I Key Dimensions of smart cities
Bakici et al., 2010
High-tech, connections, ICT, sustainable, greener
city, competitive, innovative
Caragliu et al., 2011
Human and social capital, ICT, Infrastructure,
sustainable economic growth, quality of life,
participatory governance
Giffinger et al., 2007
Economy, mobility, environment, people, living,
Nam and Pardo, 2011
Information, infrastructure, efficiency, mobility,
decision making
Townsend, 2014
Technology, Infrastructure, architecture, social,
economic, environment
Siemens, 2017
Resilience, social and human aspects,
technology, services
ARUP, 2010
Engaged citizens, efficient, interactive, engaging,
adaptive, and flexible city
Deloitte, 2018
Technology, city operations, data, networks,
International Business
Machines IBM, 2009
Interconnected information, operations,
optimization of resources
Evergreen, 2018
Resilience, inclusivity, collaboration, data,
quality of life
Future Cities Catapult,
Marketing, the global tech industry, digital
The (+) means that the definition includes that dimension.
suring that smart city initiatives align with
residents’ requirements and aspirations.
The second crucial trait of smart cities is sustainability, which highlights the challenges of
maintaining urban sustainability and underscores the importance of smart cities to address the environmental, social, and economic dimensions. Smart cities embrace sustainable practices, such as energy-efficient
infrastructure, renewable energy sources,
advanced waste management systems, and
green spaces. The ultimate goal is to decrease carbon emissions, enhance resource
efficiency, and establish urban areas that are
livable and resilient (Cugurullo, 2013: 188).
The integration of ICT infrastructure is a key
characteristic of smart cities, highlighting the
significance of digital technologies in promoting e-government services, promoting transparency, and encouraging public involvement. The ICT infrastructure comprises highspeed internet connectivity, advanced utility
systems, networked sensor systems, and intelligent transportation systems. These technological advancements have enabled the
development of various smart city applications and services, such as smart mobility,
advanced energy management, and enhanced governance (Anthopoulos, 2017: 215).
Integrating nature and sustainability is a
noteworthy characteristic of smart cities. It
underscores the importance of environmen-
2[66] 31[2023] 236-247 D. KaDiri, M. PaP, B. Baletić Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan
Scientific Paper
gies. Smart cities prioritize entrepreneurship,
expand knowledge-based industries, and attract investments. By fostering a businessfriendly environment, smart cities aim to enhance economic resilience, create job opportunities, and improve the quality of life for
residents. Additionally, by promoting innovation and establishing an environment conducive to economic development, smart cities
position themselves as attractive locations
for businesses, talent, and investment (Giffinger et al., 2007: 14).
Fig. 2 Technological and human aspects
of smart cities
tal factors in smart city initiatives. Smart cities aim to establish a harmonious balance
between urban development and the natural
environment by incorporating green spaces,
promoting biodiversity, and implementing
sustainable practices such as urban farming,
green structures, and water conservation
measures. By prioritizing nature and sustainability, smart cities strive to enhance the
quality of life for residents while minimizing
the negative impact of urbanization on the
environment (Bulkeley et al., 2015: 129).
Safety and security are essential features of
smart cities. To ensure the safety of residents
and infrastructure, the implementation of advanced security systems and surveillance
technologies in smart cities is critical for ensuring public safety and maintaining a secure
environment. Smart cities employ a range of
technologies, including CCTV cameras, sensors, and data analytics, to monitor public
spaces and respond effectively to emergencies. By deploying intelligent security systems, smart cities can enhance their overall
safety and security, fostering confidence
among residents and attracting businesses
and investors (Anthopoulos, 2017: 226).
Economic resilience and competitiveness are
crucial objectives of smart cities. It is imperative to recognize the importance of economic
growth and innovation in smart city strate-
Table II The Selected Cities Main Objectives
Strategy (year) 2019-2050
2020 and beyond
/ Goals
- Open city
- Connected city
- Sustainable city
- Inclusive city
- Productive city
- Self-sufficient city
- Smart and innovative
- City of communities
and public spaces
- Sustainable Mobility
- Equity, security,
social cohesion
- Environmental quality
- Innovation and
economic efficiency
- Open Data &
- Technology Innovation
- Efficiency & Resources
- Collaboration
& Engagement
Accessibility and mobility also play a crucial
role in smart cities. This includes the incorporation of intelligent transportation systems,
intelligent traffic management, and the provision of efficient and accessible public transportation services. Increasing mobility options contributes to the reduction of traffic
congestion, improvement of air quality, and
enhancement of the city’s overall livability.
By prioritizing accessibility and mobility,
smart cities endeavor to develop transportation networks that are accessible and convenient for all residents.
In conclusion, the analysis of smart city characteristics reveals the multidimensional nature of smart cities, which includes elements
such as nature integration, cultural vitality,
safety and security, economic resilience, and
accessibility. These characteristics illustrate
the holistic approach smart cities adopt to
create sustainable, habitable, and innovative
urban environments (Fig. 2).
Smart cities in Europe represent a harmonious blend of technological innovation and
human well-being. These urban centers leverage digital solutions to enhance efficiency, resource management, and environmental sustainability. On the technological front,
smart cities deploy interconnected devices
according to IoT) for real-time data collection, optimize energy grids, and create responsive urban infrastructure. Cloud computing, data analytics, and AI drive informed
decision-making. However, the true essence
lies in the human aspects. Smart cities prioritize the citizens’ quality of life, ensuring equitable access to services, safety, and community engagement. Inclusivity, privacy, and
ethical considerations are paramount. Ultimately, smart cities thrive when technology
serves humanity, creating vibrant, resilient,
and people-centric urban ecosystems.
selection of cities
We considered selecting cities that align with
our research objectives, such as London, Paris, Barcelona, and Milan, due to their unique
characteristics. Four cities were selected to
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Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan D. KaDiri, M. PaP, B. Baletić 236-247 31[2023] 2[66]
ensure a sufficient spread across various factors, including their geographic location, population size, maturity of their smart city program, and data availability, as well as their
capacity to contribute to the project.
A literature review has provided an overview
of the existing research on urban topics. By
analyzing previous studies, we realized that
London, Paris, Barcelona, and Milan are welldocumented in various fields. There is individual research for each selected smart city
regarding their strategies. We wanted to
compare four large-sized smart cities in the
following four domains: Smart People, Smart
Economy, Smart Environment, and ICT.
Barcelona prioritizes inclusivity, economic
vitality, resource efficiency, and technological innovation. Paris emphasizes transparency, connectivity, environmental balance,
and resilience. London actively involves citizens, leverages technology, optimizes resources, and fosters collaboration, and Milan strives for sustainable mobility, social
cohesion, environmental quality, and economic efficiency. These cities exemplify diverse paths toward smart urban development, emphasizing technology, transparency, and citizen engagement (Table II).
• Smart City London Strategy - London has
been proactively implementing various strategies and initiatives to become a smart city. The
city's smart city strategy encompasses a wide
range of technologies and initiatives aimed at
improving the quality of life, connectivity, and
sustainability. In order for London to continue
its development, priority must be given to the
following areas: open data and transparency,
technology and innovation, efficiency and resource management, and collaboration and
engagement. The ultimate objective of Smart
City London is to enhance the quality of life for
all Londoners, which includes the implementation of programs that promote accessibility
and safety, such as smart healthcare systems,
energy-efficient smart homes, smart waste
management systems, and smart public locations (Urenio, 2015).
The birth of London’s Queen Elizabeth’s
Olympic Park followed the 2012 Olympic
Games, leaving behind a lasting legacy that
celebrates the Games while serving as a oneof-a-kind centerpiece for East London (Fig. 1).
• Smart City Paris Strategy - Paris has established critical strategies and goals to become
a smart city. Initially, the city prioritizes sustainable mobility by promoting eco-friendly
modes of transportation and expanding the
infrastructure for cycling. Secondly, Paris is
investing in digital infrastructure, such as enhanced connectivity, the implementation of
IoT devices, and a smart grid for effective energy management. Thirdly, citizen engagement is essential, and Paris has implemented
participatory feedback and idea-sharing platforms. The city is committed to improving verdant spaces and air quality. Finally, Paris fosters innovation through specialized centers
and incubators, thereby driving technological
advancements for a sustainable, connected,
and livable urban environment (Choose Paris
Region. n.d.; Fig. 3). Modifying the urban
landscape of cities like Paris or Barcelona,
which had developed prior to the invention of
the automobile, is a relatively straightforward
task when compared to the significant challenge of transforming the transportation-oriented infrastructure of North American or
Australian cities. In these municipalities, the
automobile remains the predominant mode
of transportation.
• Smart City Barcelona Strategy - Barcelona
has implemented a variety of strategies for
smart city development, with the aim of promoting sustainable urban expansion while
also improving transportation, energy use,
and social innovation. To achieve these
goals, the city has sought to encourage the
adoption of successful foreign solutions by
catalyzing the efforts of organizations, entrepreneurs, and investors. One such project is
the “Social Innovation for Communities” initiative. In addition, the Barcelona City Council
has worked to establish alliances between
private and public parties, which fall under
the category of “private and public parties”.
These activities are part of the broader scope
of Barcelona’s smart city strategy (Ferrer,
2017: 71; Fig. 4).
• Smart City Milan Strategy - The seven categories that form the basis of the Smart City
Milan strategy are as follows: positioning Mi-
Fig. 3 Place de la nation, Paris, one of seven
transformed squares
2[66] 31[2023] 236-247 D. KaDiri, M. PaP, B. Baletić Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan
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responsive to the diverse requirements and
expectations of its residents by involving them
in the development of smart city solutions
(Greater London Authority, 2013).
Fig. 4 Barcelona’s car-free smart city
lan as a global city, implementing sustainable urban mobility solutions, promoting social inclusion and diversity, focusing on wellbeing in the city, fostering the creation of
enterprises, simplifying administrative processes, and promoting social inclusion and
diversity. Additionally, the city has adopted
environmental and energy policies. These pillars serve as the foundation for the city’s efforts to leverage innovation and technology
to drive economic growth, enhance social inclusion and access to services, improve the
quality of life for inhabitants, and ensure an
equitable distribution of resources, including
technical and everyday life support systems
(Milan Strategy for Smart City, 2019: 6; Fig.
5). The implementation of the project was undertaken in collaboration with Milan’s Mobility and Environment Agency (AMAT), Bloomberg Associates, the National Association of
City Transportation Officials (NACTO), and
the Global Designing Cities Initiative. The
temporary nature of the interventions permits cities to act promptly and trial solutions
that can be rescinded if necessary.
Smart PeoPle
• London has formulated a comprehensive
strategy for converting the city into a smart
one, with a focus on the well-being of its citizens. This plan acknowledges that intelligent
cities should prioritize the needs and aspirations of their citizens, and accordingly emphasize their participation and engagement. Consequently, it fosters various initiatives, such
as the provision of digital platforms for citizen
feedback and collaboration, the launch of citizen-led innovation programs to tap into
unique insights, and the establishment of a
framework for citizen data rights to ensure
transparency and control. The aim of this approach is to create a city that is inclusive and
• Smart City Paris concentrates its initiatives
on its citizens: Participatory budgeting: The
city of Paris has implemented "Madame Mayor, I have an idea", a participatory budgeting
program that enables citizens to propose and
vote on ideas for public spending. Paris has
implemented several initiatives to engage
citizens in co-creating urban services, such
as the "City of Data" platform, which invites
citizens to contribute their data to help improve the city's services. Paris has also
launched several platforms and applications
that enable citizens to provide feedback on
public services and share ideas for enhancing
the city. It has organized hackathons, which
are collaborative events where citizens collaborate to develop innovative solutions to
urban problems. Smart City Paris seeks to
engage its residents in the decision-making
process and co-create solutions to enhance
the city's services and quality of life.
• Smart City Barcelona seeks to focus on
"smart people" by promoting social innovation and citizen participation. The city's "Social Innovation for Communities" project is
an example of this strategy, encouraging citizens to develop and implement creative solutions to urban problems. The project has resulted in the establishment of community
gardens, cultural initiatives, and other community-led initiatives that support social cohesion and empowerment. Barcelona has
also launched several platforms for citizen
participation, including a platform for citizen
feedback and complaints and a participatory
budgeting process. These initiatives demonstrate Barcelona's dedication to involving
citizens in the design and implementation of
smart city solutions, resulting in a more inclusive and participatory urban environment
(Bigulova, 2015).
• Smart city Milan’s initiatives include digital education, social innovation, citizen engagement, and inclusion. Smart City Milan
prioritizes smart people by promoting quality
of life, well-being, and inclusivity. Milan encourages education, innovation, digital skills
development, and citizen participation to foster smart growth and individual success. The
city encourages social innovation to resolve
urban challenges by engaging citizens in collaborative initiatives, and through participatory platforms, Milan actively involves citizens in decision-making processes the city
also prioritizes inclusivity and accessibility,
ensuring that all citizens have access to the
benefits of technology. These initiatives
demonstrate Milan's dedication to empower-
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Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan D. KaDiri, M. PaP, B. Baletić 236-247 31[2023] 2[66]
ing its citizens and positioning them at the
center of the smart city transformation (Milan
Strategy for Smart City, 2019).
Smart economy
• Smart City London's Strategy for Establishing a Smart Economy Focuses on Collaboration, Digital Skills Development, and Attracting Foreign Direct Investment. Critical
sectors, such as fintech and digital health,
are expected to drive growth in the smart
economy. The city plans to leverage its assets, including a skilled labor force, a thriving
tech startup community, and world-class universities, to foster innovation and economic
growth. The strategy aims to establish London as a global leader in the smart economy
while supporting entrepreneurs, small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and key
industries through collaboration, innovation,
and digital skills development (Greater London Authority, 2013).
• Smart City Paris prioritizes the smart economy by employing a number of strategies. It
establishes innovation hubs such as Station
F, thereby encouraging entrepreneurship and
facilitating the development of startups. Incubators and accelerators provide assistance
and resources to startups. The city invests in
digital infrastructure, such as high-speed
connectivity and Internet of Things (IoT) networks. By making data accessible to businesses, open data initiatives foster innovation and economic growth. Collaboration
with industry stakeholders, including both
large corporations and small and mediumsized enterprises, helps to facilitate knowledge sharing and co-creation. By implementing these strategies, Paris fosters innovation,
entrepreneurship, and the development of a
flourishing smart economy.
• Smart City Barcelona's strategic approach
places a strong emphasis on the development of a smart economy. The city has implemented various strategies to foster entrepreneurship and innovation, encourage digital
transformation across sectors, and promote
industry-academia-government partnerships.
These initiatives aim to establish Barcelona
as a hub for innovation, investment, highquality jobs, and digital economic development. Smart City Barcelona's economic proposal is an inclusive, mission-oriented technology and innovation strategy that seeks to
harness the power of technology to drive a
sustainable, smart economy. This approach
places digital issues at the center of the
economy, with the aim of minimizing social
and economic inequities, ensuring technology and data sovereignty, promoting access to
knowledge, defending digital rights, and pro-
viding citizens with informational self-determination (Barcelona Cat, 2017).
• Smart City Milan is committed to the development of a smart economy by fostering innovation, promoting sustainable practices, advancing digitalization, and supporting local
businesses. To achieve this objective, the municipality has undertaken various projects and
initiatives, such as the Smart Waste Management system, the Sharing Mobility Platform,
and the creation of a Smart Energy Grid. These
initiatives aim to integrate digital technology
and promote environmentally responsible urban development. Furthermore, the city's collaborative approach, citizen participation, and
focus on innovation seek to build a vibrant and
inclusive smart economy, thereby stimulating
economic growth while promoting sustainability and enhancing the quality of life for its residents (Sharing Cities, 2022).
Smart environment
• Smart City London's strategy for creating a
smart environment will be achieved through
sustainable infrastructure, clean transportation, green spaces, climate change adaptation, data-driven environmental management, citizen participation, and a circular
economy. This includes the adoption of renewable energy, promotion of electric vehicles, preservation of green spaces, increase
in climate resilience, utilization of data for
environmental decision-making, engagement of citizens, and transition to a circular
economy. These initiatives showcase London's commitment to integrating technology,
sustainability, and citizen participation to enhance environmental quality, mitigate the effects of climate change, and create a resilient
and sustainable urban ecosystem (Greater
London Authority, 2013).
Fig. 5 Milan’s open squares initiatives use
paint and planters, benches, and ping-pong
tables to reclaim public space for enjoyment
2[66] 31[2023] 236-247 D. KaDiri, M. PaP, B. Baletić Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan
• Smart City Paris prioritizes the creation of
a smart and sustainable environment through
various initiatives. The city promotes sustainable transportation options, such as expanding bicycle infrastructure, promoting electric
vehicles, and utilizing renewable energy
sources for public transportation. Car-sharing and ride-sharing services are encouraged
to reduce individual vehicle usage. To enhance its urban environment, Smart City Paris is developing additional green spaces,
such as parks and gardens, and supporting
urban agriculture initiatives to increase local
food production and improve air quality. The
municipality is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency measures in buildings and promoting renewable energy sources, such as solar and
wind power. To minimize waste generation
and optimize waste management processes,
Smart City Paris implements waste reduction
strategies, such as composting programs
and circular economy practices. The city is
also implementing intelligent water management systems to conserve water, reduce pollution, and ensure that residents have access
to pure drinking water. These initiatives contribute to the creation of a sustainable, environmentally friendly, and livable urban environment in Smart City Paris (Choose Paris
Region. n.d.).
• Smart City Barcelona prioritizes the creation of a smart environment by decreasing
energy consumption, enhancing waste management, and encouraging the use of renewable energy sources. Barcelona has taken numerous steps to enhance energy efficiency,
waste management, and green spaces, and
also has adopted a smart waste management
system that optimizes waste collection routes
using sensors and data analytics. Barcelona
has undertaken initiatives to expand parks,
develop green corridors, and promote urban
agriculture. These initiatives contribute to improved air quality and livability in general. The
city has implemented numerous initiatives to
expand parks, create green corridors, and improve urban agriculture, all of which have contributed to an improvement in air quality and
overall livability. Overall, Barcelona's smart
city strategy utilizes technology and innovation to create a sustainable and eco-friendly
urban environment (Smith, n.d.).
• Smart City Milan is committed to establishing a digital infrastructure through various undertakings. The city is focused on promoting sustainable mobility, including bikesharing programs, electric car-sharing, and
improved public transportation. By upgrading public buildings and encouraging private
building owners to adopt energy-efficient
measures, energy efficiency is fostered. The
Scientific Paper
city has implemented a smart waste management system leveraging sensors and data
analytics to optimize waste collection and recycling. Furthermore, Milan prioritizes the
development of green spaces and urban revitalization initiatives, and sensor-based environmental monitoring aids in identifying areas for improvement. These strategies reflect
Milan's dedication to creating a sustainable
and high-quality urban environment (Milan
Strategy for Smart City, 2019).
ICT and TeChnology SeCTor
• Smart City London is an excellent example
of leveraging Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to improve urban living.
Through initiatives such as IoT integration,
real-time data analytics, and smart infrastructure, London is enhancing transportation efficiency, optimizing energy consumption, and encouraging citizen participation. It
is paving the way for a connected and sustainable future. People in London are among
the first to try out new technologies. For instance, the City of London installed "smart"
recycling bins that functioned as Wi-Fi connections and featured digital panels that displayed information regarding the city. Moreover, the London Datastore, which was one
of the first platforms to make public data
open and accessible, has attracted the attention of London's developer community and
has led to the creation of a large number of
apps that improve the city's overall efficiency
(Smart London Plan, 2013: 42).
• Smart City Paris is becoming a smart city
because of substantial progress in the information and communications technology industry. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies
like the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, and
Artificial Intelligence, Paris has set out to improve the quality of life of its residents, as well
as the city's overall sustainability and urban
services. This includes projects like intelligent
transportation systems, smart energy grids,
and data-driven governance, all of which will
position Paris as a significant worldwide center for urban development and innovation. An
Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure has been
developed in Paris to improve the city's public
transportation system and the flow of passengers through it, and it has devised plans for a
comprehensive overhaul of the transportation
system to be carried out via Grand Paris Express. Finally, one of the initiatives that will be
carried out as part of this plan is the installation of a fully automated subway system made
possible by Big Data (Top 10 Smart Cities in
the World, 2022).
• Smart City Barcelona has made significant
contributions to the advancement of information and communications technology (ICT)
Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan D. KaDiri, M. PaP, B. Baletić 236-247 31[2023] 2[66]
Scientific Paper
Table III Comparison of the selected cities
Smart people
- Prioritizes citizen engagement
and participation.
- Takes into account the needs of its
- Developed initiatives or feedback
and collaboration platforms.
- Citizen-led innovation programs.
- A framework for citizen data rights.
- A program of participatory
budgeting allowing citizens to
propose and vote on ideas for public
- Co-creation of urban services.
- Contribution of citizen data to
improve municipal services.
- Platforms and applications to
facilitate citizen feedback and idea
- Promotes social innovation and
citizen participation.
- Encourages citizens to create and
implement solutions to urban issues.
- The” Social Innovation for
Communities” project promotes
social cohesion and empowerment.
- Creates a more inclusive and
participatory urban environment.
- Digital education programs to
enhance digital literacy and
- Social innovation.
- Citizen engagement.
- Collaborative initiatives that foster
social innovation.
Smart economy
- Seeks to establish a smart
economy by fostering collaboration
between sectors.
- It promotes development in crucial
sectors such as digital health.
- To promote innovation and
economic growth in the smart
economy, the plan prioritizes
collaboration, innovation, and digital
skills development.
- It prioritizes the growth of a digital
- It prioritizes collaboration and
innovation to promote economic
- Open data initiatives promote
economic development.
- Committed to the growth
of a thriving smart economy.
- It emphasizes the development
of a digital economy.
- The ”22@Barcelona” district
brings together enterprises and
research institutions for economic
- It concentrates on digitally
transforming traditional industries by
integrating technology to boost
productivity and competitiveness.
- It encourages innovation.
- Promotes sustainable practices
and promotes digitalization.
- Committed to becoming carbon
neutral by 2030.
- Sustainable infrastructure, clean
transportation, green spaces.
- Adaptation to climate change.
- Data-driven environmental
- Citizen participation and a circular
- Citizen participation to improve
environmental quality.
- It prioritizes a sensible
- Sustainable modes
of transportation.
- Expands bicycle infrastructure.
- Utilizes renewable energy for public
- Smart water management system
for water conservation.
- Taking action against air and noise
pollution through monitoring,
analysis, and targeted measures to
enhance air quality and reduce noise
- It seeks to create an eco-friendlier
and more sustainable urban
- It emphasizes the development
of a digital environment.
- Bike-sharing programs, car-sharing
with electric vehicles, and improved
public transportation.
- Emphasis on developing green
- Committed to a sustainable
and high-quality environment.
ICT and
It utilizes IoT, Big Data, and AI for
sustainability, transportation, urban
services enhancement.
Smart City Paris utilizes IoT,
Big Data, and AI for sustainability,
transportation, and urban services
Smart City Barcelona prioritizes
privacy, data security, and
participatory governance
with the Decidim platform
for citizen engagement.
Smart City Milan embraces ICT
for transportation, energy, waste
management, and citizen empowerment through digital platforms.
and technology. To improve both its efficiency and its environmental friendliness, the city
has installed things like intelligent street
lighting, smart parking systems, and integrated sensor networks. The dedication of
Barcelona to the use of digital technology
has resulted in an improvement in public services, an increase in connection, and the empowerment of individuals to actively engage
in shaping the city's future. In the last five
years, Barcelona's smart city practices have
evolved, and the widespread use of smartphones has brought technology into the residents' lives in a more direct manner. They
disseminate instantaneous information regarding employment, housing, administration, mobility, health services, and utilities.
The city prioritizes privacy, data sovereignty,
and data security as fundamental aspects of
its approach. Its primary goal is to promote
participatory governance and ensure that the
smart city serves its citizens according to
their preferences. Regarding this, the city has
developed a digital platform called Decidim
(We Decide), enabling direct citizen participation in suggesting ideas, engaging in debates, and voting (Anon, 2022).
• Smart City Milan is a vibrant metropolis in
Italy that has recognized the potential of in-
formation and communications technology
(ICT) and technology to improve city life. Milan has improved its transportation, energy,
and waste management systems thanks to
its cutting-edge infrastructure, smart Internet
of Things (IoT) technology, and data-driven
governance. As a result of its efforts to cultivate innovation centers, encourage startup
companies, and empower citizens through
digital platforms, it has become an example
of the progression of technological innovation. Smart City Milan has implemented several noteworthy Information and Communication Technology (ICT) initiatives. It has prioritized enhancing mobility via smart traffic
management and real-time transportation
data. The city has also implemented smart
infrastructures, energy monitoring, and the
use of renewable energy. Priority has been
placed on data-driven governance, with open
data initiatives and citizen engagement platforms facilitating participatory decision-making. The city of Milan has implemented sophisticated infrastructure and services, including intelligent lighting and waste
management. In addition, the city encourages innovation and supports ICT businesses
through collaboration and resources. These
initiatives have transformed Milan into a
2[66] 31[2023] 236-247 D. KaDiri, M. PaP, B. Baletić Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan
smart city that is connected, sustainable, and
centered on its citizens (Milan Strategy for
Smart City, 2019).
The summary of the selected cities are shown
in Table III.
Smart People:
− London values citizen engagement and
participation, taking into account the needs
of its inhabitants, and promotes smart governance through various initiatives, such as the
London Office of Technology and Innovation.
− In Paris, smart people actively engage, collaborate, and embrace digital literacy, playing a pivotal role in shaping the city’s transformation into a technologically advanced
and inclusive Smart City.
− Barcelona prioritizes privacy, data security,
and participatory governance with the Decidim platform, which enables citizens to have a
greater say in decision-making processes.
− Milan embraces ICT for transportation, energy, waste management, and citizen empowerment through various digital platforms,
such as the city’s smart parking system.
Smart Economy:
− London aims to promote the growth of a
digital economy and encourage innovation,
with initiatives such as the London Tech Investment Organisation and the London CoInvestment Fund.
− Paris leverages IoT, Big Data, and AI for
sustainability, transportation, and urban services enhancement, and encourages innovation through programs like the Paris Innovation and Digital Initiative.
− Barcelona focuses on digitally transforming traditional industries by integrating technology to boost productivity and competitiveness, with initiatives such as the Barcelona Industry 4.0 Cluster.
− Milan embraces ICT for transportation, energy, waste management, and citizen empowerment through various digital platforms,
such as the city’s smart energy management
Smart Environment:
− London emphasizes sustainable practices
and promotes digitalization, with initiatives
such as the London Environment Strategy
and the London Green Summit.
− Paris utilizes renewable energy for public
transportation and has a smart water management system for water conservation, as
part of its efforts to promote sustainability
and combat climate change.
− Barcelona prioritizes a sensible environment, expands bicycle infrastructure, and
takes action against air and noise pollution,
with initiatives such as the Barcelona Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.
Scientific Paper
− Milan embraces ICT for transportation, energy, waste management, and citizen empowerment through various digital platforms,
such as the city’s smart waste management
The smart city strategy of London prioritizes
initiatives that don’t neglect open data, technology and innovation, efficiency and resource management, and collaboration and
engagement to improve the quality of life.
Through smart healthcare systems, energyefficient smart residences, smart waste management systems, and smart public locations, the city intends to increase accessibility, safety, and sustainability. Smart city Paris
has established a comprehensive smart city
strategy prioritizing sustainable transportation, digital infrastructure, citizen engagement, verdant spaces, and innovation. The
city invests in digital connectivity and energy
management, encourages citizen participation, enhances air quality, and fosters innovation through specialized centers and incubators. The objective of Paris is to create a
sustainable, interconnected, and habitable
urban environment. Through various approaches, Barcelona’s smart city strategy prioritizes sustainability, efficiency, and quality
of life. Citizen engagement, open data principles, sustainable mobility, intelligent infrastructure, and social innovation initiatives
are city priorities. Barcelona aspires to use
technology and citizen participation to propel
urban development and enhance the wellbeing of its residents. Milan’s smart city
strategy emphasizes using technology and
data-driven approaches to create a sustainable and efficient urban environment. The
city emphasizes open data, sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, intelligent waste
management, and intelligent infrastructure.
Milan intends to foster innovation, collaboration, and sustainability to improve the quality
of life and realize its smart city objectives. In
their smart city initiatives, London, Paris, and
Barcelona share similar priorities and strategies. By instituting sustainable transportation, green spaces, waste management, and
renewable energy solutions, they all aim to
create a smart environment. By involving citizens in decision-making and solution co-creation, London and Milan prioritize inclusive
Paris and Barcelona emphasize participatory
processes, with Paris emphasizing citizen
feedback and hackathons and Barcelona emphasizing social innovation and communityled initiatives. All three cities are committed
to involving their residents in the intelligent
city transition.
Scientific Paper
Smart Cities: London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan D. KaDiri, M. PaP, B. Baletić 236-247 31[2023] 2[66]
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Sources of tables and illustrations
Fig. 1
Image credit: Here East
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Image credit: Dmitry Kostyukov for
Bloomberg Businessweek
Fig. 4
Image credit: Stanislavskyi
Fig. 5
Image credit: Christopher Carey
Tables I-III Authors
Dashnor KaDiri, M.Arch., graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Pristina, where he is currently
employed as a teaching assistant. He is enrolled in
a Ph.D. program at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. His main focus of research is the evaluation
criteria of smart city development, as well urban/
metropolitan competitiveness of selected cities.
Morana PaP, Ph.D., Assistant Professor. She is a
winner of Rectors’ Award in 2008, graduated from
AF in 2010 and received her Ph.D. in 2019. She has
been an active member of association
since its inception in 2013.
Bojan Baletić, Ph.D., Professor, employed at AF
since 1983 where, in 1995, he founded the CADLab.
From 2006 to 2014 he was the vice chancellor of
spatial development at the University of Zagreb.
He has been the Head of postgraduate studies in
Architecture and Urbanism since 2017. In 2018 he
received the State Award for Science for the year
Conceptualization: B.B., D.K. and M.P.; methodology: B.B., D.K. and M.P.; software: D.K.; validation:
D.K.; formal analysis: D.K.; investigation: D.K.; resources: D.K.; data curation: D.K.; writing - original draft preparation: D.K..; writing - review and
editing: M.P. and B.B.; visualization: D.K.; supervision: M.P. and B.B..; project administration: M.P.
and B.B.; funding acquisition: M.P. and B.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.