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Título original: Liquid love: on the frailty ofhuman bonds ISBN de la edición original: 0-7456-2488-X D.R. © 2005, FONDO DE CULTURA ECONÓMICA DE ARCENTlNA, S.A. El Salvador 5665 I 1414 Buenos Aires fondoté I Av. Picacho Ajusco 227; 14200 México D.E ISBN,950-557-64S-X Fotocopiar libros está penado pot la ley. Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial por cualquier medio de impresión o digit~,. en forma idéntica, extractada o modificada, en castellano o en cualquier arra idioma, sin autorización expresa de la editorial. I1v1I'RESO EN ARGENTINA -PRINTED IN ARGENTINA Hecho el depósito que marca la ley 11.723 1(, "'\lOR LÍQUIDO ENAMORARSE Y DESENAMORARSE 17 18 AMOR LÍQUIDO ENAMORARSE Y DESENAMORARSE 19
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2005
article1.html) with a quote from Filippo Marinetti, founder of the Italian futurists in the early 20th century. Radicals in their day, the futurists embraced technology, speed, and dynamism. "With all this expensive equipment around, a digital artist can never claim to be a 'starving artist,'" Jarvis declared via email. "I refuse to accept that mythology, even if it means working for a living. But,
Revista de Processo - RePro, 2019
Trata o presente artigo da investigação de meios aptos ao controle jurisdicional para o respeito e aplicação dos efeitos vinculantes das decisões judiciais, reconhecidos como precedentes normativos de natureza obrigatória no âmbito do Código de Processo Civil de 2015, de modo a projetar os desejados predicados da isonomia, coerência e estabilidade das decisões judiciais em nosso tempo.
The 1791 slave revolt in Saint-Domingue (Haiti) and the first French abolition of slavery in 1793-1794 are generally seen as epochal events that redefined labor relations in the French Caribbean. But a close analysis of the labor codes promulgated during and after the Haitian Revolution indicates that elites were eager to reconcile the ideal of universal freedom with the needs of plantation agriculture, resulting in a succession of oppressive labor systems that subsisted until the 1820s.
Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, 25, 155-182., 2009
The paper discusses the burg of Bela at Ivanščica, a former fortified centre of the preceptory and subsequently a kastelanat of the Knights Hospitaller. The site was surveyed, which served as the basis for a description of the material remains of the burg as well as its first detailed ground-plan. Considering that no archaeological excavations have been carried out so far, the information in the text is supplemented by a review and study of written documents, toponymy and traditions. The thesis about the existence of a defensive tower of a circular ground plan is refuted; its alleged ‘’remains’’ are attributed to a cistern, while the massive defensive tower of a rectangular ground plan is tentatively placed in the southern part of the courtyard. Based on the collected indicators the date put forward for the creation of this stone burg is the beginning of the 13th or the end of the 12th century./ U radu se raspravlja o burgu Beli na Ivanščici, nekadašnjem utvrđenom središtu preceptorata te potom kastelanata vitezova ivanovaca. Lokalitet je rekognosciran, na temelju čega se donosi opis materijalnih tragova burga te njegov prvi precizniji tlocrt. Zbog do sada neprovedenih arheoloških istraživanja, podaci se u tekstu nadopunjuju s pregledom i analizom pisanih dokumenata, toponimije i predaja. Pobija se teza o postojanju branič-kule kružnog tlocrta, njezini se navodni "ostaci" pripisuju cisterni, dok se masivna branič-kula četvrtastog tlocrta pretpostavlja u južnome dijelu dvorišta. Na temelju prikupljenih pokazatelja predlaže se datacija nastanka ovog kamenog burga u početak 13. ili na kraj 12. stoljeća.
1.-Se tiene una cantidad de $2000 colocada a una tasa de interés del 2% mensual a un periodo de 18 meses, empleando el interés simple, determine ¿cuál será la cantidad al final del periodo?
Delphes et Délos constituent des observatoires privilé- giés pour étudier l’infrastructure que les cités grecques ont consacrée à la formation athlétique et à l’éduca- tion. Les fouilles conduites depuis la fin du XIXe siècle par l’École française d’Athènes y ont en effet livré non seulement des gymnases et des palestres dans un bon état de conservation, mais aussi d’importantes séries d’inscriptions relatives à leur construction, leur entre- tien, leur usage et leur fonctionnement. Jean Jannoray, Jean Delorme et Jean Audiat ont principalement fondé leur étude respectivement du Gymnase de Delphes, du Gymnase et de la Palestre de Délos sur l’apport des inscriptions, reléguant les vestiges archéologiques au second plan. À Delphes, une nouvelle analyse architec- turale débutée en 2019 et l’étude de mobilier céramique permettent de préciser l’histoire du développement du Gymnase. À Délos, un programme de recherches pluri- disciplinaires initié en 2023 vise à assurer l’identification des deux édifices fouillés avec deux monuments connus par les inscriptions, puis à étudier sur de nouvelles bases leur histoire et la fonction de leurs différents espaces.
International journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 2005
Christians in the Holy Land are a tiny minority of the population, though extremely heterogeneous in both denominational adherence and nationality. Roman Catholics are in the minority among Christians the majority being Orthodox, but the Israeli perception of Christians tends to be that they belong to the Catholic Church. In the last ten years there has been an influx of Russian immigrants (now totalling in the region of one million, 17 percent of the population. with little difficulty in assimilating to Jewish society) and of Ethiopians. Some immigrants profess to being Jewish only for the purpose of obtaining immediate Israeli citizenship. This paper addresses particularly the current social cultural, political and theological status of these immigrants, as well as giving an overall account of the political, social and cultural environment and the gradually changing Israeli attitudes toward Christians and Christianity. Here also is a glimpse of the prevailing and gradually changing Christian attitudes toward Jews and Judaism.
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Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü 2019-2020 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları , 2022
Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics, 2023
Journal of Social Issues, 1987
Kirkuk Journal of Medical Sciences, 2024
European Food Research and Technology, 2011
American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice, 2020
Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie, 2016
Polymer Engineering and Science, 2010
European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 2007
Biomolecules, 2019
Energy Research & Social Science, 2017