The Student, The Master and The Computer
Rohan Bailey
The Caribbean School of Architecture, University of Technology, Jamaica
[email protected]
Abstract. Architectural education has often been criticised for producing students that
seem to lack the practical knowledge needed to create architecture that is fit for purpose,
safe and a delight to users. Unfortunately, owing to the complexities of society, technology, practice and academia, design teachers are struggling to balance the teaching of
basic practical concerns for making architecture with teaching students how to think
critically and abstractly.
This paper suggests a resolution that places the computer at the center of the relationship between student and tutor. It suggests a digital teaching tool that detects and interprets the marks students make when sketching. The digital design coach then presents the
student with related issues allowing a comprehensive reading of the digital sketch. The
student, more aware of the issues involved, engages in more intelligent and wellinformed dialogue with tutor.
Keywords. Digital Sketching; Design Education; Design Computing
Architecture today is an increasingly complex
affair. New social and cultural norms, new materials and building types, along with the current
trends of sustainability have contributed to its
complexity. As a result, schools of architecture
are under pressure to provide graduates of architecture with the requisite skills that characterise
good design thinking strategies as well as support responsive design.
Redressing this situation is the aim of this
paper. It is proposed that by using the computer
in tandem with the studio master[1] and the student, it is possible to provide students with the
skills to produce culturally and socially significant
architecture that is safe, purposeful, sustainable
and a delight to users. The paper proposes this by
identifying the critical components of the student/master discourse; demonstrating the value
of the sketch to the discourse; examining the fea-
sibility of digital sketching as a means of support
and finally defining a digital teaching tool that
uses sketching as its interface. The end result, a
“design coach”, would support students (who
have limited design vocabularies) with practical
(and poetic) issues while designing; consequently
enhancing the comprehension of practical design
ideas. In turn the student should make more intelligent, well-informed and confident decisions raising the quality of the dialogue between student
and master.
The challenge
Among the most persistent criticisms of architectural education is the claim that graduates
seem to lack the skills needed to make the transition from academia to practice less arduous
(Crosbie, 1995). The challenge therefore is to provide an innovative and effective way to facilitate,
within the context of the design education, a bet-
eCAADe 21 digital design
ter balance between the study of design and the
study of practical issues like sustainability, energy
conservation and community. The main instrument for the dissemination of design knowledge,
and the vehicle for meeting this challenge is the
design studio.
of antiquity this zone would have been located on
or in the building itself. The apprentice learnt
through direct exposure to the connection
between design ideas and their built consequences. Today, the contemporary studio cannot
Figure1.The sites of antiquity
(A) provided a context for
the I-zone while today, (B)
the zone exists most times
outside of the reality of the
The design studio
The design studio socially, physically and
pedagogically occupies premier position in
design education. Despite changing educational
and professional attitudes, the design studio has
retained its historical roots in the lodges of the
Middle Ages. A significant component of this tradition has been the dynamic relationship between
student and master.
The student and the master
Whereas design studio is the most important
element of design education, the student-master
discourse is the linchpin that gives the design studio definition and validation. Architecture today
entails greater sensitivity to the needs of building
users, society and the environment. This “social”
sensitivity, coupled with the technical complexity
of buildings, can only be achieved with more than
a passing knowledge of the issues. Unfortunately,
this master-apprentice model has been unable to
keep pace with the changing context of society
and practice.
The zone of interaction
Assisting students to gain more than a passing knowledge of the practicalities of architecture
requires the reconfiguration of the mental and
physical “space” where the student and master
interact. This space – the “zone of interaction” or
I-zone – has always been a part of the
master/apprentice model of teaching. On the sites
eCAADe 21 digital design
always provide students with an actual building to
test and experience first hand and so the I-zone
occurs in the virtual world of drawings and models (Figure 1).
The virtual world, while having a clear advantage over real sites (they allow experimentation
and focus), displaces the student’s learning from
the realities of architecture. In it, the student
struggles to define a realistic model of the problem and is willing to suspend “physical rules” and
ignore limitations. It is therefore left to the master
to reveal the realities lacking in the students’ proposals subsequently reducing the time afforded
to other aspects of teaching design.
Since, in most instances, it is physically
impossible to teach within an actual site, the alternative would be to embed the rules of reality in the
virtual environment, which is usually manifested in
the form of sketches.
The Sketch
It is widely recognised that the sketch is an
important design tool (Herbert, 1993). Design
decision-making relies on the skill to identify and
recognise the multiple design issues embedded
within a sketch. As a passive tool, the sketch
relies on initiative from the designer. It cannot tell
the student any more than his/her limited knowledge about the design situation embedded in the
sketch, thus hindering flexible decision-making
and progress.
It has been empirically demonstrated that students respond well to an “expert” that looks at
their sketch, asks the right questions or provides
the right clues that makes the design situation
more legible (Bailey, 2000). Since it would be
expensive and time consuming to provide such a
person for every student, it would be prudent for
this ability to be embedded in the design tools of
the student. This suggests that the sketch should
move from being less passive to an interactive
position where it prompts and cues the student
about aspects of the design situation. This is possible through the use of digital technology.
The Computer
The computer has a ubiquitous presence in
design education and practice. Despite this, current digital tools, while being excellent at the
communication and visualisation of ideas and
concepts, have not been able to facilitate the
kinds of design thinking enhanced by the sketch.
Research attempts at digital sketching have
resulted in applications that recognise sketch diagrams made on screen and provide analytical
tools or generate three-dimensional form (Do,
1998; Gross et al, 2000). Regardless of all this
innovation, however, it seems that much effort has
been concentrated on making the products of
sketching digital. Using digital technology to
boost the process of sketching (i.e. thinking by
drawing) can take better advantage of its ability
for visual thinking and – by extension – teaching.
The Design Coach
The implementation of a digital teaching aid to
the I-zone could help students develop reconcile
disparate elements into a habitable, environmentally friendly and architecturally responsible
whole. While there could be many ways of implementing such tool, the direction advocated by this
paper infers design intentions from the sketches
students use when designing. The system (the
Design Coach), then presents the student with
issues related to that particular sketch. The student reads the sketch in conjunction with this and
is made aware of the implications, and practicalities of his/her moves. The student then meets the
master with an acute awareness of the issues
involved in the task, allowing a higher quality of
student-master discourse where the student asks
relevant questions.
The design coach would comprise of two
main components. The first (a sketch recognition
component) involves recognising the sketch and
inferring an intention or issue under investigation
and the second (an information component)
involves relating specific information to the inference and the communication of such information
as clues about the design situation. The digital
sketching and intention recognition component of
the tool has already been demonstrated by the
Right-Tool-Right-Time system developed by Ellen
Do (Do, 1998). It is intended that the RTRT system
(or similar technology) could become the “engine”
or software architecture on which the tool will be
While it is crucial for the tool to recognise
architectural intent from a personal sketch, the
structure and content of the information determines the tool’s value. It should relate to the
structure of design problems; expose students to
the kinds of issues that are involved in the design
of real buildings; and be consistent with theories
related to computer assisted teaching and learn-
eCAADe 21 digital design
ing. A prototype has been built to investigate the
information content and structure of the tool. Two
experiments using this prototype have received
positive responses from students.
It has been stated that the practical knowledge base acquired by students of architecture is
inadequate to deal with the rapid changes in technology and society in the 21st century. Meeting
this challenge can only occur through the interaction between studio master and student. At the
centre of this relationship is the virtual environment of the sketch. It has been proposed in this
paper that by using digital technology to empower the sketch we can enhance the I-zone and students’ awareness of the practical issues of
The use of the sketch as interface is the most
efficient and effective way of compelling the student to directly engage with the design information. This allows the student to read into sketches
the questions and issues embedded in the visual
image and perceive the sketch as more than a
representation tool. When designing, the student
begins to The sketch, for the student, becomes an
intelligent tool that supports and informs exploration. It becomes a ladder or scaffold that supports the student and allows meaningful critical
dialogue between student and master about the
design process. The student has the opportunity
to meet the master on terms rarely existing at
present. With an awareness gained from the
coach prior to the meeting, the student is cognisant of the issues involved, asks the “right”
questions and understands the criticism and
advice on the issues. The digital sketch acts as a
mediator in the relationship. In the end the student gains adequate critical thinking and problem-solving skills while using fitting and innovative technology to learn about the things that
eCAADe 21 digital design
make architecture appropriate.
[1] The word master is used in this paper to
mean male and female studio teachers creating a
closer connection to the medieval masters who
tutored their apprentices or students.
Bailey, R.: 2000, The Intelligent Sketch:
Developing a conceptual model for a digital
design assistant, in M. Clayton (ed.),
Proceedings ACADIA 2000 Conference, pp.
Crosbie, M. J.: 1995, The Schools: How They're
Failing the Profession (and what we can do
about it), Progressive Architecture, (Sept.
1995), pp. 47–51, 94–96
Do, E. Y. -L.; 1998; The Right Tool at the Right
Time - Investigation of freehand drawing as an
interface to knowledge based design tools;
Ph.D. Thesis; Georgia Institute of Technology.
Gross, M. D., E. Y. -L. Do, and B. R. Johnson:
2000, Beyond the low-hanging fruit:
Information technology in architectural design
past, present and future, in W. Mitchell and J.
Conference (July 14 - 17), MIT Press,
Cambridge Massachusetts
Herbert, D. M.: 1993, Architectural Study
Drawings, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York