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Práctica Familiar Rural
Una de las paradojas de nuestro tiempo es que cuanto mayores son los avances médicos y más destacado es el desarrollo biotecnológico, más necesitados estamos de teorías sociales que nos inviten a repensar la salud y la enfermedad en nuestro mundo desigual y diverso (1). Todo contacto entre el médico y su paciente, contiene elementos significativos determinados por la sociedad y los poderes que operan en ella. Hasta la vivencia más subjetiva de un estado de enfermedad, está impregnada de la cultura del grupo en el que el individuo se ubica, y ésta es a su vez, la resultante de innumerables experiencias de vida, en situaciones históricamente determinadas y, al mismo tiempo, por el condicionamiento producido por los procesos de hegemonía y poder existente en el sistema social (2).
Una vez que hayas realizado la fusión de artículos, pide la fusión de historiales aquí.
Printed in Spain 128 e) «Sacralización secularizada» del cuerpo 129 II. La experiencia íntima del cuerpo propio 129 1. La conciencia de mi existir 130 2. La conciencia de mi estar 131 3. La conciencia del mundo, y por consiguiente de mi estar en el mundo 131 a) Conciencia del «aquí» 132 índice de capítulos XVII b) Conciencia del «ahora» 132 c) Conciencia de «los otros» 133 157 Introducción XXXV fermable, enfermo, sanable y mortal, desde el punto de vista de su condición de persona individual. b. El hombre como persona social
Abstract: the paper deals with the publication and analysis of the materials of barrow-3 from the Staroizobilnensky-2 cemetery, which was created during the Golden Horde era, at the end of the XIII-th – the first half of the XIV centuries. In a small barrow with a diameter of about 15 m in two single burials two people were buried: a male warrior and a woman of Mongoloid type, probably related by family ties during their lifetime. The barrow was made during the burial of the man, the woman was buried later. Burials were made in latitude-oriented pits, with a western orientation of the individuals. Each of them was accompanied by a horse burial: the female one with a bridled horse, the male one with a bridled and partially saddled stallion. The burials were surrounded by a stone cromlech and a small fence. The burial equipment of the male burial consisted of a bronze cauldron, a quiver with a set of arrows, an iron dagger knife and a large composite object, from which there were iron staples and wood decay left. A silver belt bowl, an iron knife, the remains of an unidentified composite object and a fragment of silk fabric were found in the female burial. The burials from barrow-3 belong to the Mongolian elite, who roamed on the western slopes of the Stavropol Upland. The complexes under consideration have analogies among the single-cultural monuments of the Eastern Azov Sea region, the Middle Don region and the Volga-Don steppes. It seems possible to include the complex under consideration as well as a number of other complexes from the Eastern Azov region into a group of burials with characteristics of the Mongolian funeral rite of the first half of the XIV century, which transformed from the traditional Mongolian rite under the influence of Polovtsian funeral customs.
The knowledge which respecteth the faculties of the mind of man is of two kinds; the one respecting his understanding and reason, and the other his will, appetite, and affection; whereof the former produceth position or decree, the latter action or execution. It is true that the imagination is an agent or nuncius, in both provinces, both the judicial and the ministerial. * το φαντασµα της κοιϖης αισθησεως παθος εστιν * * Is it seriously possible to imagine the world order today, and if so what would it mean to do so? Taken together, the following three provisional notes draw a particular line of inquiry from this question of imagination. The notes are largely expository and aim at exploring the value of imagination in two fields of analysis and speculation -futurist technology theory and international security studieswhose formations are concomitants of the new global information-technology society. The centrality of the technology question in both these fields, which are otherwise radically distinct from one another in conceptual range and methodology, accounts for their having a remarkable degree of topical and even conceptual commonality. The particular commonality concerning this notational * Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning, ed. William Aldis Wright (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 957) 147.
C-Legenda - Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Cinema e Audiovisual, 2011
La expansión del poder La emergencia de los medios de comunicación y de las nuevas tecnologías de información en las sociedades modernas no sólo representa la maduración del modelo de sociedad de la información y la radical transformación de las superestructuras culturales de las comunidades, sino que básicamente el fenómeno más relevante que produce es la expansión intensiva de la dimensión ideológica de la sociedad. Esto es, en términos generales, puede pensarse que con la presencia de los medios de comunicación la sociedad en su conjunto sufre una gran dilatación cultural, desde el momento en que las instituciones, los grupos o los individuos pueden extender la realización de sus tareas o funciones específicas a través de las tecnologías de información y comunicación.
Problem • ..1. I-Second Edition 571 fully solved problems • Clear, concise explanations of all signals and systems concepts • Information on transform techniques for the analysis of LTI systems, the LaPlace transform and its application to continuous-time and discrete-time LTI systems, and Fourier analysis of signals and systems
Perspectivas em Análise do Comportamento, 2017
Historia Medicinae Slovaca IV., 2021
Memory & Cognition, 2001
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2014
International Journal of Translational Medical Research and Public Health, 2019
Polymer, 1990
Horizons in Biblical Theology, 2013
Cell and Tissue Research, 1985