13 March 2024
Projective geometry and spatial
reasoning for STEM learning
Jeffrey Buckley,
Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland
Jennifer S. Thom1*, Lynn M. McGarvey2 and Josh Markle1,2
Faculty of Education, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada, 2 Faculty
of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Olivera J. Ðokić,
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Jennifer S. Thom
[email protected]
October 2023
February 2024
PUBLISHED 13 March 2024
Thom JS, McGarvey LM and Markle J (2024)
Projective geometry and spatial reasoning
for STEM learning.
Front. Educ. 9:1312845.
doi: 10.3389/feduc.2024.1312845
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Projective geometry is a prominent area in many fields including art, design,
architecture, and mathematics, but how it can contribute to children’s spatial
reasoning as well as a supplementary geometry to that of Euclid’s in school
mathematics curricula raises the need for further consideration. With emphasis
on the dynamic relationship between 2D and 3D objects, projective geometry
not only offers important concepts but a meaningful context in which to develop
spatial reasoning for STEM learning. In this article, we overview spatial reasoning
as it relates to STEM and in particular, mathematics. Making a case for projective
geometry, we present activities for the classroom, demonstrating how this
mathematics topic connects to and opens new possibilities to promote spatial
reasoning for STEM learning in the elementary grades.
projective geometry, spatial reasoning, STEM learning, mathematics education,
elementary geometry
1 Introduction: spatial reasoning in STEM fields
and school mathematics
Research indicates spatial ability, which includes spatial reasoning, as a critical attribute
for entry into and success in STEM professions (e.g., National Research Council, 2006;
Government of Canada, 2018). Spatial reasoning can be generally described as the ability
to generate, manipulate, and transform two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) images
and objects (Bruce et al., 2016). In fundamental ways, spatial reasoning shapes what we
do, how we experience the world, and the ways we make sense of and think within it.
For example, consider the work of a geologist investigating the formation and evolution of
rocks during a period of Earth’s history. An artist creating images using graphics software.
A robotics engineer designing the moving parts required for producing a mechanical arm.
Or a mathematician developing a tool to model the spread of an infectious disease. All these
activities require spatial reasoning.
Increasingly today in education, there is need for both research and teaching that
focus on spatial reasoning. Such emphasis is largely due to the growing demand for
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) skills in the workplace.
Yet while spatial reasoning underlies all STEM areas, it is mathematics that allows for
examination and communication of spatial concepts (Bronowski, 1947; Smith, 1964). This
is because spatial reasoning involves a complex set of understandings and skills critical to
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Thom et al.
conceptualizing mathematics, particularly in the early years.
Mathematics is thus a school subject in which spatial reasoning can
be explored and developed in depth.
3 Projective geometry and its
potential for spatial reasoning for
STEM learning
2 The importance and absence of
geometry in school mathematics
In this paper we contend that not only is there a need to
expand the geometric content in the elementary grades, but there
is also need for considering the altering of curricular content, so it
more appropriately engages geometries which students experience
in their everyday lives, including spatial reasoning and skills
vital to STEM learning We as experienced teachers, researchers,
and mathematics educators ongoingly observe children engaged
with, motivated by, and capable of applying, analyzing, and
investigating more dynamic geometries that require understanding
and interpreting our 3D world through 2D representations, and
vice versa (e.g., Thom, 2018). One geometry we see as holding
tremendous potential for promoting the development of children’s
reasoning and spatial skills is projective geometry.
Despite an ever-growing body of literature that emphasizes
the importance for children’s spatial reasoning development, both
spatial reasoning and geometry continue to be neglected areas
within school mathematics (Larkin et al., 2016; Lowrie and Logan,
2018), particularly in the elementary grades (Sinclair and Bruce,
2015). Moreover, while geometry is all about spatial concepts and
relationships, rarely is it a focus or explored in any depth in
school mathematics.
Yet children play and engage in a variety of activities that are
spatially rich. For example, experimenting with making shadows
using their bodies, creating animals through origami (i.e., “ori”
or paper, “gami” or folding), building physical structures with
interlocking blocks, or designing 3D objects using dynamic
software applications (e.g., Tinkercad). What is more, many
of the core ideas, understandings, and processes associated
with these activities engage spatial reasoning that is important
to STEM learning as well as concepts presented in higher
level mathematics.
Geometry like arithmetic, dates back more than 2000 years,
making it one of the oldest branches of western mathematics.
Today there are many different types of geometry—hyperbolic,
elliptic, Riemannian, inversive, algebraic, and symplectic, to name
just some. Concepts such as cross-sectioning, mapping, or shifting
dimension may be studied through multiple geometries, enabling
more complex understandings and reasoning as well as a greater
range of skills with which to solve problems.
It is interesting, given all this, that the content featured
in current school curricula rests firmly entrenched in Euclid’s
geometry wherein the predominant emphasis in the elementary
grades continues to be sorting and classifying two-dimensional
shapes (Sarama and Clements, 2009). These early activities
were intended to support geometry topics in the later grades.
However, geometry remains a diminished topic within Grades K12 mathematics curricula in comparison to number and algebraic
content (Sinclair et al., 2016). Clearly lacking are mathematics
contexts that provoke children’s spatial engagement; that is, ways
for them to make sense of, develop skills, and use tools in
addition to a straight edge and compass to generate, manipulate,
and transform two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) images
and objects.
These issues raise at least three concerns. First, the lack
of geometry in school curricula when geometry underpins all
mathematics (e.g., Freudenthal, 1973). Second, why the primary
focus in Grades K-12 remains on Euclidean geometry when today
mathematicians draw on many different geometries to solve a given
problem. And third, why children in the elementary grades are
not afforded opportunities to learn and make use of geometries
that supplement or complement Euclid’s. We take these three
issues up and explore them further as they relate to projective
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3.1 Projective geometry
Projective geometry is an elective topic of mathematics
at the post-secondary level, which students often take after
studies in calculus and linear algebra. Commonly seen in
introductory projective geometry textbooks are theorems from
Pappus, Desargues, and Pascal, as well as duality, collineation,
cross-ratios and so on. Expressed as traditional proofs, these
abstract representations lack visual or spatial meaning, compared to
when they are rendered as images, for example, (McGarvey, 2023)
Desmos Projective Geometry Visualizations.
While projective geometry ideas trace back to the Greeks
before Euclid, historical accounts usually attribute the emergence
of projective geometry to the work accomplished by artists and
architects using perspective to represent the 3D world as a 2D image
on a flat surface (Lord, 2013). For example,
During the Renaissance painters had struggled with the
problems of perspective: Dürer writing in 1525, investigated the
problem scientifically (i.e., geometrically). Dürer, as a matter of
fact, should probably, be given much more credit for his role in
the development of projective geometry (Lesh, 1976, p. 20).
Projective geometry as one of the intellectual breakthroughs
from the Renaissance period, makes it a relatively recent
mathematics development of the past 600 years. A key difference
between projective geometry and Euclidean geometry is that
while lines remain lines and points remain points, lengths,
angles, and areas in projective geometry are not preserved under
transformation. A familiar example that illustrates this is a line
drawing of a cube. As a 3D object, the cube has equal length
sides, surface areas, and 90-degree angles. However, as a 2D
representation, not one of the edge lengths of the cube is the same,
none of the 90-degree angles are maintained, and each of the six
faces’ areas differs dramatically.
Projective geometry, unlike more traditional school-based
Euclidean geometry, does not require a focus on measurement.
Instead, emphasis is on the relationships between geometric
objects, projective geometry offers children a potentially flexible
Thom et al.
and intuitive approach to spatial reasoning. Such ideas and contexts
are glaringly absent from and consequently foreign to elementary
and secondary school mathematics. This, despite what (Lesh, 1976)
argued as he made the case that:
we make sense of spatial concepts and think within them. Spatial
reasoning involves a complex set of skills and understandings
critical to developing understanding in mathematics, particularly
in the early years. Mathematics then serves as a school subject
in which spatial reasoning can be explored and developed in
depth. We believe that attending to projective geometry concepts
in the elementary years can help make geometry more relevant
for students while contributing to spatial reasoning as necessary
for STEM learning.
In addition to the benefits of attending more explicitly to spatial
reasoning, projective geometry can foster critical thinking through
open-ended explorations in dynamic learning environments that
are relevant to their experiences. Moreover, the activities we
mentioned earlier which children often play and engage in are not
only spatially rich but have their basis in projective geometry ideas.
Projective geometry thus offers everyday contexts and meaningful
opportunities for occasioning children’s conjecture making,
reasoning, and justification through a variety of spatial activities.
Projective geometry also offers interdisciplinary applications
through ideas embedded in perspective drawing, robotics, and
computer-aided design (i.e., CAD). These applications allow for
interactive and dynamic forms of geometry. Whether physical or
digital, each application presents concrete, intuitive, sensory-full
contexts that can ground and give rise to children’s more formal
STEM learning through in later grades.
Few mathematical topics can compare with the simplicity,
power, and elegant beauty of projective geometry, and
few mathematical topics are so firmly rooted in concrete
experience; yet, few laboratory activities have been developed
to exploit the intuitive origins of projective geometry” (p. 202).
Lesh (1976) advocated for the development of activities at the
elementary grades. One of the more intuitive aspects of projective
geometry which the author explicates is recognizing invariant
properties. Take for example, looking at an object such as a cube.
Depending on where we view the cube—from below, over top, or
a corner view, we perceive different images of that object, yet there
remain consistencies that make it possible for us to recognize the
images as all belonging to the cube. These images in contrast to the
edge lengths, angles, and surface areas of the cube are known as
properties which are preserved under projective transformations.
Trying to reconcile the post-secondary treatment of projective
geometry with the concrete version requires some unpacking. We
explore this next.
3.2 Projective geometry, spatial
reasoning, and STEM learning
4 Discussion: exploring projective
geometry in the elementary grades
Making sense of dimension shift from 3D to 2D and back
again is simply part of our everyday experience when we look
at photographs, play computer games, use graphics, or interpret
blue-prints, topological maps, or engineering designs. Yet, the
spatial ability to engage in dimension shifting is often assumed
to be present and subsequently never taught. Projective geometry
does not appear as a named topic, content, or outcome in
elementary mathematics curricula. Based on a previous project
(McGarvey et al., 2018), we noted a key spatial skill predicting
success in engineering education included the translation between
2D representations of 3D objects, rigid transformations through
physical and mental rotation, and dynamic transformations of
paperfolding and cross-cutting.
Projective geometry explores these through the dynamic
relationships between points, lines, and planes, and elicits
specific spatial processes of transformation including diagramming,
modeling, scaling or enlarging and shrinking, shearing or slanting,
and perspective projection or projecting 3D objects onto 2D planes
(Birchfield, 1998). As such, projective geometry is a prominent
area in many STEM fields including computer science, art, design,
architecture, engineering, and mathematics.
Projective geometry comprises many of the spatial reasoning
essential to STEM learning (National Research Council, 2006, 2009;
Wai et al., 2009; Uttal and Cohen, 2012). Today in education,
the push for research and teaching practices focused on spatial
reasoning continues to grow. The emphasis on spatial reasoning
is largely due to the growing demand for Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) skills in the workplace.
However even more fundamental are the ways spatial reasoning
directly shape what we do, how we experience the world, and how
Frontiers in Education
We began our larger research project to explore the potential
of projective geometry with elementary children by drawing on
decades-old research. The activities we found were developed in the
1960s through the 1990s, before technology was readily available.
As such, we updated them and developed others. Figure 1 illustrates
some of the tasks for the project.
Rather than an advanced topic in mathematics, we
conceptualized and taught projective geometry as a simplified
version of Euclidean geometry wherein ideas pertaining to
measurement were effectively ignored. We instead drew the
children’s attention to the relationships between geometric
objects to develop their flexible and intuitive approaches to
spatial reasoning. For example, in the shadow shapes shown in
Figure 1, students explored how different polygons can be created
by producing shadows with a square cardboard cut-out and a
flashlight. While it is possible to produce all sorts of shadows
resembling rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids from the
square cut-out, invariantly, they are all quadrilaterals.
Projective geometry ideas can also promote spatial
visualizations through building 3D models by looking at a
front and side shadow or orthogonal projection of the object.
This task offers a rich context in which children explore and
develop both spatial reasoning and associated skills. Specifically,
constructing a cube model based on the given 2D shadows and
shifting dimension between 2D representations of 3D objects
and vice versa as well as rigid transformations of physical and
mental rotation.
To predict possible cross-sections of a given object exploits yet
other spatial thinking and processes. One approach is to imagine a
Thom et al.
Sample projective geometry tasks for elementary school students.
5 Concluding thoughts
plane passing through the object, as happens when slicing an orange
in half. A second approach could be projecting the 2D image of
the 3D object onto that plane, such as the shadow as seen when a
flashlight is held directly in front of the sphere and projected onto a
plane that is positioned behind and vertically parallel to the sphere.
The predicting of two holes punched in a folded sheet of paper
requires mentally imagining and manipulating the folded paper
through folding and unfolding it; mapping the two holes onto the
paper underneath; as well as comparing, relating, reflecting, and
symmetrizing the seen holes to the unseen holes that lie along the
folded paper as plane.
Using an online modeling tool (e.g., TinkerCad) and
recreating it concretely using interlocking cubes promotes
rotating, orientating, locating, and dimension shifting between the
designed 2D image as seen and the 3D model as built and vice
versa. Perspective-taking allows for children to reason, conjecture,
and justify whether the six sides are the same as what is seen
when viewing the 2D object from the top, bottom, front, back,
and two side views.
Finally, perspective drawings and 2D representations of 3D
objects as the basis of art, photography, and architecture, notably
engage spatial reasoning such as diagramming a house, scaling up
or dilating the tree or sides of the house to make it appear closer-up,
as well as scaling down or contracting the tree or sides of the house
so they appear to fade into the distance toward the horizon.
While all the activities in Figure 1 may be familiar to
elementary school children in their everyday play activities, they are
rarely if ever taken up and explored through projective concepts in
fulsome ways in the mathematics classroom.
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Research not only reveals the strong link between spatial
skills and STEM professions (Mix and Cheng, 2012), but also
connections between spatial skills and mathematics in early
childhood (Verdine et al., 2014; Gilligan et al., 2017, 2018).
Such skills appear to be important predictors of mathematics
achievement throughout schooling, even beyond measures of
verbal and quantitative scores (Cheng and Mix, 2013). Spatial
ability, once viewed as a static and innate aspect of intelligence, now
proves to be malleable (Uttal et al., 2013). Increasingly, research
connects dynamic reasoning such as rotating, bending, and scaling
with mathematics performance (Mix et al., 2016, 2017).
In addition to designing novel tasks, our larger research project
focuses on projective geometry looks to review past as well as
current studies and provide detailed investigations into elementary
children’s spatial reasoning as it emerges and evolves within this
under-examined area of geometry. As the study of transformations
related to manipulating 2D projections and representations of 3D
objects, projective geometry underlies activities associated with
computer modeling, architecture, engineering, 3D printing, digital
photography and editing, perspective drawing, and other imaging
applications. Yet, the study of projective geometry is virtually nonexistent in the literature, current curricula, and today’s classrooms.
This research then is especially critical for STEM learning.
The purpose of this paper was to explore the potential of
projective geometry as a supplement or complement to Euclid’s
geometry in promoting spatial reasoning for STEM learning.
Through recovering, updating, and reconceptualizing projective
geometry activities within contexts that children find themselves
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Social Sciences
today, we offer the ideas and examples presented here as well as the
findings from our larger ongoing studies (McGarvey et al., in press;
Thom et al., 2021) to inform teaching practices and learning
activities in elementary classrooms that can promote children’s
spatial reasoning for STEM learning through projective geometry.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Author contributions
JT: Writing–original draft. LM: Writing–original draft. JM:
Writing–original draft.
Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
endorsed by the publisher.
The author(s) declare financial support was received
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of the
article. This research was funded by a grant from the
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