Metascience (2009) 18:469–473
DOI 10.1007/s11016-009-9308-4
Ó Springer 2009
Katherine Munn and Barry Smith (eds), Applied Ontology: An
Introduction. Frankurt/M: Ontos, 2008. Pp. 342. e98.00 HB.
By Peter Simons
You are very complex. You consist of numerous anatomical parts
at many levels of scale, granularity and function, and you live via
similarly stratified physiological processes and systems, all (we hope)
working well together. But when they don’t, you want the best
available medical care – swiftly and efficiently, and informed by the
latest research. In many cases, that research will inform your treatment through various biomedical information systems. So you have
an interest in these systems’ being as good as possible. Problem:
they often aren’t, for conceptual rather than technical reasons. So if
philosophers can assist in improving such systems, they could save
lives, including yours.
Ontology has at long last come out of the Philosophy Room and
is starting to do useful work in the outside world. Information scientists, intelligence artificers and others have been using the word
Ôontology’ for some years for platform- or implementationindependent representation schemes, but this usage has only some
things in common with the philosopher’s notion of a Ôscience of
being’. To distinguish the two, I shall use ÔOntology’ for the philosopher’s sense and Ôontology’ (or its plural) for the IT sense (and
extend to cognates). It turns out that many of the systems for which
ontology has been used contained and still contain serious defects
from an Ontologist’s point of view, and these defects are more than
just purists’ intellectual nitpicks: they seriously inhibit the effectiveness of large, important, and expensive schemes of data representation. To take just one example: in Chap. 7, ÔClassification’, of this
impressive collection, Ludger Jansen neatly epitomises the conditions that a good classification scheme should exemplify, notes that
Borges’s famous whimsical Chinese Encyclopaedia Classification
breaks every rule, and then less amusingly shows that similar errors
are endemic in a large and important medical information system,
the US National Cancer Information Thesaurus. In the following
Chap. 8, ÔCategories: the Top-Level Ontology’, he exposes serious
taxonomic sins in the top-level ontologies of Cyc (the registered
tradename of Cycorp) and John Sowa (the computer scientist who
invented Ôconceptual graphs’ – a graphic notation for logic and natural language), which is the more worrying since these projects cannot be said, unlike some of the earlier medical and biological
ontologies, to have arisen in ignorance of the importance of philosophical exactness and hygiene. Jansen still finds a lot to commend
in Aristotle’s categories, and the modified Aristotelian scheme he
outlines informs the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) of his teammates Pierre Grenon and Barry Smith.
Taxonomic schemes of a traditional tree-like variety offer many
virtues in the organisation of and search for information, but their
computerised implementation as inheritance hierarchies based on a
single primitive Ôis_a’ predate philosophical involvement in ontology, and suffer from trying to do too much with very limited formal resources. In ÔFour Kinds of ÔIs_A’ Relation’ Ingvar Johansson
anatomises the different relations that have been squashed together
into one by early inheritance systems. In considering such basic
medical subjects as anatomy it is obvious that is_a alone is insufficient, so ontologists sensibly added the basic mereological relation
part_of. (This led to the coinage of the ghastly term Ôpartonomy’ by
analogy with Ôtaxonomy’. Surely Ômereonomy’ would have been
In ÔOntological Relations’, Ulf Schwarz and Barry Smith extend
the number of important formal Ontological relations structuring
reality and therefore requiring representation within any adequate
ontology to include for example being located at a place at a time,
participating in (object in event or process), instantiating (individual to universal). Only by being sensitive to the multiplicity and
variety of Ontological relations, in advance of coding, can ontologists expect to provide knowledge representation systems that are
adequate to the complexities thrown at us by the world.
If there is a single underlying thesis of this rich collection, it is
that a good ontology should be predicated on scientific and epistemological realism. Only thus can ontologists keep pace with scientific advances and avoid the relativism or anti-realism of the postCartesian and post-Kantian moderns, whose invidious influence
extended far into the twentieth century. One relatively unknown
but influential victim and proponent of this excessive conceptualism
was the Austrian terminologist Eugen Wüster, whose conceptualism
became established, literally, as the international standard, when in
the 1930s the International Standards Organization (ISO) adopted
his terminological precepts. The damage done by Wüster’s conceptualism continues to our day. Some of its evils (not all) are exposed
in Barry Smith’s ÔNew Desiderata for Biomedical Terminologies’
and ÔThe Benefits of Realism: A Realist Logic with Applications’.
Another confirmed realist is Ingvar Johansson, whose ÔBioinformatics and Biological Reality’ offers excellent reasons to prefer Popper’s fallibilist realism over Gunnar Myrdal’s Ôbiasism’ (the idea
that all science is biased) and Vaihinger’s sensationalist fictionalism.
Johansson sees Popper’s important but analysis-recalcitrant notion
of verisimilitude as providing the key to his realism and serving as
the main reason to prefer his account of scientific knowledge over
those rivals.
Other essays in this collection deal with the nature of biomedical
ontologies, knowledge representation in general, and the idea that
reality comes structured at different levels of granularity, which
sanctions a perspectival approach to the world conceding nothing
to Nietzschean relativism.
But the authors are several, and do not all pull in quite the same
direction. Nor are all their conclusions consonant with tutored common sense. In ÔOccurrents’ Boris Hennig argues that individual occurrents, such as the endoscopy that a particular doctor performs
on a particular patient, do not have structure and duration in themselves, but only in so far as they instantiate certain types. He considers the initial procedure of inserting the endoscope as both an
endoscope insertion and an endoscopy: qua insertion it lasts 3 min,
but qua endoscopy it lasts say 15. This is clearly absurd, and since
Hennig makes a large number of well-judged ontological and terminological distinctions in this essay, which covers familiar material
about activities, achievements, processes, etc., we may wonder how
he managed to paint himself into such a corner. The answer is that
he has an aversion to tenseless predication. Of an endoscopy or
other process it is never right, in his view, to say that it has a duration of 15 min, only (when it is going on) that it has lasted so long
so far (for he asserts that no process is ever complete) and afterwards, once it is complete, that it lasted 15 min. This is not quite
presentism, since Hennig does not deny reality to the past, but it is
almost as bad. How will he account for the truth of true predictions
about how long a future process will last? Allowing atemporal predications of duration, parthood and structure, the problem fails to
arise. The insertion lasts 3 min and is part of an endoscopy lasting
15, a part with a different type from that of the whole, a non-homogeneity Hennig rightly stresses. While it is true to say of an ongoing
endoscopy that will in fact be interrupted and not completed that it
is an endoscopy, considered atemporally the event-term Ôendoscopy’
applies by default to complete endoscopies. Hennig’s animadversions against using quadruples of numbers to represent spatial and
temporal locations in four-dimensionalism are simply not relevant.
No one – well, extreme structuralists perhaps excepted – thinks that
having an extra number in a tuple captures what is temporal about
time, any more than they think the three other numbers capture
what is distancy about spatial distances. The point is that small
parts of occurrents are separated by temporal as well as spatial
gaps, and when those gaps are quantified, real numbers get into the
representation. Hennig’s essay is an interesting lesson in how apparently minor decisions in apparently abstruse philosophical method
(abjuring atemporal predication) can have massive consequences
(such as denying duration per se to individual processes), and so
how delicately Ontological decisions must be made, balanced, and
adjusted to one another in order to avoid nonsense.
The collection has an introduction and 13 articles, all of them
worth reading. They are by a total of only nine authors, and four
are dual-authored. The most prominently featured author is the
co-editor Barry Smith, with two single-authored and three jointly
authored pieces. Other authors are also multiply represented. This
is teamwork more in the mould of the natural sciences than the
humanities, and the themes and viewpoints overlap considerably.
There is not total uniformity, however: one may distinguish more
Aristotelian and more Kantian leanings among the authors. The
volume owes its existence to the work done under generously
funded projects from various non-governmental sources, and so
represents a welcome infusion of new finance into applied philosophical research. If this volume is any guide, the money has been
well spent, and more of the kind should be encouraged.
Department of Philosophy
Trinity College Dublin