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2013, Procedia Technology
8 pages
1 file
The development of quality software is a basic requirement that must be observed. Measuring software is a tool that allows the development of quality software for its entire life cycle. For software measurement, software metrics are used, among other techniques, which allow us to obtain a numerical value from a software product. There are two problems with these measurements: a value obtained can have different meanings depending on the project and what is desired as a result from the measurement, and the other problem is that the number and type of measurements is limited by the capabilities of the used tool. This paper presents a promising solution to the problem above by presenting a technique with which users can obtain any desired metrics and apply them to code in any programming language.
In this paper we investigate main limitations of actual software metrics techniques/tools, propose a unified intermediate representation for calculation of software metrics, and describe a promising prototype of a new metrics tool. The motivation was the evident lack of wider utilization of software metrics in raising the quality of software products.
International Journal, 2012
Software metrics provide a quantitative basis for planning and predicting software development processes. Therefore the quality of software can be controlled and improved easily. Quality in fact aids higher productivity, which has brought software metrics to the forefront. This research paper focuses on different views on software quality. Moreover, many metrics and models have been developed; promoted and utilized resulting in remarkable successes. This paper examines the realm of software engineering to see why software metrics are needed and also reviews their contribution to software quality and reliability. Results can be improved further as we acquire additional experience with variety of software metrics. These experiences can yield tremendous benefits and betterment in quality and reliability.
In this paper we present a survey on the research field of software metrics. We start by considering the reasons why measurement of software was introduced, then we describe what are the attributes of software and of the software process that are the obj ects of measurement. A g eneral theory of measurement is presented tha t was f irst a pplied to software measurement by (Fenton 94). The two types of metrics validation, empirical and theoretical, are discussed. Then a number of metrics for the different development phases is presented in details. We discuss function points for the requirements phase and the metrics for choesion and coupling defined in ( Briand et al 94) for the design phase. F or the implementation phase we describe the suite of metrics for OO designs by (Chidameber, Kemerer 94), Lines of Code (Conte et al. 86), Software Science (Halstead 75) and Cyclomatic Number (McCabe 76).
Systematic application of software metric techniques can lead to significant improvements of the quality of a final software product. However, there is still the evident lack of wider utilization of software metrics techniques and tools due to many reasons. In this paper we investigate some limitations of contemporary software metrics tools and then propose construction of a new tool that would solve some of the problems. We describe the promising prototype, its internal structure, and then focus on its independency of the input language.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014 As object oriented paradigm is gaining popularity, software metrics play an important role in ensuring software quality. In this paper we first introduce the theoretical concept of object oriented metrics, specifically of CK metrics suite. Then a case study of analyzing Java based open source software using CK metrics to evaluate quality is presented. The results are interpreted to help the software developers and researchers in improving the quality of the software during the development of the software.
International Journal of Engineering Inventions
A software system continues to grow in size and complexity, it becomes increasing difficult to understand and manage. Software metrics are units of software measurement. As improvement in coding tools allow software developer to produce larger amount of software to meet ever expanding requirements. A method to measure software product, process and project must be used. In this article, we first introduce the software metrics including the definition of metrics and the history of this field. We aim at a comprehensive survey of the metrics available for measuring attributes related to software entities. Some classical metrics such as Lines of codes LOC, Halstead complexity metric (HCM), Function Point analysis and others are discussed and analyzed. Then we bring up the complexity metrics methods, such as McCabe complexity metrics and object oriented metrics(C&K method), with real world examples. The comparison and relationship of these metrics are also presented.
This paper describes the major characteristics of software engineering such as Maintainability, Reliability, Complexity, Understandability, Reusability and Testability. These characteristics measure by some software metrics. There are many software metrics maintainability, Reliability, Complexity and Reusability of the software. Such characteristics can be measured with the help of Coupling, Cohesion, Cyclomatic Complexity, Inherita These characteristics are used to improve the quality, reliability and understandability of the software and reduced the complexity and cost of the software. Abstract This paper describes the major characteristics of software engineering such as Maintainability, Reliability, Complexity, Understandability, Reusability and Testability. These characteristics measure by some software metrics. There are many software metrics but in this paper our emphasis on those software metrics, which effects the maintainability, Reliability, Complexity and Reusability of the software. Such characteristics can be measured with the help of Coupling, Cohesion, Cyclomatic Complexity, Inheritance, and Comment Percentage and size metrics. These characteristics are used to improve the quality, reliability and understandability of the software and reduced the complexity and cost of the software.
— Object-Oriented design is turn out to be more significant in software development environment as stated by the IEEE standard thesaurus of software engineering. It also conclude that software metrics are much more vital in software engineering for det ermining the software quality characteristics. There are many approaches by virtue of which we can measure the software cost estimation plus predicates on numerous types of deliverable items. Metric tools are used to estimate the measures like lines of code object point, function points etc. This paper highlights mostly the classification of software quality metrics like size metrics, complexity metrics etc. and different metrics tools.
Pyrenae, 2024
This article provides a comprehensive survey of the necropolis of El Toro (Alcubillas, Ciudad Real, Spain), as well as a detailed study of burial T5 a/b/c. This is the archaeological context of an Egyptian scarab which can be dated to the early reigns of the 26th Dynasty, dating to the 7th-6th centuries BC. This object is one of the eleven pieces that made up the grave goods of the mentioned tomb, which contained three ceramic urns with the cremated remains of three well-represented individuals. Some conclusions from the anthropological study of this tomb are also presented, as well as a detailed morphological, typological, and chronological analysis of the scarab of a pharaoh by the name of Psamtik. KEY WORKS IRON AGE, ORETANIA, COLONIZATION, PSAMTIK, NAUCRATIS, MEMPHIS Se presenta el estudio general de la necrópolis del Toro (Alcubillas, Ciudad Real), así como el estudio de detalle de la sepultura T5 a/b/c. Este es el contexto de un escarabeo egipcio que puede datarse en los primeros reinados de la Dinastía XXVI, fechable en los siglos vii-vi a. C. Se trata de una de las once piezas incorporadas al ajuar de esa tumba, que contiene tres urnas cerámicas con los restos cremados de tres individuos bien representados. Se presentan además algunas conclusiones del estudio antropológico de la tumba, así como un detallado análisis morfológico, tipológico y cronológico del escarabeo de un faraón llamado Psamético. PALABRAS CLAVE EDAD DEL HIERRO, ORETANIA, COLONIZACIONES, PSAMÉTICO, NÁUCRATIS, MENFIS
Quantité et qualité des emplois ………………………………………………… 7 Les processus organisationnels ………………………………………………… 8 Nature et qualité des services …………………………………………………… 9 Les enjeux des plateformes dans les services aux personnes …………………………………………… 10 3. DES INITIATIVES EN COURS ……………… 12 Le pilulier vigilant, un outil pour une meilleure « observance thérapeutique » ………………… 13 Les lunettes connectées, pour une coordination visuelle entre médecins et infirmiers urgentistes ………………… 14 Helpers, un logiciel pour favoriser le maintien à domicile …… 15 Velo-coop, un modèle de livraison alternatif ………………………… 17, une plateforme dédiée aux titres-services ……… 18 4. LA DIVERSITÉ DES INITIATIVES DE DIGITALISATION DES SERVICES AUX PERSONNES ………………………………… 20 Le degré de disruption institutionnelle ………………………………… 21 Le degré de traduction …………………………………………………………… 22 Le cas particulier des plateformes : un modèle économique viable ? …………………………………………… 23 1 Commission européenne (2012), document de travail des services de la Commission sur l'exploitation des possibilités de création d'emplois offerts par les services aux personnes et aux ménages : main.jsp?langId=fr&catId=89&newsId=1270&furtherNews=yes. 2 Cette recherche a été financée par la Région wallonne et menée conjointement par l'université de Liège (LENTIC et le Centre d'Economie Sociale) et l'université de Louvain (CIRTES) en collaboration avec l'ADN, Unipso, ConcertES et atout EI. Elle se décline en 4 volets qui font l'objet de 4 rapports distincts. 3 Dans cette recherche, le terme « entreprise sociale » regroupe principalement les organisations privées ayant un statut juridique d'ASBL, de coopérative ou encore de société à finalité sociale. Parmi ces organisations, l'accent a été mis sur celles qui développent des activités de type 'services à la personne' (essentiellement des ASBL).
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