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— Object-Oriented design is turn out to be more significant in software development environment as stated by the IEEE standard thesaurus of software engineering. It also conclude that software metrics are much more vital in software engineering for det ermining the software quality characteristics. There are many approaches by virtue of which we can measure the software cost estimation plus predicates on numerous types of deliverable items. Metric tools are used to estimate the measures like lines of code object point, function points etc. This paper highlights mostly the classification of software quality metrics like size metrics, complexity metrics etc. and different metrics tools.
International Journal, 2012
Software metrics provide a quantitative basis for planning and predicting software development processes. Therefore the quality of software can be controlled and improved easily. Quality in fact aids higher productivity, which has brought software metrics to the forefront. This research paper focuses on different views on software quality. Moreover, many metrics and models have been developed; promoted and utilized resulting in remarkable successes. This paper examines the realm of software engineering to see why software metrics are needed and also reviews their contribution to software quality and reliability. Results can be improved further as we acquire additional experience with variety of software metrics. These experiences can yield tremendous benefits and betterment in quality and reliability.
In software development industry the steps towards corrective actions for successful software development process comes too late resulting in ineffectiveness, late delivery, over budget and poor quality with reduced capabilities. An early estimation towards software post-release quality can be a useful remedy to maximize the business result by shortening the time and increasing the probability of project success. The development team is also a beneficiary of the software quality estimation technique as they get an early warning regarding the quality of their product. Software quality estimation has been proved to be one of the most upcoming as well as interesting research topics of the decade which aims to identify and minimize the error prone tasks to minimize the development cost. Traditional software metrics aims at the procedure-oriented development because of which it cannot fullfill the requirement of object-oriented software resulting in popularity of object-oriented design metrics in industrial software development environment as it helps in the development of higher quality products with low cost over their maintenance. Object-oriented metrics is capable of providing all the parameters to estimate the complexity and quality related issues at the early development stage of a software. In this paper we have studied and analyzed the object – oriented metrics namely MOOD Metrics, CK Metrics, and QMOOD Metrics and present the case study of how they are useful in determining the software quality developed implementing object-oriented paradigm.
ArXiv, 2019
Software metrics offer a quantitative basis for predicting the software development process. In this way, software quality can be improved very easily. Software quality should be achieved to satisfy the customer with decreasing the software cost and improve there liability of the software product. In this research, we have discussed how the software metrics affect the quality of the software and which stages of its development software metrics have applied. We discussed the different software metrics and how these metrics have an impact on software quality and reliability. These techniques have been used for improving the quality of software and increase the revenue.
— Object oriented metrics have become more important in software engineering field. They are used to measure software quality and to estimate the cost, to enhance the reliability, maintainability and effort of software projects. Object oriented metrics evaluate the complexity of OO program. Object oriented concepts are dominating the software industry and engineers need proper measuring parameters in order to make software more efficient and reused. Object Oriented Design metrics is an essential part of software engineering. This paper collects many object oriented metrics proposed by various researchers and a final conclusion is to overcome the drawbacks of existing metrics and to deliver efficient metrics which is effectively used to measure the programs. Keywords-Software architecture; Coupling; cohesion; reusability; maintainability I.
Quality assessment of software is big issue for software development team The reason is variations of designed software in size and methodology. A huge number of metrics has designed to assess quality of software up to a level. In this paper we are discussing Object oriented metrics used to assess quality of software at design level as well as at code level. Although correct assessment of software quality is not possible but using Object oriented metrics quality can be assessed up to limit. The main focus of research is to assess software quality at design level because design level quality assessment effects coding, testing, maintaining phase of software development life cycle. First, for evaluating metrics of design level UML diagram is used as an input. A Java Parser is designed for parsing the XML code of UML diagram .Second, Quality of same software projects also assessed at code level using same formula as at the design level. At code level Eclipse with Metrics 1.3.6 is used for assessing quality. We observed that software quality at code level moves around CC (Cyclometer Complexity), LCOM (Lack Cohesion of Methods) and LOCM (Lines of Code of method).And we find out that for increasing quality of software, CC and LCOM and LOCM are low. For decreasing quality CC, LCOM and LOCL are high.
IJCSNS, 2011
Software metrics are required to measure quality in terms of software performance and reliability related characteristics like dependencies, coupling and cohesion etc. It provides a way to measure the progress of code during development and having direct relationship with cost and time incurred in the software design and development at their later stages. These major issues must be checked and informed early in the development stage, so that reliability of any software product could be ensured for any large and complex software project. Object oriented software metrics directly focuses on the issues like complexity, reliability and robustness of the software developed using object oriented design methodologies. It reflects the time, cost and effort that would be incurred in development at later stage. While the software in its development stage, it is desirable that the complexity levels at every stage should be minimized to make the end product more reliable and manageable. Object oriented metrics provides all parameters through which one can estimate the complexities and quality related issues of any software at their early stages of development. In this paper, authors have studied three object oriented metrics namely MOOD Metrics, CK Metrics, and QMOOD Metrics and given a case study to show, how these metrics are useful in determining the quality of any software designed by using object oriented paradigm.
International Journal on Computational Science & Applications, 2018
Software metrics have a direct link with measurement in software engineering. Correct measurement is the prior condition in any engineering fields, and software engineering is not an exception, as the size and complexity of software increases, manual inspection of software becomes a harder task. Most Software Engineers worry about the quality of software, how to measure and enhance its quality. The overall objective of this study was to asses and analysis's software metrics used to measure the software product and process. In this Study, the researcher used a collection of literatures from various electronic databases, available since 2008 to understand and know the software metrics. Finally, in this study, the researcher has been identified software quality is a means of measuring how software is designed and how well the software conforms to that design. Some of the variables that we are looking for software quality are Correctness, Product quality, Scalability, Completeness and Absence of bugs, However the quality standard that was used from one organization is different from others for this reason it is better to apply the software metrics to measure the quality of software and the current most common software metrics tools to reduce the subjectivity of faults during the assessment of software quality. The central contribution of this study is an overview about software metrics that can illustrate us the development in this area, and a critical analysis about the main metrics founded on the various literatures.