Acta agriculturae slovenica, 84(december 2004)2, 109–119.
Agris category codes: L10, Q01
Polona FRAJMAN a) and Peter DOVČ b)
Univ. of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Fac., Zootechnical Dept., Groblje3, SI-1230 Domžale, Slovenia.
Same address, Prof., Ph.D.
Received November 03, 2004, accepted December 10, 2004.
Delo je prispelo 03. novembra 2004, sprejeto 10. decembra 2004.
Milk plays an important role in human nutrition. Nowadays, dairy industry is oriented in the
production of increasing number of different milk products and technological properties of milk
are gaining more and more attention. Introduction of recombinant DNA technology in the early
1970 and development of molecular genetics enabled studies of the organization of milk protein
genes and mechanisms involved in their expression. Genome research in farm animals was
oriented in production of low-density genetic maps with the emphasis on the genetic variation in
some functionally important regions. In the public databases, 1598 cattle genes have already
been mapped and partially sequenced by the end of 2003. In addition, numerous quantitative trait
loci (QTL) were mapped for economically important traits. Typical examples include milk yield
and milk composition in dairy cattle. The availability of genomic DNA sequences for a number
of potential candidate genes with an impact on production traits allowed construction of cattle
genome microarrays. Functional studies of milk protein genes revealed the impact of different
genetic variants on technological properties of milk. Genomics approach thus offers an entirely
new way to identify complex interactions among milk protein genes other genes involved in milk
production and elucidation of the complex regulatory network allowing efficient milk production
in the mammary gland.
Key words: milk production / technological properties / lactoproteins / molecular genetics / quantitative trait loci /
QTL / genomics / micro array
Sodobna mlekarska industrija se zaradi pomembnosti mleka v človeški prehrani usmerja v
proizvodnjo vse večjega števila različnih mlečnih proizvodov, pri čemer v ospredje stopajo
tehnološke lastnosti mleka. Uvajanje tehnik rekombinantne DNA v zgodnjih sedemdesetih in
razvoj molekularno-genetskih tehnik sta omogočila raziskovanje organizacije mlečnoproteinskih
genov ter mehanizmov, ki uravnavajo njihovo izražanje. Določanje nukleoticnega zaporedja
celotnih genomov je postalo mogoče z razvojem zmogljivih orodij genomike. Raziskave
genomov ekonomsko pomembnih domačih živali so bile usmerjene v proizvodnjo genskih kart z
nizko gostoto in s poudarkom na genetskih variabilnosti funkcionalno pomembnih genov. V
javno dostopnih podatkovnih zbirkah se je do konca leta 2003 nahajalo 1598 kartiranih in
deloma sekvenciranih genov goveda. Kartiranih je bilo tudi mnogo kvantitativnih lokusiv (QTL)
za ekonomsko pomembne lastnosti, kot so npr. količina in sestava mleka pri mlečnih pasmah
goveda. Dostopnost genomskih zaporedij DNA za številne kandidatne gene z vplivom na
proizvodne lastnosti je omogočila konstrukcijo genomskih mikromrež goveda. Funkcionalne
študije mlečnoproteinskih genov so pokazale, da genetske variante vplivajo na tehnološke
lastnosti mleka. Genomski pristop ponuja povsem novo pot pri proučevanju zapletenih interakcij
110 Acta agriculturae slovenica, 84(december 2004)2.
med mlečnoproteinskimi geni drugimi geni, ki so vključeni v kompleksno regulacijo učinkovite
sinteze mleka v mlečni žlezi.
Ključne besede: mleko / prireja / tehnološke lastnosti / laktoproteini / molekularna genetika / kvantitativni lokusi /
QTL / genomika / mikromreže
Milk is a major source of energy, proteins, minerals and vitamins for young mammals during
their first period of life. Milk of some farm animals plays an important role in human nutrition
and milk production is one of the most important branches of animal production. Dairy industry
in developed countries is nowadays oriented in the production of increasing number of different
milk products therefore technological properties of milk are gaining more and more attention.
The increasing cheese production, for example, prefers milk with higher content of proteins with
favorable cheese making properties (Lodes at al., 1996; Buchberger and Dovč, 2000). Study of
milk proteins started with the determination of primary structure of four major caseins (αS1-CN,
αS2-CN, β-CN and κ-CN) and two whey proteins, α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin (α-LA and
β-LG) (Aschaffenburg and Drewry, 1957, Grosclaude et al., 1973, Godovac-Zimmermann et al.,
1985). Polymorphisms in amino acid sequence of αS1-CN, β-CN and κ-CN allowed classical
linkage studies, revealing clustering of casein loci on bovine chromosome 6 (Grosclaude et al.,
1973, Gupta et al., 1982). In this period, the early studies on the impact of casein variants on
technological properties of milk were published (Mariani et al., 1976). Introduction of
recombinant DNA technology in the early 1970 allowed determining of cDNA sequences for all
four major caseins and two whey proteins (Stewart et al., 1984; Gorodetsky et al., 1988;
Alexander et al., 1988). Based on DNA polymorphisms, rapid genotyping of casein loci has been
introduced. Further development of molecular genetics enabled study of the exon-intron
organization of casein genes as well as study of DNA sequences of non-coding regions of the
casein gene cluster (Ferretti et al., 1990, Threadgill and Womack, 1990). These studies revealed
an insight into molecular mechanisms involved into the regulation of casein gene expression
(Rijnkels et al., 1997). Application of genomic tools combined with advanced statistical methods
introduced the concept of QTL (quantitative trait loci) affecting complex milk production traits
(Bovenhuis and Spelman, 2000). It became clear, that a huge number of genes are involved in
this complex regulatory pathway, which is also influenced by numerous environmental factors
(Schrooten et al., 2004). New genomic tools allow us to analyze expression of thousands of
genes in one experiment and to compare gene expression profiles among different stages of
lactation and different environmental treatments. Gradually growing understanding of complex
genetic machinery regulating the quantity as well as quality of produced milk, represents a basis
for efficient marker assisted selection in dairy cattle.
Development of recombinant DNA technology allowed researchers to move from analysis of
cDNA sequences to the studies revealing genomic organization of larger chromosomal regions
and finally to decipher the whole genome sequence of an organism. The most appealing goal was
certainly sequencing of a human genome, one of the most complex endeavors of the modern
science, which was accomplished in 2001 (Bork and Copley, 2001). However, on the way to the
sequence of human genome a number of less complex genomes, mainly from model organisms
were sequenced, including microorganisms as E.coli, and S. cerevisiae, fruit fly D. melanogaster
worm C. elegans and zebra fish. After the human genome, comprising 3.6 billion nucleotides,
the mouse and rat genomes which are of similar complexity were released in 2002 (Anon. 2002)
Frajman, P and Dovč, P. Milk production in post-genomic era.
and 2003 (Bromberg et al., 2003). Just recently, the chicken genome sequence was completed,
representing a vertebrate genome of a bit lower complexity, containing 1.1 billion base pairs
(McPherson et al., 2004). The avaiability of whole genome sequences for a number of more or
less related species opens a whole new avenue of comparative genomic approach for the
identification of gene function and regulation of complex metabolic pathways. The disappointing
conclusion from the analysis of the first sequenced genomes is that from about 30.000 putative
genes which were identified within the genome, to only 30–40% can be assigned a function,
whereas physiological role for about 60% of the genes remains unknown.
The strategy of genome research in farm animals was a bit different from the strategy
amployed by the human genome project. Since the available resources in farm animal genome
research are incomparable with resources mobilized within the human genome project and large
of species of interest further reduces the research inputs, the strategy had to adapt to this
circumstances. Therefore, considerable effort has been spent in order to produce low density
genetic maps of different species, which have enabled rough localization of selected loci into
syntenic groups (Gellin et al., 2000). Synteny maps provided valuable information for practical
animal breeding facilitating haplotype selection rather than simple selection for desired
genotypes. For the practical animal breeding, the information about the genetic variation in some
functionally important regions is far more important than entire nucleotide sequence from one
animal. Therefore relative large population studies analyzing genetic polymorphisms within
crucial genomic regions were performed.
DNA microarray
Figure 1. Developoment of microarrays enabled large-scale analysis of gene expression.
Slika 1. Razvoj mikromrež je omogočil sočasno analizo izražanja velikega števila genov.
DNA sequence analysis started with establishment of cDNA libraries, where relatively short
DNA fragments (up to 2-3 kb) were cloned in the plasmid vectors. However, prerequisite for
genomic research was the ability to handle large genomic sequences in the range of 0.1 – 1.0
112 Acta agriculturae slovenica, 84(december 2004)2.
Mb. The discovery of the new generation of vectors as yeast and bacterial artificial chromosomes
(YAC, BAC) enabled researchers to clone large stretches of genomic DNA and to produce
genomic libraries (Eggen et al. 2001), covering the entire genome in a reasonable number of
overlapping clones. Further development and automation of DNA sequencing procedures was
another important milestone, making genomic research feasible. Organization of DNA sequences
in public databases, allowing searching for DNA sequences from different species and
bioinformatics tools for sequence analysis made analysis of complex genomic data accessible for
a wider scientific community. The number of DNA sequence entries in the public databases was
growing exponentially during the last 20 years. Finally, in addition to powerful technology
which allowed sequencing of entire genomes, microarray technology enabled analysis of gene
expression in the whole genome in a single experiment. A new term, transcriptomics, was coined
describing a high throughput analytical approach for the study of transcriptional activity of the
genome. This approach can provide information about differential gene expression in different
developmental and physiological stages as well as reaction to different environmental stimuli.
Historically, pedigree analyses and establishing of suitable mapping populations was an
important goal of animal genetic research. In farm animals creation of special mapping
populations is often too costly, therefore suitable statistical models (e.g. daughter design) were
developed in order to extract genetic information from already available population structure
(Mosig et al., 2001) . An important tool in genomic research in farm animals were radiation
hybrid cell panels, which allowed physical assignment of gene loci to genetic map. The
fluorescent in situ hybridization was also successfully applied for physical mapping. Further
development of animal gene maps was reached by the introduction of highly polymorphic
genetic markers as RFLPs, microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for the
fine mapping using reference populations. Recombination studies enabled narrowing of the
mapping interval for the localization of candidate genes to the interval shorter than 1 cM, and
introduction of large-capacity vectors (BAC, YAC), made physical cloning of candidate gene
regions feasible. Genomic libraries containing ordered collection of large genomic fragments
(mostly BAC clones) represent one of the most important genomic resources for genomic
research in every species. At present BAC libraries with several fold coverage of the genome are
available for all farm animal species. However, some genomic regions are still poorly covered
and significant gaps are present in most of such libraries. More recently, expression sequence tag
(EST) libraries from different tissues were established, serving as an excellent tool for
identification of expressed genes. Information from EST libraries has been also used for
assignment of gene ontology, shedding a new light into the functional organization of the
genome. Since polygenic traits are of crucial importance in animal breeding, statistical methods
for identification of genomic regions with significant phenotypic impact on quantitative traits
have been developed. The concept of quantitative trait loci (QTL) overruled the old infinitesimal
model of gene action. Using different strategies, genomic regions explaining 10–15% of the
phenotypical variance were identified.
One of the most frequently used strategies based on genetic analysis of phenotypic tail of the
population is presented on figure 2.
Two approaches are mainly used in mapping of production trait genes in farm animals:
1. Candidate gene approach: the target gene can be identified via clinical symptoms or
physiological changes from human or mouse. This approach is successful for monogenic
traits as some inherited disorders and some simple traits as coat color etc.
Frajman, P and Dovč, P. Milk production in post-genomic era.
2. Positional cloning approach: there is no clear candidate gene evident. Linkage analysis
pinpoints chromosomal region with unknown gene and subsequent fine mapping of the
region can identify candidate genes by positional cloning. Using this approach the
inconsistency of QTLs across breeds is a serious problem, hampering reliable localisation
of the target region.
f(M) = .20
f(m) = .80
f(M) = .80
f(m) = .20
Figure 2. Association of marker gene polymorphisms and linked QTL locus with quantitative
trais enables identification of genomic regions with QTL loci.
Slika 2. Asociacija polimorfizmov genskega markerja in vezanega kvantitativnega lokusa
(QTL) s fenotipskimi lastnostmi, omogoča identifikacijo regij genoma, kjer se
nahajajo QTL.
Improvement of farm animal's production traits started immediately after domestication, when
people begun to breed animals for a certain purpose in adapted environment. Classic selection is
based on phenotypic performance which can be recorded either directly on the individuum
(performance test) or its relatives, mainly offspring (progeny test). However, in both cases the
impact of genes affecting particular trait is blurred by a number of environmental factors. The
development of recombinant DNA techniques in the last few decades enabled identification of
genes that underlie genetic variation of production traits observed in livestock species.
Identification of these genes is expected to contribute considerably to the development of more
efficient selection procedures, which will employ genetic markers. This strategy, called marker
assisted selection (MAS) will allow also better insight in the physiological background of
corresponding traits (Davis and DeNise, 1998).
In cattle, several national and international projects were focused on production of molecular
markers and improvement of existing genetic maps. In addition to that, interest in whole genome
sequencing was growing with the improvement of technical tools for such project. At present the
main initiative for whole genome sequencing is shared between research institutes at Baylor,
NHGRI/NIH and A&M in Texas, as well as Canadian and New Zealand groups. The plan was to
achieve 5–7 fold genome coverage using the shot-gun sequencing by the end of 2004. In the
public databases 1598 cattle genes have already been mapped and partially sequenced by the end
of 2003. More than 322.000 EST sequences were determined and deposited in public databases.
The most comprehensive information regarding cattle genome organization is available from
genome databases such as ArkDB ( and
BOVMAP. Cattle linkage maps contained in 2003 more than 2000 mapped loci, which is
114 Acta agriculturae slovenica, 84(december 2004)2.
comparable with about 2000 mapped loci on radiation hybrid maps. In addition, numerous QTLs
were mapped for economically important traits. Typical examples include milk yield and
composition in dairy cattle and growth and carcass characteristics in beef cattle. Two main
strategies have been employed in order to identify genes underlying QTLs:
− experimental crosses between two strains, breeds or subspecies were performed to
identify the genes contributing to the differences observed for a trait of interest between
these two strains (breeds, subspecies).
− mapping of QTLs that are underlying the genetic variance, observed for a trait of interest
in a commercial population, was carried out with a help of the outbred pedigrees.
Mapping of QTL is in general not very straightforward procedure because of the large
genome regions occupied by them. QTLs normally comprise about 20 to 40 millions of base
pairs containing several hundreds of genes, representing 1/50 to 1/100 of the whole genome. In
addition, quantitative traits are affected by different breeding methods, interactions between
environment and genotype, epistatic effects and by genetic imprinting. The precision of QTL
mapping is therefore significantly reduced compared with a single gene locus. Another problem,
associated with QTL identification is, that even they are determined in one population (breed)
their consistency between populations is often low. Projects attempting to map genes affecting
milk production traits in dairy cattle populations demonstrate different experimental designs. The
Bov MAS project is one of the largest initiatives dealing with QTLs affecting milk production.
The aim of this EU funded project is mapping of genes, which have an impact on milk
production in order to provide tools for successful marker assisted selection.
Conservation of genome organization between cattle, sheep and goat was already
demonstrated comparing mapping data from these species. The most advanced genome map in
cattle can therefore serve as a model for sheep, goat and even deer genome mapping.
The availability genomic DNA sequences for a number of potential candidate genes with an
impact on different production traits allowed construction of cattle genome micro arrays, which
can be applied for large scale expression profiling in different physiological states, during
infection and at different production levels. Complex expression profiles can help by
identification of co-expressed genes and genes being involved in the same physiological
Linkage analysis revealed clustering of all four casein loci in the relative gene order αs1-CNβ-CN-αs2-CN-κ-CN (Grosclaude et al., 1973). In the 1980s as the cDNA- and genomic
sequences for major bovine lactoproteins became available (Stewart et al., 1984; Stewart et al.,
1987; Vilotte et al., 1991; Gorodetsky et al., 1988; Alexander et al., 1988; Bonsing and
Mackinlay, 1987) the new era of casein research began. Exon intron organization and nucleotide
sequences of regulatory regions were determined. In situ hybridisation studies revealed
localisation of the casein gene cluster on the bovine chromosome 6 (Gupta et al., 1982).
However, the molecular proof of linkage and gene order was provided later using the long-range
restriction analysis of the casein gene cluster DNA (Ferretti et al., 1990; Threadgill and
Womack, 1990), which occupies about 250 kb of genomic DNA. The transcriptional orientation
of the β-CN gene is opposite to the orientation of the other three genes in the cluster (Rijnkels et
al., 1997). From the evolutionary point of view the three related calcium sensitive casein genes
(αs1-CN-β-CN-αs2-CN) arose from the common ancestor through intra- and intergenic
duplication and exon shuffling. They also share regulatory motifs in the proximal 5’ flanking
region (Groenen and Van der Poel, 1994). However, the kappa casein gene (k-CN), the last
member of the casein gene cluster is not evolutionary related to the other casein genes, although
Frajman, P and Dovč, P. Milk production in post-genomic era.
it follows the similar expression pattern and its protein product is essential for micelle formation
and stability (Alexander et al., 1988).
All casein genes are present in numerous genetic variants (β-CN: 7, κ-CN: 6, αs1 –CN: 6, αs2CN: 4). Frequencies of casein genetic variants are breed-specific and, with exception of αs2-CN,
have an impact on milk composition and technological properties of milk. Their expression is
hormonally regulated by lactogenic hormones prolactin, glucocorticoid and insulin. They act
either directly by binding to DNA (like glucocorticoid hormone) or via different signal
transduction pathways and transcription factors (TF) as activators of lactoprotein gene
transcription by binding of TF on their binding sites in promoter regions of lactoprotein genes.
Prolactin activates STAT5, which is a most important activator of lactoprotein gene expression
(Doppler et al., 2001). Considering consensus sequences of different TFs, their potential binding
sites within the promoter regions could be identified and than further analyzed for their
functionality using functional studies on cell cultures or transgenic animals.
Figure 3. Diagrammatic representation of putative transcription factor binding sites in 2250 bp
of the bovine κ-casein promoter compared to distribution of the putative TF binding
sites in the κ-casein gene promoters of some mammalian species. Putative
transcription factor binding sites were identified using consensus transcription factor
binding sequences.
Slika 3. Shematska ponazoritev domnevnih vezavnih mest transkripcijskih faktorjev (TF) v
2250 bp κ-kazeinskem promotorju goveda, v primerjavi z razporeditvijo domnevnih
vezavnih mest TF v κ-kazeinskih promotorjih pri nekaterih drugih živalskih vrstah.
Ugotavljanje domnevnih vezavnih mest je potekalo s pomočjo konsenzus zaporedij
transkripcijskih faktorjev.
In the case of the bovine κ-CN promoter, potential TF binding sites were determined on the
basis of sequence similarity with consensus sequences (Adachi et al.; 1996; Debeljak et al.,
2000,). Four potential STAT5 binding sites were selected for further functional analysis using
EMSA. Two promoter fragments of different length (925bp and 2064bp) were used for
116 Acta agriculturae slovenica, 84(december 2004)2.
luciferase reporter gene expression study in bovine mammary epithelial cell line BME-UV1. The
expression experiment revealed important positive regulatory elements in the distal part of the
bovine k-CN promoter (Debeljak et al., 2004, in press).
The 3’ region of the mRNA can also have an impact on gene expression level, mostly by its
effect on the length of polyA tail. It has been shown, that the length of polyA tail in the β-CN is
affected by lactogenic hormones prolactin and glucocorticoid and is therefore changing during
the different stages of lactation. In the fourth and fifth exon of the κ-CN gene, several
polymorphisms were found, which could potentially influence the length of the polyA tail in
different genetic variants of κ-casein (Debeljak, 2000).
Studies on the bovine β-lactoglobulin gene showed the importance of a transcription factor
AP-2 binding site for a high level of β-lactoglobulin expression (Lum et al., 1997). A single
point mutation in the promoter region, binding AP-2 caused significant reduction of βlactoglobulin/luciferase reporter gene in the HC11 cell line (Folch et al., 1999). Recently this
polymorphism has been confirmed as a first known genetic polymorphism in lactoprotein genes
with clear quantitative effect (Kuss et al., 2003).
The tissue specific expression of milk proteins offers a safe and renewable source for
production of recombinant human proteins, useful for pharmaceutical industry, in the milk of
transgenic farm animals. The capacity of the mammary gland to produce relatively high amounts
of protein in milk and availability of efficient protein purification methods make production of
biologically active proteins for pharmaceutical use also economically attractive. The human
transferin from transgenic cattle, anti-thrombin III from transgenic goats, a1-antitripsin from
transgenic sheep and α-glucosidase from transgenic rabbits are examples of successful
introduction and expression of human genes in the farm animal mammary gland (Rudolph et al.,
1999). More than 20 recombinant proteins have been produced using transgenic technology in
five species (cow, goat, pig, rabbit and sheep). The efficacy of recombinant protein production in
the mammary gland of transgenic animals is best illustrated by the fact that only four transgenic
pigs producing factor IX could produce 2 kg of this protein which represent yearly demand for
this protein worldwide.
Another attractive field of research represent manipulation of milk composition in order to
improve technological and dietary properties of milk. An example for a model for production of
milk with reduced level of lactose are transgenic animals, which produce intestinal lactase phlorizin hydrolase in the mammary gland, producing milk, suitable for people with pronounced
lactose intolerance (Jost et al., 1999). Insertion of additional copies of lactoprotein genes under
transcriptional control of different mammary gland specific promoters could alter protein
concentration and influence micelle size and stability (Baranyi et al., 2004). Such modified milk
could have interesting cheese making properties. The high proportion of saturated fatty acids in
bovine milk fat raised nutritional concerns related with development of arteriosclerosis.
Selection of dairy cattle for more effective desaturases could increase the proportion of
unsaturated fatty acids in bovine milk. In addition, increased activity of stearoyl-CoA-desaturase
could lead to higher proportion of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in milk, which would
considerably improve dietary value of bovine milk fat (Bauman and Perfield, 2002). The content
of CLA in milk is mostly influenced by nutrition and also by physiological factors such as breed,
fertility, stage of lactation, level of the CLA desaturase. With changing of nutrition the level of
CLA in milk could be up to five folds higher. In cattle, breed differences in CLA content in milk
were observed, influenced by index of CLA-desaturase. Differences in CLA content in the milk
fat could be up to three fold among individuals with the same nutrition with no remarkable
Frajman, P and Dovč, P. Milk production in post-genomic era.
influence of the breed, parity or stage of lactation. Physiological and genetic background of
individual differences in CLA content in milk still remains to be defined.
Mastitis is most prevalent disease in dairy cattle, affecting around 40% of dairy cow
population. Mastitis is a disease with low heritability and therefore selection attempts has little
success. In sheep, but not in cows, genetic correlation between somatic cell count in milk and
quantity of milk, was observed (Barillet et al., 2001). Clinical forms of mastitis in sheep are rare
but it seems that it would be possible to lower even subclinical forms of mastitis with selection
for mastitis resistance using somatic cell count.
Recent research is oriented in identification of relevant genes and mechanisms controlling the
pathogen specific immune defence in the mammary gland of ruminant dairy species. State-ofthe-art functional genomics techniques are used to analyse specimens from udders of cows and
goats, which have been experimentally infected with different pathogens. Genes with relevance
for pathogen-specific immune defence can be characterized by comparative transcriptome
analyses. Hierarchical clustering of the data is the next step in identification of relevant genes
involved in immune response. Characterization of their genetic variants in relationship to
relevant QTL will help dairy cattle breeders to improve dairy cows’ genetics for mastitis
Genomics approach to identification of important genes with an impact on the milk quantity,
quality and composition offers an entirely new way to identify complex interactions among
genes and their physiological role for milk production. For the first time we can anaylse complex
relationship among genes within the entire genome and perform complex expression
experiments, which were not feasible without high throughput genomic tools. As a consequence,
the faster and more efficient selection for higher productivity, and even more interesting, for
milk characteristics, influencing technological properties of milk or having better impact on
human health will be possible. For example, selection on certain favorable haplotypes (κ-CN B
and β-lactoglobulin B) will contribute to better technological properties of milk, especially
cheese making properties. In the future, more robust QTLs have to be defined and search for
appropriate markers for MAS needs to be continued. Functional polymorphisms within genes
influencing production traits have to be evaluated in vitro and in vivo in order to enable selection
for alleles with positive effects. And finally, gene expression patterns, revealed in micro array
experiments will allow identification of new candidate genes involved in the expression of
production traits.
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