Chapter 8
Polarization in a GeV RLA
Yves Roblin
Abstract Polarized beam dynamics in a Recirculated Linear Accelerator (RLA)
differ markedly from their behavior in circular machines. After giving a brief
overview of the topology of a RLA we discuss the unique requirements for polarized
beam physics experiments carried at these types of machines and their implications
on the spin transport. The Thomas BMT equation will be rewritten to emphasize the
relevant features and the relationship between spin transport and global accelerator
parameters such as the accelerating profiles. We will consider scenarios for which
one or more experimental hall has to be provided with longitudinal polarization
and discuss how this is achieved. Finally, a review of possible depolarization and
spin precession effects occurring in these machines will be presented. In order to
illustrate this, we will examine the case of the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC) where
such effects were first observed.
8.1 Topology of a Recirculated Linear Accelerator
Recirculated super conducting linear accelerators are used when high duty factor
continuous beams for nuclear physics experiments are desired. Many such experiments require polarized electron sources yielding up to 90% of longitudinally or
transversally polarized beams.
This manuscript has been authored in part by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under Contract
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Y. Roblin ()
Center for Advanced Studies of Accelerators, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility,
Newport News, VA, USA
[email protected]
This is a U.S. government work and not under copyright protection in the U.S.;
foreign copyright protection may apply 2023
F. Méot et al. (eds.), Polarized Beam Dynamics and Instrumentation
in Particle Accelerators, Particle Acceleration and Detection,
Y. Roblin
Fig. 8.1 CEBAF recirculator. The beam is generated in the injector where spin manipulations are
performed. It is accelerated through two linacs connected by return arcs. By convention we call
the return arcs near the extraction region (left of the figure) the west arcs, whereas the arcs on the
opposite side are called east arcs
The beam is generated in the injector, usually with a low emittance, and
accelerated in the first linac. It is then transported to the front of the next linac
arranged in a 180◦ configuration from the first one. Appropriate transport ensures
that it is on crest for acceleration in the next linac. Each linac has independent cavity
phasing controls and accelerating gains. The beam transport system is comprised
of multi-pass spreaders and recombiners combined with standard transport arcs
optimized for low emittance growth.
CEBAF [1] is one such machine where experiments demanding a high degree of
polarization are carried out. Figure 8.1 shows the general layout. The beam can be
accelerated through the linacs and recirculated up to five times. It can be extracted
and sent to experimental halls at any given pass. Recent upgrades to CEBAF added
another half pass and Hall D. We will not discuss this in the remainder of this
document as this hall does not necessitate the use of polarized beams.
8.2 Helicity, Spin and Polarization
Experiments making use of polarized electron beams are studying physics processes
for which the cross-section depends on the helicity of the incoming electron beam.
As a reminder, helicity is defined as the projection of the spin component along the
momentum. The spin of a particle is a quantum degree of freedom. For a massless
8 Polarization in a GeV RLA
photon, it can take two different values which corresponds to +1 and −1 helicities,
electrons carry 1/2 and −1/2 helicities. Polarization is the weighted average of the
spin states over the particle distribution. This is the quantity that is accessible via
polarimetry measurements and is what we will be referring to in the rest of this
Polarized electrons are produced by exploiting the conservation of helicity during
photo emission. A laser is passed through a linear polarizer to yield linearly
polarized photons which are an equal superposition of −1 and +1 helicities. This
light is then polarized circularly via a birefringent electro-optic crystal (called
Pockels cells) allowing for one helicity state or the other to be dominant (typically
>99.9% of circular polarization).
This light when illuminating a strained GaAs cathode will predominantly excite
electrons from specific conduction bands with quantum numbers such that the
helicity is conserved.
Progress in strained semiconductor superlattice photocathodes has allowed for
producing polarized electrons of specific helicities with polarization of about 90%
and quantum efficiency greater than 1% capable of readily producing currents of
several hundreds of microamperes.
8.3 Typical Tolerances on Spin Transport for Parity
Experiments probing the conservation of parity are extremely demanding on the
beam parameters. They rely upon measuring cross-section differences (asymmetries) for the two incoming electron helicity states. In order to resolve the very
small parity-violating physics asymmetries, it is necessary to measure and/or
suppress other helicity correlated systematic asymmetries. This includes any helicity
correlated position and angle differences, beam intensity and beam envelope at the
experimental target. Table 8.1 list typical beam tolerances that were achieved and
those that will be required for new experiments.
Note that the units are nanometers and part per billion (ppb). This refers to the
time averaged value of the helicity correlated differences over the duration of the
experiment. Even though the beam position monitors are only accurate to a few
tens of µm, the helicity averaged difference over months of data taking reaches
nanometers by virtue of accumulating enough statistics. All these experiments hinge
on that critical factor.
They employ a number of methods to eliminate or reduce the systematic errors.
Some have a direct bearing on the lattice design of the accelerator, others are
implemented via optical manipulations on the laser table. One of the essential
method is to regularly reverse the helicity of the electron beam at the experimental
target in order to measure both helicity correlated beam asymmetries. This is
typically implemented as a fast reversal (of the order of a few tens of Hz to kHz)
and a slow reversal (once a day). The Pockels cells provide fast reversal whereas a
Table 8.1 Beam tolerances for parity violation experiments performed and proposed at CEBAF
Energy GeV
Pol %
I (µA)
Apv (ppb)
Charge asym (ppb)
Position diff (nm)
Angle diff (nrad)
300 ± 300
200 ± 10
0.5 ± 0.1
657 ± 60
85 ± 1
281 ± 46
85 ± 15
0.1 ± 0.02
X ± 9.3
20.5 ± 1.7
−2.3 ± 0.06
−0.07 ± 0.007
< 10−4
500 ± 15
100 ± 10
−0.3 ± 0.1
< 10−4
35.6 ± 0.74
10.0 ± 10.0
0.5 ± 0.5
−0.05 ± 0.05
< 10−4
Size diff (δσ/σ )
(15 cm)
(20 cm)
(20 cm)
(25 cm)
208 P b
(0.5 mm)
(35 cm)
(35 cm)
208 P b
(0.5 mm)
(150 cm)
Y. Roblin
8 Polarization in a GeV RLA
remotely insertable optical half-wave plate (on the laser table) or a Wien filter and/or
solenoidal lenses on the electron beam allow for the slow reversal.
Most experiments are only interested in receiving longitudinally polarized
electrons. Nevertheless, the spin manipulations should also allow for out of plane
polarization since it is sometimes requested to measure transverse spin physics
asymmetries, which are of interest themselves, or must be quantified as a background to the longitudinal physics asymmetry.
Recalling the topology of a typical RLA machine such as the CEBAF accelerator,
one sees that the majority of the lattice dipoles are bending in the horizontal
If one neglects the synchrotron radiation effects, the spreader and recombiner
sections both account for zero net vertical bending and hence do not induce any
precession of the vertical spin component. Orienting the spin vertically at the start
of the machine would render the transport transparent to the spin. However it is
challenging to then rotate it into a longitudinal orientation at the physics target in
the experimental halls at high energy. For this reason, it is injected horizontally at
the start of the machine accounting for the precession across the entire lattice.
8.4 Spin Propagation in an Ideal RLA with No Synchrotron
The spin precession along an accelerator lattice is described by the Thomas BMT
equation, which reads:
dt mγ
The angular velocity . at which the spin precesses is governed by the momentum
of the beam and the magnetic and electric fields it encounters. Ignoring the
transverse electric fields which are only present in the early injector in the Wien
filters, we have:
= (1 + aγ )B⊥ + (1 + a)B
This equation can be modified for the case of a RLA machine to emphasize the
relevant features.
Firstly, since we are sending electrons for which the spin is oriented longitudinally, we only consider transverse magnetic field. We will treat the longitudinal
magnetic fields as perturbations.
Longitudinal fields such as those arising in solenoids are only present in the
injector and part of the Wien filter system. The rest of the injector solenoids are
designed to be counter wound (two alternating reversed loops) to still provide
focusing but result in a net zero spin precession.
Y. Roblin
Each recirculating arc bends for a total of 180◦. A single arc will induce a
precession of φ = πaγ . During each circulation, the beam will encounter arcs
on the west and east side and accumulate more precession.
We thus write the angular rotation that the longitudinal spin component undergoes as it traverses the entire machine as [2]
φn =
[(nθ1 + (n − 1)θ2 )E0
n(n − 1)
((n + 1)θ1 + (n − 1)θ2 )E1 +
(θ1 + θ2 )E2
+ (E0 + n(E1 + E2 )θh )]
where n denotes the pass at which we extract the beam, θ1 , θ2 and θh are the total
bend angles on the west and east recirculation arcs and hall arc, E0 ,E1 and E2 are
the energy gains of the injector, north and south linacs respectively. For an ideal
machine, the bending angles are exactly defined.
In the rest of this chapter, unless otherwise specified, we will use the Zgoubi [3]
notation for spin components where Sx is the longitudinal, Sy is the transverse and
Sz the vertical component.
Parameterization of spin rotation with pass number is the object of Exercise 1,
Sect. 8.7.
8.4.1 Single Hall Case
With only one experimental hall requiring polarization, one would adjust the Wien
filter to yield an integer number of π precession from the injector to the physics
target. This is verified by measuring the longitudinal polarization in the halls
with polarimeters (Compton, Møller). Corrections are made as necessary until the
measured longitudinal polarization in the hall is maximized. Shown in Figs. 8.2
and 8.3 is the longitudinal spin component tracked through the CEBAF lattice
(using Zgoubi) from the injector to the experimental halls at first pass prior and
after Wien filter adjustments respectively. This was calculated for an injector gain
of Einj = 78.79 MeV and linac gains of E1 = E2 = 700 MeV.
8.4.2 Using the Wien Filter to Orient the Spin
A Wien filter is a device with static and electric magnetic fields orthogonal to each
other and arranged in such a way as to provide a net spin rotation without deflecting
the beam. Wien filters have astigmatism since they focus the beam in the plane of
the electric field. That is usually compensated via external quadrupoles or a tilted
pole design.
8 Polarization in a GeV RLA
Fig. 8.2 Prior to adjusting Wien filter, note the injected spin is longitudinal when the Wien filter
is turned off
Fig. 8.3 After adjusting Wien filter for Hall A, note the final longitudinal polarization in Hall A is
Sx = 1
A span of .± π2 for the spin rotation is easily achieved for incoming electron beam
kinetic energies of around 130 KeV (CEBAF).
The Wien filter condition can only be achieved for a monochromatic and pointlike beam. Real beams have energy spread and transverse sizes, both of which will
produce transverse focusing in the plane of the electric field and energy spread
Y. Roblin
Fig. 8.4 CEBAF double Wien filter setup. The first Wien filter (vertical) downstream of the photoguns rotates the polarization from longitudinal to vertical. The second Wien filter (horizontal)
rotates the polarization in-plane to compensate precession of CEBAF transport magnets. Solenoids
in-between ensure additional polarization rotation requirements
variations in the longitudinal plane. Proper re-matching of the transverse beam
envelope is necessary in order to minimize emittance growth during subsequent
8.4.3 Spin Flipping to Reduce Uncertainties
Many of the systematic errors caused by beam induced helicity asymmetries can be
canceled by polarization reversal. As mentioned earlier, this can be done on the laser
table during the generation of the circular light or by slow reversal on the electron
This slow reversal is accomplished by means of a 4π spin rotator, namely a set of
two Wien filters associated with a pair of solenoids [4]. The electron beam generated
at the gun is longitudinally polarized. The first Wien filter is powered to produce an
out of plane vertical polarization. A pair of solenoids provide a rotation of the spin
back in the horizontal plane along the beam direction or 180◦ from it providing a
mean to produce a slow helicity flip. A second Wien filter is used to generate the
horizontal rotation needed for compensating for the precession around the machine.
Figure 8.4 shows a schematic of the system employed at CEBAF.
8.5 Spin Propagation to Multiple Experimental Halls
8.5.1 Concept of Magic Energies
In order to be able to maximize the longitudinal polarization in more than one hall,
one has to constrain the choice of energy gains in the linacs to certain values. Writing
Eq. 8.3 for two different experimental halls, we want to find the energy gains for
which the difference .h1
n − m between hall h1 and hall h2 extracted at passes n
and m is an integer multiple of π.
8 Polarization in a GeV RLA
Hall D (MeV)
Hall B (MeV)
Hall A vs Hall B
Hall A(MeV)
Fig. 8.5 Magic energies for longitudinal spin in two halls. Green lines depict the final energy in
Hall D. Purple lines are the energy combinations between Hall A and Hall B yielding an integer
number of π precession
This results in a set of available energies (so-called magic energies) as shown in
Fig. 8.5. Note that this figure was produced by also imposing the constraints that
the two halls have to be at different passes unless both are at pass 5 (because of the
particular topology and design of the extraction system for CEBAF).
The difference in spin precession between two experimental halls is the object of
Exercise 2, Sect. 8.7.
8.5.2 Optimizing for Multiple Halls, Figure of Merit
Looking at Eq. (8.3), one can see that it is possible to use the linac gains as a
spin rotation knob. If one configures the RLA with asymmetric acceleration for a
given total accelerating gain E (E1 + E2 = E, E1 = E2 ) then one can generate
a differential spin precession between the east and west side of the machine. This
method provides for an additional reach of possible configurations.
During the preparation of experimental schedules, a figure of merit taken as the
square of the polarization in each hall is maximized to allow for the optimal running.
Note that we assume that the halls are not current limited (the actual statistical
figure of merit includes multiplying by the beam current). Typically, one hall is
chosen to receive maximum polarization and energies are selected to maximize
Table 8.2 P 2 table with no
Wien filter adjustment
Table 8.3 P 2 table with
Wien filter set to maximize
polarization in Hall A at first
Y. Roblin
Pass 1
Pass 2
Pass 3
Pass 4
Pass 5
Pass 1
Pass 2
Pass 3
Pass 4
Pass 5
the polarization in other halls while fulfilling other experimental requirements. The
calculations are arranged in a matrix (called the P 2 matrix) with the columns being
the passes and the rows the experimental halls.
Under most circumstances, one cannot maximize the polarization in all three
halls, so this figure of merit matrix allows for comparison between different scenarios. For example, the Wien filter angle necessary for maximizing the polarization
in one hall can be selected and the effect on the other halls and passes is shown in
the P 2 matrix. Various algorithms are employed to arrive at a configuration that is
satisfactory for the multiple hall running and the programmatic choices made.
At this stage of planning, a simple analytical model making use of the formulas
developed above and taking into account the synchrotron radiation loss in the arcs is
utilized. The final determination is obtained by tracking through the lattice to map
out the beam energy along the line and the resulting spin precession.
Shown in Tables 8.2 and 8.3 are the P 2 matrices for the planning that took part
in 2019. This corresponded to Einj = 121.5 MeV, E1 = E2 = 1031 MeV. As seen
in these tables, maximizing the spin for Hall A at first pass also provided for a good
figure of merit for B and C at pass 5 (close to 1).
Spin precession along CEBAF and P 2 matrix are the object of Exercise 3,
Sect. 8.7.
8.6 Depolarization and Spin Precession Effects
8.6.1 Orbit Errors due to Lattice Imperfections
Lattice imperfections lead to imperfection resonances and affect the performance of
a ring negatively. This is not the case for a RLA. One only goes through each arc
once so there is no closed orbit to be perturbed by quadrupole kicks which would
generate spin-orbit resonance coupling.
Consequently, misalignment errors will simply lead to extraneous dipole kicks
which will affect the spin precession but not depolarize the beam.
8 Polarization in a GeV RLA
What about intrinsic resonances arising from the interaction between the spin
tune aγ and the vertical betatron oscillations in the periodic arc structures?
In theory this could produce a decoherence of the spin if one ends up on a
resonance condition. The strength of such spin resonances is proportional to the
Fourier spectrum of the perturbing field accumulated when the beam oscillates
through the vertical plane of the quadrupoles times aγ .
Recalling the definition of polarization, one sees that depolarization can occur
when particles in the beam see a different perturbing field at different phase
advances leading to spin states no longer oriented in a prevailing direction. This
would occur since a vertical betatron oscillation within the bunch will produce kicks
that will add up coherently if on resonance with the spin tune gradually resulting in
the spin of these particles spiraling away from the initial polarization direction.
The vertical betatron oscillation within the bunch is proportional to the conserved
quantity which is the square root of the emittance. Fortunately, RLA machines such
as CEBAF have exceedingly small emittances. At 12 GeV, the vertical emittance in
CEBAF is about 1 nm.rad (geometric) for the last pass and considerably smaller on
lower passes. Consequently, most RLA machines do not have to worry about spin
resonances due to the beam envelope extent.
A related situation is when one has an orbit oscillation (instead of just the
beam envelope) in a periodic structure. It turns out that in some cases, this
can be a significant effect which will induce extraneous precession. There is no
depolarization since it does not affect the spin distribution of individual particles in
the bunch but instead alters the spin precession of the entire bunch.
It was observed first at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) during
the commissioning of the detectors for the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC).
This machine was designed to collide polarized electrons and unpolarized
positrons in order to produce polarized Z0 bosons. Figure 8.6 shows its layout. After
being produced, beams are stored in damping rings where their emittance is reduced.
They are then accelerated in a linac to around 50 GeV and brought into collision at
the interaction point (IP) by means of collider arcs.
The polarization needs to be longitudinal at the IP, so super-conducting solenoids
located in the electron damping ring and in front of the linac allow for rotating the
spin in order to accommodate the total precession. Polarimeters are located at the IP
and can be used to measure the longitudinal spin component.
During commissioning, it was observed that the longitudinal polarization was
very sensitive to the vertical orbit fluctuations in the arc. It had not been anticipated
and prompted a number of theoretical and experimental studies which led to the
realization that this was due to running near an intrinsic spin resonance resulting in
extra precession.
As it turns out the collision arc is a periodic structure for which the vertical
betatron tune happens to be coinciding with the spin tune when running at or near the
Z0 boson center of mass energy (about 45.6 GeV for each beam). We will explore
this in an exercise dedicated to modeling the SLC arc.
In particular, we will calculate the buildup of the vertical spin through one
achromat of the north arc when near the spin resonance condition. Figures 8.7
Fig. 8.6 Stanford Linear
Collider layout from [5]
Y. Roblin
8 Polarization in a GeV RLA
Fig. 8.7 Original SLAC result from [6]. In their notation, Sz is the longitudinal spin, Sy is the
vertical spin
Fig. 8.8 Spin along the orbit, a calculation using Zgoubi. Sx is the longitudinal spin, Sz is the
vertical spin. Also depicted is the vertical orbit deflection referenced on the right vertical axis
and 8.8 show the vertical and longitudinal spin components propagating through
one achromat when the vertical orbit oscillation is 0.5 mm. Figure 8.8 was obtained
using Zgoubi and closely track the SLAC results in their original publications [6, 7]
which was calculated at the time using spinor methods.
Y. Roblin
8.6.2 Bump Orbit Spin Rotator
In order to increase the luminosity at the IP, the SLD collaboration at SLAC decided
to start using flat beams [5–7]. Up until then, spin precession in the collider arcs was
corrected by means of the spin rotator in the damping rings and at the entrance of the
linac. Optical matching of this device becomes complicated when using flat beams
and would have required installing supplemental skew quadrupoles and develop a
new tuning protocol. Instead, an alternative method was employed exploiting the
spin orbit resonance condition.
Recall that in order to rotate the spin one needs only a combination of
longitudinal and transverse fields like solenoids and dipoles. If one has a resonant
condition as described above, a vertical orbit deflection will cause the spin vector to
rotate in the vertical plane around an axis perpendicular to the longitudinal direction
as seen in Fig. 8.8. Hence, using two orbit bumps separated by dipole magnets will
act as a spin rotator. SLAC used this to very reliably adjust the spin precession for
SLC even though they could not measure the orbit bumps or the orbit fluctuations
with the required accuracy. Instead, they empirically mapped out the orbit bumps
generated by shifting combined function dipoles from the reference orbit with the
measured longitudinal polarization at the IP [6].
Figure 8.9 shows an orbit bump closed after the first seven achromats and its
effect on the vertical and longitudinal spin when near resonance (45.64 GeV, left) or
away from resonance, Fig. 8.10.
Fig. 8.9 42π orbit bump at 45.64 GeV
8 Polarization in a GeV RLA
Fig. 8.10 42π orbit bump at 40 GeV
8.6.3 Effect of Energy Spread and Other Off-Momentum
There are several types of energy effects to consider. The first being that particles
inside the bunch will be off-momentum due to the energy spread relative to
the reference momentum. For such particles, the spin is rotated by an angle δθ
relative to the on-momentum particle. This results in a smearing of the longitudinal
polarization but no net depolarization loss provided that the beam energy is not near
a spin resonance.
Figure 8.11 shows the effect of the energy spread on the longitudinal polarization
distribution at CEBAF for two values of the intrinsic energy spread.
Another possibility is the beam itself being off-momentum because of synchrotron radiation and a particular choice of the magnet powering scheme.
It is effectively the case in CEBAF where the dipoles making up the arcs are
powered in series by one power supply per arc which is usually set to the onmomentum value corresponding to the energy of the beam in the middle of the
arc after it has been degraded by synchrotron radiation.
Hence, the first half of the dipoles is under powered while the second half is
overpowered. The orbit error is compensated for by corrector magnets.
We estimate this effect by tracking through the lattice and mapping out the energy
profile to use when calculating the precession. When folded in with other errors due
to the calibration of the linac cavities, we typically predict the proper Wien filter
Y. Roblin
Fig. 8.11 Effect of intrinsic energy spread on longitudinal spin
setting to within a couple of degrees. The final setting is achieved by performing a
polarization measurement in the halls and adjusting accordingly.
8.7 Homework
? Exercise 1: Parameterization of Spin Rotation
Express the spin precession along the vertical axis in terms of the accelerating
gradients in the injector, north and south linacs.
Show that it can be parameterized relative to the pass at which the beam is
extracted into an experimental hall by recovering formula 8.3.
What assumptions have to be made to write the precession in this form?
Recall that the Thomas BMT equation which governs the evolution of the spin
through the machine can be written as
S × .
m0 γ
= (1 + aγ )B⊥ + (1 + a)B
8 Polarization in a GeV RLA
Starting from the expression for in lab coordinates, we ignore the electric field
(no source in CEBAF besides the Wien filters which we will treat separately). The
other assumption we are going to make is to neglect the B component. Since we
are considering transport past the injector, there is no solenoid in the rest of the
machine. Other source besides solenoids would be the fringe fields at the end of the
dipoles and it is a negligible effect.
Integrating Eq. 8.5 over the beam path, we
end up with the spin rotation in the
particle reference frame on the left side
B⊥ ds on the right side which, when
B ds
factor gives p/e
= θ the rotation in the dipoles. So,
combined with the mγ
θ1 ,θ2 and θh for the east and west recirculating arcs and the final bend into the hall.
Finally, generalizing the formula to more than one pass and parameterizing in
terms of the pass n yields formula 8.3.
It can be proven by inference by realizing that for pass n, we go n times through
the east side arc (θ1), n-1 times through the west side (θ2 ) and once through the bend
towards the hall (θh ).
? Exercise 2: Difference in Precession Between Two Experimental Halls
Show that the difference in precession between two experimental halls can be
written as h1
n1 − n2 = me f (h1 , n1 ; h2 , n2 )π where h1 , h2 are the halls A,
B or C and n1 , n2 are the passes at which the beam is extracted.
Write a program to find the combinations of energies in Hall A and Hall B
for which the difference in precession between the two halls is exactly an integer
number of π. This should allow to reproduce Fig. 8.5.
Starting from Eq. 8.3, we introduce the ratio α =
linac energy and recast it in this form:
= E1
of the injector energy to the
−α 1−
2n − n 1 − 2α −
We also assumed that both linacs produce the same acceleration (E1 = E2 ) to
simplify the formula.
From there, we can write the difference between halls h1 at pass n1 and h2 at
pass n2 and obtain the solution.
When the quantity E1 g−2
2me (h1, n1, h2, n2) is an integer multiple of π, both
halls have the maximum polarization, this occurs for specific values of E1 , the socalled magic energies.
One can write a simple python script [8] which generates all these combinations
and plot it to reproduce the figure.
Y. Roblin
? Exercise 3: Spin Precession Along CEBAF; P 2 Matrix
Write a program or a simple spreadsheet to calculate the spin precession along the
CEBAF machine for various passes and energies.
Using Sand’s formula, the loss per arc can be approximated to
E = 0.08846E 4
with nd the number of dipoles in an arc and ld the length of the trajectory in a
dipole. Calculate the P 2 matrix and Wien filter settings required for each hall. For
scheduling purposes, it is acceptable if the P 2 in a given hall is above 0.8. Besides
Hall B, which other combinations of halls and passes are acceptable when we are
maximizing the polarization for Hall B at pass 5?
The spreadsheet, spinprecessionCEBAFRLA [9], implements the calculation as
described above. The gains for the North and South linacs are entered in E2 and F2.
The injector gain is automatically calculated in D2. Precession is calculated around
the machine using the simplified expression of the Thomas BMT equation 8.3 and
the resulting P 2 matrix available in cells C23 thru G28. The table labeled wien
required give the necessary Wien angle to maximize the longitudinal polarization
for a particular pass and hall. Finally, the cell C7 provides a mean to turn on (1) or
off (0) the synchrotron radiation.
1. C.W. Leemann, D.R. Douglas, G.A. Krafft, The continuous electron beam accelerator facility:
CEBAF at the Jefferson Laboratory. Annu. Rev. Nucl. Particle Sci. 51(1), 413–450 (2001)
2. Magic Energies for the 12GeV upgrade. Jefferson Lab Technical Note JLAB-TN-04-042
3. F. Méot, The ray-tracing code Zgoubi - Status. NIM A 767, 112–125 (2014). F. Méot: Zgoubi
users’ guide.
4. P.A. Adderley, J.F. Benesch, J. Clark, J.M. Grames, J. Hansknecht, R. Kazimi, D. Machie,
M. Poelker, M.L. Stutzman, R. Suleiman et al., Conf. Proc. C 110328, 862–864 (2011). PAC2011-TUP025
5. M. Woods, The polarized electron beam for the SLAC linear collider SLAC-PUB-7320, Oct
6. T. Limberg, P. Emma, R. Rossmanith, The north arc of the SLC as a spin rotator. SLAC-PUB6210, May 1993
7. T. Limberg, P. Emma, R. Rossmanith, Depolarization in the SLC collider arcs. SLAC-PUB6527, June 1994
8. Exercise 2, Python script “”.
9. Exercise 3, spreadsheet “spinprecessionCEBAFRLA” available here:
8 Polarization in a GeV RLA
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