Karl W. Randolph.
Copyright 2024 Karl W. Randolph.
At this time, this dictionary is free to use for personal study. For commercial interests,
please contact Karl W. Randolph at
[email protected] .
Thanks must be accorded Ken Penner for recoding this dictionary from that used by Online
Bible to unicode.
How to use this dictionary ................................................................................4
Biblical Hebrew to English Dictionary...............................................................8
Biblical Aramaic to English Dictionary. .........................................................331
Appendices ....................................................................................................342
Grammar .......................................................................................................366
Patterns of Noun Derivations from Verbs ......................................................392
Philosophy behind the Development of this Dictionary .................................401
History of this dictionary ..............................................................................406
My lexicographer technique ..........................................................................408
Masoretic Points ?? .......................................................................................410
How to use this Dictionary:
Except for the difference between the sin and shin, none of the dots used by the Masoretes
are listed. The only reason that the sin and shin are differentiated is because of the
tradition that they are different letters, so that even in unpointed texts, they are usually
differentiated. Were it not for that, I wouldn’t include those dots.
(Actually I maintain three versions of this dictionary: one to remain compatible with an
old program, pre-unicode, that has some unique search capabilities that I haven’t found
in newer programs, one for a text that I often use that doesn’t differentiate between sin
and shin, and this one that does differentiate between sin and shin. Usually it’s just a
quick copy and paste to update all three within seconds.)
Other Masoretic points I don’t include because 1) they do not represent Biblical era
pronunciation. Historical indications in Ezra and Nehemiah indicate that Hebrew had
ceased to be natively spoken before their time. By the time the Masoretes invented the
pointing system to represent vowels, there had been over a thousand years of
pronunciation change driven by the languages Jews actually spoke, mainly Aramaic and
Greek. The Masoretic points represent the tradition of Hebrew pronunciation as it existed
in the Masoretic time and place. 2) Even assuming the Masoretic tradition as the
working pronunciation, the points are not always accurate as far as meaning is
concerned. Even if the error rate were as little as 1%, that averages out to about one
error every three to five verses. For these two reasons, I prefer not to lock my readers
into the Masoretic points by including them.
This dictionary does not list all grammatical constructs, or Binyamim, the use of it
presupposes the reader's recognition of basic Hebrew grammar. This requires the
recognition of the forms, both prefixes and suffixes, because they will not be listed in this
dictionary except for some irregular forms. The definite article and interrogative ה
(prefix) will not be listed here. The prefixed ל, כ, ו, בand מwill almost always not be
listed, except in cases where the same spelling can be understood as deriving from more
than one root or they are recognized as making up a noun, so again using this dictionary
requires basic understanding of Hebrew. Where the final הof a feminine is changed to a
תor plural ות, they are listed using a final הexcept many cases where the noun is never
found ending in a final ( הthough one needs to be careful here, as there are several
nouns that end with a )ת. Where a word is found in Tanakh ending only in a ת, it is
listed with a תand not a ה. This dictionary also usually doesn’t include the accusative
final הindicating motion towards a goal. Again it’s expected that the reader recognize
the from from the context.
One way to find entries is to copy the word to be found in the unpointed text that one is
reading, copy it to the clipboard, then paste it into the find function of the program that
has opened this document. Another way to use the dictionary is to type in the word that
one wants to look up in the find function, then hit return.
While each entry is listed alphabetically, where applicable, all entries are also tied together
by root which, according to tradition, are listed under verbs. Where there are known
synonyms, either pointers are made to the synonyms, or they are listed at the end of the
entries. Alternate spellings for one listing are usually listed before the definitions.
Warning! Just because a word appears to have come from a certain root does NOT mean
that it did so. There are a few reason that that could be the case. 1) The “derived” word
is a loan word from another language. 2) The “derived” word actually comes from a
different root, often one which at first glance appears to have a different form. I
recognize verbal roots if and only if there is a commonality of action as well as form. 3)
The word is a homonym, or more accurately, a homograph, and 4) just because tradition
claims that all nouns and adjectives had verbal roots, does not mean that they did so in
practice. Tanakh has only a subset of the spoken language, and not all nouns and
adjectives have verbal roots listed in Tanakh, nor do I invent them for the purposes of
this dictionary. Therefore, all words are listed alphabetically, with listings of verbal roots
only where they’re found in Tanakh.
Having given that warning above, yet listing words according to roots can be a powerful
tool to understanding Biblical Hebrew words. In this dictionary I try to steer a middle
path, neither overdoing it, as is the practice of some and I think happened in tradition,
nor ignoring the connections as is more popular in modern times.
I list all words according to how they are found in Tanakh. So, for example, if a noun is
normally understood as a feminine noun, but is found in Tanakh only as a plural noun
and never as singular one, I list it with the waw-tau suffix without “normalizing” it to a
heh ending, as is the practice in other dictionaries.
Where Bible verse numbers are listed, they are listed according to the Hebrew numbering
tradition. Where the Hebrew numbering is different from the English, the English is
usually but not always listed following the Hebrew numbering with the English in
Symbols used:
⇐ pointing towards a derivative or secondary meaning of a word.
→ ← pointing towards a derivative of the root. For nouns, this points to the verbal root
under which it is listed.
σ pointer indicating synonym(s). Some of the entries list all the synonyms at the end of
the listing, others the root under which the synonyms are listed. An electronic count
gives 2091 pointers to synonyms listed.
β this word is a grammatical or irregular construct from one or more following words. This
dictionary does not list all the grammatical constructs, just those that are very irregular,
an alternate spelling or ones that can be derived from two or more words. 1398 are
αλ from the Greek ἁπαξ λεγοµενον meaning that this term is used only once in Tanakh.
?? definition given is either not known or questioned. Let’s be honest: the meanings of
some words have been forgotten, even before the Septuagint was written. This is
particularly true of words that have been used once or only a few times in the Bible.
Since this is a study dictionary and not a translator’s dictionary, I admit where words are
unknown or uncertain, and let translators lose hair on how to translate them.
|| Used in poetic parallel with another term.
K a Kethib reading
Q a Qere reading
<name> name of a person and/or place. I don’t try to translate names, frankly some can’t
be translated.
Bible books:
Gn = Genesis
Ex = Exodus
Lv = Leviticus
Nu = Numbers
Dt = Deuteronomy
Js = Joshua
Jd = Judges
1S = 1 Samuel
2S = 2 Samuel
1K = 1 Kings
2K = 2 Kings
Is = Isaiah
Jr = Jeremiah
Ez = Ezekiel
Hs = Hosea
Jl = Joel
Am = Amos
Ob = Obadiah
Jn = Jonah
Mc = Micah
Nh = Nahum
Hb = Habakuk
Zp = Zephaniah
Hg = Haggai
Zc = Zachariah
Ml = Malachi
Ps = Psalms
Jb = Job
Pr = Proverbs
So = Song of Songs, Song of Solomon
Ru = Ruth
Lm = Threnody, Lamentations
Ko = Kohelet, Ecclesiastes
Es = Esther
Dn = Daniel
Ezr = Ezra
Ne = Nehemiah
1C = 1 Chronicles
2C = 2 Chronicles
θορυβος, אביוןneedy (person), אביונה
neediness, want Ko 12:5 αλ σ נדבto
make willing
to be generous with time
and materials given freely Ex 25:2, 35:21,
29, Ezr 2:68
to volunteer
אבהpapyrus reed, many ancient Egyptian
ships were made of papyrus reeds, they
were light and quick Jb 9:26 αλ σ גמא
< אבוגלname>
אבויpity ?? seen as one who is in need ??
Pr 23:29 αλ LXX θορυβος ← אבה
אבוסβ בוס,אבוס
אבוסsilo, where grain is stored ?? Is
14:25, Pr 14:4
crib, for feeding grain
to animals Is 1:3, Jb 39:9, “[animal] of a
crib” animal fed grain at a crib rather
than free ranging, making for softer
meat, “feedlot fattened” 1K 5:3 (4:23),
Pr 15:17 ← אבס
אבותβ אב אוב
אבטחיםmelons Nu 11:5 αλ
אבחתfright ?? Ez 21:20 (15) αλ σ ירא
אביoh that!
< אביname>
< אבי העזריname>
< אבי עלבוןname>
< אביאלname>
< אביאסףname>
אביבgreen ears of grain Ex 9:31, Lv 2:14,
also the first month of the year in which
is found Passover Ex 13:4, 23:15, 34:18,
Dt 16:1
< אביגילname>
< אביגלname>
< אבידןname>
< אבידעname>
< אביהname>
אfirst letter of the alphabet, comes from
the meaning of ox (in the archaic
alphabet one can see the head, ears and
horns), where letters are used as
numbers, it refers to the number one.
אבfather, or ancestor, also used
אבsetting forth buds Jb 8:12, bud So 6:11
← אנב
< אבגתאname>
אבדto be(come) lost, with the idea of not
being able to be found
to destroy
utterly so that it no longer can be found,
sometimes a euphemism for to die for
the one who is dead is lost to us → אבד
being lost Nu 24:20, 24, אבדהanything
that is lost Ex 22:8, Lv 5:22–3, Dt 22:3,
place of the lost Pr 27:20, אבדוןplace of
the lost, used as a euphemism for the
grave Jb 26:6, 28:22, 31:12, Ps 88:12
(11), Pr 15:11, אבדןmaking lost,
euphemism for death Ps 119:95, Es 8:6 σ
אבדbeing lost Nu 24:20, 24 ← אבד
אבדהanything that is lost Ex 22:8, Lv
5:22–3, Dt 22:3, place of the lost Pr
27:20 ← אבד
אבדוןplace of the lost, used as a
euphemism for the grave Jb 26:6, 28:22,
31:12, Ps 88:12 (11), Pr 15:11 ← אבדσ
אבדןmaking lost, euphemism for death Ps
119:95, Es 8:6 ← אבדσ מות
אבהto be willing, even to want to, ready
to fill a need → אבויpity ?? seen as one
who is in need ?? Pr 23:29 αλ LXX
< אביהוname>
< אביהואname>
< אביהודname>
< אביהילname>
אביוןneedy (person) ← אבה
אביונהneediness, want Ko 12:5 αλ ← אבה
< אביחילname>
< אביטובname>
< אביטלname>
< אביםname>
< אבימאלname>
< אבימלךname>
< אבינדבname>
אביניםβ אביון
< אבינעםname>
< אבינרname>
< אביסףname>
< אביעזרname>
אבירmighty one ← אבר
< אבירםname>
< אבישׁגname>
< אבישׁועname>
< אבישׁורname>
< אבישׁיname>
< אבישׁלוםname>
< אביתרname>
אבךto billow up Is 9:18 αλ
אבלto mourn for someone who has died
(lost to us) or over a lost opportunity →
אבלact and/or time of mourning
reference to after when a person dies,
a person who mourns, אבלותin state of
mourning ?? Lm 1:4 αλ σ כעס
אבלact and/or time of mourning
reference to after when a person dies,
a person who mourns ← אבל
אבלqanat ?? an artificial spring made by
tunneling horizontally into an alluvial
fan Dn 8:3, 6
אבלhowever, though sometimes used in
the sense of on the contrary, but
< אבלname>
< אבל בית המעכהname>
< אבל בית מעכהname>
< אבל השׁטיםname>
< אבל כרמיםname>
< אבל מחולהname>
< אבל מצריםname>
< אבל שׁטיםname>
אבלותin state of mourning ?? Lm 1:4 αλ
← אבל
אבןβ בנה, בון,אבן
something made of stone
something made to be like stone Gn 11:3
potter’s wheel, traditionally made of
two stones connected by a shaft, the
lower one kicked to impart speed and
inertia, the upper one whereupon pottery
is thrown Jr 18:3 αλ ( pl. euphemism
for sex organs ?? Ex 1:16 αλ) σ חצץ
gravel, of stones Pr 20:17, Lm 3:16 of ice,
hail Ps 77:18 (17)
< אבן העזרname>
< אבנהname>
אבנטwaistband, a long cloth wrapped
around the body Ex 28:4, Lv 8:7, Is 22:21
σ בגד
“ אבני מלאיםstones of filling” precious
stones for setting (to fill settings) Ex
25:7, 35:9 ← מלא
< אבנרname>
אבסto feed at a crib (instead of making
go out to forage) 1K 5:3, Pr 15:17 →
אבוסsilo, where grain is stored ?? Is
14:25, Pr 14:4
crib, for feeding grain
to animals Is 1:3, Jb 39:9, “[animal] of a
crib” animal fed grain at a crib rather
than free ranging, making for softer
meat, “feedlot fattened” 1K 5:3 (4:23),
Pr 15:17, מאבסsilo, to store feed for
animals Jr 50:26 αλ
אבעבעתflowing pus Ex 9:9–10, apparently
with a continuous flowing of a great
amount of pus ← נבע
< אבץname>
< אבצןname>
אבקto get dusty (from fighting, traveling)
Nh 1:3
to wrestle Gn 32:24 → אבק
fine dust Ex 9:9, Dt 28:24, Is 29:5, אבקת
anything made into a fine powder So 3:6
אבקfine dust Ex 9:9, Dt 28:24, Is 29:5 ←
אבקσ עפר
אבקתanything made into a fine powder So
3:6 αλ ← אבק
אברto soar as in flight Jb 39:13, 26 →
אבירmighty one, אברact of soaring ??
Is 40:31, Ez 17:3, Ps 55:7, אברהwing
feather used for soaring, flying Dt 32:11,
Ps 68:14 (13), 91:4 σ עוף
אברact of soaring ?? Is 40:31, Ez 17:3, Ps
55:7 ← אבר
אברהwing feather used for soaring, flying
Dt 32:11, Ps 68:14 (13), 91:4 ← אבר
< אברהםname>
ֿ ?? אברךsomething Egyptian criers called
out to make way for a VIP chariot Gn
41:43 αλ
< אברםname>
< אבשׁיname>
< אבשׁלוםname>
אבתfatherdom, status of being from the
time of the fathers, ancestor ??
< אבתname>
( אגאלתיDSS )גאלתי
< אגגname>
< אגגיname>
אגדהband that ties things together Is 58:6
group of objects held together Ex
12:22, Am 9:6
group of people banded
together, troop 2S 2:25 σ ? שׁרשׁרת
אגוזnut So 6:11 αλ
< אגורname>
אגורתoffering donated to the sanctuary ??
1S 2:36 αλ ← אגר
אגלdroplet (of dew, water) Jb 38:28 αλ σ
< אגליםname>
אגםto sink down, as in a marsh, to become
mired down Is 19:10 αλ → אגםmarsh,
place where a person can become mired
down Ex 7:19, 8:1 (5), Is 14:23, 35:7,
41:18, 42:15, Jr 51:32, Ps 107:35, 114:8,
אגמוןrush, marsh reed Is 9:14, 19:15, Jb
40:26 (41:2), אגמןsinking down ?? Is
58:5, Jb 41:12 (20) σ טבע
אגםmarsh, place where a person can
become mired down Ex 7:19, 8:1 (5), Is
14:23, 35:7, 41:18, 42:15, Jr 51:32, Ps
107:35, 114:8 ← אגםσ בצהmarsh,
where the ground is mire Jb 8:11, 40:21
אגמוןrush, marsh reed Is 9:14, 19:15, Jb
40:26 (41:2) ← אגםσ גמא
אגמןsinking down ?? Is 58:5, Jb 41:12
(20) ← אגם
אגןgoblet, small round cup, or is this
referring to a small bottle, as for perfume
?? Ex 24:6, Is 22:24, So 7:3 σ כוס
אגףallie(d army) Ez 12:14, 38:6, 9, 22,
אגרto gather in as a farmer brings in the
harvest Dt 28:39, Pr 6:6, 10:5 → אגורת
offering donated to the sanctuary ?? 1S
2:36 αλ, אגרתletter, written as
correspondence ⇐ to collect one’s
thoughts Es 9:26, 29, Ne 2:7–9, 6:19 σ
אגרטלbasin Ezr 1:9
אגרףfist Ex 21:18, Is 58:4 ← גרף
אגרתletter, written as correspondence ⇐
to collect one’s thoughts Es 9:26, 29, Ne
2:7–9, 6:19 ← אגרσ נשתוןletter,
correspondence (Aramaic loan word) Ezr
אדwater vapor Gn 2:6, Jb 36:27 σ שׁחק
אדבto languish, comfort ?? 1S 2:33 αλ σ
< אדבאלname>
< אדדname>
אדדהβ דדה
אדדםβ דדהPs 42:5 (4) ?? LXX
אדם, אדוםEdom, name of place
אדוןlord, master, someone who has
authority over other people, both
privately as a slave holder or in
government σ מלך
< אדוןname>
< אדוריםname>
אודת, אדותcircumstances, all but once
preceded by עלtogether meaning
because of
אדירsplendid, great (one) ← אדר
< אדליהname>
אדםβ דמה, דום, איד,אדם
אדםto be red Is 1:18, Pr 23:31, Th 4:7 →
אדםman, person (everyone’s skin is
reddish, even though our eyes may not
notice it), mankind Gn 1:26–7, 2:5, 5:2,
7:21, 23 (similar to the use of the Greek
word ανθρωπος), אדםred Nu 19:2, 2K
3:22, Zc 1:8, אדםruby, a precious stone
Ex 28:17, 39:10, Ez 28:13, אדםred lentil
soup ?? Gn 25:30 (see vs. 34), אדמדם
reddish Lv 13:42, 49, אדמדמתredness ??
Lv 13: 19, 24, 43, 14:37, אדמהsoil,
where there is some intersection with the
meaning of ארץwhere it can refer to
land, usually somewhat poetic, ,אדמוני
אדמניred haired Gn 25:25, 1S 16:12,
אדםman, person (everyone’s skin is
reddish, even though our eyes may not
notice it), mankind Gn 1:26–7, 2:5, 5:2,
7:21, 23 (similar to the use of the Greek
word ανθρωπος) ← אדםσ אישׁman, a
male of the human species: though
occasionally it refers to a generalized
individual in a use similar to a pronoun,
not necessarily human, e.g. gods 2K
18:33, animals Gn 7:2, אשׁהwoman, a
female of the human species, though
occasionally refers to a generalized
object in a use similar to a pronoun, e.g.
to animals Gn 7:2, to a connector Ex
26:17, שׁדהlady, courtier
אדםred Nu 19:2, 2K 3:22, Zc 1:8 ← אדםσ
אדםruby, a precious stone Ex 28:17,
39:10, Ez 28:13 ← אדם
אדםred lentil soup ?? Gn 25:30 (see vs.
34) ← אדם
< אדםname>
אדמדםreddish Lv 13:42, 49 ← אדם
אדמדמתredness ?? Lv 13: 19, 24, 43,
14:37 ← אדם
אדמהsoil, where there is some intersection
with the meaning of ארץwhere it can
refer to land, usually somewhat poetic ←
אדםσ ארץ
< אדמהname>
אדמני, אדמוניred haired Gn 25:25, 1S
16:12, 17:42 ← אדם
< אדמיname>
< אדמיםname>
< אדמתאname>
אדןfooting, base of a pole
where based
Is 21:8
< אדןname>
אדניβ אדן,אדון
אדניהβ אדניה, אדן,אדון
< אדניהname>
< אדניקםname>
< אדנירםname>
אדרto have splendor Is 42:21 αλ → אדיר
splendid, great (one), אדרsplendor Mc
2:8, Zc 11:13, אדרתsplendor Zc 11:3
splendid Ez 17:8,
cloak (which may
have sleeves) that indicates status Gn
25;25, Js 7:21, 24, 2K 2:8, 13–4, נאדר
splendid Ex 15:6, 11 σ הדר
אדרsplendor Mc 2:8, Zc 11:13 ← אדרσ
< אדרname>
אדרכמוןdaric, a Persian coin Ezra 8:27,
2C 29:7 cf. דרכמון
אדרםβ אדרם, דור,אדר
< אדרםname>
< אדרמלךname>
< אדרעיname>
אדרתsplendor Zc 11:3
splendid Ez
cloak (which may have sleeves)
that indicates status Gn 25;25, Js 7:21,
24, 2K 2:8, 13–4 ← אדרσ בגד
אהבto love in both emotion and action,
referring to both the Platonic love
between friends and the physical love
of a married couple → אהבlove, a
person who is loved: lover, friend,
אהבהlove, referring to the emotion of
love, מאהבlover, close friend σ חסדto
show undeserved favor, which the
recipient cannot justifiably expect or
the recipient knows that it’s not
deserved (NT αγαπαω)
to show
favor, ידדto love, yearn for
אהבlove, a person who is loved: lover,
friend ← אהב
אהבהlove, referring to the emotion of love
← אהבσ דודlove, referring to the
action (making love) and the object of
that love (lover) (the two words have
some crossover in meaning), חסד
undeserved favor (NT αγαπη)
to show undeserved favor
אהבהוβ יהב,אהב
< אהדname>
< אהואname>
< אהודname>
אהלto tent (as in to dwell in a tent,
camping), pitch a tent
to cover as
with a tent Jb 25:5 → אהלtent
אהלtent ← אהלσ מלונהtemporary
structure for lodging temporarily Is 1:8,
the act of temporarily living in a place Is
24:20, משׁכןplace for dwelling, which
can be a tent, building or even a
neighborhood, city or territory, סכהa
place that is overspread e.g. with storm
clouds 2S 22:12, Ps 18:12, Jb 36:29,
hiding place Jb 38:40
awning, lean-to
(temporary dwelling) 2S 11:11. 1K 20:
12, 16
the festival of Succoth Lv
23:32, 43–4, Ne 8:14, 17, שׁפרורpavilion
(royal tent) Jr 43:10 αλ, אהלand משׁכן
are used pretty much interchangeably,
both used for portable structures readily
taken down and moved. The difference
appears that a משׁכןhas a self standing
frame, while an אהלis made up of cloths
stretched out and held in place by stakes
or other mechanical means Ex 40:19 σ
< אהלname>
< אהלהname>
אהלים, אהלותaloe Ps 45:9 (8), Pr 7:17, So
< אהליאבname>
< אהליבהname>
< אהליבמהname>
< אהרןname>
< אואלname>
אובleather bottle Jb 32:19 αλ σ נבל,נאד
אובmedium, one who has contact with the
spirits Lv 20:27, Dt 18:11, 1S 28:7, 2K
21:6 σ ענן
< אובילname>
אובלβ יבל,אובל
אובל אוליname of a qanat ?? an artificial
spring made by tunneling horizontally
into an alluvial fan Dn 8:2 αλ σ אבל
אודβ ידה,אוד
אודwooden poker that can catch fire when
poking in a fire Is 7:4, Am 4:11, Zc 3:2
אודהβ ידה
אוהto desire, a generalized desire that can
be satisfied with a generic object,
without demanding a solitary, unique
object → אותthat which is desired Dt
12:19–21, 19:6, 1S 23:20, Jr 2:24, Hs
10:10, מאויthat which is continuously
desired Ps 140:9 (8) αλ, נאוהdesirous Ps
33:1, Pr 17:7, So 1:5, 6:4, תאוה
generalized desiring
that which is
desired σ חמדto desire a particular,
unique person or object, not to be
satisfied with a substitute, חפץto stretch
out (hand)
to delight in, such that
one wants a person as a friend, spouse or
that one wants (to do what the following
verb states) (think of the action when
one wants something, that he tends to
stretch out to touch and/or caress what
is desired), ערגto yearn for Jl 1:20, Ps
< אוזהname>
< אוזלname>
אי, אויWoe! (oy) Nu 21:29, Pr 23:29 σ
אללי, אלל, אליwoe!, הויWoe!
< אויname>
איב, אויבenemy, a general term that
includes personal as well as national
enemies ← איבσ יריבone who argues
(against), brings a (law)suit (against) Is
49:25, Jr 18:19, Ps 35:1, ערenemy, those
who destroy ?? 1 S 28:16, Ps 139:20, צר
enemy, from the concept of closing in,
such as cornering a person, restricting a
person’s freedom to do things through
hostile actions, being in-your-face hostile,
צררenemy, one who straightens us, שׂטן
attacker, enemy
( אויהsomething bad) Ps 120:5 αλ
אוילfool(ish) person Jr 4:22, Pr 1:7, 7:22,
29:9, אולfool(ish) person Is 19:11, Ps
107:17 thing, speech Pr 14:9
foolishness, אולתfolly σ כסילfoolish as
in twisted as intestines, נבלbag (made
of skin), used for holding workers’ tools
Lm 4:2 as well as wine 1S 1:24; 10:3;
25:18, Jr 13:12
bagpipe 1S 10:5, Ps
92:4, 2C 29:25
windbag i.e. bellows
used in a forge Is 30:14 also in referring
to a fool as a windbag Dt 32:6, 21, Ps
14:1, Pr 17:21, wind blown cloud Jb
38:37, פשׁfoolish arrogance ?? Jb 35:15
< אויל מרדךname>
אוכלβ יכל,אכל
אוכילβ יכל, ?? אכלHs 11:4 αλ
אוכלהconsuming Is 29:6, 30:30, 33:14 ←
אולadvance(d person) (a person with
special training or skills, advanced
beyond his peers) 2K 24:15, Ps 73:4 ??
אוליfoolishness σ אויל
אוליsuch that, if that, used often as a
conditional, no exact equivalent in
English σ אם
< אוליname>
אלם, אולםgallery, supported by pillars and
open 1K 6:3 or refer to a large hall
supported by pillars that is like a gallery
1K 7:6–7 σ אילםportico
< אולםname>
אולתfolly σ אויל
< אומרname>
אוןhypocrisy, pretense, pretending to be
one thing while doing another (this is
not just saying one thing and doing
another, but doing it in such a way that
it causes injury) Ps 10:7, Pr 17:4
injury caused by hypocrisy, pretense Pr
those who practice hypocrisy,
pretender Is 41:29, Pr 11:7 σ שׁקר
אן, אוןpotency, potent
adulthood (⇐ to
come into potency) σ כח
< אוןtoponym>
< אונוname>
אוניםstatus of being potent, powerful Is
40:26, 29, Hs 4:9, Ps 78:51, Pr 11:7 σ כח
< אונםname>
< אונןname>
< אופזname>
< אופירtoponym, where was found fine
אופןwheel 1K 7:30–3, Ez 1:15–6, 19–21, Pr
20:26 ← אפןσ גלגל
אוץto press on, in the sense of herding
crowd together), hurrying
along → אץpushy, forceful, hurried,
often that which is stored
in it, treasures ← אצרσ גנזיםtreasury,
גנזךtreasury (a feature of the temple 1C
28:11 αλ), מכמןtreasure ?? Dn 11:43
αλ, נכתהstockpile, not only of treasures,
but also of grains, trade goods, etc. 2K
20:13, Is 39:2
אורto give light
light come up
(sunrise) 2S 2:32 → אורlight
(which gives light) Ez 5:2, אורoracle,
אורהlight, prosperity Ps 139:12, Es 8:16,
מאורlight giver (object that gives light,
like a lamp and/or its fuel) Gn 1:16, Ex
35:8, 14, Lv 24:2, מאורתlight givers ??
Gn 1:15, Is 11:8 LXX φαυσιν, κοιτην
εκγονων, נאורbrilliant Ps 76:5 αλ σ יפע
to shine forth, illuminate, used for both
physical light and teaching
(enlightenment) Dt 33:2, Jb 3:4, 10:3, 22
lamp (which gives light) Ez
5:2 ← אור
אורoracle ← אור
< אורname>
אורבambusher, those who lie in wait to
ambush Js 8:7, 19, Ezr 8:31 ← ארב
אורהβ ירה,אורה
אורהlight, prosperity Ps 139:12, Es 8:16 ←
אורהmallow, a family of plants including
okra, cotton, hollyhock 2K 4:39, 2C 32:28
אורוβ ארר,אור
אורותβ ארות
< אוריname>
< אוריאלname>
< אוריהname>
< אוריהוname>
אוריםtogether with the תמיםare now
unknown objects attached to the חשׁן
ornament(al breastplate) worn by the
priests Ex 28:30, Lv 8:8, Nu 27:21, Ezr
2:63, Ne 7:65
אורךβ ירה,אור
< אורנהname>
אותβ את,אות
אותto signal, to indicate to (⇐ to give a
sign) Gn 34:15, 22–3, 2K 12:9 → אות
(pl. )אתותsign, often used of God’s signs
(miraculous actions) as he acts into
history, אותתsign, but an indirect one,
indication ?? Dt 6:22, Ps 65:9 (8), 74:4,
אותthat which is desired Dt 12:19–21,
19:6, 1S 23:20, Jr 2:24, Hs 10:10 ← אוה
( אותpl. )אתותsign, often used of God’s
signs (miraculous actions) as he acts
into history ← אותσ דגלstandard,
military sign Nu 1:52, 10:25, So 2:2,
מפת, מופתportent
אותהβ אותה,אוה
אותהher (personal pronoun)
אותםβ את,אותם
אותםthem (personal pronoun)
אותתsign, but an indirect one,
indication ?? Dt 6:22, Ps 65:9 (8), 74:4,
9 ← אות
אזי, אזthen
< אזביname>
אזובhyssop Ex 12:22, Nu 19:6, 18, 1K 5:13
(4:33), Ps 51:9 (7)
אזורa belt to hold up pants 2K 1:8, Is 5:27,
11:5, Jr 13:1–11, Ez 23:18, Jb 12:18 ←
אזרσ בגד
אזכרהportion of an offering (made of
grain, cooked or raw) to be burned on
the altar as a remembrance Lv 2:2, 9, 16,
24:7, Nu 5:26 ← זכרσ זבח
אזלto go out Pr 20:14, Jb 14:11
to run
out of (⇐ went out hence is no more)
1S 9:7 → אזלתrunning out ?? Dt 32:26
αλ, מאוזלexport, that which has gone
out Ez 27:19 αλ σ יצא
אזלname of a stone ?? 1S 20:19
אזלתrunning out ?? Dt 32:26 αλ ← אזל
אזןto give ear → אזןshovel for digging,
part of the camp equipment for an army
(⇐ being ear shaped) Dt 23:14 αλ, אזן
ear σ שׁמע
אזןshovel for digging, part of the camp
equipment for an army (⇐ being ear
shaped) Dt 23:14 αλ ← אזןσ יעים
אזןear ← אזן
< אזן שׁארהname>
< אזנות תבורname>
< אזניname>
< אזניהname>
אזקיםshackles, handcuffs Jr 40:1, 4
אזרto gird about 1S 2:4, Is 8:9 → אזורa
belt to hold up pants 2K 1:8, Is 5:27,
11:5, Jr 13:1–11, Ez 23:18, Jb 12:18
אזרע, אזרועlower arm ?? Jr 32:21, Jb
אזרחnative, referring to a person born and
grown up in an area
actions deserving of judgment
Ez 18:10,18 Mal 1:2. Pr 18:19
אחhibachi, a small, portable cooking
device carrying coals for heating Jr
אחeagle owl Is 13:21 αλ σ עוף
< אחאבname>
< אחבname>
< אחבןname>
אחדβ חדה, חדד,אחד
אחדto be one Ez 21:21 (16) → אחת,אחד
one (adj): when the feminine form
stands alone as a noun, can also be used
for “one moment”, as in “suddenly” or
“for a short time” 1K 19:5, Pr 28:18, in
plural: few Gn 11:1, 27:44, 29:20, Dn
11:20, joining together Ez 37:17
אחת, אחדone (adj): when the feminine
form stands alone as a noun, can also be
used for “one moment”, as in “suddenly”
or “for a short time” 1K 19:5, Pr 28:18,
in plural: few Gn 11:1, 27:44, 29:20, Dn
11:20, joining together Ez 37:17 ← אחד
אחוβ אחוה,אחו
אחוrush, any of various monocotyledonous
often tufted marsh plants (as of the
genera Juncus and Luzula of the family
Juncaceae, the rush family) with
cylindrical often hollow stems which are
used in bottoming chairs and plaiting
mats Gn 41:2, 18, Jb 8:11 σ גמא
< אחודname>
אחיה, אחוהdeclaration ← חוה
< אחוחname>
< אחוחיname>
< אחומיname>
אחורbehind, after ← אחר
אחותsister (this noun doesn’t conjugate, is
singular and plural)
אחזto hold → אחזהholding σ קנה
< אחזname>
אחזהholding ← אחז
< אחזיname>
< אחזיהname>
< אחזיהוname>
< אחזםname>
< אחזתname>
אחטנהβ חטט
< אחיname>
< אחיאםname>
אחיהβ אחוה
< אחיהname>
< אחיהודname>
< אחיוname>
< אחיחדname>
< אחיטובname>
אחילהβ חיל
< אחילודname>
< אחימותname>
< אחימלךname>
< אלחמןname>
< אחימעץname>
< אחיןname>
< אחינדבname>
< אחינעםname>
< אחיסמךname>
< אחיעזרname>
< אחיקםname>
< אחירםname>
< אחירמיname>
< אחירעname>
< אחישׁחרname>
אחישׁנהβ חושׁ
< אחישׂרname>
< אחיתפלname>
< אחלבname>
אחליOh that! 2K 5:3, Ps 119:5, 1C 2:31,
< אחליname>
אחלמהamethyst Ex 28:19, 39:12
< אלמתאname>
< אחסביname>
אחרβ חרה,אחר
אחרto delay, make behind where I want
to be → אחורbehind, after, אחרif
before the word it modifies, it means
“after as in later than” or “behind, on the
other side”, if after the word it modifies,
it means “another in addition” or in
time, an event “following” the event
mentioned immediately preceding this
following event, אחרוןhinder, future
(just as what’s behind is not seen, so the
future is also not seen), אחרית
afterwards, אחרוניתbackwards, אחרת
(an)other, something that is different
from others, מאחרone who goes after,
pursues after Is 5:11, Pr 23:30 σ יחל
אחרif before the word it modifies, it
means “after as in later than” or “behind,
on the other side”, if after the word it
modifies, it means “another in addition”
or in time, an event “following” the
event mentioned immediately preceding
this following event ← אחר
< אחרname>
אחרוןhinder, future (just as what’s behind
is not seen, so the future is also not
seen) ← אחר
אחרוניתbackwards ← אחר
< אחרחname>
< אחרחלname>
אחריrefers to an action that follows and is
often the result of a listed previous
action, there’s no exact equivalent in
( אחרתan)other, something that is
different from others ← אחר
אחשׁדרפניםsatraps (Aramaic loan word)
Es 3:12, 8:9, 9:3, Ezr 8:36 σ מלך
< אחשׁורושׁname>
< אחשׁורשׁname>
< אחשׁרשׁname>
< אחשׁתרname>
אחשׁתרניםroyal Es 8:10, 14 σ מלך
אחתβ אחת,אחד
אחתone (moment) Jr 10:8 Pr 28:18 ?? ←
?? אחד
אטβ נטה,אט
אטquiet(ness), not forceful → אטים
necromancer (⇐ quiet ones) ?? Is 19:3
אטדbuckthorn Jd 9:14–5, Ps 58:10 (9) σ
אטהβ נטה
אטוןa sort of aromatic that gives off a
sweet smell when chopped? the Egyptian
lotus flower that is an aphrodisiac? Pr
7:16 αλ
אטיםnecromancer (⇐ quiet ones) ?? Is
19:3 αλ ← אט
אטםto shut tightly Is 33:15, Ps 58:5, Pr
17:28, 21:13 → אטםshut Ez 40:16,
21:16, 26 σ סגר
אטףβ נטף
אטרto restrict, prevent access to Ps 69:16
αλ → אטרrestricted (אטר יד ימינו
“restricted in the use of his right hand”
meant that the person was left-handed Jd
3:15, 20:16) σ עצר
אטרrestricted (“ אטר יד ימינוrestricted in
the use of his right hand” meant that the
person was left-handed Jd 3:15, 20:16)
← אטר
ֿ< אטרname>
איjackal ?? Is 13:22, 34:14, Jr 50:39
איβ אויwoe!
איinhabited land σ ארץ
איבto be an enemy → אויבenemy, a
general term that includes personal as
well as national enemies, איבenemy, a
general term that includes personal as
well as national enemies, איבהenmity,
איבתenemy (in general, not specific)
Mc 7:8, 10
איבenemy, a general term that includes
personal as well as national enemies ←
איבהenmity ← איב
איבתenemy (in general, not specific) Mc
7:8, 10 ← איב
אידto make misfortune ?? Ps 31:12 → איד
misfortune Dt 32:25, Jr 26:21, Pr 24:22,
מאדsource of misfortune Ps 31:12, 46:2
אידmisfortune Dt 32:25, Jr 26:21, Pr 24:22
σ פידcalamity Pr 24:22, Jb 30:24, 31:29
איהblack kite, a type of rapacious bird Lv
11:14, Dt 14:13, Jb 28:7 σ עוף
< איהname>
< איובֿname>
< איזבלname>
איככה, איכה, איךhow?
< איכבודname>
אילmale of cattle, sheep, male mountain
sheep Nu 7, Dt 14:5, Jb 39:5 σ ,עתד
עתודram, male sheep Gn 31, Nu 7
אילa type of large tree
אילportal, a decorated doorway extending
out of the wall σ שׁער
אילstrength, forcefulness σ אמץ
< איל פארןname>
אילהpower ?? Gn 49:21, Ps 22:20 (19), Pr
5:19 σ אמץ
אילוß אי לוKo 4:10
< אילוןname>
אילותß אילת, אילות,אילה
אילת,( אילותcity name)
אילםß אטלם,איל
אילםportico σ אולם
< אילםname>
אילתß אילת,אילה
אילתgeneralization for female wild
sheep ?? Jr 14:5 αλ
< אילמהname>
< אילנהname>
אילתa musical instrument?? a type of
song ?? Ps 22:1, Pr 5:19
אילתfemale mountain sheep 2S 22:34, Jr
14:5, So 2:7, 3:5
< אילתname>
איםto cause unease So 6:4, 10 → אימה
unease, אימיםidol or demon ?? Jr 50:38
αλ, אמיםpeople or things that cause
unease Jr 50:38, Hb 1:7, Jb 20:24 σ ירא
אימהunease ← איםσ ירא
אימיםidol or demon ?? Jr 50:38 αλ ← אים
< אימיםname>
איןThis is the negation of ישׁand like ישׁ
can take suffixes like a noun. It can
stand alone as a negative answer to a
question also with the meaning of
“none / no one”. When prefixed with a מ
and followed by a noun, it has the
meaning of “without” as in none of the
following noun present. σ “ ישׁthere is”
This appears to be a participle, in other
words, a gerund, noun. It can take
suffixes like a noun. It always precedes
the subject noun to which it’s attached,
though once it stands alone, Is 43:8. The
basic meaning seems to be “existing” or
“being”, but when the subject noun is
preceded with a prefixed לthe
combination indicates possession or
ownership, can be a stand alone noun
meaning already existing object or
possession Pr 8:21. One word of warning,
because Biblical Hebrew syntax is fluid,
with what’s considered most important
often appearing first in the sentence,
rather than a fixed subject, verb, object
as in English, sometimes the object
comes first in a sentence, even preceding
the gerund. Rarely used as an
introduction to a question Rt 1:12, Jd
< איעזרname>
< איעזריname>
איפהa dry measurement, for grain, flour,
etc. σ מדה
אירβ אור
אישׁβ ישׁ,אישׁ
אישׁman, a male of the human species:
though occasionally it refers to a
generalized individual in a use similar to
a pronoun, not necessarily human, e.g.
gods 2K 18:33, animals Gn 7:2 σ אדם
< אישׁ בשׁתname>
ּ <name>
אישׁוןpoint of darkness, just as it becomes
dark Pr 7:9, 20:20
pupil, the darkest
point of the eye Dt 32:10, Ps 17:8, Pr 7:2
< אישׁ טובname>
< אישׁיname>
< איתיname>
< איתיאלname>
איתםβ איה
איתןpl. אתניםpermanent(ly)
< איתןname>
אךeven only, sort of a combination of
these two meanings, sometimes also in
the optative sense as in even if only
< אכדname>
אכזבß כזב,אכזב
lying Jr 15:18, Mc
1:14 ← כזב
< אכזיבcity name>
< אכזיבהname>
אכזרone who acts cruelly, like an enemy
Dt 32:33, Jb 30:21, Lm 4:3
אכזריcruel(ness) Is 13:9, Jr 6:23, Pr 5:9,
אכזריותcruelness Pr 27:4 αλ
אכילהfood 1K 19:8 αλ ← אכל
אכירβ נכר
< אכישׁname>
אכלβ כלה,אכל
אכלto eat
to consume → אוכלה
consuming Is 29:6, 30:30, 33:14, אכילה
food 1K 19:8 αλ, אכלה, אכלfood, מאכל
food, specific items normally eaten,
מאכלתknife Gn 22:6, 10, Jd 19:29, Pr
30:14 σ ארהto nibble So 5:1 αλ, בלעto
swallow Nu 26:10, Dt 11:6
to consume
Is 25:7–8, Pr 21:20
to consume as an
act of destruction 2S 17:16, 20:19–20, Jb
2:3, בראto create, set up
to make
sleek (well fed) (set up with good food),
ברהto be fed, חסלto devour Dt 28:38
αλ, כפשׁto feed, in the sense of giving
bread to Lm 3:16 αλ, כשׂהto become
plump Dt 32:15 αλ, לחםto feed “give
bread to”, לעטto give to eat ?? Gn 25:30
αλ, לקשׁto browse, send animals out to
graze Jb 24:6 αλ, רעהto feed (on)
אכלה, אכלfood ← אכל
< אכלname>
אכלהβ כלה, אכלה,אכל
אכלךβ כלה,אכל
אכלםβ כלל,אכל
אכןsurely Gn 28:16, Is 40:7, Zp 3:7
אכנהβ כון
אכנוβ נכה
אכסךβ כסה
אכףβ כפף,אכף
אכףto press, as in put on pressure to get
one going Mc 6:6, Pr 16:26 → אכף
pressure Jb 33:7 αλ σ מיץ
אכףpressure Jb 33:7 αλ ← אכף
אכרfield-hand, farm-worker Is 61:5, Jr
14:4, 31:23, 51:23, Jl 1:11, Am 5:16, 2C
אלβ אל,איל
אלnot, often used in negative commands
“Don’t …” σ לא
אלto as in towards
אלgod σ אלוה
< אלאname>
אלגבישׁhail Ez 13:11, 13, 38:22 σ ברד
< אלדדname>
< אלדעהname>
אלהto make an oath containing a curse of
what will happen if the oath is not kept
αλ Ju 17:2 → אלהoath, תאלתcurse ??
Lm 3:65 αλ σ שׁבע
אלהoath ← אלה
אלהterebinth, a species of tree
< אלהname>
אלוβ אלו,איל
אלוif only Es 7:4 αλ
אלהים, אלה, אלוהgod(s) σ אלילidol,
made of gold and silver Is 2:20, 31:7,
apparently connected to some sort of
oracle Is 19:3, Ez 30:13, Hb 2:18, ,גלול
גללidol, ( מסכהcast) statue, often used
as an idol Ex 32:4, 8, Hs 13:2, Ne 9:18,
סמלidol, referring to an object that is
worshipped Dt 4:16, Ez 8:3, 5, 2C 33:7,
15, עצבidol (what object that causes the
most sorrow and heavy labor in
idolatrous societies if not the worship of
their gods?) 1S 31:9, 2S 5:21, Zc 13:2, Ps
106:38, 1C 10:9, 2C 24:18
אלולa type of divination ?? Jr 14:14 αλ
LXX οιωνισµα divination from observing
the flight of birds
< אלולname>
< אלוןname>
as in close friend,
confidant Mc 7:5, Pr 16:28, familiar
object Jr 11:19, Pr 2:17; leader, a title in
Edom Gn 36, Ex 15:15, 1C 1 ← אלף
< אלושׁname>
< אלותname>
< אלזבדname>
אלחto corrupt Ps 14:3, 53:3, Jb 15:16 σ
< אלחנןname>
אליβ אלי, אל,אל
אללי, אליwoe! σ אוי
< אליאבname>
< אליאלname>
< אליאתהname>
< אלידדname>
< אלידעname>
אליהβ אליה,אל
אליהtail, in sheep often where fat is
stored Ex 29:22, Lv 3:9, 7:3, 8:25, 9:19 σ
< אליהname>
< אליהוname>
< אליהואname>
< אל יהועינ ֿיname>
אליהמהarchitectural element found in the
temple Ez 40:16 αλ
< אליועיניname>
< אליחבאname>
< אליחרףname>
אלילidol, made of gold and silver Is 2:20,
31:7, apparently connected to some sort
of oracle Is 19:3, Ez 30:13, Hb 2:18 σ
< אלימלךname>
< אליסףname>
ֿ< אליעזרname>
< אליעםname>
< אליעניname>
< אליפזname>
< אליפלname>
< אליפלהוname>
< אליפלטname>
< אליצורname>
< אליצפןname>
< אליקאname>
< אליקיםname>
< אלישׁבעname>
< אלישׁהname>
< אלישׁועname>
< אלישׁיבname>
< אלישׁמעname>
< אלישׁעname>
< אלישׁפטname>
< אליתהname>
אלךβ הלך,אל
אללno one Jb 13:4 αλ
אללי ליwoe is me Mc 7:1, Jb 10:15
אלםβ אלם, אל, אילם,אולם
אלםto bind (used of binding sheaves in
the field, also of binding one’s lips so as
not to (be able to) speak, similar to אטר
restricted (“ אטר יד ימינוrestricted in the
use of his right hand” meant that the
person was left-handed Jd 3:15, 20:16)
→ אלםmute, אלמהsheaf, to stand in the
field until dry, ready to be threshed
אלםmute ← אלם
( אלמגיםin 1K 10:11–12), ( אלגומיםin 2Ch
2:7, 9:10–11) sandal-wood, ebony ?? a
tree found in Lebanon and Ophir σ עץ
אלמהsheaf, to stand in the field until dry,
ready to be threshed σ עמר
< אלמודדname>
< אלמלךname>
אלמןwidower, widowhood
אלמנותwidowhood Gn 38:14, 19, Is 54:4
though most of the time this form is the
plural of אלמנה
אלמנותmisspelling for ארמנותIs 13:22 ??
already so spelled in the DSS, not
translated in the LXX possibly connected
with quiet places ?? αλ
אלמניβ פלני
< אלןname>
< אלניname>
< אלנעםname>
< אלנתןname>
< אלסרname>
< אלעדname>
< אלעדהname>
< אלעוזיname>
< אלעזרname>
< אלעלאname>
< אלעלהname>
< אלעשׂהname>
אלףto become familiar with, to familiarize
Pr 22:25, Jb 15:5, 33:33 → אלוףfamiliar
as in close friend, confidant Mc 7:5, Pr
16:28, familiar object Jr 11:19, Pr 2:17;
leader, a title in Edom Gn 36, Ex 15:15,
1C 1, אלףdomesticated animal Dt 7:13,
28:4, 18, 51, Is 30:24, Pr 14:4, אלף
thousand (in business and social circles,
it has been shown that the average
person knows about a thousand people.
In business, after it grows to about one
thousand workers, diseconomies of scale
start to enter in. Though some say that
אלףcan refer to “clan”, I doubt it, rather
it stands for a thousand, an
administrative unit.) Nu 1:16, 10:4, 36,
1S 10:19, 23:23, Mc 5:1
אלףdomesticated animal Dt 7:13, 28:4, 18,
51, Is 30:24, Pr 14:4 ← אלף
אלףthousand (in business and social
circles, it has been shown that the
average person knows about a thousand
people. In business, after it grows to
about one thousand workers,
אמהfemale slave, a more general term σ
אמהdistrict ?? Nu 25:15, 2S 8:1
< אמהname>
אמהותsisterhood of female slaves 2S 6:20,
אמוןtrustworthy one, trustworthy worker
2S 20:19, Ps 12:2, 31:24, Lm 4:5 ← אמן
< אמוןname>
אמונהfirmness, steadiness Ex 17:12
trustworthiness Jr 5:1; work one is
entrusted with 1C 9:22, “ באמונהin
trustworthily 2K 22:7,
2C 19:9 ← אמן
אמונותtrustworthiness Pr 28:20 αλ ← אמן
< אמוץname>
אמותβ מות,אמה
< אמיname>
אמיךβ אמים,אם
אמיםβ < אימיםname>, אמים
אמיםpeople or things that cause unease Jb
20:24 ← אים
< אמינוןname>
אמיץstrong Am 2:16 ← אמץ
אמירβ מור,אמיר
אמירcrown (of a tree) Is 17:6, 9
אמללto be barren, fruitless (as in crop
failure) Is 16:8, 24:4, 7, 33:9, Jl 1:10, 12,
Nh 1:4
to be dejected, without power
Is 19:8, Jr 14:2, Hs 4:3, Lm 2:8 → אמלל
powerless Ps 6:3 (2), Ne 3:34
(4:2), אמללהbarren woman
1S 2:5, Jr 15:9 σ נבל,כעס
powerless Ps 6:3 (2), Ne
3:34 (4:2) ← אמלל
diseconomies of scale start to enter in.
Though some say that אלףcan refer to
“clan”, I doubt it, rather it stands for a
thousand, an administrative unit.) Nu
1:16, 10:4, 36, 1S 10:19, 23:23, Mc 5:1 ←
ֿ< אלףname>
< אלפלטname>
< אלפעלname>
אלץto nag, as a woman her man Jd 16:16
< אלצפןname>
אלקוםforces ?? Pr 30:31 αλ LXX
< אלקנהname>
< אלקשׁיname>
< אלתולדname>
< אלתקאname>
< אלתקהname>
< אלתקןname>
אםβ אם,אים
אםmother, אם הדרךfork in the road
(mother of the road) Ez 21:26
אםpeople of a district ?? Gn 25:16, Ps
sometimes used as a negation, that
something will not happen again 1S 3:14,
בלתי אםexcept, apart from, אם לאif not
… that … (if part of a promise or oath),
if not … then … (showing the
consequences of an action), כי אםGn
15:4, 28:17, “if not”, often translated as
“except”, עד אםGn 24:8, 33, “until
when” in English σ אוליsuch that, if
that, used often as a conditional, no exact
equivalent in English
אמהβ אמה, אם,אימה
אמללהbarren woman
childless 1S 2:5,
Jr 15:9 ← אמלל
< אמםname>
אמןto trust, to make trustworthy → אמון
trustworthy one, trustworthy worker 2S
20:19, Ps 12:2, 31:24, Lm 4:5, אמונה
firmness, steadiness Ex 17:12
trustworthiness Jr 5:1; work one is
entrusted with 1C 9:22, “ באמונהin
trustworthily 2K 22:7,
2C 19:9, אמונותtrustworthiness Pr 28:20
αλ, אמןguardian (of children), educator,
Amen, אמנהtruly Gn 20:12, Js 7:20,
brace (once, 2K 18:16) (⇐ to make
trustworthy), education Es 2:20, fixed
(trustworthy) wages Ne 10:1, 11:23,
trustworthy actions 1S 26:23, 2S 4:4, 2K
12:16 (15), Ps 143:1, toponym So 4:8,
אמנםtruly, indeed Gn 18:13, Rt 3:12,
אמנתcaretaker ?? Rt 4:16 αλ, אמתtruth
⇐ trustworthiness, נאמןtrue, as in
genuine, firm, trusty Nu 12:7, Is 22:23,
25, Ne 9:8 σ בטחto have confidence
to feel safe with,
to trust Is
26:4, Jr. 17:7, 39:18, Pr 3:5
אמןguardian (of children), educator,
Amen ← אמן
אמנהtruly Gn 20:12, Js 7:20, brace (once,
2K 18:16) (⇐ to make trustworthy),
education Es 2:20, fixed (trustworthy)
wages Ne 10:1, 11:23, trustworthy
actions 1S 26:23, 2S 4:4, 2K 12:16 (15),
Ps 143:1, toponym So 4:8 ← אמן
< אמנהname>
< אמנוןname>
אמנםtruly, indeed Gn 18:13, Rt 3:12, Jb
36:4 ← אמן
אמנתcaretaker ?? Rt 4:16 αλ ← אמן
אמסהβ מסס
אמץto make strong → אמיץstrong Am
2:16, אמצה, אמץstrength σ חזקto be
firm, חילto be powerful, used of forces
(an army)
to be a powerful person,
נחשׁto become powerful
as knowledge
is power, so one who can divine the
future is powerful, עודדto strengthen,
refresh with new strength ?? Ps 20:9 (8),
146:9, עזזto be strong, עצםto become
numerical strength, קשׁהto
become hard, unyielding
אמצה, אמץstrength ← אמץσ אילstrength,
forcefulness, אילהpower ?? Gn 49:21, Ps
22:20 (19), Pr 5:19
< אמציname>
< אמציהname>
< אמציהוname>
אמרto say, specifically referring to the
spoken word → אמרת, אמרsaying, לאמר
similar to the English word "quote"
indicating the words shouted, murmured,
expressed, etc., מאמרsaying σ דבר
אמרת, אמרsaying ← אמר
< אמרname>
< אמריname>
< אמריהname>
< אמריהוname>
< אמרפלname>
אמשׁβ משׁשׁ, משׁה,אמשׁ
אמשׁrecently 2K 9:26, Jb 30:3
last night
Gn 19:34, 31:29, 42
אמשׁךβ משׁשׁ,משׁך
אמתβ מות, אמת, אמה,אם
אמתtruth ⇐ trustworthiness ← אמןσ קשׁט
stark truth Ps 60:6 (4), Pr 22:21
אמתחתgunny sack, a piece of cloth that is
laid on the ground, its load placed on it,
then the cloth is closed up around its
load making a sack Gn 42:27–28, 44:11–
12 ← מתחσ שׂק
< אמתיname>
אנה, אןhere or there
< אןname>
אנבto be budding out → אבsetting forth
buds Jb 8:12, bud So 6:11
אנהβ אנה, אנא,אן
אנהto experience, in particular going
through an unpleasant experience or
occurrence that is not entirely by chance
(hit) to make oneself an unpleasant
experience, i.e. to seek a pretext 2K 5:7
→ אניdistress(ed), אניהunpleasant
experience, distress Is 29:2, 43:14, Lm
2:5, תאןdistress Is 29:2 Ez 24:12 Lm 2:5,
תאנהoccasion for an unpleasant
experience, not a chance occurrence Jd
14:4, Jr 2:24, תאניה ואניהphrase sort of
like “toil and trouble” in English ?? Is
29:2, Lm 2:5 σ קרה,כעס
אנוβ אוןDt 21:17, Jb 18;12, 40:16, , אנה,אן
אנוwe Jr 42:6 αλ
אנושׁβ נושׁ,אנושׁ
אנשׁ, אנושׁincurable, malignant Jr 15:18,
mortal, human, referring to his
mortality Jr 17:9 ← אנשׁ
< אנושׁname>
אנחto sigh in sorrow Ex 2:23, Ez 21:11–2,
Pr 29:2, Lm 1:4, 8, 11, 21 → אנחה
sorrowful sigh Is 21:2, 35:10, Ps 6:7, Jb
21:2, Lm 1:22 σ כעס
אנחהsorrowful sigh Is 21:2, 35:10, Ps 6:7,
Jb 21:2, Lm 1:22 ← אנח
אנחמךDSS ינחמך
< אהחרתname>
אניβ נוה, אני, אנה,און
אניI σ אנכיI. While there seems to be a
certain amount where the terms are
interchangeable, it appears that there is a
difference in emphasis between the two
terms: אניappears to have the emphasis
on the action while stressing the author
of the action, while אנכיseems to
emphasize the actor with the action
being the secondary subject.
אניmerchant ship 1K 9:26–7, 10:11, 22, Is
33:21 σ אניה
אניdistress(ed) ← אנה
אניהβ אניה,אן
אניהshipping in general, usually referring
to merchant ships, possibly small enough
to come up on shore Jn 1:3–5, Pr 30:19 σ
אניmerchant ship 1K 9:26–7, 10:11, 22,
Is 33:21, ציwarship, not used in trade
Nu 24:24, Is 33:21, Dn 11:30, תבה
boat ?? used only in two contexts, that of
Noah and Moses, to refer to a floating
container designed to carry a cargo
אניהunpleasant experience, distress Is
29:2, 43:14, Lm 2:5 ← אנה
< אניעםname>
אנךplum-bob, plumb (of wall) Am 7:7–8
אנכיI β אני
אנןto grumble ?? this is griping among
themselves, not lodging a formal
complaint Nu 11:1, Lm 3:39 σ לון
אנסto compel Es 1:8 αλ
אנסנוβ נסה
אנףto be angry, used only with God → אף
anger, nose
ארך אפים
patient, slow to anger Ex 34:6, Nu 14:1,
Jn 4:2, Ps 86:15, Pr 25:15, Ne 9:17, קצר
אפיםshort tempered Pr 14:17, אפיםused
when bowing down with the nose
towards the ground Gn 19:1, 42:6, 1S
24:8, 25:41, 28:14, 1K1:31, Is 49:23, Ne
8:6, 1C 21:21, 2C 7:3, 20:18 σ קצף
אנפהheron, parrot ?? Lv 11:19, Dt 14:18 σ
עוףLXX ερωδιον χαραδριον
אנקto choke as in sobbing Jr 51:52, Ez 9:4,
24:17, 26:15 → אנקהchoking sob,
choking sound Ml 2:13, Ps 12:6, 79:11,
אנקהchoking sob, choking sound Ml 2:13,
Ps 12:6, 79:11, 102:21 ← אנק
אנקהgecko ?? Lv 11:30 αλ σ חיהLXX
µυγαλη field mouse
אנשׁto sicken 2S 12:15 αλ → אנשׁ,אנושׁ
incurable, malignant Jr 15:18, 30:15
mortal, human, referring to his mortality
Jr 17:9 σ חלה
אנשׁיםβ אישׁ
< אסאname>
אסוךsmall jar, such as used to hold oil for
anointing 2K 4:2 αλ
אסוןinjury or loss Gn 42:4, 38, 44:29,
אסורropes used in tying up a person Jd
15:14 αλ ← אסר
אסיךβ נסך
אסיףβ יסף,אסיף
אסיףharvest, gathered from the croplands
Ex 34:22, Jr 8:13 ← אסף
אסירβ סור,אסיר
אסירprisoner ← אסר
< אסירname>
אסםstore house Dt 28:8, Pr 3:10
< אסנהname>
< אסנפרname>
< אסנתname>
אסףto gather up (in order to move to
another place, in passive meaning to be
taken away, brought to one’s place, of
stars “to gather their light” means no
longer to shine, become dark)
harvest (⇐ to gather up and move from
the field),
to remove 2K 5:3, 6–7, 11
→ אסיףharvest, gathered from the
croplands Ex 34:22, Jr 8:13, אסףone
who gathers in Mc 7:1, plural place
where something is gathered in Ne
12:25, 1C 26:15, 17, אספהcollection Is
24:22, אספסףriffraff, accumulation of
people Nu 11:4 αλ σ אגרgather in as a
farmer brings in the harvest, יסףto add
more of the same, כמסto store up ?? Dt
32:34 αλ כנסto gather together,
referring to the group or pile gathered in
Ko 2:8, 25, 3:5. Es 4:16
to wrap
oneself Is 28:20 (⇐ the action of
gathering oneself into the blanket), לקט
to gather (up) (stones, gold, crops,
arrows, wood to burn, etc.)
to glean
(gather up what’s left behind), ספהto
deliver up, hand over (sometimes for the
purpose of to add (to), dissimilar
objects), קבץto collect, קהלto group
(together), which can be in close
physical proximity Ex 32:1, Nu 16:19 or
groupings by classification Gn 28:3,
25:11, קשׁשׁto glean, picking up stuff
fallen on the ground
אסףone who gathers in Mc 7:1, plural
place where something is gathered in Ne
12:25, 1C 26:15, 17 ← אסףσ עדה
congregation, referring to the people
swarm (of bees) Jd 14:8
< אסףname>
אספהcollection Is 24:22 ← אסף
אספסףriffraff, accumulation of people Nu
11:4 αλ ← אסף
< אספתאname>
אסקβ נסק
אסרto tie on (clothing) Jb 12:18, to bind
up (as a prisoner) Jd 15:12–3, 16:5–8,
10–3, 2S 3:34, Ez 3:25, to bind up (with
fetters) Jd 16:21, 2K 25:7, 2C 33:11,
36:6, Ps 149:8, Jr 39:7, 52:11
imprison Gn 42:16, 19, 24, 2K 17:4,
23:33, to tie to (crops to a tribe) Gn
49:11, to hitch up (tie horses to a wagon
or chariot) (horses understood, not
mentioned) Gn 46:29, Ex 14:6, 1K 18:44,
2K 9:21, (horses mentioned) Jr 46:4,
(cows to a wagon) 1S 6:7, 10,
initiate (battle) (the first step is to hitch
horses to chariots) 1K 20:14, 2C 13:3, to
make an obligation (to tie oneself down
to an action) Nu 30:2–14, (princes to
Israel) Ps 105:22, (a festival) Ps 118:27
→ אסורropes used in tying up a person
Jd 15:14 αλ, אסירprisoner, אסר
obligation (⇐ to be tied to a task) Nu
30:2–14, מוסרות, מוסרband(s) that tie
one to a yoke Is 52:2, Jr 2:20, 5:5, 27:2,
30:8, Nh 1:13, Ps 2:3, 107:14, 116: 16, Jb
12:8 σ חבל
אסרobligation (⇐ to be tied to a task) Nu
30:2–14 ← אסר
< אסרname>
אסרהβ סור,אסר
אסרוβ סור,אסר
< אסר חדןname>
< אסתרname>
אעילβ עלל
אף כיeven so, more so σ גם
אףanger, nose
אפיםpatient, slow to anger Ex 34:6, Nu
14:1, Jn 4:2, Ps 86:15, Pr 25:15, Ne 9:17,
קצר אפיםshort tempered Pr 14:17 ←
אנףσ חמהheat
sun, poison, anger,
rage, as a hot, poisonous feeling that
leads to cruelty, חרהto become hot (in
anger, heat of emotion, “hot under the
collar”, throat hot and dry), קצףanger
with a desire for vengeance
אפדto vest, put on a vestment → ,אפד
אפודvest, אפדתvestment Ex 28:8, 29:5,
39:5, Is 30:22
אפוד, אפדvest ← אפד
< אפדname>
אפדןroyal pavilion (tents) ?? Dn 11:45
αλ LXX εφαδανω
אפגתvestment Ex 28:8, 29:5, 39:5, Is 30:22
← אפדσ בגד
אפהβ אפה,איפה
אפהto bake → ( אפהpl. )אפיםbaker Gn
40:4:1–2, 4, Jr 37:21, Hs 7:6, מאפהbaked
goods Lv 2:4, Hs 7:4
( אפהpl. )אפיםbaker Gn 40:4:1–2, 4, Jr
37:21, Hs 7:6 ← אפה
אפוא, אפוnow! then!
אפונהPs 88:16
אפזto make decorations from gold ?? 1K
10:18, Jr 10:9, Dn 10:5 → פזgold made
into decorative shapes ?? Is 13:12, Pr
8:19, Jb 28:17
< אפיחname>
אפילתears (of grain) not out yet ?? Ex
9:32 αλ ← אפל
אפיםβ אפים, אפה,אף
אפיםused when bowing down with the
nose towards the ground Gn 19:1, 42:6,
1S 24:8, 25:41, 28:14, 1K1:31, Is 49:23,
Ne 8:6, 1C 21:21, 2C 7:3, 20:18 ← אנף
< אפיםname>
אפיקsomeone who or something that
causes restraint Jb 12:21, 41:7 (15)
earthworks to control water, as in dams,
channels or dikes Is 8:7, Jb 6:15, Ps
18:16 (15), 42:1 (2), So 5:12 often built
up Ez 6:3, 34:13, 35:8, 36:4
(dammed) pond, holding tank Jl 1:20, Ps
42:2, 126:4 ← אפקσ ברכה
אפיקcast, as in cast in a mold (restrained
by the shape of the mold) ?? Jb 40:18
αλ ← אפק
< אפיקname>
אפלβ נפל,אפל
אפלto obscure, make obscure → אפילת
ears (of grain) not out yet ?? Ex 9:32
αλ, אפלdark and obscure (place) Ps
11:2, 91:6, Jb 10:22, 30:20 where no
light shines Am 5:20, אפלהdark(ness),
obscurity Ex 10:22, Is 8:22, Pr 4:19, 7:9,
מאפלobscurity, made obscure Js 24:7, Is
29:18, Jr 2:31 σ חשׁך
אפלdark and obscure (place) Ps 11:2,
91:6, Jb 10:22, 30:20 where no light
shines Am 5:20 ← אפלσ חשׁך
אפלהdark(ness), obscurity Ex 10:22, Is
8:22, Pr 4:19, 7:9 ← אפלσ חשׁך
< אפללname>
אפןto turn → אופןwheel 1K 7:30–3, Ez
1:15–6, 19–21, Pr 20:26, אפןturn (also
used where we use “time” as in number
of times an action was done) Pr 25;11 σ
אפןturn (also used where we use “time”
as in number of times an action was
done) Pr 25;11 σ עת
אפסto become none, come to an end →
אפסlimit, end, border (⇐ the idea of
where it becomes none)
אפסי ארץ
where the land meets the sea, shoreline
Zc 9:10, Ps 72:8 and the lands within
those shores Is 45:22, Ps 22:28, 67:8, אפס
none but, i.e. only, except in the
sense of only that,
אפס כיhowever Nu
13:38, Dt 15:4, Jd 4:9, 2S 12:14, Am 9:8,
אפסי עודnone like me “my none again”
Is 47:8, 10, Zp 2:15, אפסיםso little as to
be almost none
אפסlimit, end, border (⇐ the idea of
where it becomes none)
אפסי ארץ
where the land meets the sea, shoreline
Zc 9:10, Ps 72:8 and the lands within
those shores Is 45:22, Ps 22:28, 67:8 ←
none but, i.e. only, except in
the sense of only that,
אפס כי
however Nu 13:38, Dt 15:4, Jd 4:9, 2S
12:14, Am 9:8, אפסי עודnone like me
“my none again” Is 47:8, 10, Zp 2:15 ←
< אפס דמיםname>
אפסיםso little as to be almost none ←
?? אפעcontext indicates that this refers to
something insignificant, like a moment,
short time Is 41:24
אפעהβ פעה,אפעה
אפעהviper Is 30:6, 42:14, 59:5, Jb 20:16 σ
אפףto beset, hem in σ סבב
אפקto (get under) control → אפיק
someone who or something that causes
restraint Jb 12:21, 41:7 (15)
earthworks to control water, as in dams,
channels or dikes Is 8:7, Jb 6:15, Ps
18:16 (15), 42:1 (2), So 5:12 often built
up Ez 6:3, 34:13, 35:8, 36:4
(dammed) pond, holding tank Jl 1:20, Ps
42:2, 126:4, אפקlow place (into which
things tend to go down and not come
out) 2S 22:16, Ez 32:6 σ חטםto restrain
oneself ?? Is 48:9 αλ
אפקlow place (into which things tend to
go down and not come out) 2S 22:16, Ez
32:6 ← אפק
< אפקname>
< אפקהname>
אפרβ פור,אפר
אפרashes σ דשׁןfat (oil), sometimes used
for the fatty ashes left over from the
sacrifices, פיחfine ash as remains from a
very hot fire, as from a forge Ex 9:8, 10
אפרחnestling, young bird Dt 22:6, Ps 84:4,
Jb 39:30
אפריוןlitter, for carrying So 3:9 αλ
< אפריםname>
< אפרתname>
< אפרתהname>
< אפרתיname>
אץpushy, forceful, hurried, crowded ← אוץ
< אצבוןname>
< אצבןname>
אצבעfinger ← צבע
אציגהβ יצג
אצילβ נצל,אציל
אצילside Ez 41:8 ??, used in the sense of
from the ends and beyond i.e. farthest
reaches Ex 24:11, Is 41:9, Ez 13:18 ←
אציתנהβ צות, ?? נצהIs 27:4
אצלβ נצל,אצל
אצלto hold aside, at one’s side
to hold
back → אצילside Ez 41:8 ??, used in the
sense of from the ends and beyond i.e.
farthest reaches Ex 24:11, Is 41:9, Ez
13:18, אצלbeside Pr 7:8, Ez 40:7, Ne 4:6
(12), אצלותarmpits ?? Jr 38:12 αλ σ
אצלbeside Pr 7:8, Ez 40:7, Ne 4:6 (12) ←
< אצלname>
אצלותarmpits ?? Jr 38:12 αλ ← אצל
< אצליהוname>
< אצםname>
( אצעדהarm) bracelet Nu 31:50, 2S 1:10
אצרβ נצר, יצר,אצר
אצרto treasure up → אוצרtreasury
often that which is stored in it, treasures
< אצרname>
אצרהβ נצר, יצר,אצר
אקדחberyl Is 54:12 αλ
אקוwild goat Dt 14:5 αλ σ עז
אקובβ נקב
ארβ יאר,אור
< אראname>
אראילalter hearth ?? Ez 43:15–16
אראלoutpost, people posted as an
outpost ?? 2S 23:20, Is 33:7
< אראליname>
ארבto lie in wait, as in hunting → אורב
ambusher, those who lie in wait to
ambush Js 8:7, 19, Ezr 8:31, ארב
ambush, lying in wait to ambush, מארב
place of ambush, from where an ambush
is launched Js 8:9, Jd 9:35, Ps 10:8, 2C
ארבambush, lying in wait to ambush ←
< ארבname>
< ארבאלname>
ארבהβ רבה,ארבה
ארבהσ סלעם, ילק, חרגל, חסיל, חגב,גזם
types of grasshoppers, locusts σ עוף
ארבהsluice-gate of an irrigation ditch,
which usually has constant standing
water around it because of water
turbulence at gate causing washing out σ
ארבותβ ארבה,ארב
< ארבותname>
< ארביname>
ארבעfour, הולך על ארבעrefers to the
action of crawling, not the number of
< ארבעname>
ארגto weave, with a מסכתwarp Jd 16:13–
4 and ערבwoof → ארגweaver,
(weaver’s) shuttle
< ארגבname>
ארגוןβ variant spelling for ארגמן
ארגזcontainer of some sort for traveling
1S 6:8, 11, 15 ← רגז
ארגיעהpausing, hesitant ← רגע
ארגמןreddish purple, the royal color, also
cloth dyed with that color
< ארדname>
< ארדוןname>
< ארדיname>
ארהto nibble So 5:1 αλ → ארותstall, for
feeding and taking care of animals 1K
5:6 (4:26), 2C 32:28 σ אכל
< ארודname>
< ארודיname>
ארוהβ ארר
ארוזsolid (← cedar ??) Ez 27:24 αλ
ארוכהmeasured building materials ?? Ne
4:1, 2C 24:13 ← ארך
< ארומהname>
ארוןchest, ark, box
< ארונהname>
ארורβ ארר
ארותstall, for feeding and taking care of
animals 1K 5:6 (4:26), 2C 32:28 ← ארה
ארותcity name Js 9:17, Ezr 2:25
ארזcedar, a type of tree and wood σ עץ
ארזהpaneling made of cedar wood ?? Zp
2:14 αλ
ארחto travel → ארחtraveler Jd 19:17, 2S
12:4, ארחtrail, a way for travelers going
from city to city, for long distances Gn
used as a metaphor for the path
of life, doing actions Gn 18:11, Is 26:7–8,
Jb 24:11, ארחהfood for travelers
(daily) ration, portion of food Jr 40:5,
52:34, Pr 15:17, ארחתcaravan, a group
traveling together Gn 37:25, ארחתact of
traveling, action of going down the road
< אריסיname>
ארךto draw out (time, measurement,
to make long → ארוכה
measured building materials ?? Ne 4:1,
2C 24:13, ארךlength, long, drawn out
(distance, time), ארכהdrawn out period
of time Jr 29:28, 30:17, 33:6, 30:17, 33:6
ארךlength, long, drawn out (distance,
time) ← ארך
< ארךname>
ארכהβ ארך,ארכה
ארכהdrawn out period of time Jr 29:28,
30:17, 33:6 ← ארך
< ארכויname>
< ארכיname>
ארכתβ ארכת,ארך
ארכתsomething that grows and causes
healing ?? Is 58:8, Jr 8:22
< ארםname>
ארמוןfortification, when part of the king’s
dwelling, the equivalent of a medieval
dungeon of a castle 1K 16:18, 2K 15:25,
Is 25:2, 32:14, Jr 30:18, Pr 18:19 σ בית
ארמנתcollection, system or number of
fortifications Is 34:13, Hs 8:14, Am 1:7,
ארמיתAramaic language
< ארמניname>
ארןlaurel Is 44:19 αλ σ עץ
< ארןname>
ארנבתhare Lv 11:6, Dt 14:7
< ארנוןname>
< ארניהname>
< ארנןname>
< ארפדname>
< ארפכשׁדname>
of life, road of one’s choice Is 2:3, Pr
2:15, Jb 33:11 σ הלך
ארחtraveler Jd 19:17, 2S 12:4 ← ארח
ארחtrail, a way for travelers going from
city to city, for long distances Gn 49:17
used as a metaphor for the path of
life, doing actions Gn 18:11, Is 26:7–8, Jb
24:11 ← ארחσ דרך
< ארחname>
ארחהfood for travelers
(daily) ration,
portion of food Jr 40:5, 52:34, Pr 15:17
← ארח
ארחתβ ארחת,ארחה
ארחתcaravan, a group traveling together
Gn 37:25 ← ארח
ארחתact of traveling, action of going
down the road of life, road of one’s
choice Is 2:3, Pr 2:15, Jb 33:11 ← ארח
אריlion pl. אריים1K 10:20 σ כפירmaned,
male lion
idiom: a rapacious, violent
person Ez 38:13, Ps 35:17
< אריname>
אריאלmisspelling for אראלin 1C 11:22 ??
< אריאלname Is 29:1–2, 7>
ארידβ רוד
< ארידיname>
< אריגתאname>
אריהpl. אריותthis is not the same as a
single lion, possibly a pride of lions or
another set or group of lions. The
addition of the final heh indicates a
אריהIs 21:8 Great Isaiah Scroll indicates is
a copyist error for ראה ← ראה
< אריהname>
< אריוךname>
אריםβ אור
ארץβ רצה, רוץ,ארץ
ארץland, this term is used broadly from
land = world to land = ground. It is
never used alone as a toponym, rather
every time it is used to denote a specific
land, the land is named either directly or
in context
אפסי ארץwhere the land
meets the sea, shoreline Zc 9:10, Ps 72:8
and the lands within those shores Is
45:22, Ps 22:28, 67:8, ארצתgeneralized
plural for “lands”, not specific lands Gn
10:5, 20, 31, 26:3–4, Lv 26:36, 39, Ne
9:30 σ אדמהsoil, where there is some
intersection with the meaning of ארץ
where it can refer to land, usually
somewhat poetic, איinhabited land, תבל
(used mostly poetically) dry land that
can be inhabited, not including the sea
< ארצאname>
ארצהβ רצה,ארץ
ארצתgeneralized plural for “lands”, not
specific lands Gn 10:5, 20, 31, 26:3–4, Lv
26:36, 39, Ne 9:30
אררto curse → מארהcurse Dt 28:20, Ml
2:2, 3:9, Pr 3:33, 28:27 σ זעםto execrate,
call down destruction on Nu 23:7–8, Ml
1:4, Pr 24:24, טמהto debase ?? Lv 11:43,
Jb 18:3, לעעto consume
treat as
valueless or worth nothing Ob 16, Pr
20:25, Jb 6:3, קבהto make a hollow
space Jb 5:3 or chamber
to execrate,
call down a curse on such that something
or someone becomes hollowed out,
without strength or resources Nu 23: ,Jb
3:8, Pr 11:26, 24:24, קללto treat lightly,
as unimportant σ שׁבע
< אררטname>
< ארריname>
ארשׂto become engaged (to be married)
Ex 22:15 (16), Dt 20:7, 22:23, 25, 27–8,
2S 3:14, used metaphorically of God’s
connection to his people, as if preparing
for a wedding Hs 2:21–2
ארשׁתpetition Ps 21:3 αλ σ שׁאלה
ארתβ אורה
< ארתחשׁסתאname>
< ארתחשׁשׂתname>
< ארתחשׁשׂתאname>
אשׁβ (DSS 2S 14:19) ישׁ, אשׁ
אשׁfire σ אשׁויתfireplace for a signal
fire ?? Jr 50:15 αλ, כוהto brand, כידוד
spark ?? Jb 41:11 (19) αλ, לבתhot,
flaring flame Ex 3:2 αλ, להבהflame,
להטflash, flame Gn 3:24
sorcery Ex
7:11, לפד, לפידtorch
bright flames
like a torch, שׁביבember, something that
burns ?? Jb 18:5 αλ, שׂרףto burn, תנור
oven Ex 7:28 (8:3), Lv 2:4, 7:9
as from an oven Gn 15:17, Is 31:9
< אשׁבלname>
< אשׁבליname>
< אשׁבןname>
< אשׁבעname>
< אשׁבעלname>
אשׁדת, אשׁדslope σ הר
< אשׁדודיname>
אשׁהwoman, a female of the human
species, though occasionally refers to a
generalized object in a use similar to a
pronoun, e.g. to animals Gn 7:2, to a
connector Ex 26:17 σ אדם
אשׁהwhat is burned (an offering upon the
altar) σ זבח
אשׁויתfireplace for a signal fire ?? Jr 50:15
αλ σ אשׁ
אשׁוןtime ?? Q Pr 20:20 αλ σ עת
אשׁורβ שׁור, אשׁר,אשׁור
אשׁורname of country, Assyria
< אשׁוריname>
< אשׁורםname>
< אשׁחורname>
אשׁיβ אשׁה
< אשׁימאname>
אשׁירה, אשׁירβ אשׁרה
אשׁישׁvine branch ?? clinging to a wall Is
16:7, bearing grapes Hs 3:1 ← אשׁשׁσ
אשׁישׁהsweet cake, containing raisins, dried
fruit? fruitcake? 2S 6:19, So 2:5, 1C 16:3
← אשׁשׁσ לחם
אשׁךtesticle Lv 21:20 αλ
אשׂכילgiving discernment Ps 32:8 αλ ←
אשׁכול, אשׁכלbunch of grapes
אשׁכל,< אשׁכולname>
< אשׁכנזname>
אשׁכרtribute ?? Ez 27:15, Ps 72:10 (←
)?? שׂכר
אשׁלtamarisk tree
אשׁםβ שׁמם, אשׁם,אשׁ
אשׁםto become guilty, can be from a
deliberate action and/or inadvertently
through an error or ignorance
treat as
guilty → אשׁםguilty, guilt offering, אשׁמה
guilt σ חטא
אשׁםguilty (person, adj.), guilt offering ←
אשׁמהguilt ← אשׁם
אשׁמרת, אשׁמורהwatch (of the night) Ex
14:24, Jd 7:19, 1S 11:11, Ps 90:4 ← שׁמר
אשׁמניםoily, slippery places ?? Is 59:10 αλ
← שׁמן
אשׁמתβ אשׁמה,אשׁם
אשׁנבlatticed window, where one can look
out without easily being seen Jd 5:28, Pr
7:6 σ חלון
< אשׁנהname>
< אשׁעןname>
אשׁףconjurer Dn 1:20, 2:2 σ חרטם
אשׁפהquiver (for arrows), sometimes used
metaphorically Is 22:6, 49:2, Jr 5:16, Ps
127:5, Jb 39:23, Lm 3:13, 4:5
< אשׁפנזname>
אשׁפרdate cake 2S 6:19, 1C 16:3
אשׁפתβ אשׁפת,אשׁפה
אשׁפתdunghill 1S 2:8, Ps 113:7
אשׁקךβ שׁקה
< אשׁקלוןname>
< אשׁקלוניname>
אשׁקנהβ שׁוק
אשׁרto have joyful contentment from
doing the right thing → אשׁרjoyful
contentment σ שׂמח
אשׁרto proceed, go down a path ?? Pr
4:14, 9:6 → אשׁרproceeding, going down
a path ?? Is 3:12, Ps 37:31, Jb 31:7, אשׁר
steering oar on ship ?? Ez 27:6 αλ, מאשׁר
one who makes a person proceed down a
way Is 9:15
a guide Pr 3:18 σ הלך
אשׁרwhich, conjunction pointing to subject
אשׁרjoyful contentment ← אשׁר
אשׁרproceeding, going down a path ?? Is
3:12, Ps 37:31, Jb 31:7 ← אשׁר
אשׁרsteering oar on ship ?? Ez 27:6 αλ ←
< אשׁרname>
< אשׂראלname>
< אשׂראלהname>
< אשׂראליname>
< אשׁריname>
< אשׂריאלname>
אשׁרהAsherah, sacred pole set up in
worship of the goddess Asherah
אשׁשׁto pull (oneself) up ?? Is 46:8 αλ →
אשׁישׁvine branch ?? clinging to a wall Is
16:7, bearing grapes Hs 3:1, אשׁישׁהsweet
cake, containing raisins, dried fruit?
fruitcake? 2S 6:19, So 2:5, 1C 16:3
אשׁתβ שׁית, אשׁת,אשׁה
אשׁתwoman in general, a masculine noun,
not a specific woman when not in
construct Dt 21:11, Ps 58:9, Pr 6:24,
25:24, Rt 3:11
< אשׁתאולname>
< אשׁתאוליname>
אשׁתוללוdespoiled (by their own
actions) ?? Ps 76:6 (5) αλ ← שׁלל
< אשׁתוןname>
< אשׁתמהname>
< אשׁתמעname>
( אתparticle, the sign of the accusative)
אתwith, at the side of ( אותin 2K 1:15,
6:16) σ ( עםtogether) with
אתplow 1S 13:20–1, Is 2:4, Jl 4:10, Mc 4:3
σ מחרשׁהtool made by an artisan,
blacksmith 1S 13:20–1
אתה, אתyou (singular)
< אתבעלname>
אתהto arrive Is 41:5, 25, Mc 4:8, Pr 1:27
→ אתיותfuture events ?? Is 41:23, 44:7,
45:11, יאתוןplace of arrival, entrance ??
Ez 40:15 αλ σ הלך
אתוןdonkey mare σ חמור
אתיק, אתוקarch, decorative frieze ?? Ez
41:15, 16, 42:3, 5
אתותβ אות
אתיβ אתה,( אתהfem sing imp), אתי
אתיwith me
אתיme (direct object)
< אתיname>
אתיותfuture events ?? Is 41:23, 44:7, 45:11
← אתה
אתן, אתםyou (plural)
“ אתםtheir sign” ?? Is 30:8 used || חקה
< אתםname>
אתמולyesterday, previous(ly) σ תמול
אתןβ נתן, אתם, אתון,איתן
אתנהβ נתן,אתנה
אתנהyou (fem, pl.) Gn 31:6, Ez 13:20,
אתנהspontaneous gift, ?? as from a close
friend Hs 2:14 (12), as a freewill
offering Ps 51:18 ← נתן
אתנותβ אתון
< אתניname>
אתניםseventh month in which is found
Yom Kippur 1K 8:2 αλ
אתניםplaces that are long lasting Mc 6:2,
Jb 12:19
“ אתנןlover’s” gift, in return for sexual
favors Dt 23:19, Is 23:17–8, Ez 16:31, 34,
41, Hs 9:1, Mc 1:7 ← נתן
< אתנןname>
אתננהβ נתן,אתנן
אתקנךβ נתק
< אתריםname>
אתתβ אות
( בprefix) in, but in a very broad usage,
broader than English to include location
(where in English we sometimes use
< בבליname>
בבתeyeball, pupil ?? Zc 2:12 αλ
בגEz 25:7 ?? considered a copyist error
for בזαλ
( בגpart of )פתבגβ פת
בגדto act under cover, act underhandedly,
under the table (doing things under
one’s clothes) Jr 3:20, Ml 2:14 → בגד
clothing, underhanded
actions, בגדותtreachery,
underhandedness Zp 3:4 αλ, בגוד
treacherous (acting underhandedly) σ
clothing, underhanded
actions ← בגדσ אבנטwaistband, a long
cloth wrapped around the body Ex 28:4,
Lv 8:7, Is 22:21, אדרתsplendor Zc 11:3
splendid Ez 17:8,
cloak (which may
have sleeves) that indicates status Gn
25;25, Js 7:21, 24, 2K 2:8, 13–4, אזורa
belt to hold up pants 2K 1:8, Is 5:27,
11:5, Jr 13:1–11, Ez 23:18, Jb 12:18,
אפוד, אפדvest, אפדתvestment Ex 28:8,
29:5, 39:5, Is 30:22, גלוםmantle Ez
27:24 αλ, גליןdiaphanous clothing ?? Is
3:23 αλ, חגרה, חגורהsomething girded
on, clothing or weapons 2S 18:11, 2K
3:21, Is 3:24, כתנתtunic Greek (χιτων),
לבושׁclothing, clothed, מגבעהmiter, tall
head gear Lv 8:13 αλ, מדclothing,
measured to fit, מזחa type of clothing,
loose fitting sign of luxury, toga ?? Is
23:10, Ps 109:19, מחלצותclothing for
special occasions, “Sunday best” stripped
off for daily work Is 3:22, Zc 3:4, מטפחת
cape, warm cloak spread on over other
clothing Rt 3:15, Is 3:22, מכנסtrousers
“near”, “beside”, “on” and “upon”), as an
indicator of instrumentality “by means
of” or “by use of” or “(by) cost of”, an
indicator of possession, used by many
verbs to indicate the object of the verb
including ראהand its synonyms, חפץ,
where letters are used as numbers, it
refers to the number two.
באone who comes 1K 15:17, Pr 23:30 ←
באהentrance Ez 8:5 αλ ← בוא
בארto draw out (both physically as in
water from a well, and figuratively, as in
drawing out a meaning, explaining) →
בארwell, from which water is drawn out
בארwell, from which water is drawn out
← באר
< בארname>
< באר איליםname>
< באר לחי ראיname>
< באר שׁבעname>
< באראname>
< בארהname>
בארךβ באר,ארך
< בארתname>
באשׁβ באשׁ, אשׁ
באשׁto stink → באשׁstench Am 4:10, ,באשׁ
באשׁהstinky plant, plants that give off a
bad smell ?? Is 5:2, 4
באשׁstench Am 4:10 ← באשׁ
באשׁplants that give off a bad smell ?? Is
5:2, 4 ← באשׁ
באשׁהfoul weeds, generalized term for bad
smelling, useless plants ?? Jb 31:40 αλ
← באשׁ
< בביname>
< בבלname>
בגדותtreachery, underhandedness Zp 3:4
αλ ← בגד
בגדיβ גדי,בגד
בגודtreacherous (acting underhandedly)
← בגד
< בגויname>
בגללβ גלל
בגפוsingle, unmarried state
< בגתאname>
< בגתןname>
בדpiece, part Ex 30:34, Jb 18:13
בדstaff (as in big stick, often referring to
a carrying pole) σ שׁבט
בדin the phrase “ לבדto aloneness”
meaning alone, “ מלבדfrom to
aloneness” meaning “by himself” ← בדד
בדlinen σ שׁשׁ
בדone who makes a proclamation,
announcement Is 16:6, 44:25, Hs 11:6 pl.
proclamation Jr 36:18, 48:30 ← בדא
בדאto proclaim, announce ?? 1K 12:33,
Ne 6:8 → בדone who makes a
proclamation, announcement Is 16:6,
44:25, Hs 11:6 pl. proclamation Jr 36:18,
48:30 σ דבר
בדדto become alone Is 14:31, Hs 8:9, Ps
102:8 → בדin the phrase “ לבדto
aloneness” meaning alone, בדדalone,
“ מלבדfrom to aloneness” meaning “by
בדדalone ← בדד
< בדדname>
בדיβ די,בד
< בדיהname>
בדיוβ די,בד
בדיךβ די,בד
Ex 28:42, 39:28, Lv 6:3, 16:4, Ez 44:18,
מעטפותsomething draped on, stole ?? Is
3:22 αλ, מעילponcho, a cloth draped
over the body with a hole in the center
for the head to poke through Ex 28:31–5,
worn under the vest Lv 8:7, מצנפת
turban, used as a badge of authority Ex
28:4, 37, 39, Lv 8:9, Ez 21:31 (26),
משׁבצת, משׁבצותwrapping, used of a
wide border on clothing Ex 28:11, 13–4,
Ps 45:14, a border setting a jewel on
clothing Ex 18:11, 39:6, 13, משׁפחת
sleeveless, may be hooded, possibly a
large, hooded, felt, almost weatherproof
cloak or mantel worn by shepherds, נקפה
being encircled by a simple cloth that
merely covers a person, like a towel ?? Is
3:24 αλ, סדיןunder garment (σινδων)
Jd 14:12–3, Is 4:23, Pr 31:24, סות
garment αλ, פתיגילembroidered clothing
?? (something beautiful) Is 3:24 αλ, צניף
turban for decoration Is 3:23, Zc 3:5, Jb
29:14, רדידshawl worn by women Is
3:23, So 5:7, רעלהlong, loose fitting
garment, in a day when everything was
hand made, was a sign of wealth and
luxury Is 3:19 αλ, שׂלמהgarment, as far
as I can tell, identical to ( שׂמלהfound
10 times), שׂמלהcovering, apparently a
flat piece of cloth that can be worn by
wrapping around (as a kilt, dress)
though can be spread out as a blanket
Gn 9:25, Ex 22:26 (27), wrapped around
other objects Ex 12:34, lain on as a sheet
Dt 22:17, laid flat Jd 8:25
(found 28 times)
בדילslag, the dross left after smelting and
refining metal, at times can be pretty in
its own right and usable for decoration σ
סיגdross, slag Is 1:22, 25, Pr 25:4, 26:23
בדלto part, indicative of a physical
removal, put a distance between σ כרת
בדלpart ← בדל
בדלחbdellium ?? apparently a precious
stone Gn 2:12, mentioned for its
appearance Nu 11:7
בדמיβ דמה, דם,דום
בדמךβ דמה, דם,דום
< בדןname>
בדקto repair 2C 34:10 → בדקplace
needing repair
בדקplace needing repair ← בדק
< בדקרname>
בהוstill(ness) from not having life or any
motion Gn 1:2, Is 34:11, Jr 4:23, always
found in context with תהו
< בהןname>
בהטan unknown type of (semi-)precious
stone Es 1:6 αλ
בהירnoticeable ?? Jb 37:21 αλ
בהלmove quickly Pr 28:22, 2C 26:20
alarm as in to frighten (⇐ those who are
frightened move quickly) Dn 11:44, 2C
32:18 Ni be alarmed, frightened Gn 45:3,
Ez 26:18 → בהלהstart, alarm Lv 26:16,
Is 65:23, Ps 78:33 σ מהר,ירא
בהלהstart, alarm Lv 26:16, Is 65:23, Ps
78:33 ← בהל
בהלוβ הלה,בהל
בהמהβ המה,בהמה
בהמותdinosaur Jb 40:15 αλ
( בהמותsing. fem. noun) status of being a
beast Jr 12:4, Jl 1:20, Jb 12:7, 35:11,
status of being like a beast Ps 73:22
( בהןpl )בהנותthumb, big toe Ex 29:20,
Lv 8:23–4, Jd 1:6–7
בהצותוβ נצה
בהקwhite spot, pimple ?? Lv 13:39 αλ
בהרתspot, blotch Lv 13:2,4, 38–9 14:56
בואto come
to come in, to enter → בא
one who comes 1K 15:17, Pr 23:30, באה
entrance Ez 8:5 αλ, לבאcoming, ,מבוא
מובאentrance, מביאone who causes to
come, תבואarrival, coming in Jb 6:8,
תבואהyield, in the sense of produce of
the field, vineyard Gn 47:24, Is 30:23, 2C
32:28 σ הלכ
בוזto have contempt → בוזcontemptible
person or thing, בוזהcontempt, one who
has contempt σ שׂנא
בוזcontemptible person or thing ← בוז
< בוזname>
בוזהcontempt, one who has contempt ←
< בוזהname>
בוטהβ בטה
< בויname>
בוךto be thrown into confusion Es 3:15
αλ → מבוכהconfusion Is 22:5, Mc 7:4
בולlarge piece, hunk ?? Is 44:19, Jb 40:20
σ מבול
בולeighth month 1K 6:38
< בולname>
בולסone who cares for, watches over Am
7:14 ?? αλ
בולקdevasting Is 24:1 αλ ← בלק
בוןto have insight, to understand in the
sense of getting between the surface
do heavy labor, פחתpit, sinkhole, natural
pit ?? 2S 17:9, 18:17, Is 24:18, שׁיחה
pit ?? Jr 18:22, Ps. 57:7 (6)
< בור הסרהname>
< בור עשׁןname>
בושׁto be ashamed → ( בושׁהvisible)
shame, בשׁנהshame, בשׁתshame, מביש
causing shame Pr 10:5, 12:4, 14:25, 17:2,
19:26, 29:15, מבשׁprivates Dt 25:11 αλ σ
זמהshameful action, that causes shame,
חגאapprehension, shame ?? Is 19:17 αλ
חפרto hide one’s face (in shame) Is
54:4, Ps 34:6, 35:4, Pr 13:5, חרףto
reproach, accuse of a fault, rebuke
shame, disgrace, כלםto be disgraced,
קללto treat lightly (unimportant)
( בושׁהvisible) shame ← בושׁσ קלון
dishonor, opposite of ,כבוד
riches, honor
בזβ בזז, בזה, בז,בוז
בזplunder ← בזז
בזdisdainment, contempt ← בזה
בזאto drain ?? Is 18:2, 7 σ מצה
בזהβ זה, בזז,בזה
בזהto disdain → בזdisdainment,
contempt, בזהone who disdains, בזוי
disdained, contemptible, בזיון
disdainment, contempt Es 1:18 αλ σ שׂנא
בזהone who disdains ← בזה
בזהfruit of plundering ← בזז
בזויdisdained, contemptible ← בזה
בזזto plunder → בזplunder, בזהfruit of
plundering σ גנב
בזיוןdisdainment, contempt Es 1:18 αλ ←
< בזיותיהname>
בזקlightning Ez 1:14 ?? αλ
appearances underneath to the essential
nature of what is known → ביןbetween,
among (very much like the German
word ‘unter’), בינהinsight, which is deep
understanding "among" instead of
looking from afar, נבוןinsightful, תבונה
practical insight leading to action, such
as making things
skill Ex 31:3, 35:31,
Pr 24:3 σ ידע
< בונהname>
< בוניname>
בונןto give recognition to Dt 32:10
recognize (within oneself) (this is a
hithpael that sometimes takes an object)
1K 3:21, Jr 23:20, Ps 37:10, Jb 37:14
בוסto kick aside, as an act of contempt →
מבוסהkicking aside, with contempt Is
18:2, 7, 22:5, תבוסתkicking aside
rejection 2C 22:7 αλ σ שׂנא
בוץbyssus σ שׁשׁ
< בוצץname>
בוקto depopulate Is 24:3 αλ → בוקה
depopulation Nh 2:11 αλ, מבוקהcausing
to be depopulated Nh 2:11 αλ σ שׁחת
בוקהdepopulation Nh 2:11 αλ ← בוק
בוקקlaying waste that empties Is 24:1, Hs
10:1 ← בקק
בוקרone who looks after
herdsman Am
7:14 αλ ← בקר
בורto dig out (metaphorically, to search
out) Ko 9:1 αλ → בורdigging
(with a suffix the spelling is changed to
)ברσ בקשׁ
pit (with a suffix the
spelling is changed to )ברσ גומץpit ??
Ko 10:8 αλ, סהרpit, mine (for extracting
ore), often where prisoners were sent to
< בזקname>
בזרβ זור,בזר
בזרto allot Dn 11:24 → בזרallotment Ps
68:31 σ מנה
בזרallotment Ps 68:31 ← בזרσ מן
< בזתאname>
בחוןassayer, tester Jr 6:27 αλ ← בחן
young man, from concept
of fine young man that anyone would
choose ← בחר
בחורות, בחוריםyouth(ful age) ← בחר
< בחוריםname>
< בחורימיname>
בחיןtested, approved person Is 23:13 αλ
← בחן
בחירchosen, elect ← בחר
בחלβ חל,בחל
בחלto loathe ?? Zc 11:8 αλ → מבחלתa
place that is loathed ?? Pr 20:21 αλ σ
בחןto test, assay → בחוןassayer, tester Jr
6:27 αλ, בחיןtested, approved person Is
23:13 αλ, בחןone who tests, assays Jr
11:20, 17:10, 20:12, Pr 17:3, action of
testing, assaying Is 28:16, 32:14 σ נסה
בחןone who tests, assays Jr 11:20, 17:10,
20:12, Pr 17:3, action of testing,
assaying Is 28:16, 32:14 ← בחן
בחרto choose → בחורchosen
man, from concept of fine young man
that anyone would choose, ,בחורים
בחורותyouth(ful age), בחירchosen,
elect, מבחר, מבחורchoice
בחרותβ חרה,בחורה
בטה, בטאto babble → מבטאrash
utterance σ דבר
בטוחreason for confidence Is 26:3, 59:4 ←
בטחβ טח,בטח
בטחto have confidence (in)
to feel safe
to trust Is 26:4, Jr. 17:7, 39:18,
Pr 3:5 → בטוחreason for confidence Is
26:3, 59:4, בטחconfidently, safely, בטחה
confidence based on safety Is 30:15, Pr
21:22, בטחוןsafety 2K 18:19, Is 26:4, Ko
9:4, בטחותstatus of being in confidence,
safety ?? Is 32:9–11, מבטחconfidence,
person, object or place in which one puts
his trust Jr 2:37, 17:7, Pr 22:19, 25:19 σ
בטחconfidently, safely ← בטח
< בטחname>
בטחהconfidence based on safety Is 30:15,
Pr 21:22 ← בטח
בטחוןsafety 2K 18:19, Is 26:4, Ko 9:4 ←
בטחותβ טחות, טוח, בטחות,בטחה
בטחותstatus of being in confidence, safety
?? Is 32:9–11 ← בטח
בטלto cease working Ko 12:3 αλ σ שׁבת
בטןbelly, mother’s womb, central (inner)
hollow area
use of an architectural
feature 1K 7:20 σ מעיbody in general 2S
16:11, Ps 22:15 (14), So 5:4, 2C 32:21,
more specifically womb Rt 1:11, Is 49:1,
Ps 71:6, belly Ez 7:19, Jb 20:14,
intestines 2S 20:10, 2C 21:18–9, involved
with emotions Jr 4:19, 31:20, So 5:4
< בטןname>
בטניםpistachio nuts Gn 43:11 αλ
< בטניםname>
( ביThe beginning of a sentence that has a
request from a subordinate to his boss)
ביןβ בון
ביןbetween, among (very much like the
German word ‘unter’) ← בון
בינהinsight, which is deep understanding
"among" instead of looking from afar ←
בוןσ דע
בירהedifice σ בית
בירניהfortified structure for refuge for
people living in the surrounding area 2C
17:12, 27:4 σ בית
a family which in traditional
societies often has many generations
living in the same house hence בית
refers to all those living together as a
unit (family + servants/slaves) Gn 35:2
also those connected by ancestry Jr
21:12, housing (such as a box housing an
object); adjective to refer to being inside
מביתinside Gn 6:14, Ex 25:11, 26:33,
Ez 7:15, מביתהinterior, inside 1K 6:15
αλ σ ארמוןfortification, when part of the
king’s dwelling, the equivalent of a
medieval dungeon of a castle 1K 16:18,
2K 15:25, Is 25:2, 32:14, Jr 30:18, Pr
18:19, בירהedifice, בירניהfortified
structure for refuge for people living in
the surrounding area 2C 17:12, 27:4,
ביתןpalace, בניהbuilding, היכלlarge
meeting room (of a tent structure 1Sa
1:9, of a building 1Ki 6:3)
(large building for royalty)
(large building for the greatest of
royalty, God), משׁפחהfamily σ תוך,אהל
< בית אוןname>
< בית אלname>
< בית ארבאלname>
< בית בעל מעוןname>
< בית בראיname>
< בית ברהname>
< בית גדרname>
< בית גמולname>
< בית דבלתיםname>
< בית דגוןname>
< בית האכיname>
< בית האצלname>
< בית הגלגלname>
< בית הישׁמתname>
< בית הכרםname>
< בית הלחמיname>
< בית העמקname>
< בית הערבהname>
< בית הרןname>
< בית השׁעהname>
< בית השׁמשׁיname>
< בית חגלהname>
< בית חורוןname>
< בית חורןname>
< בית חנןname>
< בית חרןname>
< בית יואבname>
< בית כרname>
< בית לבאותname>
בית לחםBethlehem, the name of two
towns (at least), the more famous the
Bethlehem of Ephratah, where King
David was born, which is almost always
identified as being in Ephratah of Judea;
and another in the tribe of Zebulun Jo
< בית לעפרהname>
< בית מעוןname>
< בית מעכהname>
< בית מרלבותname>
< בית נמרהname>
< בית עדןname>
< בית עזמותname>
< בית עמותname>
< בית ענתname>
< בית עקרname>
< בית פלטname>
< בית פעורname>
< בית פצץname>
< בית צורname>
< בית רחובname>
< בית שׁאןname>
< בית שׁןname>
< בית שׁמשׁname>
< בית תפוחname>
ביתןpalace σ בית
בךβ בוך, -( בprefix)
בכאbaka shrub, balsam tree ?? apparently
a plant well taller than a man 2S 5:23, Ps
84:7 (6)
בכהto weep for (sorrowfully) → ,בכה
בכית, בכי,( בכותsorrowful, bitter)
weeping σ כעס
בכית, בכי, בכות,( בכהsorrowful, bitter)
בכורβ כור,בכר
בכורהearly fruits Is 28:4, Hs 9:10, Mc 7:1
← בכר
בכוריםfirst fruits (a festival and the
offering given) ← בכר
< בכורתname>
בכיname of town in Moab Jr 48:5 ??
< בכיםname>
בכירהstatus of being firstborn ← בכר
בכרto be first born → בכורהearly fruits
Is 28:4, Hs 9:10, Mc 7:1, בכוריםfirst
fruits (a festival and the offering given),
בכירהstatus of being firstborn, בכרfirst
born, בכרהrights of firstborn Gn 25:32
αλ σ ילד
בכרfirst born ← בכר
< בכרname>
בכרהβ כר,בכרה
בכרהrights of firstborn Gn 25:32 αλ ←
< בכרוname>
בכריβ כר, בכרי,בכר
< בכריname>
בכרתβ כרת, כרה, בכרה,בכר
בלnot, without, without which, this is a
term indicating negation with no exact
equivalent in English
בלbel, name of a false god
אמים- בלβ ( לאםusually taken as a typo Ps
44:15 (14), 57:10 (9), 108:4 (3), 149:7)
though could it be a phrase “without
unease” i.e. fearlessly ??
< בלאדןname>
< בלאשׁצרname>
?? בלגto ?? (a destructive action)
(always found in hiphil) Ps 39:14 (13),
Jb 9:27, 10:20 → מבליגone who
destroys ?? Am 5:9 αλ, מבליגיתthat
which is destroying ?? Jr 8:18 αλ
בלגי, בלגהpersonal names
< בלדדname>
בלהto wear out or away
to dishearten
→ בלהworn out, בלההtroubles that
wear out Is 17:14, Ez 26:21, Ps 73:19,
בלהותwearing out troubling Ez 27:26,
28:19, Jb 18:11, 14, בלויrags Jr 38:11,
תבליתwearing away ?? Is 10:25 αλ σ
בלהworn out ← בלה
< בלהname>
בלההwearing away ← בלה
< בלההname>
בלהותwearing out troubling Ez 27:26,
28:19, Jb 18:11, 14 ← בלה
< בלהןname>
בלוβ בלה
בלויrags Jr 38:11 ← בלה
בלולmixed ← בלל
בלוליםcircular stairs ?? (picture of the
circular motion while mixing) 1 Kg 6:8
αλ ← בלל
בלחמוβ לחם,לח
< בלטשׁאצרname>
בליβ בלל, בלי,בלה
בליindicating negation as in “not”,
בלילβ ליל,בליל
בלילcausing mixing up Is 15:1
(food for animals) Is 30:24, Jb 6:5, 24:6
← בללσ מאכל
בלימהnothing, nothingness Jb 26:7 αλ
בליעלuseless (a contraction of בלnot,
without and יעלto benefit, be of use) σ
בללto mix up
to contaminate (mixing
up that which is not supposed to be
mixed together) → בלולmixed, בלולים
circular stairs ?? (picture of the circular
motion while mixing) 1 Kg 6:8 αλ, בליל
causing mixing up Is 15:1
mash (food
for animals) Is 30:24, Jb 6:5, 24:6,
מבלילthat which causes to contaminate
Jb 18:15 αλ in Aleppo text, in WLC מבלי
“ לוthere is not his”, תבלcontamination,
mixing up what ought not be mixed up
Lv 18:23, 20:12, תבללcontaminated,
wandering eye ?? Lv 21:20 αλ σ דוךto
mix a batter, מהלto mix as in
adulterating Is 1:22 αλ, מסךto mix
drinks Is 5:22, Ps 102:10, Pr 9:2, רקחto
mix spices together (as drugs) Ex 30:25,
33, Ez 24:10
בלםto rein in ?? Ps 32:9 αλ
בלעβ לעע, לע,בלע
בלעto swallow Nu 26:10, Dt 11:6
consume Is 25:7–8, Pr 21:20
consume as an act of destruction 2S
17:16, 20:19–20, Jb 2:3 → בלעthing
swallowed σ שׁחת,אכל
< בלעname>
מבלעדי, בלעדיbesides, except
the knowledge or approval of σ זולת
except, besides Dt 1:36, Is 45:5, 1C 17:20
< בלעיname>
< בלעםname>
בלקto devastate (unused root) → בולק
devasting Is 24:1 αλ, מבלקהmaking
devastated ?? Nh 2:11 (10) αλ σ שׁחת
< בלקname>
< בלשׁאצרname>
< בלשׁןname>
בלתיbesides → בלתי אםexcept, apart
from, לבלתיin order not, that should
not (followed by an infinitive verb), עד
בלתיuntil not
בלתךbesides you 1S 2:2 αλ
במהhigh place (of idol worship)
< במהלname>
“ במוeven in”, ( בprefix with a מוsuffix)
an emphatic (??) used mostly poetically
in nine verses Is 43:2, 44:16, 19, Ps 11:2,
Jb 9:30, 16:4–5, 19:16, 37:8
< במותname>
< במות בעלname>
בןβ בן,בון
בןson, though also includes those counted
as sons and even descendants several
generations later
בן שׁנהborn this
year (used of lambs, kids, calves,
livestock) σ זרעseed
descendant, usually counted as direct
descendants, though Gn 38:8–9 shows
that’s not always the case, rather who
are counted as descendants, ניןoffspring
Gn 21:23, Is 14:22, Ps 74:7, Jb 18:19, ניר
descendant ?? Nu 21:30, 2S 22:29, 1K
11:36, 15:4, 2K 8:19, 2C 21:7, נכד
progeny Gn 21:23, Is 14:22, Jb 18:19,
שׁגרcalving, offspring of animals Ex
13:12, Dt 7:13, 28:4, 18, 51
< בןname>
< בן אוניname>
< בן הדדname>
< בן חילname>
< בן חנןname>
< בן ימיןname>
< בן ימיניname>
< בן עמיname>
בנהto build (up, upon), not only used
referring to construct a physical
structure, but also of a person Gn 2:22 or
a family Gn 16:2 → בנהbuilder, ,בניה
בניןbuilding, מבנהstructure Ez 40:2 αλ,
תבןstraw, used in making adobe bricks,
also to feed animals, תבניתmodel, used
to plan a construction Ex 25:9, 40, Dt
4:16–8, 1C 28:11–2, 18–9
בנהbuilder ← בנהσ גדרcarpenter 2K
12:13 (12), 22:6, Is 58:12
< בנויname>
בנותβ נוה, בת,בנה
< בניname>
< בני ברקname>
< בני יעקןname>
< בניהname>
בנין, בניהbuilding σ בית
בניםused only of Goliath as a אישׁ בנים
hero? a person who has worked out to
build himself up to great strength? ← בנן
< בניציןname>
< בנינוname>
בנןβ בנן,בון
בנןto strengthen ?? Dt 32:10, Is 10:13 →
בניםused only of Goliath as a אישׁ בנים
hero? a person who has worked out to
build himself up to great strength?
< בנעאname>
בסבךβ סב
< בסודיהname>
< בסיname>
בססβ בוס
בסרβ סור,בסר
בסרunripe grapes Is 18:5, Jr 31:29–30, Ez
18:2, Jb 15:33 σ ענב
בעדon behalf of, for the sake of; through
בעהto discover Is 21:12, 30:13, 64:1, Ob 6
σ מצא
< בעורname>
בעותיβ בעותים
בעולהβ עולה,בעולה
( בעולהof a woman) married ← בעל
בעותיםterrors Jb 6:4 ← בעת
< בעזname>
בעטβ עט,בעט
בעטto neglect Dt 32:15, 1S 2:29 σ שׁכח
בעיβ עי
בעירβ עיר,בעיר
בעירםβ עירם,בעיר
בעירbeast of burden Gn 45:17, Nu 20:4, 8,
11, Ps 78:48 σ חיה
בעירהact of causing burning Ex 22:4 αλ
← בער
בעלto be master
to be a husband of a
wife → ( בעולהof a woman) married,
בעלmaster, בעלהmistress σ חקקto
establish (authority)
to make a
statute, law, מלךto rule as king, משׁלto
rule, as in making rules
to say a rule
(proverb), רדהto have authority, to
boss, שׁלטto have authority, more in the
sense of having power, ability, prestige
Ps 119:133, Ko 2:19, 5:18, 6:2,, 8:9, Es
9:1, שׂררto chain in ??
to be a head
of a department
to rule, this is a rule
that is not law making, which the king
did, but the enforcement of rules and
laws, keeping the people in line
metaphorically chaining them in, a more
modern understanding: to be in charge
of, a sheriff or policeman Nu 16:13, Jd
9:22, Is 32:1, Ho 8:4, Pr 8:16, תקףto
have authority more in the sense of
judicial, appointed power.
בעלmaster ← בעלσ מלך
< בעלname>
< בעל גדname>
< בעל המוןname>
< בעל חנןname>
< בעל חצורname>
< בעל חרמוןname>
< בעל מעוןname>
< בעל פעורname>
< בעל פרציםname>
< בעל צפוןname>
< בעל שׁלשׁהname>
< בעל תמרname>
בעלהmistress ← בעל
< בעלהname>
< בעלותname>
בעליβ עלי, עלה,בעל
< בעלי יהname>
< בעלידעname>
< בעליסname>
בעלתי, בעלתβ עלה,בעל
< בעלתname>
< בעלת בארname>
< בעןname>
< בענאname>
< בענהname>
בערto burn, but not necessarily to
consume Dt 3:2–3 Nu 11:1, Dt 4:11
though most of the time it’s understood
that the burning consumes what is
burned → בעירהact of causing burning
Ex 22:4 αλ
בערto remove, used in removing that
which is displeasing Dt 13:6, 17:7, 12, Jd
29:13 and idols 2C 19:3, removing bad
actors 2S 4:11, 1K 22:47, 2k 23:24,
removing items to be given to those who
need it Dt 26:13–4 σ הלך
בערto be ignorant, stupid Is 19:11, Jr
10:8, 14, 21, 51;17 → בערignorant,
stupid Ps 49:11, 73:22, 92:7, 94:8, Pr
12:1, 30:2
בערignorant, stupid Ps 49:11, 73:22, 92:7,
94:8, Pr 12:1, 30:2 ← בער
< בעראname>
< בעשׁאname>
< בעשׂיהname>
< בעשׁתרהname>
7:4, ⇐ something that swells in
בצקdough for unleavened bread Ex 12:34,
39, for speciality baking 2S 13:8, Jr 7:18,
for sourdough bread Hs 7:4, ⇐
something that swells in preparation ←
בצקתβ צקתבצק,בצקת
< בצקתname>
בצרβ צר, בצר,בציר
בצרto remove, be removed, e.g. grapes
from a vine, abilities
to make or be
inaccessible, fortify (inaccessible place)
→ בציר, בצורinaccessible, בצירvintage,
בצרהinaccessible (places)
unknown Jr 33:3, Mc 2:12, בצרון
fortress, place that’s inaccessible from the
outside Zc 9:12 αλ, בצרותstatus of
fortification ?? Jr 14:1 αλ, בצרת
drought, withdrawing of water ?? Jr 17:8
αλ, מבצרfortification, fortified
בצרgold ore ?? Jb 22:24–25
< בצרname>
בצרהinaccessible (places)
unknown Jr 33:3, Mc 2:12 ← בצר
בצרהname of a city in Edom
בצרוןfortress, place that’s inaccessible
from the outside Zc 9:12 αλ ← בצרσ
מלואfortress, a fortified building within
a walled city, a refuge of last resort or
fortification of an occupying force Jd 9:6,
20, 2S 5:9, 1K 9:15, 24, מצדהfortress,
fortified place Jd 6:2, 2S 5:7, 9, Is 33:16,
1C 11:5, מצודהdefendable hiding place
for refuge 1S 22:4–5, 23:14, 2S 5:17
בצרותstatus of fortification ?? Jr 14:1 αλ
← בצר
בעתβ עת,בעת
בעתto terrify 1S 16:14–5, Es 7:6, Dn 8:17
→ בעותיםterrors Jb 6:4, בעתהterror Jr
8:15, 14:19, מבעתone who causes to be
terrified 1S 18:15 αλ σ ירא
בעתהβ עת,בעתה
בעתהterror Jr 8:15, 14:19 ← בעת
בץmire Jr 38:22 αλ
בצהmarsh, where the ground is mire Jb
8:11, 40:21 σ אגם
בצורβ צור,בצור
בציר, בצורinaccessible ← בצר
< בציname>
בצירvintage ← בצר
בצלβ צל,בצל
בצלonion Nu 11:5 αλ
< בצלאלname>
< בצלותname>
בצעβ צע,בצע
בצעto take a cut (out of something) Jb
6:9, 27:8
to get (unjust) gain Jl 2:8. It
is used for both legitimate taking a cut
out of the gross income (profit) and a
cut of the loot, the context tells which is
meant → בצעcut (of the loot, profits),
(unjust) gain Gn 37:26, Ex 18:21, Pr
בצעcut (of the loot, profits), (unjust)
gain Gn 37:26, Ex 18:21, Pr 1:19 ← בצע
בצעםβ צע,בצע
< בצעניםname>
בצקto swell (up) Dt 8:4, Jb 38:38, Ne
9:21 (corns and calluses are swellings on
the feet) → בצקdough for unleavened
bread Ex 12:34, 39, for speciality baking
2S 13:8, Jr 7:18, for sourdough bread Hs
בצרתdrought, withdrawing of water ?? Jr
17:8 αλ ← בצר
< בקבוקname>
( בקבקearthenware) jar (called such by
its glug-glug sound when emptied, or
because it is easily shattered ??) 1K
14:3, Jr 19:1, 10 ← בקק
< בקבקיהname>
< בקבקרname>
בקוβ בקק
< בקיname>
< בקיהוname>
בקיעbreach, cracks or openings that don’t
belong in walls, fortifications ← בקע
בקעto split (open)
to break (open,
into, apart) → בקיעbreach, cracks or
openings that don’t belong in walls,
fortifications, בקעobject that is split
open (houses) Am 6:11
half (split)
shekel Gn 24:22, Ex 38:26, בקעהriver
valley that splits open the mountains or
plateau σ שׁסעto split in the sense of
spreading apart, not necessarily into
pieces Lv 1:17, 11:7, 26, Jd 14:6, used
metaphorically to indicate scolding,
disapproval, similar to how “flay” can
sometimes be used in English 1S 24:8
בקעobject that is split open (houses) Am
half (split) shekel Gn 24:22, Ex
38:26 ← בקע
בקעהriver valley that splits open the
mountains or plateau ← בקעσ נחל
בקעהa type of nesting animal ?? Is 34:15
< בקעת אוןname>
בקקto lay waste such that the land is
emptied Jr 19:7, 51:2, Nh 2:3 (2) →
( בקבקearthenware) jar (called such by
its glug-glug sound when emptied, or
because it is easily shattered ??) 1K
14:3, Jr 19:1, 10, בוקקlaying waste that
empties Is 24:1, Hs 10:1, בקקperson
who lays waste i.e. destroyer Nh 2:3
(2) ?? σ שׁחת
בקקperson who lays waste i.e. destroyer
Nh 2:3 (2) ?? ← בקק
בקרβ קר,בקר
בקרto look after
to take care of →
בוקרone who looks after
Am 7:14 αλ, בקרmorning, בקריםbeing
watched over, under guard Is 33:2, Am
6:12, Ps 73:14, Jb 7:18, בקרתthe action
of looking after as in taking care of Lv
19:20, Ez 34:12 σ ראה
בקרcattle σ עגלה,( עגלmale, female) calf
σ חיה
בקרmorning ← בקר
בקריםbeing watched over, under guard Is
33:2, Am 6:12, Ps 73:14, Jb 7:18 ← בקר
בקרתthe action of looking after as in
taking care of Lv 19:20, Ez 34:12 ← בקר
בקשׁto look (for), this has the idea of
searching for, both in action and in
questioning another, with the hope to
find an object or answer → בקשׁת
request, what is looked for Es 5:3, 6–8,
7:2–3, 9:12, Ezr 7:6 σ בורto dig out
(metaphorically, to search out) Ko 9:1
αλ, דרשׁto look for, to investigate, to
demand from, this is stronger than just a
simple searching for something, but often
includes the idea that a payback is being
looked for or demanded, חפרto delve,
unearth, both the digging out and finding
to spy Js 2:2–3, חקרto
investigate, search throughout, שׁחרto
look for in sense of really searching Is
26:9, Hs 5:15, Pr 1:28, 7:15, 11:27, 13:24,
תורto go around, as in exploring
בקשׁתrequest, what is looked for Es 5:3, 6–
8, 7:2–3, 9:12, Ezr 7:6 ← בקשׁ
בקתיβ בקק
ברβ בר,בור
ברson Ps 2:12, Pr 31:2 (This is the
Aramaic meaning, but is this what was
meant in Hebrew? Or did this use come
from the root בררindicating the one
selected, chosen one, which fits the two
contexts where it is found in Tanakh?)
← ברה
ברpure (selected moral quality), selected
out, also used in the sense of being clean
Ps 24:4, 73:1, Jb 11:4, So 6:9–10 ← ברר
ברfeed (feedlot, pasture) ← ברה
בראto create, set up
to make sleek
(well fed) (set up with good food) →
בריא, בריfat, well fed, בריאהcreated
object Nu 16:30 αλ σ שׂים,אכל
< בראדןname>
< בראיname>
< בראיהname>
ברברfattened 1K 5:3 αλ ← ברה
ברדβ ירד,ברד
ברדto hail → ברדhail
speckled, with
small spots
speckled, with small spots ←
ברדσ אלגבישׁhail Ez 13:11, 13, 38:22
< ברדname>
ברהto be fed → ברson Ps 2:12, Pr 31:2
(This is the Aramaic meaning, but is this
what was meant in Hebrew? Or did this
use come from the root בררindicating
the one selected, chosen one, which fits
the two contexts where it is found in
Tanakh?), ברfeed (feedlot, pasture),
ברברfattened 1K 5:3 αλ, ברותfood,
what is fed Ps 69:22, Lm 4:10, בריהfood
to feed someone 2S 13:5, 7, 10, well fed
Ez 34:20, בריתtreaty, covenant, the
making of which often accompanied by
feasting, ברית מלחindicates a very
solemn treaty, covenant Nu 18:19, 2C
13:5 σ אכל
< ברהname>
ברוךβ רכך, ברך,ברוך
ברוךblessed ← ברך
ברוךleaving behind Ez 3:12 ← ברך
< ברוךname>
ברורβ רור,ברור
ברורselect, chosen
pure ← ברר
ברושׁpine 2S 6:5, Is 60:13, 2C 3:5 σ עץ
ברותfood, what is fed Ps 69:22, Lm 4:10
← ברהσ מאכל
ברותa type of decorative stone or
wood ?? Ko 1:17, Ne 9:25
< ברותהname>
< ברזיתname>
ברזלiron, also used of iron alloys and iron
treated to become steel
< ברזליname>
ברחβ לויתן נחשׁ ברח,ברח
ברחto pass through
to become a
refugee → בריחbar that passes through
a hole to act as a lock, carrying bar,
בריחcausing to be a refugee ?? Is 43:14,
Pr 18:19, מברחrefugee Ez 17:21 αλ σ
< ברחמיname>
בריא, בריfat, well fed ← ברא
< בריname>
בריאהcreated object Nu 16:30 αλ ← ברא
בריהfood to feed someone 2S 13:5, 7, 10,
well fed Ez 34:20 ← ברה
בריחbar that passes through a hole to act
as a lock, carrying bar ← ברח
בריחcausing to be a refugee ?? Is 43:14,
Pr 18:19 ← ברח
< בריחname>
בריחהβ ריחIs 15:5
< בריםname>
< בריעהname>
< בריעיname>
בריתtreaty, covenant, the making of
which often accompanied by feasting,
ברית מלחindicates a very solemn treaty,
covenant Nu 18:19, 2C 13:5 ← ברה
בריתsoap, made by mixing ashes with oil
Jr 2:22, Ml 3:2 ← ברר
ברךto kneel down (to) Gn 24:11, Ps 95:6,
2C 6:13
to bless, not only as a
superior blesses an inferior, but also as a
form of greeting and to gain honor →
ברוךblessed, ברךknee, ברכהblessing
ברךto leave behind, neglect ?? 1K 21:10,
13, Ez 3:12, Jb 1:5, 2:9 → ברוךleaving
behind Ez 3:12
ברךknee ← ברך
< ברכאלname>
ברכהβ רכה,ברכה
ברכהblessing ← ברך
ברכהpool 2S 2:13, 2K 22:38, often
artificial made by bringing water to a
hollowed out spot 2K 20:20, Ko 2:6, Ne
3:16 σ אפיקsomeone who or something
that causes restraint Jb 12:21, 41:7 (15)
earthworks to control water, as in
dams, channels or dikes Is 8:7, Jb 6:15,
Ps 18:16 (15), 42:1 (2), So 5:12 often
built up Ez 6:3, 34:13, 35:8, 36:4
(dammed) pond, holding tank Jl 1:20, Ps
42:2, 126:4
< ברכהname>
< ברכיהname>
< ברכיהוname>
ברמיםmulticolored cloth ?? Ez 27:24 αλ
< ברנעname>
ברעהβ רע,רוע
ברציβ רצה
ברקβ ריק,ברק
ברקto flash Nh 3:3, Hb 3:11 → ברקflash
as of lightning Ex 19:16, Jr 51:16, Ps
ברקflash as of lightning Ex 19:16, Jr
51:16, Ps 97:4 ← ברק
< ברקname>
< ברקוסname>
ברקניםcactus ?? Jd 8:7, 16 σ שׁמיר
ברקתemerald Ex 28:17, 39:10, Ez 28:13
בררto select out, removing the inferior, in
the sense of selecting out superior
quality, among humans selecting for
moral quality → ברpure (selected moral
quality), selected out, also used in the
sense of being clean Ps 24:4, 73:1, Jb
11:4, So 6:9–10, ( ברson Ps 2:12, Pr 31:2
(This is the Aramaic meaning, but is this
what was meant in Hebrew? Or did this
use come from the root בררindicating
the one selected, chosen one, which fits
בשׁנהshame ← בושׁ
בשׁסto lay heavy duty (monetary) Am
5;11 αλ σ ענשׁ
בשׂרto report, often a good report →
בשׂורהreport 2S 18:22, 25, 27, בשׂרה
reporting 2S 4:10, 18:20, 2K 7:9, מבשׂר
מבשׂרתreporter, one who gives a report
1S 4:17, 2S 4:10, 18:26, Is 41:27, 52:7,
Nh 2:1, מבשׂרת( מבשׂרהin construct)
reporting Is 40:9, Ps 68:12 σ דבר
בשׂרflesh, meat
בשׁשׁto tarry, be delayed σ יחל
בשׁתshame ← בושׁ
בתβ בת,בית
בתa liquid measure σ מדה
בת אשׁריםa fixture on a ship ?? Ez 27:6
בת יענהan unclean bird, ostrich ?? Lv
11:16, Jr 50:39, Jb 30:29 σ עוף
< בת שׁבעname>
בתהwild, uncontrolled growth, such vines
tend to be fruitless Is 5:6, 7:19
< בתואלname>
בתולהmaiden, often implying virginity
hence often used interchangeably with
virgin, though in Is 62:5, Jl 1:8 refers to
a married young woman σ עלמה
בתוליםmaidenhood which implies
virginity Lv 21:13, Jd 11:37–8, Ez 23:3, 8
tokens of maidenhood Dr 22:14–5, 17,
בתולתgeneralization for maidens Ex
22:16, 2S 13:18, Ez 44:22, Am 8:13
בתותplaces choked with wild growth Is
7:19 αλ
בתי הנפשׁa type of adornment, locket Is
3:20 ??
the two contexts where it is found in
Tanakh?)), ברורpure ⇐ selected out,
בריתsoap, made by mixing ashes with
oil Jr 2:22, Ml 3:2 σ צרףto refine,
getting the metal out of the rocks and
removing impurities Zc 13:9, figuratively
used for moral refining, purity Is 48:10,
Zc 13:9, Ps 26:2, 66:10 also figuratively
“to refine” a group of people so that only
the best remain Jd 7:4
ברשׁstandard poles ?? Nah 2:4 σ ברושׁ
< ברשׁעname>
< ברתיname>
ברתיקותβ רתיקות
בשׁוβ שׁוא,בושׁ
< בשׂורname>
בשׂרה, בשׂורהreport 2S 18:22, 25, 27 ←
בשׁלβ שׁל,בשׁל
בשׁלto cook, often by boiling, though also
roasting by fire 2C 35:13 (⇐ from
concept of softening, so it can be eaten),
also used of fruits ripening (softening)
so they can be eaten → מבשׁלותcooking
places σ רתחto stew Ez 24:5, Jb 30:27
בשליβ שלי,לי
בשׁלםβ שׁלם, בשׁלם,בשׁל
< בשׁלםname>
( בשלמיJon 1:7) β מי
בשׂםspice σ זןa type of spice ?? Ps
144:13, 2C 16:14, מרקחתmixed spices
Ex 30:25, 1C 9:30, 2C 16:14, קדהcassia
(buds) used as a spice Ex 30:24, Ez
27:19, ראשׁ מר דרורa type of spice Ex
30:23 αλ, רקחmixed spices
< בשׂצתname>
< בשׁןname>
< בתיהname>
בתקto stab Ez 16:40 αλ σ חלל,הרג
בתרto section, cut into pieces Gn 15:10 →
בתרportion, piece Gn 15:10, Jr 34:18–
19, בתרmountain sectioned by ravines,
ravine, gully So 2:17 αλ, בתרון
division (of troops) 2S 2;29 αλ
בתרportion, piece Gn 15:10, Jr 34:18–19
← בתר
בתרmountain sectioned by ravines, gullies
ravine, gully So 2:17 αλ ← בתר
בתרוןdivision (of troops) 2S 2;29 αλ ←
גthird letter, has no meaning on its own in
Hebrew, where letters are used as
numbers, it refers to the number three.
גאhaughty Is 16:6 αλ ← גאהσ יהיר
גאהto become prominent, deep (of
to become haughty, arrogant,
proud → גאhaughty Is 16:6 αλ, גאה
prominent, haughty (person, place), גאוה
prominence, haughtiness, גאן,גאון
pride, גאותhighness, as in
prominence Dt 33:26, Is 26:10, Ps 68:32,
haughtiness in a bad sense Is 13:11, Ps
10:2, Pr 29:23, גאיוןarrogant ones Ps
123:4 αλ σ גבה
גאהprominent, haughty (person, place) ←
גאוהprominence, haughtiness ← גאה
גאולpayback ?? Is 63:4 αλ ← גאל
גאולone who has been redeemed Is 35:9,
51:10, 62:12, Ps 107:2 ← גאל
גאן, גאוןprominence
pride ← גאה
גאותhighness, as in prominence Dt 33:26,
Is 26:10, Ps 68:32, haughtiness in a bad
sense Is 13:11, Ps 10:2, Pr 29:23 ← גאה
גאיוןarrogant ones Ps 123:4 αλ ← גאה
גאיותβ גיא
גאלto requite, in sense of repaying, paying
back in order to balance the books, to
pay the cost of buying back someone or
something, redeeming, avenging as a act
of payment for the loss of someone →
גאולpayback ?? Is 63:4 αλ, גאולone
who has been redeemed Is 35:9, 51:10,
62:12, Ps 107:2, גאלredeemer, one who
pays the price of redemption or
avenging, ( גאלהright of) redemption,
מגאלredeemer, the one who has the
responsibility to redeem Rt 2:20
גאלto pollute in the sense of making
unclean, dirty, unsuitable, yucky Is 59:3,
Ml 1:7, Dn 1:8 → מגאלpolluted Ml 1:7,
גבβ גוב,גב
( גבrefers to a hollow) hollow, depressed
area of an altar where the fire is burned
Ez 43:13, pit, cistern to hold water 2K
3:16, Jr 14:3, panelling on wooden
supports, leaving a hollow between the
panelling and the stone wall 1K 6:9,
from the viewpoint of the one carrying
a shield, a boss is a hollow where the
handle for carrying the shield is placed
Jb 15:26, for a wheel, it is the hollow
for the axle 1K 7:33
< גבname>
גבאsalt marsh (as part of a delta?) ?? Is
30:14 (salt water was used in tempering,
case hardening of steel tools), Ez 47:11
גבהto be(come) high, in the sense of
being higher than others or what should
to be proud → גבהheight Ez 1:18,
haughty, גבההhaughtiness 1S
2:3, used in plural גבהותIs 2:11, 17
where English has only singular, גבת עין
eyebrow Lv 14:9 σ גאהto become
to become haughty,
arrogant, סבל
גבהheight Ez 1:18, high
haughty ← גבה
גבהאβ גבה
גבההhaughtiness 1S 2:3, used in plural
גבהותIs 2:11, 17 where English has only
singular ← גבה
גבל, גבולbounds
what’s insides bounds,
bounded region ← גבל
גבולהused of a region possessed by a tribe
with its variety ← גבלσ פאה
גבר, גבורhero, overpowering mighty one
← גבר
גבורהstrength, force ← גבר
גבחone who has a receding hairline Lv
13:41 αλ σ קרחת
גבחתplace where there’s a receding
hairline Lv 13:42–3, 53 σ קרחת
גביβ גבי,גב
< גביname>
גביםβ גבים,גב
< גביםname>
גבינהβ גבנה
גביעchalice Gn 44:2, 12, 16–7 σ כוס
גביעdecorative swelling (on the menorah)
Ex 25:31, 37:17 ← גבע
גבירchief, master Gn 27:29, 37 ← גבר
גבירהfemale chief, mistress ← גבר
גבישׁrock crystal ?? Jb 28:18 αλ
גבלto set bounds → גבל, גבולbounds
what’s insides bounds, bounded region,
גבולהused of a region possessed by a
tribe with its variety, גבלstone dresser,
one who puts edges on dressed stones ??
1K 5:32 (18) αλ, גבלתbordering, setting
bounds, מגבלתhaving the status of being
a border around an object Ex 28:14 αλ
גבלstone dresser, one who puts edges on
dressed stones ?? 1K 5:32 (18) αλ ←
< גבלname>
< גבליname>
גבןto hump, be humped ?? Lv 21:20 αλ →
גבןhumped, humpback Lv 21:20 αλ,
גבנהcheese that bubbles up, becomes
lumpy Jb 10:10 αλ, גבנןhumped up (of
mountains) Ps 68:16–7 (15–6)
גבןhumped, humpback Lv 21:20 αλ ← גבן
גבנהcheese that bubbles up, becomes
lumpy Jb 10:10 αλ ← גבן
גבנןhumped up (of mountains) Ps 68:16–7
(15–6) ← גבן
גבעβ גבע,גביע
גבעto pile up ?? Hs 10:9 → גביע
decorative swelling (on the menorah) Ex
25:31, 37:17, גבעbump, swelling out Ex
25:33–35, גבעהhill
גבעbump, swelling out Ex 25:33–35 ←
< גבעname>
< גבעאname>
גבעהhill ← גבעσ הר
< גבעהname>
< גבעוןname>
< גבעוניname>
גבעלsoft, used of flax before it made its
fibers Ex 9:31 αλ
< גבעתname>
< גבעתיname>
גברto overpower, master → גבר,גבור
hero, overpowering mighty one, גבורה
strength, force גבירchief, master Gn
27:29, 37, גבירהfemale chief, mistress,
גברhero, mighty one σ רעץto
overpower, ride roughshod over (in war)
Ex 15:6, Jd 10:8
גברhero, overpowering mighty one ← גבר
< גברname>
< גבריאלname>
גבת עיןeyebrow Lv 14:9 ← גבה
< גבתוןname>
גגroof, top
גדcoriander Nu 11:7 αλ
< גדname> also of Babylonian idol of
good luck Is 65:11
< גדגדהname>
גדדto cut out, incise, apparently also a self
mutilation as an act of worship 1K 18:28,
Jr 5:7, 41:5 or of mourning Dt 14:1, Jr
16:6, 48:37, Mc 4:14 (5:1) → גדוד
clump that has been cut out
(clump of earth), division, squad (cut
out or divided off group of people,
soldiers) σ כרת
גדודclump that has been cut out
(clump of earth), division, squad (cut
out or divided off group of people,
גדל, גדולgreat, not only in the sense of
physical size, but also in reputation and
spirituality ← גדל
גדלה, גדולהgreatness ← גדל
< גדוליםname>
גדוףhe who reviles Is 43:28, Zp 2:8 ← גדף
גדפה, גדופהreviling words Is 51:7, Ez 5:15
← גדף
< גדודname>
גדותβ גדיה
גדיה,( גדיm), (f) kid, young goat
< גדיname>
< גדיאלname>
גדישׁa pile of grain in the field, before
being brought into the barn ?? Ex 22:5,
Jd 15:5, Jb 5:26, 21:32
גדיתflood plain (of a river) (that can be
used for grazing when dry) ?? So 1:8, 1C
12:16 β גדיה
גדלto become great → גדל, גדולgreat,
not only in the sense of physical size, but
also in reputation and spirituality, גדולה
greatness, גדלenlargement, גדלתstatus
of being great Dt 7:19, Ps 138:2, מגדל
actions that make great 2K 10:6, Is 33:18,
Ps 18:50, 61:4 (3), מגדלtower, מגדלות
silos, granaries ?? Ez 27:11, So 5:13,
8:10, 1C 27:25, 2C 32:5
גדלenlargement ← גדל
< גדלname>
< גדליהname>
< גדליהוname>
גדלתstatus of being great Dt 7:19, Ps
138:2 ← גדל
גדעto cut down σ כרת
< גדעוןname>
< גדעוניname>
< גדעםname>
< גדעניname>
גדףto revile 2K 19:6, 22, Is 37:6, 23, Ez
20:27 → גדוףhe who reviles Is 43:28, Zp
2:8, גדפה, גדופהreviling words Is 51:7,
Ez 5:15, מגדףaction of reviling Nu
15:30, Ps 44:17 (16) σ יכח
גדרto fence around Ez 13:5, Hs 2:8, Am
9:11, Lm 3:7, 9 → גדרcarpenter 2K
12:13 (12), 22:6, Is 58:12, גדרa low
wall or fence, not for defense in war
rather security from casual dangers such
as wildlife, to surround a field, vineyard
or fold
sheep fold, גדרת,גדרה
protection, security Ps 89:41 (40)
place of security Nu 32:16, 24, 36, 1S
גדרcarpenter 2K 12:13 (12), 22:6, Is
58:12 ← גדרσ בנה
גדרa low wall or fence, not for defense in
war rather security from casual dangers
such as wildlife, to surround a field,
vineyard or fold
sheep fold ← גדרσ
< גדרname>
גדרת, גדרהprotection, security Ps 89:41
place of security Nu 32:16, 24,
36, 1S 24:4 ← גדר
< גדרהname>
< גדרותname>
< גדריname>
< גדרתיname>
< גדרתיםname>
גהβ ( זהEz 47:13)
גההto heal Hs 5:13 αλ → גההhealing ??
Pr 17:22 αλ σ רפא
גההhealing ?? Pr 17:22 αλ ← גהה
גהרto prostrate oneself 1K 18:42, 2K 4:34–
5 σ שׁחה
גוback 1K 14:9, Is 38:17, Pr 10:13, Jb 30:5
גובי, גובswarm (of locusts)
< גובname>
< גוגname of a country>
גודto despoil ?? Gn 49:19, Ha 3:16 (Ps
94:21?) σ גנב
destruction, ruination ??
Jr 13:17, Jb 20:25, 22:29, 33:17 ← הגהσ
גוזto carry off Nu 11:31, Nh 1:12, Ps 90:10
→ גוזone who carries off Ps 71:6 σ סבל
גוזone who carries off Ps 71:6 ← גוז
גוזלyoung bird Gn 15:9, Dt 32:11 ← גזל
< גוזןname>
< גוחיname>
גויβ גוי,גו
גויnation, a political entity (note: though
often used in the plural to denote nonIsraelis, it is used for Abraham’s
descendants Gn 12:3, the people of Israel
Ex 19:6, 33:13 and Judah Jr 7:28) σ עם
body (anatomically, referring to the
physical object) both living Gn 47:18, Ez
1:11, 23, Dn 10:6, Ne 9:37 and dead Jd
14:8–9, 1S 31:10, 12, Nh 3:3, Ps 110:6 σ
גופתbody 1C 10:12 used only here to
refer to the dead bodies of Saul and his
sons, נבלהcorpse (⇐ like a leather bag,
without strength) a euphemism?, פגר
corpse of an animal or person who has
died or been killed
גולβ גלל, גלה,גיל
גולהexile, status of being removed from
one’s land ← גלה
גולהone to whom is revealed Pr 20:19 ←
< גולןname>
גומץpit ?? Ko 10:8 αλ σ בור
גועto expire, just as one who breathes,
lives, so one that breathes his last
(expires) dies σ מות
גוףto lock up Ps 89:23, Ne 7:3 σ סגר
גופהגופתbody 1C 10:12 used only here to
refer to the dead bodies of Saul and his
sons σ גויה
גורto sojourn, live temporarily in a place
→ גרsojourner, גרותsojourning ?? Jr
41:17 αλ, מגורsojourning, as in place Ps
55:15, 119:54, as in time Gn 47:9, מגורים
state of being a sojourner Gn 36:7, 37:1,
Ez 20:38, Jb 18:19 σ ישׁב
גורto be intimidated → מגורa person who
continuously intimidates others Jr 20:3–
4, or the act of intimidating Jr 6:25, Ps
31:14 (13), מגורהa condition or state
which makes one feel intimidated Is
66:4, Ps 31:14 (13), Pr 10:24 σ ירא
גורcub (of a lion, other animal) Gn 49:9,
Dt 33:22 Ez 19:3, 5, Lm 4:3
< גורname>
< גור בעלname>
גורלlot used in portioning out land, loot,
blame, etc.
also refers to the portion
(land, loot) upon which the lot is cast ←
גרלσ פורlot, a special type used by
Haman Es 3:7, 9:24, 26, after which the
holiday of Purim is named Es 9:26, 28–9
גורנךβ גרון
גושׁβ גישׁ
גזβ גזז, גזה, גז,גוז
גזprepared field (plowed and sown) Am
7:1, Ps 72:6 ?? ← גזה
גזה, גזfleece, shorn wool ← גזזσ צמר
גזברtreasurer (Persian ?) Ezr 1:8, 7:21 σ
גזהan unused root, connected with
preparation ?? → גזprepared field
(plowed and sown) Am 7:1, Ps 72:6 ??,
גזיתprepared (dressed) stone(s) Ex
20:25, 1K 7:9, 11–2, Is 9:9 (10), Am 5:11
< גזוניname>
גזזto shear → גזה, גזfleece, shorn wool
< גזזname>
גזיתprepared (dressed) stone(s) Ex 20:25,
1K 7:9, 11–2, Is 9:9 (10), Am 5:11 ← גזה
גזלto take away using force, to plunder Gn
21:25, 31:31, Mc 2:2. 1C 11:23 → גוזל
young bird Gn 15:9, Dt 32:11, גזלact of
taking by force, plundering Is 61:8, Ez
18:12, 18, 22:29,Ps 62:11, Ec 5:7, גזל
plunderer, one who takes by force Mc
3:2, Ps 35:10, גזלהplunder, that which
has been taken away by force Is 3:14, Ez
18:7, 16, 33:15 σ גנב
גזלact of taking by force, plundering Is
61:8, Ez 18:12, 18, 22:29,Ps 62:11, Ec 5:7
← גזל
גזלplunderer, one who takes by force Mc
3:2, Ps 35:10 ← גזל
גזלהplunder, that which has been taken
away by force Is 3:14, Ez 18:7, 16, 33:15
← גזל
גזםtype of grasshopper, locust σ ארבה
< גזםname>
גזעstock, the trunk or woody stem of a
living tree or shrub Is 11:1, 40:24, Jb
גזרto part off, sever Is 53:8, Ps 88:6
cut off (grain, to eat; trees) 2K 6:4, Is
9:19 (18),
to part off words, hence
decree Jb 22:28, Es 2:1,
to cut into
parts 1K 3:25–6 → גזרsevered part Gn
15:17, Ps 136:13, גזרהcut off land Lv
room divider Ez 41:12–5, 42:1,
10, 13, מגזרתbreaking out used only in
connection with severing iron from slag
in the sponge iron production in use at
that time, this was heavy work requiring
a lot of heating and hammering to
separate the iron from the slag ?? 2S
12:31 αλ σ כרת
גזרto decree (this word is not Hebrew, but
from Aramaic Esther 2:1) αλ σ חתך
גזרsevered part Gn 15:17, Ps 136:13 ← גזר
< גזרname>
גזרהcut off land Lv 16:22
room divider
Ez 41:12–5, 42:1, 10, 13 ← גזר
< גזרהname>
< גזריname>
גחthe one who makes to come forth ?? Ps
22:10 (9) αλ ← גיח
גחן, גחוןabdomen, exterior of belly σ חמשׁ
abdomen 2S 2:23, 3:27, 4:6, 20:10
< גחוןname>
< גחזיname>
גחיβ גיח
גחלember, glowing coal Lv 16:12, Is 44:19,
Ez 1:13, Pr 25:22, 26:21, גחלתember,
glowing coal used figuratively to indicate
offspring, descendants 2S 14:7, Is 47:14 σ
( פחםchar)coal Is 44:12, 54:16, Pr 26:21
גחלתember, glowing coal used figuratively
to indicate offspring, descendants 2S
14:7, Is 47:14
< גחםname>
< גחרname>
גיאvalley, ravine σ נחל
< גיא בן חנםname>
גידsinew σ שׁרירmuscle, sinew ?? Jb
40:16 αλ
גיחto flow forth Mc 4:10, Ps 22:10, Jb
38:8, 40:23 → גחthe one who makes to
come forth ?? Ps 22:10 (9) αλ σ פרץ
< גיחname>
< גיחוןname>
< גיחזיname>
גילto be cheerful → גילה, גילcheer σ שׂמח
גילה, גילcheer ← גיל
גילage, generation Dn 1:10 αλ ← גלל
< גילניname>
< גינתname>
גירβ גור
גישׁto crust over ?? Jb 7:5 αλ
< גישׁןname>
גלβ גלל, גלה, גל,גיל
⇐( גלto roll into a pile) pile of stones
(cairn) Gn 31:46, 48, Js 8:29 or soil Jb
8:17 water (waves “rollers”) Ps 65:8,
89:10, Is 51:15 billowing forth water
(gushing spring), dung (of sheep,
people) ← גלל
גלבbarber Ez 5:1 αλ
< גלבעname>
גלגלto roll away, remove by rolling ?? Jr
51:25, Jb 30:14 ← גלל
גלגלround object that can be rolled
wheel Ez 10:2, 6, 10, tumble weed Is
17:13 Ps 83:13 ← גללσ אופןwheel 1K
7:30–3, Ez 1:15–6, 19–21, Pr 20:26
< גלגלname>
גלגלתskull ← גללσ קשׂתהcranium, top of
גלדskin, referring to soft, human skin ??
Jb 16:15 αλ σ עור
גלהto remove (a covering)
to reveal by
removing (a covering),
to remove,
exile → גולהexile, status of being
removed from one’s land, גולהone to
whom is revealed Pr 20:19, גלהa person
who reveals 1S 22:8, גלויpublic
document, official notice Jr 32:11, 14, Es
3:14, 8:13, גלותexile, exiles, גלין
mirror ?? Is 8:1 αλ, גליןdiaphanous
clothing ?? Is 3:23 αλ, גלתa place where
there is surface water Js 15:19, Jd 1:15,
מגלsome sort of harvest tool, that
removes Jr 50:16, Jl 4:13 (3:13), מגלה
revealing, uncovering Pr 11:13, 27:5 σ
גלהa person who reveals 1S 22:8 ← גלה
cylinder 1K 7:41–2, Ko 12:6, Zc
4:2–3, 1C 4:12–3 ← גלל
גלויpublic document, official notice Jr
32:11, 14, Es 3:14, 8:13 ← גלה
< גלהname>
גלל, גלולidol σ אלוה
גלוםmantle Ez 27:24 αλ ← גלםσ בגד
< גלוןname>
גלותexile, exiles ← גלה
גלחto shave
גליןmirror ?? Is 8:1 αλ ← גלה
גליןdiaphanous clothing ?? Is 3:23 αλ ←
גלהσ בגד
?? גלילapparently some sort of decorative,
cylindrical object made of gold So 5:14
or silver Es 1:6 ← גלל
< גלילname>
גלילהdistrict, where one can go around,
used of Philistia Js 13:2, Jl 4:4 (3:4) ←
?? גליליםsome sort of treatment given to
doors ?? 1K 6:34
< גליםname>
< גליתname>
גללto roll Gn 29:3, 8, Pr 26:27, go around
Hit. to make themselves go around as
in surrounding Gn 43:18, to roll oneself,
wallow 2S 20:12 → בגללon account of,
always בprefixed, גילage, generation Dn
1:10 αλ, ⇐( גלto roll into a pile) pile of
stones (cairn) Gn 31:46, 48, Js 8:29 or
soil Jb 8:17 water (waves “rollers”) Ps
65:8, 89:10, Is 51:15 billowing forth
water (gushing spring), dung (of sheep,
people), גלגלround object that can be
wheel Ez 10:2, 6, 10, tumble
weed Is 17:13 Ps 83:13, גלגלתskull, גלה
cylinder 1K 7:41–2, Ko 12:6, Zc
4:2–3, 1C 4:12–3, ?? גלילapparently
some sort of decorative, cylindrical
object made of gold So 5:14 or silver Es
1:6, גלילהdistrict, where one can go
around, used of Philistia Js 13:2, Jl 4:4
(3:4), גללused to refer to idols Dt 29:16
(17), 2K 17:12, 21:21, dung, excrement
1K 14:10, Ez 4:15, Zp 1:17 ??, מגלהroll
(of cloth, leather)
גללon account of, always בprefixed ←
גללσ מען
גללused to refer to idols Dt 29:16 (17),
2K 17:12, 21:21, dung, excrement 1K
14:10, Ez 4:15, Zp 1:17 ?? σ צפועdried
dung used for fuel Ez 4:15 αλ ← גלל
< גללname>
< גלליname>
גלםto wrap around ?? 2K 2:8 αλ → גלום
mantle Ez 27:24 αλ, גלםbody, referring
גמולaccomplishment, completed action Jd
9:16, Ps 103:2, Pr 12:14, weaned child Is
11:8, 28:9 ← גמל
< גמולname> 1C 24:17
< גמזוname>
גמולהthat which has been done (to me)
2S 19:36 αλ ← גמל
גמלto affect, bring to fruition (fruit, nuts,
child, action)
to wean (a child)
(basic idea is to bring an action to its
completion, to finish: for a child―to
finish being fed by mother’s milk, for
fruit―become ready to be plucked) →
גמולaccomplishment, completed action
Jd 9:16, Ps 103:2, Pr 12:14, weaned child
Is 11:8, 28:9, גמולהthat which has been
done (to me) 2S 19:36 αλ, תגמולaction
that affects (e.g. benefit) Ps 116:12 αλ
גמלcamel, an animal that has no hooves,
rather two toes that are joined together
and tipped with toenails σ כרכרהswift
she camel Is 66:20 αλ σ חיה
< גמליname>
< גמליאלname>
גמרto make a cessation once and for all Ps
7:10 (9), 12:2 (1), 138:8 → גמרone
who makes cessation Ps 57:3 αλ σ שבת
גמרone who makes cessation Ps 57:3 αλ
← גמר
< גמרname>
< גמריהname>
< גמריהוname>
גןgarden (for growing fruits, vegetables) σ
פרדסgarden (of pleasure) (loan word)
So 4:13, Ko 2:5, Ne 2:8
גנבto steal Gn 31:19–20, Ex 20:15, Pr 30:9
→ גנבthief Dt 24:7, Is 1:23, Pr 6:30, גנבה
to all its inward parts ?? Ps 139:16 αλ σ
גלםbody, referring to all its inward
parts ?? Ps 139:16 αλ ← גלם
גלמודfruitless Is 49:21, Jb 3:7, 15:34, 30:3
גלעto set up ?? Pr 17:14, 18:1, 20:3 σ שׂים
< גלעדname>
< גלעדיname>
גלשׁto climb down So 4:1, 6:5 σ ירד
גלתa place where there is surface water Js
15:19, Jd 1:15 ← גלה
גםeven, yet, also σ אףeven!
אף כיeven
so, more so
גמאto drink down σ שׁתה
גמאpapyrus reed Is 18:2, 35:7, Jb 8:11,
used to make light, quick vessels Is 18:2
σ אבהpapyrus reed, many ancient
Egyptian ships were made of papyrus
reeds, they were light and quick Jb 9:26
αλ, אגמוןrush, marsh reed Is 9:14, 19:15,
Jb 40:26 (41:2), אחוrush, any of various
monocotyledonous often tufted marsh
plants (as of the genera Juncus and
Luzula of the family Juncaceae, the rush
family) with cylindrical often hollow
stems which are used in bottoming chairs
and plaiting mats Gn 41:2, 18, Jb 8:11,
סוףwater plants
reed, seaweed Ex 2:3,
5, Js 19:6, Jn 2:6, 2C 20:16, ( קנהplural
)קניםstalk of a grain plant Gn 41:5, 22,
cane, like bamboo, used of the arms of
the menorah Ex 25:32–3, 35, as a
measurement Ez 42:16–9
גמדhalf a cubit ?? Jd 3:16 αλ
גמדיםthose who measure out rations ??
<name> ?? Ez 27:11 αλ
thing stolen, loot Ex 22:3 (4) αλ, גנבת
act of stealing, status of being a thief Gn
31:32, 39, Ex 22:2 (3), Jb 21:18, 27:20 σ
בזזto plunder, גזלto take away using
force, to plunder Gn 21:25, 31:31, Mc
2:2. 1C 11:23, גודto despoil ?? Gn 49:19,
Ha 3:16 (Ps 94:21?), חטףto kidnap Jd
21:21, Ps 10:9, שׁללto despoil, take
spoils, שׁסהto loot 1S 17:53, Is 13:16, Hs
13:15, Zc 14:2, Ps 44:11, 89:42
גנבthief Dt 24:7, Is 1:23, Pr 6:30 ← גנבσ
( חתףpurse) snatcher Pr 23:28 αλ
גנבהthing stolen, loot Ex 22:3 (4) αλ ←
גנבתact of stealing, status of being a thief
Gn 31:32, 39, Ex 22:2 (3), Jb 21:18,
27:20 ← גנב
< גנבתname>
גנהgeneralized garden, not any specific
one Is 1:30, 61:11
גנותיβ גנן
גנזיםtreasury σ אוצר
גנזךtreasury (a feature of the temple 1C
28:11 αλ) σ אוצר
גנןto protect 2K 19:34, 20:6, Is 31:5, 37:35,
38:6, Zc 9:15, 12:8 → מגןshield 2S 1:21,
22:3, 36
place of protection Ps 7:11
one who protects Jd 5:8, 2S
22:31 אישׁ מגןwarrior, one who owns a
shield Pr 6:11, 24:34, מגנותprotective
gear 2C 23:9 αλ σ שׁמר
גנתunenclosed garden, parklike area ??
status of a place like a garden Nu 24:6,
Job 8:16, So 6:11, Ex 1:5, 7:7–8
< גנתוןname>
געβ נגע
געהto low (of cattle) 1S 6:12, Jb 6:5
< געהname>
געלto spurn Lv 26:11, 15, 30, Jr 14:19 σ
< געןname>
גערto rebuke → גערהrebuke, מגערת
rebuke Dt 28:20 αλ σ יכח
געשׁto set in motion σ רגז
< געשׁname>
< געתהname>
< געתםname>
גףprominent place ?? Pr 9:3 αλ
גפןvine σ שׂרקהgrape vine that produces
a dark, almost black, grapes that make a
specialty, dark red wine Gn 49:11 αλ
גפרlaminated, a species of wood,
waterproofed (3 possible meanings?) ??
Gn 6:14 αλ
גפריתmineral oil ?? (this is a liquid that
not only rains Gn 19:24, Ez 38:22, Ps
11:6, but flows Is 30:33 and readily
burns Dt 29:22 (23), Is 30:33, mineral
oil is usually sulfurous hence is this
mineral oil? Dt 29:22 (23)) σ חמר
גרβ גר,גור
גרsojourner ← גור
גרlime ?? Is 27:9 αλ σ שׂיד
< גראname>
גרבscurvy ?? Lv 21:20, 22:22 σ דבר
< גרבname>
גרגרolive ?? Is 17:6 αλ in this context
indicating that there are so few olives on
the tree that there is enough for only a
few crushings to extract the oil, hardly
enough to make the effort worth while
← גרר
( גרגרותfigurative) neck Pr 3:3 αλ σ גרון
גרגרתneck, around which a necklace may
be clasped or tied Pr 1:9, 3:22, 6:21 σ
< גרגשׁיname>
גרדto scrape, scratch Jb 2:8 αλ σ מחה
גרהto provoke, as in inciting, stirring up
trouble → נגרותprovoked Jb 20:28 αλ,
תגרתprovoking, stirring up trouble Ps
39:11 (10) αλ σ כפהto excite, inflame
Pr 21:14 αλ, גרגרתneck, around which a
necklace may be clasped or tied Pr 1:9,
3:22, 6:21
גרהrepeatedly chewed food, e.g. cud,
cecotrope Lv 11:3–7, Dt 14:6–8 ← גרר
גרהone twentieth of a shekel Ex 30:13, Nu
3:47, 18:16, Ez 45:12
גרוןthroat, the inside of the neck σ גרגרות
(figurative) neck Pr 3:3 αλ, גרגרתneck,
around which a necklace may be clasped
or tied Pr 1:9, 3:22, 6:21, לעthroat Pr
23:2 αλ
גרותsojourning ?? Jr 41:17 αλ ← גור
גרזto trim away, as part of dressing stone,
preparing lumber → ( גרזןpick)ax, used
to chop wood or stone Dt 19:5, 20:19, 1K
6:7, Is 10:15
< גרזיname>
< גרזיםname>
( גרזןpick)ax, used to chop wood or stone
Dt 19:5, 20:19, 1K 6:7, Is 10:15 ← גרז
גרלβ גרל,גורל
גרלto apportion, portion out, often by use
of lots → גורלlot used in portioning out
land, loot, blame, etc.
also refers to
the portion (land, loot) upon which the
lot is cast, גרלportion Dn 12:13, (of
land) Nu 36:3, Jd 1:3
one who
portions out Pr 19:19
גרלportion Dn 12:13, (of land) Nu 36:3,
Jd 1:3
one who portions out Pr 19:19
← גרל
גרםto gnaw, chew on Nu 24:8, Ez 23:34,
Zp 3:3 → גרםmolar, flat tooth Gn 49:14,
Pr 25:15, Jb 40:18
flat step of stairs
2K 19:13, also poetic for that which is
gnawed, namely bones Pr 17:22
גרםmolar, flat tooth Gn 49:14, Pr 25:15,
Jb 40:18
flat step of stairs 2K 19:13,
also poetic for that which is gnawed,
namely bones Pr 17:22 ← גרם
< גרמיname>
גרןthreshing floor
< גרן האטדname>
גרסto grind down Ps 119:20, Lm 3:16 σ
גרעto diminish Ex 5:8, 11, 19 by plucking
out (beards) Jr 48:37, removing Nu 27:4,
36:3–4 also in the sense of taking out for
oneself Jb 15:8 → מגרעותsockets in wall
to accept flying buttresses ?? 1K 6:6 αλ
σ עדר
גרףto grip, as mud grips chariot wheels Jd
5:21 αλ → אגרףfist Ex 21:18, Is 58:4,
מגרפתthose that grip, take hold of Jl
1:17 αλ
גררto grind repeatedly by crushing →
גרגרolive ?? Is 17:6 αλ in this context
indicating that there are so few olives on
the tree that there is enough for only a
few crushings to extract the oil, hardly
enough to make the effort worth while,
גרהrepeatedly chewed food, e.g. cud,
cecotrope Lv 11:3–7, Dt 14:6–8, מגרה
גתwinepress σ יקב
< גתname>
< גת החפרname>
< גת חפרname>
< גת רמוןname>
< גתהname>
< גתיname>
< גתיםname>
גתיתtype of musical instrument ?? used
three times in connection with music Ps
8:1, 81:1, 84:1
< גתרname>
דfourth letter, has no meaning in Hebrew
on its own, where letters are used as
numbers, it refers to the number four.
דאבto despair → דאבון, דאבהdespair σ
דאבון, דאבהdespair ← דאבσ ירא
דאגβ דג,דאג
דאגto be anxious 1S 9:5, 10:2, Is 57:11, Jr
17:8, Ps 38:19 (18) → דאגהanxiety Jr
49:23, Ez 4:16, 12:18–9, Pr 12:25 σ ירא
< דאגname>
דאגהanxiety Jr 49:23, Ez 4:16, 12:18–9, Pr
12:25 ← דאגσ ירא
דאהto swoop down Dt 28:49, Jr 48:40,
49:22 σ עוף
דאהred kite, a type of rapacious bird ??
Lv 11:14 αλ σ עוף
< דארname>
דוב, דבbear
דבאease ?? Dt 33:25 αλ
דבבto snore, buzz ?? (of sleeping lips) So
7:10 (9) αλ (or pilel of )דוב
דבהbad report, defamation Gn 37:2, Nu
13:32, 14:36, Jr 20:10, Pr 10:18, 25:10 σ
(ore) crusher, grain grinder, rock carving
chisel ?? 2S 12:31, 1K 7:9, Jl 1:17, Hg
2:19, 1C 20:3, ממגרותplaces where
metal ores were crushed to remove the
metals for refining Jl 1:17 αλ σ חדד
< גררname>
< גררהname>
גרשׂgrits ?? Lv 2:14, 16
גרשׁto drive out → גרשׁתaction that
causes people to be expelled ?? Ez 45:9
αλ, מגרשׁה, מגרשׁpasture land, close
enough that cattle may be driven out to
it during the day and return by night
< גרשׁוםname>
< גרשׁוןname>
< גרשׁםname>
< גרשׁןname>
גרשׁתaction that causes people to be
expelled ?? Ez 45:9 αλ ← גרשׁ
גשׁהβ נגשׁ
< גשׁורname>
< גשׁורהname>
גשׁםto rain → גשׁםrain σ רעףto
precipitate Ps 65:12–3, Pr 3:20, Jb 36:28
גשׁםrain σ ( זרזיףsoaking in) rain, hiphil
quadrilateral verb to soak in ?? Ps 72:6
αλ, יורהearly rain Dt 11:14, Jr 5:24, Hs
6:3, מורהearly rains Jl 2:23, Ps 84:7,
מטרshower, מלקושׁlatter rain Dt 11:14,
Jr 3:3, 5:24, Pr 16:15, סגרירsteady rain,
drizzle, עריפיםdownpour
< גשׁםname>
גשׁמוβ נגשׁ
< גשׁמוname>
< גשׁןname>
< גשׁפאname>
גשׁשׁto grope Is 59:10, 65:5
( דבורהhoney) bee Dt 1:44, Jd 14:8, Is
7:18, Ps 118:12 ← דבר
< דבורהname>
דביוניםpigeon droppings ?? Q αλ
דבירsmall room, usually in Bible a special
place in the tabernacle and temple where
God expressed himself with people 1K 6,
Ps 28:2, 2C 5:7, 9, referred to the hollow
capital upon a pillar 2C 3:16 ← דברσ
< דבירname>
דבלa type of fruit cake ?? 1C 12:41 αλ
דבלהa type of fruit cake that is easily
preserved ?? 1S 30:12 αλ
< דבליםname>
דבלתpoultice 2K 20:7, Is 38:21
דבלתהplace name Ez 6:14
דבקto join to, stick to → דבקweld(ed
joint) 1K 22:34, 2C 18:33 σ שׂפק
דבקweld(ed joint) 1K 22:34, 2C 18:33 ←
דברto sting, poke or injure with a sharp
object??, to lay low as in causing injury
or death?? Ps 18:48, 47:4, 2C 22:10 →
( דבורהhoney) bee Dt 1:44, Jd 14:8, Is
7:18, Ps 118:12, דברpestilence, thorn,
מדברwilderness (full of thorny plants)
דברto express in word or action → דביר
small room, usually in Bible a special
place in the tabernacle and temple where
God expressed himself with people 1K 6,
Ps 28:2, 2C 5:7, 9, referred to the hollow
capital upon a pillar 2C 3:16, דבר
expression in word, action, reason, event,
matter, thing or object, דברindividual
who expresses Zc 1:9, 13–4, 4:4–5, 6:4,
act of expressing Jr 28:7, דברהmatter to
be considered Ps 110:4, Ko 3:18, 5:8,
7:14, 8:2, דברתexpressing Nu 27:7
that which can be expressed
(concerning), matter Ko 3:18, 7:14, 8:2,
מדברexpressing Js 22:24 αλ, מדברת
matters, expressions ?? Dt 33:3 αλ LXX
λογων σ אמרto say, specifically
referring to the spoken word, בדאto
proclaim, announce ?? 1K 12:33, Ne 6:8,
בטה, בטאto babble, בשׂרto report, often
a good report, דדהto recount, make
memory of ?? Is 38:15, Ps 42:5 (4), הגה
to mutter Is 16:8, Ps 2:1, Pr 15:28
read (before silent reading came into
practice, everyone spoke softly as they
read) Js 1:8, Ps 1:2, זעקto cry out, חוה
to declare, חפאto utter ?? 2K 17:9 αλ,
יללto howl Ez 21:17, Jl 1:5, Zc 11:2, ליץ
to be outspoken
to be a spokesperson,
to be a fool (a wagging tongue is
often the sign of a fool, babbler, gossip,
but the wise knows when to still his
voice), לעזto speak in a foreign
tongue ?? Ps 114:1 αλ, לשׁןto wag the
tongue, מללto indicate, usually through
words though also by actions Gn 21:7, Ps
106:2, Jb 8:2, 33:3, Pr 6:13, נאםto
declare (from revelation), נגדto
be(come) in front of (close enough for
the possibility for personal
communication or personal interaction)
hi. to cause to be in front of as in
making sure an object or message, verbal
or written, is received, ספרto (re)count,
give an account of, both with numbers
and narration, often recorded in written
form in a document, צעקto cry out,
צפצףto cheep
to speak softly (as in
divination, a bird) Is 29:4, 38:14, קראto
call (out) (used of public reading of a
document), summon קראו ליsummon to
me, bring to me 1K 1:28, 32, 2K 10:19,
רגןto murmur (as in complaining) Dt
1:27, Ps 106:25, רועto sound forth
(blowing a trumpet, shouting), רעםto
agitate, a face Ez 27:35, the sea and
what’s in it Ps 96:11, 98:7, 1C 16:32,
using one’s voice Jb 37:4, 40:9, שׁיח,שׂיח
to talk to oneself, putting one’s thoughts
into words, to speak softly (possibly
Hiphil for )?? שׁוחIs 53:8, Ps 69:13
(12), 77:13, שׁועto cry on the generosity
of a greater for help, תנהto narrate, talk
about Jd 5:11, 11:40, Hs 8:9–10, Ps 8:2
דברpestilence, thorn ← דברσ גרבscurvy
?? Lv 21:20, 22:22, דלקתa hot fever
that kills quickly ?? Dt 28:22 αλ, חלי
infirmity, softness, חרסscabies, dry,
rough skin (sunburn?) Dt 28:27, ילפת
pox Lv 21:20, 22:22 LXX λειχην, מדוה
that which afflicts, characterized by
flowing sores Dt 7:15, 28:60, מדיבת
causing languishing Lv 26:16 αλ, מחלה
softness, weakness, as in sickness, also
soft place to dig into the ground, נגף
affliction, עורוןblindness Dt 28:28, Zc
12:4, עפלtumor Dt 28:17, swelling of
bubonic plague 1S 5:6, 9, 12, 6:4–5; hill
(swelling on the land) 2K 5:24, Is 32:14,
2C 33:14, קדחתlingering fever, illness
Lv 26:16, Dt 28:22, שׁגעוןinsanity, שׁחין
ulcer, that is infectious, flowing pus,
שׁחפתconsumption, where people waste
away because of the disease Lv 26:16, Dt
28:22, תחלאיםwasting away (from
hunger or disease) Dt 29:22, Jr 14:18,
16:4, Ps 103:3, 2C 21:19
דברexpression in word, action, reason,
event, matter, thing or object ← דברσ
דבהbad report, defamation Gn 37:2, Nu
13:32, 14:36, Jr 20:10, Pr 10:18, 25:10,
הוהrumor, gossip, idle words that
destroy, said to “set another in his place”
in a negative sense, hence a cut,
putdown, חךpalate (gums?)
symbolically for speech, לשׁוןtongue:
used of the organ in the body Jd 7:5, an
object about that size Js 7:21, something
that is shaped like a tongue (of the sea
Js 15:5, Is 11:15, of fire Is 5:24), use of
the tongue in speaking Ex 4:10, Jb 6:30,
language Ne 13:24, Es 3:12, מליןwords
of a statement, מליצהannouncement Pr
1:6, Hb 2:6, נאםdeclaration, שׂפהlip (of
a person, cup 1K 7:26, cloth (edge) Ex
26:10, river or sea (shore) Ex 7:15,
14:30, use of the lips in speech Ps 120:2,
Pr 12:19
language Gn 11:1, 6, 7, 9, Is
19:18, Ps 81:6 (5))
דברindividual who expresses Zc 1:9, 13–4,
4:4–5, 6:4, act of expressing Jr 28:7 ←
דברpasture, feedlot, goad, a pen made of
thorny plants (sort of like ancient barbed
wire?) ?? Is 5:17 Mi 2:12
דברהmatter to be considered Ps 110:4, Ko
3:18, 5:8, 7:14, 8:2 ← דבר
< דברהname>
דברותrafts 1K 5:18 (9) αλ σ רפסדraft
2C 2:15 (16) αλ
< דבריname>
דברתexpressing Nu 27:7
that which
can be expressed (concerning), matter
Ko 3:18, 7:14, 8:2 ← דבר
< דברתname>
דבשׁhoney, it is sweet with many uses. It
contains yeast, therefore it is not to be
brought to the altar (yeast is the only
microorganism that can survive honey,
however it is inactive until the honey is
diluted) σ נפתnectar Ps 19:11 (10), Pr
5:3, 24:13, 27:7, So 4:11, ( צפיחתhoney)
comb (like a collection of little jugs) Ex
16:31 αλ
( דבשׁתcamel) hump Is 30:6 αλ
< דבשׁתname>
דגה, דגfish ← דוג
דגהto increase ?? Gn 48:16 αλ
< דגוןname>
דגלto raise a standard Ps 20:6 (5),
military sign So 6:4, 10 → דגלstandard,
military sign Nu 1:52, 10:25, So 2:2
דגלstandard, military sign Nu 1:52, 10:25,
So 2:2 ← דגלσ אות
דגןone who gathers new grain after
threshing ?? Ho 14:8, Jl 1:17
דגןnew grain (just after threshing Nu
18:27, Hs 9:1)
דגרto sit (on a nest) Is 34:18
luxuriate as in a nest Jr 17:11 σ רחף
דדteat, breast
דדהto recount, make memory of ?? Is
38:15, Ps 42:5 (4) σ דבר
< דדוname>
< דדןname>
< דדנהname>
< דדניםname>
< דהיאname>
דהםβ (נדה )נדהם
דהרto gallop Nh 3:2 αλ → דהרות
galloping Jd 5:22 αλ
דהרותgalloping Jd 5:22 αλ ← דהר
< דואגname>
דובβ דוב,דב
דובto languish
דוגto fish → דגה, דגfish, דוגfisher, one
who catches fish Jr 16:16, Ez 47:10, דוגה
fishery Am 4:2 αλ
דוגfisher, one who catches fish Jr 16:16,
Ez 47:10 ← דוג
דוגהfishery Am 4:2 αλ ← דוג
דודlove, referring to the action (making
love) and the object of that love (lover)
← ידדσ אהבה
דודlove, uncle ← ידד
דודי, דודa heavy duty basket, made of
wood or wicker, can carry heavy loads
and can also be lowered into boiling
water holding things to be boiled 2K
10:7, Ps 81:7 (6), 2C 35:13 σ סל
< דודname>
דודאmandrake ?? Gn 30:14–6, So 7:14
(13) a poisonous plant of the nightshade
family, has purple or white flowers and a
thick root used in medicine for its
narcotic and emetic properties
דודאיβ דודא,דוד
דודהaunt ← ידד
< דודהname>
< דודיname>
< דודוהוname>
דוהto be afflicted characterized with
flowing body fluids → דוהaffliction
characterized with flowing body fluids Lv
12:2 αλ, דוהafflicted person
דומםsilently ← דום
< דומשׂקname>
דוןargue with, fight against ?? Gn 6:3 αλ
→ מדוןstrife, argumentation, fighting ??
דונגwax Ps 68:3 αλ
דוץto dance, leaping up ?? Jb 41:14 αλ
דורto make a circle (of wood) Ez 24:5 go
about as in cycling around Ps 84:11 (10)
→ דורcircle Is 29:3
generation, lifespan Gn 7:1, Jd 2:10, Is 34:10, Jl 1:3, דר
one who lives a generation ??, הדור
obstacle, causing one to go in circles ??
Is 45:2 αλ, מדורהwood piled into a
circular pyre for burning Ez 24:9 αλ
דורcircle Is 29:3
generation, life-span
Gn 7:1, Jd 2:10, Is 34:10, Jl 1:3 ← דור
דורtoponym Jd 1:27, 1S 28:7
< דוראname>
< דורא זהבname>
דושׁto thresh, by trampling under cattle
and donkeys, or by dragging a sledge
over it or by beating with flails
enemies as one treats grain during
threshing → דישׁthreshing Lv 26:5 αλ,
מדשׁתthreshing Is 21:10 αλ, דשׁהthat
which is threshed
דחהto shove, trip → מדחהtripping up Pr
26:28 αλ
דחיtripped, stumbling
דחןmillet Ez 4:9 αλ σ כסמת
דחףto be in a rush, to hurry → מדחפת
rush, hurry Ps 140:12 (11) αλ σ מהר
דחקto bully around Jl 2:8 αλ → דחק
bully Jd 2:18 αλ σ נכה
דחקbully Jd 2:18 αλ ← דחק
characterized with flowing body fluids Lv
15:33, Is 30:22, Lm 5:17, afflicted
characterized with flowing body fluids Lv
20:18, Lm 1:13, דויaffliction
characterized with flowing body fluids Is
1:5, Jr 8:19, Ps 41:4, Jb 6:7, Lm 1:22,
מדוהthat which afflicts, characterized by
flowing sores Dt 7:15, 28:60 σ חלה
דוהaffliction characterized with flowing
body fluids Lv 12:2 αλ ← דוה
דוהafflicted person characterized with
flowing body fluids Lv 15:33, Is 30:22,
Lm 5:17, afflicted characterized with
flowing body fluids Lv 20:18, Lm 1:13 ←
דוחto rinse off Is 4:4, Ez 40:38, 2C 4:6
דויaffliction characterized with flowing
body fluids Is 1:5, Jr 8:19, Ps 41:4, Jb
6:7, Lm 1:22 ← דוה
< דוידname>
דוךto mix a batter → מדכהmixing bowl,
where batter mixed Nu 11:8 αλ σ בלל
דוכיפתhoopoe Lv 11:19, Dt 14:18 σ עוף
דמם, דמה, דוםto be still (unmoving)
to be silent (not speaking) → דומה
place of stillness i.e. place of the dead Ps
94:17, 115:17, דומיהstillness as in rest
Ps 22:3 (2), 39:2 (1), 62:2 (1), דומם
silently, דממהstillness 1K 19:12, Ps
107:29, Jb 4:16, נדמהsilently ?? Is 15:1
σ שׁקט
דומהβ דמה,דומה
דומהplace of stillness i.e. place of the
dead Ps 94:17, 115:17 ← דום
< דומהname>
דומיהstillness as in rest Ps 22:3 (2), 39:2
(1), 62:2 (1) ← דום
דיsufficiency, completeness, enough has
the idea of making whole, having enough
Lv 5:7, 12:8, Dt 15:8, Is 40:16
< דיבו ֿןname>
< דיבןname>
דיגβ דוג
דיהan unclean bird Dt 14:13, Is 34:15 σ
דיוink Jr 36:18 this is a traditional
meaning, but the context seems to
indicate that the correct meaning is in
“its completeness” i.e. wholly, completely
αλ σ די
דיותβ דיה
< דימוןname>
< דימונהname>
דיןto be a prosecutor, bring a lawsuit,
accuse → דיןlawsuit, prosecutor, מדין
accusation Pr 18:18 (when done by a
woman, nagging Pr 19:13, 21:9), place of
judgment (where accusations are heard
and adjudicated), מדינהplace where
judgment takes place Ko 2:8, 5:7 (8),
(Aramaic loanword) jurisdiction,
division of land into an administrative
district (40 verses), מדןaccusation ?? Pr
6:14, 19, 10:12 σ שׁפט
דיןlawsuit, prosecutor ← דון
< דינהname>
ֿ< דימיאname>
< דיפתname>
דיקpalisade, to keep those inside from
דישׁthreshing Lv 26:5 αλ ← דושׁ
< דישׁוןname>
דישׁןantelope ?? a clean animal Dt 14:5
< דישׁןname>
דךoppressed ?? Ps 9:10, 10:18, 74:21 ←
דכאto make low Ps 72:4, 143:3
as in to
make humble Jr 44:10,
to oppress Pr
22:22, Jb 19:2 → דכאthat which is low,
underfoot Ps 90:3, Lm 3:34, ( ?? דכאa
part of the body that can be injured)
LXX θλαδιας Dt 23:2 (1)
דכאthat which is low, underfoot Ps 90:3,
Lm 3:34 ← דכא
( ?? דכאa part of the body that can be
injured) LXX θλαδιας Dt 23:2 (1) ←
דכהto crush by pounding → דך
oppressed ?? Ps 9:10, 10:18, 74:21, דכי
roar, of many waters ?? Ps 93:3 αλ, דכית
crushed Ps 51:10 (8) σ רטשׁto kill by
smashing with a blunt object e.g. rock
2K 8:12, Is 13:16, 18, Hs 10:14, 13:16, Nh
דכיroar, of many waters ?? Ps 93:3 αλ ←
דכיתcrushed Ps 51:10 (8) ← דכה
דלlowly ← דלל
דלusually taken for a copyist error in Ps
141:3 for דלת
דלגto leap over 2S 22:30, Is 35:6, Ps 18:30
(29), So 2:8
דלהto suspend, hang Pr 26:7
to support
as in holding up (like a puppet on a
string) Ps 30:2, to draw water using a
bucket suspended on a rope Ex 2:16, 19,
Pr 20:5 → דלהfringe, thread off edge of
cloth Is 38:12, דליbucket suspended on
a rope (to get water out of a well) Nu
24:7, Is 40:15, דליתbough, branch of a
tree, דלתdoor, the movable divider
between two areas. In original tents was
a hanging that could be moved aside
(the earliest way to write the Hebrew
letter dalet was as a picture of such a
hanging), though later applied to heavy
wooden doors on hinges even in the
gates of cities to protect them from
invaders σ סרחto drape (upon, over)
(curtains Ex 26:12, vines Ez 17:6, people
Am 6:4, wisdom (as in becoming weak,
powerless) Jr 49:7), תלהto hang σ שׁאב
דלהfringe, thread off edge of cloth Is
38:12 ← דלה
דלהlowly people ← דלל
דלחto splash ?? Ez 32:2, 13
דליbucket suspended on a rope (to get
water out of a well) Nu 24:7, Is 40:15 ←
< דליהname>
< דליהוname>
< דלילהname>
דליתbough, branch of a tree ← דלהσ
אשׁישׁvine branch ?? clinging to a wall Is
16:7, bearing grapes Hs 3:1, זלזלvine
branch ?? Is 18:5 αλ, כפהfrond, branch
of a palm tree ?? Dt 25:12, Is 9:13 (14),
19:15, סעפת, סעיףbranch (of a rock Ju
15:8, 11, of a tree Ez 31:6, 8), סרעפת
twig Ez 31:5 αλ, עבת, עבותintertwined
branches, ענףleafy branch, עפאfoliage
Ps 104:12 αλ, צמרתspray, a stem or
small branch of a tree or plant, bearing
flowers and foliage, שׂובךlimb, large
branch 2S 18:9 αλ σ שׁבט
דללto lower, wane Jd 6:6, Is 19:6, Ps 79:8
→ דלlowly, דלתlow place Jb 38:8 σ
< דלעןname>
דלףto downcast (life, eyes, house) Ps
119:28, Jb 16:20, Ko 10:18 → דלף
dripping Pr 19:13, 27:15 σ נפל
דלףdripping Pr 19:13, 27:15 ← דלף
< דלפוןname>
דלקto burn quickly, as a fire on dry
grassland Ez 24:10, Ob 18
to pursue
hotly (like a raging range fire) Gn 31:36,
1S 17:53, Ps 10:2, Lm 4:19 → דלק
pursuing 1S 17:53, Pr 28:23, pursuer, one
who pursues hotly Ps 7:14, דלקתa hot
fever that kills quickly ?? Dt 28:22 αλ σ
דלקpursuing 1S 17:53, Pr 28:23, pursuer,
one who pursues hotly Ps 7:14 ← דלק
דלקתa hot fever that kills quickly ?? Dt
28:22 αλ σ דבר
דלתdoor, the movable divider between
two areas. In original tents was a
hanging that could be moved aside (the
earliest way to write the Hebrew letter
dalet was as a picture of such a
hanging), though later applied to heavy
wooden doors on hinges even in the
gates of cities to protect them from
invaders ← דלהσ שׁער
דלתlow place Jb 38:8 ← דלל
דםblood. As a plural, it’s sometimes used
to refer to an abstract idea of “bloody”
rather than to a multitude of “bloods” Ex
4:25–6, Ez 22:2, Nh 3:1. As an extension
of the abstract idea, it’s used for “blood
guilt” in the idea of guilty of murder Ex
דמיβ דמי.דם
דמיstill ← דום
דמיהβ דמה,דם
< דמיםname 1S 17:1>
דמיןlikeness Ps 17:12 αλ ← דמה
דמםβ דום
דממהstillness 1K 19:12, Ps 107:29, Jb 4:16
← דום
דמןmanure, dung 2K 9:37, Jr 8:2, 9:21,
16:4, 25:33, Ps 83:11 → מדמנהdunghill,
that which makes dung i.e. vermin ?? Is
25:10 αλ
דמעto shed tears → דמעהtears
דמעהtears ← דמע
< דןname>
< דנאלname>
< דנהname>
< דנהבהname>
< דניname>
< דניאלname>
דעה, דעknowledge ← ידעσ בינהinsight,
which is deep understanding "among"
instead of looking from afar, חכמה
wisdom, מזמות, מזמהplan(ning), סוד
consultation, often intimate or private
Am 3:7, Pr 15:22, 20:19
group for
consultation Jr 6:11, 15:17, Ps 111:1,
עצהcouncil, advice, ערמהprudence,
craftiness, תבונהpractical insight leading
to action, such as making things
Ex 31:3, 35:31, Pr 24:3, תושׁיה
forethought, this is thinking ahead of
time concerning concepts and ideas,
considering options and making
contingency plans where applicable
21:1–2, Dt 19:10, 22:8, etc. Used also as
a general reference to blood Is 1:15, 9:4,
Ez 9:9 and acts of unjust violence that
result in the shedding of blood Is 33:15,
Hb 2:12.
דםlikeness, pattern Ez 19:10, 27:32 ←
דמהβ דמה, דם,דום
דמהto liken, pattern after, to pattern
(plan an action) → דםlikeness, pattern
Ez 19:10, 27:32, דמותlikeness, pattern,
דמיןlikeness Ps 17:12 αλ σ יצרto
to take raw material and make
something out of it, e.g. the creation of
mankind Gn 2:7–8, bronze pillar 1K 7:15,
statue (idol) Is 44:9–10, etc., קצבto cut
out as in carving, forming, shearing, תאר
to outline
דמהstillness ← דום
דמוβ דמה, דם,דום
דמותlikeness, pattern ← דמהσ מסכה
(cast) statue, often used as an idol Ex
32:4, 8, Hs 13:2, Ne 9:18, פסל,פסיל
carved image, often used as a synonym
for idol Ex 20:4, Lv 26:1, Is 44:9, צלם
shape (as a shadow is in the
shape of an object, person, animal but is
less than the object so the shape is
different from the original, never to be
confused with it, can even be made of
different materials), קצבcut, i.e. form,
shape 1K 6:25, 7:37 where the cut is
made Jn 2:7, תארoutline, תבניתmodel,
used to plan a construction Ex 25:9, 40,
Dt 4:16–8, 1C 28:11–2, 18–9, תמונהform.
a 3D object Ex 20:4, Dt 4:12, 15, 5:8, Jb
< גרגעname>
דרדרbriar, bramble σ שׁמיר
דרוםsouth σ נגב
דרורβ ראשׁ מר דרור,דרור
דרורswallow ?? (bird) Ps 84:4, Pr 26:2 σ
דרורreleasing, letting go Lv 25:10, Is 61:1,
Jr 34:8, 15, 17, Ez 46:17
< דריושׁname>
דרךβ דרך,דור
דרךto range about (as in walking), to
place with others in a cause, to put in
line with a target → דרךpath, not for
wagons, one who ranges about, מדרך
pace, one step Dt 2:5 αλ
דרךpath, not for wagons, one who ranges
about ← דרךσ ארחtrail, a way for
travelers going from city to city, for long
distances Gn 49:17
used as a
metaphor for the path of life, doing
actions Gn 18:11, Is 26:7–8, Jb 24:11,
מסלהhighway, an embanked road
suitable for wheeled traffic Nu 20:19, 2S
20:12–13, Is 40:3, 1C 26:16, 18, מעגל
cowpath (← עגלcalf)? or rutted track Is
26:7, Pr 4:11, 26, נתיבהway, direction
one should go, (by)way, ( רחבcity)
square, שׁבילhard walkway (hardened
by many people treading on it) Jr 18:15,
Ps 77:20 (19), שׁוקcity street lined with
stalls and shops
market where people
are out and about among the sales stalls
and shops to acquire stuff Pr 7:8, So 3:2,
Ko 12:4–5
דרכמוןdaric, a Persian coin cf. אדרכמון
< דרמשׂקname>
< דרעname>
(arranging of thoughts ??) Is 28:29, Pr
18:1, Jb 11:6, 12:16
< דעואלname>
דעךto sputter out, die down of flame Is
43:17, Ps 118:12, Pr 13:9, 20:20, Jb 18:5–
6 σ כבה
דעתknowledge ← ידע
דפיoffense ?? Ps 50:20 αλ
דפקto drive hard Gn 33:13
to pound
(on a door) Jd 19:22, So 5:2
< דפקהname>
דקsomething that is fine as in small Ex
16:14, Is 40:15, 22 ← דקק
דקה, דקfine, thin Gn 41, Lv 13:30, 1K
19:12, Is 29:5 from being ground Lv
16:12 ← דקק
< דקלהname>
דקקto grind until fine, thin, to pulverize
→ דקsomething that is fine as in small
Ex 16:14, Is 40:15, 22, דקה, דקfine, thin
Gn 41, Lv 13:30, 1K 19:12, Is 29:5 from
being ground Lv 16:12 σ חדד
דקרto stab → מדקרa person who has
been stabbed Jr 37:10, 51:4, Lm 4:9,
מדקרותstabbing Pr 12:18 αλ σ חלל
< דקרname>
דרone who lives a generation ?? ← דור
דרan unknown type of (semi-)precious
stone Es 1:6 αλ
דראוןdisapproval ?? (used only in
connection with hell) Is 66:24, Dn 12:2
דרבןgoad 1S 13:21,Ko 12:11 σ מלמד
trainer (making learn) Is 48:17, Ps
119:99, Pr 5:13
cattle goad Jd 3:31,
צפירהgoad ?? something that causes
one to spring into action Is 28:5, Ez 7:7,
שׁטטspur ?? Js 23:13 αλ
דרץduty, assignment ?? 1S 18:14 αλ
< דרקוןname>
דרשׁto look for, to investigate, to demand
from, this is stronger than just a simple
searching for something, but often
includes the idea that a payback is being
looked for or demanded → דרשׁ על מתים
to practice necromancy, מדרשׁ
commentary σ בקשׁ
דרשׁ על מתיםto practice necromancy ←
דרשׁσ ענן
דרתβ דור
דשׁאto sprout Gn 1:11, 2S 23:4, Jl 2:22 →
דשׁאsprout as from vegetables Gn 1:11–
2, Is 15:6, Jr 14:5, Ps 23:2 σ חטרto
sprout up a woody sprout from a tree
stump or root which can grow into a full
sized tree Pr 14:3, שׂגשׂגto sprout ?? Is
17:11 αλ
דשׁאsprout as from vegetables Gn 1:11–2,
Is 15:6, Jr 14:5, Ps 23:2 ← דשׁאσ חטר
woody sprout from trees Is 11:1, Pr 14:3,
חצירlong, stalky grass 1K 18:5, Is 44:4,
Pr 27:25, Jb 40:15, some of it edible
(leeks) Nu 11:5, dried, can be used for
thatch, ירק, ירוקleaves, as in vegetative
matter, נצרguard—a person guarding,
shoot (in horticulture, sometimes
carefully guarded to grow into a tree or
large plant) Is 11:1, 14:19, 60:21, Dn
11:7, עלהleaves, עשׂבgreen plant, שׂיח
shrub Gn 2:5, 21:15, Jb 30:4, 7
דשׁהthat which is threshed ← דושׁ
דשׁןto become fat (of people, sleek and
well fed) Dt 31:20, Pr 11:25, 13:4, 15:30,
28:25, to smear on fat (oil) Nu 4:13, Ps
23:5, add fat to Is 34:6–7 → דשׁןfat
(oil), sometimes used for the fatty ashes
left over from the sacrifices
דשׁןfat (oil), sometimes used for the fatty
ashes left over from the sacrifices σ שׁמן
olive tree (⇐ trees that produce
fat, חלבmilk, fat, but sometimes
includes a wider meaning than in
English, often with the idea more of
produce, production, as in the “fat of the
land” Gn 45:18 or even the “produce of
new wine” which is not fat Lv 18:12
“produce of wheat” Ps 81:17 (16), אפר
דתto command (found only in infinitive
)לדתZp 2:2, Jb 39:1 → דתcommand
as in law
דתcommand as in law σ חק
< דתןname>
< דתינהname>
הfifth letter, where letters are used as
numbers, it refers to the number five.
( הprefix), for showing the definite article
“the” or as a sign of the interrogative
הsuffix, indicating the feminine indefinite
article possessive, referring to the
feminine of an object or adjective or
direction towards the object appended to
האsee! Behold! Gn 47:23, Ez 16:43
האדםβ איד,אדם
האזכהβ זכה
האזניחוβ זנח
האשׁβ ישׁ,אשׁ
האתיותβ אתיות
הבו, הבהβ יהב,הבה
הבהto bring forth, go, come forth Gn
29:21, Jd 20:7, Hs 14:4
Let (going
forth) ... (followed by a yiqtol verb) Gn
11:3, 4, 7, Ex 1:10, not from the root יהב
found in Aramaic → הבהבים
contributions ?? Hs 8:13 αλ
הבהביםcontributions ?? Hs 8:13 αλ ←
הבטβ נבט
הבלto act futilely 2K 17:15, Jr 2:5, Jb
27:12 → הבלfutility Dt 32:21, Zc 10:2,
Ko 1:2
futile thing Jr 2:5, Ps 94:11
used as a synonym for idol 1K 16:13, 2K
17:15, Jr 10:15, futile Ps 94:11, Pr 31:30,
futilely Ps 39:7 (6), Jb 35:16
הבלfutility Dt 32:21, Zc 10:2, Ko 1:2
futile thing Jr 2:5, Ps 94:11 used as a
synonym for idol 1K 16:13, 2K 17:15, Jr
10:15, futile Ps 94:11, Pr 31:30, futilely
Ps 39:7 (6), Jb 35:16 ← הבלσ בליעל
useless, ריקemptiness, תהוuninhabited
Is 45:18, uninhabited area, wilderness Dt
32:10, Jb 6:18
uninhabited empty
place Jb 26:7, uninhabited because
depopulated Is 24:10, 34:11, uselessly
(lifelessly) Is 45:19
lifeless Gn 1:2,
lifeless object Is 49:4, 59:4, used also
with idols formed by casting and carving
in contrast with the living God Is 41:29,
< הבלname>
הברβ הבר, ברר, ברה,בור
הברto observe Is 47:13 αλ σ ראה
< הגאname>
הגהto mutter Is 16:8, Ps 2:1, Pr 15:28
to read (before silent reading came into
practice, everyone spoke softly as they
read) Js 1:8, Ps 1:2 → הגהmuttering,
meditation Ps 49:4 αλ,
הגיגsoftly spoken thoughts Ps 5:2 (1),
39:4 (3), הגיוןmuttering, a soft sound Ps
9:17 (16), 19:15 (14), 92:4 (3), Lm
3:62, מהגיםthose who mutter, speak
softly as in seances Is 8:19 αλ σ דבר
הגהto eliminate
to remove 2S 20:13, Pr
destroy, ruin Is 27:8, Ps 90:9 →
destruction, ruination
σ שׁחת
הגהmuttering ← הגה
הגוβ נהג,הגה
meditation Ps 49:4 αλ ←
הגיגsoftly spoken thoughts Ps 5:2 (1),
39:4 (3) ← הגה
הגיוןmuttering, a soft sound Ps 9:17 (16),
19:15 (14), 92:4 (3), Lm 3:62 ← הגה
הגינהconvenient ?? Ez 42:12 αλ
הגרβ נגר, הגר, גר,גור
< הגרname>
< הגריname>
הגרםβ נגר,גרם
הדjoyful shout (short for ?? )הידדEz 7:7
αλ σ שׂמחה
< הדדname>
< הדד עזרname>
הדהto direct (hand) Is 11:8 αλ
הדהperson who is a royal, majesty ?? Jr
22:18 αλ ← ידה
הדורβ הדר, הדור,דור
הדורobstacle, causing one to go in
circles ?? Is 45:2 αλ ← דור
הדיחβ נדח,דוח
הדךto trample ?? Jb 40:12 αλ β ?? דכה
הדםfootstool Is 66:1, Ps 99:5, 110:1,
132:7, Lm 2:1, 1C 28:2
הדסmyrtle (tree)
הדףto push away Dt 6:19, 9:4, Pr 10:3 σ
כפןto uproot ?? Ez 17:7 αλ
הדרto aggrandize → הדרgrandeur,
הדרותaggrandizement Is 41:4 αλ, הדרת
grandeurness Ps 29:2, 96:9, Pr 14:28, 1C
16:29, 2C 20:21 σ אדרto have splendor
Is 42:21 αλ
הדרgrandeur ← הדרσ אדרsplendor Mc
2:8, Zc 11:13, הודmajesty
הדרותaggrandizement Is 41:4 αλ ← הדר
הדרךβ הדר,דרך
הדרתgrandeurness Ps 29:2, 96:9, Pr 14:28,
1C 16:29, 2C 20:21 ← הדר
ההalas! Ez 30:2
ההימירβ ימר
ההלכואβ הלך
ההרמונהβ רום
הואto cover, lie (upon) Job 37:6, Ko 11:3
σ כפר
הואhe, that one
הובניםcountry name? Ez 27:15
הוגהβ יגה
הודβ ידה,הוד
הודto make noise about ?? Ps 28:7 → הוד
(forceful) sound ?? Is 30:30, Jb 39:20
( הודforceful) sound ?? Is 30:30, Jb 39:20
← הוד
הודmajesty ← ידהσ הדרgrandeur
הודוβ ידה
< הודוהname>
< הודויהname>
< הודויהוname>
< הודיהname>
הוהto put in one’s place, set up Gn 27:29,
Is 16:4, Ko 2:22, Ne 6:6 → הוהrumor,
gossip, idle words that destroy, said to
“set another in his place” in a negative
sense, hence a cut, putdown Is 47:11, Ez
7:26 σ היה
הוהrumor, gossip, idle words that destroy,
said to “set another in his place” in a
negative sense, hence a cut, putdown Is
47:11, Ez 7:26 ← הוהσ דבר
< הוהםname>
הוותhostility Ps 5:10 (9), 57:2 (1), 94:20
← הות
הויWoe! σ אוי
הויהgeneralized woe ?? Ex 9:3 αλ
הוללto go around ??, confidently or like a
chicken with its head cut off ??
surround, an action that can be used
either positively Na 2:4, Ps 78:63 or
negatively Is 44:25, Jb 12:17, Ko 7:7 →
הוללpeople who run around (to do bad
things?), Ps 5:6 (5), 73:3, 75:5 (4),
הוללותrunning around ??, apparently a
type of forceful action ?? Ko 1:17 2:12,
7:25, 9:3, 10:13, מהוללcontinuous
running around
surrounding ?? Ps
102:9 (8), Ko 2:2
הוללpeople who run around (to do bad
things?), Ps 5:6 (5), 73:3, 75:5 (4) ←
הוללותrunning around ??, apparently a
type of forceful action ?? Ko 1:17 2:12,
7:25, 9:3, 10:13 ← הולל
הולםsledgehammer ?? Is 41:7 αλ ← הלם
המה, הוםto put into commotion, to stir
making noise from motion, Pi to be in
constant, restless motion → הםnoise or
turmoil ?? Ez 7:11 αλ, המהa person or
object in constant, restless motion Pr
20:1, המוןhubbub, a noisy crowd, המיה
restless, constantly in motion, המיות
הזילוהβ נזל
הזיםβ הזה
הזרתםβ זור
החלםβ חלם,חל
הטוβ נטה
הטיβ נטה
הטףβ נטף, טפף,טף
הטתוβ נטה
היא, היlament Jr 45:4, Ez 2:10, 23:43 ←
הידדjoyful shout Is 16:9–10, Jr 25:30,
48:33, 51:14 σ שׂמחה
הידותβ יד,הידות
הידותhymn Ne 12:8 αλ ← ידה
היהto become
to be → היהbeing σ הוה
to put in one’s place, set up Gn 27:29, Is
16:4, Ko 2:22, Ne 6:6 (is היהactually the
hiphil form of )?הוה
היוםβ יום,היה
היוצתβ ?? יצא
היךβ איך
היכלlarge meeting room (of a tent
structure 1Sa 1:9, of a building 1Ki 6:3)
palace (large building for royalty)
temple (large building for the greatest of
royalty, God) σ בית
הילכותβ הליכהQ, ילכותK
הילךβ הלכ
היללto howl in sorrow ?? Jr 47:2, Ez
21:17, Jl 1:5, Zc 11:2 σ כעס
היללmorning star Is 14:12 αλ
< הימםname>
< הימןname>
היןa liquid measure σ מדה
הכאותβ כאה
הכחβ נכח, כח,יכח
places where crowds gather ?? Pr 1:21
αλ, מהומהcommotion, turmoil Dt 7:23,
28:20, Ez 22:5, Zc 14:13, תהם
commotion, stirring (caused by unease)
Ps 42:5, 12, 43:5, תהמתflowing turbulent
waters ?? (masc noun) Ex 15:5, 8, Dt 8:7
(plural Is 63:13, Ps 71:20, 77:17 (16),
78:15, 106:9, 148:7, Pr 8:24) σ צוחto
clamor Is 42:11 αλ
הומיהcommotion Is 22:2 ← הום
< הומםname>
הוןβ ינה,הון
הוןresources (fields, mines, factories) as a
source of wealth, hence used as a
synomyn for wealth Ps 119:14, Pr 13:11,
18:11, Enough! Pr 30:15–6 σ עשׁר
הורדβ ירד
הורהsomeone who became pregnant with
mother Gn 49:26, Hs 2:7, So 3:4 ←
< הושׁמעname>
< הושׁעname>
< הושׁעיהname>
הותβ הות,הוה
הותto lay on (in a hostile manner) LXX
επιτιθεσθε Ps 62:4 (3) αλ → הוות
hostility Ps 5:10 (9), 57:2 (1), 94:20,
הותenmity, from a feeling of hostility ??
Jb 30:13, Pr 17:4, 19:13
הותenmity, from a feeling of hostility ??
Jb 30:13, Pr 17:4, 19:13 ← הות
< הותירname>
הותלβ התל
יותרתיβ יתר
הזהβ נזה,הזה
הזהto nap Is 56:10 αλ σ ישׁן
הזידוβ זוד
הכיחβ נכח,יכח
הכירβ נכר
הכיתהβ נכה,כות
הכםβ נכה
הכרβ נכר,הכר
הכרto pressure as in getting on one’s
nerves Jb 19:3 αλ σ מיץ
הכרתβ נכר, כרת, כרה,הכר
הכתהβ נכה
הלאβ לא,הלא
הלאto go to the other side Mi 6:3 → הלא
on the other side Jd 14:16, הלאה
beyond, the other side (in time (other
side of the indicated time) Lv 22:27, Ez
39:22, 43:27, distance Gn 19:9, 1S 20:22,
מהלאהbeyond, on the other side
Gn 35:21, Jr 22:19, Am 5:27, נהלאהone
considered to be on the other side, not
“with us” Mc 4:7 αλ
הלאהbeyond, the other side (in time
(other side of the indicated time) Lv
22:27, Ez 39:22, 43:27, distance Gn 19:9,
1S 20:22, 37)
מהלאהbeyond, on the
other side Gn 35:21, Jr 22:19, Am 5:27
← הלא
הלאניβ לאה
הלאתβ לאה
הלהto become bright Is 13:9, Jb 29:3,
31:31 σ זהר
הלהtall ?? Dt 3:11 LXX ακρα
הלוךthe action of going ← הלך
הלוליםfestival Lv 19:24, Jd 9:27 ← הלל
הלומיβ הלם
הלזthis, found only seven times Jd 6:20,
1S 14:1, 17:26, 2K 4:25, 23:17, Zc 2:8,
Dn 8:16, apparently denotes a particular
or special “this one” compared to the
more general זה
הלזהβ זה
הליךwalk, step Jb 29:6 αλ ← הלך
הליכהgoings about Ps 68:25, goings on
operation Q Pr 31:27 ← הלך
הליצניβ ליץ
הלךto go (to, about, around), travel (to,
about) both physically (walking, riding
or sailing 2S 13:34, 15:30, 1K 22:49) and
metaphorically (journey of life Jos 23:14,
1K 14:8), used for change of numbers
increasing 2S 15:12 or decreasing 2S 3:1
(the imperitive לכהis used literally for
“go” Gn 37:13, Ex 3:10, 2K 10:16, also
figuratively Gn 27:37, Ko 2:1 and even in
places where English uses “come” Gn
19:32, 31:44, Nu 22:11, Jd 11:6) → הלוך
the action of going, הליךwalk, step Jb
29:6 αλ, הליכהgoings about Ps 68:25,
goings on
operation Q Pr 31:27, הלך
visitor, ילכותrunning, operation K Pr
31:27 αλ, מהלךjourney, passage, time or
distance travelled Jn 3:3–4, Ne 2:6,
traveler Zc 3:7, Ps 104:3, Pr 6:11, Ko
4:15, מלךone who makes others go ??
Ps 68:13, תהלכתprocession Ne 12:31 αλ
σ אפןto turn, ארחto travel, אשׁרto
proceed, go down a path ?? Pr 4:14, 9:6,
אתהto arrive Is 41:5, 25, Mc 4:8, Pr 1:27,
בואto come
to come in, to enter, בער
to remove, used in removing that which
is displeasing Dt 13:6, 17:7, 12, Jd 29:13
and idols 2C 19:3, removing bad actors
2S 4:11, 1K 22:47, 2k 23:24, removing
items to be given to those who need it Dt
26:13–4, גלהto remove (a covering)
Pr 7:8, Jb 18:14, צעהto wander around
Is 51:14, 63:1, Jr 2:20, 48:12, Ps 139:8,
קצץto remove by cutting off
remove (objects) Ex 39:3, Jd 1:6–7, 2C
28:24, קרבto come up (to), to
approach, come near, רוץto run, i.e. to
go quickly
to move (an object 2S
22:30), רמסto tread down underfoot,
trample on 2K 7:17, 20, Ps 91:13, Dn 8:7,
10, רצאto send (forth) ?? Ez 43:27 αλ,
שׂוחto walk about Gn 24:63 αλ (possibly
Qal for a Hiphil ?? שׂיחsee entry), ,שׂוט
שׂטט, שׂטה, שׁוטto go about (with a
purpose, spreading lies Ps 40:5, in trade
Ez 27:8, to visit a paramour Nu 5:19,
etc.), שׂרךto run to and fro Jr 2:23 αλ ,
תעהto wander, go astray σ סור, סבב,נוע
הלךvisitor ← הלך
הלכףβ כפף
הללto boast, as a form of praise either for
self or for others Gn 12:15, Jd 16:24, Ps
150:6 (hit.) boasting about oneself
sometimes taken as a sign of madness 1S
21:13, Jr 51:7, הללו יהboast in the Lord
→ הלול, הלוליםfestival Lv 19:24, Jd
9:27, מהללthe act of boasting as a form
of praise 2S 22:4, Ps 18:3, 1C 23:5, 2C
one who boasts, used of those
giving praises Pr 27:21, 1C 29:13, 2C
20:21, 23:12, adj. something to be
boasted about as a form of praise Ps 48:1
(2), 96:4, 113:3, 145:3, 1C 16:25, תהלה
song of praise, Psalm σ
< הללname>
הללו יהβ הלל
to reveal by removing (a covering),
remove, exile, כההto fade Lv 13:6, 21,
26, 28, 56 in the sense of growing weak,
leaving off Is 42:3–4, Zc 11:17, *כהה ב
to make someone leave off, i.e. remove
them from where they are 1S 3:13, מגגto
make go out ?? Nh 1:5, Ps 65:11 (10),
Jb 30:22, מולto clip off, pluck off (e.g.
grass, heads of grain)
to circumcise,
מחץto trample underfoot Nu 24:8, 17, Ps
110:5–6, Jb 26:12, נבךto wander about
Jl 1:18 αλ, נגשׁto approach, draw near,
נדחa motion outwards
to go forth Dt
4:19, 30:4, thrust
to swing (an ax) Dt
19:5, 20:19, to stray (animals) Dt 22:1,
to push forwards Pr 7:21, נקףto go
around Is 29:1, encircle 2K 6:14, 11:8, Is
10:34, Jb 19:26, נתסto turn aside ?? Jb
30:13 αλ, סבבto turn around, to go
around, to surround (the action is to go
around until one is facing the opposite
direction and sometimes then again until
one is back to the starting position)
סבב אחרto turn back, סבהto go around
as in circles, סוגto remove by moving
back Is 59:13, Zp 1:6, Pr 14:14, סורto
hiphil to cause to leave i.e. to
to turn aside, עססto walk
upon Ma 3:21 (4:3) αλ, עתקto go on, go
further, continue on, go beyond Gn 12:8,
to advance, go forward Pr 8:18,
Jb 21:7,
hi to cause to go forward,
further Pr 25:1
to cause to go beyond
Jb 32:15, פוחto come forth Hb 2:3, Pr
29:8, So 2:17, 4:6, פשׁחto lead astray ??
Lm 3:11 αλ, פשׂעto make a step, צעדto
stride, march 2S 6:13, Jr 10:5, Hb 3:12,
הלםto pound, feet while running, with a
hammer, etc. Jd 5:22, 26, Is 16:8, Ps 74:6,
141:5, Pr 23:35 → הולם
sledgehammer ?? Is 41:7 αλ, הלמות
mallet, hammer for pounding tent stakes
Jd 5:26 αλ, מהלמותstrokes σ כתת
( הלםto) here, to this place
< הלםname>
הלמותmallet, hammer for pounding tent
stakes Jd 5:26 αλ ← הלם
הםnoise or turmoil ?? Ez 7:11 αλ ← הום
< הםname>
המביunderstood as a misspelling for
המביאin 2S 5:2 (see also 1C 11:2)
< המדתאname>
המהβ המה,הום
המהa person or object in constant, restless
motion Pr 20:1 ← הום
המהthey, them
המולהβ מולה, מול,המולה
המולהcrowd, noisy crowd Jr 11:16 αλ
המוןhubbub, a noisy crowd ← הום
< המונהname>
המותβ מות,הום
המטיםβ מוט
המיהrestless, constantly in motion ← הום
המיותplaces where crowds gather ?? Pr
1:21 αλ ← הום
המירβ מור
המיתβ מות
המכוβ מוך
המלהnoise, like that of a noisy crowd Ez
1:24 αλ
המםto make cease, not to continue (all
but twice used of war and that the losers
are unable to carry on) σ שׁבת
< המןname>
המנדיםβ נוד
המנכםβ מן
המסיםbrushwood Is 64:1 αλ
הןβ הנה,הן
הנה, הןbehold!
( הנהtowards) here
הנהלאהβ הלאה
הנחהrest, relaxation ?? Es 2:18 αλ LXX
αφεσιν β נחה
< הנםname>
< הנעname>
הנפהβ נפה
הסsilence Am 8:3 ← הסה
הסהto hush, silence Nu 13:30, Jd 3:19, Am
6:10, Hb 2:20, Zp 1:7, Zc 2:17 (13) →
הסsilence Am 8:3 σ שקט
הסיתβ סות
הסרβ סור
הסכתβ סכת
הסתוβ סתו
העזβ עזז,עוז
העזוβ עוז
העירβ עיר,עור
העלβ עלה
הפגותstopping Lm 3:49 αλ ← פוג
הפחβ פוח
הפחתםβ פוח
הפךto turn over, about
to change
הפך לראשׁto overturn, turn upside
down Am 6:12 → הפכה,הפך
destruction, הפכפך
crooked (turning about) Pr 21:8 αλ,
destruction Dt
29:23, Is 1:7, 13:19, Jr 29:26, 49:18,
50:40, Am 4:11
place of punishment
through torture ?? Jr 20:2–3, 2C 16:10,
תהפכת, תהפכותoverturning
perversity σ לפתto turn over Jd 16:29,
Rt 3:8, Jb 6:18
הפכה, הפךoverturning
destruction ←
הפכפךcrooked (turning about) Pr 21:8
αλ ← הפך
הפלתיβ נפל,הפלתי
הפלתיheavily armed or professional
soldier, a Philistine loanword? (hoplite?)
(never used before David’s sojourn
among the Philistines) 2S 8:18, 15:18,
20:7, 23, 1K 1:38, 44, 1C 18:17 σ פלתי
הפרβ פרה, פר, פורר,פור
הצבβ נצב
הצטידנוβ צוד
הציג, הצגβ יצג
הצוβ נצה
הציףβ צוף
< הציץname>
הציקβ צוק
הציקתניβ יצק
הצלהdeliverance (taking away from
danger) Es 4:14 αλ ← נצל
< הצלל פוניname>
הצןarmored (related to ?? )צנהEz 23:24
הקפתםβ נקף
הקצוβ קצץ
הקרβ יקר
הרmountain, which includes from a fairly
insignificant hill all the way to the
highest mountain σ אשׁדslope, גבעהhill,
מדרגהsteep slope Ez 38:20, So 2:14,
סללהramp, in ancient times a ramp was
raised up over the moat and glacis to
attack a wall directly, also often used of
a place of refuge raised above and
inaccessible, סלעcliff, often used as an
inaccessible place of refuge
< הרname>
< הר חרסname>
< הראname>
הראלβ אראיל
הרגto kill → הרגה, הרגkilling, slaughter
σ בתקto stab Ez 16:40 αλ, טבחto
butcher, which includes both the killing
of the animals and the preparing of them
for food, קטלto oppress (separate from
killing) ?? Ps 139:19, Jb 13:15, 24:14,
רצחto manslaughter
murder, שׁחטto
slaughter (murder Jr 41:7, Ez 23:39,
combatants in war Jd 12:6, execution Nu
14:16, 1K 18:40, animals Gn 37:31 as
preparation for sacrifices Ex 12:6, 21,
34:25, food 1S 14:32, 34, metaphorically
grapes as their red juice (blood) is
poured into wine Gn 40:11)
הרגה, הרגkilling, slaughter ← הרג
הרהto become pregnant → הורהsomeone
who became pregnant with
mother Gn
49:26, Hs 2:7, So 3:4, הרהpregnant
woman, הריוןpregnancy Rt 4:13, Hs
9:11, הרןbecoming pregnant Gn 3:16 αλ
σ ילד
הרהpregnant woman ← הרה
הרוβ הרה
< הרוםname>
< הרוריname>
הריוןpregnancy Rt 4:13, Hs 9:11 ← הרה
הריתβ הרה
הריתיβ הרה
הריתיךβ ירה
הרךβ רכך
הרסות, הריסהruins
הרכםβ הר
< הרםname>
הרמוןa type of fruit ?? Hg 2:19, So 4:3,
6:7, a place name Jd 20:45, 47, 1S 14:2
< הרמיםname>
הרןbecoming pregnant Gn 3:16 αλ ←
< הרןname>
הרסto tear down (wall, boundary, altar)
to make into a ruin → הרסות, הריסה
ruins σ שׁחת
הררa place where one lives and works ??
13 times Gn 14:6, Nu 23:7, Dt 8:9, 33:15,
Jr 17:3, Hb 3:6, Ps 30:8 (7), 36:7 (6),
50:10, 76:5 (4), 87:1, 133:3, So 4:8
הרריβ הררי, הרר,הר
< הרריname>
הרתיךβ ?? ירה
השׁבתβ שׁוב, שׁבת,ישׁב
השׁיה, השׁהβ נשׁה
השׁיאβ נשׁא
השׁיבβ שׁוב,ישׁב
השׂיקוβ נשׂק
השׁךβ שׁכך
השׁליךβ שׁלך,שׁלי
< השׁםname>
השׂמיליβ שׂמאל
השׁמותβ שׁמם
השׁמעותcommunication Ez 24:26 αλ ←
השׁעβ שׁעע
השׁפותβ אשׁפות
השׁתותβ שׁת,שׁית
התבונןβ בונן
התבננתβ בין
התגריתβ גרה
התווβ תוה
התוךmelting Ez 22:22 αλ ← נתך
התזβ תזז
התחוללβ חלל,חול
( התיוDSS )האתיוβ אתה
התיכוβ נתך
התיקנוβ נתק
התךβ נתך,התך
< התךname>
התחברותβ חבר
התלto treat with contempt in a way that
makes fun of, mocks Gn 31:7, Ex 8:25, Jd
16:10, 13, 15, Jr 9:4, Jb 13:9, 17:2
mock contemptuously 1K 18:27 →
התליםmockery Jb 17:2, מהתלות
mockery Is 30:10 σ שׂחק
התליםmockery Jb 17:2 ← התל
התמוβ תמם
התמתיβ תמם
התנוססβ נוס
התעררתיβ עור
התעתיםβ תעע
התקםβ נתק
התרβ נתר
התריםβ תר, תור,רום
התתβ הות
וsixth letter, where letters are used as
numbers, it refers to the number six.
( וprefix) this is a connecting mark that
leads from one idea to the next. It is
normally used to show a continuity,
where the following is connected to or a
consequence of the previous. In English,
there are times where it is best to omit
it, often translate it as “and” though
< זבולןname>
< זבוניname>
זבחto slaughter an animal Gn 31:54, Dt
12:15, 21, 1S 28:24, usually a sacrifice
Gn 46:1, Ex 3:18, 5:3, 8 → זבח
slaughtered animal Pr 17:1, usually a
sacrifice Ex 10:25, 18:12, 23:18, act of
slaughtering Ex 12:27, 2S 15:12 or
person who slaughters usually for
sacrifice Dt 18:3, 1S 2:13, 15, Pr 21:3,
זבחslaughtered animal Pr 17:1, usually a
sacrifice Ex 10:25, 18:12, 23:18, act of
slaughtering Ex 12:27, 2S 15:12 or
person who slaughters usually for
sacrifice Dt 18:3, 1S 2:13, 15, Pr 21:3 ←
זבחσ אזכרהportion of an offering
(made of grain, cooked or raw) to be
burned on the altar as a remembrance Lv
2:2, 9, 16, 24:7, Nu 5:26, אשׁהwhat is
burned (an offering upon the altar),
sin, sin offering, sacrifice
for error, מנחהpropitiatory gift, given
both to God as an offering Lv 2:1 and to
other men to gain their favor Gn 32:13,
43:11, עלהburnt offering, קרבןsacrifice
(that which is made to come up to the
altar), תרומהoffering, contribution (not
to be burnt on the altar)
זבחpersonal name Jd 8, Ps 83:12 (11)
< זביname>
< זבידהname>
< זבינאname>
זבלto reside (with) → זבלresidence σ
זבלresidence ← זבל
< זבלname>
sometimes it is best to translate it as
“that”, “such that”, “then”, “in order
that”, and possibly other combinations
showing continuity from one idea to the
< והבname>
ווpeg, tent stake
< ויזתאname>
ולדchild (copyist error?) Gn 11:30 αλ σ
< וניהname>
< ופסיname>
< ושׁניname>
< ושׁתיname>
זseventh letter, has no meaning in Hebrew
on its own, where letters are used as
numbers, it refers to the number seven.
< זאבname>
זאתthis, feminine singular of β זה
זבה, זבflux
a sore seeping fluid ← זוב
זבדto endow Gn 30:20 αλ → זבדto
endowment Gn 30:20 αλ σ נתן
זבדto endowment Gn 30:20 αλ ← זבד
< זבדname>
< זבדיname>
< זבדיאלname>
< זבדיהname>
< זבדיהוname>
זבהβ זוב,זב
זבובfly (insect) Is 7:18, Ko 10:1 (בעל
זבובLord of the Flies, i.e. the devil 2K
1:2–3, 6, 16) σ עוף
< זבודname>
< זבודהname>
זבולβ זבל
< זבולוןname>
< זבלוןname>
זגskin (of fruit) Nu 6:4 αλ
זדprovocateur, one who stirs up (emotion,
action) Is 13:11, Ml 3:10, 15 Ps 119:21,
69, 122 ← זוד
זדוß זוד
זדוןstirring up, provocation Dt 17:12, Ob
3, Pr 13:10 one who stirs up, provocation
?? Jr 50:31–2 ← זוד
זהthis, masculine singular, זאתthis,
feminine singular, זוthese, those Ps 10:2,
used for a collective noun such as a
people Ex 15:13, 16, Is 43:21, Ps 12:8
(7), also used for the indeterminate
people as English “they” Ps 31:5 (4),
32:8 σ הלזthis, found only seven times
Jd 6:20, 1S 14:1, 17:26, 2K 4:25, 23:17,
Zc 2:8, Dn 8:16, apparently denotes a
particular or special “this one” compared
to the more general זה
זהבgold σ חרוץrefining Is 10:22
refined gold with impurities taken out Zc
9:3, Pr 8:10, 19, 16:16, כתםgold thread,
listed as valuable Is 13:12, Jb 31:24, used
in clothing Ps 45:10 (9), Dn 10:5, פז
gold made into decorative shapes ?? Is
13:12, Pr 8:19, Jb 28:17
זהםto be disgusted with ?? Jb 33:20 αλ σ
< זהםname>
זהרto enlighten, shine Dn 12:3
teach Ex
18:20, Ko 4:13, 2C 19:10, warn Ez 3:17–
21, 33:3–9 → זהרbrightness σ הלהto
become bright Is 13:9, Jb 29:3, 31:31, נגה
to shine Is 4:5, 9:1, Hb 3:4, Jb 22:28, נהר
to stream (water, people, light beams)
to stream light, צחחto be whitish bright,
clear Lm 4:7 σ למד
זהרbrightness ← זהר
זוthese, those Ps 10:2, used for a collective
noun such as a people Ex 15:13, 16, Is
43:21, Ps 12:8 (7), also used for the
indeterminate people as English “they”
Ps 31:5 (4), 32:8 β זה
זוHebrew name of second month 1K 6:1,
זובto flow → זבה, זבflux, a sore seeping
fluid, זובflowing σ נבעto flow out, as a
spring, צוףto flow upon or over Dt 11:4,
2K 6:6, Lm 3:54, רירto ooze, salivate
זובflowing ← זוב
זודto stir (up) (a provocation) → זד
provocateur, one who stirs up (emotion,
action) Is 13:11, Ml 3:10, 15 Ps 119:21,
69, 122, זדוןstirring up, provocation Dt
17:12, Ob 3, Pr 13:10 one who stirs up,
provocation ?? Jr 50:31–2, זידוןstirred
up Ps 124:5 αλ, נזידfood stirred
together, soup or stew Gn 25:29, 34, 2K
4:38–40, Hg 2:12
< זוזיםname>
< זוחתname>
זוית, זויותcornerstone ?? Zc 9:15, Ps
זולto lavish Is 46:6 αλ → זוללglutton Dt
21:20, Pr 23:21, 28:7, זוללהgluttony Lm
1:11, מזוללone who gives lavishly Jr
15:19 αλ
זוללglutton Dt 21:20, Pr 23:21, 28:7 ← זול
זוללהgluttony Lm 1:11 ← זול
זולתexcept, besides Dt 1:36, Is 45:5, 1C
17:20 σ בלעדי
זונהprostitute ← זנהσ קדשׁה,קדשׁ
(temple) prostitute Gn 38:21–2, Dt
28:13, Hs 4:14 (was the male prostitute
a homosexual, gigolo or both? Dt 23:18,
1K 14:24, 15:12, 22:47, 2K 23:7)
זועto withdraw (in fear or disgust) →
זועהa cause to withdraw (in fear or
disgust) Is 28:19, Jr 24:9, 29:18, 2C 29:8,
זעוהmade to withdraw, flee Dt 28:25, Ez
23:46, מזעזעone who causes others to
withdraw in fear or disgust Hb 2:7 αλ σ
זועהa cause to withdraw (in fear or
disgust) Is 28:19, Jr 24:9, 29:18, 2C 29:8
← זועσ עמל
זוקףone who straightens up Ps 145:14 αλ
← זקף
זורto press out, expel
to estrange → זר
stranger, alien, זרborder, used only in
Exodus to refer to a golden border on
furniture, called such because it sticks
out ??, זרthat which is expelled
(urine ?) Jb 24:8, מזורboil (need to
press out puss in order to heal) ?? Jr
30:13, Hs 5:13, pressing out,
estrangement ?? Ob 7 σ שׂנא, נתשׁ,מיץ
זורהa type of clothing (woven from spider
webs) ?? Is 59:5 αλ
< זזאname>
זחחto unknot, untie Ex 28:28, 39:21 →
מזחa type of clothing, loose fitting sign
of luxury, toga ?? Is 23:10, Ps 109:19,
מזיחone who causes (restraints, ponds)
to loosen ?? Jb 12:21 αλ
זחלto grovel (in) i.e. to lie or move on
the ground face downwards, act in an
obsequious manner Dt 32:24, Mi 7:17, Jb
זידβ זוד
זידוןstirred up Ps 124:5 αλ ← זוד
זיזthrong, multitude ?? Is 66:11, Ps 50:11,
80:14 (13)
< זיזאname>
< זיזהname>
< זינאname>
ֿ< זיעname>
< זיףname>
D< זיפname>
< זיפיםname>
זיקותembers ?? Is 50:11
E זיolive (tree)
< זיתןname>
זךpure, both in physical and moral
pureness Ex 27:20, Pr 20:11, Jb 33:9 ←
זכך, זכהto be clear
to be (morally)
pure → זךpure, both in physical and
moral pureness Ex 27:20, Pr 20:11, Jb
33:9, זכוכיתglass, in ancient times a
valuable and expensive commodity Jb
28:17 αλ σ נקה
זכוכיתglass, in ancient times a valuable
and expensive commodity Jb 28:17 αλ ←
זכורman, specifically referring to male
humans Ex 23:17, 34:23, Dt 16:16, 20:13
זכורremembrance Ps 103:14 αλ ← זכר
< זכורname>
< זכיname>
זכרto remember, this is an active
remembering, bringing a memory to
mind → אזכרהportion of an offering
(made of grain, cooked or raw) to be
זלותvileness ?? Ps 12:9 αλ ← זלה
זלזלvine branch ?? Is 18:5 αλ σ דלית
זללβ נזל,זולל
זלעפהhot, dry wind from the desert, used
also figuratively (samoon, foehn, santa
ana wind) Ps 11:6, 119:53, Lm 5:10
< זלפהname>
זמהshameful action, that causes shame σ
< זמהname>
זמורהfruit producing branch ?? Nu 13:23,
Ez 8:17, 15:2 ← זמר
< זמזמיםname>
זמירpruning ← זמר
זמירtime of pruning (spring) Is 25:5, So
2:12 ← זמר
< זמירהname>
זמםto plan
to consider, think about →
זמםplan Ps 140:9 (8) αλ, מזמות,מזמה
plan(ning) σ ידע
זמםplan Ps 140:9 (8) αλ ← זמם
זמןappointed time Ko 3:1, Es 9:27, 31, Ezr
10:14, Nh 2:6, 10:36, 13:31 σ עת
זמרto prune, in vines and trees to increase
production → זמורהfruit producing
branch ?? Nu 13:23, Ez 8:17, 15:2, זמיר
time of pruning (spring) Is 25:5, So 2:12,
זמרתproduce ?? (⇐ idea that pruned
trees and vines produce more, so God is
the one who prunes us to make us more
productive ??), מזמרת, מזמרהpruner
(tool) Is 2:4, 18:5, Jl 4:10 (3:10), Mc 4:3
or one used to trim (prune) the wick of
a lamp so that it burns brighter 1K 7:50,
2K 25:14, Jr 52:18, 2C 4:22
זמרto sing with instrumental
accompaniment Ps 27:6, 71:22–3, 146:2
burned on the altar as a remembrance Lv
2:2, 9, 16, 24:7, Nu 5:26, זכור
remembrance Ps 103:14 αλ, זכרmemory,
remembrance, what someone is
remembered for, זכרוןa teaching or an
action that brings up a memory,
sometimes can be connected to an object
(e.g. for worship Ex 39:7, Lv 23:24, Is
57:8) Ex 12:14, Js 4:7, Ko 1:11, 2:16,
זכרןa memorial, an object set up to
remind Ex 18:12, 29, Jb 13:12, זכרנות
ספר זכרנותrecords,
archives Es 6:1 αλ, מזכירrecorder, a
person who makes and keeps the official
records for the kingdom 2S 8:16, 20:24,
Is 36:3, 22, 2C 34:8
זכרmale of a species, usually used in
reference to men, but also for animals
Gn 7:3, 9, 16, Jr 30:6, Ml 1:14 used in
contrast to נקבהfemale of a species
זכרmemory, remembrance, what someone
is remembered for ← זכר
זכרוןa teaching or an action that brings
up a memory, sometimes can be
connected to an object (e.g. for worship
Ex 39:7, Lv 23:24, Is 57:8) Ex 12:14, Js
4:7, Ko 1:11, 2:16 ← זכר
< זכרname>
< זכריname>
< זכריהname>
< זכריהוname>
זכרןa memorial, an object set up to
remind Ex 18:12, 29, Jb 13:12 ← זכר
ספר זכרנות
records, archives Es 6:1 αλ ← זכר
זלהto be vile ?? Jr 2:36 → זלות
vileness ?? Ps 12:9 αλ
→ זמרהsong with instrumental
accompaniment Is 51:3, Ps 81:3 (2),
98:5, 147:1, זמרתinstrumental music Is
24:16, Am 5:23, מזמורpsalm, played
with instrumental accompaniment σ שׁיר
זמרmountain goat ?? Dt 14:5 αλ σ עז
זמרהsong with instrumental
accompaniment Is 51:3, Ps 81:3 (2),
98:5, 147:1 ← זמרσ שׁירה
< זמריname>
< זמרןname>
זמרתβ זמרת,זמרה
זמרתproduce ?? (⇐ idea that pruned
trees and vines produce more, so God is
the one who prunes us to make us more
productive ??) ← זמר
זמרתinstrumental music Is 24:16, Am 5:23
← זמר
זןa type of spice ?? Ps 144:13, 2C 16:14 σ
זנבto attack the tail of a column of troops,
people → זנבtail Ex 4:4, Jd 15:4, Jb
זנבtail Ex 4:4, Jd 15:4, Jb 40:17 ← זנבσ
אליהtail, in sheep often where fat is
stored Ex 29:22, Lv 3:9, 7:3, 8:25, 9:19
זנהto prostitute → זונהprostitute, זנוניacts
of prostitution 2K 9:22, Ez 23:11, 29, Hs
2:4, Nh 3:4, זנוניםstatus of being a
prostitute Gn 38:35, Hs 1:2, 2:6, 4:12,
5:4, זנותpractice of prostitution ?? Nu
14:33, Jr 3:2, 9, Ez 43:7, 9, Ho 6:10,
תזנותpattern of prostituting Ez 16, 23
< זנוחname>
זנוניacts of prostitution 2K 9:22, Ez 23:11,
29, Hs 2:4, Nh 3:4 ← זנה
זנוניםstatus of being a prostitute Gn 38:35,
Hs 1:2, 2:6, 4:12, 5:4 ← זנה
זנותpractice of prostitution ?? Nu 14:33, Jr
3:2, 9, Ez 43:7, 9, Ho 6:10 ← זנה
זנחto turn or push away from, an action
connected with rejecting or spurning
someone or something Hs 8:3,5, Ps 44:10,
24, Lm 3:17, 31 σ שׂנא
< זנחname>
זנקto leap out, forth Dt 33:22 αλ
זעוהmade to withdraw, flee Dt 28:25, Ez
23:46 ← זוע
זעוםsomeone or something that should be
destroyed ?? Mc 6:10, Pr 22:14 ← זעם
< זעוןname>
זעזעβ זוע
minutiae (time, objects) →
מזערfrom minutiae
זעךto set up, prepare ?? Jb 17:1 αλ σ שׂים
זעםto execrate, call down destruction on
Nu 23:7–8, Ml 1:4, Pr 24:24 → זעום
someone or something that should be
destroyed ?? Mc 6:10, Pr 22:14, זעם
execration Is 26:20, Jr 10:10, Ez 22:31 σ
זעםexecration Is 26:20, Jr 10:10, Ez 22:31
← זעם
זעףto be (emotionally) agitated often
including anger Pr 19:3, 2C 26:19 → זעף
agitated, agitation often including anger
1K 21:4, Jn 1:15, Mc 7:9
זעףagitated, agitation often including
anger 1K 21:4, Jn 1:15, Mc 7:9 ← זעף
זעקto cry out as in shouting, giving orders,
calling for help, used interchangeably
with → זעקהoutcry σ דבר
זעתsweat Gn 3:19 αλ ← יזע
< זפרןname>
< זפרנהname>
זפתpitch Ex 2:3, Is 34:9 σ חמר
זקיםchains that yoke people together into
a chain gang Is 45:14, Nh 3:10, Ps 149:8,
Jb 36:8, Pr 26:18 σ אזקיםshackles,
handcuffs Jr 40:1, 4, כבלfetter Ps
105:18, 149:8
זקןto become old (having a long beard)
→ זקןbeard, old, old age, elder, זקנה
agedness, old age 1K 11:4, 15:23, Is 46:4,
Ps 71:9, 18. זקניםstatus of being old, old
age Gn 37:3, 44:20 σ שׂיבto have one’s
hair become white from age
become old 1K 14:4 αλ
זקןbeard, old, old age, elder ← זקן
זקנהagedness, old age 1K 11:4, 15:23, Is
46:4, Ps 71:9, 18 ← זקן
זקניםstatus of being old, old age Gn 37:3,
44:20 ← זקן
זקףto straighten up Ps 146:8 αλ → זוקף
one who straightens up Ps 145:14 αλ σ
זקקto pour out as in casting ?? Ml 3:3 αλ
→ מזקקsomething poured out, used of
fatness for a feast Is 25:6, of cast gold or
silver Ps 12:7 (6), 1C 28:18, 29:4 σ שׁפך
זרβ זר,זור
זרstranger, alien ← זורσ נכריstranger ⇐
one who is stared at
זרborder, used only in Exodus to refer to a
golden border on furniture, called such
because it sticks out ?? ← זור
זרthat which is expelled (urine ?) Jb 24:8
← זור
זראvomit Nu 11:20 αλ σ קיא
זרבto dry up, used of desert streams
during the dry season Jb 6:17 αλ σ יבשׁ
< זרבבלname>
< זרדname>
זרהto spread out (net, people or seed) →
מזרהone who spreads out Jr 31:9, Pr
1:17, 21:8, 26
winnowing shovel,
lightly made of wood used to spread
grain out onto a threshing floor in order
for threshing Is 30:24, Jr 15:7 σ פוץ
זרוβ זרה,זור
זרע, זרועarm σ אזרועlower arm ?? Jr
32:21, Jb 31:22
זרועseeded, planted Lv 11:37, Is 61:11
those who were planted Is 51:9 ← זרע
( זרזיףsoaking in) rain, hiphil
quadrilateral verb to soak in ?? Ps 72:6
αλ σ גשׁם
זרזירan unknown type of animal ?? Pr
30:31 αλ LXX αλεκτωρ σ חיה
זרחto rise (sun) referring not only to the
physical rising of the sun, but includes
that as it rises, it brings light to what
was dark → זרחrising Is 60:3 αλ, מזרח
east, sunrise, תזרחrising, refers not just
to the rising of the sun, but also to its
shining after rising Ps 104:22 αλ
זרחrising Is 60:3 αλ ← זרח
< זרחname>
< זרחיname>
< זרחיהname>
זרםβ זרם,זור
זרםto downpour violently as a microburst
blows down and washes away Is 30:22,
32:2, Ps 77:18 (17) → זרםviolent,
destructive downpour, cloudburst,
microburst, this is a storm that can cause
< זרשׁname>
זרתa linear measurement smaller than a
cubit σ מדה
< זתואname>
< זתםname>
< זתרname>
חeighth letter, has no meaning in Hebrew
on its own, where letters are used as
numbers, it refers to the number eight.
חבpersonal hiding place Jb 31:33 αλ ←
חבאto conceal → מחבאplace of
concealment 1S 23:23, Is 32:2 σ סתר
חבבto enfold (into as in handing over) Dt
33:3 αλ
< חבבname>
חבהto hide (a person) → חבpersonal
hiding place Jb 31:33 αλ, חביוןhiding
place Hb 3:4 αλ σ סתר
< חבהname>
חבורgang, band ?? Hs 4:17 αλ ← חבר
< חבורtoponym>
חבורהcontusion as in a wound caused by
a scrape, most particularly that of a whip
hence striped appearance Is 53:5, Pr
20:30 ← חבר
חבטto beat out, using a stick to knock
olives out of a tree Dt 24:20, as in
threshing Jd 6:11, Is 27:12 Rt 2:17
(indicating that harvests will be small, to
beat out with a stick instead of large
scale tools Is 28:27)
חביβ חבה
< חביהname>
חביוןhiding place Hb 3:4 αλ ← חבה
חבלto tie in knots
to be bound up, to
be bound (to) (either physically with
a lot of damage Is 4:6, 25:4, 28:2, 30:30,
Hb 3:10, Jb 24:8, זרמתpenis Ez 23:20,
זרמתpouring out ?? Ps 90:5
זרםviolent, destructive downpour,
cloudburst, microburst, this is a storm
that can cause a lot of damage Is 4:6,
25:4, 28:2, 30:30, Hb 3:10, Jb 24:8 ←
זרםσ שׂעירםsmall desert storm, though
violent, not large enough to cause much
damage (from a distance, they often look
like hats with hair trailing down from
them, sometimes not reaching the ground
though the lightning does) Dt 32:2 αλ
זרמתpenis Ez 23:20 ← זרם
זרמתpouring out ?? Ps 90:5 ← זרם
זרעβ זרע,זרוע
זרעto seed → זרועseeded, planted Lv
11:37, Is 61:11
those who were
planted Is 51:9, זרעseed
descendant, usually counted as direct
descendants, though Gn 38:8–9 shows
that’s not always the case, rather who
are counted as descendants, מזרעcrop,
seeded field Is 19:7 αλ σ נטעto plant,
שׁתלto plant (tree) Ez 17:22–3 σ בן
offspring, descendant, usually
counted as direct descendants, though Gn
38:8–9 shows that’s not always the case,
rather who are counted as descendants
← זרע
זרעותstrength, forces ?? Ez 30:24–5, Jb
22:9, Dn 11:15, 22
זרענים, זרעיםseeds, nuts, seedy
vegetables ??
זרקto broadcast
to sprinkle → מזרק
sprinkler σ נזהto sprinkle
זררto sneeze
ropes, or mentally through moral suasion
or contractual obligation), to knot, to
bind up (pack) into a bundle (to carry
away), to bind (take as) collateral, to
make twisted as a knot, to contract (knot
up) muscles, to bind up in the sense of
restrictions → חבלrope (for tying),
band or group (bound together for an
action) 1S 10:5, 10
crew (of a ship, so
called for their knowledge of knots and
ropes as well as a group of people united
in a task) Ez 27:8, 27–9
רב חבלhead
of the crew, i.e. captain of the ship Jn
1:6, ראשׁ חבלfirst of a ship’s crew ??
did the ancient crews sleep in the bow of
the ship, hence the first of the crew
would have been the lowest class
sleeping in the absolute bow?? Pr 23:34,
muscle contraction or spasm (knotting
up of the muscles, one of the actions
connected with giving birth), collateral
(tying property to a loan) Ez 18:12, 16,
33:15, what a snare is made of
a snare
Jb 18:10, חבלland area, tied to a
locality or city, חבלתpledge, in the
sense of being obligated (tied to)
fulfilling the pledge Ez 18:7 αλ, תחבלות
binding (guiding) principles Pr 1:5,
11:14, 12:5, 20:18, 24:6 σ אסרto tie on
(clothing) Jb 12:18, to bind up (as a
prisoner) Jd 15:12–3, 16:5–8, 10–3, 2S
3:34, Ez 3:25, to bind up (with fetters)
Jd 16:21, 2K 25:7, 2C 33:11, 36:6, Ps
149:8, Jr 39:7, 52:11
to imprison Gn
42:16, 19, 24, 2K 17:4, 23:33, to tie to
(crops to a tribe) Gn 49:11, to hitch up
(tie horses to a wagon or chariot)
(horses understood, not mentioned) Gn
46:29, Ex 14:6, 1K 18:44, 2K 9:21,
(horses mentioned) Jr 46:4, (cows to a
wagon) 1S 6:7, 10,
to initiate (battle)
(the first step is to hitch horses to
chariots) 1K 20:14, 2C 13:3, to make an
obligation (to tie oneself down to an
action) Nu 30:2–14, (princes to Israel)
Ps 105:22, (a festival) Ps 118:27, חברto
join (together) Ex 26:6, 9, 11
חברto join a secret society, gang (often
as a form of idolatry), חבשׁto bind on
(saddle, bandages)
to saddle (a
donkey, horse), נעלto latch, lock Jd 3:23
to latch on footwear Ez 16:10, 2C
28:15, עבטto put restrictions on
someone or something Jl 2:7, such as
tying an object to a loan by making it
collateral Dt 24:10
to give collateral
Dt 15:6
to give a loan Dt 15:8, ענדto
clasp on an all metal necklace Pr 6:21, Jb
31:36, עקדto tie up, wrapping the rope
around and around Gn 22:9 αλ, פתלto
entangle, צררto straiten, a term
meaning to tie up tightly, to close in as
an enemy, to close in on others in battle
and as troubles overwhelm someone
(from which we get “straitjacket”), קשׁר
to bind, often used in an indirect sense
meaning to join oneself with another in
conspiracy, obligation or for what ever
other reason, רכסto knot on Ex 28:28,
חבלrope (for tying), band or group
(bound together for an action) 1S 10:5,
crew (of a ship, so called for their
knowledge of knots and ropes as well as
a group of people united in a task) Ez
27:8, 27–9
רב חבלhead of the crew,
i.e. captain of the ship Jn 1:6, ראשׁ חבל
first of a ship’s crew ?? did the ancient
crews sleep in the bow of the ship, hence
the first of the crew would have been the
lowest class sleeping in the absolute
bow?? Pr 23:34, muscle contraction or
spasm (knotting up of the muscles, one
of the actions connected with giving
birth), collateral (tying property to a
loan) Ez 18:12, 16, 33:15, what a snare
is made of
a snare Jb 18:10 ← חבלσ
חוטthread, also measuring cord, יתר
sinew, often used as a strong thread or
cord (if fresh, will shrink as it dries out)
Jd 16:7–9
bowstring (made of sinew)
Ps 11:2, מיתרtent cord Nu 3:37, 4.32, Is
54:2, Jr 10:20, עבתrope made by
braiding, פתילstring, ( קוmeasuring)
line, קורthread (of spider web), תקות
cord σ פאה
חבלland area, tied to a locality or city ←
חבלσ פאה
חבלתpledge, in the sense of being
obligated (tied to) fulfilling the pledge
Ez 18:7 αλ ← חבל
חבצלתasphodel, a flower of the lily
family with fleshy roots and leafless
flower stems Is 35:1, So 2:1
< חבצניהname>
חבקto embrace Gn 29:13, 33:4, 2K 4:16,
So 2:6, 8:3
to fold hands ⇐ hands
embracing Pr 6:10, 24:33, Ko 4:5
< חבקוקname>
חברto join (together) Ex 26:6, 9, 11
חבר חברto join a secret society, gang
(often as a form of idolatry) Dt 18:11, Ps
58:6 → חבורgang, band ?? Hs 4:17 αλ,
חבורהcontusion as in a wound caused
by a scrape, most particularly that of a
whip hence striped appearance Is 53:5,
Pr 20:30, חברassociate Is 1:23, Ml 2:14,
Ko 4:10, association Hs 6:9, Pr 21:9,
25:24, חברהassociation, group working
together Jb 34:8, חברתjoining,
attachment Ex 26:3–4, 10, 39:4
which is associated or connected with Ez
1:9, 11, חברת, חברברתstripes (⇐ ropes
that bind together have the appearance
of stripes) Jr 13:23, מחברת,מחברות
joiner joining separate parts into one Ex
26:4–5, 2C 22:3, 34:11 σ חבל
חברassociate Is 1:23, Ml 2:14, Ko 4:10,
association Hs 6:9, Pr 21:9, 25:24 ← חבר
< חברname>
חברת, חברברתstripes (⇐ ropes that bind
together have the appearance of stripes)
Jr 13:23 ← חבר
חברהassociation, group working together
Jb 34:8 ← חבר
< חברוןname>
< חברונהname>
< חברוניname>
< חברנהname>
< חברניname>
< חבריname>
חברתjoining, attachment Ex 26:3–4, 10,
that which is associated or
connected with Ez 1:9, 11 ← חבר
חבשׁto bind on (saddle, bandages)
saddle (a donkey, horse) σ חבל
חבתיםfried food ?? αλ 1C 9:31 LXX (τα
εργα) της θυσιας του τηγανου του
µεγαλου ιερεως σ מחבת
חגβ חוג,חג
חגcelebration ← חגג
חגאapprehension, shame ?? Is 19:17 αλ σ
חגבtype of grasshopper, locust σ ארבה
< חגבname>
< חגבהname>
חגגto celebrate → חגcelebration
חגוgap, hole in a cliff Jr 49:16, Ob 3, So
חגרה, חגורהsomething girded on, clothing
or weapons 2S 18:11, 2K 3:21, Is 3:24 ←
חגרσ בגד
< חגיname>
< חגיהname>
< חגיתname>
< חגלהname>
חגרto gird on → חגרה, חגורהsomething
girded on, clothing or weapons 2S 18:11,
2K 3:21, Is 3:24, מחגרתgirding on Is
3:24 αλ σ שׁנסto gird up, i.e. to get his
robe up out of the way of his legs so he
could run 1K 18:46 αλ
חדβ חד,אחד
חדה, חדsharp ← חדד
חדדto grind, file
to sharpen → ,חד
חדהsharp, חדודsharp bit of broken
(pottery) Jb 41:22 αλ σ גרסto grind
down Ps 119:20, Lm 3:16, גררto grind
by crushing, דקקto grind until fine, thin,
to pulverize, לטשׁused of putting a
cutting edge on a tool, e.g. putting a
metal edge on a plow Gn 4:22, 1S 13:20,
Jb 16:9
to sharpen Ps 7:13 (12), 52:4
(2), שׁנןto be sharp, piercing,
< חדדname>
חדהto be encouraged → חדוה
encouragement σ שׂמח
חדודsharp bit of broken (pottery) Jb
41:22 αλ ← חדד
חדוהencouragement ← חדה
חדותβ חדוה
< חדידname>
חדלto abandon as in forsaking (person or
effort), quitting (“forget about it”)
abandon the effort, also used as a prior
restraint, i.e. “give up that idea” → חדל
place of abandonment, forsaken place Is
38:11, abandoned Is 53;3, חדלהaction
of abandonment Ex 23:5 σ שׁבת
חדלplace of abandonment, forsaken place
Is 38:11, abandoned Is 53;3 ← חדל
חדלהaction of abandonment Ex 23:5 ←
< דחליname>
חדקnightshade, a type of poisonous plant
Mc 7:4, Pr 15:19
< חדקלname>
חדרto box in Ez 21:19 (14) αλ → חדר
room, inner chamber
חדרroom, inner chamber ← חדרσ דביר
small room, usually in Bible a special
place in the tabernacle and temple where
God expressed himself with people 1K 6,
Ps 28:2, 2C 5:7, 9, referred to the hollow
capital upon a pillar 2C 3:16, לשׁכה
chamber, a small room λεσχη, מעצד
workroom (where tools and work are
laid out) ?? Is 44:12, Jr 10:3, תאhall,
large room as in a castle or temple 1K
14:28, Ez 40:7, 2C 12:11
< חדרךname>
חדשׁto be(come) new → חדשׁnew
new moon
month ← חדשׁ
< חדשׁname>
< חדשׁהname>
< חדשׁיname>
חובto owe, be in debt Dn 1:10 αλ → חוב
debt Ez 18:7 αλ
חובdebt Ez 18:7 αλ ← חוב
< חובהname>
חוגto go about in circles → חוגcircular,
circle Is 40:22, Pr 8:27, Jb 22:14, מחוגה
lathe ?? Is 44:13 αλ
חוגcircular, circle Is 40:22, Pr 8:27, Jb
22:14 ← חוג
חודto ask a didactic question → חידה
didactic question, a riddle that has an
implied message or statement that one
has to think about in order to get the
message, e.g. Judges 14, Samson killed
the lion with his bare hands, therefore
his message was, “Don’t mess with me!”
The Philistines got it, imperfectly, as
their subsequent actions showed. 1 Kings
10:1 the Queen of Sheba tested Solomon
with didactic questions, apparently to
hammer out trade issues. חידתdidactic
questioning Nu 12:8, Pr 1:6
חוהto declare → אחיה, אחוהdeclaration σ
< חוהname>
< חוזיname>
חוחthorny plant with long, sharp thorns
2K 14:9, Is 34:14, Jb 31:40
spine, a
long, sharp thorn Pr 26:9, Jb 40:24, So
2:2 σ שׁמיר
חוטthread, also measuring cord σ חבל
< חויname>
< חוילהname>
חולβ חלל, חלה,חול
חולto turn about vigorously
to dance
→ מחולround dance, מחלהround dance
חולsand ← חללσ עפר
< חולname>
חולהweak person or animal
sick person
or animal Jr 4:31, Ez 34:4, 16, Ml 1:13,
Nh 2:2, causing weakness So 2:5, 5:8,
Ko 5:12, 15 ← חלה
חולשׁone who brings defeat (upon others)
Is 14:12 αλ ← חלשׁ
חוםsome quality in sheep ?? Gn 30:32–3,
35, 40 (BDB dark colored)
חומהprotective barrier Ex 14:22, 29
(most commonly) fortified wall (of a
city) Dt 3:5, 2S 20:15, Ne 1:3, 2C 36:19
σ קיר
חוןβ חנהNh 3:17
חוסto regard with concern for (upon) σ
חוףshore (restraint of the sea) Gn 49:14,
Dt 1:7, Js 9:1, Jd 5:17, Jr 17:7, Ez 25L16
← חפף
< חופםname>
< חופמיname>
חוץto be outside → חוץoutside, חוצות
outdoors, outside, beyond city walls, 1K
20:34 refers to some sort of construction,
outposts?, חיץstructure built outside of
city wall, such as built only during
peacetime Ez 13:10 αλ, חיצוןexterior
חוץoutside ← חוץ
חוצותoutdoors, outside, beyond city walls,
1K 20:34 refers to some sort of
construction, outposts? ← חוץ
חוקestablishing, setting up
decreeing Ez
20:18, Pr 8:29 ← חקק
חוקקleader, one who gives decrees Jd 5:9
αλ ← חקקσ מלך
< חוקקname>
< חוקקהname>
חורto grow pale as from fear Is 24:6,
29:22 → חורlinen, חוריlinen thread ??
Is 19:9 αλ, חוריםhoary (white hair from
age) Ko 10:19
חורlinen ← חורσ שׁשׁ
< חורname>
< חורבname>
חוריlinen thread ?? Is 19:9 αλ ← חור
< חוריname>
חוריםhoary (white hair from age) Ko
10:19 ← חור
< חורםname>
חרנים, חורניםtoponym in Moab
חושׁto be quick, move quickly
to move
quickly as a result of fear Is 28:16 → חושׁ
quickness, rashness ?? Jb 20:2 αλ, חישׁ
quickness Ps 90:10 αλ σ סעהto rush (of
wind) Ps 55:9 (8) αλ (is this a scribal
error for )?נסעσ מהר
חושׁquickness, rashness ?? Jb 20:2 αλ ←
< חושׁהname>
< חושׁ ֿיname>
חושׂךholding back, restraining Pr 11:24,
13:24, 17:27 ← חשׂך
< חושׁםname>
חותfarmstead, settlement ?? Nu 32:41, Jb
38:14, 41:7(15)
חותםsealed, both physical Ex 28:21, 39:6,
30, Hg 2:23, Jb 38:14 and metaphorical
Jr 22:24, Ez 28:12, So 8:6 ← חתם
< חותםname>
< חזאלname>
חזהto vision, view → חזהseer, one who
visions, חזהagreement (⇐ idea of seeing
eye to eye, agreeing) Is 28:15, 18, חזון
vision whose contents are remembered
and can be recounted, can be a vision
given by God and/or what a person
envisions for a plan for action Pr 29:18,
חזותvisioning Is 21:2, 29:11, Ez 21:34
appearance Dn 8:5, 8, חזיון
visioning, the act of having a vision 2S
7:17, Jb 20:8, 33:15, מחזהplace from
where one can view 1K 7:4–5, appointed
vision Gn 15:1, Nu 24:4, 16, Ez 13:7,
מחזוןtime of visioning ?? Mc 3:6 αλ,
( מחזינותnight) visions Jb 4:13, 7:14 σ
חזהbreast (of an animal)
חזהseer, one who visions ← חזה
חזהagreement (⇐ idea of seeing eye to
eye, agreeing) Is 28:15, 18 ← חזה
< חזוname>
חזוןvision whose contents are remembered
and can be recounted, can be a vision
given by God and/or what a person
envisions for a plan for action Pr 29:18
← חזה
חזותβ חזות,חזה
חזותvisioning Is 21:2, 29:11, Ez 21:34
appearance Dn 8:5, 8 ← חזה
< חזיאלname>
< חזיהname>
חזיוןvisioning, the act of having a vision
2S 7:17, Jb 20:8, 33:15 ← חזה
< חזיוןname>
חזיזthunderstorm Zc 10:1, Jb 28:26, 38:25
σ סופה
חזירpig Lv 11:7, Dt 14:8, Pr 11:22,
includes wild boar Ps 80:14
< חזירname>
חזקto be firm → חזקfirm, חזקהfirmness,
strength σ אמץ
חזקfirm ← חזק
חזקהfirmness, strength ← חזק
< חזקיname>
< חזקיהname>
< חזקיהוname>
חחclasp that has a part that goes behind
or through cloth, bone, etc. to hold
fetters Ez 19:4, 9
something to hang onto a jaw 2K 19:28,
Is 17:29, Ez 38:4
brooch Ex 35:22
חטאto err, aim for a mark but not achieve
or hit the mark Jd 20:16, Pr 19:2, 20:2,
this is a deliberate action that doesn’t
achieve its desired results, hence also to
fail or be a failure, also used of the sense
of being wrong or to be accounted as
being in the wrong, used most often in
the moral sense
to make amends for
missing the mark, used even of dwellings
as in declaring a place purified from
error → חטאerror
sin, חטאone who
commits error, misses the aimed for goal
Pr 8:36
sinner, חטאהstate of being in
sinfulness, חטאתmissing the
mark such that one needs to make
amends for the error, this is a
generalized reference to sin, not
necessarily a specific sin (masc. noun)
sin, sin offering, sacrifice for error,
lack, not having what was aimed for
(This form חטאתcan be either this
masculine noun, the feminine noun
חטאהin construct form or with a suffix
added to it, a feminine participle of חטא
or a Qatal verb, therefore the context
needs to be examined for each
occurrence to establish which reading is
correct), σ אשׁםto become guilty, can be
from a deliberate action and/or
inadvertently through an error or
ignorance, חנףto be (morally) defiled,
polluted Nu 35:33, Jr 3:2, 9, 23:11, Mc
4:11, Dn 11:32, רמהto dupe, con, lead
people to do something that they
normally would not do Gn 29:25, Ex
15:1, 21, Jo 9:22, רשׁעto be guilty from
doing unjust actions
to be wicked, ,שׁגג
שׁגהto do an unintentional action, an
accident 1S 26:21, Pr 5:20, 23, Jb 6:24, in
a positive sense, be playful, spontaneous
Pr 5:19
sin ← חטא
חטאone who commits error, misses the
aimed for goal Pr 8:36
sinner ← חטא
חטאהstate of being in error
(once, probably a typo, sin offering Ps
40:7) ← חטא
חטאתmissing the mark such that one
needs to make amends for the error, this
is a generalized reference to sin, not
necessarily a specific sin (masc. noun)
sin, sin offering, sacrifice for error,
lack, not having what was aimed for
(This form חטאתcan be either this
חטיןβ חטה
< חטיפאname>
חטםto restrain oneself ?? Is 48:9 αλ σ
חטףto kidnap Jd 21:21, Ps 10:9 σ גנב
חטרto sprout up a woody sprout from a
tree stump or root which can grow into a
full sized tree Pr 14:3 → חטרwoody
sprout from trees Is 11:1, Pr 14:3 σ דשׁא
חטרwoody sprout from trees Is 11:1, Pr
14:3 σ דשׁא
חטתβ חטאת
< חיאלname>
חידהdidactic question, a riddle that has
an implied message or statement that
one has to think about in order to get
the message, e.g. Judges 14, Samson
killed the lion with his bare hands,
therefore his message was, “Don’t mess
with me!” The Philistines got it,
imperfectly, as their subsequent actions
showed. 1 Kings 10:1 the Queen of Sheba
tested Solomon with didactic questions,
apparently to hammer out trade issues.
← חוד
חידתdidactic questioning Nu 12:8, Pr 1:6
← חוד
חיהto live, in the sense of being alive,
lively → חיהliving thing
animal, חייםlife, מחיהthat which gives
life, חיתוlife, living things, מחית
uncovered living flesh in a burn, wound,
festering sore σ שׁרץto swarm (used of
living creatures)
חיהliving thing
person, animal ← חיה
σ בעירbeast of burden Gn 45:17, Nu
masculine noun, the feminine noun
חטאהin construct form or with a suffix
added to it, a feminine participle of חטא
or a Qatal verb, therefore the context
needs to be examined for each
occurrence to establish which reading is
correct) ← ( חטאnote: There are three
main words used in the Hebrew Bible to
refer to moral failings, all three of which
have non-moral meanings as well: חטאת
the idea of missing the mark, hence
moral failure, עוןthe idea of twisting
something into what it originally was not
meant to be, a perversion, פשׁעa
rebellion against authority. All three of
these terms are used in a non-moral
sense, but are most often used in the
sense of a moral failing) σ זבח
חטבto chop (down) Dt 19:5, Ez 39:10 →
( חטבwood) chopper Js 9:21, 23, 27, Jr
46:22, 2C 2:9, חטבותchopped up ?? Ps
144:12, Pr 7:16 σ כרת
( חטבwood) chopper Js 9:21, 23, 27, Jr
46:22, 2C 2:9 ← חטב
חטבותchopped up ?? Ps 144:12, Pr 7:16
← חטב
חטהwheat Ex 9:32, Dt 8:8, 32:14, Is 28:25,
Jl 1:11, Ps 81:16, Jb 31:40 σ כמןcumin
Is 28:25, 27, קמחa type of grain 2S
17:28, Is 47:2, possibly prepared a
certain way Nu 5:15 not the same as
dough Gn 18:6, קצחblack cumin Is
28:25, 27
< חטושׁname>
חטטto bear the loss Gn 31:39 αλ
< חטיטהname>
< חטילname>
20:4, 8, 11, Ps 78:48, אנקהgecko ?? Lv
11:30 αλ LXX µυγαλη field mouse, בקר
cattle, גמלcamel, an animal that has no
hooves, rather two toes that are joined
together and tipped with toenails, זרזיר
an unknown type of animal ?? Pr 30:31
αλ LXX αλεκτωρ, חלדmole, a
burrowing animal Lv 11:29 αλ, חמט
reptile ?? Lv 11:30 αλ, כחlizard ?? Lv
11:30 αλ, לטאהgecko ?? Lv 11:30 αλ
LXX καλαβωτης spotted lizard ??, עכבר
rat, mouse Lv 11:29, 1S 6:4–5, 11, 18, Is
66:17, פרעשflea 1S 24:15, 20, צאןsheep,
צבturtle ?? Lv 11:29, covered wagon Nu
7:3, Is 66:20, רמשׂanimal ⇐ something
that moves, שׁרץswarm
an animal
that swarms, תנשׁמתmentioned twice as
a flying creature, once as a creeping
creature, possibly a small pterosaur ?? Lv
11:18, 30 Dt 14:16
חייםlife ← חיה
חילto be powerful, used of forces (an
to be a powerful person → חיל
power, a noun expressed through forces.
military might, ability, moral firmness,
power that derives from strength of
character, wealth as a source of power
Gn 34:29, Nu 31:9, Ps 48:14, 49:11, חילה
forcefulness Is 30:6, Ac 9:4, Ps 48:14
(13), Jb 6:10, חלfortress 1K 21:23, Is
26:1, Lm 2:8, used || to חומהprotective
barrier Ex 14:22, 29
commonly) fortified wall (of a city) Dt
3:5, 2S 20:15, Ne 1:3, 2C 36:19 σ אמץ
חילto writhe (possibly connected with
above, as writhing is often very forceful)
→ חילwrithing, labor pains σ רגז
חילpower, a noun expressed through
forces. military might, ability, moral
firmness, power that derives from
strength of character, wealth as a source
of power Gn 34:29, Nu 31:9, Ps 48:14,
49:11 ← חילσ עיםforce ?? Is 11:15 αλ
חילwrithing, labor pains ← חיל
חילהforcefulness Is 30:6, Ac 9:4, Ps 48:14
(13), Jb 6:10 ← חיל
< חילזname>
< חילםname>
חיןlikewise ?? Jb 41:4 (12) αλ LXX ισον
חיץstructure built outside of city wall,
such as built only during peacetime Ez
13:10 αλ ← חוץ
חיצוןexterior ← חוץ
חיקbosom, the hollow surrounded by arms
as in an embrace
< חיאוםname>
< חירםname>
חישׁquickness Ps 90:10 αλ ← חושׁ
חיתוlife, living things ← חיה
חךpalate (gums?)
used symbolically
for speech σ דבר
חכהto wait for (immediate, as in waiting
for one’s turn in a conversation) σ יחל
< חכילהtoponym>
< חכליהname>
חכללותshining (noun) Pr 23:29 αλ
חכליליshining Gn 49:12 αλ
חכםto be(come) wise → חכמה, חכםwise
((wo)man), חכמהwisdom, חכמות
personalized wisdom ?? Ps 39:4, Pr 1:20,
9:1, 14:1, 24:7 (this is not the same as
the fem. pl. adjective “wise” Jd 5:29
used standing alone for “wise women” Jr
9:16), חכמתcollection of wisdom ?? Is
33:6, Jr 8:9
חכמה, חכםwise ((wo)man) ← חכם
חכמהwisdom ← חכםσ דע
< חכמוניname>
חכמותpersonalized wisdom ?? Ps 39:4, Pr
1:20, 9:1, 14:1, 24:7 (this is not the same
as the fem. pl. adjective “wise” Jd 5:29
used standing alone for “wise women” Jr
9:16) ← חכם
חכמתcollection of wisdom ?? Is 33:6, Jr
8:9 ← חכם
חכתהβ חכה
חלβ חלל, חלה, חל, חיל,חול
חלmaking common, putting into
profane in that
which is common is the opposite of קדוש
set apart
holy 1S 21:5–6 ← חלל
חלfortress 1K 21:23, Is 26:1, Lm 2:8, used
|| to חומהprotective barrier Ex 14:22,
(most commonly) fortified wall
(of a city) Dt 3:5, 2S 20:15, Ne 1:3, 2C
36:19 ← חיל
חלאto waste away, as from disease or
hunger 2C 16:12 αλ → חלאתwasting Ez
24:6, 11–12, תחלואים, תחלאיםwasting
away (from hunger or disease) Dt 29:22,
Jr 14:18, 16:4, Ps 103:3, 2C 21:19 σ חלה
< חלאהname>
חלאיםsmall gems ?? (this is something
positive, not wasting) So 7:2 (1) αλ LXX
< חלאמהname>
חלאתwasting Ez 24:6, 11–12 ← חלא
חלבmilk, fat, but sometimes includes a
wider meaning than in English, often
with the idea more of produce,
production, as in the “fat of the land” Gn
45:18 or even the “produce of new wine”
which is not fat Lv 18:12 “produce of
wheat” Ps 81:17 (16) σ חמאהcheese or
yoghurt that can be either eaten or
drunk Gn 18:8, Jd 5:25, Is 7:15, made
from milk Is 7:22, Pr 30:33, used
figuratively to refer to speech Ps 55:22
(21), דשׁן
< חלבname>
< חלבהname>
חלבוןapparently a spicy resin native to
Syria Ez 27:18
< חלהוןname>
חלבנהgalbanum resin Ex 30:34 αλ
חלדlife span, place of the living ?? Ps
17:14, 39:6 (5), 49:2 (1), 89:48 (47) σ
חלדmole, a burrowing animal Lv 11:29
αλ σ חיה
< חלדname 1C 11:30>
< חלדיname>
חלהβ חלה,חיל
חלהto be(come) soft, also used to soften
the harshness of anger, to soften
hardened ears so that they may listen
also used to soften a person so that he
looks favorably upon the petitioner
be(come) weak, either through infirmity
or injury → חולהweak person or animal
sick person or animal Jr 4:31, Ez 34:4,
16, Ml 1:13, Nh 2:2, causing weakness So
2:5, 5:8, Ko 5:12, 15, חלהsoft bread,
which can also be unleavened soft bread
Ex 29:2, חליsoftness
infirmity, מחלה
softness, weakness, as in sickness, also
soft place to dig into the ground σ אנשׁto
sicken 2S 12:15 αλ, דוהto be afflicted
characterized with flowing body fluids,
חלאto waste away, as from disease or
hunger 2C 16:12 αλ, נושׁto sicken Jr
15:18, 30:12, Mc 1:9, Ps 69:21, ענגto
soften (a person) by not having to do
hard work Is 55:2, 66:11, Ps 37:11
soften oneself, the opposite of being hard
necked (towards God) Is 58:14, Ps 37:4,
Jb 22:26, 27:10, פצעto injure, רכךto be
soft, tender
חלהsoft bread, which can also be
unleavened soft bread Ex 29:2 ← חלהσ
חלוםdream ← חלם
חלוןwindow, basically a hole bored into a
wall, חלוני שׁקפים אטמיםdoes this refer
to glass windows that cannot be
opened ?? 1K 6:4 (in ancient times glass
windows were an expensive luxury) ←
חללσ אשׁנבlatticed window, where one
can look out without easily being seen Jd
5:28, Pr 7:6
< חלוןname>
חלוףpassed away
בני חלוףorphans Pr
31:8 αλ ← חלף
חלוץcompleted action of taking off hence
by extension those affected by the action
military that has been mustered out,
drawn out for battle Nu 32:21, 27, Js 6:7,
9, 2C 28:14, sandal that has been drawn
off Dt 25:10 ← חלץ
חלוקsmooth ← חלק
חלושׁהdefeat Ex 32:18 αλ ← חלשׁ
< חלחname>
< חלחולname>
חלחלto be emotionally upset such that it
causes physical pain Es 4:4 αλ → חלחלה
emotional upset that causes physical pain
Is 21:3, Ez 30:4, 9, Nh 2:11 (10)
חלחלהemotional upset that causes
physical pain Is 21:3, Ez 30:4, 9, Nh 2:11
(10) ← חלחל
חלטto make sure ?? 1K 20:13 αλ
חליβ חלל,חלי
infirmity ← חלהσ דבר
< חליname>
חלל, חלילflute, a bored through tube ←
חללה, חלילהbe it far from ! ← חלל
חלפה, חליפהchange (of clothing) ← חלף
חלצה, חליצהthat which is stripped off
(clothing, weapons) ← חלץ
חלכאיםK usually taken to be a copyist
error for חל כאיםPs 10:10 β חל,כאים
חלכהmisery ?? Ps 10:8, 14
חללto become common
to bring into
production (often understood of
initiating that which previously was not
common or in production),
to profane
(as in common, everyday, not set apart
special) (opposite of קדשׁto set up
something that’s apart Jr 6:4, 22:7,
51:27–8, Jl 1:14, Mc 3:5
to consider or
make holy) → חולsand, חלmaking
common, putting into production
profane in that which is
common is the opposite of קדושset
holy, חללהcommonness, in the
sense of not being considered or treated
as special Ez 7:21, תחוללone who
produces Is 51:2, תחלהbeginning,
Ezr 1:9 αλ, מחלפותtresses (of hair) Jd
16:13, 19 σ עבר
חלףin exchange for Nu 18:21, 31 ← חלף
< חלףname>
חלץto take out, draw away, as in
removing (stones from a wall, oneself
from one’s family to serve in the
military, life from danger) Lv 14:40, 43,
Nu 32:17, 20, Pr 11:8–9 → חלוץ
completed action of taking off hence by
extension those affected by the action
military that has been mustered out,
drawn out for battle Nu 32:21, 27, Js 6:7,
9, 2C 28:14, sandal that has been drawn
off Dt 25:10, חלצה, חליצהthat which is
stripped off (clothing, weapons), מחלצות
clothing for special occasions, “Sunday
best” stripped off for daily work Is 3:22,
Zc 3:4 σ משׁהto pull out, used only of
pulling an object out of water 2S 22:17
חלץloins σ מתנים
< חלץname>
חלקto be smooth, slippery (used both for
objects like stones, also for smooth
people who are false and dangerous
destructive) → חלוקsmooth, חלקה,חלק
smooth, used of a smooth tongue,
character, חלקלקותsmooth, slippery
places Jr 23:12, Ps 35:6
smooth talk
that leads to a fall Dn 11:21, 34
חלקto apportion → חלקportion, חלקה
portion (of land)
field, מחלקות
divisions of people or land (never in
singular), מחלקתpartition or division of
land, dividing out of land (found only in
construct) Js 11:23, 12:7, 18:10, 1C
referring to the initiation of action,
starting of making common
חללto bore, drill (by use of a long, sharp
tool, such as an arrow or sword)
play a flute (made by boring out wood),
ocarina → חלוןwindow, basically a hole
bored into a wall, חלוני שׁקפים אטמים
does this refer to glass windows that
cannot be opened ?? 1K 6:4 (in ancient
times glass windows were an expensive
luxury), חלילflute, ocarina, ,חלילה
חללהbe it far from !, חללbored, drilled
wounded or killed σ בתקto stab Ez
16:40 αλ, דקרto stab
חללbored, drilled
wounded or killed ←
חללהcommonness, in the sense of not
being considered or treated as special Ez
7:21 ← חלל
חלםto dream → חלוםdream
חלםto make healthy ?? Is 38:16, Jb 39:4
< חלםname>
חלמישׁflint, a stone known for its hardness
and imperviousness to water, like glass
Dt 8:15, 32:13, Is 50:7, Ps 114:8, Jb 28:9
< חלןname>
חלףto pass on 1S 10:3, through Jd 5:26,
by Jb 4:15
used of changing clothes
Gn 41:14, 2S 12:20, changing position So
2:11 (went away), changing wages Gn
31:7, changing condition Ps 90:5,
exchanging objects Lv 27:10, Is 9:10,
passing on of time Ps 90:6 → חלוף
passed away
בני חלוףorphans Pr 31:8
αλ, חלפה, חליפהchange (of clothing),
חלףin exchange for Nu 18:21, 31, מחלף
slaughtering knife ?? priestly robes ??
27:1–15 σ חצץto portion out Pr 30:27,
Jb 21:21
חלקה, חלקsmooth, used of a smooth
tongue, character ← חלק
חלקportion ← חלק
< חלקname>
חלקהportion (of land)
field ← חלק
חלקלקותsmooth, slippery places Jr 23:12,
Ps 35:6
smooth talk that leads to a fall
Dn 11:21, 34 ← חלק
< חלקיname>
< חלקיהname>
< חלקיהוname>
< חלקתname>
חלשׁto defeat Ex 17:13, Jb 14:10 → חולשׁ
one who brings defeat (upon others) Is
14:12 αλ, חלושׁהdefeat Ex 32:18 αλ,
חלשׁdefeated, beaten down Jl 4:10
חלשׁdefeated, beaten down Jl 4:10 ← חלשׁ
חםfather-in-law Gn 38:13, 25, 1S 4:19, 21
σ חתן
חםhot Js 9:12, 1S 21:7, Jb 37:17, heat Gn
8:22, Jr 17:8, Jb 24:19, heat of emotions
such as sorrow, justified anger Ps 42:4
(3) ← חמם
< חםname>
חמאβ חמה
חמאהcheese or yoghurt that can be either
eaten or drunk Gn 18:8, Jd 5:25, Is 7:15,
made from milk Is 7:22, Pr 30:33, used
figuratively to refer to speech Ps 55:22
(21) σ חלב
חמדto desire a particular, unique person
or object, not to be satisfied with a
substitute → , חמדות, חמודה,חמדה
חמודותdesirous, מחמדobject
specifically desired σ אוה
חמודות, חמדות, חמודה, חמדהdesirous ←
< חמדןname>
חמהβ חמה,חומה
sun, poison, anger, rage, as a
hot, poisonous feeling that leads to
cruelty ← חמםσ אף
< חמואלname>
< חמוטלname>
< חמולname>
< חמוליname>
< חמוןname>
soured in disposition,
depressed Is 1:17,
soured as a result of
being stained with grape juice Is 63:1 ←
חמוקa type of movement, swaying ?? So
7:2 (1) αλ ← חמק
חמר, חמורdonkey, also refers to the load
a donkey can carry σ אתוןdonkey mare,
עירmale donkey Gn 32:16, Is 30:6, Zc
9:9, פראwild donkey Is 32:14, Jr 14:6,
Jb 6:5, also used as an adjective to
describe a person as untamable as a wild
donkey Gn 16:12, Jb 11:12
< חמורname>
חמותβ חמות,חומה
חמטreptile ?? Lv 11:30 αλ σ חיה
< חמטהname>
< חמיטלname>
חמיץfodder that has become sour Is 30:24
αλ ← חמץσ מספוא
חמישׁיfifth ← חמשׁ
חמלto pity → חמלהpity Gn 19:6, 1S
23:21, Is 63:9, Ez 16:5, מחמלobject of
pity Ez 24:21 αλ σ רחם
חמלהpity Gn 19:6, 1S 23:21, Is 63:9, Ez
16:5 ← חמל
חמםto heat → חםhot Js 9:12, 1S 21:7, Jb
37:17, heat Gn 8:22, Jr 17:8, Jb 24:19,
heat of emotions such as sorrow, justified
anger Ps 42:4 (3), חמהheat
poison, anger, rage, as a hot, poisonous
feeling that leads to cruelty
חמןphallic symbol ?? Lv 26:30, Is 27:9, Ez
חמסto treat others unfairly, not in a right
manner, both in word and deed, often in
a manner that includes violence as well
as judicial wrongness → חמסunfairness,
something that is not right, חמסone who
treats other unfairly, not in a right
manner, the action of treating others
unfairly σ נכה,מעל
חמסunfairness, something that is not right
← חמסσ עולת, עולהinjustice, often in
the judicial sense, עלוהinjustice Hs 10:9
αλ, עלתהunjust considerations, thought
Am 8:8, 9:5, Ps 92:16 (15), Jb 5:16
חמסone who treats other unfairly, not in a
right manner, the action of treating
others unfairly ← חמס
חמץto sour (referring to both taste and a
person’s outlook on life)
to leaven
(add yeast to dough) → חמוץsoured
soured in disposition, depressed Is 1:17,
soured as a result of being stained
with grape juice Is 63:1, חמיץfodder
that has become sour Is 30:24 αλ, חמץ
leavened (bread), חמץvinegar, מחמצת
leavened (soured)
חמץleavened (bread) ← חמץ
חמץvinegar ← חמץ
חמקto withdraw ?? Jr 31:22, So 5:6 →
חמוקa type of movement, swaying ?? So
7:2 (1) αλ
חמרβ חמר,חמור
חמרto puff up Jb 16:16, bubble up Ps
46:4, 75:9 used of an upset stomach that
bubbles up Lm 1:20, 2:11
to use
materials that bubble up, such as tar Ex
2:3 → חמרtar
mortar, to hold bricks
together (originally made with bitumen),
חמרclay (⇐ the idea that it could
replace tar? that it can be made to “puff
up” into pottery?), חמרmound (⇐ looks
like a bubble in a tar pit)
measurement of the dry goods that made
up a mound of grain in the field before it
is carried to the threshing floor, homer
חמרclay (⇐ the idea that it could replace
tar? that it can be made to “puff up” into
pottery?) ← חמרσ עפר
חמרmound (⇐ looks like a bubble in a
tar pit)
the measurement of the dry
goods that made up a mound of grain in
the field before it is carried to the
threshing floor, homer ← חמרσ מדה
mortar, to hold bricks together
(originally made with bitumen) ← חמר
σ גפריתmineral oil ?? (this is a liquid
that not only rains Gn 19:24, Ez 38:22,
Ps 11:6, but flows Is 30:33 and readily
burns Dt 29:22 (23), Is 30:33, mineral
oil is usually sulfurous hence is this
mineral oil? Dt 29:22 (23)), זפתpitch
Ex 2:3, Is 34:9
< חמרןname>
to take a fifth, go in a battle
array five wide → חמישׁיfifth, חמשׁים
חנוןfavorable, gracious ← חנן
< לנוןname>
< חניאלname>
חניותsubterranean chamber ?? Jr 37:16 αλ
חנטto ripen (figs, which become dry and
wrinkly when ripe) So 2:13
embalm (dry out a corpse) Gn 50:2–3,
חניךinitiated, i.e. trained Gn 14:14 ← חנך
חנינהfavor Jr 16:13 αλ ← חנן
חניתa short, heavy thrusting spear σ .כידון
כידןjavelin, light throwing spear Js 8:18,
26, Jr 6:23, 50:42, קיןlance, רמחa type
of weapon, possibly a short, thrusting
spear Lv 25:7, equivalent to a sword 1K
18:28 held in one hand with a shield in
the other 2C 26:14, can be carried along
with bow, mail, shield, Ne 4:4, 10
חנךto initiate → חניךinitiated, i.e. trained
Gn 14:14, חנכהinitiation
חנכהinitiation ← חנך
< חנכהname>
< חנמאלname>
חנמלdevastating flood ?? Ps 78:47 αλ σ
חנןto favor, as in having mercy, bestowing
grace, (hit.) request a favor Dt 3:23, Jb
9:15—this was a favor that resulted in
action, as in giving help to the poor Pr
19:17 → חןfavor, חנוןfavorable,
gracious, חנינהfavor Jr 16:13 αλ, חנתי
my favor, grace (noun participle) Jb
19:17 αλ, תחנהrequest for favor, help 2K
6:8, Jr 37:20, Ps 55:2, Ezr 9:8, 2C 6:39,
תחנוןbegging for mercy from troubles Jr
fifty, also an administrative or military
unit of fifty men, platoon, חמשׁיתfifth Jr
26:9, fifth amount Lv 22:14, 27:19, 21,
fifth of the measure (of the door) 1K
חמשׁabdomen 2S 2:23, 3:27, 4:6, 20:10 σ
חמשׁיβ חמישׁי
חמשׁיםfifty, also an administrative or
military unit of fifty men, platoon ←
חמשׁיתfifth Jr 26:9, fifth amount Lv 22:14,
27:19, 21, fifth of the measure (of the
door) 1K 6:31 ← חמשׁ
חמתβ חמת, חמה,חומה
חמתsack for fluids, used to carry the
poisons of snakes Ps 58:5 or spiders Ps
140:4, sack of water Gn 21:14 canteen σ
< חמתname>
< חמתהname>
חןfavor, full of favor ← חנן
< חןname>
< חנדדname>
תחן, חנהto encamp → מחנהencampment,
תחנתplace of encampment ?? 2K 6:8 αλ
σ נטשׁto let go (give freedom to, to
leave alone, be loose) Is 21:15
allow Gn 31:28
to abandon Ex 23:11,
Jd 6:13, 1S 10:2, 2K 21:14, Am 5:2
encamp from the idea of letting go of the
camp supplies from on one’s back or
pack animals Jd 15:9, 1S 30:16, 2S 5:18,
a battle was let go, i.e. lost and the
fighters fled Pr 17:14
< חנהname>
< חנוךname>
חסדundeserved favor (NT αγαπη)
ability to show undeserved favor ←
חסדσ אהבה
< חסדname>
< חסדיהname>
חסהβ חסה,חוס
חסהto seek refuge → ( חסותact of) taking
refuge Is 30:3 αλ, מחסthat which affects
refuge, protector Is 28:15, Jr 17:17, Ps
62:7, 71:2, 73:28, 91:2, 9, 94:22, 142:5,
מחסהrefuge, place to take refuge Is 4:6,
28:17, Jl 4:16 (3:16), Ps 14:6, 104:18, Jb
24:8 σ פלט
< חסהname>
( חסותact of) taking refuge Is 30:3 αλ ←
חסהσ מנוס
חסידshowing loving kindness, not
necessarily deserved (NT αγαπη) ←
חסידהostrich ?? (with the possible
exception of Jb 39, this is a flying
creature Jr 8:7, Zc 5:9, possibly one since
extinct?) σ עוף
חסילtype of grasshopper, locust σ ארבה
חסיןstoring up greatness ?? Ps 89:8 αλ
(← חסןto store up?)
חסלto devour Dt 28:38 αλ σ אכל
חסםto muzzle, by putting a cloth mask
over the mouth and nose Dt 25:4 →
מחסוםmuzzle Ps 39:2 (1) αλ
חסמתface mask covering the nose and
mouth Ez 39:11 ← חסם
חסןto store up Is 23:18 → חסיןstoring up
greatness ?? Ps 89:8 αλ, חסןstores Is
1:31, Jr 20:5, Ez 22:25, Pr 15:6, 27:24
חסןstores Is 1:31, Jr 20:5, Ez 22:25, Pr
15:6, 27:24 ← חסן
3:21, 31:8, Ps 28:2, 31:23, Pr 18:23 σ
< חנןname>
< חננאלname>
< חנניname>
< חנניהname>
חנסname of Egyptian town
חנףto be (morally) defiled, polluted Nu
35:33, Jr 3:2, 9, 23:11, Mc 4:11, Dn 11:32
→ ( חנףmorally) defiled, polluted Is
10:6, Jb 34:30, 36:13
defiled person Is 9:16 (17), 33:14, Jb
8:13, 27:8, חנפה,( חנףmoral)
defilement, pollution Jr 23:15 σ חטא
( חנףmorally) defiled, polluted Is 10:6, Jb
34:30, 36:13
(morally) defiled person
Is 9:16 (17), 33:14, Jb 8:13, 27:8 ← חנף
חנפה,( חנףmoral) defilement, pollution Jr
23:15 ← חנף
חנקto suffocate ?? 2S 17:23 → מחנק
suffocation, prey killed by choking Nh
2:13, Jb 7:15
חנתencamping Nu 1:51, Dt 1:33 ← חנה
חנתיmy favor, grace (noun participle) Jb
19:17 αλ ← חנן
< חנתןname>
חסדto show undeserved favor, which the
recipient cannot justifiably expect or
the recipient knows that it’s not
deserved (NT αγαπαω)
to show
favor → חסדundeserved favor (NT
ability to show undeserved
favor, חסידshowing loving kindness,
not necessarily deserved (NT αγαπη) σ
חסןstoutness ?? Am 2:9 αλ
חסרto lack, have an absence of
“ לבlacking heart” thoughtless, without
understanding or forethought, apparently
unwilling to learn Pr 6:32, 7:7, 10:13,
12:11 → חסרone who lacks, the action
of lacking, object that is lacking, חסרון
lacking, absence Ko 1:15 αλ, מחסורlack,
anything that is lacking Jd 18:10, 19:19–
20, Ps 34:10, Pr 11:24, 28:27
Pr 21:17, מחסרaction or object being
caused to lack Dt 15:8, Pr 6:11, 24:34, Ko
4:8 σ רושׁto have little, as in being poor
Ps 34:11, Pr 13:7
cause to be few ??
2C 28:3
חסרone who lacks, the action of lacking,
object that is lacking ← חסר
< חסרהname>
חסרוןlacking, absence Ko 1:15 αλ ← חסר
חסתβ חוס
חףrestrained ?? Jb 33:9 αλ ← חפף
חפאto utter ?? 2K 17:9 αλ σ דבר
חפהto cover with a cloth, gold, etc. Is 4:5,
Ps 68:14 (13), 2C 3:5, 8–9 → חפה
shelter, chuppah, חפוי, חפוcovered (face
or head) (with a cloth or hand) as a
sign of shame or extreme dejection σ
חפהshelter, chuppah ← חפה
< חפהname>
חפוי, חפוcovered (face or head) (with a
cloth or hand) as a sign of shame or
extreme dejection ← חפה
חפזto hurry as if caused by fear Dt 20:3,
1S 23:26, Ps 46:6 → חפזוןa hurry as if
done in fear Ex 12:11, Dt 16:3, Is 52:12 σ
חפזוןa hurry as if done in fear Ex 12:11,
Dt 16:3, Is 52:12 ← חפז
< חפיםname>
חפןhollow of the hand, palm Ez 10:2, 7, Pr
30:4, used as a measurement, handful Ex
9:8, Lv 16:12, Ko 4:6 σ פף
< חפניname>
חפףto set restraints, keeping within
bounds Dt 33:12 αλ → חוףshore
(restraint of the sea) Gn 49:14, Dt 1:7, Js
9:1, Jd 5:17, Jr 17:7, Ez 25L16, חף
restrained ?? Jb 33:9 αλ σ עצר
חפץto stretch out (hand)
to delight in,
such that one wants a person as a friend,
spouse or that one wants (to do what the
following verb states)(think of the action
when one wants something, that he tends
to stretch out to touch and/or caress
what is desired) → חפץdelight σ ,אוה
חפץdelight ← חפץ
< חפצי בהname>
חפרto delve, unearth, both the digging out
and finding meanings
to spy Js 2:2–3
→ חפר פרות, חפרפרהa small animal
that digs holes ??, חפרתdelving,
investigation ?? Jb 11:18 αλ σ חצבto
cut (out) (stone or wood) as in to hew
(out) pit or well Dt 6:11, 2C 26:10,
dig out metal ore Dt 8:9, stone from a
quarry 2K 22:6,
cut down trees Ezr
to carve out words in stone Jb
(metaphorical) cutting out fire
Ps 29:7, people Hs 6:5, נקרto dig out Nu
16:14, Jd 16:21, Is 51:1, Pr 30:17, שׂפןto
dig up Dt 33:19 αλ σ בקשׁ
חפרto hide one’s face (in shame) Is 54:4,
Ps 34:6, 35:4, Pr 13:5 → מחפירcausing
to hide face(s) in shame Pr 19:26 αλ σ
< חפרname>
< חפריname>
< חפריםname>
< חפרעname>
חפר פרות, חפרפרהa small animal that
digs holes ?? ← חפר
חפרתdelving, investigation ?? Jb 11:18 αλ
← חפר
חפשׁ, חפשׂthe action involved is pulling
out and setting outside (a box, city,
familiar setting) usually in context to
searching, refers to an outward motion,
e.g. as one looks through a box, the
taking out of materials as one digs down
and putting them down outside the
container, used of one pulling himself
out to battle or to see a necromancer (
to disguise oneself ?? i.e. putting oneself
outside one’s usual self 1S 28:8, 1K
22:30, 2C 18:29)
to set outside, as in
apart, independent of another, possibly
referring to outdoors, in the field → חפשׁ
pulled out thing Ps 64:7, pulling out Ps
64:7, Pr 20:27, חפשׁהsearching out Lv
19:20, חפשׁותK ( חפשיתQ) status of
being outside the city 2C 26:21 αλ, חפשׁי
free, independent, חפשׁיתindependent,
outside 2K 15:5 αλ σ נתרto (re)move as
in moving about Lv 11:21, Hb 3:6, Jb
37:1, as in being set free Is 58:6, Ps
79:11, 146:7
חפשׁהsearching out Lv 19:20 ← חפשׁ
חפשׁיfree, independent ← חפשׁ
חפשׁותK ( חפשיתQ) status of being
outside the city 2C 26:21 αλ
חפשׁיתindependent, outside 2K 15:5 αλ ←
חץshaft 1S 17:7
חצבto cut (out) (stone or wood) as in to
hew (out) pit or well Dt 6:11, 2C 26:10,
to dig out metal ore Dt 8:9, stone from
a quarry 2K 22:6,
cut down trees Ezr
to carve out words in stone Jb
(metaphorical) cutting out fire
Ps 29:7, people Hs 6:5 → חצבstone
mason 2K 12:12, Is 10:15, 1C 22:2, מחצב
hewn out 2K 12:12, 2C 34:11 σ חפר
חצבstone mason 2K 12:12, Is 10:15, 1C
22:2 ← חצב
חצהβ חצה,חוץ
חצהto partition Nu 31:27, 42, Is 30:28,
33:7 → חצותportion
חצות עיר
neighborhood of a city 1K 20:34, Jr 7:17,
34, 44:6, 9, 17, 21,
חצות לילה
partitions of night i.e. middle of the
night Ps 119:62, Jb 34:20, חציpartition,
half, מחצהportion Nu 31:36 αλ, מחצית
precisely a half Ex 30:13, 15, 38:26, Ne
8:3, partition Js 21:25, 1C 6:46, 55
חצוצרהβ חצצרה
< חצורname>
< חצור חדתהname>
חצותβ חצות,חוץ
חצות עירneighborhood of
a city 1K 20:34, Jr 7:17, 34, 44:6, 9, 17,
חצות לילהpartitions of night i.e.
middle of the night Ps 119:62, Jb 34:20
← חצה
חציpartition, half ← חצה
< חצי המנחותname>
חצירlong, stalky grass 1K 18:5, Is 44:4, Pr
27:25, Jb 40:15, some of it edible (leeks)
Nu 11:5, dried, can be used for thatch σ
חצןpocket, or a fold in clothing used to
carry stuff
חצץto portion out Pr 30:27, Jb 21:21 →
מחצץone who portions out Jd 5:11 αλ σ
חצץgravel, of stones Pr 20:17, Lm 3:16 of
ice, hail Ps 77:18 (17) σ אבן
< חצצן תמרname>
חצצרto trumpet, blow a trumpet →
חצצרהtrumpet ← חצצר
חצרβ חצר, חצצרה,חציר
< חצר אדרname>
< חצר גדהname>
< חצר סוסהname>
< חצר סוסיםname>
< חצר עינוןname>
< חצר עינ ֿןname>
< חצר שׁועלname>
< חצרוname>
< חצרוןname>
< חצרוניname>
< חצרותname>
< חצריname>
< חצרמותname>
< חצרניname>
< חצרתname>
חקβ חק,חיק
חקstatute, often for setting limits ← חקק
σ דתcommand as in law, חקהrefers to
a body of rules, rule of law, law in
general Ex 13:10, Nu 9:14, 15:15, Lv
18:10, Is 30:8, משׁטרprecept, written
rule Jb 38:33 αλ, פתגםdecree (Aramaic
loan word) Ko 8:11, Es 1:20 σ משׁפט
חקהto carve into, make a relief ?? Jb
13:27 → מחקהthat which is carved into
Jd 5:26, 1K 6:35, Ez 8:10, 23:14
חקהrefers to a body of rules, rule of law,
law in general Ex 13:10, Nu 9:14, 15:15,
Lv 18:10, Is 30:8 ← חקקσ משׁפט,חק
< חקופאname>
חקקto establish (authority)
to make a
statute, law → חוקestablishing, setting
decreeing Ez 20:18, Pr 8:29, חוקק
leader, one who gives decrees Jd 5:9 αλ,
חקstatute, often for setting limits, חקה
refers to a body of rules, rule of law, law
in general Ex 13:10, Nu 9:14, 15:15, Lv
18:10, Is 30:8, מחקהmarked out,
something that is written as a statute,
law to be read (modern equivalent—
traffic sign) Ez 8:10, 23:14, ( חקתmasc)
a body of statutes, laws, e.g. Ex 12:14,
17, 43, Lv 23:14, 21, 31, מחקקthe
establishing of statues, laws, authority Gn
49:10, Nu 21:18
established statues,
laws, authority Dt 33:21, Pr 31:5
who establishes statues, laws, authority
Jd 5:14, Is 33:22, Ps 60:9 (7), 108:9 (8)
σ בעל
חקרto investigate, search throughout →
חקרinvestigation, מחקרinvestigation Ps
95:4 αλ σ בקשׁ
חקרinvestigation ← חקר
( חקתmasc) a body of statutes, laws, e.g.
Ex 12:14, 17, 43, Lv 23:14, 21, 31 ← חקק
חרadministrator, “junior executive” part
of an array of officialdom at the central
seat of power σ מלך
חרhole, both as an opening through a
wall or door, and as a hollow place to
hide, live or fill with things 2K 12:10, Nh
2:13, Zc 14:12 σ כף
< חר הגדגדname>
< חר הגדגדהname>
חרא, חרexcrement 2K 18:27, Is 36:12
חרי יוניםapparently an edible plant with
a peculiar shape ?? 2K 6:25
חרבto desolate in the sense of removing
(inhabitants, water), to make into
to dry (up) when dealing
with waters, rivers → חרבdry(ness,
desolation), חרבsharp cutting tool,
sword, חרבהdesolation
desolate or
dry place, חרבוןdryness (in a
Mediterranean climate, the summer can
go for months without rain) Ps 32:4 αλ
σ שׁחת,יבשׁ
חרבdry(ness, desolation) ← חרב
חרבsharp cutting tool, sword ← חרב
< חרבname>
desolate or dry place
← חרב
< חרבהname>
חרבוןdryness (in a Mediterranean
climate, the summer can go for months
without rain) Ps 32:4 αλ ← חרב
חרגto disappear ?? Ps 18:46 αλ
חרגלtype of grasshopper, locust σ ארבה
חרדto shiver (from concern for another,
fright or great awe)
be concerned for
→ חרדה, חרדshivering
anxious, חרדהconcern (for)
actions that show concern for, i.e. caring
for another (shivering with excitement
to be of help) σ רגז
< חרדname>
חרדה, חרדshivering
fear(ful), anxious
← חרד
חרדהconcern (for)
do actions that
show concern for, i.e. caring for another
(shivering with excitement to be of
help) ← חרד
< חרדהname>
< חרדיname>
חרהto become hot (in anger, heat of
emotion, “hot under the collar”, throat
hot and dry)→ חרוןheat (of anger)
fury, חרחרheat, heatwave (weather) Dt
28:22, hotness (argument) Pr 26:21, חרי
emotion, rage Ex 11:8, Dt 29:23, 1S
20:34, Is 7:4, La 2:3, 2C 25:10, Nrx heat
of emotions ?? Ex 15:7 αλ, חררhot
place ?? lava field ?? an area in what is
now Jordan (ancient Israel) known for
its alkaline soils Jr 17:6 αλ σ לבב,אף
< חרהיהname>
חרוβ חור
< חרודיname>
חרוזstring of shells So 1:10 αλ
חרל, חרולchickweed ?? Zp 2:9, Pr 24:31,
Jb 30:7 σ שׁמיר
< חרומףname>
חרוןheat (of anger)
fury ← חרהσ אף
< חרוניםname>
< חרופיname>
חרוץrefining Is 10:22
refined gold with
impurities taken out Zc 9:3, Pr 8:10, 19,
16:16 ← חרץσ זהב
חרוץdivision (e.g. neighborhoods in a
city) Dn 9:25
scales, noticeable
divisions in skin, scaly Lv 22:22
threshing sledge, so called because it
divides out the grain from the chaff Is
28:27, 41:15 ← חרץσ מורג
חרוץdecisive, quick to focus on the
important Pr 10:4, 12:24, 21:5 ← חרץ
חרוץdecided on, determined Jb 14:5 ←
חרוץperson and place name 2K 21:19, Jl
< חרחורname>
חרותengraved ?? Ex 32:16 αλ σ פתח
< חרחסname>
חרחרheat, heatwave (weather) Dt 28:22,
hotness (argument) Pr 26:21 ← חרהσ
שׁטט, דרבןspur ?? Js 23:13 αλ σ דרבן
חרטβ חריט,חרט
חרטa sharp metal tool used for engraving
on metal Ex 32:4, Is 8:1
metal box ?? 2K 5:23 σ עט
חרטםcourt magician, a court official who
was expected to divine dreams Gn 41:8,
24, Dn 2:2, to work magic Ex 7:11, 22,
9:10 σ אשׁףconjurer Dn 1:20, 2:2, כשׂדים
astrologer, מכשׁףenchanter Ex 7:11,
22:17 (18), Dt 18:10, Ml 3:5, Dn 2:2,
מנחשׁone who divines by watching the
movement of snakes Dt 18:10 αλ, ,מעונן
מענןone who tells fortunes by looking at
clouds Dt 18:14
חריβ חרי, חרא,חר
חריemotion, rage Ex 11:8, Dt 29:23, 1S
20:34, Is 7:4, La 2:3, 2C 25:10 ← חרה
חריconfections, baked goods αλ Gn 40:16
(2K 6:25?)
< חריname>
חרייוניםdove’s dung, star of bethlehem, a
plant that grows widely on the hills of
Samaria whose flowers resemble bird
droppings. It has bulbs that are
poisonous but can be made edible when
boiled or roasted, after which they can
be ground into a meal 2K 6:25 αλ
חרט, חריטtooled leather purse ?? 2K 5:23,
Is 3:22 ← חרטσ שׂק
< חריףname>
< חריפיname>
חרץ, חריץsmelting (⇐ dividing metal
from ore) 2S 12:31, 1C 20:3 ← חרץ
חרישׁtime of plowing and sowing Gn 45:6,
Ex 34:21 ← חרשׁ
חרישׁיתsharp, hot Jn 4:8 αλ ← חרשׁ
חרךto grill (one’s food) (used of the
quickest way to cook over a fire) ?? Pr
12:27 αλ → חרכיםgrill, such as used for
cooking or protection over a window ??
So 2:9 αλ
חרכיםgrill, such as used for cooking or
protection over a window ?? So 2:9 αλ
← חרך
חרלβ חרול
חרםto identify a person or object such
that he is designated for special
attention, e.g. consecrated to the Lord
such that one can no longer make use of
it for himself Ex 22:19 (20), Lv 27:28,
sentenced to destruction or condemned
to death Nu 22:2, 3
(physically) to
(indicate by a) mark, as in to blemish,
make imperfect → חרםmarked
designated object or person to be
consecrated Lv 27:28, Ez 44:29 or
condemned to destruction Js 6:17, חרם
marked such that blemished, disfigured,
has imperfection
( חרםfish) trap, net Is 34:5, Ez 26:5, 14,
Hb 1:15–17 σ רשׁת
designated object or
person to be consecrated Lv 27:28, Ez
44:29 or condemned to destruction Js
6:17 ← חרם
חרםmarked such that blemished,
disfigured, has imperfection ← חרם
< חרםname>
< חרמהname>
< חרמוןname>
חרמשׁsickle (for reaping grain) Dt 16:9,
23:26 (25)
חרןheat of emotions ?? Ex 15:7 αλ ←
< חרןname>
< חרנהname>
< חרניname>
< חרניםname>
< חרנפרname>
חרסscabies, dry, rough skin (sunburn?)
Dt 28:27 σ דבר
חרסhot, burning sun Jb 9:7 αλ σ שׁמשׁ
< חרסplace name> Jd 1:35, 2:9, 8:13
חרסהheat of the day ?? Jd 14:18 αλ
חרסותpotsherd ?? name of a gate ?? Jr
19:2 αλ
חרףto reproach, accuse of a fault, rebuke
shame, disgrace → חרפהreproach σ
חרףautumn; in the Mediterranean climate,
annual crops are sown in the autumn, so
they may be watered by the winter rains
and harvested shortly after the rains stop
in the spring Pr 20:4
< חרףname>
חרפהreproach ← חרף
חרץto divide out (truth from falsehood,
grain from chaff, important from
unimportant, gold from ore or base
metal, etc.)
to act decisively, decide
on (⇐ dividing out the important from
the unimportant, one option from many)
2S 5:24, 1K 20:40
(pass.) to be
divided, decided on Is 10:23, Dn 9:26–7,
11:36 → חרוץrefining Is 10:22
refined gold with impurities taken out Zc
9:3, Pr 8:10, 19, 16:16, חרוץdivision
(e.g. neighborhoods in a city) Dn 9:25
scales, noticeable divisions in skin,
scaly Lv 22:22
threshing sledge, so
called because it divides out the grain
from the chaff Is 28:27, 41:15, חרוץ
decisive, quick to focus on the important
Pr 10:4, 12:24, 21:5, חרוץdecided on,
determined Jb 14:5, חרץ, חריץsmelting
(⇐ dividing metal from ore) 2S 12:31,
1C 20:3, חרץsomething divided out
from milk, cheese ?? 1S 17:18 αλ, חרצות
threshing staves ?? Am 1:3 αλ, נחרצה
decisiveness, that decided upon ?? Is
28:22, Dn 9:27
חרץsomething divided out from milk,
cheese ?? 1S 17:18 αλ ← חרץ
חרצבותrestraints, holding back ?? this is
not physical, rather psychological,
oppression, suffering ?? Is 58:6, Ps 73:4 σ
חרצותthreshing staves ?? Am 1:3 αλ ←
חרצןfruit seeds or stones ?? Nu 6:4 αλ
חרקto gnash (teeth) Ps 35:16, 37:12,
112:10, Jb 16:9, Lm 2:16
חררβ חרה
חררhot place ?? lava field ?? an area in
what is now Jordan (ancient Israel)
known for its alkaline soils Jr 17:6 αλ ←
חרשׂearthenware pottery
חרשׁto work on or over Dt 22:10, Jd
14:18, 1S 8:12
to plow Is 28:24 →
חרישׁtime of plowing and sowing Gn
45:6, Ex 34:21, חרישׁיתsharp, hot Jn 4:8
αλ, חרשׁworker, workman, artisan e.g.
potter, blacksmith Dt 27:15, 1S 13:19, 2S
5:11, Is 30:14, חרשׁsomething worked
on, made by an artisan Gn 4:22, Ex
28:11, 35:35
pottery Lv 11:33, 15:12,
חרשׁתprocess of working on something
Ex 31:5, 35:33, מחרשׁתtool made by an
artisan, blacksmith 1S 13:20–1 σ עשׂה
חרשׁto keep quiet Gn 24:5, Ex 14:14, Nu
30:12, 15, Jd 16:2, to be deaf,
to be
silent as in not doing anything 2S 19:11,
Jr 38:27 → חרשׁdeaf Ex 4:11, Lv 19:14,
Is 29:18, חרשׁquietly Js 2:1 σ שׁקט
חרשׁdeaf Ex 4:11, Lv 19:14, Is 29:18 ←
חרשׁworker, workman, artisan e.g. potter,
blacksmith Dt 27:15, 1S 13:19, 2S 5:11, Is
30:14 ← חרשׁ
חרשׁquietly Js 2:1 ← חרשׁ
חרשׁsomething worked on, made by an
artisan Gn 4:22, Ex 28:11, 35:35
pottery Lv 11:33, 15:12 ← חרשׁ
< חרשׁname>
< חרשׁאname>
< חרשׁהtoponym>
חרשתprocess of working on something Ex
31:5, 35:33 ← חרש
< חרתname>
חשׁβ חושׁ
חשׁבto reckon, as in to think through,
come to a conclusion, to invent → חשׁב
thought through, thought out, planned ??
Ex 28:15, 28, 29:5, חשׁבוןreckoning,
conclusion Ko 7:25, 27, 9:10, חשׁבנות
inventions Ko 7:29
war machines 2C
26:15, מחשׁבהreckoning, coming to a
conclusion Jr 18:11, 49:30, Ez 38:10, Ex
9:25, מחשׁבותconclusions, developed
thoughts Jr 29:11, Pr 6:18, 15:22, 26,
מחשׁבתsomething constructed, invented
Ex 31:4, 35:32–33, 35, Jr 29:11, 2C 2:13
σ זמםto plan
to consider, think about,
כססto reckon (numbers, amounts)
passive to be counted, reckoned Ex 12:4,
Ps 143:9, נכלto plot Gn 37:18, Nu 25:18,
Ps 105:25, עשׁתto consider, plan in order
to act Jn 1:6 αλ
חשׁבthought through, thought out, planned
?? Ex 28:15, 28, 29:5 ← חשׁב
< לשׁבדנהname>
< חשׁבהname>
חשׁבוןreckoning, conclusion Ko 7:25, 27,
9:10 ← חשׁב
< חשׁבוןname>
< חשׁביהname>
< חשׁגנהname>
חשׁבנותinventions Ko 7:29
machines 2C 26:15 ← חשׁב
< חשׁגניהname>
חשׁה, חשׂהto be still, as in not raising a
ruckus or demands σ שׁקט
< חשׁובname>
< חשׂופאname>
חשׂופיstripped Is 20:4 αλ ← חשׂף
חשׁוקthat which is used to assemble or
join a complex item together Ex 38:12,
17 ← חשׁק
< חשׁיםname>
חשׂךto hold back (from performing an
action) Gn 20:6, 1S 25:39, Jr 14:10, Ezr
withhold (an object from) Gn
22:16, 39:9, Ez 30:18, Ps 19:14 → חושׂך
holding back, restraining Pr 11:24, 13:24,
17:27, חשׂךrestraint, holding back Is
14:6, Pr 10:19 σ מנע
חשׁךto become dark, obscure (when no
man can work i.e. held back from
working) → חשׁכה, חשׁךdarkness,
obscurity σ אפלto obscure, make
obscure, קדרto be gloomy, both in the
physical sense (darkness) 1K 18:45, Jr
4:28, Ez 32:7, Jl 2:10, 4:15 (3:15) and
mental (sad) Jr 8:21, 14:2, Mc 3:6, שׁחר
to become dark Jb 30:30
חשׂךrestraint, holding back Is 14:6, Pr
10:19 ← חשׂך
חשׁכה, חשׁךdarkness ← חשׁךσ אפלdark
and obscure (place) Ps 11:2, 91:6, Jb
10:22, 30:20 where no light shines Am
5:20, אפלהdark(ness), obscurity Ex
10:22, Is 8:22, Pr 4:19, 7:9, מאפל
obscurity, made obscure Js 24:7, Is
29:18, Jr 2:31, עבovercast, ערפל
gloom Ex 20:21, Dt 4:11, 5:22, Jr 13:16,
2C 6:1, שׁחקfine particles of dust Is
40:15 or water, used of clouds Dt 33:26,
Jr 51:9, Ps 36:6
חשׁלto be a straggler Dt 25:18 αλ
< חשׁםname>
< חשׁמוןname>
חשׁמלelectrum, a light yellow alloy of gold
and silver used in ancient times
חשׁמןimportant person ?? Ps 68:32 (31)
< חשׁמנהname>
חשׁןornament(al breastplate) Ex 25:7, 28,
Lv 8:8, upon which was placed the אורים
and תמיםEx 28:30, Lv 8:8, Nu 27:21, Ezr
2:63, Ne 7:65 σ כבוד
חשׂףto strip off in making bare, e.g. as in
“roll up one’s sleeves” → חשׂופיstripped
Is 20:4 αλ, חשׂףlittle flock (stripped off
from the main flock ??) 1K 20:27 αλ,
חשׂפהbare place, מחשׂףstripped off
place made bare Gn 30:37 αλ σ פשׁט
חשׂףlittle flock (stripped off from the
main flock ??) 1K 20:27 αλ ← חשׂףσ
חשׂפהbare place ← חשׂף
חשׁקto assemble, as in putting together
linking all the parts together Ex 38:28
link to Gn 34:8, Dt 21:11, Ps 91:14,
associate with as in linked with Dt 7:7,
10:15 → חשׁוקthat which is used to
assemble or join a complex item together
Ex 38:12, 17, חשקassembler, linkage,
something that connects things together
Ex 27:10–1, 17, 1K 7:33, חשקassemblage
things assembled, built, linked
together 1K 9:1, 19, 2C 8:6, מחשׁק
connecter, object that joins together Ex
27:17 38:17 σ שׂפק
חשקassembler, linkage, something that
connects things together Ex 27:10–1, 17,
1K 7:33 ← חשק
things assembled, built,
linked together 1K 9:1, 19, 2C 8:6 ←
חשׁרnave of a wheel, where all the spokes
come together 1K 7:33 αλ
חשׁרתcoming together 2S 22:12 αλ
חשׁשׁdried grass, still standing in the field
Is 5:24, 33:11
< חשׁתיname>
חתmaking fearful Gn 9:2, 1S 2:4, Jr 46:5,
Jb 41:25 ← חתתσ מורא
< חתname>
חתהto rake together (fire, to keep it
burning hot and from going out Is
30:14) rake away (from being a people
Is 7:8) → מחתהfire carrier, to carry live
coals to preserve a fire Ex 27:3, 37:23,
also used to burn incense in it
Lv 10:1, 16:17–8
חתולbandages Ez 30:21 αλ ← חתל
חתוםβ חתום, (possibly copyist error for
חתםJb 37:7, Es 8:8)
חתוםsealed document Is 29:11, Jr 32:11,
14, 44, Ne 10:1–2 or object Is 8:16, So
4:12 ← חתם
חתחתsomething that causes paralyzing
fear Ko 12:5 αλ ← חתת
< חתיname>
חתיתcausing fear Ez 26:17, 32:23–27, 30,
32 ← חתת
< חתיתname>
חתךto be determined Dn 9:24 αλ σ גזרto
decree (this word is not Hebrew, but
from Aramaic Esther 2:1) αλ
חתלto wrap in bandage, swaddling cloth
Ez 16:4 αλ → חתולbandages Ez 30:21
αλ, חתלתcloth for swaddling Jb 38:9 αλ
< חתלןname>
חתלתcloth for swaddling Jb 38:9 αλ ←
חתםto seal, to seal a document Jr 32:10,
Es 8:8, 10, Dn 12:4, 9, to shut up tightly
Jb 14:17, 24:16, Dn 9:24, to prevent
leaking Lv 15:3 → חותםsealed, both
physical Ex 28:21, 39:6, 30, Hg 2:23, Jb
38:14 and metaphorical Jr 22:24, Ez
28:12, So 8:6, חתוםsealed document Is
29:11, Jr 32:11, 14, 44, Ne 10:1–2 or
object Is 8:16, So 4:12, חתםperson who
seals, in the sense of accounting Dt
32:34, making the object used for making
seals, bullae Ex 28:11, 36, 39:14, or the
object used to make a seal Gn 38:18
( חתמתin aggregate Gn 38:25)
חתםperson who seals, in the sense of
accounting Dt 32:34, making the object
used for making seals, bullae Ex 28:11,
36, 39:14, or the object used to make a
seal Gn 38:18 ( חתמתin aggregate Gn
38:25) ← חתםσ טבעת
חתןto contract marriage → חתןmale who
is in a marriage contract
father-in-law, son-in-law, חתנתmarriage
ceremony So 3:11 αλ, חתנתmother-inlaw Dt 27:23 αλ σ חםfather-in-law Gn
38:13, 25, 1S 4:19, 21
חתןmale who is in a marriage contract
bridegroom, father-in-law, son-in-law ←
חתנתmarriage ceremony So 3:11 αλ ←
חתנתmother-in-law Dt 27:23 αλ ← חתן
חתףto snatch away Jb 9:12 αλ → חתף
(purse) snatcher Pr 23:28 αλ σ נצל
( חתףpurse) snatcher Pr 23:28 αλ ← חתף
σ גנב
חתרto dig in
make a hole in which to
hide Am 9:2,
a burglar digging
through a wall Ez 8:8, 12:5, 7, 12, as
sailors “digging in” with their oars Jn
1:13 → מחתרתdigging (breaking) in Ex
22:1, Jr 2:34
חתתto terrify, make paralyzed from fear,
though usually in passive Niphal to be
paralyzed from fear → חתmaking fearful
Gn 9:2, 1S 2:4, Jr 46:5, Jb 41:25, חתחת
something that causes paralyzing fear Ko
12:5 αλ, חתיתcausing fear Ez 26:17,
32:23–27, 30, 32, חתתparalyzing fear Gn
35:5, Jb 6:21, מחתהsomething (object,
action) that makes one paralyzed from
fear Is 40:14, Jr 48:39, Pr 10:14–5, 29 σ
חתתparalyzing fear Gn 35:5, Jb 6:21 ←
< חתתname>
טnineth letter, has no meaning in Hebrew
on its own, where letters are used as
numbers, it refers to the number nine.
טאטאto sweep ?? Is 14:23 αλ → מטאטא
broom Is 14:23 αλ
< טבאלname>
טבולdyed ?? Ez 23:15 αλ ← טבל
טבורheight ?? Ez 38:12 αλ
טבחto butcher, which includes both the
killing of the animals and the preparing
of them for food → טבחה, טבחslaughter
preparation of food, טבחה,טבח
(male, female) cook, מטבחslaughtering
σ הרג
טבחה,( טבחmale, female) cook ← טבח
טבחה, טבחslaughter
preparation of
food ← טבח
< טבחname>
< טבחתname>
< טביהname>
טבלto dip something into a fluid, in water
Js 3:15, 2K 5:14, in sauce Rt 2:14, in
blood Gn 37:31, Ex 12:22, Lv 4:6 → טבול
dyed ?? Ez 23:15 αλ
< טבליהוname>
טבעto sink (in) → טבעתseal ring (which
leaves a symbol after being made to sink
into a seal) σ אגםto sink down, as in a
marsh, to become mired down Is 19:10
< טבעותname>
טבעתseal ring (which leaves a symbol
after being made to sink into a seal) ←
טבעσ חתםperson who seals, in the
sense of accounting Dt 32:34, making the
object used for making seals, bullae Ex
28:11, 36, 39:14, or the object used to
make a seal Gn 38:18 ( חתמתin
aggregate Gn 38:25)
< טברמןname>
< טבתname>
טהר, טהורpure ← טהר
טהרto become pure → טהורpure, טהר
purity, טהרהpurification σ רחץ
טהרpurity ← טהר
טהרהpurification ← טהר
טובto please, to be pleasing
to be good
→ טובה, טובpleasurable, pleasing σ יטב
to establish, set up, show as correct,
affirm, נעםto be pleasant 2S 1:26, Pr
2:10, 9:17, 24:25, ערבto exchange, take
in exchange (day for night, goods, down
טחוןground down Dt 9:21, Lm 5:13 ← טחן
טחותplaces hidden as if covered, as with
plaster, stucco Ps 51:8 (6), Jb 38:36 →
טחחto be dull, blank (of eyes as in not
seeing) Is 44:18 αλ
טחןto grind → טחוןground down Dt 9:21,
Lm 5:13, טחנהmill (for grinding), טחנות
molars (grinding teeth) Ko 12:4 αλ
טחנהmill (for grinding) ← טחן
טחנותmolars (grinding teeth) Ko 12:4 αλ
← טחן
טחרswelling, bubo (sign of bubonic
plague) 1S 6:11, 17
טיחplastering Ez 13:12 αλ ← טוח
טיטmud, mire 2S 22:43, Is 41:25, Jr 38:6,
Ps 41:3 (2), Jb 41:30 σ עפר
טירהcolumn, as in row, rank, file (not
military formation
טלאto be patched Js 9:5 αλ → טלאpatch
patchy Gn 30:35, 39, Ez 16:16
(from a distance, looks like a patch on
the land) Is 40:11
company (of
troops) 1S 15:4, טלואpatchy, splotchy
< טלאיםname>
טלהkid, just beginning to feed itself 1S
7:9, Is 65:25
טלואpatchy, splotchy ← טלא
טלטלהtossing down, metaphorically as in
driving from place to place Is 22:17 αλ
← טול
טללto roof ?? Ne 3:15 αλ
< טלםname>
< טלמוןname>
< טלמןname>
payment), make a pledge of exchange
to be pleasing (what one likes to take in
exchange), עדןto have pleasure, שׁעשׁע
to take delight in Ps 94:19, 119:70
play Is 11:8, 66:12
(hit.) to delight
oneself (with) Is 29:9, Ps 119:16, 47
טובה, טובpleasurable, pleasing ← טוב
< טובname>
< טוב ארניהname>
< טוביהname>
< טוביהוname>
טוהto spin Ex 35:25–6 → מטוהspun
goods, yarn, thread Ex 35:25 αλ
טוחto cover as with a plaster, whitewash,
stucco or even with precious metal Lv
14:42, Ez 13, 10–2, 2C 29:4 → טח
plaster, whitewash Jb 6:20, טחותplaces
hidden as if covered, as with plaster,
stucco Ps 51:8 (6), Jb 38:36, טיח
plastering Ez 13:12 αλ
טטפת, טוטפתblinders, like what a horse
wears Ex 13:16, Dt 6:8, 11:18
טולto toss (down) → טלטלהtossing
down, metaphorically as in driving from
place to place Is 22:17 αλ, מטילcast
(iron) Jb 40:18 αλ, מטלטלone who
tosses down, also metaphoric Is 22:17 αλ
σ שׁלך
טורβ נטר,טור
טורrow, of stones Ex 28:17–20, 39:10–3, of
pillars 1K 7:2–4. of ornamentation 1K
7:24, 42, 2C 4:3, 13
טושׂto swoop down Jb 9:26 αλ σ עוף
טחβ טחה, טח,טוח
טחplaster, whitewash Jb 6:20 ← טוח
טחהto range (used of an arrow shot from
a bow) Gn 21:16 αλ
טמאto be (ritually) impure → טמא
impure (person, object, adj.), טמאה
טמאimpure (person, object, adj.) ← טמא
טמאהimpurity ← טמא
טמהto debase ?? Lv 11:43, Jb 18:3 σ ארר
טמןto bury, as an act of concealment →
מטמוןburied treasure σ קבר,סתר
טנאwoven grass bag, cheaply and quickly
made for carrying things Dt 26:2, 4, 28:5,
17 σ שׂק,סל
טנףto soil So 5:3 αλ
טעהβ נטע
טעםto taste 2S 19:36, Jb 12:11, 34:3
used as a reference to eating 1S 14:24,
29, 43, Jn 3:7,
to taste as in to
evaluate, test Ps 34:9, Pr 31:18 → טעם
taste Ex 16:31, Nu 11:8, Jb 6:6
meetaphor as in inner qualities which
can be good 1S 25:33, Pr 26:16, Jb 12:20
or bad Pr 11:22,
taste as a metaphor
in how one tastes to others, i.e. by what
others evaluate one 1S 21:14, Ps 34:1,
מטעםtasty food Gn 27, מטעמתtasties,
tasty food Pr 23:3, 6
טעםto give a decree, same as in Aramaic
Ps 44:3 → טעםcommand, from Aramaic
Jn 3:7
טעםtaste Ex 16:31, Nu 11:8, Jb 6:6
taste metaphor as in inner qualities
which can be good 1S 25:33, Pr 26:16, Jb
12:20 or bad Pr 11:22,
taste as a
metaphor in how one tastes to others, i.e.
by what others evaluate one 1S 21:14, Ps
34:1 ← טעם
טעםcommand, from Aramaic Jn 3:7
טעןto load up Gn 45:17 αλ → מטעןthat
which has been loaded (onto a sword,
i.e. killed) Is 14:19 αλ σ סבל
טףchild, in reference to a child’s playful
skipping ← טפףσ ילד
טפחto spread out as in using the hands to
put down a layer of clay, sand Is 48:13,
Lm 2:22 → טפחhandbreadth Ex 25:25,
37:12, 1K 7:26, Ez 40:5, 43, 43:13, 2C
4:5, טפחותspreading out Ps 29:6 (5),
ceiling molding ?? 1K 7:9, מטפחתcape,
warm cloak spread on over other
clothing Rt 3:15, Is 3:22 σ פרשׂ
טפחhandbreadth Ex 25:25, 37:12, 1K 7:26,
Ez 40:5, 43, 43:13, 2C 4:5 ← טפח
טפחותspreading out Ps 29:6 (5), ceiling
molding ?? 1K 7:9 ← טפח
טפלto apply a healing balm, deceptively
Ps 119:69, to heal from perversion Jb
14:17 → טפלpeople who apply
(deceptive) healing balm Jb 13:4
טפלpeople who apply (deceptive) healing
balm Jb 13:4
( טפסרsome sort of military rank ??) Jr
51:27, Nh 3:17
טפףto trip along Is 3:16 αλ → טףchild,
in reference to a child’s playful skipping
טפשׁto be flabby “like fat” ?? Ps 119:70 αλ
σ נבל
< טפתname>
טורד, טרדcontinuous Pr 19:13, 27:15
טרוםβ טרם
טרחto bear a burden → טרחburden σ
טרחburden ← טרח
fresh Jd 15:15, Is 1:6
טרםnot yet
טרףto tear (off, apart) Gn 8:11, Hs 6:1, Ps
50:22, Jb 18:4 usually used for tearing
off a piece of food to eat (in ancient
times bread was usually eaten torn off,
not sliced) Pr 30:8
to prey, used of a
wild animal Gn 37:33, Ex 22:12, Ps 7:3
→ טרפה, טרףtorn off, apart
bread, prey, animal killed by a carnivore
σ עיטto tear at (as a vulture upon prey)
1S 15:19, 25:14
טרפה, טרףfood, bread, torn off, apart
prey, animal killed by a carnivore ←
< טרפליאname>
יtenth letter, has no meaning in Hebrew
on its own, where letters are used as
numbers, it refers to the number ten.
יאבto long for ?? Ps 119:131 αλ σ כסף
יאר, יאורthe Nile river
< יאזניהname>
< יאזניהוname>
< יאירname>
יאלβ יאל,אלה
יאלto be willing to undertake, to be
willing to take up, on
to undertake
willingly, contentedly: in a negative
sense being self-willed, leading oneself
where one is willing to go
יארβ יאור,אור
< יאריname>
יאשׁto be frustrated, disheartened “what’s
the use?” 1S 27:1, Is 57:10, Jr 2:25,
18:12, Ko 2:20 σ בלהto wear out, wear
to dishearten, לההto wear out,
down Gn 47:13, צוקto wear down (by
constant and/or repeated troubles, e.g.
attacks from an enemy Dt 28:53, 55, 57,
Jr 19:9, nagging Jd 14:17, 16:16, Ps 41:9,
troubled in spirit Jb 32:18), רפהto
slacken, droop, make without energy Is
5:24, 13:7, Ez 7:17
to be drooping,
tired 2S 17:2,
“slacken the day” the
day is coming to its end Jd 19:9,
dishearten (make spirits droop) Jb 5:18,
12:21, Ezr 4:4,
to allow (slacken
opposition to) Jd 11:37, 2K 4:27, Jr 3:22,
slacken hold onto, let go Jb 27:6,
slacken activity, slack off, goof off Ex 5:8,
17, Js 18:3, Pr 18:9, 24:10, Ne 6:3
Ez 1:24–5
< יאשׁיהname>
< יאשׁיהוname>
יאתהβ אתה
יאתוβ אתה,אות
יאתוןplace of arrival, entrance ?? Ez 40:15
αλ ← אתה
< יאתריname>
יבבto fret (worry) Jd 5:28 αλ
יבוK (Q )יבוא1K 12:12, 2K 3:24 ?? LXX
εισηλθον εισπορευοµενοι
יבולβ נבל, יבל,יבול
יבולproduce ← יבל
< יבוסname>
< יבוסיname>
< יבחרname>
< יביןname>
יביעβ נבע
< יבישׁname>
< יבישׁהname>
יבלβ יובל,יבל
יבלto produce, in the sense to bring forth,
to present
used of trumpets blaring
forth Js 6:4–6, 8 → יבולproduce, יבל
spring (producing water), יובלsource of
water ?? Jr 17:8 αλ, יבל, יובלyear of
jubilee, comes once every 50 years when
a person’s inheritance is presented to his
heirs Lv 25:10–3, 15, 28, 30–33, 27:24 σ
יבלspring (producing water) ← יבלσ עין
< יבלname>
< יבלעםname>
יבלתsuffering from mange ?? Lv 22:22 αλ
LXX µυρµηκιωντα
יבםto marry a deceased brother’s widow
יבםhusband’s brother
יבןβ בנה,בון
< יבנאלname>
< יבנהname>
< יבניהname>
< יבסיname>
< יבקname>
< יברכיהוname>
יבשׁto become dry → יבשׁdry, יבשׁת,יבשׁה
dry land (contrasted with seas) σ זרבto
dry up, used of desert streams during the
dry season Jb 6:17 αλ, חרבto desolate
in the sense of removing (inhabitants,
water), to make into nothing
to dry
(up) when dealing with waters, rivers,
נשׁתto dry up, desiccate, used of waters
from the sea Is 19:5, of strength
(opposite of moisten to increase
strength) Jr 51:30, צמקto shrivel up Hs
9:14 αλ, צפדto shrivel (from dryness)
Lm 4:8 αλ
יבשׁdry ← יבשׁ
< יבשׁname>
יבשׁת, יבשׁהdry land (contrasted with
seas) ← יבשׁ
< יבשׁהname>
< יבשׂםname>
< יגאלname>
יגבagricultural worker
< יגבההname>
יגדβ נגד, גוד,גדד
< יבסליהוname>
יגהβ נגה,יגה
יגהto have deep grief, as of mourning →
יגוןgrief, תוגהdeep sorrow, grief Ps
119:28, Pr 14:13, 17:21 σ כעס
יגוןgrief ← יגה
יגר, יגורβ גורto be intimidated, נגר
< יגורname>
יגזβ גוז
יגיהβ נגה
יגילβ גיל
יגיעה, יגיעhard work
the product of the
hard work ← יגע
יגיףβ גוף
יגירהוβ נגר
יגירהוβ נגר
יגלβ גלה,גיל
< יגליname>
יגלםβ גלם,גלה
יגןβ גנן
יגעβ נגע, יגע,גוע
יגעto tire from hard work → יגיעה,יגיע
hard work
the product of the hard
work, יגעtired, tiresome σ יעףto be
יגעtired, tiresome ← יגע
יגעהβ יגע,געה
יגרβ נגר, יגר,גור
יגרto fear as in seeing something
unpleasant and fearing that it will come
Ps 75:9, Jb 9:28 σ ירא
ידhand, often used metaphorically to refer
to its use for pointing and grabbing
pointed out place Dt 23:13
pointer Ez
connector Ex 26:17; יד ב
(prefix) to attack, ( תחת ידlit. “under
hand”) in one’s possession and/or
control Gn 41:35, Ex 18:10, 1S 24:4–5, 9
← ידה
ידאβ נדא
< ידאלהname>
< ידבשׁname>
ידדβ נדד,ידד
ידדto love, yearn for → דודlove,
referring to the action (making love)
and the object of that love (lover), דוד
love, uncle, דודהaunt, ידדוןplace
yearned for ?? Ps 68:13 αλ, ידדות
generalized things yearned for Jr 12:7
αλ, ידידone who is beloved, yearned for
Dt 33:12, Is 5:1, Jr 11:15, Ps 60:7, 108:7,
127:2, ידידותbeloved (adj) Ps 84:2 αλ,
ידידתbeing beloved, yearned for Ps 45:1
αλ σ אהב
ידדוןplace yearned for ?? Ps 68:13 αλ ←
ידדותgeneralized things yearned for Jr
12:7 αλ ← ידד
ידהto point out, a motion of the hand
outwards as seen also in
to praise, to
thank, to cast lots → הדהperson who is
a royal, majesty ?? Jr 22:18 αλ, הוד
majesty, הידותhymn Ne 12:8 αλ, יד
hand, often used metaphorically to refer
to its use for pointing and grabbing
pointed out place Dt 23:13
pointer Ez
connector Ex 26:17; יד ב
(prefix) to attack, תודהthank
(offering), תודהgroup of people singing
in chorus ?? Ne 12:31, 38, 40
ידהspoke (of a wheel) ?? 1 Kings
< ידוname>
ידודβ נדד
< ידוןname>
< ידועname>
ידיתון, ידותוןa musical instrument ?? Ps
62:1, 77:1
< ידותוןname>
ידחהβ נדח
< ידיname>
ידידone who is beloved, yearned for Dt
33:12, Is 5:1, Jr 11:15, Ps 60:7, 108:7,
127:2 ← ידד
< ידידהname>
ידידותbeloved (adj) Ps 84:2 αλ ← ידד
< ידידיהname>
ידידתbeing beloved, yearned for Ps 45:1
αλ ← ידד
< ידיהname>
ידיחβ נדח,דוח
< ידיעאלname>
< ידיתוןname>
< ידלףname>
ידםβ יד,דום
ידעto know, more than just a superficial,
mental knowledge, but also encompasses
experience → דעה, דעknowledge, דעת
knowledge, ידעknowing Pr 28:2, ,ידעני
ידעוניsoothsayer, one who has
(supernatural) knowledge, מדע
knowledge, intimate (very close friend),
מדעתperson known well
close friend
Rt 3:2, Is 48:4 σ בוןto have insight, to
understand in the sense of getting
< יהודname>
< יהודהname>
< יהודיname>
< יהודיהname>
יהודיתJewish (language, Hebrew
language) 2K 18:26, 28, Ne 13:24 ← יהד
< יהודיתname>
< יהוהname>
< יהוזבדname>
< יהוחנןname>
< יהוידעname>
< יהויכיןname>
< יהויכןname>
< יהויקיםname>
< יהויקםname>
< יהויריבname>
< יהוכלname>
יהוללβ הלל, הולל,הול
< יהונדבname>
< יהונתןname>
< יהוסףplace name>
< יהועדהname>
< יהועדןname>
< יהוצדקname>
< יהורםname>
< יהושׁבעname>
< יהושׁבעתname>
< יהושׁועname>
< יהושׁעname>
< יהושׁפטname>
< יהוסףname>
יהירhaughty Hb 2:5, Pr 21:24 σ גא
haughty Is 16:6 αλ
יהלβ נהל,( הלהnormally understood in
Is 13:20 as defective for) אהל
יהלוβ הלה
< יהללאלname>
between the surface appearances
underneath to the essential nature of
what is known, זמםto plan
consider, think about, שׂכלto discern, act
with discernment
ידעknowing Pr 28:2 ← ידע
< ידעname>
< ידעיהname>
ידעוני, ידעניsoothsayer, one who has
(supernatural) knowledge ← ידעσ ענן
ידפנוβ נדף
ידקנוβ דקק
ידרβ נדר
ידתportion Gn 43:34, 47:24, 2S 19:44, 2K
11:7, Dn 1:20, Ne 11:1
< ידתוןname>
יהthis is found in 41 verses, most often
connected with “to boast” to make הללו
“ יהboast in the Lord”, also found in Ex
15:2, Is 12:2, Ps 118:5, 14 where it seems
to be not just a shortening of the name
יהוהrather an indication of a song,
statement, calling out that is directed to
the Lord.
יהבto hand over, deliver (an object or a
service) → יהבthat which is handed
over ?? Ps 55:23 αλ σ נתן
יהבthat which is handed over ?? Ps 55:23
αλ ← יהב
יהדto convert to Judaism Es 8:17 αλ →
יהודיתJewish (language, Hebrew
language) 2K 18:26, 28, Ne 13:24
< יהדname>
< יהדיהname>
< יהואname>
< יהואחזname>
< יהואשׁname>
יהלםdiamond ?? Ex 28:18, 39:11, Ez
יהםβ המם, המה,הום
יהמוβ המם, המה,הום
< יהץname>
< יהצהname>
< יואבname>
< יואחname>
< יואחזname>
< יואלname>
< יואשׁname>
< יובname>
< יובבname>
יובלβ יובל,יבל
יובלsource of water ?? Jr 17:8 αλ ← יבל
יבל, יובלyear of jubilee, comes once every
50 years when a person’s inheritance is
presented to his heirs Lv 25:10–3, 15, 28,
30–33, 27:24 ← יבל
< יובלname>
< יוזבדname>
< יוחאname>
< יוחנןname>
< יוטהname>
יוטלβ טול
< יוידעname>
< יויכיןname>
< יויריבname>
< יוכבדname>
< יוכלname>
יולדהthe action of giving birth Is 13:6,
21:3, Jr 6:24, Hs 13:13, Ps 48:7 ← ילד
יולדתbirth mother, one who gave birth Jr
50:12, Pr 17:25, 23:25, So 6:9 ← ילד
יוםday, measured from sunset to sunset,
sometimes used figuratively to refer to
time, but when connected with a
number, meaning day, like our 24 hour
day, היוםeither “the day” or “today”, יום
מיום ליום, יום ביום, יום ליום, יוםeach
day, מימיםlit. “from days” used to refer
to an indeterminate length of time
usually following an action Js 23:1, Jd
11:4, Ez 38:8, also used in the phrase
“ מימים ימימהfrom days to days” or in
English “from time to time” Ex 13:10, Jd
11:40, 21:19, 1S 1:3, 2:19, “ עצם היוםthe
very day” Gn 7:13. Ex 12:17, Ez 2:3
יומםdaytime, daily
יוןfine clay, good for high quality pottery
σ עפר
< יוןname>
< יונדבname>
יונהβ ינה,יונה
< יונהname>
< יוניname>
( יונקlit.) one who sucks, used of a baby
not yet weaned Dt 32:25, Is 11:8, Jr 44:7,
So 8:1, Lm 2:11, 4:4, used of a sucker,
growth from the roots of trees, almost
always not wanted Is 53:2 ← ינק
יונקותroot tendrils that take up water and
nutrients Ps 80:12 αλ ← ינק
< יונתןname>
< יוסףname>
< יוספיהname>
< יועאלהname>
< יועדname>
< יועזרname>
יועםβ עמם
יועץadvisor ← יעץ
< יועשׁname>
יוצאתexiting, i.e. spilling Am 5:3, Zc 5:3,
5–6, Ps 144:14 ← יצא
< יוצדקname>
יוצרone who fashions things, e.g. maker
of weapons Is 54:17, potter Jr 18:2–4 ←
< יוקיםname>
יורהearly rain Dt 11:14, Jr 5:24, Hs 6:3 ←
ירהσ גשׁם
יורהarcher ← ירה
< יורהname>
< יוריname>
יורםβ רום,ירה
< יורםname>
יורשׁheir, one to whom a parent’s property
devolves ← ירשׁ
יושׁבβ שׁוב, ישׁב,יושׁב
ישׁבת, ישׁב, יושׁבsettler, inhabitant ← ישׁב
< יושׁב חסדname>
< יושׁביהname>
< יושׁהname>
< יושׁויהname>
< יושׁפטname>
< יותםname>
יותרexcess such that there’s a remainder
1S 15:15, Ko 6:8, 7:16 ← יתר
יזחβ זחח
< יזיאלname>
< יזיהname>
< יזיזname>
< יזליאהname>
יזןprancing ?? Jr 5:8 αλ
< יזניהname>
< יזניהוname>
יזעβ יזע,זוע
יזעto sweat (unused) → זעתsweat Gn
3:19 αλ, יזעclothing which causes
sweating ?? Ez 44:18 αλ
יזעclothing which causes sweating ?? Ez
44:18 αλ ← יזע
יזרβ נזר, זרה,זור
< יזרחname>
< יזרחיהname>
< יזרעאלname>
< יזרעאליname>
< יזרעאליתname>
יחבהβ חבה
יחדβ יחד, חדה,חדד
יחדto be as one
together → יחדו,יחד
as one
together, יחידalone
lone Gn 22:2, 12, 16, Pr 4:3
אבל יחיד
the loss of an only child was a special
loss, hence greater mourning Jr 6:26, Am
8:10, יחידתtogetherness ?? being
together with so that not alone Ps 22:20,
יחדו, יחדas one
together ← יחד
< יחדוname>
< יחדיאלname>
< יחדיהname>
< יחואלname>
יחוללβ חלל,חול
< יחזיאלname>
< יחזיהname>
< יחזקאלname>
< יחזקיהname>
< יחזקיהוname>
< יחזרהname>
< יחיאלname>
< יחיאליname>
single, lone Gn 22:2, 12, 16,
Pr 4:3
אבל יחידthe loss of an only
יחשׂto be listed in a genealogy → יחשׂ
יחתβ נחת, חתת,חתה
< יחתname>
יטβ נטה
יטבto establish, set up, show as correct,
affirm → מיטבbest σ טוב
< יטבהname>
< יטבתהname>
< יטהname>
יטוβ נטה,טוה
יטורβ נטר
< יטורname>
יטושׁβ נטשׁ,טושׁ
יטנוβ נטה
יטפוβ נטף
ייףβ יפה
יכבנהβ כבה
יכחto set forth one’s case
to argue
(for) (as in court) Jb 9:33; 13:3, 15;
16:21; 23:7, to make known (for
teaching, judgment), to upbraid, reprove
→ תוכחהreason for setting forth one’s
case, having a complaint 2K 18:3, Is 37:3,
Hs 5:9, תוכחותdeserving of upbraiding,
reproof Ez 25:17, Ps 38:15, 39:12, 149:7,
Pr 29:1, תוכחתreasoning, reproof
showing what needs to be improved ?? a
reason for an action, often || to מוסרPr
5:12, 10:17, 12:1, 13:18, 15;5, 29:15 σ
גדףto revile 2K 19:6, 22, Is 37:6, 23, Ez
20:27, גערto rebuke, חרףto reproach,
accuse of a fault, rebuke
disgrace, יסרto make moral correction
< יכיליהname>
child was a special loss, hence greater
mourning Jr 6:26, Am 8:10 ← יחד
יחידתtogetherness ?? being together with
so that not alone Ps 22:20, 35:17 ← יחד
< יחיהname>
יחלβ יחל, חלל,חלה
יחלto wait a span of time → נוחלהthat
which is waited for, expectation ?? Ez
19:5 αλ, תוחלהthat which one waits for
Ps 39:8 (7), Pr 13:12, Lm 3:18 σ אחרto
delay, make behind where I want to be,
בשׁשׁto tarry, be delayed (aimlessly),
חכהto wait for (immediate, as in
waiting for one’s turn in a conversation),
מהמהto tarry, wait for something (not
an aimless delay) Gn 19:16, 43:10, Ex
12:39, Is 29:9, Ps 119:60, קוהto wait for,
< יחלאלname>
< יחלאליname>
יחםβ חמם,יחם
יחםto breed, refers to both the action of
breeding and that pregnancy results Gn
30:41, 31:10, Ps 51:7
יחמורroebuck Dt 14:5, 1K 5:3
< יחמיname>
יחןβ חנן,חנה
יחסβ חוס
יחסוβ חסה
יחףß יחף, חפף,חפה
יחףbarefoot 2S 15:30, Is 20:2–4, Jr 2:25 σ
< יחצאלname>
< יחצאליname>
< יחציאלname>
יחרβ חרה,אחר
יכיןestablished (set firm) ?? Jb 27:17 αλ
← כון
< יכיןname>
< יכיניname>
יכירβ נכר, כרר,כרה
יכלto be able Gn 13:16, 31:35
able to
bear with, put up with Is 1:13, not
always followed by a verb, but
sometimes by an implied “to be(come)”
then a noun, adjective or adverb
יכלוβ כלה, כול,יכל
< יכליהוname>
יכלכלβ כול
יכןβ כון
< יכניהname>
< יכניהוname>
יכנןβ כון
יכתβ כתת
ילדto bring forth, out: whereas the most
common way to bring forth in the Bible
is to give birth and giving birth is used
figuratively Ps 7:15, but used literally to
bring forth other objects, e.g. mountains
Ps 90:2, the unknown Pr 27:1, wind Is
26:18 → יולדהthe action of giving birth
Is 13:6, 21:3, Jr 6:24, Hs 13:13, Ps 48:7,
יולדתbirth mother, one who gave birth
Jr 50:12, Pr 17:25, 23:25, So 6:9, ילד
ילדהone brought forth
boy, girl,
ילדותchildhood, לדהbirth, an event 2K
19:3, Is 37:3, Jr 13:21, Ho 9:11, מולדת
that which produced …, i.e. heritage
from birth referring to one’s people Gn
12:1, Rt 2:11, Es 8:6; that which is
produced, born Gn 48:6, Lv 18:9, 11, Jr
16:3, מילדתmidwife Gn 35:17, 38:28, Ex
1:15–21, “ מלדתיךthose things brought
out for you” Ez 16:3 αλ, תולדותhistory,
the narratives that are brought forth Gn
2:4, descendants Rt 4:18, תולדתbrought
forth narration Gn 5:1, 6:9, 10:1, 11:10,
27, 25:19, Nu 3:1, genealogy Gn 25:13,
Ex 28:10, Nu 1 (12 x), תלדותnarratives
brought forth Gn 36:1, 9, 37:2 brought
forth descendants 1C 1:29, 5:7, 7:2, 4, 9,
8:28, 9:9, 34, תלדתnarrative Gn 25:12
descent Ex 6:16, 19, 1C 26:31 σ בכרto
be first born, הרהto become pregnant,
יבלto produce, in the sense to bring
forth, to present
used of trumpets
blaring forth Js 6:4–6, 8
ילדה, ילדone brought forth
boy, girl ←
ילדσ ולדchild (copyist error?) Gn
11:30 αλ, טףchild, in reference to a
child’s playful skipping, עול,עויל
suckling, small child Is 49:15, 65:20, Jb
16:11, 19:18, 21:11, עלל, עוללchild, in
reference to that small children like to
repeat actions until learned, ,תעלול
תעללchild, in reference to that small
children like to repeat actions until
learned ?? Is 3:4, 66:4
ילדותchildhood ← ילד
< ילוןname>
ילךβ הלך
ילכותrunning, operation K Pr 31:27 αλ ←
יללto howl Ez 21:17, Jl 1:5, Zc 11:2 →
יללcreatures that howl Dt 32:10 αλ,
יללהhowling Jr 25:36, 47:2, Zc 1:10,
11:2 σ דבר
יללcreatures that howl Dt 32:10 αλ ←
יללהhowling Jr 25:36, 47:2, Zc 1:10, 11:2
← ילל
ילעβ לעע
ילפתβ לפת,ילפת
ילפתpox Lv 21:20, 22:22 LXX λειχην σ
ילקtype of grasshopper, locust σ ארבה
ילקוטsmall bag that is quick to take things
out of 1S 17:40 αλ ← לקטσ שׂק
יםsea, often used to refer to the great sea
to point in the
direction of the sea, i.e. westward, also
the name of a Canaanite god
< ים סוףname>
< ימואלname>
< ימימהname>
ימיןright, towards the right, also when
facing east the right is towards the south
south ← ימןσ נגב
< ימיןname>
< ימיניname>
ימיקוβ מוק
ימךβ מוך
ימולל, ימלו, ימלβ מול
< ימלהname>
< ימלךname>
ימםhot springs ?? Gn 36:24 αλ
ימןto turn to the right side Gn 13:9 → ימין
right, towards the right, also when facing
east the right is towards the south
south, ימניתright (side) Lv 8:23–4
< ימנהname>
ימניתright (side) Lv 8:23–4 ← ימן
ימנעβ מנע,ימנע
< ימנעname>
ימץβ מצה
ימרto glorify ?? Is 61:6, Jr 2:11 σ פאר
< ימרהname>
ימשׁβ משׁשׁ
ינדוβ נוד
ינהto bully around
oppress → מוןbully,
oppressor Is 49:26 αλ σ נכה
ינהוβ נהה
< ינוחהname>
< ינוסname>
יניקותshoot Ez 17:4 αλ ← ינק
ינסβ נסה,נוס
ינעםβ נעם,נוע
ינקto suck as a baby its mother’s milk →
( יונקlit.) one who sucks, used of a baby
not yet weaned Dt 32:25, Is 11:8, Jr 44:7,
So 8:1, Lm 2:11, 4:4, used of a sucker,
growth from the roots of trees, almost
always not wanted Is 53:2, יונקותroot
tendrils that take up water and nutrients
Ps 80:12 αλ, יניקותshoot Ez 17:4 αλ,
מיניקתwet nurse ?? causing babies to
suck Is 49:23 αλ, מינקתwet nurse Gn
35:8, Ex 2:7, 2K 11:12, 2C 22:11
ינשׁוףheron ?? Lv 11:17, Dt 14:16, Is 34:11
σ עוף
יסגβ סוג
יסדto set up, establish—earth Ps 24:2 and
all that is in it Ps 89:12, a country
(Egypt) Ex 9:18. God’s witnesses i.e.
laws Ps 119:152
to lay a foundation
for a house, building → יסודה, יסוד,יסד
base, מסד, מוסדה,מוסד
foundation σ שׂים
יסודה, יסוד, יסדfoundation
base ← יסד
יסורβ סור,יסר
יסחβ סחה
יסךβ סכך, סוך,נסך
< יסכהname>
יסכוβ סכך,נסך
יסכוןβ סכו
יסכסךβ סכך
< יסחיהוname>
יסעβ נסע
יסףβ ספה,יסף
יסףto add more of the same → נוספות
additions that were made Is 15:9 αλ σ
יסרto make moral correction → מוסר
discipline, correction
(through punishment), מוסרהchains
and/or a collar placed on prisoners and/
or slaves to keep them in line ?? Jr 2:20,
5:5, 27:2, 30:8, Nh 1:13, Ps 2:3, 107:14 σ
יסתβ סות
יעflat shovel used to remove ashes from a
fireplace σ מזרהone who spreads out Jr
31:9, Pr 1:17, 21:8, 26
shovel, lightly made of wood used to
spread grain out onto a threshing floor in
order for threshing Is 30:24, Jr 15:7
< יעבץname>
יעדto schedule a meeting, make an
appointment, which can be either with a
single other individual or a large group,
call out to a meeting (a master having a
meeting with a female slave, possibly
sexual?) → מועדה,( מועדplace of)
appointment (referring to
place and/or time), מעדgathering, can
be either spontaneous or planned ?? Lv
23:44, Nu 9:3, 7, 13, Lm 2:6, 2C 31:3,
עדהcongregation, referring to the
swarm (of bees) Jd 14:8 σ פגשׁ
to meet with, encounter, קהלto group
(together), which can be in close
physical proximity Ex 32:1, Nu 16:19 or
groupings by classification Gn 28:3,
< יעדוname>
יעהto shovel away ?? Is 28:17 αλ → יעים
shovels Ex 38:3, Nu 4:14, 1K 7:40, 45, 2K
25:14, Jr 52:18, 2C 4:11, 16
< יעואלname>
< יעוץname>
< יעורname>
< יעושׁname>
יעזto be shameless Is 33:19 αλ
< יעזיאלname>
< יעזיהוname>
< יעזירname>
< יעזרname Moabite city>
יעטβ עיט,עטה
< יעיאלname>
יעיםshovels Ex 38:3, Nu 4:14, 1K 7:40, 45,
2K 25:14, Jr 52:18, 2C 4:11, 16 ← יעהσ
אזןshovel for digging, part of the camp
equipment for an army (⇐ being ear
shaped) Dt 23:14 αλ
< יעירname>
< יעישׁname>
< יעכןname>
יעלβ עלה,יעל
יעלto benefit, be of use → יעלתbenefit Pr
5:19 αλ σ סכן
יעלibex, a type of mountain goat, known
for its climbing ability 1S 24:3, Ps
104:18, Jb 39:1 ← עלהσ עז
< יעלname>
< יעלאname>
< יעלהname>
< יעלםname>
יעלתbenefit Pr 5:19 αλ ← יעל
יענהβ ענה,בת יענה
< יעניname>
יעערוβ עור
יעףto be fatigued → יעףfatigued (person,
creature), מועףcaused to be fatigued Is
8:23 αλ, עיףexhausted, עיפהexhaustion
σ יגע
יעףfatigued ← יעף
יעפוβ עוף
יעץto advise → יועץadvisor, מועצות
counsel as in mental advise Ps 81:13
(12), Pr 22:20, מעצותcouncil as in a
group of advisors Jr 7:24, Hs 11:6, Mc
6:16, Ps 5:11 (10), מעצתgiving
council ?? Pr 1:31, 27:9, עצהcounsel,
< יעקבname>
< יעקבהname>
< יעקובname>
< יעקןname>
יערה, יערforest, woods
wild honey
(found in the forest) σ צוף
< יער חרתname>
< יערהname>
< יערי ארגיםname>
< יערשׁיהname>
< יעשׂיname>
< יעשׂיאלname>
< יפדיהname>
יפהto be beautiful → יפהbeautiful, יפי
beauty, תפיdecorating, i.e. making
beautiful ?? Jr 31:4, Ez 28:13
יפהbeautiful ← יפה
< יפוname>
< יפואname>
< יפיעname>
יפיקβ פוק
יפחβ פוח, נפח,יפח
יפחto pant, sigh ?? Jr 4:31, Hb 2:3, Ps
27:12, Pr 14:25 σ רוח
יפיbeauty ← יפה
יפיחβ פוח
יפיפיתβ יפה
יפלβ נפל
< יפלטname>
< יפלטיname>
< יפנהname>
יפעto shine forth, illuminate, used for both
physical light and teaching
(enlightenment) Dt 33:2, Jb 3:4, 10:3, 22
→ יפעתbrightness, shining, used in the
sense that something is great,
splendid ?? Ez 28:7, 17, תפעshining ??
Jb 10:22 αλ σ אור
יפעתbrightness, shining, used in the sense
that something is great, splendid ?? Ez
28:7, 17 ← יפע
יפקβ פוק
יפרפרβ פורר
יפתβ פתה, נפת,יפת
יפתname of one of the sons of Noah β יפה
< יפתחname>
< יפתח אלname>
יצאβ צוא,יצא
יצאto exit, go out → יוצאתexiting, i.e.
spilling Am 5:3, Zc 5:3, 5–6, Ps 144:14,
יצאone who exits 1K 15:17, יצואgoing
out Gn 8:7, 2S 16:5, 2K 5:11, יציאthat
which exited, issued out 2C 32:21 αλ,
מוצאexit, going out, מוצאתorigin ⇐
going out Mc 5:1 αλ, מצאexiting, going
or coming forth Jb 38:27, Dn 9:25, צאצא
offspring, תוצאותexit, going out
extremity σ אזלto go out Pr 20:14, Jb
to run out of (⇐ went out
hence is no more) 1S 9:7, מושׁto depart
Jd 6:18, Is 54:10, Jr 17:8
יצאone who exits 1K 15:17 ← יצא
יצבβ נצב,יצב
יצבto take one’s stand, always found in
Hitpael σ קום,עמד
יצגto position → מציגone who causes to
position Jd 6:37 αλ σ שׂים
יצהרnew oil Nu 18:12, Dt 7:13, 2C 31:5
← צהר
< יצהרname>
< יצהריname>
יצואgoing out Gn 8:7, 2S 16:5, 2K 5:11 ←
יצוםβ צום,צוה
( יצועcamp)bed, spread out on the ground
or on baggage Gn 49:4, Ps 63:7, 132:3, Jb
17:13, 1C 5:1 ← יצעσ מטה
יצועflying buttress, an architectural
structure that had the same function ??
1K 6:5–6, 10 ← יצע
יצחקlaughter ← צחק
< יצחקname>
< יצחרname>
יצטירוβ ציר
יציאthat which exited, issued out 2C 32:21
αλ ← יצא
יצלβ נצל
יצעto spread out a covering Is 14:11, 58:5,
Es 4:3 → ( יצועcamp)bed, spread out on
the ground or on baggage Gn 49:4, Ps
63:7, 132:3, Jb 17:13, 1C 5:1, יצועflying
buttress, an architectural structure that
had the same function ?? 1K 6:5–6, 10,
מצעcouch Is 28:20 αλ σ פרשׂ
יצףβ צפה,צוף
יצקto pour, used not only for liquids such
as oil Gn 28:18, 1S 10:1 and water Ez
24:3, but also for solid objects Js 7:23, 2S
to cast (metal) by pouring
molten metal into a mold Ex 25:12, 1K
7:46 → ( יצקתin) its being molded ??
1K 7:24 αλ, מוצקthings and places
connected with causing to be poured out,
molded (cast) objects 1K 7:23, 33, 37,
place for draining Jb 36:16, 38:38,
מוצקהspout ?? (of a lamp, where a wick
can be placed) Zc 4:2 αλ, צקתpouring
out Ex 38:27, Jb 38:38 σ שׁפך
( יצקתin) its being molded ?? 1K 7:24 αλ
← יצק
יצרβ צרר, נצר,יצר
יצרto fashion
to take raw material and
make something out of it, e.g. the
creation of mankind Gn 2:7–8, bronze
pillar 1K 7:15, statue (idol) Is 44:9–10,
etc. → יוצרone who fashions things, e.g.
maker of weapons Is 54:17, potter Jr
18:2–4, יצרthat which is fashioned
thoughts, plans, צורתground plan ?? Ez
43;11 σ עשׂה,דמה
יצרthat which is fashioned
plans ← יצר
< יצרname>
< יצריname>
יצתβ צות
יצתיβ generally recognized in Jb 1:21 as a
copyist error for יצא
יקבβ נקב,יקב
יקבpress (can be used to press must from
grapes or oil from olives) σ גת
winepress, פורהvat Hg 2:16 (that can
be used as a winepress Is 63:3)
< יקב זאבname>
< יקבצאלname>
יקדβ קדד,יקד
יקדto kindle → יקודhearth, יקדתkindled
Is 65:5 αλ, מוקדconstant fire, constant
burning ?? Is 33:14 (Ps 102:4 (3) s. קד
Aleppo reading), מוקדהhearth, where a
fire is kindled Lv 6:2 (9) αλ σ שׂרף
< יקדעםname>
יקדתkindled Is 65:5 αλ ← יקד
< יקהname>
יקהתobedience ?? Gn 49:10, Pr 30:17
יקודhearth ← יקד
יקוטβ קוט
יקוםanything that rises up, animal and
plant ?? Gn 7:4, 23, Dt 11:6 ← קום
יקושׁone who lays snares Jr 5:26, Hs 9:8,
Ps 91:3, Pr 6:5 ← יקשׁ
< יקותיאלname>
יקחβ לקח
< יקטןname>
< יקיםname>
יקירprecious, valuable Jr 31:19 αλ ← יקר
יקםβ קום,נקם
< יקמהname>
< יקמעםname>
< יקנעםname>
יקעto execute ?? Nu 25:4, 2S 21:6, 9, 13
יקףβ נקף
יקץβ קצץ, קצה, קוץ,יקץ
יקץto awake, wake up Gn 9:24, 28:16,
41:4, 7, 21, Ps 78:65
יקרβ קרר, קרה, נקר,יקר
יקרto be precious, valuable because of
rarity → יקירprecious, valuable Jr 31:19
αλ, יקרvaluable thing Jr 20:5, Ez 22:25,
Ps 49:13, Jb 28:10, value Es 1:4, 20, 6:3,
6, 8:16, יקרה, יקרprecious, valuable
יקרvaluable thing Jr 20:5, Ez 22:25, Ps
49:13, Jb 28:10, value Es 1:4, 20, 6:3,
6, 8:16 ← יקר
יקרה, יקרprecious, valuable (adj) ←
יקרהβ קרה,יקר
יקשׁto ensnare, lay a snare → יקושׁone
who lays snares Jr 5:26, Hs 9:8, Ps 91:3,
Pr 6:5, מקשׁ, מוקשׁsnare, a trap that
catches its prey and hangs on Ex 10:7, Is
8:14, Pr 29:6, 25 σ נקשׁto ensnare, get
caught up Dt 12:30, 1S 28:9, Ps 38:13
(12), 109:11
< יקשׁןname>
< יקתאלname>
יראto fear as in to be afraid, scared of
something → יראה, יראfear referring to
being afraid, מוראfear referring to a
subject causing fear, נוראfearful,
frightful, fear inspiring σ איםto cause
unease So 6:4, 10, בהלmove quickly Pr
28:22, 2C 26:20
to alarm as in to
frighten (⇐ those who are frightened
move quickly) Dn 11:44, 2C 32:18 Ni be
alarmed, frightened Gn 45:3, Ez 26:18,
בעתto terrify 1S 16:14–5, Es 7:6, Dn
8:17, גורto be intimidated, דאבto
despair, דאגto be anxious 1S 9:5, 10:2, Is
57:11, Jr 17:8, Ps 38:19 (18), זועto be in
a cold sweat, חפזto hurry as if caused
by fear Dt 20:3, 1S 23:26, Ps 46:6, חתת
climb down So 4:1, 6:5, דללto lower,
wane Jd 6:6, Is 19:6, Ps 79:8, מוךto go
to become poor, צנחto go down
Jd 4:21
to dismount Js 15:18, Jd 1:14,
שׁוחto bring down Pr 2:18 αλ, שׁפלto
become depressed
< ירדname>
< ירדןname>
ירדנהβ ירד
ירדתdescent Is 63:19, 64:2 ← ירד
ירהβ ירה,יורה
ירהto thrust out as in pointing with a
finger, throwing: as in pointing out
knowledge Is 28:9, Hs 10:12, to point to,
indicate Gn 31:51, Jb 38:6, often
suddenly as in shoving or pushing Ex
15:4, shooting projectiles 1S 20:36–7, 2K
19:32, Is 37:33 → יורהearly rain Dt
11:14, Jr 5:24, Hs 6:3, ירהone who
points to Pr 26:18, מורהone who shoots
forth (arrows 1S 31:3, 1C 10:3,
shooting (arrows) 1S
20:36, teacher 2K 17:28, Is 9:14, Hb 2:18,
Jb 26:22, Pr 5:13, 2C 15:3, ירים
archers ?? 1C 10:7, 2C 35:23, תורה
instruction (pointing out)
ירהone who points to Pr 26:18 ← ירה
< ירואלname>
< ירוחname>
ירוךβ ירה
ירוםrising up ?? Ps 140:9 (8) αλ ← רום
ירועβ רעע, רעה, רוע,ירע
ירוץβ רצץ.רוץ
ירק, ירוקleaves, as in vegetative matter σ
< ירושׁאname>
< ירושׁהname>
to terrify, make paralyzed from fear,
though usually in passive Niphal to be
paralyzed from fear, יגרto fear as in
seeing something unpleasant and fearing
that it will come Ps 75:9, Jb 9:28, ערץto
(be) dismay(ed) Dt 1:29, 20:3, Is 2:19,
21, Ps 89:8, פוןdespair ?? Ps 88:16 αλ,
פחדto dread, רההto fear, used only in
connection with dread in context that
this was announced before, therefore
don’t dread and don’t __, DSS has יראIs
44:8 αλ
יראto pour down, used of water Pr 11:25,
arrows or stones from on top of a wall
2C 26:15, unspecified weapons from on
top of a wall 2S 11:24 → מוראone who
pours down weapons from on top of a
wall 2S 11:24
יראה, יראfear referring to being afraid ←
יראσ אבחתfright ?? Ez 21:20 (15) αλ,
אימהunease, דאבון, דאבהdespair, דאגה
anxiety Jr 49:23, Ez 4:16, 12:18–9, Pr
12:25, רתתtrembling Hs 13:1 αλ
< יראוןname>
< יראייהname>
ירבβ ריב,רבב
< ירבעלname>
< ירבעםname>
< ירבשׁתname>
ירדβ רדה, רדד,ירד
ירדto descend → ירדתdescent Is 63:19,
64:2, מורדplace of descent
a road
going down from a place Js 7:5, a
drainage sluice for water Mc 1:4
מעשה מורדhollowed out area, socket ??
1K 7:30, ( רדadj.) descended, i.e. late in
the day Jd 19:11, רדתdescent σ גלשׁto
< ירושליםname>
< ירושׁלימהname>
< ירושׁלםname>
< ירושׁלמהname>
ירחβ רוח,ירח
ירחleaving off, ending 1S 26:19, Ps 72:7
< ירחname>
< ירחוname>
< ירחםname>
< ירחמאלname>
< ירחמאליname>
< ירחעname>
ירטβ רטט,ירט
ירטto be detached, not affiliated with ??
Nu 22:32 αλ → מורטdetached, not
affiliated with Is 18:2, 7 σ עקשׁ
< יריאלname>
יריבone who argues (against), brings a
(law)suit (against) Is 49:25, Jr 18:19, Ps
35:1 ← ריבσ אויב
< יריבname>
< יריביname>
< יריהname>
< יריהוname>
< יריחוname>
יריםarchers ?? 1C 10:7, 2C 35:23 ← ירה
< ירימותname>
יריעהcurtain hanging loose, to flutter in
the wind ← ירעσ פרכת
< יריעותname>
ירךβ רכך,ירך
ירךthigh Gn 24:9, 32:26, 32, Nu 5:22, Jd
3:16, used to refer to source of
reproduction (translated as “loins” in old
translations) Gn 46:26, Ex 1:5, used in
architecture for a side Ex 40:22, 24, Lv
1:11, the stand of the menorah Ex 25:31,
ירכתbackside, furthest back Gn 49:13
remotest part Ex 26:22–23, Jn 1:5
ירםβ רמם,רום
ירנוβ רנן,ירה
< ירמותname>
< ירמיname>
< ירמיהname>
< ירמיהוname>
ירניβ ירה
ירעβ רעע, רעה, רוע,ירע
ירעto flutter or flap (in the wind) Is 15:4
αλ → יריעהcurtain hanging loose, to
flutter in the wind
ירעםβ רעע, רעם, רעה, רוע,ירע
ירעעβ רועIs 16:10 ??
< ירפאלname>
ירפךβ רפה
ירץβ רצץ, רצה,רוץ
ירצוןβ רוץ
ירקβ ריק,ירק
ירקto ooze, drip (body fluids) Lv 15:8
to spit Nu 12:14, Dt 25;9 → רקsaliva Jb
spittle Is 50:6, Jb 30:10
ירקleaves, as in vegetative matter
ירקוןblight Dt 28:22, 1K 8:37, Am 4:9, Hg
2:17, 2C 6:28
< ירקעםname>
ירקרקpale, light colored Lv 13:49, Ps
ירקרקתpaleness Lv 14:37 αλ
ירשׁto expropriate, as in to transfer
ownership from one (person, nation,
people) to another
to inherit → יורשׁ
heir, one to whom a parent’s property
devolves, ירשׁheritage, shared
heritage ?? Jd 14:16. ירשׁהinheritance,
מורישׁcausing expropriation
removal of possessions Dt 9:4–5, 18:12,
1S 2:7, מורשׁone who expropriates Ob
1:17, Jb 17:11 act of expropriating Is
14:23, מורשׁהexpropriation Ez 25:4, 36:3
inheritance Ex 6:8, Dt 33:4, תירושׁnew
wine σ קנה
ירשׁheritage, shared heritage ?? Jd 14:16
← ירשׁ
ירשׁהinheritance ← ירשׁ
“ ישׁthere is” This appears to be a
participle, in other words, a gerund,
noun. It can take suffixes like a noun. It
always precedes the subject noun to
which it’s attached, though once it stands
alone, Is 43:8. The basic meaning seems
to be “existing” or “being”, but when the
subject noun is preceded with a prefixed
לthe combination indicates possession
or ownership, can be a stand alone noun
meaning already existing object or
possession Pr 8:21. One word of warning,
because Biblical Hebrew syntax is fluid,
with what’s considered most important
often appearing first in the sentence,
rather than a fixed subject, verb, object
as in English, sometimes the object
comes first in a sentence, even preceding
the gerund. Rarely used as an
introduction to a question Rt 1:12, Jd
6:13 σ אין
wealth, riches ?? Pr 8:21
ישׁאβ נשׁא
ישׁבβ שׁוב, שׁבה,ישׁב
ישׁבto settle (down) used both in the
context of settling down into a chair, i.e.
to sit, and settling down, i.e. making a
hi. to cause to settle (a
woman as wife), to marry → , ישׁב,יושׁב
ישׁבתsettler, inhabitant, מושׁבaction or
place of settling down
seat, משׁבת
settlement Gn 36:43, Ex 35:3, Lv 23:14,
31, שׁבתsettling down, תשׁב, תושׁבsettler
σ גורto sojourn, live temporarily in a
place, זבלto reside (with), לוןto lodge,
generally referring to a temporary stay
such as overnight or a few days though
can be longer Pr 15:31, used of fat of
sacrifices Ex 23:18, 34:25, strength Jb
41:14 (22)
לון עלto lodge a
complaint, רבץto recline, שׁכבto lie
as a euphemism for sexual
relationship, שׁכןto dwell
< ישׁב בשׁבתname>
< ישׁבאבname>
ישׁבוβ שׁוב, שׁבה,ישׁב
< ישׁבחname>
< ישׁביname>
< ישׁבי לחםname>
< ישׁבעםname>
< ישׁבקname>
< ישׁבקשׁהname>
ישׁבתβ שׁבת, ישׁב,יושׁב
ישׂגβ נשׂג
ישׁהβ נשׁה
ישׁובβ שׁוב,ישׁב
< ישׁובname>
< ישׁוביname>
< ישׁוהname>
< ישׁויname>
< ישׁוחיהname>
< ישׁועname>
ישׁע, ישׁועתה, ישׁועהsalvation ← ישׁע
ישׁופניβ שׁוף,נשׁף
ישׁחβ שׁחח,ישׁח
ישׁחthat which brings one down ?? Mc
6:14 αλ ← שׁחח
< ישׂחקname>
ישׂטβ שׂטה,ישׁט
ישׁטto hold out (to) Es 4:11, 5:2, 4
< ישׁיname>
ישׁיבβ שׁוב, שׁבה,ישׁב
< ישׁיבname>
ישׂיגוβ שׂוג,נשׂג
< ישׁיהname>
< ישׁיהוname>
< ישׂימאלname>
< ישׁימוןname> a particular barren or
deserted place 1S 23:19, 24, Ps 68:8,
78:40, 106:14, 107:4 ← ישׁם
ישׁימותdesertion, barrenness Ps 55:16 (15)
αλ ← ישׁם
< ישׁימןname> a particular barren or
deserted place Nu 21:20, 23:28, 1S
26:1, 3, Is 43:20 ← ישׁם
ישׂיקβ נשׂק
ישׁשׁ, ישׁישׁage, aged σ כלחripe old age Jb
5:26, 30:2
< ישׁישׁיname>
ישׁךβ נשׁך,ישׁ
ישׁכנוβ שׁכן,נשׁך
ישׁלβ שׁלל, שׁלה,נשׁל
ישׁליוβ שׁלה,נשׁל
ישׂםβ שׂים
ישׁםβ ◌שׁמם,ישׁם
ישׁםto be deserted Ez 6:6 αλ → ישׁימון
<name> a particular barren or deserted
place 1S 23:19, 24, Ps 68:8, 78:40,
106:14, 107:4, ישׁימותdesertion,
barrenness Ps 55:16 (15) αλ, ישׁימן
<name> a particular barren or deserted
place Nu 21:20, 23:28, 1S 26:1, 3, Is
43:20, ישׁמןbarren or deserted place Is
43:19 αλ σ עזב
< ישׁמאname>
< ישׁמותname>
ישׁמןbarren or deserted place Is 43:19
αλ ← ישׁם
< ישׁמעאלname>
< ישׁממעאליname>
< ישׁמעיהname>
< ישׁמעיהוname>
< ישׁמריname>
ישׁןβ שׁנה,ישׁן
ישׁןto be old Lv 13:11, 26:10, Dr 4:25 →
ישׁןold items (this is a noun, not an
adjective) Lv 25:22, 26:10, So 7:14
ישׁןto sleep, fall asleep Gn 2:21, 41:5, Jd
euphemism for to die Jr 51:39,
57, Ps 13:4 (3) → ישׁןsleeper, one who
is sleeping Ps 78:65, Dn 12:2, שׁנהsleep
σ הזהto nap Is 56:10 αλ, נוםto laze Is
5:27, 56:10, Nh 3:18, Ps 76:6, 121:3–4,
פגרto collapse from exhaustion 1S
30:10, 21, רדםto lie still (on the ground
as in laziness, fear or sleep)
to sleep
deeply Jn 1:5, Ps 68:28 (27), 76:7 (6),
Dn 8:18
ישׁןold items (this is a noun, not an
adjective) Lv 25:22, 26:10, So 7:14 ←
ישׁןsleeper, one who is sleeping Ps 78:65,
Dn 12:2 ← ישׁן
ישׁנהβ שׁנה, ישׁנה, ישׁן,ישׁ
< ישׁנהname>
ישׁנוβ שׁנה, ישׁן,ישׁ
ישׁעβ שׁעה, שׁוע,ישׁע
ישׁעto save → ישׁע, ישׁועתה,ישׁועה
salvation, מושׁיעsavior, מושׁעותsalvation
Ps 68:21 (20) αλ, תשׁועהsalvation σ
ישׁעוβ שׁעה, שׁוע,ישׁע
< ישׁעיname>
< ישׁעיהname>
< ישׁעיהוname>
ישׁפהjasper Ex 28:20, 39:13, Ez 28:13
< ישׁפהname>
< ישׁפןname>
ישׁקβ שׁקה, שׁוק,נשׁק
ישׁקהβ שׁקה,נשׁק
ישׁקוβ שׁקה, שׁוק,נשׁק
ישׂרβ שׂרר
ישׁרβ שׁרר, שׁור,ישׁר
ישׁרto be straight
as in upright, treating
people correctly → ישׁרstraight
as in
upright, treating people correctly, ,ישׁר
ישׁרהstraightness, ישׁרוןa person who is
straight, as in upright, treating people
correctly Dt 32:15, 33:5, 26, Is 44:2,
מישׁר, מישורplain, flat land, מישׁרmade
flat ?? 1K 6:35, מישׁריםstraightness,
uprightness σ זקףto straighten up Ps
146:8 αλ, נכחto go straight forward,
straight towards the front Ex 14:2, Is
57:2, Ez 46:9, פלסto level, i.e. make (a
road) straight, not bumpy Is 26:7, Pr
4:26, 5:6, 21, used of making the way to
actions quick and easy Ps 58:3, 78:50
ישׁרstraight, as in upright, treating people
correctly ← ישׁר
ישׁרה, ישׁרstraightness ← ישׁר
< ישׁרname>
< ישׂראלname>
< ישׂראלהname>
< ישׂראליname>
ישׁרוןa person who is straight, as in
upright, treating people correctly Dt
32:15, 33:5, 26, Is 44:2 ← ישׁר
< ישׁרוןtoponym>
ישׂשׂוםβ שׂושׂ
< ישׂשׁכרname>
ישׁתβ שׁתה, שׁית,נשׁת
ישׁתהβ שׁתה,שׁית
ישׁתקשׁקוןβ שׁוק
ישׂתרוβ שׂרר
יתאβ תאה
יתאוβ אוה
יתאונןβ אנן
יתבשׁשׁוβ בושׁ
יתדpeg Jd 16:14, Is 22:23, 25, Ez 15:3, Zc
spike (for digging) Dt 23:14
(tent) stake Ex 27:19, Jd 4:21–2, Is
יתוβ תוה
יתורabundance (← )יתרor explored out
(← ?? )תורJb 39:8 αλ
< יתירname>
יתירהוβ נתר
יתירוβ תור
יתכןβ תכן,כון
< יתמהname>
יתמכוβ תמך,מוך
יתמללוβ מלל,מול
יתנוβ תנה,נתן
< יתניאלname>
< יתנןname>
יתעβ תעה,נתע
יתעלβ תעל,עלה
יתעםβ תעה,נתע
יתעררβ עור
יתץβ נתץ
יתקפוβ נקף
יתרβ תור, נתר,יתר
יתרto remain, be left over, from the
concept of abundance leading to
leftovers → יותרexcess such that there’s
a remainder 1S 15:15, Ko 6:8, 7:16, יתר
remaining in that there’s more to come,
not yet mentioned, יתרהremaining, left
over in the sense of still present Is 15:7
αλ, יתרוןgain, left over after expenses
Ko 1:3, 7:12, 10:10–11, יתרתthat which
remains after removing all else Jr 48:36
connected with כבדis this the gall
bladder that is found upon the liver ??
Ex 29;13, 22, Lv 3:4, 10, 15, 9:10, 19,
advantage from idea
of left over beyond something Pr 14:23,
21:5, Ko 3:19 σ שׁאר
יתרsinew, often used as a strong thread or
cord (if fresh, will shrink as it dries out)
Jd 16:7–9
bowstring (made of sinew)
Ps 11:2 σ חבל
יתרremaining in that there’s more to
come, not yet mentioned ← יתר
< יתרname>
< יתראname>
יתרהremaining, left over in the sense of
still present Is 15:8 αλ ← יתר
< יתרוname>
יתרוןgain, left over after expenses Ko 1:3,
7:12, 10:10–11 ← יתר
< יתריname>
< יתרןname>
< יתרעםname>
יתרתthat which remains after removing
all else Jr 48:36
connected with כבד
is this the gall bladder that is found upon
the liver ?? Ex 29;13, 22, Lv 3:4, 10, 15,
9:10, 19 ← יתר
יתשׁםβ נתשׁ
< יתתname>
כeleventh letter, where letters are used as
numbers, it refers to the number 20.
( כprefix), meaning like, as
כאבto be painful, to be in pain (both
physical and spiritual) Ez 13:22, Pr
14:13, Jb 5:18, 14:22
make painful,
difficult to work 2K 3:19 → כאבpain Is
17:11, 65:14, Jr 15:18, Ps 39:3, Jb 2:13,
16:6, כואבin pain Ps 69:30 αλ, מכאב
pain, being in pain Ex 3:7, Jr 45:3, Lm
1:12, 18, מכאבהagony, generalized pain
Is53:3 αλ, מכאובthat which makes
painful, that gives pain Jr 51:8, Ps 32:10,
38:17, 69:26, Lm 1:12, Ko 1:18 σ עצבto
do sorrowful, heavy labor that makes one
weary, worn out, in pain
to be hard,
stern as in discipline 1K 1:6
כאבpain Is 17:11, 65:14, Jr 15:18, Ps 39:3,
Jb 2:13, 16:6 ← כאב
כאביβ כאב,אב
כאהto be despondent Ez 13:22, Ps 104:16,
Dn 11:30 → נכאהmade despondent Is
16:7, Pr 15:13, 17:22, 18:14 σ כעס
כארto deform as in to twist into unnatural
shapes (used in Akkadian medical texts
for diseases that deform hands and feet),
distort ?? Ps 22:17 αλ → כארdeforming,
as in writhing Is 38:13 αλ, כארthat
which deforms, puts into unnatural
shapes Am 8:8 αλ
כארdeforming, as in writhing Is 38:13 αλ
← כאר
כארthat which deforms, puts into
unnatural shapes Am 8:8 αλ ← כאר
כאריβ כאר,ארי
כבדto be weighty,
to be heavy,
to be
important, with honor,
to be
unresponsive as in too heavy to move or
react → כבדweighty
rich (heavy
with possessions), כבדliver, this is the
organ in the body known for its density,
weight Ex 29:13, 22, Lv 7:4, Ez 21:26, Pr
7:23, כבד, כבודheaviness
honor, כבודהvaluable thing (what one
considers weighty) σ פאר
rich (heavy with
possessions), honorable ← כבד
כבדliver, this is the organ in the body
known for its density, weight Ex 29:13,
22, Lv 7:4, Ez 21:26, Pr 7:23 ← כבדσ
כבדתheaviness Ex 14:25 αλ ← כבד
כבהto extinguish (fire, flame) → כבות
extinguishing (of a people) ?? Ez 32:7
LXX σβεσθηναι αλ σ דעךto sputter out,
die down of flame Is 43:17, Ps 118:12, Pr
13:9, 20:20, Jb 18:5–6
כבד, כבודheaviness
riches, honor ←
כבדσ חשׁןornament(al breastplate) Ex
25:7, 28, Lv 8:8, upon which was placed
the אוריםand תמיםEx 28:30, Lv 8:8, Nu
27:21, Ezr 2:63, Ne 7:65, צביsplendor,
תפארהornament, a specific object that
embellishes Is 28:5, Jr 48:17, תפארת
ornamentation, a generic adornment
כבודהvaluable thing (what one considers
weighty) ← כבד
< כבולname>
< כבוןname>
כבותextinguishing (of a people) ?? Ez
32:7 LXX σβεσθηναι αλ ← כבה
כבירexpansive as in drawn out in breadth
Is 16:14, 17:12, 28:2 and/or time Jb 8:2,
15:10, 34:17, used metaphorically to
refer to wealth (spread of fields,
livestock spread out on it) Jb 31:25,
those who cause to draw out (time) Jb
34:24, blanket (spread) 1S 19:13, 16 ←
כבלfetter Ps 105:18, 149:8 σ זקים
כבליβ כבל,בלי
כבסto launder, wash → כובסlaunderer σ
כברβ כבר,בר
כברto become spread out, expansive,
draw out (length and breadth, both area
and time) ?? Jb 35:16 → כביר
expansive as in drawn out in breadth Is
16:14, 17:12, 28:2 and/or time Jb 8:2,
15:10, 34:17, used metaphorically to
refer to wealth (spread of fields,
livestock spread out on it) Jb 31:25,
those who cause to draw out (time) Jb
34:24, blanket (spread) 1S 19:13, 16,
כברהspread out place, i.e. wide open
space Am 9:9 αλ, כברתdistance Gn
35:16, 48:7, 2K 5:19, מכבירone who
spreads out (distributes) Jb 36:31 αλ,
מכברblanket 2K 8:15; lattice, grate Ex
27:4, 38:4, 39:39 σ רקע
כברalready Ko 1:10, 3:15, 9:7
כברname of river Ez 1, 3, 10, 43
כברהspread out place, i.e. wide open
space Am 9:9 αλ ← כברσ מרחב
כברתdistance Gn 35:16, 48:7, 2K 5:19 ←
כבשׂה, כבשׂlamb כבשׂ בן שׁנהlamb born
this year
כבשׁto tread upon Mc 7:19, Zc 9:15
subjugate Gn 1:28, 2S 8:11, 2C 28:10 →
כבשׁstage, here a small one before the
throne ?? 2C 9:18 αλ, כבשׁone who
subjugates, oppresses ?? Is 5:17 αλ, כבשׁן
furnace for smelting ore, with air blowers
powered by foot operated bellows Gn
19:28, Ex 9:8, 10, 19:18 ⇐ something
tread upon
כבשׁstage, here a small one before the
throne ?? 2C 9:18 αλ ← כבשׁ
כבשׁone who subjugates, oppresses ?? Is
5:17 αλ ← כבשׁ
כבשׁןfurnace for smelting ore, with air
blowers powered by foot operated
bellows Gn 19:28, Ex 9:8, 10, 19:18 ⇐
something tread upon ← כבשׁσ כור
כבשׂתgroup of lambs Gn 21:28–30
( כדlarge) storage jar, to store wet or dry
foods σ פרור
כדורβ דור
כדכדa precious stone ?? Is 54:12, Ez
כדמהβ דם
< כדרלעמרname>
כההto fade Lv 13:6, 21, 26, 28, 56 in the
sense of growing weak, leaving off Is
42:3–4, Zc 11:17, * כהה בto make
someone leave off, i.e. remove them from
where they are 1S 3:13 → כההfaded σ
כההfaded ← כהה
כהןβ כהן,( כprefix)
כהןto be a priest—in that in ancient
societies the pharaoh / king / emperor
was not only the top civic leader of the
state, but also the top religious leader
(he was often to be worshipped as a
god), therefore he was also the high
priest of the state as well. Princes who
didn’t ascend to the throne were given
lesser posts, often as “priests” which still
mixed the civic with religious duties,
hence they were “priests”. In ancient
Israel, that extended even to princes who
had no “religious” duties → כהןpriest:
apparently this is a term that had a
wider meaning than merely working
within a religious setting, also including
royal prerogatives. In ancient Egypt
princes who didn’t become pharaoh were
“priests” as their royal jobs, which means
that when pharaoh had Joseph marry the
daughter of a “priest” Gn 41:45, that he
was marrying into the royal family as a
way to get his loyalty to the throne. 2S
8:18 David’s sons were royal officials, but
called “priests” when they clearly were
not priests working in the temple
because they were not descendants of
Aaron, כהנהpriesthood Ex 40:15, Nu
16:10, 25:13 priestdom, guild of priests
Ezr 2:62, Ne 7:64, 13:29
כהןpriest: apparently this is a term that
had a wider meaning than merely
working within a religious setting, also
including royal prerogatives. In ancient
Egypt princes who didn’t become
pharaoh were “priests” as their royal
jobs, which means that when pharaoh
had Joseph marry the daughter of a
“priest” Gn 41:45, that he was marrying
into the royal family as a way to get his
loyalty to the throne. 2S 8:18 David’s
sons were royal officials, but called
“priests” when they clearly were not
priests working in the temple because
they were not descendants of Aaron. ←
כהנהβ כהנה,הנה
כהנהpriesthood Ex 40:15, Nu 16:10, 25:13
priestdom, guild of priests Ezr 2:62, Ne
7:64, 13:29 ← כהן
כהקירβ נקר
כואבin pain Ps 69:30 αλ ← כאב
< כובname>
כובסlaunderer ← כבס
קובע, כובעhelmet 1S 17:5, 38, Is 59:17, Ez
23:24, 27:10, 38:5
כוהto injure by burning Is 43:2, Pr 6:28 →
כויהinjury from a burn Ex 21:25, מכוה
area of a burn in the skin Lv 13:24–5, 28
σ אשׁ
כויהinjury from a burn Ex 21:25 ← כוה
כוכבstar σ מזלותplanets 2K 23:5 αλ,
מזרותconstellation ?? Jb 38:32 αλ (כיון
Saturn ?? Am 5:26, כימהPleiades ?? Am
5:8, Jb 9:9, 38:31, כסילOrion,
constellation ?? Is 13:10, Am 5:8, Jb 9:9,
38:31, עשׁ, עישׁLion (constellation) ?? Jb
9:9, 38:32)
כולto hold in, hold back 1S 25:33, hold
aside: this is used in the sense of holding
in, containing 1K 8:27, Is 40:12
containing and not letting out Jr 20:9,
also used for holding in, not letting out
for other uses, i.e. (in English) setting
aside as in making sure certain
obligations are met first, e.g. providing
for family Gn 45:11, 47:12, 50:21,
providing for the king’s use 1K 4:7, 27
sometimes used merely in the derivative
sense of providing 1K 17:4 ( כלכלrefers
to continuous or repeated action) →
מכלכלone who hold back ?? Ml 3:2 αλ,
מכלתset aside, i.e. that which is not to
be used elsewhere 1K 5:11 αλ σ נתן
כומזbracelet ?? Ex 35:22, Nu 31:50
כוןto establish, in the sense of setting up,
making firm, trustworthy → יכין
established (set firm) ?? Jb 27:17 αλ,
מכוןestablished place, establishment,
מכונהstand, upon which objects are
placed, נכונהestablished, i.e. firm,
trustworthy σ שׂים
כוןsacrificial cake made to an idol
< כוןname>
< כונניהוname>
כוסcup σ אגןgoblet, small round cup, or is
this referring to a small bottle, as for
perfume ?? Ex 24:6, Is 22:24, So 7:3,
גביעchalice Gn 44:2, 12, 16–7, כפור
covered cup Ezr 1:10, 1C 28:17
כוסpelican Lv 11:17, Dt 14:16, Ps 102:7 σ
( כורsmelting) furnace or crucible (for
metals) Dt 4:20, Ez 22:16,20, 22, Pr 17:3,
27:21 σ כבשׁןfurnace for smelting ore,
with air blowers powered by foot
operated bellows Gn 19:28, Ex 9:8, 10,
19:18 ⇐ something tread upon, מצרף
retort for smelting metals Ml 3:2–3, Pr
17:3, 27:21
< כור עשׁןname>
< כורשׁname>
< כושׁיname>
< כושׁןname>
< כושׁן רשׁעתיםname>
כושׁרותprofitability Ps 68:7 (6) αλ ←
כותto stockpile ?? הכיתהas hiphil ?? Jr
5:3, מכותas a participle ?? 2C 2:9 →
נכתהstockpile, not only of treasures, but
also of grains, trade goods, etc. 2K 20:13,
Is 39:2
< כותname>
< כותהname>
כותרתβ כתרת
כזבto speak or act untrustworthily
lie → אכזבuntrustworthy
lying Jr
15:18, Mc 1:14, כזבuntrustworthy
statement or action
lie σ שׁקר
כזבuntrustworthy statement or action
lie ← כזב
< כזבאname>
< כזבהname>
< כזיבname>
כחpower σ אוןpotency, potent
adulthood (⇐ to come into potency),
אוניםstatus of being potent, powerful Is
40:26, 29, Hs 4:9, Ps 78:51, Pr 11:7, נצח
persistence, always (never ending),
overseer, life force (that which makes
people persist in their lives), עזstrength,
כחlizard ?? Lv 11:30 αλ σ חיה
כחדto hold back, keep from, as an act of
deprivation or concealment, here applied
to peoples Ex 9:15, 23:23, 2C 32:21 and
statements, as in not telling the whole
story 1S 3:17, 2S 14:18. σ מנע
כחכיβ חכה
כחלto paint (eyes), as an act of
ornamentation Ez 23:40 αλ σ שׂקר
כחשׁto feign as in to lie, give a false
report, also to fail to come through, in
the sense of making a promise but being
unwilling or unable to follow through →
כחשׁfalseness, mendacious σ שׁקר
כחשׁfalseness, mendacious ← כחשׁ
כיfor, then, because of; this is a word that
introduces a subordinate clause in a
sentence, when used with an
interrogative the ( הprefix) precedes כי
while for a rhetorical question it is
affixed onto the word that follows the כי,
the phrase כי אםGn 15:4, 28:17, usually
translated as “except”
כידβ כיד,יד
כידdoom ?? Jb 21:20 αλ
כידודspark ?? Jb 41:11 (19) αλ σ אשׁ
כידן, כידוןjavelin, light throwing spear Js
8:18, 26, Jr 6:23, 50:42 σ חנית
כידורattack ?? Jb 15:24 αλ σ מכה
< כידןname>
כיוןSaturn ?? Am 5:26 σ כוכב
כיר, כיורvat σ פרור
כיליmiser, fraudster ?? Is 32:5, 7
כילפתmauls, tools with heavy heads and
handles ?? Ps 74:6 αλ
כימהPleiades ?? Am 5:8, Jb 9:9, 38:31
כיסleather purse, bag, used to hold
valuables Is 46:6, Pr 1:14, weights
(which were then valuable) Dt 25:13,
כלהβ כלה, כלא,כל
כלהto finish, complete, so as not to have
to deal with it any more, also used in the
sense of being finished off (as in dying
or completing a task) → כלהend,
completion, e.g. as in destroyed
completely, כליוןend, completion, of
refining Is 10:22, of what to see (eyes
not wanting to see) Dt 28:65, מכלה
finishing off as in destroying
doing the finishing off Jr 14:12, Hb 3:17,
Jb 9:22, מכלותfinishing off, with eyes
not wanting to look at it again Lv 26:16,
finishing a menorah by covering a frame
with gold 2C 4:21, תכלהperfection Ps
119:96, תכליתcompletion Jb 11:7, 26:10,
28:3, Ne 3:21
complete Ps 139:22 σ
כללto make entire, give the finishing
touches Ez 27:4, 11, תמםto come to an
end, to complete, used in the sense of
coming to the end of, finishing a period
of time Gn 47:18, Lv 25:29 and to come
to the end of construction, to finish the
making of something 1K 6:22, used of a
person who is “complete” i.e. pure Ps
18:26 (25); sometimes used in the sense
“there is no more” as all has been
removed Gn 47:15, Dt 2:16 when in
connection with a ( מprefix) on a
following (pro)noun, has the idea of
completely removing Jr 24:10, Ez 22:15
כלהend, completion, e.g. as in destroyed
completely ← כלה
כלהdaughter-in-law, bride
כלוβ כלה, כלא,כל
כלואdetention ← כלא
Mc 6:11, Pr 16:18, wineskin Pr 23:31,
wineskin Pr 23:31 σ שׂק
כיקרβ קרה
כירβ כיור
כישׁורwhorl, used in spinning Pr 31:19 αλ
ככרround object
district, region, loaf
(of bread), talent (a measure of weight)
← כררσ מדה
כלβ כל,כול
כלall (when followed by a plural noun),
every (when followed by a singular
noun) ← כלל
< כל חזהname>
כלאβ לא,כלא
כלאto detain, hold back, prevent action →
prison, כלואdetention,
מכלאpen (for sheep) σ מנעσ סגר
prison ← כלאσ מסגר
artisan 2K 24:14, 16, Jr
24:1, 29:2,
lockup (prison) Is 24:22,
42:7, Ps 142:7. In ancient times the
locksmith was the most accomplished of
artisans, dealing with the most complex
and intricate mechanisms commonly in
use. Hence their prominent mention
among those taken into captivity Jr 24:1
< כלאבname>
כלאיםmixed types Lv 19:19, Dt 22:9, Is
כלבβ כלוב,כלב
metaphorically scoundrel, a
person of ill repute, often one known for
< כלבname>
< כלב אפרתהname>
< כלביname>
כלובcovered basket (κλοβοβ, κλουβοβ,
< כלובname>
< כלוביname>
< כלוהוname>
כלולתbridal state Jr 2:2 αλ
כלחripe old age Jb 5:26, 30:2 σ ישׁשׁ
< כלחname>
כליβ כלי,כילי
כליutensil, used in many contexts,
including cooking (pots and pans),
working (tools), music (musical
instruments), etc.
כליהkidney, often used as a
representation of the emotions σ פרשׁ
כליוןend, completion, of refining Is 10:22,
of what to see (eyes not wanting to see)
Dt 28:65 ← כלה
< כליוןname>
כליותβ כליה,כלי
כלילβ ליל,כליל
כלילentirely Ex 28:31, Is 2:18, Ez 28:12
entire animal burnt as an offering Lv
6:15–6, Dt 33:10, Ps 51:21 ← כלל
כלילתentirety Ez 27:3, Lm 2:15 ← כלל
כליתםβ כליה,כלה
כלכלβ כול
< כלכלname>
כללto make entire, give the finishing
touches Ez 27:4, 11 → כלall (when
followed by a plural noun), every (when
followed by a singular noun), כליל
entirely Ex 28:31, Is 2:18, Ez 28:12
entire animal burnt as an offering Lv
6:15–6, Dt 33:10, Ps 51:21, כלילת
entirety Ez 27:3, Lm 2:15, מכלולsome
sort of dress, possibly full body armor Ez
23:12, 38:4, מכללfinished articles (not
raw materials nor kits) Ez 27:24, Ps 50:2
σ כלה
< כללname>
כלםto disgrace → כלמות, כלמהdisgrace
σ בושׁ
כלםβ כלם,כל
< כלמדname>
כלמהβ כלמה,( כלtowards all of them Is
כלמות, כלמהdisgrace ← כלם
< כלנהname>
< כלנוname>
כלתניβ כלא
כמהβ מה+ כ,כמה
כמהto pine for ?? Is 51:7, Ps 63:2, 119:84
σ כסף
< כמהםname>
< כמהןname>
כמוβ כמו,כמה
כמוlike, as (( כprefix) with מוsuffix)
This combination is found in about 53
verses, only once followed by an active
verb, Ps 58:8 (7) which appears possibly
to be a copyist error. Most often followed
by a noun or a participle acting as a
כמוהβ כמה
< כמוהםname>
< כמושׁname>
כמןcumin Is 28:25, 27 σ חטה
כמסto store up ?? Dt 32:34 αλ σ אסף
כמערβ מער
כמרβ מר,כמר
כמרto grow hot, used of emotional heat
Gn 43:30, 1K 3:26, Hs 11:8, Lm 5:10 →
כמרidolatrous priest, from the idea of
כנסto gather together, referring to the
group or pile gathered in Ko 2:8, 25, 3:5.
Es 4:16
to wrap oneself Is 28:20 (⇐
the action of gathering oneself into the
blanket) → מכנסtrousers σ אסף
כנעto subdue → כנעתsubjection Jr 10:17
< כנעןname>
< כנענהname>
< כנעניname>
כנףβ נוף,כנף
כנףto cover (so that cannot be seen) ?? Is
30:20 αλ → כנףcovering 2S 22:11, Is
8:8, Ps 17:8, 36:8, Rt 2:12, 3:9,
hem (of clothing) ?? something sewn on
the outside edge of clothing to cover,
protect the edge ?? Nu 15:38, 1S 24:4–5,
Hg 2:12, Zc 8:23, → כנףwing (of a
flying creature) (⇐ the action of
covering self and chicks with its
wings ??) Gn 1:21, 7:14, Ez 17:23, Ko
wing of a cherub Is 6:2, Ez
1:23–24, of a statue of a cherub Ex 25:20,
37:9, 1K 6:24, 27, 2C 5:7–8, → כנפותfar
reaches (of the earth, clothing) (so
called because they are covered, out of
sight ??) Dt 22:12, Is 11:12, 24:16, Ez
7:2, Jb 37:3, 38:13, → פרשׂת כנפך
“ על־אמתך כי גאל אתהspread your
covering upon your maid, for you are
redeemer” meaning “fulfill your
responsibilities as redeemer and marry
me” Rt 3:9, → “ גלה כנף אבremove a
covering of a father” meaning to reveal
something that only a father should
know Dt 23:1, 27:20 σ סתר
keeping the altars hot? 2K 23:5, Hs 10:5,
Zp 1:4, מכמרsomething that a person
can fall into Ps 141:10, apparently can
deal with heat Is 51:20, מכמרתdrop net,
possibly from the idea of stretched out
on hot days over water so that fish
gather under it to avoid the heat, then to
drop the net on them Is 19:8, Hb 1:15–6
σ לבב
כמרidolatrous priest, from the idea of
keeping the altars hot? 2K 23:5, Hs 10:5,
Zp 1:4 ← כמר
כןthus, correct, basis
then, established
hence true, reason ← כנה
כןbase, place where one is based
← כנהσ מקום
כןgnat, a type from Egypt’s marshes that
can drive a person to distraction with its
biting Ex 8:13–5 (17–9)
כנהto base (oneself) in sense of
establishing, setting up → כןthus,
correct, basis
then, established hence
true, reason, כןbase, place where one is
nest, תכניתset measured
amount Ez 28:12, 43:10
< כנהname>
כנורharp (when a suffix is appended, the
spelling is כנר+suffix)
< כניהןname>
כניםβ כן
כנלתךβ לתך
כנםβ כן
כנןβ כון
< כנניname>
< כנניהname>
< כנניהוname>
כנףcovering 2S 22:11, Is 8:8, Ps 17:8, 36:8,
Rt 2:12, 3:9,
כנףhem (of clothing) ??
something sewn on the outside edge of
clothing to cover, protect the edge ?? Nu
15:38, 1S 24:4–5, Hg 2:12, Zc 8:23 ← כנף
כנףwing (of a flying creature) (⇐ the
action of covering self and chicks with
its wings ??) Gn 1:21, 7:14, Ez 17:23, Ko
wing of a cherub Is 6:2, Ez
1:23–24, of a statue of a cherub Ex 25:20,
37:9, 1K 6:24, 27, 2C 5:7–8 ← כנף
כנפותfar reaches (of the earth, clothing)
(so called because they are covered, out
of sight ??) Dt 22:12, Is 11:12, 24:16, Ez
7:2, Jb 37:3, 38:13 ← כנף
כנפיβ נפה,כנף
כנרותβ כנור
< כנרותname>
כנריβ כנור
< כנרתname>
כסβ כסס,כסא
כסאto sit on the seat of honor as head of
household ?? Pr 7:20, Jb 36:7 → כסא
station of honor ?? Is 22:23, Ps 94:20, Pr
throne, seat of honor
כסאstation of honor ?? Is 22:23, Ps 94:20,
Pr 7:20
throne, seat of honor ← כסא
< עסדיname>
כסהβ כסה,כסא
כסהto conceal by covering
to cover for,
in order to protect Dt 13:9 → כסהa
structural covering over the throne as a
decoration ?? 1K 10:19, כסות,כסוי
covering, כסתcovering, כסתותsome
sort of covering ?? Ez 13:18, 20, מכסה
covering σ סתר
כסהa structural covering over the throne
as a decoration ?? 1K 10:19 ← כסה
כסהa musical instrument Ps 81:4 αλ
< כסולותname>
כסונוβ כסה
כסות, כסויcovering ← כסה
כסחβ סוחה
כסילfoolish as in twisted as intestines ←
כסלσ אויל
כסילOrion, constellation ?? Is 13:10, Am
5:8, Jb 9:9, 38:31 σ כוכב
< כסילname>
כסלto be foolish as in twisted as
intestines → כסילfoolish as in twisted as
intestines, כסלintestines Lv 3:4, 10, Ps
38:8, both as a source of strength (food
digested there) and as a symbol of
perversity (⇐ the crooked shape)
strength Ps 78:7, Jb 8:14, Pr 3:26,
perversity Ko 7:25, כסלהthat which
twists up
makes foolish Ps 85:9 (8),
Jb 4:6 σ סכל
כסלintestines Lv 3:4, 10, Ps 38:8, both as
a source of strength (food digested
there) and as a symbol of perversity (⇐
the crooked shape)
strength Ps 78:7,
Jb 8:14, Pr 3:26, perversity Ko 7:25 ←
כסלσ פרש
כסלהthat which twists up
foolish Ps 85:9 (8), Jb 4:6 ← כסל
כסלוβ כסלו,כסל
כסלוAramaic name of a month Zc 7:1
< כלסוname>
< כסלוןname>
< כסלת תברname>
< כסלחיםname>
< כסליוname>
כסםto crop, cut short hair Ez 44:20
כסמתspelt, emmer Ex 9:32, Is 28:25, Ez
כססto reckon (numbers, amounts) passive
to be counted, reckoned Ex 12:4, Ps
143:9 → מכסreckoned amount,
numbered portion Nu 31:28, 37–41,
מכסתreckoning a unit by numbers Ex
12:4, Lv 27:23 σ חשׁב
כסףβ סף,כסף
כסףto be longing for σ יאבto long for ??
Ps 119:131 αλ, כמהto pine for ?? Is
51:7, Ps 63:2, 119:84, תאבto long for
< כספאname>
כסתcovering ← כסה
כסתותsome sort of covering ?? Ez 13:18,
20 ← כסהLXX προσκεφαλαια
כסתיβ כסס
כעוסone who is grieved Ko 7:9 αλ ← כעס
כעטיהβ עטיה
כעסto grieve, to be sorrowful yet angry →
כעוסone who is grieved Ko 7:9 αλ, כעס
grief ( כעשׂspelling variant used only in
Job) σ אבלto mourn for someone who
has died (lost to us) or over a lost
opportunity, אמללto be barren, fruitless
(as in crop failure) Is 16:8, 24:4, 7, 33:9,
Jl 1:10, 12, Nh 1:4
to be dejected,
without power Is 19:8, Jr 14:2, Hs 4:3,
Lm 2:8, אנהto experience, in particular
going through an unpleasant experience
or occurrence that is not entirely by
(hit) to make oneself an
unpleasant experience, i.e. to seek a
pretext 2K 5:7, אנחto sigh in sorrow Ex
2:23, Ez 21:11–2, Pr 29:2, Lm 1:4, 8, 11,
21, בכהto weep for (sorrowfully), הילל
to howl in sorrow ?? Jr 47:2, Ez 21:17, Jl
1:5, Zc 11:2, יגהto have deep grief, as of
mourning, כאהto be despondent Ez
13:22, Ps 104:16, Dn 11:30, נאקto groan,
נההto lament 1S 7:2, Ez 32:18, Mc 2:4,
ספדto mourn publically, make a public
show of mourning, קיןto sing a lament,
כעסgrief ( כעשׂspelling variant used only
in Job) ← כעס
כעשׂβ עשׂה, עשׁ,כעס
palm (of hand), spoon,
shallow cave ← כפףσ חפןhollow of the
hand, palm Ez 10:2, 7, Pr 30:4, used as a
measurement, handful Ex 9:8, Lv 16:12,
Ko 4:6, חרhole, both as an opening
through a wall or door, and as a hollow
place to hide, live or fill with things 2K
12:10, Nh 2:13, Zc 14:12, קמץhandful Lv
2:2, 5:12, 6:15, Nu 5:26, in plural
“handfuls” i.e. bountiful(ly) Gn 41:47,
שׁעלhollow place Ez 13:4, 19
of foot 1K 20:10 or hand (palm) Is
40:12, Ps 63:11 (10)
כפהβ כפה,כף
כפהto excite, inflame Pr 21:14 αλ (this is
the opposite meaning than given in other
dictionaries; reasons for it: 1) parallelism
—the “secret gift” is in parallel with
bribe, 2) grammar—this verb also is used
for the bribe, second half of the verse, 3)
psychological—the reason the gift is
secret is because the giver and receiver
don’t want the existence of the gift to be
known, i.e. it is a bribe, and the reason a
and obeisance to authorities) → כף
palm (of hand), spoon,
shallow cave, כפהfrond, branch of a
palm tree ?? Dt 25:12, Is 9:13 (14),
19:15, כפתcover for a plate ?? Ex 25:29,
37:16, Nu 4:7 σ שׁחה
כפרto cover (up) both literally Gn 6:14
and metaphorically to make
something “covered up” so that it’s no
longer considered, e.g. rebellions Ps 65:4,
perversions Ps 78:38, error Ps 79:9, to
“cover” previous actions so they are not
remembered by giving a propitiatory
gifts Gn 32:21 (20)
to declare
someone as “being covered” Lv 4:20,
19:22 → כפורcovered cup Ezr 1:10, 1C
28:17, כפורfrost Ps 147:16 αλ, כפר
payment to cover the cost Ex
21:30, Is 47:11, bribe (as cover for doing
illegal activities) Nu 35:31–2, 1S 12:3,
Am 5:12, Pr 6:35, frost (which looks like
tiny flakes covering everything before
melting) Ex 16:14, כפריםcovering for
sin so that the sin would be seen no
more Ex 29:36, 30:16, Yom Kippur, the
joyous festival when people would know
that their sins were covered (forgiven)
Ex 30:10, Lv 25:9, Nu 29:11, כפרתcover,
lid Ex 25:17–22, Nu 7:89 σ בגדto act
under cover, act underhandedly, under
the table (doing things under one’s
clothes) Jr 3:20, Ml 2:14, הואto cover,
lie (upon) Job 37:6, Ko 11:3, חפהto
cover with a cloth, gold, etc. Is 4:5, Ps
68:14 (13), 2C 3:5, 8–9, רבדto drape,
cover with a hanging ?? Pr 7:16 αλ
bribe excites anger is because it denies
justice) σ גרה
כפהfrond, branch of a palm tree ?? Dt
25:12, Is 9:13 (14), 19:15 ← כפףσ
כפולfolded over Ex 28:16, 39:9 ← כפל
כפורcovered cup Ezr 1:10, 1C 28:17 ←
כפרσ כוס
כפורfrost Ps 147:16 αλ ← כפרσ קרח
כפיβ פי,כף
כפיסcross beam (LXX κανβαροβ) Hb
2:11 αλ
כפירmaned, male lion
idiom: a
rapacious, violent person Ez 38:13, Ps
35:17 σ ארי
< כפירהname>
כפלto fold over, double (layers) Ex 26:9
(in ancient times, when a debt was paid,
the promissory note was folded to
indicate repayment Is 40:2, Jb 11:16),
often when a person is killed by a sword
striking the torso, he folds himself over
into a fetal position Ez 21:19 → כפול
folded over Ex 28:16, 39:9, כפלfold (of
clothing) Jb 41:5 αλ, כפליםstatus of
having a debt repaid Is 40:2, Jb 11:6
כפלfold (of clothing) Jb 41:5 αλ ← כפל
כפליםstatus of having a debt repaid Is
40:2, Jb 11:6 ← כפל
כפןto uproot ?? Ez 17:7 αλ → כפן
uprooting, removal ?? Jb 5:22, 30:3 σ
כפןuprooting, removal ?? Jb 5:22, 30:3 ←
כפףto bend down, make a curve (like a
palm frond, leaf of a marsh reed) (often
pictures the action in worship to God
payment to cover the cost
Ex 21:30, Is 47:11, bribe (as cover for
doing illegal activities) Nu 35:31–2, 1S
12:3, Am 5:12, Pr 6:35, frost (which
looks like tiny flakes covering everything
before melting) Ex 16:14 ← כפרσ ,מסך
מסכהcovering to keep something from
being seen 2S 17:19, Is 22:8
screen Ex
26:36–7, Nu 3:25–6
כפרvillage Js 18:24, 1S 6:18, Ez 38:13, 1C
27:25 σ מושׁב
כפרhenna (flowers) ?? So 4:13, 7:12
< כפר העמנהname>
כפרהβ פרה,כפר
כפריםβ כפרים, כפר,כפיר
כפריםcovering for sin so that the sin
would be seen no more Ex 29:36, 30:16,
Yom Kippur, the joyous festival when
people would know that their sins were
covered (forgiven) Ex 30:10, Lv 25:9, Nu
29:11 ← כפר
כפרתcover, lid Ex 25:17–22, Nu 7:89 ←
כפשׁto feed, in the sense of giving bread to
Lm 3:16 αλ σ אכל
כפתcover for a plate ?? Ex 25:29, 37:16,
Nu 4:7 ← כפף
כפתורplace name Dt 2:23, Jr 47:4, Am
9:1, 7 (DSS Am 9:1 )כפתר
כפתרknob Ex 25, 37
hillock, uneven
ground among ruins Zp 2:14 (DSS Am
כפתריםname of a people Gn 10:14, Dt
2:23, 1C 1:12
כרה, כרa pastured lamb―one that has fed
well on pastures, possibly one that is a
summer old Dt 34:14, Is 16:1, 34:6, Am
כרa summer pasture Is 30:23, Ps 37:30,
65:14 σ נאות
כרbattering ram Ez 4:2, 21:27
כרa saddle pack Gn 31:34, Is 16:1, 60:6
כרa dry measure 1K 5:2 (4:22), 18 (5:11)
σ מדה
כר משׁלβ כרמשׁל
כרבβ רב
כרביםthis word is found 25 times only in
plural for כרובwhile כרוביםis found
34 times, but only in Kings, Ezekiel,
twice in Psalms and in Chronicles ←
כרבלto be clad ?? 1C 15:27 αλ σ לבשׁ
כרהβ כרה,כר
כרהto furnish as in to provide Gn 50:5, Pr
16:27, 26:27 → כרהprovision, that
which is provided 2K 6:23, Is 3:9, מכר
furnished supplies 2K 12:6 (5), 8 (7),
מכרהquartermaster, one who furnishes
supplies Zp 2:9 αλ, “ מכרתיךthose things
that provide for you” Ez 16:3 αλ σ נתן
כרהprovision, that which is provided 2K
6:23, Is 3:9 ← כרה
כרובβ רב,כרוב
כרב, כרובcherub, a type of messenger
< כרוב אדוןname>
< כרוב אדןname>
כריa type of soldier ?? (foreign loan word
??) 2S 20:23, 2K 11: 4, 19
כריתβ כרת,כרה
< כריתname>
כריתותdivorce, from the idea of cutting
off from the family ← כרת
כרכבrim Ex 27:5, 38:4
כרכםsaffron So 4:14 αλ
כרכמישׁmajor city, apparently at its height
in Is 10:9, 2C 35:20
< כרכסname>
כרכרהswift she camel Is 66:20 αλ σ גמל
כרםβ רום,כרם
wine dresser σ שׂדי
< כרמיname>
כרמילcrimson (orange, color of ripe
field?) 2C 2:6 (7), 13 (14), 3:14
vegetable garden σ שׂדי
< כרמלname>
< כרמליname>
< כרמשׁלapparently a name of a place
along a highway, DSS variant Is 16:1>
< כרןname>
כרסםto root up, as a pig digs for food Ps
80:14 αλ
כרעβ רע,כרע
כרעto crouch (as a sign of obeisance, as a
cat hunting prey), curl up into a fetal
position (while dying) → ( כרעused
only in plural) leg of an animal, כרעות
status of being bent, crouched down ??
Jb 4:4 αλ σ שׁחה
( כרעused only in plural) leg of an animal
← כרע
כרעהβ רעה
כרעותstatus of being bent, crouched down
?? Jb 4:4 αλ ← כרע
כרפסfine cotton Es 1:6 αλ σ שׁשׁ
כררunused root taken from dictionary →
ככרround object
district, region, loaf
(of bread), talent (a measure of weight),
מכרכרcontinuous whirling and dancing
2S 6:14, 16
כרשׂgut, i.e. abdomen Jr 51:34 αλ
< כרשׁנאname>
כרתβ כרת,כרה
כרתto cut out, off
to carve out,
כרת ברית, כרת עם, אתto make a
covenant (between nations, a treaty)
with another, while בריתis usually
included in the sentence, sometimes it is
merely assumed → כריתותdivorce, from
the idea of cutting off from the family,
כרתותcut off 1S 5:4
carved out 1K
7:2 σ בדלto part, indicative of a
physical removal, put a distance between,
גדדto cut out, incise, apparently also a
self mutilation as an act of worship 1K
18:28, Jr 5:7, 41:5 or of mourning Dt
14:1, Jr 16:6, 48:37, Mc 4:14 (5:1), גדע
to cut down, גזרto part off, sever Is 53:8,
Ps 88:6
to cut off (grain, to eat; trees)
2K 6:4, Is 9:19 (18),
to part off words,
hence decree Jb 22:28, Es 2:1,
to cut
into parts 1K 3:25–6, חטבto chop
(down) Dt 19:5, Ez 39:10, מולto clip off,
pluck off (e.g. grass, heads of grain)
to circumcise, פלחto slice, to cut, קצב
to cut off as in carving, forming,
shearing, שׁסףto cut to pieces ?? 1S
15:33 αλ, שׂרטto cut into
כרתותcut off 1S 5:4
carved out 1K 7:2
← כרת
כרתיa people with a defined geographic
distribution 1S 30:14, Ez 25:16, a troop
of David’s soldiers 2S 8:18, 15:18, 20:7,
23 (Q), 1K 1:38, 44, 1C 18:17
כשׂבה, כשׂבlamb
כשׁבאβ בוא
< כשׂדname>
כשׂדיםastrologer σ חרטם
< כשׂדיםname>
< כשׂדימהname>
כשׂהto become plump Dt 32:15 αλ σ אכל
כשׁילa workman’s tool ?? Ps 74:6 αλ
כשׁלβ שׁל,כשׁל
כשׁלto trip (up)
to stumble → כשׁלון
tripping up, stumbling Pr 16:18 αλ,
מכשׁלה, מכשׁולcause for tripping
obstacle, offense (cause moral
stumbling) σ נפל
כשׁלוןtripping up, stumbling Pr 16:18 αλ
← כשׁל
כשׁףto enchant (could this verb have had
the secondary meaning of drug use? can
be carried in hand Mi 5:11) → כשׁף
enchantment, enchanter, מכשׁפה,מכשׁף
enchanter Ex 7:11, 22:17 (18), Dt 18:10,
Ml 3:5, Dn 2:2 σ ענן
כשׁףenchantment, enchanter ← כשׁף
כשׁרto be profitable Ko 11:6, Es 8:5 →
כושׁרותprofitability Ps 68:7 (6) αλ,
כשׁרוןprofit(ing) Ko 2:21, 4:4, 5:11
כשׁרוןprofit(ing) Ko 2:21, 4:4, 5:11 ←
כתבto write,
to write about
(something) כתב עלPs 40:8, Jb 13:26,
though be careful, as this usually mean
to write upon Ex 34:1, 28 → , כתב
מכתב, כתבתwriting
כתבת, כתבwriting ← כתב
כתורβ תור,?? כתור
כתורgeneration (⇐ idea of making a
circle, cycle of life) ?? 1C 17:17 αλ ←
כתותβ כתות,כתת
כתותsomething that is repeatedly struck
hammered goods, i.e. metal that has
been hammered into shape Is 30:14
enemy repeatedly struck away Ps 89:23
injured from repeated actions ?? Lv
22:24 ← כתת
כתיםtoponym Ez 27:6
outward extremity (of city,
territory) בין כתיפיוwithin its
boundaries Dt 33:12 αλ
כתיתwhipped (used only with olive oil)
(What happens when olive oil is
whipped?) ← כתת
< כתייםname>
כתלwall (made of pounded earth ?) So
2:9 αλ σ קיר
< כתלישׁname>
כתםβ תם,כתם
כתםto be a stain Jr 2:22 αλ
כתםgold thread, listed as valuable Is
13:12, Jb 31:24, used in clothing Ps
45:10 (9), Dn 10:5 σ זהב
כתנתtunic Greek (χιτων) σ סדיןunder
garment (σινδων) Jd 14:12–3, Is 4:23,
Pr 31:24 σ בגד
כתףshoulder (outward from the )שׁכם
outward extremity (of clothing)
כתףa musical instrument Jb 21:12 αλ
כתפתβ תפת, כתפת,כתף
כתפתextension Ex 38:7, 12, 39: 4, 7, 18,
20, 1K 7:30 → extending out (adj) 1K
כתרto make a circle, encircle Jd 20:43, Ps
22:13, 142:8
put on a circle, crown Pr
14:18 → כתורgeneration (⇐ idea of
making a circle, cycle of life) ?? 1C
17:17 αλ, כתרcrown ?? Ex 1:11, 2:17,
6:8, כתרתcapital (crown of pillar) 1K
7:16–20, 31, 41–2, 2K 25:17, Jr 52:22 σ
כתרcrown ?? Ex 1:11, 2:17, 6:8 ← כתרσ
ליה, לויהchaplet, a small wreath for the
כתרתcapital (crown of pillar) 1K 7:16–20,
31, 41–2, 2K 25:17, Jr 52:22 ← כתר
כתשׁto grind or pound as in a mortar Pr
27:22 → מכתשׁmortar, a tool where one
grinds grain Pr 27:22
hole in the rock,
where women grind grains hence wear a
hole in the rock from much grinding Jd
15:19, Zp 1:11
כתתto hit repeatedly (as a blacksmith
with a hammer forming implements Is
2:4, Mc 1:7, 4:3, in war continuous or
repeated attacks hammering at the
enemy Nu 14:45, Dt 1:44, 2C 15:6) →
כתותsomething that is repeatedly struck
hammered goods, i.e. metal that has
been hammered into shape Is 30:14
enemy repeatedly struck away Ps 89:23
injured from repeated actions ?? Lv
22:24, כתיתwhipped (used only with
olive oil), מכתתsmithy for forming
metals Is 30:14 αλ σ הלםto pound, feet
while running, with a hammer, etc. Jd
5:22, 26, Is 16:8, Ps 74:6, 141:5, Pr 23:35
לtwelfth letter, where letters are used as
numbers, it refers to the number 30.
( לprefix), meaning to, towards, for, for
the purpose of, concerning (as in talking
about), often used as an indicator of
ownership. It is prefixed to nouns and to
nominal personal pronoun suffixes. When
used in the context of noun לnoun, it
means “each and every” of that noun, as
in “Day by day” or “command upon
לוא, לאnot (emphatic) σ אלnot, often
used in negative commands “Don’t …”
< לא דברname>
< לא עמיname>
< לא רחמהname>
לאהto vex, in the sense to irritate, trouble,
annoy Is 7:13, Jb 4:5 → מתלאהvexation,
something one frets himself over ?? Ml
1:13 αλ, תלאהvexation, trouble Ex 18:8,
Nu 20:14, Jb 4:2, Lm 3:5, Ne 9:32, תלאים
status of being vexed, troubled Dt 28:66
αλ σ עמל
< לאהname>
לאוםβ לאם
לאטβ לט, לוט, לאט,אט
לאטto be gentle with, be soft, to treat with
kid gloves ?? 2S 18:5 to soften (in this
case with weeping and tears) 2S 19:5 →
לאטsoftly, gently Gn 33:14, Is 8:6, Jb
15:11 as in sneaking Jd 4:21
לאטsoftly, gently Gn 33:14, Is 8:6, Jb
15:11 as in sneaking Jd 4:21 ← לאט
( לאךunused root) → מלאךmessenger,
envoy, ambassador, one sent and
empowered to accomplish a task, מלאכה
work done for profit, as part of his
profession, to accomplish his work, task
items, tools, supplies used in one’s
profession, מלאכותmessage Hg 1:13, Ps
73:28, 1C 28:19, מלאכתassigned
work ?? 2C 13:10
< לאלname>
לאםtribe, people, belonging to a district,
not necessarily part of a larger people σ
< לאמיםname>
לבheart, also the center of emotional
warmth, which can change on short
notice, used in idiomatic phrases to mean
understanding, life force, emotional
warmth, emotions, רחב לבto fill the
mind with (whatever the context
indicates), לב-“ חסרlacking heart”
thoughtless, without understanding or
forethought, apparently unwilling to
learn Pr 6:32, 7:7, 10:13, 12:11 ← לבב
לבאcoming ← בוא
< לבאותname>
לבאתpride of lionesses ?? Nh 2:13 αλ
לבבto make hot 2S 13:6, 8
to be
emotionally warmed, take heart Jb 11:12,
So 4:9 → לבheart, also the center of
emotional warmth, which can change on
short notice, used in idiomatic phrases to
mean understanding, life force, emotional
warmth, emotions, לבבheart, in the
sense of deep convictions, long term
attitudes that don’t quickly change,
לבבהhot cake, לבתhot, flaring flame
Ex 3:2 αλ σ חרהto become hot (in
anger, heat of emotion, “hot under the
collar”, throat hot and dry), כמרto grow
hot, used of emotional heat Gn 43:30, 1K
3:26, Hs 11:8, Lm 5:10, עשׁןto be smoky
just as a burning fire gives off smoke,
so when God’s fury burns against
someone, so it is said to smoke
לבבheart, in the sense of deep
convictions, long term attitudes that
don’t quickly change ← לבב
לבבהhot cake ← לבב
לבדβ בדד
לבונהfrankincense Is 43:23, Jr 6:20 ← לבן
לבושׁclothing, clothed ← לבשׁσ בגד
לבטto trip up (catch in a lie, be caught by
his own actions) Hs 4:14, Pr 10:8, 10
לביa large and dangerous carnivorous
animal, traditionally identified as a lion
לביאβ לביא,בוא
לביאa large and dangerous carnivorous
animal, traditionally identified as a
lioness though positive identification
unknown Gn 49:9, Ez 19:2, Jb 4:11,
< לביםname>
לבלוםβ בלם
לבלתיβ בלתי
לבןto make bricks Gn 11:3, Ex 5:7, 14 (as
adobe bricks dry out, they become lighter
in color, though not necessarily white);
to be made white, found only in the
hiphil where the translation into English
is passive, not active as in Hebrew Is
1:18, Ps 51:9 (7), and once in hitpael Dn
12:10 → לבונהfrankincense Is 43:23, Jr
6:20, לבןwhite
brick, לבנהfull moon
Is 24:23, 30:26, brick Gn 11:3, Ez 4:1,
storax tree ?? Hs 4:3, frankincense Lv
2:1, 15, 5:11, place name Nu 33:20–1, Js
10:29, 31–2, Is 37:8, מלבןform to make
bricks, brick kiln ?? Jr 43:9, Nh 3:14
brick ← לבןσ צחרwhite ??
Jd 5:10, Ez 27:18
< לבןname>
לבנהβ לבנה,לבן
לבנהfull moon Is 24:23, 30:26, brick Gn
11:3, Ez 4:1, storax tree ?? Hs 4:3,
frankincense Lv 2:1, 15, 5:11, place name
להבהflame Nu 21:28, Is 4:5, Ob 1:18
blade (of a sword, knife, spear) 1S 17:7,
Ez 21:3 ← להבσ אשׁ
< להביםname>
להברβ הבר, ברר,ברה
להגdevotion Ko 12:12 αλ
< להדname>
לההto wear out, down Gn 47:13 →
מתלהלהone continuously wearing
himself out Pr 26:18 σ יאשׁ
להטto reduce to ashes, to burn up Dt
32:22, Jl 1:19, 2:3, Ps 106:18 → להט
flash, flame Gn 3:24
sorcery Ex 7:11 σ
להטflash, flame Gn 3:24
sorcery Ex
7:11 ← להטσ אשׁ
להטיםβ ?? נטםPs 57:5 (4)
להלזβ הלז
לכריβ כרה
להקתassembly ?? 1S 19:20 αλ σ קהל
להשׁאותβ שׁאה
להשׁותβ שׁית
לוβ לו,ל
לוif only ! Gn 17:18, 23:13, 1S 20:2
לואif not, had they not
< לו דברname>
< לוביםname>
< לודname>
< לודיםname>
לוהto attach (oneself to)
to borrow ⇐
joining oneself to another through
obligation of repayment → לוהone
who takes a loan, hence is attached to
another through obligation to repay Is
24:2, Ps 37:21, Pr 22:7, מלוהone who
joins with another Pr 19:17
one who
Nu 33:20–1, Js 10:29, 31–2, Is 37:8 ←
< לבנהname>
< לבנוןname>
< לבניname>
< לבנתname>
לבשׁto put on, when an object is not
specified, it’s understood that clothing is
what’s put on → לבושׁclothing, clothed,
מלבושׁone in charge of clothing 2K
10:22, Jb 27:16
clothing provider Is
63:3, Ez 16:13, Zp 1:8, 2C 9:4, תלבשׁת
dressing Is 59:17 αλ σ כרבלto be
clad ?? 1C 15:27 αλ, עלףto cloak
drape ?? Gn 38:14, So 5:14, Is 51:20, Am
8:13, Jn 4:8
לבתhot, flaring flame Ex 3:2 αλ ← לבבσ
לגa liquid measure σ מדה
< לדname>
לדהbirth, an event 2K 19:3, Is 37:3, Jr
13:21, Ho 9:11 ← ילד
< לדברname>
לדךβ דך
להβ לה,לאה
( להprefix לwith suffixed )ה
להבto flame → להבflash, of fire Jd
13:20, Is 29:6, 30:30, Jl 2:5, Jb 41:13 or
of a weapon, sword Jd 3:22, Nh 3:3 or
spear Jb 39:23, להבהflame Nu 21:28, Is
4:5, Ob 1:18
blade (of a sword, knife,
spear) 1S 17:7, Ez 21:3, שׁלהבתflame Jb
15:30, So 8:6, Dn 11:33 σ שׂרף
להבflash, of fire Jd 13:20, Is 29:6, 30:30,
Jl 2:5, Jb 41:13 or of a weapon, sword Jd
3:22, Nh 3:3 or spear Jb 39:23 ← להב
לוןto lodge, generally referring to a
temporary stay such as overnight or a
few days though can be longer Pr 15:31,
used of fat of sacrifices Ex 23:18, 34:25,
strength Jb 41:14 (22)
לון עלto
lodge a complaint → מלוןa place where
people stay temporarily, such as an inn,
where one lodges for one or more nights,
or an encampment Jos 4:3, מלונה
temporary structure for lodging
temporarily Is 1:8, the act of temporarily
living in a place Is 24:20, תלונת
complaining Ex 16:12, Nu 17:25, תלנת
lodged complaint Ex 16:7–9, Nu 14:27,
17:20 (5) σ אנןto grumble ?? this is
griping among themselves, not lodging a
formal complaint Nu 11:1, Lm 3:39, ישׁב
לושׁto knead (dough) Gn 18:3, 1S 28:24,
2S 13:8, Jr 7:18, Hs 7:4
< לושׁname>
לזותbeguiling ← לוז
לחfresh, as in green (of a tree)
לחוםwarring ← לחם
לחותβ לחות,לוח
לחותfresh (related to ?? )?לחJr 48:5 αλ
לחיβ לחי,חי
לחיjaw(bone), on ruminants there is a lot
of muscle around it that would provide
meat to eat, Dt 18:3, also name of a
< לחיname>
< לחי ראהname>
< לחיתname>
לחךto lick up, use of tongue in act of
לחםβ לחם,חם
causes others to be joined to him
through providing loans or donations Is
24:2, Ps 37:26, 112:5, Pr 22:7 σ שׂפק
לוהone who takes a loan, hence is
attached to another through obligation to
repay Is 24:2, Ps 37:21, Pr 22:7 ← לוה
לוזto entice (away) (by what one sees),
to beguile, (to take away by trickery
only in Niphal), in other words, to act on
impulse → לזותbeguiling, נלוזthat taken
away by fraud, trickery σ עשׁק
לוזsome sort of tree Gn 30:37 αλ σ עץ
< לוזname>
< לוזהname>
לוחflat board of wood or stone, plank σ
< לוחיתname> Is 15:5
< לוחשׁname>
לוטto shroud
to make difficult to
impossible to see 1S 21:10, 1K 19:13 →
לוטshroud Is 25:7 αλ, לטsecrecy
magic, secret trickery Ex 7:22, 8:3 (7),
14 (18), Ez 27:11 σ סתר
לוטshroud Is 25:7 αλ ← לוט
< לוטname>
< לוטןname>
< לויname>
ליה, לויהchaplet, a small wreath for the
head σ כתר
לויתןwater dinosaur ?? This was a large
animal covered with scales Ps 74:14,
104:26, Jb 40:25, לויתן נחשׁ ברחtype of
sea dinosaur ?? Is 27:1, לויתן נחשׁ
עקלתוןsea serpent ?? Is 27:1
לולwinding stairs ?? 1K 6:8 αλ
לולי, לולאif not, such that not
לחםto war, go to war → מלחמהwar,
battle, אישׁ מלחמותwarrior 2S 8:10, Is
42:13, 1C 18:10, 28:3, מלחמתwartime,
not a specific war 1S 13:22, 2S 11:25 σ
לחםto feed “give bread to” → לחםbread,
לחמהfeasting, feeding ?? Mc 2:8,
מלחמותfeeding ?? Is 30:32 αλ σ אכל
לחםbread ← לחםσ אשׁישׁהsweet cake,
containing raisins, dried fruit? fruitcake?
2S 6:19, So 2:5, 1C 16:3, חלהsoft bread,
which can also be unleavened soft bread
Ex 29:2, מצהunleavened bread, עגהflat
bread, tortilla Ex 12:39, 1K 17:13, 19:6,
Ez 4:12, Hs 7:8, רקיקwafer
לחמהfeasting, feeding ?? Mc 2:8 ← לחם
לחמיβ לחמי,לחם
< לחמיname>
< לחמסname>
לחץto restrict
squeeze Nu 22:25,
oppress Ex 22:20 (21), 23:9, Jd 1:34, Ps
106:42 → לחץoppressor Jd 2:18, 6:9, Is
11:20, Jr 30:20, לחץoppression Ex 3:9,
Dt 26:7, Jb 35:15 oppressing 1S 10:18 σ
לחץoppressor Jd 2:18, 6:9, Is 11:20, Jr
30:20 ← לחץσ תוללoppressor ?? Ps
137:3 αλ, תככיםone who continuously
oppresses, status of oppressor ?? Pr
29:13 αλ
לחץoppression Ex 3:9, Dt 26:7, Jb 35:15
oppressing 1S 10:18 ← לחץσ מדהבה
dominion, oppression ?? Is 14:4 αλ, ,תך
תוךoppression, something said or done
that eats away at a person’s inside? Ps
10:7, 55:12
לחשׁto whisper, hiss
to practice magic
(whispering spells) → לחשׁwhispering,
hiss, spell
an object connected with
spells, an amulet Is 3:20
לחשׁwhispering, hiss, spell
an object
connected with spells, an amulet Is 3:20
← לחשׁ
לחתβ לוח
לחתיםsomething built out of pine ?? Ez
27:5 back in the days of wooden ships
and sails, spars were often made of pine
because pines are often straight and light
לטβ לט,להט
magic, secret trickery Ex
7:22, 8:3 (7), 14 (18), Ez 27:11 ← לוט
לטmastic Gn 37:25, 43:11
לטאהgecko ?? Lv 11:30 αλ σ חיהLXX
καλαβωτης spotted lizard ??
< לטושׁיםname>
לטשׁused of putting a cutting edge on a
tool, e.g. putting a metal edge on a plow
Gn 4:22, 1S 13:20, Jb 16:9
to sharpen
Ps 7:13 (12), 52:4 (2) σ חדד
ליותfasteners, sockets ?? 1K 7:29–30, 36
לילהnight ( לילIs 15:1 (DSS )לילהPr
31:18, Lm 2:18 (Q ))לילה, הלילה
tonight, the night
ליליתtype of wild animal ?? Is 34:14 αλ
ליןβ לון
ליץto be outspoken
to be a
to be a fool (a wagging
tongue is often the sign of a fool,
babbler, gossip, but the wise knows when
to still his voice) → לץoutspoken
fool Pr 1:22, 14:6, לצוןoutspokenness
foolishness Is 28:14, Pr 1:22, 29:8, לצץ
fool ?? Hs 7:5 αλ, מליץ
spokesman Is 43:27, 2C 32:31
translator Gn 42:23, מליצה
announcement Pr 1:6, Hb 2:6 σ ,דבר
לישׁyoung, male lion (is this the young,
solitary lion who has been expelled from
the pride before he is able to get a pride
of his own?) Is 30:6, Pr 30:30, Jb 4:11
< לישׁname>
< לישׁהname>
לישׁוןβ ישׁן
לךβ *ל,הלך
לכדto capture → לכדcapture, the act of
being captured Pr 3:26 αλ, מלכדת
snare ?? Jb 18:10 αλ
לכדcapture, the act of being captured Pr
3:26 αλ ← לכד
< לכהname>
< לכישׁname>
< לכישׁהname>
לכלβ כלה,כל
ללאתloops Ex 26:4–5, 10–11, 36:11–12, 17
ללתtwisting around, because experiencing
birth pangs ?? 1S 4:19 αλ
למדto learn → למדlearning Is 8:16,
disciple Jr 13:23, למודlearned
Is 50:4, 54:13, 1C 5:18, מלמדtrainer
(making learn) Is 48:17, Ps 119:99, Pr
cattle goad Jd 3:31, מלמדה
trained, from training Is 29:13, Hs 10:11,
תלמידstudent 1C 25:8 αλ part of a
contrast pair of insignificant with great,
learned with student σ זהרto enlighten,
shine Dn 12:3
teach Ex 18:20, Ko 4:13,
2C 19:10, warn Ez 3:17–21, 33:3–9
למדlearning Is 8:16, disciple Jr 13:23 ←
למוprefixed לon a suffixed מוan
emphatic ?? for לוfound in 56 verses
< למואלname>
trained Is 50:4, 54:13, 1C
5:18 ← למד
למודיםβ למוד,ידה
למיβ מים,מי
< למךname>
למניβ מנה,מן
לןβ לון
לנהβ לון
לנצחpersistently ← נצח
לעbelittling, as in not valuing Nu 4:20 αλ
← לעע
לעthroat Pr 23:2 αλ ← לעעσ גרון
לעבto mock 2C 36:16 αλ σ שׂחק
לעגto laugh derisively Is 33:19, Ps 2:4,
59:9, Pr 30:17, Ne 3:33 (4:1) → לעגone
who laughs derisively Jr 20:7, Hs 7:16,
Ps 123:4, Pr 17:5, derisive laughing Is
28:11, Ez 23:32, 36:4, Ps 44:14 (13),
79:4, Jb 34:7, לעגהderisive laughter 2K
19:21, Is 37:22, מלעגcontinuous,
repeated derision 2C 30:10 αλ
לעגone who laughs derisively Jr 20:7, Hs
7:16, Ps 123:4, Pr 17:5, derisive laughing
Is 28:11, Ez 23:32, 36:4, Ps 44:14 (13),
79:4, Jb 34:7 ← לעג
לעגהderisive laughter 2K 19:21, Is 37:22
← לעג
לעגיβ עוג,לעג
< לעדהname>
< לעדןname>
לעוβ לעע
לעותβ עות,עוה
לעזto speak in a foreign tongue ?? Ps
114:1 αλ σ דבר
לעטto give to eat ?? Gn 25:30 αλ σ אכל
לענהwormwood, plants known for their
intensively bitter taste Dt 29:11, Jr 9:14,
23:15, Pr 5:4
לעעto consume
treat as valueless or
worth nothing Ob 16, Pr 20:25, Jb 6:3 →
לעbelittling, as in not valuing Nu 4:20
αλ, לעthroat Pr 23:2 αλ, לעתconsuming
(fire) Ps 21:10 αλ σ ארר,שׂנא
לעתβ עת, לעת,לעע
לעתconsuming (fire) Ps 21:10 αλ ← לעע
לפחתβ נפח
לפידβ פיד,לפיד
לפד, לפידtorch
bright flames like a
torch σ אשׁ
< לפידותname>
לפנותat the corner of, just before
(morning, evening) Gn 24:63, Ex 14:27,
Dt 23:12 (11), Jd 19:26, Ps 46:6 (5) ←
לפניβ פנים
לפתto turn over Jd 16:29, Rt 3:8, Jb 6:18
σ הפך
fool Pr 1:22, 14:6 ← ליץ
foolishness Is 28:14,
Pr 1:22, 29:8 ← ליץ
fool ?? Hs 7:5 αλ ←
< לקוםname>
לקחto take → לקחdoctrine, teaching,
what I have taken, מלקוחspoil, booty,
מלקחיםtongs Ex 25:38, 37:23, Nu 4:9,
1K 7:49, Is 6:6, 2C 4:21, מקחותwares Ne
10:32 (31) αλ σ תמךto take hold of
לקחdoctrine, teaching, what I have taken
← לקח
< לקחיname>
לקטto gather (up) (stones, gold, crops,
arrows, wood to burn, etc.)
to glean
(gather up what’s left behind) → ילקוט
small bag that is quick to take things out
of 1S 17:40 αλ σ אסף
לקלםβ קל
לקקto lap up Jd 7:6–7, as a dog laps up
water from a dish 1K 21:19
לקרותβ קור
לקשׁβ קשׁ,לקשׁ
לקשׁto browse, send animals out to graze
Jb 24:6 αλ → לקשׁbrowse, growth in the
field edible for animals Am 7:1 σ אכל
לקשׁbrowse, growth in the field edible for
animals Am 7:1 ← לקשׁσ מאכל
לראβ ירא
לרובβ ריב,רבב
לרסβ רסס
לרשׁתβ רשׁת,ירשׁ
לשׁדיβ שׁדי, שׁד,לשׁד
לשׁדmoisture ??
life force ?? Nu 11:8,
Ps 32:4
לשׁוןtongue: used of the organ in the body
Jd 7:5, an object about that size Js 7:21,
something that is shaped like a tongue
(of the sea Js 15:5, Is 11:15, of fire Is
5:24), use of the tongue in speaking Ex
4:10, Jb 6:30, language Ne 13:24, Es 3:12
← לשׁןσ דבר
לשׁכהchamber, a small room λεσχη σ
לשׁםopal (minors lick the stone to find
out if it is opal or not) Ex 28:19, 39:12
< לשםname> of a town Js 19:47
לשׁןto wag the tongue → לשׁוןtongue:
used of the organ in the body Jd 7:5, an
object about that size Js 7:21, something
that is shaped like a tongue (of the sea
Js 15:5, Is 11:15, of fire Is 5:24), use of
the tongue in speaking Ex 4:10, Jb 6:30,
language Ne 13:24, Es 3:12, מלושׁןone
who continuously wags his tongue,
speaks about Ps 101:5 αλ σ דבר
< לשׁעname>
לתβ ילד
לתךto measure out (as into a measuring
cup) ?? DSS כלהIs 33:1 αλ → לתךa
dry measure LXX ηµικορος Hs 3:2 αλ σ
לתךa dry measure LXX ηµικορος Hs 3:2
αλ ← לתךσ מדה
לתנותβ תנה
מthirteenth letter, has no meaning in
Hebrew on its own, where letters are
used as numbers, it refers to the number
( מprefix), before a noun meaning “from”,
also situated “away from”, “apart from”,
“by” (as in modality “by use of”) or
“because of”, before a verb “because of”
מאבסsilo, to store feed for animals Jr
50:26 αλ ← אבס
מאדβ מאד, איד,אד
מאדexceeding(ly); excess, too much, used
hyperbolically to refer to a great amount,
effort as a noun, adjective and adverb
מאדsource of misfortune Ps 31:12, 46:2 ←
< מאהname>
מאהבlover, close friend Jr 22:20, 22, Ez
16:33, 36, Hs 2:7, 12, Lm 1:19 ← אהב
מאוזלexport, that which has gone out Ez
27:19 αλ ← אזל
מאויthat which is continuously desired Ps
140:9 (8) αλ ← אוה
מאוןβ און
מום, מאוםblemish
מאורβ ( אורname of city), מאור
מאורlight giver (object that gives light,
like a lamp and/or its fuel) Gn 1:16, Ex
35:8, 14, Lv 24:2 ← אור
מאורתlight givers LXX φαυσιν, κοιτην
εκγονων ← אור
מאזניםscales for weighing Lv 19:36, Am
8:5, Pr 11:1 σ פלסscale, like a steelyard
Is 40:12, Pr 16:11, קשׂקשׂתscale
מאחרβ מאחר,אחר
מאחרone who goes after, pursues after Is
5:11, Pr 23:30 ← אחר
מאיותβ מאה
מאיןβ מאין,אין
מאיןFrom where? apparently a contraction
for מן איwith a final nun added to
make it easier to say.
מאכלfood, specific items normally eaten
← אכלσ בלילcausing mixing up Is 15:1
mash (food for animals) Is 30:24, Jb
6:5, 24:6, ברותfood, what is fed Ps
69:22, Lm 4:10, לקשׁbrowse, growth in
the field edible for animals Am 7:1, מזון
nourishment Gn 45:23, 2C 11:23
מאכלתknife Gn 22:6, 10, Jd 19:29, Pr
30:14 ← אכל
מאמציβ אמץ
מאמרsaying Es 1:15, 2:20, 9:32 ← אמר
מאןto refuse Ex 10:3, Jr 5:3, Ne 9:17 σ
מאסto reject Lv 26:15, 43–4, 1S 8:7, Pr
3:11 σ שׂנא
מאפהbaked goods Lv 2:4, Hs 7:4 ← אפה
מאפלobscurity, made obscure Js 24:7, Is
29:18, Jr 2:31 ← אפלσ חשׁך
מארto be infectious → ממאירcausing
infection Ez 28:24 αλ, ממארתinfectious,
malignant Lv 13:51–2, 14:44
מארבplace of ambush, from where an
ambush is launched Js 8:9, Jd 9:35, Ps
10:8, 2C 13:13 ← ארב
מארהcurse Dt 28:20, Ml 2:2, 3:9, Pr 3:33,
28:27 ← ארר
מאשׁיβ אשׁ
מאשׁרone who makes a person proceed
down a way Is 9:15
a guide Pr 3:18 ←
מאתβ מאה,את
מבואentrance ← בוא
מבוכהconfusion Is 22:5, Mc 7:4 ← בוך
מבולgreat amount
world wide flood,
used only of the flood in Genesis 6–11,
Ps 29:10 σ בולlarge piece, hunk ?? Is
44:19, Jb 40:20, שׁטף
מבוסהkicking aside, with contempt Is
18:2, 7, 22:5 ← בוס
מבועflowing spring ← נבעσ עין
מבוקהcausing to be depopulated Nh 2:11
αλ ← בוק
מבחורβ מבחור,בחור
מבחלתa place that is loathed ?? Pr 20:21
αλ ← בחל
מבחר, מבחורchoice ← בחרσ מגדchoice,
the best, מגדנהvaluable, expensive thing
Gn 24:53, Ezr 1:6, 2C 21:3, 32:23
< מבחרname>
מבטthat which people stare at (context
indicates that it’s something pleasant to
look at) Is 20:5–6, Zc 9:5 ← נבט
מבטאrash utterance ← בטא
מבטחconfidence, person, object or place
in which one puts his trust Jr 2:37, 17:7,
Pr 22:19, 25:19 ← בטח
מביalways found preceded by הנניand
followed by אלfor the one who receives
the message 1K 21:21, Jr 19:15, 39:16
usually considered a misspelling for מביא
though literally it means “from within
מביאone who causes to come ← בוא
מבישׁcausing shame Pr 10:5, 12:4, 14:25,
17:2, 19:26, 29:15 ← בושׁ
מביתβ מבית,בית
מביתinside Gn 6:14, Ex 25:11, 26:33, Ez
7:15 ← בית
מביתהinterior, inside 1K 6:15 αλ ← בית
מבכיβ מבוכה
מבליwithout, as a question “Is there
מבליגone who destroys ?? Am 5:9 αλ ←
מבליגיתthat which is destroying ?? Jr
8:18 αλ ← בלג
מבלילthat which causes to contaminate
Jb 18:15 αλ ← בללin Aleppo text, in
WLC “ מבלי לוthere is not his”
מבלעדיβ בלעדי
מבלקהmaking devastated ?? Nh 2:11
(10) αλ ← בלקσ שׁחת
מבנהstructure Ez 40:2 αλ ← בנה
< מבניname>
מבעתone who causes to be terrified 1S
18:15 αλ ← בעת
מבצרfortification, fortified ← בצר
< מבצרname>
מברחrefugee Ez 17:21 αλ ← ברח
מבשׁprivates Dt 25:11 αλ ← בושׁ
מבשׁלותcooking places Ez 46:23 αλ ←
< מבשׂםname>
מבשׂרreporter, one who gives a report 1S
4:17, 2S 4:10, 18:26, Is 41:27, 52:7, Nh
2:1 ← בשׂר
מבשׂרת( מבשׂרהin construct) reporting Is
40:9, Ps 68:12 ← בשׂר
מגβ מג-רב
מגאלβ מגאל,גאל
מגאלredeemer, the one who has the
responsibility to redeem Rt 2:20 ← גאל
מגאלpolluted Ml 1:7, 12 ← גאל
< מגבישׁname>
מגבלתhaving the status of being a border
around an object Ex 28:14 αλ ← גבל
מגבעהmiter, tall head gear Lv 8:13 αλ σ
מגגto make go out ?? Nh 1:5, Ps 65:11
(10), Jb 30:22 σ סור,הלך
מגדchoice, the best σ מבחור
< מגדוname>
מגדולβ מגדול,גדול
< מגדולname>
< מגדול סונהname> Ez 30:6
< מגדוןname>
< מגדיאלname>
מגדלactions that make great 2K 10:6, Is
33:18, Ps 18:50, 61:4 (3) ← גדל
מגדלtower ← גדל
< מגדלname>
< מגדל אלname>
< מגדל גדname>
< מגדל עדרname>
מגדלותsilos, granaries ?? Ez 27:11, So
5:13, 8:10, 1C 27:25, 2C 32:5 ← גדל
מגדנהvaluable, expensive thing Gn 24:53,
Ezr 1:6, 2C 21:3, 32:23 σ מבחור
מגדףaction of reviling Nu 15:30, Ps 44:17
(16) ← גדף
< מגוגname>
מגורβ מגורים,מגור
מגורsojourning, as in place Ps 55:15,
119:54, as in time Gn 47:9 ← גור
מגורa person who continuously
intimidates others Jr 20:3–4, or the act of
intimidating Jr 6:25, Ps 31:14 (13) ←
מגורהβ מגרה,מגורה
מגורהa condition or state which makes
one feel intimidated Is 66:4, Ps 31:14
(13), Pr 10:24 ← גור
מגורהgranary Hg 2:19 αλ
מגוריβ נגר,מגור
מגוריםstate of being a sojourner Gn 36:7,
37:1, Ez 20:38, Jb 18:19 ← גור
מגזרתbreaking out used only in
connection with severing iron from slag
in the sponge iron production in use at
that time, this was heavy work requiring
a lot of heating and hammering to
separate the iron from the slag ?? 2S
12:31 αλ ← גזר
מגיעβ נגע
מגלsome sort of harvest tool, that removes
Jr 50:16, Jl 4:13 (3:13) ← גלה
מגלהroll (of cloth, leather)
book ←
מגלהrevealing, uncovering Pr 11:13, 27:5
← גלה
מגמתfierceness ?? Hb 1:9 αλ
מגןβ מגן,גן
מגןto deliver Gn 14:20, Hs 11:8, Pr 4:9 →
מגןone who delivers, hands over Gn
15:1, Dt 33:29, Ps 3:4 (3), מגנהwhat was
delivered, handed over Hs 4:18, Lm 3:65
σ נתן
מגןone who delivers, hands over Gn 15:1,
Dt 33:29, Ps 3:4 (3) ← מגן
מגןshield 2S 1:21, 22:3, 36
place of
protection Ps 7:11 (10)
one who
protects Jd 5:8, 2S 22:31 איש מגןwarrior,
one who owns a shield Pr 6:11, 24:34 ←
גנןσ צנהshield, a tall one that covers
the whole body or much of it 1S 17:7,41,
1K 10:16, 2C 9:15
מגנהβ מגנה, מגן,גנה
מגנהwhat was delivered, handed over Hs
4:18, Lm 3:65 ← מגן
מגנותprotective gear 2C 23:9 αλ ← גנן
מגניהβ מגן,גן
מגערתrebuke Dt 28:20 αλ ← גער
מגפהaffliction ← נגף
< גמפיעשׁname>
מגרβ נגר
מגרהβ מגרה,גרה
( מגרהore) crusher, grain grinder, rock
carving chisel ?? 2S 12:31, 1K 7:9, Jl
1:17, Hg 2:19, 1C 20:3 ← גרר
< מגרוןtoponym>
מגרעותsockets in wall to accept flying
buttresses ?? 1K 6:6 αλ ← גרע
מגרפתthose that grip, take hole of Jl 1:17
αλ ← גרף
מגרשׁה, מגרשׁpasture land, close enough
that cattle may be driven out to it during
the day and return by night ← גרשׁ
מדוה, מדו, מדclothing, measured to fit ←
מדדσ בגד
מדברβ מדבר,דבר
מדברwilderness (full of thorny plants) ←
מדברexpressing Js 22:24 αλ ← דבר
מדברתmatters, expressions ?? Dt 33:3 αλ
LXX λογων ← דבר
מדדto measure out, often done by
stretching a string or stick upon or along
an object
to stretch oneself out → ,מד
מדוה, מדוclothing, measured to fit, מדה
measurement, ממדmeasuring tool Jb
38:5 αλ σ לתךto measure out (as into a
measuring cup) ?? DSS כלהIs 33:1 αλ,
סאסאto measure ?? Is 27:8 αλ, תכןto
מדהmeasurement ← מדדσ איפהa dry
measurement, for grain, flour, etc., בתa
liquid measure, היןa liquid measure, זרת
a linear measurement smaller than a
cubit, חמרmound
the measurement of
the dry goods that made up a mound,
homer, ככרround object
region, loaf (of bread), talent (a measure
of weight), כרa dry measure 1K 5:2
(4:22), 18 (5:11), לגa liquid measure,
לתךa dry measure LXX ηµικορος Hs
3:2 αλ, משׂורהliquid measure, מתכנתset
measurement according to a tally, recipe
Ex 5:8, 30:32, 37, Ez 45:11, 2C 45:11,
סאהmeasure of grain Gn 18:6, 1S 25:18,
1K 18:32, 2K 7:1, 16, 18, עמרa small
sheaf, a sickle full quickly tied in the
מדכהmixing bowl, where batter mixed Nu
11:8 αλ ← דוך
< מגמןname>
מדמנהdunghill, that which makes dung
i.e. vermin ?? Is 25:10 αλ ← דמן
< מדמנהcity name>
מדןaccusation ?? Pr 6:14, 19, 10:12 ← דון
< מדןname>
< מדניםname>
מדעβ מדע,מדוע
מדעknowledge, intimate (very close
friend) ← ידע
מדעתβ מדעת,דעת
מדעתperson known well
close friend Rt
3:2, Is 48:4 ← ידע
מדקרa person who has been stabbed Jr
37:10, 51:4, Lm 4:9 ← דקר
מדקרותstabbing Pr 12:18 αλ ← דקר
מדרגהsteep slope Ez 38:20, So 2:14 σ הר
מדרךpace, one step Dt 2:5 αλ ← דרך
מדרשׁcommentary ← דרשׁ
מדשׁתthreshing Is 21:10 αλ ← דושׁ
מהגיםthose who mutter, speak softly as in
seances Is 8:19 αλ ← הגה
מההβ מהמה
מהולβ מהל
מהוללcontinuous running around
surrounding ?? Ps 102:9 (8), Ko 2:2 ←
הוללσ אויל
מהומהcommotion, turmoil Dt 7:23, 28:20,
Ez 22:5, Zc 14:13 ← הוםσ צוחהclamor
Is 24:11, Jr 14:2, 46:12, Ps 144:14
< מהומןname>
< מהיטבאלname>
skilled, able to work quickly
Ps 45:2, Pr 22:29, Ezr 7:6 ← מהר
field to be carried off the field the same
day as harvested. It cannot stand, but lies
down where the harvester leaves it
dry measure equaling about the same
amount of grain as carried by such a
sheaf, about a cup
מדהבהdominion, oppression ?? Is 14:4 αλ
σ לחץ
מדוהβ מדוה, מדו,מד
מדוהthat which afflicts, characterized by
flowing sores Dt 7:15, 28:60 ← דוהσ
מדוחβ נדח
מדוןstrife, argumentation, fighting ?? ←
< מדוןname>
מדורהwood piled into a circular pyre for
burning Ez 24:9 αλ ← דור
מדחβ נדח
מדחהtripping up Pr 26:28 αλ ← דחה
מדחפתrush, hurry Ps 140:12 (11) αλ ←
< מדיname>
מדיבתcausing languishing Lv 26:16 αλ σ
מדיןaccusation Pr 18:18 (when done by a
woman, nagging Pr 19:13, 21:9), place of
judgment (where accusations are heard
and adjudicated) ← דון
מדיןname of a people
מדינהplace where judgment takes place
Ko 2:8, 5:7 (8), (Aramaic loanword)
jurisdiction, division of land into an
administrative district (40 verses) ← דון
< מדיניname>
מהלto mix as in adulterating Is 1:22 αλ σ
מהלךβ מהלך,הלך
מהלךjourney, passage, time or distance
travelled Jn 3:3–4, Ne 2:6, traveler Zc
3:7, Ps 104:3, Pr 6:11, Ko 4:15 ← הלך
מהללthe act of boasting as a form of
praise 2S 22:4, Ps 18:3, 1C 23:5, 2C
one who boasts, used of those
giving praises Pr 27:21, 1C 29:13, 2C
20:21, 23:12, adj. something to be
boasted about as a form of praise Ps 48:1
(2), 96:4, 113:3, 145:3, 1C 16:25 ← הלל
< מהללאלname>
מהלמותstrokes ← הלם
מהמהto tarry, wait for something (not an
aimless delay) Gn 19:16, 43:10, Ex 12:39,
Is 29:9, Ps 119:60 σ יחל
מהמרותrain water basins ?? Ps 140:11
(10) αλ
destruction Dt
29:23, Is 1:7, 13:19, Jr 29:26, 49:18,
50:40, Am 4:11
place of punishment
through torture ?? Jr 20:2–3, 2C 16:10
← הפך
מהרβ מהר,הר
מהרto buy a bride → מהרbride price
מהרto be quick → מהירquick
able to work quickly Ps 45:2, Pr 22:29,
Ezr 7:6, מהרהquickly Dt 11:17, Js 8:19,
23:16, Ps 37:2, ממהרacting quickly Gn
41:32, Ml 3:5, Pr 6:18 σ בהלmove
quickly Pr 28:22, 2C 26:20
to alarm as
in to frighten (⇐ those who are
frightened move quickly) Dn 11:44, 2C
32:18 Ni be alarmed, frightened Gn 45:3,
Ez 26:18, דחףto be in a rush, to hurry,
חושׁto be quick, move quickly
move quickly as a result of fear Is 28:16
מהרbride price ← מהר
< מהר שׁלל חשׁ בזname>
מהרהquickly Dt 11:17, Js 8:19, 23:16, Ps
37:2 ← מהר
< מהריname>
מהתלותmockery Is 30:10 ← התל
מוthis is not a stand alone word, rather a
suffix. It can be included with other
suffixes e.g. כמוכםJb 12:3. Its purpose
seems to emphasize the word to which
it’s appended, as in adding “even” in
< מואבname>
< מואביname>
מובאentrance ← בוא
מוגto waver Ex 15:15, Js 2:9, 24, Is 14:31,
Ps 46:7 σ רגז
מודעacquaintance, kinsman
מוזרwithdrawn, estranged. alienated ?? Ps
69:9 αλ LXX απηλλοτριωµενος || נכרי
מוטto carry (to, away)
to be moved Is
40:20, Pr 12:3, 1C 16:30 → מוטbar or
litter for carrying Nu 4:10, 12, 13:23,
מוטהthat which carries away Is 28:6, Jr
28:10, 12–3, מוטהcarried away, i.e.
made prisoner, exiled Is 58:6 αλ, מטה
that which is carried away Is 8:8, Ez 9:9
σ סבל
מוטbar or litter for carrying Nu 4:10, 12,
13:23 ← מוט
מוטהthat which carries away Is 28:6, Jr
28:10, 12–3 ← מוט
מוטהcarried away, i.e. made prisoner,
exiled Is 58:6 αλ ← מוט
מוךto go down
to become poor σ ירד
מולto clip off, pluck off (e.g. grass, heads
of grain)
to circumcise → מולת
circumcision Ex 4:26 αλ σ , סור,כרת
מולin front of σ נגד
< מולדהtoponym>
מולדתthat which produced …, i.e.
heritage from birth referring to one’s
people Gn 12:1, Rt 2:11, Es 8:6; that
which is produced, born Gn 48:6, Lv
18:9, 11, Jr 16:3 ← ילד
< מוליךname>
מולתcircumcision Ex 4:26 αλ ← מול
מולךβ מלך,הלך
מוםβ מאום
מומהβ מאומה
מוןbully, oppressor Is 49:26 αλ ← ינה
מונהβ מנה
מוניךβ מון
מוסבcircuit, perimeter ?? Ez 41:7 αλ ←
מסד, מוסדה, מוסדfoundation ← יסד
מוסרβ סור, מסר,מוסר
מוסרות, מוסרband(s) that tie one to a
yoke Is 52:2, Jr 2:20, 5:5, 27:2, 30:8, Nh
1:13, Ps 2:3, 107:14, 116: 16, Jb 12:8 ←
discipline, correction
(through punishment) ← יסר
< מוסרname>
מוסרהchains and/or a collar placed on
prisoners and/or slaves to keep them in
line ?? Jr 2:20, 5:5, 27:2, 30:8, Nh 1:13,
Ps 2:3, 107:14 ← יסר
< מוסריname>
מועדה,( מועדplace of) convocation
appointment (referring to place and/or
time) ← יעד
< מועדיהname>
מועדתβ מעד,מועדה
מועףcaused to be fatigued Is 8:23 αλ ←
מועצותcounsel as in mental advise Ps
81:13 (12), Pr 22:20 ← יעץ
מועקהfirmness ?? Ps 66:11 αλ context
indicates that this is something positive
מופזβ אפז
מפת, מופתportent σ אות
מוצאexit, going out ← יצא
< מוצאname>
מוצאתorigin ⇐ going out Mc 5:1 αλ ←
מוצקthings and places connected with
causing to be poured out,
(cast) objects 1K 7:23, 33, 37,
for draining Jb 36:16, 38:38 ← יצק
מוצקהspout ?? (of a lamp, where a wick
can be placed) Zc 4:2 αλ ← יצק
מוקto deride ?? Ps 73:8 αλ σ שׂחק
מוקדconstant fire, constant burning ?? Is
33:14 (Ps 102:4 (3) s. קדAleppo
reading) ← יקד
מוקדהhearth, where a fire is kindled Lv
6:2 (9) αλ ← יקד
מקשׁ, מוקשׁsnare, a trap that catches its
prey and hangs on Ex 10:7, Is 8:14, Pr
29:6, 25 ← יקשׁσ פחflat plate, net that
is flattened out to catch prey that flies or
runs into it
מורβ מר,מור
מורto substitute → תמורהsubstitute Lv
27:10, 33, Jb 15:31, 20:18, 28:17, Rt 4:7
מוראfear referring to a subject causing
fear ← יראσ חתmaking fearful Gn 9:2,
1S 2:4, Jr 46:5, Jb 41:25, מרך
cowardliness (δειλια) Lv 26:36 αλ
מוראone who pours down weapons from
on top of a wall 2S 11:24 ← ירא
מורגthreshing sledge σ חרוץdivision
scales, noticeable divisions in skin, scaly
Lv 22:22
threshing sledge, so called
because it divides out the grain from the
chaff Is 28:27, 41:15
מורדβ מרד, מורד,ירד
מורדplace of descent
a road going
down from a place Js 7:5, a drainage
sluice for water Mc 1:4
מעשה מורד
hollowed out area, socket ?? 1K 7:30 ←
מורהβ מרה, מורה,מורא
מורהone who shoots forth (arrows 1S
31:3, 1C 10:3, teachings)
(arrows) 1S 20:36, teacher 2K 17:28, Is
9:14, Hb 2:18, Jb 26:22, Pr 5:13, 2C 15:3
← ירה
מורהearly rains Jl 2:23, Ps 84:7 σ גשׁם
מורהrazor Jd 13:5, 16:17, 1S 1:11
מורהdefiant Dt 21:18, Jr 5:23 ← מרה
< מורהname>
מורטdetached, not affiliated with Is 18:2,
7 ← ירט
מורישׁcausing expropriation
removal of possessions Dt 9:4–5, 18:12,
1S 2:7 ← ירשׁ
מורשׁone who expropriates Ob 1:17, Jb
17:11 act of expropriating Is 14:23 ←
מורשׁהexpropriation Ez 25:4, 36:3
inheritance Ex 6:8, Dt 33:4 ← ירשׁ
< מורשׁת גתname>
< מורשׁתיname>
מושׁβ משׁשׁ,מושׁ
מושׁto depart Jd 6:18, Is 54:10, Jr 17:8 σ
מושׁבβ שׁוב,מושׁב
מושׁבaction or place of settling down
seat ← ישׁבσ כפרvillage Js 18:24, 1S
6:18, Ez 38:13, 1C 27:25, עירcity, קריה
(market) town (where people come
together to meet), ( קרתwalled) village
מושׁבתβ משׁובת
< מושׁיname>
מושׁיעsavior ← ישׁע
מושׁעותsalvation Ps 68:21 (20) αλ ← ישׁע
מותto die → מותdeath, in plural refers to
the status of when dead, מתdead, as in
dead bodies
mortal, used of men while
still alive, in that all die they are
“mortals” σ אבדto become lost,
sometimes a euphemism for to die, גועto
expire, just as one who breathes, lives, so
one that breathes his last (expires) dies
מותname of a Canaanite god
מותdeath, in plural refers also to the
preparation of the body and burial ←
מותσ אבדןmaking lost, euphemism for
death Ps 119:95, Es 8:6
advantage from idea of
left over beyond something Pr 14:23,
21:5, Ko 3:19 ← יתר
מזבחβ מזבח,זבח
מזבחaltar ← זבח
מזגmixed wine, ore ?? So 7:2 (3) αλ
מזהβ מזה,זה
מזהperson who sprinkles Nu 19:21 αλ ←
< מזהname>
מזוזהdoorpost Ex 12:1, 22–3, 1S 1:9, 1K
6:33, Pr 8:34
מזי, מזויgranary ?? De 32:24, Ps 144:13
מזוינוβ מזוי
מזוללone who gives lavishly Jr 15:19 αλ
← זול
מזוןnourishment Gn 45:23, 2C 11:23 σ
מזורboil (need to press out puss in order
to heal) ?? Jr 30:13, Hs 5:13, pressing
out, estrangement ?? Ob 7 ← זור
מזחa type of clothing, loose fitting sign of
luxury, toga ?? Is 23:10, Ps 109:19 ←
זחחσ בגד
מזיחone who causes (restraints, ponds) to
loosen ?? Jb 12:21 αλ ← זחח
מזיןone who causes … to slip off, roll off
Pr 17:4 αλ
מזכירrecorder, a person who makes and
keeps the official records for the
kingdom 2S 8:16, 20:24, Is 36:3, 22, 2C
34:8 ← זכר
מזלגfork Ex 27:3, 1S 2:13–4, 2C 4:16
מזלותplanets 2K 23:5 αλ σ כוכב
מזמות, מזמהplan(ning) ← זמםσ דע
מזמורpsalm, played with instrumental
accompaniment ← זמר
מזמרת, מזמרהpruner (tool) Is 2:4, 18:5, Jl
4:10 (3:10), Mc 4:3 or one used to trim
(prune) the wick of a lamp so that it
burns brighter 1K 7:50, 2K 25:14, Jr
52:18, 2C 4:22 ← זמר
מזעזעone who causes others to withdraw
in fear or disgust Hb 2:7 αλ ← זוע
מזערfrom minutiae ← זעיר
מזקקsomething poured out, used of fatness
for a feast Is 25:6, of cast gold or silver
Ps 12:7 (6), 1C 28:18, 29:4 ← זקק
מזרβ מזור
מזרהone who spreads out Jr 31:9, Pr 1:17,
21:8, 26
winnowing shovel, lightly
made of wood used to spread grain out
onto a threshing floor in order for
threshing Is 30:24, Jr 15:7 ← זרהσ יע
מזרותconstellation ?? Jb 38:32 αλ σ כוכב
מזרחeast, sunrise ← זרח
מזריםnorth wind ?? Jb 37:9 αλ
מזרעcrop, seeded field Is 19:7 αλ ← זרעσ
מזרקsprinkler ← זרק
marrow (⇐ scraped out of
bones) Is 5:17, Ps 66:15, Jb 21:24 ←
מחאto clap (hands) Is 55:12, Ez 25:6, Ps
מחבאplace of concealment 1S 23:23, Is
32:2 ← חבא
מחברת, מחברותjoiner joining separate
parts into one Ex 26:4–5, 2C 22:3, 34:11
← חבר
מחבתfrying pan Lv 2:5, 6:14, 7:9, Ez 4:3,
1C 23:29 σ פרור
מחגרתgirding on Is 3:24 αλ ← חגר
מחהto scrape off, to wipe off 2K 21:13,
Is 25:8
as an act of destruction Gn
6:7, 7:4, Dt 9:14, Jd 21:17
to erase
with a sharp instrument scraping off a
written entry Nu 5:23
fig. to erase
a memory (of) Ex 17:14, Dt 25:6, 19,
29:19, Ps 51:3, 11, Pr 6:33, Ne 3:37 →
marrow (⇐ scraped
out of bones) Is 5:17, Ps 66:15, Jb
21:24, מחהone who scrapes off,
wipes away Is 43:25 αλ, מחי
scraping ?? Ez 26:9 αλ σ גרדto
scrape, scratch Jb 2:8 αλ
מחהcausing to be led to Nu 34:11 αλ ←
מחהone who scrapes off, wipes away Is
43:25 αλ ← מחה
מחוגהlathe ?? Is 44:13 αλ ← חוג
מחוזport, where ships dock Ps 107:30 αλ
< מחויאלname>
< מחויםname>
מחולround dance ← חול
< מחולname>
מחותβ מחה,חוה
מחזהplace from where one can view 1K
7:4–5, appointed vision Gn 15:1, Nu
24:4, 16, Ez 13:7 ← חזה
מחזוןtime of visioning ?? Mc 3:6 αλ ←
( מחזינותnight) visions Jb 4:13, 7:14 ←
מחיscraping ?? Ez 26:9 αλ ← מחה
< מחזיאותname>
מחיהthat which gives life ← חיה
מחירmoney paid for a product or service,
which can include a bribe Dt 23:18, Is
55:1, Mi 3:11
< מחירname>
< מחיראname>
מחיתβ מחית, מחה,חית
מחיתuncovered living flesh in a burn,
wound, festering sore ← חיה
מחלהsoftness, weakness, as in sickness,
also soft place to dig into the ground ←
מחלהround dance ← חול
< מחלהname>
< מחלוןname>
< מחליname>
מחלףslaughtering knife ?? priestly
robes ?? Ezr 1:9 αλ ← חלףσ שׂכין
מחלפותtresses (of hair) Jd 16:13, 19 ←
מחלצותclothing for special occasions,
“Sunday best” stripped off for daily work
Is 3:22, Zc 3:4 ← חלץσ בגד
מחלקותdivisions of people or land (never
in singular) ← חלק
< מחלקותname>
מחלקתβ מחלקת,חלק
מחלקתpartition or division of land,
dividing out of land (found only in
construct) Js 11:23, 12:7, 18:10, 1C
27:1–15 ← חלק
מחלתa musical instrument ?? Ps 53:1,
< מחלתname>
< מחלתהname>
מחמדobject specifically desired ← חמד
מחמלobject of pity Ez 24:21 αλ ← חמל
מחמצתleavened (soured) ← חמץ
מחנהencampment ← חנה
< מחניםname>
מחנקsuffocation, prey killed by choking
Nh 2:13, Jb 7:15 ← חנק
מחסthat which affects refuge, protector Is
28:15, Jr 17:17, Ps 62:7, 71:2, 73:28,
91:2, 9, 94:22, 142:5 ← חסה
מחסהrefuge, place to take refuge Is 4:6,
28:17, Jl 4:16 (3:16), Ps 14:6, 104:18, Jb
24:8 ← חסהσ מקלטasylum, a place
where one could go for refuge
מחסוםmuzzle Ps 39:2 (1) αλ ← חסם
מחסורlack, anything that is lacking Jd
18:10, 19:19–20, Ps 34:10, Pr 11:24,
lacking Pr 21:17 ← חסר
< מחסיהname>
מחספסflake Ex 16:14 αλ
מחסרaction or object being caused to lack
Dt 15:8, Pr 6:11, 24:34, Ko 4:8 ← חסר
מחפירcausing to hide face(s) in shame Pr
19:26 αλ ← חפר
מחץβ מחץ,חץ
מחץto trample underfoot Nu 24:8, 17, Ps
110:5–6, Jb 26:12 σ הלך
מחצבhewn out 2K 12:12, 2C 34:11 ←
מחצהportion Nu 31:36 αλ ← חצה
מחציתprecisely a half Ex 30:13, 15, 38:26,
Ne 8:3, partition Js 21:25, 1C 6:46, 55 ←
מחצץone who portions out Jd 5:11 αλ ←
מחקהthat which is carved into Jd 5:26, 1K
6:35, Ez 8:10, 23:14 ← חקה
מחקהmarked out, something that is
written as a statute, law to be read
(modern equivalent—traffic sign) Ez
8:10, 23:14 ← חקק
מחקקthe establishing of statues, laws,
authority Gn 49:10, Nu 21:18
established statues, laws, authority Dt
33:21, Pr 31:5
one who establishes
statues, laws, authority Jd 5:14, Is 33:22,
Ps 60:9 (7), 108:9 (8) ← חקק
מחקרinvestigation Ps 95:4 αλ ← חקר
מחרת, מחרnext day, tomorrow
מחראותplace of excrement 2K 10:27 αλ
מחרשׁתtool made by an artisan,
blacksmith 1S 13:20–1 ← חרשׁσ את
מחשׁבהreckoning, coming to a conclusion
Jr 18:11, 49:30, Ez 38:10, Ex 9:25 ←
חשׁבσ שׂעףthought ?? Jb 4:13, 20:2,
שׂרעףthought, consideration ?? Ps 94:19,
מחשׁבותconclusions, developed thoughts Jr
29:11, Pr 6:18, 15:22, 26 ← חשׁב
מחשׁבתsomething constructed, invented Ex
31:4, 35:32–33, 35, Jr 29:11, 2C 2:13 ←
מחשׁיםβ חשׁה
מחשׁךdark place
מחשׂףstripped off
place made bare Gn
30:37 αλ ← חשׂף
מחשׁקconnecter, object that joins together
Ex 27:17 38:17 ← חשׁק
< מחתname>
מחתהβ מחתה,מחה
מחתהfire carrier, to carry live coals to
preserve a fire Ex 27:3, 37:23, also used
to burn incense in it
censor Lv 10:1,
16:17–8 ← חתה
מחתהsomething (object, action) that
makes one paralyzed from fear Is 40:14,
Jr 48:39, Pr 10:14–5, 29 ← חתת
מחתרתdigging (breaking) in Ex 22:1, Jr
2:34 ← חתר
מחתתβ מחתה
מטβ מטה,מוט
מטאטאbroom Is 14:23 αλ ← טאטא
מטבחslaughtering ← טבח
מטהβ נטה, מטה,מוט
tribe, branch of a group,
used metaphorically for support such as
provided by food Ps 105:16 ← נטהσ
מטהcot, bed, refers to a light piece of
furniture, long and flat enough to lie
down and sleep on, can be the bier in
funerals, probably made of cloth
stretched between a frame ← נטהσ יצוע
(camp)bed, spread out on the ground or
on baggage Gn 49:4, Ps 63:7, 132:3, Jb
17:13, 1C 5:1, מצעcouch Is 28:20 αλ,
ערשׂbed, possibly a covered one
מטהthat which is carried away Is 8:8, Ez
9:9 ← מוט
מטוהspun goods, yarn, thread Ex 35:25 αλ
← טוה
מטותβ נטה,מטה
מטחויβ טחה
מטילcast (iron) Jb 40:18 αλ ← טול
מטיםβ מוט
מטלטלone who tosses down, also
metaphoric Is 22:17 αλ ← טול
מטמוןburied treasure ← טמן
מטעplanting ← נטע
מטעםβ מטעם,טעם
מטעםtasty food Gn 27 ← טעם
מטעמתtasties, tasty food Pr 23:3, 6 ← טעם
מטעןthat which has been loaded (onto a
sword, i.e. killed) Is 14:19 αλ ← טען
מטפחתcape, warm cloak spread on over
other clothing Rt 3:15, Is 3:22 σ בגד
מטרto shower → ( מטרrain) shower σ
( מטרrain) shower σ גשׁם
מטרה, מטראtarget, or place where
soldiers practice their martial arts? ←
< מטרדname>
< מטריname>
מים, מיwater
מיwho? interrogative pronoun
< מי זהבname>
< מידבאname>
מיטבbest ← יטב
< מיכאname>
< מיכאלname>
< מיכהname>
< מיכהוname>
< מיכיהname>
< מיכיהוname>
מיכלditch ?? 2S 17:20 αλ σ תעלה
< מיכלname>
מילדתmidwife Gn 35:17, 38:28, Ex 1:15–
21 ← ילד
מיםβ מי,ים
מימיםlit. “from days” used to refer to an
indeterminate length of time usually
following an action Js 23:1, Jd 11:4, Ez
38:8, also used in the phrase מימים
“ ימימהfrom days to days” or in English
“from time to time” Ex 13:10, Jd 11:40,
21:19, 1S 1:3, 2:19 ← יום
< מימיןname>
מיןkind, referring to a biological “kind”
that share a common typology, a
meaning similar to species, though not
the same. E.g. all canines can make up a
“kind”, in that they can inter-breed and
produce young, while the biological term
“species” is far more restrictive, going so
far as to recognize different species of
מיניקתwet nurse ?? causing babies to suck
Is 49:23 αλ ← ינק
מינקתwet nurse Gn 35:8, Ex 2:7, 2K 11:12,
2C 22:11 ← ינק
מיסךcovering ?? 2K 16:18 αλ ← סכך
< מיפעתname>
מיץto press as in squeezing out, pinching
Pr 30:33 → מץpressure, squeezing out Is
16:4, Zp 2:2 σ אכףto press, as in put on
pressure to get one going Mc 6:6, Pr
16:26, הכרto pressure as in getting on
one’s nerves Jb 19:3 αλ, זורto press out,
to estrange
מיציאיםβ יציא
מישׁβ מושׁ
< מישׁאname>
< מישׁאלname>
מישׁר, מישׁורplain, flat land ← ישׁר
< מישׁךname>
< מישׁעname>
מישׁרmade flat ?? 1K 6:35 ← ישׁר
מישׁריםstraightness, uprightness ← ישׁר
מיתרβ מיתר,יתר
מיתרtent cord Nu 3:37, 4.32, Is 54:2, Jr
10:20 σ חבל
מכאבpain, being in pain Ex 3:7, Jr 45:3,
Lm 1:12, 18 ← כאב
מכאבהagony, generalized pain Is53:3 αλ
← כאב
מכאובthat which makes painful, that gives
pain Jr 51:8, Ps 32:10, 38:17, 69:26, Lm
1:12, Ko 1:18 ← כאבσ צנן,צנין
prickling, that causes pain Nu 33:55, Js
מכבירβ כבר
מכירβ נכר
מכבירone who spreads out (distributes)
Jb 36:31 αλ ← כבר
< מכבנהname>
< מכבניname>
מכברblanket 2K 8:15; lattice, grate Ex
27:4, 38:4, 39:39 ← כברσ שׂמיכהquilt
Jd 4:18 αλ
מכהone who strikes, hits, gives a blow
one who is struck, hit, wounded
wound ← נכהσ כידורattack ?? Jb
15:24 αλ, מלחמהwar, battle
מכוהarea of a burn in the skin Lv 13:24–5,
28 ← כוה
מכוןestablished place, establishment ← כון
מכנה, מכונהstand, upon which objects are
placed ← כון
מכותβ ( כוהLv 13:24, 2C 2:9), נכה
< מכיname>
מכירβ נכר
< מכירname>
< מכיריname>
מכךto pass up, an opportunity Ko 10:18,
blessing Ps 106:43 σ עבר
מכלאpen (for sheep) ← כלא
מכלהfinishing off as in destroying
person doing the finishing off Jr 14:12,
Hb 3:17, Jb 9:22 ← כלה
מכלולsome sort of dress, possibly full
body armor Ez 23:12, 38:4 ← כלל
מכלותfinishing off, with eyes not wanting
to look at it again Lv 26:16, finishing a
menorah by covering a frame with gold
2C 4:21 ← כלה
מכלכלone who hold back ?? Ml 3:2 αλ ←
מכללfinished articles (not raw materials
nor kits) Ez 27:24, Ps 50:2 ← כלל
מכלתset aside, i.e. that which is not to be
used elsewhere 1K 5:11 αλ ← כול
מכמןtreasure ?? Dn 11:43 αλ σ אצר
< מכמסname>
מכמרsomething that a person can fall into
Ps 141:10, apparently can deal with heat
Is 51:20 ← כמר
מכמרתdrop net, possibly from the idea of
stretched out on hot days over water so
that fish gather under it to avoid the
heat, then to drop the net on them Is
19:8, Hb 1:15–6 ← כמרσ רשׁת
< מכמשׂtoponym>
< מכמתתname>
< מכנדביname>
מכנהβ מכונה
< מכנהname>
מכנסtrousers ← כנסσ בגד
מכסreckoned amount, numbered portion
Nu 31:28, 37–41 ← כסס
מכסperson making another wealthy Is
11:9, Ez 27:7 ← נכס
מכסהcovering ← כסה
מכסיםstatus of being covered Is 11:9,
14:11, 1C 21:16 ← כסה
מכסתreckoning a unit by numbers Ex
12:4, Lv 27:23 ← כססσ חשׁב
< מכפלהname>
מכרto sell → מכרה, מכרware, furnished
for sale, ממכרת, ממכרsomething sold
מכרfurnished supplies 2K 12:6 (5), 8 (7)
← כרה
מכרה, מכרware, furnished for sale ← מכר
מכרהβ מכרה,מכורה
מכרהquartermaster, one who furnishes
supplies Zp 2:9 αλ ← כרה
< מכריname>
מכרכרcontinuous whirling and dancing
2S 6:14, 16 ← כרר
< מכרתיname>
מכרתיךβ מכרה, מכר,מכורה
“ מכרתיךthose things that provide for
you” Ez 16:3 αλ ← כרה
מכשׁלה, מכשׁולcause for tripping
obstacle, offense (cause moral
stumbling) ← כשׁל
מכשׁפה, מכשׁףenchanter Ex 7:11, 22:17
(18), Dt 18:10, Ml 3:5, Dn 2:2 ← כשׁףσ
מכתבwriting ← כתב
מכתםa type of poem σ תהלה
מכתשׁmortar, a tool where one grinds
grain Pr 27:22
hole in the rock, where
women grind grains hence wear a hole
in the rock from much grinding Jd 15:19,
Zp 1:11 ← כתשׁ
< מכתשׁname>
מכתתsmithy for forming metals Is 30:14
αλ ← כתת
מלβ מל.מול
מלindication, often spoken though also
indicated through actions (plural )מלים
← מלל
מלאto fill
to fulfill, עלי יתמלאוןJb
16:10 “they fill themselves upon me”
they concentrate upon me ?? → ,מלא
מלאהfull, fullness, filling, אבני מלאים
“stones of filling” precious stones for
setting (to fill settings) Ex 25:7, 35:9,
מלאתfulfilling (time span), waiting
until the end of an amount of time Ex
22:28, Lv 8:33, 12:4, 6, 25::30, Nu 6:5,
13, Jr 29:10, Ez 5:2, Dn 10:3, filling (of
jars, jugs) 2K 4:6, filled Gn 41:22, Nu
7:86, Ez 1:18, filling (fitting of a precious
stone, gold ornament) Ex 28:17, 31:5,
35:33 39:13, So 5:12, מלואfilling,
fullness Lv 5:12, 7:37, Jd 6:38, Ps 24:1 σ
שׂבעto be(come) satiated
מלאה, מלאfull, fullness, filling ← מלא
מלאוβ מלא,לאה
מלאךmessenger, envoy, ambassador, one
sent and empowered to accomplish a
task ← לאךσ צירmessenger, one who
carries messages (⇐ who goes back and
forth) Is 45:16, 57:9, Jr 49:14, Ob 1, Pr
13:17, 25:13, convulsion 1S 4:19, Is 13:8,
21:3, Dn 10:16, hinge (⇐ the action of
going back and forth) Pr 26:14
מלאכהwork done for profit, as part of his
profession, to accomplish his work, task
items, tools, supplies used in one’s
profession ← לאךσ עבדה
מלאכותmessage Hg 1:13, Ps 73:28, 1C
28:19 ← לאך
< מלאכיname>
מלאכתassigned work ?? 2C 13:10 ← לאך
מלאתfulfilling (time span), waiting until
the end of an amount of time Ex 22:28,
Lv 8:33, 12:4, 6, 25::30, Nu 6:5, 13, Jr
29:10, Ez 5:2, Dn 10:3, filling (of jars,
jugs) 2K 4:6, filled Gn 41:22, Nu 7:86,
Ez 1:18, filling (fitting of a precious
stone, gold ornament) Ex 28:17, 31:5,
35:33 39:13, So 5:12 ← מלא
מלבדβ בדד
מלבושׁone in charge of clothing 2K 10:22,
Jb 27:16
clothing provider Is 63:3, Ez
16:13, Zp 1:8, 2C 9:4 ← לבשׁσ תכריך
robe Es 8:15 αλ
מלבןform to make bricks, brick kiln ?? Jr
43:9, Nh 3:14 ← לבן
מלדת, מלדהβ ילד
“ מלדתיךthose things brought out for you”
Ez 16:3 αλ ← ילד
מלהβ מלל,מלה
מלהto state ?? Ez 16:30, Jb 8:21 → מלה
statement Ps 139:4, Jb 30:9 σ דבר
מלהstatement Ps 139:4, Jb 30:9 ← מלה
מלוβ מלל,מול
מלואβ מלוא,מלא
מלואfilling, fullness Lv 5:12, 7:37, Jd 6:38,
Ps 24:1 ← מלא
מלואfortress, a fortified building within a
walled city, a refuge of last resort or
fortification of an occupying force Jd
9:6, 20, 2S 5:9, 1K 9:15, 24 σ בצרון
מלוהone who joins with another Pr 19:17
one who causes others to be joined to
him through providing loans or
donations Is 24:2, Ps 37:26, 112:5, Pr
22:7 ← לוה
מלוחsalt crystals, seeped out of salt
tolerant plants Jb 30:4 αλ ← מלח
< מלוךname>
מלוכהkingship ← מלך
< מלוכיname>
מלוןa place where people stay
temporarily, such as an inn, where one
lodges for one or more nights, or an
encampment Jos 4:3 ← לון
מלונהtemporary structure for lodging
temporarily Is 1:8, the act of temporarily
living in a place Is 24:20 ← לוןσ אהל
מלושׁןone who continuously wags his
tongue, speaks about Ps 101:5 αλ ← לשׁן
< מלותיname>
מלחto salt
to stain with salt (as clothes
stained with salty sweat)
to stain
(dirty) → מלוחsalt crystals, seeped out
of salt tolerant plants αλ, מלחsalt
sailor, dirty “salty” rag (⇐ the idea of
having been used to wipe away sweat),
מלחהsalty, salt strewn
sailor, dirty “salty” rag (⇐ the
idea of having been used to wipe away
sweat) ← מלח
מלחהsalty, salt strewn ← מלח
מלחמהβ מלחמה,לחמה
מלחמהwar, battle ← לחםσ מכה
מלחמותβ מלחמות,מלחמה
מלחמותfeeding ?? Is 30:32 αλ ← לחם
אישׁ מלחמותwarrior 2S 8:10, Is 42:13, 1C
18:10, 28:3 ← לחם
מלחמתwartime, not a specific war 1S
13:22, 2S 11:25 ← לחם
מלטto slip away → מלטa slipway where
bricks were brought in and out of a brick
kiln ?? Jr 43;9, ( תמלטa type of nesting
animal) ?? Is 34:15 αλ σ פלט
מלטa slipway where bricks were brought
in and out of a brick kiln ?? Jr 43;9 ←
< מלטיהname>
< מליכוname>
מלילתear of grain Dt 23:26 αλ σ שׁבלת
מליןwords of a statement (used only in
Job) ← מלל
מליץspokesman Is 43:27, 2C 32:31
translator Gn 42:23 ← ליץ
מליצהannouncement Pr 1:6, Hb 2:6 ←
ליץσ דבר
מלךβ מלך, מולך,הלך
מלךto rule as king → מלוכהkingship,
מלךking, מלכהqueen, מלכותkingship,
reign, referring to reigning and the
extent of one’s authority, being king or
queen, and the symbols and dress that go
with being king or queen, ,ממלכה
ממלכותkingdom, referring to the land
and people [note: in Aramaic מלכות
seems to have been used to refer to both
kingdom and kingship/reign, whereas
Hebrew has different terms] σ בעל
מלךking ← מלךσ אדוןlord, master,
someone who has authority over other
people, both privately as a slave holder
or in government, אחשׁדרפניםsatraps
(Aramaic loan word) Es 3:12, 8:9, 9:3,
Ezr 8:36, אחשׁתרניםroyal Es 8:10, 14,
בעלmaster, גזברtreasurer (Persian ?)
Ezr 1:8, 7:21, חוקקleader, one who gives
decrees Jd 5:9 αλ, חרadministrator,
מלצרguardian Dn 1:11, 16, ממשׁל
having authority over people, a territory
Ez 20:49, Dn 11:3, 5, 1C 26:6, מנצח
overseer, משׁלruler, one who has
rule (proverb), נגידleader,
one who goes before, often used for a
national leader, i.e. king or emperor, also
giving a message Is 55:4, Jb 31:37, Pr
8:6, נדיבgenerous Ex 35:5, 22, 1C 28:21,
2C 29:31, voluntary
leader (who steps
forward to lead) Nu 21:18, 1S 2:8, Is
32:8, Pr 25:7, נסיךlibation Dt 32:38
one who pours a libation, a leader Js
13:21, Ez 32:30, Mc 5:4 (5:5), Ps 83:12
(11), נצבappointed officer, נשׂיאa
person of honor and authority, not based
on heredity nor appointment, but on
character, סגןofficer who goes into the
field Is 41:25, Jr 51:23, Ez 23:6, Ezr 9:2,
Ne 12:40, 13:11, סריסcourtier, a worker
in the royal household, not necessarily a
eunuch Gn 37:36, 39:1, though because
eunuchs were often chosen as courtiers,
or courtiers made into eunuchs, it
became a synonym for eunuch Is 56:3–4
(most uses of this word are for courtiers,
but cannot tell if they’re eunuchs), פחה
governor (Aramaic loan word) Ne 5:14,
18, 12:26, פחםgovernor ?? (Aramaic
loan word ??) Ne 5:14 αλ, פקידone
who is appointed to look after, attend to
(someone, something) 2K 25:19, Jr 20:1,
52:25, Ne 11:9, 2C 31:13, פרתםnoble
(person) Es 1:3, 6:9, Dn 1:3, קצין
commander Js 10:24, Jd 11:6, Pr 6:7,
ראשׁhead, including both a physical
head as well as leader, רזן,רוזן
(distinguished) dignitary, one who
attained his post Jd 5:3, Is 40:23, Hb
1:10, Ps 2:2, Pr 8:15, 31:4, שׁועnoble, one
who is generous to help ?? Is 32:5, Ez
23:23, Jb 34:19, שׁטרofficer, one who
passes down commands from higher
officials and is in charge of making sure
the orders are fulfilled, ( שׁליטperson of)
authority Gn 42:6, Ko 5:18 (19), 6:2,
7:19, 8:8, 10:5, שׂרה, שׂרprince(ss), a
title given to one who enforces rules sort
of like a policeman or sheriff, to keep
people “chained in” to where they should
be and what they should do, also a title
given to the children of a king, where it
was understood that their authority was
to enforce their father’s rule, not
different from other “princes” who were
not sons of kings
שׂרי המדינות
“regional sheriffs” those who were
stationed in vassal lands to enforce the
king’s rule 1K 20:14–5, 17, 19, Es 1:3,
8:9, 9:3
מלךone who makes others go ?? Ps 68:13
← הלך
< מלךname>
מלכדתsnare ?? Jb 18:10 αλ ← לכד
מלכהβ מלכה,מלוכה
מלכת, מלכהqueen ← מלך
< מלכהname>
מלכותkingship, reign, referring to reigning
and the extent of one’s authority, being
king or queen, and the symbols and dress
that go with being king or queen ← מלך
< מלכי צדקname>
< מלכי שׁועname>
< מלכיאלname>
< מלכיאליname>
< מלכיהname>
< מלכיהוname>
< מלכירםname>
< מלכםname>
מלכןbrickworks ?? αλ 2S 12:31 LXX
< מלכתname>
מללβ מלל,מול
מללto indicate, usually through words
though also by actions Gn 21:7, Ps 106:2,
Jb 8:2, 33:3, Pr 6:13 → מלהstatement,
מליןwords of a statement (used only in
Job) σ דבר
< מלליname>
מלמדtrainer (making learn) Is 48:17, Ps
119:99, Pr 5:13
cattle goad Jd 3:31 ←
למדσ דרבן
מלמדהtrained, from training Is 29:13, Hs
10:11 ← למד
מלעגcontinuous, repeated derision 2C
30:10 αλ ← לעג
מלפנוβ פנים
מלץto be sweet ?? Ps 119;103 αλ σ מתק
מלצרguardian Dn 1:11, 16 ?? σ מלך
מלקto nip off, pinch off Lv 1:15, 5:8
מלקוחspoil, booty ← לקחσ שׁלל
מלקושׁlatter rain Dt 11:14, Jr 3:3, 5:24, Pr
16:15 σ גשׁם
מלקחיםtongs Ex 25:38, 37:23, Nu 4:9, 1K
7:49, Is 6:6, 2C 4:21 ← לקח
מלתחהwardrobe, room where clothing is
stored 2K 10:22 αλ
מלתעותfangs ?? Ps 58:7(6) αλ σ שׁן
ממאירcausing infection Ez 28:24 αλ ←
ממארתinfectious, malignant Lv 13:51–2,
14:44 ← מאר
ממגרותplaces where metal ores were
crushed to remove the metals for refining
Jl 1:17 αλ ← גרר
ממדmeasuring tool Jb 38:5 αλ ← מדד
ממהרacting quickly Gn 41:32, Ml 3:5, Pr
6:18 ← מהר
< ממוכןname>
ממכרת, ממכרsomething sold
wares ←
ממלכות, ממלכהkingdom, referring to the
land and people ← מלך
ממךβ מן
ממנהβ מן
ממנוβ מן
ממניβ מן
ממקשׁיβ קשׁה, מוקשׁ,יקשׁ
< ממראname>
ממרוריםbitter things
ממשׁלhaving authority over people, a
territory Ez 20:49, Dn 11:3, 5, 1C 26:6 ←
משׁלσ מלך
ממשׁלהdominion ← משׁל
ממשׁקtract, piece of land ?? Zp 2:9 αλ
מןwhat? (the Israelites did not know what
that stuff was, so they simply called it
“What?” or as we transliterate as
מןfrom, when given a pronominal suffix,
the nun changes to a mem → , ממנה,ממך
מןallotment, unit of weight, assigned by
number 1K 10:17, Ez 5:7
wages, pay
scale Gn 31:7, 41 ← מנהσ בזרallotment
Ps 68:31
מןstringed instrument ?? Ps 150:4
מןa Persian coin Ezr 2:69, Ne 7:71–2
מנאותβ נאות,מניות
מנאפתpracticing adultery, adulterous Ez
16:32, Hs 3:1, Pr 30:20 ← נאף
מנגינהβ נגינת
מנדone who makes people move, relocate
2S 23:6, Is 66:5, Am 6:3 ← נוד
מנדחthat which causes to be pushed out Is
8:22 αλ ← נדח
מנהto number
to allot, assign by
number → מןallotment, unit of weight,
assigned by number 1K 10:17, Ez 5:7
wages, pay scale Gn 31:7, 41, מנה
portion, allotment Ex 29:26, Lv 7:33, 1S
1:4, Es 2:9, Ne 9:10, 2C 31:3–4, 19, מנית
a portion, portioned out Ez 27:17 αλ σ
בזרto allot Dn 11:24
( מנה )מניםa measure of weight 1K 10:17,
Ez 45:12, Ezr 2:69, Ne 7:70–1
מנהportion, allotment Ex 29:26, Lv 7:33,
1S 1:4, Es 2:9, Ne 9:10, 2C 31:3–4, 19 ←
מנהגdriving ← נהג
מנהלsustainer Is 51:18 αλ ← נהל
מנהרהtrenches where people could move
unseen by the enemy ?? Ju 6:2 αλ ←
נהרσ תעלה
מנודshaking (of head) Ps 44:15 (14) αλ
← נוד
מנוחה, מנוחresting place ← נוח
< מנוחname>
מנוןflourishing ?? Pr 29:21 αλ ← ?נין
מנוסrefuge, a place towards which one
flees ← נוסσ ( חסותact of) taking
refuge Is 30:3 αλ
מנוסהflight ← נוס
( מנורweaver’s) beam (⇐ log pulled
behind draft animals, used to grade a
field to be flat for planting) 1S 17:7,
21:19, 1C 11:23, 20:5 ← ניר
מנורהcandelabrum, light fixture ← נור
מנושׁcreditor Is 50:1 αλ ← נשׁה
מנותהβ מנת
מנזריםwatcher Nh 3:17 αλ
מנחβ מנח,מנוח
מנחan architectural feature ?? Ez 41:9, 11
מנחהpropitiatory gift, given both to God
as an offering Lv 2:1 and to other men to
gain their favor Gn 32:13, 43:11 σ ,זבח
מנחותβ מנוח
< מנחותname>
מנחםsomething or someone who comforts
2S 10:3, Nh 3:7, Ps 69:21, 1C 19:3 ←
< מנחםname>
מנחשׁone who divines by watching the
movement of snakes Dt 18:10 αλ ← נחשׁ
σ חרטם
< מנחתname>
< מנחתיname>
מניβ מני,מן
מניfate ?? a Canaanite god Is 65:11 αλ
מניותβ מנת
מניםβ מן
< מנימןname>
מניתa portion, portioned out Ez 27:17 αλ
← מנה
מניתtoponym Jd 11:33 αλ
מנלםproposition ?? Jb 15:29 αλ
מנמריםβ נמר
מנעto withhold, hold back (from giving,
going) σ אצלto hold aside, at one’s side
to hold back, חשׂךto hold back (from
performing an action) Gn 20:6, 1S 25:39,
Jr 14:10, Ezr 9:13
withhold (an object
from) Gn 22:16, 39:9, Ez 30:18, Ps 19:14,
כחדto hold back, keep from, as an act of
deprivation or concealment, here applied
to peoples Ex 9:15, 23:23, 2C 32:21 and
statements, as in not telling the whole
story 1S 3:17, 2S 14:18, כלאto detain,
hold back, prevent action, קבעto
withhold what is due Is 51:17, 22, Ml
3:8–9, Pr 22:23
מנעל, מנעולlatch Ne 3:3, 6, 13–15 ← נעל
מנעמיםpleasant foods Ps 141:4 αλ ← נעם
מנענעיםrattle ?? a type of noisemaker
used in rejoicing 2S 6:5 αλ ← נוע
מנצחoverseer ← נצחσ מלך
מנקיתcleansing bowl Ex 25:29, 37:16, Nu
4:7 ← נקה
מנקתβ מינקת
< מנשׁהname>
< מנשׁיname>
מנתgift, present Es 9:19, 22, Ne 9:12 ←
מסβ מסס,מס
מסtribute labor
מסבsurrounding 1K 8:29, 2K 23:5, one
who turns back Jr 21:4 ← סבב
artisan 2K 24:14, 16, Jr
24:1, 29:2,
lockup (prison) Is 24:22,
42:7, Ps 142:7. In ancient times the
locksmith was the most accomplished of
artisans, dealing with the most complex
and intricate mechanisms commonly in
use. Hence their prominent mention
among those taken into captivity Jr 24:1
← סגרσ כלא
מסגרת, מסגרותbarrier, to hold people or
things inside; a lockup (prison) Mi 7:17,
on a table a raised border to prevent
things on top of it from falling off, often
found on ships Ex 25:25, 27, or as
decoration on an architectural column
1K 7:28–9, 35–6 ← סגר
מסדfoundation ← יסד
מסדרוןforecourt, where people are set in
order to see the king Jd 3:23 αλ ← סדר
מסהβ נסה, מסס,מסה
מסהtrial, as in a test Ex 17:17, Dt 6:16,
9:22, 33:8, Ps 95:8 ← נסה
< מסהname>
מסוהmask Ex 34:33–35
מסוכהcovering Mc 7:4 αλ ← סכך
מסחalternately, in turn 2K 11:6 αλ
מסיתone who tempts, goads into action Jr
43:3, 2C 32:11 ← סית
מסךto mix drinks Is 5:22, Ps 102:10, Pr
9:2 → מסךmixed drinks Is 65:11, Ps
75:9, Pr 23:30 σ בלל
מסךmixed drinks Is 65:11, Ps 75:9, Pr
23:30 ← מסך
מסךcovering to keep something from
being seen 2S 17:19, Is 22:8
screen Ex
26:36–7, Nu 3:25–6 ← סכךσ כפר
מסכהβ נסך, מסכה,מסך
( מסכהcast) statue, often used as an idol
Ex 32:4, 8, Hs 13:2, Ne 9:18 ← נסךσ
מסכהcovering Ez 28:13
blanket Is
28:20 ← סכך
מסכןproductive Is 40:20, Ko 4:13, 9:15–6
← סכן
מסכנותproduction (cities) i.e. cities where
production is concentrated Ex 1:11, 2C
8:4, 6, 32:28 ← סכן
מסכנתproduction, which has labor in its
production Dt 8:9 αλ ← סכן
מסכתβ סכת, מסכת,מסכה
מסכתwarp Jd 16:13–4 σ ארג
מסלהhighway, an embanked road suitable
for wheeled traffic Nu 20:19, 2S 20:12–
13, Is 40:3, 1C 26:16, 18 ← סללσ דרך
מסלולone making an embankment (for a
road) Is 35:8 αλ ← סלל
מסמרnail Is 41:7, 1C 22:3 ← סמר
מסמרותfastenings ?? Jr 10:4, 2C 3:9 ←
מססto melt → נמסcast objects (idols) 1S
15:9, תמסmelting, trail of slime
מססsparkling, as sparkling embers go up
from a hot fire ?? Is 10:18 αλ ← נסס
מסעpulling up
breaking camp Gn 13:3,
Ex 17:1, Nu 33:1–2 ← נסע
מסעדtray, an architectural feature,
prop ?? 1K 10:12 αλ ← סעד
מספדpublic mourning Gn 50:10, Is 22:12,
Jl 2:12, Ps 30:11, Es 4:3 ← ספד
מספואfodder σ חמיץfodder that has
become sour Is 30:24 αλ
מספחthat which is joined to ?? Hb 2:15
αλ ← ספח
מספחת, מספחותrash, causing scabs ?? Lv
13:6–8. Ez 13:18, 21 ← ספח
מספרcount, counting
countable (not many) ← ספר
< מספרname>
< מספרתname>
מסרβ מסר,מוסר
מסרto marshal (troops, ideas, error) ??
Nu 31:5, 16 → מסרתmarshaling forth ??
Ez 20:37, Jb 39:5 σ צבאto muster out
(an army), i.e. to call out a group into
existence, usually a group of men to form
into a fighting force for battle, but also
for other groups of people (e.g. Israel Ex
7:4) and also for all life Gn 2:1
מסרףone who is a close companion ??
Am 6:10 αλ LXX παραβιωνται
מסרתmarshaling forth ?? Ez 20:37, Jb
39:5 ← מסר
מסתβ מסת,מסה
מסתjust as, in the same manner as Dt
16:10 αλ
מסתtrouble, time of difficulty ?? Dt 4:34,
7:19, Jb 9:23
מסתר, מסתורhiding (place), act of hiding
← סתר
מעבדplace of work Jb 34:25 αλ ← עבד
מעבהmold (made of compacted earth) 1K
7:46 αλ ← עבה
מעברה, מעברplace of crossing
ford (of
river) Gn 32:23 (22), Jd 12:5–6 ← עבר
מעגלcowpath (← עגלcalf)? or rutted
track Is 26:7, Pr 4:11, 26 σ דרך
מעגלencampment (← עגלcircular)? Is
17:20, 26:5, 7, Ps 23:3
( מעגלהmetaphorical) path, rut Is 59:8, Pr
17:5, Pr 2:15
מעגלתstatus of going down a path Pr 2:18,
5:6, 21
מעדβ מעד,מועד
מעדto tremor, tremble 2S 22:37, Ps 18:37,
26:1, 37:31 σ רגז
מעדgathering, can be either spontaneous
or planned ?? Lv 23:44, Nu 9:3, 7, 13,
Lm 2:6, 2C 31:3 ← יעד
מעדadornment Lm 2:6 αλ ← עדה
מעדהβ עדה, מעדה,יעד
מעדהadorning Pr 25:20 αλ ← עדה
מעדותβ עד,מעדות
מעדותadorned ← עדה
< מעדיname>
< מעדיהname>
מעדנת, מעדנותpleasures, with pleasure ←
מעדניםgiving pleasure to
(food) Gn 49:20, Jr 51:34, Pr 29:17, Lm
4:5 ← עדן
מעדרhoe Is 7:25 αλ ← עדר
מעהa collective of grains (of sand) Is
48:19, Ko 1:15
מעוגpancake ?? something made of flour
fried in oil 1K 17:12, Ps 35:16 ← עוג
מעודדone who renews strength Ps 147:6
αλ ← עודד
מעוזrefuge, place of refuge Jd 6:28, Is
25:4, 30:2, Nh 1:7, 3:11, Ps 27:1 31:3 ←
מעוזone that strengthens, strength Ps 28:8,
60:9, 108:9, Pr 10:29, Dn 11:1, 7, 31 ←
מעוךβ מעך
< מעוךname>
מעולone who does unjust actions Ps 71:4,
Jb 34:10 ← עול
מעולםβ עולם, עול,מעל
מעוןβ עון,מעון
מענה, מעוןhaunt, where one lives, works,
travels around
< מעוןtoponym>
< מעוניםname>
< מעונתיname>
מעוףsomething that causes to be flown Is
8:22 αλ ← עוף
מעורnakedness Ha 2:15 αλ ← ערה
מעותthat which is distorted ?? Ko 1:15 αλ
← עות
< מעזיהname>
מעזןIs 23:11
מעטto become small (as a quantity of
time, food, numbers, etc.), few → מעט
small in quantity, few
מעטsmall in quantity, few ← מעט
מעטהwrapping Is 61:3, Ez 21:20 (15) ←
מעטירהcausing to go around Is 23:8 αλ ←
מעטפותsomething draped on, stole ?? Is
3:22 αλ ← עטףσ בגד
מעיβ עי,מעי
מעיbody in general 2S 16:11, Ps 22:15
(14), So 5:4, 2C 32:21, more specifically
womb Rt 1:11, Is 49:1, Ps 71:6, belly Ez
7:19, Jb 20:14, intestines 2S 20:10, 2C
21:18–9, involved with emotions Jr 4:19,
31:20, So 5:4 σ בטן
< מעיname>
מעילponcho, a cloth draped over the body
with a hole in the center for the head to
poke through Ex 28:31–5, worn under
the vest Lv 8:7 σ בגד
מעיןfountain, spring ← עיןσ עין
מעיקβ עוק
מעירβ עיר,עור
מעךto press in Lv 22;4, 1S 26:7, Ez 23:3
< מעכהname>
< מעכתיname>
מעלβ עלה, על, עול,מעל
מעלto be treacherous, act with treachery
→ מעלtreachery σ חמסto treat others
unfairly, not in a right manner, both in
word and deed, often in a manner that
includes violence as well as judicial
wrongness, עולto act unjustly Is 26:10,
Ps 31:4
מעלtreachery ← מעל
מעלfrom above
מעלone who ascends, who causes to
ascend Lv 11:4, Dt 8:4, 14:7 place of
ascent Pr 14:14 ← עלה
מעלהβ עלה,מעלה
(plural) stairs ← עלה
מעלותβ עלה, מעלות,מעלה
מעלותin connection with song refers to
the song sung while ascending ← עלה
< מעלה עקרביםname>
מעליותβ עליה
מעללrepeated action ← עללσ משׁובת
repeated actions
bad habits (what one
מעצותcouncil as in a group of advisors Jr
7:24, Hs 11:6, Mc 6:16, Ps 5:11 (10) ←
מעצתgiving council ?? Pr 1:31, 27:9 ←
מעקהparapet Dt 22:8 αλ
מעקשׁperverse, wrong ways ?? Is 42:16, Pr
10:9, 19:1, 28:6 ← עקשׁ
מערβ מער, ערר
מערbareness Nh 3:5 ← ערה
מערcarving ?? 1K 7:36 αλ
מערבarticles of exchange Ez 27:9, 13, 17,
19, 25, 27, 33–4 ← ערב
מערבwest (⇐ direction of sunset) Is 45:6,
Ps 103:12, Dn 8:5, 1C 12:16 (15) ← ערב
hideout 1S 13:6 σ ,סתר
מערכת, מערכה, מערךarrangement,
formation, often used for battle
army ← ערך
מערםbare, unclothed ← ערה
מערץperson of whom one is dismayed Is
8:13 αλ ← ערץ
< מערתname>
מערצהdismaying Is 10:33 αλ ← ערץ
מעשׂהdeed, work, action or object done or
made ← עשׂהσ עבדה
< מעשׂיname>
D< מעשׂיname>
< מעשׂיהוname>
מעשׁירcausing to be well off 1S 2:7 αλ ←
מעשׁקותfraud, something taken away by
fraud ← עשׁק
מעשׂרtenth part, tithe ← עשׂר
מעתיקone who causes (mountains) to
continue Jb 9:5 αλ ← עתק
keeps returning to) Jr 3:22, 5:6, 14:7, Js
11:7, 14:4, Pr 1:32
מעלפתcloaked (covered) ?? So 5:14 αλ
← עלף
מעמדstanding, as in at attention when
waiting on (a table) ← עמד
מעמסהburden ← עמס
מעמקmaking deep ← עמק
מעןpurpose, always as למעןfor purpose
of, on account of σ גללon account of,
always בprefixed, עבורon account of,
always בprefixed
מענגהsoftness, place of soft living Jr 6:2 ←
מענהβ מענה,מעון
מענהanswer Mc 3:7, Pr 15:1, 23, 16:1,
29:19, Jb 32:1, 3, 5 ← ענה
מענהarea that has been worked over,
prepared ?? Dt 33:27, Ps 129:3, So 4:8
workday (an area that a team of animals
can work in a day) ?? 1S 14:14 ← ענה
מענהone who humbles Ko 5:19 (20),
humbled, humiliated Is 53:4 ← ענה
מעניβ עני
מעניךβ ענה
מעניתβ מענה
מענן, מעונןone who tells fortunes by
looking at clouds Dt 18:14 ← ענןσ
< מעץname>
מעצבהheavy labor Is 50:11 αλ ← עצב
מעצדworkroom (where tools and work
are laid out) ?? Is 44:12, Jr 10:3 ← עצד
σ חדר
מעצר, מעצורrestraint that limits ← עצר
< מףname>
מפגעobject come upon Jb 7:20 αλ ← פגע
מפזזbeing active as in dancing ?? 2S
6:16 ← פזז
( מפזרsomething) dispersed Pr 11:24, Es
3:8 ← פזר
מפחblowing (of bellows) ← נפח
< מפיבשׁתname>
< מפיםname>
( מפיץsomething (weapon?) that causes
dispersion) ?? Nh 2:2, Pr 25:14 ← פוץ
מפכיםσ פכה
( מפלgrains) fallen to the ground ?? Am
8:6 ← נפל
מפלאmiraculous action ?? Jd 13:19 αλ ←
מפלאותbeyond reach, miraculous Jb 37:16
αλ ← פלא
מפלגהdivision ← פלג
מפלהfallen (ruins, remains) Jd 14:8, Is
17:1, 23:13, 25:2, Ez 31:13 ← נפל
מפלטsurvival shelter ← פלט
מפלסcausing to be level ?? Pr 5:21 αλ ←
מפלצתobjects of shivering (from fright,
disgust) used in idol worship 1K 15:13,
2C 15:16 ← פלץ
מפלשׂlayer ?? Jb 37:16 αλ
מפלתfalling, this refers to the action of
falling, often understood abstractly Ez
26:15, 18, 27:27, 31:16, 32:10, Pr 29:16
← נפל
מפעלdeed ← פעל
< מפעתname>
מפץone who causes to be dispersed Jr
51:20 αλ ← פוץ
מפקדβ פקד
“ מפרסhoofing” having hoofs ?? Lv
11:3–4, 26, Dt 14:6 ← פרס
מפרץwharf ?? a weakness of port cities is
that there had to be an opening in the
defenses of the city to allow ships to tie
up to load and unload their cargos Jd
5:17 αλ ← פרץ
מפרץbroken down Ne 1:3 αλ ← פרץ
מפרקremove mountains (causing
mountains to move ??) 1K 19:11 αλ ←
?? מפרקתbase of the skull, where the
neck joins the skull 1S 4:18 αλ ← פרק
מפרשׂsail, since ancient times Egyptian
cotton had the reputation of making the
best sails Ez 27:7 ← פרשׂ
מפשׂעהcrotch or below where a stride can
be seen ?? 1C 19:4 αλ ← פשׂע
מפתחkey Jd 3:25, Is 22:22
one in charge of opening the door 1K
20:11, Zc 3:9
office of doorman 1C
9:27 ← פתח
מפתיוβ פת,מופת
מפתןstage, an area of a building that has a
raised floor 1S 5:4–5, Ez 9:3, 10:4, 18,
46:2, 47:1 Zp 1:9
מץpressure, squeezing out Is 16:4, Zp 2:2
← מיץ
מץchaff Is 17:13, 29:5, 41:15, Hs 13:3, Ps
1:4, 35:5, Jb 21:18
מצאβ מצה, מצא, מוצא,יצא
מצאto happen upon Gn 11:2, 2K 4:29
to happen to
to happen to have
find (the most common result of
happening upon in Tanakh):
to cause
to be happened (unto) (to bring (unto)
Lv 9:12, 18) σ בעהto discover Is 21:12,
30:13, 64:1, Ob 6
מצאexiting, going or coming forth Jb
38:27, Dn 9:25 ← יצא
מצאתוβ צאה
מצאתיβ מצא,יצא
מצבβ נצב,מצב
מצבstation, post where soldiers or guards
are posted ?? Jd 9:6, Is 29:3 ← נצב
מצבהmembers of the guard at the post 1S
14:12 αλ ← נצב
מצבת, מצבהmonument (pillar), trunk of
tree ← נצב
< מצביהname>
מצדהfortress, fortified place Jd 6:2, 2S
5:7, 9, Is 33:16, 1C 11:5 σ בצרון
מצהto drain out Lv 1:15, 5:9, Jd 6:38, Is
51:17, Ez 35:24, used metaphorically in
the sense of draining a person into the
power of another
to hand over 2S 3:8
σ בזאto drain ?? Is 18:2, 7
מצהunleavened bread σ לחם
מצהfist fight, brawl is 41:12, 58:4, Pr
13:10, 17:19 ← נצה
< מצהname>
מצהבgold plated ?? Ezr 8:27 αλ LXX
מצהלותneighing Jr 8:16, 13:27 ← צהל
מצודhunting, pursuing Pr 12:12, Jb 19:6
← צוד
מצודהβ מצודה,מצדה
מצודהdefendable hiding place for refuge
1S 22:4–5, 23:14, 2S 5:17 σ בצרון
מצודהhunting net, used to catch prey
both on land Ez 12:13, 17:20 and in
water Ko 9:12 ← צודσ רשׁת
( מצודותadj.) fortified, as in a fortress Ps
מצוהcommand, with an emphasis on that
which is commanded ← צוהσ משׁפט
מצולהdepth (low place), always
connected with water (river, sea) Jn 2:4
(3). Zc 10:11, Ps 69:3, 107:24, Jb 41:23
σ תהום
מצולתdepths (low places) (unspecified
plural), connected with the sea Ex 15:5,
Ne 9:11
מצוקthat which wears down (caused by
constant or repeated troubles) Dt 28:53,
55, 57, 1S 22:2, Jr 19:2, Ps 119:143 ←
מצוקleaning towards ?? 1S 14:5 αλ
מצוקהgeneralized troubles that wear one
down Zp 1:15, Ps 25:17, 107:6, 28 ←
מצורβ צור,מצור
מצורrampart, both offensive (siege) and
defensive that encircle cities
siege ←
< מצורname>
מצורהwalled, defended Nh 2:2, 2C 14:5 ←
מצורניםnecklace ?? So 4:9 αλ σ ענק
מצותβ מצוה,מצה
מצותוקβ ( מצוהunusual form found in Dt
27:10, believed to be a copyist error)
מצחforehead Ex 28:38, Is 48:4, Ez 3:8–9,
2C 26:19–20
מצחקjoke, something to laugh at ← צחק
מצחתgreaves (armor) 1S 17:6 αλ
מציגone who causes to position Jd 6:37
αλ ← יצג
מציקone who causes troubles that wear
down Is 29:7, 51:13 ← צוק
מציתβ מצית,מצה
מציתone who causes to burn hotly Ez 21:3
αλ ← צות
מצלβ צל,מצל
מצלshade Ez 31:3 ← צלל
מצלהβ מצלה,מצולה
מצלהa place in shadow Mc 7:19, Zc 1:8,
14:20, Ps 68:23, 88:7 ← צלל
מצלתיםcymbals ← צלל
מצמיתone who would cause to silence
another person Ps 69:5 (4) αλ ← צמת
מצןtrapper who uses netting for
trapping ?? Jb 5:5 αλ
מצנפתturban, used as a badge of authority
Ex 28:4, 37, 39, Lv 8:9, Ez 21:31 (26) ←
צנףσ בגד
מצעcouch Is 28:20 αλ ← יצעσ מטה
מצעדstep as in walking Ps 37:23, Pr
20:24, Dn 11:43 ← צעד
מצערsmallness, insignificance ← צער
מצפהwatch post Is 21:6, Hs 5:1, 2C 20:24
← צפה
< מצפהname>
מצפניםhidden things (treasures secreted
from invader) ← צפן
מצפצףone who speaks softly in divination
Is 8:19, 10:14 ← צפצף
מצץto sip ??
מצקβ צוק,מצק
מצקto lay a foundation Jb 11:15 → מצק
foundation 1Sa 2:8, 14:5, Jb 36:16,
founded Jb 11:15
מצקfoundation 1Sa 2:8, 14:5, Jb 36:16,
founded Jb 11:15 ← מצק
מצרplace of distress Ps 116:3, 118:5, Lm
1:3 ← צרר
fortified with guard
towers 2C 11:10–1, 23, 12:4, 21:3 ← נצר
< מצריname>
מצריםβ צרר, מצרים,מצר
מצריםEgypt, <name>
מצרעleprous, having leprosy 2S 3:29, 2K
15:5, 2C 26:20–1, person suffering from
leprosy, leper Lv 14;2, Nu 12:10, 2K 5:1,
11, 27, 7:3, 8 ← צרע
מצרעתβ צרעת,מצרע
מצרףretort for smelting metals Ml 3:2–3,
Pr 17:3, 27:21 ← צרףσ כור
מצרתwatch, to guard like prisoners ?? Is
29:3 αλ ← נצר
מצתךβ נצה
מקrotten ← מקק
מקבילתβ קבל
מקבתapparently a combination tool with
a hammer at one side, and a pick at the
other, can be used as a chisel Jd 4:21, Is
51:1 ← נקב
< מקדהname>
מקדםβ קדם,מקדם
מקדםa type of fortunetelling ?? Is 2:6 αλ
← קדם
מקדשׁβ קדשׁ,מקדשׁ
מקדשׁset apart
action of setting apart,
person or object that set
something apart, makes holy
set apart,
holy (place, object
tabernacle, temple)
← קדשׁ
מקהלassembly ← קהל
< מקהלותname>
מקואβ מקוה
מקוהgathering (of waters) Gn 1:10, Ex
7:19, Lv 11:36, (of people) Ezr 10:2, act
of collecting 1K 10:28, 2C 1:16, one who
gathers Jr 14:8, 17:13, 50:7, 1C 29:15 ⇐
go together with
place where things,
water are brought together Is 22:11 ←
מקוםplace σ כןbase, place where one is
מקורsource ← קרה
מקחβ לקח
מקחותwares Ne 10:32 (31) αλ ← לקח
מקטבone who destroys Ps 91:6 αλ ← קטב
מקטלoppressions ?? Ob 9 αλ ← קטל
מקטרות, מקטרincense altar(s) ← קטר
מקטרתcenser ← קטר
מקלstaff, stick Gn 30:37–9, 41, Jr 1:11,
walking stick (something that
aids people to walk swiftly) Gn 32:11
(10), Ex 12:11, Nu 22:27, 1S 17:40, 43,
Ez 39:9 ← קללσ שׁבט
מקלswift (one who is normally swift, light
on his feet) ⇐ light weight Am 2:14 αλ
← קלל
מקלthat which causes to be treated
lightly, cursed Jr 3:9, Hs 4:12 ← קלל
מקלותβ מקלות,מקל
מקלותswiftness ⇐ lightness Ps 93:4 αλ ←
< מקלותname>
מקלטasylum, a place where one could go
for refuge σ מחסה
מקלעתsling, used to hold things 1K 6:18,
7:31 ← קלע
מקנהacquisition, possession (cattle, field)
(when this noun is used to refer to an
object, it does not conjugate to a תin
construct, but when it refers to the action
of acquiring, then it does conjugate to a
תin construct) ← קנה
< מקניהוname>
מקסםdivining Ez 12:24, 13:7, Mc 3:6 ←
מקפיםencircling 1K 7:24 αλ ← נקף
מקץremoving, removal Jr 50:26 αλ ← קצץ
< מקץname>
מקצהβ קצה
מקצהוβ קוץ
מקצע, מקצועcorner ← קצע
מקצעהgouge Is 44:13 αλ ← קצע
מקצעתcorner of a building Ex 26:23–4,
28–9, Ez 46:22 ← קצע
מקצתβ קצת
מקקto rot → מקrotten σ רקבto decay Is
40:20, Pr 10:7
מקרβ מקור
מקראsomething that is called out, a
message Is 48:12 though most often
people called out for a meeting Lv 23, Nu
public meeting (εκκλησια) ←
מקרבfrom (our) midst ← קרב
( מקרהchance) happening Rt 2:3, 1S 6:9,
Ko 9:3
opportunity Ko 10:18,
“room of happening” recognized as a
euphemism for restroom Jd 3:20, 24 ←
מקרהcooling ← קרר
מקשׁהhardened, hardened place
hairdo (hardened hair) ← קשׁה
מקשׁותβ מוקשׁ
מקשׁיבone who causes to give attention to
Pr 1:24, 17:4, 29:12, So 8:13 ← קשׁב
מקשׁרstrong (i.e. muscle bound) Gn 30:41
αλ ← קשׁר
מרdrop (of fluid, water) Is 40:15
מור, מרmyrrh (⇐ collected as it drips
down the side of the tree) σ נרדnard,
was this in ancient times a fragrant plant
grown in gardens cf. So 1:12, 4:13–14
מרbitter ← מרר
מראto be defiant Zp 3:1, Jb 39:18 σ פשׁע
מראwhat can be looked at Dt 26:8, Ko
11:9 ← ראה
< מראname>
מראהsomething looked at Dt 28:34, 67,
looks, sight Gn 2:9, 12:11, 24:16, (in) the
sight (of) Ex 38:8, vision (revelation
from God) Gn 46:2, Dn 10:7–8, 16 ←
מראהcontents of crop (of a bird) (looked
at in some ancient societies for fortune
telling) ?? Lv 1:16 αλ ← ראה
< מראוןname>
< מראשׁהname>
מראשׁתβ ראשׁת,מראשׁת
מראשׁתpillow Gn 28:11, 18, place of the
head 1S 19:13, 16, place beside the head
1S 26:7, 11–2, 16, 1K 19:6 ← ראשׁ
< מרבname>
מרבדdrape, hanging ?? Pr 7:16, 31:22 ←
מרבהgreat, numerous ← רבה
מרביתmajority, greater part ← רבה
מרבכתpancake Lv 6:14, 7:12, 1C 23:29
מרבץresting place, where one can recline
← רבץ
מרבקstall 1S 28:24, Jr 46:24, Am 6:4, Ml
3:20 σ ארותstall, for feeding and taking
care of animals 1K 5:6 (4:26), 2C 32:28
מרגa tool used in threshing 2S 24:22 αλ
מרגעה, מרגועplace to pause for rest ←
מרגיזone who causes to rouse up Is 14:16,
Jb 9:6, 12:6 ← רגז
מרגלagent 2S 15:10
spy Gn 42:9, Js 2:1
scout 1S 26:4 ← רגל
מרגלהlower leg—shin, ankle, foot ?? Rt
3:4, 7–8, 12, Dn 10:6 ← רגל
מרגמהpile of stones Pr 26:8 αλ ← רגם
מרדto rebel in the sense of not obeying,
declaring independence (in ancient times
also to stop paying tribute if a vassal
state) → מרדrebellion Js 22:22 αλ,
מרדותrebellious 1S 20:30 αλ σ פשׁע
מרדrebellion Js 22:22 αλ ← מרד
< מרדname>
מרדותrebellious 1S 20:30 αλ ← מרד
< מרדךname>
< מרדך בלאדןname>
< מרדכיname>
מרדףβ רדף,מרדף
מרדףpursuer, one who pursues Is 14:6, Pr
11:19, 12:11, 15:9, 19:7, 28:19 ← רדף
מרהβ מרר, מרה,מר
מרהto defy, openly resist, oppose ( to
dare, as “I’ll go my way, now what are
you going to do about it?” as said in
rebellion against God) Dt 9:23, 1S 12:15,
1K 15:21, Ne 9:26 → מורהdefiant Dt
21:18, Jr 5:23, מריdefiant Is 30:9, Ez
2:5–8, defiance Dt 31:27, defiant person
Pr 17:11 σ פשׁע
< מרהname>
מרודhomeless(ness) Is 58:7, Lm 1:7, 3:19
← רוד
מרוהβ מרר,?? מרה
מרוזname of a town
מרוחhaving one testicle ?? Lv 21:20 αλ
LXX µονορχις ← מרח
מרוםβ רום,מרום
מרוםheights ← רום
< מרוםname>
< מרוןname>
מרוץrace, course Ko 9:11 αλ ← רוץ
מרוצהsavage action Jr 22:17 αλ ← רצץ
מרוצתrunning 2S 18:27, Jr 8:6, 23:10 ←
מרוקיםrubbing down ← מרק
< מרותname>
מרזחβ רזח,מרזח
?? מרזחa place where someone has died,
place of mourning? Jr 16:5 αλ
מרחto rub in Is 38:21 αλ → מרוחhaving
one testicle ?? Lv 21:20 αλ LXX
µονορχις σ משׁח
מרחבwide open space 2S 22:20, Hs 4:16,
Hb 1:6, Ps 18:20, 31:9, 118:5 ← רחבσ
כברהspread out place, i.e. wide open
space Am 9:9 αλ
מרחםβ רחם,מרח
מרחקdistance ← רחק
מרחשׁתsauce pan Lev 2:7, 7:9 ← רחשׁσ
מרטto make smooth
to polish 1K 7:45,
Ez 21:14, to shave, cut off or pull out
hair Ezr 9:3, Ne 13:25, become bald Lv
13:40–1 → מרטone who pulls out hair
Is 50:6, מרטהpolished, as in polishing a
weapon making it ready for war Ez
21:15–6 (10–1)
מרטone who pulls out hair Is 50:6 ← מרט
מרטהpolished, as in polishing a weapon
making it ready for war Ez 21:15–6 (10–
1) ← מרט
מריβ מרי,מורה
מריdefiant Is 30:9, Ez 2:5–8, defiance Dt
31:27, defiant person Pr 17:11 ← מרה
מריאfatted animal, kosher for eating and
sacrifices ?? 2S 6:13, 1K 1:9, 19, 25, Is
1:11, 11:6, Ez 39:18, Am 5:22
מריבβ ריב,מריב
מריבone who continually argues
(against) 1S 2:10 ← ריב
< מריב בעלname>
מריבהargument(ation), strife Gn 13:8, Nu
27:14 ← ריב
< מריבהname>
< מריהname>
< מריותname>
< מריםname>
מרירותbitterness Ez 21:11 (6) αλ ← מרר
מריריbitter Dt 32:24, Jb 3:5 ← מרר
מרךcowardliness (δειλια) Lv 26:36 αλ ←
רכךσ מורא
מרכבany object that is regularly ridden,
whether wagon or animal Lv 15:9 ←
רכבσ עגלה
מרכבהwagon, chariot, made for riding ←
רכבσ עגלה
מרכלתmarket, where trade takes place Ez
27:24 αλ ← רכל
מרמהduping, trickery ← רמה
< מרמהname>
< מרמותname>
מרמסthat which is tread underfoot Is 5:5,
7:25, 10:6, 28:18, Ez 34:19, Dn 8:13, Mc
7:10 ← רמס
< מרנתיname>
< מרסname>
< מרסמאname>
מרעone who causes displeasure Is 1:4, 9:6,
Jr 20:13, Ps 22:17, Pr 24:19 ← רעע
מרעfriend, apparently a close friend,
almost like a brother (those who feed
together with you) Jd 15:2 ← רעה
מרעהβ רעה, רע, מרעה,מרע
מרעהfeed(ing) Is 32:14
pasture Ez
34:14, Nh 2:12, 1C 4:41 ← רעה
מרעהfellow person, friend, this being a
generalized statement rather than
referring to a specific person ?? Gn
26:26, Jd 14:20, 15:6, Jr 3:20, Pr 19:7
← רעה
מרעיתfeeding, pasturing Is 49:9, Jr 10:21,
Ez 34:31, Ps 100:3 ← רעה
< מרעלהname>
מרפאhealing ← רפא
relaxation ?? Jr 8:15
αλ ← רפה
מרפשׂβ רפשׂ
מרץto vilify ?? Jb 6:25, 16:4, Mc 2:10 →
נמרצתvile ?? 1K 2:8 αλ
מרצחone who cause others to be manslaughtered on his behalf 2K 6:32, Is 1:21
← רצח
מרצעawl Ex 21:6, Dt 15:17 ← רצעσ שׂרד
a marking awl used by cabinet makers Is
44:13 αλ
מרצפתpavement (flat like an oven) 2K
16:17 αλ ← רצף
מרצתperson running 2S 18:27 αλ ←
מרקto rub, massage
to polish, i.e. to
rub until it shines → מרוקיםrubbing
down, תמרוקmassage Es 2:9, 12 σ רחץ
מרקguts, emptied from an animal when
meat is prepared ← ריק
( מרקדadj) skipping Mh 3:2, 1C 15:29 ←
מרקחanointed with mixed spices So 5:13,
2C 16:14 ← רקח
מרקחהplace where spices are mixed Ez
24:10, Jb 41:23 ← רקח
מרקחתmixed spices Ex 30:25, 1C 9:30, 2C
16:14 ← רקחσ בשׂם
מררto be bitter → מרbitter, מרירות
bitterness Ez 21:11 (6) αλ, מריריbitter
Dt 32:24, Jb 3:5, מררbitter (thing, food)
Ex 12:8, Nu 9:11, Dt 32:32, Lm 3:15,
מררותbitter statements, causing
bitterness ?? Jb 13:26 αλ, מררתgall Dt
32:32, Jb 16:13, 20:25, תמרורים
bitterness Jr 6:26, 31:15, 31:21, Hs 12:15
מררbitter (thing, food) Ex 12:8, Nu 9:11,
Dt 32:32, Lm 3:15 ← מרר
מררותbitter statements, causing bitterness
?? Jb 13:26 αλ ← מרר
< מרריname>
מררתgall Dt 32:32, Jb 16:13, 20:25 ←
< מרשׁהname>
מרשׁיתβ ראשׁית
מרשׁעתβ רשׁע
מרתיםone who connects people or
animals into a team, such as horses to a
wagon, people into a chain gang ?? Jr
50:21 or is it a <name> ← רתם
משׂאlifting up
burden, statement (lifting
up an expression) ← נשׂאσ טרחburden,
משׁאdebt Ne 5:7, 10, 10:32 ← נשׁא
< משׂאname>
< משׁאname>
משׁאבplace to draw water ?? Jd 5:11 αλ
← שׁאב
משׁאהstorming, violent action Is 30:27, Pr
3:28, Jb 30:3, 38:27 ← שׁאה
משׁאוןbeguiling Pr 26:26 αλ ← נשׁא
משׁאותβ משׂאת, משׁאות,משׁאה
משׁאותbeguilingness, with false
pretenses Lm 2:14, Pr 22:26 ← נשׁא
< משׁאלname>
משׁאלהwhat is being requested for Ps
20:6, 37:4 ← שׁאל
משׁארתkneading trough from the concept
of leaving behind a bit of dough to use
as a starter for the next batch of
sourdough Ex 7:28 (8:3), 12:34, Lv
25:49, Dt 28:5, 17 ← שׁאר
משׂאתsomething that is lifted up, e.g.
portion of food Gn 43:34, plume of
smoke Jd 20:38, 40, pack with basic
living things Jr 40:6, burden Jb 31:23,
donation, gift Es 2:18, 2C 24:9, etc. ←
משׁבהapostasy, continuous or repeated
action Jr 3:6, 8, 11–2, 8:5 ← שׁבב
משׁבותβ משׁובת
משׁביחone who causes to raise up (waves
of the sea) Ps 65:8 (7) αλ ← שׁבח
משׁבירperson who looks after, takes care
of Gn 42:6, Pr 11:26 ← שׁבר
משׁבצת, משׁבצותwrapping, used of a wide
border on clothing Ex 28:11, 13–4, Ps
45:14, a border setting a jewel on
clothing Ex 18:11, 39:6, 13 ← שׁבץσ בגד
משׁבציםstatus of being wrapped Ex 28:20
αλ ← שׁבץ
משׁברbreaking the water bag in the birth
of a child ← שׁבר
משׁברbreakers (waves) ← שׁבר
משׁבתβ שׁבת, שׁוב, משׁבת, מושׁב,ישׁב
משׁבתsettlement Gn 36:43, Ex 35:3, Lv
23:14, 31 ← ישׁב
משׁבתcessation Lm 1:7 αλ ← שׁבת
משׂגבexultation ← שׂגב
משׁגהsomething done unintentionally, by
accident Gn 43:12, a person who makes
others do thing they don’t intend to do,
e.g. stray off a road Dt 27:18, Pr 28:10 ←
משׂגיאone who causes another to be
exalted, “too big for his britches” Jb
12:23 αλ ← שׂגא
משׂגתβ נשׂג
משׁהto pull out, used only of pulling an
object out of water 2S 22:17 σ חלץ
משׁהloan Dt 15:2 αλ ← נשׁה
< משׁהname>
משׁואהmaking worthless Zp 1:15, Ps 73:18
← שׁוא
משׁואותruins, places empty of inhabitants
Ps 73:18 αλ σ שׁוא
< משׁובבname>
משׁובתrepeated actions
bad habits
(what one keeps returning to) Jr 3:22,
5:6, 14:7, Js 11:7, 14:4, Pr 1:32 ← שׁובσ
משׁוהone who arranges, classifies 2S 22:34,
Ps 18:34, 21:6 ← שׁוה
משׁוגתmistake Jb 19:4 αλ ← שׁגג
משׁוטoar (called from its purposeful
movement to move the ship) ← שׁוט
משׂוכתhedging Is 5:5 αλ ← שׂוך
משׂורsaw ?? Is 10:15 αλ
משׂורהliquid measure σ מדה
משׁוררβ משׁרר,משׁורר
משׁוררcontinuous singing ?? 1C 6:18, 2C
23:13, 29:28 ← שׁיר
משׂושׂbeing glad Is 8:6, 24:8, Ho 2:13, Lm
5:15 ← שׂושׂ
משׁזרyarned, twisted ?? used only in
Exodus in connection with making the
tent of meeting and the priestly clothes,
all but once with שׁשׁcotton ?? σ רקםto
adorn, in cloth often by embroidery or
the attachment of precious stones or
bangles, תפרto sew (together)
משׁחto anoint → משׁחהanointing
for anointing, office, משׁיחanointed
(one) σ מרחto rub in Is 38:21 αλ, סוך
to rub on
oil for anointing, office
← משׁח
משׁחיתruination Dn 10:8, 2C 22:4
person or group causing ruination Ex
12:13, 23, e.g. raiding party (that leaves
ruins in its wake) 1S 13:17, 14:15 also
used as a hi participle Gn 19:14, 2S
24:16, 1C 21;12 ← שׁחת
משׂחקaction of laughing, person who is
laughing ← שׂחק
משׁחתβ משׁחת, משׁחה,משׁח
משׁחתruination ← שׁחת
משׁטח, משׁטוחplace to spread (nets)
around (to dry them) ← שׁטח
משׂטמהrough treatment Hs 9:7–8 ← שׂטם
משׁטרprecept, written rule Jb 38:33 αλ σ
משׁיsilk Ez 16:10, 13 σ שׁשׁ
< משׁיname>
< משׁיזבאלname>
משׁיבתthat which causes to return
(restore) Ps 19:8 (7) αλ ← שׁוב
משׁיחβ שׁיח,משׁיח
משׁיחanointed (one) ← משׁח
משׁיקותβ נשׁק
משׁךto draw out, as in drawing a bow 1K
22:34, pull out Gn 37:28, Jb 41:1,
lengthen (time) Ex 19:13, Pr 13:12 →
משׁךsmall sack used by farmers to hold
seed while sowing, named from its
design to have seed drawn out of it to
scatter in the field Am 9:13, Ps 126:6,
משׁךperiod (drawn out, lengthened) of
time Ps 109:12, 120:5, Jb 28:18, משׁכות
act or place of drawing or pulling out ??
Jb 38:31 αλ σ שׁלףto pull something off
or out of its usual place
משׁךsmall sack used by farmers to hold
seed while sowing, named from its
design to have seed drawn out of it to
scatter in the field Am 9:13, Ps 126:6 ←
משׁךσ שׂק
משׁךperiod (drawn out, lengthened) of
time Ps 109:12, 120:5, Jb 28:18 ← משׁך
< משׁךname>
משׁכבcouch, bed ← שׁכב
משׁכותact or place of drawing or pulling
out ?? Jb 38:31 αλ ← משׁך
משׂכיותmounting (hedge around) for
ornaments Ps 73:7, Pr 25:11 ← שׂוך
משׂכילcausing discernment
type of psalm, to give discernment? ←
משׁכיםβ שׁכם, שׁכה,משׁך
משׂכיתa shrine Lv 26:1, Nu 33:52 that
includes walls and rooms Ez 8:12, Pr
18:11 ← שׂוך
משׁכןplace for dwelling, which can be a
tent, building or even a neighborhood,
city or territory ← שׁכןσ אהל
משׂכרתwages ← שׂכר
משׂכתβ משׂכת,משׂכית
משׂכתhedging Pr 15:19, 18:11 ← שׂוך
משׁלβ שׁל,משׁל
משׁלto rule, as in making rules
to say a
rule (proverb), used also of the king of
Aram “Who is giving out my rules to the
king of Israel?” 2 Ki 6:11 → ממשׁל
having authority over people, a territory
Ez 20:49, Dn 11:3, 5, 1C 26:6, ממשׁלה
rule, dominion, משׁלruler, one who has
rule (proverb)
משׁלruler, one who has authority
(proverb) ← משׁלσ מלך
< משׁלname>
משׁלחplace where livestock sent out to
graze Is 7:25, 27:10 ← שׁלח
משׁלחת, משׁלח, משׁלוחsending ← שׁלח
< משׁלםname>
< משׁלמיתname>
< משׁלמתname>
משׁמהstate of desolation, being
continuously desolated Is 15:6, Ez 5:15,
6:14, 33:28–9, 35:3 ← שׁמם
משׁמםcausing to be desolated Dn 9:27,
1131 ← שׁמם
משׁמןfatness, fat places ← שׁמן
< משׁמנהname>
משׁמעhearing ← שׁמע
< משׁמעname>
משׁמעתclose, trusted people, troops (⇐
those within hearing) ← שׁמע
משׂמרβ משׁמר,מסמר
guard (not a single
person) Jb 7:12, Ne 4:17 (23),
a place
under guard, e.g. prison Gn 40:3, 4, 7, Nu
15:34 or a guard to watch a place Jr
“on watch” time of service Ne
4:3 (9), 16 (22), 1C 26:16 ← שׁמר
משׁמרותposition of service, assigned
tasks ?? Ko 12:11, Ne 7:3, 13:30, 1C
26:12, 2C 35:2 ← שׁמר
משׁמרתwatching, guarding in order to
observe, practice ← שׁמרσ משׁפט
משׁנהsecond, not first 1S 8:2, 17:13, 1C
5:12, second in rank Gn 41:43, 1S 23:17,
2C 35:24. aide(s) (second) person(s) on
the staff 2K 23:4, Es 10:3, 1C 16:5, 2C
28:7, twice as much (second amount) Gn
43:12, 15, Ex 16:5, 22, Jb 42:10, second
(additional) copy Dt 15:18, Js 8:32
seconds, additional (blessing) Is 61:7 ←
משׁנהyear, period of years (does not
conjugate to a final תwhen in construct
usage) Dt 15:18, 2K 22:14, Jr 16:18, Jr
17:18, 2C 34:22 (see also שׁנהyear)
משׁניםsecondarily, added onto ?? 1S 15:9,
Ezra 1:10 LXX εδεσµατων (meat,
food ??), missing from the translation
משׁנתβ שׁנהsleep, שׁנהyear
משׁוסהcompany of looters ?? Is 42:24 αλ
← שׁסה
משׁסהloot 2K 21:14, Is 42:22, Jr 30:16, Zp
1:13 ← שׁסה
משׁעולhollow way Nu 22:24 αλ ← שׁעל
משׁעיgood looking, from being clean ?? Ez
16:4 αλ ← שׁעה
< משׁעםname>
משׁעןperson or object that supports, that
can be leaned on 2S 22:19, Ps 18:19
used of food and water that
support life Is 3:1 ← שׁען
משׁענהsupport, sustainment Is 3:1 ← שׁען
משׁענתstaff to lean on, for support Ex
21:19, Nu 21:18, Jd 6:21, Zc 8:4, Ps 23:4
not usable when made of a reed 2K 4:29,
31, Is 36:6, Ez 29:6 ← שׁעןσ שׁבט
משׂפחtearing out Is 5:7 αλ ← שׂפח
משׁפחהfamily σ בית
משׁפחתsleeveless, may be hooded, possibly
a large, hooded, felt, almost weatherproof
cloak or mantel worn by shepherds σ
משׁפטadjudication; law or rule used as the
basis for judgement; justification the
result of a favorable ruling in court (in
2K 1:7 the question was about the
authority, not the looks, of the man)
(This is public, societal justice, not just
private actions) ← שׁפטσ חקstatute,
often for setting limits, חקהrefers to a
body of rules, rule of law, law in general
Ex 13:10, Nu 9:14, 15:15, Lv 18:10, Is
30:8, מצוהcommand, with an emphasis
on that which is commanded, משׁמרת
watching, guarding in order to observe,
practice, צדקהjustice, actions that are
just (private actions that are just, fair),
רשׁיוןedict Ezr 3:7 αλ
משׁפתיםpack saddles
משׁקβ ממשׁק,משׁק
משׁקpossession, personal name ?? Gn 15:2
משׁקbeing out and about
being all over
the place (like locusts in a field) Is 33:4
αλ ← שׁוק
משׁקdrink 1 Kg 10:5 ← שׁקה
משׁקהcup bearer, one who gives to drink
Gn 40:1, 5, 13, 21, Ne 1:11 ← שׁקה
משׁקהdrink, something to drink Lv 11:34,
1K 10:21, Is 32:6 ← שׁקה
משׁקהwatered, a place naturally with
sufficient rainfall or irrigated Gn 13:10,
Ez 45:15 ← שׁקה
משׁקולweighing Ez 4:10 ← שׁקל
משׁקלweight ← שׁקל
משׁקוףlintel (of a doorway) that looks
down on the door Ex 12:7, 22–3 ← שׁקף
משׁקלתlevel (for weighing) ← שׁקל
משׁקעhollow Ez 34:18 αλ ← שׁקע
משׂרהprincedom, rule Is 9:5–6 ← שׂרר
משׁריםβ מישׁרים
משׂרכתβ שׂרך
< משׁרעיname>
< משׂרפות מיםname>
< משׂרקהname>
משׁרריםrefers to a group of priests whose
job it was continually to keep constant
singing with instrumental
accompaniment in the temple (this is a
word used only in post-Babylonian exile
Biblical Hebrew) ← שׁיר
משׂרפותburning ← שׂרף
משׁרת, משׂרתsauce ?? dumpling soup ??2S
13:9 αλ or juice Nu 6:3 αλ
משׁרתretainer, waiter, servant ← שׁרת
משׁשׁto feel, grope
משׁתהmeal, where drinks are served ←
משׁתיβ שׁני,מושׁ
מתdead, as in dead bodies
mortal, used
of men while still alive, in that all die
they are “mortals” ← מות
מתבןpile of straw Is 25:10 αλ σ תבן
מתגbit, part of bridle placed between the
lips 2S 8:1, 2K 19:28, Is 37:29, Ps 32:9, Pr
26:3 σ רסן
< מתג האמהplace name> 2S 8:1
מתוקsweet ← מתק
< מתושׁאלname>
< מתושׁלחname>
מתחto spread out (cloth) tightly as a tent
Is 40:22 αλ → אמתחתgunny sack, a
piece of cloth that is laid on the ground,
its load placed on it, then the cloth is
closed up around its load making a sack
Gn 42:27–28, 44:11–12 σ פרשׂ
מתיβ מתי,מת
מתיfew (in number) Gn 34:30, Dt 4:27, Is
41:14, Jr 44:38, Hb 2:6, Ps 105:12, 1C
מתירβ נתר
מתכנתset measurement according to a
tally, recipe Ex 5:8, 30:32, 37, Ez 45:11,
2C 45:11 ← תכןσ מדה
מתלאהvexation, something one frets
himself over ?? Ml 1:13 αλ ← לאה
מתלהלהone continuously wearing himself
out Pr 26:18 ← להה
מתלהמיםtasty morsels Pr 18:8, 26:22
מתלעותcanine teeth ?? Jl 1:6, Pr 30:14, Jb
29:17 σ שׁן
מתםβ תם,מתם
מתםwhole (as in all of it) Dt 2:34. 3:6, Jd
place that is whole, perfect,
pure Is 1:6, Ps 38:4, 8 ← תמם
מתןgiving, act of giving Gn 34:12, Nu
18:11, Pr 18:16, 19:6, 21:14 ← נתןσ
מנחהpropitiatory gift, given both to God
as an offering Lv 2:1 and to other men to
gain their favor Gn 32:13, 43:11, תשׁורה
donation 1S 9:7 αλ
< מתןname>
מתנדבvolunteer Jd 5:9, Ne 11:2 ← נדב
מתנהβ תנה,מתנה
מתנהgift given out of generosity Nu 18:6–
7, Ez 46:16–7
generous (giving) Ko
7:7 ← נתן
< מתנהname>
מתניβ מתנים,מתן
מתניםβ נתן, מתנים.מתן
< מתניname>
< מתניהname>
< מתניהוname>
מתניםloins as the center of power, in Pr
30:31 probably refers to a powerful
animal σ חלץloins
מתנכרהa woman who has disguised
herself (⇐ how she is to be viewed) 1K
14:5–6 ← נכר
מתנתgifts given with strings attached ??
Gn 25:6 that they renounce all claims
to inherit along with Isaac, Ez 20:31, Pr
15:27 short of a bribe ← נתןσ שׁחד
מתעבone who practices abominations Is
49:7, Mc 3:9 ← תעב
מתערהβ תער,עור
מתעתעscoffer Gn 27:12, 2C 36:16 ← תעע
מתקβ נתק,מתק
מתקto be sweet → מתוקsweet, מתק
sweet(ness) σ מלץto be sweet ?? Ps
119;103 αλ
מתקsweet(ness) ← מתק
< מתקהname>
מתרגםβ תרגם
< מתרדתname>
מתרונןβ רון
מתתwhat is furnished 1K 13:7, Ez 46:5, 11,
Pr 25:14, Ko 3:13, 5:18 ← נתן
< מתתהname>
< מתתיהname>
< מתתיהוname>
נfourteenth letter, has no meaning in
Hebrew on its own, where letters are
used as numbers, it refers to the number
נאnow, preceded by הנהor אויor אםGn
12:11, 18:3, Jr 4:31, Lm 5:16, often used
to denote a request, “please”, preceded
by a verb in Yiqtol or imperative in a
positive request, preceded by the
negation אלand followed by the verb in
a negative request “please don’t…”, and
when in first person cohortative, the verb
almost always has a suffix הthough
sometimes another personal pronoun
נאraw Ex 12:9 αλ
< נאname>
נאדskin bottle 1S 16:20, Ps 56:9 (8),
119:83 (plural נאדותJs 9:4, 13) σ אוב
leather bottle Jb 32:19 αλ, σ שׂק
נאדרsplendid Ex 15:6, 11 ← אדר
נאהβ אוה
נאוהdesirous Ps 33:1, Pr 17:7, So 1:5, 6:4
← אוה
נאורbrilliant Ps 76:5 αλ ← אור
נאותβ נאות,אות
נאותpasture σ כרa summer pasture Is
30:23, Ps 37:30, 65:14
נאלβ נאל,אלה
נאלunable to act ?? Jr 5:4, 50:36
נאםto declare (from revelation) → נאם
declaration σ דבר
נאםdeclaration σ דבר
נאמןtrue, as in genuine, firm, trusty Nu
12:7, Is 22:23, 25, Ne 9:8 ← אמן
נאףto commit adultery → מנאפת
practicing adultery, adulterous Ez 16:32,
Hs 3:1, Pr 30:20, נאפופים, נאפיםadultery
נאפופים, נאפיםadultery ← נאף
נאץto have contempt 2S 12:14,Ko 12:5 →
נאצהcontempt 2K 19:3, Is 37:3, Ez
35:12, Ne 9:18, 26 σ שׂנא
נאצהcontempt 2K 19:3, Is 37:3, Ez 35:12,
Ne 9:18, 26 ← נאץ
נאקto groan → נאקהgroaning σ כעס
נאקהgroaning ← נאק
נארto renounce Ps 89:40, Lm 2:7 σ שׂנא
נאשׁto “knock it off” as in stopping,
stopping a continuing or repeating action
Jb 6:26 αλ σ שׁבת
נאשׁארβ שׁאר
נאשׁמוβ אשׁם
< נבtoponym>
נבאto speak as a prophet, to prophesy,
note: this is not prophecy in the English
sense, namely the foretelling of future
events, though that is a subset of its
meaning, rather the proclamation of
God’s word Nu 11:25–7, 1C 25:1–3 →
נבואהword of prophesy, נביאה,נביא
נבבto be hollow 1S 10:6, 13 → נבוב
hollow Ex 27:8, 38:7, Jr 52:21, also used
figuratively of a person adj Jb 11:12, נבו
hollow ?? Is 46:1, Jr 48:1
נבוhollow ?? Is 46:1, Jr 48:1 ← נבב
< נבוname>
נבואהword of prophesy ← נבא
נבובhollow Ex 27:8, 38:7, Jr 52:21, also
used figuratively of a person adj Jb
11:12. ← נבב
< נבוזראדןname>
( נבוכדנאצרHebrew) ( נבוכדנצרAramaic)
< נבולדנצרname>
< נבוכדראצרname>
נבוןinsightful ← בון
< נבושׁז בןname>
< נבותname>
נבחto bark Is 56:10 αλ
< נבחname>
< נבחזname>
נבטto stare, i.e. look closely at or with
expectation → מבטthat which people
stare at (context indicates that it’s
something pleasant to look at) Is 20:5–6,
Zc 9:5 σ ראה
< נבטname>
נביאβ נביא,בוא
נביאה, נביאprophet(ess) ← נבא
< נביותplace-name Is 60:7>
נביתβ נבא
< נביתname>
נבךto wander about Jl 1:18 αλ → נבך
wanderer Ex 14:3 αλ, נבךplace where
one can wander ?? Jb 38:16 αλ σ הלך
נבךwanderer Ex 14:3 αλ ← נבך
נבךplace where one can wander ?? Jb
38:16 αλ ← נבך
< נבכדאצרname>
< נבכדנצרname>
נבלβ נבל,בלה
נבלto become flabby, as an empty bag,
used of plants when they lose turgidity
they shrivel and droop Is 28:1, Jr 8:13,
Ps 1:3
act or treat like a windbag (in
referring to a fool) Mc 7:6, Pr 30:32 →
נבלbag (made of skin), used for holding
workers’ tools Lm 4:2 as well as wine 1S
1:24; 10:3; 25:18, Jr 13:12
bagpipe 1S
10:5, Ps 92:4, 2C 29:25
windbag i.e.
bellows used in a forge Is 30:14 also in
referring to a fool as a windbag Dt 32:6,
21, Ps 14:1, Pr 17:21, wind blown cloud
Jb 38:37, נבלהfoolishness, folly
(stronger than the English word,
indicates that which causes weakness,
failure to be able to carry through, in
particularly referring to folly that causes
reproach), נבלהcorpse (⇐ like a leather
bag, without strength) a euphemism?,
נבלתdried up palm frond (as a palm
tree grows, the old fronds die, dry up and
fall off) Is 34:4 σ אמללto be barren,
fruitless (as in crop failure) Is 16:8, 24:4,
7, 33:9, Jl 1:10, 12, Nh 1:4
to be
dejected, without power Is 19:8, Jr 14:2,
Hs 4:3, Lm 2:8, טפשׁto be flabby “like
fat” ?? Ps 119:70 αλ
נבלbag (made of skin), used for holding
workers’ tools Lm 4:2 as well as wine 1S
1:24; 10:3; 25:18, Jr 13:12
bagpipe 1S
10:5, Ps 92:4, 2C 29:25
windbag i.e.
bellows used in a forge Is 30:14 also in
referring to a fool as a windbag Dt 32:6,
21, Ps 14:1, Pr 17:21, wind blown cloud
Jb 38:37 ← נבלσ אוילσ שׂק
< נבלname>
נבלהβ נבלה,בלל
נבלהcorpse (⇐ like a leather bag, without
strength) a euphemism? ← נבלσ גויה
נבלהfoolishness, folly (stronger than the
English word, indicates that which causes
weakness, failure to be able to carry
through, in particularly referring to folly
that causes reproach) ← נבל
< נבלטname>
נבלתdried up palm frond (as a palm tree
grows, the old fronds die, dry up and fall
off) Is 34:4 ← נבל
נבנוβ נוב,בנה
נבעβ נבע,בעה
נבעto flow out, as a spring → אבעבעת
flowing pus Ex 9:9–10, apparently with a
continuous flowing of a great amount of
pus, מבועflowing spring σ זוב
נבקהβ בקק,בוק
נברβ ברר
< נבשׁןname>
נגבsouth (land) σ דרוםsouth, ימיןright,
towards the right, also when facing east
the right is towards the south
נגדto be(come) in front of (close enough
for the possibility for personal
communication or personal interaction)
hi. to cause to be in front of as in
making sure an object or message, verbal
or written, is received → נגדin front of
“in your face”, close enough for personal
communication or interaction, in
architecture, refers to a feature that faces
a building, “ מנגדfrom in front of”
referring to “at a distance” but could be
still within sight, נגידleader, one who
goes before, often used for a national
leader, i.e. king or emperor, also giving a
message Is 55:4, Jb 31:37, Pr 8:6 σ קדם
to go before
to precede, go in front of
σ דבר
נגדin front of “in your face”, close enough
for personal communication or
interaction, in architecture, refers to a
feature that faces a building, “ מנגדfrom
in front of” referring to “at a distance”
but could be still within sight σ מולin
front of
נגהto shine Is 4:5, 9:1, Hb 3:4, Jb 22:28 →
נגהthat which shines, shine Is 50:10,
60:19, Jl 2:10, 4:15, נגהותillumination Is
59:9 αλ σ זהר
נגהthat which shines, shine Is 50:10,
60:19, Jl 2:10, 4:15 ← נגה
< נגהname>
נגהותillumination Is 59:9 αλ ← נגה
נגזוβ גזז,גוז
נגחto butt (with horns) Ex 21:29, 36, Dn
11:40, 2C 18:10
נגידleader, one who goes before, often
used for a national leader, i.e. king or
emperor, also giving a message Is 55:4,
Jb 31:37, Pr 8:6 ← נגדσ מלך
נגינהmusic Ps 54:1, 55:1, 61:1
song of
derision, making fun of Jb 30:9, Lm 3:14
← נגן
נגןto play a stringed instrument → ,מנגינה
נגינתmusic Ps 54:1, 55:1, 61:1
song of
derision, making fun of Jb 30:9, Lm 3:14
נגעto reach out to touch, used for all
touching from soft caresses to a hard
blow intended to injure or kill, also for
sexual contact → נגעtouch
plague (touch of disease) σ חפץto
נדnomad, one who moves from place to
place Gn 4:12 αλ ← נוד
נדאto entice away ?? 2K 17:21 αλ σ עשׁק
נדבto make willing
to be generous with
time and materials given freely Ex 25:2,
35:21, 29, Ezr 2:68
to volunteer →
מתנדבvolunteer Jd 5:9, Ne 11:2, נדבה,
(plural )נדבותvoluntarily, freely
generously, נדבותgenerous Am 4:5, Ps
68:10 (9), נדבתgenerosity ?? Nu 29:30,
Dt 12:6, 17, 16:10, Ps 110:3, Jb 30:15,
נדיבgenerous Ex 35:5, 22, 1C 28:21, 2C
29:31, voluntary
leader (who steps
forward to lead) Nu 21:18, 1S 2:8, Is
32:8, Pr 25:7, נדיבותgenerosity, an
action that confers nobility upon its
practitioner Is 32:8 σ אבה
< נדבname>
נדבה, (plural )נדבותvoluntarily, freely
generously ← נדב
נדבותgenerous Am 4:5, Ps 68:10 (9) ←
< נדביהname>
נדבתgenerosity ?? Nu 29:30, Dt 12:6, 17,
16:10, Ps 110:3, Jb 30:15 ← נדב
נדדto fly, refers to quick flight as for an
escape Is 21:15, Is 33:3, Ps 31:12, Es 6:1
→ נדדquick flight as in escape Ps 55:8,
Jb 15:23 σ עוף
נדדquick flight as in escape Ps 55:8, Jb
15:23 ← נדד
נדהto eject, expel → נדהejecta
refers to the fluids expelled by the body
that make a person
unclean―menstruation for women, and
semen for men), נדהםexpelled,
stretch out (hand)
to delight in, such
that one wants a person as a friend,
spouse or that one wants (to do what the
following verb states)(think of the action
when one wants something, that he tends
to stretch out to touch and/or caress
what is desired), פוקto reach out (to)
for the purpose of giving, taking or for
support when stumbling, פרסto reach
out a hand, to comfort with food Is 58:7,
to comfort in mourning Jr 16:7
(hiphil) leg ending with a hoof Lv 11:5–
6, Dt 14:7 σ נכה
stroke, plague (touch of
disease) ← נגע
נגףto afflict, which can be by blows or
disease → מגפהaffliction σ נגשׂto be
subject (to harsh treatment) 1S 13:6,
14:24, Is 3:5, 53:7 (but you have to
approach, draw near to do this) σ נכה
נגףaffliction ← נגףσ דבר
נגרto hurl down, pour down (stones Mc
1:6, waters 2S 14:14, Mc 1:4, people Jr
18:21, Ez 8:5, Ps 63:11) σ שׁלך
נגרותprovoked Jb 20:28 αλ ← גרה
נגשׂto be subject (to harsh treatment) 1S
13:6, 14:24, Is 3:5, 53:7 (but you have to
approach, draw near to do this) → נגשׂ
oppressor, one who subjects others to
harsh treatment Ex 3:7, 5:6, 10, 13–4, Zc
9:8, Jb 3:18 σ נכה,נגף
נגשׁto approach, draw near σ הלך
נגשׂoppressor, one who subjects others to
harsh treatment Ex 3:7, 5:6, 10, 13–4, Zc
9:8, Jb 3:18 ← נגשׂ
נדβ נוד,נד
distant ?? Jr 14:9 αλ LXX υπνων, ניד
that which is expelled Jb 16:5 αλ σ נתשׁ
menstruation (this refers to
the fluids expelled by the body that make
a person unclean―menstruation for
women, and semen for men) ← נדה
נדהםexpelled, distant ?? Jr 14:9 αλ LXX
υπνων ← נדה
נדחa motion outwards
to go forth Dt
4:19, 30:4, thrust
to swing (an ax) Dt
19:5, 20:19, to stray (animals) Dt 22:1,
to push forwards Pr 7:21 → מנדחthat
which causes to be pushed out Is 8:22
αλ, נדחoutcast, a person who has been
made to go forth σ הלך
נדחoutcast, a person who has been made
to go forth ← נדח
נדחהβ נדח,דחה
נדיבgenerous Ex 35:5, 22, 1C 28:21, 2C
29:31, voluntary
leader (who steps
forward to lead) Nu 21:18, 1S 2:8, Is
32:8, Pr 25:7 ← נדבσ מלך
נדיבותgenerosity, an action that confers
nobility upon its practitioner Is 32:8 ←
נדמהβ נדמה, דמה,דום
נדמהsilently ?? Is 15:1 ← דום
נדמיתיβ דמה,דום
נדןsheath 1C 21:27
vagina Ez 16:33
(note: it appears that early translators
turned red when they read the graphic
depiction of the sexual act in Ez 16:33,
and so softened their translation with
idiomatic phrases as in English, “They
(men) sow their wild oats in all
prostitutes and you (women) give your
favors to all your lovers.”) σ תער
נדףto blow away Is 19:7, Ps 68:3, Jb 32:13
→ נדףblown away Lv 26:36, 41:2, Ps
68:3 (2), Jb 13:25, Pr 21:6 σ רוח
נדףblown away Lv 26:36, 41:2, Ps 68:3
(2), Jb 13:25, Pr 21:6 ← נדף
נדרto make a vow → נדרvow σ שׁבע
נדרvow ← נדר
נהlament ?? Ez 7:11 αλ ← נהה
נהגto drive, a shepherding term, meaning
to lead, drive or guide → מנהגdriving σ
נההto lament 1S 7:2, Ez 32:18, Mc 2:4 →
היא, היlament Jr 45:4, Ez 2:10, 23:43, נה
lament ?? Ez 7:11 αλ, נהיlamentation Jr
9:9, 17–9, 31:15, Mc 2:4, Am 5:16 σ כעס
נהוגיםβ נהג
נהיlamentation Jr 9:9, 17–9, 31:15, Mc 2:4,
Am 5:16 ← נהה
נהלto sustain Ps 31:4 (3), as in feeding,
giving support Gn 47:17, 2C 32:22, next
to flowing waters Is 49:10, Ps 23:2, as in
carrying Is 40:11, 2C 28:15, as part of
traveling from one place to another Gn
33:14, Ex 15:13 → מנהלsustainer Is
51:18 αλ, ( נהללplace of sustaining)
field, grassland ?? Is 7:19 αλ, תהלה
sustenance Jb 4:18 σ סמך
נהלאהone considered to be on the other
side, not “with us” Mc 4:7 αλ ← הלא
( נהללplace of sustaining) field,
grassland ?? Is 7:19 αλ ← נהל
< נהללname>
נהםto growl Is 5:29–30, Pr 5:11, 19:12,
20:2, 28:15 → נהםתgrowl(ing) Is 5:30,
Ez 24:23, Ps 38:9 (8) σ שׁאג
נהםתgrowl(ing) Is 5:30, Ez 24:23, Ps 38:9
(8) ← נהם
נהקto bray (as a wild donkey) ?? Jb 6:5,
נהרto stream (water, people, light-beams)
to stream light → מנהרהtrenches
where people could move unseen by the
enemy ?? Ju 6:2 αλ, נהרstream
נהרהdaylight, that flows onto earth Jb
3:4 αλ σ זהר
river ← נהר
נהרהdaylight, that flows onto earth Jb 3:4
αλ ← נהר
< נהריםname>
נואto turn down
to repudiate Nu 30:6,
9, 12, 32:7, Ps 33:10 → תנואת
repudiation Nu 13:34, Jb 33:10
נואשׁβ נואשׁ, נאשׁ,יאשׁ
“ נואשׁenough already!” “Don’t say more!”
Is 57:10, Jr 2:25, 18:12
נובto prosper, be productive Zc 9:17, Ps
62:11, 92:15 (14), Pr 10:31 → נוב
productivity ?? Is 57:19 αλ, ניב
prosperity, production Ml 1:12 αλ, תנובה
prosperity from production Dt 32:13, Jd
9:11, Is 27:6, Ez 36:30, Lm 4:9 σ צלח
נובproductivity ?? Is 57:19 αλ ← נוב
נוגותβ יגה
נוגשׂβ נגשׂ
נודto move from place to place, to
relocate Jr 4:1, Pr 26:2, sometimes used
the same as παρακαλεω in Greek, which
means literally “to call to one’s side” but
is used for the purposes why people call
another to one’s side, namely to comfort,
to encourage, to correct and similar
actions נוד ל- to go to someone for the
purpose of comforting Is 51:19, Jr 15:5,
Jb 2:11 → מנדone who makes people
move, relocate 2S 23:6, Is 66:5, Am 6:3,
מנודshaking (of head) Ps 44:15 (14)
αλ, נדnomad, one who moves from
place to place Gn 4:12 αλ, נודsimilar to
παρακλησις “calling to one’s side” in
Greek, used for comfort, encouragement,
similar actions Ps 69:21 (20) σ נוע
נודsimilar to παρακλησις “calling to one’s
side” in Greek, used for comfort,
encouragement, similar actions Ps 69:21
(20) ← נוד
< נודname>
< נודבname>
נודהβ ידה
נוהto value, recognize the worth
evaluate, recognize Ex 15:2, Hb 2:5 →
נוהperson who values Jr 50:7 αλ, נוה
value, that which is valued 2S 15:25, Is
27:10, Jr 6:2, 50:45, Ps 24:15
( נוהpasture, fruitful) land 2S 7:8, Is 65:10,
Jr 10:25, Jb 18:15, Pr 3:33, 1C 17:7
נוהperson who values Jr 50:7 αλ ← נוה
נוהvalue, that which is valued 2S 15:25, Is
27:10, Jr 6:2, 50:45, Ps 24:15 ← נוה
נוחto rest
hi. to cause to rest, i.e. to
have peace, not war → מנוחה,מנוח
resting place, נחהrest, relaxation ?? Es
2:18 αλ LXX αφεσιν
נוחrest ← נוח
< נוחהname>
נוחלהthat which is waited for, expectation
?? Ez 19:5 αλ ← יחל
נוטto vibrate ?? Ps 99:1 αλ σ רגז
נוטהone who puts forth, stretches out Is
40:22, 51:13, Ez 25:16, Ps 104:2 ← נטה
נוטיהםwhat they put forth Is 42:5 αλ ←
נוטרone who pursues, chases down (an
enemy) Nh 1:2 αλ ← נטר
נויתname of town
נוכלβ נכל,יכל
נוםto laze Is 5:27, 56:10, Nh 3:18, Ps 76:6,
121:3–4 → נומהlazy Pr 23:21 αλ, תנומה
lazing Ps 132:4, Pr 6:4, 10, 24:33, Jb
33:15 σ ישׁן
נומהlazy Pr 23:21 αλ ← נום
< נוןname>
נוסto flee נוס לוrefers to an individual
fleeing on his own, individual flight →
מנוסrefuge, a place towards which one
flees, מנוסהflight σ פלט
נוספותadditions that were made Is 15:9 αλ
← יסף
נועto move (be in motion) → מנענעים
rattle ?? a type of noisemaker used in
rejoicing 2S 6:5 αλ, נעwanderer, one
who is constantly moving Gn 4:12, 14 σ
נודto move from place to place, to
relocate Jr 4:1, Pr 26:2, sometimes used
the same as παρακαλεω in Greek, which
means literally “to call to one’s side” but
is used for the purposes why people call
another to one’s side, namely to comfort,
to encourage, to correct and similar
actions, פצהto set in motion
< נועדיהname>
נועזβ יעז
נועץβ יעץ
נוףto present, as in setting before,
brandishing (Nu 8:11, 13 all the priests,
the tribe of Levi, are presented as an
offering) → ( נוףvisible, though not
necessarily visible) presence Ps 48:3 (2)
αλ, תנופהpresentation (offering) Ex
35:22, Nu 8:13, 15, 21
( נוףvisible, though not necessarily visible)
presence Ps 48:3 (2) αλ ← נוף
נוצהpinion feathers Ez 17:3, 7
נוצריםguardhouses 2K 17:9, 18:8 ← נצר
נור → מנורהcandelabrum, light fixture, נר
lamp, this refers to a single lamp
נוראfearful, frightful, fear inspiring ← ירא
נושׁto sicken Jr 15:18, 30:12, Mc 1:9, Ps
69:21 → נושׁנתsickening, chronic Lv
13:11 αλ σ חלה
נושׁנתsickening, chronic Lv 13:11 αλ ← נושׁ
נושׁןβ ישׁן
נושׁנתםβ ישׁן
נזהto sprinkle → מזהperson who
sprinkles Nu 19:21 αλ σ זרק
נזידfood stirred together, soup or stew Gn
25:29, 34, 2K 4:38–40, Hg 2:12 ← זוד
נזירconsecrated (person) ← נזר
נזלto drip, flow, from the concept of
making wet by mists Dt 32:2, rains Is
45:8, Jb 26:28 and streams, used of water
that runs (drips) down the side of
objects (branches Nu 24:7, face Jr 9:17,
mountain Jr 18:14)
also used of that
which melts Ps 147:18, Lm 1:11 (in
God’s presence) Jd 5:5, Is 63:10, 64:2 →
נזלplaces that seep because of wetness σ
נזלplaces that seep because of wetness ←
נזםear-ring Gn 35:4, Ex 32:2–3, nose ring
Is 3:21
נזקone who will damage Es 7:4 αλ
נזרβ נזר, זרה,זור
to consecrate → נזרconsecration,
diadem, symbolic of wealth, נזיר
consecrated (person)
נזרconsecration, diadem, symbolic of
wealth ← נזר
נחpr. name, Noah
< נחביname>
נחהto lead → מחהcausing to be led to Nu
34:11 αλ σ נהגto drive, a shepherding
term, meaning to lead, drive or guide,
שׁשׁאto lead by pulling on a rope Ez 39:2
נחהrest, relaxation ?? Es 2:18 αλ LXX
αφεσιν ← נוח
< נחוםname>
נחוץβ חוץ
< נחורname>
נחשׁת, נחושׁה, נחושׁbronze ← נחשׁ
נחילותa type of musical instrument ?? Ps
5:1 αλ
נחירnostril Jb 41:12 (20) αλ ← נחר
נחךβ נחה,נוח
נחלβ נחל, חלל,חלה
נחלto possess → נחלהpossession σ קנה
river valley σ בקעהriver
valley that splits open the mountains,
plateau, גיאvalley, ravine
נחלהβ נחלה,חלה
נחלהpossession ← נחל
< נחליאלname>
< נחלמיname>
נחלתβ נחלה, נחל, חלל,חלה
נחםto regret, to feel sorry (for)
sympathize, comfort → מנחםsomething
or someone who comforts 2S 10:3, Nh
3:7, Ps 69:21, 1C 19:3, נחמהcomfort,
תנחוםconsoling Jr 16:7, Ps 94:19,
תנחומתreason to console Jb 21:2 αλ,
תנחמהconsolation Jb 15:11 αλ
< נחםname>
נחמהcomfort ← נחם
< נחמיהname>
נחמיםβ נחם,חמם
< נחמניname>
נחנוwe, short form of אנחנו
נחנתβ חנן
נחרβ נחר, חרר,חרה
נחרto snort, making the sound of a
derisive laugh ?? So 1:6 → נחירnostril
Jb 41:12 (20) αλ, נחרone who snorts as
in derisive laughter Is 41:11, 45:24, נחר
snorting as in sneezing ?? Jb 39:20,
נחרהsnorting (of horses) Jr 8:16 σ שׂחק
נחרone who snorts as in derisive laughter
Is 41:11, 45:24 ← נחר
נחרsnorting as in sneezing ?? Jb 39:20 ←
נחרהsnorting (of horses) Jr 8:16 ← נחר
< נחריname>
נחרצהdecisiveness, that decided upon ??
Is 28:22, Dn 9:27 ← חרץ
נחשׁto become powerful
as knowledge
is power, so one who can divine the
future is powerful → מנחשׁone who
divines by watching the movement of
snakes Dt 18:10 αλ, נחושׁה נחשׁת,נחושׁ
bronze, נחשׁpower, נחשׁתbronze, also
used of fetters e.g. Ju 16:21, 2S 3:34, 2K
25:7, נחשׁתןname given to bronze
serpent Moses made in the wilderness σ
נחשׁto divine, from watching the
movement of snakes → נחשׁsnake,
divination σ ענן
נחשׁsnake, divination ← נחשׁσ אפעהviper
Is 30:6, 42:14, 59:5, Jb 20:16, עכשׁוב
viper ?? Ps 140:4 (3) αλ, פתןcobra, a
very poisonous snake of Africa and Asia,
שׂרףmost modern lexicographers
consider this an asp, number of small,
poisonous snakes of Africa, Asia and
Europe, however the context indicates a
flying animal that is venomous and has
scales Nu 21:6, 8, Dt 8:15, Is 14:29, 30:6
an image of flying angels Is 6:2, 6,
צפעני, צפעוניa type of serpent, flying
dinosaur with shiny scales ?? Is 11:8,
59:5, Jr 8:17, Pr 23:32, תניןreptile.
created along with man Gn 1:21, both
small as snakes Ex 7:9–10, 12 and
apparently quite large Ps 91:13, both
land and sea Is 27:1, Ps 148:7, had
udders and teats to suckle their young
Lm 4:3 σ לויתן
< נחשׁname>
< נחשׁוןname>
נחשׁתbronze, also used of fetters e.g. Ju
16:21, 2S 3:34, 2K 25:7 ← נחשׁ
נחשׁתpower Ez 24:11 ← נחשׁ
< נחשׁתאname>
נחשׁתןname given to bronze serpent Moses
made in the wilderness ← נחשׁ
נחתβ נחת, נחה,נוח
נחתto be in force, to be forceful 2S 22:25,
Jl 4:11, Pr 17:10 as in imposition of force
by a conquerer Jr 21:13, Ps 38:3 → נחת
(in) force, forcefulness, forces (military)
2K 6:9, Is 30:30, Pr 29:9, Ko 4:6
( נחתin) force, forcefulness, forces
(military) 2K 6:9, Is 30:30, Pr 29:9, Ko
4:6 ← נחת
< נחתname>
נטהto put forth usually in the sense of
stretching out (hand) though sometimes
in the sense of removing from Is 30:11,
Pr 18:5 or turning aside, away Nu 20:17,
21:22, 2S 2:19, 21, 1K 11:9
to stretch
out (pitch) a tent → מטהbranch
tribe, branch of a group, מטהcot, bed,
refers to a light piece of furniture, long
and flat enough to lie down and sleep
on, can be the bier in funerals, probably
made of cloth stretched between a frame,
נוטהone who puts forth, stretches out Is
40:22, 51:13, Ez 25:16, Ps 104:2, נוטיהם
what they put forth Is 42:5 αλ
< נטופתיname>
נטילone who weighs
trades in (silver)
Zp 1:11 αλ ← נטל
נטפות, נטיפותdrop shaped pendents Jd
8:26, Is 3:19 ← נטף
נטישׁת, נטישׁותuntrained branch of a vine
spreading out on the ground Is 18:5
fig. a person not belonging to God Jr
5:10, 48:32 ← נטשׁ
נטלto weigh Is 63:9 → נטילone who
trades in (silver) Zp 1:11 αλ,
נטלweight Lm 3:28
heavy Pr 27:3 σ
נטלweight Lm 3:28
heavy Pr 27:3 ←
נטםto be polluted ?? Lv 11:43, Ps 57:5 (4)
LXX ουκ ακαθαρτοι, not translated
נטממת, נטמינוβ טמה
נטעto plant → מטעplanting, plant, נטע
plant σ זרע
נטעplant ← נטע
< נטעיםname>
נטףto drip, referring to a free falling drop
of fluid Jd 5:4, Jl 4:18, Ct 5:5
to have
words “drip” from one’s mouth Ez 21:2,
7, Pr 5:3, Ct 4:11 → נטפות, נטיפותdrop
shaped pendents Jd 8:26, Is 3:19, נטף
drop, referring to a free falling drop of
fluid Jb 36:27 σ נזלto drip, flow, from
the concept of making wet by mists Dt
32:2, rains Is 45:8, Jb 26:28 and streams,
used of water that runs (drips) down the
side of objects (branches Nu 24:7, face Jr
9:17, mountain Jr 18:14)
also used of
that which melts Ps 147:18, Lm 1:11 (in
God’s presence) Jd 5:5, Is 63:10, 64:2,
רססto spatter (break into drops) Ez
46:14 αλ
נטףdrop, referring to a free falling drop of
fluid Jb 36:27 ← נטףσ אגלdroplet (of
dew, water) Jb 38:28 αλ
נטףa type of perfume Ex 30:34 αλ
< נטפהname>
< נטפתיname>
נטרto pursue, also metaphorically (to
pursue a career)
to take care of →
מטרה, מטראtarget, or place where
soldiers practice their martial arts?, נוטר
one who pursues, chases down (an
enemy) Nh 1:2 αλ σ רדף
נטשׁto let go (give freedom to, to leave
alone, be loose) Is 21:15
to allow Gn
to abandon Ex 23:11, Jd 6:13,
1S 10:2, 2K 21:14, Am 5:2
to encamp
from the idea of letting go of the camp
supplies from on one’s back or pack
animals Jd 15:9, 1S 30:16, 2S 5:18, 22
a battle was let go, i.e. lost and the
fighters fled Pr 17:14 → נטישׁת,נטישׁות
untrained branch of a vine spreading out
on the ground Is 18:5
fig. a person not
belonging to God Jr 5:10, 48:32 σ ,חנה
ניβ נהי ← נהה
ניאβ נא
ניבprosperity, production Ml 1:12 αλ ←
< ניביname>
נידthat which is expelled Jb 16:5 αλ ←
נידהβ נדה
ניחח, ניחוחpleasant, pleasing (← making
restful ??)
ניןto flourish ?? Ps 72:17, Jb 18:19 → (?
מנוןflourishing ?? Pr 29:21 αλ)
ניןoffspring Gn 21:23, Is 14:22, Ps 74:7, Jb
18:19 σ בן
< נינוהname>
< ניסןname>
ניצוץspark, kindling ?? Is 1:31 αλ is this
what starts the fire (spark) or that which
flares up suddenly when lit (kindling)
and is burned? The context leans
towards the latter ← נצץ
נירβ נר,ניר
נירto flatten a field so that it can be
plowed and cultivated (in premechanized times often done by towing
a heavy beam behind a team of draft
animals back and forth over the field) Jr
4:3, Hs 10:12 → ( מנורweaver’s) beam
(⇐ log pulled behind draft animals, used
to grade a field to be flat for planting)
1S 17:7, 21:19, 1C 11:23, 20:5, נירfield
flattened and prepared for cultivation Jr
4:3, Hs 10:12, Pr 3:23
נירfield flattened and prepared for
cultivation Jr 4:3, Hs 10:12, Pr 3:23 ←
נירσ שׂדה
נירdescendant ?? Nu 21:30, 2S 22:29, 1K
11:36, 15:4, 2K 8:19, 2C 21:7 σ בן
נכאβ נכא,כאה
נכאto hound, chase continually Ps 109:16,
Jb 30:8, Dn 11:30 σ רדף
נכאmade despondent Is 16:7, Pr 15:13,
17:22, 18:14 ← כאה
נכאתlaudanum Gn 37:25, 43:11
נכדprogeny Gn 21:23, Is 14:22, Jb 18:19 σ
נכהto strike, hit → מכהone who strikes,
hits, gives a blow
one who is struck,
hit, wounded
blow, wound, נכיםthose
who are striking, hitting Ps 35:15 αλ σ
דחקto bully around Jl 2:8 αλ, חמסto
treat others unfairly, not in a right
manner, both in word and deed, often in
a manner that includes violence as well
as judicial wrongness, ינהto bully
oppress, לחםto war, go to
war, נגעto reach out to touch, used for
all touching from soft caresses to a hard
blow intended to injure or kill, also for
sexual contact, נגףto afflict, which can
be by blows or disease, נגשׂto be subject
(to harsh treatment) 1S 13:6, 14:24, Is
3:5, 53:7 (but you have to approach,
draw near to do this), נצהto swing (like
fists in a brawl), rhythmic motion back
and forth (as wings as a bird flies,
battering ram to break down city walls)
fig. to fight against ni. battered down,
פגעto come up to, where in ancient
Hebrew it had the expectation of in
order to accomplish a task: in order to
attack, to request, to intercede for
(where the people interceded for are
designated by a ( לprefix)), to pressure,
רצץto savage, treat roughly Gn 25:22,
1S 12:3–4, Is 42:4, שׁדדto act violently
in treating with violence, שׁוףto bruise,
injure Gn 3:15, Jb 9:17, שׂטםto treat
roughly Gn 27:41, 49:23, 50:15, Ps 53:3,
Jb 16:9, 30:21, תזזto strike away Is 18:5
< נכהname>
< נכוname>
< נכוןname>
נכונהestablished, i.e. firm, trustworthy ←
נכחto go straight forward, straight
towards the front Ex 14:2, Is 57:2, Ez
46:9 → נכחin front of, before Nu 19:4,
Pr 5:21, Es 5:1
upfront, straight, as in
straight talk, frank, honest, true (a moral
virtue) 2S 15:3, Pr 8:9, 24:26,
opposite, as in going straight forward to
the opposite side of a room Ex 26:35,
לנכחbefore, in front of Gn
30:38, Pr 4:25
on behalf of (from the
idea of a lawyer going in front of his
client before the judge) ?? Gn 25:21,
נכחהstraight-forward-ness, up-front-ness,
straightness (a moral virtue) Is 59:14,
Am 3:10 σ ישׁר
נכחin front of, before Nu 19:4, Pr 5:21, Es
upfront, straight, as in straight
talk, frank, honest, true (a moral virtue)
2S 15:3, Pr 8:9, 24:26,
opposite, as in
going straight forward to the opposite
side of a room Ex 26:35, 40:24
נכתםβ כתם
נלאβ לאה
נלהto propose ?? Is 33:1 αλ or is this verb
לתךalso αλ ?
נלוזthat taken away by fraud, trickery ←
נמבזהβ בזה
נמגוβ מוג
< נמואלname>
< נמואליname>
נמלβ מול
נמסcast objects (idols) 1S 15:9 ← מסס
נמקתםβ מקק
נמרβ נמר, מרר,מור
נמרtiger, a large striped animal Is 11:6, Jr
5:6, 13:23, Hs 13:7, Hb 1:8, So 4:8
< נמרדpersonal name, of a tyrant lived in
Mesopotamia / Assyria> Gn 10:8, Mic
< נמרהname>
< נמרודname>
נמריםβ נמרים,נמר
< נמריםname of a stream in Moab> Is
15:8, Jr 48:34, So 4:8
נמרצתvile ?? 1K 2:8 αλ ← מרץ
< נמשׁיname>
נסstandard pole (from its golden,
sparkling top)
flag ?? Is
33:23 ← נסס
נסבβ סבב
נסגוβ סוג
נסהβ נסס,נסה
נסהto try, put to a trial
to have
experience → מסהtrial, as in a test Ex
17:17, Dt 6:16, 9:22, 33:8, Ps 95:8 σ בחן
to assay, test
before, in front of Gn 30:38, Pr 4:25
on behalf of (from the idea of a lawyer
going in front of his client before the
judge) ?? Gn 25:21 ← נכח
נכחהstraight-forward-ness, up-front-ness,
straightness (a moral virtue) Is 59:14,
Am 3:10 ← נכח
נכיםthose who are striking, hitting Ps
35:15 αλ ← נכה
נכלto plot Gn 37:18, Nu 25:18, Ps 105:25
→ נכלplot Nu 25:18 σ חשׁב
נכלplot Nu 25:18 ← נכל
נכסto enrich, make wealthy Ez 27:7 →
מכסperson making another wealthy Is
11:9, Ez 27:7, נכסיםwealth Js 22:8, Ko
5:18(19), 6:2, 2C 1:11–2
נכסיםwealth Js 22:8, Ko 5:18(19), 6:2, 2C
1:11–2 σ עשׁר
נכרβ נכר,כרה
נכרto view (or listen) for purposes of
recognition, both familiar and strange,
and to give recognition
to estrange,
make strange (give recognition that is a
stranger), (hit) to make oneself
recognized, either as a stranger Gn 42:7
or the type of person he is Pr 20:11 →
נכרobject of viewing
strange, נכרי
stranger ⇐ one who is stared at, מתנכרה
a woman who has disguised herself (⇐
how she is to be viewed) 1K 14:5–6 σ
נכרobject of viewing
strange ← נכר
נכריstranger ⇐ one who is stared at ←
נכרσ זר
נכתהstockpile, not only of treasures, but
also of grains, trade goods, etc. 2K 20:13,
Is 39:2 ← כותσ אוצר
נסחβ סחה
נסיךlibation Dt 32:38
one who pours a
libation, a leader Js 13:21, Ez 32:30, Mc
5:4 (5:5), Ps 83:12 (11) ← נסךσ מלך
נסךβ סכך, סוך,נסך
נסךto pour (drink, metal for casting,
make a libation → מסכה
(cast) statue, often used as an idol Ex
32:4, 8, Hs 13:2, Ne 9:18, נסיךlibation Dt
one who pours a libation, a
leader Js 13:21, Ez 32:30, Mc 5:4 (5:5),
Ps 83:12 (11), נסךlibation σ שׁפך
נסךlibation ← נסך
נסנוβ נוס
נססto sparkle (from reflected light) Is
59:19, Zc 9:16, Ps 4:7 (6), 60:6 → מסס
sparkling, as sparkling embers go up
from a hot fire ?? Is 10:18 αλ, נס
standard pole (from its golden, sparkling
flag ?? Is 33:23, נסס
something that sparkles Is 10:18 αλ σ
נצץto enflame, burn hotly (often used
for emotions, particularly anger)
poetically of pomegranates ripening as
their fruits turn bright red So 6:11, 7:13
נססsomething that sparkles Is 10:18 αλ ←
נסעto pull up
to pull up stakes, fold the
tents and move to another place → מסע
pulling up
breaking camp Gn 13:3, Ex
17:1, Nu 33:1–2 σ נתקto pull out
נסקto mount, climb up Ps 139:8 αλ σ עלה
< נסרךname>
נסתהβ נסה
נעβ נע,נוע
נעwanderer, one who is constantly moving
Gn 4:12, 14 ← נוע
< נעהname>
נעוהβ עוה
נעוריםyouth(ful time) ← נער
נעותβ נוע
< נעיאלname>
נעיםpleasant, type of musical instrument
← נעם
נעכרתsorrowful trouble(s) Pr 15:6 αλ ←
נעלto latch, lock Jd 3:23
to latch on
footwear Ez 16:10, 2C 28:15 → ,מנעול
מנעלlatch Ne 3:3, 6, 13–15, נעול,נעל
locked (up) Jd 3:24, So 4:21, נעל
(latched) footwear, i.e. sandal σ חבל
נעול, נעלlocked (up) Jd 3:24, So 4:21 ←
( נעלlatched) footwear, i.e. sandal ← נעל
נעםto be pleasant 2S 1:26, Pr 2:10, 9:17,
24:25 → מנעמיםpleasant foods Ps 141:4
αλ, נעיםpleasant, type of musical
instrument, נעםpleasantness, נעמנים
gardens to a pagan god Is 17:10 αλ σ
נעםpleasantness ← נעם
< מעםname>
< נעמהname>
< נעמיname>
< נעמןname>
נעמניםgardens to a pagan god Is 17:10 αλ
← נעם
< נעמתיname>
נעפהability to fly Ps 90:10 αλ ← עוף
נעצוץthorn-bush Is 7:19, 55:13 σ שׁמיר
נערto brush off → נערתtow, the broken
off ends of flax, rope Jd 16:9, Is 1:31
(can be used as a small broom or brush)
נערה, נערyouth (male or female), up into
one’s 30s,
an attendant (in the same
manner we use the word “boy” for
certain jobs today) → נעוריםyouth(ful
< נערהname>
< נעריname>
< נעריהname>
< נערןname>
נערתtow, the broken off ends of flax, rope
Jd 16:9, Is 1:31 (can be used as a small
broom or brush) ← נער
< נערתהname>
נעתםβ עתם
< נףname>
< נפגname>
נפהβ נפה,?? נוף
נפהto scurry around ?? Is 30:28, Jb 31:9
→ נפתscurrying Is 30:28 αλ
< נפוסיםname>
נפוץβ פוץ,נפץ
נפחto blow (e.g. using a bellows) Gn 2:7,
Ez 22:21, Hg 1:9 → מפחblowing (of
bellows), נפחblowing, using a bellows Is
54:16 αλ, תפוחapple(tree) Jl 1:12, Pr
25:11, So 2:3, 5, 7:9, 8:5 σ רוח
נפחblowing, using a bellows Is 54:16 αλ
← נפח
< נפחname>
נפילgiant ?? Described as בן ענקwho
apparently were giants, literally “those
who cause to fall”, not the same as נפל
“fallen one” Nu 13:33 αλ ← נפל
< נפיסיםname>
< נפישׁname>
< נפישׁסיםname>
נפךcarbuncle, or turquoise ?? Ex 28:18,
39:11, Ez 27:16, 28:13
נפלβ פלה,נפל
נפלto fall, used in a wide range of
contexts, from falling from being tripped,
to fallen in battle (killed), to the falling
of lots (assigning as if lots were cast), to
the falling of trees in the forest, to the
stopping of an action, etc. → מפל
(grains) fallen to the ground ?? Am 8:6,
מפלהfallen (ruins, remains) Jd 14:8, Is
17:1, 23:13, 25:2, Ez 31:13, מפלתfalling,
this refers to the action of falling, often
understood abstractly Ez 26:15, 18,
27:27, 31:16, 32:10, Pr 29:16, נפיל
giant ?? Described as בן ענקwho
apparently were giants, literally “those
who cause to fall”, not the same as נפל
“fallen one” Nu 13:33 αλ, נפלstillborn
Ps 58:9, Jb 3:16, Ko 6:3, “ נפלfallen one”
from fallen asleep while camping Jd 7:12
to surrendering to an enemy 2K 25:11 to
fallen in battle Js 8:25, Jd 8:10 to very
evil people, psychopaths Gn 6:4, Nu
13:33, ( תפלהplace of) falling Jr 23:13,
Ps 109:4, Jb 24:12 σ דלףto downcast
(life, eyes, house) Ps 119:28, Jb 16:20,
Ko 10:18, כשׁלto trip (up)
to stumble
נפלstillborn Ps 58:9, Jb 3:16, Ko 6:3 ←
“ נפלfallen one” from fallen asleep while
camping Jd 7:12 to surrendering to an
enemy 2K 25:11 to fallen in battle Js
8:25, Jd 8:10 to very evil people,
psychopaths Gn 6:4, Nu 13:33 ← נפל
נפלאותthings beyond reach, miraculous
things ← פלא
נפלינוβ פלה
נפףβ ( נוףcontinuous or repeated action)
נפץto break apart
to split off, divide
(apart) σ שׁבר
נפרדa person who is solitary, separated
from others ?? Pr 18:1 αλ ← פרד
נפשׁto take a breather, revive → נפשׁ
life in general Gn 19:17, Ex
4:19; this is a hard word to define
because it has such a wide application
with no exact equivalent in English.
Apparently it is connected to breathing
life Gn 2:7 but limited to living creatures
that breathe Gn 9:10, 12, 15–6,
sometimes used to refer to people and
not animals Gn 12:5, individual people
Gn 17:14, life force Gn 27:4, (formerly)
living creature Nu 6:6, 11, 9:6, being,
soul (though usually translated as “soul”,
this term had a lot wider meaning,
including “breathing space” Is 5:14 and
“breathing was short” referring to
shortness of breath Jd 10:16, “making
broad life” to expand one’s self such that
it effects others Pr 28:25 or has room for
others Is 5:14)
נפשׁ חיהair breathing
life, used of land animals, נפשׁתanybody
any person; refers to living people Gn
9:5, Ex 12:4, Lv 27:2, Pr 1:18, dead
bodies Lv 21:11 σ רוח
life in general Gn 19:17, Ex
4:19; this is a hard word to define
because it has such a wide application
with no exact equivalent in English.
Apparently it is connected to breathing
life Gn 2:7 but limited to living creatures
that breathe Gn 9:10, 12, 15–6,
sometimes used to refer to people and
not animals Gn 12:5, individual people
Gn 17:14, life force Gn 27:4, (formerly)
living creature Nu 6:6, 11, 9:6, being,
soul (though usually translated as “soul”,
this term had a lot wider meaning,
including “breathing space” Is 5:14 and
“breathing was short” referring to
shortness of breath Jd 10:16, “making
broad life” to expand one’s self such that
it effects others Pr 28:25 or has room for
others Is 5:14)
נפשׁ חיהair breathing
life, used of land animals ← נפשׁ
נפשיβ (יט, פשה )ירמיה ד,נפש
any person; refers to
living people Gn 9:5, Ex 12:4, Lv 27:2, Pr
1:18, dead bodies Lv 21:11 ← נפשׁ
נפתβ נפת,נפה
נפתto swing, wave ??
נפתnectar Ps 19:11 (10), Pr 5:3, 24:13,
27:7, So 4:11 σ דבשׁ
נפתscurrying Is 30:28 αλ ← נפה
< נפתוחname>
< נפתחיםname>
נפתיβ נפת, נוף,נאף
נפתוליםwrestling ?? Gn 30:8 αλ ← פתל
< נפתליname>
נץβ נצה,נץ
נץhawk Lv 11:16, Jb 39:26 σ עוף
נצאβ צאה,יצא
נצבβ נצב,יצב
נצבto set up e.g. monument, building, fort
over occupied territory, appointed officer
over a fort → מצבstation, post where
soldiers or guards are posted ?? Jd 9:6, Is
29:3, מצבהmembers of the guard at the
post 1S 14:12 αλ, מצבת,מצבה
monument (pillar), trunk of tree, נצב
appointed officer, נצבhandle (of a
sword, knife) Jd 3:22, נציבa set up
pillar, statue Gn 19:26, outpost
—place where soldiers occupy enemy
land 1S 13:3–4, 1C 11:16, 18:13,
appointed government official ?? 1 K
4:19, 2C 8:10, 17:2 σ שׂים
נצבappointed officer ← נצבσ מלך
נצבhandle (of a sword, knife) Jd 3:22 ←
נצדוβ צוד
נצהβ נצה,נוצה
נצהto swing (like fists in a brawl),
rhythmic motion back and forth (as
wings as a bird flies, battering ram to
break down city walls)
fig. to fight
against ni. battered down → מצהfist
fight, brawl is 41:12, 58:4, Pr 13:10,
17:19 σ נכה
נצהblossom σ ציץ
נצורunder protective guard Is 1:8, 49:6 Q,
Ez 6:12, Nh 2:2 (1), So 8:9 ← נצר
נצוריםplaces under guard Is 65:4 αλ ←
נצחto persist
to oversee (making the
workers persist in their work) → לנצח
persistently, מנצחoverseer, נצח
persistence, always (never ending).
overseer, life force (that which makes
people persist in their lives)
נצחpersistence, always (never ending),
overseer, life force (that which makes
people persist in their lives) ← נצחσ כח
נציבa set up object
pillar, statue Gn
19:26, outpost—place where soldiers
occupy enemy land 1S 13:3–4, 1C 11:16,
18:13, appointed government official ??
1 K 4:19, 2C 8:10, 17:2 ← נצב
< נציבname>
< נציחname>
נציםβ נצה
נציריβ נצורIs 49:6 K DSS
נצלto take away, often in order to protect
→ הצלהdeliverance (taking away from
danger) Es 4:14 αλ σ חתףto snatch
away Jb 9:12 αλ
נצמתיβ צמת
נצניםβ נצה
נצץto enflame, burn hotly (often used for
emotions, particularly anger)
poetically of pomegranates ripening as
their fruits turn bright red So 6:11, 7:13
→ ניצוץspark, kindling ?? Is 1:31 αλ is
this what starts the fire (spark) or that
which flares up suddenly when lit
(kindling) and is burned? The context
leans towards the latter σ שׂרף,נסס
נצרto guard as a protector → מצרות
fortified with guard towers
2C 11:10–1, 23, 12:4, 21:3, מצרתwatch,
to guard like prisoners ?? Is 29:3 αλ,
נוצריםguardhouses 2K 17:9, 18:8, נצור
under protective guard Is 1:8, 49:6 Q, Ez
6:12, Nh 2:2 (1), So 8:9, נצוריםplaces
under guard Is 65:4 αλ, נצרguard—a
person guarding, shoot (in horticulture,
sometimes carefully guarded to grow
into a tree or large plant) Is 11:1, 14:19,
60:21, Dn 11:7, נצרתguarding her heart
from her true feelings ?? Pr 7:10 αλ,
תצרguarding ?? Is 26:3 αλ σ שׁמר
נצרguard—a person guarding, shoot (in
horticulture, sometimes carefully guarded
נקהto clear
to clean, purify, declare
innocent → מנקיתcleansing bowl Ex
25:29, 37:16, Nu 4:7, נקיinnocent, נקיון
that which makes clean Am 4:6, Ps 26:6,
73:13 σ זכךto be clear
to be
(morally) pure
< נקודאname>
נקטהβ קוט
נקטוβ קוט
נקטתםβ קוט
נקיinnocent ← נקה
נקיאβ קיא,נקי
נקיוןthat which makes clean Am 4:6, Ps
26:6, 73:13 ← נקה
נקיקfissure Is 7:19, Jr 13:4, 16:16
נקלהβ קלל
נקםto take revenge, avenge oneself → נקם
revenging, one who takes revenge, נקמה
vengeance Jr 46:10, 51:6, Ez 25:15, Ps
149:7, נקמותact of vengeance Jd 11:36,
2S 4:8, Ps 18:48, 94:1, נקמתavenging,
status of vengeance Lv 26:25, 2S 22:48
נקםrevenging, one who takes revenge ←
נקמהvengeance Jr 46:10, 51:6, Ez 25:15,
Ps 149:7 ← נקם
נקמותact of vengeance Jd 11:36, 2S 4:8, Ps
18:48, 94:1 ← נקם
נקמתavenging, status of vengeance Lv
26:25, 2S 22:48 ← נקם
נקעto become disgusted Jr 6:8, Ez 23:18,
22, 28 σ שׂנא
נקףto go around Is 29:1, encircle 2K 6:14,
11:8, Is 10:34, Jb 19:26 → מקפים
encircling 1K 7:24 αλ, נקףgoing round
and round Is 17:6, 24:13, נקפהbeing
encircled by a simple cloth that merely
to grow into a tree or large plant) Is
11:1, 14:19, 60:21, Dn 11:7 ← נצרσ דשׁא
נצרתguarding her heart from her true
feelings ?? Pr 7:10 αλ ← נצר
נצתcrop (of bird) Lv 1:16 αλ
נצתהβ צות,נוצה
נצתוβ צות,נצה
נקבto score specifically in sense of
marking (by name, cutting (hole 2K
12:10, 18:21, Hg 1:6, notch), scarring)
referring to scratching names on
potsherds (ostraka), writing with use of
a chisel
to take note of Jb 5:3,
designate Gn 30:28, Nu 1:17, Ezr 8:20,
2C 31:19,
in a bad sense meaning to
mark out for bad mouthing Lv 24:14, 16
→ מקבתapparently a combination tool
with a hammer at one side, and a pick at
the other, can be used as a chisel Jd
4:21, Is 51:1
נקבהfemale of a species σ זכר
נקדto be spotted Gn 30:32–3 → נקד
spotted Gn 30:35, 39, 31:8, 10, 12, נקד
sheep-rancher 2K 3:4, Am 1:1 ⇐ spotting
sheep to establish ownership, נקדהspot,
small ornament So 1:11
נקדspotted Gn 30:35, 39, 31:8, 10, 12 ←
נקדsheep-rancher 2K 3:4, Am 1:1 ⇐
spotting sheep to establish ownership ←
נקדהspot, small ornament So 1:11 ← נקד
נקדיםspots (in bread, caused by mold or
addition of fruit and nuts to bread) Js
9:5, 12, 1K 14:3
נקהβ קוה,נקה
(lifting up an expression), משׂאת
something that is lifted up, e.g. portion
of food Gn 43:34, plume of smoke Jd
20:38, 40, pack with basic living things
Jr 40:6, burden Jb 31:23, donation, gift
Es 2:18, 2C 24:9, etc., נשׂיאa person of
honor and authority, not based on
heredity nor appointment, but on
character, נשׂיאcloud, lifting up of
moisture, שׂאתlifting up
able to carry,
lift up, bear Gn 4:7, 44:1, 49:3, Pr 30:21,
swelling (scar tissue) Lv 13, lifting up
as in presenting Jr 15:15, 17:27, Jb 27:1,
lifting up as in favoring, giving
special regard for Pr 18:5, שׂיאheight,
loftiness ?? Jb 20:6 αλ σ סבל
נשׁאto beguile, seduce with false promises,
this is lifting a person up with sweet talk
while not telling the whole truth → משׁא
debt Ne 5:7, 10, 10:32, משׁאוןbeguiling
Pr 26:26 αλ, משׁאותbeguilingness, with
false pretenses Lm 2:14, Pr 22:26, נשׁא
being in debt 1S 22:2, תשׂאbeguiling,
falseness ?? Hs 14:3 (2) αλ σ עשׁק
נשׁאbeing in debt 1S 22:2 ← נשׁא
נשׁבto blow (wind) Is 40:7, Ps 147:18 σ
נשׁבהβ שׁבה,נשׁב
נשׁברתbroken, torn apart as in getting
injured Ez 27:24, 20:22, 34:4, 16, Zc
11:16 ← שׁבר
נשׁבתβ שׁבת
נשׂגthe action of attaining unto
to reach
up to, to catch up to (when chasing
נשׁה, נשׂהto put out of mind Gn 41:51, Dt
32:18, Is 44:21, Jr 15:10, 23:39, Jb 11:6,
covers a person, like a towel ?? Is 3:24
αλ, תקופתgoing around (of year, days)
Ex 34:22, 2C 24:23 (of action) Ps 19:7 σ
נקףgoing round and round Is 17:6, 24:13
← נקף
נקפהbeing encircled by a simple cloth that
merely covers a person, like a towel ?? Is
3:24 αλ ← נקףσ בגד
נקרβ קרה,נקר
נקרto dig out Nu 16:14, Jd 16:21, Is 51:1,
Pr 30:17 → נקרהdug out hole Ex 33:22,
Is 2:21 σ חפר
נקרהdug out hole Ex 33:22, Is 2:21 ← נקר
נקשׁto ensnare, get caught up Dt 12:30, 1S
28:9, Ps 38:13 (12), 109:11 σ יקשׁ
נקשׁהhardened, that which is hard Is 8:21
αλ ← קשׁה
נקתהβ נקה
נרlamp, this refers to a single lamp ← נור
σ מנורהcandelabrum, light fixture
< נרname>
< נרגלname>
< נרגל שׂר אצרname>
נרגןthat which is murmured about Pr
16:28, 18:8, 26:20, 22 ← רגן
נרדnard, was this in ancient times a
fragrant plant grown in gardens cf. So
1:12, 4:13–14 σ מר
נרדםlazing, lying still on the ground Jd
4:21, Jn 1:6, Pr 10:5, Dn 10:9 ← רדם
< נריהname>
< נריהוname>
נשׂאto lift up, often for the purpose of
to lift up and carry
פניםto favor, give special regard for →
משׂאlifting up
burden, statement
39:17, Lm 3:17 → נשׁיהoblivion, put out
of mind σ שׁכח
נשׁהto credit, give credit to (both as giving
a loan and as recognizing the value of
what a person says) ?? Jr 15:10 → מנושׁ
creditor Is 50:1 αλ, משׁהloan Dt 15:2 αλ,
נשׁהdebtor ?? Is 24:2 αλ (DSS two
readings—Great Isaiah Scroll has נשא
while another reading has נשהmeaning
“one who gives credit” same as Dt 24:11
and נושהas “debtor”), נשׁיdebt 2K 4:7
נשׁהischiatic nerve, (achilles) tendon ??
Gn 32:33 αλ
נשׁהdebtor ?? Is 24:2 αλ (DSS two
readings—Great Isaiah Scroll has נשא
while another reading has נשהmeaning
“one who gives credit” same as Dt 24:11
and נושהas “debtor”) ← נשׁה
נשׂוβ נשׂה
נשׂוגβ שׂוג
נשׁויβ נשׁה
נשׁיdebt 2K 4:7 αλ ← נשׁה
נשׂיאa person of honor and authority, not
based on heredity nor appointment, but
on character ← נשׂאσ מלך
נשׂיאcloud, lifting up of moisture ← נשׂאσ
נשׁיהoblivion, put out of mind ← נשׁה
נשׁיקהkiss Pr 27:6, So 1:2 ← נשׁק
נשׂישׂβ ?? נסס
נשׁךto bite, used figuratively of the bite of
interest on a loan
to demand interest
→ נשׁךbite, interest
נשׁךbite, interest ← נשׁך
נשׁכהβ ( לשׁכהalternate spelling)
נשׁלto leave Rt 2:16, 2C 29:11 (ax head
from the wooden shaft) Dt 19:5
in the context of people leaving their
homes Dt 7:1, 22, 2K 16:6 σ שׁלך
נשׁםto pant, breathe → נשׁמהbreath
sign of life, soul σ רוח
נשׁמהβ שׁמם,נשׁמה
sign of life, soul
נשׁףto blow (upon) Ex 15:10, Is 40:24
to dawn Ps 139:11 (⇐ come to a time of
dawn or dusk, when the strong winds of
the day or night tend to blow more
softly) → ינשׁוףheron ?? Lv 11:17, Dt
14:16, Is 34:11, נשׁףdusk, usually
evening 2K 7:5, Is 21:4, 7, Jr 13:16, Ps
119:147, Pr 7:9, Jb 3:9, 24:15, but also
early morning 1S 30:17, Is 5:11, 59:10,
Jb 7:4 σ רוח
נשׁףdusk, usually evening 2K 7:5, Is 21:4,
7, Jr 13:16, Ps 119:147, Pr 7:9, Jb 3:9,
24:15, but also early morning 1S 30:17,
Is 5:11, 59:10, Jb 7:4 ← נשׁף
נשׁפהβ שׁפה
נשׂקto bank (a fire, so that it burns as
desired) Is 44:15, Ez 39:9, Ps 78:21
נשׁקto touch softly as in caressing, kissing
Ez 3:13, Jb 31:27
to kiss Gn 27:26–7,
2S 20:9 (There is a connection between
this word, banking a fire and arming
oneself in that a fire needs to be treated
gently in order to burn best, and those
who arm themselves “caress” their
weapons, making sure they are ready for
battle) → נשׁיקהkiss Pr 27:6, So 1:2, נשק
luxury goods ?? (⇐ something soft and
caressing) 1K 10:25, Is 22:8, 2C 9:24
( נשׁקan unused root listed in dictionaries)
→ נשקweapon, armor 1K 10:2, Ez 39:9–
10, Jb 20:24
place of armor, battle ??
Ps 140:8 (7), Jb 39:21, נשקone who
arms himself (caresses his weapons) Ps
78:9, 1C 12:2, 2C 17:17
נשׁקweapon, armor 1K 10:2, Ez 39:9–10, Jb
place of armor, battle ?? Ps
140:8 (7), Jb 39:21 ← נשׁקσ תלפיות
armory, where armor is stored So 4:4 αλ
נשקluxury goods ?? (⇐ something soft
and caressing) 1K 10:25, Is 22:8, 2C 9:24
← נשׁק
נשקone who arms himself (caresses his
weapons) Ps 78:9, 1C 12:2, 2C 17:17 ←
נשׁקהβ שׁקה, שׁוק,נשׁק
( נשׁקףplace that’s) overlooking (another
place) Nu 21:20, 23:28, 1S 13:18 ← שׁקף
נשׁרeagle, a carrion eating bird σ עוף
נשׁתto dry up, desiccate, used of waters
from the sea Is 19:5, of strength
(opposite of moisten to increase
strength) Jr 51:30 σ יבשׁ
נשׁתוןletter, correspondence (Aramaic loan
word) Ezr 7:11 σ אגרת
נתחto cut in pieces → נתחpiece
נתחpiece ← נתח
נתיבה, נתיבway, direction one should go,
(by)way σ דרך
( נתיןan office connected with the
priesthood) one who receives the
offerings ?? ← נתן
נתךto pour down, e.g. as metal is poured
down into a mold for casting Ex 9:33, Jr
42:18, 2C 34:21 → התוךmelting Ez
22:22 αλ σ שׁפך
נתכתβ נתך
נתןto furnish, this verb is used in many
contexts such as where English would
use terms like “place” or “provide”
give, when used as a helping verb
followed by another verb, it means to
allow (give the ability, opportunity or
permission) to the action of the
following verb, נתן את קברan idiomatic
phrase meaning “to kill”, similar the the
English phrase when person A lays
person B in the grave → אתנה
spontaneous gift, ?? as from a close
friend Hs 2:14 (12), as a freewill
offering Ps 51:18, “ אתנןlover’s” gift, in
return for sexual favors Dt 23:19, Is
23:17–8, Ez 16:31, 34, 41, Hs 9:1, Mc 1:7,
מתןgiving, act of giving Gn 34:12, Nu
18:11, Pr 18:16, 19:6, 21:14, מתנהgift
given out of generosity Nu 18:6–7, Ez
generous (giving) Ko 7:7,
מתנתgifts given with strings attached ??
Gn 25:6 that they renounce all claims to
inherit along with Isaac, Ez 20:31, Pr
15:27 short of a bribe, מתתwhat is
furnished 1K 13:7, Ez 46:5, 11, Pr 25:14,
Ko 3:13, 5:18, ( נתיןan office connected
with the priesthood) one who receives
the offerings ?? σ זבדto endow Gn
30:20 αλ, יהבto hand over, deliver (an
object or a service), כולto hold in, hold
back 1S 25:33, hold aside: this is used in
the sense of holding in, containing 1K
8:27, Is 40:12 containing and not letting
out Jr 20:9, also used for holding in, not
letting out for other uses, i.e. setting
aside as in making sure certain
נתקbald spot that can be a temporary
reaction to skin problems, or permanent
due to leprosy Lv 13:30–7 ← נתקσ
נתרβ נתר,יתר
נתרto (re)move as in moving about Lv
11:21, Hb 3:6, Jb 37:1, as in being set
free Is 58:6, Ps 79:11, 146:7 σ חפשׁ
נתרnatron, an alkali salt, sodium
carbonate (baking soda), used in
cleaning Jr 2:22, contrast to acidic
vinegar Pr 25:20
נתשׁto expel Dt 29:27, Jr 12:14–15, Am
9:15 σ זורto press out, expel
estrange, נדהto eject, expel
סfifteenth letter, has no meaning in
Hebrew on its own, where letters are
used as numbers, it refers to the number
סאהmeasure of grain Gn 18:6, 1S 25:18,
1K 18:32, 2K 7:1, 16, 18 σ מדה,
סאוןbrutality ?? Is 9:4 (5) αλ ← סאן
סאןto be brutalized (Pual verb) ?? Is 9:4
(5) αλ → סאוןbrutality ?? Is 9:4 (5) αλ
סאסאto measure ?? Is 27:8 αλ → סאה
measure of grain Gn 18:6, 1S 25:18, 1K
18:32, 2K 7:1, 16, 18 σ מדד
סבturning about, as in wielding a tool Ps
74:5 ← סבב
סבאto get drunk Is 56:12 αλ → סבא
drunkard Dt 21:20, Pr 23:20–1, strong
drink to get drunk on Is 1:22, Hs 4:18,
getting drunk Nh 1:10 σ שׁכר
סבאdrunkard Dt 21:20, Pr 23:20–1, strong
drink to get drunk on Is 1:22, Hs 4:18,
getting drunk Nh 1:10 σ שׁכר
< סבאname>
obligations are met first, e.g. providing
for family Gn 45:11, 47:12, 50:21,
providing for the king’s use 1K 4:7, 27
sometimes used merely in the derivative
sense of providing 1K 17:4 ( כלכלrefers
to continuous or repeated action), כרה
to furnish as in to provide Gn 50:5, Pr
16:27, 26:27, מגןto deliver Gn 14:20, Hs
11:8, Pr 4:9, צודto track down in order
to acquire
to hunt: to get possession
of in order to keep for food, not for sport
Gn 27:3, 5, Lv 17:13, Ez 13:18; in
warfare as warriors track down people to
capture or kill Mc 7:2, Pr 6:26, Lm 3:52,
שׁבר, שׂברto look to, in the sense of
looking over, inspecting, looking to as in
making sure something gets done,
provided for Jb 38:10
to look after in
the sense of taking care of, providing for
Gn 41:56–7
to look to in the sense of
expectation, waiting for Rt 1:13, Is 38:18,
Es 9:1
< נתןname>
< נתן מלךname>
< נתנאלname>
< נתניהname>
< נתניהוname>
נתסto turn aside ?? Jb 30:13 αλ σ ,הלך
נתעto pull out ?? Ps 107:17, Jb 4:10
נתץto pull down (altar, idol, house) as an
act of destruction σ שׁחת
נתקto pull out → נתקbald spot that can
be a temporary reaction to skin
problems, or permanent due to leprosy
Lv 13:30–7 σ נסע
< סבאיםname>
סבבto turn around, to go around, to
surround (the action is to go around
until one is facing the opposite direction
and sometimes then again until one is
back to the starting position)
אחרto turn back → מוסבcircuit,
perimeter ?? Ez 41:7 αλ, מסב
surrounding 1K 8:29, 2K 23:5, one who
turns back Jr 21:4, סבturning about, as
in wielding a tool Ps 74:5, סביבround
about, surrounding σ אפףto beset, hem
in, כתרto encircle, נקףto go around Is
29:1, encircle 2K 6:14, 11:8, Is 10:34, Jb
19:26, סבהto go around as in circles,
עטרto surround, go around 1S 23:26
to crown (surround with a crown) So
3:11 σ הלך
סבהto go around as in circles → סבה
turning away 1K 12:15 αλ σ סבב
סבהturning away 1K 12:15 αλ ← סבה
סביבround about, surrounding ← סבב
סבךto grow into a thicket Jb 8:17 → סבך
thicket Gn 22:13, Is 9:17 (18), 10:34, Jr
4:7, Nh 1:10
סבךthicket Gn 22:13, Is 9:17 (18), 10:34,
Jr 4:7, Nh 1:10 ← סבך
< סבכיname>
סבלto carry Is 46:4, 7, 53:4, 11, Lm 5:7,
Ko 12:5 → סבלporter, סבלה, סבלload
σ גבהto be(come) high, in the sense of
being higher than others or what should
to be proud, גוזto carry off Nu
11:31, Nh 1:12, Ps 90:10, טעןto load up
Gn 45:17 αλ, טרחto bear a burden, מוט
to carry (to, away)
to be moved Is
40:20, Pr 12:3, 1C 16:30, נשׂאto lift up,
often for the purpose of carrying
lift up and carry
נשׂא פניםto favor,
give special regard for, עמסto burden
Gn 44:13, Ps 68:20, רוםto rise
to lift
up (motion upwards) (used in many
contexts, some literal, some allegorical,
where the lifting up refers to picking up
to carry, for the purpose to remove hence
sometimes the purpose fulfilled, to exalt,
to rear (children), to give burnt
offerings, etc.), שׂגבto exult, lift up high,
to elevate, תללto lift up ?? Ez 17:22 αλ
סבלporter ← סבל
סבלה, סבלload ← סבל
סבלתβ שׁבלת
< סבניname>
< סבריםname>
< סבתאname>
< סבתהname>
< סבתכאname>
סגדto make obeisance (a gesture of
reverence) Is 44:15, 17, 19, 46:6 ← שׁחה
סגורthat which is shut up, (in the phrase
זהב סגורdoes this mean pure gold or
gold that is mechanically attached as of
gold leaf or plating that shuts up what is
underneath? 1K 6:20–1, 7:49–50, 10:21,
2C 4:20, 22, 9:20
סגורgold leaf ?? Jb
סגיםβ סיג
סגלהselect (goods) i.e. specified,
earmarked Ex 19:5, Ko 2:8, 1C 29:3
סגןofficer who goes into the field Is 41:25,
Jr 51:23, Ez 23:6, Ezr 9:2, Ne 12:40,
13:11 σ מלך
סגרto shut in
to lock in (lock in battle
Ps 35:3) → מסגרlocksmith
artisan 2K
סדרorder, plans acted in order ← סדר
סהרpit, mine (for extracting ore), often
where prisoners were sent to do heavy
labor, also called a בור
< סואname>
סוגto remove by moving back Is 59:13, Zp
1:6, Pr 14:14 → סיגdross, slag Is 1:22,
25, Pr 25:4, 26:23 σ סור,הלך
סוגרcage, cell Ez 19:9 αλ ← סגר
סודconsultation, often intimate or private
Am 3:7, Pr 15:22, 20:19
group for
consultation Jr 6:11, 15:17, Ps 111:1 σ
< סודיname>
< סוחname>
סוחהsweepings, trash Is 5:25, Ps 80:17 ←
< סוטיname>
סוךto rub on → סוךanointing Dn 10:3 ⇐
that which is rubbed on σ משׁח
סוךanointing Dn 10:3 ⇐ that which is
rubbed on ← סוך
סומךact of supporting Ps 37:17, 24,
145:14 ← סמך
D< סונname>
סוסcooing, the sound the bird makes ?? Is
38:14 this is a participle of a verb LXX
סוסhorse σ רמכיםpost horses (Aramaic
loan word) Es 8:10 αλ
סוסa type of bird, swift ?? Jr 8:7 αλ
< סוסיname>
סוףto end Nu 11:25, Am 3:15, Es 9:28 →
סוףend as an action, life coming to an
end Ko 3:11, 7:2, 12:13 סףend, as a
24:14, 16, Jr 24:1, 29:2,
(prison) Is 24:22, 42:7, Ps 142:7. In
ancient times the locksmith was the most
accomplished of artisans, dealing with
the most complex and intricate
mechanisms commonly in use. Hence
their prominent mention among those
taken into captivity Jr 24:1, ,מסגרות
מסגרתbarrier, to hold people or things
inside; a lockup (prison) Mi 7:17, on a
table a raised border to prevent things
on top of it from falling off, often found
on ships Ex 25:25, 27, or as decoration
on an architectural column 1K 7:28–9,
35–6, סגורthat which is shut up, (in the
phrase זהב סגורdoes this mean pure
gold or gold that is mechanically
attached as of gold leaf or plating that
shuts up what is underneath? 1K 6:20–1,
7:49–50, 10:21, 2C 4:20, 22, 9:20
gold leaf ?? Jb 28:15), סוגרcage, cell Ez
19:9 αλ σ גוףto lock up Ps 89:23, Ne
7:3, כלאto detain, hold back, prevent
action, סכרto shut (up) in the sense of
fencing in on people or objects hindering
their actions Gn 8:2, Is 19:4, Ps 63:12
(11), Ezr 4:5, צורto shut in, שׂתם,שׁתם
to shut up ?? Nu 24:3, 15, Lm 3:8
סגרירsteady rain, drizzle σ גשׁם
סדstocks (to lock up feet) Jb 13:27, 33:11
סדיןunder garment (σινδων) Jd 14:12–3,
Is 4:23, Pr 31:24 σ בגד,כתנת
סדםβ סוד,סדם
סדםname of town
סדר → סדרorder, plans acted in order,
מסדרוןforecourt, where people are set
in order to see the king Jd 3:23 αλ
heads of grain)
to circumcise, נתסto
turn aside ?? Jb 30:13 αλ, סוגto remove
by moving back Is 59:13, Zp 1:6, Pr
14:14, פשׁחto lead astray ?? Lm 3:11 αλ,
צעהto wander around Is 51:14, 63:1, Jr
2:20, 48:12, Ps 139:8, קצץto remove by
cutting off
to remove (objects) Ex
39:3, Jd 1:6–7, 2C 28:24, שׂטהto turn
away (from, towards) Nu 5:12, 19–20,
29, Pr 4:15, 7:25, שׂרךto run to and fro
Jr 2:23 αλ , תעהto wander, go astray σ
סורremoving ← סור
< סורname>
סוררβ סרר, סורר,סור
סוררsullen, not listening Is 65:2, Ne 9:29
sometimes used together with defiant Dt
21:18, 20, Jr 5:23 ← סרר
סותgarment Gn 49:11 αλ σ בגד
סחבto drag about → סחבותrags that
have been dragged about
סחהto sweep away Ez 26:4, Ps 52:7, Pr
2:22 → סוחהsweepings, trash Is 5:25, Ps
80:17, סחיsweepings Lm 3:45 αλ
סחיsweepings Lm 3:45 αλ ← סחה
סחישׁself sown grain ?? 2K 19:29 αλ
סחףto knock down, as rain knocks grain
down from a stalk Jr 46:15, Pr 28:3
סחרto peddle in, i.e. small scale bartering
directly to the retail customer, often
traveling about Gn 34:10, 21, 42:34, Jr
to be constantly on the move, as
a peddler Ps 38:11 (10) → סחרpeddler
Gn 37:28, Is 23:2–3, 8 2C 1:16, 9:14
gain from peddling 1K 10:15, Is 23:18,
45:14, Ps 91:4, Pr 3:14, 31:18, סחרהgain
?? Ps 91:4 αλ, סחרתtrading partner Ez
place where the end is found Jl 2:20, Ps
73:19 σ קצה
סוףwater plants
reed, seaweed Ex 2:3,
5, Js 19:6, Jn 2:6, 2C 20:16 σ גמא
סוףend as an action, life coming to an end
Ko 3:11, 7:2, 12:13 ← סוף
< סוףname>
סופהwhirlwind σ חזיזthunderstorm Zc
10:1, Jb 28:26, 38:25, סערstorm wind Jn
used metaphorically of the
action of God’s anger Jr 23:19, 25:32, Ps
83:16, שׁאהstorming Is 47:11, Ez 38:9,
Zp 1:15, Jb 30:14, 38:27, שׁאוהstorm Pr
1:27 αλ, תשׁאותstorms, both weather Jb
36:29, 39:7 and people’s actions Is 22:2,
Zc 4:7
< סופהname>
סופרrecorder, official in charge of keeping
written accounts 2S 8:17, Is 37:2, Ps 45:2,
Ne 13:13, 2C 34:18, 20 ← ספר
סורto leave
hiphil to cause to leave i.e.
to remove,
to turn aside → סור
removing σ בערto remove, used in
removing that which is displeasing Dt
13:6, 17:7, 12, Jd 29:13 and idols 2C
19:3, removing bad actors 2S 4:11, 1K
22:47, 2k 23:24, removing items to be
given to those who need it Dt 26:13–4,
גלהto remove (a covering)
to reveal
by removing (a covering),
to remove,
exile, כההto fade Lv 13:6, 21, 26, 28, 56
in the sense of growing weak, leaving off
Is 42:3–4, Zc 11:17, * כהה בto make
someone leave off, i.e. remove them from
where they are 1S 3:13, מגגto make go
out ?? Nh 1:5, Ps 65:11 (10), Jb 30:22,
מולto clip off, pluck off (e.g. grass,
27:12, 15–6, 18 σ רכלto trade, large
scale often involving bulk commodities
and often wholesale.
סחרpeddler Gn 37:28, Is 23:2–3, 8 2C
1:16, 9:14
gain from peddling 1K
10:15, Is 23:18, 45:14, Ps 91:4, Pr 3:14,
31:18 ← סחר
סחרהgain ?? Ps 91:4 αλ ← סחר
סחרחרβ סחר
סחרתβ סחרת,סחר
סחרתtrading partner Ez 27:12, 15–6, 18
← סחר
סחרתan unknown type of (semi-)precious
stone Es 1:6 αλ
( סטיםmisspelling for שׂטיםmeaning those
who turn away from God?) ?? Ps 101:3
αλ LXX παραβασεις
סיגdross, slag Is 1:22, 25, Pr 25:4, 26:23 ←
סוגσ בדיל
< סיוןname>
< סיחןname>
< סיןname>
< סיניname>
סיניםname of a place
( סיסvariation in one DSS for סוסIs 38:14
< סיסראname>
< סיעאname>
< סיעהאname>
( סירpl )סירותcauldron (always made of
metal?) σ פרור
( סירpl )סיריםbramble, a thorny plant
that grows in the forest whose seed pods
have hooked shaped thorns that catch in
animal fur Is 34:13, Hs 2:8, Nh 1:10,
which can burn hotly in a fire to cook Ko
fisherman’s hook Am 4:2 σ שׁמיר
סיתto tempt, instigate, rouse into action,
its uses range from God allowing a
temptation to occur, which is supposed
to be resisted (e.g. Dt 13:7, see
context) to a morally neutral
enticement or goad to do something
(e.g. Js 15:18, Jd 1:14) and areas in
between (e.g. 1K 21:25). It is found
only in Hiphil and Hophal → מסיתone
who tempts, goads into action Jr 43:3,
2C 32:11
סךplace that is overspread, as under a
large tree Jr 25:38, Ps 10:9, 27:5, 42:5,
76:3 ← סכך
סכהa place that is overspread e.g. with
storm clouds 2S 22:12, Ps 18:12, Jb
36:29, hiding place Jb 38:40
lean-to (temporary dwelling) 2S 11:11.
1K 20: 12, 16
the festival of Succoth
Lv 23:32, 43–4, Ne 8:14, 17 ← סכךσ
< בכותname>
< סכות בנותname>
< סכייםname>
סכךto overspread Ex 25:20, 1K 8:7, 1C
to cover Ex 40:3, 21, (מסיך הוא
את רגליוsome consider this an ancient
euphemism for defecation Jd 3:24, 1S
the sense of forming through
covering Ps 139:3, Pr 8:23, Jb 10:11 →
מיסךcovering ?? 2K 16:18 αλ, מסוכה
covering Mc 7:4 αλ, מסךcovering to
keep something from being seen 2S
17:19, Is 22:8
screen Ex 26:36–7, Nu
3:25–6, מסכהcovering Ez 28:13
blanket Is 28:20, סךplace that is
overspread, as under a large tree Jr
25:38, Ps 10:9, 27:5, 42:5, 76:3, סכהa
place that is overspread e.g. with storm
clouds 2S 22:12, Ps 18:12, Jb 36:29,
hiding place Jb 38:40
awning, lean-to
(temporary dwelling) 2S 11:11. 1K 20:
12, 16
the festival of Succoth Lv
23:32, 43–4, Ne 8:14, 17, סכךdefensive
works that overspread the wall ?? Nh 2:6
σ עובto overshadow, overcast
סכךdefensive works that overspread the
wall ?? Nh 2:6 ← סכך
< סככהname>
סכלto be foolish, act foolishly (general
term) → סכלfool(ish), סכלות
foolishness Ko 2:3, 12–3, 10:13 σ כסלto
be foolish as in twisted as intestines, ליץ
to be outspoken
to be a spokesperson,
to be a fool (a wagging tongue is
often the sign of a fool, babbler, gossip,
but the wise knows when to still his
voice), (nouns found under )אויל
סכלfool(ish) ← סכל
סכלותfoolishness Ko 2:3, 12–3, 10:13 ←
סכןto be productive, useful, often utilizing
labor in the production → מסכן
productive Is 40:20, Ko 4:13, 9:15–6,
מסכנותproduction (cities) i.e. cities
where production is concentrated Ex
1:11, 2C 8:4, 6, 32:28, מסכנתproduction,
which has labor in its production Dt 8:9
αλ, סכןa type of slave, used in
production Is 22:15 αλ, סכנתusefulness
1K 1:2, 4 σ יעלto benefit, be of use
סכןa type of slave, used in production Is
22:15 αλ ← סכן
סכנתusefulness 1K 1:2, 4 ← סכן
סכסךto stir up, incite ?? Is 9:10, 19:2
סכרto shut (up) in the sense of fencing in
on people or objects hindering their
actions Gn 8:2, Is 19:4, Ps 63:12 (11),
Ezr 4:5 σ סגר
סכתnot to speak Dt 27:9 αλ σ שׁקט
< סכתname>
( סלstackable, storage) basket σ דודa
heavy duty basket, made of wood or
wicker, can carry heavy loads and can
also be lowered into boiling water
holding things to be boiled 2K 10:7, Ps
81:7 (6), 2C 35:13, טנאwoven grass bag,
cheaply and quickly made for carrying
things Dt 26:2, 4, 28:5, 17
סלאto deck out as in adorn Lm 4:2 αλ σ
< סלאname>
סלדto jump ?? Jb 6:10 αλ
< סלדname>
סלהβ סלל,סלה
סלהto despise ?? Ps 57:4 (3), 119:118 →
סלוןis this some sort of poisonous thorn
plant that cause infections, or some sort
of bug that has an infectious bite ?? used
in parallel with עקרבand קוץEz 2:6,
28:24 σ שׂנא
סלהa musical term, unknown today
< סלוname>
< סלואname>
סלוןis this some sort of poisonous thorn
plant that cause infections, or some sort
of bug that has an infectious bite ?? used
in parallel with עקרבand קוץEz 2:6,
28:24 ← סלהσ שׁמיר
סלחto forgive, used only of God forgiving
people → סליחהforgiveness Ps 130:4
αλ, סליחותforgiving Ne 9:17 αλ
< סליname>
סליחהforgiveness Ps 130:4 αλ ← סלח
סליחותforgiving Ne 9:17 αλ ← סלח
< סלכהname>
סללto raise above Ex 9:17, Pr 15:19
raising up scales to find the weight Jb
28:16, 19 → מסלהhighway, an
embanked road suitable for wheeled
traffic Nu 20:19, 2S 20:12–13, Is 40:3, 1C
26:16, 18, מסלולone making an
embankment (for a road) Is 35:8 αλ, סל
(stackable, storage) basket, סללהramp,
in ancient times a ramp was raised up
over the moat and glacis to attack a wall
directly, also often used of a place of
refuge raised above and inaccessible,
סלםladder Gn 28:12 αλ, סלסלותtrellis
Jr 6:9 αλ
סללהramp, in ancient times a ramp was
raised up over the moat and glacis to
attack a wall directly, also often used of
a place of refuge raised above and
inaccessible ← סללσ הר
סלםladder Gn 28:12 αλ ← סלל
סלסלותtrellis Jr 6:9 αλ ← סלל
סלעcliff, often used as an inaccessible
place, of refuge σ הר
< סלעname>
סלעםtype of grasshopper, locust σ ארבה
סלףto distort as in twisting one’s words
Ex 23:8, Dt 16:19, Pr 19:3 → סלף
distortion of one’s words
falsehood Pr
11:3 σ שׁקר
סלףdistortion of one’s words
Pr 11:3 ← סלף
סלתdough Lv 24:5, apparently not yet
mixed with riser to make bread Ex 29:2,
< סמגר נבוname>
סמדרin blossom (vines blossom in spring
for fruit in late summer to fall) So 2:13,
15 σ ציץ
סמוךsupported Is 26:3, Ps 112:8 ← סמך
סמךto support Ps 3:5, 71:6
to give as a
support, sustenance Gn 27:37, So 2:5
to lean on for support 2K 18:21, Am
5:19, 2C 32:8 or to attack Jd 16:29, Ez
to lay one’s hands upon as if for
support Ex 29:10, 15, Dt 34:9 → סומך
act of supporting Ps 37:17, 24, 145:14,
סמוךsupported Is 26:3, Ps 112:8, סמך
one who supports Ez 30:6 σ נהלto
sustain Ps 31:4 (3), as in feeding, giving
support Gn 47:17, 2C 32:22, next to
flowing waters Is 49:10, Ps 23:2, as in
carrying Is 40:11, 2C 28:15, as part of
traveling from one place to another Gn
33:14, Ex 15:13, סעדto sustain
sustenance for a journey, שׁעןto lean on
as in relaxing Jd 16:26, Jb 8:15
prop up 2S 1:6, Pr 3:5
סמךone who supports Ez 30:6 ← סמך
< סמכיהוname>
סמלidol, referring to an object that is
worshipped Dt 4:16, Ez 8:3, 5, 2C 33:7,
15 σ אלוה
סמןto put in its place ?? (an agricultural
term used as part of planting barley) Is
28:25 αλ
סמרget goose bumps, hair stand on end
(from fear) Ps 119:120, Jb 4:15 → מסמר
nail Is 41:7, 1C 22:3, מסמרות
fastenings ?? Jr 10:4, 2C 3:9
סמרmane (of horse) ορθοθριξ Jr 51:27
< סנאהname>
< סנבלטname>
סנהa desert bush, apparently of an annual
type that would grow in a desert with
seasonal rains that allow for quick
growth with the rest of the year dry.
That one should be burning would
already attract attention because such
bushes burn with a hot, flaring flame
that would quickly spread into a range
fire if there are enough dried bushes and
grasses to keep the flames going.
Otherwise the bush burns up in less than
a minute, leaving a few light ashes. Ex
3:2–4, Dt 33:16
< סנהname>
< סנואהname>
( סנוריםspiritual) blindness so they can
not recognize Gn 19:11, 2K 6:18 σ עור
< סנחריבname>
סנסןfruit stalk of figs ?? So 7:9 (8) αλ
< סנסנהtoponym>
סנפירfin Lv 11:9–10, 12, Dt 14:9–10
ססmoth Is 51:8 αλ σ עשׁ
< ססמיname>
סעדto sustain
take sustenance for a
journey → מסעדtray, an architectural
feature, prop ?? 1K 10:12 αλ σ סמך
סעהto rush (of wind) Ps 55:9 (8) αλ (is
this a scribal error for )?נסעσ חושׁ
סעפת, סעיףbranch (of a rock Ju 15:8, 11,
of a tree Ez 31:6, 8) σ דלית
סעףto de-branch → סעפת, סעיףbranch
(of a rock Ju 15:8, 11, of a tree Ez 31:6,
8). סעףbranch of doctrine, teaching
heresy, division 1K 18:21, Ps 119:113
סעףbranch of doctrine, teaching
division 1K 18:21, Ps 119:113 ← סעף
סערto blow a wind, to be windy,
sometimes a strong wind Jn 1:11, 13
to blow away Hs 13:3, Zc 7:14
blown away referring to complete mental
bafflement 2K 6:11 → סערstorm wind
Jn 1:11–2
used metaphorically of the
action of God’s anger Jr 23:19, 25:32, Ps
83:16, סערהwindiness, storminess,
generalized wind or storm 2K 2:1, 11, Ez
1:4, 13:11 σ רוח
סערstorm wind Jn 1:11–2
metaphorically of the action of God’s
anger Jr 23:19, 25:32, Ps 83:16 ← סער
סערהwindiness, storminess, generalized
wind or storm 2K 2:1, 11, Ez 1:4, 13:11
← סערσ סופה
סףβ ספה, סף,סוף
סףbasin Ex 12:22, 2S 17:28, 1K 7:50, 2K
12:14, Jr 52:19, Zc 12:2
סףthreshold, door-frame (this is more
than just a threshold), apparently
referring also to a depressed area that
channels water away from entering a
house with a dirt floor ← ספף
סףend, as a place where the end is found
Jl 2:20, Ps 73:19 ← סוף
< סףname>
ספדto mourn publically, make a public
show of mourning → מספדpublic
mourning Gn 50:10, Is 22:12, Jl 2:12, Ps
30:11, Es 4:3 σ כעס
ספהto deliver up, hand over (sometimes
for the purpose of to add (to), dissimilar
objects) σ אסף
ספוןβ ספן,ספה
ספחto hang on, become a hanger on
join to 1S 2:36, Is 14:1, Jb 30:7 → מספח
that which is joined to ?? Hb 2:15 αλ,
מספחת, מספחותrash, causing scabs ??
Lv 13:6–8. Ez 13:18, 21, ספחתscab Lv
13:2, 14:56, ספיחgrain clinging in the
ear ?? (many grains fall out of their ears
when ripe) Lv 25:5, 11, 2K 19:29, Is
37:30, Jb 14:19
ספחתscab Lv 13:2, 14:56 ← ספח
< ספיname>
ספיחgrain clinging in the ear ?? (many
grains fall out of their ears when ripe)
Lv 25:5, 11, 2K 19:29, Is 37:30, Jb 14:19
← ספח
ספינהdecked over place (of a ship ⇐
planked over area―ancient ships often
were open boats, often without a deck, or
only part of the ship having a deck) Jn
1:5 αλ ← ספן
ספירsapphire Ex 24:10, 28:18, 39:11, Ez
1:26, 28:13, So 5:14
ספלdrinking bowl Jd 5:25, 6:38
ספןto plank, cover with a layer of planks
of wood 1K 6:9, 7:3 → ספינהdecked
over place (of a ship ⇐ planked over
area―ancient ships often were open
boats, often without a deck, or only part
of the ship having a deck) Jn 1:5 αλ
ספףto stand at the threshold Ps 84:11
(10) αλ → סףthreshold, apparently
referring also to a depressed area that
channels water away from entering a
house with a dirt floor
ספקto rub or wring hands or hand against
thigh (Nu 24:10, Jr 31:19, 48:26, Ez
21:12, Lm 2:15 as a sign of unhappiness
or distress) ?? → ספקequivalent to a
handshake to seal a deal Jb 24:26, 36:18
ספקequivalent to a handshake to seal a
deal Jb 24:26, 36:18 ← ספק
ספרto (re)count, give an account of, both
with numbers and narration, often
recorded in written form in a document
→ מספרcount, counting
countable (not many), סופרrecorder,
official in charge of keeping written
accounts 2S 8:17, Is 37:2, Ps 45:2, Ne
13:13, 2C 34:18, 20, ספרwritten account
document, book or letter, ספרה
accounting Ps 56:9 αλ σ דבר
ספרwritten account
document, book or
letter ← ספר
< ספרname>
< ספרדname>
ספרהaccounting Ps 56:9 αλ ← ספר
< ספרהname>
< ספרויםname>
< ספרתname>
סקלto throw stones. both in execution and
in removing from a field
סרβ סרנים, סר,סור
סרsullen 1K 20:43, 21:4–5 ← סרר
סרביםto be refractory, a stubborn
resistance or a balking at control,
direction ?? Ez 2:6 αλ, used in parallel
with סלוןand עקרבso could this refer
to a type of thorn ?? σ שׁמיר
< סרגוןname>
< סרדname>
< סרדיname>
סרהsullenness, a bad attitude Dt 13:6,
19:16, Is 1:5, 31:6, 59:15, Jr 28:16, 19:32
← סרר
< סרהname>
סרוחcloth that is draped over, hanging
down Ex 26:13, Ez 23:15, Am 6:7 ← סרח
סרותβ סירות
סרחto drape (upon, over) (curtains Ex
26:12, vines Ez 17:6, people Am 6:4,
wisdom (as in becoming weak,
powerless) Jr 49:7) → סרוחcloth that is
draped over, hanging down Ex 26:13, Ez
23:15, Am 6:7 σ דלה
סריןbody armor Jr 46:4, 51:3
סריסcourtier, a worker in the royal
household, not necessarily a eunuch Gn
37:36, 39:1, though because eunuchs
were often chosen as courtiers, or
courtiers made into eunuchs, it became a
synonym for eunuch Is 56:3–4 (most
uses of this word are for courtiers, but
cannot tell if they’re eunuchs) σ מלך
סרןaxle (of a wheel) 1K 7:30 αλ
סרניםtitle of Philistine lords
סרסperson acting the part of a courtier Jr
34:19, 41:16 σ סריס
סרעפתtwig Ez 31:5 αλ σ דלית
סרפדstinging nettle κονυζα Is 55:13 αλ σ
סררto be sullen, showing resentment and
ill humor by morose, unsociable
withdrawal derived from a suppressed
anger, feeling one was not treated right,
resulting in non-cooperation with others,
disobedience → סוררsullen, not
listening Is 65:2, Ne 9:29 sometimes used
together with defiant Dt 21:18, 20, Jr
5:23, סרsullen 1K 20:43, 21:4–5, סרה
sullenness, a bad attitude Dt 13:6, 19:16,
Is 1:5, 31:6, 59:15, Jr 28:16, 19:32, סררה
sullenness, a bad attitude Hs 4:16
סררהsullenness, a bad attitude Hs 4:16 ←
סתה, סתβ סית
סתוwinter (in Israel this is the rainy
season, the rest of the year has very
little rain) So 2:11 αλ
< סתורname>
סתםto stop up Gn 26:15, 18, Ne 4:1 (7),
in the sense of sealing an envelop Dn
8:26, 12:4, 9, locking out of sight 2C
32:4, 30
סתרto hide in the sense of being out of
sight → מסתר, מסתורhiding (place), act
of hiding, סתרה, סתרhiding place
refuge σ חבאto conceal, חבהto hide (a
person), טמןto bury, as an act of
concealment, כנףto cover (so that
cannot be seen) ?? Is 30:20 αλ, כסהto
conceal by covering
to cover for, in
order to protect Dt 13:9, לוטto shroud
to make difficult to impossible to see
1S 21:10, 1K 19:13, עלםto be, make
unknown, צפןto make out of sight Jb
24:1, by hiding Ex 2:2, Js 2:4, also as
hiding in an ambush Pr 1:11, 18, by
covering Ex 25:11, by packing into a
storage place used both literally So 7:13
and figuratively Ps 31:20, Pr 10:14, Jb
סתרה, סתרhiding place
refuge ← סתר
σ מערהcave
hideout 1S 13:6
< סתריname>
עsixteenth letter, has no meaning in
Hebrew on its own, where letters are
used as numbers, it refers to the number
עבovercast, used of the low, flat clouds
from which can come rains Ex 19:9, 1K
18:44–5, Pr 16:15, also an architectural
feature, possibly eaves or overhang
overshadowing what’s below 1K 7:6, Ez
41:25–6 ← עובσ ענן
עבדto slave, work as and/or be a slave →
מעבדplace of work Jb 34:25 αλ, עבד
slave, עבדהservice (as done by a slave,
as worship), slave holding (number,
group of slaves) Gn 26:14 σ פקדto
attend (to), look after, take care of, to
have an affect on: this is a word used
with a wide meaning in many contexts
both positive and negative, often as a
framework within which other but
unnamed action takes place, used in the
context of attending to the count of
people Lv 1–2
to assign a task of
looking after, to assign a person (to
cause him) to attend to a task Gn 39:4,
to appoint (cause to attend to,
to affect an action), שׂכרto hire, שׁרתto
wait upon, used in the sense of a
personal servant or slave who waits upon
his master like a valet and figuratively of
the priests who wait upon the Lord in
the temple
עבדslave σ עצבworker doing harsh labor
Jr 22:28, Ps 127:2, שׂכירhireling, hired
worker Ex 12:45, 22:15, Lv 25:6, 40, Jb
7:1–2, 14:6, שׁפחהfemale slave
< נבדname>
< עבד אדוםname>
< עבד מלךname>
< עבד נגוname>
< עבד נגואname>
< עבדאname>
< עבדאלname>
עבדהservice (as done by a slave, as
worship), slave holding (number, group
of slaves) Gn 26:14 ← עבדσ מלאכה
work done for profit, as part of his
profession, to accomplish his work, task
items, tools, supplies used in one’s
profession, מעשׂהdeed, work, action or
object done or made, עצבheavy labor,
hard work Is 14:3, 46:1, Pr 5:10, 10:22,
14:23, 1C 4:9–10
< עבדוןname>
< עבדיהname>
< עביאלname>
< עבדיהname>
< עבדיהוname>
עבהto be stout, both in the idea of being
tough and thick
become fat Dt 32:15
→ מעבהmold (made of compacted
earth) 1K 7:46 αλ, עביthickness 1K
7:26, Jr 52:21, Jb 15:26, 2C 4:5
for casting metal objects 2C 4:17
עבוטcollateral (property restricted for a
debt) Dt 24:11, 13 ← עבט
עבורon account of, always בprefixed σ
עבורpassing through (the land)
which is found while passing through the
land (Jos 5:11–12) ← עבר
עבת, עבותintertwined branches ← עבתσ
עבטto put restrictions on someone or
something Jl 2:7, most often used of
putting restrictions on property used as
collateral for a loan Dt 15:8, 24:10
Hophal causing restrictions to be put on
property or people as collateral Dt 15:6
→ עבוטcollateral (property restricted
for a debt) Dt 24:11, 13, עבטcollateral
for a loan Dt 24:10, 12, עבטיטforeclosed
collateral ?? Hb 2:6 αλ σ חבל
עבטcollateral for a loan Dt 24:10, 12 ←
עבטיטforeclosed collateral ?? Hb 2:6 αλ
← עבט
עביthickness 1K 7:26, Jr 52:21, Jb 15:26,
2C 4:5
mold for casting metal objects
2C 4:17 ← עבה
עברto pass (by, through, to, beyond)
pass to as in handing over, pass by as of
time, (hit.) to be beside oneself,
exasperated; “ עבר מןto pass from” i.e.
to remove, destroy → מעברה,מעבר
place of crossing
ford (of river) Gn
32:23 (22), Jd 12:5–6, עבורpassing
through (the land)
that which is
found while passing through the land
(Jos 5:11–12), עברother side, עברה
crossing, ford (of river) 2S 15:28 αλ,
fury (going
beyond one’s patience) Is 9:19, 13:13,
14:6, Zp 1:15, תעברתgoings over the
limit Ps 89:39 σ ברחto pass through
to become a refugee, חלףto pass on 1S
10:3, through Jd 5:26, by Jb 4:15
of changing clothes Gn 41:14, 2S 12:20,
changing position So 2:11 (went away),
changing wages Gn 31:7, changing
condition Ps 90:5, exchanging objects Lv
27:10, Is 9:10, passing on of time Ps 90:6,
מכךto pass up, an opportunity Ko 10:18,
blessing Ps 106:43, פסחto hop over
be lame (hopping on one leg)
עברother side → side (of a river Jos 22:4,
7) ← עבר
עברcrossing, ford (of river) 2S 15:28 αλ
← עבר
< עברname>
fury (going beyond
one’s patience) Is 9:19, 13:13, 14:6, Zp
1:15 ← עבר
עבריβ עבכי,עבר
< עבריname>
< עבריהname>
< עברןname>
< עברנהname>
עבשׁto become stripped ?? anything not
tied down is taken Jl 1:17 αλ
עבתβ עבתה, עבת,עבות
עבתto braid Mc 7:3 αλ → עבת,עבות
intertwined branches, עבתbraided rope,
עבתהwith intertwining branches Ez 6:13
עבתrope made by braiding ← עבתσ חבל
עבתהwith intertwining branches Ez 6:13
← עבת
עגfryer, person who fries pancakes Ps
35:16 ← עוג
< עגname>
עגבβ עוגב,עגב
עגבto seduce Ez 23:5, 7, 11–2, 16, 20 →
עגבa pleasant, seductive sounding
song ?? Ps 150:4, Jb 30:31, עגבת
seduction ?? Ez 23:11 αλ, עגבים
achieved), עד בלתיuntil not, עד כיup
to (when)
עדβ עודGn 19:12, 49:27 ← עוד
עדwitness, a person who gives witness or
an object that serves as a witness ← עוד
σ שׂהדone who gives testimony Jb 16:19
< עדאname>
עדדβ עוד
< עדדname>
עדהto adorn → מעדadornment Lm 2:6
αλ, מעדהadorning Pr 25:20 αλ, מעדות
adorned, עדיadornment σ פאר
עדהcongregation, referring to the people
swarm (of bees) Jd 14:8 ← יעדσ
< עדהname>
< עדוname>
< עדואname>
עדותwitness—not a person, but a
generalized witnessing to someone or
something, symbol that witnesses to
authority 2K 11:12, 2C 23:11, often in
ארון העדותthe box of witness, i.e. ark of
the covenant ← עוד
עדיadornment ← עדה
< עדיאname>
< עדיאלname>
< עדיהname>
< עדיהוname>
עדיםmenstruation (time of a woman) ←
עדיןof pleasure Am 9:10 αλ ← עדן
< עדיןname>
< עדינאname>
עדינהwoman taking pleasure Is 47:8 αλ ←
seductive (words, song) Jr 4:30, Ez
33:31–2, עוגבan instrument with a soft,
seductive sound, not a loud, public sound
Gn 4:21, Jb 21:12
עגביםseductive (words, song) Jr 4:30, Ez
33:31–2 ← עגב
עגבa pleasant, seductive sounding song ??
Ps 150:4, Jb 30:31 ← עגב
עגבתseduction ?? Ez 23:11 αλ ← עגב
עגהflat bread, tortilla Ex 12:39, 1K 17:13,
19:6, Ez 4:12, Hs 7:8 ← עוגσ לחם
עגורthrush, a type of bird Is 38:14, Jr 8:7
( עגילcircle shaped) earring Nu 31:50, Ez
עגלה,( עגלmale, female) calf σ בקר
עגלהox drawn cart Gn 45:19, 21, 27, 1S
6:7–8, also used of a war wagon Ps 46:10
(9) σ מרכבany object that is regularly
ridden, whether wagon or animal Lv
15:9, מרכבהwagon, chariot, made for
riding, צבturtle ?? Lv 11:29, covered
wagon Nu 7:3, Is 66:20
< עגלהname>
< עגלוןname>
< עגליםname>
< עגלת שׁלשׁיהname>
עגםto have sympathy ?? Jb 30:25 αλ
עגןto preserve, keep oneself for one’s
spouse, not be sexually active outside of
marriage Rt 1:13 αλ
עדeon, time ← עודσ עת
עדunto, עד אםuntil when Gn 24:8, 33, Rt
2:21, Is 30:17, עד אשׁרuntil (indicating
the completion of an action, either time
wise, or the desired result has been
< עדיתיםname>
< עדליname>
< עדלםname>
< עדלמיname>
עדןto have pleasure → מעדנת,מעדנות
pleasures, with pleasure, מעדניםgiving
pleasure to
dainties (food) Gn 49:20,
Jr 51:34, Pr 29:17, Lm 4:5, עדיןof
pleasure Am 9:10 αλ, עדינהwoman
taking pleasure Is 47:8 αλ, עדןpleasure
σ טוב
עדןpleasure ← עדן
עדןat that time Ko 4:3 αλ ← עוד
< עדןname>
< עדנאname>
עדנהmenstrual period(s) Gn 18:12 ← עוד
עדנהup to this point or time Ko 4:2 αλ ←
< עדנהname>
< עדנחname>
< עדעדהname>
עדףto leave over, have a surplus σ שׁאר
עדרto diminish, take away 1S 30:19, Is
34:16, 40:26, 59:15, Zp 3:5
to reduce
in number by being left behind 2S 17:22
to reduce as in supplies, wages 1S
30:19, 1K 5:7 (4:27),
to weed out
(with a hoe) ?? Is 5:6, 7:25 → מעדרhoe
Is 7:25 αλ σ גרעto diminish Ex 5:8, 11,
19 by plucking out (beards) Jr 48:37,
removing Nu 27:4, 36:3–4 also in the
sense of taking out for oneself Jb 15:8
group of people σ חשׂףlittle
flock (stripped off from the main
flock ??) 1K 20:27 αλ
< עדרname>
< עדריאלname>
עדשׁיםlentil Gn 25:34, 2S 17:28, 23:11, Ez
עדתβ עדת,עדה
עדתsomething that witnesses, reminds,
memory Ex 16:34, 25:16, 21, 26:34, Nu
10:11, 18:2, Dt 6:20 ← עוד
< עואname>
עובto overcast, overshadow Lm 2:1 αλ →
עבovercast, used of the low, flat clouds
from which can come rains Ex 19:9, 1K
18:44–5, Pr 16:15, also an architectural
feature, possibly eaves or overhang
overshadowing what’s below 1K 7:6, Ez
41:25–6 σ סככ
< עובדname>
< עובלname>
עוגto fry (tortillas, pancakes) Ez 4:12, Ps
35:16 → מעוגpancake ?? something
made of flour fried in oil 1K 17:12, Ps
35:16, עגfryer, person who fries
pancakes Ps 35:16, עגהflat bread,
tortilla Ex 12:39, 1K 17:13, 19:6, Ez
4:12, Hs 7:8 σ רבךfry, deep fry
< עוגname>
עוגבan instrument with a soft, seductive
sound, not a loud, public sound Gn 4:21,
Jb 21:12 ← עגב
עודto give a second time
to witness, be
prepared to report again, repeat (word,
phrase, action) → עדeon, time, עדה,עד
witness, a person who gives witness or
an object that serves as a witness, עדות
witness—not a person, but a generalized
witnessing to someone or something,
symbol that witnesses to authority 2K
11:12, 2C 23:11, often in ארון העדותthe
box of witness, i.e. ark of the covenant,
עדיםmenstruation (time of a woman),
עדןat that time Ko 4:3 αλ, עדנהup to
this point or time Ko 4:2 αλ, עדנה
menstrual period(s) Gn 18:12, עדת
something that witnesses, reminds,
memory Ex 16:34, 25:16, 21, 26:34, Nu
10:11, 18:2, Dt 6:20, עודagain, still,
תעודהthat which gives witness Rt 4:2, Is
8:16, 20
עודagain, still ← עוד
עודrenewed strength ?? Ps 104:33, 139:18,
141:5, 146:2 ← עודד
עודדto strengthen, refresh with new
strength ?? Ps 20:9 (8), 146:9 → מעודד
one who renews strength Ps 147:6 αλ,
עודrenewed strength ?? Ps 104:33,
139:18, 141:5, 146:2 σ אמץ
< עודדname> 2C 15:1
עוהto pervert (⇐ to twist, distort) → עוה
perverting Jr 9:4, עוןthe act of twisting,
distortion, changing something into
something other than what it was
originally intended to be Ps 69:28 (27)
perversion, a moral failing, עונתthe
collective body of perversions
status of being one who perverts, e.g. Ps
65:4, 79:8, עועיםperversion Is 19:14 αλ
σ שׁקר
עוהperverting Jr 9:4 ← עוה
< עוהname>
עוזβ עז,עוז
עוזto flee to refuge → מעוזrefuge, place of
refuge Jd 6:28, Is 25:4, 30:2, Nh 1:7,
3:11, Ps 27:1 31:3, עזrefuge Ex 9:19,
15:2, Is 12:2, Am 5:9, Ps 118:14 σ פלט
עוזרhelp, that which one can reach out for
help Is 31:3, Ps 10:14, 22.12, Lm 1:7, Dn
11:45 ← עזר
עול, עוילsuckling, small child Is 49:15,
65:20, Jb 16:11, 19:18, 21:11 ← עולσ
< עויםname>
< עויתname>
עולto suckle Gn 33:13, 1S 6:7, 10, Is
40:11, Ps 78:71 → עול, עוילsuckling,
small child Is 49:15, 65:20, Jb 16:11,
19:18, 21:11
עולto act unjustly Is 26:10, Ps 31:4 →
מעולone who does unjust actions Ps
71:4, Jb 34:10, עולunjust action Dt
28:16, Ps 7:4Jb 34:10, 32, עולהinjustice,
often in the judicial sense, עולתinjustice,
general unfairness Ps 58:3 (2), 64:7 (6),
עלוהinjustice Hs 10:9 αλ, עלתהunjust
considerations, thought Am 8:8, 9:5, Ps
92:16 (15), Jb 5:16 σ מעל
עולunjust action Dt 28:16, Ps 7:4Jb 34:10,
32 ← עול
עולהβ עלה,עולה
עולהinjustice, often in the judicial sense
← עולσ חמסunfairness, something that
is not right
עלל, עוללchild, in reference to that small
children like to repeat actions until
learned ← עללσ ילד
עוללותβ עללות
עוללתrepeating of actions Is 17:6, 24:13
← עלל
עולםβ עולם,עול
עולםunknown span of time
not always, refers to eternity, עד עולם
until the end of an unspecified period of
parrot ?? Lv 11:19, Dt 14:18, ארבהσ
סלעם, ילק, חרגל, חסיל, חגב, גזםtypes of
grasshoppers, locusts, בת יענהan unclean
bird, ostrich ?? Lv 11:16, Jr 50:39, Jb
30:29, דאהred kite, a type of rapacious
bird ?? Lv 11:14 αλ, דוכיפתhoopoe Lv
11:19, Dt 14:18, דיהan unclean bird Dt
14:13, Is 34:15, דרורswallow ?? (bird)
Ps 84:4, Pr 26:2, זבובfly (insect) Is 7:18,
Ko 10:1 ( בעל זבובLord of the Flies, i.e.
the devil 2K 1:2–3, 6, 16), חסידה
ostrich ?? (with the possible exception of
Jb 39, this is a flying creature Jr 8:7, Zc
5:9, possibly one since extinct?), ינשׁוף
heron ?? Lv 11:17, Dt 14:16, Is 34:11,
כוסpelican Lv 11:17, Dt 14:16, Ps 102:7,
נץhawk Lv 11:16, Jb 39:26, נשׁרeagle, a
carrion eating bird, עזניהblack
vulture ?? Lv 11:13, Dt 14:12, עטלףbat
Lv 11:19, Dt 14:18, Is 2:20, ערבraven,
including crow Lv 11:15, Dt 14:14, 1K
17:4, 6, ערבgadfly, horsefly ?? Ex 8:21,
22, 24, 29, 31, צפר, צפורsparrow, often
used as a reference to any small, quick
moving bird, פרסlamb-vulture ?? Lv
11:13, Dt 14:12, קאתa pterosaur ?? Lv
11:17, Dt 14:16, Is 34:11, Zp 2:14, Ps
102:7, ראהred kite ?? possibly
misspelling for דאהred kite, רחם,רחמה
carrion vulture ?? Lv 11:18, Dt 14:17, Ps
106:46, שׁחףseagull ?? Lv 11:16, Dt
14:15, שׂלוquail Ex 16:13, Lv 11:31–2, Ps
105:40, שׁלךcormorant ?? Lv 11:17, Dt
14:17, תחמסa species of owl Lv 11:16,
Dt 14:15, תנשׁמתmentioned twice as a
flying creature, once as a creeping
sometimes, not always, refers to
forever, עולם ועדfor an unspecified time
and again, usually indicating eternity,
עולם ועד עולםlit. )from( unknown time
in the past to unknown time in the
eternity past to eternity future
← עלםσ נצחpersistence, always (never
ending), overseer
עולתβ עלה, עולת,עולה
עולתinjustice, general unfairness Ps 58:3
(2), 64:7 (6) ← עול
עולתscheduled sacrifice, part of a group,
sacrificing Nu 28:24, Dt 27:6, Ne 10:34
(33) ← עלה
עוןthe act of twisting, distortion, changing
something into something other than
what it was originally intended to be Ps
69:28 (27)
perversion, a moral failing
← עוהσ חטאת
עונהβ ענה,עון
עונתthe collective body of perversions
the status of being one who perverts, e.g.
Ps 65:4, 79:8 ← עוה
עועיםperversion Is 19:14 αλ ← עוה
עוףto fly → מעוףsomething that causes to
be flown Is 8:22 αλ, נעפהability to fly Ps
90:10 αλ, עוףany animal that flies, not
only a bird, תעפהflying (as the
morning) ?? Jb 11:17 σ אברto soar as
in flight Jb 39:13, 26, דאהto swoop
down Dt 28:49, Jr 48:40, 49:22, טושׂto
swoop down Jb 9:26 αλ, נדדto fly,
refers to quick flight as for an escape
עוףany animal that flies, not only a bird
← עוףσ אחeagle owl Is 13:21 αλ, איה
black kite, a type of rapacious bird Lv
11:19, Dt 14:13, Jb 28:7, אנפהheron,
עותto present, set before ?? Is 50:4, Am
< עותיname>
עותתmisrepresentation Lm 3:59 αλ ← עות
עזrefuge Ex 9:19, 15:2, Is 12:2, Am 5:9, Ps
118:14 ← עוז
עזstrong ← עזז
עזstrength ← עזזσ כח
goat hair, cloth made from
goat’s hair σ אקוwild goat, זמר
mountain goat ?? Dt 14:5 αλ, יעלibex, a
type of mountain goat, known for its
climbing ability 1S 24:3, Ps 104:18, Jb
39:1, צפירhe goat (with large horns?),
שׂעירה, שׂעירgoat (⇐ the idea of
something hairy?)
demon (often
pictured as a hairy creature), תישׁhe
goat Gn 30:35, 32:14, Pr 30:31, 2C 17:11
עזpraise ?? LXX αινος, δοξη Ps 8:3, 29:1,
11, 59:10, 18, 68:35, 96:7
< עזאname>
עזאזלa name for the devil ??
עזבto leave behind, abandon → עזבונים
trade goods, what is left behind to
acquire other goods σ ישׁםto be deserted
Ez 6:6 αλ, נטשׁto let go (give freedom
to, to leave alone, be loose) Is 21:15
to allow Gn 31:28
to abandon Ex
23:11, Jd 6:13, 1S 10:2, 2K 21:14, Am 5:2
to encamp from the idea of letting go
of the camp supplies from on one’s back
or pack animals Jd 15:9, 1S 30:16, 2S
5:18, 22
a battle was let go, i.e. lost
and the fighters fled Pr 17:14, קשׁחto
abandon, treat not as one’s own Is 63:17,
Jb 39:16, שׁמטto let drop (people 2K
9:33, Jr 17:4, object 2S 6:6, Ps 141:6, 1C
creature, possibly a small pterosaur ?? Lv
11:18, 30 Dt 14:16
עופרתlead (metal) Ex 15:10, Ez 22:18, 10,
< עוץname>
עוקto weigh down → עקתweighing down
Ps 55:4 (3) αλ
עורto blind → עורblind, עורוןblindness
Dt 28:28, Zc 12:4, עורותcondition of
being blind Is 42:7 αλ
עורto arouse, as in get active
repeatedly or continuously arousing Jb
17:8, 31:29, Pr 10:12, So 8:4 → עור
active, עירarousal Jr 15:8, Hs 11:9 σ קום
עורskin, hide σ גלדskin, referring to soft,
human skin ?? Jb 16:15 αλ
עורblind ← עור
עורactive Lv 7:8 ← עור
עורבraven ?? So 5:11 β ערב
< עורבname>
עורוןblindness Dt 28:28, Zc 12:4 ← עורσ
( סנוריםspiritual) blindness so they can
not recognize Gn 19:11, 2K 6:18 σ דבר
עורותcondition of being blind Is 42:7 αλ
← עור
עוררהβ עור
עורתleathery, made of leather Ex 39:34
animal with a bad case of mange, its skin
becomes leathery Lv 22:22
עושׁto stand up ?? to rise up ?? Jl 4:11 αλ
σ קום
עותto distort, misrepresent (⇐ distort
message about) Am 8:5, Ps 119:78,
146:9, Lm 3:36 → מעותthat which is
distorted ?? Ko 1:15 αλ, עותת
misrepresentation Lm 3:59 αλ σ שׁקר
22.12, Lm 1:7, Dn 11:45, עזרhelper, a
person who helps others, עזרthat which
is a help, עזרתה, עזרהgeneralized help,
עזרהspecialized courtyard within the
temple, apparently where auxiliary
activities were carried out Ez 43:14, 17,
20 45;19, 2C 4:9, 6:13
עזרhelper, a person who helps others ←
עזרthat which is a help ← עזר
< עזרname>
< עזראname>
< עזראלname>
עזרתה, עזרהgeneralized help ← עזר
עזרהspecialized courtyard within the
temple, apparently where auxiliary
activities were carried out Ez 43:14, 17,
20 45;19, 2C 4:9, 6:13 ← עזר
< עזרהname>
< עזריname>
< עזריאלname>
< עזריהname>
< עזריהוname>
< עזריקםname>
< עזתיname>
עטβ עיט,עט
עטa sharp metal, usually steel, tool used
to engrave in stone Jr 8:8, 17:1, Ps 45:2
(1), Jb 19:24 σ חרטa sharp metal tool
used for engraving on metal Ex 32:4, Is
engraved metal box ?? 2K 5:23
עטהto wrap around
to dress → מעטה
wrapping Is 61:3, Ez 21:20 (15), עטיה
dressed (for the job) ?? So 1:7 αλ LXX
περιβαλλοµενη σ גלםto wrap
around ?? 2K 2:8 αλ, פרשׁזto wrap
around ?? Jb 26:9 αλ, שׁבץto wrap
9:33, debt Dt 15:3)
lie fallow (of a
field) Ex 23:11
עזבוניםtrade goods, what is left behind to
acquire other goods ← עזב
< עזבחקname>
< עזגרname>
< עזהname>
עזוβ עזז, עז,עוז
< עזובהname>
עזוזstrength, power Is 42:25, 43:17, Ps
24:8, 78:4, 145:6, Pr 8:28 ← עזז
< עזורname>
עזזto be strong → מעוזone that
strengthens, strength Ps 28:8, 60:9, 108:9,
Pr 10:29, Dn 11:1, 7, 31, עזstrong, עזוז
strength, power Is 42:25, 43:17, Ps 24:8,
78:4, 145:6, Pr 8:28 σ אמץ
< עזזname>
< עזזיהוname>
< עזיname>
< עזיאname>
< עזיאלname>
< עזיאליname>
< עזיהname>
< עזיהוname>
< עזיזאname>
< עזמותname>
< עזןname>
עזניהblack vulture ?? Lv 11:13, Dt 14:12 σ
עזקto spade (in preparing ground for
seed) Is 5:2 αλ
< עזקהname>
עזרto help, this is the help from an equal
or superior, not an indicator of being a
servant → עוזרhelp, that which one can
reach out for help Is 31:3, Ps 10:14,
< עיבלname>
< עיהname>
< עיוןname>
עיטto tear at (as a vulture upon prey) 1S
15:19, 25:14 → עיטvulture, apparently a
large one from the mountains Is 18:6, Jb
28:7 σ טרף
עיטvulture, apparently a large one from
the mountains Is 18:6, Jb 28:7 ← עיט
עיטםname of a place
< עייםname>
< עיליname>
עילום, עילםβ עולם
< עילםname>
עיםforce ?? Is 11:15 αλ σ חיל
עיןto have one’s eye on (somebody) →
מעיןfountain, spring, עיןeye, spring of
water which may or may not flow into a
stream σ ראה
עיןeye, spring of water which may or may
not flow into a stream ← עיןσ יבל
spring (producing water), מבועflowing
spring, מעיןfountain, spring
< עיןname>
< עין גדיname>
< עין גניםname>
< עין דארname>
< עין הקוראname>
< עין חדהname>
< עין חצורname>
< עין משׁפטname>
< עין עגליםname>
< עין רגלname>
< עין רמוןname>
< עין שׁמשׁname>
< עין תפוחname>
< עינוןname>
around Ex 28:4, 39
to set (a jewel) on
clothing (by sewing a wrapping around
the jewel to hold it on the clothing)
עטוףfeeble Ge 30:42 ← עטף
עטיהdressed (for the job) ?? So 1:7 αλ
LXX περιβαλλοµενη ← עטה
עטיןstomach ?? Jb 21:24 αλ
עטישׁתsneezing or snorting Jb 41:18 αλ
עטלףbat Lv 11:19, Dt 14:18, Is 2:20 σ עוף
עטףto droop, such as when dispirited or
weakened by wound or illness Ps 102:1,
107:5, in the same manner as a cloak
“droops down” drapes over one’s
shoulders and body Ps 65:14 (13), used
poetically with “upon” Jn 2:7, Ps 143:4
to be feeble Gn 30:42 → מעטפות
something draped on, stole ?? Is 3:22 αλ,
עטוףfeeble Ge 30:42
עטרto surround, go around 1S 23:26
crown (surround with a crown) So 3:11
→ מעטירהcausing to go around Is 23:8
αλ, עטרהgoing around
crown Ez
21:31, Jb 31:36, עטרתcrowning (glory)
Is 28:1, 3, 5, 62:3, Zc 6:14, Pr 14:24,
16:31, 17:6 σ סבב
עטרהgoing around
crown Ez 21:31, Jb
31:36 ← עטר
< עטרהname>
< עטרותname>
עטרתcrowning (glory) Is 28:1, 3, 5, 62:3,
Zc 6:14, Pr 14:24, 16:31, 17:6 ← עטר
< עטרתname>
עיruin Jr 26:18, Mc 1:6, 3:12, Ps 79:1, Jb
30:24, מעיruin Is 17:1 αλ
< עיname>
< עיאname>
עיבβ עוב
< עיניםname>
< עינןname>
עיףexhausted (person, creature) ← יעף
עיפהexhaustion ← יעף
< עיפהname>
< עיפ ֿיname>
עירcity σ מושׁב
עירarousal Jr 15:8, Hs 11:9 ← עור
עירmale donkey Gn 32:16, Is 30:6, Zc 9:9
σ חמור
< עירname>
< עיר המלחname>
< עיר שׁמשׁname>
< עיראname>
< עירדname>
< עירוname>
< עיריname>
עירםβ עירם,עיר
ערם, עירםshameful naked(ness), made
bare what should not be made bare Gn
3:7, 10–1, Ez 16:39, 18:7, 23:29 ← ערה
(see also )ערום
< עירםname>
עשׁ, עישׁLion (constellation) ?? Jb 9:9,
38:32 σ כוכב
< עיתname of a city>
< עכבורname>
עכבישׁspider Jb 8:14, Is 59:5
עכברrat, mouse Lv 11:29, 1S 6:4–5, 11,
18, Is 66:17 σ חיה
< עכוname>
< עכורname>
< עכןname>
עכסto wear ankle chain, can be a
decoration or imprisonment ?? Is 3:16
αλ → עכסankle chain, a type of
ornament ?? Is 3 :18 or leg fetters ?? Pr
עכסankle chain, a type of ornament ?? Is
3 :18 or leg fetters ?? Pr 7:22 ← עכס
< עכסהname>
עכרto trouble that causes sorrow →
נעכרתsorrowful trouble(s) Pr 15:6 αλ σ
< עכרןname>
עכשׁובviper ?? Ps 140:4 (3) αλ σ נחשׁ
עלβ על,עול
both literally as in position
(including besides and near) and
figuratively as in “piling on” complaints,
opposition, duty (responsibility), etc.,
“on behalf of”, “for the sake of” of what
follows or its suffix
על אודת,על אדות
literally upon circumstances, meaning
because of, על דברliterally upon
expression where the expression is in
word, action, matter or object, as an
idiom meaning “on account of” or “for
the sake of”, על כןliterally upon thus,
meaning for this reason, על פניupon the
surface of Gn 1:2, 4:14, 6:1, (bow down)
to the ground Gn 17:3, 17, Nu 14:5, in
the presence of Gn 16:12, 23:3, Nu 3:4,
before both for time Gn 11:28, 32:21 and
space Lv 10:3, Nu 21:11, near or next to
Gn 23:19, 25:9, 18, Ex 20:3 ← עלה
עלyoke (the object itself) σ צמדyoke
pair, i.e. the number of animals under a
< עלאname>
עלגstammerer ?? possibly reserved,
withdrawn, not pushy Is 32:4 αλ
עלהβ עלה,עולה
עלהto ascend
to make a burnt offering,
from the idea of the smoke ascending,
“ עלה באשׁascend in fire” to burn up Am
“a city ascends” means that it
has gone up in smoke Jr 48:15 → יעל
ibex, a type of mountain goat, known for
its climbing ability 1S 24:3, Ps 104:18, Jb
39:1, מעלone who ascends, who causes
to ascend Lv 11:4, Dt 8:4, 14:7 place of
ascent Pr 14:14, מעלהascent
stairs, מעלותin connection with song
refers to the song sung while ascending,
עולתscheduled sacrifice, part of a group,
sacrificing Nu 28:24, Dt 27:6, Ne 10:34
(33), עלupon
both literally as in
position (including besides and near)
and figuratively as in “piling on”
complaints, opposition, duty
(responsibility), etc., “on behalf of”, “for
the sake of” of what follows or its suffix
על אודת, על אדותliterally upon
circumstances, meaning because of, על
דברliterally upon expression where the
expression is in word, action, matter or
object, as an idiom meaning “on account
of” or “for the sake of”, על כןliterally
upon thus, meaning for this reason, על
פניupon the surface of Gn 1:2, 4:14, 6:1,
(bow down) to the ground Gn 17:3, 17,
Nu 14:5, in the presence of Gn 16:12,
23:3, Nu 3:4, before both for time Gn
11:28, 32:21 and space Lv 10:3, Nu
21:11, near or next to Gn 23:19, 25:9, 18,
Ex 20:3, עלהupon, עולה, עלהburnt
offering, עליupper stone of a hand-mill,
pestle (with a mortar), עליהupper room
Jr 22:13–14, עליוןabove, highest, עלית
(plural )עליותupper, above, upper place,
עלתהway of ascent 1C 13:6, תעלה
ascent (way of) 2K 20:5, Jr 30:13, 46:11,
(parts taller than) Ez 31:4 σ נסקto
mount, climb up Ps 139:8 αλ
עלהleaves σ דשׁא
עולה, עלהburnt offering ← עלהσ זבח
עלוהinjustice Hs 10:9 αλ ← עול
< עלוהname>
עלוםplace where one is unknown ?? Jb
20:11 αλ ← עלם
עלומיםyouth(ful age), time of virginity Is
54:4, Ps 89:45, Jb 33:25 ← עלם
< עלוןname>
עלוקהleech ?? Pr 30:15 αλ
עלזto rejoice 2S 1:20, Zp 3:14, Pr 23:16 →
עליזone who rejoices Is 13:3, 24:8, Zp
3:11, עליזהrejoicing Is 22:2, 23:7, 32:13,
Zp 2:15 σ שׂמח
עלטהtwilight, after sunset but still light
enough to see Gn 15:17, Ez 12:6, 12
עליß עלי,על
עליupper stone of a hand-mill, pestle
(with a mortar) ← עלה
< עליname>
עליהupper room Jr 22:13–14 ← עלה
עליהham-bone 1S 9:24 αλ
< עליהname>
עליוןabove, highest ← עלה
עליזone who rejoices Is 13:3, 24:8, Zp
3:11 ← עלז
עליזהrejoicing Is 22:2, 23:7, 32:13, Zp
2:15 ← עלזσ שׂמחה
עלילcrucible ?? where silver is repeatedly
melted Ps 12:7 (6) αλ ← עלל
עליליה, עלילהrepeated (action) Jr 32:19,
Ps 14:1, 66:5 ← עלל
< עליןname>
עליצתexultation Hb 3:14 αλ ← עלץ
עליתß לעית,עלה
( עליתplural )עליותupper, above, upper
place ← עלה
עללto repeat an action → מעללrepeated
action, עלל, עוללchild, in reference to
that small children like to repeat actions
until learned, עוללתrepeating of actions
Is 17:6, 24:13, עלילcrucible ?? where
silver is repeatedly melted Ps 12:7 (6)
αλ, עליליה, עלילהrepeated (action) Jr
32:19, Ps 14:1, 66:5, עללותgleanings,
from going over and over again to make
sure one has all, תעלולchild, in
reference to that small children like to
repeat actions until learned ?? Is 3:4 αλ,
תעללrepeated actions done to harm ??
Is 66:4 αλ σ עשׂה
עללותgleanings, from going over and over
again to make sure one has all ← עלל
עלםto be, make unknown → עולם
unknown span of time
sometimes, not
always, refers to eternity, עד עולםuntil
the end of an unspecified period of time
sometimes, not always, refers to
forever, עולם ועדfor an unspecified time
and again, usually indicating eternity,
עולם ועד עולםlit. )from( unknown time
in the past to unknown time in the
eternity past to eternity future,
עלוםplace where one is unknown ?? Jb
20:11 αλ, עלומיםyouth(ful age), time of
virginity Is 54:4, Ps 89:45, Jb 33:25, ,עלם
עלמהvirgin (unknown one), עלמה
(the) unknown (as in exploring) Pr
30:19 (This verse compares that just as
it is completely unpredictable which way
a snake will turn while on bare rock, an
eagle will veer as it hunts for prey, what
way a ship will turn as it is subject to
wind, waves and the steersman, so also
what will happen to a man as he goes
into the unknown, i.e. future), תעלמה
unknown thing Ps 44:22, Jb 11:6, 28:11
σ סתר
עלמה, עלםvirgin (unknown one) ← עלם
σ בתולהmaiden, often implying
virginity hence often used
interchangeably with virgin, though in Is
62:5 refers to a married young woman
( עלמהthe) unknown (as in exploring) Pr
30:19 (This verse compares that just as
it is completely unpredictable which way
a snake will turn while on bare rock, an
eagle will veer as it hunts for prey, what
way a ship will turn as it is subject to
wind, waves and the steersman, so also
what will happen to a man as he goes
into the unknown, i.e. future) ← עלם
< עלמוןname>
עלמותa musical instrument Ps 9:1, 46:1,
1C 15:20
< עלמיname>
< עלמן דבלתימהname>
< עלמתname>
עלסto make merry Pr 7:18, Jb 20:18,
39:13 σ שׂמח
עלעto slurp down ?? Jb 39:30 αλ σ שׁתה
עלףto cloak
to drape ?? Gn 38:14, So
5:14, Is 51:20, Am 8:13, Jn 4:8 → מעלפת
cloaked (covered) ?? So 5:14 αλ, עלפה
cloaking ?? Ez 31:15 αλ σ לבשׁ
עלפהcloaking ?? Ez 31:15 αλ ← עלף
עלץto exult, show or feel elation or
jubilation, esp. as the result of a success
1S 2:1, Ps 25:2, Pr 11:10 → עליצת
exultation Hb 3:14 αλ σ שׂמח
עלתהβ עלתה, עלה,עולה
עלתהunjust considerations, thought Am
8:8, 9:5, Ps 92:16 (15), Jb 5:16 ← עול
עלתהway of ascent 1C 13:6 ← עלה
עםpeople, a recognized grouping of
individuals ← עמםσ גויnation, a
political entity (note: though often used
in the plural to denote non-Israelis, it is
used for Abraham’s descendants Gn 12:3,
the people of Israel Ex 19:6, 33:13 and
Judah Jr 7:28), לאםtribe, people,
belonging to a district, not necessarily
part of a larger people
עםcommonplace, nothing special Jb 12:2
← עמם
( עםtogether) with ← עמםσ את
עמדto stand (still), used in the contexts
of standing, rising to a stand from sitting
or lying down and stopping other actions
to come to a stand
to stop an action
(metaphoric stand) → מעמדstanding, as
in at attention when waiting on (a
table), עמדת, עמדstanding place, עמוד
column as in a pillar σ יצבto take one’s
stand, always found in Hitpael σ קום
עמדת, עמדstanding place ← עמד
עמהnext to ← עמם
< עמהname>
עמודcolumn as in a pillar ← עמד
< עמוןname>
< עמוניname>
< עמוסname>
< עמוקname>
< עמיאלname>
עמיאל, עמיאל מלא דבר,עמיאל בלו דבר
< מלו דברname>
< עמיהודname>
< עמיזבדname>
< עמיחורname>
עמיםplenty, in the phrase הר עמים
mountain making common, from the idea
that commonality equals plenty Dt 33:19
← עמם
< עמינדבname>
עמירsheave, a small bundle of straw with
grain, about a sickle full made quickly
while harvesting the field to make it
easier to carry the grain to the place for
threshing Jr 9:21, Am 2:13, Mc 4:12, Zc
12:6 ← עמר
< עמישׁדיname>
עמיתfellow man ← עמם
עמלto trouble oneself, toil and trouble →
עמלtrouble, bother σ לאהto vex, in the
sense to irritate, trouble, annoy Is 7:13,
Jb 4:5, עכרto trouble that causes sorrow
עמלtrouble, bother ← עמלσ זועהa cause
to withdraw (in fear or disgust) Is 28:19,
Jr 24:9, 29:18, 2C 29:8
< עמלname>
< עמלקname>
< עמלקיname>
עמםto be commonplace ?? Ez 28:3, 31:8
→ עםpeople, a recognized grouping of
individuals, עםcommonplace, nothing
special Jb 12:2, עםwith, עמהnext to,
עמיםplenty, in the phrase הר עמים
mountain making common, from the idea
that commonality equals plenty Dt 33:19,
עמיתfellow man, עמתtogether with
< עמנו אלname>
עמסto burden Gn 44:13, Ps 68:20 →
מעמסהburden, עמסone who bears a
burden, is burdened Is 46:3, Zc 12:3, Ne
13:15 σ סבל
עמסone who bears a burden, is burdened
Is 46:3, Zc 12:3, Ne 13:15 ← עמס
< עמסיהname>
< עמעדname>
עמקto be deep, lower than something else
→ מעמקmaking deep, עמקdeep place
valley, עמקdeep Lv 13:3–4, 34
as in deep thinker Is 33:19, Ez 3:5–6, Ps
64:7, 92:6
עמקdeep place
valley ← עמקσ תהום
עמקdeep Lv 13:3–4, 34
deep as in deep
thinker Is 33:19, Ez 3:5–6, Ps 64:7, 92:6
← עמק
< עמק קציץname>
עמרto tie up for the purpose of carrying
to enslave Dt 21:14, 24:7 →
עמירsheave, a small bundle of straw
with grain, about a sickle full made
quickly while harvesting the field to
make it easier to carry the grain to the
place for threshing Jr 9:21, Am 2:13, Mc
4:12, Zc 12:6, עמרa small sheaf, a sickle
full quickly tied in the field to be carried
off the field the same day as harvested. It
cannot stand, but lies down where the
harvester leaves it Lv 23:10–12, Dt 24:19
a dry measure equalling about the
same amount of grain as carried by such
a sheaf, about a cup Ex 16:16, 18, 36, Jb
24:10, עמרperson tying sheaves
harvester Rt 2:7, 15
עמרa small sheaf, a sickle full quickly tied
in the field to be carried off the field the
same day as harvested. It cannot stand,
but lies down where the harvester leaves
it Lv 23:10–12, Dt 24:19
a dry
measure equalling about the same
amount of grain as carried by such a
sheaf, about a cup Ex 16:16, 18, 36, Jb
24:10 ← עמרσ אלמהsheaf that stands
in the field σ מדה
עמרperson tying sheaves
harvester Rt
2:7, 15 ← עמר
< עמרהname>
< עצריname>
< עצרןname>
< עמרניname>
עמשׂburden ?? misspelling for ?? עמסNe
4:11 αλ
< עמשׂאname>
< עמשׁיname>
< עמשׁסיname>
עמתtogether with ← עמם
ענבgrape σ בסרunripe grapes Is 18:5, Jr
31:29–30, Ez 18:2, Jb 15:33, שׂרקdark,
almost black, grapes that make a
specialty, dark red wine Is 5:2, Jr 2:21
the color of those grapes Zc 1:8
< ענבname>
ענגto soften (a person) by not having to
do hard work Is 55:2, 66:11, Ps 37:11
to soften oneself, the opposite of being
hard necked (towards God) Is 58:14, Ps
37:4, Jb 22:26, 27:10 → ענגsoft Dt
28:54, 56, Is 58:13
noble Is 47:1, place
of soft living Is 13:22, מענגהsoftness,
place of soft living Jr 6:2, תענוגsoft
person or thing
noble Mc 1:16, Pr
19:10, So 7:7 (6), תענוגתsoftness
nobility Ko 2:8 αλ (Aleppo )תענגות, תענג
softness, pleasure Mc 2:9 αλ σ חלה
ענגsoft Dt 28:54, 56, Is 58:13
noble Is
47:1, place of soft living Is 13:22 ← ענג
ענדto clasp on an all metal necklace Pr
6:21, Jb 31:36 σ חבל
ענהto answer in word and/or deed →
מענהanswer Mc 3:7, Pr 15:1, 23, 16:1,
29:19, Jb 32:1, 3, 5
ענהto humble, humiliate, make low(ly),
referring to anything that diminishes a
person which can either imposed from
without (affliction, humiliation, defeat in
battle Ex 32:18) or generated from
within (humble, modest, selfhumiliation)
to humiliate a woman by
taking her virginity → מענהarea that
has been worked over, prepared ?? Dt
33:27, Ps 129:3, So 4:8
workday (an
area that a team of animals can work in
a day) ?? 1S 14:14, מענהone who
humbles Ko 5:19 (20), humbled,
humiliated Is 53:4, ענוhumble,
humiliated (person), ענוהhumbleness,
modesty, ענותhumiliation, affliction,
battle, defeat, that which has brought a
person down Ex 32:18, Ps 18:36 (35),
22:25, עניhumiliation, humble, lowly,
humiliated (Ps 18:28), also a person who
humiliates (Ps 12:6, 14:6), ענין
diminishment, humbling ?? Dt 26:7, Is
58:3, Ko 8:16, תעניתhumiliation 1K 2:26,
Ezr 9:5
< ענהname>
ענוhumble, humiliated (person) ← ענה
< ענובname>
ענוהhumbleness, modesty ← ענה
< ענוקname>
ענושׁaccounted deserving of punishment
Am 2:8, Pr 17:26 ← ענשׁ
ענותhumiliation, affliction, battle, defeat,
that which has brought a person down
Ex 32:18, Ps 18:36 (35), 22:25 ← ענה
< ענותname>
עניhumiliation, humble, lowly, humiliated
(Ps 18:28), also a person who humiliates
(Ps 12:6, 14:6) ← ענה
< עניname>
< עניהname>
עניוβ ענו
עניםβ ענים,ענה
< עניםname>
עניןdiminishment, humbling ?? Dt 26:7, Is
58:3, Ko 8:16 ← ענה
< ענםname>
< ענמיםname>
< ענמלךname>
ענןto fortune tell by looking at clouds →
מענן, מעונןone who tells fortunes by
looking at clouds Dt 18:14, עננה,ענן
cloud, “ כענן־בקרas a morning cloud” as
the day heats up, it “burns” off and
disappears Hs 6:4 σ דרשׁ על מתיםto
practice necromancy, כשׁףto enchant,
נחשׁto divine by watching snakes, ,פרשׂ
פרשׁto spread out hands as in preparing
to hug, also to spread out a cloth, book,
net, entrails for divination
to divine
(by looking at entrails)
metaphorically to require information
from the Lord Lv 24:12
פרשׂ כנף על
to marry Rt 3:9, Ez 16:8, קסםto tell
fortunes 2K 17:17, Ez 13:23
be paid to
tell a fortune Mi 3:11 σ → אובmedium,
ידעוני, ידעניsoothsayer, one who has
(supernatural) knowledge
עננה, ענןcloud, “ כענן־בקרas a morning
cloud” as the day heats up, it “burns” off
and disappears Hs 6:4 ← ענןσ נשׂיא
cloud, lifting up of moisture, עבovercast,
used of the low, flat clouds from which
can come rains Ex 19:9, 1K 18:44–5, Pr
16:15, also an architectural feature,
possibly eaves or overhang
overshadowing what’s below 1K 7:6, Ez
41:25–6, שׁחקfine particles of dust Is
40:15 or water, used of clouds Dt 33:26,
Jr 51:9, Ps 36:6
< ענןname>
< ענניname>
< ענניהname>
ענףleafy branch σ דלית
ענקto ornament, used figuratively Dt 15:14
→ ענקornament Pr 1:9, So 4:9, ענקת
ornamentation Jd 8:26, Ps 73:6 σ פאר
ענקornament Pr 1:9, So 4:9 ← ענק
< ענקname>
< ענקיםname>
ענקתornamentation Jd 8:26, Ps 73:6 ←
< ענרname>
ענשׁto be made to pay (the consequences
of an action, a fine) Ex 21:22, Dt 22:19,
Pr 22:3, 2C 36:3 → ענושׁaccounted
deserving of punishment Am 2:8, Pr
17:26. ענשׁfine 2K 23:33, Pr 19:19 σ
בשׁסto lay heavy duty (monetary) Am
5;11 αλ
ענושׁaccounted deserving of punishment
Am 2:8, Pr 17:26 ← ענשׁ
ענשׁfine 2K 23:33, Pr 19:19 ← ענשׁ
< ענתname>
< ענתותname>
< ענתותיname>
ענתתtoponym 1 Kg 2:26 αλ
< ענתתיהname>
עסותםβ עסס
עסיסmust, the juice pressed out of fruits to
be fermented into wine, sometimes
partially fermented Is 49:26, Jl 1:6, 4:18,
Am 9:13, So 8:2 ← עסס
עססto walk upon Ma 3:21 (4:3) αλ →
עסיסmust, the juice pressed out of fruits
to be fermented into wine, sometimes
partially fermented Is 49:26, Jl 1:6, 4:18,
Am 9:13, So 8:2 σ הלך
עערβ עור
עפאfoliage Ps 104:12 αλ σ דלית
עפלto swell up (as in being proud) →
עפלtumor Dt 28:17, swelling of bubonic
plague 1S 5:6, 9, 12, 6:4–5; hill (swelling
on the land) 2K 5:24, Is 32:14, 2C 33:14,
עפלהswollen up, idiomatic reference to
being proud, Ha 2:4
עפלtumor Dt 28:17, swelling of bubonic
plague 1S 5:6, 9, 12, 6:4–5; hill (swelling
on the land) 2K 5:24, Is 32:14, 2C 33:14
← עפלσ דבר
עפלהswollen up, idiomatic reference to
being proud, Ha 2:4 ← עפל
< עפניname>
עפעףeyelid Jr 9:17 (18), Ps 132:4, Jb
16:16, 41:10
עפרto throw a clod of dirt ?? 2S 16:13 αλ
→ עפרdirt, that sticks together into a
clod ??
building material neither
stone nor wood Lv 14:41–2, 45, עפרות
pile of dirt stuck together Pr 8:26 αλ,
עפרתore, non-metal bearing stones
found in ore and tossed aside, slag ?? Nu
31:22, Jr 6:29, Zc 5:7–8, Jb 19:24, 28:6
עפרdirt, that sticks together into a clod ??
building material neither stone nor
wood Lv 14:41–2, 45 ← עפרσ אבקfine
dust Ex 9:9, Dt 28:24, Is 29:5, חולsand,
חמרclay, טיטmud, mire 2S 22:43, Is
41:25, Jr 38:6, Ps 41:3 (2), Jb 41:30, יון
fine clay, רגבsticky mud Jb 21:33, 38:38
עפרfawn ( ← being dust colored?) So
2:9, 17, 4:5, 7:4, 8:14
< עפרname>
< עפרהname>
< עפרוןname>
עפרותpile of dirt stuck together Pr 8:26
αλ ← עפר
< עפריןname>
עפרתore, non-metal bearing stones found
in ore and tossed aside, slag ?? Nu 31:22,
Jr 6:29, Zc 5:7–8, Jb 19:24, 28:6 ← עפר
עפתהβ עיפתה
עץβ עץ,יעץ
wood σ ( אלמגיםin 1K 10:11–
12), ( אלגומיםin 2Ch 2:7, 9:10–11)
sandal-wood, ebony ?? a tree found in
Lebanon and Ophir, ארזcedar, ארןlaurel
Is 44:19 αλ, ברושׁpine 2S 6:5, Is 60:13,
2C 3:5, לוזsome sort of tree Gn 30:37
αλ, ערבwillow tree Lv 23:40, Is 15:7,
44:4, Ps 139:2, Jb 40:22, ערמן,ערמון
plane tree Gn 30:37, Ez 31:8, רתםbroom
tree retama roetam a small desert plant
known for its burning properties, used
for cooking and heating 1K 19:4–5, Ps
120:4, Jb 30:4, שׁקמים, שׁקמהsycamore
tree, a tree known for its fruits, which
needed to be pierced to ripen, and wood,
used to be quite common in Israel 1K
10:27, Is 9:9, Am 7:14, Ps 78:47, 1C
27:28, 2C 1:15, 9:27, תאשׁורcypress tree
Is 41:19, 60:13, Ex 27:6, תדהרash
tree ?? Is 41:19, 60:13, תרזהa type of
tree ?? Is 44:14 αλ
עצבto do sorrowful, heavy labor that
makes one weary, worn out, in pain
be hard, stern as in discipline 1K 1:6 →
מעצבהheavy labor Is 50:11 αλ, עצבidol
(what object that causes the most sorrow
and heavy labor in idolatrous societies if
not the worship of their gods?) 1S 31:9,
2S 5:21, Zc 13:2, Ps 106:38, 1C 10:9, 2C
24:18, עצבworker doing harsh labor Jr
22:28, Ps 127:2, עצבheavy labor, hard
work Is 14:3, 46:1, Pr 5:10, 10:22, 14:23,
1C 4:9–10, עצבוןharshness, sorrowful
weariness Gn 3:16–7, 5:29, Jb 10:8,
עצבתweariness, pain from heavy labor
Ps 16:4, 147:3, Pr 10:10, 15:13, Jb 9:28 σ
עצבidol (what object that causes the most
sorrow and heavy labor in idolatrous
societies if not the worship of their
gods?) 1S 31:9, 2S 5:21, Zc 13:2, Ps
106:38, 1C 10:9, 2C 24:18 ← עצבσ אלוה
עצבworker doing harsh labor Jr 22:28, Ps
127:2 ← עצבσ עבד
עצבheavy labor, hard work Is 14:3, 46:1,
Pr 5:10, 10:22, 14:23, 1C 4:9–10 ← עצב
σ עבדה
עצבוןharshness, sorrowful weariness Gn
3:16–7, 5:29, Jb 10:8 ← עצב
עצבתweariness, pain from heavy labor Ps
16:4, 147:3, Pr 10:10, 15:13, Jb 9:28 ←
עצדto lay out ?? (flax for retting, chalkline for measuring) → מעצדworkroom
(where tools and work are laid out) ??
Is 44:12, Jr 10:3
עצהβ עצה,עץ
עצהcounsel, advice ← יעץσ דע
עצהbackbone ?? Lv 3:9 αλ
עצהwooden objects ?? Jr 6:6 αλ
עצוםnumerically mighty ← עצםσ רב
great, numerous
עצי ברושׂיםwooden ?? a type of
noisemaker used in rejoicing 2S 6:5 αλ
< עציון גברname>
עצלto be lazy Jd 18:9 αλ → עצלlazy
(person) Pr 6:6, 9, 19:15, 24, 26:16,
עצלות, עצלהlaziness Pr 19:15, 31:27, Ko
עצלlazy (person) Pr 6:6, 9, 19:15, 24,
26:16 ← עצל
עצלות, עצלהlaziness Pr 19:15, 31:27, Ko
10:18 ← עצל
עצםto become mighty
strength → עצוםnumerically mighty,
עצםbone, might, when used in the
construct state, can be used to emphasize
a particular object, e.g. “ עצם היוםthe
very day” Gn 7:13. Ex 12:17, Ez 2:3, עצם
“ ידךyour own hand” Jb 30:21, עצמות
arguments, strong points Is 41:21 αλ,
תעצמותfirming up ?? Ps 68:35 αλ σ אמץ
עצםbone, might, when used in the
construct state, can be used to emphasize
a particular object, e.g. “ עצם היוםthe
very day” Gn 7:13. Ex 12:17, Ez 2:3, עצם
“ ידךyour own hand” Jb 30:21 ← עצם
< עצםname>
עצמהmight ← עצםσ כח
< עצמוןname>
עצמותarguments, strong points Is 41:21
αλ ← עצם
עצןadvising him ( ?? )העצנוin 2S 23:8 αλ
← יעץLXX different
עצרto make a planned for action, act with
restraint. This is a forceful action that
results in coordinated action rather than
flailing around
in the sense of keeping
from an action, holding back Gn 16:2,
to set a restraint 1S 9:17
כחto retain strength for oneself, i.e. to
have strength 2C 2:5 (6), 13:20 →
מעצר, מעצורrestraint that limits, עצר
restraint, עצרהtime to celebrate marked
by a restraint from working 2K 10:20, Is
1:13, Jl 1:14, 2:15, עצרתholiday
(restraint from working) Lv 23:36, Dt
16:8, Jr 9:1 (2), Ne 8:18, 2C 7:9 σ אטר
to restrict, prevent access to Ps 69:16 αλ,
חפףto set restraints, keeping within
bounds Dt 33:12 αλ, לחץto restrict
squeeze Nu 22:25, oppress Ex 22:20
(21), 23:9, Jd 1:34, Ps 106:42 σ פרע
עצרrestraint ← עצר
עצרהtime to celebrate marked by a
restraint from working 2K 10:20, Is 1:13,
Jl 1:14, 2:15 ← עצר
עצרתholiday (restraint from working) Lv
23:36, Dt 16:8, Jr 9:1 (2), Ne 8:18, 2C
7:9 ← עצר
עקבto deal crookedly with Gn 27:36, Jr
9:3, Hs 12:4 (3) → עקבcrooked,
עקתweighing down Ps 55:4 (3) αλ ← עוק
עקלto be convoluted, twisted, tortuous,
hard to follow (of paths, small, behind
the hedges) → עקלתוןconvoluted לויתן
נחשׁ עקלתוןIs 27:1 αλ, עקלקלות
crookedness, convolutedness ?? Jd 5:6,
Ps 125:5
עקלקלותcrookedness, convolutedness ??
Jd 5:6, Ps 125:5 ← עקל
עקלתוןconvoluted לויתן נחשׁ עקלתוןIs
27:1 αλ ← עקל
< עקןname>
עקרto uproot
make barren, sterile,
unable to have offspring (gelded
stallions are meek draft animals) → ,עקר
עקרהbarren, sterile, unable to have
עקרה, עקרbarren, sterile, unable to have
offspring ← עקר
עקרuprooting ?? Lv 25:47
< עקרname>
עקרבscorpion De 8:15, 1K 12:11, 14, 2C
10:11, 14, Ez 2:6
עקרביםplace name in the south Nu 34:4,
Js 15:3, Jd 1:36
< עקרוןname>
< עקרוניname>
עקשׁto become perverse, stubbornly going
the wrong way Is 59:8, Mc 3:9, Pr 28:18,
Jb 9:20 → מעקשׁperverse, wrong
ways ?? Is 42:16, Pr 10:9, 19:1, 28:6, עקשׁ
perverse Dt 32:5, 2S 22:27, Pr 8:8, 22:5,
עקשׁותperverseness Pr 4:24, 6:12 σ ירט
to be detached, not affiliated with ?? Nu
22:32 αλ, פתלto entangle
עקשׁperverse Dt 32:5, 2S 22:27, Pr 8:8,
22:5 ← עקשׁ
crooked place Is 40:4, Jr 17:9
(the part of the body permanently
crooked) Gn 3:15, 49:17, Ps 41:10 (9),
“at the heals of” following closely So
used in context of being hunted
down, stalked (similar to English
“nipping at one’s heels) Dt 7:12, Ps 56:7
(6), So 1:8,
those who hunt, stalk Jr
used of a military division
flanking (curving around) the enemy Js
because of, (there are)
consequences Gn 22:18, Nu 14:24, Is
5:23, עקבהcrookedness, as in crooked
paths Ps 77:20 (19) crooked dealing 2K
10:19, Hs 6:8
עקבcrooked, crooked place Is 40:4, Jr 17:9
heel (the part of the body
permanently crooked) Gn 3:15, 49:17, Ps
41:10 (9),
“at the heals of” following
closely So 1:8,
used in context of
being hunted down, stalked (similar to
English “nipping at one’s heels) Dt 7:12,
Ps 56:7 (6), So 1:8,
those who hunt,
stalk Jr 13:22,
used of a military
division flanking (curving around) the
enemy Js 8:13,
because of, (there are)
consequences Gn 22:18, Nu 14:24, Is 5:23
← עקב
עקבהcrookedness, as in crooked paths (Ps
77:20 (19)) crooked dealing (2 K 10:19,
Hs 6:8) ← עקב
עקדto tie up, wrapping the rope around
and around Gn 22:9 αλ → עקדstriped
Gn 30:35, 39–40, 31:8, 10, 12 σ חבל
עקדstriped Gn 30:35, 39–40, 31:8, 10, 12
← עקד
< עקובname>
< עקשׁname>
עקשׁותperverseness Pr 4:24, 6:12 ← עקשׁ
ערβ ער,עור
ערenemy, those who destroy ?? 1 S 28:16,
Ps 139:20 ← עררσ אויב
< ערname>
ערבto exchange, take in exchange (day
for night, goods, down payment), make a
pledge of exchange
to be pleasing
(what one likes to take in exchange) →
מערבarticles of exchange Ez 27:9, 13,
17, 19, 25, 27, 33–4, מערבwest (⇐
direction of sunset) Is 45:6, Ps 103:12,
Dn 8:5, 1C 12:16 (15), ערבevening, the
exchange of day for night, beginning of
the next day, ערבwoof, that which gets
exchanged from top to bottom and back
again during the weaving process Lv
13:48–9, 51–3, 56–9, ערבpleasing, what
one wants in exchange, ערבהsecurity,
pledge 1S 17:18, Pr 17:18, ערבוןobject
taken as a security to assure payment Gn
38:17–8, 20, ערבןassurance, statement
of trust Jb 17:3 αλ, תערבותhostage,
status of being a hostage 2K 14:14, 2C
25:24 σ טוב
ערבevening, the exchange of day for
night, beginning of the next day ← ערב
ערבforeign(er) Ex 12:38, 30:5, 1K 10:15,
Jr 25:20, 24, 50:37, Ne 13:3
ערבwoof, that which gets exchanged from
top to bottom and back again during the
weaving process Lv 13:48–9, 51–3, 56–9
← ערבσ ארג
ערבpleasing, what one wants in exchange
← ערב
ערבraven, including crow Lv 11:15, Dt
14:14, 1K 17:4, 6 σ עוף
ערבgadfly, horsefly ?? Ex 8:21, 22, 24, 29,
31 σ עוף
ערבwillow tree Lv 23:40, Is 15:7, 44:4, Ps
139:2, Jb 40:22 σ עץ
< ערבname>
ערבהplain (land)
ערבהsecurity, pledge 1S 17:18, Pr 17:18
← ערב
ערבוןobject taken as a security to assure
payment Gn 38:17–8, 20 ← ערב
ערביArab, ancient long distance traders,
also in the days before Islam were
known for their sexual immorality Is
13:20, Jr 3:2
ערבןassurance, statement of trust Jb 17:3
αλ ← ערב
< ערבתיname>
ערגto yearn for Jl 1:20, Ps 42:1 → ,ערוגה
ערגהgarden bed Ez 17:7, 10, So 5:13,
6:2 σ אוה
< ערדname>
ערהto make bare, uncovered
to empty
entirely → מעורnakedness Ha 2:15 αλ,
מערbareness Nh 3:5 מערםbare,
unclothed, עירםshameful naked(ness),
made bare what should not be made bare
Gn 3:7, 10–1, Ez 16:39, 18:7, 23:29, ערה
bare place Is 19:7 αλ, ערוהbareness,
also used idiomatically to indicate
something that should not be, such as
weakness or shame, ערוםnaked, without
covering or clothes Gn 2:25, Is 20:2–4, Ez
18:16, Jb 26:6, עריהbare (always found
in עירם ועריהnaked and bare) Ez 16:7,
22, 39, 23:29, ערםbare, as is without
ערכה, ערךsetting up ← ערך
ערכךthat which is arranged, valued
valuation Lv 27:23 ← ערך
ערלto leave uncut off
be uncircumcised
→ ערלuncircumcised (person), ערלה
foreskin Gn 17:11, 14, 23–5, Ex 4:25,
treat as uncircumcised ?? Lv 19:23
ערלuncircumcised (person) ← ערל
ערלהforeskin Gn 17:11, 14, 23–5, Ex 4:25,
treat as uncircumcised ?? Lv 19:23 ←
ערםto pile up
to act with forethought,
which can either be pleasing (prudence)
or displeasing (craftiness) → ערם,ערום
acting with forethought
prudent or
crafty, ערמהprudence, craftiness, ערמה
pile, heap (of stuff) σ צברto pile up Gn
41:35, 49, Hb 1:10, Jb 27:16
ערםbare, as is without clothing or
anything else 1S 19:24, Is 58:7, Ez 16:7,
22, Jb 1:21, 2C 28:15 ← ערה
ערמהprudence, craftiness ← ערםσ דע
ערמהpile, heap (of stuff) ← ערם
ערמן, ערמוןplane tree Gn 30:37, Ez 31:8 σ
< ערןname>
< ערניname>
ערסהgrain ?? Nu 15:20–1, Ez 44:30,
עריסהNe 10:38 (37)
< ערעורname>
ערערto be ravaged Jr 51:58 → people
who are ravaged Ps 102:18 ← ערר
< ערערname>
< ערעריname>
ערףto issue forth, as in to pour Dt 32:2,
33:28, Hs 10:2
to cut the jugular vein
(make the blood issue forth) Ex 13:13,
clothing or anything else 1S 19:24, Is
58:7, Ez 16:7, 22, Jb 1:21, 2C 28:15
ערהbare place Is 19:7 αλ ← ערה
ערגה, ערוגהgarden bed Ez 17:7, 10, So
5:13, 6:2 ← ערג
ערודwild ass, onager ?? Jb 39:5 αλ
ערוהbareness, also used idiomatically to
indicate something that should not be,
such as weakness or shame ← ערה
ערוםβ ערום,עירם
ערם, ערוםacting with forethought
prudent or crafty ← ערם
ערוםnaked, without covering or clothes
Gn 2:25, Is 20:2–4, Ez 18:16, Jb 26:6 ←
ערהσ יחףbarefoot 2S 15:30, Is 20:2–4,
Jr 2:25, עירםshameful naked(ness),
made bare what should not be made bare
Gn 3:7, 10–1, Ez 16:39, 18:7, 23:29
< ערוערname>
ערוץslope (valley side) ?? Jb 30:6 αλ
ערותβ ערוה,ערה
< עריname>
עריהbare (always found in עירם ועריה
naked and bare) Ez 16:7, 22, 39, 23:29
← ערה
עריפיםdownpour Is 5:30 αλ ← ערףσ גשׁם
עריץcausing dismay
person causing
dismay ← ערץ
עריריlone Gn 15:2, Lv 20:20–1, Jr 22:30
← ערר
ערךβ ערך,ער
ערךto set up in the sense of putting in
order, arranging, valuing → מערכה
arrangement, formation, often used for
battle formation
army, ערכה,ערך
setting up, ערכךthat which is arranged,
valuation Lv 27:23 σ שׂים
34:20, Dt 21:4 → עריפיםdownpour Is
5:30 αλ, ערףneck (where the jugular
vein is found)
ערףneck (where the jugular vein is
found) ← ערף
< ערפהname>
ערפלgloom Ex 20:21, Dt 4:11, 5:22, Jr
13:16, 2C 6:1 σ חשׁכ
ערץto (be) dismay(ed) Dt 1:29, 20:3, Is
2:19, 21, Ps 89:8 → מערץperson of
whom one is dismayed Is 8:13 αλ,
מערצהdismaying Is 10:33 αλ, עריץ
causing dismay
person causing dismay
σ ירא
ערקone who strips off (BDB—one who
gnaws, chews on) ?? Jb 30:3, 17
< ערקיname>
עררto ravage, make lone, without
inhabitants Is 23:13, Jr 51:58 → ערירי
lone Gn 15:2, Lv 20:20–1, Jr 22:30, ערער
to be ravaged Jr 51:58 → people who
are ravaged Ps 102:18
ערשׂbed, possibly a covered one σ מטה
עשׁβ עשׁ,עישׁ
עשׁa destructive action, wasting away,
such as the destruction of clothing
caused by caterpillars Hs 5:12, Ps 39:12,
Jb 4:19
עשׁcaterpillar, the larva of a moth Is 50:9,
51:8, Jb 13:28, 27:18 σ ססmoth Is 51:8
עשׂבgreen plant σ דשׁא
עשׂהto make, basic meaning as in making
or manufacturing an object, however it is
also used in the context of making an
action, where English uses to do (“do”
always requires a direct object, עשׂהthe
object is optional) → מעשׂהdeed, work,
action or object done or made, עשׂה
maker, creator σ חרשׁto work on or over
Dt 22:10, Jd 14:18, 1S 8:12\
to plow
Is 28:24, יצרto fashion
to take raw
material and make something out of it,
e.g. the creation of mankind Gn 2:7–8,
bronze pillar 1K 7:15, statue (idol) Is
44:9–10, etc., עללto repeat an action,
פעלto accomplish, finish, to make or do
focusing on the completion of the job,
תארto outline
עשׂהmaker, creator ← עשׂה
< עשׂהאלname>
עשׂוβ עשׂו,עשׂה
עשׂוEsau, also called Edom, brother of
עשׁוקone who defrauds Jr 22:3 αλ ← עשׁק
עשׁוקvictimized by fraud Dt 28:29, 33, Hs
5:11 ← עשׁק
עשׁוקיםvictims of fraud Jr 50:33, Am 3:9,
Ps 103:6, 146:7, Jb 35:9 ← עשׁק
עשׂורa type of musical instrument,
apparently a ten stringed harp, psaltery,
with ten strings Ps 33:2, 92:4, 144:9 ←
עשׂורten days Gn 24:55, tenth day of the
month Lv 16:29, 25:9, Nu 29:7, Js 4:19,
Jr 52:4, 12, Ez 41:1 ← עשׂר
< עשׁותname>
< עשׂיאלname>
< עשׂיהname>
עשׂיריtenth ← עשׂר
עשׁירa person who is well off
rich ←
עשׁןto be smoky
just as a burning fire
gives off smoke, so when God’s fury
עשׂורa type of musical instrument,
apparently a ten stringed harp, psaltery,
with ten strings Ps 33:2, 92:4, 144:9,
עשׂורten days Gn 24:55, tenth day of the
month Lv 16:29, 25:9, Nu 29:7, Js 4:19,
Jr 52:4, 12, Ez 41:1, עשׂיריtenth, ,עשׂר
עשׂרהten, עשׂרa tenth as much ?? Pr
11:16, עשׂרוןtenth part (of an ephah)
עשׁרto be well off
rich → מעשׁיר
causing to be well off 1S 2:7 αλ, עשׁירa
person who is well off
rich, עשׁר
עשׂרan architectural feature ?? Ez 42:3
עשׂרa tenth as much ?? Pr 11:16 ← עשׂר
עשׁרriches ← עשׁרσ הוןresources (fields,
mines, factories) as a source of wealth,
hence used as a synomyn for wealth Ps
119:14, Pr 13:11, 18:11, Enough! Pr
30:15–6, נכסיםwealth Js 22:8, Ko
5:18(19), 6:2, 2C 1:11–2
עשׂרה, עשׂרten ← עשׂר
עשׂרוןtenth part (of an ephah) ← עשׂר
עשׁשׁto be downcast ?? Ps 6:7, 31:10–1 (9–
עשׁתβ עשׁת,עשה
עשׁתto consider, plan in order to act Jn
1:6 αλ → עשׁתותconsideration,
expectation ?? Jb 12:5 αλ, עשׁתנת
considerations, expectations and plans ??
Ps 146:4 αλ σ חשׁב
עשׁתותconsideration, expectation ?? Jb
12:5 αλ ← עשׁת
עשׁתנתconsiderations, expectations and
plans ?? Ps 146:4 αλ ← עשׁת
עשׁתרת, עשׁתרותbreeding, always used in
connection with domesticated animals Dt
burns against someone, so it is said to
smoke → עשׁןsmoke, also used of mist
that curls up like smoke, as in warm
breath σ קטרto smoke i.e. burn incense
to burn a sacrifice σ לבב
עשׁןsmoke, also used of mist that curls up
like smoke, as in warm breath ← עשׁןσ
קטורהsmoke from sacrifices Dt 33:10
αλ, קטרתsmoke from burning incense,
that which is burned to make
smoke, incense, קיטר, קיטורsmoke Gn
19:28, Ps 110:83, 148:8
< עשׁןname>
עשׁק, עשׂקto defraud, to take something
away from somebody by fraud, act
fraudulently → עשׁקה, מעשׁקותfraud,
something taken away by fraud, עשׁוק
one who defrauds Jr 22:3 αλ, עשׁוק
victimized by fraud Dt 28:29, 33, Hs
5:11, עשׁוקיםvictims of fraud Jr 50:33,
Am 3:9, Ps 103:6, 146:7, Jb 35:9, עשׁקact
of fraud Is 30:12, Jr 22:17 σ לוזto entice
(away) (by what one sees), to beguile,
(to take away by trickery only in
Niphal), in other words, to act on
impulse, נדאto entice away ?? 2K 17:21
αλ, נשׁאto beguile, seduce with false
promises, פתהto allure, entice Dt 11:16,
1K 22:20, 22, Pr 1:10, קבעto withhold
what is due Is 51:17, 22, Ml 3:8–9, Pr
עשׁקact of fraud Is 30:12, Jr 22:17 ← עשׁק
עשׁק,< עשׂקname>
עשׁקהfraud, something taken away by
fraud ← עשׁק
עשׂרto make a tenth part
to give or
receive a tithe → מעשׂרtenth part, tithe,
עתיקbeyond Is 28:9, more than enough ??
Is 23:18, 1C 4:22 ← עתק
< עתךname>
< עתליname>
< עתליהname>
< עתליהוname>
עתםto burn up ?? Is 9:18 (19) αλ σ שׂרף
< עתניname>
< עתניאלname>
עתקto go on, go further, continue on, go
beyond Gn 12:8, 26:22,
to advance, go
forward Pr 8:18, Jb 21:7,
hi to cause
to go forward, further Pr 25:1
to cause
to go beyond Jb 32:15 → מעתיקone
who causes (mountains) to continue Jb
9:5 αλ, עתיקbeyond Is 28:9, more than
enough ?? Is 23:18, 1C 4:22, עתק
beyond, beyond what is right 1S 2:3, Ps
75:6, 94:4 σ הלכ
עתקbeyond, beyond what is right 1S 2:3,
Ps 75:6, 94:4 ← עתק
עתרto plead Gn 25:21, Jd 13:8, Jb 33:26,
2C 33:13, 19 → עתרpleading, suppliant,
עתרתpleading Jr 33:6 αλ σ שׁאל
עתרpleading, suppliant ← עתר
< עתרname>
< עתריname> ?? Zp 3:10
עתרתpleading Jr 33:6 αλ ← עתר
עתתtimes, a generic reference to time Ps
31:16 αλ
פseventeenth letter, has no meaning in
Hebrew on its own, where letters are
used as numbers, it refers to the number
פאlimit Jb 38:11 αλ ← פאה
פאהto (set) limit(s) Dt 32:26 αλ → פא
limit Jb 38:11 αλ, פאהside as in side of
7:13, 28:4, 18, 51
name of fertility
goddess Jd 2:13, 10:6, 1S 7:3–4, 2K 23:13
< עשׁתרותname>
< עשׁתרתname>
< עשׁתרתיname>
עתβ עתה,עת
עתtime σ אפןturn (also used where we
use “time” as in number of times an
action was done), אשׁוןtime ?? Q Pr
20:20 αλ, זמןappointed time Ko 3:1, Es
9:27, 31, Ezr 10:14, Nh 2:6, 10:36, 13:31,
עדeon, time
< עת קציןname>
עתדto prepare Pr 24:27, Jb 15:28 → ,עתד
עתודready, prepared Es 3:14, 8:13,
עתדתthat which is prepared Dt 32:25
αλ, עתודsome sort of leader ?? Is 14:9,
Jr 50:8, Zc 10:3, עתידprepared Jb 3:8,
15:24, Es 3:14, עתידתprepared, things
that have been made, wealth Is 10:13 αλ
עתוד, עתדram, male sheep Gn 31, Nu 7 σ
עתוד, עתדready, prepared Es 3:14, 8:13 ←
עתדתthat which is prepared Dt 32:25 αλ
← עתד
עתודsome sort of leader ?? Is 14:9, Jr
50:8, Zc 10:3 ← עתד
עתיtimely Lv 16:21 αλ
< עתיname>
עתידprepared Jb 3:8, 15:24, Es 3:14 ←
עתידתprepared, things that have been
made, wealth Is 10:13 αλ ← עתד
D< עתיname>
a house, side of an area within a
boundary, country
פאהside as in side of a house, side of an
area within a boundary, country ← פאה
σ גבל, גבולbounds
what’s insides
bounds, bounded region, חבלland area,
tied to a locality or city, צדside not in
area, region, beside, צלעside (of a
building, mountain, etc., possibly two
leaves to a door 1K 6:34)
פארto glorify, honor (hit) honor oneself,
take as glory for oneself, glorify oneself
Jd 7:2, Is 10:15, 61:3 → פארthat which
honors Is 61:3, 10, תפארהornament, an
adornment that indicates honor Is 28:5,
Jr 48:17, תפארתornamentation that
honors, indicates glory Is 62:3, 63:14, Ez
16:12, 23:42, Pr 4:9, 16:31, 28:12 σ ימר
to glorify ?? Is 61:6, Jr 2:11, כבדto be
to be heavy,
to be
important, with honor,
to be
unresponsive as in too heavy to move or
react, סלאto deck out as in adorn Lm
4:2 αλ, עדהto adorn, ענקto ornament,
used figuratively Dt 15:14, רקםto
adorn, in cloth often by embroidery or
the attachment of precious stones or
פארthat which honors Is 61:3, 10 ← פאר
פארורashen (from fear)
< פארןname>
פגunripe fig So 2:13 αλ
פגל, פגולfetid, referring to overage meat
that starts to stink Lv 7:18, 19:7, Is 65:4,
Ez 4:14
פגעto come up to, where in ancient
Hebrew it had the expectation of in
order to accomplish a task: in order to
attack, to request, to intercede for
(where the people interceded for are
designated by a ( לprefix)), to pressure
→ מפגעobject come upon Jb 7:20 αλ,
פגעcoming upon σ פלל,נכה
פגעcoming upon (look at root) ← פגע
< פגעיאלname>
פגרto collapse from exhaustion 1S 30:10,
21 → פגרcorpse of an animal or person
who has died or been killed σ ישׁן
פגרcorpse of an animal or person who has
died or been killed σ גויה
פגשׁto meet with, encounter σ יעד
פדהto redeem → פדהredemption, פדות
making redeemed ?? Is 50:2, Ps 111:9,
130:7, פדיום, פדיםredemption price Nu
3:49, 51, פדיןredemption, cost of
פדהredemption ← פדה
< פדהאלname>
< פדהצורname>
פדותmaking redeemed ?? Is 50:2, Ps
111:9, 130:7 ← פדה
פדיום, פדיםredemption price Nu 3:49, 51
← פדה
< פדוןname>
< פדיהname>
< פדיהוname>
פדיןredemption, cost of redeeming ← פדה
< פדןname>
פדעto let loose ?? Jb 33:24 αλ from being
in jail on death row?
פדרGesenius says this is from the root
meaning to fatten
fat though could
also come from the idea of fodder
פוץto disperse (flow away) → מפיץ
(something (weapon?) that causes
dispersion) ?? Nh 2:2, Pr 25:14, מפץone
who causes to be dispersed Jr 51:20 αλ,
תפוצהdispersion σ זרהto spread out
(net, people or seed), פזרto apportion
out Jr 3:13, Ps 147:16, disperse (push
away) Jl 4:2 (3:2), Ps 53:6 (5), 89:11
(10), 141:7
פוצהβ פצה
< פוציname> ?? Zp 3:10
פוקto reach out (to) for the purpose of
giving, taking or for support when
stumbling → פוקהstumbling (reason for
reaching out for support) 1S 25:31 αλ σ
פוקהstumbling (reason for reaching out
for support) 1S 25:31 αλ ← פוק
פורβ פרה,פור
פורר, פורto sir up ?? Is 24:19, Ps 74:13
פורlot, a special type used by Haman Es
3:7, 9:24, 26, after which the holiday of
Purim is named Es 9:26, 28–9 σ גורל
פורהvat Hg 2:16 (that can be used as a
winepress Is 63:3) σ יקב
< פורתאname>
פושׁto paw, used only of calves pawing at
feed, grass Jr 50:11
< פותיname>
פותהcooped, enticed to dwell in a dovecot
?? Hs 7:11 αλ ← פתה
פזgold made into decorative shapes ?? Is
13:12, Pr 8:19, Jb 28:17 ← אפזσ זהב
פזזto be active ?? Gn 49:24 → מפזזbeing
active as in dancing ?? 2S 6:16
פזרto apportion out Jr 3:13, Ps 147:16,
disperse (push away) Jl 4:2 (3:2), Ps
rumen, stomach, used only 3 times
without explanation ?? Lv 1:8, 12, 8:20
פהmouth, “ פה אחדone mouth” saying the
same thing, in agreement Js 9:2, 2C
18:12, מפהwhen it refers to an
utterance, the context always indicates
what is the utterance
פו, פהhere
< פואהname>
פוגto stop (indeterminate) → הפגות
stopping Lm 3:49 αλ, פוגתcessation Lm
2:18 αλ σ שׁבת
פוגתcessation Lm 2:18 αλ ← פוג
< פוהname>
< פוטי פרעname>
< פוטיאלname>
< פוטיפרname>
פוחto come forth Hb 2:3, Pr 29:8, So 2:17,
4:6 σ הלך
פוטרreleasing (of waters) (in a place
where there is irrigation, a person who is
opening forth or releasing waters is
stealing from his neighbors) Pr 17:14 ←
פוךjet, a soft black stone used in jewelry
Is 54:11, 1C 29:2, also ground into a
paste to apply around the eyes 2K 9:30,
Jr 4:30
פולbroad bean 2S 17:28, Ez 4:9
< פולname>
פוןdespair ?? Ps 88:16 αλ σ ירא
פונהβ פנה
< פוניname>
< פונןname>
< פועהname>
53:6 (5), 89:11 (10), 141:7 → מפזר
(something) dispersed Pr 11:24, Es 3:8,
פזרsomething to distribute Ps 112:9 αλ
σ פוץ
פזרsomething to distribute Ps 112:9 αλ ←
פחflat plate, net that is flattened out to
catch prey that flies or runs into it ←
פחחσ מוקשׁ
פחדto dread → פחדwhat one dreads σ
פחדwhat one dreads ← פחד
פחדthigh ?? something that causes
dread ? Jb 40:17 αλ
פחהgovernor (Aramaic loan word) Ne
5:14, 18, 12:26 σ מלך
פחזto be spineless, unprincipled Gn 49:4,
Jd 9:4, Jr 23:32, Zp 3:4 → פחזspineless,
unprincipled Jd 9:4, Zp 3:4, פחזות
spinelessness, lack of principle Jr 23:32
αλ σ פרע
פחזspineless, unprincipled Jd 9:4, Zp 3:4
← פחז
פחזותspinelessness, lack of principle Jr
23:32 αλ ← פחז
פחחto flatten out, as a bird’s net slung
between two trees → פחflat plate, net
that is flattened out to catch prey that
flies or runs into it
פחיβ נפח
( פחםchar)coal Is 44:12, 54:16, Pr 26:21 σ
פחםgovernor ?? (Aramaic loan word ??)
Ne 5:14 αλ σ מלך
פחתβ פחת,פחה
פחתpit, sinkhole, natural pit ?? 2S 17:9,
18:17, Is 24:18 σ בור
< פחת מואבname>
פחתתmildew ?? Lv 13:55 αλ
פטדהtopaz Ex 28:17, 39:10, Ez 28:13
פטיר, פטורβ פטר
פטישׁmattock ?? Is 41:7, Jr 23:29, 50:23
פטרto open forth, release (from duties)
2C 23:8
to slip out (escape) 1S 19:10
→ פוטרreleasing (of waters) (in a
place where there is irrigation, a person
who is opening forth or releasing waters
is stealing from his neighbors) Pr 17:14,
פטרfirst born, who opens forth a
mother’s womb Ex 13:2, 12, Ez 20:26,
( פטרcarved decorations that) open
forth (from a door, wall) 1K6:35, פטרת
status of being first born Nu 8:16 σ ,פרץ
פטרfirst born, who opens forth a mother’s
womb Ex 13:2, 12, Ez 20:26 ← פטר
( פטרcarved decorations that) open forth
(from a door, wall) 1K6:35 ← פטר
פטרתstatus of being first born Nu 8:16 ←
פיhas a much wider meaning than just
“mouth”, also includes what comes out of
the mouth ( פרי פיPr 12:14, 13:2, 18:20
and other examples of speech),
command 2C 35:22, 36:12, “opening” (פי
בארGn 29:2), edge of a sword (פי
)חרב, entrance ( פי קרתPr 8:3, פי דרכו
Pr 22:6), measure, measured to eat (פי
אכלEx 12:4, 16:16, 18, 21), double
edged sword ( חרב פיותJd 3:16, Pr 5:4)
(need to watch out for כפיas it usually
refers to כףin plural, though in 1C
12:24, 2C 31:2 it refers to command)
פיsingular of ? פנים
< פי בסתname>
< פי החירתname>
פידcalamity Pr 24:22, Jb 30:24, 31:29 σ
פיותβ פה
פיחfine ash as remains from a very hot
fire, as from a forge Ex 9:8, 10 σ אפר
< פיכלname>
פלגשׁ, פילגשׁconcubine
פיםforging ?? 1S 13:21 αλ
?? פימהa type of armor? Breastplate? Jb
15:27 αλ
< פינחסname>
< פינןname>
פיפיותedged (of sharp instruments)
< פישׁוןname>
< פיתוןname>
פךflask 1S 10:1, 2K 9:1, 3 ← פכה
פכהto trickle (of water) Ez 47:2 αλ → פך
flask 1S 10:1, 2K 9:1, 3
< פכרת הצבייםname>
פלאto be beyond reach
to set aside:
when an animal was designated to be a
sacrifice, it was deemed “beyond reach”
in that it was not to be exchanged for
another animal
to be miraculous:
something that is beyond reach of a
human to accomplish → מפלא
miraculous action ?? Jd 13:19 αλ,
מפלאותbeyond reach, miraculous Jb
37:16 αλ, נפלאותthings beyond reach,
miraculous things, פלאbeyond reach, a
miracle σ קדשׁ
פלאbeyond reach, a miracle ← פלא
< פלאיname>
< פלאיהname>
פלגto divide into parts 1C 1:19
channel (water) Jb 38:25 → ( פלגwater,
oil, tears) channel Is 30:25, Ps 55:10 (9),
65:10 (9),
the amount of fluid in a
channel Ps 119:136, Pr 5:16, Lm 3:48,
פלגהdivision Jd 5:15–6, Jb 20:17, 2C
35:5, 12
( פלגwater, oil, tears) channel Is 30:25, Ps
55:10 (9), 65:10 (9),
the amount of
fluid in a channel Ps 119:136, Pr 5:16,
Lm 3:48 ← פלג
< פלגname>
פלגהdivision Jd 5:15–6, Jb 20:17, 2C 35:5,
12 ← פלג
< פלדשׁname>
( פלדתpart of a chariot) Nh 2:4 ?? αλ
פלהto mark out, to select for separate
treatment Ex 9:4, 11:7, Js 13:6, Ps 4:4
(3), 17:7 σ תוהto mark in the sense of
graffiti 1S 21:14, as a brand to identify
people Ez 9:4, to treat God’s name as
graffiti, impiously ?? Ps 78:41
< פלואname>
פלחto slice → פלחslice σ כרת
פלחslice ← פלח
< פלחאname>
פלטto make one into a surviver, i.e. got
away and still live → מפלטsurvival
shelter, פליטsurvivor, פליטהsurviving,
act of surviving σ ברחto pass through
to become a refugee, חסהto seek
refuge, מלטto slip away, נוסto flee, עוז
to flee to refuge, שׂרדto escape Js 10:20
< פלטname>
< פלטיname>
< פלטיאלname>
< פלטיהname>
< פלטיהוname>
< פליהname>
פליטsurvivor ← פלטσ שׂרידescapee
פליטהsurviving, act of surviving ← פלט
פלילintercessor, lawyer Dt 32:31, Is 28:7,
Jb 31:11, 28 ← פלל
פלילהintercession Is 16:3 αλ ← פלל
פלךcircuit, referring to a district Ne 3:9,
12, 14–8, also a spindle, from idea of
spinning around Pr 31:19 (used as a
curse, of a man doing a woman’s work
2S 3:29)
פללto intercede, act as a lawyer → פליל
intercessor, lawyer Dt 32:31, Is 28:7, Jb
31:11, 28, פלילהintercession Is 16:3 αλ,
תפלהintercession Is 1:15, 56:7, Ps 86:1,
Jb 1:22 σ פגעto come up to, where in
ancient Hebrew it had the expectation of
in order to accomplish a task: in order to
attack, to request, to intercede for
(where the people interceded for are
designated by a ( לprefix)), to pressure
< פללname>
< פלליהname>
פלמוניsomeone ?? Dn 8:13 αλ
פלניin the phrase פלני אלמניanywhere,
somewhere ?? 1S 21:3, 2K 6:8, Rt 4:1
< פלניname>
פלסto level, i.e. make (a road) straight,
not bumpy Is 26:7, Pr 4:26, 5:6, 21, used
of making the way to actions quick and
easy Ps 58:3, 78:50 → מפלסcausing to
be level ?? Pr 5:21 αλ, פלסscale, like a
steelyard Is 40:12, Pr 16:11 σ ישׁר
פלסscale, like a steelyard Is 40:12, Pr
16:11 σ מאזנים
פלץto tremble as in shivering (from fright
or disgust) Jb 9:6 → מפלצתobjects of
shivering (from fright, disgust) used in
idol worship 1K 15:13, 2C 15:16, פלצות
shivering (from fright, disgust) Is 21:4,
Ez 7:18, Ps 55:6 (5), Jb 21:6, תפלצת
that which makes one shiver (from
fright, disgust) Jr 49:16 αλ σ רגז
פלצותshivering (from fright, disgust) Is
21:4, Ez 7:18, Ps 55:6 (5), Jb 21:6 ←
פלשׁto wallow
< פלשׁתname>
< פלשׁתיname>
< פלתname>
פלתיusual dictionary entry for הפלתי
heavily armed or professional soldier, a
Philistine loanword? (hoplite?) (never
used before David’s sojourn among the
Philistines) σ הפלתי
פןβ פנה,פן
פןsuch that Gn 3:3, Pr 5:9–10, 22:25,
there’s no exact equivalent in English,
when included in the phrase השׁמר לך
פןgives it a negative meaning “such that
not” or “lest” Gn 24:6, Dt 11:16, 12:13,
immediately followed by the verb that it
lest (such that not) often
used in English because English has a
different syntax than Biblical Hebrew.
פנגa type of food Ez 27:17 αλ
פנהto face
to turn as in to face a
direction, prepare as in to give a good
appearance, פנה ביתclean a house →
לפנותat the face of, just
before (morning, evening) Gn 24:63, Ex
14:27, Dt 23:12 (11), Jd 19:26, Ps 46:6
(5), פנהface of a building, altar
extension 1K 17:24, Jb 1:19, פנה
(metaphorically) someone who is
prominent in a society Jd 20:2, 1S 14:38,
Is 19:13, Zp 3:6, פניםface, almost always
used in plural, apparently referring to the
many parts of a face
used in idioms
such as “ לפניbefore my face” or ”before
the face of…” referring to “before” either
physical presence, or refers to time
before, “ מלפנוfrom before him” time
before something else Jb 35:11, Ko 1:10
לפנותat the face of, just before
(morning, evening) Gn 24:63, Ex 14:27,
Dt 23:12 (11), Jd 19:26, Ps 46:6 (5) ←
פנהface of a building, altar
extension 1K 17:24, Jb 1:19 ← פנה
( פנהmetaphorically) someone who is
prominent in a society Jd 20:2, 1S 14:38,
Is 19:13, Zp 3:6 ← פנה
< פנואלname>
< פנחסname>
פניβ פנים
< פניאלname>
פניםface, almost always used in plural,
apparently referring to the many parts of
a face
used in idioms such as לפני
“before my face” or ”before the face
of…” referring to “before” either physical
presence, or refers to time before, מלפנו
“from before him” time before something
else Jb 35:11, Ko 1:10 ← פנה
פנימהinside a structure (tent, house) Lv
10:18, 1K6:30, 2K 7:11, 2C 29:16, 18
פניניםred coral, or some other red
precious stone Pr 8:11, 20:15, 31:10, Jb
28:18, Lm 4:7
< פננהname>
פנקto treat with respect ?? Pr 29:21 αλ
פסI have seen two definitions: variegated
and long sleeved, used of royal
clothing ?? Gn 37:3, 23, 32, 2S 13:18–9
< פס דמיםname>
פסגto climb to the top Ps 48:14 αλ →
פסגהpeak, promontory Nu 21:20, 23:14,
Dt 3:17, 27, 34:1
פסגהpeak, promontory Nu 21:20, 23:14, Dt
3:17, 27, 34:1 ← פסגσ צורpromontory,
promontory Nu 23:3, Is
41:18, Jr 12:12, 14:6
< פסגהname>
פסוβ פסס
פסחto hop over
to be lame (hopping
on one leg) → פסחPassover, from the
concept of hopping over the houses of
Israel, celebration of Passover and its
sacrifice, lame σ עבר
פסחPassover, from the concept of hopping
over the houses of Israel, celebration of
Passover and its sacrifice, lame ← פסח
< פסחname>
פסל, פסילcarved image, often used as a
synonym for idol Ex 20:4, Lv 26:1, Is
44:9 ← פסלσ דמה
פסיליםtoponym, next to Gilgal Jd 3:19, 26
< פסךname>
פסלto carve (out) Ex 34:1, 4, Dt 10:1, 3
to quarry (stones) 1K 5:32 (18) →
פסל, פסילcarved image, often used as a
synonym for idol Ex 20:4, Lv 26:1, Is
פססto be no more ?? Ps 12:2 (1) αλ σ
< פספהname>
פסתprofusion Ps 72:16 αλ
פעהto cry out in pain ?? Is 42:14 αλ
< פעוname>
< פעורname>
< פעיname>
פעלto accomplish, finish, to make or do
focusing on the completion of the job →
( מפעלcompleted) deed, פעלone who
accomplishes (a job), פעלה
accomplishment σ עשׂה
פעלone who accomplishes (a job) ← פעל
פעלהaccomplishment ← פעל
< פעלתיname>
פעםrepeatedly to goad, push (as the mind
returns again and again to a problem), to
step → פעםtime, occasion, as an
individual event in a series, step, פעמן
bell, פעמתshort leg to hold a box off the
ground Ex 25:12, 37:3 or extension upon
which one sets a basin, to hold it upright
1K 7:30
פעםtime, occasion, as an individual event
in a series, step ← פעם
פעמןbell ← פעם
פעמתshort leg to hold a box off the
ground Ex 25:12, 37:3 or extension upon
which one sets a basin, to hold it upright
1K 7:30 ← פעם
< פענחname>
פערto gape, open wide σ פתח
< פעריname>
פצהto set in motion σ נוד
פצועinjured Dt 23:2 αλ ← פצע
פצחto break out (all but once followed
with רנןor רנהmeaning to break out
with shouts of joy) σ שׂתרto break out
(a disease, break out boils, rash, buboes
1S 5:9) αλ
פצירהdemand ?? 1S 13:21 αλ ← פצר
פצלto peel Gn 30:37–8 → פצלהpeeling
Gn 30:37 αλ σ פשׁט
פצלהpeeling Gn 30:37 αλ
פצםto shake apart ?? Ps 60:4 αλ σ רגז
פצניβ פצה
פצעto injure → פצועinjured Dt 23:2 αλ,
פצעinjury σ חלה
פצעinjury ← פצע
פצץto shatter (with heavy blows) Jr
23:29, Hb 3:6
פצפץrepeatedly shatter
with heavy blows Jb 16:12 σ שׁבר
< פצץname>
פצרto put pressure on someone to do
to beg Gn 19:3, Jd 19:7, 2K
to urge Gn 19:9, 33:11, 1S 15:23,
2K 5:16 → פצירהdemand ?? 1S 13:21
פקβ פוק
פקדto attend (to), look after, take care of,
to have an affect on: this is a word used
with a wide meaning in many contexts
both positive and negative, often as a
framework within which other but
unnamed action takes place, used in the
context of attending to the count of
people Lv 1–2
to assign a task of
looking after, to assign a person (to
cause him) to attend to a task Gn 39:4,
to appoint (cause to attend to,
to affect an action) → פקדהsomeone or
something to be watched over, e.g.
פרפרrepeatedly treat as nothing Jb
פראto be wild ?? Hs 13:15
פראwild donkey Is 32:14, Jr 14:6, Jb 6:5,
also used as an adjective to describe a
person as untamable as a wild donkey
Gn 16:12, Jb 11:12 σ חמור
פראותwild, unrestrained growth of a plant
?? Ez 17:6 αλ
< פראםname>
פראתunrestrained growth ?? Ez 31:8, 12–
פרדto separate as in parting, dividing
apart Gn 2:10, 25:23, putting a distance
between (individuals, groups,
settlements) Gn 10:5, 32, 13:9, Es 3:8, Ne
4:13 (19) → נפרדa person who is
solitary, separated from others ?? Pr 18:1
αλ, פרדותseparateness, separate
parts ?? Jl 1:17 αλ
פרדה, פרדmule 2S 13:29, 1K 1:33, 2C
פרדותseparateness, separate parts ?? Jl
1:17 αλ ← פרד
פרדסgarden (of pleasure) (loan word)
So 4:13, Ko 2:5, Ne 2:8 σ גן
פרהβ פרר, פרה, פר,פרא
פרהto fruit, be fruitful → פריfruit
< פרהname>
< פרודאname>
פרוזיםβ פרזי
< פרוחname>
פרויםmade into leaf (used of gold) ?? 2C
3:6 αλ
prisoners in prison, orders,
responsibilities, etc., פקדוןsomething for
an appointed purpose ?? Gn 41:36, (Lv
5:19 Aleppo), פקדתappointed position,
appointed place 2K 11:18, Jr 37:13,
52:11, פקידone who is appointed to
look after, attend to (someone,
something) 2K 25:19, Jr 20:1, 52:25, Ne
11:9, 2C 31:13 σ עבד
פקדהsomeone or something to be
watched over, e.g. prisoners in prison,
orders, responsibilities, etc. ← פקד
פקדוןsomething for an appointed
purpose ?? Gn 41:36, (Lv 5:19 Aleppo)
← פקד
פקדתappointed position, appointed place
2K 11:18, Jr 37:13, 52:11 ← פקד
פקוβ פוק
< פקורname>
פקחto open in the sense of giving vision,
hearing → פקחone who is able to see
Ex 4:11 αλ σ פתח
פקחone who is able to see Ex 4:11 αλ ←
< פקחname>
< פקחיהname>
פקידone who is appointed to look after,
attend to (someone, something) 2K
25:19, Jr 20:1, 52:25, Ne 11:9, 2C 31:13
← פקדσ מלך
פקעarchitectural ornament, possibly round
?? 1K 6:18, 7:24
פקעתpod, such as from okra 2K 4:39
( פרbiliteral verb) to void, treat as nothing
(an agreement, treaty)
to make void
(advice 2S 7:14, Ezr 4:5, Ne 4:9)
(usually found in hophal binyan)
פרועuntamed, used once of loose hair Lv
14:35 αλ ← פרע
פרורpot, pan σ ( כדlarge) storage jar, to
store wet or dry foods, כיר, כיורvat,
מחבתfrying pan Lv 2:5, 6:14, 7:9, Ez 4:3,
1C 23:29, מרחשׁתsauce pan Lv 2:7, 7:9,
( סירpl )סירותcauldron (always made
of metal?), צפחתjug 1S 26:11–2, 16, 1K
17:12, 14, 16, 19:6, קלחתcauldron 1S
2:14, Mc 3:3
פרותβ חפר פרות
פרזto be undefended Hb 3:14 → ,פרזון
unarmed Jd 5:7, 11,
פרזותundefended land Ez 38:11, Zc 2:8
(4), Es 9:19, פרזיone who dwells on
undefended land 1S 6:18
פרזן, פרזוןundefended
unarmed Jd 5:7,
11 ← פרז
פרזותundefended land Ez 38:11, Zc 2:8
(4), Es 9:19 ← פרז
פרזיone who dwells on undefended land
1S 6:18 ← פרז
< פרזיname>
פרחto bud out → פרחbud Nu 17:23, Is
5:24, 18:5, Nh 1:4
bud shaped
ornament Ex 25:31, 33–4, 1K 7:26, 2C
4:5, 21
budding out, popping out Ex
9:9–10, Ps 92:8, פרחהbudding out,
spreading (of leprosy) Lv 14:20, 25,
bud shaped ornament Nu 8:4, Ez 13:20,
פרחתbudding ?? Gn 40:10, פרחתa
type of infectious leprosy Lv 13:42, 57
σ שגהto put forth leaves Ps 92:12, Jb
8:7, 11
פרחbud Nu 17:23, Is 5:24, 18:5, Nh 1:4
bud shaped ornament Ex 25:31, 33–4,
1K 7:26, 2C 4:5, 21
budding out,
popping out Ex 9:9–10, Ps 92:8 ← פרח
σ ציץ
פרחהbudding out, spreading (of leprosy)
Lv 14:20, 25, bud shaped ornament Nu
8:4, Ez 13:20 ← פרח
פרחחswarm, repeated or continuing
swarming (in attack) ?? Jb 30:12 αλ σ
פרחתbudding ?? Gn 40:10 ← פרח
פרחתa type of infectious leprosy Lv 13:42,
57 ← פרח
פרטimprovising, knocking off a tune
(used of a drunkard messing with a
bagpipe) Am 6:5 αλ → פרטknocked off
grape ?? Lv 19:10 αλ
פרטknocked off grape ?? Lv 19:10 αλ ←
פריfruit ← פרה
פריםß פרי,פר
פריץout of bounds
violent, one who
causes violence Is 35:9, Ez 7:22, 18:10, Ps
17:4, Dn 11:14 ← פרץ
< פריראname>
פרךcrushing labor, severity Ex 1:13–4, Lv
25:43, 46, 53, Ez 34:4
פרכתcurtain, standard type hanging down
σ יריעהcurtain hanging loose, to flutter
in the wind, קלעcurtain held up at the
corners and slung between them Ex 27:9,
11–2, 38:14–5, Nu 4:26
פרםto rip, tear Lv 10:6, 13:45, 21:10 σ
< פרמשׁתאname>
< פרנךname>
פרסto reach out a hand, to comfort with
food Is 58:7, to comfort in mourning Jr
(hiphil) leg ending with a hoof
Lv 11:5–6, Dt 14:7 → “ מפרסhoofing”
having hoofs ?? Lv 11:3–4, 26, Dt 14:6,
פרסהhoof (that which the animal
reaches out at the end of his legs) σ נגע
פרסlamb-vulture ?? Lv 11:13, Dt 14:12 σ
פרסהhoof ← פרס
< פרסיname>
פרעto set loose, as free from restraint Lv
10:6, Pr 1:25, 8:33 → פרועuntamed,
used once of loose hair Lv 14:35 αλ, פרע
hair-lock Nu 6:5, Ez 44:20, פרעות
unrestrained, also used of wild fighters in
an army, berserkers Dt 32:42, Jd 5:2 σ
פחזto be spineless, unprincipled Gn
49:4, Jd 9:4, Jr 23:32, Zp 3:4, רודto be
loose, not tied down, free Jr 2:31
(Hiphil) cause to be free 2K 11:19, Ps
set free, untie Gn 27:40, Js 8:29,
11:27 σ עצר
פרעhair-lock Nu 6:5, Ez 44:20 ← פרע
פרעותunrestrained, also used of wild
fighters in an army, berserkers Dt 32:42,
Jd 5:2 ← פרע
פרעשׁflea 1S 24:15, 20 σ חיה
< פרעשׁname>
< פרעתוןname>
< פרעתוניname>
פרפרß ( פרbilateral verb)
< פרפרname>
פרץto break down barriers,
to expand,
bursting though bounds because they are
too restrictive,
a violent breaking forth
in anger,
to break proper etiquette, in
this sense used of an inferior putting
pressure on a superior, either a son on a
father or a slave on his master,
breaking bounds to get what does not
belong to him → מפרץwharf ?? a
weakness of port cities is that there had
to be an opening in the defenses of the
city to allow ships to tie up to load and
unload their cargos Jd 5:17 αλ, מפרץ
broken down Ne 1:3 αλ, פריץout of
violent, one who causes
violence Is 35:9, Ez 7:22, 18:10, Ps 17:4,
Dn 11:14, פרץa person who violates
bounds, פרץbreak in a (defensive wall)
σ גיחto flow forth Mc 4:10, Ps 22:10, Jb
38:8, 40:23, פטרto open forth, release
(from duties) 2C 23:8
to slip out
(escape) 1S 19:10 σ שׁחת
פרץa person who violates bounds ← פרץ
פרץbreak in a (defensive wall) ← פרץ
< פרץname>
< פרץ עזהname>
< פרציname>
< פרציםname>
פרקto remove Gn 27:40, Zc 11:16, Ps
136:24 take off Ex 32:2–3, 24, Ez 19:12
→ מפרקremove mountains (causing
mountains to move ??) 1K 19:11 αλ,
?? מפרקתbase of the skull, where the
neck joins the skull 1S 4:18 αλ, פרק
something or person that removes Is
65:4, Ps 7:3 (2), Lm 5:8
removed, plundered Ob 14, Nh 3:1
פרקsomething or person that removes Is
65:4, Ps 7:3 (2), Lm 5:8
removed, plundered Ob 14, Nh 3:1 ←
פררβ ( פרbiliteral verb)
פרשׁ, פרשׂto spread out hands as in
preparing to hug, also to spread out a
cloth, book, net, entrails for divination
to divine (by looking at entrails)
metaphorically to require information
from the Lord Lv 24:12
פרשׂ כנף על
to marry Rt 3:9, Ez 16:8 → מפרשׂsail,
since ancient times Egyptian cotton had
the reputation of making the best sails Ez
27:7, פרשׁentrails, guts Ex 29:14, Lv
4:11, 8:17, 16:27, Nu 19:5, Ml 2:3, פרשׁ
horseman (⇐ spreading legs to sit
astride), פרשׁדנהcloakroom (where
clothing is spread out) ?? Jd 3:22 αλ,
פרשׁתaccounting (⇐ laying out the
books) σ טפחto spread out using the
hands to put down a layer of clay, sand,
יצעto spread out a covering Is 14:11,
58:5, Es 4:3, מתחto spread out (cloth)
tightly as a tent Is 40:22 αλ, פשׁה,פשׂה
to spread, used of disease, deformity,
horsemen (spreading of legs to sit
astride a horse), רדדto spread out 1K
6:32, Ps 144:2, שׁטחto spread around
פרשׁto divine (by looking at entrails) σ
פרשׁentrails, guts Ex 29:14, Lv 4:11, 8:17,
16:27, Nu 19:5, Ml 2:3 ← פרשׁσ כבד
liver, this is the organ in the body known
for its density, weight Ex 29:13, 22, Lv
7:4, Ez 21:26, Pr 7:23, כליהkidney, often
used as a representation of the emotions,
כסלintestines Lv 3:4, 10, Ps 38:8, both
as a source of strength (food digested
there) and as a symbol of perversity (⇐
the crooked shape)
strength Ps 78:7,
Jb 8:14, Pr 3:26, perversity Ko 7:25
פרשׁhorseman (⇐ spreading legs to sit
astride) ← פרשׁ
< פרשׁname>
פרשׁדנהcloakroom (where clothing is
spread out) ?? Jd 3:22 αλ ← פרשׁ
פרשׁזto wrap around ?? Jb 26:9 αλ σ עטה
< פרשׁנדתאname>
פרשׁתaccounting (⇐ laying out the
books) ← פרשׁ
פרתβ פרה
< פרתname> Euphrates River
פרתםnoble (person) Es 1:3, 6:9, Dn 1:3 σ
פשׁfoolish arrogance ?? Jb 35:15 αλ σ
פשׁה, פשׂהto spread, used of disease,
deformity, horsemen (spreading of legs
to sit astride a horse) σ פרשׁ,פרשׂ
פשׁחto lead astray ?? Lm 3:11 αλ σ הלך
< פשׁחורname>
פשׁטto strip off as in removing a covering,
skin, also used to strip the wealth from a
city, land (plunder) or to strip dead
bodies of their valuables σ חשׂףto strip
off in making bare, פצלto peel Gn
פשׂעto make a step → מפשׂעהcrotch or
below where a stride can be seen ?? 1C
19:4 αλ, פשׂעa false step or step out of
line 1S 20:3 αλ σ הלך
פשׁעto rebel (step out of line) in the sense
of sedition, armed revolt → פשׁע
rebellion against authority
most often
used as a rebellion against God, a moral
failing σ מראto be defiant Zp 3:1, Jb
39:18, מרדto rebel in the sense of not
obeying, declaring independence (in
פתגםdecree (Aramaic loan word) Ko 8:11,
Es 1:20 σ חק
פתהto allure, entice Dt 11:16, 1K 22:20,
22, Pr 1:10 → פותהcooped, enticed to
dwell in a dovecot ?? Hs 7:11 αλ, פתי
gullible, gullibility σ עשׁק
פתהsomething for doors, made of gold ??
1K 7:50 αλ
< פתואלname>
פתוחengraving (opening the forms into
the stone, wood) ← פתח
< פתורname>
< פתורהname>
פתותβ פתת
פתחto open, the basic sense is to open a
hole, opening, door
to dig or engrave
a hole, ditch, groove as in writing, furrow
in field, carving in relief on a wall or
door, to free from a burden, unload Gn
24:32, Is 58:6, also used as in other
languages to operate a tool, such as a
musical instrument Ps 49:5 (4) → מפתח
key Jd 3:25, Is 22:22
doorman, one in
charge of opening the door 1K 20:11, Zc
office of doorman 1C 9:27, פתוח
engraving (opening the forms into the
stone, wood), פתחopening, hole, though
often to a particular type of opening,
namely a doorway, פתחותopened forth
public ?? Ps 55:22 αλ σ חרות
engraved ?? Ex 32:16 αλ, פטרto open
forth, release (from duties) 2C 23:8
slip out (escape) 1S 19:10, פערto gape,
open wide, פקחto open in the sense of
giving vision, hearing
ancient times also to stop paying tribute
if a vassal nation), מרהto defy, openly
resist, oppose ( to dare, as “I’ll go my
way, now what are you going to do
about it?” as said in rebellion against
God) Dt 9:23, 1S 12:15, 1K 15:21, Ne
פשׂעa false step or step out of line 1S 20:3
αλ ← פשׂע
פשׁעrebellion against authority
often used as a rebellion against God, a
moral failing ← פשׁעσ חטאת
פשׂקto spread apart
פשׁרexplanation Ko 8:1 αλ
פשׁתה, פשׁתflax
linen (cloth made of
flax), a little strip of which was often
used as a wick in a lamp
“( פשׁתי העץtree flax”) cotton, cotton bolls
?? Js 2:6 αλ
פתcrumb, broken off portion of food. In
Daniel used in connection with בגto
mean assigned food from the king ←
פתתσ צלולcrumb ?? Jd 7:13 αλ
פתfront 1K 7:50, Is 3:17
פתאsimple-minded ?? Ps 116:6, Pr 8:5,
9:6, 14:18, 27:12
פתאםthis refers to an action that is done
quickly without long forethought,
planning or expectation
sudden Nu
6:9, Pr 3:25, Jb 22:10, suddenly Nu 12:4,
Jr 6:26, 2C 29:36, at once Jb 5:2 σ פתע
פתבגβ פת
פתגrepudiation, discrediting ?? Ko 8:11 αλ
LXX αντιρρησις
פתגםβ פתגם,פתג
פתחopening, hole, though often to a
particular type of opening, namely a
doorway ← פתחσ שׁער
פתחותopened forth
public ?? Ps 55:22
αλ ← פתח
< פתחיהname>
פתיβ פתי, פתה,פת
פתיgullible, gullibility ← פתה
פתיגילembroidered clothing ??
(something beautiful) Is 3:24 αλ σ בגד
פתילstring ← פתלσ חבל
פתלto entangle → נפתוליםwrestling ??
Gn 30:8 αλ, פתילstring, פתלתל
entangled, also in a moral sense Dt 32:5
αλ σ עקשׁ,חבל
פתלתלentangled, also in a moral sense Dt
32:5 αλ ← פתל
< פתםname>
פתןcobra, a very poisonous snake of Africa
and Asia σ נחשׁ
פתעinstant σ פתאם
פתרto interpret (a dream) Gn 40:16, 22,
41:12–3, 15 → פתרinterpretation,
meaning Gn 40:8, 41:15, פתרון
implication (of a dream), portend Gn
40:5, 41:11, פתרןinterpretation (of
dreams) Gn 40:5, 12, 18
פתרinterpretation, meaning Gn 40:8,
41:15 ← פתר
פתרוןimplication (of a dream), portend
Gn 40:5, 41:11 ← פתר
פתרןinterpretation (of dreams) Gn 40:5,
12, 18 ← פתר
< פתרוסname>
< פתרויםname>
פתשׁגןcopy Es 3:14, 4:8, 8:13
פתתβ פתת,פתה
פתתto crumble Lv 2:6 αλ → פתcrumb,
broken off portion of food. In Daniel
used in connection with בגto mean
assigned food from the king
צeighteenth letter, has no meaning in
Hebrew on its own, where letters are
used as numbers, it refers to the number
צאהexcrement ← צוא
צאיfilthy, rag used to wipe the backsides
← צוא
צאלa type of shade tree ?? Jb 40:21, 22
צאןsheep σ חיה
צאצאoffspring ← יצא
צבturtle ?? Lv 11:29, covered wagon Nu
7:3, Is 66:20 σ עגלה,חיה
צבאto muster out (an army), i.e. to call
out a group into existence, usually a
group of men to form into a fighting
force for battle, but also for other groups
of people (e.g. Israel Ex 7:4) and also
for all life Gn 2:1 → צבאpl. צבאות
muster, army mustered out or any group
that has been called into existence (e.g.
Gn 2:1, Ex 7:4) σ מסר
צבאpl. צבאותmuster, army mustered out
or any group that has been called into
existence (e.g. Gn 2:1, Ex 7:4) ← צבא
< צבאname>
צבאותfemale gazelles ?? So 2:7, 3:5
צבאיםpeople mustered out (to battle) Nu
31:42, Is 29:7–8, Hs 11:8
צבאיםgazelles ?? people mustered out 1C
12:9 αλ
< צבאיםname>
< צבבהname>
< צבואname>
צבועpointed out ?? Jr 12:9 αλ LXX υαινα
← צבע
צבטto pass to, hold out to Rt 2:14 αλ
צביsplendor σ כבוד
צביgazelle Dt 14:5, 1K 5:3
צביהfemale gazelle So 4:5, 7:4
< צביהname>
< צבייםname>
< צביםname>
צבעto finger as in pointing out,
designating Jd 5:30 αλ → אצבעfinger,
צבועpointed out ?? Jr 12:9 αλ LXX
< צבעוןname>
צברto pile up Gn 41:35, 49, Hb 1:10, Jb
27:16 → צברpile 2K 10:8 αλ σ ערם
צברpile 2K 10:8 αλ ← צבר
צבתhandful (as one harvests with a
sickle, one grabs a handful of stalks in
one hand, then cuts them off with the
sickle in the other hand) Rt 2:16 αλ
צדside as not in area or region, beside σ
צדone who hunts Gn 27:33, Jd 2:3 ←
צדדהtoponym Nu 34:8, Ez 47:15
צדהto hunt Ex 21:13, 1S 24:11 → צדone
who hunts Gn 27:33, Jd 2:3, צדה
hunter’s, for hunting 1S 20:20 αλ, צדיה
hunting down Nu 35:20, 22
צדהhunter’s, for hunting 1S 20:20 αλ ←
צדהprovisions Gn 42:25, 45:21, Ex 12:39,
Jd 7:8, 20:10 ← צוד
< צדוקname>
צדיהhunting down Nu 35:20, 22 ← צדה
צדיקa man who works for justice Gn 6:9,
18:23–6, Dt 4:8 ← צדק
< צדיקname>
< צדניname>
< צדניתname>
צדקto act with justice
(transitive verb)
to justify another, count that person as
(passive) to be counted as just,
justified ( רשׁעis the opposite) → צדיקa
man who works for justice Gn 6:9,
18:23–6, Dt 4:8, צדקthat which is just,
just person, צדק, צדקהadj. just, not
false, צדקהjustice, actions that are just
(private actions that are just, fair),
צדקותjustness 1S 12:7, Is 33:15, 45:24,
Mc 6:5, Ps 11:7 σ שׁפט
צדקthat which is just, just person ← צדק
צדק, צדקהadj. just, not false ← צדק
< צדקname>
צדקהjustice, actions that are just (private
actions that are just, fair) ← צדקσ
צדקותjustness 1S 12:7, Is 33:15, 45:24, Mc
6:5, Ps 11:7 ← צדק
< צדקיהname>
< צדקיהוname>
צהבyellowish ?? Lv 13:30, 32, 36 LXX
צהלto laugh joyfully Is 12:6, 54:1, Jr 31:7
used of the laughing sound of a
stream Is 24:14
to neigh (of horses,
which sounds like a laugh) Jr 5:8 →
מצהלותneighing Jr 8:16, 13:27
צהרto press out oil Jb 24:11 αλ → יצהר
new oil Nu 18:12, Dt 7:13, 2C 31:5
צהרventilation (duct) Gn 6:16 ?? αλ
צוcommand, emphasizing the command
itself Is 28:10, 13, Hs 5:11 ← צוה
צואto be filthy → צאהexcrement, צאי
filthy, rag used to wipe the backsides
צוארarea of the upper body between the
shoulders including the neck Gn 27: 16,
40, Jr 30:8, So 4:4
used for shoulder
armor ?? Jb 15:26
< צובאname>
< צובהname>
צודto track down in order to acquire
hunt: to get possession of in order to
keep for food, not for sport Gn 27:3, 5,
Lv 17:13, Ez 13:18; in warfare as
warriors track down people to capture or
kill Mc 7:2, Pr 6:26, Lm 3:52 → מצוד
hunting, pursuing Pr 12:12, Jb 19:6,
מצודהhunting net, used to catch prey
both on land Ez 12:13, 17:20 and in
water Ko 9:12, צדהprovisions, ציד
hunter Jr 16:16 αλ, צידhunt, getting
provisions from hunting Gn 10:9, 25:27,
food, wild game Gn 25::28, 27:5, 7, 25,
31, 33, Lv 17:3, provisions, food brought
from outside Ne 13:15, צידהprovisions,
food to eat Gn 27:3, Js 1:11, 9:11, 1S
22:10, Ps 78:25, 132:15 σ נתן
צוהto order, give a command → מצוה
command, with an emphasis on that
which is commanded, צוcommand,
emphasizing the command itself Is 28:10,
13, Hs 5:11, צויתcommanding Ps 7:7 (6)
צוחto clamor Is 42:11 αλ → צוחהclamor
Is 24:11, Jr 14:2, 46:12, Ps 144:14 σ הום
צוחהclamor Is 24:11, Jr 14:2, 46:12, Ps
144:14 ← צוחσ מהומה
צויתcommanding Ps 7:7 (6) ← צוה
צולהdeep waters Is 44:27 αλ σ תהום
צוםß צום,צוה
צוםto fast, as an act of worship → צום
fast, not eating food
צוםfast, not eating food ← צום
< צוערname>
צוףto flow upon or over Dt 11:4, 2K 6:6,
Lm 3:54 → צוףhoney comb, צפצפה
watering, irrigation ?? Ez 17:5 αλ, צפת
fluid Ez 32:6 αλ σ זוב
צוףhoney comb ← צוףσ יערה, יערforest,
wild honey (found in the
< צוףname>
< צופחname>
< צופיname>
צופיהthe one (fem.) overseeing Pr 31:27
αλ ← צפה
< צופיםname>
< צופרname>
צוץto blossom → ציצה, ציץblossom,
צוקto wear down (by constant and/or
repeated troubles, e.g. attacks from an
enemy Dt 28:53, 55, 57, Jr 19:9, nagging
Jd 14:17, 16:16, Ps 41:9, troubled in
spirit Jb 32:18) → מצוקthat which
wears down (caused by constant or
repeated troubles) Dt 28:53, 55, 57, 1S
22:2, Jr 19:2, Ps 119:143, מצוקה
generalized troubles that wear one down
Zp 1:15, Ps 25:17, 107:6, 28, מציקone
who causes troubles that wear down Is
29:7, 51:13, צוקהthat which wears
down, constant troubles Is 8:22, 30:6, Pr
1:27 σ יאשׁ
צוקהthat which wears down, constant
troubles Is 8:22, 30:6, Pr 1:27 ← צוק
צורto shut in → מצורrampart, both
offensive (siege) and defensive that
encircle cities
siege, מצורהwalled,
defended Nh 2:2, 2C 14:5, צורן
necklace ?? So 4:9 αλ σ סגר
צורpromontory σ פסגה
< צורname of prominent Phoenician city,
< צוריאלname>
< צורישׁדיname>
צורןnecklace ?? So 4:9 αλ ← צור
צורףact of refining, forming as a smith Jd
17:4, Is 41:19, 46:6
one behind the
action Jr 9:7, 10:9, 14 ← צרף
צורתground plan ?? Ez 43;11 ← יצר
צותto burn hotly
to burn down (houses
that get burned hotly, get burned down)
Is 27:4 αλ → מציתone who causes to
burn hotly Ez 21:3 αλ σ שׂרף
צחbright, clear Is 18:4, Jr 4:11, So 5:10 ←
צחהwhitish bright, as bones bleaching in
the sun Is 5:13 αλ ← צחח
צחאβ ציחה
< צחהname>
צחותbrightly, clearly Is 32:4 αλ ← צחח
צחחto be whitish bright, clear Lm 4:7 →
צחbright, clear Is 18:4, Jr 4:11, So 5:10,
צחהwhitish bright, as bones bleaching
in the sun Is 5:13 αλ, צחותbrightly,
clearly Is 32:4 αλ, צחחיa rock strewn
place that’s bright and clear Ne 4:7 (13)
αλ, צחיחused only in the phrase צחיח
סלעbare rock Ez 24:7–8, 26:4, 14,
צחיחהgeneralized places that are bright
and clear, as found in deserts Ps 68:7 (6)
αλ, צחצחותbrightness Is 58:11 σ זהר
צחחיa rock strewn place that’s bright and
clear Ne 4:7 (13) αλ ← צחח
צחיחused only in the phrase צחיח סלע
bare rock Ez 24:7–8, 26:4, 14 ← צחח
צחיחהgeneralized places that are bright
and clear, as found in deserts Ps 68:7 (6)
αλ ← צחח
צחנתstench ?? LXX βροµος sound of fire
Jl 2:20 αλ
צחצחותbrightness Is 58:11 ← צחח
צחקto laugh at, jest, mock → יצחק
laughter, מצחקjoke, something to laugh
at Gn 19:14 αλ, צחקlaughter σ שׂחק
צחקlaughter ← צחק
צחרwhite ?? Jd 5:10, Ez 27:18 σ לבן
< צחרname>
צטידβ צוד
צטירβ ציר
ציwarship, not used in trade Nu 24:24, Is
33:21, Dn 11:30 σ אניה
ציbarren land inhabitant, some sort of
animal Is 13:21, 23:13, 34;14, Jr 50:39,
Ps 72:9, 74:14
< ציבאname>
צידhunter Jr 16:16 αλ ← צוד
צידhunt, getting provisions from hunting
Gn 10:9, 25:27, food, wild game Gn
25::28, 27:5, 7, 25, 31, 33, Lv 17:3,
provisions, food brought from outside Ne
13:15 ← צוד
צידהprovisions, food to eat Gn 27:3, Js
1:11, 9:11, 1S 22:10, Ps 78:25, 132:15 ←
< צידוןname>
< צידןname>
< צידניname>
ציהbarren, fruitless, useless Is 35:1, Jr 2:6,
Ez 19:13, Jl 2:20, Jb 39:14
ציוןbarren land
ציוןZion, name of place
< ציוןname>
< ציונהname>
< ציחאname>
צייםbarren land’s inhabitant, a type of
< ציןname>
ציניםβ ציון
צינקiron collar, used in punishment ?? Jr
29:26 αλ
< ציערname>
< ציףname>
ציצה, ציץblossom, flower
tassel ← צוץ
σ נצהblossom, סמדרin blossom (vines
blossom in spring for fruit in late
summer to fall) So 2:13, 15, פרחbud
Nu 17:23, Is 5:24, 18:5, Nh 1:4
shaped ornament Ex 25:31, 33–4, 1K
7:26, 2C 4:5, 21
budding out,
popping out Ex 9:9–10, Ps 92:8
< ציץname>
ציקβ צוק
< ציקלגname>
צירto go back and forth Js 9:4 αλ → ציר
messenger, one who carries messages (⇐
who goes back and forth) Is 45:16, 57:9,
Jr 49:14, Ob 1, Pr 13:17, 25:13,
convulsion 1S 4:19, Is 13:8, 21:3, Dn
10:16, hinge (⇐ the action of going back
and forth) Pr 26:14
צירmessenger, one who carries messages
(⇐ who goes back and forth) Is 45:16,
57:9, Jr 49:14, Ob 1, Pr 13:17, 25:13,
convulsion 1S 4:19, Is 13:8, 21:3, Dn
10:16, hinge (⇐ the action of going back
and forth) Pr 26:14 ← צירσ מלאך
צלshadow, shade ← צלל
צלהto char-broil (over a fire) Is 44:16, 19
→ צליchar-broiled (over a fire) Ex
12:8–9, Is 44:16
< צלהname>
צלולcrumb ?? Jd 7:13 αλ σ פת
צלחto effect
to succeed, to prosper, to
achieve σ נובto prosper, be productive
Zc 9:17, Ps 62:11, 92:15 (14), Pr 10:31
צלחת, צלחיתdish
צליchar-broiled (over a fire) Ex 12:8–9, Is
44:16 ← צלה
צלילcrumb ?? Jd 7:13 αλ
צללto shadow, shade Ne 13:19
to cup
one’s hands over one’s ears (shading
them), either better to hear, or to
prevent from hearing 1S 3:11, 2K 21:12,
Jr 19:3, to clap one’s hands over his
mouth Hb 3:16 → מצלshade Ez 31:3,
מצלהa place in shadow Mc 7:19, Zc 1:8,
14:20, Ps 68:23, 88:7, מצלתיםcymbals,
צלshadow, shade, צללshadow Jr 6:4,
So 2:17, 4:6, צלצלlocust swarm that
shades the land Dt 28:42, Is 18:1,
צלצליםcymbals or was this a type of
rattle ?? 2S 6:5, of which there were two
types, צלצלי שׁמעand צלצלי תרועהPs
צללshadow Jr 6:4, So 2:17, 4:6 ← צלל
צלםβ צלם,צל
shape (as a shadow is in
the shape of an object, person, animal
but is less than the object so the shape is
( צלצלfish) scales ?? Jb 40:31 (41:7) αλ
צלצליםcymbals or was this a type of
rattle ?? 2S 6:5, of which there were two
types, צלצלי שׁמעand צלצלי תרועהPs
150:5 ← צלל
< צלקname>
< צלתיname>
צמאto be dry
to thirst → צמאthirst,
thirsty, צמאהdryness
thirstiness Dt
29:18, Jr 2:25, צמאוןdry, thirsty land
צמאthirst, thirsty ← צמא
thirstiness Dt 29:18, Jr
2:25 ← צמא
צמאוןdry, thirsty land ← צמא
צמדto bind on (as a yoke) → צמדyoke
pair, i.e. the number of animals under
a yoke, צמידbinding, something tied on,
most often used for a bracelet (with
precious stones, metal ??) Gn 24:22, 47,
Nu 31:50, Ez 23:42, also a binding (of
string) to hold on a cover over a pot Nu
pair, i.e. the number of
animals under a yoke ← צמדσ על
צמדa measure of land area 1S 14:14, Is
צמוקהraison cake ← צמק
צמחto grow → צמחgrowth
צמחgrowth ← צמח
צמידbinding, something tied on, most
often used for a bracelet (with precious
stones, metal ??) Gn 24:22, 47, Nu 31:50,
Ez 23:42, also a binding (of string) to
hold on a cover over a pot Nu 19:15 ←
צמיםa type of trap ?? Jb 5:5, 18:9
different from the original, never to be
confused with it, can even be made of
different materials) σ דמה
צלמוןplace of shadows ?? Ps 68:15 (14)
αλ LXX σελµων
< צלמוןname>
צלםותdarkness, deep and fearful shadows
(shadow of death, Ps 23:4)
< צלמנהname>
< צלמנעname>
צלעto limp i.e. to favor one side → צלע
side (of a building, mountain, etc.,
possibly two leaves to a door 1K 6:34),
צלעהthose who are limping and/or
stumbling, a group of people Mc 4:6–7,
Zp 3:19, צלעותsiding, flooring (i.e.
framework covered with planks) 1K 6:5,
15–6, 7:3, Ez 41:6–9, 26, צלעת
framework, frame Gn 2:21, Ex 25:14,
27:7, 30:4, 37:5, 27, 38:7
צלעside (of a building, mountain, etc.,
possibly two leaves to a door 1K 6:34)
← צלעσ פאה
< צלעname>
צלעהthose who are limping and/or
stumbling, a group of people Mc 4:6–7,
Zp 3:19 ← צלע
צלעותsiding, flooring (i.e. framework
covered with planks) 1K 6:5, 15–6, 7:3,
Ez 41:6–9, 26 ← צלע
צלעתframework, frame Gn 2:21, Ex 25:14,
27:7, 30:4, 37:5, 27, 38:7 ← צלע
< צלףname>
< צלפחדname>
< צלצחname>
צלצלlocust swarm that shades the land Dt
28:42, Is 18:1 ← צלל
צמיתתcausing to be silent, a legal term,
the same idea as “forever hold your
peace” giving no right of redemption of
sold property after a certain date Lv
25:30 αλ ← צמת
צמקto shrivel up Hs 9:14 αλ → צמוקה
raison cake σ יבשׁ
צמרwool σ גזה, גזfleece, shorn wool
< צמריname>
< צמריםname>
צמרתspray, a stem or small branch of a
tree or plant, bearing flowers and foliage
σ דלית
צנאlivestock ?? misspelling for ?? צאןNu
32:24 αλ
צנהnetting ?? Am 4:2 αλ
צנהshield, a tall one that covers the whole
body or much of it 1S 17:7,41, 1K 10:16,
2C 9:15 σ מגן
צנהtame, tamable ?? Ps 8:8, 91:4
צנהplace name Nu 34:4, Js 15:3
צנועquiet action
people who act quietly
Pr 11:2 αλ ← צנע
צנורwatercourse, place where water flows
2S 5:8, Ps 42:8 (7)
צנחto go down Jd 4:21
to dismount Js
15:18, Jd 1:14 σ ירד
צנן, צניןprickling, that causes pain Nu
33:55, Js 23:13 σ מכאוב
צניףturban for decoration Is 3:23, Zc 3:5,
Jb 29:14 ← צנףσ בגד
צנםbarren, ears with no grain inside Gn
41:23 αλ σ שׁדף
צנןhook, barb (of a hook) ?? used
metaphorically Js 23:13 αλ
< צנןname>
צנעto act in quietness “out of the
limelight” Mc 6:8 αλ → צנועquiet action
people who act quietly Pr 11:2 αλ σ
צנףto wind around (as in making a
turban) Lv 16:4, Is 22:18 → מצנפת
turban, used as a badge of authority Ex
28:4, 37, 39, Lv 8:9, Ez 21:31 (26), צניף
turban for decoration Is 3:23, Zc 3:5, Jb
29:14, צנפהwinding, wrapping made by
winding Is 22:18 αλ
צנפהwinding, wrapping made by winding
Is 22:18 αλ ← צנף
( צנצנתsmall, covered) vessel Ex 16:33 αλ
צמתβ צמת, צמא,צום
צמתto silence 2S 22:41, Ps 18:41, 143:12,
Jb 23:17 → מצמיתone who would
cause to silence another person Ps 69:5
(4) αλ, צמיתתcausing to be silent, a
legal term, the same idea as “forever
hold your peace” giving no right of
redemption of sold property after a
certain date Lv 25:30 αλ, צמתתa legal
term, the same idea as “forever hold
your peace” giving no right of
redemption of sold property Lv 25:23
αλ σ שׁקט
צמתתa legal term, the same idea as
“forever hold your peace” giving no
right of redemption of sold property Lv
25:23 αλ ← צמת
צמתveil, made of netting covering the face
Is 47:2, So 4:1, 3, 6:7 σ צעיף
צןβ צן,הצן
צןnet flattened over a game trail for
catching game ?? Pr 22:5 αλ ← צנה
< צןname>
צנתרותpipes ?? Zc 4:12 αλ
צעwandering around, going about Am 9:1
αλ ← צעה
צעדto stride, march 2S 6:13, Jr 10:5, Hb
3:12, Pr 7:8, Jb 18:14 → מצעדstep as in
walking Ps 37:23, Pr 20:24, Dn 11:43,
צעדstride, march, צעדותsome sort of
ornamentation that shows up while
striding Is 3:20 αλ σ הלך
צעדstride, march ← צעד
צעדותsome sort of ornamentation that
shows up while striding Is 3:20 αλ ←
צעהto wander around Is 51:14, 63:1, Jr
2:20, 48:12, Ps 139:8 → צעwandering
around, going about σ הלך
צעורyouth or other insignificant person Jr
14:3, 48:4 ← צער
צעיםβ צעה
צעיףveil, the cloth that covers the face
under the eyes σ צמתveil, made of
netting covering the face Is 47:2, So 4:1,
3, 6:7
צעירsmall, insignificant ← צערσ קטן
צעירהsmallness, insignificance
youthfulness (less significant in the
family) ← צער
< צעירהname>
צעןto strike (a tent) Is. 33:20 αλ
< צעןname>
< צענניםname>
צעצעיםbase metal (plated with gold) ??
2C 3:9 αλ
צעקto cry out → צעקהoutcry σ דבר
צעקהoutcry ← צעק
צערto be insignificant → מצערsmallness
as in insignificance, צעורyouth or other
insignificant person Jr 14:3, 48:4, צעיר
small as in insignificant, צעירהsmallness
as in insignificance
youthfulness (less
significant in the family), צער
insignificant one Zc 13:7 σ קטן
צערinsignificant one Zc 13:7 ← צער
< צערname>
< צערהname>
צפדto shrivel (from dryness) Lm 4:8 αλ σ
צפהto look out (for, upon) → מצפה
watch post Is 21:6, Hs 5:1, 2C 20:24,
צופיהthe one (fem.) overseeing Pr
31:27 αλ, צפהwatchman, צפיתlooking
out Is 21:5 αλ, צפתcrown (of a pillar)
2C 3:15 αλ σ ראה
צפהto cover
to plate → צפויcovering,
plating Ex 38:17, 19, Nu 17:3–4 (16:38–
9), Is 30:22
צפהwatchman ← צפה
< צפוname>
צפויcovering, plating Ex 38:17, 19, Nu
17:3–4 (16:38–9), Is 30:22 ← צפה
צפוןsecreted, hidden things ← צפן
צפן, צפוןnorth
< צפוןname>
< הפוניname>
צפועdried dung used for fuel Ez 4:15 αλ σ
צפר, צפורsparrow, often used as a
reference to any small, quick moving
bird ← צפרσ עוף
< צפורname>
צפחתjug 1S 26:11–2, 16, 1K 17:12, 14, 16,
19:6 σ פרור
( צפיחתhoney) comb (like a collection of
little jugs) Ex 16:31 αλ σ דבשׁ
צפיעβ צפוע
צפירhe goat (with large horns?) ← צפר
σ עז
צפירהgoad ?? something that causes one
to spring into action Is 28:5, Ez 7:7 ←
צפרσ דרבן
צפיתlooking out Is 21:5 αλ ← צפה
צפןto make out of sight Jb 24:1, by hiding
Ex 2:2, Js 2:4, also as hiding in an
ambush Pr 1:11, 18, by covering Ex
25:11, by packing into a storage place
used both literally So 7:13 and
figuratively Ps 31:20, Pr 10:14, Jb 10:13
→ מצפניםhidden things (treasures
secreted from invader) σ סתר
< מפניהname>
< צפניהname>
< צפנת פענחname>
( צפעa type of venomous animal related to
snakes, dinosaurs) ?? Is 14:29 αλ
צפעני, צפעוניa type of serpent, flying
dinosaur with shiny scales ?? Is 11:8,
59:5, Jr 8:17, Pr 23:32 σ נחשׁ
צפעותthat which comes out ?? Is 22:24
צפצףto cheep
to speak softly (as in
divination, a bird) Is 29:4, 38:14 →
מצפצףone who speaks softly in
divination Is 8:19, 10:14 σ דבר
צפצפהwatering, irrigation ?? Ez 17:5 αλ
← צוף
צפרβ צפר, צפור,צופר
צפרto spring into movement in order to
leave, to fly Jd 7:3 αλ → צפר,צפור
sparrow, often used as a reference to any
small, quick moving bird, צפירhe goat
(with large horns?), צפירהgoad ??
something that causes one to spring into
action Is 28:5, Ez 7:7, צפרדעfrog, toad
Ex 7:27–8:5, 7–9 (8:2–9, 11–3), Ps 78:45,
105:30, צפרהgoading ?? Ez 7:10 αλ,
צפרןtip Jr 17:1
fingernail Dt 21:12
< צפרname>
צפרדעfrog, toad Ex 7:27–8:5, 7–9 (8:2–9,
11–3), Ps 78:45, 105:30 ← צפר
צפרהgoading ?? Ez 7:10 αλ ← צפר
< צפרהname>
צפרןtip Jr 17:1
fingernail Dt 21:12 ←
צפתfluid Ez 32:6 αλ ← צוף
צפתcrown (of a pillar) 2C 3:15 αλ ←
< צפתname>
< צפתהname>
צציםβ ציץ
צקוןβ צוק
< צקלגname>
צקלןa medium sized bag able to carry
several loaves of bread ?? 2K 4:42 αλ σ
צקתpouring out Ex 38:27, Jb 38:38 ← יצק
restricted ← צרר
צרenemy, from the concept of closing in,
such as cornering a person, restricting a
person’s freedom to do things through
hostile actions, being in-your-face hostile
← צררσ אויב
< צרname>
צרבto scar, from a burn, boil Ez 21:3
(20:47) αλ → צרבscarring Pr 16:27 αλ,
צרבתscar left by a burn, ulcer Lv 13:23,
צרבscarring Pr 16:27 αλ ← צרב
צרבתscar left by a burn, ulcer Lv 13:23,
28 ← צרב
< צרדהname>
< צרדתהname>
צרהdistress ← צרר
< צרויהname>
צרועperson recognized as having leprosy,
leper Lv 13:44–5, 14:3, 22:4, Nu 5:2 ←
< צרועהname>
צרורtied up Gn 42:35, Hs 13:12, joined to
1S 25:29, tied to a destiny Nu 25:17
small bag (possibly leather) that could
be tied up, to hold valuables Hg 1:6, Jb
14:17, So 1:13 ← צררσ שׂק
צרורclod (of dirt held together) 2S 17:13,
Am 9:9 ← צרר
< צרורname>
צרחto echo Is 42:13, Zp 1:14 → ,צרח
צריחvault (⇐ where sounds echo)
possibly underground, as a root cellar ?
Jd 9:46, 49, 1S 13:6
צריח, צרחvault (⇐ where sounds echo)
possibly underground, as a root cellar ?
Jd 9:46, 49, 1S 13:6 ← צרח
צריβ צרי,צר
צריbalsam distilled in Gilead, used for
healing of wounds Gn 37:25, Jr 8:22,
46:11, 51:8
< צריname>
< צריהname>
צריךβ צר,צרי
צריםβ צר,צור
< צריםname>
צרךneed ?? 2C 2:15 αλ
צרעto have leprosy → מצרעleprous,
having leprosy 2S 3:29, 2K 15:5, 2C
26:20–1, person suffering from leprosy,
leper Lv 14;2, Nu 12:10, 2K 5:1, 11, 27,
7:3, 8, צרועperson recognized as having
leprosy, leper Lv 13:44–5, 14:3, 22:4, Nu
5:2, צרעתleprosy as described in Lv 13
צרעהhornet ?? (metaphorically
speaking ?) Ex 23:28, Dt 7:20, Js 24:12
< צרעהname>
< צרעיname>
צרעתleprosy as described in Lv 13. This
leprosy is not the same as modern
leprosy. Modern leprosy is mainly a
disease of the nervous system caused by
a bacterium Mycobacterium leprae,
where most injuries are self-inflicted.
There is no spontaneous cure. Ancient
leprosy seems mainly a disease of the
circulation system, mainly to the skin:
the skin turns white (no blood) then
becomes indented and ulcerated (skin
dies off). Sometimes there is swelling
around the ulceration. It is apparently
easily caught, apparently caused by a
fungus which also infects cloth, leather
(Lv 13:47–59, 14:55) and even houses
(Lv 14:35–53, 55), that enters the body
through breaks in the skin (cuts, burns,
etc.). A person can become healed from
it or remain infected the rest of his life.
← צרע
< צרעתיname>
צרףto refine, getting the metal out of the
rocks and removing impurities Zc 13:9,
figuratively used for moral refining,
straightens us, צררותstraitness, distress,
תצרdistress, be distressing ?? 1S 30:6
αλ σ חבל
צררenemy, one who straightens us ←
צררσ אויב
< צררהname>
< צרתname>
< צרת השׁחרname>
< צרתןname>
< צרתנהname>
קnineteenth letter, has no meaning in
Hebrew on its own, where letters are
used as numbers, it refers to the number
קאם, קאה, קאβ קיא
קאתa pterosaur ?? Lv 11:17, Dt 14:16, Is
34:11, Zp 2:14, Ps 102:7 σ עוף
קבa measure ?? 2K 6:25 αλ
קבהto make a hollow space Jb 5:3 or
to execrate, call down a
curse on such that something or someone
becomes hollowed out, without strength
or resources Nu 23: ,Jb 3:8, Pr 11:26,
24:24 → קבהa hollow space ??
cage ?? Dt 18:3, bed chamber ?? Nu 25:8
σ ארר
קבהa hollow space ??
rib cage ?? Dt
18:3, bed chamber ?? Nu 25:8 ← קבה
קברה, קבורהgrave, burial ← קבר
קבלto take as one’s own, personally to
take possession of ?? Pr 19:20, Jb 2:10,
Ezr 8:30, 1C 12:19 (18), 2C 29:16, 22 →
קבלthat which people take as their own
?? Es 9:23, 27
personal possessions ??
Ez 26:9 αλ
purity Is 48:10, Zc 13:9, Ps 26:2, 66:10
also figuratively “to refine” a group of
people so that only the best remain Jd
7:4 → מצרףretort for smelting metals
Ml 3:2–3, Pr 17:3, 27:21, צורףact of
refining, forming as a smith Jd 17:4, Is
41:19, 46:6
one behind the action Jr
9:7, 10:9, 14, ( צרףgold)smith Is 40:19,
Jr 51:17, Pr 25:4, צרפיgoldsmith guild
Ne 3:31 αλ σ ברר
( צרףgold)smith Is 40:19, Jr 51:17, Pr
25:4 ← צרף
צרפיgoldsmith guild Ne 3:31 αλ ← צרף
< צרפתname>
< צרפתהname>
צררβ צרר,צרור
צררto straiten, i.e. to make narrow (a
distance), a term meaning to tie up
tightly, to close in as an enemy, to close
in on others in battle and as troubles
overwhelm someone, to close in,
surround a person as bodyguards
surround an important person (from
which we get “straitjacket”) → מצר
place of distress Ps 116:3, 118:5, Lm 1:3,
restricted, צרenemy, from
the concept of closing in, such as
cornering a person, restricting a person’s
freedom to do things through hostile
actions, being in-your-face hostile, צרה
distress, צרורtied up Gn 42:35, Hs
13:12, joined to 1S 25:29, tied to a
destiny Nu 25:17
a small bag
(possibly leather) that could be tied up,
to hold valuables Hg 1:6, Jb 14:17, So
1:13, צרורclod (of dirt held together)
2S 17:13, Am 9:9, צררenemy, one who
קבלthat which people take as their
own ?? Es 9:23, 27
possessions ?? Ez 26:9 αλ ← קבל
קבעto withhold what is due Is 51:17, 22,
Ml 3:8–9, Pr 22:23 σ עשׁק,מנע
קבעתcovered (cup) ??
קבץto collect → קבצהcollection Mc 1:7
αλ σ אסף
< קבצאלname>
קבצהcollection Mc 1:7 αλ ← קבץ
< קבציםname>
קברto entomb, bury → קברה,קבורה
grave, burial, קברtomb, grave σ טמןto
bury, as an act of concealment
קברtomb, grave ← קבר
< קברות התאוהname>
( קדa copyist error in Leningradensis ??)
αλ Ps102:4 Aleppo Codex has it part of
קדדto bow down σ שׁחה
קדהcassia (buds) used as a spice Ex
30:24, Ez 27:19 σ בשׂם
קדומיםfrom of old ?? Jd 5:21 αλ ← קדם
קדושׁset apart
holy ← קדשׁ
קדחto glow, used of a fire giving off heat
→ קדחתlingering fever, illness Lv 26:16,
Dt 28:22
קדחתlingering fever, illness Lv 26:16, Dt
28:22 ← קדחσ דבר
קדיםeast winds (which in that area of the
world are hot and dry) ← קדם
קדםto go before, both temporally and
to precede, go in front of
go eastward ⇐ heavenly bodies are in
the east before going to the west →
מקדםa type of fortunetelling ?? Is 2:6
αλ, קדומיםfrom of old ?? Jd 5:21 αλ,
קדיםeast winds (which in that area of
the world are hot and dry), קדםin front,
east, ancient, קדמהin front of,
beginning, towards the east, ,קדמון
קדמוניeastern, קדמניold, ancient 1S
24:14 (13) σ נגד
קדםin front, east, ancient ← קדם
קדמהin front of, beginning, towards the
east ← קדם
< קדמהname>
קדמוני, קדמוןeastern ← קדם
< קדמותname>
< קדמיאלname>
קדמניold, ancient 1S 24:14 (13) ← קדם
< קדמניname>
< קדמתname>
קדקדcrown (top of head) Gn 49:26, 2S
14:25, Is 3:17, Jb 2:7
קדרto be gloomy, both in the physical
sense (darkness) 1K 18:45, Jr 4:28, Ez
32:7, Jl 2:10, 4:15 (3:15) and mental
(sad) Jr 8:21, 14:2, Mc 3:6 → קדר
gloom, gloomy person Ps 38:7 (6), 42:10
(9 ), gloomy place Jb 5:11, 6:16, קדרות
gloom, gloominess Is 50:3 αλ, קדרנית
gloomily Ml 3:14 αλ σ חשׁך
קדרgloom, gloomy person Ps 38:7 (6),
42:10 (9 ), gloomy place Jb 5:11, 6:16
← קדר
< קדרname>
< קדרוןname>
קדרותgloom, gloominess Is 50:3 αλ ←
קדרניתgloomily Ml 3:14 αλ ← קדר
קדשׁto set up something that’s apart Jr
6:4, 22:7, 51:27–8, Jl 1:14, Mc 3:5
consider or make holy (opposite of חלל
to make common) → מקדשׁset apart
action of setting apart, holy
person or
object that set something apart, makes
set apart, holy (place, object
tabernacle, temple), קדושׁset apart
holy, קדשׁset apart (considered holy)
person (can refer to God), object or
place, קדשׁה,( קדשׁtemple) prostitute Gn
38:21–2, Dt 28:13, Hs 4:14 (was the
male prostitute a homosexual, gigolo or
both? Dt 23:18, 1K 14:24, 15:12, 22:47,
2K 23:7) σ פלאto be beyond reach
set aside: when an animal was
designated to be a sacrifice, it was
deemed “beyond reach” in that it was
not to be exchanged for another animal
קדשׁset apart (considered holy) person
(can refer to God), object or place ←
קדשׁה,( קדשׁtemple) prostitute Gn 38:21–
2, Dt 28:13, Hs 4:14 (was the male
prostitute a homosexual, gigolo or both?
Dt 23:18, 1K 14:24, 15:12, 22:47, 2K
23:7) ← קדשׁσ זונה
< קדשׁname>
< קדשׁ ברנעname>
< קדשׁהname>
קדשׁתthe collection of all that is set apart
Is 65:5 ← קדשׁ
קההto be blunt (the eating of unripe
grapes, because of their high acid
content, blunts teeth quickly)
קהלto group (together), which can be in
close physical proximity Ex 32:1, Nu
16:19 or groupings by classification Gn
28:3, 25:11 → מקהלassembly, ,קהל
קהלהassembly, קהלתone who speaks
before an assembly σ יעד,אסף
קהלה, קהלassembly σ להקתassembly ??
1S 19:20 αλ ← קהל
קהלתone who speaks before an assembly
← קהל
< קהלתהname>
< קהתname>
< קהתהname>
( קוmeasuring) line, to make a קוהσ חבל
קובעhelmet 1S 17:5, 38, Is 59:17, Ez
23:24, 27:10, 38:5 β כובע
קוהto wait for, await → תקוהhope, that
which one waits for σ יחל
קוהto gather together, to collect together
Gn 1:9, Jr 3:17 → מקוהgathering (of
waters) Gn 1:10, Ex 7:19, Lv 11:36, (of
people) Ezr 10:2, act of collecting 1K
10:28, 2C 1:16, one who gathers Jr 14:8,
17:13, 50:7, 1C 29:15 ⇐ go together with
place where things, water are brought
together Is 22:11
קוהmeasurement, made by a קו
קוחstrength, stronghold
קוטto be short (in spirit) with
to loathe
Ps 95:10, Jb 8:14 σ שׂנא
קולsound, voice
< קוליהname>
קוםβ קום,קו
קוםto stand (up), the motion of standing
up from a lying or sitting position
rise up as an enemy to fight → יקום
anything that rises up, animal and
plant ?? Gn 7:4, 23, Dt 11:6, קומהheight,
קוממיותstanding straight Lv 16:23 αλ,
קימה, קיםrising up (against), קמה
standing grain (in the field) Dt 16:9,
23:26, Jd 15:5, Hs 8:2, תקומהability to
stand Lv 26:37 αλ, תקומםone who
stands against another Is 58:12 αλ σ יצב
to take one’s stand, always found in
Hitpael, עורto arouse, as in get active
עררrepeatedly or continuously arousing
Jb 17:8, 31:29, Pr 10:12, So 8:4, עושׁto
stand up ?? to rise up ?? Jl 4:11 αλ, עמד
to stand (still), used in the contexts of
standing, rising to a stand from sitting or
lying down and stopping other actions to
come to a stand
to stop an action
(metaphoric stand), שׁכםto rise up
קומהheight ← קום
קוממיותstanding straight Lv 16:23 αλ ←
קונהone who acquires, purchases Is 24:2,
Ez 7:12, Pr 15:32, 20:14 ← קנה
קונןβ קין
קוסםβ קסם
קועan official or rich person ?? Ez 23:23
קוףape ?? 1K 10:22, 1C 9:21
קוץto be aroused in the sense of disliking,
wanting to avoid, caused by fear, pain or
loathing Gn 27:46, Ex 1:12, Nu 21:5, Pr
3:11 → קוץthorn-bush Gn 3:18, Jd 8:7,
16, Ez 28:24, Hs 10:8 σ שׂנא
קוץthorn-bush Gn 3:18, Jd 8:7, 16, Ez
28:24, Hs 10:8 σ שׁמיר
< קוץname>
קוצותlocks of hair So 5:2, 11 σ שׂערה
קורto set roof beams
to roof Ne 3:3, 1C
34:11 → קורהlog, cut down tree trunk
to use in building 2K 6:2, 5, קרתroof
beam Gn 19:8, So 1:17, Ne 2:8 2C 3:7,
קורthread (of spider web) Is 59:5–6 σ
קורהlog, cut down tree trunk to use in
building 2K 6:2, 5 ← קור
קושׁto become like straw as in weak, not
valued ?? 1S 2:4, Ze 2:1 → קושׁstraw,
left over after harvesting grain
< קושׁיהוname>
קחβ לקח
קטβ קוט
קטבdestruction Dt 32:24, Is 28:2, Hs 13:14
→ מקטבone who destroys Ps 91:6 αλ σ
קטורהsmoke from sacrifices Dt 33:10 αλ
← קטרσ עשׁן
< קטורהname>
קטלto oppress (separate from killing) ??
Ps 139:19, Jb 13:15, 24:14 → מקטל
oppressions ?? Ob 9 αλ σ הרג
קטןto be small, both in physical size and
in importance or rank → קטןsmall σ
צערto be insignificant
קטןsmall σ צעירsmall, insignificant
< קט ֿןname>
קטףto pluck off Dt 23:25, Ez 17:4, 22, Jb
8:12 → קטףone who plucks Jb 30:4 αλ
קטףone who plucks Jb 30:4 αλ ← קטף
קטרto smoke i.e. burn incense
to burn
a sacrifice → מקטרות, מקטרincense
altar(s), מקטרתcenser, קטורהsmoke
from sacrifices Dt 33:10 αλ, קטרתsmoke
from burning incense, sacrifice
which is burned to make smoke, incense,
קיטר, קיטורsmoke Gn 19:28, Ps 110:83,
148:8 σ שׂרף,עשׁן
< קטרותname>
קטרתsmoke from burning incense,
that which is burned to make
smoke, incense ← קטרσ עשׁן
< קטתname>
קיאto vomit → קיאvomit
קיאvomit ← קיאσ זראvomit Nu 11:20 αλ
קיטר, קיטורsmoke Gn 19:28, Ps 110:83,
148:8 ← קטרσ עשׁן
קימה, קיםrising up (against) ← קום
קיןto sing a lament, dirge → קינהdirge,
song of mourning σ שׁיר,כעס
קיןlance σ חנית
< קיןname>
קינהdirge, song of mourning ← קין
< קיניname>
< קינןname>
קיץβ קיץ,קוץ
קיץsummer, summer fruit
קיקיוןcaster oil plant
disgrace Hb 2:16 αλ ←
קירwall, as in a house or city, σ גדרa low
wall or fence around a field, (sheep,
cattle) fold, חומהprotective barrier Ex
14:22, 29
(most commonly) fortified
wall (of a city) Dt 3:5, 2S 20:15, Ne 1:3,
2C 36:19, כתלwall (made of pounded
earth ?) So 2:9 αλ, שׁורה, שׁורsupporting
wall, one that restrains “chains in” the
hillside, שׂכויscreen ?? set up for
protection Jb 38:36 αλ
קירchilling ?? Is 25:4 αλ ← קרר
< קירplace name>
< קיר חרשׂname>
< קיר חרשׂתname>
< איר מאבname>
< קירהname>
< קירסname>
< קישׁname>
< קישׁוןname>
< קישׁיname>
קלβ קלה, קל,קול
קלlight, quick ← קלל
קלהβ קלה, קל,קול
קלהto roast → קלויroasted Lv 2:14, Js
5:11, קליroasted grain Lv 23:14, Rt 2:14,
25:18, 2S 17:28, קליאroasted food 1S
קלוטstunted ?? Lv 22:23 αλ
dishonor, opposite of
כבד, כבודheaviness
riches, honor ←
קללσ בושׁ
קלחתcauldron 1S 2:14, Mc 3:3 σ פרור
קליβ קלי,קול
קלויroasted Lv 2:14, Js 5:11 ← קלה
קליroasted grain Lv 23:14, Rt 2:14, 25:18,
2S 17:28 ← קלה
קליאroasted food 1S 17:17 ← קלה
< קליname>
< קליהname>
< קליטאname>
קללto treat lightly (unimportant), also to
move lightly, quickly, to become light →
מקלstaff, stick Gn 30:37–9, 41, Jr 1:11,
walking stick (something that
aids people to walk swiftly) Gn 32:11
(10), Ex 12:11, Nu 22:27, 1S 17:40, 43,
Ez 39:9, מקלswift (one who is normally
swift, light on his feet) ⇐ light weight
Am 2:14 αλ, מקלthat which causes to be
treated lightly, cursed Jr 3:9, Hs 4:12,
מקלותswiftness ⇐ lightness Ps 93:4 αλ
disgrace Hb 2:16 αλ,
קלlight, quick, קלוןlightness
dishonor, opposite of כבד,כבוד
riches, honor, קללהslight
(noun) a reason to be lightly esteemed,
slighting remark
curse, קלקלlightly
esteemed σ בזה, בושׁ,ארר
קללהslight (noun) a reason to be lightly
esteemed, slighting remark
curse ←
קלסto amuse in the sense of making fun
of 2K2:23, Ez 22:5, Hb 1:10 → קלס
object of derision laughed at Jr 20:8 Ez
16:31, 22:4, Ps 44:13, 79:4, קלסה
derision Ez 22:4 αλ σ שׂמח
קלסobject of derision laughed at Jr 20:8
Ez 16:31, 22:4, Ps 44:13, 79:4 ← קלס
קלסהderision Ez 22:4 αλ ← קלס
קלעto hold in a sling
to suspend, sling
→ מקלעתsling, used to hold things 1K
6:18, 7:31, קלעcurtain held up at the
corners and slung between them Ex 27:9,
11–2, 38:14–5, Nu 4:26, קלעsling, where
one suspends a stone prior to slinging
(throwing) it 1S 17:40, 50, 25:29, Zc
9:15, Jb 41:20, 2C 26:14, קלעslinger,
one who fights with stones flung from a
sling 2K 3:25 αλ
קלעcurtain held up at the corners and
slung between them Ex 27:9, 11–2,
38:14–5, Nu 4:26 σ פרכת
קלעsling, where one suspends a stone
prior to slinging (throwing) it 1S 17:40,
50, 25:29, Zc 9:15, Jb 41:20, 2C 26:14 ←
קלעslinger, one who fights with stones
flung from a sling 2K 3:25 αλ ← קלע
קלקלshaking Jr 4:24
some sort of
divination made by shaking wooden
tokens from a cup ?? Ez 21:26 (21)
קלקלlightly esteemed Nu 21:5, Ko 10:10
← קלל
קלשׁוןpitch fork, שׁלשׁ קלשׁוןtrident 1S
13:21 σ רחתpitchfork, a light one used
for straw Is 30:24 αλ
קםthose who rise up against one to fight
← קום
קמהstanding grain (in the field) Dt 16:9,
23:26, Jd 15:5, Hs 8:2 ← קום
< קמואלname>
< קמוןname>
קמושׂthistle Is 34:13, Hs 9:6 σ שׁמיר
קמחa type of grain 2S 17:28, Is 47:2,
possibly prepared a certain way Nu 5:15
not the same as dough Gn 18:6 σ חטה
קמטto hold fast Jb 16:8, 22:16 σ קנה
קמלto dry up dead Is 19:6, 33:9 σ שׁדף
קמץto fill the hand → קמץhandful Lv 2:2,
5:12, 6:15, Nu 5:26, in plural “handfuls”
i.e. bountiful(ly) Gn 41:47 σ שׁעל
קמץhandful Lv 2:2, 5:12, 6:15, Nu 5:26, in
plural “handfuls” i.e. bountiful(ly) Gn
41:47 σ כף
קמשׂניםa type of weed ?? Pr 24:31 αλ
קןnest Nu 24:21, Pr 27:8, Jb 39:27
(for animals) Gn 6:14 ← קנן
קנאto be jealous → קנוא, קנאjealous, קנאה
jealousy Nu 5:14, 30, Pr 14:30, So 8:6
קנוא, קנאjealous ← קנא
קנאהjealousy Nu 5:14, 30, Pr 14:30, So 8:6
← קנא
קנהto get possession of
to acquire →
מקנהacquisition, possession (cattle,
קסםto tell fortunes 2K 17:17, Ez 13:23
be paid to tell a fortune Mi 3:11 → מקסם
divining Ez 12:24, 13:7, Mc 3:6, קסם
fortuneteller Nu 23:23, Is 3:2,
קסםdivination Dt 18:10, Ez 21:26,
fortune Pr 16:10, payment for divination
Nu 22:7 σ ענן
fortuneteller Nu 23:23, Is
3:2 ← קסם
קסםdivination Dt 18:10, Ez 21:26, fortune
Pr 16:10, payment for divination Nu 22:7
← קסם
קססto wrinkle, make wrinkly Ez 17:9 αλ
( קסתwriting) kit Ez 9:2–3, 11
< קעילהtoponym>
< קעלהtoponym> name of a region in
which the city of קעילהis found ?? 1S
23:3, 13
קעקעtattoo Lv 19:28 αλ
קערהplatter Ex 25:29, 37;16, Nu 7
קףβ קוף
קפאto put pressure on, as in squeezing out
whey to make cheese Ex 15:8, Zp 1:12,
Jb 10:10 → קפאוןthickening, congealing
Zc 14:6 αλ
קפאוןthickening, congealing Zc 14:6 αλ ←
קפדto trim off (loose threads after
weaving) Is 38:12 αλ → קפדהtrimming
off Ez 7:25 αλ
קפוד, קפדhedgehog ?? Is 14:23 (DSS
)קפז, 34:11, Zp 2:14
קפדהtrimming off Ez 7:25 αλ ← קפד
( קפוזsome wild animal that makes
nests) ?? Is 34:15 αλ
קפץreferring to a quick motion as in
opening the mouth in astonishment Is
field) (when this noun is used to refer to
an object, it does not conjugate to a תin
construct, but when it refers to the action
of acquiring, then it does conjugate to a
תin construct), קונהone who acquires,
purchases Is 24:2, Ez 7:12, Pr 15:32,
20:14, קנהpossessing, acquiring, קנין
possession, קניתthat which has been
acquired, possessed, acquisition Is 43:24,
Ps 74:2 σ אחזto hold, ירשׁto
expropriate, as in to transfer ownership
from one (person, nation, people) to
to inherit, נחלto possess, קמט
to hold fast Jb 16:8, 22:16, רכשׁto own,
collect, תפשׂto take hold of, to hold, σ
( קנהplural )קניםstalk of a grain plant Gn
41:5, 22, cane, like bamboo, used of the
arms of the menorah Ex 25:32–3, 35, as a
measurement Ez 42:16–9 σ גמא
קנהpossessing, acquiring ← קנה
< קנהname>
< קנזname>
< קנזיname>
< קניname>
קניםβ קנה, קן,קין
קניןpossession ← קנה
קניתthat which has been acquired,
possessed, acquisition Is 43:24, Ps 74:2 ←
קנמן, קנמוןcinnamon
קנןto nest → קןnest Nu 24:21, Pr 27:8, Jb
stall (for animals) Gn 6:14
קנץdefenses, as in to defend oneself ?? Jb
18:2 αλ
< קנתname>
קצףto become furious (with a desire for
vengeance) This is always from a
superior onto an inferior who fails to
follow commands, therefore fury mixed
with disgust and readiness to punish →
קצףanger with a desire for vengeance σ
אנףto be angry, used only with God
קצףanger with a desire for vengeance ←
קצףσ אף
קצףsplinter, from a smashed tree or wood
Hs 10:7 αλ
קצפהsplintering, the act of chopping up a
tree Jl 1:7 αλ
קצץto remove by cutting off
to remove
(objects) Ex 39:3, Jd 1:6–7, 2C 28:24 →
מקץremoving, removal Jr 50:26 αλ σ
קצרto cut short
to harvest (cut short
the stalks) → קצר, קצורshort, קציר
harvest, קצרone who cuts short
קצרone who cuts short
harvester ←
קצתהβ קצץ
קרβ קר,קיר
קרcold Is 22:5, Jr 18:14, Pr 17:27, 25:25
← קרר
קראβ קרה, קרא
קראto call (out) (used of public reading
of a document), summon קראו לי
summon to me, bring to me 1K 1:28, 32,
2K 10:19 → מקראsomething that is
called out, a message Is 48:12 though
most often people called out for a
meeting Lv 23, Nu 28–9
meeting (εκκλησια), קריאsummoned,
52:15, Ps 107:42, Jb 5:16, removing Ps
77:10 (9), Jb 24:24 (a hand as if
burned) Dt 15:7, a voice bouncing over
the hills So 2:8
קץβ קץ,קוץ
קץend ← קצה
קצבto cut off as in carving, forming,
shearing → קצבcut, i.e. form, shape 1K
6:25, 7:37 where the cut is made Jn 2:7,
קצובsheared So 4:2 αλ σ כרת
קצבcut, i.e. form, shape 1K 6:25, 7:37
where the cut is made Jn 2:7 ← קצבσ
קצהto make an end → קץend, קצהend,
edge, קצותends (plural of )קצה
referring to the dregs of society σ סוףto
end Nu 11:25, Am 3:15, Es 9:28
קצהend, edge ← קצה
קצובsheared So 4:2 αλ ← קצב
קצויβ קצה
קצר, קצורshort ← קצר
קצותβ קצת,קצות
קצותends (plural of )קצהreferring to the
dregs of society ← קצה
קצחblack cumin Is 28:25, 27 σ חטה
קציןcommander Js 10:24, Jd 11:6, Pr 6:7
σ מלך
קציעותcassia Ps 45:9 αλ ← קצע
< קציעהname>
< קציץname>
קצירharvest ← קצר
קצעto gouge out → מקצע, מקצועcorner
Ez 46:21, Ne 3:20, 24–5, 2C 26:9, מקצעה
gouge Is 44:13 αλ, מקצעתcorner of a
building Ex 26:23–4, 28–9, Ez 46:22,
קציעותcassia Ps 45:9 αλ
called out, קריאהproclamation, that is
called out σ דבר
קראpartridge 1S 26:20, Jr 17:11
< קראname>
קרבto come up (to), to approach, come
near → מקרבfrom (our) midst, ,קרב
קרבהnear, approaching, middle, insides,
קרבןsacrifice (that which is made to
come up to the altar), קרובnear σ הלך
קרבה, קרבnear, approaching, middle,
insides ← קרב
קרבןsacrifice (that which is made to
come up to the altar) ← קרבσ זבח
קרדםhatchet 1S 13:20–1
קרדמותgeneralized chopping tool, usually
with a wooden handle Jd 9:48, Jr 46:22,
Ps 74:5
קרהβ קרה,קורה
קרא, קרהto happen (upon), occur
meet (with) → מקורsource, מקרה
(chance) happening Rt 2:3, 1S 6:9, Ko
opportunity Ko 10:18,
“room of
happening” recognized as a euphemism
for restroom Jd 3:20, 24, קריהhappening
?? 1K 1:41, ( קריהmarket) town (where
people come together to meet) σ אנהto
experience, in particular going through
an unpleasant experience or occurrence
that is not entirely by chance
(hit) to
make oneself an unpleasant experience,
i.e. to seek a pretext 2K 5:7
קרהcoldness Na 3:17, Ps 147:17, Jb 17:9,
24;7, Pr 25:20 ← קרר
קרובnear ← קרב
קרוהוβ קור
קרותβ קרת
קרחto make bald Ez 29:13 (used at times
as a sign of mourning among pagan
societies Lv 21:5, Jr 16:6, Mc 1:16) →
קרחbald person Lv 13:40, in making fun
of “baldy” 2K 2:23, קרחהbaldness Dt
14:1, Is 3:24, 15:2, 22:12, Am 8:10, קרחת
bald spot Lv 13:42–3, 55, Mc 1:16
קרחfreezing cold air Jb 6:16, 37:10, 38:29
freezing (air) at night Gn 31:40, Jr
clear ice ?? Ez 1:22, Ps 147:17
σ כפורfrost Ps 147:16 αλ
קרחbald person Lv 13:40, in making fun
of “baldy” 2K 2:23 ← קרח
< קרחname>
קרחהbaldness Dt 14:1, Is 3:24, 15:2,
22:12, Am 8:10 ← קרח
< קרחיname>
< קרחיםname>
קרחתbald spot Lv 13:42–3, 55, Mc 1:16 ←
קרחσ גבחone who has a receding
hairline Lv 13:41 αλ, גבחתplace where
there’s a receding hairline Lv 13:42–3,
53, נתקbald spot that can be a
temporary reaction to skin problems, or
permanent due to leprosy Lv 13:30–7
קריhostily, with hostility Lv 26:21, 23–4,
27–8, 40–1
קריאsummoned, called out ← קרא
קריאהproclamation, that is called out ←
קריהhappening ?? 1K 1:41 ← קרה
( קריהmarket) town (where people come
together to meet) ← קרהσ עיר
קריהhostility ?? Pr 29:8< קריתname>
< קרית ארבעname>
< קרית בעלname>
< קרית בעלהname>
< קרית חצותname>
< קרית יעריםname>
< קרית סנהname>
< קריותname>
< קריתיםname>
קרםto overlay Ez 37:6, 8
קרןto shine Ex 34:29–30, 35 → קרן
shining Hb 3:4 αλ
קרןhorn (of an animal), can also be used
to make music
קרןshining Hb 3:4 αλ ← קרן
< קרן בן שמןname>
< קרן הפוךname>
קרנהan architectural feature usually
connected with altars, horn.
< קרניםname>
קרסto make a deep bow with the body in
a hook shape, head down → קרס
(curved) hook σ שׁחה
( קרסcurved) hook
< קרסname>
קרסלankle 2S 22:37, Ps 18:37 (36)
קרעto tear (open, apart) → קרעtorn rag
σ פרםto rip, tear Lv 10:6, 13:45, 21:10
קרעtorn rag ← קרע
קרץto pinch (together)
to squint (eyes,
as in hate) Ps 35:19, Pr 6:13, 10:10
(lips) Pr 16:30, to form things from clay
(done by pinching the clay) Jb 33:6 →
קרץmosquito, or some other pinching or
biting bug
קרץmosquito, or some other pinching or
biting bug ← קרץ
קרקעfloor (horizontally flat area of a
building), ceiling Nu 5:17, 1K 6:15–6, 30,
bottom (floor) Am 9:3
< קרקעname>
קרקרto make cold (as in death) Nu 24:17
(referring to the future destruction of the
Amalekites), Is 22:5 ← קרר
קרקרAmalekite place name Nu 24:17, Jd
קררto be cold Is 22:5, Jr 6:7 → מקרה
cooling, קירchilling ?? Is 25:4 αλ, קר
cold Is 22:5, Jr 18:14, Pr 17:27, 25:25
קרהcoldness Na 3:17, Ps 147:17, Jb
17:9, 24;7, Pr 25:20
קרשׁboard, a large, heavy beam σ לוחflat
board of wood or stone, plank
קרתβ קרת, קרה, קורה
( קרתwalled) village σ מושׁב
קרתroof beam Gn 19:8, So 1:17, Ne 2:8 2C
3:7, 34:11 ← קור
< קרתהname>
קרתיβ קרה
< קרתןname>
קשׁstraw, left over after harvesting grain
← קושׁσ תבן
קשׁאcucumber Nu 11:5 αλ
קשׁבto give attention → מקשׁיבone who
causes to give attention to Pr 1:24, 17:4,
29:12, So 8:13, קשׁבattentive, attention
קשׁבattentive, attention ← קשׁב
קשׁהto become hard, unyielding → מקשׁה
hardened, hardened place, נקשׁה
hardened, that which is hard Is 8:21 αλ,
קשׁהhard, unyielding, קשׁיhardness Dt
9:27 αλ σ אמץ
קשׁהhard, unyielding ← קשׁה
קשׂוהshallow bowl, scale shaped ??
designed for pouring libations Ex 37:16,
Nu 4:7, 1C 28:17
קשׁחto abandon, treat not as one’s own Is
63:17, Jb 39:16 σ עזב
קשׁטstark truth Ps 60:6 (4), Pr 22:21 σ
קשׁיhardness Dt 9:27 αλ ← קשׁה
< קשׁיוןname>
קשׂיטהa measure of weight
קשׂקשׂתscale σ מאזנים
קשׁרto bind, often used in an indirect
sense meaning to join oneself with
another in conspiracy, obligation or for
what ever other reason → מקשׁרstrong
(i.e. muscle bound) Gn 30:41 αλ, קשׁר
conspiracy, joining (in marriage), tied on
jewelry, תקשׁריםtied on adornments ??
Is 49:18 σ חבל
קשׁרconspiracy, joining (in marriage), tied
on jewelry ← קשׁר
קשׁשׁto glean, picking up stuff fallen on the
ground σ אסף
קשׁתbow, as in bow and arrows, bowman
דרך קשׁתto draw a bow
קשׂתהcranium, top of skull (Is 13:18) σ
רtwentieth letter, has no meaning in
Hebrew on its own, where letters are
used as numbers, it refers to the number
ראהto look, also in the sense of to
consider, think about. This word has a
very wide usage, from active looking to
more passive seeing, used both physically
seeing with one’s eyes to metaphorically
looking with one’s mind at what is not
visible; the Yiqtol form sometimes omits
the final הand sometimes includes it.
Including it indicates a directed looking
at or examination while omitting it is
more generalized seeing → מראwhat
can be looked at Dt 26:8, Ko 11:9, מראה
something looked at Dt 28:34, 67, looks,
sight Gn 2:9, 12:11, 24:16, (in) the sight
(of) Ex 38:8, vision (revelation from
God) Gn 46:2, Dn 10:7–8, 16, מראה
contents of crop (of a bird) (looked at
in some ancient societies for fortune
telling) ?? Lv 1:16 αλ, ראהseer 1S 9:9,
18–9, Is 30:10, ( ראוהsorry) sight ?? Ez
28:17, ראיone who looks Gn 16:13, Ps
22:8 (7), 31:12 (11) upon the king’s
face (courtier) 2K 25:19, Jr 52:25, Es
1:14, sight, looking Jb 7:8, 33:21, (good)
looks 1S 16:12, ראיתsight σ בקרto look
to take care of, הברto observe
Is 47:13 αλ, חוסto regard with concern
for (upon), חזהto vision, view, נבטto
stare, i.e. look closely at or with
expectation, נכרto view (or listen) for
purposes of recognition, both familiar
and strange, and to give recognition
estrange, make strange (give recognition
that is a stranger), (hit) to make oneself
recognized, either as a stranger Gn 42:7
or the type of person he is Pr 20:11, עין
to have one’s eye on (somebody), צפה
to look out (for, upon)
to plate (the
plating is what is looked upon), ,שׂבר
שׁברto look to, in the sense of looking
over, inspecting, looking to as in making
sure something gets done, provided for
Jb 38:10
to look after in the sense of
taking care of, providing for Gn 41:56–7
to look to in the sense of expectation,
waiting for Rt 1:13, Is 38:18, Es 9:1, שׁגח
to look steadily, to gaze, שׁורto gaze
(upon), שׁזףto glimpse for a moment,
שׁעהto look with pleasure, approval Gn
4:4–5, Is 17:7–8, Ps 119:117, hit. look to
oneself with approval Is 41:10, 23
שׁעה מremove approval from Ps 39:14,
Jb 7:19, 14:6, שׁקףto look out (e.g. from
a window) Gn 18:16, 19:28, 26:8, draw
one’s attention to (for purposes of
looking, acting) Jd 5:28, 2S 6:16, Pr 7:6,
1C 15:29, תאהto survey, both in
marking boundaries Nu 34:7–8 and
looking over Dt 33:21
ראהred kite ?? possibly misspelling for
דאהσ עוף
ראהseer 1S 9:9, 18–9, Is 30:10 ← ראה
< ראובןname>
< ראובניname>
ראוהβ ראוה,ראה
( ראוהsorry) sight ?? Ez 28:17 ← ראה
< ראומהname>
ראיone who looks Gn 16:13, Ps 22:8 (7),
31:12 (11) upon the king’s face
(courtier) 2K 25:19, Jr 52:25, Es 1:14,
sight, looking Jb 7:8, 33:21, (good) looks
1S 16:12 ← ראה
< ראיהname>
ראיםβ ראם
ראיתsight ← ראה
ראלβ אראל
ראםwild (untamable) ox, possibly a
horned dinosaur? Nu 23:22, Dt 33:17, Ps
92:11 (10)
< ראמהname>
< ראמהname>
< ראמותname>
ראמתa semiprecious stone ?? Ez 27:16 αλ
< ראמתname>
< ראמת נגבname>
ראמותunknown valuable product Jb
28;18, Pr 24:7
< ראמותname>
ראשׁto be head
to be first → מראשׁת
pillow Gn 28:11, 18, place of the head
1S 19:13, 16, place beside the head 1S
26:7, 11–2, 16, 1K 19:6, ראשׁhead,
including both a physical head as well
as leader as in being top or first, ראשׁה
crown (top of head) Jr 13:18
ראשׁהcrowning stone Zc 4:7, ראשׁון
first one, ראשׁונהprior actions, things,
before other actions
first things Lv
5:8Jr 7:2, Ezr 9:2, 2C 29:3, ראשׁית
initiation, that which starts
beginning, at the head, something that
comes first
first fruits, ראשׁןfirst Ex
12:15, 18, Lm 2:10, ראשׁנהbefore, both
in space and/or time
first (before
doing something else), ראשׁניתfirst,
that started ?? Jr 25:1 αλ, ראשׁת
previous situation ?? Ez 36:11 αλ
ראשׁhead, including both a physical head
as well as leader as in being top or first
← ראשׁσ מלך
ראשׁpoppy, opium, listed as a spice Ex
ראשׁbitter poverty, poisonous bitterness
that comes from poverty ?? Pr 6:11,
10:4, 30:8
impoverished person Pr
11:26 13:23 σ רישׁ
ראשׁpoison ?? Dt 29:17, 32:33, Am 6:12,
Jb 20:10, Lm 3:5, 19
ראשׁ מר דרורa type of spice Ex 30:23 αλ
σ בשׂם
< ראשׁname>
ראשׁהcrown (top of head) Jr 13:18
ראשׁהcrowning stone Zc 4:7 ← ראשׁ
ראשׁוןfirst one ← ראשׁ
ראשׁונהprior actions, things, before other
first things Lv 5:8Jr 7:2, Ezr
9:2, 2C 29:3 ← ראשׁ
ראשׁיתinitiation, that which starts
beginning, at the head, something that
comes first
first fruits ← ראשׁσ תחלה
beginning, referring to the initiation of
action, starting of making common
ראשׁןfirst Ex 12:15, 18, Lm 2:10 ← ראשׁ
ראשׁנהbefore, both in space and/or time
first (before doing something else) ←
ראשׁניתfirst, that started ?? Jr 25:1 αλ ←
ראשׁתprevious situation ?? Ez 36:11 αλ ←
רבβ ריב, רבה, רבב, רב
רוב, רבmultitude
great (one),
numerous ← רבב
( רבarrow ← )רבהSee note under רבה
רבinterrogative opening of a sentence, “Is
it too much (that) … ?” Nu 16:3 ← רבב
מג- רבa Chaldean official
רבאβ רבו
רבה, רבבto become numerous, great →
מרבהgreat, numerous, מרביתmajority,
greater part, רבmultitude
(one), numerous, רבinterrogative
opening of a sentence, “Is it too much
(that) … ?”, רבבהten thousand Lv 26:8,
1S 18:7, 21:12, 29:5, sometimes taken
metaphorically for a great number Gn
24:60, Ps 91:7, So 5:10 or increase Ez
16:7, רבוא, רבוmyriad, multitude, רבית
multiplying, תרבותincrease, תרבית
interest (on a loan)
רבבהten thousand Lv 26:8, 1S 18:7,
21:12, 29:5, sometimes taken
metaphorically for a great number Gn
24:60, Ps 91:7, So 5:10 or increase Ez
16:7 ← רבב
רבדto drape, cover with a hanging ?? Pr
7:16 αλ → מרבדdrape, hanging ?? Pr
7:16, 31:22, רביד, רבדneckband or
stole, made of cloth or gold Gn 41:42, Ez
16:11 σ כפר
רביד, רבדneckband or stole, made of
cloth or gold Gn 41:42, Ez 16:11 ← רבד
רבהβ רבה,רבב
( רבהto shoot arrows → רבarrow) Other
than being in the dictionary, I can’t find
it in the text. Every use listed in the
concordance refers to numerous or
< רבהname>
רבוא, רבוmyriad, multitude ← רבב
רבועsquare, as opposed to rectangular, of
four equal parts ← רבע
רבבים, רביביםdownpour (of rain),
soaking drizzle
רבידβ רבד
רביםβ ריב,רב
רביתmultiplying ← רבב
< רביתname>
רבךfry, deep fry σ עוג
< רבלהname>
רבעto lie down
used as a euphemism
for to mate
רבעto fourth, make into fourths → רבע
fourth (part), fourth generation, רבוע
tremble, shiver Ps 104:32, Ezr 10:9, רעשׁ
to quake as in shaking, רפףto totter ??
Jb 26:11 αλ
רגזone who causes shuddering, alarm ←
רגזהshuddering Ez 12:18 αλ ← רגז
רגלto scout (out), spy with the main
emphasis on bringing a report for the
purpose of overthrowing what is spied
on Nu 21:32, Js 6:25, 2S 10:3, 19:28 →
מרגלagent 2S 15:10
spy Gn 42:9, Js
2:1 scout 1S 26:4, מרגלהlower leg—
shin, ankle, foot ?? Rt 3:4, 7–8, 12, Dn
10:6, רגלfoot and by extension leg;
time Ex 23:14, Nu 22:28, 32–
3; report for overthrowing Ps 15:3, רגלי
footmen, infantry, תרגלתיmy giving help
to walk ?? Hs 11:3 αλ
רגלfoot and by extension leg; occasion
time Ex 23:14, Nu 22:28, 32–3; report for
overthrowing Ps 15:3 ← רגל
רגליfootmen, infantry ← רגל
< רגליםname>
רגםto throw together
to stone →
מרגמהpile of stones Pr 26:8 αλ, רגמת
gathering Ps 68:28 αλ
< רגםname>
< רגם מלךname>
רגמתgathering Ps 68:28 αλ ← רגם
רגןto murmur (as in complaining) Dt
1:27, Ps 106:25 → נרגןthat which is
murmured about Pr 16:28, 18:8, 26:20,
22, רוגןone who murmurs, murmurer Is
29:24 αλ σ דבר
רגעto make a pause, stop → ארגיעה
pausing, hesitant, מרגעה, מרגועplace to
square, as opposed to rectangular, of four
equal parts, רבעיתfourth of what’s
measured Nu 15:4, 1K 6:33, Jr 25:1, Zc
6:3, Ne 9:3
רבעfourth (part), fourth generation ←
< רבעname>
רבעיתfourth of what’s measured Nu 15:4,
1K 6:33, Jr 25:1, Zc 6:3, Ne 9:3 ← רבע
רבץto recline → רבץ, מרבץresting place,
where one can recline σ ישׁב
רבץresting place, where one can recline
← רבץ
< רבקהname>
רבתβ רבת, ריב,רבב
רבתnumerous, great amount ?? Jr 51:13,
Ez 24:12, Lm 1:1, large number of people
?? Ps 129:1–2, 2C 30:18 ← רבב
רבתname of Ammonite city
< רבתהname>
רגבsticky mud Jb 21:33, 38:38 σ עפר
רגזto be aroused, excited
to shudder
(hitpael) to rouse oneself, excite oneself
→ ארגזcontainer of some sort for
traveling 1S 6:8, 11, 15, מרגיזone who
causes to rouse up Is 14:16, Jb 9:6, 12:6,
רגזone who causes shuddering, alarm,
רגזהshuddering Ez 12:18 αλ σ געשׁto
set in motion, חילto writhe, חרדto
shiver (from concern for another, fright
or great awe)
be concerned for, מוגto
waver Ex 15:15, Js 2:9, 24, Is 14:31, Ps
46:7, מעדto tremor, tremble 2S 22:37, Ps
18:37, 26:1, 37:31, נוטto vibrate ?? Ps
99:1 αλ, פלץto tremble as in shivering
(from fright or disgust) Jb 9:6, פצםto
shake apart ?? Ps 60:4 αλ, רעדto
pause for rest, רגעmoment, pause, those
who pause for rest σ שׁבת
רגעmoment, pause, those who pause for
rest ← רגע
רגשׁto be agitated Ps 2:1 αλ → רגשׁ
agitating Ps 55:15 αλ, רגשׁתagitation Ps
64:3 αλ
רגשׁagitating Ps 55:15 αλ ← רגשׁ
רגשׁתagitation Ps 64:3 αλ ← רגשׁ
רדβ רדה, רד,ירד
( רדadj.) descended, i.e. late in the day Jd
19:11 ← ירד
רדדto spread out 1K 6:32, Ps 144:2 →
רדידshawl worn by women Is 3:23, So
5:7 σ פרשׂ
רדהto take in hand
to have authority,
to boss σ בעל
< רדיname>
רדידshawl worn by women Is 3:23, So 5:7
← רדדσ בגד
רדםβ רדם,ירד
רדםto lie still (on the ground as in
laziness, fear or sleep)
to sleep deeply
Jn 1:5, Ps 68:28 (27), 76:7 (6), Dn 8:18
→ נרדםlazing, lying still on the ground
Jd 4:21, Jn 1:6, Pr 10:5, Dn 10:9, תרדמה
deep sleep Gn 2:21, 15:12, Js 2:15, 1S
26:12, Is 29:10, Jr 19:15, Jb 4:13, 33:15
רדףto pursue, in the sense of striving for
(that which is good Ps 34:15), follow
after (God Jr 15:15), and chase (down
enemies Gn 14:14) → מרדףpursuer,
one who pursues Is 14:6, Pr 11:19, 12:11,
15:9, 19:7, 28:19 σ דלקto burn quickly,
as a fire on dry grassland Ez 24:10, Ob
to pursue hotly (like a raging
range fire) Gn 31:36, 1S 17:53, Ps 10:2,
Lm 4:19, נטרto pursue, also
metaphorically (to pursue a career)
take care of, נכאto hound, chase
continually Ps 109:16, Jb 30:8, Dn 11:30
רדתdescent ← ירד
רהבto embolden Is 3:5, So 6:5, act with
strength and freshness Ps 138:3, Pr 6:3
→ רהבboldness, strength, freshness Is
30:7, Ps 90:10, bold (one) Ps 40:5 (4),
89:11 (10)
רהבboldness, strength, freshness Is 30:7,
Ps 90:10, bold (one) Ps 40:5 (4), 89:11
(10) ← רהב
רהבa type of animal ?? Is 51:9, Jb 9:13,
< רהגהname>
רההto fear, used only in connection with
dread in context that this was announced
before, therefore don’t dread and don’t
__, DSS has יראIs 44:8 αλ σ ירא
רהטsheep pen containing a watering
trough ?? Gn 30:38, 41, Ex 2:16, So 7:6
רובβ ריב,רב
רוגןone who murmurs, murmurer Is 29:24
αλ ← רגן
רודto be loose, not tied down, free Jr 2:31
(Hiphil) cause to be free 2K 11:19, Ps
set free, untie Gn 27:40, Js 8:29,
11:27 → מרודhomeless(ness) Is 58:7,
Lm 1:7, 3:19 σ פרע
< רודניםname>
רוהto moisten, to make moist
and strength are still moist (in botany,
one wants a garden that is moist, not
soaking wet) “moisten” here refers to
giving a drink, rain upon, work oil into
8:11, Lm 3:56, ריחscent σ יפחto pant,
sigh ?? Jr 4:31, Hb 2:3, Ps 27:12, Pr
14:25, נדףto blow away Is 19:7, Ps 68:3,
Jb 32:13, נפחto blow (e.g. using a
bellows) Gn 2:7, Ez 22:21, Hg 1:9, נפשׁto
take a breather, revive, נשׁבto blow
(wind) Is 40:7, Ps 147:18, נשׁםto pant,
breathe, נשׁףto blow (upon) Ex 15:10, Is
to dawn Ps 139:11 (⇐ come to
a time of dawn or dusk, when the strong
winds of the day or night tend to blow
more softly), סערto blow a wind, to be
windy, sometimes a strong wind Jn 1:11,
to blow away Hs 13:3, Zc 7:14
be blown away referring to complete
mental bafflement 2K 6:11
רוחbreath Ps 33:6
spirit as in thoughts,
guiding principles, motivating force
within a person Pr 1:23
mood, attitude, frame of mind Jd 9:23, 1S
16:14–6, 18:10, 19:9
relief (can take a
breath, can catch one’s breath) Es 4:14
distance, breathing space Gn 32:17,
breeze, wind (blowing)
cool (of the
day) Gn 3:8,
spirit as a sentient,
thinking but non-physical being Gn 1:2,
Is 48:16 ← רוח
רוחהrelief, rest, breather Ex 8:11, Lm 3:56
← רוח
רויהmade moist, wet (a cup is moist
because it has been filled) Ps 23:5, 66:12
← Dרו
רוםto rise
to lift up (motion upwards)
(used in many contexts, some literal,
some allegorical, where the lifting up
refers to picking up to carry, for the
purpose to remove hence sometimes the
skin or leather to make soft, water the
ground which makes it soft and receptive
to plowing and seeding, hence
figuratively to moisten a person is to
make a person soft as in renewing his
youth, or just as moist soil is (relatively)
soft and receptive to plowing and
seeding, so to moisten a person is to
soften him, making him receptive to
one’s entreaties → רוהmoist, that which
is moist Dt 29:18 (19), Is 58:11, Jr
31:12, רויהmade moist, wet (a cup is
moist because it has been filled) Ps 23:5,
66:12 σ רטבto be moist Jb 8:16, 24:8,
שׁקהto water (which can include other
liquids as well, e.g. oil, wine)
to give
to drink
רוהmoist, that which is moist Dt 29:18
(19), Is 58:11, Jr 31:12 ← רוה
רזן,( רוזןdistinguished) dignitary, one
who attained his post Jd 5:3, Is 40:23, Hb
1:10, Ps 2:2, Pr 8:15, 31:4 σ מלך
רוחto take a breather, to catch one’s
to get relief, rest 1S 16:23, Is
11:3, Jb 32:20,
to smell Gn 8:21,
27:27, Lv 26:31, Jb 39:25 → רוחbreath
Ps 33:6
spirit as in thoughts, guiding
principles, motivating force within a
person Pr 1:23
feelings, mood,
attitude, frame of mind Jd 9:23, 1S
16:14–6, 18:10, 19:9
relief (can take a
breath, can catch one’s breath) Es 4:14
distance, breathing space Gn 32:17,
breeze, wind (blowing)
cool (of the
day) Gn 3:8,
spirit as a sentient,
thinking but non-physical being Gn 1:2,
Is 48:16, רוחהrelief, rest, breather Ex
purpose fulfilled, to exalt, to rear
(children), to give burnt offerings, etc.)
→ ירוםrising up ?? Ps 140:9 (8) αλ,
מרוםheights, ( רומהhead) lifted high,
רוממת, רומםlifting up
praise, רם
high, רמהheight, תרומיה,תרומה
offering, contribution (not to be burnt on
the altar), תרומותmaking contributions
(i.e. bribes) Pr 29:4 αλ σ סבל
( רומהhead) lifted high ← רום
< רומהname>
רוממת, רומםlifting up
praise ← רום
רוןto become sober Ps 78:65 αλ
רועto sound forth (blowing a trumpet,
shouting Ps 47.2) → תרועהsounding
forth, can be done with cymbals, stringed
instruments Ps 33:3 as well as trumpets
σ דבר
רוץto run, i.e. to go quickly
to move
(an object 2S 22:30) → מרוץrace,
course Ko 9:11 αλ, מרוצתrunning 2S
18:27, Jr 8:6, 23:10, מרצתperson
running 2S 18:27 αλ, רץrunner σ הלך
רוקβ ריק
רוקחmixed together Ex 30:35, Ko 10:1 ←
רורβ ריר
רושׁto have little, as in being poor Ps
34:11, Pr 13:7
cause to be few ?? 2C
28:3 → רישׁlack of resources, money,
poorness Pr 10:15, 13:18: 24:34, 28:19,
31:7, רשׁpoor, as in having little 1S
18:23, 2S 12:3, Pr 18:23, 29:13, Ko 5:7 σ
< רותname>
רזהto emaciate, make as having no energy
Is 17:4, Zp 2:11, 14 → רזהemaciated,
lean, with no energy Nu 13:20, Ez 34:20,
רזוןemaciation Is 10:16, Mc 6:10, Ps
106:15, Pr 14:28, רזיsomething that
causes emaciation ?? Is 24:16
רזהemaciated, lean, with no energy Nu
13:20, Ez 34:20 ← רזה
רזוןemaciation Is 10:16, Mc 6:10, Ps
106:15, Pr 14:28 ← רזה
< רזוןname>
רזחtemple or shrine for a false god ?? A
place of sorrow as often the worship of
false gods results is sorrow ?? Am 6:7 αλ
רזיsomething that causes emaciation ?? Is
24:16 ← רזה
רזםto wink ?? Jb 15:12 αλ
רחבto become spacious, which includes
both width and distance
(of a mouth)
to open wide,
to make powerful (⇐
making living area spacious, both family
and national, requiring (military) might
to acquire and maintain Pr 28:25) →
מרחבwide open space 2S 22:20, Hs
4:16, Hb 1:6, Ps 18:20, 31:9, 118:5, ,רחב
רחובwide, spacious place, (city) square,
width, רחב נפשׁβ נפשׁ, and, רחב לבבβ
< רחבname>
< רחבותname>
< רחביהname>
< רחביהוname>
< רחבעםname>
רחוב, רחבwide, spacious place, (city)
square, width σ דרך
רחהβ רחים
רחובβ רחב
< רחובname>
רחוםcompassionate ← רחם
< רחוםname>
רחוקdistance, far, distant ← רחק
רחיטrafter, plank of wood to hold up the
roof So 1:17 αλ
רחיםgrinding stones, come in pairs
רחלewe, female sheep
< רחלname>
רחםto have an emotional connection with,
most often as having compassion on →
רחוםcompassionate, רחםwomb, belly
(place where one feels compassion)
רחם רחמתיםwombs, i.e. sex slaves
taken in battle Jd 5:30, רחמים
compassion, רחמניcompassionate Lm
4:10 αλ σ חוסto regard with concern for
(upon), חמלto pity, חנןto favor, as in
having mercy, bestowing grace, (hit.)
request a favor Dt 3:23, Jb 9:15—this
was a favor that resulted in action, as in
giving help to the poor Pr 19:17
רחםwomb, belly (place where one feels
רחם רחמתיםwombs, i.e.
sex slaves taken in battle Jd 5:30 ← רחם
רחם, רחמהcarrion vulture ?? Lv 11:18, Dt
14:17, Ps 106:46 σ עוף
< רחםname>
רחמיםcompassion ← רחם
רחמניcompassionate Lm 4:10 αλ ← רחם
רחףto descend and come to a rest, as a
bird broods its chicks Dt 32:11 and bones
of a depressed person who lacks energy
Jr 23:9 σ דגרto sit (on a nest) Is 34:18
to luxuriate as in a nest Jr 17:11
רחץto wash → רחצה, רחץwashing Ps
60:10, 108:10, So 4:2, 6:6 σ טהרto
become pure, כבסto launder, wash, מרק
to rub, massage
to polish, i.e. to rub
until it shines, שׁטףto overflow, wash
to rinse, this is not necessarily
with water, as almost every time water is
meant, it is specifically mentioned, Dn
9:26, 11:40 with military forces
רחצה, רחץwashing Ps 60:10, 108:10, So
4:2, 6:6 ← רחץ
רחקto make distant, i.e. make a
separation of a distance Ex 8:24 (28),
23:7, Is 6:12 → מרחקdistance, רחוק
distance, far, distant, רחקdistance Gn
21:16, רחקthose who are distant
רחקdistance Gn 21:16 ← רחק
רחקthose who are distant ← רחק
רחשׁto bubble up as in boiling a sauce Ps
45:2 (1) → מרחשׁתsauce pan Lev 2:7,
רחתpitchfork, a light one used for straw Is
30:24 αλ σ קלשׁון
רטבto be moist Jb 8:16, 24:8 σ רוה
רטטto paralyze, make unable to move ??
Jb 16:11 αλ → רטטparalysis ?? Jr 49:24
רטפשׁto recover as in heal from illness,
regain youthfulness Jb 33:25 αλ
רטשׁto kill by smashing with a blunt
object e.g. rock 2K 8:12, Is 13:16, 18, Hs
10:14, 13:16, Nh 3:10 σ דכה
ריבto contend (verbally), quarrel
for → יריבone who argues (against),
brings a (law)suit (against) Is 49:25, Jr
18:19, Ps 35:1, מריבone who continually
argues (against) 1S 2:10, מריבה
argument(ation), strife Gn 13:8, Nu
27:14, ריבarguing, contention σ שׂטןto
attack, by words, deeds and physical
weapons σ נכה
ריבarguing, contention ← ריב
< ריביname>
ריחβ ריח,רוח
ריחscent ← רוח
ריםunknown wild animal, apparently
fairly large Jb 39:9–10
ריעβ רע
רפות, ריפותthreshed grain 2S 17:10, Pr
< ריפתname>
ריקto empty, pour out Jr 48:12, Ml 3:10,
Ko 11:3 (used figuratively of Abram to
empty his camp of trained people to
chase after the kings who captured Lot in
Gn 14:14), hi. to cause a weapon “to
empty” after or upon a people Lv 26:33,
Ps 35:3, Ez 28:7, 30:11 → לריקfor
naught (emptily), מרקguts, emptied
from an animal when meat is prepared,
ריקemptiness, empty, useless(ly), ריקם
empty (handed)
ריקemptiness, empty, useless(ly) ← ריקσ
ריקםempty (handed) ← ריק
רירto ooze, salivate → רירsaliva σ זוב
רירsaliva ← ריר
רישׁlack of resources, money, poorness Pr
10:15, 13:18: 24:34, 28:19, 31:7 ← רושׁσ
ראשׁbitter poverty, poisonous bitterness
that comes from poverty ?? Pr 6:11, 10:4,
impoverished person Pr 11:26
רישׁוןa typo for ראשׁוןor adjective of poor,
impoverished ?? Jb 8:8 αλ
רךsoft, tender; softness ← רכך
רכבto ride → מרכבany object that is
regularly ridden, whether wagon or
animal Lv 15:9, מרכבהwagon, chariot,
made for riding, רכבrider, something
ridden (horse, chariot, wagon), רכבה
רכבrider, something ridden (horse,
chariot, wagon) ← רכב
< רכבname>
רכבהriding ← רכב
< רכביname>
< רכהname>
רכשׁ, רכושׁpossession, movable stuff, often
referring to animals though not limited
to them ← רכשׁ
רכילinfluence peddling, gossiping, an act
that destroys others Lv 19:16, Jr 6:28, 9:3
(4), Ez 22:9, Pr 11:13, 20:19 ← רכל
רכךto be soft, tender → מרך
cowardliness (δειλια) Lv 26:36 αλ, רך
soft, tender; softness σ חלה
רכלto trade, large scale often involving
bulk commodities and often wholesale
to trade gossip → מרכלתmarket, where
trade takes place Ez 27:24 αλ, רכיל
influence peddling, gossiping, an act that
destroys others Lv 19:16, Jr 6:28, 9:3
(4), Ez 22:9, Pr 11:13, 20:19, רכלtrader,
רכלהtrade σ סחר
< רכלname>
רכסto knot on Ex 28:28, 39:21 → רכס
knotty, bunched up like knots, used of
people who are crooked and twisted like
knots Ps 31:21 (20), of places that are
jumbled up like knots, difficult to get
through Is 40:4 σ חבל
רכסknotty, bunched up like knots, used of
people who are crooked and twisted like
knots Ps 31:21 (20), of places that are
רמכיםpost horses (Aramaic loan word) Es
8:10 αλ σ סוס
< רמליהוname>
רמםβ רמם,רום
רמםto uplift, elevate Ex 15:2, Ez 31:4, Ps
107:32, 1C 25:4
רמםto become wormy Ex 16:20 αλ →
< רממתי עזרname>
רמןβ רמון
< רמןname>
רמסto tread down underfoot, trample on
2K 7:17, 20, Ps 91:13, Dn 8:7, 10 →
מרמסthat which is tread underfoot Is
5:5, 7:25, 10:6, 28:18, Ez 34:19, Dn 8:13,
Mc 7:10, רמסperson who treads Is 1:12,
16:4, Mc 5:7, Nh 3:14 σ הלך
רמסperson who treads Is 1:12, 16:4, Mc
5:7, Nh 3:14 ← רמס
רמשׂto move, contrasted to plants that are
stationary → רמשׂanimal ⇐ something
that moves
רמשׂanimal ⇐ something that moves ←
רמשׂσ חיה
< רמתname>
< רמתיname>
< רמתיםname>
רנהβ רנה,רן
רנהto present a request ?? Pr 8:3, Lm 2:19
→ רנהpresented request 1K 8:28, 22L36,
Jr 7:16, Ps 88:3, 119:169, 2C 6:19 σ שׁאל
רנהto rattle Jb 39:23 αλ
רנהshout of joy ← רנן
רנהpresented request 1K 8:28, 22L36, Jr
7:16, Ps 88:3, 119:169, 2C 6:19 ← רנה
< רנהname>
jumbled up like knots, difficult to get
through Is 40:4 ← רכס
רכשׁto own, collect → רכושׁpossession,
movable stuff, often referring to animals
though not limited to them σ קנה
רםhigh ← רום
< רםname>
רמהto dupe, con, lead people to do
something that they normally would not
do Gn 29:25, Ex 15:1, 21, Jo 9:22 →
מרמהduping, trickery, רמיהduping,
deceptive, תרמותintent to dupe Jr 14:14,
תרמיתduping Ze 3:13, Ps 119:118, תרמת
intent to dupe Jr 8:5, 23:26 σ חטא
רמהheight ← רום
רמהname of district
רמהworm ← רמםσ תולע
< רמהname>
רמוןpomegranate Nu 13:23, So 6:11
pomegranate shaped ornaments, on the
hem of a garment Ex 39:25–6 and as a
sculptural ornamentation 1K 7:18, 42, Jr
רמזβ רזם
רמחa type of weapon, possibly a short,
thrusting spear Lv 25:7, equivalent to a
sword 1K 18:28 held in one hand with a
shield in the other 2C 26:14, can be
carried along with bow, mail, shield, Ne
4:4, 10 ← חנית
< רמוןname>
< רמונוname>
< רמותname>
רמיהduping, deceptive ← רמה
< רמיהname>
< רמיםname>
רנןto shout for joy → רנהshout of joy,
רננהjoyful shout Ps 63:6, 100:2, Jb 3:7,
20:5 σ שׂמח
רננהjoyful shout Ps 63:6, 100:2, Jb 3:7,
20:5 ← רנןσ שׂמחה
< רסהname>
רסיסspattering into little drops, pieces Am
6:11, So 5:2 ← רסס
רסןbridle Is 30:28, Ps 32:9, Jb 30:11,
41:13 σ מתגbit, part of bridle placed
between the lips 2S 8:1, 2K 19:28, Is
37:29, Ps 32:9, Pr 26:3
< רסןname>
רססto spatter (break into drops) Ez 46:14
αλ → רסיסspattering into little drops,
pieces Am 6:11, So 5:2 σ נטף
רעneighbor, one who lives close by, with
whom one has frequent contact (one
who one feeds, as was done in public
feasts) (with third person singular suffix
רעהוexcept Jr 6:21) ← רעה
רעה, רעdispleasing, displeasure, that
which brings displeasure Is 45:7 (God
does not create evil, but he does bring
that which is displeasing for
punishment, correction) Pr 25:20 (this
is not an evil heart, but one that is
displeased) Ex 34:4 bringing displeasure
often translated as evil as evil is
displeasing to God Ez 20:44, Pr 26:23 ←
רעבto hunger → רעבhungry, רעבון,רעב
hunger, famine
רעבhungry ← רעב
רעבון, רעבhunger, famine ← רעב
רעדto tremble, shiver Ps 104:32, Ezr 10:9
→ רעדהרעד, רעדtrembling, a specific
action Ex 15:15, רעדהtrembling,
shaking, shivering not necessarily
physical Is 33:14, Ps 2:11, Jb 4:14 σ רגז
רעדtrembling, a specific action Ex 15:15
← רעד
רעדהtrembling, shaking, shivering not
necessarily physical Is 33:14, Ps 2:11, Jb
4:14 ← רעד
רעהto feed (on) → מרעfriend,
apparently a close friend, almost like a
brother (those who feed together with
you) Jd 15:2, מרעהfeed(ing) Is 32:14
pasture Ez 34:14, Nh 2:12, 1C 4:41,
מרעהfellow person, friend, this being a
generalized statement rather than
referring to a specific person ?? Gn
26:26, Jd 14:20, 15:6, Jr 3:20, Pr 19:7,
מרעיתfeeding, pasturing Is 49:9, Jr
10:21, Ez 34:31, Ps 100:3, רעneighbor,
one who lives close by, with whom one
has frequent contact (one who one feeds,
as was done in public feasts) (with third
person singular suffix רעהוexcept Jr
6:21), רעהgeneralized neighbor ?? Jd
14:20, 2S 15:37, 16:16, 1K 4:5, Pr 27:10,
רעהshepherd, one who feeds the sheep,
רעותfemale companion Ex 11:2, Is
34:15–6, Jr 9:19, Zc 11:9, Es 1:19, רעיתיmy
girl friend (only in So) σ אכל
רעהgeneralized neighbor ?? Jd 14:20, 2S
15:37, 16:16, 1K 4:5, Pr 27:10 ← רעה
רעהshepherd, one who feeds the sheep ←
רעהan action or an object that is
displeasing or causes displeasure Is
13:11, Am 3:6 (God does not create evil,
but he does bring displeasing things for
רעמהagitation, mental and/or physical 1S
1:6, Jb 39:19 ← רעם
< רעמהname>
< רעמיהname>
< רעמססname>
רענןto grow green, flourish Jb 15:32 αλ →
רענןgreen, flourishing
רענןgreen, flourishing ← רענן
רעעto act in a displeasing manner
be displeasing (the opposite of טובto be
pleasing) when followed with a ל
(prefix) to act in a way that brings
displeasure to the person after the ל, this
is not the same as “evil” as evil
necessarily includes a moral aspect as
part of its meaning, while “displeasing”
is morally neutral. Morally evil people
can often act in a way that is displeasing,
thus when describing such people “evil”
can be used in translation, but that is
adding to what this word means. God
cannot cause evil, as he is totally good,
however, he can bring on that which is
displeasing, even disaster, as a correction
or punishment, where such displeasing
events are not morally “evil” → מרעone
who causes displeasure Is 1:4, 9:6, Jr
20:13, Ps 22:17, Pr 24:19, רעה,רע
displeasing, displeasure, that which
brings displeasure Is 45:7 (God does not
create evil, but he does bring that which
is displeasing for punishment,
correction) Pr 25:20 (this is not an evil
heart, but one that is displeased) Ex 34:4
bringing displeasure
often translated
as evil as evil is displeasing to God Ez
20:44, Pr 26:23, רעהan action or an
punishment, correction) Pr 27:12
often translated as evil as evil is
displeasing to God ← רעע
רעוβ רעע, רעה,רע
< רעוname>
< רעואלname>
רעותfemale companion Ex 11:2, Is 34:15–
6, Jr 9:19, Zc 11:9, Es 1:19 ← רעה
רעותdispleasingness Ko 1:14, 2:11, 17, 26,
4:4, 6, 6:9 ← רעע
< רעיname>
רעיוןdispleasure Ko 1:17, 2:22, 4:16 ←
רעיתיmy girl friend (only in So) ← רעה
רעלto reel, as a sailor or drunkard Nh 2:4
αλ → רעלreeling Zc 12"2 αλ, רעלה
long, loose fitting garment, in a day
when everything was hand made, was a
sign of wealth and luxury Is 3:19 αλ,
תרעלהcausing reeling from getting
drunk Is 51:17, 22, Ps 60:5
רעלreeling Zc 12"2 αλ ← רעל
רעלהlong, loose fitting garment, in a day
when everything was hand made, was a
sign of wealth and luxury Is 3:19 αλ ←
רעלσ בגד
< רעליהname>
רעםto agitate, a face Ez 27:35, the sea and
what’s in it Ps 96:11, 98:7, 1C 16:32,
using one’s voice Jb 37:4, 40:9 → רעם
agitating Is 29:6, Ps 77:19, 104:7, Jb
26:14, 39:25, רעמהagitation, mental
and/or physical 1S 1:6, Jb 39:19 σ דבר
רעםagitating Is 29:6, Ps 77:19, 104:7, Jb
26:14, 39:25 ← רעם
< רעמאname>
רפדto lay out ?? Jb 17:13, 41:22, So 2:5
→ רפידתplace of reclining ?? So 3:10
αλ σ שׂים
רפהβ רפה, ( רפאJr 19:11 ??)
רפהto slacken, droop, make without
energy Is 5:24, 13:7, Ez 7:17
to be
drooping, tired 2S 17:2,
“slacken the
day” the day is coming to its end Jd
to dishearten (make spirits
droop) Jb 5:18, 12:21, Ezr 4:4,
allow (slacken opposition to) Jd 11:37,
2K 4:27, Jr 3:22,
slacken hold onto, let
go Jb 27:6,
slacken activity, slack off,
goof off Ex 5:8, 17, Js 18:3, Pr 18:9,
24:10, Ne 6:3
stop Ez 1:24–5 → מרפה
relaxation ?? Jr 8:15 αλ,
dishearteners, those who make others
disheartened 2S 21:16, 18, 20, 22, רפיון
slackness Jr 47:3 αλ σ יאשׁ
those who make others disheartened 2S
21:16, 18, 20, 22 ← רפה
< רפהname>
< רפואname>
רפותβ רפה,ריפות
< רפחname>
< רפידיםname>
רפידתplace of reclining ?? So 3:10 αλ ←
< רפיהname>
רפיוןslackness Jr 47:3 αλ ← רפה
רפסto restrict, as in narrowing options,
restricting water flow ?? Ez 32:2, Ps
68:31, Pr 6:3
רפסדraft 2C 2:15 (16) αλ σ דברות
רפףto totter ?? Jb 26:11 αλ σ רגז
object that is displeasing or causes
displeasure Is 13:11, Am 3:6 (God does
not create evil, but he does bring
displeasing things for punishment,
correction) Pr 27:12
often translated
as evil as evil is displeasing to God, רעות
displeasingness Ko 1:14, 2:11, 17, 26, 4:4,
6, 6:9, רעיוןdispleasure Ko 1:17, 2:22,
רעףto precipitate Ps 65:12–3, Pr 3:20, Jb
36:28 σ גשׁם
רעץto overpower, ride roughshod over (in
war) Ex 15:6, Jd 10:8 σ גבר
רעשׁto quake as in shaking → רעשׁ
earthquake, shaking σ רגז
רעשׁearthquake, shaking ← רעשׁ
רפאto cure → מרפאhealing, רפאone
who cures, a doctor, or witchdoctor and
those connected with enchantment, and
embalmers in Egypt Gn 50:2, רפאים
witchcraft or status of being connected
with evil e.g. in hell, רפאותhealing,
תרופהremedy Ez 47:12 αλ σ גההto
heal Hs 5:13 αλ
רפאone who cures, a doctor, or
witchdoctor and those connected with
enchantment, and embalmers in Egypt
Gn 50:2 ← רפא
רפאותhealing ← רפא
רפאיםβ רפאים,רפא
רפאיםwitchcraft or status of being
connected with evil e.g. in hell ← רפא
< רפאיםname, both a place name and
connected with a people noted as
< רפאלname>
רפקto lean over, as a man snuggles close
to his love while sitting So 8:5 αλ
רפשׂto muddy (waters) Ez 34:18, Pr 25:26
→ (מרפשׂ רגליכם תשׁתינה( מרפשׂ
(prefix )מyou make them drink from
what your feet have muddied Ez 34:19),
רפשׁmuddied waters Is 57:20 αλ
רפשׁmuddied waters Is 57:20 αλ ← רפשׂ
רפתfeedlot Hb 3:17 αλ
רץrunner ← רוץ
רצאβ רצה,רצא
רצאto send (forth) ?? Ez 43:27 αλ →
רצוא ושובgoing back and forth ?? Ez
1:14 αλ σ הלך
רצדto fancy, bring to mind Ps 68:17 (16)
רצהto satisfy
to satisfy a debt i.e. pay
used for the satisfaction (paying
back) the debt of sin → רצן,רצון
often used in the sense of
satisfaction (paid for) for the debt of sin
רצן, רצוןsatisfaction
often used in the
sense of satisfaction (paid for) for the
debt of sin ← רצה
רצוץsubjected to rough treatment Dt
28:33, 2K 18:21, Is 36:6, 42:3, Hs 5:11
victim of rough treatment Is 58:6 ← רצץ
רצחto manslaughter
(manslaughter is the deliberate killing of
another person, allowed in war and
execution of justice, but murder when
done unjustly) → מרצחone who cause
others to be man-slaughtered on his
behalf 2K 6:32, Is 1:21, רצחmanslaughterer σ הרג
רצחman-slaughterer ← רצח
< רציאname>
< רציןname>
רצםβ רצה.רוץ
רצעto awl, pierce with an awl Ex 21:6 αλ
→ מרצעawl Ex 21:6, Dt 15:17
רצףto heat ?? 1K 19:6 αλ → מרצפת
pavement (flat like an oven) 2K 16:17
αλ, רצףcooked on a hot stone ?? 1K
19:6 αλ, רצפהhot stone
flagstones that gets hot under the sun Ez
40:17–8, 42:3, Es 1:6, 2C 7:3,
heated by fire Is 6:6, רצפהpavement,
made of flat stones as a baking oven
רצףcooked on a hot stone ?? 1K 19:6 αλ
← רצף
< רצףname>
רצפהhot stone
pavement, flagstones
that gets hot under the sun Ez 40:17–8,
42:3, Es 1:6, 2C 7:3,
stone heated by
fire Is 6:6 ← רצף
< רצפהname>
רצץto savage, treat roughly Gn 25:22, 1S
12:3–4, Is 42:4 → מרוצהsavage action
Jr 22:17 αλ, רצוץsubjected to rough
treatment Dt 28:33, 2K 18:21, Is 36:6,
42:3, Hs 5:11
victim of rough
treatment Is 58:6 σ נכה
רקβ רק, ריק,ירק
רקonly, also used as an emphatic, to
indicate something special about the
subject of רקe.g. Ps 32:6
רקsaliva Jb 7:19
spittle Is 50:6, Jb
30:10 ← ירקσ תפתspitting, as a sign of
contempt Jb 17:6 used to designate a
place where altars to idols were built 2K
23:10, Jr 7:31, 19:11–4
?? רקEz 24:11 LXX no mention
רקבto decay Is 40:20, Pr 10:7 → רקב
decay Hs 5:12, Hb 3:16, Pr 12:4, 14:30,
Jb 13:28, רקבוןdecayed Jb 41:19 (27)
αλ σ מקק
רקבdecay Hs 5:12, Hb 3:16, Pr 12:4,
14:30, Jb 13:28 ← רקב
רקבוןdecayed Jb 41:19 (27) αλ ← רקב
רקדto skip, as in dancing Is 13:21, Jl 2:5,
Ps 114:4, 6. Jb 21:11 → ( מרקדadj)
skipping Mh 3:2, 1C 15:29
רקהβ רק,ריק
< רקוןname>
רקותemaciated Gn 41:19–20, 27
רקחto mix spices together (as drugs) Ex
30:25, 33, Ez 24:10 → מרקחanointed
with mixed spices So 5:13, 2C 16:14,
מרקחהplace where spices are mixed Ez
24:10, Jb 41:23, מרקחתmixed spices Ex
30:25, 1C 9:30, 2C 16:14, רוקחmixed
together Ex 30:35, Ko 10:1, רקחmixed
spices Ex 30:35, one who mixes spices Ex
30:25, 1S 8:13, 1C 9:30, רקחהwoman
who mixes (spices) 1S 8:13 σ בלל
רקחmixed spices Ex 30:35, one who mixes
spices Ex 30:25, 1S 8:13, 1C 9:30 ← רקח
σ בשׂם
רקחהwoman who mixes (spices) 1S 8:13
← רקח
רקיעexpanse, used specifically of the
expanses of the heavens Gn 1, Ps 19:2
(1), 150:1, a defined space above a
cherub Ez 1:22–26, 10:1 ← רקע
רקיקwafer σ לחם
רקםto adorn, in cloth often by embroidery
or the attachment of precious stones or
bangles → רקמהadornment, often as
embroidered cloth Jd 5:30, Ez 16:10,13,
18, also used of stone (presumably for
mosaics) 1C 29:2 σ פאר,שׁזר
< רקםname>
רקמהadornment, often as embroidered
cloth Jd 5:30, Ez 16:10,13, 18, also used
of stone (presumably for mosaics) 1C
29:2 ← רקם
רקעto expand, spread out, in metal
expand into plates Nu 16:38–9, for gold
into thin pieces that could be cut into
thread for weaving Ex 39:3, also used of
expanding, spreading out the earth Is
42:5, 44:24, Ps 136:6, expanding out
clouds of dust or mist 2S 22:43, Jb 37:18,
to spread over as gold leaf or silver to
cover an idol Is 40:19, Jr 10:9
spreading of metals is often done by
pounding or stamping, also used of
stamping with feet (used || with
clapping hands) Ez 6:11, 25:6 → רקיע
expanse, used specifically of the expanses
of the heavens Gn 1, Ps 19:2 (1), 150:1,
a defined space above a cherub Ez 1:22–
26, 10:1 σ כברto become spread out,
expansive, draw out (length and breadth,
both area and time) ?? Jb 35:16
רקתtemple (of head) Jd 4:21–22, 5:26, So
4:3, 6:7
< רקתname>
ררβ ריר
רשׁβ רשׁ,רושׁ
רשׁpoor, as in having little 1S 18:23, 2S
12:3, Pr 18:23, 29:13, Ko 5:7 ← רושׁ
רשׁוβ רושׁ
רשׁוםthat which is prescribed, i.e.
foreordained (Aram. to write) Dn 10:21
רשׁיוןedict Ezr 3:7 αλ σ משׁפט
רשׁיתβ ראשׁית
רשׁעto be guilty from doing unjust actions
to be wicked → רשׁעguilty, רשׁעה
guilt σ חטא
רשׁעguilty ← רשׁע
רשׁעהguilt ← רשׁע
< רשׁעתיםname>
רשׁףwasting, as in a wasting disease or
destruction by war or fire ?? Dt 23:24,
Hb 3:5, Jb 5:7, Ct 8:6, that which causes
wasting Ps 76:4 (3), 78:48
< רשׁףname>
רשׁשׁto be shattered, smashed Jr 5:17, Ml
1:4 σ שׁבר
( רשׁתfixed) net, when used to catch prey,
spread out to catch legs and feet Ps 9:15,
25:15 Jb 18:8, could be a “network” of
holes dug and hidden as fall-traps Ps
35:7–8, also used of a “network” of
bronze that held up the fire-pan of the
transportable altar to dissipate heat from
the fire so as not to damage the wooden
frame Ex 27:4–5 σ ( חרםfish) trap, net
Is 34:5, Ez 26:5, 14, Hb 1:15–17, מכמרת
drop net, possibly from the idea of
stretched out on hot days over water so
that fish gather under it to avoid the
heat, then to drop the net on them Is
19:8, Hb 1:15–6, מצודהhunting net, used
to catch prey both on land Ez 12:13,
17:20 and in water Ko 9:12
רתוקfastener ?? Ez 7:23 αλ ← רתק
רתחto stew Ez 24:5, Jb 30:27 → רתח
stew Ez 24:5 σ בשׁל
רתחstew Ez 24:5 ← רתח
רתיקותfasteners ?? 1K 6:21 αλ ← רתק
רתםto hitch (horses to wagon, people into
a chain gang) Mc 1:13 αλ → מרתיםone
who connects people or animals into a
team, such as horses to a wagon, people
into a chain gang ?? Jr 50:21 or is it a
רתםbroom tree retama roetam a small
desert plant known for its burning
properties, used for cooking and heating
1K 19:4–5, Ps 120:4, Jb 30:4 σ עץ
< רתמהname>
רתקto fasten Nh 3:10,Ko 12:6 → רתוק
fastener ?? Ez 7:23 αλ, רתיקות
fasteners ?? 1K 6:21 αλ, רתקותfasteners
Is 40:19 αλ
רתקותfasteners Is 40:19 αλ ← רתק
רתתtrembling Hs 13:1 αλ σ ירא
שׁ, שׂtwenty-first letter, in Biblical Hebrew
this was one letter, not two as today. As
a result, I list entries in alphabetical
order as if they were one as in Biblical
Hebrew, not as two as do many modern
lexicons / dictionaries. The only reasons
it are listed as two letters is because of
tradition, and even some unpointed tests
still differentiate them. Indications are
that these were differentiated under the
influence of Aramaic. Where letters are
used as numbers, it refers to the number
( שׁprefix) has the same meaning as אשׁר
but in a shortened form. It’s not an
indication of late Hebrew, as it’s used
even as early as Genesis. It may have
had a slightly different nuance that isn’t
recognized today β אשׁר
שׁאβ שׁוא
שׁאבto draw water (by dipping a jug into
the water) → משׁאבplace to draw
water ?? Jd 5:11 αλ, שׁאבwater-drawer
σ דלהto suspend, hang Pr 26:7
support as in holding up (like a puppet
on a string) Ps 30:2, to draw water using
a bucket suspended on a rope Ex 2:16,
19, Pr 20:5
שׁאבwater-drawer ← שׁאב
שׁאגto roar → שׁאגהroar σ נהםto growl Is
5:29–30, Pr 5:11, 19:12, 20:2, 28:15
שׁאהto storm, as in taking over, capturing
a city in battle 2K 19:25, Is 6:11, 37:26,
like the roar of waves Is 17:12–3
(hit.) to have a storm of emotions Gn
28:21 → שׁאהstorming Is 47:11, Ez 38:9,
Zp 1:15, Jb 30:14, 38:27, משׁאהstorming,
violent action Is 30:27, Pr 3:28, Jb 30:3,
38:27, שׁאוהstorm Pr 1:27 αλ, שׁאון
storming, roaring (of waves) Is 17:12–3,
Ps 65:8 (7)
loud rejoicing Is 24:8
roaring, the sound of storming Is 25:5,
the underworld is a place of
storming Is 5:14 Ps 40:3 (2)
as of an army invasion Jr 25:31, Am 2:2
group of people involved in riotous,
loud action, e.g. army Is 13:4, Jr 51:55,
Ps 74:23, שׁאיהdestruction caused by
storming Is 24:12 αλ, שׂאתstorming
that causes fear Jb 13:11, Pr 3:25
as in
the violence of war ֿLa 3:47 or
criminality Pr 3:25, תשׁאותstorms, both
weather Jb 36:29, 39:7 and people’s
actions Is 22:2, Zc 4:7
שׁאהstorming Is 47:11, Ez 38:9, Zp 1:15, Jb
30:14, 38:27 ← שׁאהσ סופה
שׁאוהstorm Pr 1:27 αλ ← שׁאהσ סופה
שׁאולHades ← שׁאלσ אבדוןplace of the
lost, used as a euphemism for the grave
Jb 26:6, 28:22, 31:12, Ps 88:12 (11), Pr
< שׁאולname>
< שׁאוליname>
שׁאוןstorming, roaring (of waves) Is
17:12–3, Ps 65:8 (7)
loud rejoicing Is
roaring, the sound of storming Is
25:5, 66:6
the underworld is a place of
storming Is 5:14 Ps 40:3 (2)
as of an army invasion Jr 25:31, Am 2:2
group of people involved in riotous,
loud action, e.g. army Is 13:4, Jr 51:55,
Ps 74:23 ← שׁאה
שׁאטto despise Ez 16:57 → שׁאטact of
despising Ez 25:6, 15, 36:5
who despises Ez 28:24, 26 σ שׂנא
שׁאטact of despising Ez 25:6, 15, 36:5
person who despises Ez 28:24, 26 ← שׁאט
שׁאיהdestruction caused by storming Is
24:12 αλ ← שׁאה
שׁאלβ שׁאל,אל
שׁאלto ask, request, usually with the
expectation that something be given in
return, whether an answer or an object
→ משׁאלהwhat is being requested for Ps
20:6, 37:4, שׁאולHades, שׁאלהrequest σ
עתרto plead Gn 25:21, Jd 13:8, Jb
33:26, 2C 33:13, 19, רנהto present a
request ?? Pr 8:3, Lm 2:19
< שׁאלname>
שׁאלהrequest ← שׁאלσ ארשׁתpetition Ps
21:3 αλ
< שׁאלתיאלname>
שׁאן, שׂאןto be quietly confident → שׁאנן
quiet confidence
arrogance σ שׁלה
< שׁאןname>
שׁאנןquiet confidence
arrogance ← שׁאן
שׁאסsome sort of bad action, related to
looting ?? Jr 30:16 αλ σ שׁסה
שׁאףto breath in air Is 42:14, Ps 119:131
to sniff, smell, as an animal sniffs
around and follows a scent to what it
wants Jr 2:24, 14:6, used metaphorically
to refer to searching out, as a
bloodhound follows a scent Ps 56:1, 3
(2) → שׁאףone who hunts down Am
2:7, 8:4, Ps 57:4 (3), שׁאףthat which is
hunted down and caught Jb 5:5, שׁואף
searching out Qo 1:5 αλ
שׁאףone who hunts down Am 2:7, 8:4, Ps
57:4 (3) ← שׁאף
שאףthat which is hunted down and caught
Jb 5:5 ← שׁאף
שׁארto remain, from the idea of what’s left
behind, after all else is gone → משׁארת
kneading trough from the concept of
leaving behind a bit of dough to use as a
starter for the next batch of sourdough
Ex 7:28 (8:3), 12:34, Lv 25:49, Dt 28:5,
17, שׂארyeast, in sourdough, that which
is left to leaven the next loaf Ex 12:15,
19, 13:7, Lv 2:11, Dt 16:4, שׁארclose
relative Lv 18:6, 12–3, 21:2, Pr 5:11,
11:17, שׁארית, שׁארremainder σ יתרto
remain, be left over, from the concept of
abundance leading to leftovers, עדףto
leave over, have a surplus
שׂארyeast, in sourdough, that which is left
to leaven the next loaf Ex 12:15, 19,
13:7, Lv 2:11, Dt 16:4 ← שׁאר
שׁארclose relative Lv 18:6, 12–3, 21:2, Pr
5:11, 11:17 ← שׁאר
שׁארית, שׁארremainder ← שׁאר
those who give
sustenance, i.e. close relatives
< שׁאר ישׁובname>
< שׁארהname>
שׂאתlifting up
able to carry, lift up, bear
Gn 4:7, 44:1, 49:3, Pr 30:21,
(scar tissue) Lv 13, lifting up as in
presenting Jr 15:15, 17:27, Jb 27:1, 29:1,
lifting up as in favoring, giving special
regard for Pr 18:5 ← נשׂא
that causes fear Jb 13:11,
Pr 3:25
as in the violence of war ֿLa
3:47 or criminality Pr 3:25 ← שׂאה
שׂבβ שׂיב
שׁבאβ שׁבא,בוא
< שׂבאplace name>
< שׁבאname>
< שׁבאיםname>
< שׁבאלname>
( שׁבבalso )שׁובבto move from one’s
former place ?? Is 58:12, Jr 50:19, Ez
39:2, in a moral sense, to move away
from God, be apostate → משׁבהapostasy,
continuous or repeated action Jr 3:6, 8,
11–2, 8:5, שׁבביםapostasy Hs 8:6 αλ,
שׁובבapostate Is 57:17, Jr 3:14, 22, 50:6,
שׁובבתthat which moves (a person) ??
Is 47:10 αλ σ שׁוב
שׁבביםapostasy Hs 8:6 αλ ← שׂבב
שׁבהto take captive Dt 21:10, 2K 6:22, Am
8:4, Ps 68:19 (18), 2C 28:11 → שׁבה
captor Is 14:2, Jr 50:33, שׁבותcaptivity,
those in captivity Dt 30:3, Zp 2:7, Ps
85:1, 126:4, שׁביcaptive 1K 8:46–7, 50, Is
1:27, ( שׁביadj) status of being captive
Ne 3:36 (4:4), Jr 48:46, שׁביהcaptive
(female) Dt 21:13, group of captives Dt
21:11, 2C 28:5, 11, 13–5, שׁביתcaptivity
Nu 21:29, that which was taken captive
Jb 42:10, 49:39, Ez 16:53, 39:25, Lm 2:14
שׁבהcaptor Is 14:2, Jr 50:33 ← שׂבה
שׁבוβ שׁוב, שׁבו,ישׁב
שׁבוagate Ex 28:19, 39:12
< שׁבואלname>
שׁבויםβ שׁבה
שׁבעה, שׁבועהoath, that which is sworn to
← שׂבע
שׁבורbroken Lv 22:22 αλ ← שׁבר
שׁבותcaptivity, those in captivity Dt 30:3,
Zp 2:7, Ps 85:1, 126:4 ← שׁבה
שׁבחto raise up
be raised up Pr 29:11,
make waves of the sea high Ps 89:10
to exult Ps 63:4 (3), 117:1, 145:4,
147:12, Ko 4:2, 8:15 → משׁביחone who
causes to raise up (waves of the sea) Ps
65:8 (7) αλ σ שׂמח
שׁבטto apply a rod, such as in punishment,
guiding, pointing, smashing ?? Is 9:3, Jb
21:9 → שׁבטrod, referring to a prepared
rod, not necessarily made of wood
שׁבטrod, referring to a prepared rod, not
necessarily made of wood
tribe σ בד
staff (as in big stick, often referring to a
carrying pole), part, מטהbranch
branch of a group, מקלstaff, stick Gn
30:37–9, 41, Jr 1:11, 48:17
stick (something that aids people to walk
swiftly) Gn 32:11 (10), Ex 12:11, Nu
22:27, 1S 17:40, 43, Ez 39:9, משׁעןperson
or object that supports, that can be
leaned on 2S 22:19, Ps 18:19 (18)
used of food and water that support life
Is 3:1, משׁענהsupport, sustainment Is 3:1,
משׁענתstaff to lean on, for support Ex
21:19, Nu 21:18, Jd 6:21, Zc 8:4, Ps 23:4
not usable when made of a reed 2K 4:29,
31, Is 36:6, Ez 29:6, שׁרביטscepter
< שׁבטname>
שׁביβ שׁוב, שׁבי,שׁבה
שׁביcaptive 1K 8:46–7, 50, Is 1:27 ← שׁבה
( שׁביadj) status of being captive Ne 3:36
(4:4), Jr 48:46 ← שׁבה
שׁביcaptive ← שׁבה
< שׁביname>
שׁביבember, something that burns ?? Jb
18:5 αλ σ אשׁ
שׁביהcaptive (female) Dt 21:13, group of
captives Dt 21:11, 2C 28:5, 11, 13–5 ←
שׁבילhard walkway (hardened by many
people treading on it) Jr 18:15, Ps 77:20
(19) ← שׁבלσ דרך
שׁביסheadband Is 3:18 αλ
שׁביתcaptivity Nu 21:29, that which was
taken captive Jb 42:10, 49:39, Ez 16:53,
39:25, Lm 2:14 ← שׁבה
שׂבכהlattice (largely ornamental) 1K
7:17–18, Jr 52:22–23, used over a
window 2K 1:2, likened to a net Jb 18:8
שׁבלto be in bunches → שׁבילhard
walkway (hardened by many people
treading on it) Jr 18:15, Ps 77:20 (19),
ear of grain Gn 41:5–7,
22–24, Zac 4:12, שׁבלtrain (of a long
garment) Is 47:2, שׁבלולa snail or slug,
named for the slimy trail it leaves
behind, שׁבלתbunch, group of things
bunched together (grain, grapes, dates,
rush of water)
ear of grain
שׁבלtrain (of a long garment) Is 47:2 ←
ear of grain Gn 41:5–7, 22–
24, Zac 4:12 ← שׁבל
שׁבלולa snail or slug, named for the slimy
trail it leaves behind ← שׁבל
שׁבלתbunch, group of things bunched
together (grain, grapes, dates, rush of
ear of grain σ מלילתear of
grain Dt 23:26 αλ ← שׁבל
< שׂבמהname Moabite city>
< שׁבנאname>
< שׁבניname>
< שׁבניהname>
< שׁבניהוname>
שׂבעto be(come) satiated → שׂבעsatiated,
full, שׂבעה, שׂבעsatiatedness, fullness σ
שׁבעto swear a type of oath to be fulfilled
through a gift or action, this verb is
usually used as a Niphal verb → ,שׁבועה
שׁבעהoath, that which is sworn to σ
אלהto make an oath containing a curse
of what will happen if the oath is not
kept, נדרto make a vow σ ארר
שׂבעsatiated, full ← שׂבע
שׁבענה, שׁבעה, שׁבעseven
שׂבעה, שׂבעsatiatedness, fullness ← שׂבע
< שׁבעname>
< שׁבעהname>
שׁבץto wrap around Ex 28:4, 39
to set
(a jewel) on clothing (by sewing a
wrapping around the jewel to hold it on
the clothing) → משׁבצת,משׁבצות
wrapping, used of a wide border on
clothing Ex 28:11, 13–4, Ps 45:14, a
border setting a jewel on clothing Ex
18:11, 39:6, 13, משׁבציםstatus of being
wrapped Ex 28:20 αλ, שׁבץsurrounding
forces 2S 1:9 αλ σ עטה
שׁבץsurrounding forces 2S 1:9 αλ ← שׁבץ
שׁבר, שׂברto look to, in the sense of
looking over, inspecting, looking to as in
making sure something gets done,
provided for Jb 38:10
to look after in
the sense of taking care of, providing for
Gn 41:56–7
to look to in the sense of
expectation, waiting for Rt 1:13, Is 38:18,
Es 9:1 → משׁבירperson who looks after,
takes care of Gn 42:6, Pr 11:26, ,שׂבר
שׁברwhat is looked to (for expectation,
hope, שׂברinspector Ne
2:13, 15, שׁברprovision
food Gn 42:1,
Am 8:5, Ne 10:32 (31) σ ראה,נתן
שׁברto break or tear apart → משׁבר
breaking the water bag in the birth of a
child, משׁברbreakers (waves), נשׁברת
broken, torn apart as in getting injured
Ez 27:24, 20:22, 34:4, 16, Zc 11:16, שׁבור
broken Lv 22:22 αλ, שׁברfracture,
breaking, שׁברוןbreaking down, tearing
apart Jr 17:18, Ez 21:6 σ נפץto break
to split off, divide (apart), פצץ
to shatter (with heavy blows) Jr 23:29,
Hb 3:6
פצפץrepeatedly shatter with
heavy blows Jb 16:12, רשׁשׁto be
shattered, smashed Jr 5:17, Ml 1:4
שׂברinspector Ne 2:13, 15e ← שׂבר
שׁבר, שׂברwhat is looked to (for
expectation, provision)
hope ← שׂבר
food Gn 42:1, Am 8:5, Ne
10:32 (31) ← שׁבר
שׁברfracture, breaking ← שׁבר
< שׁברname>
שׁברוןbreaking down, tearing apart Jr
17:18, Ez 21:6 ← שׁבר
שׁבתβ שׁוב, שׁבת,ישׁב
שׁבתto stop (temporarily), usually to take
the action up again → משׁבתcessation
Lm 1:7 αλ, שׁבתstopping, Sabbath, שׁבתון
sabbatical feast (stopping everyday
actions) σ בטלto cease working Ko 12:3
αλ, גמרto make a cessation once and for
all Ps 7:10 (9), 12:2 (1), 138:8, המםto
make cease, not to continue, חדלto
abandon as in forsaking (person or
effort), quitting (“forget about it”)
abandon the effort, also used as a prior
restraint, i.e. “give up that idea”, נאשׁto
“knock it off” as in stopping, stopping a
continuing or repeating action Jb 6:26
αλ, פוגto stop (indeterminate), פססto
be no more ?? Ps 12:2 (1) αλ, רגעto
make a pause, stop
שׁבתstopping, Sabbath ← שׁבת
שׁבתsettling down ← ישׁב
שׁבתturning (away) ← שׁוב
שׁבתהβ שׁוב,שׁבת
שׁבתוןsabbatical feast (stopping everyday
actions) ← שׁבת
שׁבתי, שׂבתיβ שׂיב, שׁוב, שׁבת,ישׁב
< שׁבתיname>
שׂגאto be exalted, (hi) to cause to exalt Jb
36:24 αλ → משׂגיאone who causes
another to be exalted, “too big for his
britches” Jb 12:23 αλ, שׂגיאhigh, exalted
Jb 36:26, 37;23, שׂגיאותexalted thoughts,
concepts, exaltedness Ps 19:13 αλ
< שׁגאname>
שׂגבto exult, lift up high, to elevate →
משׂגבexultation σ סבל
שׁגה, שׁגגto do an unintentional action, an
accident 1S 26:21, Pr 5:20, 23, Jb 6:24, in
a positive sense, be playful, spontaneous
Pr 5:19 → משׁגהsomething done
unintentionally, by accident Gn 43:12, a
person who makes others do thing they
don’t intend to do, e.g. stray off a road
Dt 27:18, Pr 28:10, משׁוגתmistake Jb
19:4 αλ, שׁגגone who does an
unintentional action Ps 119:67, Jb 12:16,
( שׁגגהoften in form )בשׁגגהaccident,
unintentional action Lv 5:18, 22:14, Ko
10:5, שׁגינות, שׁגיוןconcerning mistakes ??
plaint ?? Hb 3:1, Ps 7:1 σ חטא
שׁגגone who does an unintentional action
Ps 119:67, Jb 12:16 ← שׁגג
( שׁגגהoften in form )בשׁגגהaccident,
unintentional action Lv 5:18, 22:14, Ko
10:5 ← שׁגג
שׂגהto put forth leaves Ps 92:12, Jb 8:7, 11
σ פרח
< שׁגהname>
שׁגוβ שׁגג
< שׂגובname>
שׁגחto look steadily, to gaze σ ראה
שׂגיאhigh, exalted Jb 36:26, 37;23 ← שׂגא
שׂגיאותexalted thoughts, concepts,
exaltedness Ps 19:13 αλ ← שׂגא
שׁגינות, שׁגיוןconcerning mistakes ??
plaint ?? Hb 3:1, Ps 7:1 ← שׁגג
שׁגלto have sex, become a consort to Dt
28:30, Jr 3:2
(in war) to rape Is
13:16, Zc 14:2 → שׁגלconsort Ps 45:10,
Ne 2:6 σ שׁכב
שׁגלconsort Ps 45:10, Ne 2:6 ← שׁגל
שׁגעto be(come) insane → שׁגעוןinsanity
שׁגעוןinsanity ← שׁגעσ דבר
שׁגרcalving, offspring of animals Ex 13:12,
Dt 7:13, 28:4, 18, 51 σ בן
שׂגשׂגto sprout ?? Is 17:11 αλ σ דשׁא
שׁדviolence, demon ← שׁדד
שׁדד, שׂדדto tear up and overturn
(physically and figuratively), an action
that when the object is dirt is defined as
to furrow, plow, make into a field →
שׂדי,( שׂדהplowed) field; when the
object is a person, people or city, is
defined as to act violently in treating
with violence, שׁדודperson who is the
victim of violence Jd 5:27, Is 33:1, Mc
2:4 as an adjective Ps 137:8 violence Jr
4:30, 47:4 → שׁדviolence, demon σ נכה
שׁדהlady, courtier Ko 2:8 αλ σ אשׁה
שׂדי,( שׂדהplowed) field ← שׂדדσ כרם
vineyard, כרמלvegetable
garden, נירfield flattened and prepared
for cultivation Jr 4:3, Hs 10:12, Pr 3:23,
מזרעcrop, seeded field Is 19:7 αλ, שׁדמה
cultivated field Dt 32:32, 2K 23:4, Is 16:8,
37:27, Hb 3:12, תלםfurrow Hs 10:4,
12:12 (11), Ps 65:11 (10), Jb 31:38,
שׁדודperson who is the victim of violence
Jd 5:27, Is 33:1, Mc 2:4 as an adjective
Ps 137:8 violence Jr 4:30, 47:4 ← שׂדד
שׁדיβ שׁדי,שׁד
( שׁדיused only of God) most powerful ??
< שׁדיאורname>
< שׂדיםname>
שׁדיןβ דין
שׁדמהcultivated field Dt 32:32, 2K 23:4, Is
16:8, 37:27, Hb 3:12 σ שׂדה
שׁדףwither to the point of death (at which
point the plant does not give seed) →
שׁדפהwithered (by the east wind) Gn
41:23, 27, 2K 19:26, שׁדפוןwithering Dt
28:22, 1K 8:37, Am 4:9, Hg 2:17, 2C 6:28
σ מולto clip off, צנםbarren, ears with
no grain inside Gn 41:23 αλ, קמלto dry
up dead Is 19:6, 33:9
שׁדפהwithered (by the east wind) Gn
41:23, 27, 2K 19:26 ← שׂדף
שׁדפוןwithering Dt 28:22, 1K 8:37, Am 4:9,
Hg 2:17, 2C 6:28 ← שׂדף
שׂדרת,( שׂדרותused of an area of the
temple, to delimit its bounds) ?? 1K 6:9,
2K 11:8, 15, 2C 23:14
< שׁדרךname>
שׂהlamb, kid
שׂהדone who gives testimony Jb 16:19 αλ
σ עד
שׁהםsardonyx, a semiprecious stone often
used for cameos Gn 2:12, Ex 25:7, 28:9,
1C 29:2
< שׁהםname>
שׂהרניםlittle moons (ornaments)
שׂואβ נשׂא
( שׁואfor) no good reason, idle or empty
words, meaningless(ness) → משׁואה
making worthless Zp 1:15, Ps 73:18,
משׁואותruins, places empty of
inhabitants Ps 73:18 αλ, שׁוא
worthlessness; that which has no value,
is empty or of no use Ex 20:7, Jb 7:3,
11:11, שׁואהdestruction that makes
שׂובךlimb, large branch 2S 18:9 αλ σ
< שׁובלname>
< שׁובקname>
שׁוג, שׂוגto hold (back), turn (back) ?? 2
Sm 1:22, Ps 119;118, Jb 24:2
שׁודβ שׁדד,שׁד
שׁוהto arrange, put in order Is 28:25,
38:13, Ps 89:20, 119:30, 131:2
classify, place or fit into a class Is 40:25,
Hs 10:1, Ps 21:6, Pr 26:4, Lm 2:13 →
משׁוהone who arranges, classifies 2S
22:34, Ps 18:34, 21:6, תושׁיהforethought,
this is thinking ahead of time concerning
concepts and ideas, considering options
and making contingency plans where
applicable (arranging of thoughts ??) Is
28:29, Pr 18:1, Jb 11:6, 12:16, תשׁוה
arranged, prepared ?? Jb 30:22 αλ, תשׁיה
arrangement, things set up Jb 5:12, 6:13,
26:3, Pr 3:21
שׁוהacceptable Jb 33:27, Es 3:8, 5:13, 7:4
< שׁוהname>
שׂוחto walk about Gn 24:63 αλ (possibly
Qal for a Hiphil ?? שׂיחsee entry) σ הלך
שׁוחto bring down Pr 2:18 αλ → שׁוחlow
places (of a land) such as wadis,
sinkholes Jr 2:6, שׁוחהfall trap, made by
digging a hole, then usually covering it
with a flimsy cover to hide it, but the
covering falls into the trap when stepped
upon Jr 18:20, 22, Pr 22:14, 23:27 σ ירד
שׁוחlow places (of a land) such as wadis,
sinkholes Jr 2:6 ← שׁוח
< שׁוחname>
שׁיחה, שׁוחהfall trap, made by digging a
hole, then usually covering it with a
worthless Is 10:3, Zp 1:15, Ps 35:8,
63:10, Jb 30:3, Pr 1:27
שׁואworthlessness; that which has no
value, is empty or of no use Ex 20:7, Jb
7:3, 11:11 ← שׁוא
< שׁואname>
שׁואהdestruction that makes worthless Is
10:3, Zp 1:15, Ps 35:8, 63:10, Jb 30:3, Pr
1:27 ← שׁוא
שׁואףsearching out Qo 1:5 αλ ← שׁאף
שׁובto turn (back, away)
to return
(pillel to restore) → משׁובתrepeated
bad habits (what one keeps
returning to) Jr 3:22, 5:6, 14:7, Js 11:7,
14:4, Pr 1:32, משׁיבתthat which causes
to return (restore) Ps 19:8 (7) αλ, שׁבת
turning (away), שׁובהreturn Is 30:15 αλ,
( שׁיבהthose who) return, תשׁובתreturn,
object that is returned Jb 21:34, תשׁובת
השׁנהreturn to the same time of year 2S
11:1, 1K 20:22, 26, 2C 36:10 σ שׁבבto
move from one’s former place ?? Is
58:12, Jr 50:19, Ez 39:2, in a moral
sense, to move away from God, be
< שׁובאלname>
שׁובבβ שׁובב, שׁוב,שׁבב
שׁובבused as a quadriliteral root for שׁבב
in Is 49:5, Ez 38:4, Mc 2:4, Ps 23:3, 60:1
(3) as a participle Ez 38:8, 39:27 ← שׁבב
שׁובבapostate Is 57:17, Jr 3:14, 22, 50:6 ←
< שׁובבname>
שׁובבתthat which moves (a person) ?? Is
47:10 αλ ← שׁבב
שׁובהreturn Is 30:15 αλ ← שׁוב
< שׁובהname>
שׂוכהhedge-wood (easily set aflame)
possibly deadwood from a hedge Jd
9:48–9 ← שׂוך
< שׂוכהname>
שׁוסlooting Is 17:14 αλ ← שׁסה
< שׂוכוname>
< שׂוכתיםname>
שׁולouter hem, could be quite long Ex
28:33–4, 39:24–6, Is 6:1, Na 1:9
שׁוללdespoiled Jb 12:17, 19 ← שׁלל
< שׁולמיתname>
שׂוםβ שׂים
שׁוםgarlic Nu 11:5 αλ
< שׁומרname>
< שׁוניname>
( שׁוניםan)other
< שׁונםname>
< שׁונמיתname>
שׁועto cry on the generosity of a greater
for help → שׁועnoble, one who is
generous to help ?? Is 32:5, Ez 23:23, Jb
34:19, שׁועה, שׁועcry for help σ דבר
שׁועה, שׁועcry for help ← שׁועσ תפלה
שׁועnoble, one who is generous to help ??
Is 32:5, Ez 23:23, Jb 34:19 ← שׁועσ מלך
< שׁועname>
< שׁועאname>
< שׁועלname>
שׁוערgate-men, guard at the gate
שׁוףto bruise, injure Gn 3:15, Jb 9:17 σ
< שׁופמיname>
< שׁופןname>
שׁפר, שׁופרram’s horn, shofar Js 6:4–6, 2S
18:16 ← שׁפר
flimsy cover to hide it, but the covering
falls into the trap when stepped upon Jr
18:20, 22, Pr 22:14, 23:27 ← שׁוח
< שׁוחהname>
< שׁוחיname>
< שׁוחםname>
< שׁוחמיname>
שטט, שטה, שוט, שוטto go about (with a
purpose, spreading lies Ps 40:5, in trade
Ez 27:8, etc.) → משוטoar (called from
its purposeful movement to move the
ship), שוטwhip, roving about 1K 12:11,
14, Pr 26:3, 2C 10:11, 14, ( שטהplural
)שטיםacacia, a tree known also for its
thorns and its wood for its hardness and
resistance to rot ?? this is a type of tree
able to produce beams at least six feet
long by over two feet wide, שטטspur ??
Js 23:13 αλ (both spurs and whips are
used to make draft animals move) σ
שׁוטwhip, roving about 1K 12:11, 14, Pr
26:3, 2C 10:11, 14 ← שׁוט
שׂוךto screen (often with a hedge) →
משׂוכתhedging Is 5:5 αλ, משׂכיות
mounting (hedge around) for ornaments
Ps 73:7, Pr 25:11, משׂכיתa shrine Lv
26:1, Nu 33:52 that includes walls and
rooms Ez 8:12, Pr 18:11, משׂכתhedging
Pr 15:19, 18:11, שׂוכהhedge-wood
(easily set aflame) possibly deadwood
from a hedge Jd 9:48–9, שׂךone who
hedges Lm 2:6, screening Ho 2:8, שׂכוי
screen ?? set up for protection Jb 38:36
שׁוקto go out, often for the purpose to
acquire stuff, through foraging, purchase
or looting, being out to get something
that one wants, used of God being out
and about guarding Is 27:3, of people
being out like a swarm of locusts Is 33:4,
of bears as they foraged for food when
they can be quite dangerous Pr 28:15 →
משׁקbeing out and about
being all
over the place (like locusts in a field) Is
33:4 αλ, שׁק, שׁוקshin (bone) (⇐ the
idea of being out, walking around
“legging about”), an animal’s right rear
leg given as part of a feast to show
honor, שׁוק על ירךidiom, meaning
“dead”, for people who lie with their legs
so twisted can only be dead, it is very
uncomfortable for the living Jd 15:8, שׁוק
city street lined with stalls and shops
market where people are out and about
among the sales stalls and shops to
acquire stuff Pr 7:8, So 3:2, Ko 12:4–5,
תשׁוקתattraction, fondness, hankering
after Gn 3:16, 4:7, So 7:11 (10)
שׁק, שׁוקshin (bone) (⇐ the idea of being
out, walking around “legging about”), an
animal’s right rear leg given as part of a
feast to show honor, ירך- שׁוק עלidiom,
meaning “dead”, for people who lie with
their legs so twisted can only be dead, it
is very uncomfortable for the living Jd
15:8 ← שׁוק
שׁוקcity street lined with stalls and shops
market where people are out and
about among the sales stalls and shops to
acquire stuff Pr 7:8, So 3:2, Ko 12:4–5 ←
שׁוקσ דרך
שׁוקקβ שׁקק,שׁוק
שׁורto gaze (upon) σ ראה
שׁורdefensive wall ?? Gn 49:22, 2S 22:30,
Ps 18:30
< שׁורname>
שׂורהβ שׂרה,שׂורה
שׂורהmillet ?? Is 28:25 αλ
שׁורהsupporting wall, one that restrains
“chains in” the hillside Jr 5:10, Jb 24:11
← שׁררσ קיר
< שׁורהname>
< שׂורקname>
שׁוררthose who would chain in, i.e. one
who would find cause to restrict
another’s actions, options Ps 5:9, 27:11,
56:3 ← שׁרר
שׂישׂ, שׂושׂto be glad → משׂושׂbeing glad Is
8:6, 24:8, Ho 2:13, Lm 5:15, שׂשׂone who
is glad Is 64:4, שׂשׂוןgladness σ שׂמח
( שׁושׁmispelling for שׁסהIs 10:13) β שׁסה
< שׁושׁאname>
שׁושׁנה, שׁושׁןflower with a bell shaped
blossom Hs 14:6, So 2:1–2, 16, 6:2–3, 2C
flower shaped sculptural design 1K
7:19, 22, 26, 2C 4:5
a type of wind
instrument so shaped Ps 60:1, 69:1
שׁושׁןcity name, Persian capitol
( שׁושׂmisspelling for שׁסהIs 10:13) β שׁסה
שׁותβ שׁית
< שׁותלחname>
שׁזףto glimpse for a moment σ ראה
שׂחsoftly spoken thought ← שׂיח
שׁחβ שׁחח, שׁחה,שׁוח
שׁחדto bribe Ez 16:33, Jb 6:22 → שׁחד
bribe Ex 23:8, Dt 10:17, 16:19, Pr 17:23,
שׁחדone to gives a bribe Jb 15:34
שׁחדbribe Ex 23:8, Dt 10:17, 16:19, Pr
17:23 ← שׁחדσ מתנתgifts given with
strings attached ?? Gn 25:6 that they
renounce all claims to inherit along with
Isaac, Ez 20:31, Pr 15:27 short of a bribe
שׁחדone to gives a bribe Jb 15:34 ← שׁחד
שׂחהto swim Is 25:11, used figuratively for
the tossing and turning when can’t get to
sleep Ps 6:7 → שׂחוswimming Ez 47:5
שׁחה, שׂחהto prostrate (when one
prostrates oneself, he does so for the
purpose of honoring another) with
forehead to the ground, hands
outstretched σ גהרto prostrate oneself
1K 18:42, 2K 4:34–5, כפףto bend down,
make a curve (like a palm frond, leaf of
a marsh reed) (often pictures the action
in worship to God and obeisance to
authorities), כרעto crouch (as a sign of
obeisance, as a cat hunting prey), curl up
into a fetal position (while dying), סגד
to make obeisance (a gesture of
reverence) Is 44:15, 17, 19, 46:6, קדדto
bow down, קרסto make a deep bow
with the body in a hook shape, head
שׂחוβ שׂחו,שׂח
שׂחוswimming Ez 47:5 αλ ← שׂחה
שׁחוהto do obeisance, found only in
Hitpael binyan.
שחוחdowncast Is 60:14 αλ ← שׁחח
שׂחק, שׂחוקlaughter ← שׂחק
שׁחורdark Jr 2:18, So 1:5, Lm 4:8 ← שׁחר
שׁחותruination ?? Ps 35:14, Pr 28:10 ←
שׁחחto downcast, bring down Jb 9:13, Ps
44:26 → ישׁחthat which brings one
down ?? Mc 6:14 αλ, שחוחdowncast Is
60:14 αλ
שׂחטto squeeze out (grapes) Gn 40:11 αλ
seeing as the phrase “blood of grapes” is
found Gn 49:11, Dt 32:14, it’s not a
stretch to think that the ancients talked
about a “slaughter of grapes” in the
making of wine.
שׁחטto slaughter (murder Jr 41:7, Ez
23:39, combatants in war Jd 12:6,
execution Nu 14:16, 1K 18:40, animals
Gn 37:31 as preparation for sacrifices Ex
12:6, 21, 34:25, food 1S 14:32, 34,
metaphorically grapes as their red juice
(blood) is poured into wine Gn 40:11)
→ שׁחטהslaughter, killing as in murder
Hs 5:2 αλ, שׁחיטתslaughtering for
sacrifices 2C 30:17 αλ σ הרג
שׁחטהslaughter, killing as in murder Hs
5:2 αλ ← שׁחט
שׁחיטתslaughtering for sacrifices 2C 30:17
αλ ← שׁחט
שׁחיןskin ulcer, that is infectious, flowing
pus Ex 9:9–11, Lv 13:18–20, Jb 2:7 σ
שׁחיסself-sown grain ?? Is 37:30 αλ (DSS
)שׁעיסσ סחישׁself-sown grain ?? 2K
19:29 αλ
שׂחיףcladding of (wood) ?? Ez 41:16 αλ
שׁחלjackal ?? Hs 5:14, 13:7, Ps 91:13, Pr
26:13, Jb 4:10, 10:16, 28:8
שׁחלתa type of perfume Ex 30:34 αλ
שׁחףseagull ?? Lv 11:16, Dt 14:15 σ עוף
שׁחפתconsumption, where people waste
away because of the disease Lv 26:16, Dt
28:22 σ דבר
שׁחץa type of (sea?) animal ?? Jb 28:8,
41:26 (34)
< שׁחצימהname>
שׂחקto laugh with joy, rejoice → משׂחק
action of laughing, person who is
laughing, שׂחק, שׂחוקlaughter σ התלto
treat with contempt in a way that makes
fun of, mocks Gn 31:7, Ex 8:25, Jd 16:10,
13, 15, Jr 9:4, Jb 13:9, 17:2
to mock
contemptuously 1K 18:27, לעבto mock,
לעגto laugh derisively Is 33:19, Ps 2:4,
59:9, Pr 30:17, Ne 3:33 (4:1), מוקto
deride ?? Ps 73:8 αλ, נחרto snort,
making the sound of a derisive laugh ??
So 1:6, צחקto laugh at, jest, mock, תעע
to scoff
שׁחקto grind finely to make into a powder
Ex 30:36, 2S 22:43, Ps 18:43, Jb 14:19 →
שׁחקfine particles of dust Is 40:15 or
water, used of clouds Dt 33:26, Jr 51:9,
Ps 36:6
שׁחקfine particles of dust Is 40:15 or
water, used of clouds Dt 33:26, Jr 51:9,
Ps 36:6 ← שׁחקσ אדwater vapor Gn 2:6,
Jb 36:27 σ ענן
שׁחרto become dark Jb 30:30 → שׁחור
dark Jr 2:18, So 1:5, Lm 4:8, שׁחרdawn
just as it starts to get light before the sun
rises σ חשׁך
שׁחרto look for in sense of really
searching Is 26:9, Hs 5:15, Pr 1:28, 7:15,
11:27, 13:24 → שׁחרותbeing good
looking Ko 11:10 αλ, שׁחרחרgood
looking So 1:6 αλ σ בקשׁ
שׁחרdawn just as it starts to get light
before the sun rises ← שׁחר
שׁחרa musical instrument ?? Ps 22:1, 57:9
(8), 108:3 (2) || הנבל וכנור
< שׁחרname>
שׁחרותbeing good looking Ko 11:10 αλ ←
שׁחרחרgood looking So 1:6 αλ ← שׁחר
< שׁחריהname>
< שׁחריםname>
שׁחתto ruin as in being destroyed, made of
no use → משׁחיתruination Dn 10:8, 2C
person or group causing
ruination Ex 12:13, 23, e.g. raiding party
(that leaves ruins in its wake) 1S 13:17,
14:15 also used as a hi participle Gn
19:14, 2S 24:16, 1C 21;12, משׁחת
ruination, שׁחותruination ?? Ps 35:14, Pr
28:10, שׁחתruination σ אלחto corrupt
Ps 14:3, 53:3, Jb 15:16, בוקto
depopulate, בלקto devastate (unused
root), בקקto lay waste such that the
land is emptied Jr 19:7, 51:2, Nh 2:3 (2),
הגהto eliminate
to remove 2S 20:13,
Pr 25:4–5
destroy, ruin Is 27:8, Ps
90:9, הרסto tear down (wall, boundary,
altar) to make into a ruin, חרבto
desolate in the sense of removing
(inhabitants, water), to make into
to dry (up) when dealing
with waters, rivers, נתץto pull down
(altar, idol, house) as an act of
destruction, שׁמדto destroy, שׁמםto be
unable to react
to be desolated,
referring to both the physical destruction
and the mental grief, used also to the
total shock that leaves one speechless at
שׂטנהplace name where attacked Gn 26:21
← שׂטן
שׁטףto overflow, wash over
to rinse,
this is not necessarily with water, as
almost every time water is meant, it is
specifically mentioned, Dn 9:26, 11:40
with military forces → שׁטףwashing
flood σ רחץ
שׁטףwashing over
flood ← שׁטףσ חנמל
devastating flood ?? Ps 78:47 αλ, מבול
great amount
world wide flood, used
only of the flood in Genesis 6–11, Ps
שׁטרofficer, one who passes down
commands from higher officials and is in
charge of making sure the orders are
fulfilled σ מלך
< שׁטריname>
( שׁיshouted out) praise ?? Is 18:7, Ps
68:30 (29), 76:12 (11) σ שׂמחה
שׂיאheight, loftiness ?? Jb 20:6 αλ ← נשׂא
< שׁיאname>
< שׂטאןname>
< שׁיאןname>
שׂיבto have one’s hair become white from
to become old 1K 14:4 αλ → ,שׂיב
שׂיבהwhite hairs
old age Gn 15:15,
44:29, Jd 8:32, Rt r:15, Hs 7:9, Pr 16:21
σ זקן
שׂיבה, שׂיבwhite hairs
old age Gn 15:15,
44:29, Jd 8:32, Rt r:15, Hs 7:9, Pr 16:21
← שׂיב
( שׁיבהthose who) return ← שׁוב
שׂיגβ שׂיג,נשׂג
שׂיגto relieve oneself 1K 18:27 αλ
שׂידto whitewash, i.e. apply lime to the
exterior of a house to protect it → שׂיד
a surprising, usually negative, event or
situation σ פרץ
שׁחתruination ← שׁחתσ גוהelimination
destruction, ruination ?? Jr 13:17, Jb
20:25, 22:29, 33:17, מבלקהmaking
devastated ?? Nh 2:11 (10) αλ, קטב
destruction Dt 32:24, Is 28:2, Hs 13:14,
Ps 91:6
שׂטone who moves away from (God as an
apostate) Hs 5:2, Ps 101:3 ← שׂטה
שׂטהβ שׁטה,שׂוט
שׂטהto turn away (from, towards) Nu
5:12, 19–20, 29, Pr 4:15, 7:25 → שׂטone
who moves away from (God as an
apostate) Hs 5:2, Ps 101:3 σ סור
( שׁטהplural )שׁטימacacia, a tree known
also for its thorns and its wood for its
hardness and resistance to rot ?? this is a
type of tree able to produce beams at
least six feet long by over two feet wide
← שׁוט
שׁטחto spread around → משׁטח,משׁטוח
place to spread (nets) around (to dry
them) σ פרשׂ
שׁטטspur ?? Js 23:13 αλ ← שׁוטσ דרבן
< שׁטיםname>
שׂטםto treat roughly Gn 27:41, 49:23,
50:15, Ps 53:3, Jb 16:9, 30:21 → משׂטמה
rough treatment Hs 9:7–8 σ נכה
שׂטןto attack, by words, deeds and
physical weapons → שׂטןattacker,
enemy, שׂטנהattack, accusation Ezr 4:6
αλ, place name where attacked Gn 26:21
σ ריב
שׂטןattacker, enemy ← שׂטןσ אויב
שׂטנהattack, accusation Ezr 4:6 αλ
deposit Lv 5:21 (6:2) αλ σ בראto
create, set up
to make sleek (well fed)
(set up with good food), גלעto set up ??
Pr 17:14, 18:1, 20:3, זעךto set up,
prepare ?? Jb 17:1 αλ, יסדto set up,
establish—earth Ps 24:2 and all that is in
it Ps 89:12, a country (Egypt) Ex 9:18.
God’s witnesses i.e. laws Ps 119:152
to lay a foundation for a house, building,
יצגto position, כוןto establish, in the
sense of setting up, making firm,
trustworthy, נצבto set up e.g.
monument, building, fort over occupied
territory, appointed officer over a fort,
ערךto set up in the sense of putting in
order, arranging, valuing, רפדto lay
out ?? Jb 17:13, 41:22, So 2:5, שׁיתto
put, this verb has a wide circle of
meaning including to moving to or
placing into a particular position,
bringing into a particular state or
condition and causing the action to be
“ שׁית לבto put one’s heart” to
consider, think about Ex 7:23, Pr 22:17,
24:32, 27:23, שׁפתto set up, as a tool,
dishes, something to be used Ex 15:10,
2K 4:38, Is 26:12, Jr 5:16, Ez 24:3, Ps
22:16 (15)
< שׁימוןname>
( שׁיןhitpael) to relieve oneself
→ שׁיןurine
שׁיןurine ← שׁין
שׁיפוחβ פוח
שׁירto sing → משׁוררcontinuous
singing ?? 1C 6:18, 2C 23:13, 29:28,
משׁרריםrefers to a group of priests
whose job it was continually to keep
lime (made by burning limestone,
whitewash, made from lime
שׂידlime (made by burning limestone,
whitewash, made from lime σ
גרlime ?? Is 27:9 αλ
< שׁיזאname>
שׁיזעוβ זוע
שׁיח, שׂיחto talk to oneself, putting one’s
thoughts into words, to speak softly
(possibly Hiphil for )?? שׂוחIs 53:8, Ps
69:13 (12), 77:13 → שׂיח, שׂחsoftly
spoken thought, שׂיחהmeditation spoken
to oneself Ps 119:85, 99, Jb 15:4 σ דבר
שׂיחshrub Gn 2:5, 21:15, Jb 30:4, 7 σ דשׁא
שׂיחsoftly spoken thought ← שׂיח
שׂיחהmeditation spoken to oneself Ps
119:85, 99, Jb 15:4 ← שׂיח
שׁיחהpit ?? Jr 18:22, Ps. 57:7 (6) σ בור
שׁחר, שׁחור, שׁיחורcreek ??
< שׁיחורname>
< שׁיחור לבנתname>
שׁיטflood, i.e. the sea, referring to much
water Is 28:15, 33:21
( שׁילהa word with disputed meaning) ??
Gn 49:10 αλ this appears to be a
corruption of שׁלהalso attested to in
some copies of the Samaritan Pentateuch
meaning “to whom it belongs” (modern
Hebrew )שׁלו
< שׁילהname>
< שׁילוname>
< שׁילוניname>
שׁיללβ שׁלל
< שׁילניname>
שׂיםto set, place, put → שׁםthere, that
place, name
title, reputation (⇐ to
place a person by his handle), תשׂומת
שׁכבto lie down
as a euphemism for
sexual relationship → משׁכבcouch, bed,
שׁכבתlying down (with) often used as a
euphemism for sexual relations σ שׁגלto
have sex, become a consort to Dt 28:30,
Jr 3:2
(in war) to rape Is 13:16, Zc
14:2, ישׁב
שׁכבתlying down (with) often used as a
euphemism for sexual relations ← שׁכב
שׁכהto mount, used of a male animal as it
mates Jr 5:8 αλ
שׂכוname of town
שׂכוβ שׂוכ
שׂכויscreen ?? set up for protection Jb
38:36 αλ ← שׂוךσ קיר
childless(ness) Is
47:8–9, 49:21 like a bear who has lost its
cubs 2S 17:8, Hs 13:8, Pr 17:12 ← שׁכל
שׁכורdrunkard Is 19:14, 24:20, Ps 107:27,
Pr 26:9, Jb 12:25
drunk Jr 23:9,
שׁתה שׁכורdrink to excess, to become
drunk 1K 16:9, 20:16 ← שׁכר
שׂכותgrammatically this can be either
something that is instrumental or
something to be filled. Traditionally has
been understood as harpoons Jb 40:31
(41:7) αλ
שׁכחto forget σ בעטto neglect Dt 32:15,
1S 2:29, נשׁהto put out of mind Gn
41:51, Dt 32:18, Is 44:21, Jr 15:10, 23:39,
Jb 11:6, 39:17, Lm 3:17
< שׂכיהname>
< שׁכיהname>
cargo Is 2:16 αλ
שׂכיןknife ?? something sharp that sticks
in one’s throat, i.e. bone ?? Pr 23:2 αλ σ
מחלףslaughtering knife ?? priestly
constant singing with instrumental
accompaniment in the temple (this is a
word used only in post-Babylonian exile
Biblical Hebrew), שׁירה, שׁירsong, ,שׁר
שׁרהsinger σ זמרto sing with
instrumental accompaniment Ps 27:6,
71:22–3, 146:2, קיןto sing a lament,
שׁירה, שׁירsong ← שׁירσ זמרהsong with
instrumental accompaniment Is 51:3, Ps
81:3 (2), 98:5, 147:1, קינהdirge, song of
שׁירותdecorative chains ?? Is 3:19 αλ ←
שׂישׂβ שׂישׂ,שׂושׂ
שׂישׂwhite marble ?? 1C 29:2 αλ
< שׁישׁאname>
< שׁישׁקname>
שׁיתto put, this verb has a wide circle of
meaning including to moving to or
placing into a particular position,
bringing into a particular state or
condition and causing the action to be
“ שׁית לבto put one’s heart” to
consider, think about Ex 7:23, Pr 22:17,
24:32, 27:23 → שׁיתputting (on, forth
(action)) Ps 73:6 Pr 7:10 σ שׂים
שׁיתputting (on, forth (action)) Ps 73:6 Pr
7:10 ← שׁית
שׁיתweed(s), e.g. thistle Is 5:6, 7:23–5,
9:17, 10:17, 27:4 σ שׁמיר
שׂךβ שׂך,שׂוך
?? שׂךsomething that pokes eyes Nu 33:55
αλ σ שׂכין
שׂךone who hedges Lm 2:6, screening Ho
2:8 ← שׂוך
robes ?? Ezr 1:9 αλ, ( שׂךsomething that
pokes eyes) ?? Nu 33:55 αλ
שׂכירhireling, hired worker Ex 12:45,
22:15, Lv 25:6, 40, Jb 7:1–2, 14:6 ← שׂכר
σ עבד
שׁכךto abate
go down water level Gn
go down anger Est 7:10
שׁככהβ שׁכך,כה
שׂכלto discern, act with discernment →
אשׂכילgiving discernment Ps 32:8 αλ,
משׂכילcausing discernment
a type of psalm, to give discernment?
שׂכלdiscernment σ ידע
שׁכלto be(come) fruitless, childless →
childless(ness) Is
47:8–9, 49:21 like a bear who has lost its
cubs 2S 17:8, Hs 13:8, Pr 17:12
שׂכלdiscernment ← שׂכל
שׂכלותβ סכלות
שׁכםto rise up → שׁכםrising, i.e. morning
1S 17:16, שׁכםshoulder (inward from
)כתףused to carry, i.e. to make things
portion (carried on a shoulder),
שׁכם אחדportion, advantage ?? Gn
48:22, Zp 3:9 σ קום
שׁכםrising, i.e. morning 1S 17:16 ← שׁכם
שׁכםshoulder (inward from )כתףused to
carry, i.e. to make things rise?
(carried on a shoulder) ← שׁכם
< שׁכםname>
< שׁכמהname>
< שׁכמיname>
שׁכןβ שׁכן,אשׁר כן
שׁכןto dwell → משׁכןplace for dwelling,
which can be a tent, building or even a
neighborhood, city or territory, שׁכן
neighbor, one who dwells in the
neighborhood σ ישׁב
< שׁכניהname>
< שׁכניהוname>
שׂכרto hire → משׂכרהwages, שׂכיר
hireling, hired worker Ex 12:45, 22:15, Lv
25:6, 40, Jb 7:1–2, 14:6, שׂכרwages σ
שׁכרto become drunk → שׁכורdrunkard Is
19:14, 24:20, Ps 107:27, Pr 26:9, Jb 12:25
drunk Jr 23:9,
שׁתה שׁכורdrink to
excess, to become drunk 1K 16:9, 20:16,
שׁכרalcoholic drink, שׁכרוןdrunkenness
σ סבאto get drunk Is 56:12 αλ
שׂכרwages ← שׂכר
שׁכרalcoholic drink ← שׁכרσ סבא
drunkard Dt 21:20, Pr 23:20–1, strong
drink to get drunk on Is 1:22, Hs 4:18,
getting drunk Nh 1:10
< שׂכרname>
שׁכרוןdrunkenness ← שׁכר
< שׁכרונהname>
שׂכתיβ שׂוך
שׁלβ שׁל,נשׁל
שׁלoverconfidence, action taken in
overconfidence, not giving proper honor,
respect 2S 6:7, Ko 8:17 ← שׁלה
שׁלאנןβ שׁאנן
שׁלבto dovetail, join with dovetails Ex
26:17, 36;22 → שׁלבdovetail 1K 7:28–9
שׁלבdovetail 1K 7:28–9 ← שׁלב
שׁלגto snow → שׁלגsnow
שׁלגsnow ← שׁלג
שׁלהto be confident, at peace Hiphil give
reason for confidence, satisfaction → שׁל
overconfidence, action taken in
overconfidence, not giving proper honor,
respect 2S 6:7, Ko 8:17, שׁלהreason for
confidence, peace, satisfaction, i.e. what
Hannah had prayed for 1S 1:17 αλ, ,שׁלו
שׁליוat ease, שׁלוהquietness, confidence,
at peace, quietness,
confidence ?? (like ערוםand פדיוםthis
is derived from a root that ends in a )ה
(the antonym of מלחמתis שׁקט
“peaceful”), שׁליin confidence, tell a
secret 2S 3:27 αλ, שׁליתthat which
causes comfort, i.e. children, afterbirth,
placenta ?? Dt 28:57 αλ σ שׁאןto be
quietly confident
שׁלהreason for confidence, peace,
satisfaction, i.e. what Hannah had prayed
for 1S 1:17 αλ ← שׁלה
< שׁלהname>
שׁלהבתflame Jb 15:30, So 8:6, Dn 11:33
← להב
שׂלוquail Ex 16:13, Lv 11:31–2, Ps 105:40
σ עוף
שׁליו, שׁלוat ease ← שׁלה
שׁלוהquietness, confidence ← שׁלה
שׁלוחיםsending away (gift), in a marriage,
the dowry Ex 18:2, 1K 9:16, Mc 1:14 ←
at peace, quietness,
confidence ?? (like ערוםand פדיוםthis
is derived from a root that ends in a )ה
(the antonym of מלחמתis שׁקט
“peaceful”) (see following words) ←
שׁלהσ שׁקט
שׁלוםfullness Ez 7:25
(in) full
agreement (after making a treaty)
fullness in the concept of being at one
with a relative or friend, holding nothing
welfare, as in being full with all
that one needs
that which makes full
or complete (the word itself doesn’t
mean “peace”) ← שׁלם
שׁלוםpaying back, giving retribution Is
34:8, Mc 7:3 ← שׁלם
< שׁלוםname>
שׁלומיםstatus of being complete,
completely Is 34:8, Jr 13:19, Ps 69:23
(22) ← שׁלם
< שׁלומיתname>
< שׁלוןname>
< שׁלוניname>
שׁלשׁ, שׁלושׁthree ← שׁלשׁ
שׁלותβ שׁלל
שׁלחto send (out) → משׁלחplace where
livestock sent out to graze Is 7:25, 27:10,
משׁלח, משׁלוחsending, שׁלוחיםsending
away (gift), in a marriage, the dowry Ex
18:2, 1K 9:16, Mc 1:14, שׁלחsomething
that is sent out, such as a missile, thrown
שׁלחsomething that is sent out, such as a
missile, thrown weapon ← שׁלח
< שׁלחname> ← שׁלח
< שׁלחיname>
שׁלחיםß שׁלח,שׁלוחים
< שׁלחיםname>
שׁלטto have authority, more in the sense
of having power, ability, prestige Ps
119:133, Ko 2:19, 5:18, 6:2,, 8:9, Es 9:1
→ שׁלטshield, showing badge of
authority 2S 8:7. 2K 11:10, Jr 51:11, Ez
27:11, So 4:4, 1C 18:7, 2C 23:9, שׁלטון
authority Ko 8:4, 8, שׁלטתacting as if
with authority or backing of authoity Ez
16:30 αλ, ( שׁליטperson of) authority Gn
76:6 (5) αλ, שׁוללdespoiled Jb 12:17,
19, שׁללspoils
gain taken from war,
trade σ גנב
gain taken from war, trade
← שׁללσ מלקוחspoil, booty
שׁלםto make whole, to fill in what was
lacking, to fulfill (curses, promises
give settlement both pleasing and
to repay, pay back →
שׁלוםfullness Ez 7:25
(in) full
agreement (after making a treaty)
fullness in the concept of being at one
with a relative or friend, holding nothing
welfare, as in being full with all
that one needs
that which makes full
or complete (the word itself doesn’t
mean “peace”), שׁלוםpaying back, giving
retribution Is 34:8, Mc 7:3, שׁלםwholly,
completely 1K 8:61, 11:4, wholeness Ez
13:16, wholeness as in complete
agreement ?? 1K 5:26, payback, response
Gn 37:4
payback, revenge 1K 2:5–6.
לבב שׁלםwhole hearted 1K 11:4, 15:3,
14, 2C 19:9, 25:2, שׁלמהwhole
size Dt 25:15, Pr 11:1, complete(ness)
Am 1:6, 9, Rt 2:12, So 1:7, שׁלמן
kickback, an under the table payment to
smooth the way in business Hs 10:14 αλ,
end, what comes when
all is fulfilled Ps 91:8
שׁלםwholly, completely 1K 8:61, 11:4,
wholeness Ez 13:16, wholeness as in
complete agreement ?? 1K 5:26, payback,
response Gn 37:4
payback, revenge 1K
2:5–6. לבב שׁלםwhole hearted 1K 11:4,
15:3, 14, 2C 19:9, 25:2 ← שׁלם
< שׁלםname> Ps 76:3 (2)
42:6, Ko 5:18 (19), 6:2, 7:19, 8:8, 10:5 σ
שׁלטshield, showing badge of authority 2S
8:7. 2K 11:10, Jr 51:11, Ez 27:11, So 4:4,
1C 18:7, 2C 23:9 ← שׁלט
שׁלטוןauthority Ko 8:4, 8 ← שׁלט
שׁלטתacting as if with authority or
backing of authoity Ez 16:30 αλ ← שׁלט
שׁליβ שׁלי,אשׁר לי
שׁליin confidence, tell a secret 2S 3:27 αλ
← שׁלה
שׁליוβ שׁלו
( שׁליטperson of) authority Gn 42:6, Ko
5:18 (19), 6:2, 7:19, 8:8, 10:5 ← שׁלטσ
שׁלשׁ, שׁלישׁperson third in line of
command, three stringed instrument ←
שׁלישׁי, שׁלישׁthird
third time ← שׁלשׁ
שׁליתthat which causes comfort, i.e.
children, afterbirth, placenta ?? Dt 28:57
αλ ← שׁלה
שׁלךto throw down → שׁלכתthrowing
down σ טולto toss (down), נגרto hurl
down, pour down (stones Mc 1:6, waters
2S 14:14, Mc 1:4, people Jr 18:21, Ez 8:5,
Ps 63:11), נשׁלto leave Rt 2:16, 2C 29:11
(ax head from the wooden shaft) Dt 19:5
used in the context of people leaving
their homes Dt 7:1, 22, 2K 16:6, תזזto
strike away Is 18:5 αλ
שׁלךcormorant ?? Lv 11:17, Dt 14:17 σ
שׁלכתthrowing down ← שׁלך
< שׁלכתname>
שׁללto despoil, take spoils → אשׁתוללו
despoiled (by their own actions) ?? Ps
< שׂלמאname>
שׂלמהgarment, as far as I can tell,
identical to ( שׂמלהfound 10 times) σ
proper size Dt 25:15, Pr
11:1, complete(ness) Am 1:6, 9, Rt 2:12,
So 1:7 ← שׁלם
< שׂלמהname>
< שׁלמהname>
< שׂלמוןname>
< שׁלמותname>
< שׁלמיname>
< שׁלמיאלname>
< שׁלמיהname>
< שׁלמיהוname>
< שׁלמיתname>
שׁלמןkickback, an under the table payment
to smooth the way in business Hs 10:14
αλ ← שׁלם
< שׁלמןname>
< שׁלמנאסרname>
end, what comes when all
is fulfilled Ps 91:8 ← שׁלם
< שׁלניname>
שׁלףto pull something off or out of its
usual place σ משׁך
< שׁלףname>
שׁלשׁto make into three, thirds (in the case
of thread, twined from three threads) →
שׁלשׁ, שׁלושׁthree
trident, שׁלשׁ,שׁלישׁ
person third in line of command, three
stringed instrument, שׁלישׁי, שׁלישׁthird
third time, שׁלשׁthree-stringed
instrument, a type of lute? 1S 18:6, שׁלשׁ
some sort of measuring container ?? Is
40:12, שׁלשׁ קלשׁוןtrident 1S 13:21,
שׁלשׁוםthree days ago
(idiomatic use) Gn 31:2, Rt 2:11, Pr
22:20, 1C 11:2, שׁלשׁיםthirty, third
generation, great grandchildren, third
שׁלשׁthree-stringed instrument, a type of
lute? 1S 18:6 ← שׁלשׁ
שׁלשׁsome sort of measuring container ??
Is 40:12 ← שׁלשׁ
< שׁלשׁname>
< שׁלשׁהname>
שׁלשׁוםthree days ago
(idiomatic use) Gn 31:2, Rt 2:11, Pr
22:20, 1C 11:2 ← שׁלשׁ
שׁלשׁיםthirty, third generation, great
grandchildren, third story ← שׁלשׁ
שׁלשׁלמהβ שׁלמה
שׁלתβ שׁלה
< שׁלתיאלname>
שׁםthere, that place, name
reputation (⇐ to place a person by his
handle) ← שׂים
< שׁםname>
< שׁמאname>
< שׁמאברname>
< שׁמאהname>
שׂמאל, שׂמאולleft (side), to the left ←
שׂמאלto go to the left Gn 13:9 → ,שׂמאול
שׂמאלleft (side), to the left
< שׁמגרname>
שׁמדto destroy σ שׁחת
< שׁמדname>
שׁמהβ שׁמה,שׁם
שׁמהdesolation ← שׁמם
< שׁמהname>
< שׁמהותname>
שׁמוβ שׁמם,שׁם
< שׁמואלname>
שׁמנה, שׁמונהeight
< שׁמוהname>
שׁמעה, שׁמועהreport ← שׁמע
< שׁמועניname>
< שׁמותname>
שׂמחto be joyful → שׂמחjoyful, שׂמחהjoy
σ אשׁרto have joyful contentment from
doing the right thing, גילto be cheerful,
הללto boast, as a form of praise either
for self or for others Gn 12:15, Jd 16:24,
Ps 150:6 (hit.) boasting about oneself
sometimes taken as a sign of madness 1S
21:13, Jr 51:7, חדהto be encouraged,
עלזto rejoice 2S 1:20, Zp 3:14, Pr 23:16,
עלסto make merry Pr 7:18, Jb 20:18,
39:13, עלץto exult, show or feel elation
or jubilation, esp. as the result of a
success 1S 2:1, Ps 25:2, Pr 11:10, פצח
(all but once followed with רנןmeaning
to break out with shouts of joy), קלסto
amuse in the sense of making fun of
2K2:23, Ez 22:5, Hb 1:10, רנןto shout for
joy, שׁבחto raise up
be raised up Pr
make waves of the sea high Ps
89:10 (9)
to exult Ps 63:4 (3), 117:1,
145:4, 147:12, Ko 4:2, 8:15, שׂישׂ, שׂושׂto
be glad
שׂמחjoyful ← שׂמח
שׂמחהjoy ← שׂמחσ הידד, הדjoyful shout
Is 16:9–10, Jr 25:30, 48:33, 51:14, עליזה
rejoicing Is 22:2, 23:7, 32:13, Zp 2:15,
רננהjoyful shout Ps 63:6, 100:2, Jb 3:7,
20:5, ( שׁיshouted out) praise ?? Is 18:7,
Ps 68:30 (29), 76:12 (11)
שׁמטto let drop (people 2K 9:33, Jr 17:4,
object 2S 6:6, Ps 141:6, 1C 9:33, debt Dt
lie fallow (of a field) Ex 23:11
→ שׁמטהrelease from debt Dr 15:1–2, 9,
31:10 σ עזב
שׁמטהrelease from debt Dr 15:1–2, 9,
31:10 ← שׁמט
< שׁמיname>
< שׁמידעname>
< שׁמידעיname>
שׂמיכהquilt Jd 4:18 αλ σ מכבר
שׁמיכםβ שׁמים,שׁם
שׁמיניתan eight stringed instrument ?? Ps
6:1, 12:1, 1C 15:21
שׁמירthorn, long pointed one such as
gotten from desert trees σ אטד
buckthorn Jd 9:14–5, Ps 58:10 (9),
ברקניםcactus ?? Jd 8:7, 16, דרדרbriar,
bramble, חוחthorny plant with long,
sharp thorns 2K 14:9, Is 34:14, Jb 31:40
spine, a long, sharp thorn Pr 26:9, Jb
40:24, So 2:2, חרל, חרולchickweed ??
Zp 2:9, Pr 24:31, Jb 30:7, נעצוץthornbush Is 7:19, 55:13, ( סירpl )סירים
bramble, a thorny plant that grows in the
forest whose seed pods have hooked
shaped thorns that catch in animal fur Is
34:13, Hs 2:8, Nh 1:10, which can burn
hotly in a fire to cook Ko 7:6
fisherman’s hook Am 4:2, סלוןis this
some sort of poisonous thorn plant that
cause infections, or some sort of bug that
has an infectious bite ?? used in parallel
with עקרבand קוץEz 2:6, 28:24, סרבים
to be refractory, a stubborn resistance or
a balking at control, direction ?? Ez 2:6
αλ, used in parallel with סלוןand עקרב
so could this refer to a type of thorn ??,
סרפדstinging nettle κονυζααλ , קוץ
thorn-bush Gn 3:18, Jd 8:7, 16, Ez 28:24,
Hs 10:8, קמושׂthistle Is 34:13, Hs 9:6,
קמשׂניםa type of weed ?? Pr 24:31 αλ,
שׁיתweed(s), e.g. thistle Is 5:6, 7:23–5,
9:17, 10:17, 27:4
< שׁמירname>
< שׁמירמותname>
שׂמלהβ שׂמלה,מלה
שׂמלהcovering, apparently a flat piece of
cloth that can be worn by wrapping
around (as a kilt, dress) though can be
spread out as a blanket Gn 9:25, Ex
22:26 (27), wrapped around other
objects Ex 12:34, lain on as a sheet Dt
22:17, laid flat Jd 8:25
(found 28 times) σ שׂלמהgarment, as
far as I can tell, identical to שׂמלה
(found 10 times)
< שׂמלהname>
< שׁלמהname>
שׁמםto be unable to react
to be
desolated, referring to both the physical
destruction and the mental grief, used
also to the total shock that leaves one
speechless at a surprising, usually
negative, event or situation → משׁמה
state of desolation, being continuously
desolated Is 15:6, Ez 5:15, 6:14, 33:28–
9, 35:3, משׁמםcausing to be desolated
Dn 9:27, 1131, שמהdesolation, שׁמם
that which desolates, desolator Mc 6:13,
Dn 8:13, 9:27, 12:11, desolated Lm 3:11,
5:18, Dn 9:27, שׁממהdesolation,
physical and/or mental, status of being
desolated, שׁממוןstatus or place of
being desolated Ez 4:16, 12:19 σ שׁחת
שׁמםthat which desolates, desolator Mc
6:13, Dn 8:13, 9:27, 12:11, desolated Lm
3:11, 5:18, Dn 9:27 ← שׁמם
שׁממהdesolation, physical and/or mental,
status of being desolated ← שׁמם
שׁממוןstatus or place of being desolated Ez
4:16, 12:19 ← שׁמם
שׂממיתgecko Pr 30:28 αλ
שׁמןto oil (skin)
to be slippery
(figuratively) → אשׁמניםoily, slippery
places ?? Is 59:10 αλ, שׁמןoil
tree (⇐ trees that produce oil)
olive tree (⇐ trees that produce
fat σ חלבmilk, fat, but
sometimes includes a wider meaning
than in English, often with the idea more
of produce, production, as in the “fat of
the land” Gn 45:18 or even the “produce
of new wine” which is not fat Lv 18:12
“produce of wheat” Ps 81:17 (16)
שׁמעto listen. This word has a wide usage,
from active listening to passive hearing
→ השׁמעותcommunication Ez 24:26 αλ,
משׁמעhearing, משׁמעתclose, trusted
people, troops (⇐ those within hearing),
שׁמעה, שׁמועהreport, שׁמעsound, report,
rumor σ אזןto give ear
שׁמעsound, report, rumor ← שׁמע
< שׁמעname>
< שׁמעאname>
< שׁמעהname>
< שׁמעוןname>
< שׁמעיname>
< שׁמעיהname>
< שׁמעניname>
< שׁמעתname>
< שׁמעתיםname>
שׁמץdepraved ?? Jb 4:12, 26:14 → שׁמצה
depravity ?? Ex 32:25 αλ
שׁמצהdepravity ?? Ex 32:25 αλ ← שׁמץ
שׁמרto watch over, in the sense of to keep
or guard, not to forget, lose nor neglect
→ אשׁמרת, אשׁמורהwatch (of the night)
Ex 14:24, Jd 7:19, 1S 11:11, Ps 90:4,
guard (not a single
person) Jb 7:12, Ne 4:17 (23),
a place
under guard, e.g. prison Gn 40:3, 4, 7, Nu
15:34 or a guard to watch a place Jr
“on watch” time of service Ne
4:3 (9), 16 (22), 1C 26:16, משׁמרות
position of service, assigned tasks ?? Ko
12:11, Ne 7:3, 13:30, 1C 26:12, 2C 35:2,
משׁמרתwatching, guarding in order to
observe, practice, שׁמרwatcher, patroller,
שׁמרהwatch, שׁמרניםguardians ?? a
class of officials ?? 2K 17:29 αλ σ גנןto
protect 2K 19:34, 20:6, Is 31:5, 37:35,
38:6, Zc 9:15, 12:8, ישׁעto save, נצרto
guard as a protector, שׁקדto keep watch
in the sense of guarding, making sure
something gets done Jr 31:28, Ps 102:7,
127:1, Pr 8:34, Lm 1:14, Ez 8:29, Dn 9:14
שׁמרdregs in bottom of cup Is 25:6, Ps
שׁמרwatcher, patroller ← שׁמר
< שׁמרname>
שׁמרהwatch ← שׁמר
< שׁמרוןname>
< שׁמריname>
< שׁמריהname>
< שׁמריהוname>
< שׁמריםname>
< שׁמרימותname>
< שׁמריןname>
< שׁמרןname>
< שׁמרניname>
שׁמרניםguardians ?? a class of
officials ?? 2K 17:29 αλ ← שׁמר
< שׁמרתname>
שׁמשׁsun σ חרסhot, burning sun Jb 9:7 αλ
< שׁמשׁוןname>
< שׁמשׁיname>
< שׁמשׁריname>
שׁמשׁתan architectural feature ?? Is 54:12
< שׁמתיname>
ivory σ מלתעותfangs ?? Ps
58:7(6) αλ, מתלעותcanine teeth ?? Jl
1:6, Pr 30:14, Jb 29:17
< שׁןname>
שׁנאβ שׁנה
שׂנאto hate → שׂונא, שׂנאone who hates,
שׂנאהhate, שׂניאhated σ בוזto have
contempt, בוסto kick aside, as an act of
contempt, בזהto disdain, בחלto
loathe ?? Zc 11:8 αλ, געלto spurn Lv
26:11, 15, 30, Jr 14:19, זהםto be
disgusted with ?? Jb 33:20 αλ, זורto
press out, expel
to estrange, זנחto
turn or push away from, an action
connected with rejecting or spurning
someone or something Hs 8:3,5, Ps 44:10,
24, Lm 3:17, 31, לעעto consume
as valueless or worth nothing Ob 16, Pr
20:25, Jb 6:3, מאןto refuse Ex 10:3, Jr
5:3, Ne 9:17, מאסto reject Lv 26:15, 43–
4, 1S 8:7, Pr 3:11, נאץto have contempt
2S 12:14,Ko 12:5, נארto renounce Ps
89:40, Lm 2:7, נקעto become disgusted
Jr 6:8, Ez 23:18, 22, 28, סלהto
despise ?? Ps 57:4 (3), 119:118, קוטto
be short (in spirit) with
to loathe Ps
95:10, Jb 8:14, קוץto be aroused in the
sense of disliking, wanting to avoid,
caused by fear, pain or loathing Gn
27:46, Ex 1:12, Nu 21:5, Pr 3:11, קללto
treat lightly, שׁאטto despise Ez 16:57,
שׁקץto detest Lv 11:11, 13, 43, 25:20, Dt
7:26, Ps 22:25, תעבto treat as an
abomination, i.e. as something that goes
against God’s created order Dt 7:26, Am
5:10, Ps 106:40, Jb 19:19, to practice
abominations 1K 21:26, Ps 14:1, 53:2
שׂונא, שׂנאone who hates ← שׂנא
< שׁנאבname>
שׂנאהhate ← שׂנא
שׁנאןiteration or is this a place name ?? Ps
68:18 αλ
< שׁנאצרname>
שׁנהto do over, both in the sense of doing
a second time (repetition), and in the
sense changing things the second time
to change in the sense of
concealment, disguise 1K 14:2 → משׁנה
second, not first 1S 8:2, 17:13, 1C 5:12,
second in rank Gn 41:43, 1S 23:17, 2C
35:24. aide(s) (second) person(s) on
the staff 2K 23:4, Es 10:3, 1C 16:5, 2C
28:7, twice as much (second amount) Gn
43:12, 15, Ex 16:5, 22, Jb 42:10, second
(additional) copy Dt 15:18, Js 8:32
seconds, additional (blessing) Is 61:7,
שׁנהyear Gn 5, 11, change Ps 90:5
שׁנהyear Gn 5, 11, change Ps 90:5 ← שׁנה
שׁנהsleep ← ישׁן
שׁנהביםivory, tusks ?? 1K 10:22, 1C 9:21
שׁניβ שׁני, שׁנה,שׁן
שׁנים, שׁניscarlet σ אדם
שׂניאhated ← שׂנא
שׁנינהsharp, cutting statement ← שׁנן
שׁנינוβ שׁנינו,שׁנה
שׁנינוwe two Gn 31:37, 1S 20:42
< שׂנירname>
שׁנןto be sharp, piercing → שׁנינהsharp,
cutting statement σ חדד
שׁנסto gird up, i.e. to get his robe up out
of the way of his legs so he could run 1K
18:46 αλ σ חגר
שׁנערtoponym, recognized for a style of
cloth Jo 7:21
שׁסlooter Jd 2:14, 16, 1S 14:18, 23:1, 2K
17:20, Jr 50:11 ← שׁסה
שׁסהto loot 1S 17:53, Is 13:16, Hs 13:15,
Zc 14:2, Ps 44:11, 89:42 → משׁוסה
company of looters ?? Is 42:24 αλ, משׁסה
loot 2K 21:14, Is 42:22, Jr 30:16, Zp 1:13,
שׁוסlooting Is 17:14 αλ, שׁסlooter Jd
2:14, 16, 1S 14:18, 23:1, 2K 17:20, Jr
50:11, שׁסהone who is looting 1S 14:48
αλ σ גנב
שׁסהone who is looting 1S 14:48 αλ ←
שׁסעto split in the sense of spreading
apart, not necessarily into pieces Lv 1:17,
11:7, 26, Jd 14:6, used metaphorically to
indicate scolding, disapproval, similar to
how “flay” can sometimes be used in
English 1S 24:8 (7) → שׁסעsplit,
division Lv 11, 3, 7, 26, Dt 14:6 σ בקע
שׁסעsplit, division Lv 11, 3, 7, 26, Dt 14:6
← שׁסע
שׁסףto cut to pieces ?? 1S 15:33 αλ σ כרת
שׁעהto look with pleasure, approval Gn
4:4–5, Is 17:7–8, Ps 119:117, hit. look to
oneself with approval Is 41:10, 23
שׁעה מremove approval from Ps 39:14,
Jb 7:19, 14:6 → משׁעיgood looking, from
being clean ?? Ez 16:4 αλ, תשׁעהlooking
around with pleasure (from rejoicing in
their victory) ?? 2S 19:3 αλ σ ראה
שׁעוβ שׁעע,שׁעה
שׁעטנזblended cloth Lv 19:19, Dt 22:11
שׁעטתstamping (of horses) Jr 47:3 αλ
( שׁעיסDSS Is 37:30) β שׁחיס
שׂעיפיםβ שׂעף
שׂעירβ שׂערה,שׂעיר
שׂעירה, שׂעירgoat (⇐ the idea of
something hairy?)
demon (often
pictured as a hairy creature) ← שׂערσ
< שׂעירname>
< שׂעירהname>
שׂעירםsmall desert storm, though violent,
not large enough to cause much damage
(from a distance, they often look like
hats with hair trailing down from them,
sometimes not reaching the ground
though the lightning does) Dt 32:2 αλ ←
שׂערσ זרם
שׁעלβ שׁעל, שׁועל,על
שׁעלto be hollow, unused → משׁעולhollow
way Nu 22:24 αλ, שׁעלhollow place Ez
13:4, 19
hollow of foot 1K 20:10 or
hand (palm) Is 40:12, Ps 63:11 (10)
שׁעלhollow place Ez 13:4, 19
hollow of
foot 1K 20:10 or hand (palm) Is 40:12,
Ps 63:11 (10) ← שׁעלσ כף
< שׁעלניםname>
< שׁעלביןname>
< שׁעלבניname>
< שׁעליםname>
שׁעמהםβ עםwith Ch 5:20
שׁעןto lean on as in relaxing Jd 16:26, Jb
to prop up 2S 1:6, Pr 3:5 → משׁען
person or object that supports, that can
be leaned on 2S 22:19, Ps 18:19 (18)
used of food and water that support life
Is 3:1, משׁענהsupport, sustainment Is 3:1,
משׁענתstaff to lean on, for support Ex
21:19, Nu 21:18, Jd 6:21, Zc 8:4, Ps 23:4
not usable when made of a reed 2K 4:29,
31, Is 36:6, Ez 29:6 σ סמך
שׁעעto become darkened (eyes),
cataracts ?? Is 6:10, 29:9
שׂעףthought ?? Jb 4:13, 20:2 σ מחשׁבה
< שׁעףname>
שׂערto storm Jr 2:12, Ps 50:3, 58:10 (9),
Dn 11:40, to act violently Ez 27:35,
32:10, to remove (violently) Dt 32:17, Jb
in violent action, the hair goes
flying → שׂעירה, שׂעירgoat (⇐ the idea
of something hairy?)
demon (often
pictured as a hairy creature), שׂעירם
small desert storm, though violent, not
large enough to cause much damage
(from a distance, they often look like
hats with hair trailing down from them,
sometimes not reaching the ground
though the lightning does) Dt 32:2 αλ,
שׂערhairy, שׂערהhair, שׂערהbarley, the
heads of which are quite “hairy”, שׂערה
< שׁעריםname>
שׁערירthat which causes gruesomeness Hs
6:10 αλ
שׁעררתgruesomeness Jr 18:13 αλ
< שׁעשׁגזname>
שׁעשׁועthat which gives delight ?? Is 5:7,
Pr 8:30 ← שׁעשׁע
שׁעשׁעto take delight in Ps 94:19, 119:70
to play Is 11:8, 66:12
(hit.) to
delight oneself (with) Is 29:9, Ps 119:16,
47 → שׁעשׁועthat which gives delight ??
Is 5:7, Pr 8:30, שׁעשׁעthat in which one
can take delight Jr 31:20, Ps 119:24, 77,
92, Pr 8:30–31 σ טוב
שׁעשׁעthat in which one can take delight Jr
31:20, Ps 119:24, 77, 92, Pr 8:30–31 ←
שׂפדβ ספד
שׁפהto protrude, jut out → שׂפהlip (of a
person, cup 1K 7:26, cloth (edge) Ex
26:10, river or sea (shore) Ex 7:15,
14:30, use of the lips in speech Ps 120:2,
Pr 12:19
language Gn 11:1, 6, 7, 9, Is
19:18, Ps 81:6 (5)), שׁפותa type of
cattle, humped 2S 17:29 αλ, שׁפי
promontory Nu 23:3, Is
41:18, Jr 12:12, 14:6, על שׂפת לשׁוןupon
the tip of the tongue, i.e. spoken about
(in a bad way) Ez 36:3
שׂפהlip (of a person, cup 1K 7:26, cloth
(edge) Ex 26:10, river or sea (shore) Ex
7:15, 14:30, use of the lips in speech Ps
120:2, Pr 12:19
language Gn 11:1, 6, 7,
9, Is 19:18, Ps 81:6 (5)) ← שׁפהσ דבר
< שׁפוname>
שׁפוטjudgement ← שׁפט
שׂפוןβ שׂפן
storming, i.e. violent action both literally
and figuratively Jd 20:16, Nh 1:3, Jb
9:17, שׁעריםhairy, used of barley,
mildewed figs
שׂערhairy ← שׂער
שׁערgate, gateway, this referred not only
to the gate itself which was called a דלת,
but to the complete construction
surrounding the gate, the fortifications,
gateposts, as well as the gate. As a result,
we can talk about opening and locking
the gates, metaphorically can refer to a
barrier between people σ אילportal, a
decorated doorway extending out of the
wall, דלתdoor, the movable divider
between two areas. In original tents was
a hanging that could be moved aside
(the earliest way to write the Hebrew
letter dalet was as a picture of such a
hanging), though later applied to heavy
wooden doors on hinges even in the
gates of cities to protect them from
invaders, פתחopening, hole, though
often to a particular type of opening,
namely a doorway
שׂערהhair ← שׂערσ קוצותlocks of hair So
5:2, 11
שׂערהstorming, i.e. violent action both
literally and figuratively Jd 20:16, Nh
1:3, Jb 9:17 ← שׂער
שׂערהbarley, the heads of which are quite
“hairy” ← שׂער
שׁערורהgruesomeness Jr 5:30, 23:14
< שׁעריהname>
שׁעריםhairy, used of barley, mildewed figs
← שׂער
< שׂעריםname>
< שׁפופםname>
< שׁפופןname>
שׁפותa type of cattle, humped 2S 17:29 αλ
← שׁפה
שׂפחto tear out (hair) as in grabbing
woman’s hair to rape her ?? Is 3:17 αλ
→ משׂפחtearing out Is 5:7 αλ
שׁפחהfemale slave, this term refers to a
household female slave, often very
intimate with her master or mistress σ
אמהfemale slave, a more general term,
שׁפטto judge (for) → משׁפטadjudication;
law or rule used as the basis for
judgement; justification the result of a
favorable ruling in court (in 2K 1:7 the
question was about the authority, not the
looks, of the man) (This is public,
societal justice, not just private actions),
שׁפוטjudgement, שׁפטjudge(ment) σ דון
argue with, fight against ?? Gn 6:3 αλ
דיןto cause an argument, fight
to be a
prosecutor, bring a lawsuit, accuse, צדק
to act with justice
(transitive verb) to
justify another, count that person as just
(passive) to be counted as just,
justified ( רשׁעis the opposite) (Both
שׁפטand צדקrefer to acting justly, the
difference is that שׁפטrefers to judicial
justice as before a court of law, while
צדקrefers to private actions that are just
and to count someone as justified.)
שׁפטjudge(ment) ← שׁפט
< שׁפטname>
< שׁפטיהname>
< שׁפטיהוname>
< שׁפטןname>
promontory Nu 23:3, Is
41:18, Jr 12:12, 14:6 ← שׁפהσ פסגה
< שׁפיname>
< שׁפיםname>
שׁפיפןhorned adder Gn 49:17 αλ
< שׁפירtoponym>
שׁפךto pour out → שׁפךplace of pouring
out, שׁפכהmale organ ?? Dt 23:2 αλ σ
זקקto pour out as in casting ?? Ml 3:3
αλ, יצקto pour, used not only for liquids
such as oil Gn 28:18, 1S 10:1 and water
Ez 24:3, but also for solid objects Js 7:23,
2S 15:24
to cast (metal) by pouring
molten metal into a mold Ex 25:12, 1K
7:46, נסךto pour (drink, metal for
casting, libation)
make a libation, נתך
to pour down, e.g. as metal is poured
down into a mold for casting Ex 9:33, Jr
42:18, 2C 34:21
שׁפךplace of pouring out ← שׁפך
שׁפכהmale organ ?? Dt 23:2 αλ ← שׁפך
שׁפלto become depressed
low → שׁפל
low, שׁפלהlowness, lowland, שׁפלות
position of being low ?? (hands not
active) Ko 10:18 αλ σ ירד
שׁפלlow ← שׁפל
שׁפלהlowness, lowland ← שׁפל
שׁפלותposition of being low ?? (hands not
active) Ko 10:18 αλ ← שׁפל
שׂפםmustache Lv 13:45, 2S 19:25, Ez
24:17, 22, Mc 3:7
< שׁפםname>
< שׁפמהname>
< שׂפמותname>
< שׁפמיname>
שׂפןto dig up Dt 33:19 αλ → שׁפןrock
badger, hyrax ?? Lv 11:5, Dt 14:7, Ps
104:18, Pr 30:26
שׁפןrock badger, hyrax ?? Lv 11:5, Dt 14:7,
Ps 104:18, Pr 30:26 ← שׂפן
< שׁפןname>
שׁפעabundance Dt 33:19 αλ
< שׁפעיname>
שׁפעתlarge quantity Jb 22:11, 38:34, of
troops, large group of people 2K 9:17,
large number of horses or camels Is 60:6,
Ez 26:10
שׂפקto adhere (to), stick to 1K 20:10, Is
2:6, Jb 27:23 → שׂפקthat which adheres
to someone Jb 20:22 αλ σ דבקto join
to, stick to, חשׁקto assemble, as in
putting together linking all the parts
together Ex 38:28
link to Gn 34:8, Dt
21:11, Ps 91:14,
to associate with as in
linked with Dt 7:7, 10:15, לוהto attach
(oneself to)
to borrow ⇐ joining
oneself to another through obligation of
repayment, קנה
שׂפקthat which adheres to someone Jb
20:22 αλ ← שׂפק
שׁפרto make noisy Jb 26:13
to give a
loud or piercing sound ?? Hs 8:1 →
שׁפר, שׁופרram’s horn, shofar Js 6:4–6,
2S 18:16, שׁפרloudness, piercedness ??
Gn 49:21 αλ, שׁפרהnoisiness as in
troubles ?? Ps 16:6 αλ LXX κρατιστη,
שׁפרורpavilion (royal tent) Jr 43:10 αλ
שׁפרloudness, piercedness ?? Gn 49:21 αλ
← שׁפר
< שׁפרname>
שׁפרהnoisiness as in troubles ?? Ps 16:6
αλ LXX κρατιστη ← שׁפר
< שׁפרהname>
שׁפרורpavilion (royal tent) Jr 43:10 αλ ←
שׁפרσ אהל
שׂפתβ שׁפת,שׂפה
שׁפתto set up, as a tool, dishes, something
to be used Ex 15:10, 2K 4:38, Is 26:12, Jr
5:16, Ez 24:3, Ps 22:16 (15) → שׁפתים
places of setting up, pack saddles ?? Ez
40:43, Ps 68:14 (13) σ שׂים
שׁפתיםplaces of setting up, pack saddles ??
Ez 40:43, Ps 68:14 (13) ← שׁפת
שׁצףoverwhelming ?? Is 54:8 αλ
שׂקsack, mainly refers to the rough sacks
used to transport bulk items, big enough
that one can wear them if needed or as a
sign of penance
rough cloth used to
make the sacks σ אובleather bottle Jb
32:19 αλ, אמתחתgunny sack, a piece of
cloth that is laid on the ground, its load
placed on it, then the cloth is closed up
around its load making a sack Gn 42:27–
28, 44:11–12, חמתsack for fluids, used to
carry the poisons of snakes Ps 58:5 or
spiders Ps 140:4, sack of water Gn 21:14
canteen, חרט, חריטtooled leather
purse ?? 2K 5:23, Is 3:22, טנאwoven
grass bag, cheaply and quickly made for
carrying things Dt 26:2, 4, 28:5, 17,
ילקוטsmall bag that is quick to take
things out of 1S 17:40 αλ, כיסleather
purse, bag, used to hold valuables Is 46:6,
Pr 1:14, weights (which were then
valuable) Dt 25:13, Mc 6:11, Pr 16:18,
wineskin Pr 23:31, משׁךsmall sack used
by farmers to hold seed while sowing,
named from its design to have seed
drawn out of it to scatter in the field Am
9:13, Ps 126:6, נאדskin bottle 1S 16:20,
Ps 56:9 (8), 119:83 (plural נאדותJs 9:4,
13), נבלbag (made of skin), used for
holding workers’ tools Lm 4:2 as well as
wine 1S 1:24; 10:3; 25:18, Jr 13:12
bagpipe 1S 10:5, Ps 92:4, 2C 29:25
windbag i.e. bellows used in a forge Is
30:14 also in referring to a fool as a
windbag Dt 32:6, 21, Ps 14:1, Pr 17:21,
wind blown cloud Jb 38:37, צקלןa
medium sized bag able to carry several
loaves of bread ?? 2K 4:42 αλ, צרורtied
up Gn 42:35, Hs 13:12, joined to 1S
25:29, tied to a destiny Nu 25:17
small bag (possibly leather) that could
be tied up, to hold valuables Hg 1:6, Jb
14:17, So 1:13
שׂקד, שׁקדto keep watch in the sense of
guarding, making sure something gets
done Jr 31:28, Ps 102:7, 127:1, Pr 8:34,
Lm 1:14, Ez 8:29, Dn 9:14 σ שׁמר
שׁקדalmond Jn 43:1, Nu 17:23, Jr 1:11
משׁקדalmond shaped Ex 25:33–35
שׁקדone who keeps watch Is 29:20, Jr
1:12, Ko 12:5, act of keeping watch Jr
5:6, 44:27 ← שׁקד
שׁקהto water (which can include other
liquids as well, e.g. oil, wine)
to give
to drink → משׁקהcup bearer, one who
gives to drink Gn 40:1, 5, 13, 21, Ne 1:11,
משׁקהdrink, something to drink Lv
11:34, 1K 10:21, Is 32:6, משׁקהwatered,
a place naturally with sufficient rainfall
or irrigated Gn 13:10, Ez 45:15, שׁקוי
drink (watering), שׁקתwatering trough
Gn 24:20, 30:38 σ רוהto moisten, to
make moist
freshness and strength are
still moist
שׁקויdrink (watering) ← שׁקה
שׁקוץan object used in the performance of
detestable actions, often used as a
description of an idol Dt 29:16(17), Is
66:3, Dn 11:31, 12:11, 2C 15:8 ← שׁקץ
שׁקטto be at peace (opposite of לחםto
war) → שׁקטpeaceful (this word is the
antonym of מלחמת, not )שׁלוםσ דמםto
be still (unmoving)
to be silent (not
speaking), הסהto hush, silence Nu
13:30, Jd 3:19, Am 6:10, Hb 2:20, Zp 1:7,
Zc 2:17 (13), חרשׁto keep silent Gn
24:5, Ex 14:14, Nu 30:12, 15, Jd 16:2, to
be deaf,
to be silent as in not doing
anything 2S 19:11, Jr 38:27, חשׁה,חשׂה
to be still, as in not raising a ruckus or
demands, סכתnot to speak Dt 27:9 αλ,
צמתto silence, צנעto act in quietness
“out of the limelight” Mc 6:8 αλ, שׁתקto
still (waves, accusation) Jn 1:11–12, Pr
שׁקלto measure by weight → משׁקול
weighing Ez 4:10, משׁקלweight, משׁקלת
level (for weighing), שׁקלa particular
a coin of that weight, a sheckel
σ נטלto weigh Is 63:9
שׁקלa particular weight
a coin of that
weight, a sheckel ← שׁקל
שׁקמים, שׁקמהsycamore tree, a tree known
for its fruits, which needed to be pierced
to ripen, and wood, used to be quite
common in Israel 1K 10:27, Is 9:9, Am
7:14, Ps 78:47, 1C 27:28, 2C 1:15, 9:27 σ
שׁקעto subside, go down → משׁקעhollow
Ez 34:18 αλ
שׁקערורתsplotchy, with spots of spreading
fungus ?? Lv 14:37 αλ
שׁקףto look out (e.g. from a window) Gn
18:16, 19:28, 26:8, draw one’s attention
to (for purposes of looking, acting) Jd
5:28, 2S 6:16, Pr 7:6, 1C 15:29 → משׁקוף
lintel (of a doorway) that looks down on
the door Ex 12:7, 22–3, ( נשׁקףplace
that’s) overlooking (another place) Nu
21:20, 23:28, 1S 13:18, שׁקףwindow for
looking out 1K 6:4, 7:4–5 σ ראה
שׁקףwindow for looking out 1K 6:4, 7:4–5,
חלוני שׁקפים אטמיםdoes this refer to
glass windows that cannot be opened ??
1K 6:4 (in ancient times glass windows
were an expensive luxury) ← שׁקף
שׁקץto detest Lv 11:11, 13, 43, 25:20, Dt
7:26, Ps 22:25 → שׁקוץan object used in
the performance of detestable actions,
often used as a description of an idol Dt
29:16(17), Is 66:3, Dn 11:31, 12:11, 2C
15:8, שׁקץdetestable thing Lv 7:11,
11:10–3, Ez 8:10 σ שׂנא
שׁקץdetestable thing Lv 7:11, 11:10–3, Ez
8:10 ← שׁקץ
שׁקקβ שׁקק,שׁוק
( שׁקקfem adj. )שׁקקהempty, flopped
down like an empty bag ?? Ps 107:9 αλ
σ תשׁקקהemptiness ?? Ps 65:10 (9) αλ
שׂקרto apply mascara (is not applying
makeup deceptive?) Is 3:16 αλ σ כחלto
paint (eyes), as an act of ornamentation
Ez 23:40 αλ
שׁקרto deceive by any means → שׁקר
deception, deceptive σ בגדto act under
cover, act underhandedly, under the table
(doing things under one’s clothes) Jr
3:20, Ml 2:14, כזבto speak or act
to lie, כחשׁto feign as
in to lie, give a false report, also to fail to
come through, in the sense of making a
promise but being unwilling or unable to
follow through, סלףto distort as in
twisting one’s words Ex 23:8, Dt 16:19,
Pr 19:3, עוהto pervert (← to twist,
distort), עותto distort
שׁקרdeception, deceptive ← שׁקרσ און
hypocrisy, pretense, pretending to be one
thing while doing another (this is not
just saying one thing and doing another,
but doing it in such a way that it causes
injury) Ps 10:7, Pr 17:4
injury caused
by hypocrisy, pretense Pr 12:21,
who practice hypocrisy, pretender Is
41:29, Pr 11:7, בגדותtreachery,
underhandedness Zp 3:4 αλ
שׁקרdeception, deceptive ← שׁקר
שׁקתwatering trough Gn 24:20, 30:38 ←
שׂרה, שׂרprince(ss), a title given to one
who enforces rules sort of like a
policeman or sheriff, to keep people
“chained in” to where they should be
and what they should do, also a title
given to the children of a king, where it
was understood that their authority was
to enforce their father’s rule, not
different from other “princes” who were
not sons of kings
שׂרי המדינות
“regional sheriffs” those who were
stationed in vassal lands to enforce the
< שׁרוניname>
שׂרועspindly ?? Lv 21:18, 22:23 ← שׂרע
שׂרוקיםβ שׂרק
שׁרוקתβ שׁרקה
שׂרות, שׁרותβ שׁרות, שׂרה,שׂירה
שׁרותwild, uncontrolled places ?? Jr 5:10
< שׂרחname>
שׂרטto cut into Lv 21:5, Zc 12:3 → שׂרט
incision Lv 19:28 αλ, שׂרטתseries or
pattern of incision, sometimes an
outward sign of mourning Lv 21:5 αλ σ
שׂרטincision Lv 19:28 αλ ← שׂרט
< שׁרטיname>
שׂרטתseries or pattern of incision,
sometimes an outward sign of mourning
Lv 21:5 αλ ← שׂרט
< שׂריname>
< שׁריname>
שׂריגcreeper, vine branch Gn 40:10, Jl 1:7
← שׂרג
שׂרידescapee ← שׂרדσ פליט
< שׂרידname>
שׁריהmissile, can be an arrow from a bow,
stone from a sling, etc. ?? Jb 41:18 αλ ←
< שׂריהname>
< שׂריהוname>
שׁריוןs. 1S 17:5, 38, שׁריןmail, a type of
armor (made of chain ??) 2K 22:34, Is
59:17, Ne 4:10 (16), 2C 18:33, 26:14 ←
שׂריןtoponym, alternate name for Mt.
Hermon Dt 3:9, Ps 29:6
שׂריקותthose who cause to twist into
twine, thread Is 19:9 αλ
king’s rule 1K 20:14–5, 17, 19, Es 1:3,
8:9, 9:3 ← שׂררσ מלך
שׁרumbilical cord Ez 16:4 ← שׂרר
שׁרה, שׁרsinger ← שׁיר
< שׂר סכיםname>
< שׂראצרname>
< שׁראצרname>
שׁרבshimmering heat (as the sun heats up
rocks and sand, they then reflect it and
they retain the heat into the evening) Is
35:7, 49:10
< שׁרביהname>
שׂרגto intertwine → שׂריג
Gn 40:10,
Jl 1:7
שׂרדto escape Js 10:20 αλ → שׂריד
escapee σ פלט
( שׂרדused only in connection )בגדי שׂרד
clothing specially marked for service ??
Ex 31:10, 35:19, 39:1, 41
שׂרדa marking awl used by cabinet
makers Is 44:13 αλ σ מרצע
שׁרהβ שׂרה, שׁירה,שׁורה
שׂרהto strive as in wrestling Gn 32:29, Hs
12:4, 5
שׁרהto let loose Jb 37:3 words from one’s
mouth → שׁריהmissile, can be an arrow
from a bow, stone from a sling, etc. ?? Jb
41:18 αλ, שׂרתsomeone let loose Lm 1:1
שׂרהprincess ← שׂרר
< שׂרהname>
I< שׂרוname>
< שׁרוחןname>
שׂרוךthong, shoe string Gn 14:23, Is 5:27
← שׂרך
< שׁרוןname>
שׁרירmuscle, sinew ?? Jb 40:16 αλ ←
שׁררσ גיד
שׁררות, שׁרירותobstinacy always followed
by לבDt 29:19, Jr 3:17, 13:10, 23:17, Ps
81:13 ← שׁרר
שׁריתβ שׁארית
שׂרךto run to and fro → שׂרוךthong, shoe
string Gn 14:23, Is 5:27 σ הלך
שׁרמותtoponym ?? Jr 31:40 β ?? שׁדמה
שׂרעto stretch out Is 28:20 αλ → שׂרוע
spindly ?? Lv 21:18, 22:23
שׂרעףthought, consideration ?? Ps 94:19,
139:23 σ מחשׁבה
שׂרףto burn up (entirely) → משׂרפות
burning, ( שׂרפהplace of) burning σ דלק
to burn quickly, as a fire on dry
grassland Ez 24:10, Ob 18
to pursue
hotly (like a raging range fire) Gn 31:36,
1S 17:53, Ps 10:2, Lm 4:19, יקדto kindle,
להבto flame, להטto reduce to ashes, to
burn up Dt 32:22, Jl 1:19, 2:3, Ps 106:18,
נצץto enflame, burn hotly (often used
for emotions, particularly anger)
poetically of pomegranates ripening as
their fruits turn bright red So 6:11, 7:13,
עתםto burn up ?? Is 9:18 (19) αλ, קטר
to smoke i.e. burn incense
to burn a
sacrifice, צותto burn hotly
to burn
down (houses that get burned hotly, get
burned down)
שׂרףmost modern lexicographers consider
this an asp, number of small, poisonous
snakes of Africa, Asia and Europe,
however the context indicates a flying
animal that is venomous and has scales
Nu 21:6, 8, Dt 8:15, Is 14:29, 30:6
image of flying angels Is 6:2, 6 σ נחשׁ
< שׂרףname>
“ שׂרף מעופףflying snake” apparently a
flying dinosaur Is 14:29, 30:6
( שׂרפהplace of) burning σ אשׁ
שׁרץto swarm (used of living creatures)
→ שׁרץswarm
an animal that swarms
σ חיה
an animal that swarms ←
שׁרץσ פרחחswarm, repeated or
continuing swarming (in attack) ?? Jb
30:12 αλ σ חיה
שׂרקdark, almost black, grapes that make a
specialty, dark red wine Is 5:2, Jr 2:21
the color of those grapes Zc 1:8 σ ענב
שׁרקto whistle as a way to call to come Is
5:26, 7:18, Jb 27:23 (in many societies,
whistling is a sign of derision and
approbation 1K 9:8, Jr 19:8, Lm 2:15) →
שׁרקהwhistle, whistling, as a way to call
flocks Jd 5:16, whistling as a sign of
approbation Jr 19:8, Mc 6:16, 2C 29:8
< שׂרקname>
שׂרקהgrape vine that produces a dark,
almost black, grapes that make a
specialty, dark red wine Gn 49:11 αλ σ
שׁרקהwhistle, whistling, as a way to call
flocks Jd 5:16, whistling as a sign of
approbation Jr 19:8, Mc 6:16, 2C 29:8 ←
שׁרר, שׂררto chain in ??
to be a head of
a department
to rule, this is a rule
that is not law making, which the king
did, but the enforcement of rules and
laws, keeping the people in line
metaphorically chaining them in, a more
modern understanding: to be in charge
of, a sheriff or policeman Nu 16:13, Jd
9:22, Is 32:1, Ho 8:4, Pr 8:16 → משׂרה
princedom, rule Is 9:5–6, שׁורה,שׁור
supporting wall, one that restrains
“chains in” the hillside, שׁורר, שׁורthose
who would chain in, i.e. one who would
find cause to restrict another’s actions,
options, שׁירותdecorative chains ?? Is
3:19 αλ, שׁרumbilical cord Ez 16:4, ,שׂר
שׂרהprince(ss), a title given to one who
enforces rules sort of like a policeman or
sheriff, to keep people “chained in” to
where they should be and what they
should do, also a title given to the
children of a king, where it was
understood that their authority was to
enforce their father’s rule, not different
from other “princes” who were not sons
of kings
“ שׂרי המדינותregional
sheriffs” those who were stationed in
vassal lands to enforce the king’s rule 1K
20:14–5, 17, 19, Es 1:3, 8:9, 9:3, שׁריר
muscle, sinew ?? Jb 40:16 αλ, שׁריוןs. 1S
17:5, 38, שׁריןmail, a type of armor
(made of chain ??) 2K 22:34, Is 59:17,
Ne 4:10 (16), 2C 18:33, 26:14, ,שׁרירות
שׁררותobstinacy always followed by לב
Dt 29:19, Jr 3:17, 13:10, 23:17, Ps 81:13,
שׁרשׁרתchain Ex 28:14, 39:15, 1K 7:17,
2C 3:5, 17 σ מלך
< שׁררname>
שׁרשׁto root out → שׁרשׁroot
שׁרשׁroot ← שׁרשׁ
< שׁרשׁname>
שׁרשׁרתchain Ex 28:14, 39:15, 1K 7:17, 2C
3:5, 17 ← שׁררσ אגדהband that ties
things together Is 58:6
group of
objects held together Ex 12:22, Am 9:6
group of people banded together, troop
2S 2:25, חרצבותrestraints, holding
back ?? this is not physical, rather
psychological, oppression, suffering ?? Is
58:6, Ps 73:4
שׂרתsomeone let loose Lm 1:1 αλ ← שׁרה
שׁרתto wait upon, used in the sense of a
personal servant or slave who waits upon
his master like a valet and figuratively of
the priests who wait upon the Lord in
the temple → משׁרתretainer, waiter,
servant, שׁרתservice σ עבד
שׁרתservice ← שׁרת
שׂרתיβ שׂרת
שׂשׂone who is glad Is 64:4 ← שׂושׂ
שׁשׁsix ← שׁשׁה
שׁשׁי, שׁשׁcotton ?? σ בדlinen, בוץbyssus,
חורlinen, כרפסfine cotton Es 1:6 αλ,
משׁיsilk Ez 16:10, 13
שׁשׁa white stone, (alabaster, marble ??)
שׁשׁאto lead by pulling on a rope Ez 39:2
αλ σ נחה
< שׁשׁבצרname>
שׁשׁהto give a sixth part → שׁשׁsix, שׁשׁי
שׂשׂוןgladness ← שׂושׂ
שׁשׁיβ שׁשׁי,שׁשׁ
שׁשׁיsixth ← שׁשׁה
< שׁשׁיname>
שׁשׁךan alternate name for Babel Jr 25:26,
51:41 )from )?? שׂושׂSome people say
that it's actually an instance of Atbash, a
classic cryptographic technique in which
the letters of the alphabet are transposed
following a simple rule: alef for tau, bet
for shin, gimel for resh and so on.
שׁשׁםβ אשׁר שׁם
< שׁשׁןname>
שׁשׁניםβ שׁושׁן
< שׁשׁקname>
שׁשׁרvermillion, a red color Jr 22:14, Ez
שׂתβ שׂאת
שׁתβ שׁית
שׁתfoundation Is 19:10, Ps 11:3
(foundation of the body) 2S 10:4, Is 20:4
< שׁתname>
שׁתהβ שׁתה,שׁית
שׁתהto drink → משׁתהmeal, where drinks
are served, שׁתיה, שׁתיdrinking σ גמאto
drink down, עלעto slurp down ?? Jb
39:30 αλ
שׁתוβ שׁתה,שׁית
שׁתולadj planted Jr 17:8, Ez 17:8, 10, Hs
9:13, Ps 1:3 ← שׁתל
שׁתותβ שׁתה,שׁת
שׁתיβ שׁתי, שׁתה,שׁית
( שׁתיsome sort of cloth) ?? Lv 13:48–59
שׁתיה, שׁתיdrinking ← שׁתה
שׁתיםβ שׁנים
שׁתלto plant (tree) Ez 17:22–3 → שׁתול
adj planted Jr 17:8, Ez 17:8, 10, Hs 9:13,
Ps 1:3, שׁתלact of planting Ps 128:3 αλ σ
שׁתלact of planting Ps 128:3 αλ ← שׁתל
< שׁתלחיname>
שׁתםβ תם, שׁתם,שׁית
שׂתם, שׁתםto shut up ?? Nu 24:3, 15, Lm
3:8 σ סגר
שׁתןβ שׁין
שׁתקto still (waves, accusation) Jn 1:11–
12, Pr 26:20 σ שׁקט
שׂתרto break out (a disease, break out
boils, rash, buboes 1S 5:9) αλ σ פצח
< שׁתרname>
< שׁתר בוזניname>
תtwenty-second letter, has no meaning in
Hebrew on its own, where letters are
used as numbers, it refers to the number
400. In really ancient writing, it was
often written as a “X” and was used to
indicate where on should put his
identifying mark, such as a signature. Its
pronunciation is the same as תוas used
in Ezekiel 9:4.
תאhall, large room as in a castle or temple
1K 14:28, Ez 40:7, 2C 12:11 σ חדר
תאבβ תאב, (only once Am 6:8, a
misspelling?) תעב
תאבto long for → תאבהlonging Ps
119:20, 40, 174 σ כסף
תאבהlonging Ps 119:20, 40, 174 ← תאב
תאבוβ תאב,אבה
תאהto survey, both in marking boundaries
Nu 34:7–8 and looking over Dt 33:21 σ
תאוmountain sheep ?? Dt 14:5 αλ
תאוהgeneralized desiring
that which is
desired ← אוה
תאומיםβ תואמים
תאותβ תאוה
( תאותas a masculine singular Ps 78:29, Pr
10:24, 11:23 as a feminine in construct
Ps 21:3, 112:10, Pr 21:25)
תאירוβ נאר
תאלתcurse ?? Lm 3:65 αλ ← אלה
תאםto double, as in making a copy
bear twins So 4:2, 6:6 → תאםdoubled,
used of something copied once so there
תבואהyield, in the sense of produce of the
field, vineyard Gn 47:24, Is 30:23, 2C
32:28 ← בוא
תבונהpractical insight leading to action,
such as making things
skill Ex 31:3,
35:31, Pr 24:3 ← בון
תבינוβ בין,בוא
תבוסתkicking aside
rejection 2C 22:7
αλ ← בוס
תבורname of place
תבלβ תבל,בלה
( תבלused mostly poetically) dry land that
can be inhabited, not including the sea σ
תבלcontamination, mixing up what ought
not be mixed up Lv 18:23, 20:12 ← בלל
< תבלname>
< תבליname>
תבליתwearing away ?? Is 10:25 αλ ←
תבללcontaminated, wandering eye ?? Lv
21:20 αλ ← בלל
תבןstraw, used in making adobe bricks,
also to feed animals ← בנהσ מתבןpile
of straw Is 25:10 αλ, קשׁstraw, left over
after harvesting grain
תבניתmodel, used to plan a construction
Ex 25:9, 40, Dt 4:16–8, 1C 28:11–2, 18–9
← בנהσ דמה
תבענהβ נבע
< תבערהname>
< תבץname>
תגוףβ נגף,גוף
< תגלת פלאסרname>
תגמולaction that affects (e.g. benefit) Ps
116:12 αλ ← גמל
תגרβ נגר,גרה
are two of the object Ex 26:24
twin So
7:4 (3), תאומיםtwins Gn 38:27, So 4:5,
7:3, תואמםdoubled, replicated Ex 36:29
תאםdoubled, used of something copied
once so there are two of the object Ex
twin So 7:4 (3) ← תאם
תאומיםtwins Gn 38:27, So 4:5 ← תאם
תאמינוβ ימן
תאןdistress Is 29:2 Ez 24:12 Lm 2:5 ← אנה
תאןfig ?? banana ?? Nu 3:23, 2K 20:7, Jr
8:13, 24:1–3, 5, 8, Ne 13:15
תאנהfig tree (compare its leaves to the
following) ?? banana tree (which has
big, long and wide leaves, but needs
warm and moist conditions to grow
well) ?? Gn 3:7, Pr 27:18, So 2:13, Jl
תאנהoccasion for an unpleasant
experience, not a chance occurrence Jd
14:4, Jr 2:24 ← אנה
תאניה ואניהphrase sort of like “toil and
trouble” in English ?? Is 29:2, Lm 2:5 ←
< תאנת שׁלהname>
תארto outline → תארoutline σ דמה
תארoutline ← תארσ דמות
< תארעname>
תאשׁורcypress tree Is 41:19, 60:13, Ex 27:6
σ עץ
תבהboat ?? used only in two contexts,
that of Noah and Moses, to refer to a
floating container designed to carry a
cargo σ אניה
תבואβ תבואה, תבוא,בוא
תבואarrival, coming in Jb 6:8 ← בוא
< תגרמהname>
תגרתprovoking, stirring up trouble Ps
39:11 (10) αλ ← גרה
תגשׁβ נגשׁ,גשׁשׁ
תדהרash tree ?? Is 41:19, 60:13 σ עץ
תדיחנוβ נדח
< תדמרname>
< תדעלname>
תהוuninhabited Is 45:18, uninhabited area,
wilderness Dt 32:10, Jb 6:18
uninhabited empty place Jb 26:7,
uninhabited because depopulated Is
24:10, 34:11, uselessly (lifelessly) Is
lifeless Gn 1:2, lifeless object Is
49:4, 59:4, used also with idols formed
by casting and carving in contrast with
the living God Is 41:29, 44:9 σ הבל
תהוםdeep waters, of an ocean, lake or
spring σ מצולהdepth (low places),
always connected with water (river, sea)
Ex 15:5, Jn 2:4 (3), Ne 9:11, עמקdeep
valley, צולהdeep waters Is
44:27 αλ
תהותתוβ הות
תהימנהβ הום
song of praise, Psalm
← הללσ מכתםa type of poem
תהלהsustenance Jb 4:18 ← נהל
תהלכתprocession Ne 12:31 αλ ← הלך
תהםβ תהם, תהום, המם,הום
תהםcommotion, stirring (caused by
unease) Ps 42:5, 12, 43:5 ← הום
תהמתflowing turbulent waters ?? (masc
noun) Ex 15:5, 8, Dt 8:7 (plural Is 63:13,
Ps 71:20, 77:17 (16), 78:15, 106:9, 148:7,
Pr 8:24) ← הום
תהפכת, תהפכותoverturning
← הפך
תוidentifying mark Ez 9:4 ← תוה
תואβ תוא,תאו
( תואsomething to do with a drop net) ??
Is 51:20
תואמםdoubled, replicated Ex 36:29 αλ ←
< תובלname>
< תובל קיןname>
תובנתוβ תבונה
תוגהβ יגה,תוגה
תוגהdeep sorrow, grief Ps 119:28, Pr
14:13, 17:21 ← יגה
< תוגרמהname>
תודהthank (offering) ← ידה
תודהgroup of people singing in chorus ??
Ne 12:31, 38, 40 ← ידה
תוהto mark in the sense of graffiti 1S
21:14, as a brand to identify people Ez
9:4, to treat God’s name as graffiti,
impiously ?? Ps 78:41 → תוidentifying
mark Ez 9:4 σ פלה
< תוחname>
תוחלתthat which one waits for Ps 39:8
(7), Pr 13:12, Lm 3:18 ← יחל
תוךβ תך,תוך
תוךinside σ תיכן, תיכוןcentral σ בית
תוךunfairness Ez 28:16 αλ
one who
commits unfairness against others Ps
72:14 αλ ← תכך
תוכחהreason for setting forth one’s case,
having a complaint 2K 18:3, Is 37:3, Hs
5:9 ← יכח
תוכחותdeserving of upbraiding, reproof Ez
25:17, Ps 38:15, 39:12, 149:7, Pr 29:1 ←
תוכחתreasoning, reproof showing what
needs to be improved ?? a reason for an
action, often || to מוסרPr 5:12, 10:17,
12:1, 13:18, 15;5, 29:15 ← יכח
< תולדname>
תולדותhistory, the narratives that are
brought forth Gn 2:4, descendants Rt
4:18 ← ילד
תולדתbrought forth narration Gn 5:1, 6:9,
10:1, 11:10, 27, 25:19, Nu 3:1, genealogy
Gn 25:13, Ex 28:10, Nu 1 (12 x) ← ילד
תוללoppressor ?? Ps 137:3 αλ σ לחץ
תלעת, תולעה, תולעworm
crimson dye
made from worms
cloth dyed crimson
σ רמהworm
< תולעname>
< תולעיname>
תולעת שׁניcrimson dyed cloth
תומיךβ תמך
תומיםβ תואמים
תועבהabomination, i.e. something that
goes against God’s created order ← תעב
תועבתa pattern of practicing abominations
Lv 18:26–7, 29–30, Dt 12:31, 18:9, 12 ←
תועהwandering, straying Is 32:6, Pr 21:16,
Ne 4:2 (8) ← תעה
תועפת, תועפותpawing out, as in digging
up Nu 23:22, 24:8, Ps 95:4, Jb 22:25
תופעβ יפע
תוצאותexit, going out
extremity ← יצא
תוקעיםdriving in deals, making deals ←
תורto go around, as in exploring
explore → תרexplorer Nu 14:6, 1K
10:15, 2C 19:4, תר לחיstring of beads or
jewelry chain that hangs down from a
headdress and hangs around the jaw ??
So 1:10 σ בקשׁ
תר, תורה, תורturn, as in place in line
תר, תורturtle-dove
תורהβ תורה,תור
תורהinstruction (pointing out) ← ירה
תורקβ ריק
תורשׁβ רישׁ,ירשׁ
תשׁב, תושׁבsettler ← ישׁב
תושׁיהforethought, this is thinking ahead
of time concerning concepts and ideas,
considering options and making
contingency plans where applicable
(arranging of thoughts ??) Is 28:29, Pr
18:1, Jb 11:6, 12:16 ← שׁוהσ דע
תושׁעוןβ ישׁע
תותחclub ?? Jb 41:21 (29) αλ
תזזto strike away Is 18:5 αλ σ שׁלך,נכה
תזלβ נזל
תזליβ זלה
תזנותpattern of prostituting Ez 16, 23 ←
תזרחrising, refers not just to the rising of
the sun, but also to its shining after
rising Ps 104:22 αλ ← זרח
תזרםβ זור
תזרניβ נזר
תחבלותbinding (guiding) principles Pr
1:5, 11:14, 12:5, 20:18, 24:6 ← חבל
תחדβ חדה,חדד
< תחוname>
תחוללone who produces Is 51:2 ← חלל
< תחכמניname>
תחלβ חלל,חלה
תחלואים, תחלאיםwasting away (from
hunger or disease) Dt 29:22, Jr 14:18,
16:4, Ps 103:3, 2C 21:19 ← חלא
תחלהbeginning, referring to the initiation
of action, starting of making common ←
חללσ ראשׁית
תחלתβ תחלה,תוחלת
תחמסa species of owl Lv 11:16, Dt 14:15
σ עוף
תחןβ חנן,חנה
< תחןname>
תחנהrequest for favor, help 2K 6:8, Jr
37:20, Ps 55:2, Ezr 9:8, 2C 6:39 ← חנן
תחנוןbegging for mercy from troubles Jr
3:21, 31:8, Ps 28:2, 31:23, Pr 18:23 ← חנן
< תחנהname>
< תחניname>
תחנתplace of encampment ?? 2K 6:8 αλ
← חנה
תחנתיβ תחנת,תחנה
< תחפנחסname>
< תחפניסname>
תחראshielded ?? an extra layer of cloth
added to keep the neck area from
wearing out ? Ex 28:32, 39:23
תחרהβ חרה
< תחרעname>
תחשׁβ תחשׁ,חושׁ
תחשׁapparently a type of leather, identity
unknown from the contexts, possibly
chosen because of its water resistant
nature Ex 25:5, 36;19, Nu 4, Ez 16:10 ??
< תחשׁname>
תחתβ תחת, חתת,חתה
תחתpositionally means “under”,
“beneath”, “among”, however, something
that comes afterwards in the place of
something before is said to come “under”
the previous object instead of “in the
place of” as in English, the exchange
being made not only afterwards but often
because of a previous action hence can
take the understanding of both “after”
and “because”; (exchange) in place of, in
exchange for, as payment for; (purpose)
because of, on behalf of 2S 3:12, תחת
( אשׁרlit. “under which”) “following
that”, “after which” often translated as
“because”, “since” Nu 25:13, Dt 21:14,
22:29, 2K 22:17, 2C 34:25, ( תחת ידlit.
“under hand”) in one’s possession and/
or control Gn 41:35, Ex 18:10, 1S 24:4–5,
9, תחתוןlower city Js 16:3, 18:13, 1K
9:17, 1C 7:24, 8:5, תחתיוafter (time)
him, in his place, תחתיותlowest, depths
Js 15:19, Is 44:23, Ez 26:20, 32:18, 24,
תחתיתbelow, lower Ex 19:17, Dt 32:22,
Jd 1:15, Ez 31:14, 16, 18, Jb 41:16
< תחתname>
תחתוןlower city Js 16:3, 18:13, 1K 9:17,
1C 7:24, 8:5 ← תחת
תחתיוafter (time) him, in his place ←
תחתיותlowest, depths Js 15:19, Is 44:23,
Ez 26:20, 32:18, 24 ← תחת
< תחתים חדשׁיname>
תחתיתbelow, lower Ex 19:17, Dt 32:22, Jd
1:15, Ez 31:14, 16, 18, Jb 41:16 ← תחת
תטף, תטיףβ נטף
תטרβ נטר
תיכן, תיכוןcentral σ תוך
< תילוןname>
< תימאname>
תימןsouth σ נגב
< תימןname>
< תימניname>
תימרcolumn with a capital on it (palm
tree shape) Ez 40:22 αλ ← תמר
תימרהa shape like a palm tree Jl 3:3, So
3:6 ← תמר
< תיציname>
תירשׁ, תירושׁnew wine ← ירשׁ
< תיריאname>
תישׁhe goat Gn 30:35, 32:14, Pr 30:31, 2C
17:11 σ עז
תישׁןβ שׁנה
תוך, תךoppression, something said or
done that eats away at a person’s inside?
Ps 10:7, 55:12 ← תכךσ לחץ
תכוβ תכך,נכה
תכונהmeasurement Ez 43:11, Nh 2:10 (9),
Jb 23:3 ← תכן
תכייםsome sort of fancy bird, has to be
imported ?? 1K 10:22, 1C 9:21
תכךto oppress Is 1:5 → תוךunfairness Ez
28:16 αλ
one who commits unfairness
against others Ps 72:14 αλ, תך
oppression, something said or done that
eats away at a person’s inside? Ps 10:7,
55:12, תככיםone who continuously
oppresses, status of oppressor ?? Pr
29:13 αλ
תככיםone who continuously oppresses,
status of oppressor ?? Pr 29:13 αλ ←
תכךσ לחץ
תכלהperfection Ps 119:96 ← כלה
תכליתcompletion Jb 11:7, 26:10, 28:3, Ne
complete Ps 139:22 ← כלה
תכלתblue, also cloth dyed blue
תכןβ תכן,כון
תכןto measure → מתכנתset measurement
according to a tally, recipe Ex 5:8, 30:32,
37, Ez 45:11, 2C 45:11, תכונה
measurement Ez 43:11, Nh 2:10 (9), Jb
23:3, תכןmeasure σ מדד
תכןmeasure ← תכן
< תכןname>
תכנוβ נכה
תכניתfoundation, setting up Ez 28:12,
43:10 ← כנה
תכריךrobe Es 8:15 αλ σ לבשׁ
תלartificial hill built up by a city over
generations ← תלל
< תל אביבname>
ֿ< תל חרשׁאname>
< תל מלחname>
תלאבותaridity ?? Hs 13:5 αλ
תלאהvexation, trouble Ex 18:8, Nu 20:14,
Jb 4:2, Lm 3:5, Ne 9:32 ← לאה
תלאיםstatus of being vexed, troubled Dt
28:66 αλ ← לאה
< תלאשׂרname>
תלבשׁתdressing Is 59:17 αλ ← לבשׁ
< תלגת פלנסרname>
תלדותnarratives brought forth Gn 36:1, 9,
37:2 brought forth descendants 1C 1:29,
5:7, 7:2, 4, 9, 8:28, 9:9, 34 ← ילד
תלדתnarrative Gn 25:12 descent Ex 6:16,
19, 1C 26:31 ← ילד
תלהβ תלה,לאה
תלהto hang → תליquiver ?? Gn 27:3 αλ
σ דלה
תלולlifted up ?? αλ ← תלל
תלונתcomplaining Ex 16:12, Nu 17:25 ←
< תלחname>
תליquiver ?? Gn 27:3 αλ ← תלה
תללto lift up ?? Ez 17:22 αλ → תל
artificial hill built up by a city over
generations, תלולlifted up ?? αλ σ סבל
תלםfurrow Hs 10:4, 12:12 (11), Ps 65:11
(10), Jb 31:38, 39:10 σ שׂדי
< תלמיname>
תלמידstudent 1C 25:8 αλ part of a
contrast pair of insignificant with great,
learned with student ← למד
תלנתlodged complaint Ex 16:7–9, Nu
14:27, 17:20 (5) ← לון
תלעdyed scarlet (indicating the wealth of
the people) Nh 2:4 αλ → , תולעה,תולע
crimson dye made from
cloth dyed crimson, ,תולעת שׁני
תלעת שׁניcrimson dyed cloth
תלפיותarmory, where armor is stored So
4:4 αλ σ נשׁקarmor
< תלשׂרname>
תלתלhangings So 5:11 αλ
תםcomplete, perfect, innocent Pr 11:3, Jb
2:3, 27:5
pure, i.e. innocent, if doing
something wrong not realizing that it
was wrong Gn 20:5–6, 2S 15:11 ← תמם
< תמאname> Jb 6:19 ?? αλ
< תמאname>
תמהto wonder, not knowing what to do,
what’s going on Gn 43:33, Is 13:8, 29:9,
Hb 1:5, Ko 5:7 → תמהוןwonderment,
not knowing what to do, what’s going on
Dt 28:28, Zc 12:4
תמהperfection Jb 12:2, So 5:2, 6:9 ← תמם
תמהוןwonderment, not knowing what to
do, what’s going on Dt 28:28, Zc 12:4 ←
תמוזa Canaanite god who supposedly died
each fall and resurrected in the spring.
The worship of which included weeping
in the fall, feasting and sexual orgies in
the spring. Ez 8:14
תמולyesterday, day or time previous—the
idiomatic phrase containing the words
תמול, אתמולor תמלtogether with
שלשוםor שלשםhas the idea of “before”,
“previously”, or “in times past” that the
action named took place σ אתמול
yesterday, previous(ly)
תמונהform. a 3D object Ex 20:4, Dt 4:12,
15, 5:8, Jb 4:16 σ דמה
תמורהsubstitute Lv 27:10, 33, Jb 15:31,
20:18, 28:17, Rt 4:7 ← מור
תמותβ תמה, תם,מות
תמותהsentenced to death ?? Ps 79:11,
102:21 (20) LXX τεθανατωµενων ||
< תמחname>
תמיםstatus of being complete, whole, as in
completed development, perfect
i.e. innocent ← תמם
תמיםtogether with אוריםβ אורים
תמךto take hold of σ לקח
תמלβ תמול
( תמלטa type of nesting animal) ?? Is
34:15 αλ ← מלט
תמםto come to an end, to complete, used
in the sense of coming to the end of,
finishing a period of time Gn 47:18, Lv
25:29 and to come to the end of
construction, to finish the making of
something 1K 6:22, used of a person who
is “complete” i.e. pure Ps 18:26 (25);
sometimes used in the sense “there is no
more” as all has been removed Gn 47:15,
Dt 2:16 when in connection with a מ
(prefix) on a following (pro)noun, has
the idea of completely removing Jr
24:10, Ez 22:15 → מתםwhole (as in all
of it) Dt 2:34. 3:6, Jd 20:48
place that
is whole, perfect, pure Is 1:6, Ps 38:4, 8,
תםcomplete, perfect, innocent Pr 11:3,
Jb 2:3, 27:5
pure, i.e. innocent, if
doing something wrong not realizing that
it was wrong Gn 20:5–6, 2S 15:11, תמה
perfection Jb 12:2, So 5:2, 6:9, תמים
status of being complete, whole, as in
completed development, perfect
i.e. innocent σ כלה
תמןβ תימן
< תמנהname>
< תמניname>
< תמנעname>
תמנתβ תמונה
תמסmelting, trail of slime ← מסס
תמרβ תמר,מור
תמרdate palm
column to hold up a
roof (also ornaments in the shape of
palm trees) → תימרcolumn with a
capital on it (palm tree shape) Ez 40:22
αλ, תימרהa shape like a palm tree Jl
3:3, So 3:6, תמרהrelief carving in the
shape of palm tree 1K 6:32, 35–6, 7:36,
Ez 41:18–9
< תמרname>
תמרהrelief carving in the shape of palm
tree 1K 6:32, 35–6, 7:36, Ez 41:18–9 ←
תמרוβ אמר
תמרוקmassage Es 2:9, 12 ← מרק
תמרוריםbitterness Jr 6:26, 31:15, 31:21,
Hs 12:15 (14) ← מרר
תמרוריםguide posts ?? Jr 31:21 αλ
תמרותβ תימרה
תמשׁβ מושׁ
תמתβ תמה, תם,מות
תןβ תן,נתן
תןjackal ?? Is 34:13, 43:20. Jr 9:10, 10:22,
51:37, Ml 1:3
תנדוβ נוד
תנהβ תנה,נתן
תנהto narrate, talk about Jd 5:11, 11:40,
Hs 8:9–10, Ps 8:2 σ דבר
תנוβ נתן,ינה
תנואתrepudiation Nu 13:34, Jb 33:10 ←
תנובהprosperity from production Dt 32:13,
Jd 9:11, Is 27:6, Ez 36:30, Lm 4:9 ← נוב
תנוךlobe (of the ear) Ex 29:20, Lv 8:23–4,
14:14, 17, 25, 28
תנומהlazing Ps 132:4, Pr 6:4, 10, 24:33, Jb
33:15 ← נום
תנופהpresentation (offering) Ex 35:22, Nu
8:13, 15, 21 ← נוף
תנורoven Ex 7:28 (8:3), Lv 2:4, 7:9
smoke as from an oven Gn 15:17, Is 31:9
σ אשׁ
תנותβ תן
תנחוםconsoling Jr 16:7, Ps 94:19 ← נחם
תנחומתreason to console Jb 21:2 αλ ←
תנחםβ נחם,נוח
תנחמהconsolation Jb 15:11 αλ ← נחם
< תנחמתname>
תניםβ תנין,תן
תניןreptile. created along with man Gn
1:21, both small as snakes Ex 7:9–10, 12
and apparently quite large Ps 91:13, both
land and sea Is 27:1, Ps 148:7, had
udders and teats to suckle their young
Lm 4:3 σ נחשׁ
תנשׁמתmentioned twice as a flying
creature, once as a creeping creature,
possibly a small pterosaur ?? Lv 11:18,
30 Dt 14:16 σ עוף,חיה
תסגβ סוג
תסיעיβ נסע
תסיתניβ סות
תסךβ נסך
תסכניβ סכך
תעבto treat as an abomination, i.e. as
something that goes against God’s
created order Dt 7:26, Am 5:10, Ps
106:40, Jb 19:19, to practice
abominations 1K 21:26, Ps 14:1, 53:2 →
מתעבone who practices abominations Is
49:7, Mc 3:9, תועבהabomination, i.e.
something that goes against God’s
created order, תועבתa pattern of
practicing abominations Lv 18:26–7, 29–
30, Dt 12:31, 18:9, 12 σ שׂנא
תעברתgoings over the limit Ps 89:39 σ
תעגנהβ עוג,עגן
תעדβ עוד,עדה
תעהto wander, go astray → תועה
wandering, straying Is 32:6, Pr 21:16, Ne
4:2 (8), תעותmaking stray ?? Ez 44:15,
48:11 σ הלך
< תעוname>
תעודהthat which gives witness Rt 4:2, Is
8:16, 20 ← עוד
תעוררβ עור
תעותmaking stray ?? Ez 44:15, 48:11 ←
תעטβ עיט
< תעיname>
תעיקβ עוק
תעלto channel or constrain the flow of
water, as in(to) a ditch Jb 6:16 → תעלה
ditch, a place to channel or constrain the
flow of water 1K 18:32, 35, 38, 2K 18:17,
Is 7:3, 36:2
תעלהβ תעלה,עלה
תעלהditch, a place to channel or
constrain the flow of water 1K 18:32, 35,
38, 2K 18:17, Is 7:3, 36:2 ← תעלσ ארבה
sluice-gate of an irrigation ditch, which
usually has constant standing water
around it because of water turbulence at
gate causing washing out, מיכלditch ??
2S 17:20 αλ, מנהרהtrenches where
people could move unseen by the
enemy ?? Ju 6:2 αλ
תעלהascent (way of) 2K 20:5, Jr 30:13,
46:11, (parts taller than) Ez 31:4 ← עלה
תעלולchild, in reference to that small
children like to repeat actions until
learned ?? Is 3:4 αλ ← עללσ ילד
תעללrepeated actions done to harm ?? Is
66:4 αλ ← עלל
תעלמהunknown thing Ps 44:22, Jb 11:6,
28:11 ← עלם
תעלנוβ עלה
תענוגsoft person or thing
noble Mc
1:16, Pr 19:10, So 7:7 (6) ← ענג
nobility Ko 2:8 αλ
(Aleppo ענג ← )תענגות
תענגsoftness, pleasure Mc 2:9 αλ ← ענג
תעניתhumiliation 1K 2:26, Ezr 9:5 ← ענה
< תענךtoponym>
תעעto scoff → מתעתעscoffer Gn 27:12,
2C 36:16, תעתעmockery Jr 10:15, 51:18
σ שׂחק
תעפהflying (as the morning) ?? Jb 11:17
← עוף
תעצמותfirming up ?? Ps 68:35 αλ ← עצם
תערβ תער, ערה,עור
תערcase, sheath 1S 17:51, Ez 21:3–5
case knife Jr 36:23, razor carried in a
sheath Nu 6:5, 8:7, Ez 5:1 σ נדןsheath
1C 21:27
vagina Ez 16:33
תערבותhostage, status of being a hostage
2K 14:14, 2C 25:24 ← ערב
תעררβ עור
תעתעmockery Jr 10:15, 51:18 ← תעע
תףtambourine ← תפף
תפארהornament, a specific object that
embellishes Is 28:5, Jr 48:17 ← פארσ
תפארתornamentation, a generic
adornment ← פארσ כבוד
תפוחapple(tree) Jl 1:12, Pr 25:11, So 2:3,
5, 7:9, 8:5 ← נפח
< תפוחname>
תפוצהdispersion ← פוץ
תפושׂβ פשׂה
תפיdecorating, i.e. making beautiful ?? Jr
31:4, Ez 28:13 ← יפה
תפיןfried ?? Lv 6:14 αλ
תפלβ תפל,נפל
תפלinsipid (food) Jb 6:6 αλ
תפלwhitewash, an inferior covering to
hide faults Ez 13:10–1, 14–5, 22:28, Lm
< תפלname>
תפלהβ תפלה, תפל,נפל
תפלהintercession Is 1:15, 56:7, Ps 86:1, Jb
1:22 ← פללσ שׁועcry for help, תחנה
request for favor, help 2K 6:8, Jr 37:20,
Ps 55:2, Ezr 9:8, 2C 6:39, תחנוןbegging
for mercy from troubles Jr 3:21, 31:8, Ps
28:2, 31:23, Pr 18:23
( תפלהplace of) falling Jr 23:13, Ps 109:4,
Jb 24:12 ← נפל
תפלצתthat which makes one shiver (from
fright, disgust) Jr 49:16 αλ ← פלץ
< תפסחname>
תפעshining ?? Jb 10:22 αλ ← יפע
תפףto drum Nh 2:8, Ps 68:26 → תף
תפקβ פוק
תפרβ תפר, פרה,פור
תפרto sew (together) σ שׁזר
תפשׂto take hold of, to hold σ קנה
תפתspitting, as a sign of contempt Jb 17:6
used to designate a place where altars to
idols were built 2K 23:10, Jr 7:31, 19:11–
4 σ רק
< תפתtoponym>
< תפתהname>
תצפנוβ צפן,צפה
תצפצףβ צפצף
תצרβ תצר, צרר,נצר
תצרguarding ?? Is 26:3 αλ ← נצר
תצרdistress, be distressing ?? 1S 30:6 αλ
← צרר
< תקהתname>
תקוהhope, that which one waits for ← קוה
< תקוהname>
תקומהability to stand Lv 26:37 αλ ← קום
תקומםone who stands against another Is
58:12 αλ ← קום
תקועβ תקע, תקוע,נקע
תקועhorn Ez 7:14 αλ ← תקע
< תקוהname>
תקועהname of a town in Israel
< תקועיname>
תקופתgoing around (of year, days) Ex
34:22, 2C 24:23 (of action) Ps 19:7 ←
תקותcord Jos 2:18, 21 σ חבל
תקםβ קום,נקם
תקןto establish, set up (words and
actions) ?? Jr 22:24, Ko 1:15, 7:13 →
תקןone who presents ?? Ko 12:9 σ ant.
תקןone who presents ?? Ko 12:9 ← תקן
תקעβ תקע,נקע
תקעto drive (in, out), e.g. tent stakes
to pitch a tent, a spear in battle, breath
into a horn
to make a long, drawn out
sound with the horn, metaphorically to
strike a deal → תוקעיםdriving in deals,
making deals, תקועhorn Ez 7:14 αλ
תקףto have authority more in the sense of
judicial, appointed power → תקף
authority σ בעל
תקףauthority ← תקף
תקץβ קוץ
תרβ תר, תור,נתר
תרexplorer Nu 14:6, 1K 10:15, 2C 19:4 ←
תר לחיstring of beads or jewelry chain
that hangs down from a headdress and
hangs around the jaw ?? So 1:10 ← תור
< תראלהname>
תרבותincrease ← רבה
תרביתinterest (on a loan) ← רבה
תרגלתיmy giving help to walk ?? Hs 11:3
αλ ← רגל
תרדמהdeep sleep Gn 2:21, 15:12, Js 2:15,
1S 26:12, Is 29:10, Jr 19:15, Jb 4:13,
33:15 ← רדם
תרהוβ יראIs 44:8
< תרהקהname>
תרומיה, תרומהoffering, contribution (not
to be burnt on the altar) ← רוםσ זבח
תרומותmaking contributions (i.e. bribes)
Pr 29:4 αλ ← רום
תרועהsounding forth, can be done with
cymbals, stringed instruments Ps 33:3 as
well as trumpets ← רוע
תרופהremedy Ez 47:12 αλ ← רפא
תרוץβ רצץ,רוץ
תרזהa type of tree ?? Is 44:14 αλ σ עץ
< תרחname>
< תרחנהname>
תרךβ תרone who explores for you ?? Jb
12:7–8 || to make known ירה
< תרמהname>
תרמותintent to dupe Jr 14:14 ← רמה
תרמיתduping Ze 3:13, Ps 119:118 ← רמה
תרמתβ תרמת,תרומה
תרמתintent to dupe Jr 8:5, 23:26 ← רמה
( תרןwooden) pole
flagpole Is 30:17,
33:23, (ship’s) mast Ez 27:5
תרעלהcausing reeling from getting drunk
Is 51:17, 22, Ps 60:5 ← רעל
< תרעתיםname>
תרףβ תרפים,רפה
תרפיםobject used to make decisions Hs
3:4, not the same as a god Jd 17:5, 18:14,
17–8, 20, owned by persons or families
Gn 31:19, 34–5, can be of a good size 1S
19:13, 16, person who by means of these
objects tells others what to do 2K 23:24,
Ez 21:26, Zc 10:2
such a decision ??
1S 15:23
תרץβ רצץ, רצה,רוצ
תרצהβ תרצה,רצה
< תרצהtoponym>
< תרשׁname>
תרשׁישׁchrysolite or beryl ?? Ex 28:20,
39:13, Ez 1:16, 10:9, 28:13, So 5:14, Dn
תרשׁישׁname of a city or country, some say
Spain, others a city state well north of
Israel in the eastern Mediterranean
תרשׁתאgovernor (Persian loan word) Ezr
2:63, Ne 7:65, 70, 8:9, 10:2 (1)
< תרתןname>
< תרתקname>
< תרתןname>
תשׂאbeguiling, falseness ?? Hs 14:3 (2) αλ
← נשׁא
תשׁאותstorms, both weather Jb 36:29, 39:7
and people’s actions Is 22:2, Zc 4:7 ←
תשׁבβ תושׁב, שׁוב,ישׁב
< תשׁביname>
תשׁבץβ שׁבץ
תשׁגניβ שׂוג,שׁגה
תשׁובתreturn, object that is returned Jb
21:34, תשׁובת השׁנהreturn to the same
time of year 2S 11:1, 1K 20:22, 26, 2C
36:10 ← שׁוב
תשׁוהβ תשׁוה,שׁוה
תשׁוהarranged, prepared ?? Jb 30:22 αλ ←
תשׂומתdeposit Lv 5:21 (6:2) αλ ← שׂים
תשׁועהsalvation ← ישׁע
תשׁוקתattraction, fondness, hankering after
Gn 3:16, 4:7, So 7:11 (10) ← שׁוק
תשׁורהdonation 1S 9:7 αλ σ מתן
תשׁחתβ תשׁחת,שׁחת
תשׁחתa type of musical instrument Ps
57:1, 58:1, 59:1, 75:1
תשׁיβ נשׁה
תשׁיהarrangement, things set up Jb 5:12,
6:13, 26:3, 30:22, Pr 3:21 ← שׁוה
תשׁיךβ נשׁך
תשככניβ שׂוך
תשׁלוβ נשׁל
תשׁעהlooking around with pleasure (from
rejoicing in their victory) ?? 2S 19:3 αλ
← שׁעה
תשׁקβ שׁקה,נשׁק
תשׁקמוβ שׁקה
תשׁקקהemptiness ?? Ps 65:10 (9) αλ σ
( שׁקקfem adj. )שׁקקהempty, flopped
down like an empty bag ?? Ps 107:9 αλ
תשׁתעβ שׁוע
תתאוβ תאה
תתברβ ברר
תתכו, תתך, תתיכניβ נתך
תתםβ תמם,נתן
< תתניname>
תתענוβ תעה
תתפלβ פלה
Aramaic to English word list.
Whereas the Hebrew dictionary above represents original research on my part, having gone
through literally tens of thousands of word searches, the Aramaic dictionary below reflects
my ignorance of the language. For the most part, the glosses were taken from the Aramaic
portion of Lisowski’s concordance. The only reason to include the Aramaic because of the
portions of the Bible that were written in Aramaic, and by including Aramaic, makes it
easier for users of my dictionary. I originally digitized this Aramaic dictionary in order to
make it easier for me to read the Aramaic portions of Tanakh, therefore I had no good
reason not to include it with my Hebrew dictionary.
אבדto perish
אגרה, אגראletter
אדרthreshing floor
אדרזדאwith zeal
אדרעarm, force
אזדאpromulgated, departed (⇐ going
אזהto heat
אזלto go
אחמהlibrary, where written records are
אחריς אחרן,אחרי
אחרן, אחריןat last
( אחרןfem. )אחריother
אילןtree (oak?)
A אימתןterrible
A איתיexistence
A אכלto eat
אכל קרץto eat a piece,
idiomatic phrase for to be jealous
A אלnot
A אלך, אלין, אלה, אלthese
A אלהς אלה,אל
A אלהgod
A אלוbehold !
A אליןς אל
A אלךς אל
A אלףthousand
A אמהcubit
A אמהnation
A אמןto trust
A אמרto say, to command
A אמרlamb
A אןthat, pl. אניןthose
A אנבהς אב
A אנהI
A אנוןthey
A אנושׁאς אנשׁ
A אנחנאwe
A אנסto oppress
A אנףface
A אנשׁman(kind)
אנתון, אנתהyou
אסורbound, tied up
אפרסיEzra 4:9 a name of a people
אפרסתכי, אפרסכיa type of official
אפתםstore house ??
אצבעfinger, toe
ארוbehold !
ארךEzra 4:9 a name of a people
אשׁוהיς אשׁא
אשׁיאς אשׁ
אשׁרןtimber ??
אתאς אתה
אתהto come
אתיς איתי
אתכריתς כרה
אתרς נתר,אתר
A אתרtrace, track (footstep), remainder
“ באתרin its tracks” i.e. afterwards
A בin, on
A באישׁbad
A באחמתאς אחמה
A באשׁto be bad
A באתרς באתר,אתר
A באתרafter
A בדרto disperse
A בהילוhurry
A בהלto frighten
A בותto pass the night, to delay, make
A בטלto cease
A ביןbetween
A בינהdiscernment
A בירהfortified place
A ביתhouse
A בלheart
A בלהto wear out
A בלוtax
A בנהto build
A בניןς בר,בנין
A בניןbuilding
A בנסto become angry
A בעהto seek
A בעוrequest, petition, prayer
A בעלlord
A בקעהplain
A בקרto search
A ברfield
A ברson
A ברךto kneel
A ברךblessed
A ברךknee
A ברםyet
A בשׂרflesh
בתς בת,בות
בתliquid measure
בתרς באתר
( גברstrong) man
גדדto cut down
גוא, גוinterior
גואς גוא,גו
גוהς גוה,גו
גוחto stir up
גלהto reveal
גללsquare stone
דאניןς דין
דבחto sacrifice
דבקto stick
דהa name of a people Ezra 4:9
דוקς דקק
גורto dwell
דושׁto tread
דחוהfood ??
דחוןς דחוה
דחלto fear
דיparticle of registration
דיןto judge
דכן, דךthat
דכרן, דכרוןrecord
דלקto burn
דמהto resemble
דקקto crush
דתorder, law
דתכוןς דת
הinterrogative particle
האbehold !
הדברhigh official
הדםmember, part, parted (Dn 2:5 you
will be torn apart)
הדמיןς הדם
הדרto glorify
הוהto be, to happen
?? הוךto place
הזדהς זוד
החוניς חוה
היכלlarge building
temple, palace
הימןς אמן
היתיתς אתה
הלךto go
הלךa type of (road ?) tax, toll?
המינך, המונךnecklace
הסקוς סלק
הרהרfancy (thought)
התיבς תוב
זאעיןς זוע
זבןto buy, gain
זודto act presumptuously
זוןto live on
זועto tremble
זיוbrightness, splender
זמןto agree
זמרmusic, singer
זןtype, sort
זעקto cry out
?? זקיף
זקףto hang on
חבלto hurt, destroy
חברה, חברcompanion
חדהς חדה,חד
חוהto declare
חזהto see
חזהcustomary, usual
חיהto live
חיוהbeast (living thing)
חיטto join together ??
חכיםwise (man)
חלףto pass over
חנןto show mercy
חסןto possess
חרבto be laid waste
חרךto be singed
חשׁבto respect
חשׁחto be in need of
חשׁחו, חשׁחהneed
חשׁלto grind
חתםto seal
טאבto be pleased
טבgood (pleasing)
טבחbody guard
טללto seek shade
טעםto give to eat
טעםunderstanding, command, report
טפרnail, claw
טרדto drive away
טרפלEzra 4:9 a name of a people
יבלto bring
( יבשׁהdry) ground
יגרheap of stones
ידhand, power
ידהto praise
ידעto know
יהבto give
יהךς הוך
יטבto be pleasing
יכלto be able
יסףto be added
יעטto consult together
יפלς פלל
יצאς שׁיצא
יצבto make certain
יקדto burn
ישׁתנאς שׁנה
יתmark of the accusative
יתבς תוב,יתב
יתבto settle down
יתזיןς זון
כהלto be able
כורdry measure
כללto finish
כנותהוןς כנת
כנשׁto assemble
כענתand now
כעתς כענת
כפתto be bound
כרבלהcap, hat
כרהto be distressed
כרזto proclaim
כרסאthrone, seat
כתבto write
כתבwriting, prescription
לה, לאnot
לבב, לבheart
לבשׁto put on, when an object is not
specified, it’s understood that clothing is
what’s put on
להς לא
להןtherefore, but
להוןς הוה
להתבותךς בות
לותby, with
לחםfood, meal
למאς מה
למהךς הוך
למזיה, למזאς אזה
לממרς אמר
למתאς אתה
מאς מה
מאמרword, command
מגלהroll, book
מגרto cast down
מדנןς מדינה
מדקהς דקק
מא, מהwhat
מהחתיןς נחת
מהימןς אמן
מודאς ידה
מזאς אזה
מחאto strike
מטה, מטאto come, to arrive
מלאto fill
מלהword, matter
מלחto eat, “ מלח היכלא מלחנאto eat
the palace salt” means to be duty bound
by royal oath ?? Ezr 4:14
מלכוdominion, kingdom, realm
מללto speak
משׁראς שׁרה
מלתאς מלה
מןout of, from
מנאmina, a coin
מנדהς מדה
מנהto number, appoint
מעלsetting (down)
מצלאς צלה
מרטto be plucked out
משׁרוקיpipe, flute
משׁתבשׁיןς שׁבשׁ
משׁתדרς שׁדר
משׁתיdrink, toast
משׁתריןς שׁרה
מתאς אתה
?? מתרגן
מתרגםtranslated ??
נבאto prophesy
נגדto flow
נדבto be willing
נדבךlayer of stones
נדדto flee
נדנהsheath, body ??
נהירς נהור
נהירוlight, wisdom
נודto flee
נוליς נולו
נזקto come to grief, to damage
נחתto descend
נטלto lift
נטרto keep
ניחוח, ניחחsweet odor
נכסיןriches, wealth
נסחto tear away
נסךto pour out
נסקς סלק
נפלto fall (down)
נפקto go forth
נפקתς נפק
נצחto surpass
נצלto deliver
נקשׁto strike
נשׂאto carry (away)
נשׁמהbreath, life
נתןto give
נתרto shake off
סבכאς שׂבכא
סבלto erect
סברto intend
סגדto bow down to
סגרto shut
סומפניהbagpipe ??
סלקto go up
סעדto assist
ספרscribe, book
ספתς סוף
סרךminister, administrator
סתרto hide, to destroy
עבדto do, make
עבדslave, servant
עבידהwork, business
עדduring, until, to
עדהto pass (upon, by)
to change
עויהsin, error
עטאcounsel, wisdom
עלupon, above, over
עלוהburnt offering
עליmost high
עליupper chamber
עליוןmost high
עללto go in
עלםEzra 4:9 a name of a people
עןς כען
ענהto answer
ענשׁfine paid for lawbreaking
ענתς כענת
עקרto be left as a stump Dn 7:8 αλ
ערבto mix
ערדwild ass, onager
עשׁתto intend
עתς כענת
פטישׁ, פטשׁgarment
פךגto divide
פלחto serve
פללto make a formal request
פסpalm of hand
פסנתרין, פסנטריןpsaltery
פקוς נפק
פרסto be divided
פרסhalf a mina
פרקto expiate
פשׁרto interpret
פתגםword, decree
פתחto open
צבה, צבאto will
צבעto moisten
צלהto pray
צלחto promote
צפירhe goat
קאןς קום
קבלto receive
קבלbefore, because כל קבלbecause of
קדמהformer time
קוםto arise, to stand
קטלto kill
קיתרוס, קיתרסharp, lyre
קנהto buy
קצףto be angry
קצץto cut off
קצתend, part
קראto call, to read
קרבto come near
קריς קרא
קשׁט, קשׂטtruth
ראשׁhead, sum
רבהto become great
רבוmyriad, greatness
רברביןς רב
רגזto excite to anger
רגשׁto run together
רוחwind, spirit
רוםto lift up
רחץto trust on
רמהto cast, to set
רעין, רעיוןthought
רעעto break in
רפסto trample
רשׁםto write
שׂבold man, elder
סבכא, שׂבכאharp
שׂגאto increase
שׂגיאgreat, much, very
שׂיםto put, place
שׂכלto consider
שׁאלto ask
שׁבחto praise
שׁבעתς בעה
שׁבקto leave
שׁבשׁto be perplexed
שׁדרto exert
שׁוהto make equal with
שׁושׁנךa name of a people Ezra 4:9
שׁיזבto deliver
שׁיצאto finish
שׁכחto find
שׁכןto dwell
שׁלהς שׁלו,שׁלה
שׁלחto send, to put forth
שׁלטto rule
שׁליטmighty, potent
שׁלםto complete
שׁמדto destroy
שׁמהתהוםς שׁם
שׁמםto be astonished
שׁמעto hear
שׁמשׁto serve
שׁנהto be different
שׁעתאς שׁעה
שׁפלto bring down, to humble
שׁפרto please
שׁרהto loosen
שׁרשׁיrooting out
שׁתהto drink
תביר, תברfragile
תובto return, turn back
תוהto be astonished
תחתς תחות
תלתי, תלתאthird
תנינותa second time
תפתיprosecutor ??
תקיףstrong, mighty
תקלto weigh
תקןto establish
תקףto be(come) strong
תרעgate, door
Nouns grouped according to subjects
אבן יקרה
אדםruby, a precious stone Ex 28:17, 39:10, Ez 28:13
אחלמהamethyst Ex 28:19, 39:12
אקדחberyl Is 54:12 αλ
בדלחbdellium ?? apparently a precious stone Gn 2:12, mentioned for its appearance Nu
ברקתemerald Ex 28:17, 39:10, Ez 28:13
יהלםdiamond ?? Ex 28:18, 39:11, Ez 28:13
ישׁפהjasper Ex 28:20, 39:13, Ez 28:13
כדכדa precious stone ?? Is 54:12, Ez 27:16
לשׁםopal (minors lick the stone to find out if it is opal or not) Ex 28:19, 39:12
נפךcarbuncle, or turquoise ?? Ex 28:18, 39:11, Ez 27:16, 28:13
ספירsapphire Ex 24:10, 28:18, 39:11, Ez 1:26, 28:13, So 5:14
פוךjet, a soft black stone used in jewelry Is 54:11, 1C 29:2, also ground into a paste to
apply around the eyes 2K 9:30, Jr 4:30
פטדהtopaz Ex 28:17, 39:10, Ez 28:13
פניניםred coral, or some other red precious stone Pr 8:11, 20:15, 31:10, Jb 28:18, Lm 4:7
ראמתa semiprecious stone ?? Ez 27:16 αλ
שׁבוagate Ex 28:19, 39:12
שׁהםsardonyx, a semiprecious stone often used for cameos Gn 2:12, Ex 25:7, 28:9, 1C 29:2
תרשׁישׁchrysolite or beryl ?? Ex 28:20, 39:13, Ez 1:16, 10:9, 28:13, So 5:14, Dn 10:6
גוית אדם
אזןear ← אזן
אזרע, אזרועlower arm ?? Jr 32:21, Jb 31:22
אףanger, nose
ארך אפיםpatient, slow to anger Ex 34:6, Nu 14:1, Jn
4:2, Ps 86:15, Pr 25:15, Ne 9:17, קצר אפיםshort tempered Pr 14:17 ← אנף
אצבעfinger ← צבע
( בהןpl )בהנותthumb, big toe Ex 29:20, Lv 8:23–4, Jd 1:6–7
בטןbelly, mother’s womb, central (inner) hollow area
use of an architectural feature 1K
ברךknee ← ברך
גחן, גחוןabdomen, exterior of belly σ חמשׁabdomen 2S 2:23, 3:27, 4:6, 20:10
גידsinew σ שׁרירmuscle, sinew ?? Jb 40:16 αλ
גלדskin, referring to soft, human skin ?? Jb 16:15 αλ σ עור
( גרגרותfigurative) neck Pr 3:3 αλ σ גרון
גרגרתneck, around which a necklace may be clasped or tied Pr 1:9, 3:22, 6:21 σ גרון
גרוןthroat, the inside of the neck σ ( גרגרותfigurative) neck Pr 3:3 αλ, גרגרתneck,
around which a necklace may be clasped or tied Pr 1:9, 3:22, 6:21, לעthroat Pr 23:2 αλ
זרע, זרועarm σ אזרועlower arm ?? Jr 32:21, Jb 31:22
חיקbosom, the hollow surrounded by arms as in an embrace
חלבmilk, fat, but sometimes includes a wider meaning than in English, often with the idea
more of produce, production, as in the “fat of the land” Gn 45:18 or even the “produce
of new wine” which is not fat Lv 18:12 “produce of wheat” Ps 81:17 (16) σ חמאה
cheese or yoghurt that can be either eaten or drunk Gn 18:8, Jd 5:25, Is 7:15, made
from milk Is 7:22, Pr 30:33, used figuratively to refer to speech Ps 55:22 (21), דשׁן
חלבface plate in armor ?? Jb 15:27
חלץloins σ מתנים
חמשׁabdomen 2S 2:23, 3:27, 4:6, 20:10 σ גחון
חפןhollow of the hand, palm Ez 10:2, 7, Pr 30:4, used as a measurement, handful Ex 9:8,
Lv 16:12, Ko 4:6 σ פף
ירךthigh Gn 24:9, 32:26, 32, Nu 5:22, Jd 3:16, used to refer to source of reproduction
(translated as “loins” in old translations) Gn 46:26, Ex 1:5, used in architecture for a
side Ex 40:22, 24, Lv 1:11, the stand of the menorah Ex 25:31, 37:17
יתרתthat which remains after removing all else Jr 48:36
connected with כבדis this the
gall bladder that is found upon the liver ?? Ex 29;13, 22, Lv 3:4, 10, 15, 9:10, 19 ← יתר
כבדliver, this is the organ in the body known for its density, weight Ex 29:13, 22, Lv 7:4,
Ez 21:26, Pr 7:23 ← כבדσ פרשׁ
כליהkidney, often used as a representation of the emotions σ פרשׁ
כסלintestines Lv 3:4, 10, Ps 38:8, both as a source of strength (food digested there) and
as a symbol of perversity (⇐ the crooked shape)
strength Ps 78:7, Jb 8:14, Pr 3:26,
perversity Ko 7:25 ← כסל
palm (of hand), spoon, shallow cave ← כפףσ חפןhollow of the hand, palm
Ez 10:2, 7, Pr 30:4, used as a measurement, handful Ex 9:8, Lv 16:12, Ko 4:6, חרhole,
both as an opening through a wall or door, and as a hollow place to hide, live or fill
with things 2K 12:10, Nh 2:13, Zc 14:12, קמץhandful Lv 2:2, 5:12, 6:15, Nu 5:26, in
plural “handfuls” i.e. bountiful(ly) Gn 41:47, שׁעלhollow place Ez 13:4, 19
hollow of
foot 1K 20:10 or hand (palm) Is 40:12, Ps 63:11 (10)
כרשׂgut, i.e. abdomen Jr 51:34 αλ
כתףshoulder (outward from the )שׁכם
outward extremity (of clothing)
לחיjaw(bone), on ruminants there is a lot of muscle around it that would provide meat to
eat, Dt 18:3, also name of a place
לעthroat Pr 23:2 αλ ← לעעσ גרון
מעיbody in general 2S 16:11, Ps 22:15 (14), So 5:4, 2C 32:21, more specifically womb Rt
1:11, Is 49:1, Ps 71:6, belly Ez 7:19, Jb 20:14, intestines 2S 20:10, 2C 21:18–9, involved
with emotions Jr 4:19, 31:20, So 5:4
?? מפרקתbase of the skull, where the neck joins the skull 1S 4:18 αλ ← פרק
מצחforehead Ex 28:38, Is 48:4, Ez 3:8–9, 2C 26:19–20
מתניםloins as the center of power, in Pr 30:31 probably refers to a powerful animal σ חלץ
נדןsheath 1C 21:27
vagina Ez 16:33 (note: it appears that early translators turned red
when they read the graphic depiction of the sexual act in Ez 16:33, and so softened
their translation with idiomatic phrases as in English, “They (men) sow their wild oats
in all prostitutes and you (women) give your favors to all your lovers.”) σ תער
נשׁהischiatic nerve, (achilles) tendon ?? Gn 32:33 αλ
עורskin, hide σ גלדskin, referring to soft, human skin ?? Jb 16:15 αλ
עיןeye, spring of water which may or may not flow into a stream ← עין
עקבcrooked, crooked place Is 40:4, Jr 17:9
heel (the part of the body permanently
crooked) Gn 3:15, 49:17, Ps 41:10 (9),
“at the heals of” following closely So 1:8,
used in context of being hunted down, stalked (similar to English “nipping at one’s
heels) Dt 7:12, Ps 56:7 (6), So 1:8,
those who hunt, stalk Jr 13:22,
used of a
military division flanking (curving around) the enemy Js 8:13,
because of, (there
are) consequences Gn 22:18, Nu 14:24, Is 5:23 ← עקב
ערףneck (where the jugular vein is found) ← ערף
פרשׁentrails, guts Ex 29:14, Lv 4:11, 8:17, 16:27, Nu 19:5, Ml 2:3 ← פרשׁσ כבדliver, this
is the organ in the body known for its density, weight Ex 29:13, 22, Lv 7:4, Ez 21:26, Pr
7:23, כליהkidney, often used as a representation of the emotions, כסלintestines Lv 3:4,
10, Ps 38:8, both as a source of strength (food digested there) and as a symbol of
perversity (⇐ the crooked shape)
strength Ps 78:7, Jb 8:14, Pr 3:26, perversity Ko
צפרןtip Jr 17:1
fingernail Dt 21:12 ← צפר
קבהa hollow space ??
rib cage ?? Dt 18:3, bed chamber ?? Nu 25:8
קדקדcrown (top of head) Gn 49:26, 2S 14:25, Is 3:17, Jb 2:7
קוצותlocks of hair So 5:2, 11
קמץhandful Lv 2:2, 5:12, 6:15, Nu 5:26, in plural “handfuls” i.e. bountiful(ly) Gn 41:47 σ
קרסלankle 2S 22:37, Ps 18:37 (36)
ראשׁhead, including both a physical head as well as leader as in being top or first ← ראשׁ
σ מלך
רקתtemple (of head) Jd 4:21–22, 5:26, So 4:3, 6:7
שׁק, שׁוקshin (bone) (⇐ the idea of being out, walking around “legging about”), an
animal’s right rear leg given as part of a feast to show honor, ירך- שׁוק עלidiom,
meaning “dead”, for people who lie with their legs so twisted can only be dead, it is
very uncomfortable for the living Jd 15:8 ← שׁוק
שׁכםshoulder (inward from )כתףused to carry, i.e. to make things rise?
(carried on a shoulder) ← שׁכם
שׂערהhair ← שׂער
שׂפהlip (of a person, cup 1K 7:26, cloth (edge) Ex 26:10, river or sea (shore) Ex 7:15,
14:30, use of the lips in speech Ps 120:2, Pr 12:19
language Gn 11:1, 6, 7, 9, Is 19:18,
Ps 81:6 (5)) ← שׁפהσ דבר
שׁרירmuscle, sinew ?? Jb 40:16 αλ ← שׁררσ גיד
תנוךlobe (of the ear) Ex 29:20, Lv 8:23–4, 14:14, 17, 25, 28
חיהliving thing
person, animal
אחeagle owl Is 13:21 αλ
איjackal ?? Is 13:22, 34:14, Jr 50:39
איהblack kite, a type of rapacious bird Lv 11:19, Dt 14:13, Jb 28:7
אילmale of cattle, sheep, male mountain sheep Nu 7, Dt 14:5, Jb 39:5
אנפהheron, parrot ?? Lv 11:19, Dt 14:18
אנקהgecko ?? Lv 11:30 αλ LXX µυγαλη field mouse
אפעהviper Is 30:6, 42:14, 59:5, Jb 20:16
אפרחnestling, young bird Dt 22:6, Ps 84:4, Jb 39:30
אקוwild goat Dt 14:5 αλ
ארבהσ סלעם, ילק, חרגל, חסיל, חגב, גזםtypes of grasshoppers, locusts
אריlion pl. אריים1K 10:20
אריהpl. אריותthis is not the same as a single lion, possibly a pride of lions or another set
or group of lions. The addition of the final heh indicates a group.
ארנבתhare Lv 11:6, Dt 14:7
בהמותdinosaur Jb 40:15 αλ
בקעהa type of nesting animal ?? Is 34:15 αλ
בת בשׁריםa fixture on a ship ?? Ez 27:6
בת יענהan unclean bird, ostrich ?? Lv 11:16, Dt 14:15, Is 13:21, 34:13, 43:20, Jr 50:39, Jb
30:29 σ עוף
גדיה,( גדיm), (f) kid, young goat
גוזyoung bird Gn 15:9, Dt 32:11
גמלcamel, an animal that has no hooves, rather two toes that are joined together and
tipped with toenails
דאהred kite, a type of rapacious bird ?? Lv 11:14 αλ
( דבורהhoney) bee Dt 1:44, Jd 14:8, Is 7:18, Ps 118:12 ← דבר
דוכיפתhoopoe Lv 11:19, Dt 14:18
דיהan unclean bird Dt 14:13, Is 34:15
דיותβ דיה
דישׁןantelope ?? a clean animal Dt 14:5 αλ
דרורswallow ?? (bird) Ps 84:4, Pr 26:2
זבובfly (insect) Is 7:18, Ko 10:1 ( בעל זבובLord of the Flies, i.e. the devil 2K 1:2–3, 6,
זמרmountain goat ?? Dt 14:5 αλ σ עז
זרזירan unknown type of animal ?? Pr 30:31 αλ LXX αλεκτωρ σ חיה
חזירpig Lv 11:7, Dt 14:8, Pr 11:22, includes wild boar Ps 80:14
חלדmole, a burrowing animal Lv 11:29 αλ
ֿ חמטreptile ?? Lv 11:30 αλ
D חסידostrich ?? (with the possible exception of Jb 39, this is a flying creature Jr 8:7, Zc
5:9, possibly one since extinct?)
חפר פרות, חפרפרהa small animals that digs holes ??
טלהkid, just beginning to feed itself 1S 7:9, Is 65:25
יחמורroebuck Dt 14:5, 1K 5:3
ֿ ינשׁוףheron ?? Lv 11:17, Dt 14:16, Is 34:11
יעלibex, a type of mountain goat, known for its climbing ability 1S 24:3, Ps 104:18, Jb
כבשׂה, כבשׂlamb D כבשׂ בן שׁנlamb born this year
כוסpelican Lv 11:17, Dt 14:16, Ps 102:7
כחlizard ?? Lv 11:30 αλ
כןgnat, a type from Egypt’s marshes that can drive a person to distraction with its biting
Ex 8:13–5 (17–9)
כרכרהswift she camel Is 66:20 αλ
לבאתpride of lionesses ?? Nh 2:13 αλ
לביאa large and dangerous carnivorous animal, traditionally identified as a lioness though
identification unknown Gn 49:9, Ez 19:2, Jb 4:11, 38:39
לויתןwater dinosaur ?? This was a large animal covered with scales Ps 74:14, 104:26, Jb
40:25, לויתן נחשׁ ברחtype of sea dinosaur ?? Is 27:1, לויתן נחשׁ עקלתוןsea
serpent ?? Is 27:1
לטאהgecko ?? Lv 11:30 αλ LXX καλαβωτης spotted lizard ??
ליליתtype of wild animal ?? Is 34:14 αλ
לישׁyoung, male lion (is this the young, solitary lion who has been expelled from the pride
before he is able to get a pride of his own?) Is 30:6, Pr 30:30, Jb 4:11
נחשׁsnake, divination
נמרtiger, a large striped animal Is 11:6, Jr 5:6, 13:23, Hs 13:7, Hb 1:8, So 4:8
נץhawk Lv 11:16, Jb 39:26 σ עוף
נשׁרeagle, a carrion eating bird
סוסa type of bird, swift ?? Jr 8:7 αλ
ססmoth Is 51:8 αλ
עגורthrush, a type of bird Is 38:14, Jr 8:7
עוףany animal that flies, not only a bird
עזניהblack vulture ?? Lv 11:13, Dt 14:12
עטלףbat Lv 11:19, Dt 14:18, Is 2:20
עיטvulture, apparently a large one from the mountains
עירmale donkey Gn 32:16, Is 30:6, Zc 9:9
עכבישׁspider Jb 8:14, Is 59:5
עכברrat, mouse Lv 11:29, 1S 6:4–5, 11, 18, Is 66:17
עכשׁובviper ?? Ps 140:4 (3) αλ
עלוקהleech ?? Pr 30:15 αλ
עפרfawn ( ← being dust colored?) So 2:9, 17, 4:5, 7:4, 8:14
ערבraven, including crow Lv 11:15, Dt 14:14, 1K 17:4, 6
ערבgadfly, horsefly ?? Ex 8:21, 22, 24, 29, 31
ערודwild ass, onager ?? Jb 39:5 αλ
עשׁcaterpillar, the larva of a moth Is 50:9, 51:8, Jb 13:28, 27:18
עתוד, עתדram, male sheep Gn 31, Nu 7
פראwild donkey Is 32:14, Jr 14:6, Jb 6:5, also used as an adjective to describe a person as
untamable as a wild donkey Gn 16:12, Jb 11:12
פרדה, פרדmule 2S 13:29, 1K 1:33, 2C 9:24
פרסlamb-vulture ?? Lv 11:13, Dt 14:12
פרעשׁflea 1S 24:15, 20
פתןcobra, a very poisonous snake of Africa and Asia
צבturtle ?? Lv 11:29, covered wagon Nu 7:3, Is 66:20
צבועpointed out ?? Jr 12:9 αλ LXX υαινα
צביה, צבי, צבאה, צבאgazelle Dt 14:5, 1K 5:3, 1C 12:9
ציbarren land inhabitant, some sort of animal Is 13:21, 23:13, 34;14, Jr 50:39, Ps 72:9,
צנאlivestock ?? misspelling for ?? צאןNu 32:24 αλ
צפר, צפורsparrow, often used as a reference to any small, quick moving bird
צפירhe goat (with large horns?)
( צפעa type of venomous animal related to snakes, dinosaurs) ?? Is 14:29 αλ
צפעניa type of serpent, flying dinosaur with shiny scales ?? Is 11:8, 59:5, Jr 8:17, Pr 23:32
צרעהhornet ?? (metaphorically speaking ?) Ex 23:28, Dt 7:20, Js 24:12
קאתa pterosaur ?? Lv 11:17, Dt 14:16, Is 34:11, Zp 2:14, Ps 102:7
קפוד, קפדhedgehog ?? Is 14:23 (DSS )קפז, 34:11, Zp 2:14
( קפוזsome wild animal that makes nests) ?? Is 34:15 αλ
קראpartridge 1S 26:20, Jr 17:11
קרץmosquito, or some other pinching or biting bug
ראהred kite ?? possibly misspelling for דאהred kite Dt 14:13
ראםwild (untamable) ox, possibly a horned dinosaur? Nu 23:22, Dt 33:17, Ps 92:11 (10)
רהבa type of animal ?? Is 51:9, Jb 9:13, 26:12
רחמה, רחםcarrion vulture ?? Lv 11:18, Dt 14:17, Ps 106:46
ריםunknown wild animal, apparently fairly large Jb 39:9–10
רמכיםpost horses (Aramaic loan word) Es 8:10 αλ
שׂהlamb, kid
שׁחלjackal ?? Hs 5:14, 13:7, Ps 91:13, Pr 26:13, Jb 4:10, 10:16, 28:8
שׁחףseagull ?? Lv 11:16, Dt 14:15
שׁלךcormorant ?? Lv 11:17, Dt 14:17
שׂממיתgecko Pr 30:28 αλ
שׂעירה, שׂעירgoat (⇐ the idea of something hairy?)
demon (often pictured as a hairy
שׁפותa type of cattle, humped 2S 17:29 αλ
שׁפיפןhorned adder Gn 49:17 αλ
שׁפןrock badger, hyrax ?? Lv 11:5, Dt 14:7, Ps 104:18, Pr 30:26
שׂרףmost modern lexicographers consider this an asp, number of small, poisonous snakes
of Africa, Asia and Europe, however the context indicates a flying animal that is
venomous and has scales Nu 21:6, 8, Dt 8:15, Is 14:29, 30:6
an image of flying angels
Is 6:2, 6
“ שׂרף מעופףflying snake” apparently a flying dinosaur Is 14:29, 30:6
תאוmountain sheep ?? Dt 14:5 αλ
תר, תורturtle-dove
תחמסa species of owl Lv 11:16, Dt 14:15
תישׁhe goat Gn 30:35, 32:14, Pr 30:31, 2C 17:11
( תמלטa type of nesting animal) ?? Is 34:15 αλ
תןjackal ?? Is 34:13, 43:20. Jr 9:10, 10:22, 51:37, Ml 1:3
תנינreptile. created along with man Gn 1:21, both small as snakes Ex 7:9–10, 12 and
apparently quite large Ps 91:13, both land and sea Is 27:1, Ps 148:7, had udders and
teats to suckle their young Lm 4:3
תנשׁמתmentioned twice as a flying creature, once as a creeping creature, possibly a small
pterosaur ?? Lv 11:18, 30 Dt 14:16
כלי בשׁל
אגןgoblet, small round cup, or is this referring to a small bottle, as for perfume ?? Ex 24:6,
Is 22:24, So 7:3
אסוךsmall jar, such as used to hold oil for anointing 2K 4:2 αλ
אפהto bake
בשׁלto cook, often by boiling, though also roasting by fire 2C 35:13 (⇐ from concept of
softening, so it can be eaten), also used of fruits ripening (softening) so they can be
גביעchalice Gn 44:2, 12, 16–7
דודי, דודa heavy duty basket, made of wood or wicker, can carry heavy loads and can
also be lowered into boiling water holding things to be boiled 2K 10:7, Ps 81:7 (6), 2C
( כדlarge) storage jar, to store wet or dry foods
כיר, כיורvat
palm (of hand), spoon, shallow cave
כפורcovered cup Ezr 1:10, 1C 28:17
מזלגfork Ex 27:3, 1S 2:13–4, 2C 4:16
מחבתfrying pan Lv 2:5, 6:14, 7:9, Ez 4:3, 1C 23:29
מחתהfire carrier, to carry live coals to preserve a fire Ex 27:3, 37:23, also used to burn
incense in it
censor Lv 10:1, 16:17–8
מניתa type of food Ez 27:17 αλ
מנקיתcleansing bowl Ex 25:29, 37:16, Nu 4:7
מרחשׁתsauce pan Lv 2:7, 7:9
משׁרתretainer, waiter, servant
( סירpl )סירותcauldron (always made of metal?)
ספלdrinking bowl Jd 5:25, 6:38
עוגto fry (tortillas, pancakes) Ez 4:12, Ps 35:16
פרורpot, pan
צלחת, צלחיתdish
צפחתjug 1S 26:11–2, 16, 1K 17:12, 14, 16, 19:6
קלהto roast
קלחתcauldron 1S 2:14, Mc 3:3
קערהplatter Ex 25:29, 37;16, Nu 7
קשׂוהshallow bowl, scale shaped ?? designed for pouring libations Ex 37:16, Nu 4:7, 1C
תנורoven Ex 7:28 (8:3), Lv 2:4, 7:9
smoke as from an oven Gn 15:17, Is 31:9
clothing, underhanded actions
אבמטwaistband, a long cloth wrapped around the body Ex 28:4, Lv 8:7, Is 22:21
אדרתsplendor Zc 11:3
splendid Ez 17:8,
cloak (which may have sleeves) that
indicates status Gn 25;25, Js 7:21, 24, 2K 2:8, 13–4
אפוד, אפדvest
ארגto weave, with a מסכתwarp Jd 16:13–4 and ערבwoof
ארגמןreddish purple, the royal color, also cloth dyed with that color
גלוםmantle Ez 27:24 αλ
גליןdiaphanous clothing ?? Is 3:23 αλ
חגרה, חגורהsomething girded on, clothing or weapons 2S 18:11, 2K 3:21, Is 3:24
חצןpocket, or a fold in clothing used to carry stuff
חרט, לריטtooled leather purse ?? 2K 5:23, Is 3:22
חשׁןornament(al breastplate) Ex 25:7, 28, Lv 8:8, upon which was placed the אוריםand
תמיםEx 28:30, Lv 8:8, Nu 27:21, Ezr 2:63, Ne 7:65
כתנתtunic Greek (χιτων)
לבושׁclothing, clothed
מגבעהmiter, tall head gear Lv 8:13 αλ
מדוה, מדו, מדclothing, measured to fit
מזחa type of clothing, loose fitting sign of luxury, toga ?? Is 23:10, Ps 109:19
מחלצותclothing for special occasions, “Sunday best” stripped off for daily work Is 3:22, Zc
3:4 ← חלץ
מטפחתcape, warm cloak spread on over other clothing Rt 3:15, Is 3:22
מכנסtrousers Ex 28:42, 39:28, Lv 6:3, 16:4, Ez 44:18
מלבושׁone in charge of clothing 2K 10:22, Jb 27:16
clothing provider Is 63:3, Ez 16:13,
Zp 1:8, 2C 9:4
מסכתwarp Jd 16:13–4
מעטהwrapping Is 61:3, Ez 21:20 (15)
מעטפותsomething draped on, stole ?? Is 3:22 αλ
מעילponcho, a cloth draped over the body with a hole in the center for the head to poke
through Ex 28:31–5, worn under the vest Lv 8:7
מצנפתturban, used as a badge of authority Ex 28:4, 37, 39, Lv 8:9, Ez 21:31 (26)
משׁבצת, משׁבצותwrapping, used of a wide border on clothing Ex 28:11, 13–4, Ps 45:14, a
border setting a jewel on clothing Ex 18:11, 39:6, 13
משׁבציםstatus of being wrapped Ex 28:20 αλ
סדיןunder garment (σινδων) Jd 14:12–3, Is 4:23, Pr 31:24
סותgarment Gn 49:11 αλ
עבתrope made by braiding
ערבwoof, that which gets exchanged from top to bottom and back again during the
weaving process Lv 13:48–9, 51–3, 56–9
פרחהa sewed on ornament Ez 13;20 ??
פתיגילembroidered clothing ?? (something beautiful) Is 3:24 αλ
צמתveil, made of netting covering the face Is 47:2, So 4:1, 3, 6:7
צניףturban for decoration Is 3:23, Zc 3:5, Jb 29:14
צעדותsome sort of ornamentation that shows up while striding Is 3:20 αλ ← צעד
צעיףveil, the cloth that covers the face under the eyes
רדידshawl worn by women Is 3:23, So 5:7
רעלהlong, loose fitting garment, in a day when everything was hand made, was a sign of
wealth and luxury Is 3:19 αλ
שׁבץto wrap around Ex 28:4, 39
to set (a jewel) on clothing (by sewing a wrapping
around the jewel to hold it on the clothing)
שׁולouter hem, could be quite long Ex 28:33–4, 39:24–6, Is 6:1, Na 1:9
שׂלמהgarment, as far as I can tell, identical to ( שׂצלהfound 10 times)
שׂמלהcovering, apparently a flat piece of cloth that can be worn by wrapping around (as a
kilt, dress) though can be spread out as a blanket Gn 9:25, Ex 22:26 (27), wrapped
around other objects Ex 12:34, lain on as a sheet Dt 22:17, laid flat Jd 8:25
(found 28 times) σ שׂלמהgarment
שׂקsack, mainly refers to the rough sacks used to transport bulk items, big enough that one
can wear them if needed or as a sign of penance
rough cloth used to make the sacks
( שׂרדused only in connection )בגדי שׂרדprotective clothing ?? Ex 31:10, 35:19, 39:1, 41
שׁרשׁרתchain Ex 28:14, 39:15, 1K 7:17, 2C 3:5, 17
( שׁתיsome sort of cloth) ?? Lv 13:48–59
תחראshielded ?? an extra layer of cloth added to keep the neck area from wearing out ?
תפרto sew (together)
In a day when certain dyes were a sign of wealth and were applied only to the best of
cloth, just the use of the color can indicate warm, quality clothing Pr 31:21–2 such were
שׁניםand ארגמן
מחלהsoftness, weakness, as in sickness, also soft place to dig into the ground
דברpestilence, thorn
דויaffliction Is 1:5, Jr 8:19, Ps 41:4, Jb 6:7, Lm 1:22
דלקתa hot fever that kills quickly ?? Dt 28:22 αλ
חליinfirmity, softness
חרסscabies, dry, rough skin (sunburn?) Dt 28:27
מדוהthat which afflicts, characterized by flowing sores Dt 7:15, 28:60
מדיבתcausing languishing Lv 26:16 αλ
עורוןblindness Dt 28:28, Zc 12:4
עפלtumor Dt 28:17, swelling of bubonic plague 1S 5:6, 9, 12, 6:4–5; hill (swelling on the
land) 2K 5:24, Is 32:14, 2C 33:14
צרעתleprosy as described in Lv 13. This leprosy is not the same as modern leprosy.
Modern leprosy is mainly a disease of the nervous system caused by a bacterium
Mycobacterium leprae, where most injuries are self-inflicted. There is no spontaneous
cure. Ancient leprosy seems mainly a disease of the circulation system, mainly to the
skin: the skin turns white (no blood) then becomes indented and ulcerated (skin dies
off). Sometimes there is swelling around the ulceration. It is apparently easily caught,
apparently caused by a fungus which also infects cloth, leather (Lv 13:47–59, 14:55)
and even houses (Lv 14:35–53, 55), that enters the body through breaks in the skin
(cuts, burns, etc.). A person can become healed from it or remain infected the rest of
his life.
קדחתlingering fever, illness Lv 26:16, Dt 28:22
שׁחייןulcer, that is infectious, flowing pus
שׁחפתconsumption, where people waste away because of the disease Lv 26:16, Dt 28:22
תחלאיםwasting away (from hunger or disease) Dt 29:22, Jr 14:18, 16:4, Ps 103:3, 2C
מחלהsoftness, weakness, as in sickness, also soft place to dig into the ground
אדםred Nu 19:2, 2K 3:22, Zc 1:8
ארגצןreddish purple, the royal color, also cloth dyed with that color
כרמילcrimson (orange, color of ripe field?) 2C 2:6 (7), 13 (14), 3:14
שׁשׁרvermillion, a red color Jr 22:14, Ez 23:14
תולת שׁניcrimson dyed cloth
תכלתblue, also cloth dyed blue
כלי זמר
גתיתtype of musical instrument ?? used three times in connection with music Ps 8:1, 81:1,
חלל, חלילflute, a bored through tube
ידיתון, ידותוןa musical instrument ?? Ps 62:1, 77:1
יונת אלם רחקיםa musical instrument Ps 56:1 ??
כנורharp (when a suffix is appended, the spelling is כנר+suffix)
כסהa musical instrument Ps 81:4 αλ
מחלתa musical instrument ?? Ps 53:1, 88:1
מןstringed instrument ?? Ps 150:4
מנענעיםrattle ?? a type of noisemaker used in rejoicing 2S 6:5 αλ
נגינתmusic Ps 54:1, 55:1, 61:1
song of derision, making fun of Jb 30:9, Lm 3:14
נחילותa type of musical instrument ?? Ps 5:1 αλ
עוגבan instrument with a soft, seductive sound, not a loud, public sound Gn 4:21, Jb 21:12
עלמותa musical instrument Ps 9:1, 46:1, 1C 15:20
עצי ברושׁיםwooden ?? a type of noisemaker used in rejoicing 2S 6:5 αλ
עשׂורa type of musical instrument, apparently a ten stringed harp, psaltery, with ten
strings Ps 33:2, 92:4, 144:9
צלצליםcymbals or was this a type of rattle ?? 2S 6:5, of which there were two types,
צלצלי שׁמעand צלצלי תרועהPs 150:5
שׁפר, שׁופרram’s horn, shofar Js 6:4–6, 2S 18:16
שׁושׁנה, שׁושׁןflower with a bell shaped blossom
a type of wind instrument so shaped Ps
60:1, 69:1
שׁמיניתan eight stringed instrument ?? Ps 6:1, 12:1, 1C 15:21
תשׁחתa type of musical instrument Ps 57:1, 58:1, 59:1, 75:1
The following are instruments in Aramaic
דחןmillet Ez 4:9 αλ
חטהwheat Ex 9:32, Dt 8:8, 32:14, Is 28:25, Jl 1:11, Ps 81:16, Jb 31:40
כמןcumin Is 28:25, 27
לסמתspelt, emmer Ex 9:32, Is 28:25, Ez 4:9
מניתa portion, portioned out Ez 27:17 αλ
עדשׁיםlentil Gn 25:34, 2S 17:28, 23:11, Ez 4:9
פולbroad bean 2S 17:28, Ez 4:9
פנגa type of food Ez 27:17 αλ
קצחblack cumin Is 28:25, 27
שׂורהmillet ?? Is 28:25 αλ
שׂערהbarley, the heads of which are quite “hairy”
עצה, עץtree
אזובhyssop Ex 12:22, Nu 19:6, 18, 1K 5:13 (4:33), Ps 51:9 (7)
אילa type of large tree
( אלמגיםin 1K 10:11–12), ( אלגומיםin 2Ch 2:7, 9:10–11) sandal-wood, ebony ?? a tree
found in Lebanon and Ophir σ עץ
אלהterebinth, a species of tree
אמירcrown (of a tree) Is 17:6, 9
ארזcedar, a type of tree and wood
ארזהpaneling made of cedar wood ?? Zp 2:14 αλ
ארןlaurel Is 44:19 αλ
אשׁישׁvine branch ?? clinging to a wall Is 16:7, bearing grapes Hs 3:1
אשׁלtamarisk tree
ברושׁpine 2S 6:5, Is 60:13, 2C 3:5
גזעstock, the trunk or woody stem of a living tree or shrub Is 11:1, 40:24, Jb 14:8
דליתbough, branch of a tree
הדסmyrtle (tree)
זלזלvine branch ?? Is 18:5 αλ
חטרwoody sprout from trees Is 11:1, Pr 14:3 σ דשׁא
( יונקlit.) one who sucks, used of a baby not yet weaned Dt 32:25, Is 11:8, Jr 44:7, So 8:1,
Lm 2:11, 4:4, used of a sucker, growth from the roots of trees, almost always not wanted
Is 53:2 ← ינק
יונקותroot tendrils that take up water and nutrients Ps 80:12 αλ ← ינק
יניקותshoot Ez 17:4 αλ ← ינק
כפהfrond, branch of a palm tree ?? Dt 25:12, Is 9:13 (14), 19:15
כרתותcut off 1S 5:4
carved out 1K 7:2 ← כרת
לבנהfull moon Is 24:23, 30:26, brick Gn 11:3, Ez 4:1, storax tree ?? Hs 4:3, frankincense
Lv 2:1, 15, 5:11, place name Nu 33:20–1, Js 10:29, 31–2, Is 37:8 ← לבן
לוזsome sort of tree Gn 30:37 αλ σ עץ
ךוחflat board of wood or stone, plank σ קרשׁ
מצבת, מצבהmonument (pillar), trunk of tree ← נצב
נבלתdried up palm frond (as a palm tree grows, the old fronds die, dry up and fall off) Is
34:4 ← נבל
נצרguard—a person guarding, shoot (in horticulture, sometimes carefully guarded to grow
into a tree or large plant) Is 11:1, 14:19, 60:21, Dn 11:7 ← נצרσ דשׁא
סעפת, סעיףbranch (of a rock Ju 15:8, 11, of a tree Ez 31:6, 8) σ דלית
סרעפתtwig Ez 31:5 αλ
עבת, עבותintertwined branches
ענףleafy branch
עפאfoliage Ps 104:12 αλ
ערבwillow tree Lv 23:40, Is 15:7, 44:4, Ps 139:2, Jb 40:22 σ עץ
ערמן, ערמוןplane tree Gn 30:37, Ez 31:8 σ עץ
פארהfoliage, festooning
צאלa type of shade tree ?? Jb 40:21, 22
צמרתspray, a stem or small branch of a tree or plant, bearing flowers and foliage
רתםbroom tree retama roetam a small desert plant known for its burning properties, used
for cooking and heating 1K 19:4–5, Ps 120:4, Jb 30:4
שׁובךlimb, large branch 2S 18:9 αλ
( שׁטהplural )שׁטיםacacia, a tree known also for its thorns and its wood for its hardness
and resistance to rot ?? this is a type of tree able to produce beams at least six feet long
by over two feet wide ← שׁוט
olive tree (⇐ trees that produce oil)
שׁקדalmond Jn 43:1, Nu 17:23, Jr 1:11
שׁקמים, שׁקמהsycamore tree, a tree known for its fruits, which needed to be pierced to
ripen, and wood, used to be quite common in Israel 1K 10:27, Is 9:9, Am 7:14, Ps 78:47,
1C 27:28, 2C 1:15, 9:27
שׁתלto plant (tree) Ez 17:22–3
תאנהfig tree (compare its leaves to the following) ?? banana tree (which has big, long
and wide leaves, but needs warm and moist conditions to grow well) ?? Gn 3:7, Pr
27:18, So 2:13, Jl 2:22
תאשׁורcypress tree Is 41:19, 60:13, Ex 27:6
תדהרash tree ?? Is 41:19, 60:13
תמרdate palm
column to hold up a roof (also ornaments in the shape of palm trees)
תפוחapple(tree) Jl 1:12, Pr 25:11, So 2:3, 5, 7:9, 8:5
תרזהa type of tree ?? Is 44:14 αλ
אבהpapyrus reed, many ancient Egyptian ships were made of papyrus reeds, they were
light and quick Jb 9:26 αλ
אגמוןrush, marsh reed Is 9:14, 19:15, Jb 40:26 (41:2)
אורהmallow, a family of plants including okra, cotton, hollyhock 2K 4:39, 2C 32:28
אחוrush, any of various monocotyledonous often tufted marsh plants (as of the genera
Juncus and Luzula of the family Juncaceae, the rush family) with cylindrical often
hollow stems which are used in bottoming chairs and plaiting mats Gn 41:2, 18, Jb 8:11
בכאbaka shrub, balsam tree ?? apparently a plant well taller than a man 2S 5:23, Ps 84:7
גמאpapyrus reed Is 18:2, 35:7, Jb 8:11, used to make light, quick vessels Is 18:2
המסיםbrushwood Is 64:1 αλ
חדקnightshade, a type of poisonous plant Mc 7:4, Pr 15:19
חוחthorny plant with long, sharp thorns 2K 14:9, Is 34:14, Jb 31:40
spine, a long, sharp
thorn Pr 26:9, Jb 40:24, So 2:2
נעצוץthorn-bush Is 7:19, 55:13
סוףwater plants
reed, seaweed Ex 2:3, 5, Js 19:6, Jn 2:6, 2C 20:16
( סירpl )סיריםbramble, a thorny plant that grows in the forest whose seed pods have
hooked shaped thorns that catch in animal fur Is 34:13, Hs 2:8, Nh 1:10, which can
burn hotly in a fire to cook Ko 7:6
fisherman’s hook Am 4:2
סנהa desert bush, apparently of an annual type that would grow in a desert with seasonal
rains that allow for quick growth with the rest of the year dry. That one should be
burning would already attract attention because such bushes burn with a hot, flaring
flame that would quickly spread into a range fire if there are enough dried bushes and
grasses to keep the flames going. Otherwise the bush burns up in less than a minute,
leaving a few light ashes. Ex 3:2–4, Dt 33:16
סרפדstinging nettle κονυζα Is 55:13 αλ
( קנהplural )קניםstalk of a grain plant Gn 41:5, 22, cane, like bamboo, used of the arms of
the menorah Ex 25:32–3, 35, as a measurement Ez 42:16–9
שׂיחshrub Gn 2:5, 21:15, Jb 30:4, 7
שׁמירthorn, long pointed one such as gotten from desert trees σ אטדbuckthorn Jd 9:14–5,
Ps 58:10 (9), ברקניםcactus ?? Jd 8:7, 16, דרדרbriar, bramble, חוחthorny plant with
long, sharp thorns 2K 14:9, Is 34:14, Jb 31:40
spine, a long, sharp thorn Pr 26:9, Jb
40:24, So 2:2, חרל, חרולchickweed ?? Zp 2:9, Pr 24:31, Jb 30:7, נעצוץthorn-bush Is
7:19, 55:13, ( סירpl )סיריםbramble, a thorny plant that grows in the forest whose seed
pods have hooked shaped thorns that catch in animal fur Is 34:13, Hs 2:8, Nh 1:10,
which can burn hotly in a fire to cook Ko 7:6
fisherman’s hook Am 4:2, סלוןis this
some sort of poisonous thorn plant that cause infections, or some sort of bug that has
an infectious bite ?? used in parallel with עקרבand קוץEz 2:6, 28:24, סרביםto be
refractory, a stubborn resistance or a balking at control, direction ?? Ez 2:6 αλ, used in
parallel with סלוןand עקרבso could this refer to a type of thorn ??, סרפדstinging
nettle κονυζααλ , קוץthorn-bush Gn 3:18, Jd 8:7, 16, Ez 28:24, Hs 10:8, קמושׂthistle Is
34:13, Hs 9:6, קמשׂניםa type of weed ?? Pr 24:31 αλ, שׁיתweed(s), e.g. thistle Is 5:6,
7:23–5, 9:17, 10:17, 27:4
( אצעדהarm) bracelet Nu 31:50, 2S 1:10
בתי הנפשׁa type of adornment, locket Is 3:20 ??
חחclasp that has a part that goes behind or through cloth, bone, etc. to hold securely
fetters Ez 19:4, 9
something to hang onto a jaw 2K 19:28, Is 17:29, Ez 38:4
Ex 35:22
טבעתseal ring (which leaves a symbol after being made to sink into a seal)
כומזbracelet ?? Ex 35:22, Nu 31:50
לחשׁwhispering, hiss, spell
an object connected with spells, an amulet Is 3:20
נזםear-, nose ring
נטפות, נטיפותdrop shaped pendents Jd 8:26, Is 3:19
( עגילcircle shaped) earring Nu 31:50, Ez 16:12
עטרהgoing around
crown Ez 21:31, Jb 31:36
עכסankle chain, a type of ornament ?? Is 3 :18 or leg fetters ?? Pr 7:22
פארה, פארfoliage, festoon
צמידbinding, something tied on, most often used for a bracelet (with precious stones,
metal ??) Gn 24:22, 47, Nu 31:50, Ez 23:42, also a binding (of string) to hold on a
cover over a pot Nu 19:15
קשׁרconspiracy, joining (in marriage), tied on jewelry
רביד, רבדneckband or stole, made of cloth or gold Gn 41:42, Ez 16:11
רעלהlong, loose fitting garment, in a day when everything was hand made, was a sign of
wealth and luxury Is 3:19 αλ
שׁביסheadband Is 3:18 αλ
שׂהרניםlittle moons (ornaments) Jd 8:21, 26, Is 3:18
שׁירותdecorative chains ?? Is 3:19 αλ ← שׁרר
בנהto build (up, upon), not only used referring to construct a physical structure, but also
of a person Gn 2:22 or a family Gn 16:2 → בנהbuilder
אלם, אולםgallery, can either be outside, supported by pillars and open 1K 6:3 or refer to a
large hall supported by pillars that is like a gallery 1K 7:6–7
אילportal, a decorated doorway extending out of the wall
אליהמהarchitectural element found in the temple Ez 40:16 αλ
ארמוןfortification, when part of the king’s dwelling, the equivalent of a medieval dungeon
of a castle 1K 16:18, 2K 15:25, Is 25:2, 32:14, Jr 30:18, Pr 18:19 σ בית
ארמנתcollection, system or number of fortifications Is 34:13, Hs 8:14, Am 1:7, 6:8
אשׁנבlatticed window, where one can look out without easily being seen Jd 5:28, Pr 7:6 σ
אתיק, אתוקarch, decorative frieze ?? Ez 41:15, 16, 42:3, 5
a family which in traditional societies often has many generations living in
the same house hence ביתrefers to all those living together as a unit (family +
servants/slaves) Gn 35:2 also those connected by ancestry Jr 21:12, housing (such as a
box housing an object); adjective to refer to being inside
מביתinside Gn 6:14, Ex
25:11, 26:33, Ez 7:15, מביתהinterior, inside 1K 6:15 αλ
בנין, בניהbuilding
בריחbar that passes through a hole to act as a lock, carrying bar
גגroof, top
גדרa low wall or fence, not for defense in war rather security from casual dangers such as
wildlife, to surround a field, vineyard or fold
sheep fold
גזרהcut off land
room divider
cylinder 1K 7:41–2, Ko 12:6, Zc 4:2–3, 1C 4:12–3 ← גלל
גנזךtreasury (a feature of the temple 1C 28:11 αλ)
חדרroom, inner chamber
(most commonly) fortified wall (of a city) Dt 3:5, 2S 20:15, Ne 1:3, 2C 36:19
טורrow, of stones Ex 28:17–20, 39:10–3, of pillars 1K 7:2–4. of ornamentation 1K 7:24, 42,
2C 4:3, 13
טפחותspreading out Ps 29:6 (5), ceiling molding ?? 1K 7:9 ← טפח
יאתוןplace of arrival, entrance Ez 40:15 ?? αλ
גתרתcapital (crown of pillar) 1K 7:16–20, 31, 41–2, 2K 25:17, Jr 52:22
לשׁכהchamber, a small room λεσχη
מסד, מוסדה, מוסדfoundation
מזוזהdoorpost Ex 12:1, 22–3, 1S 1:9, 1K 6:33, Pr 8:34
מזי, מזויgranary ?? De 32:24, Ps 144:13
מנחan architectural feature ?? Ez 41:9, 11
מפתןstage, an area of a building that has a raised floor 1S 5:4–5, Ez 9:3, 10:4, 18, 46:2,
47:1 Zp 1:9
משׁקוףlintel (of a doorway) that looks down on the door Ex 12:7, 22–3 ← שׁקף
סףthreshold, doorframe (this is more than just a threshold), apparently referring also to a
depressed area that channels water away from entering a house with a dirt floor
עזרהspecialized courtyard within the temple, apparently where auxiliary activities were
carried out Ez 43:14, 17, 20 45;19, 2C 4:9, 6:13
פתחopening, hole, though often to a particular type of opening, namely a doorway
צלעside (of a building, mountain, etc., possibly two leaves to a door 1K 6:34)
צלעהthose who are limping and/or stumbling, a group of people Mc 4:6–7, Zp 3:19 ←
צלעותsiding, flooring (i.e. framework covered with planks) 1K 6:5, 15–6, 7:3, Ez 41:6–9,
26 ← צלע
קירwall, as in a house or city
קרקעfloor (horizontally flat area of a building), ceiling Nu 5:17, 1K 6:15–6, 30, 7:7,
bottom (floor) Am 9:3
קרשׁboard, a large, heavy beam
מרצפתpavement (flat like an oven) 2K 16:17 αλ ← רצף
רחיטrafter, plank of wood to hold up the roof So 1:17 αλ
שׂבכהlattice (largely ornamental) 1K 7:17–18, Jr 52:22–23, used over a window 2K 1:2,
likened to a net Jb 18:8
שׂחיףcladding of (wood) ?? Ez 41:16 αλ
שׁפתיםplaces of setting up, pack saddles ??
שׁקףwindow for looking out 1K 7:4 αλ, חלוני שׁקפים אטמיםdoes this refer to glass
windows that cannot be opened ?? 1K 6:4 (in ancient times glass windows were an
expensive luxury)
תאhall, large room as in a castle or temple 1K 14:28, Ez 40:7, 2C 12:11
תבןstraw, used in making adobe bricks, also to feed animals ← בנה
תבניתmodel, used to plan a construction Ex 25:9, 40, Dt 4:16–8, 1C 28:11–2, 18–9 ← בנה
תכנית, תכןmeasure
תמרdate palm
column to hold up a roof (also ornaments in the shape of palm trees)
אביבgreen ears of grain Ex 9:31, Lv 2:14, also the first month of the year in which is
found Passover Ex 13:4, 23:15, 34:18, Dt 16:1
זוSecond month 1K 6:1, 37
אתניםseventh month in which is found Yom Kippur 1K 8:2 αλ
בולEighth month 1K 6:38
יוםday, measured from sunset to sunset, sometimes used figuratively to refer to time, but
when connected with a number, meaning day, like our 24 hour day, היוםeither “the
day” or “today”, מיום ליום, יום ביום, יום ליום, יום יוםeach day, מימיםlit. “from days”
used to refer to an indeterminate length of time usually following an action Js 23:1, Jd
11:4, Ez 38:8, also used in the phrase “ מימים ימימהfrom days to days” or in English
“from time to time” Ex 13:10, Jd 11:40, 21:19, 1S 1:3, 2:19, “ עצם היוםthe very day” Gn
7:13. Ex 12:17, Ez 2:3
לילהnight ( לילIs 15:1 (DSS )לילהPr 31:18, Lm 2:18 (Q ))לילה, הלילהtonight, the
עלטהtwilight, after sunset but still light enough to see Gn 15:17, Ez 12:6, 12
ֿ שׁחרdawn just as it starts to get light before the sun rises ← שׁחר
ערבevening, the exchange of day for night, beginning of the next day
אובלqanat ?? an artificial spring made by tunneling horizontally into an alluvial fan Dn
8:2 αλ
אפיקsomeone who or something that causes restraint Jb 12:21, 41:7 (15)
earthworks to
control water, as in dams, channels or dikes Is 8:7, Jb 6:15, Ps 18:16 (15), 42:1 (2), So
5:12 often built up Ez 6:3, 34:13, 35:8, 36:4
(dammed) pond, holding tank Jl 1:20, Ps
42:2, 126:4
ארבהsluicegate of an irrigation ditch, which usually has constant standing water around it
because of water turbulence at gate causing washing out
ברכהpool, often artificial made by bringing water to a hollowed out spot
מיכלditch ?? 2S 17:20 αλ
צנורwatercourse, place where water flows 2S 5:8, Ps 42:8 (7)
תעלהditch, a place to channel or constrain the flow of water 1K 18:32, 35, 38, 2K 18:17, Is
7:3, 36:2
כלי יוצרtools
אתplow 1S 13:20–1, Is 2:4, Jl 4:10, Mc 4:3
( גרזןpick)ax, used to chop wood or stone Dt 19:5, 20:19, 1K 6:7, Is 10:15
דרבןgoad 1S 13:21,Ko 12:11
הלמותmallet, hammer for pounding tent stakes Jd 5:26 αλ
יעיםshovels Ex 38:3, Nu 4:14, 1K 7:40, 45, 2K 25:14, Jr 52:18, 2C 4:11, 16
חרטa sharp metal tool used for engraving on metal Ex 32:4, Is 8:1
engraved metal
box ?? 2K 5:23
כילפתmauls, tools with heavy heads and handles ?? Ps 74:6 αλ
כישׁורwhorl, used in spinning Pr 31:19 αλ
כשׁילa workman’s tool ?? Ps 74:6 αλ
מגלsome sort of harvest tool, that removes Jr 50:16, Jl 4:13 (3:13)
מזרהone who spreads out Jr 31:9, Pr 1:17, 21:8, 26
winnowing shovel, lightly made of
wood used to spread grain out onto a threshing floor in order for threshing Is 30:24, Jr
מחוגהlathe ?? Is 44:13 αλ
מחרשׁתtool made by an artisan, blacksmith 1S 13:20–1
מלבןform to make bricks, brick kiln ?? Jr 43:9, Nh 3:14
מלמדtrainer (making learn) Is 48:17, Ps 119:99, Pr 5:13
cattle goad Jd 3:31
מעצדworkroom (where tools and work are laid out) ?? Is 44:12, Jr 10:3
מקבתapparently a combination tool with a hammer at one side, and a pick at the other,
can be used as a chisel Jd 4:21, Is 51:1
מקצעהgouge Is 44:13 αλ ← euq
משׂורsaw ?? Is 10:15 αλ
נבלbag (made of skin), used for holding workers’ tools Lm 4:2 as well as wine 1S 1:24;
10:3; 25:18, Jr 13:12
bagpipe 1S 10:5, Ps 92:4, 2C 29:25
windbag i.e. bellows used
in a forge Is 30:14 also in referring to a fool as a windbag Dt 32:6, 21, Ps 14:1, Pr 17:21,
wind blown cloud Jb 38:37
עטa sharp metal, usually steel, tool used to engrave in stone Jr 8:8, 17:1, Ps 45:2 (1), Jb
פטישׁmattock ?? Is 41:7, Jr 23:29, 50:23
צפירהgoad ?? something that causes one to spring into action Is 28:5, Ez 7:7
קלשׁוןpitch fork, שׁלשׁ קלשׁוןtrident 1S 13:21
קרדםhatchet Jd 9:48, 1S 13:20–1, Jr 46:22, Ps 74:5
רחתpitchfork, a light one used for straw Is 30:24 αλ
שׁטטspur ?? Js 23:13 αλ
שׂרדa marking awl used by cabinet makers Is 44:13 αλ
כלי מלחמה
חניתa short, heavy thrusting spear
חץshaft 1S 17:7
חרבsharp cutting tool, sword ← חרב
קובע, כובעhelmet 1S 17:5, 38, Is 59:17, Ez 23:24, 27:10, 38:5
כידן, כידוןjavelin, light throwing spear Js 8:18, 26, Jr 6:23, 50:42
מגןshield 2S 1:21, 22:3, 36
place of protection Ps 7:11 (10)
one who protects Jd 5:8,
2S 22:31 ← גנן
מצחתgreaves (armor) 1S 17:6 αλ
סריןbody armor Jr 46:4, 51:3
צנהshield, a tall one that covers the whole body or much of it 1S 17:7,41, 1K 10:16, 2C
קלעsling, where one suspends a stone prior to slinging (throwing) it 1S 17:40, 50, 25:29,
Zc 9:15, Jb 41:20, 2C 26:14
slinger, one who fights with stones flung from a sling 2K
3:25 αλ ← קלע
קשׁתbow, as in bow and arrows, bowman
רמחa type of weapon, possibly a short, thrusting spear Lv 25:7, equivalent to a sword 1K
18:28 held in one hand with a shield in the other 2C 26:14, can be carried along with
bow, mail, shield, Ne 4:4, 10 σ חנית
שׁריוןs. 1S 17:5, 38, שׁריןmail, a type of armor (made of chain ??) 2K 22:34, Is 59:17, Ne
4:10 (16), 2C 18:33, 26:14 ← שׁרר
אהלים, אהלותaloe Ps 45:9 (8), Pr 7:17, So 4:14
זןa type of spice ?? Ps 144:13, 2C 16:14
כרכםsaffron So 4:14 αλ
( קנהplural )קניםstalk of a grain plant Gn 41:5, 22, cane, like bamboo, used of the arms of
the menorah Ex 25:32–3, 35, as a measurement Ez 42:16–9
מור, מרmyrrh (⇐ collected as it drips down the side of the tree)
מרקחתmixed spices Ex 30:25, 1C 9:30, 2C 16:14
נרדnard, was this in ancient times a fragrant plant grown in gardens cf. So 1:12, 4:13–14
קדהcassia (buds) used as a spice Ex 30:24, Ez 27:19
קנמן, קנמוןcinnamon
קציעותcassia Ps 45:9 αλ ← קצע
ראשׁ מר דרורa type of spice Ex 30:23 αλ
רקחmixed spices
Steps of steel production mentioned in the Bible:
1 Chronicles 20:3:
After mining the ore, the first step is usually the breaking down of the ore into smaller
Second step is to divide out the pieces of iron compounds from the non-iron bearing
After smelting, the result was a bloom that needed to be broken up to smaller pieces so
that it could be forged.
These three steps require a lot of heavy, repetitive labor.
Isaiah 30:14 gives an indication of forging the iron into steel, as it mentions a bellows,
banked fire and water from a salt marsh, which is the best water for tempering iron
into steel.
Consists of 22 letters, all consonants. While the forms (also called fonts) have changed
over the centuries, the number has remained constant.
Pronunciation: Today we don’t know for certain what was the pronunciation of the
alphabet during Biblical times. The closest we have is from a thousand years after
Biblical Hebrew ceased to be spoken in the daily lives of the Jewish people. There are
indications that the pronunciation of Hebrew changed greatly over that thousand
While Biblical pronunciation is unknown, what is known is that the pronunciation
indicated by the Masoretic points is that of the pronunciation tradition that existed at
that time and place. But that pronunciation was not the pronunciation from Biblical
times. There is some indication that the original pronunciation was that of a syllabary,
with each consonant followed by a vowel. Meter in poetry seems to indicate the
reading of a syllabary. Along with that is that there were no matres lectionis in
Biblical Hebrew. The letters that later came to be used as matres lectionis were fully
consonantal during pre-exile Biblical Hebrew. But as there is no known authoritative
record of Biblical pronunciation, this remains just a conjecture.
By history and tradition, the verb is considered to be the foundation of Biblical Hebrew
language. It was considered that all nouns had verbal roots, which included the practice
that if a verbal root was not known from being used in Bible, one would be made up for
purposes of making a dictionary (I don’t follow this practice: though I recognize where
nouns are derived from known verbs, I don’t invent verbal roots for nouns where none is
present in Bible). Another reason for considering verbs the root of the language is that the
beliefs taught by the Bible centered around history, a history of God’s actions over time.
According to tradition, all verbs have three letter roots, with the three letters being the
same as the Qatal Qal third person masculine singular. The verbs are so listed in
dictionaries. However, that is not quite accurate—there are a good number of verbs
that in reality have two letter roots, and a few that have four letter roots. (In this
dictionary, I followed tradition of listing verbs as three letter roots, though that was
not possible with those four letter verbs. Yet recognizing that many verbs have two
letters will explain why they are found as two letter verbs in the text of the Bible.)
Those that appear to have two letter roots are usually listed in dictionaries as having
a medial waw, yod, a final heh or doubling the second letter (geminate). Yet it is true
that a majority of Biblical Hebrew verbs have three letter roots.
Verbs have two main conjugations—Qatal and Yiqtol. From Mishnaic times the Qatal
was used for past tense, while the Yiqtol for future (Waltke & O’Conner pp. 453+).
However, Biblical use was far different, unlike any Indo-European language
conjugation. In Biblical Hebrew, especially prior to the Babylonian Exile, verbal
conjugations didn’t refer to time at all, neither tense nor aspect.
Qatal: refers to a primary action, usually in the indicative mood. It can refer to events
in the past (Genesis 1:1, 2, Daniel 10:7–8), present (Genesis 4:9, Exodus 5:2, Isaiah
37:28, 2 Kings 2:3, 5) and future (Genesis 28:15, Isaiah 9:5, Daniel 9:24) hence it is
not a marker for tense. Qatal is also used to indicate a change, that a new idea is
being introduced. This can also be a contrast to what went on before.
There are claimed exceptions to this pattern, but as of yet I have not seen enough to
indicate a pattern. I can guess, but I’d prefer to work with data. If any of my
readers can send me data, that would be appreciated.
Some claim that the Weqatal, Qatal with a Waw (prefix), is a different conjugation,
but verses such as Judges 6:3 contradict that claim.
When following a Yiqtol verb used in the subjunctive mood and with a prefixed
waw, it carries the force of “Should (action A in Yiqtol) be done, then (action B in
Qatal) will surely follow.” In these uses, it refers either to the conclusion towards
which the primary action leads, or the reason for what the primary action
describes (e.g. 1 Kings 8, Solomon’s prayer) which seem to have the force of “…
then [pronoun] will … <action>” This is also the pattern in Proverbs 31:21 “Her
house should not fear from snow, for all of her house is dressed in linen.” where
the Qatal indicates the reason for not fearing.
Yiqtol: in the indicative mood refers to a secondary action, often as a followup or
completion to the primary action, e.g. Exodus 6:5 and repeatedly in Proverbs 31:11–
Yiqtol can be used to refer to events that happened in the past Nehemiah 9:27–8,
present and future.
The Yiqtol form is also reused to express other meanings as in indicating that ideas
other than indicative mood is being used:
Indicating subjunctive (second phrase Exodus 5:2, Proverbs 31:10 as well as many
other verses) where the translation into English would use “should” or “would”
Often used in the place of an imperative, always in negative commands where a
Yiqtol verb is preceded by a negative particle לאor אל
Indicating intention (last phrase Ex 5:2)
Indicating “tending towards”, “results in” referring to the conclusion of what
happens in the present, found in many of the Proverbs, e.g. 13:6, 9, 11, the results
of that preceding (last verb Pr 19:9, 21:16). In this use, it can often be translated
as a future in English.
Indicating expectation, that certain things are expected to be done 1S 11:9, Pr 28:5.
(includes Wayyiqtol 2K 1:10, 12)
Indicating possibility, that certain things can be done Proverbs 30:28, that they may
Exodus 5:1, “can be” Isaiah 1:18
Indicating permission, related to possibility, that an action is permitted to be done,
Gn 2:16
When a first person Yiqtol has a ה- appended to it, it has the force of “let me (us)
…” do the verb’s action. It is often but not always followed by “ נאplease”.
However, the appended ה- can be displaced by pronominal suffixes, in which cases
the following נאis needed to show the “Let me…” meaning.
Sometimes when followed by נאit has the force of “Please let …” the action to be
done Gn 44:18. But only sometimes, because other times the same construction
means “Please do [the action]” Gn 24:2 so use context to indicate which use is to
be employed.
Sometimes is very close to the idea of a future tense, in that the future has not yet
come, and apart from God’s prophecies, the future is not certain to come. In these
cases, the Yiqtol indicates intention or expectation. However, as secondary action,
it is used also for present and past actions, therefore it is not a marker for tense.
(It is understandable why later grammarians would use this form for future tense
when Hebrew was changed to a tense based language, given this use.)
A very common form of the Yiqtol has a prefixed Waw, most often found in
narrative of past events. As a result, many claim that this form references past
events. That is not always so. This use is as mentioned above, in indicative mood
refers to a secondary action, often as a followup to the primary action.
There’s the claim that Qatal represents realis while Yiqtol irrealis. While largely true,
the use of the Yiqtol to indicate the secondary indicative contradicts this pattern. The
secondary indicative may be the most common use of the Yiqtol.
Four times a plural Yiqtol has the form ending with — נניHosea 5:15, Ps 50:23, Pr 1:28,
Participle: in Biblical Hebrew actually is a noun or an adjective, not a true verbal form.
The participle is inflected the same way as a noun, because it is a noun. It is often
used as a noun in Hebrew in contexts where in English a verb would be used, hence
in those cases the noun is translated as a verb. When it can be translated as a verb in
English speech, it can be translated using the present (Genesis 37:16, Deuteronomy
30:16) (this is the way it is used in modern Israeli Hebrew), in the future (Genesis
17:19, 19:13, Deuteronomy 3:21, 4:14, 30:18, 2 Kings 22:16, Isaiah 5:5, Jeremiah
38:22–3, 2 Chronicles 18:24) and in the past (Jeremiah 38:26, Zechariah 2:2 (1:19),
2:7 (3), 4:1, 4–5, Nehemiah 6:17, 12:38, 2 Chronicles 32:11).
Participle can have the force “as [you] are [doing]. 1 Kings 20:36, Daniel 9:20 In
other words, while doing an action, another event happens. In this use, it’s actually
a gerund rather than a true verb.
Related to the above, has the force “when [someone] did [something]” then
something else happened, Genesis 27:34
Participles can answer purpose, why someone is there? What is his purpose for being
there? An example is Genesis 37:16 where his purpose for being in that location
was to look for his brothers.
Participles can indicate ability, as in 2 Kings 2:19 “…as you can see…”, literally “as
you are seeing” and 2 Kings 18:26 “…we can listen (to Aramaic)…”, verse 29 “…
Hezekiah is not able…”.
Participles can also be used as adjectives showing the action what the nouns they
modify are doing.
A participle in the Piel binyan often has the force of a place where an action takes
place, e.g. Isaiah 30:14 מכתתthe place where repeated hammering takes place,
namely a metal smithy (in this case a blacksmith’s), a place where one is
confident Proverbs 14:26 and a mortar where one grinds grain Proverbs 27:22.
Other times it refers to the actor who is identified by his repeated actions, such as
“thief” Jeremiah 23:30.
It appears that participles that have a medial ו, for example שׁומר, refer to actions as
gerunds, while those lacking a medial ו, for example שׁמר, refer to the actors who
do the actions. If this is true, that puts gerunds in many places where English
would put an actor noun, making for awkward and difficult translations into
Where participles are use to designate a person or thing that is acting, they are
found mainly in two forms: 1) as Qal participles and 2) a form that could be a
Piel, Pual or Hophal participle. In English, the one identified by the action, e.g.
“He is the one who is lying” uses the Qal participle. The second identifies the
person, e.g. “He is a liar” can be Piel, Pual, Hiphil or Hophal participle, depending
on its form and context. Examples of the different uses identifies the person
speaking in Genesis 16:13, 11 times in Zechariah, and other examples as well
where the person is identified as the one speaking ( )הדברis a Qal participle. The
speaker as such ( )המדברis identified in Genesis 45:12, Exodus 6:27, 2 Samuel
14:10, Isaiah 52:6, Daniel 8:13, etc. by Piel, Pual or Hophal participle, though in
each of these examples it appears that a Piel participle is meant.
A note on the use of verbs to indicate present action in conversations where in English
we translate the verb using the present tense:
In Biblical Hebrew from the oral conversations recorded before the Babylonian exile,
the majority of verses that indicate an action that was going on at the time that
the speaker spoke about them, the sentence structure has a subject followed by a
verb in Qatal. However a large number of such verses have a subject with the
action described using a participle. It appears that when the main focus is on the
actor, the subject of the sentence, the verb in the sentence is in Qatal. However, it
appears that when the main focus is not on the actor, rather the action is the
subject of the sentence, then a participle is used. In these cases, the English
“translation” uses a verb in the present tense. It must be remembered that
translation doesn’t equal how an idea is structured in the original language—that
though a participle may be best translated as a verb in English, does not mean that
the participle is a verb in Hebrew.
Because the participle, as well as the Qatal and Yiqtol verbs, can be used for past
actions, present actions as well as future actions, that makes the participle not a
tense marker for Biblical Hebrew conversation.
After the Babylonian Exile, at a time when there are indicators that Hebrew was no
longer a natively spoken language rather was spoken in the same manner as postRoman Latin, the situation is turned around—the majority of present actions
denoted in conversation are found using participles.
In post-Biblical works, outside the realm of this dictionary and grammar, it is
reported that post-Biblical Hebrew had been changed to a tense based conjugation,
with the Qatal indicating past tense, participle present tense, and Yiqtol used for
future tense. But that was not the case for Biblical Hebrew.
Infinitive: (I have questions yet unanswered about infinitives.) There are two types
recognized by grammarians: Infinitive Construct and Infinitive Absolute. The infinitive
that is preceded with a Lamed prefix acts almost exactly like the English infinitive.
Those that do not have a Lamed prefix often are not recognizable apart from the
Masoretic points, nor have I found a functional marker to indicate such infinitives,
rather they function the same as other verbal or noun forms. As a result, I question if
such infinitives actually exist in Biblical Hebrew.
Imperative: sometimes has a ה- appended to it, in such cases it has more of a request to
its meaning than a command Ps 82:8. What exactly the meaning the imperative gives
to a sentence is somewhat disputed, as both Yiqtol and Qatal forms are also used to
give commands. Negative commands always use the Yiqtol form instead of a form
recognized as an imperative form.
The verbs can be further conjugated in the following forms, called “binyanim”
Qal: Simple active. It has no indication of tense nor aspect.
Niphal: Passive of the Qal.
Piel: Stative, is this imperfective? When written without points, its forms are
indistinguishable from Qal forms except as a participle. Its presence is to be
inferred from its contexts. In the participle it seems to refer to actions that are
repeated or continuous, and/or places where such actions take place. It also seems
to be used in the sense “while action A is being done, action B occurs.” Thus it
seems that the Piel and Pual are specific pointers for the imperfective aspect.
Pual: Passive of the Piel. Without points its forms are the same as the Piel.
Hiphil: Causative, cause someone or something to do an action.
Hophal: Passive of the Hiphil, cause an action to be done. It is often pointed as a
hiphil by the Masoretes. The Hophal can be used as either a transitive or
intransitive verb:
Transitive: the standard form has a subject, the Hophal verb conjugated to the
gender and number of the subject, and an object. In this use, the verb is
active vis-à-vis the subject, for the subject is causing an action to be done. But
the action is passive as it relates to the object, the action is being applied to
the object, usually by an unnamed third party.
This use of the Hophal is not a true passive, for it carries both an active and
passive understanding. For matters of discussion, I call it “middle-passive”
because it has the passive conjugation, but also includes an active
understanding as well as the passive. Because in this use the Hophal also has
the active understanding, the Hophal can be used as a command “Cause the
action to be done!” where the action named in the verb is in passive, but the
unnamed causative, brought out only by the conjugation, is active.
An example of this middle-passive use where there’s a subject, passive verb,
and object is where Aaron the high priest officiates at a sacrifice and is
credited with bringing the sacrifice, but in reality the passive verb is used to
indicate that it was a third party, a Levite, did the dirty work so that Aaron’s
priestly robes wouldn’t get messed up by Aaron himself manhandling the
offering, e.g. Lv 6:7, 23:18.
This transitive “middle-passive” use of the Hophal is often pointed by the
Masoretes as Hiphil.
Intransitive: the standard form has a subject, with the verb conjugated according
to the gender and number of the subject. This use is as a standard passive but
with the causative force.
In summary, there are three uses of the Hophal:
to be caused (passive causation) to (active verb) (middle voice)
to cause (active causation) to be (passive verb) (middle voice)
to be caused (passive causation) to be (passive verb) (true passive voice)
Hitpael: The action is centered on the actor, usually a reflexive. Also used as a
mutual action within a group, e.g. looking at each other Genesis 42:1. Occasionally
it has an object, indicating that it is in those cases used as a transitive, not
reflexive, verb.
There is also a passive form that appears only as a participle, usually used as an
adjective. It has been called a Qal passive.
Because in the unpointed text the binyanim are often formally indistinguishable
from each other, that leads to the questions of what exactly did they stand for?
What are the contextual clues that the ancients would recognize to assign the
correct binyan to each use of a verb? For example, if a context indicates that a
particular use of a verb is imperfective, would then the Piel binyan have been
used? This is an area where I think a lot more research would be profitable. All
I’m certain of is that the Masoretic points cannot be trusted to give even the
correct binyan of verbs. The Masoretic points were invented centuries after the
grammar of the Hebrew language changed, after generations of rabbis having built
up traditions on how to read the text according to the changed grammar.
A special case is where letters of a verbal root are doubled—this is used to indicate
a continuous or repeated action.
Usually derived from a verb.
Many times the noun is actually a participle, denoting a person, animal or thing that
does a certain action, much like in English a “scientist” is called that because he
does science. Other times the participle denotes a noun as an action, a gerund. It
appears that the times that the participle is the gerund, it is written with a waw as
the second letter. Where the waw is absent, then it refers to the actor.
Other times apparently the nouns had different vowels than those denoting a
participle. They then are not participles but still refer back to the action indicated
by the root verb.
Not all nouns are derived from verbs. Some are known loan words from other
languages, others we don’t know, we just have no record of a verb from which those
nouns can be derived. (This is why in my dictionary I don’t list verbal roots for all
nouns, just those for which the roots exist and can be documented.)
Nouns are found as masculine and feminine, singular, dual and plural.
Nouns when found in plural usually refer to plural items. However, sometimes the
plural refers to the status of the person or item. E.g. זקןold man, זקניםstatus of being
an old man, better translated as old age Gn 37:3, 44:20
When two nouns are used together, one directly following the other, this is known as
the “construct case”, or often “construct” for short, where the first belongs to the
second. In English this would be translated as … of … e.g. Sons of Israel.
When the same noun is used twice, doubled, it has the force of “every” or “each”.
Examples include אישׁ אישׁLv 20:2, 9, 22:4 “every man”. However, not every case
where nouns are found doubled in the unpointed text are they to be taken as a pair
meaning “each” or “every”, an example being Proverbs 1:19 where the first בצעis a
participle denoting the actor of the first half of the parallelism, and the second noun
בצעbelongs to the second half of the parallelism referring to an object.
Derived from verbs the same way as nouns and formed the same ways as nouns, but
used to modify actions or actors.
Adjectives are conjugated the same as nouns, and agree with the nouns that they
modify in gender and number.
Adjectives follow the nouns that they modify.
Where adjectives stand alone, they refer to a person, object, place or action that has the
properties described by the adjective. It can be defined by the context, or general e.g.
“…that which is…”
Adverbs, as far as I can tell, don’t exist in Biblical Hebrew as a separate, recognizable
form. Most of the time where an adverb is needed, one finds a noun or adjective
being used adverbially.
There are some verbs, nouns and adjectives sometimes used with the final letter,
sometimes the final two letters, doubled. Apparently this is a sign that the action is
drawn out or repeated. In some cases with nouns, it can refer to the differences
between a short situation or state connected with emotions, and deep convictions.
Other forms to watch out for:
Waw prefix: it has far wider semantic meaning than any similar word in English.
Commonly used to indicate more, as in the English word “and”.
When followed by a Yiqtol verb in the indicative mood, indicates continuation of an
idea introduced by a previous verb. In this use, the Yiqtol verb can even follow the
waw prefix by a few words. The waw continuation is very common in narrative,
making the meaning very similar to “and then …”
Sometimes used in the English sense of “in order that …” In 1 Kings 1:33–35 there
is an imperative verb followed by some indicative mood verbs, therefore in Qatal,
showing that the command was given in order that the following actions take
place. Also Is 2:12.
In this “in order that” can also have a negative idea that such an action is not likely,
such as in 2 Kings 19:11, In Isaiah 53:2, followed by a subjunctive mood, “in order
that we should desire just him.”. In English this can be translated as a question,
though in Hebrew it is a statement.
Continuation: When the Biblical authors wanted to indicate that a new subject or
idea was being considered, had the “continuation” written with a qatal verb. In
this use, the idea often carried by the waw is more like “but” or “however” than
“and”. There seemed to be a fuzzy line between when a yiqtol and qatal verb
would be used in a following sentence or phrase, whether indicative or other
modality, thus sometimes it would be a judgment call which form to use.
Definite article: — Biblical Hebrew has no indefinite article, and the definite article
consists of a הprefixed onto a noun or sometimes an adjective. When the definite
article is prefixed onto a participle, indicates that the participle is used as a noun.
Interrogative: — can be recognized either from starting with a interrogative such as
למהor מי, or a ( הprefix) appended on the first word of the interrogative phrase.
Because the latter has the same form as the definite article, care must be taken to the
context whether we are dealing with a definite article (most commonly) or an
Accusative of direction: not always used, the form is a suffixed הadded to the noun of
the object towards which a person moves, movement that is usually physical though
sometimes spiritual.
The accusative of direction is also appended onto verbs to indicate the direction of
attention. It can be seen with the verb ראהin the Yiqtol form where the normal use
omits the final הexcept where attention is being directed to what is to be looked at
or examined. I don’t know if it is found on other verbs besides ראה.
Special cases:
Today, tonight, other nouns of time can refer to a specific time in the present,
designated with a prefixed הon the noun. Even though the form is the same as the
definite article, it is not the same in action. A noun so designated usually follows a
verb, though occasionally for emphasis of the time designated can precede its verb.
The optative mood is indicated with the word אםfollowed by the optative phrase.
However that’s not the only use of אםin Hebrew, it’s found also in the
combinations כי אםto mean “rather”, “however” or a similar understanding of
contrast, e.g. Genesis 15:4, 28:17, and עד אםto indicate until when an action is
completed. Other than using the word אםI find no use of conjugation to indicate
the optative mood, e.g. Genesis 24:8, 33.
Irregular forms:
The form הבהfrom יהבis found in only 12 verses, Genesis 11:3, 4, 7, 29:21, 30:1,
38:16, 47:15, Exodus 1:10, Judges 1:15, 1 Samuel 14:41, Psalm 60:11, 108:12. The
form יהבis found only once, Psalm 55:23, where there is disagreement whether it
is a noun or Yiqtol verb. So does יהבactually exist as a root? (It is found in
Aramaic, but that was a cognate language that was mutually unintelligible before
the Babylonian Exile.)
The verbs “ הלךto go” and “ לקחto take” are irregular in their conjugations and the
forms just need to be learned.
“With” is written as אותin Lv 17:5, Js 10:25, 14:12, 1K 20:25, 22:7, 24, 2K 1:15,
3:11–2, 3:26, 6:16, 19, 10:6 Is 59:21, Jr 1:16, 4:12, 5:5, 10:5, 16:8, 19:10, 20:11,
35:2, Ez 2:6, 3:22, 27, 6:9, 7:27, 10:22, 16:60, 22:14, 23:8, 23, 25, 29, 33:32, 37:26,
38:9, 43:11, 17 (just those I have found so far). Do these examples indicate that
the original pronunciation of אתwas “ote” rather than “et” as in modern Hebrew?
Every sentence has a verb and subject
Verb: Usually explicit, except in the case of “to be’ when it is sometimes omitted, as
strictly speaking, Biblical Hebrew did not have a verb “to be”.
The form of the verb does not indicate tense nor aspect, so in speech can be any
form. Tense and aspect are indicated by context.
Speech does not have different default forms than written Hebrew
The default for present action indicative speech appears to be subject (noun or
pronoun (pronoun sometimes explicit, sometimes only as a verbal suffix especially
in negative sentences)), followed by a qal qatal form, then the object if applicable.
Though as indicated above, if imperfective aspect were intended, then the binyan
used may have been Piel instead of Qal. Examples include Genesis 4:8, 22:12,
Exodus 5:2, 2 Kings 2:3, 5, 15, etc.
The majority of the conversational present action sentences recorded in Tanakh from
before the Babylonian exile used a Qatal verbal form, the majority of the
conversational present action sentences after the Babylonian Exile use a participle
in the place of the verb. This is just one indication of a few that the Hebrew
spoken after the Babylonian Exile was spoken as a second language, in the same
manner as medieval Latin centuries later.
Verbs usually agree in conjugation and number with the nouns that are acted upon.
When there are plural nouns, but a singular verb. This seems to indicate that the
action refers to each of the nouns.
When the noun refers to an aggregate or group, the verb may be singular to
indicate the group, sometimes plural to indicate the members of the group.
Subject: Can be found as a prefix or suffix of a verb when it is a pronoun, or an explicit
noun. In spoken sentences, it appears that a stand alone pronoun is usually explicitly
present except in negative sentences.
Object: found in sentences with transitive verbs
Adjectives agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify. They follow the
nouns that they modify.
Construct case, indicating ownership where the following possesses the preceding. Not
only is it noticeable by position, but it also has certain forms:
Masculine plural suffix יםis shortened to יof the noun that is possessed.
Feminine singular suffix הis changed to תof the possessed noun, however there are
feminine singular nouns that end in תso this is not always a sign of the construct
Word order: is predicated on the importance of the word in its context. The verb can be
found at the beginning, end, and anywhere in between, of a sentence. The same with the
subject and object. In spoken sentences, apparently, the subject is usually the most
important part of the sentence, followed by the verb, then object. Literary works with their
more complex sentences, can have more variety in sentence order. Poetry is poetry, often
with words put in an order for poetic effect, without regard for other considerations listed
Some words are always in the same place in relation to other words.
In the construct case, the word that is the genitive always follows the object owned.
Adjectives always follow the nouns which they modify.
Nouns and adjectives used as adverbs always follow the verbs which they modify.
How to read a Hebrew sentence:
First, I look through a sentence with the goal of identifying the verb, subject and other
forms of speech. Most of the time, the verses are simple, so there is no question and
they can be recognized on the fly. However, particularly in poetry, sentence structure
may be rearranged for poetic effect, rare words may be used and it is difficult to
recognize what is what. In these cases, I look for the form that only fits a verb, or
only fits a noun, then work back and forth until I identify the different parts of
For example, Proverbs 13:1 “ ”בן חכם מוסר אבwe see that “ ”חכםcan be a noun,
adjective or verb, “ ”מוסר אבare two nouns in construct formation, “ ”בןcan be a
noun or verb. “ ”בן חכםis found in Proverbs twice elsewhere as a noun with an
adjective, (10:1, 15:20) so most readers automatically assume that this is the same
construct. If so, where is the verb? The verb could be either “ ”בןor “”חכם, but the
reading I find making the most sense and smoothest reading is to understand “ ”בןas
the verb, making the sentence read, “A wise person has insight to his father’s
Another example, Proverbs 1:19 “”כן ארחות כל בצע בצע את נפש בעליו יקח. This can
be divided up into two sentences, starting with the second “”את נפש בעליו יקח: here
we have the sign of the accusative “ ”אתfollowed by two nouns in the construct,
followed by a singular verb. Where is the subject? “ ”בצע בצעis usually taken to be a
compound verb doubled for emphasis, but is it? But if we take the second “ ”בצעas a
noun, then we have a complete sentence “An (unjust) cut (of the gain) takes the life
of its master.” Does that fit the first sentence? “ ”כןoften has an implicit “to be”
included in the use, so it could serve as both the subject and verb of a sentence. The
words “ ”ארחות כלindicate that the following word should be a noun, not a verb.
“ ”בצעcan be a verb, actor noun indicating the one who does the action with the
same form as a participle, a gerund with the same form as a participle indicating the
action being done, or a noun of an object acted upon. Context indicates an actor
noun, making this a sentence ““ ”כן ארחות כל בצעSuch are the roads of all who take
a(n unjust) cut (of the gain)” making the whole verse read “Such are the roads of all
who take a cut, a cut the life of its master takes.” following the poetic construction of
the verse.
The vast majority of sentences are much easier to understand than these two examples.
If אםthe optative is used with the Yiqtol verb Gn 4:7 (this can be read as a subjunctive),
with a Qatal Hiphil followed by a Hiphil Wayyiqtol Gn 13:9, as a subjunctive Gn 17:17,
18:28, 30, as a subjunctive followed by a waw with a second verb in subjunctive Gn 13:16,
14:23, 30:31, as a subjunctive followed by a waw with a second verb in Qatal as a simple
follow-up Gn 15:5, 18:26, 21:23, 24:8, 26:29, with a Qatal Qal as a request Gn 18:3, 30:27,
with an imperative Gn 23:13, 24:49, as a negative with a Yiqtol, “and that you …” followed
by a Qatal preceded by a waw Gn 24:38, 41, with a implicit “to be” followed by Qatal
preceded by a waw Gn 28:20, with a Qatal Gn 27:46, 28:15, used to indicate a second
option where the following verb is not directly connected to the idea Gn 18:21 (negative),
and so forth, indicating that there’s no conjugational pattern by which one may recognize
an optative.
The word אםis not always used to denote “if”, examples include:
The phrase כי אםGn 15:4, 28:17, usually translated as “except”
The phrase עד אםGn 24:8, 33, “until when” in English.
The following lists of paradigms list only those that show up in the consonantal record.
Many of those shown up in other grammars are recognizable only from the Masoretic
points, but as this dictionary and grammar are written without those Masoretic points,
those variations from regular verbs don’t show up.
These paradigm lists are derived from published sources, and may not be completely
accurate nor complete.
Regular Verbs
הקטילה קטלה
הקטלת קטלת
הקטלתי קטלתי קטלתי
הקטילו קטלו
הקטלתם קטלתם קטלתם
הקטלתן קטלתן קטלתן
הקטלנו קטלנו
תקטילי תקטלי תקטלי
תקטלנה תקטלנה תקטלנה
תקטילו תקטלו תקטלו
תקטלנה תקטלנה תקטלנה
Imperative 2ms
Participle fs
Participle fs
III He Verbs
תגלינה תגלינה
תגלינה תגלינה
Imperative 2ms
Participle fs
Participle fs
I Nun Verbs
Qal Niphal
נצלתם נפלתם
תנצלנה תפלנה
תנצלנה תפלנה
הנצלנה נפלנה
Imperative 2ms
Participle fs
Participle fs
I Yod (Yod) Verbs
Imperative 2ms
Participle fs
Participle fs
I Yod (Waw) Verbs
הושׁבים ישׁובים
הושׁבות ישׁובות
Imperative 2ms
Participle fs
Participle fs
C VerbsוC
Imperative 2ms
Participle fs
Participle fs
C VerbsיC
Imperative 2ms
Participle fs
Participle fs
Geminate Verbs
הסבתם הללתם
Second Doubled /
Qal (2) Niphal
נסבותי תמותי
נסבותם תמותם
נסבותן תמותן
תסבנה תתמנה
תסבנה תתמנה
הסבנה תמנה
)Qal (1
Imperative 2ms
Participle fs
Participle fs
One consistent pattern is that those verbs that start with the sibilants סand שin the
Hithpael binyan have the תof the תת( הת. נת. )יתfollowing the sibilant. E.g. השתחוו.
Irregular verbs: all languages that conjugate verbs have some verbs that don’t follow the
conjugation rules, and Hebrew is no exception.
Verbs that I noticed that are irregular include נתן, לקח, יצג,הלך
Pronominal suffixes on verbs to indicate object of the verb:
While the נוsuffix is usually used to indicate the first person plural, there is a
significant subset of uses where it’s used to indicate the third person masculine
singular. The context usually indicates which use is to be understood. At this
time, I don’t know when to use נוand when וfor the third person masculine
singular and why?
When adding a pronominal suffix onto a feminine singular verb ending with a ה,
the form changes to תהוwhen the pronominal suffix is for a singular masculine
suffix, the other times the הis replaced with a תfollowed by the pronominal
Forms of nouns and adjectives
masculine singular
masculine dual
masculine plural
feminine singular
feminine dual
feminine plural
usually no special ending
the consonants the same as the plural
usually with a יםsuffix
nouns often end with a הthough not always.
adjective always with a הsuffix
consonants same as the masculine plural
usually end with a ותboth nouns and adjectives.
There are some irregular nouns, possibly the most common being אישׁsingular,
אנשׁיםplural and אבsingular, אבותplural.
In construct case, the following changes are made:
masculine plural drops the final םto end as י
feminine singular that ends in הhas the הchanged to ת
(need to watch out here, some usually feminine nouns end in תand are
so listed in the dictionary. In plural these nouns have the ותending like
standard feminine nouns. In construct, these feminine nouns are
indistinguishable from feminine nouns where the final הhas been change
to a ת, so in most Hebrew dictionaries, they are listed as a feminine
ending in a ה. However, in this dictionary, even if a feminine noun is in
construct case ending in a תbut has no examples in singular ה, I list it
with a תending to reflect how it actually appears in the text.)
Pronominal suffixes on nouns to indicate ownership, also suffixes on the prepositions את
(with, indicating direct object), בand ( לnouns have the forms as in construct)
The preposition כwith suffixes
The preposition מןwith suffixes
Pronominal suffixes on the prepositions אחר. אלand על
Use of letters as numbers:
With the exception of 15 and 16, all the other numbers follow the same pattern as found in
25 and 26. Apparently the Masoretes considered the letter combinations that would make
up 15 and 16 are too close to the theophoric name, therefore avoided it.
Patterns of noun derivations from verbs and their meanings
The traditional theory is that all nouns are derived from verbs. That is not true, as there
are many nouns for which there are no verbs acting as roots. However, for those nouns
that are derived from verbs, there are certain patterns which are followed: (This is a very
incomplete and preliminary list)
Just as in English, knowing the patterns of how nouns are derived from other words, for
example that -(t)ive gives a different nuance and meaning to words than does, for
example, -(t)ion, so if we know patterns in Hebrew, that would help us to understand the
Qal participle: refers to the person or object that is doing the action, i.e. the actor, or a
reference to the action itself. In early Biblical Hebrew, even in conversations was used
without reference to tense other than that provided by the context. In late Biblical
Hebrew, such as after the Babylonian Exile and later, was used much like modern
American English where the immediate present action is constructed of to be +
participle of action being done. In Hebrew, however, the “to be” is often omitted.
Another use of the Qal participle is “…can act…” referring to ability to act.
Niphal participle: the person or object that is being acted on.
Piel participle: either a continuous or repeating action, or a place where such an action
takes place. The Piel participle is used even when only one time a repeated event is
referenced, as if to make clear that the referenced action is one time of a repeated
Hiphil participle: refers to a person or thing that causes an action.
Hophal participle: instrumentality, an action that was caused to take place, which can be
verbal or an object used to make an action take place.
Those derivatives from piel, pual, and hophal binyanim share the same consonantal
spellings beginning with a מ, patterns noticed so far:
• referring to a place where repeated actions take place
• referring to repeated actions
• referring to the actor who causes actions to be done
• instrumentality, causing an action to take place, which can be verbal or an
object used to make an action take place.
• instrumentality, an action that was caused to take place
Which binyan is used in each example is often difficult to recognize, as they have to
be recognized from their contexts as the consonantal forms often are the same for
all of them.
Other forms of derived nouns:
Shegolet noun: an object connected with the action.
Addition of a תat the beginning of a verb. If the verb ends with a הit sometimes
changes to ית. Beginning and ending with a תso far all I’ve found are those
formed from lamed-heh verbs, where the ending is actually a יתand may actually
be a variant of those that begin with a tau. These are all feminine
תבןstraw, used in making adobe bricks, also to feed animals, תבניתmodel,
used to plan a construction Ex 25:9, 40, Dt 4:16–8, 1C 28:11–2, 18–9 (root
תעלהascent (way of) 2K 20:5, Jr 30:13, 46:11, (parts taller than) Ez 31:4
תענוגsoft person or thing
noble Mc 1:16, Pr 19:10, So 7:7 (6) ← ענג
תפארהornament, a specific object that embellishes Is 28:5, Jr 48:17, תפארת
ornamentation, a generic adornment ← פאר
As a plural, it’s sometimes used to refer to an abstract idea, for example the plural of
“blood” is sometimes used for the idea of “bloody” rather than to a multitude of
“bloods” Ex 4:25–6, Ez 22:2, Nh 3:1. As an extension of the abstract idea, it’s used
for “blood guilt” in the idea of guilty of murder Ex 21:1–2, Dt 19:10, 22:8, etc.
Used also as a general reference to blood Is 1:15, 9:4, Ez 9:9 and acts of unjust
violence that result in the shedding of blood Is 33:15, Hb 2:12.
• When a singular noun is in construct with a following plural noun, the plural noun
actually refers to an abstract idea rather than specific objects. E.g. Pr 15:2, 7
“wise” and “fools” refers to “being wise” and “being foolish” rather than wise
and foolish people.
Other plural nouns sometimes used to indicate periods of life or the person’s status
at that time, e.g.
• נעריםperiod of being a youth (when you were a youth),
• מותיםin plural refers to the status of when dead,
• זקניםstatus of being old, old age Gn 37:3, 44:20.
Some nouns are found in both masculine and feminine forms. Each category is
followed by some, but not exhaustive, group of examples.
Possibly most readily recognized: male and female
גבירchief, master Gn 27:29, 37, גבירהfemale chief, mistress
עלמה, עלםvirgin (unknown one), ( עלמהthe) unknown (as in exploring) Pr
30:19 (This verse compares that just as it is completely unpredictable
which way a snake will turn while on bare rock, an eagle will veer as it
hunts for prey, what way a ship will turn as it is subject to wind, waves
and the steersman, so also what will happen to a man as he goes into the
unknown, i.e. future)
פרה, פרyearling from among the cattle
Concrete (person, object, place) to abstract (idea, action)
אביוןneedy (person), אביונהneediness, want Ko 12:5 αλ
אהבlove, a person who is loved: lover, friend, אהבהlove, referring to the
emotion of love, מאהבlover, close friend
איבenemy, איבהenmity
אכלfood, that which is eaten, D אכלnourishment, that which can be eaten
אמוןtrustworthy one, trustworthy worker 2S 20:19, Ps 12:2, 31:24, Lm 4:5,
אמונהfirmness, steadiness Ex 17:12
trustworthiness Jr 5:1; work one is
entrusted with 1 Ch 9:22, “ באמונהin trustworthiness”
trustworthily 2K
22:7, 2C 19:9
אסףone who gathers in Mc 7:1, plural place where something is gathered in
Ne 12:25, 1C 26:15, 17, אספהcollection Is 24:22
אשםguilty, guilt offering, אשמהguilt
בכרfirst born, בכרהrights of firstborn Gn 25:32 αλ
גאלredeemer, one who pays the price of redemption or avenging, ( גאלהright
of) redemption
דוגfisher Jr 16:16, Ez 47:10, דוגהfishery Am 4:2 αλ
חכמה, חכםwise ((wo)man), חכמהwisdom, חכמותpersonalized wisdom ??
Ps 39:4, Pr 1:20, 9:1, 14:1, 24:7 (this is not the same as the fem. pl.
adjective “wise” Jd 5:29 used standing alone for “wise women” Jr 9:16)
מלאךmessenger, envoy, ambassador, one sent and empowered to accomplish
a task, מלאכהwork done for profit, as part of his profession, to accomplish
his work, task
items, tools, supplies used in one’s profession
ממשלruler, ממשלהrule, dominion
עבדslave, עבדהservice (as done by a slave, as worship), slave holding
(number, group of slaves) Gn 26:14
עלמה, עלםvirgin (unknown one), ( עלמהthe) unknown (as in exploring) Pr
30:19 (This verse compares that just as it is completely unpredictable
which way a snake will turn while on bare rock, an eagle will veer as it
hunts for prey, what way a ship will turn as it is subject to wind, waves
and the steersman, so also what will happen to a man as he goes into the
unknown, i.e. future)
single, individual to a body of individuals, a collection
אמהfemale slave, a more general term, אמהתplural form
ארחtraveler, ארחa way for travelers going from city to city, ארחהcaravan,
a group traveling together, ארחהration, food for travelers
כהןpriest: apparently this is a term that had a wider meaning than merely
working within a religious setting, also including royal prerogatives. In
ancient Egypt princes who didn’t become pharaoh were “priests” as their
royal jobs, which means that when pharaoh had Joseph marry the
daughter of a “priest” Gn 41:45, that he was marrying into the royal
family as a way to get his loyalty to the throne. 2S 8:18 David’s sons were
royal officials, but called “priests” when they clearly were not priests
working in the temple because they were not descendants of Aaron, כהנה
priesthood Ex 40:15, Nu 16:10, 25:13 priestdom, guild of priests Ezr 2:62,
Ne 7:64, 13:29
עבדslave, עבדהservice (as done by a slave, as worship), slave holding
(number, group of slaves) Gn 26:14
abstract noun
בלהworn out, בלההtroubles that wear out Is 17:14, Ez 26:21, Ps 73:19
אשםguilty, guilt offering, אשמהguilt
בטחconfidently, safely, בטחהconfidence based on safety Is 30:15, Pr 21:22
גדל, גדולgreat, not only in the sense of physical size, but also in reputation
and spirituality, גדולהgreatness, גדלenlargement
חזקfirm, חזקהfirmness, strength
שפלlow, שפלהlowness, lowland, שפלותposition of being low ?? (hands not
active) Ko 10:18 αλ
תםcomplete, perfect, innocent Pr 11:3, Jb 2:3, 27:5
pure, i.e. innocent, if
doing something wrong not realizing that it was wrong Gn 20:5–6, 2S
15:11, תמהperfection Jb 12:2, So 5:2, 6:9
On some lamed-heh verbs, the Qal participle ends in a heh, referring to the actor,
while other derived nouns may lack the final heh. In these cases, the pattern
appears to be opposite of the pattern from most pairs where there is one noun
ending in a heh and another from the same root that doesn’t.
בזdisdainment, contempt, בזהone who disdains
גאhaughty Is 16:6 αλ, גאהprominent, haughty (person, place)
These represent only a small portion of the masculine/feminine pairs that I found,
possibly another couple of hundred (I haven’t counted them) could be analyzed,
which may add more categories or edit the categories found so far.
There are other noun patterns that I have not studied, but have noticed.
Nouns and those ending in waw nun: is this similar to the -tion suffix in English?
(The majority of such nouns appear to be personal names.)
referring to the place, time or status of:
גאhaughty Is 16:6 αλ, גאהprominent, haughty (person, place), גאוה
prominence, haughtiness, גאן, גאוןprominence
pride, גאותhighness, as
in prominence Dt 33:26, Is 26:10, Ps 68:32, haughtiness in a bad sense Is
13:11, Ps 10:2, Pr 29:23, גאיוןarrogant ones Ps 123:4 αλ
זדprovocateur, one who stirs up (emotion, action) Is 13:11, Ml 3:10, 15 Ps
119:21, 69, 122, זדוןstirring up, provocation Dt 17:12, Ob 3, Pr 13:10 one
who stirs up, provocation ?? Jr 50:31–2, זידוןstirred up Ps 124:5 αλ, נזיד
food stirred together, soup or stew Gn 25:29, 34, 2K 4:38–40, Hg 2:12
רצן, רצוןsatisfaction
often used in the sense of satisfaction (paid for) for
the debt of sin
Nouns and those ending in waw tau: these appear to be according to two patterns—
a feminine plural that gives a status indicator to an abstract idea, and the second
giving a similar idea as carried by the English suffixes -ness or -hood. Did these
have the same pronunciations? I doubt it. In this second use it is conjugated as a
feminine singular e.g. Ps 119:99, Pr 9:1
אלמנותwidowhood Gn 38:14, 19, Is 54:4 though most of the time this form is
the plural of אלמנה
אכזריותcruelness Pr 27:4 αλ
clothing, underhanded actions, בגדותtreachery,
underhandedness Zp 3:4 αλ
young man, from concept of fine young man that anyone
would choose, בחורות, בחוריםyouth(ful age)
ברson, ברfeed (feedlot, pasture), ברותfood, what is fed Ps 69:22, Lm 4:10,
בריהfood to feed someone 2S 13:5, 7, 10, well fed Ez 34:20, בריתtreaty,
covenant, the making of which often accompanied by feasting, ברית מלח
indicates a very solemn treaty, covenant Nu 18:19, 2C 13:5
גאhaughty Is 16:6 αλ, גאהprominent, haughty (person, place), גאוה
prominence, haughtiness, גאן, גאוןprominence
pride, גאותhighness, as
in prominence Dt 33:26, Is 26:10, Ps 68:32, haughtiness in a bad sense Is
13:11, Ps 10:2, Pr 29:23, גאיוןarrogant ones Ps 123:4 αλ
גרsojourner, גרותsojourning ?? Jr 41:17 αλ
מגדלtower, מגדלותsilos, granaries ?? Ez 27:11, So 5:13, 8:10, 1C 27:25, 2C
Nouns and those ending in yod tau—the majority of these are from roots that with a
Heh to make it a noun with meanings other than actor or gerund.
ארמיתAramaic language
אשויתfireplace for a signal fire ?? Jr 50:15 αλ
בריתsoap, made by mixing ashes with oil Jr 2:22, Ml 3:2 ← ברר
גפריתmineral oil ?? (this is a liquid that not only rains Gn 19:24, Ez 38:22,
Ps 11:6, but flows Is 30:33 and readily burns Dt 29:22 (23), Is 30:33,
mineral oil is usually sulfurous hence is this mineral oil? Dt 29:22 (23))
גתיתtype of musical instrument ?? used three times in connection with music
Ps 8:1, 81:1, 84:1
חניתa short, heavy thrusting spear
יהודיתJewish (language, Hebrew language) 2K 18:26, 28, Ne 13:24 ← יהד
ליליתtype of wild animal ?? Is 34:14 αλ
משכיתa shrine Lv 26:1, Nu 33:52 that includes walls and rooms Ez 8:12, Pr
18:11 ← שוך
עמיתfellow man ← עמם
צלחת, צלחיתdish
ראשיתinitiation, that which starts
beginning, at the head, something that
comes first
first fruits ← ראש
ראשניתfirst, that started ?? Jr 25:1 αλ ← ראש
שממיתgecko Pr 30:28 αλ
שמיניתan eight stringed instrument ?? Ps 6:1, 12:1, 1C 15:21
Nouns and those ending in tau—this is not the same as a defectively written plural
nor a feminine in construct, rather is a legitimate, stand-alone masculine form of
the nouns. These are harder to recognize because a standard feminine in
construct is written the same way. It appears to change the meaning to status,
often status of having done something, or of having something done to the
subject. This type of noun is often best translated into English as an adjective
even though within Hebrew it is a noun. (Changing to an adjective is an artifact
of translation, it doesn’t change the Hebrew.) As far as numbers are concerned, it
refers to generic objects, rather than to specific objects, or to a group or
collection of objects.
“ אבתfatherdom” or ancestors, referring to the status or time of the ancestors,
not specifically to individuals.
חטאתmissing the mark such that one needs to make amends for the error,
this is a generalized reference to sin, not necessarily a specific sin (masc.
sin, sin offering, sacrifice for error,
lack, not having what was
aimed for (This form חטאתcan be either this masculine noun, the
feminine noun חטאהin construct form or with a suffix added to it, a
feminine participle of חטאor a Qatal verb, therefore the context needs to
be examined for each occurrence to establish which reading is correct) Jr
17:3, Pr 10:16
חבלrope (for tying), band or group (bound together for an action) 1S 10:5,
crew (of a ship, so called for their knowledge of knots and ropes as
well as a group of people united in a task) Ez 27:8, 27–9,
רב חבלhead
of the crew, i.e. captain of the ship Jn 1:6, muscle contraction or spasm
(knotting up of the muscles, one of the actions connected with giving
birth), collateral (tying property to a loan) Ez 18:12, 16, 33:15, what a
snare is made of
a snare Jb 18:10, חבלland area, tied to a locality or
city, חבלתpledge, in the sense of being obligated (tied to) fulfilling the
pledge Ez 18:7 αλ
( חקתmasc) a body of statutes, laws, e.g. Ex 12:14, 17, 43, Lv 23:14, 21, 31 ←
שפעabundance Dt 33:19 αλ, שפעתlarge quantity Jb 22:11, 38:34, of troops,
large group of people 2 K 9:17, large number of horses or camels Is 60:6,
Ez 26:10
Nouns and those ending in tau—this is a second group where this the natural form
of the noun without the meanings attached to the above group. These nouns take
the feminine plural form when in plural.
חתןmale who is in a marriage contract
bridegroom, father-in-law, son-inlaw, חתנתmarriage ceremony So 3:11 αλ, חתנתmother-in-law Dt 27:23 αλ
משבצת, משבצותwrapping, used of a wide border on clothing Ex 28:11, 13–4,
Ps 45:14, a border setting a jewel on clothing Ex 18:11, 39:6, 13
Nouns where the third letter is an added Waw. These refer to a completed action
hence also the people and objects affected by that action.
חלוץcompleted action of taking off hence by extension those affected by the
military that has been mustered out, drawn out for battle Nu
32:21, 27, Js 6:7, 9, 2C 28:14, sandal that has been drawn off Dt 25:10 ←
הלוךthe action of going ← הלך
One spelling change to the above, when the next to last letter is a waw וthe
waw is often dropped when a suffix is added to the word. E.g. בורdrops
waw to make ברות, again נעולdrops waw to make נעלותand צפוןdrops
waw to make צפנה.
Let me repeat what I’ve already written before, the traditional theory is that all nouns are
derived from verbs. That is not true. That is why in this dictionary all nouns are listed
individually, and only those which have recognizable roots listed according to roots as
Philosophy behind the Development of this Dictionary
Before learning Biblical Hebrew, I had lived in two other countries and learned to speak
their languages. Then in high school I studied yet another foreign language. In college I
studied ancient Greek, concentrating on koiné Greek. Then, because of a class schedule
mix-up, I found myself in a first year Hebrew class. That was not intentional.
In learning all these other languages, I found that the best way to acquire vocabulary and
to understand the thinking of natives using their languages, is not to look for every
possible translation of each word into English according to semantic domains, rather it is
to look for the actions represented by the vocabulary and where they can apply those
actions. Usually there’s one action per word, though sometimes there are homonyms, which
is something one needs to recognize and take them into account. This method is in
contrast to most dictionaries which look at semantic domains and give separate definitions
for each semantic domain.
Another thing I learned from studying modern foreign languages is not to assume that
words, even the same ones used in close cognate languages, have the same meaning in
both languages. Therefore, in compiling this dictionary, I make almost no references to
cognate languages, the exceptions are for words found only once or only a few times where
neither contexts nor other linguistic factors give clues as to their meanings. As a result,
only rarely do I consult even close cognates like Aramaic, Mishnaic Hebrew or Tiberian
Hebrew. The methodology chosen is to look first at how words are used in Biblical Hebrew
itself, what grammatical forms do they have, what are the contexts, are there any other
words from a common root (not always found in Biblical Hebrew), do traditional
meanings make sense, only after coming up blank from these sources to consult meanings
from cognate languages as to what meanings may be found there?
To give an example of contrasting meanings of words from looking at their actions verses
from their semantic domains as found in English: “swing” within the semantic domain of a
concert is a conductor with a baton leading an orchestra; in the semantic domain of dance
is a dance step; in the semantic domain of a sport is the attempt to hit a fast moving ball
with a stick; in the semantic domain of a child on a playground is moving back and forth
on a suspended object, as well as other contexts—but they all have the same action,
namely a circular motion around a central point.
A second example is the word “door”. Whereas “swing” refers to an action, “door” refers to
an object. Doors come in many shapes and sizes, yet what connects them all together and
recognized as “doors” is again an action, namely that a “door” is a movable partition
between two spaces with at least one of those spaces usually an enclosed space (e.g. a
room or hall). A “gate” is a subset of “door” and usually is the preferred term to refer to a
movable partition between two spaces open to the sky. A “false door” is a compound
lexeme to refer to something that looks like a door, but doesn’t fulfill the function of a
Not only English, but in all languages, objects denoted by nouns can be recognized as
fitting their nouns by their functions, despite having many forms.
Another example from English is that the word pronounced ‘tū’ comes from at least four
roots, with three spellings—‘two’, ‘too’ and ‘to’—with the last spelling itself a homonym.
The last word is a homonym also in some close cognate languages such as German, while
still separate words in other close cognate languages such as Norwegian. Whereas English
retains some archaic spellings to differentiate some spoken homonyms, Hebrew was written
phonetically, without vowels making for many homographs, leading to my listing each
homograph in a separate entry.
Usually words refer to only one action, one meaning, one object (homonyms excluded).
For some words, that action can be used in many contexts, for others only a few, some only
in one context. I have found this to be true in all languages that I’ve studied, both modern
and ancient.
Connected with this is that God is behind the writing of Tanakh. As a result, from the first
writings in Genesis to Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, the last native speakers of Biblical
Hebrew, he kept the meanings of words, grammatical structures and syntax virtually
unchanged. While there were some changes in the literary styles as used in the language,
the mechanics of the language remained virtually unchanged. The post Babylonian Exile
writers used Hebrew the same way as medieval Europe used Latin: the official language of
religion, law, trade, etc. but no-one spoke it natively. So, for example, when God used תהו
to refer to carefully formed and shaped idols in Isaiah, as well as elsewhere for other
formed objects, therefore תהוcannot refer to “formless” in Genesis 1:2.
It is with this understanding and technique that I studied and learned modern languages—
German, French, some Spanish, etc.—so naturally I applied the same understanding and
technique to learning Biblical Hebrew. In other words, I found Biblical Hebrew vocabulary
not to be different from any other language that I’ve studied. I’ve tried to indicate the
range of contexts, a semantic circle, that each word may have, though they’re often not
easily understood for seldom used terms in the Bible.
(Do not confuse the idea that each word refers to one idea, object or action with the
concept that each word in Hebrew can be translated using only one term in English. I go
into greater detail as to why it isn’t possible below.)
Once one knows the action represented by a term, then when one sees the term used in an
unfamiliar context, he has a good idea of the action for which to look. He also understands
when it is used in a metaphorical manner, what idea is being presented. In modern
languages, that knowledge allows speakers to use terms, even in contexts where previously
they had not observed the term used, and be understood by their listeners.
In this dictionary I try to list the action that fits all contexts. Sometimes the action is
physical, sometimes metaphorical, sometimes a combination of the two, but it usually can
be recognized. Wherever possible, I have tried to find that definition by asking, “What is
the action that fits this context?” This is not a translator's dictionary, giving all the possible
renditions of a word into English for each semantic domain, rather one that gives an idea
of the thought patterns and idioms of ancient Hebrew usage. This leads to some awkward
direct translations, but by indicating the actions involved, a translator should then be able
to use a thesaurus to make an accurate yet fluid translation of the text into English.
(One note on translation—a good translator at times needs to use different words in a
target language, even different grammar, occasionally even a completely different sentence,
than found in the source language, in order accurately to convey the same idea. These are
artifacts of translation, and should not be recognized as parts of the source language.
Applying these artifacts of translation to the source language can lead to not accurately
understanding the source language, in this dictionary being Biblical Hebrew.)
When we come across an example of a word used in the context where the meaning is not
clear, it is best to go with the meaning derived from other contexts, unless it clearly does
not fit. Then either adjust the meaning found in other contexts to one that fits all contexts,
or if that is not possible, admit that here we deal with homonyms. But as long as the
actions, either directly or by inference, are recognized, it is not often that homonyms are
As far as I am able, I try to find the basic action denoted by a word, and list it without
denoting all its variations caused by grammatical structures. I list verbs in their basic, Qal
meanings. I don’t list the Niphal, Piel, Pual, Hiphil and Hitpael meanings as I expect the
reader to be able to recognize the different binyanim and how they change meanings.
Further information on grammar is in the grammar section at the end of this dictionary.
One word of caution: while spoken homonyms may have been rare, written ones in Biblical
Hebrew are far more common, as Biblical Hebrew did not have written vowels to show all
the pronunciations that would have denoted differences in spoken language. There are
many examples of where a spelling may refer to more than one word, and in most of those
cases, they are listed with pointers to the words to which they refer.
In the diagram below, I use circles to indicate the “circle of meaning” showing by size that
some words can be used in multiple contexts, while others in fewer contexts. Further, by
position, how words can relate one to another.
Starting with the blue circles, A B, C and D, A as a word as a fairly wide range of uses. B is
a subset of A having only some of A’s uses. C is a synonym that overlaps the circle of uses
that is contained in A, though can be used in contexts where A is not used. D is a totally
separate word. In this diagram the blue circles represent the range of uses found in Hebrew
To the right we have a second diagram. Whereas the blue circles represent Hebrew in this
example, the red circles represent possible English words that can be used to translate the
Hebrew. Notice, not one red circle has the same range of uses as is found in any of the
Hebrew words. Not one. One actually intersects with words A and D which in Hebrew are
completely separate words. Two of the words intersect with words A and C. In the
diagram, word A has some of its circle of meaning that isn’t covered by any English word.
Circle C is especially problematic, as most of the contexts where it is used in Hebrew have
no equivalent in English, while five circles intersect with parts of it.
While this diagram is for illustration purposes only and I didn’t have Hebrew and English
examples in mind when I drew it, it does illustrate why translation ≠ understanding within
a language. What this dictionary attempts do is to give that understanding within Biblical
An example is the Hebrew word בואto which the closest English equivalent is “to come”.
Even within its simple uses, it’s used in contexts where English would indicate the motion
as “to come in, to enter”. Furthermore, within Biblical Hebrew, there’s the Hiphil use which
is the causative “to cause to come” which is not found in English. In English, we use a
completely different word, namely “to bring”. In this dictionary I list this word as “to come
to come in, to enter” because I expect the user of this dictionary to know and recognize
how Biblical Hebrew grammar affects the uses and meaning of words, and because I want
to make it easier for students to learn and recognize Hebrew uses of the words and their
patterns without worrying about their translations.
Therefore, in this dictionary, I’ve tried to give the actions connected with the words and
give an idea of their range of uses, as they would have been understood by an ancient
Hebrew, preferably from before the Babylonian Captivity. In the back, I include a short
grammar which includes how grammatical structures can affect the meanings of words: for
example, in verbs from standard to standard passive to imperfective to imperfective passive
to causative to causative passive and finally centered on the actor, usually reflexive. I then
expect the reader to be smart enough to pick up a thesaurus (they’re included in most
modern computers) to find the best word to use in English, or whatever other language the
translator may wish.
History of this dictionary:
This is a dictionary that was not planned, but just grew. Basically it is an ad hoc
production where words were entered and revised as I came across them while reading
Tanakh. It also reflects my growing understanding of Biblical Hebrew language based on
reading Tanakh time and time again. What it really needs is to be gone through
systematically from beginning to end, reflecting the latest understanding of the grammar
and syntax as reflected in the grammar section of this dictionary. I have yet to do that
When I was young and still a beginner in reading the Tanakh in Hebrew, I heavily used
Davidson’s Analytical Lexicon. Even though my professor had recommended against using
it, I found myself stumped so often as to which word was meant by the form found on the
page before me that I had no choice but to make use of it. Eventually the book fell apart,
but by that time I almost never looked up individual forms because I had learned them by
much repetition.
What I learned from Davidson’s Analytical Lexicon beyond the forms is derivation patterns
of roots to nouns, adjectives, etc. Davidson’s follows a traditional pattern where all words
are listed according to their verbal roots. But not uncommonly I was baffled as to how a
word would be connected to its specified root, I could see no connection other than
similarity in form. That similarity could be the result of a homonym, or homograph, and no
connection was supposed to be there. Yet recognizing roots and other words derived from
the same roots is useful for recognizing what words mean, so in this dictionary I list words
both alphabetically, and according to their roots where applicable.
Now after reading Tanakh over twenty times (I lost count), I notice patterns of noun
derivations from verbs that were neither taught in class, nor listed in any dictionary I
consulted. I now list many of those in this dictionary as separate entries. I also don’t list
speculated words, usually “verbal roots”, that are not found in actual use in Tanakh.
After my copy of Davidson’s Analytical Lexicon fell apart, I didn’t replace it. Rather I made
my copy of Gesenius’ Lexicon my main one. I also have a copy of Lisowski’s
Handkonkordanz zum Hebräischen Alten Testament.
After reading Tanakh through four or five times, I noticed that the grammar I had been
taught in class didn’t match Biblical Hebrew uses I find in Tanakh. In particular, the verbal
conjugations refer to neither tense nor aspect. At the same time I noticed that more and
more often when I looked up a word in Gesenius, that I questioned how the definition fit
the context. Increasingly I turned to Lisowski’s concordance to double check other contexts
where the word is found. One thing I noticed is that Lisowski’s definitions are not always
the same as Gesenius’, and where they differ, Lisowski tends to be more accurate. (One
caveat: Lisowski was a German, and while the German glosses fit his understandings,
occasionally he looked up and entered the wrong English gloss. Not a problem if you know
With the exception of some seldom used terms, I don’t look to cognate languages for
definitions. That started with questioning Gesenius (and BDB) when comparing their
definitions with the actual uses found in Lisowski’s concordance. It continues to this day
with the help of electronic aids. Then there are some cases where none of the definitions of
words I found fit the contexts where they are found, usually words found only once in
Tanakh, Where those are found, I leave those entries without a definition.
At that point I started writing corrections in the margins of my copy of Gesenius, which I
mirrored in my copy of Lisowski’s concordance. I included not only corrections, but also
references to synonyms and a few contrasts to antonyms. Eventually I concentrated my
notes in the margins of my copy of the concordance, because the margins were wider.
What about BDB? At that time it was still under copyright, and out of my price range.
However, when I had opportunity to compare its definitions with what I wrote, I found that
it is usually wrong in the same way as Gesenius.
Eventually my copies of both Lisowski’s concordance and Gesenius’s lexicon started falling
apart. I had my copy of Lisowski’s concordance rebound, but allowed Gesenius to be
About 1985 I realized that my notes in the margins constituted the first draft of a complete
dictionary. Later I transcribed my notes into a computer file. After that, I have made
further corrections, yes corrections on what I thought were corrections. On many words
used fewer than 20 times I now often include Bible verses where they are found. I have
expanded many definitions to make them easier to understand (I recognize what they
mean, but would someone else?). The file you have before you is many revisions after my
original transcription.
How to find definitions of words (i.e. how to do the work of a lexicographer).
1) Recognize how words are used in their contexts. This effort requires reading Tanakh so
often until one can think in Biblical Hebrew. An example being being able to anticipate
the next word from the context while reading a passage. Additional help is using
concordances and electronic searches to see how words are used in different contexts.
2) Recognize and analyze how words are derived from common roots. While not every
word can be traced to its root, many can. An example in English is the word “act” which
gives a noun “act” (three definitions), “action”, “activity”, “active”, and more. When
roots can be traced and recognized, that often helps find meanings of words, especially
in many cases where words are used only once or only a few times in Tanakh. This can
go both ways—knowing root meanings can help recognize derivative meanings, and
conversely the pattern of derivative meanings can help recognize root meanings.
3) Recognize loan words from other languages. All languages borrow words from other
languages to refer to concepts not originally found in society. Biblical Hebrew is no
different. Examples include הפלתיfrom the Philistines, and פרדסpossibly from the
Persians. There are other known examples, and how many are unknown?
Problems specific to Biblical Hebrew:
4) Because Tanakh is such a limited text, there are times that a definition can’t be
recognized by use, context, or root—in which cases occasionally a reference to a cognate
language can give clues. However, this must be done very carefully, as sometimes even
close cognates can have very different definitions for the same words. An example is
שכחin Hebrew and Aramaic have almost diametric opposite meanings.
5) Because Biblical Hebrew was written with no vowels, consonants only, there are many
times that the same set of consonants can refer to different words. These are
homographs that may originally had different pronunciations. Possibly the most
common examples are that very often third person masculine verbs and singular
masculine participles, which are nouns, share the same sets of consonants.
6) Related to the above, grammatical derivation of roots can cause words from different
roots to become homographs. One among many examples is that אכלהcan either be a
third person feminine Qatal verb from אכל, or a first person Yiqtol verb from כלה, and
is used both ways in Tanakh.
What about the Masoretic points? Why have I not used them in this dictionary?
1) The Masoretic points do not reflect Biblical era pronunciations. A thousand years of
when there have been no native speakers of Biblical Hebrew, as well as those who spoke
Hebrew as a second language had their pronunciations influenced by their native
tongues, caused the pronunciations to change long before the time of the Masoretes.
2) The Masoretes did not speak Biblical Hebrew.
3) The Masoretes’ native tongue was Aramaic.
4) The Hebrew the Masoretes knew was Tiberian Hebrew, a language whose grammar and
many vocabulary items differed from Biblical Hebrew.
5) The Masoretes invented the vowel points, but the pronunciations the vowel points
recorded are from Tiberian Hebrew, not Biblical Hebrew.
6) The points recorded by the Masoretes reflect the understanding of the text through the
lens of Tiberian Hebrew, rather than through a thoroughgoing understanding of Biblical
7) Therefore, many times the points are wrong as far as Biblical Hebrew understanding is
With these as a background, we cannot use the Masoretic points as proof of anything,
rather we need to rely solely on the consonantal text as proof.
However, when communicating about Hebrew in the modern world, the only pronunciation
known and used is based on Tiberian Hebrew. That includes modern Israeli Hebrew.
Therefore it’s good to know and recognize at least the vowel points, even if never using
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