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2009, Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
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Forthcoming in V. Nizzo (ed.), Archaeology and Anthropology of Death, Rome 2016
Located in the ruins of a deserted Roman villa in rural Umbria, there was an infant cemetery containing 47 burials of infants, from prenatal to 2-3 years, that has been termed an «abnormal cemetery» by its excavator, David Soren. The infants had been interred over a brief period about A.D. 450, as a result of a malaria epidemic. Associated with this mass grave were 13 puppies, most of them dismembered, the skeleton of a toad, and a raven's talon. Two stones had been placed over the hands of the oldest child in the cemetery while his feet had been 'weighed down' by a large roof tile. The archaeological record has been interpreted as evidence of apotropaic magical practices, stimulated partly by fear of fatal disease, partly by necrophobia. By contrast, the interments of the youngest children, mostly fetuses, had the character of discardsas the excavator called it -, with almost no attention given to burial form and no significant offerings. Using this record as a starting point, the paper will address the following questions: What exactly makes a burial a «deviant» one? Is there really anything like a «normative» or «typical» burial, an identical code of ritual for all members of a given community, regardless of factors such as gender, age, social and legal status, circumstances of death, etc.? And if there are different kinds of burial in one and the same community, which one should be considered the typical one? The burial of an adult male belonging to the elite and having died a peaceful death? And all other members of the community would have been buried in deviant ways? Acting as a kind of advocatus diaboli, this paper will argue for a reconsideration of terms like «atypical death» or «deviant burial», asking if it wouldn't be more fitting to talk about «adequate burials», i. e. adequate for a given individual and given circumstances of death. After establishing that, the kind of burial given to an individual still could be used as evidence for his or her place/status in society.
Ideally, people should apply the cooperative principle that consists of four maxims of conversation in their communication. Speakers usually obey these maxims to reach the purpose of the conversation that they are in to avoid any miscommunication. Flouting of maxims is a situation wherein a speaker manipulates a particular maxim that results in a conversational implicature. The interest of this article is to illustrate some maxims that were flouted by the Syrian leader, Bashar Al-Assad during his interview with the ARD channel. Analysis of the maxims of the Arab leader " s interview revealed that the main reason for Assad " s violation of the maxims was to convey meanings in his favour. It can be implicated that political leaders flout maxims to produce particular shades of meanings which may not always be conceivable to all parties in order to gain the support from masses.
Leeds International Medieval Congress, 2024
The death of the Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah and the vizier Nizam al-Mulmulk in 1092 triggered a period of crisis that would shape the historical panorama of the Near East for many years afterwards. The involvement of the Crusaders in the region added to the complex political relations. In 1105, Muhammad Tapar, who became Sultan alone, seemed to have gained an opportunity to integrate Syria into the empire in the political panorama reborn after the Crusades. The result was the rebirth of the idea and literature of jihad. The sultan began to wage a jihad against the Crusaders through the emirs of Mosul in response to the public discourse that shook public opinion in this direction. Could the jihad movement have been a powerful instrument of legitimacy for the reconquest of Syria, which had been integrated into the centre shortly before the crisis and which had fallen out of its hands in its own time? What was the attitude of the Crusaders and the Muslim rulers in the region towards these movements? Could the centre have sought to take advantage of a new crisis in its eagerness to reach its former frontiers?
Asfiksia merupakan suatu keadaan dimana bayi tidak dapat bernapas secara spontan dan teratur segera setelah lahir.
En cualquier lugar y momento histórico, desde las comunidades primitivas hasta nuestros días, los seres humanos han tenido que dotarse de una serie de normas que regulen la vida en sociedad. Actualmente es el poder político, representado por el Sector Público, el que establece el conjunto de leyes e instituciones que regulan la actuación de los agentes económicos y sus relaciones, condicionando sus decisiones y determinando el sistema económico. La escasez de recursos y su posibilidad de usos alternativos, obliga a la sociedad a tomar decisiones sobre el destino de tales recursos, que pueden sintetizarse en tres cuestiones fundamentales: • Qué bienes y servicios producir y en qué cantidad • Cómo producir esos bienes, con qué tecnología • Para quién producirlos Las decisiones tomadas para dar respuesta a estas cuestiones tienen un claro componente político, y configuran el sistema económico de una sociedad. No es indiferente, por ejemplo, dedicar los recursos a fabricar armas o alimentos, a bienes privados o a servicios públicos. En cuanto al cómo producir, aunque es una decisión en gran parte de naturaleza técnica, también lo es política: se produce respetando el medio ambiente o no, se explota a la fuerza de trabajo o no, etc. Por último, la decisión sobre quién va a disfrutar de los bienes y servicios producidos vuelve a ser política: puede repartirse igualitariamente entre toda la sociedad, o sólo entre los que han trabajado, o entre quienes puedan pagar el precio correspondiente, o en función de las necesidades de cada uno. En definitiva, lo que caracteriza básicamente a un sistema económico, es el mecanismo por el cual se toman las decisiones económicas anteriores, si bien cada uno de estos mecanismos exige determinadas condiciones de propiedad de los factores productivos, y da lugar a unas relaciones entre los agentes económicos correctos.
World Focus, 2024
The cessation of Pervez Musharraf’s military rule heralded a new era in Pakistan, with the military opting to influence the political system from behind the scenes rather than occupying a direct role. This shift has carved out a niche for civilian politics. The nation can take pride in witnessing its fourth consecutive civilian government transition. However, the military still wields substantial control, now adept at guiding civilian politics indirectly. The focus of this paper is the ongoing struggle for democracy in Pakistan within a military-influenced political landscape. Consequently, the new minority government, reliant on military backing to serve its term, might struggle to implement any significant changes in its foreign policy, especially concerning South Asia.
Acute adverse psychological reactions to classic hallucinogens (“bad trips” or “challenging experiences”), while usually benign with proper screening, preparation, and support in controlled settings, remain a safety concern in uncontrolled settings (such as illicit use contexts). Anecdotal and case reports suggest potential adverse acute symptoms including affective (panic, depressed mood), cognitive (confusion, feelings of losing sanity), and somatic (nausea, heart palpitation) symptoms. Responses to items from several hallucinogen-sensitive questionnaires (Hallucinogen Rating Scale, the States of Consciousness Questionnaire, and the Five-Dimensional Altered States of Consciousness questionnaire) in an Internet survey of challenging experiences with the classic hallucinogen psilocybin were used to construct and validate a Challenging Experience Questionnaire. The stand-alone Challenging Experience Questionnaire was then validated in a separate sample. Seven Challenging Experience Questionnaire factors (grief, fear, death, insanity, isolation, physical distress, and paranoia) provide a phenomenological profile of challenging aspects of experiences with psilocybin. Factor scores were associated with difficulty, meaningfulness, spiritual significance, and change in well-being attributed to the challenging experiences. The factor structure did not differ based on gender or prior struggle with anxiety or depression. The Challenging Experience Questionnaire provides a basis for future investigation of predictors and outcomes of challenging experiences with classic hallucinogens.
Elite Journal of Haematology, 2024
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) continues to be a formidable global health issue, necessitating an in-depth understanding of the immune response to enhance therapeutic outcomes. Central to this immune response are T lymphocytes, particularly CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, which play pivotal roles in orchestrating immune defense against HIV. The CD4/CD8 ratio has emerged as a crucial biomarker for assessing immune status, reflecting the balance between these two subsets and serving as an indicator of disease progression in HIV-infected individuals. A lower CD4/CD8 ratio is often associated with advanced disease, increased morbidity, and mortality, making it a vital measure in clinical practice. The intricate dynamics of the CD4/CD8 ratio are influenced by several factors, including HIV-induced immune activation, antiretroviral therapy (ART), immune aging, and comorbidities. Chronic immune activation resulting from HIV infection leads to CD4+ T cell depletion and CD8+ T cell expansion, further skewing the CD4/CD8 balance. Although ART significantly aids in restoring CD4+ T cell counts and improving the CD4/CD8 ratio, some individuals may continue to experience immune dysregulation, necessitating ongoing monitoring and innovative therapeutic approaches.
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