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2022, Revista de Carreiras e Pessoas
4 pages
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Individualized professional projections or organizational career plans recognize the existence of processes-operational or structural-that are discriminatory. Career evolution is often marked by situations of exclusion built by obstacles that inhibit ascent, both to decision-making nuclei, and to equal opportunities. And, both, in a very notorious way. Exclusion scenarios are, in fact, differentiated. But, complementary. The first of these scenarios, the most significant, involves the gender factor. Discriminatory practices, especially in relation to women, but not only, do not appear only in relation to underrepresentation at the hierarchical level of the organization. Also, the areas of greatest perspective, such as the digitization of value chains, are largely male domains. This domain also appears in social networks for new work opportunities. Without forgetting, of course, the maternity issue. Other exclusion factors also deserved attention from academic research: the format of performance evaluations, including in the public sector, the profile of HR practices and policies, and even questions of values and the origin of training. In this context, first recognizing the limits to understanding the complex world of discrimination scenarios and, taking into account the different possibilities for academic research to address the topic, the difficult reality involving exclusion factors in career development has been transformed in the thematic axis of the articles that make up the first issue of Volume 12 of Revista de Carreira e Pessoas The article that opens this issue of ReCaPe "Professional women in the transition to the Fourth Industrial Revolution: the Brazilian gauze", by Professor Anderson de Souza Sant'Anna, FGV-EAESP,
Revista de Carreiras e Pessoas
An increasing number of studies are being conducted with the objective of understanding discriminatory practices associated with the management of female professionals. Aimed at broadening this discussion in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, this paper discusses results of a quantitative research developed with 45,217 professionals (including women and men) from Brazilian companies participants of the Alliance for the Empowerment of Women, an initiative by UN Women. The results show that women are still underrepresented at the top level of organizations and have little participation in the most demanded professional areas in the context of the Industry 4.0.
Social Sciences, 2021
In this review article, we argue that the transformations related to the modernisation of Portuguese society triggered by the implementation of democracy did not fully accommodate gender equality. In particular, when we consider the areas where the most progress has been made in keeping with a broadly shared urge for modernisation, education and science; whereas women have contributed to boosting the Portuguese population’s level of education, thus inverting the worst legacy of the dictatorship and developing scientific research, gender inequalities are still visible in highly qualified professions. Reviewing the results of studies from different professions, science, medicine and engineering, our analysis illustrates several factors that hinder not only the recognition of women’s competences and merit at work but also their career opportunities. Some of these factors are rooted in the type of gender ideology that was central to the propaganda of the dictatorship, thereby establishi...
Pragmatics, 2012
The current study looks at the construction of professional identity and its relations with gender, by analyzing the discursive practices of a unique set of contrasting groups, i.e. three parallel institutions created to address violence against women in Brazil: An all female police station and two crisis intervention centers -one run by feminists professionals and the other run by lay women from a working class community. In particular, the study investigates how the professionals in each setting respond to self and other assessments made by the female victims of violence.
Since the second half of the twentieth century the participation of women in higher levels of education has been increasing, after centuries of systematic exclusion. In many countries women are now both graduate as well as undergraduate students, and also researchers and professors. Recent studies have pointed out, however, that although women’s access to different roles in universities is fundamental to achieve gender equality, it is definitely not enough. In this chapter, the case of Brazil is considered, in the hope of investigating which mechanisms operate in keeping such invisible walls and ceilings going – and if they are maintained, given certain specifi cities of the Brazilian academic career. The particular case of Brazilian public research universities may bring a new perspective on the subject of gendered vertical and horizontal concentration in the academic career for different reasons. First, because professors at such institutions are public employees, and they are granted permanence in their posts, regardless of their circumstances. This also means that their salary and conditions of employment do not need to be negotiated within the individual institution. Men and women have identical conditions of employment. Secondly, being a professor in a research university is a well-paid job (Barbosa Filho et al. 2009 ; Schwartzman 2012 ), making it possible for both male and female professors to hire domestic employees and other services in order to spare more time for work if needed. Such characteristics suggest that gender inequality in the academic career ladder in Brazil could be signifi cantly less than in other countries (at least potentially).
Sociology and Social Work Review, 2020
The unbalanced gender-specific division of labour emerged as early as the end of the nineteenth century, when women work was exploited and underpaid in the wage market. The gendered professional inequalities between women and men continue to persist even today. The present paper aims to provide an outline of the main concepts used for analysing gendered inequalities in professional careers and to delineate the most significant explanations regarding this phenomenon. Besides gender stereotypes and gender roles, other terms which conceptualize the gender-based inequalities and discrimination in professional careers are addressed, such as gender pay gap, horizontal segregation, evaluative discrimination, vertical segregation, glass ceiling, sticky floor, and gender status beliefs. Furthermore, there are discussed both theoretical economic approaches, which emphasize the role of human capital and explain discrimination of women in the labour market by the expectations on their lower productivity, and theoretical sociological approaches, which highlight other aspects, such as differences in power, social and cultural norms and values, and take into consideration the importance of social capital, social interactions and networks, and social closure in professional career and ascension. In the last part of the paper the key aspects of the debate are emphasized and some remarks about the necessity of larger, more integrative and practice-oriented researches in this regard are made.
The purpose of this article is to identify and analyze social representations of femininity and masculinity, as reported by women business executives in Brazil. For that, the research resorted to semi-structured interviews of sixty-four executives from seven Brazilian cities. As a technique for data analysis, this research utilized the theoretical and conceptual basis of French discourse analysis. When gender issues become related to the specific qualities of being a woman and a business executive – or to the interfaces that gender may establish with an individual’s work – contradictions may emerge from the construction of a particular thematic. Also, positive and negative aspects of being a female executive exist, namely: (a) representations of an executive; (b) feminine competency and incompetency; (c) dilemmas regarding sensitivity; (d) conflicts involving seduction power; (e) omissions, prejudice and violence suffered by women at work; and (f) motherhood.
Women's professional trajectory has been an interesting and recurrent subject for the last few decades. There are a lot of studies carried out which deal with the differences in the professional trajectories of men and women, from different approaches and units of analysis and from the ratios or proportions in different situations to the experiences undergone during their careers. This research intends to analyze the story of the professional trajectory from the main protagonists' experiences. The author intends to proceed through a comparison between men and women's cases, from a longitudinal perspective since 1998 to 2010. The analysis is focused on the personal, social, and organization elements which allow or constrain the professional development concerning gender of the 12 years of trajectory which this study deals with. The results are shown through two great metaphors: the river and the path, which allow us to understand and realize how gender is linked and promulgated in the working field, as well as how subjectivity is committed and explains the world named " objective " .
Psicologia, 2019
/psicologia. v21n2p232-251. Sistema de avaliação: às cegas por pares (double blind review).
In recent years, changes in business and work organization led to the emergence of new career models. Among these models, the boundaryless career, which is premised on high professional mobility, has gained prominence. However, there are few empirical studies on this phenomenon in Brazil. The present study seeks to address this gap. The objective of this study is to identify the attitudes of individuals towards their careers in a large Brazilian fi nancial institution. Methodologically, the study uses a mixed design. The quantitative entailed the application of the Boundaryless Career Attitudes Scale, which was previously validated for use in the Portuguese language. The scale was administered to 126 professionals working in seven areas of the above-referenced organization. The qualitative study involved 11 in-depth interviews with professionals who are identifi ed using the respondent list from the quantitative portion of the study. The results indicate a strong presence of boundaryless career attitudes within the organization, although there are differences among individuals (which stem from differences in the individuals' tenures at the organization) and differences among areas of the organization. The article seeks to explain the reasons for these differences and to discuss the apparent paradox between an evident boundaryless career attitude and a strong desire for permanence and bonding with the organization. The present study contributes to knowledge in the fi eld of career studies in Brazil because it uses a validated scale of attitudes and reveals the reality of a large local organization.
Tourism & Management Studies, 2019
This study focused on the concept of career, taking into consideration the changes this construct has undergone over the years: from traditional approaches to contemporary perspectives. The research included analysing organisational policies and practices, as well as recognising the importance of workers' views regarding these phenomena. The study specifically sought to understand more fully organisations' career management strategies in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The data collection included both Human Resources Departments' stated positions and employees' perceptions of their opportunities for professional growth and the available career planning mechanisms. Secondary data were obtained from the 'Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar-2016' ('The Best Companies to Work for-2016) survey, which also provided a methodological framework. The results highlight organisations' concerns regarding subsidising their employees' career development, although this support varies according to hierarchical level and company size. Resumo Este artigo trata do tema carreira tendo como contexto as modificações que esse conceito vem sofrendo ao longo dos anos: de uma abordagem tradicional (linear) a um enfoque contemporâneo (múltipla e sem fronteiras). A pesquisa revisita o tema analisando as políticas e práticas organizacionais, e também (re)conhecendo a importância do olhar do próprio trabalhador sobre o fenômeno. Seu objetivo se traduz em compreender a gestão de carreiras em organizações do estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil), considerando os posicionamentos adotados pelas áreas de Recursos Humanos e a percepção dos empregados quanto às possibilidades de crescimento profissional e mecanismos para planejamento de carreira. Toma-se como base metodológica, dados secundários obtidos da pesquisa "As Melhores Empresas para Você Trabalhar" (2016). Os resultados apontam para uma preocupação das organizações em subsidiar o desenvolvimento da carreira dos seus profissionais, ainda que haja distinções deste apoio em relação aos níveis hierárquicos e porte da empresa. Palavras-chave: Planejamento de carreira, desenvolvimento da carreira, recursos humanos, crescimento profissional, melhores empresas para trabalhar.
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