International Journal of Data and Network Science 7 (2023). 97–106
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International Journal of Data and Network Science
A fuzzy based model for rainfall prediction
Bilal Zahrana*, Belal Ayyoubb, Waleed Abu-Ainc, Wael Hadid and Sulieman Al-Hawarye
Department of Engineering & AI, Al-Salt Technical College, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
Computer Science Department, Applied College, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia
Department of Information Security, Faculty of information Technology, University of Petra, Jordan
Department of Business Administration, Business School, Al al-Bayt University, Jordan
Article history:
Received: May 20, 2022
Received in revised format: September 26, 2022
Accepted: November 30, 2022
Available online: December 2
Fuzzy logic (FL)
Weather forecasting
Rainfall prediction
Of all the current challenges faced by Jordan, the most severe is the inadequacy of the water supply.
The country is almost entirely reliant on rainfall, whose pattern, however, is highly variable in terms
of its frequency, regularity, and quantity. Evidently, therefore, the ability to anticipate rainfall accurately is critically important for the effective planning and management of water resources in Jordan,
and particularly in agricultural areas. Influenced by a range of factors such as temperature, relative
humidity, and wind speed, rainfall is a stochastic process. This paper suggests the use of a fuzzy
model that draws upon data gathered at 26 stations situated in a range of locations throughout Jordan.
The model is capable of forecasting seasonal rainfall relating to a specific station. Its ability to deliver
predictions with an acceptable degree of accuracy has been demonstrated, and it can be concluded
from this that the fuzzy technique can provide a model that is capable of efficiently forecasting seasonal rainfall.
© 2023 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada.
1. Introduction
Among the services provided by meteorological offices globally, one of the most important and challenging is the forecasting
of the weather—a complex process that integrates a wide range of specialist technological expertise. One of the fundamental
elements involved in this is water, which is essential to human survival and necessary for a wide range of vitally important
activities. These include the production of food through agriculture, which is wholly reliant on rainfall for its success, but
rainfall is also critical for many other processes and activities that are critical to human life. The variables that determine
climatic conditions—such as minimum and maximum temperatures, humidity, and rainfall—are in a constant state of flux
over time. These generate a time series with respect to each parameter, and this may be utilized to create a prediction model,
either statistically or via other means that draw upon the time series data. (Ozone layer, temperature, relative humidity, etc.)
There is consequently a requirement for effective control over these variable factors in order to obtain accurate forecasts of
rainfall, and a number of computational methods have been proposed with a view to accomplishing this. In the context of the
adequacy of water resources, Jordan is considered to be one of the most deprived nations. Located within the eastern Mediterranean climate zone, the country is characterized by hot and dry summers and cool and wet winters. Its rainfall profile
shows an irregular distribution across the various regions as well as substantial annual variation in terms of its quantity and
timing (Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation Publication, 2015; Raddad, 2005; Al-Ansari et al., 2014; Zahran, 2015;
Janarthanan et al., 2021), with a rainy season extending from October to April. A significant proportion of Jordan’s landmass
is arid or semi-arid; here, the annual rainfall amounts, on average, to less than 200 millimeters, most of which is lost to
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (B. Zahran)
ISSN 2561-8156 (Online) - ISSN 2561-8148 (Print)
© 2023 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada.
doi: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2022.12.001
evaporation, whereas in the north-west region, a maximum of some 600 millimeters per annum may be received. The country
is primarily dependent on rainfall for its water resources, but water availability is highly variable due to the dry climatic
conditions. The severity of the water resources challenge may be observed by tracking the per capita supply, which by 1977
had risen to 429.9 m3, compared with only 94 m3 in 2018. This dramatic shift in consumption is accounted for by the rapid
population increase and the lack of water resources (Raddad, 2005; Al-Ansari et al., 2014). Jordan’s rainfall and the parameters
that inform it are uncertain and non-linear. Jordan is therefore considered to be suitable for the fuzzy logic algorithm approach
to forecasting, which is commonly supported in contemporary research in the field of rainfall prediction.
FL is a type of many-valued logic that employs approximate rather than precise reasoning. FL variables may possess a truth
value varying between 0 and 1 (Zadeh, 1965; Logic et al., 1999; Kasabov, 1998), as distinct from typical binary sets, where
the value of a variable is restricted to either “true” or "false." A FL consists of the nonlinear mapping of a set of input data to
scalar output data and includes the four basic elements of a FL system: the fuzzifier, the rules, the inference engine, and the
defuzzifier. At the design stage, the fuzzy logic process includes the following phases: definition of the linguistic variables
and terms; construction of the membership functions; and construction of the rule base. In the inference phase, the stages
include: employing the membership functions; converting crisp input data into fuzzy values; evaluating the rules within the
rule base; combining the outcomes of each rule; and defuzzification, which involves converting the output data to real values
(Logic et al., 1999; Kasabov, 1998). It is notable that a number of scientific domains that involve uncertainty have beneficially
deployed fuzzy-based models.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 considers existing work in the fields of rainfall prediction and fuzzy-based
systems. In Section 3, proposals for FL models are explored, while Section 4 provides reflections on the results. Finally, the
conclusions of this research are presented in Section 5.
Literature review
The existing literature suggests that Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms are eminently suitable for application within the
weather forecasting field, and in particular for the prediction of rainfall. Adopted widely within numerous fields characterized
by nonlinear patterns, FL lends itself especially well to utilization in the development of models to predict weather parameters.
This is due to the substantial levels of uncertainty inherent in weather forecasting, as attested by the current literature
(Ramadoss et al., 2020; Rahman, 2020; Kumar, 2019; Agboola et al., 2013), in which a number of current studies have
deployed FL for this purpose. A discussion of these studies is provided in this section. In Ramadoss et al. (2020), acceptable
results were produced in a study that utilized an intelligent fuzzy model where temperature (T) and wind speed (SW) were
used to forecast the rainfall (FR) rate. This involved applying the fuzzy rule, whereby the antecedent and consequent statements relate the input variable to each other in order to determine the results. The study presented in Rahman (2020) combined
the input factors of temperature and wind speed with a single output variable—the amount of predictable rainfall. The graph’s
diagram is constructed using eight equations representing temperature and wind speed, which correspond to the membership
values. Eight equations for distinct categories are also created by rainfall. The environmental conditions that increase rainfall
incidence are represented by fuzzy levels. Membership functions are derived following the minimum composition of the
inference section of the fuzzification undertaken for temperature and wind speed.
In Kumar, 2019, the researchers investigated the use of a FL method to examine rain prediction, given that this can assist in
forecasting short-term load. The security analysis of generational short-term load forecasting is a highly valuable instrument
for unit commitment. Based on the results, it was concluded that FL is a reasonably accurate technique for predicting the
amount of rainfall when using wind speed and temperature data. As previously noted, the accurate prediction of rainfall plays
an important role in enhancing the management of water resources. Effective connections between water authorities across
the country and the accurate forecasting of rainfall are also critically important in facilitating the monitoring and avoidance
of disaster conditions such as drought and flooding. The source (Agboola et al., 2013) explores whether FL may be utilized
to model rainfall in south-western Nigeria. Here, the FL model consists of two functional components—on the one hand, the
fuzzy reasoning or decision-making element, and on the other, the knowledge base. The authors computed the prediction
accuracy and determined, according to the results obtained, that the fuzzy technique is indeed capable of efficiently managing
the collected data. Their model displayed both flexibility and the capability to replicate a poorly defined connection between
the input and output variables.
3.1 Area of study (Jordan)
Located on the Asian continent between latitudes 29° and 34°N and longitudes 35° and 40°E, Jordan experiences a semi-dry
climate in the summer with average temperatures in the mid–30s °C (approximately 86 °F) and a chilly winter, when the
temperature is on average approximately 13 °C (55 °F). The rainy season extends from November to April, with December
and February being the wettest of the winter months. Other than in the northwest of the country, which receives between 250
and 600 millimeters (10 and 18 inches) of precipitation annually, Jordan typically receives under 100 millimeters (4 inches)
B. Zahran et al. / International Journal of Data and Network Science 7 (2023)
of rain. The present study separated Jordan into four distinct areas—the north, south, middle, and desert—with each area
having rainfall and climatic parameters that are distinct from the others. Fig. 1 depicts the subdivision into areas. In defining
the four areas in which stations were to be located, the sole criterion considered was seasonal rainfall between October and
Fig. 1. Map of Jordan with each of the four regions (areas of study) shown in different colors
3.2 Data set and data pre-processing
Rainfall (mm)
Monthly rainfall data was obtained from the national meteorological department of Jordan for the period 1977–2020. The data
was obtained from 26 weather stations across Jordan. To address the issue of dirty, incomplete, and noisy real-world data,
data cleaning was conducted, which also addressed duplicate records, data entry inaccuracies, and inconsistencies such as
those arising from the use of multiple data sources. This involved the replacement with mean values of any values missing
from the seasonal rainfall data. Outlier data—such as observations that were distant from others—were removed. A sample
of the climate dataset for the middle region, including the capital, Amman, is provided in Table 2 and Fig. 2.
Seasonl rainfall rate for Amman (mm)
Fig. 2. The seasonal rainfall rate of Amman (Middle region stations) for period between 1989 and 2020
Table 1
Sample of dataset for middle region in Jordan
The Middle
3.3 Fuzzy model
A fuzzy logic model may also be known as a fuzzy inference system. In the current study, the two functional elements of the
model are: firstly, the knowledge base, consisting of a number of fuzzy "if-then" rules; and secondly, a database that describes
the membership functions of the fuzzy sets used in the fuzzy rules. The inference operations based on these rules are performed
by the fuzzy reasoning or decision-making unit, which is founded upon the knowledge base.
A typical process for building a fuzzy expert system will consist of the five steps set out below:
Define the linguistic variables and specify the problem;
Identify the fuzzy sets;
Create fuzzy rules by eliciting and constructing them;
Encode the fuzzy sets, fuzzy rules and fuzzy procedures in order to conduct fuzzy inference on the expert system;
Assess and adjust the system;
Steps 1 and 2: Defining the problem, variables and fuzzy sets
Applying steps 1 and 2 above to the current model, the involvement of several linguistic variables is noted. These are: temperature (T), wind speed (SW), cloud (C), humidity (H), and rainfall rate (FR). The linguistic values selected for the typical
linguistic variables are: VL, L, N, H, and VH, the meanings of which are defined in Table 2. The mathematical approach to
deriving the fuzzy set of a typical fuzzy variable is presented in Fig. 3.
Table 2
Fuzzy Variables meaning
Very low
Very high
Fig. 3. Fuzzy sets of Membership function (μ) and corresponding fuzzy levels
In the calculation operation, the range of the fuzzy variables, between their minimum and maximum values, is separated into
an ascending-order numerical scale, beginning with the minimum. Fig. 3 displays the range and fuzzy levels for any fuzzy set
of objects in a triangle functional diagram, with the range divided into five equal sub-ranges, each representing a fuzzy level.
They are displayed in ascending order and abbreviated as VL, L, N, H, and VH, with abbreviations and definitions of each
level provided in Table 2.
Step 3: Constructing Fuzzy Rules
In this stage, appropriate production rules are constructed. These consist of the antecedent and consequent sections of the
fuzzy rule, followed by algorithms using logic based on the previous experience of decision makers. The truth table that
supports identification of the potential fuzzy rules can be found at Table 3.
Fuzzy RuleTruth Table
T \ SW
The intersection of row (T) and column (SW) produce rainfall (FR) value. The rule of this value is : IF (TP is N ) and ( WS is H ) then ( RF is N )
Step 4: Coding the fuzzy system
In step 4, the design of the fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules involves coding the fuzzy system. In this study, the MATLAB Fuzzy
Logic Toolbox was deployed to achieve this.
Step 5: Assessment and adjustment
B. Zahran et al. / International Journal of Data and Network Science 7 (2023)
In Step 5, the final phase, the system is assessed and adjusted accordingly. This is the most challenging stage, as it is essential
in determining whether or not the fuzzy system fulfils the requirements set out for it.
3.4 Performance evaluation—error measures
A number of error metrics were utilized to establish the effectiveness of the fuzzy rule-based model, as set out below:
Prediction Error (PE):
𝑃𝐸 =
(|𝑦 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 − 𝑦 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 |)
𝑦 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙
where the PE is sufficiently minimal—defined as near to 0— the prediction model is considered good.
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE):
∑ 𝑦 −ŷ
This metric is typically used to determine the extent of any divergence between the prediction provided by the model and
the actuality of the entity being modeled.
3. Mean Absolute Error (MAE):
𝑦 −ŷ
The lower the MAE generated by this calculation, the more accurate the model.
4. Accuracy:
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 100 − 𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸
where 𝑦 and ŷ𝐣 are observed and predicted values for rainfall, respectively and N is the number of observations.
Fig. 4 shows the fuzzy logic Modeling Procedures and performance evaluation.
Fig. 4. Fuzzy Logic Modeling Procedures: A. Modeling Procedures, B. Performance Evaluation
3.5 Primary proposed fuzzy model
The scheme outlined below was utilized to construct a primary model, which was then successively improved until the final
version, having the lowest possible error rate, was achieved. The primary model had two input variables: wind speed (SW)
and temperature at a specific time (T), as well as one output variable: estimated rainfall. The input variables were selected on
the basis of their proven influence upon the occurrence of rainfall. The values of the input variables are grouped into fuzzy
levels using the linguistic variable. With a membership value, the input variable will belong to one or, at most, two of these
levels. An input value is translated to its corresponding membership function (MF) value by establishing parameter types,
ranges, and rules to identify all the membership values for any specific input variable. Further detail of the primary model is
depicted in Fig. 5 and Table 4.
Fig. 5. Fuzzy set and membership functions related to temperature (T) – primary model
Table 4
Sample of primary model Rules
1. If (SW is L ) and ( T is L) then ( FR is L )
2. If (SW is L ) and ( T is N) then ( FR is L )
3. If (SW is L ) and ( T is H) then ( FR is L )
4. If (SW is N ) and ( T is L) then ( FR is L )
5. If (SW is N) and ( T is N) then ( FR is N )
Results of primary model and discussions
Fig. 6 presents the preliminary results of our survey
Average PE =12.943 RMSE = 58.3
Accuracy (%) = 41.6
Average MAE = 52.1
Actual data
Predicted output
Fig. 6. Actual values vs. predicted values (Primary model –Middle region)
3.5.2 Results of primary model and discussions
The results demonstrated that the primary model is not accurate, achieving only a 41.6% measure of accuracy, which is
unsatisfactory. In a comparison of the ith and (i-1)th seasons utilizing real data and total results, it was established that the value
of the computed FR diverges from the corresponding pattern of decrease or growth with identical ranges of SW and T data.
B. Zahran et al. / International Journal of Data and Network Science 7 (2023)
This is particularly the case where the actual value of FR is situated within the upper range. On the basis of this assessment,
it was concluded that substantial improvement of the primary model was required.
3.5.2 Improvement of the primary model
The fundamental issue with the previous initial fuzzy-based time series forecasting model was its inability to successfully
predict the rainfall. A review of the several procedures carried out to improve the model is described here:
The fundamental issue with the previous initial fuzzy-based time series forecasting model was its inability to Handling the
missing and anomaly values found in the dataset with appropriate means.
Choosing the appropriate order (past values) of time-series data experimentally.
Reconstructing the fuzzy sets according to the importance of the climatic parameter to rainfall prediction
Rebuilding the fuzzy rules carefully and experimentally to achieve the best results
Increasing the input space and the parameters that affects the rainfall prediction.
The primary model was subsequently examined to identify means of enhancing the match between the anticipated and real
FR values, through a number of additional steps, for example:
Repeat the investigation into the climate of the study area in order to:
o Add or remove parameters (input variables);
o reformulate the rules based on the climate study (adjusting rules conclusions);
Amend the input and/or the output membership functions:
o change the centers of the membership functions (change the range, change the type of membership function);
o add or remove membership functions;
Study the effects of each rule on the model results, selecting those that are of use.
3.6 Final fuzzy models
Following numerous experiments to enhance the primary models, in which over 60 models were tested, a final model was
established that carried an acceptable error rate. These four models cover the four regions. The final model included four input
variables—wind speed (SW), cloud cover (CL), humidity (HU), and temperature at a specific time (T)—and one output variable, which is estimated rainfall. The input variables were translated to their corresponding membership function (MF) value
by establishing parameter types, ranges, and rules to identify all the membership values for any specific input variable. A
detailed description of the final model for the middle region is provided in the Figs. (7-11) and Table 6.
Fig. 7. Membership functions related to temperature (T) –
middle model
Fig. 8. Membership functions related to cloud (CL) – middle
Fig. 9. Membership functions related to wind speed (SW) –
middle model
Fig. 10. Membership functions related to humidity (HU) –
middle model
Fig. 11. Membership functions related to rainfall (FR) – middle model
Table 6
Sample of fuzzy rules for the middle region model
1. If (T is VL) and (CL is H) and (SW is H) and (HU is VH) then (FR is VH)
2. If (T is VL) and (CL is H) and (SW is VH) and (HU is H) then (FR is VH)
3. If (T is L) and (CL is N) and (SW is L) and (HU is VL) then (FR is VL)
4. If (T is L) and (CL is N) and (SW is L) and (HU is L) then (FR is VL)
5. If (T is L) and (CL is N) and (SW is L) and (HU is H) then (FR is L)
6. If (T is L) and (CL is N) and (SW is H) and (HU is VL) then (FR is L)
7. If (T is L) and (CL is N) and (SW is VH) and (HU is L) then (FR is L)
8. If (T is L) and (CL is H) and (SW is H) and (HU is L) then (FR is H)
9. If (T is VL) and (CL is N) and (SW is L) and (HU is L) then (FR is L)
10. If (T is L) and (CL is N) and (SW is H) and (HU is L) then (FR is VL)
4. Results and discussion
The result of the Middle Region model
The results of the Middle Region model and the performance measures are shown are depicted in Fig. 12.
Average PE =0.479063543
RMSE = 13.48202
Accuracy (%) = 86.51798
Average MAE = 9.053239
Fig. 13. Actual Values vs. Predicted Values (middle model)
The accuracy of the proposed model has increased significantly after taking into account more climatic parameters that affect
rainfall rate, namely: temperature, wind speed, cloud cover, humidity, and carefully constructing the fuzzy sets and rules. A
careful reading of the metrics values indicates that the proposed method has successfully modeled the season’s rainfall in the
middle region of Jordan.
4.2 The result of the North, South and Desert Region model
B. Zahran et al. / International Journal of Data and Network Science 7 (2023)
To summarize, we grouped final results of the proposed model for remaining regions: North, South and Desert regions.
Table 7
Calculated Error Measures for north , south, desert models
Average PE
Accuracy (%)
Average MAE
A careful reading of the results produces the following conclusions:
The greater the number of climatic factors affecting rainfall within the model, the greater the accuracy of the results
generated. The final model took into account the parameters of temperature, cloud cover, wind speed, and humidity.
Handling missing values and anomalies found in the dataset is crucial to achieving the best results.
Using the appropriate order (past values) of the data affects the performance notably.
The establishment of a separate model with respect to each region with its own climatic parameters is the preferred
approach. In this case, the overall territory of study (Jordan) was divided into four regions, and accordingly, four
separate fuzzy models were designed.
Within the fuzzy model, the various parameters for the four proposed regional models were initially established
and subsequently adjusted experimentally and heuristically. Consequently, each model differs from all the others in
respect of the parameters utilized, including with regard to fuzzy variable values and ranges, membership functions, and fuzzy roles.
Seasonal rainfall is extremely variable in the middle, the north, and the desert regions.
The results obtained indicate the models proposed are effective in predicting seasonal rainfall in Jordan.
5. Conclusion
This study sought to forecast seasonal rainfall in Jordan using a fuzzy-based model. The evaluation of the proposed fuzzy
model utilized performance metrics including PD, RMSE, MAE, and accuracy. The error measures thus generated suggest
that the proposed model is both reliable and acceptable—and is therefore capable of use as a seasonal rainfall prediction tool.
The area of study—Jordan—was divided into four regions, each with a similar climate profile. Frequent adjustment of the
fuzzy model parameters was undertaken to enhance performance and achieve acceptable results. Following numerous experiments, the climatic parameters of temperature, wind speed, cloud cover, and humidity were adopted as the inputs to the
model. The models were flexible and capable of representing a weakly defined link between an input and an output variable.
Based on the findings of this study, it is possible to conclude that the fuzzy technique is capable of providing accurate general
rainfall predictions. In terms of future work, further optimization may be achieved by combining FL techniques with an
alternative method such as artificial neural networks (ANN), exploring the potential of neuro-fuzzy algorithms to provide
enhanced results. In addition, experimentation involving larger data sets and more numerous rainfall parameters integrated
within the models may prove to be of further value. Finally, it may be useful to explore the utilization of deep-learning
techniques within the prediction models in order to manage large data volumes.
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© 2023 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada. This is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY). license