Shohdohji et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2010 11(12):921-926
Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering)
ISSN 1673-565X (Print); ISSN 1862-1775 (Online)
www.zju.edu.cn/jzus; www.springerlink.com
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A new algorithm based on metaheuristics for data clustering*
Tsutomu SHOHDOHJI , Fumihiko YANO , Yoshiaki TOYODA
(1Department of Computer and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nippon Institute of Technology,
Gakuendai 4-1, Miyashiro-Machi, Saitama 345-8501, Japan)
(2Division of Integrated Sciences, J. F. Oberlin University, Tokiwa 3758, Machida, Tokyo 194-0294, Japan)
(3Aoyama Gakuin University, Fuchinobe 5-10-1, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5258, Japan)
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]
Received Oct. 28, 2010; Revision accepted Oct. 29, 2010; Crosschecked Oct. 29, 2010
Abstract: This paper presents a new algorithm for clustering a large amount of data. We improved the ant colony clustering
algorithm that uses an ant’s swarm intelligence, and tried to overcome the weakness of the classical cluster analysis methods. In
our proposed algorithm, improvements in the efficiency of an agent operation were achieved, and a new function “cluster condensation” was added. Our proposed algorithm is a processing method by which a cluster size is reduced by uniting similar objects
and incorporating them into the cluster condensation. Compared with classical cluster analysis methods, the number of steps
required to complete the clustering can be suppressed to 1% or less by performing this procedure, and the dispersion of the result
can also be reduced. Moreover, our clustering algorithm has the advantage of being possible even in a small-field cluster condensation. In addition, the number of objects that exist in the field decreases because the cluster condenses; therefore, it becomes
possible to add an object to a space that has become empty. In other words, first, the majority of data is put on standby. They are
then clustered, gradually adding parts of the standby data to the clustering data. The method can be adopted for a large amount of
data. Numerical experiments confirmed that our proposed algorithm can theoretically applied to an unrestricted volume of data.
Key words: Metaheuristics, Ant colony clustering, Data clustering, Swarm intelligence
Document code: A
CLC number: TP301
1 Introduction
Classification of an enormous volume of data
enables us to determine structure and relativity within
the data and identify useful information. The cluster
analysis technique is one of popular data classification techniques. However, this technique has several
drawbacks: it tends to revert to localized best-fit solutions; it requires prior specification of the number of
clusters; and, a natural classification of data is difficult. Lumer and Faieta (1994) have proposed a new
technique called “ant colony clustering (ACC)”,
which is modeled on the intelligence of an ant swarm.
Swarm intelligence is the result of information gath*
Project (No. 18510132) supported by the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
© Zhejiang University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
ering by a very large number of individuals who
perform simple processing and influence each other.
Swarm intelligence is also characterized by the ability
to achieve optimum processing results from a large
crowd operating as a unified whole. ACC can potentially address the shortcomings of existing cluster
analysis techniques through the use of swarm intelligence. The purpose of this study is to modify the
ACC algorithm to enhance efficiency and enable
more accurate clustering.
2 Ant colony clustering
2.1 Outline of the ACC algorithm
The ACC algorithm is a clustering algorithm that
imitates the burial action of ants. The behavior of ants,
as they collect their companions’ corpses together in
Shohdohji et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2010 11(12):921-926
one location, is applied to the algorithm. Fig. 1 (Bonabeau et al., 1999) shows the appearance of the
change of the mass of ant corpses according to the
passage of time. In the ACC algorithm, an ant corresponds to an agent and an ant corpse corresponds to
an object. In this algorithm, the burial behavior of
artificial ants is represented as data clustering. The
artificial ants (agents) have change place where to
carry the corpses (data) by object classification.
Moreover, the lattice space with some area is prepared as a place for clustering. The agent moves it at
some new locations if neither an object in it nor similar objects in surroundings. On the other hand, the
agent acts according to the rule of putting it if there
are some similar objects. Also, the agent can move at
random in the search space (Shohdohji et al., 2007).
The clustering procedures in the ACC algorithm
are as follows:
Step 1: Initialization. Arrange objects with
Step 2: State confirmation of site. Confirm state
of site surrounding the agents.
Step 3: Selection of action. The action (either
pick up or put down) is determined in accordance
with the situation.
Step 4: Movement. Move to a site that can be
moved at random.
Step 5: End of procedure determination.
All agents must execute Steps 2 through 4. The
procedures end when all steps as provided beforehand
have been executed.
2.2 Deficiencies in the ACC algorithm
The ACC algorithm forms the cluster by moving
objects on the search field. Therefore, a lot of problems that accompany the concept of physical distance
on the search field remain unsolved.
1. Number of necessary steps
The ACC algorithm requires an enormous
number of steps to complete clustering. If hundreds of
datasets are involved, the number of steps required for
clustering can reach several millions, depending on
the parameter settings. This is thought to be largely
attributable to the agent’s locomotion strategy. The
agent frequently shuttles back and forth within a
constant range since it moves between eight adjacent
sites at random with an equal probability. This is
inefficient to reach remote locations. Moreover, it is
considered as a highly unnatural operation, despite
having been observed as a natural behavior in the ant
2. Clustering accuracy
Clustering accuracy is governed by the distance
between clusters and the size of clusters. The potential influence on clustering accuracy constitutes a
problem. It is thought that the initial formation of
clustering influences the final clustering configuration. In a place with many similar objects, there is a
high probability that the agent will put down the object. Moreover, a cluster of a significant large initial
size will often have an influence. It is thought that
these factors influence the final clustering configuration. The followings are the possible phenomena:
(1) Objects are mixed together.
(2) Objects are surrounded by a certain cluster
and cannot escape.
These phenomena are thought to be attributable
to the distance between clusters. Short distances between different types of clusters are difficult to identify. However, above phenomena are hard to resolve
and integrate when the same kind of clusters are
mutually parted.
(3) Restriction of search domain by area.
When the clustering field is limited, a limitation
is imposed on the search domain. It is necessary to the
collection of objects in remote locations as well as to
Fig. 1 Clustering process of ant corpses according to the passage of time (Bonabeau et al., 1999)
Shohdohji et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2010 11(12):921-926
the preparation of a field with sufficient area to allow
time for the integration of clusters, in a field that is
wide relative to the quantity of data. Furthermore,
data in excess of the field area cannot be processed.
The problem associated with distance is not solved
only by preparing a wide field. Meanwhile, the efficiency of clustering decreases greatly.
3 Our proposed algorithm
Algorithms that describing phenomena such as
the division of labor by agents and distribution of
global information are regarded as improvements to
the current ACC technique. The algorithm proposed
in this study contains a number of improvements that
are designed to preserve the essential characteristics
of swarm intelligence.
3.1 More efficient ant movement
The efficiency improvement of ant movement is
a function to improve the efficiency of clustering by
making the agent’s movement more natural. Based on
observations of actual ants, we added the following
improvements to agent movements. Table 1 shows
the differences in agent movement between the ACC
algorithm (Lumer and Faieta, 1994) and our proposed
1. Movement in three directions forward
We assumed the probability of going straight to
be 50% to reproduce the natural movement of an ant,
and the probability for the diagonal left side and right
side to be 25%. That is, we designed the algorithm to
take the action to which an artificial ant gave priority
to straight advancement. These probabilities are
based on observations of actual ant’s movements.
When the range within which the ant can recognize
objects is made 3×3 sites forward, and the agent puts
the object on the site, the traveling direction will be
reversed. This provides visual confirmation of the
road that has already been traveled to the rear side.
Moreover, advancing requires the object to be placed
ahead, where there are already many similar objects.
To avoid this situation, it was decided to allow the ant
to move only in three directions forward.
2. Object priority movement
In the natural world, ants do not move completely at random, but rather are continuously
searching out the direction of travel with their feelers.
Ants are thought to exhibit this searching behavior
irrespective of whether there are obstructions in the
traveling direction or whether they have been asked
for something that does not exist. It was assumed that
the object had been confirmed beforehand and existed
in view of the ant when moving, so that the ant moved
to the object’s location by priority. We therefore believe that the efficiency of object searching has improved.
3. Unification of probability equation
In the previous choice judgment method, the
decision of where to put down the object was made
after the decision of whether to pick up the object, and
Table 1 Comparison of two algorithms in agent movement*
Direction of movement
Ant’s view
Probability of
picking up an object
Probability of
putting down an object
⎛ k ⎞
Pp = ⎜ 1 ⎟ ,
⎝ k1 + f ⎠
ACC algorithm
(Lumer and
Faieta, 1994)
f =
Surrounding 8 sites
Surrounding 5×5 sites
⎧2 f , if f < k2 ,
Pd = ⎨
⎩1, otherwise
⎛ d (Oi , O j ) ⎞
2 ∑ ⎜
s Oj ⎝
f =
Our proposed
Pj = 1 −
Forward 3 sites
1 s
∑ Pn ,
s 2 n =1
d (Oi , O j ) 2
Forward 3×3 sites
In the probability equations, s is the range (s×s) on the view site, d is the degree of similarity (distance) between objects, Oi is an object
that an agent is carrying, Oj is a compared object, and k1, k2, etc. are parameters
Shohdohji et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2010 11(12):921-926
the respective probabilities were determined. In this
method, when each agent (artificial ant) picks up the
object, non-resemblance is judged in the same space,
and when the agent places it, it might be judged that it
is reversely resembles. This is very unnatural. In addition, the fixed criteria would be given when many
parameters and thresholds were set in k1, k2, etc.,
which could cause the swarm intelligence characteristic to decrease. To overcome these problems, two
expressions to calculate the similarity degree of data
were integrated into one expression and some improvements were added.
3.2 Condensation of clusters
Condensation of clusters unites objects together
under specific conditions. This technique states that
the ratio of the area that the cluster on the field occupies will decrease. In the ACC algorithm, the distance
of the object on the field has no meaning and only the
distinction whether it is the same kind of clusters is
important. According to the ACC algorithm, an object
group deemed to be the same kind of cluster is compactly condensed. As a result, it becomes possible to
move objects in each cluster since two or more sets of
objects (i.e., a cluster) are treated as one object. This
improves both clustering efficiency and precision.
Moreover, the small cluster size virtually eliminates
the problem of distance between clusters. Therefore,
there is a further advantage of no need to prepare an
unnecessarily wide field relative to the number of
objects. The process of cluster condensation is described below.
1. Conditions. The cluster condensation proposed in this study is a function that performs additional processing after the decision about where the
agent puts the object. First of all, the algorithm
compares the object that exists on the agent’s view
site with the carried object and determines the degree
of similarity. When a similar decision goes out to all
objects in the view site, it will be condensed into the
cluster. If the object that exists in the agent’s view is
one cluster, it will resemble all of the objects. This
approach is based on the principle that the object
carried by the agent should belong to the cluster.
2. Condensation processing. Actual processing
of cluster condensation is an operation that unites
“object of the highest degree of similarity in the view
site” and “object that the agent carries”. In this case,
the attribute value of the cluster (hereafter, condensation object) rendered as an object by cluster condensation can be obtained from Eq. (1):
x(Oi + O j ) =
x(Oi )n(Oi ) + x(O j )n(O j )
n(Oi ) + n(O j )
where x is the attribute value of the object and n is the
number of objects united thus far.
3.3 Improved version of cluster condensation
The improved version of the cluster condensation algorithm contains partial modifications to the
cluster condensation movement previously described.
Objects deemed to have a constant frequency, similar
to the technique for determining the degree of similarity in the improved algorithm, are condensed mutually. We believe that this enables a higher speed
cluster condensation. The procedure is described
1. Comparison of objects in view site. Comparison of the object in the view site (Oj) and the
possession object (Oi) is performed as per the previous algorithm. The similarity judgment frequency of
objects Oj and Oi is counted as one when objects Oj
and Oi are judged similar. The operation described
above is executed for all objects that exist on the view
2. Condensation processing. If a similar count
reaches a constant frequency when objects are compared, objects Oj and Oi are united. Condensation
processing at this time is the same as the standard
cluster condensation.
3. Relocation processing. An object will be relocated if condensation processing has not been
completed when the comparison of objects ends and if
something is judged to resemble one of the objects
that already exist. The improved algorithm differs
greatly from the previous algorithms in that objects
are not put in a place but are arranged on the site
within the field that has become vacant at random.
This is designed to minimize the influence of dispersion on the initial placement in the location where the
cluster is formed and the object positioned.
3.4 Addition of objects
The addition of objects involves adding new
datasets in turn as additional targets, until the number
Shohdohji et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2010 11(12):921-926
4 Numerical experiment
4.1 Numerical experiment
We verified the efficiency of the proposed algorithm on the condition of Table 2. Fig. 2 shows the
attribute value data used for the numerical experiment.
These data have given arbitrary variance as becoming
two clusters. Four algorithms were used in the experiment: ACC algorithm, efficiency improvement of
movement (EIM), cluster condensation (CC), and the
improved version of cluster condensation (CC2). We
compared the number of steps after clustering as recorded by each algorithm.
4.2 Results and discussion of the numerical
Table 3 shows the results of numerical experiment. It is understood that the number of steps has
declined dramatically, when make into efficiency of
movement. In the ACC algorithm, the same kinds of
clusters have become to multiple forms in the early
stage. And then, it is difficult to progress to reach the
optimal clustering. If the movement of agents is inefficient, it takes time to reach the optimal solution
and difficult to combine between clusters that have
intervals. It is understood that the improvement of the
agent’s operation greatly contributes from the
above-mentioned to the efficiency of clustering.
Table 2 Parameters used in the numerical experiment
Number of experiments
Number of ants
Number of objects
Field size (grid)
Threshold of ACC algorithm
Threshold of CC2 algorithm
k1=0.1, k2=0.1, α=0.5
Attribute Y
of objects existing on the field by cluster condensation
to decrease. Suppose that 10 000 datasets are to be
classified. The datasets are not all classified at the
same time, but rather are classified incrementally by
adding groups of 500–1000 datasets to the field. This
constitutes a major flaw in the current ACC algorithm.
The addition of this function has effectively lifted the
restriction on the quantity of data that can be processed. This function also reduces the processing load
by enabling classification with a narrow field and a
small number of agents. To boost classification accuracy, it is useful to classify a large amount of data
using a small number of agents. Despite the improved
efficiency of classification, however, the level of
accuracy is still in question, since the number of objects being transported increases in direct proportion
to the number of agents. This can be illustrated by
imagining the extreme example of classifying 100
objects by handling 100 agents. As objects can be
added at any time, this algorithm can be adjusted to a
dynamically changing database with a parallel distributed processing.
-0.20 0.00
0.40 0.60 0.80
Attribute X
Fig. 2 Scatter diagram of data used for the numerical
Table 3 Number of steps after clustering of each
Number of steps (×103)
ACC: ant colony clustering; EIM: efficiency improvement of
movement; CC: cluster condensation; CC2: improved version of
cluster condensation
As a result, it can be seen that the improved efficiency of movement contributes significantly to the
rate of clustering. In addition, the algorithm has been
further improved by adding the cluster condensation
function. The problem with objects from different
types of clusters being left in the cluster is not resolved solely through more efficient agent movement.
The improved algorithm classifies data at faster speed
than the ACC algorithm. However, it was repeatedly
shown that these clusters did not become a single
cluster at the final stage in the new algorithm when
formed at the position where the same type of clusters
Shohdohji et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2010 11(12):921-926
These problems are considered to be almost
completely resolved since the cluster size decreases
as the cluster condenses. Furthermore, clustering was
completed more quickly in the CC2. Since the CC2
provides virtually the same level of accuracy, it can be
used to generate condensation decisions more quickly
than the ACC algorithm. The dispersion of measurements has also been largely eliminated.
4.3 Summary of numerical experiment
Classification speed and accuracy were found to
be significantly better following the improvements in
agent movement and cluster condensation. However,
several new problems were identified. For instance,
the number of objects on the field decreases too
greatly when the condensation of the cluster reaches
the critical limit. Because the cluster is formed with a
few objects in such a state, the distinction of the
cluster is difficult. In some cases, there occurs a
phenomenon whereby the cluster does not exist on the
field, causing the agent to pick up all objects that
should form into a single cluster. This can be attributed to an excessive drop in the number of objects. It
is thought that this phenomenon can be avoided by
ensuring that the number of objects remains above a
fixed minimum.
2. The necessity for similar level space
3. The lack of definition of the range considered
to be a cluster.
A random value in each agent is also provided to
make the best use of swarm intelligence and methods
(such as selectively deciding the action from a current
experience of the agent). Incorporating concepts such
as the genetic algorithm and the immune algorithm
would undoubtedly produce an even more efficient
algorithm. Similarly, the approach of classifying data
while sharing information involves parallel distributed processing using two or more clients; i.e., ACC
swarm clustering, which could potentially double the
benefits of swarm intelligence via distribution of
processing load. In the near future, we hope to resolve
the remaining problems and further refine the algorithm into a general-purpose algorithm suitable for
application to real-life problems.
The authors thank Mr. Natsuki SAMURA (Panasonic System Networks Software Co., Ltd., Japan)
for his helpful comments and suggestions.
5 Conclusions
Algorithm performance increased markedly
through the introduction to the ACC algorithm of
more efficient movement, improved cluster condensation, and additional object functions. Despite the
performance improvement, we have identified three
key issues that still need to be addressed:
1. The reliance on monitoring to determine the
timing of clustering completion.
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Lumer, E.D., Faieta, B., 1994. Diversity and Adaptation in
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Shohdohji, T., Samura, N., Yano, F., Toyoda, Y., 2007. An
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