0045-7949187 s3.M) + 0.00
Pcrgamon Journals Ltd.
Compvlrrs 6 S~rurrvrrr Vol. 11. No. 1. pp. 157-163. 1987
Printed I” circa
TU-Wien, Karlsplatz 13, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
is a basic difference in the mathematical treatment of postbuckling of plates and shells.
Whereas for plates the classical methods of bifurcation theory (Liapunov-Schmidt method, Singularity
Theory) in general are applicable, these methods fail for the analysis of thin-walled shells. For shells in
general solutions of the boundary layer type are found and hence the methods of singular perturbation
theory are required for an appropriate analysis. Applications are given for the postbuckling of a
rectangular plate and a spherical shell.
The analysis of the postbuckling behavior of thin
walled structures constitutes a major challenge both
to theoretically working engineers and to applied
On the other hand, an understanding of the postbuckling behavior of a structure
is very important to the practically working engineer
because only then can be answered the question of
imperfection sensitivity, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Nonlinear stability theory of elastic structures in a
general setting started from an engineering point of
view with the work of Koiter [I]. The ideas in [I ] are
formalized and more generally presented in what is
now called the Liapunov-Schmidt
method [2] and
Singularity Theory 124. The former furnishes a way
of reduction of the infinite dimensional (differential)
system of describing equations to a finite dimensional
(algebraic) system of bifurcation equations which,
locally, has the same solution set as the original
system. The singularity theory provides the answers
to two important questions: (1) up to which nonlinear
terms must be included in the bifurcation equations,
and (2) which solution set is the most general perturbation of the bifurcation equations. The answer
to the latter question is provided by the theory of
unfoldings and also solves the imperfection sensitivity
These methods, however, are practically only
meaningful if the structure of the eigenvalues of the
linearized problem at loss of stability has certain
properties which are met for plate buckling problems,
but unfortunately, are in general not fulfilled for shell
buckling problems. Let us consider this statement in
a little bit more detail. In engineering systems it is
desirable to have shell structures with maximum
symmetry in order to save production costs. These
symmetries, however, are responsible for high multiplicities of the critical eigenvalue and, as it will be
explained below, lead to a high dimensional bifurcation system. For example, for buckling of a spherical shell (Fig. 1) in the elastic range multiplicities of
the critical eigenvalue of the order of ‘Y10’ occur [5].
The interaction of many buckling modes and the
initially unstable postbuckling behavior also lead to
a strong localization of the buckling pattern. But
even if, for example, a geometrically imperfect structure is studied and the high multiplicity is strongly
reduced mathematically, the eigenvalue distribution
still shows a nasty property because then the eigenvalues are closely packed together. This can be best
studied for a spherical shell with only axisymmetric
deformations (61. Here mathematically only simple or
double eigenvalues can occur. However, the double
eigenvalues are closely spaced (Fig. 2). This has the
Fig. I. Notations for the axisymmetrical spherical shell
under uniform external pressure.
Fig. 2. Eigenvalue curves for the shell of Fig. 1 in a load i,
and thickness/radius 6 [eqns (19). (20)] diagram showing
closely spaced eigenvalues for small (realistic) values of 6.
unpleasant consequence that the range of variation of
parameters after loss of stability is so small that ,it is
practically meaningless. Furthermore it is well known
that, for the shell buckling problem for small thickness (and only this case is meaningful for a completely elastic behavior), a singular perturbation
problem is obtained [6-81. These singular perturbation problems are characterized by the occurrence of boundary layers, which is another explanation for the strong localization of the buckling
pattern. A famous example is the diamond shaped
buckling pattern for a cylindrical shell under axial
For rectangular plates, on the other hand, only
double eigenvalues are found in the most degenerate
situation for the linearized problem. Furthermore,
close spacing of eigenvalues does not occur. Finally,
in general, thcsc problems are not singularly perturbed. Thus the classical methods work very well. In
fact only the use of these classical methods has
enabled the discovery that the boundary conditions
for a rectangular plate play an important role concerning its nonlinear stability behavior (Fig. 3). There
exists a challenging problem, the so-called ‘mode
jumping problem’, which is solved in [9]. Furthermore, a systematic study of the imperfection sensitivity of plates is only possible via Singularity Theory
because in this case a universal parameter unfolding
already requires eight parameters [3, p. 3171. This
means that one has to embed the problem in an
eight-parameter family in order to get all qualitatively
different solutions. As it is not easy to find eight
physically meaningful parameters we use instead the
concept of Restricted Generic Bifurcation as it is
developed in [IO], where an unfolding with four
parameters is done, and which is perfectly suitable for
engineering purposes.
Whereas for plates the imperfection sensitivity
problem can be solved completely, i.e. we get all
solutions possible for the problem under investigation, we are far from being able to make such an
assertion for the buckling problem of shells. To date
there does not exist a systematic theory which would
allow us to understand the imperfection sensitivity of
singular perturbation problems. Thus in this case we
have to make numerical simulation calculations
which, however, are greatly supported by the knowledge of the buckling pattern of the perfect system.
A. Derivation of the bifurcation equations
We assume that the describing equations are a set
of functional equations
G (u, d) = 0,
where G is a mapping between function spaces Hand
E, i.e. G: H x A + E, A being the finite dimensional
Fig. 3. Notations for the rectangular plate with thrust p and
len%h I and the imperfections r, p and p.
parameter space. Examples for (1) will be given in
Sec. 4. We further assume that u, is a solution of (1)
for arbitrary values of 1. We call u, the fundamental
solution, the stability of which is being investigated.
In many applications u, is a trivial state of the system.
Now we consider the pair
which is certainly a solution to (I) and we ask
whether there exists locally a unique smooth curve
u = u(A) through the point (4, &). This question is
answered by the Implicit Function Theorem. If the
linearization of (1) at (2), which is the linear map
G,(u,,, J.,,), has an inverse then we have a unique
solution u(l) and bifurcation cannot occur. Thus a
necessary condition for bifurcation is that G,(h,, &)
is not invertible at a certain value i, = A,, which is
called the critical parameter value. Thus, in order to
calculate J.,, we must solve the linear eigenvalue
G,(u,,, 1,)~ = Au = 0,
where v are the eigenfunctions of the linearized
To solve the nonlinear problem we use the
method, which allows us to obtain an algebraic system of bifurcation equations, the
dimension of which is equal to the multiplicity n of
the critical eigenvalue. In the first step we decompose
the unknown function u into two parts:
u = u1 +
W(q,, . . . qm),
where u, is spanned by the eigenfunctions and includes the n critical variables qi, if we have bifurcation at an n-fold eigenvalue, and W includes functions orthogonal to the eigenfunctions. For W the
following relation holds: W = 0(1qi12).Introducing (4)
into (1) and projecting the resulting equation on the
space spanned by its eigenfunctions and on the
orthogonal complement we obtain the bifurcation
equations and a second set of equations which is very
important because it allows us to eliminate from the
bifurcation equations the noncritical variables expressed by W in (4). This elimination process of W
from the bifurcation equations distinguishes the
method from the Galerkin
comparison of the postbuckling behavior of plates and shells
method, where in (4) only the first part U, is used. We
shall indicate in Sec. 4 that using the Galerkin
method instead of the Liapunov-Schmidt
would lead to an incorrect bifurcation equation for
the buckling problem of a spherical shell in the case
where we must obtain the bifurcation equations up to
third order terms.
What we finally end up with is a set of n nonlinear
algebraic equations
then to study the algebraic bifurcation equations by
path-following methods as it is done in [l I]. However, if the problem is described by ordinary
differential equations then finite difference methods
combined with path-following techniques work very
well [6]. But there exist also numerical calculations
with FEM codes [ 121 which give hope that soon
localized buckling patterns will be able to be calculated numerically also for partial differential
in the n variables q,. Further discussion of (5) is done
by means of Singularity Theory.
B. Discussion of the bifurcation equations
As the functions F, in (5) are calculated by series
expansions it is important to know up to which order
terms in (5) have to be retained in order to have a
consistent problem. This is the problem of determinacy which generally means that a system is mdeterminate if the local behavior of the solutions is
not affected by the addition of terms of order m + I
or higher. There exist precise criteria to check the
determinacy [3]. Secondly, we do not only want to
obtain the solutions of (5) i.e. of the one-parameter
system, but we also want to know how this solution
set changes under perturbations of the system. This
goal can be achieved by a universal unfolding of the
bifurcation equations which includes all possible
solutions of the given class of equations. Finally,
bifurcation diagrams can be calculated which are a
partition of the parameter space into regions of
qualitatively different behavior of the system.
C. Singular perturbation analysis
As the standard methods of bifurcation theory are
unable to handle the behavior of strongly localized
solutions a completely different approach must be
used. Now a second parameter 6 appears in (I) which
leads to a problem of the following form [S]:
A. Plate buckling
As a mathematical model we use the von Karman
plate equations [ 131,which are a set of two nonlinear
elliptic equations in two variables which describe the
behavior of the plate up to moderate finite rotations.
In nondimensional variables they have the following form (Fig. 3) (w is the displacement in z direction
a stress function):
A*f + f[w, w] = 0
A*w - [w,/] +pw,, = 0
inn, whereR={(x,y),O<x<l,O<y<l}
domain of the plate. The operators are
is the
On the edges of the plate dR = {(x, y), x = 0, 1,
boundary conditions.
Case a:
(simply supported)
If for 6 + 0 (6) is a singular perturbation problem we
proceed in two steps. First we solve the so-called
reduced problem which is given for 6 = 0. These
solutions, however, have discontinuities which must
be corrected in boundary layers. We shall explain this
with an example in Sec. 4.
For complicated bifurcation problems, i.e. those
with multiple eigenvalues at loss of stability, the
immediate use of numerical methods such as finite
element methods or finite difference methods is not
always successful. Therefore, it is advisable to try to
perform the reduction process as described above and
- = 0,
b (AJ) = 0
(here tt designates
at all boundaries.
the direction
to the
Case b:
at all edges.
The conditions (9) are explained in [9]. From (7a) we
f = -fA-2[)(., w],
where the calculation of A-’ is explicitly given for
boundary conditions of case a in [9] and for case b
in [IO]. ~ntr~ucing (11) into (7b) yields
with boundary conditions for w either given by case
a or case b.
The linear eigenvalue problem (3) is given by
G,(W,,P)~ = A2c + pv,,
= 0,
with the corresponding boundary conditions. Solutions are given in [9] and [lo] respectively. in Fig. 4
eigenvalue curves are shown for case b, where the
critical load is plotted as a function of the length of
the plate. It can be seen that generically simple
eigenvalues occur. However, for special critical values
of the length of the plate
iC= JX(iCZ)
in case a
1, = ,/m
in case b
double eigenvalues occur. However, it also is obvious
that the distance between these double eigenvalues
converges to a constant for increasing k. Furthe~ore
no small parameter 6 as in (6) appears in this problem
which for d 40 wouId yield a singular perturbation
Performing a classical bifurcation analysis with the
method we can reduce (12) with
the ansatz expansion
w = q,o,(x, Y) +
where U, and u2 are the eigenfunctions of (13) at a
double eigenvalue, to a system of two nonlinear
algebraic bifurcation equations
(I: + WS
- &I + O(M5 + lulls) = 0
q: + t+?* -
in the two critical variables
q, and q,. a and d are
constants depending on the boundary conditions and
1 is a new loading parameter which is zero for p = pc.
Equation (16) in general needs eight parameters
(including 1) for a universal unfolding [3]. However,
we try to understand the imperfection sensitivity by
a restricted generic unfolding by which we understand a physically meaningful unfolding of (16). This
can be done with only four parameters, which are
besides 1 the deviation r from the critical length 1, of
Fig. 4. Eigenvalue curves for the plate of Fig. 3 showing
double eigenvalues at critical lengths 5_= &mj.
the plate and two cases of transversal loads p and fi
(Fig. 3). These parameters enter into (16) in the
following way:
The big advantage of (17) compared with (16) is
that in calculating bifurcation solutions for fixed
nonzero values of the parameters only limit points
occur (Fig. Sb), whereas for setting some of these
parameters to zero (p = 0) bifurcation points are also
present (Fig. 5a).
It is also very interesting to study the influence of
the boundary conditions on the buckling behavior of
the plate. Here, particularly the way in which the
so-called secondary bifurcations occur is important in
order to explain the cfassicat mode jumping phenomena explained in [9]. By this we unde~tand that for
a plate being loaded with p >pc,
and thus being
buckled in a certain initially stable buckling pattern
with n half waves into x-direction, a sudden change
in the wave number to n + 1 half waves of the
buckling pattern occurs by further increasing the load
p. The way mode jumping occurs depends on the
bifurcation solutions. For the one-parameter problem (16) we obtain at the bifurcation point nine
solutions [9]. If, however, we use (17) with p = fi = 0
and i # 0, i.e. we have a plate which is a little bit
shorter or longer than I, where we have the double
eigenvalue. Then at the first bifurcation we only get
three solutions but increasing d secondary bifurcations occur. The way in which these secondary
bifurcations occur determines whether mode jumping
can occur or not. This effect, which was first found
experimentally, could not be explained with the
boundary conditions (10) which usually have been
used because in this case the secondary bifurcations
occur supercritically and at the wrong solution
branch. Only if the boundary conditions (8) and (9)
are used, i.e. clamped boundary conditions at the
short edges where the load is applied, then mode
jumping can be predicted theore~~1~y (91 because
now the secondary bifurcation is subcritical and
occurring at the right solution branch.
A comparison
of the postbuckling
behavior of plti~cs and shells
-*_ --__
The big impact of this result is given by the fact
that a definite answer can be given and no un~rta~nty
remains as to whether higher order terms or imperfections might have been neglected in an unjust way.
In order to be able to give as complete an analytic
analysis as possible we study a geometricaily simple
problem, namely the buckling of a complete spherical
shell under uniform external pressure (Fig. l), with
the restriction that only axisymmetric buckling is
allowed. As mathematical model we use Reissner’s
shell equations [6], which are two nonlinear ordinary
differential equations in two unknowns @ and &
where JI is a stress function and B a defo~ation
variable, measuring the angular difference between
the tangent to the buckled shell and the perfect shell
at the independent variable 5. For constant shell
thickness the equations read [6]
sin(C - /I) - sin (
$@ctg< --$I*
Fig. 5a. Mode jumping diagram showing the amplitudes q,
and q2 for a plate with I = 1.4, p = 0, p > pC and for
of p.
cos(l; - 8) - cos (
B. Shell buckling
6 +‘“-I-
sir% - P)
sin e
cos2tr - 8)
Fig. Sb. Restricted generic diagram for the same data as Fig.
Sa but for p # 0. Only limit points occur.
cos({ - p) - cosg
sin c
sin 2(e - 8) + v(l
sin 2c
6 = C: for dead
r$ = iF - /l(e) for follower force loading. The boundary conditions are [6]
B,) cos(C - 8)
cos t
j(O) = j!?(n)= 0.
41~ sin(f$ - t: + fl)
+ 4A (sin2< sin IQ
sin c
where dimensionless quantities for the loading parameter 1 and a geometry parameter 6 have been used
corresponding to the following relations:
The fundamental state, which is a solution for all
values of A, is the geometrically perfect concentrically
contracted sphere, which is given by
MC) = 0
tio+(i’)= -rl sin 2C.
As /Ia is equal to zero we keep /I as one variable.
Instead of $* we use
C.&S. Il,l-_L
For the variables (b, JI) the trivial solution is now
(0,O). The question now is for which values of I. do
we have a unique solution path through (22). Thus,
again we have a problem in the form of (1); however,
now a parameter d (20) as it is introduced in (6) is also
present. It is obvious from (18) that for b + 0 we have
a singular perturbation problem, because the small
parameter 6 is a coefficient of the highest derivative.
Starting with a classical bifurcation analysis we
have to solve first the linear eigenvalue problem (3).
This is done in detail in [I41 and the result is given in
Fig. 2, where the close spacing of the eigenvalues is
however, we have generically
simple and in nongeneric situations double eigenvalues, which in a classical bifurcation analysis would
result in a two dimensional system of bifurcation
equations. It is shown in [14] that second, respectively
third, order terms in the bifurcation equations govern
completely the local bifurcation behavior. It is interesting to note that in the case of a simple eigenvalue when one has to retain third order terms in the
bifurcation equations the Liapunov-Schmidt
reduction gives qualitatively different results to the Galerkin method which are incorrect and cannot be used
as an approximation
to the Liapunov-Schmidt
method. The bifurcation equations can be analyzed in
the spirit of Catastrophe Theory [14]. However, as
already mentioned, the domain of parameter variation for which such an analysis is valid is so small
that it does not have any practical meaning. Furthermore, it is well known from experiments [ 151that, due
to the unstable post-bifurcation behavior (solutions
exist only for subcritical parameter values), a strong
localization of the buckling pattern with a single
dimple occurs. Thus, by performing a singular perturbation analysis we concentrate on this type of
In the first step we solve the reduced problem S B 0
which leads to a solution given in Fig. 6, where at the
angle y, which still has to be determined, a boundary
layer occurs, correcting the discontinuities of the
reduced solutions.
Representing the variables /3, $ and the loading
parameter I in the boundary layer by asymptotic
series in fi we obtain from the zero order equations
the result that
Fig. 7. Postbuckling path for the single dimple solutions
calculated by singular perturbation theory.
for the single dimple solution and from the first order
equations the relationship between loading A and the
angle y of the position of the boundary layer (Fig. 7).
In order to obtain this final result a numerical
shooting procedure (161 had to be applied.
With these results describing the postbuckling behavior for strong displacements two questions still
remain open; firstly, how does the buckling pattern
change during the deformation, which is more of
academic interest; and secondly, which is of greater
practical interest, which are the worst (i.e. most
dangerous) imperfections leading to the single dimple
We can only answer both questions by a numerical
analysis. We use a finite difference method and
path-following method, both of which are explained
in [6] and [I 71. The result is given in Fig. 8 for the
perfect shell structure. The question of imperfection
sensitivity is answered in the next section.
As in industrial production, and in engineering in
general, small imperfections of arbitrary nature will
always be present, one of the most important points
in buckling investigations of thin-walled structures is
the question of which imperfections are dangerous
and which are not.
A -.2819
Fig. 6. Reduced solutions for the singular shell buckling
problem with boundary layers.
Fig. 8. Buckled states of the shell (calculated by a finite
difference method).
comparison of the postbuckling behavior of plates and shells
Here the general information
is supplied by the
analysis of the buckling behavior
of the perfect
structure. Whereas for the plate we obtain a supercritical bifurcating path [I I], for the shell a subcritical
bifurcating path is found. The first basic consequence
is that plates are not imperfection sensitive whereas
shells are imperfection sensitive.
The second practically important question is which
imperfections are dangerous and which are not. For
the plate this question can be definitively answered by
the fact that only those imperfections which include
a contribution of the buckling modes are of relevance. This is also manifested in the coefficients p, j
in (17), which stand for these influences and give a
restricted generic unfolding.
For the shell the question of the most dangerous
imperfections is much more complicated and cannot
be solved in such an elegant way as it is given in (17)
for the plate. The problem is that the initially forming
buckling pattern, i.e. spherical harmonics of high
order and the finally obtained postbuckling pattern,
i.e. the single dimple, do not relate to each other very
much [6, Fig. IO]. Thus numerical calculations for
different types of imperfections must be made in
order to find out which imperfections
are dangerous.
In [I 61 such calculations are performed and the result
is that those imperfections which resemble the final
state of the shell are more dangerous than those
which resemble the initially forming buckling pattern.
This is quite obvious because for practical imper-
fections the maximum loads are far helow the classical buckling loads and therefore the corresponding
deformations are those of the final state of the
shell (61.
The difference in the buckling behavior of plates
and shells is determined by several facts. First, the
structure of the solutions of the linear eigenvalue
problem is quite different, especially for shells with
high multiplicities of the critical eigenvalue, or if
close spacing of the eigenvalues is found. Secondly,
shell buckling problems are in the elastic range
singular perturbation problems with the consequence
of the occurrence of boundary layers. Consequently
completely different approaches must be used for
the analysis. Whereas for plates classical methods
of bifurcation theory (Liapunov-Schmidt,
Singularity Theory) work very well, for shells methods of
singular perturbation theory must be used. Finally
the different qualitative type in the postbuckling
behavior plays an important role. For plates the
postbuckling behavior is noncritical whereas it is
critical for the shell. The consequence is the completely different imperfection
these two structures.
AcknoH,ledgemenr-This work is partly supported by the
‘Fonds zur Fiirderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung’ in
Austria under project P 5519.
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