Development of Bronchus-Associated
Lymphoid Tissue in Chronic
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis*
Takafumi Suda, MD, PhD; Kingo Chida, MD, PhD;
Hiroshi Hayakawa, MD, PhD; Shiro Imokawa, MD, PhD;
Masatoshi Iwata, MD, PhD; Hirotoshi Nakamura, MD, PhD; and
Atsuhiko Sato, MD, FCCP
Study objectives: Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) is well defined in animals. In
humans, however, BALT has been reported to be inducible under pathologic conditions, such as
chronic respiratory infection, although it is not present in healthy adults. Thus, induced BALT is
considered to be involved in the mucosal immunity of the human lung under these conditions.
However, there have been few studies to investigate BALT development in hypersensitivity
pneumonitis. The aim of this study was to examine the presence of BALT in hypersensitivity
pneumonitis, especially in its chronic form.
Methods: The subjects included five patients with chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (CHP)
diagnosed from clinical and histologic findings. We investigated histologically the development of
BALT in these patients. Further, the cellular distribution of BALT was also examined by
Results: BALT was present in three of five patients with CHP. Immunohistochemical examination
revealed the follicular area of BALT to be composed mainly of B cells, while the parafollicular
area comprised predominantly T cells. Centroblasts located in the germinal center of BALT
expressed Ki-67 antigen, a marker of cell proliferation, suggesting that these cells were actively
proliferating after antigenic stimulation. Cells expressing bcl-2, which is present primarily on
memory B cells, were confined to the follicular area, devoid of any germinal centers. S-100positive, CD1a-negative interdigitating dendritic cells were observed in the dome area of BALT.
Conclusions: These observations suggest that chronic antigenic stimulation and/or inflammation
in CHP may cause BALT development, which, in turn, is likely to play an important role in the
mucosal immune response of this disease.
(CHEST 1999; 115:357–363)
Key words: BALT; bronchus-associated lymphoid tissues; hypersensitivity pneumonitis Abbreviations: BALT 5
bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue; CHP 5 chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis; DPB 5 diffuse panbronchiolitis;
GALT 5 gut-associated lymphoid tissue
lymphoid tissue (BALT) was
B ronchus-associated
first described in animals by Bienenstock, who
characterized it as lymphoid tissue in the lung,
analogous to gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT).
BALT is considered to play a crucial role in the
mucosal immunity of the lung in these animals as the
site of antigen-uptake and induction of antigenspecific immune response.4,5 In humans, it has been
reported that no BALT is present in the normal
*From the 2nd Division of Internal Medicine, Hamamatsu
University School of Medicine (Drs. Suda, Chida, Hayakawa,
Imokawa, Iwata, Nakamura), Hamamatsu, and Kyoto Preventive
Medical Center (Dr. Sato), Kyoto, Japan.
Manuscript received June 1, 1998; revision accepted August 3,
Correspondence to: Takafumi Suda, MD, PhD, 3600 Handa-cho,
Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, 431-31 Japan
lung.6 However, several studies have demonstrated
that BALT can develop under certain pathologic
conditions, including chronic respiratory infection,
immunodeficiency, and autoimmune disease.7–10 We
previously reported the presence of BALT in diffuse
panbronchiolitis (DPB), which is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by peribronchiolitis with mononuclear cells, and bronchiolar disease associated with rheumatoid arthritis.9,10
In these diseases, it was speculated that chronic
microbial stimulation, persistent inflammation, or
systemic immunologic disorders may be responsible
for the development of BALT.
Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (CHP) is an
immunologically mediated disorder caused by continuous inhalation of specific environmental organic
CHEST / 115 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 1999
antigens.11,12 Patients with CHP manifest chronic
inflammation predominantly around small airways
caused by an antigen-specific immune reaction. As
seen in DPB, it is possible that continuous antigenic
stimulation and persistent airway inflammation in
CHP may lead to the development of BALT. However, no data have been available on BALT in CHP.
In the present study, we investigated histological
BALT development in patients with CHP. Further,
the cellular distribution of BALT in CHP was also
examined by immunohistochemistry. BALT was observed in three of five patients with CHP, suggesting
that induced BALT may be involved in the mucosal
immunity of this disease by functioning as its inductive site.
Materials and Methods
The study population consisted of five patients with CHP who
underwent an open lung biopsy. The diagnosis was made from a
compatible exposure history to an antigen or environmental
factor, the presence of long-standing clinical and radiologic
findings, and a lung biopsy showing characteristic histologic
features. There were two men and three women, with a mean age
of 50 years. One subject was a current smoker at the time of
diagnosis; the other four were nonsmokers. All had chronic
dyspnea and cough. The duration of symptoms ranged from 12 to
60 months, with a mean duration of 37 months. In every case,
improvement in clinical findings was observed with the avoidance
of the causative antigen or environment, although the degree of
improvement varied among the patients. No patient kept a bird
as a pet in their home.
Exposure leading to hypersensitivity pneumonitis was determined in all cases. We performed a challenge test exposing
patients to either causative antigens or environments after hospitalization. Over the next 24 h after the challenge test, the
patient’s symptoms and signs were observed, and measurements
were made of body temperature, leukocyte count, C-reactive
protein, and pulmonary function. The challenge test was interpreted according to the criteria of Yoshida et al.13 One patient
was a confectioner exposed to fine wheat flour. Provocation with
emulsified wheat flour solution in phosphate-buffered saline
solution for 10 min using a ultrasonic nebulizer gave a positive
reaction. Another was a farmer who planted muskmelons in a
greenhouse. The other three developed their symptoms in their
homes. In these four patients, an environmental challenge was
made by having the patients stay in the greenhouse or home for
3 to 12 h until a positive response was exhibited. Our institutional
committee approved the challenge test and every patient tested
gave informed consent.
Histologic Studies
Lung biopsy specimens were obtained from at least two lobes
in every case. They were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and
embedded in paraffin. Then 4-mm-thick sections were cut and
stained with hematoxylin-eosin or Elastica van Gieson. The
histologic sections of three or four lung tissues in each case were
reviewed by two observers. In this study, lymphoid follicle-like
structures in the bronchiolar wall, which were covered by a
specialized lymphoepithelium, were defined as BALT, as origi358
nally described by Bienenstock.14 The lymphoepithelium overlying the follicles is characterized by nonciliated, cuboidal epithelial cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes.1,14
To study the cellular distribution of BALT, immunohistochemistry was performed using a modified streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method with a Histofine SAB-PO kit (Nichirei;
Tokyo, Japan). The following antibodies were used: mouse
monoclonal antibody O10 (anti-CD1a; Immunotech; Marseille,
France), 144B (anti-CD8; Dako Japan; Kyoto, Japan), L26
(anti-CD20; Dako Japan), 124 (anti-bcl-2; Dako Japan), MIB1
(anti-Ki-67; Dako Japan), rabbit polyclonal antibody anti-CD3
(Dako Japan), and anti-S-100a (Dako Japan). Briefly, 4-mm
sections were deparaffined in xylene and rehydrated in ethanol.
For staining against CD4, CD8, CD20, bcl-2, and Ki-67, nonspecific protein staining was blocked with the rabbit serum. The
sections were autoclaved at 121°C for 20 min in a stainless steel
pot filled with 10 mM citrate buffer (pH 6.0). The slides then
were treated with 3% hydrogen peroxidase in methanol for 20
min at room temperature, to eliminate endogenous peroxidase,
and incubated with the primary antibody at 4°C overnight
followed by biotinylated anti-mouse immunoglobulin antibody
for 20 min at room temperature. The slides then were incubated
with streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase complex for 15 min at room
temperature. They were developed with 3,39-diaminobenzidine
tetrahydrochloride and counterstained with methyl green. For
staining against CD3 and S-100, biotinylated anti-rabbit immunoglobulin antibody was used as the secondary antibody. The
coexpression of different antigens on the same cells was determined by staining the sequential sections.
BAL was performed with a fiberoptic bronchoscope (Olympus
Corp.; Tokyo, Japan) in a segmental or subsegmental bronchus of
the middle lobe with 3 3 50 mL of sterile 0.9% saline solution.
BAL fluid was centrifuged at 800g for 10 min to obtain the
cellular components. Total cell count was determined using a
hemocytometer and a differential cell count was taken on
Giemsa-stained cytocentrifuged preparations. To characterize
the phenotype of the T cells in the BAL fluid, flow cytometric
analysis was performed in a flow cytometer (EPICS Profile;
Coulter Electronics; Hialeath, France) using mouse antibodies
OKT3 (anti-CD3; Coulter Electronics), OKT4 (anti-CD4;
Coulter Electronics), and OKT8 (anti-CD8; Coulter Electronics).
Immunologic Studies
Serum samples obtained from patients were examined by the
Ouchterlony gel double immunodiffusion method for detecting
precipitating antibodies to various antigens: Aspergillus fumigatus, Cephalosporium acremonium, Cryptostroma corticale, Micropolyspora faeni, Pullularia pullulans, Sitophilus granarius,
Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, Trichoderma viride, pigeon droppings and serum (Hollister-Stier Laboratories; Ontario, Canada),
Alternaria kikuchiana, Candida albicans, Cladosporium cladosporoides, Penicillium lutem (Torii Corp; Tokyo, Japan), Trichosporon cutaneum (which was a gift of Dr. M. Ando, Kummamoto
University; Kummamoto, Japan), Aspergillus niger, and Sphaerotheca fuliginea prepared by Dr. K. Nishimura (Research Center
for Pathogenic Fungi and Microbial Toxicoses, Chiba University,
Chiba, Japan) as described by Ando et al.15
Clinical Investigations
Wheat flour
*VC 5 vital capacity; BALF 5 BAL fluid; TCC 5 total cell count; Lym 5 lymphocytes; AM 5 alveolar macrophages; Eos 5 eosinophils; Neut 5 neutrophils.
†Ratio of CD41 to CD81 lymphocytes.
‡1 5 positive response; ND 5 not done.
43.0 56.0
22.2 73.6
5.2 92.7
55.2 44.8
46.4 51.4
Exposure to Inhalation
of Causative
CD4/CD8† Environment
BALF Findings
linear densities
Histologic characteristics are summarized in Table
3. In every case, the distribution of the lesions
basically reflected peribronchiolar predominance.
All patients had bronchiolitis and alveolitis infiltrated
with small round cells, and intraluminal granulation
tissue. Bronchiolitis obliterans-organizing pneumonia was present in two cases. Two cases had nonnecrotizing granulomas. Interstitial fibrosis was observed in three cases.
In cases 3, 4, and 5, prominent hyperplastic lymphoid follicles in the bronchioles were found (Table
3; Fig 1, top and middle). The epithelium overlying
the surface of these follicles consisted of low cuboidal, nonciliated cells and had intraepithelial infiltrating lymphocytes, the characteristics of lymphoepithelium of BALT (Fig 1, bottom). Elastica van
Gieson staining showed disruption of the elastic
fibers running through the lamina propria in the
lymphoid follicles (data not shown). Taken together,
these findings were consisted with BALT. The
BALT in CHP was composed of four distinct re-
Chest Radiograph
Histologic Findings
Pulmonary Functions
Clinical characteristics of five patients with CHP
are summarized in Table 1. All cases, except for case
2, had hypoxemia. Pulmonary function tests showed
restrictive impairment in all cases. In the BAL fluid,
an increase in the percentage of lymphocytes was
observed in every case except case 3. However, the
CD4 to CD8 ratio of lymphocytes in their BAL fluid
varied. Cases 1 and 3 through 5 developed symptoms
associated with the greenhouse and home, respectively, and their environmental challenge tests gave a
positive response.
Precipitating antibodies detected in the patients’
serum and fungi isolated from their environments
are listed in Table 2. No patient had precipitating
antibody to T cutaneum, which causes summer-type
hypersensitivity pneumonitis associated with infected houses in Japan. Case 1 had precipitating
antibodies to S fuliginea isolated from her greenhouse. In case 4, A niger was isolated from the home
together with serum precipitins to it. Thus, it is
possible that these fungi were the causative antigen
in each case; this was not confirmed, however, since
inhalation tests with these fungi could not be performed.
Table 1—Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis*
Clinical Features
mL Lym, AM,
IgA Level, Pao2, Paco2,
mg/mL mm Hg mm Hg % VC
Cultures of indoor samples from the home or greenhouse were
performed by open plate culture on Sabouraud’s agar media. All
isolated fungi were identified by Dr. K. Nishimura.
Duration of Causative
No. Age/Sex
Challenge Tests‡
Isolation of Fungi
CHEST / 115 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 1999
Table 2—Precipitating Antibodies and Isolated Fungi*
Fungi Isolated from
Causative Environment
Serum Precipitating Antibodies
S fuliginea
S fuliginea
Cladosporium sp
Penicillium sp
Fusarium sp
Alternaria sp
A niger
Cladosporium sp
Penicillium sp
Acremonium sp
Curvularia sp
Fusarium sp
Pithomyces sp
A nidulans
A flavus
Penicillium sp
Acremonium sp
Mucor sp
Arthroderma sp
A niger
C acremonium
*ND 5 not done.
gions: the lymphoepithelium, the dome area, the
follicular area, and the parafollicular area (Figure 1,
middle). There was no significant difference in the
clinical findings, including serum IgA levels, between the patients with BALT and those without
Immunohistochemistry revealed the cellular distribution of the BALT in CHP. The follicular area
consisted primarily of CD20-positive B cells (Fig 2,
top left). CD3-positive T cells were found mainly in
the parafollicular area, although these cells were also
present in the dome area (Fig 2, top right). Most
CD3-positive T cells had no reactivity for anti-CD8,
suggesting that CD4-positive T cells predominated
over CD8-positive T cells there (Fig 2, middle left).
Most Ki-67-positive cells were found in the ger-
Figure 1. Histologic features of BALT in CHP. Top, A: BALT is
located in a bronchial wall (arrow head) (hematoxylin-eosin stain,
original 325). Middle, B: BALT manifests four distinct lesions: a
lymphoepithelium (LE), a dome area (DA), a follicular area (FA),
and a parafollicular area (PFA) (hematoxylin-eosin stain, 366).
Bottom, C: higher magnification of the lymphoepithelium. LE
consists of cuboidal, nonciliated cells, and intraepithelial lymphocytes (arrow heads) (hematoxylin-eosin stain, original 3200).
Table 3—Histologic Findings*
Case Bronchio- AlveoNo.
Organizing NonnecroTissues/
BOOP Granuloma Fibrosis BALT
*BOOP 5 bronchiolitis obliterans-organizing pneumonia; 1 5 present;
2 5 absent.
minal center of the follicular area (Fig 2, middle
right). These cells had an expanded cytoplasm and
large nuclei, characteristics of centroblasts. In contrast, bcl-2-positive cells were restricted to where
Ki-67-positive cells were absent in the follicular area
(Fig 2, bottom left). A few Ki-67-positive cells were
also observed within the lymphoepithelium.
Although S-100-positive cells were found in both
Clinical Investigations
Figure 2. Cellular distribution of BALT in CHP. Top left, A: anti-CD20; top right, B: anti-CD3;
middle left, C: anti-CD8; middle right, D: anti-Ki-67; bottom left, E: anti-bcl-2 (methyl green, original
366). The follicular area of BALT is composed primarily of CD20-positive B cells, whereas the
parafollicular area comprises predominantly CD-3-positive, CD-8-negative T cells. Centroblast located
in the germinal center expresses Ki-67 antigen, while bcl-2-positive cells are confined mainly to part of
the follicular area, devoid of the germinal center.
the dome area of the BALT and the bronchiolar
epithelium, the cells in the dome area did not
express CD1a (Fig 3, top and middle). The S-100positive, CD1a-negative cells in the dome area had
irregular dendritic morphology (Fig 3, bottom).
BALT has been reported to play a crucial role in
the development of a local immune response to
inhaled antigens in animals, such as rabbits and
rats.1,2 However, there are significant differences
between species in the degree of organization of
BALT. In human lungs, no organized BALT is found
under normal circumstances.6 Thus, in contrast to
GALT, most of the studies on BALT have been
performed in animals. A few reports focused on
BALT in humans.7,8,16,17 We previously reported the
development of BALT in patients with DPB and
bronchiolar disease associated with rheumatoid arthritis,9,10 indicating that BALT is inducible under
certain pathologic conditions. Further, in the present
study, we demonstrated the development of BALT
in patients with CHP.
All patients described herein presented with
chronic respiratory symptoms related to their exposure to causative antigens or environments. The
exposure causing CHP in each case was determined
on the basis of a positive response in a challenge test.
On histologic examination, two cases had a complete
histologic triad of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, described by Coleman and Colby,18 including cellular
bronchiolitis, interstitial infiltrates, and nonnecrotizing granulomas. Although no granuloma was found
in the other three subjects, their histologic findings
were compatible with hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
The lymphoid follicles seen in our patients had
CHEST / 115 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 1999
Figure 3. Distribution of dendritic cells in BALT and bronchiole
of CHP. Top, A: CD1a-positive cells are located in the bronchiolar epithelium (arrow heads) (methyl green, original 350).
Middle, B: S-100-positive cells are seen in both the dome area of
BALT and the bronchiolar epithelium (arrow heads) (methyl
green, original 350). Bottom, C: higher magnification of S-100positive cells in the dome area. S-100-positive cells in the dome
area of BALT have irregular dendritic morphology (arrow heads)
(methyl green, original 3160).
lymphoepithelium consisting of nonciliated, cuboidal
epithelial cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes. In
addition, they were composed of four distinct regions: lymphoepithelium, dome area, follicular area,
and parafollicular area. These findings indicated that
the lymphoid follicles in CHP had the characteristics
of BALT.19 BALT is considered a major site of
induction and amplification of the local immune
response in the lungs of animals, because inhaled
antigens can be taken up through its lymphoepithelium and presented to the lymphocytes in BALT.4,5
Thus, it is suggested that the BALT observed in our
patients could act as an inductive site, resulting in
amplification of the mucosal immune response in
this disease, once it develops. In our previous report,
BALT was observed in 12 of 17 patients with DPB.9
In DPB, we found that patients with BALT had a
significantly higher level of serum IgA than did those
without BALT. However, there was no difference in
the clinical findings, including serum IgA levels,
between patients with and without BALT in CHP.
Immunohistochemical examination showed the
cellular distribution of the BALT in CHP to be
similar to that in DPB.9 The follicular area was
composed mainly of B cells, while the parafollicular
area comprised predominantly T cells. The centroblasts located in the germinal center expressed Ki-67
antigen, which is expressed on cells during all active
stages of the cell cycle, suggesting that they were
proliferating after antigenic stimulation in BALT.
Bcl-2-positive cells were confined to part of the
follicular area. Since bcl-2 antigen is expressed
mainly on memory B cells, the cells in the follicular
area primarily were memory B cells. In the dome
area, we found S-100-positive, CD1a-negative cells
having a dendritic shape. These cells were considered to be phenotypically and morphologically identical to the interdigitating dendritic cells in other
lymphoid tissues.20,21 Thus, it is likely that inhaled
antigens taken up through the lymphoepithelium are
translocated to the dome area, where, in turn, the
interdigitating dendritic cells in the dome area process and present these antigens to the local T cells.
Little is known about the mechanism involved in
the development of BALT. In DPB, persistent infection around the bronchioles and continuous microbial stimulation appear to be responsible for
BALT development. In animals, chronic antigenic
stimulation was reported to induce the full expression of organized BALT.1,2,22 On the other hand,
systemic immunologic disorders are considered also
to induce BALT formation as seen in rheumatoid
arthritis.10 In CHP, it is possible that persistent
respiratory inflammation elicited by antigen-specific
immunologic reaction, in addition to repeated direct
stimulation by a causative antigen, may lead to BALT
development. However, further study is required to
determine the precise mechanism and causative
agents involved in BALT development, such as the
cytokinetics over the period of BALT development.
The present study indicates BALT development in
CHP. BALT is considered to be induced by chronic
antigenic stimulation and/or inflammation in CHP,
Clinical Investigations
which, in turn, may play an important role in the
mucosal immunity of this disease by acting as its
inductive site.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We thank Dr. K. Nishimura, Research
Center for Pathologic Fungi and Microbial Toxicoses, Chiba
University, for the assistance in identifying the fungi.
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