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As per Schmitt (2000), experience is the occasions that happen in light of feeling (e.g made by the endeavors when the buy). Experience is many times the aftereffect of direct perception or support of exercises-great exercises actually, dream and virtual. Subsequently an advertiser doesn't need to zero in on individual experience alone yet turned on essential contemplating the sort-the sort who need to experience what is furnished and how to furnish it with a serious level of allure (Schmitt, 2000).
Institute of Economic Growth, 2020
Given the challenges faced due to declining public budgets on education on one hand and the need for more resources on the other, many developed and developing countries such as India, are now examining alternative methods of subsidizing higher education to benefit students from the deprived sections. One such mechanism is scholarship schemes for students. A scholarship scheme is not a new phenomenon in India. Scholarship Schemes have been in operation in India since 1961. This paper critically examines 24 scholarship schemes provided by the central government and, the paper examines the private expenditure of students on their higher education. The study provides us with some interesting observations such as (1) The GER (Gross Enrollment ratio) of all categories is 26.3% in higher education but when we exclude SC (scheduled caste) and ST (scheduled tribe) from it; then GER for all other categories increases to 28.25%. (2) The share of means-based scholarship schemes is less in comparison to means cum merit and merit-based scholarship schemes. (3) Student's private expenditure on course fees is more than 65%, but only 46% of scholarship schemes cover both the course fees and the maintenance cost of the students. (4) The average private expenditure of students on maintenance cost in general degree courses is ₹ 7,078 and for technical/professional degree course it is ₹ 17,769; however, the maintenance amount provided by 70 % of the scholarship schemes is less than 5,000 rupees. The study concludes that the current scholarship schemes are making little contribution to either the efficiency or equity of the higher education system in India. The existing lacuna in Indian scholarship schemes can be corrected by doing some alterations in the policies, such as: (1) the government should be more focused on the means-based scholarship rather than merit-based. (2) The scholarship amount for both the course fees and the maintenance cost should be revised every 5 years and, (3) A greater number of scholarship schemes should cover the course fees of the students.
pela solicitude, compreensão, orientação e aprendizados. Aos membros da banca examinadora, pela disponibilidade e dedicação dispensada à avaliação e aprimoramento deste trabalho. Aos professores e funcionários da Universidade de São Paulo, em São Carlos e em Piracicaba, e da Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", em Botucatu, que contribuíram no percurso do mestrado. Aos colegas do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Engenharia Ambiental, pelo convívio, ajuda e amizade. Aos profissionais consultados ao longo da pesquisa, pela atenção, disposição em colaborar e contribuições. Aos integrantes do Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas, especialmente Laury Cullen Jr. e Tiago Pavan Beltrame, pela atenção e contribuições à pesquisa. Aos proprietários da Fazenda São Luiz, Denise Bittencourt Amador e Rodrigo Barbosa Junqueira, e aos integrantes do Mutirão Agroflorestal, especialmente Patrícia Vaz da Silva, Lena Ferreira, Fabiana Peneireiro e Sergio Olaya, pelas contribuições à pesquisa e pelo acolhimento, generosidade, ensinamentos e amizade. Aos participantes dos cursos de 2012 da Fazenda São Luiz, pela convivência, empatia, lições e amizade. Ao Ernst Götsch, fonte de inspiração, aprendizados e esperança. Ao Fernando Sordi Taveira, pelo incentivo, apoio e companheirismo. Aos meus familiares pelo amor e apoio incondicionais. Em especial, meu pai, Ivanilson José Martins, e minha mãe, Solange Parreiras Martins. Mencionados ou não aqui, minha imensa gratidão a todos que participaram, direta ou indiretamente, deste trabalho e, para além dele, compuseram os dois melhores anos que já vivi.
Melita Historica, 2020
Middle East Journal of Nursing, 2024
Aim: This meta-analysis explores the readiness of registered nurses to apply artificial intelligence (AI) in patient care.
Svet Polimera, 2024
In the 1960ties, Kargin and Kabanov proposed a theory of organized monomer polymerization. In the last four decades, we have successfully applied it to explain the radical polymerizations of compressed ethylene gas and liquid monomers, and olefin polymerization by transition metal complexes. It was found an analogy of high pressure free radical polymerization of ethylene with olefin polymerization by Ziegler-Natta, Phillips and metallocene catalysts.
16101121 Universitas Trilogi 1. Latar Belakang Masalah Seiring dengan berkembang pesatnya teknologi pada saat ini, manusia dituntut untuk hidup serba praktis dan canggih dalam melakukan berbagai aktivitasnya. Beragam jenis perangkat teknologi atau gadget laris di pasaran seperti smartphone, laptop, tap, personal computer (PC) dengan fitur yang lengkap. Perkembangan teknologi lainnya yaitu koneksi internet yang kian cepat dan mulai merata di berbagai wilayah. Hal tersebut membuat jumlah pengguna internet khususnya di Indonesia terus meningkat pesat Petumbuhan jumlah pengguna internet dan gadget yang signifikan memicu fenomena baru khususnya pada industri perdagagan online atau online shop. Dari online shop skala kecil sampai online shop dengan skala besar ada di Indonesia. Online shop merupakan toko yang menjual produk ataupun jasa melalui internet. Online shopping adalah proses dimana seorang konsumen membeli produk atau jasa melalui internet. Kegiatan belanja online ini merupakan bentuk transaksi baru yang tidak memerlukan komunikasi dan tatap muka secara langsung, melainkan dapat dilakukan secara terpisah ke seluruh dunia melalui media notebook, komputer, ataupun smartphone yang terhubung dengan layanan akses internet (Kotler, 2008:45). Menurut penelitian Diah Avinda Tahun 2017 tentang pengaruh kredibilitas endorser, kreativitas iklan dan daya tarik iklan terhadap loyalitas konsumen terhadap pembelian lipstick wardah di toko neraca padang. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa kredibilitas endorser berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Kreativitas iklan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Daya tarik iklan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Kredibilitas endorser, kreativitas iklan dan daya tarik secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen.
International Journal of Professional Business Review
Objective: The current analysis aims to assess the mediating effect of cost quality on the relationship between management accounting systems and the financial performance of industrial enterprises listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. Theoretical framework: Three questionnaires are used for this purpose, their validity and reliability are checked; the first part deals with the cost of quality and consists of 15 paragraphs. The second part deals with the management accounting system and consists of 30 parts distributed in three dimensions (just in time, value chain, target cost). Design/methodology/approach: The third section is related to financial performance and consists of 10 paragraphs. It works on a random sample of 311 people. Results: The results show a statistically significant mediating role of quality cost on the relationship between the management accounting system and its three dimensions (just-in-time manufacturing, value chain, and target cost) and the financial p...
psychopraxis. neuropraxis, 2023
Revista Fragmentum (UFSM - Linguística e Literatura), 2024
Proceedings 5th Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (Cat. No.98EX209)
Advances in Environmental Biology, 2015
RELIES: Revista del Laboratorio Iberoamericano para el Estudio Sociohistórico de las Sexualidades
The Annals of occupational hygiene, 2009
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021