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B. Isaksson - M. Persson (edd.), Strategies of clause linking in Semitic languages: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Clause Linking in Semitic Languages, Kivik, Sweden, 5-7 August 2012, 91-108., 2014
Taking as a starting point the wayyiqtol chain in Biblical Hebrew as expressing the foreground of the narration, the paper investigates the constructions preceding this chain. On the one hand, there are special prelude constructions, mostly a circumstantial construction preceding the main clause. On the other hand, the wayyiqtol chain may follow other constructions as well, expressing either background or comment. These constructions are usually, but not necessarily, in the past time frame. The wayyiqtol continues them, but switches to the foreground of the narration. Formally, this foregrounded wayyiqtol chain cannot be distinguished from the continuation of an eventually preceding foreground chain.
, saw a strong increase in participants, resulting in 45 presentations, 36 of which were published in the proceedings (Huyge & Van Noten, eds. 2018).
Rivista il Mulino, 2020
Quando, a fine gennaio, le preoccupazioni per il diffondersi del Coronavirus hanno iniziato a infettare il mondo, in Italia i cinesi sono stati i primi a reagire: è stato calcolato che circa l'80% dei negozi cinesi abbia chiuso nella seconda metà di febbraio, ben prima del lockdown imposto dal governo il 9 marzo. Quella chiusura anticipata può essere letta come il risultato di una sorta di early warning: gli immigrati cinesi e i loro figli sono a stretto contatto con la Cina, e sono stati quindi in grado di prendere misure per ridurre i rischi ben prima che queste fossero imposte dal governo italiano. Di per sé questo non è un comportamento tipicamente cinese: è un comportamento che si è ripetuto lungo le linee geografiche di diffusione del virus, come testimoniano diversi contributi di italiani che vivono all'estero pubblicati su queste pagine.
como "altamente ineficiente" las estrategias tradicionales de desarrollo. , plantea que "sin desarrollo social paralelo no habrá desarrollo económico satisfactorio". 3 En los últimos 50 años, de los principales 24 servicios ambientales provistos por los ecosistemas sólo 4 han visto incrementada su productividad, en tanto que los 15 principales (captura pesquera, purificación de aguas, regulación del clima, mitigación de riesgos naturales, etc.) están siendo degradados (United Nations, 2005). 4 Existen críticas frente al uso de la hipótesis de la Curva Ambiental de Kuznets para explicar esta relación. Lo anterior, entre otras razones, debido al impacto de la movilidad internacional de los factores. 5 La tasa de explotación de los recursos naturales es insostenible. El uso de agua excede su tasa de recuperación; el 25% de la población mundial de mamíferos se encuentran en vías de extinción, y la biodiversidad del planeta se encuentra bajo presión (Worldwatch Institute, 2003). 6 La tradición neoclásica de la economía ha enfatizado en factores convencionales y en cierta manera "tangibles" para el crecimiento económico, como el capital físico, el capital humano y la tecnología .
Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.2025.
A Gathering of Christian Protestants, Ortodox, Catholics and Jews (
This essay highlights the 'boundary work' accomplished through the identification and labelling of emotion with respect to the representation of communities and their memberships, the marking of group inclusion or exclusion, and the uses of emotion for shoring up, defining, and strengthening identities. It distinguishes between emotional self-identifications, the labelling practices that are used to mark the emotions of others, and the performances of emotions and practices of marking that are used for social mobility, for making claims to represent others, and for social reproduction. Bringing the author's analysis of representations of emotion in the context of Telugu-speaking southern India into conversation with the essays in this volume, the essay identifies five different types of sociocultural work that the performance, representation, and marking of emotion can perform. These include: (1) establishing one's own membership in a group; (2) incorporating others; (3) staking a claim to represent others; (4) marking distinctions; and (5) reproducing existing social distinctions. While not an exhaustive list, nor always mutually exclusive, these categories are intended to illustrate a series of examples that provide a context for thinking about what is at stake in the representation, performance, and marking of emotion. The essay concludes with a recommendation to be attentive to the specific contexts in which emotion is performed, marked, or represented, and to ask who is doing the marking of emotion, what their relationships are to those who are marked as experiencing or displaying specific emotions, and what work such actions accomplish for those doing the marking.
Frontiers in Political Science
The paper analyzes the regime in Israel/Palestine using a political geographical perspective. It demonstrates how a combination of colonial, national, capitalist and liberal forces have put in train a process of “deepening apartheid” in the entire territory controlled by Israel—between River and Sea. This undeclared regime has been established to guard the 'achievements' of settler colonial Judaization of the land and the domination of the Jewish minority. As described by the Rome Statute, it has become an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one group over others, with the intention of maintaining that regime. Hence the political geographical analysis shows clearly that the wide description in academic and international circles of Israel as “Jewish and democratic,” is based on a denial of the clear racialized hierarchy of civil statuses. This setting enhances Jewish supremacy (using different methods) it in all regions, while Palestinians are ...
Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2023
This research paper explores the applications and benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in library management systems. With the rapid advancements in technology, libraries are embracing AI to enhance their operations, improve user experiences, and optimize resource utilization. This paper provides an overview of AI technologies employed in library settings, discusses their impact on various library functions, and highlights the challenges and considerations associated with their implementation. The findings suggest that AI has the potential to revolutionize library management, empowering librarians to deliver efficient services and empowering users with enhanced access to information resources.
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International Journal of Science and Research, 2023
International Journal of Health Geographics, 2011
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Frontiers in Psychology
Psychological methods, 2017
Esteban Abalo, 2013
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Environmental Science: Atmospheres
… Oral, Patología Oral y …, 2007
8th. international congress on civil engineering, architecture and urban development Tehran Iran., 2023
International Journal of Experimental Dental Science, 2014
Perspectivas de las ciencias económicas y jurídicas, 2022
International journal of religion, 2024
Journal of the Australian Jewish Historical Society, 2024
The Turkish journal of pediatrics