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2023, Knizhniki
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from the book: «Ташкентский фронт»: Еврейские беженцы в советском тылу — М.: Библиотека М. Гринберга; Книжники, 2023.
Українсько-єврейське співжиття в Галичині й конструювання національного, 2011
Українсько-єврейське співжиття в Галичині й конструювання національного [The Ukrainian-Jewish Coexistence in Galicia and the Construction of the National]. In: Україна. Процеси націотворення [Ukraine. Processes of Nation-Building]. Упорядник Андреас Каппелер, Київ 2011, 213–225
Kaunas, 2022
The 10th volume of the research series "Rus' , Lithuania, Horde" is a special volume devoted to the XVI International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw (2022). The volume contains publications and analysis of numismatic and sphragistic findings, as well as academic research and supplementary studies. The series is intended for historians, archeologists, numismatists, sigillographers, and other persons interested in heraldry, economics, and the law of the states of Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages.
Problems of the legal existence of the Jewish community in the conditions of Soviet power in Transcarpathia (example by Beregovo synagogue) In Transcarpathia the Jews constituted about 10% of the population in almost every village. However, despite the Holocaust during the Second World War with the advent of the Soviet liberators of the existence of the Jewish community has not improved. An example is the religious community of the city of Beregovo, which, despite the administrative constraints exist for a long period of Soviet power. Therefore, in the documentary research, the author tries to explore the relationship between the Jewish religious community of the city of Beregovo ashore and the Soviet authorities. The author concludes that the high reliability of the documents produced and surviving in Soviet times in the Carpathian region. Furthermore, the document clearly traced administrative intervention of the Soviet leadership in the life of the Jewish religious community in Transcarpathia, as disclosed by the example Beregovo synagogue. Keywords: administrative restrictions, Beregovo synagogue, Jews, Jewish community, Holocaust, Soviet regime.
«Высокое». По следам еврейских кладбищ // Мост, № 1062-1063 от 14 и 21 октября 2020г.
«Талька». По следам еврейских кладбищ // Мост, № 1046-1047 от 24 июня и 1 июля 2020 г., с. 16. 18, 19.
One of the least studied and documented periods of the existence of Islam in Ukraine is the Soviet period. In Soviet Ukraine, Muslims were present, as evidenced by the existence of mosques in several major cities, Muslim cemeteries, and a number of ethnonyms (for example, the suburb of Kiev called Tatarka). These were primarily the Volga Tatars, who constituted a significant, if not the largest part of the Muslims of Ukraine both in the prewar and postwar periods — even after the transfer of Crimean region to Ukraine in 1954, as Crimean Muslims remained deported in Central Asia. Another group of Ukrain-ian Muslims were the so-called Po lish-Lithuanian Tatars, who lived mainly in Western Ukraine. However, for the authorities of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic they did not exist. Muslims could not register a religious community and were forced to perform religious rituals illegally, at the risk of encountering oppression by law enforcement. In my paper I will consider the phenomenon of Muslim communities in Soviet Ukraine, the features of their existence and religious life. I will show that, despite the actual prohibition of the existence of organised forms of Islam, Ukrainian Muslims continued to be part of a wider discourse of «Soviet» Islam, maintaining unofficial links with the centers of Islamic life in the USSR. I will also touch on the issue of strategies for preserving ethnic and confessional identity by Ukrainian Muslims in the face of the threat of cultural and religious assimilation. For the research, I used materials from personal archives, own field studies, interviews, local lore publications in local and republican press, biographical materials, as well as studies on this topic by Ukrainian authors.
Статьи, включенные в настоящий сборник, были изданы автором с 1994 по 2019 г. в разных странах и впервые собраны под одной обложкой на русском языке. Они посвящены малоизученным вопросам истории евреев Беларуси до и после Холокоста: советская школа на идише; евреи в сельском хозяйстве, при НЭПе; участие евреев в юридической системе и правоохранительных органах; возврат имущества и жилищ евреям, вернувшимся из эвакуации, партизанских отрядов и Красной армии; роль евреев в экономической, финансовой, политической и культурной жизни республики; белорусское руководство и возникновение государства Израиль; «дело врачей»; работа евреев в цензуре. В сборник вошли также рецензии и интервью автора, очерки по истории еврейской семьи. Материалом для многолетних исследований Л. Смиловидского послужили главным образом архивные документы, дополненные сведениями из научных и популярных изданий, статистических сборников и периодической печати. Предназначается для специалистов по истории, студентов исторических факультетов, а также для тех, кто интересуется советской историей Беларуси и России. Редактор и корректор Рина Глаубах Верстка и титульный лист Шауль Симан-Тов Обложка Александр Литин В оформлении обложки использовано фото семьи Чечик (1927 г.) из Турова Мозырского района Гомельской области Белорусской ССР Предложения, отклики и заказы на книги направлять по адресу:
Historiography and sources on the history of cities and urbanization in Belarus (edited by V.V. Danilovich and others)., 2009
«Пуховичи». По следам еврейских кладбищ // Мост, № 1031-1032 от 11, 8 и 25 марта 2020 г., с. 20-21.
Contra la Modern Monetary Theory
Universidad Complutenses de Madrid, Facultad de Comercio y Turismo, Sala Germán Bernácer, 7-8 de mayo de 2024
Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences, 2016
Revista Ler , nº 170, 2024
Psychology: the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 2020
International Research Journal of Management Science
Bollettino Telematico Dell'Arte, 2019
Perspectives in Science, 2016
Business Economics, 2006
Livro de Resumos da VII Simpósio de Estrutura Eletrônica e Dinâmica Molecular, 2018
Sučasnì tehnologìï v mašinobuduvannì ta transportì, 2021
Efektyvna ekonomika
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 1995
The Biological Bulletin, 2001
European Journal of Ophthalmology, 2007