International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
ISSN Online: 2349-4182 ISSN Print: 2349-5979
Received: 01-03-2024, Accepted: 22-04-2024, Published: 16-05-2024
Volume 11, Issue 5, 2024, Page No. 46-52
Academic pressure and depression
Rahul Sarker
Lecturer, Department of English, BGC Trust University, Bangladesh
The research illustrates the effects of academic pressure and depression on university students, college students, and students
of schools. It seems that academic pressure helps to bring out the best outcomes of the students but more often it breaks down
the mental health of the students when they fail to take the overloads of academic pressure. The study highlights the
unfavorable impacts of depression due to academic pressure and how to resolve this intense problem. However, this research
concentrates on how academic pressure is associated with depression, how competition leads students toward depression, how
depression affects students to perform well in the classroom, why teachers’ unclear lectures trouble students to get a better
understanding that leads the students toward depression and the vulnerable result-based education system which affects
students psychologically. To test the quality of these speculations, a cognitive survey has been conducted using both primary
and secondary thoughts. It is built upon the basis of my research where my hypothesis is correct. At the very beginning stage
of my research, I assumed the fact that competition among students, teachers unclear lectures, overloads of projects,
assignments, presentations, exams, and result-based education systems are the major factors for academic depression. After
completing my survey and investigation from both primary and secondary sources, I have found that these reasons are highly
responsible for academic depression which partially matched my hypothesis.
Keywords: Depression, excessive academic pressure, teacher’s responsibility, mental health illness, anxiety disorder, amiable
relationship with teachers and students, result-based general education
Depression is a common but serious psychological disorder
that affects millions of people around the world. It also
breaks down the morality and physical condition that
interrupts students from different disciplines to perform
regular activities of their customary life. This depression
comes into human life for various reasons. Academic
Pressure is the most vicious reason through which students
get into trouble and as a result they get depressed. There are
numerous ways, depression dominates the conscious,
subconscious, and unconscious minds of human beings.
Among all other reasons, academic pressure has become a
recurrent factor responsible for hideous depression which
leads students to a decrepit situation. However, academic
pressure can harm students, such as “mental health illness”,
“anxiety”, “tension”, and “hopelessness” (Kaur, 2012) [10].
Academic stress has multiple components including
environmental factors, perception factors, and demand
factors (Kohn & Frazer, 1986) [6]. First of all, the
environmental factors refer to the dismissal of the students
from the class, the noise level of the classroom, and the
number of students in the classroom. Secondly, the
perception factors refer to lectures in non-native languages,
fast-paced lectures, unclear assignments, and incorrect
answers in the classroom. Finally, the demand factors refer
to the psychological factors which include tension for
academic grades, excessive homework, and difficulty with
teachers or instructors (Chen, W. 2018) [8]. All these aspects
prove the fact that academic stress, which has been
prevailing upon almost every student, is severely
responsible for depression. Few students can better deal
with the height of academic pressure and others get
In a research paper by Vikas S. Minchekar and Rahul
Gajanan Kamble, we have acknowledged that academic
pressure can be a burning cause of suicide and suicidal
attempts for college students. In most cases, it has been
observed that a student from a marginal community
(Proletariat group, according to Karl Marx), if gets admitted
into a private university where the majority of the students
belong to the elite class, remains in a dilapidated situation
for adaptability. Some students from that marginal group get
affiliated with the elite class students, and the rest lose
themselves in the desert air. Apart from these real scenarios,
some other reasons are also responsible for depression.
For instance,
▪ Continuous Examination at both College and University
▪ Failing to answer the questions of teachers in the
classroom in front of fellow mates.
▪ Showing progress reports in school, college, and
university subjects due to academic stress
▪ Difficulty in understanding the course instructor’s
teaching method.
▪ Competition with classmates.
▪ Completing teacher’s assignments and fulfilling
parental expectations.
Literature review
This paper illustrates a vivid description of the depression
through which one student gets exploited while dealing with
the vulnerable academic procedures of learning where the
involvement of the students in innovating something new is
not important but imposing pressure upon the students to
finish the academic programs only, is emphatically
practiced. Students are facing many challenges in their
academia such as assignments, examinations, presentations,
quizzes, projects, etc. Academic stress creates a negative
impact on students’ learning capacity and academic
performance, as mental health problems, such as depression
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
and anxiety, sleep disturbances, and substance (Michal C.
Poscoe, 2019). They do not want to down their grade. For
this reason, they always try to submit their work on time.
Many students get depressed because of the excessive
pressure of the institution. The entire education system
should be guided in such a way where rational, imaginative,
and enchanting criteria are to be followed to make learning
more interesting to the students. However, depression is a
kind of mental deformity that abruptly rebukes students to
acquire knowledge and makes them distressed and
crestfallen. Academic events, likewise, uncanny cogitation
for academic grades, high expectations of the students
regarding good results, and fear of facing strict academic
activities are responsible for the academic stress of the
students which makes them depressed. Based on our
country, the academic result is useful in a sense that
determines a student’s possibility to get a good job.
However, good grades also help the students to get
international scholarships and lead them to become highly
educated. So, many students get depressed when they fail to
achieve a good academic result. This is a truth universally
acknowledged that a student’s academic result always
determines their fortune. But this academic learning which
is mostly based on books does not allow the students to get
accumulated with the practical world where skill is
necessary to secure a better future. The prevailing
connotation of a grading system is needed to showcase a
student’s supreme efficiency. Students with academic
pressure possess a negative attitude because of various
reasons, such as, “Career development” and “High
expectation of academic results” (Ray, Halder & Goswami,
2012) [4]. All the students should concentrate on becoming
skillful, diligent, and intelligent because, in many situations,
quantitative grades diminish student’s interest in learning,
reduce academic risk-taking, and decrease the quality of
thinking. Through this work, students can incorporate
themselves into research work and get to learn several
ideologies of many minds around the world which makes
them skillful. This kind of learning procedure can reduce the
tension regarding grades in the minds of the students and
direct them to focus on creative thinking (Ashley LambSinclair, 2017). It expands the imaginative power of the
students as well. Now and then it is considered that
excessive academic pressure is responsible which leads
students toward depression. Further, adolescents who had
academic stress were at 2.4 times (95% Cl =0.9-2.4)
(P<0.001) higher risk of depression than adolescents
without academic stress (P. Jayanthi, M. Thirunavukarasu &
Rajamanickam Rajkumar). Moreover, this paper will focus
on this recurrent issue where students are getting depressed
by academic pressure and how this hectic problem should be
solved. This vibrant problem regarding academic pressure
can be resolved if proper initiatives should be taken. For
example, teachers should encourage students to be strategic
about taking workloads, preparing assignments, delivering
presentation speeches, and all other academic activities
(Nahum, 2017) [1]. Further, peer pressure is also a recurrent
issue deliberately functional as a factor that affects
adolescent behavior. (Tripathy, 2018) [12]. Another
significant reason for depression is the rates of young people
who tend to get depressed are the highest among all
psychological disorders in the age group and these kinds of
disorders affect millions of youngsters. (Makinde, et al.
2020) [13], It is almost common that students’ depression is
responsible for walking through the darkest path of the
world, A student’s self-reliance gets devastated when that
student gets involved in drinking alcohol, illogical drug
intake, and negative body image, which is harmful to the
well-being of a child or a young person. There may be many
reasons for involving themselves in such decrepit
obsessions, But, academic pressure plays a vital role beyond
these negative practices. (Tripathy, 2018) [12]. Furthermore,
in India in Maharashtra, from 2011-2015, according to the
National Crime Record Bureau, most of the suicidal cases
happened due to academic pressure. The approximate
percentage was 14%, nearly 1230 students. An article
published in the (Hindustan Times, 2017), clearly
mentioned that Tanya Rana, a 19-year-old female who was
a medical student committed suicide for academic pressure
and failing to compete with her peers. Another student
named Arjun Bharadwaj, 24 years old, a student of
Management also committed suicide. The report of (India
Spend, 2017) concluded that an IIT aspirant named Arijeet
Pramanick got depressed about failure in exams and
committed suicide. After these observations, it is almost
clear that academic pressure, parental expectations, failing
exams, difficulty in coping with the urban environment
especially the students who come from rural places, and
competition with classmates are valid reasons for
experiencing depression. Excelling academically to reach
the high expectations of teachers, peers, and parents triggers
depression. Competition among students leads them to
stress and depressive syndrome. However, the human mind
is not stable these days. As a result, concentrating on
academic activities, and most importantly focus is absent
among students. For this reason, a sense of fear works and it
manifests intense anxiety. Out of this anxiety, students
suffer from fear of failure in academic exams; if not they get
good scores after following the instructions of the teachers,
and become severely depressed.
Research Questions
In my research, I will attempt to examine the effect of
academic pressure on different university students. My
research will address the following questions
1. How depression is associated with academic pressure?
2. Does competition lead students toward depression?
3. Does the difficulty of understanding lectures of the
teachers’ trouble the Students and lead them toward
4. How does depression affect the academic performance
of the students?
5. What kind of initiatives should be taken to reduce
academic pressure so that depression can be subdued?
The idea perceived by most of the researchers is that
excessive academic pressure leads students toward
depression. There are many reasons for this. When I started
my research work, I expected to get the perception that
depression is the ultimate result of academic pressure. While
going through the process of justifying the fact I found
several reasons for academic procedures like tight deadlines
for assignments, overloads of school work, anxiety about
academic grades, etc. are most of the cases responsible for
depression. In this competitive world with numerous
challenges, competition in academic exams among students
is very common nowadays. Earlier, I assumed to believe the
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Research Methodology
As my research was qualitative, I completed it through
observational methods and practical and cognitive methods
of collecting information from my target community. After
the selection of my research title academic Pressure and
depression, I tried to find out the reasons behind academic
pressure and depression. My assumptions, for example,
competitive minds of the students in academic exams,
teacher's unclear lectures, overloads of academic projects,
presentations, assignments, and exams, and demerits of
result-based education which I thought the reasons for
academic depression of the students, inclined me to search
for some articles and research works done by several writers
to find out more information relevant with my research topic
and justify my hypothesis. Later, I found some articles on
the internet related to my research work and collected all the
information from those articles. Those research works of
several writers which matched in some point with my
research topic were all the secondary sources.
After completion of collecting information from secondary
sources, I found it necessary to make a survey based on
some questionnaires that were both expedient and coherent
to testify to my assumptions or hypothesis. To do so, I
prepared those questionnaires and served them to my target
community people likewise, some teachers and university
students. Finally, I got 55 respondents. Most of them
claimed that academic pressure is responsible for students'
depression. As a result, I got my concept clear. My
assumptions became truly justified and matched with the
practical world, mob psychology regarding academic
depression, and ultimate research findings. This entire
proceeding was finished as my primary task was to find out
the reasons behind academic depression which were my
chief concerns.
fact that this competitive mind is very complex and harmful
for students which leads them toward depression. Later,
through my survey, I got the proof that 40% of people
believe that the competitive environment creates anxiety and
that all students cannot cope with it. Another assumption
was about the teacher's unclear lectures which make things
difficult for the students to get a better understanding of any
issues discussed in the class. Some teachers deliver fastpaced lectures and also use non-native languages that are
difficult to understand. For this reason, probably students
fail to get good grades. As a result, depression grabs them
severely. The inability of the students to perform in the class
may also be the result of severe depression. I assumed that
both teachers and students were responsible for this.
Through my observation from a different article, I found
that incorrect answers of the students make them feel
ashamed, the teacher's unequal favoritism toward the high
achievers, students' reluctance to learn, and the teacher's
negligence towards the students are responsible for students'
depression. I expected to see a vital change in the vulnerable
academic procedures of the learning process prevailing
around my circumstances. My assumption regarding the
solution to this problem suggested that this problem,
depression to academic pressure, is thoroughly extensive
and expanding rapidly. I assumed that this problem would
be resolved if the govt. and the governing authority of mass
education considers this.
Throughout my research, I expect to find out all the possible
ways through which students especially from universities
are driven toward depression by unproductive, destructive,
and excessive academic pressure. Afterward, I will
concentrate on some constructive ways to find out the
solution to this vital problem.
Data presentation and analysis
What is academic pressure?
Fig 1
body for irrational interpretation of academic events" and it
is the majority one which is 32.7%. Then 29.1% of the
students said that academic pressure is nothing but anxiety
for the academic grade. Some of the students think that it is
the teacher's aggression for the student’s lethargic behavior
in the classroom and it is 7.3%. A small number of students
think that academic pressure raises excessive tension of the
students in the classroom which deprives them of
performing in the class. The rest of the students think that
academic pressure is the ultimate result of all of the causes.
It is perceived in most cases that the more students get
engaged with study, the more they become enlightened.
However, severe academic pressure, imposed by the
educational institution only for completing the syllabus,
causes possible hindrances to the student’s free thinking.
Ultimately the result becomes horrifying for the students.
However, while conducting my survey I asked my target
community “What is the definition of academic pressure”.
From the chart of the result of my question, it is very clear
that according to the maximum students, the definition of
the academic result is- "The nonspecific response of the
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
How does academic pressure make students depressed?
Fig 2
The most possible causes of depression are faulty mood
regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, and stressful
life events.
At first, I asked my target community how academic
pressure makes students depressed. The response was very
clear that assignments under tight deadlines which is 38.9%,
are the majority. Then approximately 14.8% of them said
that student’s incapability of taking an overload of projects
and examinations is the reason behind it whereas 11.1 % of
the students said that student’s reluctance to complete
homework provided by the teachers is a kind of academic
pressure which makes students feel depressed. Then, 5.6%
of them said scheduled class lectures of the teachers make
them feel depressed. As the second highest result, 29.6% of
the students said all above the reasons make them feel
depressed which is a little over a quarter. Further, there is an
upper-mentioned pie chart that represents the data. The data
collection shows that the majority of students at different
universities in Bangladesh participated in how academic
pressure makes students depressed. Most of them believed
that assignment under tight deadlines is the main reason for
it and the option, all above has also been reported by a little
less than the majority. Therefore, students prohibited the
assignments under tight deadlines.
How does competitiveness in academia make students depressed?
Fig 3
Competition among students in academic exams is very
common around the world. I used to believe in the fact that
a competitive mind is very complex and drives students to
run after getting the highest numbers in academic exams.
While chasing after numbers, some students deny
understanding the subject matters of a course and sometimes
fail to secure their good positions. As a result, they get
depressed. To find out the demerits of the competitive
minds of the students, however, I asked my target
community “How does competitiveness in academia make
students depressed?”. Approximately 40% of the students
said that the competitive environment creates anxiety and all
students cannot cope with it. In addition, 29.1 percent of the
students said that the competitive environment only rewards
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
high achievers, leaving mediocre students feeling worthless
while 20 percent of the students supported that the
competitive environment leads to weak peer support, which
can have a psychological strain on some students and the
remaining 9.1 percent were agreed with the fact that the
competitive environment affects introverts the most as they
are constantly pressured into becoming vocal (to participate
in classes, during presentations, etc.)
Do you think students' incapability of understanding the teacher's lectures is responsible for their depression?
Fig 4
It is the truth universally acknowledged that a teacher is the
forerunner of a nation. So, the teacher’s contribution to the
growth of students’ skills is important. But, if a teacher,
only showcasing his/her intellect, uses third-degree or
difficult words while delivering lectures, not concerned
about the students’ capacity of understanding, then it
becomes a burden for the students. As a result, students fail
to pass examinations and get depressed.
However, the above pie chart describes that student's
incapability of understanding the teacher's lectures is
responsible for their depression. About the majority of
students believed that it makes students feel dumb for not
being able to comprehend the teacher which was 58.2%.
According to 23.6% that means nearly a quarter of the
students supported that students are quick to blame the
teachers for their incapability of falling into depression
while 18.2% said that some students succumb to
hopelessness while others seek help from their
teachers/TAs/peers. We can therefore say that the majority
of students believe that their incapability of understanding
teacher's lectures is responsible for their depression.
Do you think that school workload troubles students psychologically? Why?
Fig 5
From my perspective, students should acquire knowledge
blissfully. They should learn for excellence without having
any tension or anxiety for the future. But, if they have to
take overloads of academic work, they will become socially
awkward and paralyzed psychologically.
During my survey, I asked my target community “Do you
psychologically? Why? The response was that
approximately 52.7 % which was the majority of the
students believed that school workload deprives the students
of enjoying the beauty of the world which causes mild
mental illness while 21.8% of the students which means that
nearly a quarter of the students also believed that school
workload is essential for the students to increase their skills.
On the other hand, 16.4% of the students said that school
workloads are heaps of garbage only. Last but not least,
9.1% of the students supported that students get afraid of
confronting their teachers while doing school work which
leads them toward depression. If we analyze the answers,
we can say that almost 80% of the students think that school
workload troubles them psychologically though the reason
for it may vary. It does not mean that the schools should not
give workloads to the students, but it says to decrease the
workloads of students so that the students do not feel it as a
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Do you agree that result-based education affects the mental health of students adversely?
Fig 6
After completing my survey through some questionnaires, I
have found that my preconceived idea regarding my desired
research article matches my assumption or my hypothesis.
Before starting my survey, I was inclined to believe the fact
that a result-based education system and its outcome
diminish the student's inspiration for excellency and engage
them in academic stress. However, I had multiple dilemmas
regarding the fact that without better results, it is impossible
to get preferences from the job recruiters. For this reason, I
wanted to justify the fact by surveying my target mass
community to determine whether result-based education is
significant or not. Finally, the pie Chart above shows that
result-based education affects the mental health of the
students adversely. 52.7% of students which was the
majority of the students strongly agreed with this statement.
38.2% which was a little over a third of the students selected
agreed and 9.1% of students were neutral.
The perception of depression should never be perceived as
negligence. Academic procedures should be maintained in
balanced, cognitive, and logical ways because education is
the backbone, highly sophisticated, and fundamental right of
the nation. Some proper initiatives may work positively to
reduce this existing problem. For example,
▪ Teachers should be aware of the increasing academic
pressure in the classroom, which can increase the level
of student’s depression.
▪ In a classroom, punitive policies should be abandoned.
▪ Unclear directions of the vulnerable teachers should be
justified minutely.
▪ Proper timing and spacing of assignments should be
▪ In a classroom, teachers should relate academic
learning with practical things.
▪ The institution should engage students in professional
activities besides academic learning.
▪ Counseling sessions must be needed.
Summary of research findings
Throughout my survey, I have left no stone unturned to
justify my assumptions with more information regarding
academic pressure and depression from my target
community by serving them some questionnaires and
getting the answers to those questions. The congenial
performance of my respondents has helped me effectively to
prove whether my assumptions were correct or not. After
getting the answers to my questions regarding the possible
reasons for academic depression from my target community,
I understood the fact that severe academic pressure breaks
the mental health of the students.
However, from my entire survey proceedings, I have found
most of the students believe that assignment under tight
deadlines is a reason for academic pressure that makes
students depressed. Afterward, the competitive environment
creates anxiety and all students cannot cope with it. Further,
the majority of the students believe that the school workload
deprives them students to enjoying the beauty of the world
which causes mild mental illness. Furthermore, teachers'
unclear lectures which make it difficult for the students to
get a better understanding are also considered as a reason
for students' depression. Moreover, result-based education
affects the mental health of the students adversely and a
high percentage of students strongly agreed with this
The preconceived idea of my research matches my findings.
At the very beginning of my research, I assumed the fact
that competition in examinations among students, resultbased education, excessive academic pressure, and unclear
lectures the teachers are responsible for student's depression.
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