Science-based cleanup of Rocky Flats
The chemical and physical interactions of radioactive compounds are key to understanding how
they can contaminate the environment and, more importantly, how best to remove them.
David L. Clark; David R. Janecky; Leonard J. Lane
Physics Today 59 (9), 34–40 (2006);
25 May 2024 02:40:36
Science-based cleanup
of Rocky Flats
David L. Clark, David R. Janecky, and Leonard J. Lane
The chemical and physical interactions of radioactive compounds are key to
understanding how they can contaminate the environment and, more
importantly, how best to remove them.
David Clark and David Janecky are technical staff members at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Leonard Lane is a
consultant with L. J. Lane Consulting, Inc, in Tucson, Arizona, and was a hydrologist with the US Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service.
From 1952 to 1989, the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons
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tense rainfall and wet springtime conditions raised concerns
about the mobility and dispersal of plutonium and americium. To account for increased concentrations of plutonium
at various surface water-monitoring locations, researchers
hypothesized that plutonium was soluble in surface and
ground water. But modeling efforts at the time predicted very
little movement of plutonium. The discord between the data
and predictions prompted DOE and Kaiser-Hill in 1995 to establish the Actinide Migration Evaluation (AME) advisory
group. The idea was to solicit advice and technical expertise
on how elements such as plutonium, uranium, and americium are likely to behave in the air, surface water, ground
water, and soil (see box 1).
Supported by scientific measurements, the group found
that plutonium and americium form insoluble oxides and
colloids that adhere to small organic and mineral particles in
soil. The particles can migrate throughout the Rocky Flats environment by wind and surface water; particles are lifted
from some location, suspended in air or water, and then redeposited as sediment somewhere else. This understanding
showed that soluble transport models were, in fact, not
appropriate to describe the transport of plutonium and
americium and led to the adoption of erosion and sedimenttransport models. And it provided the basis for how best to
negotiate a cleanup agreement and settle on an allowable
standard of 50 picocuries per gram of soil. The relevant measure of plutonium and americium concentration is how much
radiation is given off per unit volume or mass.
Did it save a lot of taxpayer dollars? That’s difficult to
determine. What everyone agrees on is that scientific understanding provided clarity and focus on the real issues surrounding plutonium and americium in the RFETS environment. The clarity and focus in turn allowed for good project
management, guided remediation efforts, and most certainly
helped shave decades and billions of dollars off the initial
cleanup estimate.
Site details
Nearly the size of a small city with its own fire department,
medical offices, cafeteria, and water- and sewage-treatment
plants, Rocky Flats comprised more than 800 structures on a
1.6-square-kilometer industrial area surrounded by approximately 24 square kilometers of controlled open space (see
figure 1). The open space continues to serve as a buffer between Rocky Flats and the nearby, growing communities and
is home to many species of animals and plants.
© 2006 American Institute of Physics, S-0031-9228-0609-010-7
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Plant, located about 24 km northwest of Denver, Colorado,
made components for the nation’s nuclear arsenal using various radioactive materials, including plutonium and uranium; toxic metals such as beryllium; and hazardous solvents, degreasers, and other chemicals. The key component
produced at Rocky Flats was the plutonium pit, commonly
referred to as the trigger for a nuclear weapon. The pit provides energy to fuel the explosion.
In 1989 the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Environmental Protection Agency abruptly halted nuclear production work to investigate environmental and safety concerns, and the site was added to the EPA’s Superfund list later
that year. In 1993 the secretary of energy announced the end
of the nuclear production mission, and the area became
known as the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
(RFETS) in 1995. Nearly 40 years of nuclear weapons production left behind contaminated facilities, soils, and surface
and ground water.
More than 2.5 million people live within an 80-km radius
of the site, and 300 000 of those live in the Rocky Flats watershed. The sudden shutdown left large quantities of plutonium and other hazardous substances in various stages of
processing and storage. Because plutonium is dangerous to
human health, even in minute quantities, the cleanup of
plutonium-contaminated materials is highly complex, tedious, and labor intensive.
In March 1995 the US Department of Energy estimated
that the cleanup for Rocky Flats would cost in excess of
$37 billion and take 70 years to complete. By 1996, DOE and
independent contractor Kaiser-Hill Co had initiated a massive effort that eventually resulted in a credible plan to accelerate the closure of Rocky Flats by 31 December 2006 at a
contracted cost of $7 billion. After a troubled start, Kaiser-Hill
completed the task nearly a year ahead of schedule.
What led to the turnaround? Without question, an
incentive-laden contract, strong support and stable funding
from Congress, high-level DOE support that mobilized the
entire DOE complex to assist in the cleanup, technological innovation, and improved scientific understanding all contributed. Much has been made of the contractor’s fee of more
than $500 million, but less has been said about the role that
scientific understanding played in guiding key cleanup decisions and facilitating good project management.
The impetus to understand the science behind plutonium contamination gained momentum in 1995 when in-
Water at Rocky Flats and the surrounding area is distributed among surface water, shallow ground water, and deep
ground water.1 A series of detention ponds had been constructed along creeks to manage plant waste and surface water
runoff. Shallow ground water refers to water within the alluvium and weathered bedrock and is found to a depth of 30 m.
Water from the surface filters downward, recharging the shallow ground water, which in turn recharges the stream channels
at certain times of the year. Beneath the alluvium is highly impermeable bedrock that inhibits vertical flow. As a result, shallow ground water flows laterally and either discharges into the
streams or emerges as hillside springs and seeps. Deep regional
ground water flows about 200–300 m below the surface. Because of the intervening bedrock, that regional ground water
aquifer is hydrologically isolated from the Rocky Flats surface
and shallow ground water and from actinide contaminants.2
Box 1. Actinide migration evaluation
In 1995, to address the question of how actinide elements
migrate in the Rocky Flats environment, Kaiser-Hill Co and the
US Department of Energy commissioned the Actinide Migration Evaluation. Initially, AME advisers were recruited to evaluate and provide guidance on environmental conditions—in
particular, the geochemistry of actinides at Rocky Flats, the
way the radioactive elements there move from one location to
another, and the role of erosion. The charter was rapidly
expanded to include recommendations for long-term protection of surface-water quality.
Over its 10-year history, the AME group was led by Christine S. Dayton (Integrated Hydro Systems, previously with
Kaiser-Hill), and the following served as advisers: Sumner J.
Barr (Los Alamos National Laboratory, retired), Gregory R.
Choppin (Florida State University), David L. Clark (LANL),
Arokiasamy J. Francis (Brookhaven National Laboratory),
Bruce D. Honeyman (Colorado School of Mines), David R.
Janecky (LANL), Annie B. Kersting (Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory), Leonard J. Lane (L. J. Lane Consulting,
Inc), D. Kirk Nordstrom (US Geological Survey), and Peter H.
Santschi (Texas A&M, Galveston).
The AME group identified and prioritized the technical questions they were to address: What actinide-migration sources
and processes are contaminating surface water? What impact
would actinide migration have on any planned remedial action?
To what standard level do the radioactive sources need to be
cleaned? And how will actinide migration affect surface-water
quality, air sheds, and downstream areas?
A central principle of AME, even from its inception, was to
interact often and openly with the public. As actinide-migration
studies got under way, AME representatives met with regulatory agencies and local community and citizens’ groups to discuss results and implications for remedial actions at Rocky
Flats. Occasionally, additional scientists also took part in discussing technical issues in the public forums, which sometimes
prompted further research to address unanswered questions.
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Figure 1. A 1995 photograph of the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site shows how industrial the region had
become as a nuclear production facility, with more than 800 structures built on 1.6 square kilometers, surrounded by 24
square kilometers of open space. The inset shows the same area in October 2005, after remediation.
Figure 2. To estimate concentrations of plutonium239 and plutonium-240 in surface soil, researchers
applied a geostatistical modeling technique known
as Kriging analysis that used nearly 2500 surfacesoil samples collected and analyzed between 1991
and 1999.17 The highest 239Pu and 240Pu activities—
in excess of 1000 picocuries per gram of soil, colored red on the map—were found at the 903 Pad,
where plutonium-contaminated solvents had leaked
for more than a decade. A clear plume of Pu and
Am contamination tracks roughly with the prevailing winds from the northwest to the southeast. Map
represents pre-remediation values.
Winds at RFETS predominantly flow from the
northwest to the southeast. They can periodically
become so strong and gusty—exceeding 160 km/h—
that they shatter the windshields of vehicles parked
on the site. The wind is an important factor in the
dispersal of soil and actinides. Indeed, air monitoring and subsequent calculations of the actinide loads showed
that air transport was a dominant actinide migration pathway, before and during cleanup.
Radioactive contaminants
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Physics Today
Synchrotron radiation studies
Although researchers at Rocky Flats suspected that plutonium contamination in the environment was in a particle
form—most likely the very insoluble PuO2—definitive proof
did not exist to verify its chemical form and oxidation state.7
Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers led by Steven
Conradson performed x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
to determine the chemical form of plutonium in RFETS soils
and concretes.8 Although not well suited for the extremely dilute samples typical of the RFETS environment, the technique
successfully identified the chemical fingerprints of select,
higher-concentration samples through a careful tuning of the
spectroscopy data collection—that is, a judicious choice of
which absorption region to analyze, together with long datacollection times.
X-ray absorption near-edge structure analysis identified
the oxidation state of plutonium in soils and concretes as
Pu(IV). An analysis of the extended x-ray absorption fine
structure in the spectra—the spectral oscillations in the region beyond the absorption edge—unambiguously identified the chemical form of plutonium in soil and contaminated
concrete around the site as the relatively insoluble hydrous
oxide PuO2⋅xH2O (see box 2).
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When it was operating, the Rocky Flats nuclear plant generated a huge volume of waste contaminated with radionuclides and other hazardous substances. The majority was
shipped offsite, but improper disposal, ruptured or leaking
pipes, fires, and faulty storage units resulted in local soil and
water contamination. By far the largest source of plutonium
and americium contamination in soils emanated from chemical drums stored in an area known as the 903 Pad. Between
1958 and 1969, an estimated 19 000 liters of tainted lathe
coolant (about 86 g or 5.3 curies of plutonium) leaked into the
ground; wind and surface-water erosion then carried plutonium and americium in a pattern that tracks roughly with the
prevailing winds to the east and southeast, at low levels past
the eastern site boundary (see figure 2).
Plutonium and americium generally exhibited the same
spatial distribution in surface soils, with wide variations in
radioactive activities occurring throughout the site. Approximately 90 percent of the radioactive inventory was in the top
12 cm of the soil.3 The concentrations ranged up to several
picocuries per liter in streams and ponds, and up to a few
nanocuries per gram in soils and sediments.
Chemical reactions, particularly redox reactions in soil
and ponds, are often hypothesized to explain actinide mobility. At one extreme, the actinides may react with surrounding materials to create soluble and mobile compounds.
At the other extreme, the actinides might remain unchanged
at the molecular scale and become bound to natural organic
and mineral materials. These natural materials themselves
may undergo chemical reactions to form mobile components,
thereby carrying the actinides along with them.
The contrast between actinide solubilities—the solubility of plutonium and americium is very low, whereas that of
uranium is relatively high—drove researchers’ consideration
of colloidal and particulate transport processes and
prompted the AME advisory group to carefully evaluate evidence that could distinguish solubility and colloidal and
particulate results. For example, actinide chemists have long
known that under environmental conditions plutonium is
most stable as oxides,4 and colloid-sized materials,5 but detailed knowledge of their reactivity in the environment is limited to concentrations of picocuries per liter in water and
picocuries to nanocuries per gram in soil.
Under natural environmental conditions, plutonium solubility is limited by the formation of amorphous plutonium
hydroxide [Pu(OH)4] or polycrystalline plutonium oxide
(PuO2). Formation of these compounds provides an upper
limit on the amount of dissolved—that is, ionic or molecular—
plutonium that can be present. Plutonium oxide’s measured
solubility range5 of 10−10 to 10−13 mol/L is limited by the formation of Pu(OH)4. Due to that very low solubility and the
tendency of compounds of Pu(IV), the fourth oxidation state
of plutonium, to adhere to organic and mineral particles, the
primary path of plutonium transport is through the migration
of fine particles. Indeed, when concentrations of plutonium
above fallout levels have been investigated in detail, the plutonium has been linked to colloids and particulates.6
Box 2. X-ray absorption spectroscopy
By monitoring the absorption of x rays in a material as a function of their energy, researchers can map the local atomic
structure of the material. Consider the schematic energy-level
diagram (a), which pictures an atom’s first few core-electron
states: 1s, 2s, 2p1/2, 2p3/2 , and so forth. When a core electron
absorbs an x-ray photon whose energy is greater than the
electron’s binding energy, the electron undergoes a transition
to an unbound state in the continuum. The abrupt jumps in the
simplified absorption spectrum (b) are called absorption edges
and correspond to the excitation of an electron from a specific
orbital as the x-ray energy becomes sufficient to ionize a coreelectron shell. The absorption edge due to excitation of the 1s
electron is called the K edge; excitations from the less strongly
bound 2s, 2p1/2, and 2p3/2 electrons correspond to the L I, L II,
and L III edges, respectively. Although the plutonium L III edge
offers the highest absorption intensity, interference from the
absorption of other elements from minerals in the samples
prompted researchers to focus on plutonium’s L II edge, which
appears at 22.27 keV.
The near-edge structure, the peaks and shoulders observable
over a 20- to 30-eV-wide region just past the edge onset, reveals
the oxidation state of the element in molecules and compounds.
An element’s ionization potential increases with the ion’s valence
state, so the absorption generally shifts to higher energy as the
oxidation state increases. In the case of Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site samples—particularly those collected from
the 903 Pad soil and concrete exposed to smoke from building
fires—the x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra
(c) lined up nearly identically with the standard for Pu(IV), the
fourth oxidation state of plutonium.
The extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), the
oscillations that occur beyond the near-edge region, reveals
the number of nearest-neighbor bond distances and other
structural details of the plutonium-laden samples (see d and e).
To appreciate the technique, imagine the case in which a central Pu atom (blue) in PuO2 absorbs an x-ray photon. The outgoing photoelectron wave (black) scatters off neighboring
atoms in the solid (red and green). This backscattered wave
then interferes with itself at the original Pu atom. Analyzing the
frequency components of the EXAFS oscillations reveals the
internuclear bond distances. The EXAFS Fourier transforms of
Rocky Flats samples confirmed that the Pu contaminants exist
as PuO2—in particular, its hydrous form, which includes
Pu–OH2 bonding.
RFETS soil
RFETS concrete
LII edge
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Incoming x ray
EXAFS region
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Physics Today
Box 3. Tangential-flow ultrafiltration
In this technique, also called cross-flow ultrafiltration, a
particle-filled fluid is pumped along the surface of a membrane, often made of polymer fibers or an inorganic material such as alumina. An applied pressure drives a portion
of the fluid—the permeate—through the membrane. The socalled retentate—particulates, colloids, and macromolecules
that are too large to pass through—remains on the upstream
side. The tangential flow slows the buildup of particles that
could clog the pores or reduce the permeate flow by fouling
the membrane. Keeping the pores clear is essential for ultrafiltration to reliably separate fine particles. In practice, a
broad range of membranes with different pore sizes can filter out, and hence distinguish, the variety of suspended particles, which can range in size from about 1 µm to as small
as 0.003 µm.
The bar graph shows a summary of ultrafiltration results
from Peter Santschi and colleagues10 that compares normal
discharge (blue) at a particular monitoring station with data
recorded shortly after a rainstorm (red). The group’s measurements demonstrated that a large majority of the plutonium material that passed the 0.5-µm filter was not dissolved, but colloidal, because it could be filtered out using
smaller 0.1-µm filters. The experiment showed that suspended matter and colloids came less from eroding soils
than from sediment suspended in stream beds.
Ultrafiltration studies
From 1998 until 2001, Texas A&M University’s Peter Santschi
and coworkers examined 239Pu, 240Pu, and 241Am concentrations in the field and through laboratory studies at RFETS.10
Since the environmental forms of actinides in the surface waters were in the concentration range of 10−3 to 10−1 pCi/L, filtration and tangential-flow ultrafiltration were the only
methods suitable to separate and analyze the different phases
(see box 3). Measurements of total 239Pu, 240Pu, and 241Am concentrations in storm runoff and pond discharge samples collected during spring and summer from 1998 to 2000 demonstrated that most of the 239Pu, 240Pu, and 241Am transported
from contaminated soils to streams occurred in the particulate (roughly larger than 0.45 µm) and colloidal (roughly between 2 nm to 0.45 µm) phases.
In general, most of the Pu and Am in RFETS water was
found in the particulate phase, with most of the material that
passed a 0.5 µm filter being colloidal. Based on graphitefurnace atomic absorption spectroscopy, transmission electron microscope, and energy dispersive x-ray microprobe
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images, colloids were primarily composed of clay and organic
So-called isoelectric focusing experiments of radiolabeled colloids from RFETS soils revealed that colloidal Pu
formed in the tetravalent state and was mostly associated
with a negatively charged organic colloid having a molecular weight of 10–15 kilodaltons, rather than with the more
abundant inorganic colloids made up of iron oxide and clay.
Santschi’s evidence strongly argued against the presence of
mobile colloidal microparticles mainly in the form of PuO2,
but suggested that PuO2 is imbedded in, or attached to, organic matter containing some iron.
Each of these complementary studies provided evidence
that the low levels of Pu and Am in surface water at RFETS
are transported by the colloidal and particulate fraction of the
water, not by the dissolved fraction.
Modeling actinide transport
Understanding that Pu and Am exist in the form of insoluble
particles clarified that the initial models of contaminant
transport—ones based on soluble forms of Pu—were flawed
and indefensible. To best fashion the range of possible remediation and management scenarios, AME advisers needed
the ability to predict how the radioactive material moved
under existing conditions.
AME chose the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP)
model,13,14 a state-of-the-art process-oriented computer
model that simulates hillside erosion processes and estimates
the spatial and temporal distributions of soil erosion and sediment deposition in stream channels and impoundments. Because it accounts for enrichment of transported sediment in
fine particles, the WEPP model is well suited for contaminant
transport calculations.
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Judging from the geochemical characteristics found
using x rays, one might conclude that insoluble oxides of plutonium and americium would be trapped in the ground and
remain immobile. That’s true to a point. A growing number
of field studies, however, document the movement of low
concentrations of low-solubility radionuclides in surface and
ground waters.6,9,10 Those small concentrations can be transported in surface water and soils by particles of sizes typically ranging from a nanometer to several microns.11,12 Because the particles remain suspended in ground water, they
can move in the natural watershed and settle into the series
of ponds around RFETS.
Figure 3. Plutonium mobility map of a severe 6-hour storm
event, modeled for the 903 Pad and its local watershed. Red
indicates the highest plutonium mobility, blue the lowest. The
models indicate that up to 99% of Pu in the surface water
that flows into an interceptor ditch (below the colored region
of the figure) comes from hillside erosion. After the water,
sediment, and Pu are delivered to the ditch’s stream channel,
a sediment-transport model was used to predict the route
and deposition of plutonium-laden sediment downstream.
The arrow points in the direction of sediment transport.
The scientific understanding developed through the integrated studies described above clarified the issues surrounding Pu and Am migration in the RFETS environment.
Once Kaiser-Hill, DOE, the EPA, the Colorado state and local
governments, and concerned citizens’ groups reached a common appreciation of the technical issues, the different groups
could then reach long-sought agreements on how to proceed
with cleanup. Realizing that Pu and Am existed primarily in
particulate forms led to an understanding of their movement
A new paradigm?
Superfund sites, such as RFETS, represent important environmental problems of national significance. So it is important that our best science is applied to improve the technical
basis for decision making.16 A confluence of several fortunate
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To estimate stream channel sediment erosion and deposition, output from the WEPP model was routed into yet
another—the US Army’s Hydrologic Engineering Center
sediment-transport model, HEC-6T, which can accommodate
up to 100 tributaries flowing into a main channel.15 The combination was crucial to modeling the RFETS watersheds and
using soil data to predict surface-water actinide concentrations.
AME applied the soil-erosion and sediment-transport
models to the hillslopes and channel systems at RFETS and
compared the results with monitoring data to parameterize,
initialize, and calibrate the models. The coupled models
could then be used to simulate storm events and the transport of 239Pu, 240Pu, and 241Am contaminants, estimate the
amount of contaminated sediment in surface water, and analyze which hillslopes and drainages the contamination
moved along. Finally, the coupled models were used with
data on climate and soil contamination to predict rates of sediment and contaminant transport under various management scenarios designed to handle the cleanup.
As part of the modeling process, the predicted soil
erosion—that is, the mass eroded per unit area—was combined with actinide soil-concentration data to generate a map
of actinide mobility predicted for a specific storm event. Surprisingly, the results of those maps revealed that the largest
Pu and Am loads delivered to surface water do not necessarily originate from areas with the highest concentrations of
Pu and Am in the soil. The combination of topography, vegetative cover protecting the soil, soil erodibility, and actinide
concentration determines the rate of erosion and contaminant transport.
The area east of the 903 Pad, for example, generally
contains the highest levels of Pu and Am in the area (see
figure 3). The area around the 903 Pad, however, is relatively
flat, with slopes of only about 1%. Consequently, that area
suffers far less soil erosion by water than other, steeper parts
of the watershed—with a corresponding reduction in the
amount of Pu and Am transported.
at the site via wind and water. That set the stage for discussing the potential risks to human health and the environment, possible remediation efforts, specific soil-removal technologies, and ways to best reconfigure the landscape.
Site operators responded with a major shift of emphasis
to soil erosion and the need to control it. The most poignant
illustration of that shift was a management directive distributed to every employee from Kaiser-Hill president Nancy
Tuor; the directive discussed preventing the dispersal of contaminants during remediation efforts and reducing the transport of Pu and Am to nearby stream channels or locations off
site. Such measures allowed site remediation to proceed rapidly and thus meet or beat deadlines.
In 1996 the maximum allowable radionuclide action
level was 651 pCi/g. In 2002, armed with improved understanding of Pu behavior, DOE, the Colorado Department of
Public Health, and the EPA released a series of reports that
formed the basis for a new maximum surface-soil action level
of 50 pCi/g; that standard was based on risk analysis and was
the result of huge community involvement. Because the Pu
contamination was generally confined to surface soils, the
greatest public health risk came from the forces of wind and
water. In actual decontamination, demolition, and remediation, workers therefore set up large tents at the 903 Pad to insulate work in progress from wind, rainfall, and erosion. The
work focused on removing soil contaminated at the more aggressive standard, down to one meter below the surface, and
replacing it with fresh soil; soil contaminated at depths
greater than one meter was allowed to remain in place, even
at higher concentrations. To decontaminate the concrete
walls of buildings, workers used a variety of techniques, including pressure washing of the top layers to remove the
radioactive particles. They then used the clean concrete as
backfill around the site.
Operators developed a storm-water pollution-prevention
plan, designed to minimize the erosion, sedimentation, and
runoff of water across the site. Erosion-control measures included straw bales and wattles, straw crimping, silt fences,
mats, hydromulch and crimped synthetic fibers (Flexterra),
and riprap lining of drainage channels. Some new wetland
areas were also prepared.
As a result of the cleanup activities and control measures, surface water and air monitoring stations at the site
boundary have actually shown a decrease in actinide migration. Several of those measures are expected to work only for
a few months to a few years, and will require regular maintenance until the region stabilizes and the vegetation is
The new DMS-1000
Measurement System
Low-vibration Pulse-Tube
cooling has now been
combined with millikelvin
ADR technology to give
the world’s first completely
cryogen-free fastturnaround measurement
system with:
• Base temperature:
• 100mK, 300mK, 1K or 4K
• Magnetic field: up to 12T
• Turn-key Measurement options:
• Resistivity, Susceptibility, DC I-V, Hall Effect, Specific Heat
• Optional double-axis piezo-rotation
6 2 ) 7 : $ 5 ( , 1 &
We thank Christine Dayton, Ian Paton, and the Actinide Migration
Evaluation advisory group. We are grateful to Kaiser-Hill Co and the
US Department of Energy for their support of AME studies, and thank
the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory and DOE’s Office of
Basic Energy Sciences and Office of Biological and Environmental
Research for their support of actinide science that assisted the cleanup
activities at Rocky Flats.
1. Kaiser-Hill Co, Actinide Migration Evaluation Pathway Analysis
Summary Report, rep. no. ER-108, Rocky Flats Environmental
Technology Site, Golden, CO (2002).
2. R. T. Hurr, Hydrology of a Nuclear-Processing Plant Site, Rocky
Flats, Jefferson County, Colorado, rep. no. 76-268, US Geological
Survey, Denver, CO (1976).
3. M. I. Litaor, G. R. Barth, E. M. Zika, J. Environ. Qual. 25, 671
4. R. A. Harnish, D. M. McKnight, J. F. Ranville, Particulate, Colloidal, and Dissolved-Phase Associations of Plutonium and Americium in a Water Sample from Well 1587 at the Rocky Flats Plant, Colorado, rep. no. 93-4175, US Geological Survey, Denver, CO (1994).
5. R. Knopp, V. Neck, J. I. Kim, Radiochim. Acta 86, 101 (1999).
6. A. B. Kersting et al., Nature 397, 56 (1999).
7. L. M. McDowell, F. W. Whicker, Health Phys. 35, 293 (1978).
8. S. D. Conradson et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 13443 (2004).
9. R. W. Buddemeier, J. R. Hunt, Appl. Geochem. 3, 535 (1988).
10. P. H. Santschi, K. A. Roberts, L. Guo, Environ. Sci. Technol. 36,
3711 (2002).
11. D. J. Shaw, Introduction to Colloid and Surface Chemistry, 4th ed.,
Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston (1992).
12. W. Stumm, Chemistry of the Solid-Water Interface: Processes at the
Mineral-Water and Particle-Water Interface in Natural Systems,
Wiley, New York (1992).
13. J. M. Laflen, L. J. Lane, G. R. Foster, J. Soil Water Conserv. 46, 34
14. US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,
The WEPP Model, USDA-ARS, Washington, DC (3 March 1996).
For more details on the WEPP model, see http://www.ars.usda
15. H. E. Canfield et al., Catena 61, 273 (2005).
16. National Research Council, New Strategies for America’s Watersheds, National Academy Press, Washington, DC (1999).
17. J. C. Myers, Geostatistical Error Management: Quantifying Uncertainty for Environmental Sampling and Mapping, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York (1997).
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factors made the RFETS cleanup successful: the willingness
of Kaiser-Hill to seek outside scientific advice; the acceptance, down to the project level, of the value of that advice in
avoiding pitfalls and improving operations; and stakeholders’ acceptance, albeit more gradual, of the independence and
veracity of the AME scientific advisers. This willingness and
acceptance helped DOE, the integrating contractor, regulators, and the involved community to focus on specified goals
and objectives.
Establishing particle-transport mechanisms as the basis
of Pu and Am mobility, rather than aqueous sorption–
desorption processes, provided a successful scientific foundation for understanding the scope and nature of the problem and how best to solve it using erosion control technology. The understanding prompted contractors to rapidly
apply soil-erosion and sediment-transport models. That, in
turn, led to the design and sitewide use of erosion control
technology to mitigate the transport of radioactive particles.
Moreover, a scientific understanding of the problems helped
define a clearer endpoint and led to the most extensive
cleanup in the history of Superfund legislation. Consequently, the project finished one year ahead of schedule,
saved taxpayers billions of dollars, and removed an annual
liability of more than $600 million from the DOE budget.