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Genomic prediction in the wild
Citation for published version:
Ashraf, B, Hunter, DC, Bérénos, C, Ellis, PA, Johnston, SE, Pilkington, JG, Pemberton, JM & Slate, J 2021,
'Genomic prediction in the wild: A case study in Soay sheep', Molecular Ecology.
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Received: 29 July 2021
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DOI: 10.1111/mec.16262
Genomic prediction in the wild: A case study in Soay sheep
Bilal Ashraf1,2 | Darren C. Hunter1,3 | Camillo Bérénos4 | Philip A. Ellis4 |
Susan E. Johnston4 | Jill G. Pilkington4 | Josephine M. Pemberton4 | Jon Slate1
School of Biosciences, University of
Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Department of Anthropology, Durham
University, Durham, UK
School of Biology, University of St
Andrews, St Andrews, UK
Genomic prediction, the technique whereby an individual's genetic component of their
phenotype is estimated from its genome, has revolutionised animal and plant breeding and medical genetics. However, despite being first introduced nearly two decades
Institute of Evolutionary Biology,
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
ago, it has hardly been adopted by the evolutionary genetics community studying wild
Jon Slate, School of Biosciences,
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
[email protected]
of Soay sheep. The population has been the focus of a >30 year evolutionary ecology
Funding information
H2020 European Research Council,
Grant/Award Number: Wild Evolutionary
Genomics; Natural Environment Research
Council, Grant/Award Number: NE/
organisms. Here, genomic prediction is performed on eight traits in a wild population
study and there is already considerable understanding of the genetic architecture of
the focal Mendelian and quantitative traits. We show that the accuracy of genomic
prediction is high for all traits, but especially those with loci of large effect segregating. Five different methods are compared, and the two methods that can accommodate zero-effect and large-effect loci in the same model tend to perform best. If the
accuracy of genomic prediction is similar in other wild populations, then there is a real
opportunity for pedigree-free molecular quantitative genetics research to be enabled
in many more wild populations; currently the literature is dominated by studies that
have required decades of field data collection to generate sufficiently deep pedigrees.
Finally, some of the potential applications of genomic prediction in wild populations
are discussed.
genetic architecture, genomic prediction, genomic selection, molecular quantitative genetics
of the focal organism (Clutton-Brock & Sheldon, 2010). Typically,
the pedigree of the population has been determined, allowing re-
A major aim of evolutionary quantitative genetics is to measure and
searchers to use either (i) quantitative genetics (Kruuk, 2004) and/
understand heritable genetic variation, and to explain the mainte-
or (ii) gene mapping approaches (Slate et al., 2010) to study how se-
nance of that variation in the face of natural and sexual selection
lection and evolution have shaped diversity. Both approaches have
and genetic drift (Walsh & Lynch, 2018). One way that research-
led to genuine breakthroughs in our understanding of how genetic
ers have tried to answer these questions is by conducting long-
variation and selection have combined to shape biodiversity, but
term ecological studies of natural populations (Charmantier et al.,
they also both have limitations (especially when applied to natural
2014; Kruuk et al., 2008). There are now several studies, mostly of
populations). Proponents of both approaches are aware of these
vertebrates, where individual life-histories of entire cohorts have
limitations, and they are actively seeking solutions (Charmantier
been collected for several decades, spanning 10s of generations
et al., 2014).
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Molecular Ecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Molecular Ecology. 2021;00:1–15.
The most obvious limitations of a quantitative genetics approach
framework (VanRaden, 2008); that is, to perform genomic best
are that (i) the loci explaining trait variation cannot be identified, and
linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP). GBLUP has been used to esti-
(ii) several generations of data have to be collected before pedigree-
mate trait heritabilities in natural populations (Bérénos et al., 2014;
based analyses are possible. Genomic solutions to understanding
Robinson et al., 2013; Santure et al., 2013; Silva et al., 2017), humans
heritable genetic variation also suffer from problems. Whether con-
(Yang et al., 2010) and agriculturally important organisms (VanRaden
ducting pedigree-based linkage mapping or a pedigree-free genome-
et al., 2009). An extension of the model, where the GRM is estimated
wide association study (GWAS) it is hard to find quantitative trait
from a subset of markers, has been used to partition genetic variance
loci (QTL) that reach strict genome-wide statistical significance, and
into specific parts of the genome, e.g. in chromosome-partitioning
in linkage mapping the effect sizes of reported QTL are almost cer-
(Visscher et al., 2007) or regional heritability mapping (Nagamine
tainly substantially overestimated (Slate, 2013; Slate et al., 2010).
et al., 2012) studies.
GWAS studies of wild populations have had some notable suc-
In addition to providing estimates of parameters such as a trait's
cesses, although usually only when large effect loci are segregat-
heritability, individual breeding values can also be estimated from
ing (Comeault et al., 2014; Johnston et al., 2011). Because linkage
GBLUP models. For a historical background and accessible summary
mapping or GWAS studies require very high statistical significance
of these developments see Hill (2014). An assumption of GBLUP is
thresholds (p < 1 × 10
is not uncommon) to distinguish true posi-
that the distribution of all of the marker effects are sampled from a
tives from false ones, they are biased towards detecting causal loci
single normal distribution; in other words, all markers explain some
of large effect. If a trait is polygenic then much of the genetic vari-
of the variation and the trait is highly polygenic. Of course, this as-
ation will remain unmapped. The most (in)famous example of this is
sumption is unrealistic—many quantitative traits are highly polygenic,
human height, where in a sample size of ~one-quarter of a million
but not all of the markers will contribute to phenotypic variation.
people, 697 genomewide significant loci only explained 16% of the
Furthermore, traits with nonpolygenic architectures are frequently
heritability (Wood et al., 2014). Studies of natural populations typ-
of interest to breeders, medical geneticists and evolutionary ge-
ically involve sample sizes of hundreds, or at most, a few thousand
neticists studying natural populations. A potential improvement on
individuals, and therefore statistical power to detect loci of medium-
GBLUP methods then, is to use methods that can accommodate dif-
small effect is low; for an excellent example see Kardos et al., (2016).
ferent genetic architectures. This is achievable with a second major
The problem may be exacerbated if phenotypes are hard to measure
approach, whereby marker effects are estimated, and can come
in the field or if environmental heterogeneity is a further source of
from more than one (not necessarily normal) distribution. The ap-
phenotypic variation. Put simply, even in the longest-running studies
proach was first described almost 20 years ago (Meuwissen et al.,
in the wild, the power to detect most causal genes is very low. This
2001), and has since revolutionised animal and plant breeding (de
makes it impossible to describe trait architectures or to understand
los Campos et al., 2013). The concept is deceptively simple. Usually
the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes. How then, can
two steps are involved. In a first stage, marker effects are estimated,
evolutionary quantitative geneticists use genomics tools to under-
usually by Bayesian MCMC methods, in a “training population” of
stand and predict the genetic architecture and microevolution of
individuals with known phenotypes that are typed at many markers.
their focal traits?
Next, another panel of individuals with unknown phenotypes (the
One possible solution to the low power/high polygenicity prob-
“validation” or “test” population) is genotyped at the same markers,
lem is to switch focus away from the hunt for individual significant
and their genomic estimated breeding values (GEBVs) are predicted
loci, and instead try to understand the genetic component of pheno-
from their genotypes and the previously estimated effect sizes of
typic variation by using information from all of the typed SNPs. Two
each marker. The approach works, provided that the markers are in
conceptually different approaches can be taken. The first involves
sufficiently strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the unknown loci
running an “animal model” with the genetic relationship matrix esti-
that cause trait variation. If marker density is sufficiently high that
mated from markers rather than a pedigree. It was recognised sev-
adjacent markers are in LD with one another, then they should also
eral decades ago, before the necessary genotyping technology was
be in LD with unknown causal loci. All of the approaches for esti-
available, that allele-sharing at markers could be used to estimate
mating genomic breeding values from phenotypes and marker data
relatedness between pairs of individuals, and that relatedness coef-
have collectively become known as genomic prediction (and their
ficients could then be regressed on phenotypic similarity to predict
application in breeding programs, as genomic selection). In medi-
heritabilities (Ritland, 1996; Ritland & Ritland, 1996). As genotyp-
cal genetics a similar approach, termed the polygenic risk score, is
ing technology improved, methods using marker-based relatedness
frequently used to predict phenotypes or disease risk (Wray et al.,
became more tractable. In fact, marker-based approaches are po-
2013). The main distinction between genomic prediction and poly-
tentially more accurate than pedigree-based methods because the
genic risk scores is that the latter usually only uses SNPs that surpass
realised relatedness between individuals rather than the expected
a certain (usually quite stringent) significance threshold in a GWAS,
relatedness can be estimated e.g. (Hayes et al., 2009; Visscher
rather than all available SNPs (Khera et al., 2018). This is only possi-
et al., 2006). Using a genomic relationship matrix (GRM) estimated
ble because studies of humans often involve hundreds of thousands
from marker data, it is possible to estimate quantitative genetic pa-
of subjects, and therefore there is power to detect multiple causal
rameters in a mixed model best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP)
variants of small effect. In wild populations that is unrealistic, so this
manuscript focuses on genomic prediction rather than polygenic risk
different methods: (i) GBLUP, (ii) BayesA & (iii) BayesB - the models
first introduced by (Meuwissen et al., 2001), (iv) Bayesian Lasso - a
Meuwissen et al. (2001) described two Bayesian genomic pre-
model similar to GBLUP and BayesA in the sense that it assumes all
diction models, Bayes A and Bayes B. In Bayes A, the marker effects
SNPs explain some variance and (v) BayesR - a model that assumes
are all nonzero, but are drawn from a scaled-inverse χ2 distribution,
SNPs either have zero effect or come from a mixture of >1 Gaussian
allowing some markers to have large effects. In Bayes B, there are
distribution, potentially with some large effect loci.
two distributions of marker effects, with a proportion of markers
assumed to have zero effect and the remainder with effects drawn
from a scaled-inverse χ2 distribution. Following the development
of Bayes A and Bayes B, further refinements, such as the marker
effects coming from different types of distribution, have been
2.1 | Study population
made (Gianola, 2013; Habier et al., 2013). Methods that are flexible enough to capture different genetic architectures are potentially
The Soay sheep is a primitive feral breed that resides on the St Kilda
the most useful (Daetwyler et al., 2013). For example, methods that
archipelago, off the NW of Scotland. Since 1985, the population on
model marker effects as a mixture of different distributions can ac-
the largest island, Hirta (57°48′N, 8°37′W), has been the subject of a
commodate large and small effect loci (Erbe et al., 2012; Zhou et al.,
long-term individual based study (Clutton-Brock et al., 2004). Briefly,
2013). However, the main principle of using a training population to
the majority of the sheep resident in the village Bay area of Hirta are
estimate marker effects, which are then used to predict phenotypes
ear-tagged and weighed shortly after birth and followed through-
in a genotyped test population is common to all of these methods.
out their lifetime. Ear punches and blood samples suitable for DNA
The accuracy of genomic prediction can be estimated by cor-
analysis are collected at tagging. Every year during August, adult
relation between GEBV and phenotype, divided by the square root
sheep and lambs are captured and morphological measurements are
of the heritability (Meuwissen et al., 2013). Accuracy depends on a
taken. Winter mortality is monitored, with the peak of mortality oc-
number of factors such as the heritability (h ) of the trait (Daetwyler
curring at the end of winter/early spring, and ca. 80% of all deceased
et al., 2008; Goddard, 2009; Hayes et al., 2009), the training popu-
sheep are found. To date, extensive life history data have been col-
lation sample size (Habier et al., 2013; Meuwissen et al., 2001), the
lected for over 10,000 sheep. Field work was carried out according
marker density (Habier et al., 2009; Meuwissen & Goddard, 2010),
to UK Home Office procedures and is licensed under the UK Animals
the underlying genetic architecture (i.e., number and effect size of
(Scientific Procedures) Act of 1986 (licence no. PPL60/4211). More
loci) of the trait (Daetwyler et al., 2010) and the statistical approach
details of the natural history of the study system can be found else-
used (Crossa et al., 2010; Daetwyler et al., 2013; de los Campos
where (Clutton-Brock et al., 2004).
et al., 2013; Meuwissen et al., 2001). Empirical investigation of these
factors on genomic prediction accuracy have been described in the
animal and plant breeding literature (Hayes, Bowman, et al., 2009;
2.2 | Genetic data
Hayes et al., 2010; Heffner et al., 2011; Zhao et al., 2012).
While genomic prediction has become a widely used tool in an-
Genotyping of the population was performed using the Illumina
imal and plant breeding, it remains rare in quantitative evolution-
Ovine SNP50 beadchip array, developed by the International Sheep
ary genetics studies of wild populations (but see Bosse et al., 2017;
Genomics Consortium (ISGC) (Kijas et al., 2012). Genotyping was
Gienapp et al., 2019; McGaugh et al., 2021; Stocks et al., 2019),
performed at the Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility Genetics
even though there are a number of long-term longitudinal studies
Core (Edinburgh, UK). Details about the genotype calling and qual-
where suitable phenotypic and genomic data have been collected.
ity control of the data are available elsewhere (Bérénos et al., 2014,
Therefore, the main motivation of this study was to investigate the
2015; Johnston et al., 2011, 2016). Briefly, pruning of SNPs and in-
feasibility and accuracy of genomic prediction in a wild population
dividuals was performed using plink v 1.9 (Chang et al., 2015). SNPs
of Soay sheep that has been the focus of a long-tern study since
were retained if they had a minor allele frequency of at least 0.01,
1985. Previous genetic studies of Soay sheep (Bérénos et al., 2015;
a call rate of at least 0.98 and a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test
Gratten et al., 2007, 2010; Johnston et al., 2011) have demonstrated
p-value >.00001. Individuals were retained if they were typed for
that some phenotypes have a simple Mendelian basis (e.g., coat co-
at least 0.95 of SNPs. Only autosomal SNPs were analysed, as most
lour, coat pattern), others are highly polygenic (e.g. adult weight), and
genomic prediction software cannot distinguish between autosomal
some are intermediate with many genes of small effect and a small
and sex-linked loci; the sheep X chromosome represents ~5% of the
number of loci with quite large effect contributing to genetic varia-
total genome. Pruning was performed on a per-trait basis to ensure
tion (e.g., horn length). Thus, a second aim of the study was to assess
consistency of cutoff values between traits. Because SNP pruning
the accuracy of genomic prediction in different types of trait. Finally,
was performed on a per-trait basis, the proportion of SNPs retained
the third aim of the study was to compare the accuracy of different
after pruning varied slightly between traits (fewest SNPs = 35,885
genomic prediction methods (Daetwyler et al., 2013; de los Campos,
for coat colour and coat pattern; most SNPs = 36,437 for horn
Hickey, et al., 2013; Meuwissen et al., 2013). Thus, we compared five
Note: N is the number of phenotyped and genotyped individuals for each trait. Genes that explain all or most of the variation in oligogenic or Mendelian traits and SNPs that explain more than 10% of the
additive genetic variance of polygenic traits are all reported. References indicate publication where estimation of heritability and linkage mapping and/or GWAS were performed. *Heritability estimates
unique to this study are from a MCMCglmm animal model using a pedigree-derived relationship matrix and phenotypes preadjusted for terms reported in Table S1. These estimates are expected to be
greater than the published estimates, due to the removal of some nongenetic sources of variation. However, they are appropriate estimates when predicting the accuracy of GEBVs.
Gratten et al. (2010)
Agouti signalling protein (ASIP)
Mendelian (wild-type coat caused by
dominant allele)
Coat pattern
Gratten et al. (2007)
Tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1) locus
Mendelian (dark coat caused by
dominant allele)
Coat colour
Johnston et al. (2011, 2013)
Bérénos et al. (2014, 2015)
0.62 (0.52–0.75)
0.42 (0.24–0.58)
Chr16: s23172.1, Chr19: s74894.1
Relaxin-like receptor 2 (RXFP2)
Male horn length
Metacarpal length
Bérénos et al. (2014, 2015)
Bérénos et al. (2014, 2015)
Bérénos et al. (2014, 2015)
0.53 (0.43–0.64)
0.50 (0.38–0.59)
Chr16: s23172., Chr19: s74894.1
Chr16: s23172.1
Hindleg length
Foreleg length
0.59 (0.44–0.71)
0.32 (0.23–0.43)
Jaw length
Heritability* (this
Important loci/genes
TA B L E 1 Summary of sample sizes and genetic architecture of the eight morphological traits
Bérénos et al. (2014, 2015)
2.3 | Phenotypic data
We studied phenotypic data collected for eight different traits: foreleg length (n = 1126), hindleg length (n = 1139), weight (n = 1168),
metacarpal length (n = 890), jaw length (n = 897), horn length
(normal-horned males only; n = 472), coat colour (n = 4737) and coat
pattern (n = 4737). An aim of the study was to investigate whether
comparisons between the alternative genomic prediction methods
were sensitive to the underlying genetic architecture. Therefore,
we chose to study traits that had been the focus of previous gene
mapping studies and were known to have variable architectures
(summarised in Table 1). Among the body size traits, foreleg length,
hindleg length, weight and horn length were measured on live animals, whereas metacarpal length and jaw length were taken from
cleaned post-mortem skeletal material. Coat colour and coat pattern are independent discrete traits that are recorded at the time
of capture and remain fixed throughout life (Clutton-Brock et al.,
2004; Gratten et al., 2007, 2010). Further details of how the morphological traits are measured can be found elsewhere (Bérénos
et al., 2014, 2015; Johnston et al., 2011). Analyses of live-capture
morphological data were restricted to animals captured in August,
that were at least 28 months old, to remove most complications of
growth and give consistency with previous genetic studies of these
traits (Bérénos et al., 2014, 2015). Male horn length included measurements taken outside of August, as many males are captured and
measured during the rut in November. Post-mortem measurements
were likewise restricted to animals who were at least 28 months old
when they died.
2.4 | Modelling nongenetic effects
The quantitative traits being investigated are known to vary between sexes and age classes and are influenced by environmental
effects (Bérénos et al., 2014). Because some of the software being
tested does not allow the inclusion of repeated measurements
or fitting of random effects, it was necessary to fit models with
nongenetic effects prior to performing the genomic prediction.
Therefore, mixed effects models were run that adjusted phenotypes for fixed effects (sex and age of the animal) and non-genetic
random effects (birth year, capture year and animal identity).
Traits recorded on live animals had repeated measurements, so
individual identity was fitted to remove any permanent environmental effect on phenotype. Traits recorded on skeletal material
were recorded just once per animal. Models were run using the
lmer function in the R v3.6.0 package lme4 v1.1-23 (Bates et al.,
2015). The random effect of individual identity was extracted
from each model and retained as the phenotype to be analysed
in the genomic prediction models. The two Mendelian traits are
categorical traits that are fixed throughout lifetime, unaffected by
environmental conditions and with the same penetrance in each
sex; therefore no phenotypic adjustments were necessary. Details
of the model outputs are summarised in Table S1.
2.5 | Running genomic prediction models
utilises the genomic relationship matrix (GRM) which is estimated
from the proportion of alleles that are identical-by-state (IBS) be-
A major aim of this study was to compare different methods for
tween every pair of individuals. Here, the GRM was calculated
obtaining genomic estimated breeding values (GEBVs). Below we
from all typed markers. Genomic best linear unbiased predictions
briefly discuss these methods, which rely on subtly different as-
(GBLUPs) of breeding values are obtained by examining the covari-
sumptions about the distribution of marker effect sizes, and outline
ance between phenotypic similarity and pairwise relatedness. GRMs
how each model was run.
have previously been used to estimate the heritability of traits in the
Soay sheep population (Bérénos et al., 2014, 2015), but not to obtain
GEBVs. As with the BayesA, BayesB and BayesL analyses, BGLR was
2.5.1 | BayesA
used to obtain genomic EBVs.
The BayesA method was one of the two models in the first genomic
prediction paper (Meuwissen et al., 2001). All markers have a nonzero
2.5.5 | BayesR
effect size, and the distribution of marker effects follows a scaledinverse χ2 distribution. Here, BayesA was implemented in the R pack-
BayesR models SNP effects as a mixture of >1 normal distribution
age BGLR v1.0.8 (Perez & de los Campos, 2014). The analyses were
and an additional component of zero variance (Erbe et al., 2012).
performed with default parameter settings except the number of it-
We implemented the method within the BayesR v1 software pack-
erations was set to 120,000 (default = 5,000) with a burnin of 20,000
age (Moser et al., 2015) and used the default priors of four mixture
(default = 1,000) and a thinning interval of 100 (default = 10).
components with variances of 0, 0.0001, 0.001 and 0.01 of the
phenotypic variance. Dirichlet priors for the number of pseudoobservations (SNPs) in each distribution were set to 1, 1, 1 and
2.5.2 | BayesB
5. Priors for the genetic and residual variances were chosen as
a scaled inverse-chi squared distribution with scaling parameter
The BayesB method of genomic prediction was also introduced in
estimated from previous pedigree-based animal models (see ref-
Meuwissen et al. (2001). In this model, the assumption that all mark-
erences in Table 1) and degrees of freedom set to 10. Note that
ers have a nonzero effect is removed. Instead, the BayesB method
the default parameters give very similar values for genomic es-
assumes a mixture of two distributions, such that some markers have
timated breeding values, but we find that some samples of the
zero effect and others, following a scaled-inverse χ2 distribution,
MCMC chain return zero or very low estimates of additive genetic
have nonzero effects, with some potentially of large effect. In real-
and residual variance under the default settings (see Table S2). As
ity, many loci explain zero genetic variance. BayesB analyses were
with all analyses run in BGLR, the BayesR analyses were run for a
also performed in the BGLR package with default parameter settings
total of 120,000 iterations with a burnin of 20,000 and a thinning
except the number of iterations, burnin length and thinning interval,
interval of 100.
which were the same values as used in the BayesA analyses.
Because BayesR reports the genetic variance explained by each
SNP, SNP effect sizes can be aggregated (e.g., across the genome,
across individual chromosomes) to describe the genetic architecture
2.5.3 | Bayesian Lasso (BayesL)
of the trait. Detailed descriptions of the trait architectures are not
the main goal of this work, but we do report them in the Supporting
This method of genomic prediction is similar to BayesA in that all
Information. This is partially motivated by the knowledge that many
SNP effects come from a single distribution. However, BayesL mod-
of our focal traits already have well-described architectures (Table 1)
els marker effects as following a double exponential distribution
and so it is useful to examine whether BayesR is assigning amounts
rather than a t distribution. A consequence of using this distribution
of variance to loci that are consistent with genome wide associa-
is that, relative to the BayesA method, SNPs with small effect sizes
tion studies. We also compare descriptions of trait architectures
are more strongly shrunk and SNPs with larger effect sizes are less
between BayesR models using the default parameters and models
strongly shrunk (de los Campos et al., 2009). BayesL was also im-
using priors informed by previous quantitative genetic studies of
plemented in the R package BGLR, using default parameters except
those traits (Table S2).
the number of iterations, burnin length and thinning interval, which
were the same values as for the BayesA and BayesB analyses.
2.6 | Assessing prediction accuracy and bias
2.5.4 | GBLUP
Genomic prediction accuracy was assessed by cross-validation;
each data set was randomly split into a training population contain-
This method assumes that marker effects are drawn from a normal
ing 95%, 50% or 10% of individuals and a test population contain-
distribution. Rather than estimate the effect of each SNP, GBLUP
ing the remaining 5%, 50% or 90% of individuals. Twenty replicates
were generated for every combination of trait, model and training
where rgĝ is the correlation between the true breeding value g and the
population size (8 traits × 5 methods × 3 training sizes × 20 repli-
g. rgĝ is equivalent to the rGEBV,y/h, the measure of accuracy we
cates = 2400 models). For the six continuous traits, prediction ac-
use in this paper (Meuwissen et al., 2013). Np is the number of individ-
curacy was estimated as the correlation between the GEBV and an
uals in the training set, h2 is the trait heritability and NQTL is the number
individual's phenotype, divided by the square root of the heritability
of independent loci contributing to the trait. The other parameter, Me,
(i.e., rGEBV,y/h, where h2 is the heritability and y is the phenotype).
is the estimate for the number of independent chromosomal segments,
We also report the correlation between the GEBV and phenotype,
given by Me = 2NeL/log(4NeL) where Ne is the effective population size
without dividing by the square root of the heritability (Table S3).
and L is the genome linkage map length, measured in Morgans. The
Accuracy was averaged across the 20 replicates. The phenotypes
length of the Soay sheep genome is 33.04 Morgans (Johnston et al.,
were the values preadjusted for age, sex, year of birth and year of
2016), and the effective population size is around 194 – see the supple-
death using the same models as described in the section on Modelling
mentary material of (Kijas et al., 2012) - giving an Me of 1263. We used
non-genetic effects. Because the phenotypes were adjusted for ran-
the pedigree-estimated heritabilities of the traits adjusted for fixed and
dom and fixed effects, the heritability of each trait was estimated
random effects (Table 1). We estimated the number of causal loci as
from the adjusted phenotypes. These estimates of heritability will
3000 (weight and jaw length), 1000 (foreleg, hindleg, metacarpal), 100
be greater than previously published estimates, because nongenetic
(horn length) or 1 (coat colour and coat pattern). 100 loci may seem like
sources of variation have already been removed, but they are more
a large number of loci for horn length, given one locus explains most
appropriate for measuring the observed and expected accuracy of
of the additive genetic variance (Johnston et al., 2011, 2013), but the
the GEBVs. Trait heritabilities were estimated using Animal mod-
BayesR analysis suggests that the remaining additive genetic variation
els run in the R package
v2.29 (Hadfield, 2010). In these
is likely to be determined by many loci (Table S4). Note that while the
models the additive genetic variance was estimated from a relation-
true number of QTL can only be crudely guessed, the predicted accu-
ship matrix determined by the population pedigree; the pedigree
racy is a function of whichever is smaller of NQTL and Me; it is likely that
was constructed from a combination of behavioural observations
for polygenic traits of Soay sheep Me is lower than NQTL, making the
and genotype data from 315 SNPs. Pedigree construction methods
expected accuracy insensitive to guesses of the true number of QTL.
are described elsewhere (Bérénos et al., 2014). MCMCglmm models
were run for 120,000 iterations with a burnin of 20,000 and sampling every 100th iteration. In addition to recording the correlation
between GEBVs and phenotypes, a linear regression was performed
to estimate the slope between the two variables. A slope of 1 is in-
3.1 | Genomic prediction accuracy
dicative of there being no bias in GEBVs (Meuwissen et al., 2001;
Moser et al., 2015). Slopes greater than one would suggest that
The main finding is that genomic prediction in the Soay sheep popula-
between-individual differences in GEBVs underestimate the differ-
tion is accurate regardless of trait architecture or of the method used
ence in phenotypic values.
(Figure 1, Table S2), even when training sizes are relatively modest
For the two categorical traits (coat colour/pattern), accuracy
(a few hundred individuals). For the continuous traits, accuracy was
was determined by measuring the area under the curve (AUC) in a
typically high (~0.70) when most of the phenotyped animals were
receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. ROC curves are well
included in the training set (Table S2, Figure 1a). Unsurprisingly, the
established tools for assessing how well genetic markers predict cat-
accuracy declines when the training size is decreased. The pheno-
egorical traits such as disease presence/absence (Wray et al., 2010).
types of the two categorical traits were predicted with very high
ROC curve analysis were performed with the R package pRoc v1.16.2
accuracy, even when only 10% of animals were used in the training
(Robin et al., 2011).
data set (Table S2, Figure 1b). As expected, for all traits, the accuracy was generally lower when the training set was smaller (Table
S2, Figure 1).
2.7 | Comparisons between observed and
expected accuracy
3.2 | Genomic prediction bias
It is possible to predict the accuracy of genomic prediction if information about the effective population size, genome size, recombina-
If genomic prediction estimates of GEBVs are unbiased, then it is
tion rate, trait heritability, and the genomic architecture are available
expected that regressions of GEBVs on phenotypes should be equal
(Daetwyler et al., 2010; Goddard et al., 2010). Here we used equa-
to 1.0 (Meuwissen et al., 2001). There was a tendency for regres-
tion 2 of Daetwyler et al. (2010):
sion coefficients to be a little <1.0, meaning GEBVs overestimated
between-individual variation, but this was largely driven by the mod-
= √
Np h2
Np h +min NQTL , Me
els with smallest training sizes (Figure 2, Table S4). In the 50% and
95% training population data sets, there was relatively little bias with
regression coefficients close to 1.0 for most traits and most models.
F I G U R E 1 Accuracy of genomic prediction for (a) quantitative and (b) Mendelian traits. For quantitative traits, accuracy is measured
as rGEBV,y/h, the mean correlation between GEBVs and the phenotype, divided by the square root of the heritability. For Mendelian traits,
accuracy is determined as area under curve from ROC analysis. All plots show the mean and SE obtained from 20 replicates of training sizes
comprising 95%, 50% or 10% of the available individuals
Taking an average across 360 analyses (20 replicates × 3 training
can explicitly model the trait as polygenic. BayesR and BayesB were
sizes × 6 quantitative traits) BayesL had the mean regression co-
perhaps marginally more accurate than BayesA, BayesL and GBLUP.
efficient closest to 1.0 (Table S3, top row). However, of all of the
For horn length, the most oligogenic of the continuous traits, and
methods, it had by far the largest standard deviation of regression
the two single-locus Mendelian traits, coat colour and coat pattern,
coefficient, and therefore may be the most prone to severe bias. Of
BayesR and BayesB were the most accurate (Table S2, Figure 1b),
the remaining methods, BayesR had the mean regression coefficient
presumably because they allow for the modelling of both zero effect
closest to 1.0 and with the lowest standard deviation, although all
and major effect loci. BayesA, was the next best performing model,
of the other methods performed quite similarly with respect to bias
with BayesL and GBLUP being considerably less accurate than all
(Table S4).
others, especially with smaller training populations. Thus, across all
types of trait architecture, and considering both accuracy and bias,
BayesR and BayesB appeared to be the most reliable methods of
3.3 | Comparison of models
those examined here. Previous studies of humans and livestock have
reached similar conclusions (Erbe et al., 2012; Moser et al., 2015).
Among most of the continuous traits, there was little difference
From this point, we mostly focus on results from the BayesR analy-
in the accuracy (Table S2, Figure 1a). This is not surprising as all of
ses, as that is the most accurate approach, and because it allows a
the models either make an assumption that the trait is polygenic, or
detailed investigation of trait genetic architecture.
F I G U R E 2 Boxplots showing the mean and distribution of regression coefficients when GEBVs were regressed on phenotypes for the
six continuous traits. Each boxplot summarises 20 replicates per trait/training size/method combination
3.4 | Comparison between default and informed
priors for BayesR models
of previous studies, it is possible to compare the BayesR outputs
with other approaches such as GWAS and chromosome partitioning analyses. Trait architectures of the eight traits are summarised
GEBVs estimated from BayesR models running the default param-
in Table S5, chromosome partitioning plots are presented in Figure
eters and BayesR models using priors informed by previous mo-
S1, and Manhattan plots of posterior inclusion probabilities of each
lecular genetic studies were almost identical; for all eight traits the
SNP having a nonzero effect size are presented in Figure S2. Broadly,
correlation in GEBVs between the two models was >0.996 (Table
the genetic architectures described by BayesR are consistent with
S5). Genetic architectures were similar between the two models, al-
those reported previously. Estimates of trait heritability were similar
though there was a tendency for the heritability to be a little greater
to estimates made using pedigrees (for comparisons see Table 1 and
when using the model that used informed priors (Table S5). For one
Table S5), with the six continuous traits all having BayesR estimated
trait, horn length, the default model tended to have a large autocor-
heritabilities between 0.39 and 0.64. Coat colour and coat pattern
relation between estimates of VA from consecutive samples of the
had lower heritabilities, despite both being determined by a single
MCMC and it also frequently estimated there to be no additive ge-
locus; this is expected as both TYRP1 (coat colour) and ASIP (coat
netic variance for the trait (almost 10% of MCMC samples), despite
pattern) have one allele that is completely dominant to the other, so
the trait having a high heritability.
some nonadditive (dominance) genetic variance at the causal loci is
well documented (Gratten et al., 2007, 2010).
BayesR returns an estimate of the number of SNPs that explain
3.5 | Comparisons between observed and
expected accuracy
the phenotypic variation. We urge caution against taking these estimates as definitive (and note that the 95% confidence intervals span
a ~10-fold range for most traits; Table S5). Any estimate is certain to
Overall, for all three training population sizes (95%, 50% and 10%),
be imprecise because full genome sequences have not been used,
there was a good fit between the observed and expected accuracy
the sample size make it hard to distinguish between zero effect and
of genomic prediction (Figure 3); for the leg length and weight traits,
small effect loci, and distinguishing between multiple tightly linked
the observed accuracy was a little higher than expected.
causal SNPs and one causal SNP is very difficult without doing functional genomics. However, the estimated number of SNPs was greatest for the traits that were thought to be highly polygenic (weight,
3.6 | Description of trait architectures by BayesR
jaw length), and was least for the Mendelian (coat colour and coat
pattern) and major locus (horn length) quantitative traits. The es-
Although a description of trait architectures was not a primary
timated number of causal SNPs was intermediate for those quanti-
objective of this work, BayesR provides estimates of many param-
tative traits where moderate effect size QTL had been discovered
eters of interest, including the trait heritability and the number
in previous GWAS studies. Thus, within-population, between-trait
and effect sizes of SNPs contributing to phenotypic variation. The
comparisons in the number of SNPs may give an indication of which
trait architectures are summarised in the Supporting Information.
traits are relatively more/less polygenic, provided the same set of
Because most of the traits considered here have been the focus
markers is used for each trait.
F I G U R E 3 Observed and predicted
accuracy of BayesR genomic prediction in
Soay sheep
Chromosome partitioning plots (Figure S1) were broadly consis-
been underestimated, compared to if the correct Ne had been used.
tent with previous work using chromosome-wide relatedness matri-
However, overestimating Ne would be expected to affect the pre-
ces (figure 1 of Bérénos et al., 2015). However, in that study, two traits
dicted accuracy of all traits, not just a subset of them. It is notable
(adult weight and jaw length) had significant correlations between
that previous GWAS studies (Bérénos et al., 2015) of the three leg
chromosome length and the proportion of variation explained by the
traits identified QTL of reasonably large effect (up to 15% of the
chromosome, but in this study neither trait showed a significant rela-
additive genetic variance), despite the traits being reasonably poly-
tionship. Nonetheless, the chromosomes that tended to explain the
genic. These findings are supported by the BayesR analyses of ge-
most variation in the earlier study, also explained the most variation
netic architecture (see Table S5). The accuracy of jaw length GEBVs
here. An exception was for jaw length, where Chromosome 20 ex-
were a little lower than for the other traits, although not much
plained more than 30% of the additive genetic variance here, but did
lower than predicted (Figure 3). Jaw length is highly polygenic and,
not in the earlier study. However, no SNP on Chromosome 20 had a
unlike the leg length traits, no QTL have previously been identified
posterior inclusion probability >0.5 (Figure S2b), so there is no com-
in GWAS studies (Bérénos et al., 2015). In general, the traits with
pelling evidence of a major locus QTL on that chromosome. Instead,
larger effect size loci had the greatest accuracy (see Supporting
posterior inclusion probabilities plots indicate at least two regions of
Information Part 4, Figure S4, Table S6), so perhaps the greater than
chromosome 20 contribute to jaw length variation (Figure S2b).
expected accuracy of leg length but not jaw length is attributable, at
The two Mendelian traits, coat colour and coat pattern, are char-
least in part, to these relatively large effect loci.
acterised by one allele being dominant to the other (at Tyrp1 that
The accuracy of genomic prediction is sensitive to the size of
dark allele is dominant to the light allele and at ASIP the wild allele
the training population. Unsurprisingly, the lowest accuracy was ob-
is dominant to the self allele). Despite neither causal SNP being in-
tained for the traits with fewest records (horn length, jaw length,
cluded on the ovine SNP chip, the distribution of GEBVs for both
metacarpal length), when using training sets comprising just 10%
traits was trimodal (Figure S3), indicating that the linked SNPs suc-
of the animals. It is perhaps remarkable that the accuracy of horn
cessfully distinguished between the three possible genotypes (het-
length genomic prediction was as large as it was (0.22) when just 47
erozygotes and the alternative homozygotes). In other words, it was
(10% of the total) animals were used in the training set. When 448
possible to distinguish between phenotypically identical animals
animals (95% of the total) were used in the training set, the accuracy
that are either heterozygous or homozygous for the dominant allele.
was as high as 0.89. Thus, in populations with reasonably high linkage
disequilibrium between SNPs, relatively modest increases in sample sizes can facilitate successful genomic prediction. The accuracy
of genomic prediction is also sensitive to the accuracy with which
the phenotype is measured. Improvements are likely if nongenetic
Attempts to use genomic prediction in an ecological context re-
sources of variation can be adjusted for, or if those effects can be
main very rare compared to its application in breeding or medicine,
included directly in the models. Here, we preadjusted phenotypes
although some examples are now described (Bosse et al., 2017;
after accounting for sex, age, birth year and capture year. The accu-
Gienapp et al., 2019; McGaugh et al., 2021; Stocks et al., 2019). As
racy of the phenotypic measurement can potentially be improved if
far as we are aware this is the first genomic prediction study in a
repeated measurements are available. Some of our traits had mul-
wild population that considers either multiple traits with different
tiple measurements per individual (weight, foreleg length, hindleg
genetic architectures or different genomic prediction methods.
length), while others were only recorded once (e.g., jaw length and
Comparisons between studies are not straightforward because
metacarpal length). Here, there was no obvious difference in the ac-
accuracy depends on both biological (e.g. genome size, effective
curacy of GEBVs of traits that were measured repeatedly and GEBVs
population size, heritability) and technical (e.g. marker density, train-
of traits that were measured once, although that may be because
ing population size) factors (Daetwyler et al., 2008, 2010; de los
the repeat measures traits were recorded on live animals (which are
Campos, Vazquez, et al., 2013; Goddard, 2009), which inevitably will
harder to measure accurately) and the single measure traits were
vary between studies. Certainly, the accuracy reported here is com-
recorded on immobile material (bones).
parable to situations in plant and animal breeding where genomic
selection is routinely used for trait improvement (Hayes, Bowman,
et al., 2009; Lin et al., 2014) and is probably greater than has been
4.1 | Conclusions and future directions
observed for morphological traits in commercial sheep populations
(Auvray et al., 2014; Brito et al., 2017). Therefore, the prospects for
In this population the accuracy of genomic prediction was compa-
genomic prediction in this population are promising.
rable to that seen in applied animal and plant breeding programs. In
The relatively high accuracy of genomic prediction in Soay sheep
part, this is because Soay sheep have a history of isolation on a small
is perhaps not especially surprising, as the values are mostly close
island and a relatively small effective population size. This means LD
to, or marginally greater, than expectations. If the effective popula-
extends several megabases across much of the genome (Bérénos
tion size had been overestimated, the predicted accuracy may have
et al., 2014; Feulner et al., 2013), and the number of SNPs (~38K)
on a medium density chip is sufficient to tag unknown causal loci.
in particular revisit the “evolutionary stasis” problem (Merilä et al.,
Future work will examine whether a higher marker density (400–
2001). This refers to the observation that traits are frequently ob-
500K SNPs) results in a further improvement in accuracy, although
served to be heritable and under directional selection, yet they do
we note that in livestock populations, improvements in GEBV ac-
not always evolve in response to that selection in the expected way.
curacy between 50–60 K SNP chips and whole genome sequences
Detailed descriptions and explanations of the possible explanations
are often tiny (Frischknecht et al., 2018; Heidaritabar et al., 2016;
for stasis are available elsewhere (Kruuk et al., 2001; Merilä, Kruuk,
Veerkamp et al., 2016),. While other study systems used in evo-
& Sheldon, 2001a, b; Merilä et al., 2001). Quantitative genetic ap-
lutionary and ecological research may not have LD extending as
proaches to understand evolutionary stasis have used EBVs derived
far as it does in Soay sheep, the era of whole-genome sequencing
from animal models applied to pedigreed populations (Coltman et al.,
hundreds or thousands of individuals is upon us. Therefore, an in-
2003; Garant et al., 2004; Wilson et al., 2007), but a number of prob-
sufficient marker density will soon become a problem of the past,
lems and biases associated with this approach have been highlighted
and genomic prediction should be feasible in other populations.
(Hadfield et al., 2010; Postma, 2006). Notably, pedigree-derived pre-
Excitingly, this means that quantitative genetic studies are no longer
dicted breeding values are more strongly correlated with the pheno-
restricted to wild populations with multigenerational pedigrees. This
type than true breeding values are (Postma, 2006). This is especially
is especially important for long-lived organisms where sampling in-
true for individuals without many phenotyped relatives in the ped-
dividuals across several generations may be a decades-long endeav-
igree. This is problematic for studies looking at microevolutionary
our or for small organisms that are hard to track in the wild such
trends in breeding values, as it means temporal changes in EBVs
as insects. Instead, cross-sectional rather than vertical sampling of
may reflect environmental effects on phenotypes rather than ge-
study populations is possible, which greatly expands the range of
netic ones. Similarly, in a pedigree-based approach, those individuals
organisms that could be studied. Genomic methods for describing
that lack phenotypic records and have few relatives have EBVs very
genetic architectures, like the BayesR approach, mean that many
close to the population mean of true breeding values (Hadfield et al.,
different aspects of genomic architecture (e.g., a trait's heritability,
2010). In studies that explore temporal trends in breeding values,
additive genetic variance, and the contribution of individual loci and
these relatively uninformative individuals may be clustered towards
individual chromosomes etc.) can be estimated, even in the absence
either or both ends of a time series. Both problems are largely over-
of a pedigree.
come with GEBVs generated from a genomic prediction test popula-
Of course, genomic prediction analyses usually seek to estimate
tion, because each individual's genome rather than its phenotype or
breeding values (and by extension, phenotypes) which are prop-
number of phenotyped relatives is used to predict its breeding value.
erties of the individual rather than of a population (such as, e.g., a
It has been shown through simulations that genomic prediction is
trait's heritability). There are several obvious areas where GEBVs
a more accurate method for estimating EBVs than pedigree-based
can be used to address long-standing problems in evolutionary ecol-
methods when the focal individual is not closely related to phe-
ogy. First, being able to estimate an individual's breeding value and/
notyped individuals (Clark et al., 2012). Of course, other problems
or phenotype before it is expressed means it should be possible to
highlighted in discussions of using breeding values to study micro-
predict (and test) how different individuals will respond to a future
evolutionary trends, such as failing to incorporate the uncertainty in
environmental event. A good example of this comes from a ge-
GEBVs (Hadfield et al., 2010), must still be addressed, but that is rel-
nomic prediction study of ash trees experiencing an outbreak of ash
atively straightforward if a Bayesian solution is used. Thus, it seems
dieback, a disease caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus
likely that genomic prediction can pave the way for new analyses of
(Stocks et al., 2019). Being able to identify which young plants are
microevolutionary trends.
most resistant to dieback could be an essential tool in re-establishing
In conclusion, this study shows that genomic prediction can re-
populations devastated by disease. Second, GEBVs can be used to
liably measure individual breeding values in the Soay sheep popu-
better understand the “invisible fraction” problem in evolutionary
lation, and that high accuracy does not appear to be restricted to
biology, highlighted more than three decades ago (Grafen, 1988).
traits with specific underlying genetic architectures. Approaches
The invisible fraction refers to the idea that the individuals in a pop-
that can model zero effect, small effect and large effect loci seem to
ulation who reach reproducible age, may not be representative of
be the most consistently reliable. Finally, we anticipate that similar
the entire population if mortality up to reproduction is nonrandom
studies will soon be possible in many other previously understudied
(Hadfield, 2008; Hemmings & Evans, 2020). Because estimating
organisms, paving the way towards both applied evolutionary quan-
GEBVs in a test population requires only genomic data and no phe-
titative genetics research and a re-exploration of some classic, yet
notypes, it should be possible to compare GEBVs between all of the
unresolved, problems.
individuals born in a cohort and the subset of them that reach reproductive age. Thus, genomic prediction at a fitness or survival-related
trait should allow direct testing for, and quantification of, invisible
We thank the National Trust for Scotland (NTS) for permission to
carry out fieldwork on St Kilda and to QinetiQ and Eurest for lo-
Perhaps the most obvious application of genomic prediction in
gistical support. We are grateful to the many volunteers who have
wild populations will be to explore microevolutionary trends and
helped with field data collection on St Kilda over the last three
decades. Genotyping was carried out at the Wellcome Trust Clinical
Research Facility Genetics Core. This work was funded by a Natural
Environment Research Council (NERC) grant, (NE/M002896/1)
awarded to JS and JMP. SNP genotyping was mostly funded by
a European Research Council (ERC) grant (Wild Evolutionary
Genomics) awarded to JMP.
Coordination and collection of field data: Jill Pilkington and
Josephine Pemberton. SNP genotype collection and quality control:
Camillo Bérénos, Philip Ellis and Susan Johnston. Data analysis: Bilal
Ashraf, Darren Hunter and Jon Slate. Manuscript writing: Jon Slate,
Bilal Ashraf with input from all authors.
Genotype and phenotype data, along with files showing which individuals were allocated to training and test populations can be
found on Dryad with doi: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.h44j0
Jon Slate
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How to cite this article: Ashraf, B., Hunter, D. C., Bérénos, C.,
Ellis, P. A., Johnston, S. E., Pilkington, J. G., Pemberton, J. M.,
& Slate, J. (2021). Genomic prediction in the wild: A case
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study in Soay sheep. Molecular Ecology, 00, 1–15. https://doi.