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2009, RePEc: Research Papers in Economics
2 pages
1 file
R ice is grown on more than 140 million hectares worldwide and is the most heavily consumed staple food on earth. Ninety percent of the world's rice is produced and consumed in Asia, and 90 percent of rice land is-at least temporarily-flooded. The unique semiaquatic nature of the rice plant allows it to grow productively in places no other crop could exist, but it is also the reason for its emissions of the major greenhouse gas (GHG), methane. Methane emissions from rice fields are determined mainly by water regime and organic inputs, but they are also influenced by soil type, weather, tillage management, residues, fertilizers, and rice cultivar. Flooding of the soil is a prerequisite for sustained emissions of methane. Recent assessments of methane emissions from irrigated rice cultivation estimate global emissions for the year 2000 at a level corresponding to 625 million metric tons (mt) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO 2 e). Midseason drainage (a common irrigation practice adopted in major rice growing regions of China and Japan) and intermittent irrigation (common in northwest India) greatly reduce methane emissions. Similarly, rice environments with an insecure supply of water, namely rainfed rice, have a lower emission potential than irrigated rice. Organic inputs stimulate methane emissions as long as fields remain flooded. Therefore, organic inputs should be applied to aerobic soil in an effort to reduce methane emission. In addition to management factors, methane emissions are also affected by soil parameters and climate.
Atmospheric Environment, 1996
Emission of CH4 from ricefields is the result of anoxic bacterial methane production. Global estimates of annual CH4 emission from ricefields is 100 Tg. CH4 emission data from limited sites are tentative. It is essential that uncertainty in individual sources is reduced in order to develop feasible and effective mitigation options which do not negate gains in rice production and productivity. Field studies at the International Rice Research Institute show that soil and added organic matter are the sources for initial methane production. Addition of rice straw enhances methane production. Roots and root exudates of wetland rice phmts appear to be the major carbon sources at ripening stage. The production and transport of CH4 to the atmosphere depend on properties of the rice plant. Under the same spacing and fertilization, the traditional variety Dular emitted more CH4 per day than did the new plant type IR65597. Upon flooding for land preparation anaerobic conditions result in significant amount of methane being formed. Drying the field at midtillering significantly reduced total CH4 emissions. Large amounts of entrapped CH4 escape to the atmosphere when floodwater recedes upon drying at harvest. Cultural practices may account for 20% of the overall seasonal CH4 emissions.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2000
Methane (CH4) emissions from rice fields were determined using automated measurement systems in China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines. Mitigation options were assessed separately for different baseline practices of irrigated rice, rainfed, and deepwater rice. Irrigated rice is the largest source of CH4 and also offers the most options to modify crop management for reducing these emissions. Optimizing irrigation patterns by additional drainage periods in the field or an early timing of midseason drainage accounted for 7–80% of CH4 emissions of the respective baseline practice. In baseline practices with high organic amendments, use of compost (58–63%), biogas residues (10–16%), and direct wet seeding (16–22%) should be considered mitigation options. In baseline practices using prilled urea as sole N source, use of ammonium sulfate could reduce CH4 emission by 10–67%. In all rice ecosystems, CH4 emissions can be reduced by fallow incorporation (11%) and mulching (11%) of rice straw as well as addition of phosphogypsum (9–73%). However, in rainfed and deepwater rice, mitigation options are very limited in both number and potential gains. The assessment of these crop management options includes their total factor productivity and possible adverse effects. Due to higher nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, changes in water regime are only recommended for rice systems with high baseline emissions of CH4. Key objectives of future research are identifying and characterizing high-emitting rice systems, developing site-specific technology packages, ascertaining synergies with productivity, and accounting for N2O emissions.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2006
A field experiment was conducted to determine the effect of water management techniques for maintaining rice production and reducing methane emission in a Crowley silt loam paddy soil receiving high rice straw additions. A 2 × 5 factorial experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with two water management practices; alternately flooded and drained and continuously flooded, and five rates of rice straw incorporation as subplot treatments (0, 3, 6, 12 and 24 t ha-1), with four replications. Rice yield was significantly greater in the alternately flooded and drained treatment as compared with the continuously flooded treatment. High rice straw application (12 and 24 t ha-1) reduced rice yield in both water management treatments. Methane emission increased with increase in the rice straw application rate. However, emissions were lower in the alternately flooded and drained treatment plots. The results demonstrate that draining a field for a short period of time during the growing season can enhance rice growth and rice yield while reducing methane emission.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 1998
Methane emissions from rice fields are affected by a number of environmental and agricultural factors. We have analyzed our 7-year data set on methane emissions from rice fields in Tu Zu, China, to delineate the relationships between emissions and a number of variables that were measured at the same time. Our work was done in fields that were managed under prevailing agricultural practices of the region. Consequently, only the effect of factors that vary from year to year or during the growing season can be calculated. In our study we measured the effects of environmental variables (soil temperature, wind speed, sky cover) and agricultural factors (planting density, water level, rice cultivars, organic fertilizer amounts, yield). Of these variables, soil temperature had the most significant effect on methane emissions resulting in Q10 values of about 2 (1.5-3). The effect of sky cover, and even water levels, was to change the soil temperature, which in turn affected the methane flux. Wind tended to increase emissions, possibly by agitation of the soil. Of the agricultural variables, planting density had the most significant but complex effect on methane emissions. We studied emissions from up to 4 times the normal planting density under otherwise similar agricultural conditions in the same fields. For a four fold increase in planting density the seasonal average emissions increased by about a factor of 2. Rice cultivars had a small but detectable effect. The amount of organic fertilizer and the yields did not affect methane emissions in our fields. The lack of an effect from the fertilizers is attributed to a saturation phenomenon whereby methane emissions do not respond to continual increases in organic material after some sufficiently high level.
Methane Emissions from Major Rice Ecosystems in Asia, 2000
Methane (CH 4 ) emissions were determined from 1993 to 1998 using an automated closed chamber technique in irrigated and rainfed rice. In Jakenan (Central Java), the two consecutive crops encompass a gradient from low to heavy rainfall (wet season crop) and from heavy to low rainfall (dry season crop), respectively. Rainfed rice was characterized by very low emission at the onset of the wet season and the end of the dry season. Persistent flooding in irrigated fields resulted in relatively high emission rates throughout the two seasons. Average emission in rainfed rice varied between 19 and 123 mg CH 4 m -2 d -1 , whereas averages in irrigated rice ranged from 71 to 217 mg CH 4 m -2 d -1 . The impact of organic manure was relatively small in rainfed rice. In the wet season, farmyard manure (FYM) was completely decomposed before CH 4 emission was initiated; rice straw resulted in 40% increase in emission rates during this cropping season. In the dry season, intensive flooding in the early stage promoted high emissions from organically fertilized plots; seasonal emissions of FYM and rice straw increased by 72% and 37%, respectively, as compared with mineral fertilizer. Four different rice cultivars were tested in irrigated rice. Average emission rates differed from season to season, but the total emissions showed a consistent ranking in wet and dry season, depending on season length. The early-maturing Dodokan had the lowest emissions (101 and 52 kg CH 4 ha -1 ) and the late-maturing Cisadane had the highest emissions (142 and 116 kg CH 4 ha -1 ). The high-yielding varieties IR64 and Memberamo had moderately high emission rates. These findings provide important clues for developing specific mitigation strategies for irrigated and rainfed rice.
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide with global warming potential (GWP) of 72 over a 20-year period. Paddy fields are indicated as a considerable source of anthropogenic methane emissions, and account for up to 12% of these emissions. Rice is the main food for one-third of the global population; and, the demand for this crop increases continuously because of the increasing trend in the world population growth. Therefore, the cultivation area of rice is growing. In this situation, applying methane mitigation approaches are necessary. Evaluating influencing factors leads us to detect possible ways for methane mitigation. This paper will review the effect of rice cultivar, water management, and fertilizers on methane emissions from rice fields. Moreover, microbial communities responsible for production and oxidation of methane in rice fields will be reviewed. In this review, we tried to include methane mitigation opportunities.
Methane (CH4) is a potent green house gas and second in importance after carbon dioxide (CO2) with a global warming potential of 25 times more than CO2. Paddy fields are important sources of methane and contribute in approximately 15–20% of the annual global methane efflux. Cultivation systems can affect the methane emission by their different water management and practices. One of the cultivation methods is the system of rice intensification (SRI). Considering the water management system and the plant density, in this method less methane is expected compared to conventional cultivation method. Consequently, current study has been done to evaluate the influence of two SRI methods on methane emission. For this purpose, closed chamber applied to measure methane emission. As a result, conventional method showed the highest total methane flux compared to original SRI treatments and triangular pattern. The pattern of water management was the most influencing factor lead to lower methane ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2000
Methane (CH4) emission fluxes from rice fields as affected by water regime, organic amendment, and rice cultivar were measured at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, using manual and automatic sampling techniques of the closed chamber method. Measurements were conducted during four consecutive cropping seasons (July to October) from 1994 to 1997. Emission rates were very low (between 16 and 40 kg CH4 m−2 season−1) when the field was flooded permanently. These low emissions were indirectly caused by the high percolation rates of the soil; frequent water replenishment resulted in constant inflow of oxygen in the soil. The local practice of intermittent flooding, which encompasses short periods without standing water in the field, further reduced emission rates. Over the course of four seasons, the total CH4 emission from intermittently irrigated fields was found to be 22% lower as compared with continuous flooding. The CH4 flux was invariably affected by rice cultivar. The experiments conducted during 1995 with one cultivar developed by IRRI (IR72) and two local cultivars (Pusa 169 and Pusa Basmati) showed that the average CH4 flux from the intermittently irrigated plots without any organic amendment ranged between 10.2 and 14.2 mg m−2 d−1. The impact of organic manure was tested in 1996 and 1997 with varieties IR72 and Pusa 169. Application of organic manure (FYM + wheat straw) in combination with urea (1:1 N basis) enhanced CH4 emission by 12–20% as compared with fields treated with urea only. The site in New Delhi represents one example of very low CH4 emissions from rice fields. Emissions from other sites in northern India may be higher than those in New Delhi, but they are still lower than in other rice-growing regions in India. The practice of intermittent irrigation--in combination with low organic inputs--is commonly found in northern India and will virtually impede further mitigation of CH4 emissions in significant quantities. In turn, the results of this study may provide clues to reduce emissions in other parts of India with higher baseline emissions.
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