Rheologica Acta
Linear and non-linear flow behavior of welan gum solutions
José A. Carmona 1 & Pablo Ramírez 1 & M. Carmen García 1 & Jenifer Santos 1 & José Muñoz 1
Received: 18 July 2018 / Revised: 22 October 2018 / Accepted: 30 October 2018
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018
Rheological and microstructural properties of welan gum aqueous solutions were studied as a function of polymer concentration
in the 0.2–0.6% (m/m) range at fixed temperature 20 °C. Welan gum is an exopolysaccharide produced by Sphingomonas sp. All
the systems exhibited a shear thinning and weak gel–like behavior whose parameters were well adjusted to a power law with the
concentration. Furthermore, time-concentration superposition methods were carried out to obtain two master curves, one from the
flow curves and the other from the mechanical spectra, which made it possible to extend the accessible experimental range. The
non-linear viscoelastic properties were also studied by means of parallel superposition tests. The superimposed shear stress
induced a change from weak gel to entangled solution behavior. This latter flow behavior is characterized by a frequency
crossover that has been shown to have a linear dependence on the superimposed steady-state shear rate. Finally, Cryo-SEM
images revealed a network with numerous junction zones between polymer chains.
Keywords Parallel superposition . Welan gum . Master curve . Cryo-SEM
Welan is a non-gelling polysaccharide produced by
Sphingomonas sp. Its structure is composed of a backbone
chain with β-glucose, β-D-glucuronic acid, β-D-glucose, and
α-L-rhamnose, with side chains containing either L-rhammose
or L-mannose substituted on C3 of every 1,4-linked glucose
repeating unit (Jansson et al. 1986; O’Neill et al. 1986). The
welan gum exhibited a high value of viscosity at low shear rate
and better thermal stability than xanthan gum (Kang et al.
1983; Sandford et al. 1984).
The name of welan gum has its origin in its use in oil-field
applications, such as hydraulic fracturing and secondary oil
recovery processes (Kaur et al. 2014). Welan gum is also used
in cement, food, and the pharmaceutics industry due to its
thickening, binding, and emulsifying properties (Allen et al.
1990, 1991; O’Neill et al. 1986).
Nevertheless, few studies have been carried out related to
the rheological behavior of aqueous solutions of welan gum
* José A. Carmona
[email protected]
Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Química,
Universidad de Sevilla, C/ P. García González, 1, E41012,
Seville, Spain
(Xu et al. 2013) or comparisons of the rheological properties
of aqueous welan gum and xanthan gum solutions (Tako and
Krriaki 1990). For this reason, in order to expand the potential
applications of this hydrocolloid, it is important to delve into
the flow and viscoelastic properties of welan gum solutions.
In addition to the more traditional rheological characterization, in the present work parallel superposition measurements
have been carried out. This technique is described as a mechanical spectroscopy on flowing systems (Vermant et al.
1998), thus allowing the flow-induced microstructural changes of a polymeric network to be evaluated. Specifically, nonlinear viscoelastic properties of samples, once steady-state
shear flow has been developed, can be studied by
superimposing a small amplitude oscillatory shear perturbation parallel to the main flow direction according to the following equation:
γ˙ ðtÞ ¼ γ˙ S þ γ˙ 0 cosωt
where γ˙ S is the steady-state shear rate and γ˙ 0 cosωt is the
superimposed small amplitude oscillatory shear perturbation.
After a stationary state has been attained, the 1–2 component
of the stress tensor is given by:
σðtÞ ¼ ηγ
S þ σ0 sinðωt þ δÞ
h 0
¼ ηγ
Rheol Acta
where η is the viscosity of the solution at the steady-state shear
rate, γ0 is the amplitude of the strain and G’|| and G”|| are the
in-phase and out-of-phase components of the complex parallel
superposition modulus, G*||. Nevertheless, these moduli do
not have the same physical meaning as the ordinary storage
and loss moduli. Moreover, the influence of the steady-state
shear rate on the parallel moduli has been shown to be fully
marked, especially for lower frequencies, even leading to the
occurrence of negative values of the moduli. Different mathematical models have been developed to accurately explain
these experimental findings, taking into account that both
flows (shear and oscillatory) are actually coupled (Booij
1966; De Cleyn and Mewis 1987; Laufer et al. 1975;
Vermant et al. 1998; Yamamoto 1971). Therefore, the practical application of parallel superposition measurements is not
straightforward. However, it has been shown that the frequencies where the loss tangent become 90° are related to the
steady-shear rate, and for polymer melts this is also a function
of their molecular weights (Booij 1966; Laufer et al. 1975).
Furthermore, it has been shown that the time-temperature superposition principle also applies for parallel superposition
measurements (Somma et al. 2007). Thus, a careful analysis
of parallel superposition data can provide useful information
regarding the non-linear viscoelastic properties.
The overall objective of this article was the study of the effect
of polymer concentration on the rheological properties of welan
gum aqueous solution. For this proposal, stepwise and creep
measurements were used to investigate the flow behavior. Also,
parallel superposition tests were carried out to study the evolution
of viscoelastic properties when a shear stress is applied simultaneously. Alternatively, cryo-scanning electron microscopy techniques were applied, which enabled an analysis of the microstructure of welan aqueous solution without the need to remove
its water.
Materials and methods
A commercial powder welan, K1A96 “industrial grade” welan
gum, kindly donated by CP kelco, was used. Ultrapure water,
from a Milli-Q water osmosis system, was also used.
Rheological measurements
All measurements were carried out in a control stress rheometer (DHR3, TA instrument, USA). A serrated plate and plate
geometry with 40 mm diameter was employed. All rheological tests were performed at 20 °C, using a glass cover to inhibit
evaporation. All the tests were repeated three times.
Stepwise flow curves from 0.01 to 20 Pa were run,
selecting a steady-state approximation of 0.01% and a maximum measuring time of 2 min per point. The experimental
data fitted well to the Carreau model (Carreau 1972) (R2 >
ðγ˙ c γ˙ Þ2
ð 1−n
2 Þ
where γ˙ c is the critical shear rate for the onset of shearthinning response, n the flow index, and η0 the zero-shear
Linear and non-linear creep tests were carried out at different shear stress values for an experimental time which ranged
from 15 to 30 min, depending on the applied shear stress.
Parallel superposition tests were carried out in three steps:
(1) samples were pre-sheared at a constant shear-stress value
until a steady state was reached, (2) then an oscillatory shearstress sweep at a fixed frequency of 6.28 rad/s was
superimposed in the same direction as the perturbation described in step 1 in order to determine the linear viscoelastic
range (LVR), (3) subsequently, a frequency sweep within the
LVR from 30 to 0.1 rad/s was carried out.
Cryo-SEM images
The Cryo-SEM was taken using a scanning electron microscope (ZEISS EVO SEM, ZEISS, Oberkochen, Germany)
with an accelerating voltage of less than 5 kV at − 120 °C.
The samples of welan gum solutions (0.2 and 0.4% (m/m))
were rapidly frozen into an open bath of liquid nitrogen at
77 K. These frozen samples were then transferred to the preparation chamber (Leica model ACE600) where they were fractured and sublimated (− 90 °C for 7 min). After the sublimation process, the samples were coated with a thin gold layer by
Solution preparation
Welan gum solutions with concentrations of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5,
and 0.6% (m/m) were prepared by stirring at room temperature
for 3 hours. The samples were then heated to 70 °C for 45 min
and finally cooled to room temperature. All samples contained
0.05% (m/m) of sodium azide. The welan gum solutions were
stored at 5 °C and allowed to rest for at least 1 day before the
rheological characterization.
Results and discussion
Flow curves and creep tests
Figure 1 shows the flow curves of the welan gum solutions at
different polymer concentration. The data shown in these flow
curves were obtained by two different methods. Creep tests
Rheol Acta
0.1 Pa
0.2 Pa
0.3 Pa
0.5 Pa
0.8 Pa
1.2 Pa
1.5 Pa
2 Pa
3 Pa
4 Pa
4.5 Pa
5.5 Pa
6.5 Pa
8 Pa
J (1/Pa)
time (s)
Fig. 1 Shear rate dependence of steady-state viscosity obtained by
combining creep compliance tests (closed symbols) and multistep flow
curves (open symbol) for welan gum solutions with different gum
concentration at 20 °C. The error bars shown correspond to standard
(closed symbols) were carried out for the lower shear rate
values, whereas stepwise flow test (open symbols) were conducted for higher shear rates. All concentrations presented a
shear thinning flow behavior with a Newtonian plateau for the
lower values of shear rate and a shear-thinning region with
increasing shear rate.
The viscosity values from creep measurements were calculated by means of the following equation:
where J is the shear compliance. The shear rate was calculated
by the expression:
γ˙ ¼
Figure 2 shows the evolution of J as a function of time for
0.6% (m/m) welan gum solution.
In the shear-thinning region, the viscosity values obtained by
both creep compliance and stepwise flow tests coincide within
the experimental error range. Therefore, we can conclude that the
latter corresponded to steady-state values. Nevertheless, the viscosity values in the Newtonian plateau were a little higher than
the viscosity values obtained from the stepwise test, indicating
that the steady state has not been reached at the prescribed time
for shear rates below 0.01 s−1 in the stepwise tests (Santos et al.
2013). Therefore, for low shear rates, the viscosity values obtained from creep compliance tests have been used to fit the flow
Fig. 2 Compliance as a function of time for various shear stresses for a
0.6% (m/m) welan gum solution at 20 °C. The error bars shown
correspond to standard deviation
curve to the Carreau model (Carreau 1972) (R2 > 0.99), the
values of the parameters of which are given in Table 1.
The zero-shear viscosity η0 has a power law dependency on
the concentration with an exponent of 3.7 ± 0.3 and this value
corresponds to a semi-dilute regime, in agreement with the
theoretical model of Dobrynin (ɳ ≅ C15/4) (Dobrynin et al.
1995; Rubinstein et al. 1994) for polyelectrolyte in solution.
Furthermore, the exponent agrees with that obtained for
xanthan gum 3.75 and 4.2 (Cuvelier and Launay 1986;
Carmona et al. 2015; Milas et al. 1990; Rodd et al. 2000;
Wyatt et al. 2011). In addition, the power law index, n, decreased with increasing welan gum concentration. This increase in the consistency of the system may be due to the
increase in interaction between the polymer chains as a result
of increasing the concentration of biopolymer (Wyatt et al.
2011). The higher values of viscosity and thickening capacity
of welan gum compared to similar gums are a consequence of
its higher water retention in the double helix structure
(Pourchez et al. 2006; Sonebi 2006).
From creep tests, the equilibrium compliance parameter,
J°e, can also be obtained. This parameter provides information
on the elasticity of the system (Barnes 2000) and can be obtained by a linear extrapolation to zero time of the compliance
data once the steady state was reached (Fig. 2). The intercept is
J°e, which can be related to the elastic elements by:
J 0e ¼
¼ ∑ni¼1
Figure 3 shows the variation of the η0 and the Je0 obtained
from the creep results. The increase in polymer concentration
produces an increase in interactions between the polymer chains,
which produces an increase in viscosity and elasticity expressed
Rheol Acta
Table 1
Carreau model fitting parameters for welan gum solutions at 20 °C (R2 > 0.99)
Conc. % (m/m)
ɳ0 (Pa s)
γ˙c (s−1)
9.5 × 10−03 ± 7 × 10−04
2.27 × 10−03 ± 5 × 10−05
1.92 × 10−03 ± 4 × 10−05
8.55 × 10−04 ± 1.2 × 10−05
6.69 × 10−04 ± 1.8 × 10−05
as the inverse of Je0. Both parameters were fitted with a power
law model whose values are given in the insets of Fig. 3.
As a similar flow, behavior was observed in all the concentrations studied (Fig. 3), a master flow curve could be obtained
as shown in Fig. 4. The 0.4% concentration (m/m) was taken
as the reference concentration, Cref. The master curve is obtained by representing the normalized viscosity, i.e., η/η0,
where η is the apparent viscosity obtained from the creep
and/or steady-state flow tests and, η0 is the zero-shear viscosity (see Table 1) versus the shear rate multiplied by a factor of
displacement, ac, which is a function of concentration. A potential dependence of the ac parameter was obtained with respect to the polymer concentration, C: ac ~ (C/Cref)1.73.
The master curve thus obtained provides information at
lower and higher shear values than those that are experimentally accessible (Calero et al. 2010).
SAOS (small amplitude oscillatory shear) and parallel
The mechanical spectrum of the welan gum suspensions is
shown in Fig. 5. A weak gel–like behavior was observed for
all concentrations with the storage modulus G’ greater than
the loss modulus G” in the whole frequency range studied and
Fig. 3 Viscoelastic parameters (Je0 and η0) vs. welan concentration at
20 °C. The error bars shown correspond to standard deviation. The line
shows data fitting to the power law model whose parameter is given in the
with a small dependency of both moduli on the frequency. An
increase of concentration leads to the rise of both moduli and a
decrease of the slope with frequency. This feature is typical of
a weak gel–like behavior, which is likely to be due to the
intermolecular association between the L-rhamnosyl residues
of different molecules via van der Waals forces, and between
side and backbone chains of different molecules via hydrogen
bonds (Member and Morris 1995; Morris et al. 1996). The
sample with a 0.2% (m/m) concentration of polymer is close
to the crossover frequency which is related to the beginning of
the terminal relaxation zone.
A master curve for the linear viscoelastic tests was obtained
as a function of the concentration (Fig. 6). The frequency
concentration superposition allows the extrapolation of G’
and G” values at frequencies that would otherwise be inaccessible (Larson 1999). Taking as a reference the solution at 0.4%
(m/m), the moduli were normalized by a factor bc = Cref/C and
by a horizontal factor ac, which follows a potential dependence with an exponent of 4.1.
In the parallel superposition tests, the sample is subjected
simultaneously to an oscillatory shear stress and a steady shear
flow with a constant shear rate γ˙s. Thus, the parallel superposition technique combines typical small amplitude oscillatory
Fig. 4 Master flow curve at the reference concentration of 0.4% (m/m)
welan at 20 °C. The error bars shown correspond to standard deviation.
Power law model for ac shifting factor is given in the inset
Rheol Acta
Fig. 5 Mechanical spectra for welan gum solutions with different gum
concentration at 20 °C. T = 20 °C. The error bars shown correspond to
standard deviation
tendency to orient themselves in the direction of shearinduced flow, weakening the entanglements and the gel structure. On the other hand, in Fig. 7b, the values of the parallel
modules, G’II and G”II, as a function of frequency for the
solution containing 0.4% (m/m) welan are shown. At shear
rate values lower than ca. 2·10−3 s−1, i.e., within the plateau
zone corresponding to the zero-shear viscosity, no differences
were observed between the parallel modules and the normal
ones. In this zone, no disruption of the polymer network occurs, and the viscoelastic properties remained unaltered.
When parallel shear rate values exceeded those limiting the
zero-shear viscosity plateau region (γ̇ > 2·10−3 s−1) the obtained viscoelastic parallel modules differed from the normal
values. Moreover, the storage parallel modulus was more affected than the viscous one, this difference being more marked
at low frequencies. The phase angles at low frequency present
value higher than 90° which come from negative values of
storage moduli (data no shown). Therefore, the data at these
low frequencies are not reliable.
shear experiments in the presence of a steady-state flow.
Although, it takes in consideration that the parallel superposition moduli do not have the same physical meaning as ordinary storage and loss moduli (Vermant et al. 1998). Similarly,
to the standard protocol for small amplitude oscillatory shear
(SAOS) tests, the LVR was calculated by means of oscillatory
viscoelastic stress sweeps at 1 Hz. Figure 7a shows the results
obtained for the solution containing 0.4% (m/m) welan by way
of example. The values of the critical shear stress and strain
amplitudes that limit the LVR decreased with an increase in
the parallel steady-shear stress applied. This may be the result
of the fact that the polymer chains are likely to show a
Fig. 6 Master curve of storage modulus and loss modulus for welan gum
solutions at the reference concentration of 0.4% (m/m). Temperature
20 °C. The error bars shown correspond to standard deviation. Power
law model for ac-shifted factor is given in the inset
Fig. 7 a Critical stress and strain for various shear stresses as a function of
parallel stress. b Parallel storage modulus G’II and parallel loss modulus
G”II as a function of frequency. For a 0.4% (m/m) welan gum solution at
20 °C. The error bars shown correspond to standard deviation
Rheol Acta
Thus, in the present work, we have focused in the analysis
of the crossover viscoelastic modules, G’II and G”II, which
occur at a characteristic frequency, ωc, higher than the nonreliable negative value region. It is commonly assumed that
the onset of a crossover frequency when moving towards lower frequencies is related to a change in the viscoelastic properties of the system, consistent with a shear-induced change
from weak gel solution to a polymer-entangled solution. It
must be noted that this structural transition shifted towards
higher angular frequencies when the parallel shear rate applied
increased, as previously reported for other polymers (Booij
1968; Tirtaatmadja et al. 1997). This behavior has been explained by a change in the contribution of the terms associated
with longest relaxation times (Mewis and Biebaut 2001;
Ianniruberto and Marrucci 2014).
For comparative purposes, Fig. 8 shows the values of the
crossover frequencies as a function of shear rate for all the
welan gum solutions. The crossover frequency is related to
the terminal relaxation time, which is a characteristic parameter of the material, i.e., shorter terminal relaxation times imply
greater elasticity and more structured systems. It can be seen
that regardless of the welan gum concentration, the same behavior was obtained, i.e., the crossover frequency increases
linearly with the shear rate superimposed with a slope of ca.
10. Therefore, the following relationship holds:
ωC ¼ a γ˙
where a can be defined as a viscoelastic parameter that
accounts for the influence of the steady shear rate on the
crossover frequency of parallel superposition measurements
Fig. 8 Crossover frequencies as a function of steady-state shear rate
values for all the welan gum solutions studied. The error bars shown
correspond to standard deviation. The line shows data fitting to the
power law model whose parameter is given in the inset
for a particular material. To see to what degree Eq. (7) is valid,
we have compared the influence of shear rate in the crossover
frequencies for some weak gel systems: xanthan gum (unpublished work), and high molecular poly-(isobutene) (PIB) in
decalin (Vermant et al. 1998). Figure 9 shows the ωC for the
three systems as a function of the shear rate (for the sake of
clarity only the values for 0.4% welan concentration are
displayed). It is seen that the data can be fitted to Eq. (7) with
values of parameter given in the table insert in the figure.
These experimental results show that the study of the crossover frequencies of the parallel superposition measurements
can be a convenient tool to characterize and compare the viscoelastic response in the presence of shear stress for different
Cryo-SEM images
Finally, Cryo-SEM images were obtained. This technique enables an exploration of the natural microstructure of aqueous
solutions, since it is not necessary to eliminate water, a condition that must be fulfilled in the case of other microscopy
techniques. (Aston et al. 2016). Figure 10 shows the micrographs obtained by Cryo-SEM at two different concentrations
of welan gum at two different micrograph magnifications. The
images show a cell block–like structure in which there is a
clearly visible network structure which become denser when
the polymer concentration was increased, as expected from
the rheological data.
Fig. 9 Crossover frequencies as a function of steady-state shear rate
values for (1) welan gum solutions 0.4% (m/m), (2) xanthan gum 0.4%
(m/m), and (3) 4% (m/m) high molecular poly-(isobutene) (PIB) in
decalin (Vermant et al. 1998). The error bars shown correspond to
standard deviation. The line shows data fitting to the power law model
whose parameter is given in the inset
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Fig. 10 Cryo-SEM micrographs for welan gum solutions with different gum concentration and magnification a and b, 0.2% (m/m); c and d, 0.4%(m/m)
It has been shown that creep compliance tests make it possible
to determine a more reliable zero-shear viscosity, as demonstrated for welan gum/water systems in the (0.2–0.6) % m/m
range. All the studied systems exhibited a zero-shear
Newtonian plateau region followed by a shear-thinning region, in which zero-shear viscosity and consistency increase
with increasing polymer concentration.
Moreover, parallel superposition tests provide information
on viscoelastic properties in experimental conditions that are
closer to real ones. Therefore, this technique is a useful tool to
study the changes induced by shear on the sample. It was
shown that at low superimposed shear rates the parallel viscoelastic modules G’II and G”II were unchanged. Nevertheless,
for shear rates exceeding the critical shear rate, both modules
vary with the superimposed shear rate and a crossover frequency can be observed. This crossover frequency, which is
related to a change from weak gel to entangled solution behavior, has the same linear dependence on the applied shear
rate for all the studied systems. It has been shown that the
crossover frequencies of parallel superposition measurements
increase linearly with the superimposed shear rate.
Furthermore, this behavior has been also observed for two
other weak gel type systems but differing in the value of the
slope. Therefore, the analysis of crossover frequencies has
been proven to be a useful tool to characterize and compare
the viscoelastic response in the presence of shear stress for
different materials. Finally, the Cryo-SEM micrographs show
a cell block structure formed of polymer chains that become
denser with increasing polymer concentration.
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to CP Kelco for providing
materials for this research, to Servicios Centrales de Investigación
(CITIUS), Universidad de Sevilla, and to Dr. Carlos Gracia (TA instruments, Spain).
Funding information The authors received financial support (Project
CTQ2015-70700-P) from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y
Competitividad and from the European Commission (FEDER
Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
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