Continued from Page 51

l 7 qr tho field of theorotica,I lingu~tias the de of the was one ef cre,;tive • controversy, both withi-q aqd outside tlw Soviet Union, In the West, of 9ourse, cl ve!ne• ment i,l!ld refinement of the distinctive feature :ipproqch to phonemic theory was continuing, most notably ln th work~ of ]llkobson and Halle. ln Russia, the long.denied stucturali~t heritagq of L. V. Scerb,1 and Baui:lr uii1 d<i Courtenay was revived b S. K. Saumjan ip his pr1wooa• tive articl~ "The Proble1n of the Phoniimo'' (''Froblcmv. fonemy"), in th h ated polemic which nrosi: svb~equently

52 THE SOUTH C!:NTRAL Bl)L~ETIN May, 1971 Bibliography Book Reviews Continued from Page 51 Continued from Page 51 Drngan D. Milivojevic, C11mmt Rt,ssiari Phonemic Theory, 1952-1962. Janua Linguarum, Series Minor, No , 78, The Hague: Mouton, 1970. 127 pp, DC 21,-( $5.8,5). Pickar, Gertr~d 13. (UH): "The,, Aspect of Colour in ter Gras$ s I<atz und Maus, German Life ar;d Letters, X, llI (July, !970). Voh1110, Edgar (UT Austin) . "Jlem:tfks on the Problem of th11 Germani 'Versohiirfuni;','' in T.,tn,gut~tique Can- l7qr tho field of theorotica,I lingu~tias the de of the was one ef cre,;tive · controversy, both withi-q aqd outside tlw Soviet Union, In the West, of 9ourse, cl ve!ne• ment i,l!ld refinement of the distinctive feature :ipproqch to phonemic theory was continuing, most notably ln th work~ of ]llkobson and Halle. ln Russia, the long.denied stucturali~t heritagq of L. V. Scerb,1 and Baui:lr uii1 d<i Courtenay was revived b S. K. Saumjan ip his pr1wooa• tive articl~ "The Proble1n of the Phoniimo'' (''Froblcmv. fonemy"), in th h ated polemic which nrosi: svb~equently among varilms Soviet scl:oktrs, ;md ln Saumji,in's own attempts to develop a coherent theory of binary phona!llic oppositions, especinlly in his Problems of Theoretical Phonology (''Problerny teo,,etlceskoj fonologii''). Professor Milivojevic ha.s surveyed the to t11l sp~f?trum of literature in this area and has produced a work havln ' t vo focuses: (a) an overview the gener!ll development of distinctive feature theory bas9d, predictabl ·, on schol. arly reaction to the Jakobsoni !l approach; (b) a discussion of the abovc-rneritioned polemic ond a tlwvough, ~etailed distillation and analysis 0£ Saurnja11's h(~oreticaf propositions, cnncentratll'!g on p.ojnts of conflic t b1.-:twcet1 or Sau1njan and Jal.obson. ln addition, l;l final chap ·er deals with Soviet applications of distinctive f 11ture analysis l;o Polish (by Saumjan hqllself), Hindi. and S~nscrit. Inasmuch a~ th • early Soviet )ingt\istic contrO\'tff y •illl'l Saumjan's inore recent work ar11 q1ito unavailahl 1 to mc;st Western (or, at foast, American) scholars, tbi~ book will serve to hroa~en greatly general knowledg~ i this ,1rc;;i1. The comparison of diverse opinions pro~~eds dispaRsinn• ately, and Professor Milivojovlc h11s refrained trorn value jQdgmcnts !!Xcept in the ~,iotion,s dt:aling epecjfiofllly wid1 Saumjan's theories and th1i att mpts lit practi al application on the part of Soviet lln1,,ruists, On the whole, Saumj!l11's ttworqtfoal work is vfowed somewhat negatively; however great iriter-!lst is manlfosterl in his (lttem pt lit a 8hnuJt3neou~ distln ~tlve featnr analysis pf Polish on both the synchronic and diar;hron ic l~vels, i.e., a study of the history of the language as a series of change~ in its distinctive feature matrix. It is necessary to interpose a word of caution to teacht;rs who would use this hook in the classroarn. In addition to n~merons typographical errors (this r viewer spotted netlrly i.wentyL certain less trivial mistiikcs may be ;\ttribntable to inattentive proofn,adlng: "comploic" for "compact'' in the description of distinetive fefitures (pp. 45, 101 twice); "[gorotJ" for "[g01.n]" as the phonetic r-epr~sentation of gor.od; os11ovny; (pp. 20, ~3) and zwkovyi ( p. ,21 twice) for osrwvnof, zvukovof, respcr:tivr,:ly; ,;md "bipho11emic" for 'biphonetic'' (p. 73). Moreover, some sinternenls concerning specifically 11~sinn phonemic and rhonetics are poorly phrased or misleading in their lack of sufficle11t genernHzation. F r instance, the oppo~iti;m voiced-voiceless ls phonemic not in "injtinl positions,'' ur. ~tatep (p. 60), but in prev calic positions, whether or not these am 111s0 • ord-lniti I; the allophones ('a], (y J do not appear "only m~clit,!ly" (ll· 21), but, rather, nof'!,initially, ( d. (:z'irn'l'a]. f)ampyJ); the a~~ rtlon that ''vowels in pretonic pQ,itionfi Qi!llor11u ncotra- a Eric Biyssens. Ed. Jean Dierlckx and Yv11n Lebrim. 131' •ssels: Editions de l'InsHtut tc:m11or«ln '1 lloma.ue Ile ociolog/e, H)70, Pp. 177, 190. --------=· "The, Poi.iti.Qn of GEJnntmic ,unong W . st• Ir:do-Eu~·opean Languages," in Aates due X,e Congres lntamat10mil des Ling,tJisf. s. )3ucaresl: Editions de l'Academio de In Republique Sooialiste de Roumanie, 1970. ll, 49-56. Raley Hnrolil, (OSU) . Tr. and introd. Juli6.n Marias' El nuitoclo hist<iric() de /(1$ gcmeracio11es. University, Ala.: Univ. of Alab;imn Press, 1970. R,11(1, Ralph (U't' Austin), (tr~n~.). Uwe Friesel, ''Studen. te sind und nnd:ire (;ed/chte," Dimension, II (1969 ), 6J4-,61!9. ----~-----, (tr.). Rolf Hl,drioh, ''Mord in Frankfu_:t,'' Dimension, Ill (1970) , 78-l77. Bees, Thomas R. (USwL). ''The New Orleans Jazz Scene : Hannie Kole," Interrwtiarial Musioian, LX:IX, 5 (November, 1970), 1, 19. -----~--,· "Th~ New Orleans Jazz Scene: Al Hirt," Interriational Musician, LXIX, '1 (J;muary, 1071), 8,.16. ....,-. ____..,... Critical Heview nf Bettina Knepp's foan Gocteau . Iournol <>f Modert\ {.,iteratvre, I ( 1970-71). flf;lhdc,r, Helmut (UT Au,tin), with W. l-'. Twaddell {.J r~ul.; 'fhqrn~. V'1mt?her1 und Spt'tQhen. R~Y. !!d. Now York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, foo., lV'iO. ---....-~--· Teacher$' Manual for Versteh1m imd Spre1,;hen. Rev, ed. New \'qrk: :ijolt, Rinehan and Winston, I11c,, 1970. --------- "Beason and Romanticjsmi On the Begin-, n!ngs of the Ocrrnan E ·say/' in I.,,assing Year-hook I, Miirichen: Max Hueber Verlag, J.~69. Pp. rni-rn. ... - - , "Entwurf >\1~ eit«.1 1· Einflihrung in Cof.ltlw~ fal.lst," in Festchr-ift filr Vetit;?V Walter Scliu-m-(lfi~- ~-~,-q - Munchen: Delp Verlag, 1970. Pp. 145,165. Rickols, Milton H. and P~tricia Rickels (USwL). Richard Wright. Soµthern Writers Series. A.ustin, 1,'exas; Steck. Vaughn Publishing Co., 1971. 50 pp. Rub'in, Walter (UH). "El maestro Rodrigo en TelQl~," Mim!/o Ws71anico, No. 273 (December, 1970), p. 47, $~se,k, Lawrenc,;e A. (LSU), eq, 1'he Poems of William Smith . Batcn Rouge: I..,oulsiona $t;itQ Univ1.3rsity Press, 19'70. Schwari, M, rtin ( f\ice). Variete tiu Conte f,:aru;ais. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Wi.'1 011, lnc, 19n. Swe.n~on, Wi!Ji,1i:n J. (SwS ). "Riligious Implication:! The Confessions of Nnt Tumer," <;imqrren w R,qvfew, Number 12 (July, 1910), 57-60. Talbot, Fran9es Galbraith ( TSwL). '"Rediscovered - Espy \.\ . ij. Williams, Loui fona Playwright: A Checkli ·t,'' ]~oufsinna Sti.dics, IX (Summer, 1970), 105-117, Turner, Ainy Lee (UH ) . "Milton and Japsson's S<,a Atl11d," Milton Quarterly, lV ( 0 tobor, 1970), 36-39. ,.----~·- "Mllton and Millet,'' Studt~s by /\lqmbi}T~ of SCMl.,A, 'i'ha S01,1th Gcnira! Dtillfttin, XXX (Wmte1•, 1970),223-227. Thi~ content tlownloa.t)!.}(! f'ri-1111 34. l \l.5.58,210 un '1'ue, IO M~r ~040 04:06:Q8 UTC All y, Ii $Ubj~ ·i to hnps://abQllt.j~tor,org/terms May, 1971 53 THE SOUTH CE;NTRAL BULLETIN Urbano, Victoria ( Lamar SC). Los Nueve Circulos (poems) . Madrid: Ediciones Castilla de Oro, 1970. Valdivieso, Mercedes (Rice). las noches y un dia (novel). Barcelona, Spaip: Seix Bai-ral Publi~hing Company, 1970. - - - - - · La tierra que les di ( tr. into Polish). Poland: Czytelnik Publishing Company, 1968. Wadsworth, Philip (Rice). ('Exoticism in Moliere," American Society Legion of Honor Magazine, XL ( 1969), 73-84. - - - - - · · "Nicolas Foucquet proteeteur des lettres," Cahiers de l' Association intemationale des etudes franr,aises, XXII ( 1970), 308-310. Webb, Bernice Larson (USwL) . "Springtime Starqust" (poem), Louisiana State Poetry Society Book of the Year (bwin Publishers, 1970-71), p. 31. Untitled item in syndicated column, "Polly's Pointers." McCook Daily G!lzette (McCook, Nebr.), Nov. 4, 1970. "Well and Grave" (poem), The Best in Poetry ( 1970), p. 32 (Anthology). · - - - - - - · "Under a Banyan Tree" (poem), Dt.mce of the Muse: A Treasury of Modem Poetry (Appalachia, Va.: Young Publications, 1970), p. 52. - - - - - · "Ghost Dance" (poem), The Sunday Advertiser, Dec. 6, 1970, p. 42, col 6. (In column "Demitasse") . - - - - - · "Largesse" (poem), Quoin, III, No. 4 (Oct., 1970), p. 2. - - ~ - -· "Soltice" (poem), Quoin, lll, No. 4 (Oct., 1970), p. 2. - - - - - - "I Remember the Hour" (poem), Orphic Lute (Winter, 1970), p. 33. Webb, Karl E. (UH). "Themes in Transition: Girls and Love in Rilke's Buch der bilder," German Quarterly (May, 1970). Werbow, Stanley N. (UT Austin), Ed. Formal Aspects of Medieval German Poetry, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969. - - - - - · · "The Establishment of Standard Modern Literary German,'' in The Challenge of German Literature. Ed. Horst Daemmrich and Diether Haenicke. Williams, Lyle, "A Water Route from the Opelousas to the Mississippi," Attakapas Gazette, V ( March, 1970), 5-10. (This article Qriginally appeared in The South. western Louisiana Journal, I (January, 1957), 4-12. Willson, A. I,.eslie (UT Austin). "The Within-World Without: The Real beyond the Surreal," in Proceedings of the Third Comparative Literature Symposium: From Surrealism to the Absurd. Ed. W. T. Zyla. Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech Press, 1970. Pp. 111-131. (trans.). Heinrich Vonnweg, "Letter from Germany," Dimension, II (1969), 240-247, - - - - - · i trans.). Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, "Two Poems," Dimension, II ( 1969), 730-745. - - - - - · (trans.). Heinrich Vormweg, "Letter from Genriany," Dimension, III (1970), 8-17. - - - - - · (trans.). Walter Hollerer, "Systems and Other Poems," Dimension, III ( 1970), 208-231. - - - - - · (trans.). Uwe Johnson, "Cresspahl Misses the airth of His Daughter," Dimension, Ill (1970), 232-242. - -= - - - -, Review of Uber das Selbstverstiindliche, by Giinter Grass, in Books Abroad, XLIII (1969), 598. - - -Review of Deutsche Gediclite, Die lnnenwali der Aussenwelt der Inn entcelt, Kaspar, Prosa Gedichte Theaterstucke Horspiel Aufsiitze, all by Peter Handke, in Books Abroad, XLIV ( 1970), 299300. . Review of Kramen in Fiichem, by Gunter Kunert, in Books Aboard, XLIV (1970), 480. - - - - - - - · Review of 1'1iomas Mann's "Doctor Faustus": The Sources and Structure of the Novel, by Gunilla Bergsten, and The Orbit of Thomas Mann, by Erich Kahler, in Modern Fiction Studies, XVJ ( 1970), 25$-263. Winkler, Michael (Rice). Stefan George. Sammlung Metzler: Realienbiicher fiir Gem1anisten 90. Stuttgart 1970. · ' Wood, Richard E. (LSU). "Russian Influences in the Ge~. man of East Gennany," Pacific (;qast Phil.ology, VI ( April 1971) , 60-64. News Notes Louis J. Schwarz ( USwLa) was elected vice-chairman and el1aim1an-elect of Region III of the National Association of Foreign Students for 1971-1972. He is also editor of the Region Ill newsletter. .. . Alfred Cisma~ (Texas _Tech) has been on the regular staff of book reviewers of BoQks Abroad since 1962 and has had reviews in each quarterly issue. His book entitled Marguerite Duras has been accepted by Twayne :Publishing Company for its World Authors Series and is scheduled to appear in 19'71. 0 • • Philip A. Wadsworth (Rice) was one of the participants on the poetry panel at the Third Conference on Seventeenth-Century French Literature, which was held 18-20 March 1971, at the University of Washington and the University of British Columbia. • 0 • Zoe Urbanek ( SMU), an assistant professor in the Departmept of French, has been on sabbatical leave in France, where she is doing research in the area of litera· ture and French civilization. Book Reviews Continued from Page 52 lized" (p. 21, fn. 12) lacks the completeness and precision that one normally expects in a linguistic c!escription, No doubt, better c;ritical editing would have eliminated these and Qther flaws as well. In s_m:nmat!on, Curr_ent Rus~n Phonemic Theory, 1952IS concise and mfol1l)ative, a survey which - how~ver. ~arred tech~ically .- can be especially beneficial for ~lav1~1sts not ~ame~ 1n structural linguistics and for li~g~1Sts not tr.amed _1n the Slavic field. Its comprehensive b1bhography, mcludmg over 100 citations, will be quite useful as_ a reference, although initial publication 1;lates are rn;>t g~ven for several important works ( e.g., by Jakobson, Martinet, Reforrnatskij). Michael K. Launer The Fl.orida State University 1962 This content downloaded from 34. 195.88.230 on Tue, IO Mar 2020 04:06:08 UTC All use subject to