Proceedings of PAC07, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
S. Wang† , F. R. Brumwell, J. C. Dooling, K. C. Harkay, R. Kustom,
G. McMichael, M. E. Middendorf, A. Nassiri, ANL, Argonne, IL 60439, USA
The Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) of the Intense
Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) at ANL accelerates > 3.0 ×
1012 protons from 50 MeV to 450 MeV with 30-Hz repetition frequency. During the acceleration cycle, the rf frequency varies from 2.21 MHz to 5.14 MHz. Presently, the
beam current is limited by a vertical instability. By analyzing turn-by-turn beam position monitor (BPM) data, largeamplitude mode 0 and mode 1 vertical beam centroid oscillations were observed in the later part of the acceleration
cycle. The oscillations start in the tail of the bunch, build
up, and remain localized in the tail half of the bunch. This
vertical instability was compared with a head-tail instability that was intentionally induced in the RCS by adjusting
the trim sextupoles. It appears that our vertical instability
is not a classical head-tail instability [1]. More data analysis and experiments were performed to characterize the
the bunch gets shortened. When we look at the spectrum
during the instability, Fig. 2, we can see that the amplitude of the lower sideband is higher than that of the upper
sideband. This indicates that a slow-wave instability is developing [3]. Since the revolution frequency varies from
2.21 MHz to 5.14 MHz, the sampling window in time for
FFT is limited to be less than 50 µs to avoid a frequency
shifting effect. In the figure, it should be noted that the
instability gives a broadband spectrum; the sidebands are
strongest near 55 MHz.
bunch charge (a.u.) bunch intensity (a.u.)
12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
time (ms)
time (us)
Figure 1: Beam loss observed with resistive wall monitor,
phase modulation is used to suppress the instability.
vf_ns_2_500mV: (CH4-CH3) FFT results of 13.88 to 13.90 ms
The RCS is a ring with six-fold symmetry and
combined-function magnets. The two rf cavities (harmonic
number 1) are located on opposite sides of the ring and accelerate the proton beam from 50 MeV to 450 MeV while
the rf frequency varies from 2.21 MHz to 5.14 MHz in
about 14 ms. A third rf cavity has recently been added to
provide second-harmonic rf over the first 4 ms of the acceleration period [2]. Currently, the RCS runs with a current
of ∼15 µA. At this current level, the vertical instability
grows in the last 4 ms before extraction. The instability
is suppressed by phase modulation (PM) of the rf voltage,
varying the phase between the two fundamental-mode cavities by about 5 degrees at about twice the synchrotron frequency. This PM is applied for about 2 ms, beginning about
10 ms into the acceleration cycle.
with PM
no PM
Observation of the Beam Loss
The major diagnostic methods we have available are the
BPMs and the resistive wall monitor (RWM). In Fig. 1, the
RWM measurement results are shown for cases with and
without the instability. With the instability, particles are
lost quickly starting ∼12 ms after injection. As is evident
in Fig. 1, the particles get lost in the tail of the bunch and
∗ Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Science, under contract number DE-AC0206CH11357.
[email protected]
05 Beam Dynamics and Electromagnetic Fields
Frequency (MHz)
Figure 2: Spectrum during instability.
Measurements with BPM
Our BPM is a split-shoe-box type. The length of the
BPM is 5 cm, while the proton bunch is more than 10 meD04 Instabilities - Processes, Impedances, Countermeasures
1-4244-0917-9/07/$25.00 c 2007 IEEE
Proceedings of PAC07, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
ters long. The signal from the BPM is therefore the time
derivative of the bunch intensity. Both beam intensity and
centroid position information can be extracted from the
BPM signal. For dynamics analysis, we need to acquire
the centroid motion on a turn-by-turn basis. There is a slow
random shift of the baseline in the BPM signal; because of
it, the simple integration of the BPM signal cannot be used
for this centroid measurement. We therefore made some
compensation to the integrated BPM signal:
• After integration, data for each turn was identified by
checking the local minimum and maximum points of
the integrated BPM signal.
• After turn boundaries were obtained, compensations
were made to remove the contribution from the slowly
varying baseline shifting during the integration process for each individual turn.
After compensation, we were still unable to see the centroid motion dynamics. This is because the measured data
is naturally based on a fixed time basis. When the protons
get accelerated, they move faster and faster, β increases
from 0.3 to 0.7 for full cycle, and the revolution period gets
shorter and shorter. However, since we have obtained turnby-turn beam intensity after compensation, we can transfer
data for each turn from a time basis to an rf phase basis.
Then we can overlap data for many turns to see the centroid motion.
Figure 3: The centroid oscillations in the tail, mode 0. Upper graph: the sum of the top and bottom BPM signals;
bottom graph: the difference of top and bottom BPM signals.
The Observed Instability
Figure 3 shows a typical result of analyzed BPM measurements during the instability, and where the chromaticity is nagtive. We overlapped BPM data for 50 consecutive turns. In the bottom graph, 50 turns data are enough
to show the envelope of the oscillation of the centroid. The
transverse size of the proton bunch is relatively large; when
the centroid of the bunch oscillates at an amplitude of up to
one fourth of the beam pipe radius, particles are easily lost.
We have never observed oscillations in the head of the
bunch; it seems that the oscillation stops right at the peak of
the intensity. We observed that the oscillation from its onset through the extraction of the bunch, which is a period of
up to 3 ms, depends on the bunch charge. With less bunch
charge, the instability starts later. The full evolution picture
of the oscillation can be found in [4]. The synchrotron frequency at the time when the instability occurss is about 5
kHz; therefore our observations cover more than ten synchrotron periods. In no case we observe the oscillations
entering the head region. We do observe the bunch length
and peak intensity varying because of the synchrotron motion when the instability occurs. We also observe mode 1
oscillations when the bunch is longer, as shown in Fig. 4.
More information can be obtained by analyzing just one
small slice (slice width, 5 degrees in rf phase) in the center
of the oscillation in the tail and observing how it evolves
with time. As can be seen in Fig. 5, soon after the oscillation starts, the beam starts to lose particles. The upper
05 Beam Dynamics and Electromagnetic Fields
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Figure 4: The centroid oscillations in the tail, mode 1.
graph shows the BPM sum signal, and the bottom graph
shows the BPM difference signal in the tail. Oscillation
does not stop even when the bunch charge has dropped significantly. If we look at neighboring slices, we can note
that the slice closer to the tail starts oscillations earlier and
loses particles earlier. Even the whole slice can be lost,
which shows that the bunch is shortened.
We further observe that the oscillations are damped at a
frequency close to the synchrotron frequency. The reason
for this damping could be the exchange of particles during
the synchrotron motion.
D04 Instabilities - Processes, Impedances, Countermeasures
Proceedings of PAC07, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Figure 5: Comparison of the beam loss and tail slice oscillation for a 3.2 ms period before extraction. Upper graph: sum
signal of the tail slice; bottom graph: difference signal of the tail slice, with arbitrary unit.
Comparison with Classical Head-Tail Oscillation
In the 80s, an observed head-tail instability limited the
beam current in the RCS to be less than 5 µA. Sextupoles
were added to make the chromaticity negative for the RCS,
a machine operating below transition. This cured the headtail instability.
In order to characterize the tail oscillation, we turned off
the power supplies to the sextupoles. Using the same analysis as described above, we observed a classical head-tail
instability, see Fig. 6. The oscillation in the classical headtail instability covers the full bunch. This is quite different
from the above-mentioned tail oscillation.
Currently, the vertical instability is suppressed by phase
modulation of the rf voltage [5]. The phase modulation effectively increases the momentum spread allowing Landau
damping to suppress the instability.
We have presented an analysis of the vertical instability
that limits the beam current in the RCS of IPNS. The centroid oscillation is confined in the tail half of the bunch,
which is quite different from a classical head-tail instability. A possible cause of the observed vertical tail oscillation
is an electron cloud effect. In the trailing edge of the proton
bunch, electrons are able to escape from the proton beam
potential well and initiate a secondary electron production
avalanche [6]. We are currently investigating this possibility, but to date have not observed any direct evidence of
such an avalanche. We are also investigating the effect of
the machine impedance [7].
[1] J. Gareyte and F. Sacherer, in Proceedings of the IXth Intl.
Conf. on High Energy Accelerators, Stanford, p341, 1974
[2] M.E. Middendorf et al., ”The IPNS Second-Harmonic RF
Upgrade”, these proceedings.
[3] A. Chao, Physics of Collective Beam Instabilities in High Energy Accelerators, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 245 (1993).
[4] G.E. McMichael et al.,
[5] J.C. Dooling et al.,
Figure 6: The centroid oscillations in head-tail instability
induced in the RCS. Upper: the sum of BPM signals; bottom: the difference of the BPM signals.
05 Beam Dynamics and Electromagnetic Fields
[6] V. Danilov et al., Workshop on Instabilities of High Intensity
Hadron Beams in Rings, BNL, June 28-July 1, 1999.
[7] E. Metral et al., EPAC 2006,
D04 Instabilities - Processes, Impedances, Countermeasures
1-4244-0917-9/07/$25.00 c 2007 IEEE