The Foundation for our Future...
Thank you to our 2007 Order of the Dolphin Donors
Mr. & Mrs. M. Andrew Abate
Mr. David A. Ade*
Gary E. Adler*
Nancy & Michael Albury*
Mark & Beverly Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Randall D. Amos*
Mr. Bradley S. Anderson
Mrs. Elaine B. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Anderson
Anonymous Gift
Ron & Hilah Autrey*^
Mr. & Mrs. George G. Ballis
Dr. John A. Balog+
Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne
Beckenbach Family*
Dr. Lois S. Becker & Dr. Felix
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Berman*
Mr. Michael Boccieri
Mr. Jonathan L. Brandt
Dr. & Mrs. Mark P. Brodersen
Mr. Tom Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Carter B. Bryan
Jacob F. & Peggy Bryan
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Bussell
Walter & Dee Bussells^
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Cahoon
Mr. Donald R. Cameron
Michael &. Elizabeth Cascone^*
Ms. Amy Cavanaugh*
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Cherry, Jr.
Mr. H. Martin & Mrs. Cynthia B.
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Clarkson
Dr. Lee & Jeffrey Clements+
Ms. Sharon Cobb
Mrs. Ruth P. Conley
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Cost*
Dr. & Mrs. William Crosby+
Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey M. Daniel
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Daugherty
Dano & Brenda Davis
Mrs. Florence N. Davis
Mrs. Pauline Davis
Mr. & Mrs. T. Wayne Davis
RADM. Kevin & Pat Delaney^
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donahue*
Mr. T. O’Neal & Mrs. Alice Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Dubberly*
Dr. & Mrs. Jan W. Duggar+
Ms. Barbara C. Emanuele
Mr. & Mrs. Niall Falloon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Finnegan*
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn*
Buck & Frances Fowler^
Mr. Russell E. Frame
Wayne & Ann Galloway^
Dr. J. Phillip & Mrs. Kimberly Garcia*^
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gault
Ms. Christina B. Gavronsky
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Gay
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gerrity*
Dr. Richard J. Gibson+
John & Flavel Godfrey^
Mr. Gordon A. Goede*
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Grant*
Debra Jo Roberts Grell*
Mr. Kevin W. & Dr. Susanne Haga*
Thomas & Staci Hall+
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hall
Dr. & Mrs. Herman Edward Harms*
John & Gail Harrison*^
Dr. Leigh & Mr. Thomas Hart+
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hartley
Mr. Jeffrey C. Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Preston H. Haskell
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hassell*
BG James & Col. Constance Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Hatcher*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Haulter*
Mr. & Mrs. Caldwell L. Haynes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Hays*
Mr. David & Mrs. Karen Kelczewski
Dr. Richard Hirsch
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Hixon III
David & Cara Hodges*^
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Hodges, Jr.*
Mr. & Mrs. Byron E. Hodnett
Mr. Larry J. Hollingsworth*
Michael & Cathy Howland*^
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. J. Curtis Hyers*
William & Barbara Jackson*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jacoby
Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Jewett
Mr. James C. Johns*
Mr. James K. Johns*
Dr. & Mrs. Franklyn A. Johnson+
Grady & Stacy Jones+
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Kampfe
Matthew Kane*^
Mr. & Mrs. Jack F. Keigwin
Bruce & Holly Kern^
Honorable & Mrs. James E. King
Dr. & Mrs. William J. Knauer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Kormanik
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Kouvaris, Jr.
CDR Greg LaFave*
Mr. Richard F. LaMee*
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Lammerding
Ms. Helen M. Lane
Dr. Gasper & Irene Lazzara
Mr. & Mrs. David League*
Mr. Frank League, Jr.*
Captain & Mrs. Kirk T. Lewis*
Mrs. B.J. Lorenz
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Lovett
Dr. & Mrs. R. Stephen Lucie
Dr. David L. Luechauer+
Mr. Stephen Manis
Timothy & M.A. Mann^
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond K. Mason, Sr.
Raymond K. & Kim Mason, Jr.*^
Michael & Julie McKenny^
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo F. Mendiola
Mr. & Mrs. Augustus L. Merolle*
Mr. Andrew J. Miller*
Mr. David F. Miller
Andrew & Margot Moran*^
Mr. Ronald J. Morgan
Ms. Carolyn Munro Wilson*^
Ms. Victoria M. Mussallem*^
Kelly Delaney & Laird*
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Myers III*
Mr. & Mrs. E. William Nash, Jr.
Braden & Annette Negaard*
Mr. Robert A. Negaard
Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Newton
Mrs. Elizabeth Anne P. Nimnicht*^
Mrs. Nancy N. Nystrom*
Dr. Lewis J. Obi & Myra Bairstow
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Pace*^
Ms. Ellen M. Paige*+
Ms. Patricia A. Parrish*
Timothy & Danielle Payne^
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Peaks*+
Mrs. Dorothy S. Pearce
Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Phillips, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Pixler*
Carole & Alfred Poindexter*
Nancy & Gil Pomar^
Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Price*
Fred & Debbie Pruitt*^
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Quaritius
Mr. B. Allen Reid*
Dr. Rathbun K. Rhodes*
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Richards+
Ms. Robin Riddle
Mr. Scott Riddle
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Rollero*
Dr. Kerry & Judy Romesburg^+
Glenn & Anita Ross*
Miriam G. Rust
Mr. & Mrs. John Samaha
Ms. Cynthia M. Sanborn
Mrs. Hilda Sanborn
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Sanders*
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Sanders*
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Sawich*
Ms. Marsha R. Scaff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Schall*
Mr. Henry P. Scheidel*
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Scheidel
Dr. Walter P. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Segreti*
John A. (Sandy) & Linda Semanik*^
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sessions*
Mike & Jennie Shad*^
Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon Shelton
Robert & Carol Shircliff
Mr. Daniel D. Smith*
Ms. Dorothy Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Sohn
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Spiro
Linda & David Stein*^
Mr. Roger W. Strickland*
Dr. Thomas R. Terrell*
Mrs. Mary Virginia Terry^
Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Tesinsky*
Ms. Mary S. Theden*
Mr. Eric Thomas*+
Dr. Brian Trapnell
Mrs. Jean Tuggle
Dr. Robert & Lyn Turknett*
Mrs. Irving Usen
Mrs. Mary VanKempen
Alan and Bonnie Verlander+
Ash & Alice Verlander
Chris & Karen Verlander
Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Walker*
Captain Charles M. & Fay Walker
USN (Ret.)*
Honorable & Mrs. David M. Walker*
Nina & Lex Waters*^
Keith & Carol Watson*^
Lisa Strange Weatherby^
Dr. A. Quinton & Dr. Susan Hite White*+
Dr. Ronald Widlak
Terry & Judi Wilcox^
Mr. Charles J. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Williams, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Tylee Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Winston
Charles & Camilla Wodehouse^
Ms. Kimberley H. Woods*
Mr. & Mrs. Len W. Worley, Jr.*
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Wurn
Nancy Gayle & Michael Yoh*
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Zell
The Zimmerman Family
1575 and Co., Inc.
3M Unitek Corporation
A. Darius Davis Family Foundation
A/C Masters HVAC, Inc.
A-B Distributors
ACS Security Systems, Inc.
ADFAM Charities
Adler Interior Design Associates, Inc.
Alfred I. duPont Foundation
Allstate Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Amarr Garage Doors of Jacksonville
American Heritage Life Insurance
American Insulators and Specialties
American International Group, Inc.
Angelworks of Jacksonville, Inc.
AON Insurance
AT&T Foundation
Atlantic Engineering Services
Atrium Windows and Doors of
Florida, LLC
AXA Financial
AXA Foundation
B.J. & Nettie Walker Advised Fund
Bailey Publishing and
Communications, Inc.
Baker Distributing Company
Bank of America
Bank of America Foundation
Baptist Health Systems
Bell South Advertising and Publishing
BellSouth Telecommunications
Biomers Products, LLC
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida
Bob Evans Concrete Construction, Inc.
Bono’s Pit Bar-B-Q
Brooks Health Foundation
Brooks Health System
Brumos Motor Cars, Inc.
Bryant’s Painting, Inc.
Bug-Out Service
C. C. E., LLC
C. Herman Terry Foundation
Cain & Bultman, Inc.
Carl S. Swisher Foundation
Cash Building Material Co.
CenterBank of Jacksonville, N.A.
Community First Credit Union
Copytronics, Inc.
CSX Corporation
Dade Community Foundation
DDI, Inc.
Discount Travel
Dixie Egg Company
Duncan Drywall, LLC
Duval Family of Dealers
Eclectic Galleries, Inc.
Edna Sproull Williams Foundation
Estate of Alexander Brest
Estate of Colonel Harold W. Ashley
Estate of Dena E. Snodgrass
Estate of Doran S. Weinstein
Estate of George A. Berry
Estate of Gertrude Knabb
Estate of Jeanne Lancaster
Estate of Kathryn Bell Meyer
Estate of Kenneth G. Lancaster
Estate of Mary Noble McQuerry
Estate of Norman P. Crawford
Estate of Rita Nunn Berry
Estate of Robert L. Reamy
Estate of Thompson S. Baker
Estate of Walter Lorenz
Estate of Walter Lorenz
Estate of William M. Courtney
Estates of J.W. & L.S. Davin
Estates of W.H. & M.B. Perrin
FAEP Environmental Educational
Scholarship Fund
Far East Brokers and Consultants
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fire Fighters Equipment Company
First Atlantic Bank
Florida Division of Cultural Affairs
Florida Georgia Trucking
Florida Independent College Fund
Florida Pest Contol
Florida Telco Credit Union
Flynn Family Foundation
Fogleman Builders Supply
G. & H. Wire Company
Gannett Foundation
Garcia Aesthetics and Wellness
Institute, Inc.
Gasper and Irene Lazzara Charitable
Gate Petroleum
GBN Construction
George M. Cohen Foundation
Gertrude Rollins Wilson Trust
Gladys H. Thompson Trust
Glenn S. Ross & Associates
Greater Jacksonville Kingfish
Harold K. Smith Charitable Fund
Harris Corporation
Hatcher Endowment
Hatcher Foundation
Horton/Jones Electrical
Contractors, Inc.
Hutton Chiropractic of Marshall, P.C.
IBM Corporation
IBM International Foundation
Ida M. Stevens Foundation
Idea Integration
Independent Life Insurance Co
Integrity Roofing Systems
InTuition Development Holdings, Inc.
Irene B. Kirbo Memorial Scholarship
J. C. Penney Company
J. Walter Construction Co., Inc.
J.E. Davis Family-WD Charities
Jacksonville Aviation Authority
Jacksonville Commodores League
Jacksonville Florida Council Navy
League of the United State
Jacksonville Kennel Club
Jacksonville Orthopedic Institute
Jacksonville Rowing Club
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
John W. Patterson Trust
Johnson & Johnson
Joseph and Doris Watson
Foundation, Inc.
Anonymous Gift
King Realty Group
Klemento and Associates, Inc.
L. A. Raulerson Trust
Lexus of Jacksonville
Liberty Steel
Lift Associates, Inc.
Mac Papers, Inc.
Maxwell House Company Kraft Foods
Mayo Clinic
McIntyre Exteriors, Inc.
Merck and Company
Merrill Lynch & Company
Merrill Lynch & Company Foundation
Merritt C. Penticoff Trust
Miller Electric Company
Miller Insurance Agency
Miriam’s Fine Jewelry
Motion Industries
MPS Group, Inc.
Nimnicht Chevrolet Company
Northern Trust
Orange Park Kennel Club
Orthodontic Education Company
Patriot Transportation Holding, Inc.
Paul Bateman Foundation
PGA Tour, Inc.
Philip L. Graham Fund
Price Family Scholarship Fund Foundation
Proctor & Gamble Company
Professional Placement Resources, LLC
Promo Depot
Radiator Express Warehouse
Randall Rathjen, Inc.
Raymond Prahl Charitable Trust
Rex Corporation
Reynolds, Smith and Hills
Ring Power Corporation
Rinker Materials
Rivercity Paver Creations, Inc.
Rotary Club of North Jacksonville
Russell Foundation of Jacksonville
Sea Star Line LLC
Solid Rock Engineering
Consultants, Inc.
St. Joe Foundation
Stein Family Foundation, Inc.
Sun Bowl Association
SunTrust Bank
SunTrust Banks
Swisher International Group, Inc.
The Scheidel Foundation
The W. W. & Eloise D. Gay Foundation
The Alton Foundation
The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
The Bruning Foundation
The CHT Corporation
The Coca-Cola Company
The Community Foundation
The EPO Semmes Foundation
The Florida Times-Union
The Hartley Press
The Haskell Company
The Haskew Company
The Howard Gilman Foundation
The Lucy Gooding Charitable
Foundation Trust
The McGehee Foundation
The Medtronic Foundation
The Sam R. Marks Trust
The State Farm Companies Foundation
The Trophy Shop, Inc.
The W.H. & O.M. Rogers Trust
The Wolfson Family Foundation
Thomas M. and Irene Kirbo
Charitable Trust
Tom Nehl Truck Company
Total Office Solutions, Inc.
United Way of Northeast Florida
UPS Foundation
Vera D. Parsons-WD Charities
Vera Davis-WD Charities
Vulcan Materials Company
W.W. Gay Mechanical
Contractors, Inc.
Wachovia Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Weaver Family Foundation
William and Marie Selby Foundation
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Winn-Dixie Stores
Winn-Dixie Stores Foundation
Wood Development Company of
* Alumni
^ Trustee
+ Employee
To join ORDER OF THE DOLPHIN & make a gift call 904-256-7014 or go to