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Background & objective: Rape is a severe kind of sexual violence that represents a significant violation of human rights. The objective was to investigate the demographic and clinical features of female survivors of sexual assault in Lahore, Pakistan. Method: A retrospective study was conducted at the Department of Forensic Medicine of Lahore General Hospital, analysing records of female sexual assault survivors investigated by affiliated police stations from November 2020 to November 2022. Data were collected from medicolegal certificates and medical notes and analysed using SPSS software. Result: 282 female survivors reported to Lahore General Hospital's Forensic Medicine Department, aged 5-55 years, with a mean age of 22.74 ± 8.30. A significant proportion (50.4%) were aged 16-25 years. Most survivors were examined between 6 and 24 h (34%) and 2-7 days (37.9%) after the assault, with the majority (95%) exhibiting well-developed secondary sexual characteristics. Sexual assault and physical abuse were both reported in 56.4% of cases. In 77% of cases, the perpetrator was known, and in 36.5% of cases, a weapon was used. No external body injury was observed in 74.8% of cases, and 2.8% showed signs of fresh hymen rupture. The study identified 92.2% of cases lost to follow-up. Conclusion: This study highlights the pressing need to implement effective measures to prevent and address rape in Pakistan. The findings emphasise the need for education, improved forensic infrastructure and policy reforms to address sexual assault effectively.
Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2023
Background: Rape against women has been a prevalent issue in Pakistan ever since its founding, with 11 reported cases daily. A bill, known widely as the Protection of Women's Act, 2006 was approved to ensure a secure environment for the women of Pakistan. Aim: To observe and analyze Zina-Bil-Jabr cases registered after the legislation of Protection of Women's Act, 2006. Methodology: In this retrospective observational study, data were collected from three main medico-legal centres associated with the Police Surgeon Office in Karachi from 2005 to 2021. A total of 6,580 rape cases were brought to the medico-legal centres, with 2717 of them being the offender and 3863 of them being the victims. Result: Protection of Women's Act, 2006, a downfall was observed in the cases till 2010, when the lowest number of cases of all years were registered as 66, while after that, an upward trajectory has been witnessed with a total of 902 cases in 2021, the highest of all recorded ones. Conclusion: The current status of rape victims in the country is alarming and points out the flaws in the practical application of the laws.
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2007
The objective of the study was the medico-legal assessment of sexual assault victims in Lahore, and to know the characteristics of the assailants in these cases. This study included all 123 female cases of alleged sexual assault that presented for medical examination at the office of the surgeon medico-legal Punjab at Lahore during 2002. Around 64% of the victims were between 10-19 years of age, 76% presented for medical examination after a delay of more than 72 hours. The assailant was known to the victim in 57% cases. Two or more assailants were involved in 30% cases. The victims had changed clothes and washed their bodies before the medical examination in 83% cases. Physical evidence of violence on the body was present in only 15% of the victims and evidence of recent injury to the genital tract was present in 18% individuals. However a positive semen analysis was reported in 98.35% of the samples. Sexual assault was more common in younger females. Late presentation for examinati...
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan: JCPSP
To describe the socio-demographic along with the medico-legal characteristics of rape victims reporting to a female police station of Lahore. Observational study. Female Police Station in Shadman, Lahore, from, June 1995 to January 2009. A total of 74 cases of alleged rape victims were identified while reviewing all available police files concerning reported rapes and attempted rapes from 1995 to 2008. The data was gathered on preformed questionnaires after conducting the pilot study. All information about victims and alleged offenders were extracted from the police files including socio-demographic profile of the accused and victim both. Use of weapon, evidence of physical and genital trauma, assailant identification and his relationship with the victim, number of accused persons and location of rape was noted in each case. Examination by doctor and obtaining the specimens were also identified and was related to the outcome of the court case. Chi-square test was applied to determin...
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2014
To determine the frequent factors in women and children subjected to sexual assaults seeking medical care at Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center, Karachi. A cross sectional study was conducted in the Medico legal Department of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center, Karachi, Pakistan. Sexual assault victims seeking medical care and medico legal reports from Jan 2007-June 2010 were included in the study. The sampling technique was non-probability purposive. All women were informed regarding the confidentiality of their records and written informed consent was taken. In case of female children the consent was taken from both parents/guardians. The data was analyzed on statistical package for social sciences version 15. There were 180 women and children examined and interviewed after the Sexual assault. The mean age (years) was 19.24 +/- 7.33. Mostly reported victims were raped and abused both 162 (90%) and only rape was reported in 18 (10%).The physical, local, Abdominal and Pelvic examina...
The Professional Medical Journal
Objectives: To ascertain the incidence of sexual violence in Faisalabad city and to analyze the data with respect to demographics, presentation and pattern of physical injuries and evidence collection from victims of sexual violence. Method: This cross sectional study was conducted on 93 alleged victims of sexual violence at the medico legal clinics in Allied hospital. DHQ hospital & Government General Hospital in Faisalabad city in year 2008. Results: 51.6% cases belonged to age group between 10-19 years and 63.45% were unmarried. In 59.1% cases the offender was previously known to the victim and in 31.18% cases two or more persons were involved in the act. There was more than 15 days delay of presentation to the hospital in 36.56% cases. In 13.98% cases non genital injuries and sign of struggle were present on the body of the victim while only 7.53% cases presented with genital injuries. In 80.64% cases the swabs sent to chemical examiner were positive for semen. Conclusions: The ...
Rape is a term used in legal medicine and criminology (1) and a form of rape (2), which means sexual intercourse with a person (child or adult) through vaginal, oral and anal sex without his/her consent. (1 and 3) Each year, millions of females and children around the world become the victim of rape and sexual abuse. In recent years, researchers have made efforts to investigate the issue of rape from different perspectives and explain it in specific areas (7) that one of these areas is checking physical condition and demographic characteristics. (8) Therefore this study has been done with the aim of evaluating the prevalence of physical injuries and demographic characteristics of female victims of rape, physical injuries referred to the forensics in Ahvaz. In this descriptive-cross sectional study, 64 persons of rape victims referred to examinations of women section in forensics of the city of Ahvaz in the second half of 2013-2014 were selected as the sample of the research. For obtaining information, a two-part questionnaire including sexual assault and demographic characteristics was given to the cases and for recording the physical injuries inflicted upon the victims, some observation was done. Obtained information which was based on the objectives of the research was entered into the computer using software SPSS21 after coding and then descriptive statistics were analyzed. In this case, the majority of victims were single and the least of them had been divorced. Their highest level of education has been high school or diploma. In terms of economic status, most of them were in the medium level and a small population of them was in a good level of economic status. Most female victims had been raped by one man. In most female victims, defloration had been occurred. In general, the results of this study shows that the injury to the hymen (Defloration) has the highest percentage among inflicted injuries that according to the social and cultural conditions of the society as well as individuals’ attitude, this injury can greatly affect one's life.
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research [IJCMR], 2018
Introduction: Globally, sexual assault is a heinous crime and a serious social and health problem, mostly affecting women. The situation regarding this social ailment is also alarming in Pakistan. The aim of the study was to ascertain the prevalence and pattern of sexual assault in our society. Material and Methods: All the cases of sexual assaults which reported at the medico-legal clinic at King Edward Medical University during a period extending from January 2012 to December 2013 were included in the study. This was a retrospective study. Details regarding demographic profile of victim and accused, incident, findings of medical examination and result of the evidence collected were noted. Results: The most affected age group was 12-20 years (32%). Majority of the victims were female (68%).Majority of the victims knew assailant (75%). The commonest place of the offence was assailant's home (38%). In 32% cases, the number of assailant exceeded more than one. 36% cases were of sodomy and oral sex (un-natural assaults). Extra-genital injuries were seen in 32% cases. Hymen was intact in 7% victims, where as 47% victims had old torn hymen. The result of DNA fingerprinting was positive in 47% cases. Conclusion: The incidence of sexual assault is relatively low in the present study, but its prevalence is increasing with changing pattern. The study highlights the importance of education of young females and children to prevent this crime. Emphasis is also given on the development of special centers to provide psychological support to the victims, and assistance in prosecution.
IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences, 2020
In India large range of sex related crimes take place which are sexual assault, rape, sexual abuse of children and trafficking of women for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Sexual assault includes all form of non-consensual contact with a sexual purpose ranging from eve teasing to molestation to rape. Medical examination of the victim of sexual assault always play very important role in investigation of such cases. Most affected age group of victims was 11 to 20 years of age accounting 46.9% followed by 21 to 30 years of age accounting 34.6%. In about 98% cases the accused were known to the victims and in about 80% cases significant relationship was present between the accused and victim. 34% cases reported for medical examination within 3 days and 47.6% reported after one week of the incident. Four cases were present with pregnancy after sexual assault and belong to 15- 18 years of age and low educational strata.
Folia biologica, 2014
To study time-dependent and gender-specific intracellular and biochemical mechanisms that lead to neurodegeneration due to moderate but persistent reduction of cerebral blood flow, adult male and female Wistar rats were divided into two main groups - controls that underwent sham operation and animals subjected to permanent bilateral occlusion of common carotid arteries. Animals were sacrificed 3, 7 or 90 days following the insult. Expression of several apoptotic proteins in synaptic fractions along with Fluoro-Jade B staining and DNA fragmentation assay were used to estimate the apoptotic processes and potential neurodegeneration in cerebral cortex. Data suggest a time-specific increase of Bax as well as time- and gender-associated downregulation in protein expression of Bcl-2, up-regulation of procaspase 3, accompanied with increased cleavage of procaspase 3 and PARP in synaptic terminals. Furthermore, time- but not gender-specific neurodegeneration was observed. Our findings suppo...
Rape is a severe kind of sexual violence that involves an individual's forced or intimidated non-consensual sexual encounters. This act is widely recognised as an infringement on human rights, and its victims experience severe physical, psychological, and social ramifications. Women and children are particularly vulnerable to rape, and mostly the perpetrators are men known to the survivors. 1 Sexual assault is defined and described differently across nations and segments, including the law, healthcare, and social services. As a result, in underdeveloped nations with inadequate healthcare systems to support sexual assault survivors, the overall incidence of sexual assault is often under-reported. Rape is defined as "physically forced or otherwise coerced penetration -even if slight -of the vulva or anus, using a penis, other body parts, or an object" by the World Health Organization (WHO). 2 Rape is defined in the penal code of Pakistan as the act of a man engaging in sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent, against her will, or with her consent obtained through coercion, deception, fear, or misconception of fact or with consent when the woman is under the age of sixteen years. 3 Sexual assault is deeply embedded in gender disparity, and United Nations describes gender-based violence as "any act that causes physical, sexual, or psychological harm or anguish to women". 4 Most sexual assaults and rapes are perpetrated by men against women, with men comprising approximately 99% of perpetrators. Furthermore, most survivors of sexual violence know their perpetrator, with an estimated 70% of assaults carried by an individual the survivor knows, such as a family member, intimate partner, or acquaintance. 5 Rape occurs at an alarming rate around the globe. According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Botswana has the highest rate, 96.87 per 100,000 people, while the United States has a rate of 38.2 per 100,000. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt have the lowest rape rates, with 0.09 and 0.12 per 100,000 people, respectively. Regarding statistics, Pakistan ranks 91st globally, with 3.07 reported cases per 100,000 people. 6 Unfortunately, rape is a significant problem in Pakistan. According to a report published in 2022 by Pakistan's Human Rights Commission (HRCP), there were 5279 and 1084 registered cases of rape and child sexual abuse, respectively, in Pakistan in 2021, with the total number of rape cases increasing by 200% over the past decade. The province of Punjab has the highest incidence of rapes, followed by Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 7 However, this is likely an underestimation due to societal stigmas, fear of retaliation, and a lack of confidence in the justice system. Despite the intricacies of the problem, these statistics point to the need for increased efforts in Pakistan to prevent and address rape.
This study aimed to identify critical denominators and clinical findings in survivors of sexual assault who presented to the Forensic Medicine department of Lahore General Hospital in Lahore. This would assist us in developing prevention strategies by educating the most vulnerable members of society.
Materials and methods
A cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted at the Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology of Lahore General Hospital, Lahore, from November 2020 to November 2022. All the sexual assault cases registered with the police station affiliated with Lahore General Hospital, Lahore, were included in the study. The data was collected from medicolegal certificates and medical notes, entered into a Microsoft Excel worksheet, and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25. The study complied with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki in Ethical Principles for Research Involving Human Subjects. The ethical review board of the institution approved it.
During the period between November 2020 to November 2022, a total of 282 sexual assault survivors reported to the Forensic Medicine Department of Lahore General Hospital, Lahore. The mean age of survivors was 22.74 ± 8.30 years, with a minimum age of 05 and maximum age was 55 years. Most of the survivors, 142 (50.4%), belonged to the age group of 16-25 years, followed by 26-35 years 68 (24.1%), with 268 (95.0%) survivors having fully developed secondary sexual characters, as shown in Table 1. The survivors reported for the medicolegal examination between 6 h to more than three weeks, with most of the cases, 107 (37.9%) reporting within 2-7 days, followed by 96 (34.0%) within 24 h of the incident, as shown in Chart 1. On genital examination, 267 (94.7%) survivors had evidence of penetration, of which 259 (91.8%) had healed tears, as shown in Table 2. In our study, most of the survivors, 67 (23.8%), were accompanied by their mothers for the examination, followed by police 54 (19.1%), as shown in chart 2. In 159 (56.4%) cases, survivors gave a history of sexual assault and physical abuse, while a history of sexual assault alone was given in 123 (43.6%) cases. On physical examination, no bodily injury was documented in 211 (74.8%), and simple injury was noted in 63 (22.3%). One notable finding was that 214 (75.9%) and 261 (92.6%) cases gave a history of changing clothes and using the bathroom before the medicolegal examination. In only 97 (34.4%) cases, a suspected stain could be recovered during a general physical examination. Another striking finding in our study was that in 217 (77.0%) cases of sexual assault assailant was known to the survivor, and 179 (63.5%) of the survivors did not report using any weapon, as shown in Table 3. The maximum number of cases, Table 4.
Table 1
Secondary sexual character and age-wise distribution of survivors.
Table 2
Genital examination. Survivor Accompanied by. 69 (24.5%), were registered at Kahna police station, followed by 68 (24.1%) at Nishtar Colony police station, as shown in Chart 3. A striking finding of our study was that in 260 (92.2%) cases of sexual assault, no final report was established regarding sexual assault and was lost to follow-up. Only 22 (7.8%) cases were declared, of which 3 (13.6%) were confirmed as positive, while 15 (68.2%) reports were inconclusive, as shown in
Table 3
Cases where results for the samples sent were not received from law enforcement agencies in the concerned department of Lahore General Hospital.
Table 4
According to findings, the most likely age group to be sexually assaulted was 5-25 years (69.5%), while survivors ranged in age from 5 to 55 years. This is consistent with research from Pakistan 8,9 and Bangladesh 10 and findings from some Western countries. 11,12 The propensity towards the younger age may be due to females being less knowledgeable and uninformed at this age. They become more cautious of unfamiliar people and acquaintances as they grow and evolve. Because of this, only two (0.7%) women over 46 years of age reported being sexually assaulted in our study. Although the young age group is most vulnerable globally, being a conservative society, cultural and religious taboos make mothers or other older women in the household and community disinclined to converse about the maturation process into the majority, making this age group even more susceptible to such incidents in Pakistan.
Only 34.1% of survivors reported for the examination to the hospital within the first 24 h. This finding is consistent with studies in Bangladesh 10 and Pakistan 1, where only 23.7% and 36.7% were reported during the first 24 h, respectively. However, studies in Portugal, 13 Nordic countries, 11 and Nairobi 14 highlighted that the survivors reported for the examination significantly earlier, with 61-80% reporting within the first 24 h and over 90% if the victim was pre-puberty in the United States. 15 Our society's decision-making process is most likely to blame for the late reporting. Such an occurrence is regarded as an insult to the family's honour. The unfortunate survivor initially consults with their mother or perhaps another female elder. More indecision and thought to go into the encounter before it is brought for the consideration of the men of the family. Here, too, decision-making is delayed because reporting the incident constitutes being made public and disrespect to the family.
There is a need for proper instructions and education for families and victims on reporting these horrific crimes, as early reporting improves the possibility of gathering medical evidence to convict the perpetrator. Furthermore, mechanisms for protecting the complainant's and family's confidentiality should be in place, and unwarranted public attention should be avoided. Medical examinations are often conducted not only days but weeks later, losing valuable information. According to reports, 90% of circumstances with positive evidence in the case were seen within 24 h of the offence. 15 In 77% of the cases, the perpetrator was known to the victim. This is consistent with global trends in adult and pre-pubertal female victims, where 50-89% of perpetrators were known to the victim at the time of incidence. 16,17 This pattern can be explained through the notion that a survivor is more inclined to find herself in a situation in which she is vulnerable to an assault by an individual she knows and, thus, a person with whom the survivor has some confidence. This contradicts the widespread perception that a stranger perpetrates sexual assault. 12 In 75.9% of the cases, the victim changed their clothes and bathed before the medical examination, losing valuable information. This is demonstrated by the fact that stains were observed in only 34.4% of cases. This was expected, given that only 34.1% of the survivors sought medical attention within 24 h of the event.
An overwhelming 92.2% of cases were lost to follow-up. The reason for so many cases not being followed by the authorities, or the survivor should be a cause for concern. This high ratio can also be attributed to the fact that reports from Forensic Science Authority are not sent directly to the concerned department or medical official but are received by the police department. Only 25.2% of the survivors had physical signs of assault on their bodies. Earlier studies in Pakistan 18 and Nigeria 19 observed 13.98% and 13.1% of cases with non-genital injuries, respectively. The hymen was ruptured in 94.7% of cases, with 2.9% fresh tears and 5.3% intact hymen. There are several reasons for the absence or presence of injuries. In our study, most reported cases are middle-aged and young female survivors, whereas genital injuries are often more prevalent among post-menopausal women and children. The lack of bodily injuries may not negate the accusation because it can be attributed to the victims' susceptibility and the likelihood that the victim offered minimal struggle due to ample control by the perpetrator. Minor bodily injuries that heal quickly may be overlooked in cases of late examination, or a false accusation may be made.
Several research studies have discovered that proof of physical trauma is neither predictive nor necessary for prosecution; thus, the medical examiner must collect non-medical evidence. The medico-legal report ought to serve as an explanation for the presence or lack of Chart 3. Police station of Registered Cases.
Table 4
Final report of the cases. physical findings. The implication of differences between an act of sexual assault and examination findings must be carefully assessed. 20,21 Pakistan has no legal definitions of sexual assault against children or corresponding laws. The literature lacks actual incidences and prevalence rates. This is a delicate and challenging social issue, but it is not unattainable. 22 The definition of sexual assault by WHO appears to be considerably more thorough and unequivocal. The definition states "the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he or she does not fully comprehend, is unable to give informed consent for, or else acts that violates the laws or social taboos of society". 23 Sexual assaults in Pakistan have been underrepresented due to social stigmas and baseless prestige. As a matter of honour, social status discourages guardians and parents from reporting sexual assaults on women and children. 1
The age group between 16 and 25 years is most vulnerable, and in 77% of cases, the assailant was known. Only 34% of survivors reported within 24 h for examination, with 92.2% of cases lost to follow-up. Females of a vulnerable age should be better informed of the warning signs of such an altercation to enable them to react accordingly. Survivors and those close to them should be informed about the significance of reporting such an occurrence immediately and having the survivor examined so that appropriate documentation and evidence can be collected. To identify the perpetrator, infrastructures for semen and DNA analysis should be advanced. It would be more beneficial for the families and survivors if the government established rehabilitation centres for them, where besides their physical and psychological wellbeing would be restored, they would also receive proper legal assistance. It is distressing to note that 92.2% of cases were lost to follow-up, highlighting potential gaps in pursuing these reports. This calls for review and reforms in receiving reports from the Forensic Science Authority directly to the concerned Forensic Medicine Department. The findings of our study highlight the necessity for systemic and policylevel changes to address all facets of sexual assault in Lahore, with potential implications for other areas with similar challenges.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Declaration of competing interest
None to Declare.
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