Carbon storage in vegetative organs of oil palm

Carbon reserves or non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) are resources accumulated under mobilizable forms to sustain plant growth and development. Perennial plants accumulate NSC during periods of excess production of photo assimilates and use then when demand exceeds production. This characteristic is well documented for temperate forest and fruit-bearing species, although little information is available for tropical perennial species (Mialet-Serra et al, 2008). Oil palm is an arborescent, monocotyledonous species with indeterminate growth, producing fruits continuously over several decades. Source-sink imbalances occur in oil palm as environment factors affecting reproductive sinks and carbon assimilation rate are not the same and act with different time lags, requiring transitory compensation through carbon storage and mobilization (Legros et al., 2009). The objectives of this study were (i) to characterize the chemical nature, location and amount of carbohydrate reserves in adult ...

Measurement and Mitigation of Environmental Impact of Palm Oil Production. International Conference on Oil Palm and Environment (ICOPE). 2, 2010/02/23-25, Bali, Indonesia. Carbon st orage in veget at ive organs of oil palm Mialet -Serra I. 1, Clément -Vidal A. 1, Legros S. 2, Siregar F. A. 3, Subawat i R. 3, Caliman J-P. 3, Dingkuhn M. 1 1 CIRAD, UPR AIVA, F-34398 Mont pellier Cedex 5, France; 3 2 CIRAD, UPR Syst èmes de Pérennes, F-34398 Mont pellier Cedex 5, France SMART Research Inst it ut e (SMARTRI), Pekanbaru 28112, Riau, Indonesia Cont act : isabell e. mialet -serra@cirad. f r; j -p-caliman@smart -t bk. com Carbon reserves or non-st ruct ural carbohydrat es (NSC) are resources accumulat ed under mobilizable f orms t o sust ain plant growt h and development . Perennial plant s accumulat e NSC during periods of excess product ion of phot o assimilat es and use t hen when demand exceeds product ion. This charact erist ic is well document ed f or t emperat e f orest and f ruit -bearing species, alt hough l it t le inf ormat ion is available f or t ropical perennial species (Mialet -Serra et al , 2008). Oil palm is an arborescent , monocot yledonous species wit h indet erminat e growt h, producing f ruit s cont inuously over several decades. Source-sink imbalances occur in oil palm as environment f act ors af f ect ing reproduct ive sinks and carbon assimilat ion rat e are not t he same and act wit h dif f erent t ime lags, requiring t ransit ory compensat ion t hrough carbon st orage and mobilizat ion (Legros et al. , 2009). The obj ect ives of t his st udy were (i) t o charact erize t he chemical nat ure, l ocat ion and amount of carbohydrat e reserves in adul t oil palm and (ii) t o det ermine t he rol e of t he carbon pool in dif f erent sit uat ions af f ect ing source-sink relat ionships. Mat erials and Met hods The st udy was implement ed in t wo experiment al plant at ions f rom t he SMART Research Inst it ut e (SMARTRI, SMART Tbk. ) locat ed in Kandist a Est at e (Riau Province, Sumat ra Island), a climat ically f avorable sit e in Indonesia, and in Bat u Mulia Est at e (Sout h Kal imant an Province, Borneo Island), a seasonall y drought -prone sit e. In Kandist a, a cont inuous and complet e f ruit pruning t reat ment (FPT) was applied in parallel wit h a cont rol t reat ment in order t o reduce t he sink f or assimilat es. Plant mat erial originat ed f rom t hree genot ypes: high-yielding t enera hybrids obt ained f rom a dura Deli X AVROS pisif era cross. First ly, wit hout any init ial hypot hesis on t he localizat ion of reserves, a wide and syst emat ic sampling st rat egy was applied t o adult oil palms. Samples were t aken in t he morning (i) f rom t he st em: at t he t op (sub-apical area), at mid-height at t he base (200 mm f rom t he ground) and f rom t he st ump (ii) f rom leaves of ranks 9, 17, 25, 33 and (if present ) 41, f rom pet iole, rachis and l eaf l et s, (iii) f rom large, medium and t hin root s and (iv) f rom t he remaining l eaf bases. Secondl y, t he t ime course of carbon reserves based on sampling of t he principal st orage compart ment s (e. g. st em and pet iole) were compared t o leaf gas exchanges and t o t he t ime course of st ruct ural aboveground veget at ive and reproduct ive growt h. Result s c Composit ion – Gl ucose was t he dominant sugar f ollowed by st arch and sucrose, wit h low amount of f ruct ose det ect ed. Sucrose 20% Fructose 7% fronds 13% persistent frond bases 17% Conclusions Starch 20% c Transi t ory car bon reserves in t he st em are t he main buf f er f or source-sink i mbal ances Glucose 53% d Locat ion - Gl ucose was f ound in rat her high concent rat ions along t he st em, st arch and sucrose were f ound in t he t op st em, t hus indicat ing a st orage f unct ion f or t his organ. roots 2% stem 68% e Amount s – In adult Batu Mulia b Kandista a 1.2 1.0 12 0.6 6 0.4 4 Control FPT 2 0.2 0.0 0 c d 16 12 12 8 8 4 4 0 30 Reproductive growth (kgDM month−1) Reproductive growth (kgDM month−1) 8 16 NSC content variation (kgglucose month-1) f Time courses - 0.8 10 FTSW 14 0 e f 30 20 NSC content variation (kgglucose month-1) Structural aboveground vegetative growth (kgDM month-1) oil palms growing under f avorable condit ions, NSC represent s ca 20% of t ot al veget at ive dry mat t er (Legros et al. , 2006). This carbon pool was t heoret ical ly suf f icient t o sust ain f ull growt h f or 7 mont hs in t he absence of newly synt hesized assimilat es. 20 d 10 10 c 0 0 -10 6 9 2006 12 3 6 2007 9 12 3 2008 6 6 9 2006 12 Legros et al ., 2009 3 6 2007 9 12 3 2008 Seasonal ef f ect s – In a drought -f ree sit e ( Kandist a), st rong int er and int ra-annual variat ions did not clearly f ollow any seasonal pat t ern. In a drought -prone sit e ( Bat u Mul ia), a pronounced period of NSC mobilizat ion ( c) coincided wit h t he drought period in lat e 2006 and was f ollowed by a period of high NSC st orage Consequent l y, high act ivit y ( d). veget at ive growt h rat es were concomit ant wit h st orage and high f ruit product ion wit h mobilisat ion. Treat ment ef f ect s – Mobilisat ion and st orage rat es were on average higher f or FPT t han f or cont rols. NSC reserves const it ut e t he maj or buf f er mechanism in C st orage. This f unct ion is vit al in a cont ext of high assimilat e demands f or f ruit f illing, st rong seasonal f l uct uat ions in f ruit product ion independent l y of ongoing environment al condit ions and wit hout phot osynt hesis adj ust ment s during periods of source-sink imbalances. The NSC reserve pool was f ound t o be not onl y large but also ext remely dynamic wit h int ensive st orage and mobilizat ion act ivit ies. The reserve pool in t he st em is used by t he plant on a regular basis. The highest st arch concent rat ion and widest f luct uat ions occur at t he st em t op, t opologically closed t o maj or sinks (f ruit s and expanding leaves) and t he singl e apical merist em. d St arch and gl ucose reserves pool s have probabl y dif f erent f unct ions St arch variat ions were largely explained by source-sink relat ionship in t erms of veget at ive growt h and demand f or f ruit f ill ing, indicat ing a rol e f or st arch as a buf f er. The rol e of t he subst ant ial gl ucose pool in oil palm st em might be driven by environment al condit ions (drought ) and might not act primarily as a carbohydrat e reserve. This point requires more research work. Perspect ives c Wi dening our experi ment al base (GenoPalm and CIGE proj ect s) – An undergoing l arge scale analysis involving a wide panel of genet ic origins and cl imat ic condit ions is aimed at backing t he sel ect ion of adapt ed plant mat erial , d The devel opment of t ool s f or yiel d f orecast i ng (EcoPalm proj ect ) – A model f or oil palm yields, called EcoPalm, which int egrat es present research result s is being developed. -10 6 Smart Agribusiness and Food