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2005, Revista Brasileira Do Caribe
19 pages
1 file
Bilindigi gibi fikih, insanin maddi-zâhiri yonunu, tasavvuf ise manevi-bâtini yonunu ele alan ilimdir. Bir kimsenin tasavvufa gonul vermeden once ilk olarak Kuran’i ezberlemesi, sunneti yazmasi ve fikhi ogrenmesi vazgecilmez bir esastir. Zira Cuneyd-i Bagdâdi: “ Kur’an-i ezberlemeyene, sunneti yazmayana ve fikhi ogrenmeyene tabi olunamaz .” diyerek bu hususu dillendirmistir. O halde tasavvufta seyr-u suluk etmenin ve yuksek makamlara cikmanin yolu fikihtan gecmektedir. Cunku fikih, Islam’i bilmek ve anlamaksa, tasavvuf onu yasamak ve anlatmaktir. Bu minvalde fikhi donanimini ikmal eden, Kur’an’in ve sunnetin dogru anlasilmasi icin tefsir ve hadisle ilgili pek cok risaleler kaleme alan, daha sonra da fikhin manevi-bâtini yonunu anlatmak icin tasavvufa gonul veren ve Halvetilik tarikatinin Cemaliyye kolunun Amasya’da kurulmasina zemin hazirlayan kisi, suphesiz Cemal Halvetidir. Cemal Halveti bazi arastirmacilara gore koken itibariyle Aksarayli olsa da Amasya’da dunyaya gelmis, burada ...
Viaggi, itinerari, flussi umani. Il mondo attraverso narrazioni, rappresentazioni e popoli, 2014
O depoimento de agentes policiais em juízo é frequentemente considerado como prova e, mesmo na ausência de outros elementos de convicção, representa fundamento para a condenação do réu. O artigo 155 do Código de Processo Penal, porém, somente admite condenações com base em prova produzida em juízo, chamando de elementos de informação aqueles dados obtidos na fase de investigação. Desta maneira, a aceitação de depoimentos de policiais, prestados judicialmente, mas sem apoio em qualquer outra prova produzida em juízo, significando simples reprodução daqueles elementos informativos, descumpre essa determinação legal e representa ofensa aos princípios da ampla defesa, do contraditório e do devido processo legal, além de significar descompasso com o modelo acusatório, adotado pelo processo penal brasileiro.
Deccan College Postgraduate and Research Institute, Pune (Deemed to be a University), 2022
This monograph investigates semantic change and semantic extension of verbs in Tamil. The semantic change and semantic extensions of meaning of verbs are studied from the perspectives of cognitive semantics and generative lexicon. The monograph is organized into six chapters. They are briefly described below. There are a few earlier researches in Tamil on lexical semantics and semantic change. By chance they are the research works undertaken by Rajendran. “Syntax and semantics of Tamil verbs” is the PhD research work of Rajendran (1978). This work followed the principles of Nida (1975a) expounded in his book entitled “Componential analysis of meaning: an introduction to semantic structures”. This work has great relevance to the present research work as Rajendran has classified verbs into certain semantic domains and subdomains based on the principles of componential analysis propounded by Nida (1975a). He has also classified verbs into certain number of semantic domains based on the number and types of arguments taken by the verbs. He has identified the semantic features of verbs to distinguish one verb from the other and also identified common semantic features which can be ascribed to the verbs which belong to a particular semantic domain. The polysemy of each verb is identified and classified based on the semantic parameters. Another important work on lexical semantics by Rajendran is his post-doctoral work on “Semantics of Tamil vocabulary”. These works have been culminated into two books entitled “taRkaalat tamiz coRkaLanjciyam (Thesaurus for modern Tamil)” which has been written in Tamil and published by Tamil university in 2001 (Rajendran 2001) and ‘tamiz min coRkaLanjciyam (Tamil electronic thesaurus)” written in collaboration with Baskaran and published by Tamil University in 2006 (Rajendran 2006). He has published a book on lexical semantics entitled “coRkaL: vaazvum varalaaRum (Words: Life and History)" written in collaboration with Sakthivel. His research papers entitled “Verbs of ‘seeing’ in Tamil’ (Rajendran 1982), “Coming and Going in Tamil” (Rajendran 1983), “Semantic Structure of Directional verbs of movement in Tamil”, (Rajendran 2002), “Syntax and semantics of Verbs of Transfer in Tamil” (Rajendran 2002), “Creating generative lexicon from dictionaries” (Rajendran 2003), “Building generative lexicon from MRDs in Tamil” (Rajendran 2010), “Grammaticalization verbs in Tamil” (Rajendran 2018) and “Cognitive extensions of meaning in verbs of movement in Tamil” (Rajendran 2019), (Ontology of Tamil Vocabulary" (Rajendran and Anitha 2019), "WordNet and its dimesions" (Rajendran 2021) have direct or indirect bearing on the present research work. Some of unpublished research manuals uploaded in the websites and Research Gate which can be said to be directly or indirectly concerned with the present research work are “tamiz peyarc coRkaLin aakkamuRai akaraati” (Generative lexicon for Tamil nouns)” and “tamiz vinaicoRkaLin aakkamuRai akaraati (Generative lexicon for Tamil)”. The present work has its starting point in “Syntax and semantics of Tamil verbs (Rajendran 1978). The verbs of Tamil have been collected and classified based on the principles of componential analysis meaning propounded by Nida (1975). Also the polysemy of the verbs is explained based on the principles explained by Nida in the same book. Attempts have been made to classify the meanings that can be given under particular verbs. The synonymy is explained based on the senses rather than by words. Such classification explained the semantic extension of verbs which can be attributed to various principles such as metaphorical extension, metonymical extension, and analogical extension and so on. The aim of this research is to find out the magnitude and dimension semantic change and semantic extension of meanings of verbs and to find out the general principles on these processes of dynamics of meaning. The units of meaning can include words, phrases and grammatical units. For example, the verbs in Tamil such as vaa ‘come’, poo ‘go’ have been grammaticalized to function as auxiliary verbs denoting some aspectual meaning (Rajendran 2019). Two theories have been going to be explored to explain the sematic change and sematic extension of verbs: one is cognitive theory of meaning and another is the theory propounded by Pushtejovsky (1995) in his generative lexicon. Explaining the semantic extension or semantic change of meaning of verbs is undertaken in two ways: one is to classify the verbs into certain semantic domains based on their distinctive semantic features and then explain the polysemy in the members of each domain (Rajendran 1979, 2020); and another is to explain how verbs belonging to a domain move to another domain by cognitive principles of semantic extension. Dictionaries list words as entries and give different meanings based on their usage and thus function as word information resources. Dictionaries list different meanings of a verb under an entry and try to convince the users that each is a separate meaning by explanation and giving the examples to support their conviction. Thesaurus on the other hand, classifies the words into semantic domains and subdomains and gives word under each domain or subheading. WordNet is a combination of thesaurus and dictionaries. In WordNet, words are grouped into synsets (synonymous sets) and the synonyms are linked by semantic and lexical relations, thus forming a network of words or concepts (each meaning denoted by a word is a concept). The problem with a dictionary is that in its efforts to account for the different uses of a lexical item or word, it goes on increasing the list of meaning under each word entry. This will cause not only the increase in the size of the dictionary but also the increase in number of volumes of the dictionary. A verb expands its usage quite wider than a noun. The expansion of numbers of senses under each nouns is comparatively less when compared to verbs. The polysemy found in verbs leads to ambiguity which is a serious issue in machine translation. The polysemy found in verbs and the expansion of dictionaries disproportionately due to polysemy needs to be accounted by different means. The expansion of meaning in terms of different senses can be assumed or predicted or expected to some extent. This predictable expansion of meaning can be explained or put into rules. But the senses assigned to a verb undergo unpredictable mutations which cannot be easily explained. In order to account for the dynamic process of polysemy mainly due to semantic change or meaning expansion, especially in verbs, it is felt that the polysemy needs to be addressed seriously. The endless list of meanings found in the entries of verbs in a dictionary led to the present study. It is felt that the semantic change or meaning extension need to be explained properly for the verbs to lessen the burden in lexicon. Practically speaking, there is no principal difference between semantic extension and sematic change. Tamil verbs expand its range of application of meaning or usage of meaning in predictable terms as well as unpredictable terms. For the native speakers of Tamil such expansion of range of application of meaning may not appear strange. But a non-native speaker such extension of change of meaning may appear strange and it may be difficult for them to understand the meaning of a lexical item in unaccustomed contexts. The expansion or change of meaning of a lexical item will be explicitly revealed if we compare the early dictionaries of Tamil (Tamil Lexicon of Madras University) with the present one (Creas’s Modern Tamil Dictionary). It is presumed here in this research that the meaning expansion or change are somewhat predicable and can be explained by cognitive principles or principles of generative lexicon. It is a well-known fact that meaning of a lexical item expands or changes metaphorically, metonymically and analogically. This leads the moving of lexical items belonging to a domain into another domain. This movement is due to the acquiring of new semantic features which are shared with the entity’s new place of existence. It is hoped that this can be explained by general principles of semantic expansion or change.
Internet conference 2003, 2003
Aquí definimos lo que es la inteligencia, "saber escoger la mejor entre varias alternativas y también saber leer entre líneas, es decir, entender el fondo de las cosas" y comerciar "Es negociar comprando, vendiendo o permutando géneros.
Hybridization of fuel cells with additional batteries or ultracapacitors in a fuel cell vehicle reduces electrical and mechanical stresses on fuel cells and improves the overall drive train efficiency over a standard drive cycle. This paper primarily analyzes hybrid fuel cell vehicles with different drive train arrangements, and compares projected fuel economies of hybrid fuel cell vehicles with improved conventional vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles at three points in the future: 2015, 2030, and 2045. The key points addressed are as follows: drive train arrangements, control strategies, and the influence of energy storage sizing on vehicle fuel economy. The study shows that fuel cell vehicles having ultracapacitors coupled with fuel cells via a DC/DC converter with load-leveling control is the best approach in term of improving fuel economy and mitigating the stress on the fuel cell. Power-assist control is well suited for fuel cell-battery hybrids in terms of fuel economy impr...
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