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Contra la corrupción. Estado de Derecho y transparencia, 2021
Este libro se ocupa de algunos de los desafíos que afronta el Estado de Derecho, especialmente de aquellos relacionados con la corrupción o, más en general, con aquellos comportamientos indebidos por parte de las autoridades públicas en el ejercicio de sus cargos. Con este objetivo, y tras analizar conceptualmente el fenómeno de la corrupción, el libro reflexiona, desde una perspectiva fundamentalmente institucional, sobre los mecanismos necesarios para luchar contra este fenómeno, prestando especial atención a aquéllos relacionados con el principio de transparencia, que puede verse como una de las exigencias normativas de un Estado constitucional de Derecho. Pero junto a este propósito, declarado en el título, este libro también persigue un segundo objetivo: ofrecer una visión constitucionalista de algunos de los requisitos definitorios del Estado de Derecho; requisitos que se encuentran plasmados en una serie de principios que recogen los rasgos centrales de este ideal normativo: la seguridad jurídica (que sería un principio que, a su vez, engloba algunos de los principios que a continuación se mencionan), la publicidad normativa, la interdicción de la arbitrariedad, la transparencia y la responsabilidad de la administración pública.
EFA Website, 2024
Les recherches menées en 2024 dans le cadre du projet de publication des anciennes fouilles et des sondages au Palais de Malia ont porté sur les Maisons Sud. Il s’agit d’un habitat fouillé en 1931 et 1932 sous la direction de Fernand Chapouthier et généralement attribué à la fin de la période prépalatiale et au début de la période protopalatiale (fin 3ème – début 2ème mill. av. J.-C.). L’aile et la façade sud du Palais empiètent en partie sur ces Maisons Sud, marquant ainsi l’extension de l’édifice palatial lors de sa reconstruction à la période néopalatiale, vers 1600 av. J.-C. Remblayées immédiatement après la fouille, les Maisons Sud n’ont fait l’objet que d’une présentation de quelques pages dans le Quatrième Rapport des anciennes fouilles au Palais de Malia. Nous souhaitons désormais fournir une publication plus détaillée de cet ensemble. Ce projet doit nous permettre de mieux appréhender la céramique des phases du Minoen Ancien III et du Minoen Moyen IA et B encore trop peu connues à Malia ; d’établir la séquence de l’occupation domestique puis palatiale sous l’aile sud du Palais et immédiatement à l’extérieur de celui-ci ; et de nourrir l’état des connaissances sur l’habitat de la fin du Prépalatial et du début du Protopalatial en Crète.
Le rogamos haga buen uso de este folleto cuando ya no le sea útil.
Nombre Común: cáñamo índico, hashish cáñamo cultivado, marihuana Preparación:
Đánh giá cơ chế quản lý giá và chi phí xây dựng trong những năm qua và định hướng đổi mới trong thời gian tới Sản phẩm xây dựng và sản xuất xây dựng có những đặc điểm khác biệt so với sản phẩm và sản xuất sản phẩm của ngành khác. Sản phẩm xây dựng mang tính đơn chiếc, quy mô lớn, kết cấu phức tạp, thời gian sản xuất xây dựng dài, phải trải qua nhiều giai đoạn như lập dự án dầu tư xây dựng, thiết kế công trình, thi công công trình, nghiệm thu bàn giao đưa công trình vào sử dụng. Trong mỗi giai đoạn lại diễn ra nhiều hoạt động khác nhau với sự tham gia của nhiều tổ chức doanh nghiệp.
D o s s i ê E s p e c i a l F I C L L A R E V I S T A X , C u r i t i b a , v o l u m e 1 4 , n . 5 , p. 05-21,, 2019
São Paulo, homenageado do primeiro FICLLA. Na conversa, que ocorreu via Skype e durou cerca de uma hora, foram retomados assuntos que haviam sido discutidos por Menezes de Souza tanto no FICLLA quanto na reunião anual do Projeto Nacional de Letramentos, em São Paulo. O objetivo da entrevista foi trazer um senso de continuidade aos diálogos propostos por Menezes de Souza para as pessoas que participaram desses eventos, e ao mesmo tempo apresentar esses temas e discussões às pessoas que não tiveram a oportunidade de estar neles. Eduardo e Juliana: A primeira pergunta que a gente pensou remete ao FICLLA [Fórum Internacional de Cultura, Literatura e Linguística Aplicada], em específico sobre a tua palestra de fechamento, quando você falou do pensamento abissal. Nós lembramos que a Professora Vanessa Andreotti, nas perguntas finais, falou que tua leitura das teorias de colonialidade e decolonialidade traz aspectos que, em princípio, não foram produzidos pelos participantes dos grupos latino-americanos que fazem parte dessa discussão. Ela te cobrou que você escrevesse mais sobre esse assunto, sobre as leituras que você faz das teorias. Gostaríamos então de saber: o que você pode dizer sobre as tuas leituras dessas teorias? E de que forma a tua compreensão expande as teorias decoloniais?
أيمن عبد المجيد، أباهر السقا، دليل ومبادي عمل تطبيقية حول البحوث الميدانية في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة، مركز دراسات التنمية، جامعة بيرزيت، 2014. Evaluation of Experience and a Vision for the Future The idea for developing this manual emerged from the accumulated field experiences of the survey unit at the Centre for Development Studies (CDS) – Birzeit University, which exceeded 15 years in conducting both qualitative and quantitative surveys and field researches. The increase in the surveys conducted in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) since the mid-nineties, in which the CDS had a pioneering role, is a clear indicator for the need of such a manual. Especially when noting the content of many of the surveys conducted which dealt with the effects of Oslo Accord in terms of the relationship between the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli occupa priorities highlighted. In other words, the disordered basis in the relation and the types of issues and tions between the occupier/colonizer and those occupied/colonized produced immediate issues to the national, class related, and ideological issues. In this colonial context, many Palestinian institutions competed in issuing statistics as indicators for social and political issues, some of which reflect the essence of issues that the Palestinian people live through. however many of these statistics are dispatched from reality and exercised arbitrary projections in terms of content, methodology, questions, issues and indicators. To add to this problem, the private sector started competing with academic institutions who produce significant data acting as local agents for opinion polls by implementing approaches, methodologies and ideologies that also ignore the occupied/colonized context. The most dangerous aspect in this field is that active Palestinian institutions did not seek to present critical views through which they attempt to develop their methodologies and display the challenges they were confronted with in fieldwork under the existing occupation/colonization context. They were mostly in line with the prevailing research practices that ignore the colonial context as their main effort seemed to be on competing to obtain the funding. International funding played a major role in dealing with quantitative data (expressed in numbers) as a key aspect of its developmental policies and approaches. The World Bank had the upper hand in this methodology, as numbers not only conceal many of the existing power relations, but also seek to attribute them to the Palestinian society itself and in doing that completely neglecting the Israeli occupation and its effect on the Palestinian society. This manual seeks to present a critical view of how out by including structural factors and hence a more complex understanding of field work should be carried realities especially the “occupation/colonization effect. This is done through presenting several admonitions against being driven by theoretical concepts and frameworks that are incapable of understanding the colonization context. In addition, being cautious of not being driven by statistical data can be misleading at many times. Accordingly, the manual proposes a key saying: “field work must pursue interactive formulas that are based on partnership with the surveyed Palestinian society in order to establish a partnership that is capable of doing an analyses using a framework that considers the colonial reality and that allows the surveyed the principle opportunity to express and show their experiences. Methodologically, in this manual, we will introduce those field research tools based on the active and flexible participation.”
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Conti, André Nunes. Teoria da aparência na reforma do Código Civil: A proposta de introdução do artigo 116, parágrafo único, e a imputabilidade da aparência de representação, in: RJP Volume Especial, 2024
Yking Books: Jaipur, 2022
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Ihsan, 2024
The Impact of Blood Transfusion on Pediatric Severe Pediatrics & Neonatal Biology Open Access, 2024
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