Journal of Integrative Agriculture
March 2012
2012, 11(3): 346-358
Distribution and Research Advances of Citrus tristeza virus
Sagheer Atta1, 2, ZHOU Chang-yong1, 3, ZHOU Yan1, 3, CAO Meng-ji1, 2 and WANG Xue-feng1, 3
National Citrus Engineering Research Center, Southwest University, Chongqing 400712, P.R.China
College of Plant Protection, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, P.R.China
Key Laboratory of Horticultural Science for Southern Mountainous Regions, Ministry of Education, Chongqing 400715, P.R.China
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is one of the most important causal agents of citrus diseases and exists as numerous strains.
CTV is replicated in phloem cells of plants within the family Rutaceae and is transmitted by a few of aphid species. CTV
epidemics have caused death of millions of citrus trees in many regions all over the world, where the sour orange (Citrus
aurantium) was used as rootstock. Also the production of grapefruit (C. paradisi) and sweet orange (C. sinensis) has
been affected by CTV strains. CTV gives uplift to three prominent syndromes, namely quick-decline (tristeza), stempitting and seedling-yellows. The disease is graft-transmissible in nature but not seed-transmitted. However, the tristeza
disease in most citrus groves was a man-made problem created by the desire of horticulturists to introduce cultivars from
other citrus growing areas. The utmost importance of the disease called for review articles in numbers of plant protection,
epidemiology books, citriculture and proceedings. This review collects the information with respects to disease history,
distribution host range, virus isolates association, identification and detection, transmission and management; especially
on the current status of CTV prevailing and controlling in Pakistan. It provides valuable information for CTV disease and
its controlling approaches.
Key words: Citrus tristeza virus, epidemic, status in Pakistan, control
The center of origin of most citrus cultivars is perhaps
unknown but the ancient relatives of citrus are native
to China, the Southeast Asia, the Malay Archipelago,
New Caledonia, and Australia, and then co-evolved with
the host. CTV dispersal to new regions mainly occurs
through the movement and propagation of the infected
plants or infected buds and then locally it is spread by a
few of aphid species (Bar-Joseph et al. 1989; Timmer
et al. 2000). However there is no proper evidence of
seed transmission. As seed transmission does not occur we have to suppose an early adaptation of CTV by
aphid transmission. At the start, fruits or seeds of citReceived 18 March, 2011
rus were brought from the site of origin to other regions of the world (Zaragoza 2007), which gives evidences that CTV was not dispersed at that time. At the
end of the 19th century, with an increased botanical
and commercial interest and value in citrus by the
horticulturists, citrus plants were introduced from Asia
to other regions and vast exotic citrus species were
exchanged between collections (Roistacher 1981). In
1836, a foot rot epidemic caused by oomycetes of the
genus Phytophthora sp. started in the Azores and later
affected the Mediterranean countries, destroyed sweet
orange trees [C. sinensis (L.) Osb.], and led to the adoption of Phytophthora tolerant rootstocks. That was to
propagate citrus varieties on sour orange (C. aurantium
L.), a foot-rot-resistant rootstock, highly adaptable to
Accepted 1 June, 2011
Sagheer Atta, E-mail:
[email protected]; Correspondenc ZHOU Chang-yong, Tel: +86-23-68349601, Fax: +86-23-68349592, E-mail:
[email protected]
© 2012, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Distribution and Research Advances of Citrus tristeza virus
all types of soil and producing good bearing and fruits
of excellent quality. Sour orange soon became almost
the tremendous rootstock in the Mediterranean area and
then in America.
However, ultimately, the decision of using sour orange rootstock led to the dramatic effect that CTV has
had on world citrus production. The new disease epidemic was dramatic for the citrus industry and caused
the loss of almost 100 million trees propagated on sour
orange and finally created the need for tristeza-tolerant
rootstocks to rebuild a new citrus industry in the countries being affected. The most destructive epidemics
of tristeza occurred in Argentina in 1930, then appeared
in Brazil in 1937, was named tristeza. The epidemics
occurred respectively in Ghana in 1938, California in
1939, Florida in 1951, Spain in 1957, Israel in 1970,
and Venezuela in 1980, and the outbreaks have also been
reported from other citrus groves, such as in Cyprus in
1989, Cuba in 1992, Mexico in 1995, the Dominican
Republic in 1996, and Italy in 2002 (Bar-Joseph et al.
1989; Garnsey et al. 2000; Timmer et al. 2000;
Gottwald et al. 2002; Davino et al. 2003). There are
also indirect damages caused by CTV epidemics, such
as the loss of sour orange rootstock which has the
agronomic and horticultural qualities unmatched by any
other rootstock, and the appearance of new problems
related to the use of tristeza-tolerant rootstocks, such
as the graft-transmissible diseases associated with the
use of these rootstocks (Román et al. 2004).
Today CTV is widespread in Israel, Morocco, India,
China, Japan, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Egypt, southern
California and Florida of USA, Argentina, Brazil, South
Africa, Tanzania, Australia, and southern Spain, and is
moving into northern Spain (EPPO 2006) where is previously free of the disease. Although some citrus areas
are free of the spread of CTV, but the threat continues
for the areas having fewer species of aphids (Zhou
Aegle, Aeglopsis, Afraegle, Atalantia, Citropsis,
Clausena, Eremocitrus, Hesperthusa, Merrillia,
Microcitrus, Pamburus, Pleiospermium, and Swinglea
(Timmer et al. 2000). The host in the non-citrus species Passiflora gracilis and P. coerulea using aphid
vectors (Roistacher et al. 1988), and experimental infection in Nicotiana benthamiana (Gowda et al. 2005).
Resistance to CTV isolates varies considerably and has
been observed in Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. (Rai 2006)
and resistance to specific CTV strains has also been
observed in Meiwa kumquat (F. crassifolia Swing),
some pummelos and sour oranges (Asíns et al. 2004).
CTV replication has been observed in protoplasts of
trifoliate orange, pummelo or sour orange, suggesting
that only CTV movement is impaired in these species
(Albiach-Martí et al. 2004).
CTV causes different disease syndromes on citrus
plants depending on the virus strain, the variety of citrus and the scion rootstock combination (Moreno
et al. 2008). Different CTV strains, generally referred
to as seedling-yellows (CTV-SY), tristeza (CTV-T),
stem-pitting (CTV-SP), and a mild type, have been widespread for many years. Any of these strains may exist
in a citrus plant or they may occur together as a
Quick-decline or tristeza disease
Sweet orange, mandarin (including Satsuma and
Ponkan), Tankan, Iyo, Tangor, many varieties of tangelo and grapefruit are affected by this disease when
grown on sour orange, pummelo or lemon rootstock
(but not on rough lemon rootstock). The causal virus
is either CTV-SY or CTV-T. When the adult tree is
affected by such a combination, it turns yellowing and
wilting rapidly and dies within a few years. If the tree
is grafted onto resistant rootstock such as trifoliate orange or mandarin, it recovers immediately after grafting (Fraser 1952).
Seedling-yellows disease
CTV affects almost all species, varieties, hybrids of
genera Citrus and some species of Fortunella and also
experimentally inoculated citrus relatives of the genera
Seedlings of self-rooted trees of sour orange,
Natsudaidai, lemon, Buntan, and grapefruit are affected
by seedling-yellows disease after being infected with
distinctive phenotype of some isolates of CTV (Albiach-
© 2011, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Marti et al. 2010). These trees become yellow, die
back and stunt and sometimes a quite cessation of
growth of sour orange, grapefruit or lemon seedlings
takes place (Fraser 1952). The physiological mechanism associated with the induction of SY symptoms
has not been understood yet. The SY reaction may
sometimes be transient. If the affected trees are grafted
onto a resistant rootstock, they could be recovered
soon. Although it is not economically important but it
can be assayed in the glass-house much easily as compared to stem-pitting and decline.
Stem-pitting disease
Most varieties of citrus are affected by stem-pitting
disease, even if they are grafted onto a rootstock resistant to tristeza. Although few varieties of mandarin
such as Satsuma and Ponkan are resistant to CTV but
most of the citrus species such as grapefruit, sweet
orange and Buntan and citrus relatives, tangelo, tangor,
Iyo, Yuzu, and Natsudaidai are all susceptible. Stempitting results from abnormal vascular differentiation,
and when the disease is severe, plants develop a large
number of pits on both their trunks and their stems.
Affected trees become dwarfed and show less vigor
(Moreno et al. 2008) and occasionally die back. As a
result, although there is profuse flowering, the trees
bear only poor crops of small sized or irregularly shaped
fruits. The severe strain of CTV-SP induced rind-oil
spots, or brown spots with gumming on the fruits of
some cultivars.
Propagation of virus-infected buds is the cause of dispersal of CTV into new areas, while the aphid vector is
responsible for local spread. The virus has also been
experimentally transmitted to healthy plants by dodder
(Cuscuta subinclusa) (Weathers and Hartung 1964) and
by stem-slash inoculation with partially purified extracts
(Garnsey et al. 1977) but these procedures are epidemiologically unimportant. CTV isolates have been described as differing in the symptoms induced in the
field (da Graça et al. 1984) in the reaction induced on
indicator plants and in aphid transmissibility (Ballester-
Sagheer Atta et al.
Olmos et al. 1988). These biological differences may
affect the epidemiology of the disease and the damage
produced by CTV in different citrus-growing areas. Four
aphid species (Aphis gossypii, the cotton or melon aphid;
A. spiraecola, the spirea aphid; Toxoptera aurantii, the
black citrus aphid; and Toxoptera citricida, the brown
citrus aphid) have been associated with the natural spread
of CTV (Yokomi et al. 1994; Rocha-Peña et al. 1995).
The most efficient vector of CTV worldwide is
T. citricida (Rocha-Peña et al. 1995). The transmissibility of CTV isolates by T. citricida is 25 times higher
than that of A. gossypii.
T. citricida is found in Asia, Australia, Africa, Central and South America, and different Caribbean countries (Rocha-Peña et al. 1995; Halbert et al. 2004),
which is also a serious pest of citrus while both feeding
and breeding normally taking place on citrus (Roistacher
1991). CTV was first demonstrated as being aphid
transmitted by using hundreds of aphids per plant to
transmit the pathogen (Meneghini 1946). T. citricida
transmission of CTV was reported to have no latent
period, but with acquisition and inoculation periods being at least 30 min (Bar-Joseph et al. 1989). Also there
have been some reports to record the acquisition and
inoculation periods of CTV by T. citricida being in seconds (Retuerma and Price 1972). Some authors recognize the semi-persistent nature of CTV aphid transmission and additionally classify this transmission as
bimodal (Chalfant and Chapman 1962). In bimodal
transmission, virus acquisition can cluster around two
periods, a short time period and a relatively long time
period, and there is generally no change no matter the
aphids are pre-acquisitionally fasted or not (Lim and
Hagedorn 1977). Variable single aphid transmission rates
for T. citricida have also been recorded, for instance,
up to 25% (Yokomi et al. 1994), 0-55% (Broadbent
et al. 1996), and 16.5-18.4% (Tsai et al. 2000). CTV
isolates varied in their ability to be transmitted experimentally by the T. citricida (Yokomi et al. 1994).
ELISA was used to detect CTV (EPPO 2004). A
few reports demonstrated the detection of viruses in
aphid vectors using the most sensitive PCR-based assays (Cambra et al. 2006) either by using RNA purification and RT-PCR (Mehta et al. 1997) or by RT-nested
PCR (Olmos et al. 1999), a multiplex real-time PCR
assay (Ananthakrishnan et al. 2010). A number of stud-
© 2011, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Distribution and Research Advances of Citrus tristeza virus
ies quantitatively estimated the number of viral targets
in single aphids (Fabre et al. 2003). The spatial and
temporal spread of CTV had also been studied in some
citrus growing countries (Gottwald et al. 1999). These
studies showed that the spread of CTV depended on
the presence of T. citricida or A. gossypii as the predominant vector species. In areas where A. gossypii
was predominant, CTV incidence increased from 5 to
95% in 8-15 years following a stair-step line and infected trees showed limited aggregation, and it was
shown that new infections were not related with existing infected trees. Meanwhile, in areas where
T. citricida was predominant, the same disease rate
often occurred in only 2-4 years with a rapid and essentially consecutive increase, and aggregates of infected trees were common because the immediately
spread to the trees adjacent to existing infections was
frequent. The biology and feeding habits of these vector species perhaps were the causes for these distinct
spread patterns (Gottwald et al. 1996).
CTV, a member of the Closteroviridae (Bar-Joseph
et al. 1972), genus Closterovirus, has a ~20 kb singlestranded, positive sense RNA genome (Karasev et al.
1995). This virus genome resides in a single RNA
molecule, which produces an unusually large number
of less-than-full-length viral RNAs during replication.
There are ten genes in the 3´-portion of the genome that
are expressed via 3´ coterminal sg mRNAs (Karasev
et al. 1995). Each of the mRNAs produces two additional less-than-full-length RNAs: a negative-stranded
RNA with sequence complementary to the sg mRNA
and a 5´-terminal positive-stranded sgRNA produced by
termination near the controller element upstream of the
start of the mRNA, apparently during genomic RNA
synthesis (Gowda et al. 2001). Hence, CTV produces
30 sgRNAs associated with its ten 3´-terminal genes.
The most unusual sgRNAs are two small 5´-coterminal
positive-stranded RNAs which have been referred to
as ‘low molecular weight tristeza RNAs’ (LMT) (Che
et al. 2001). LMT1 and LMT2 RNAs are ~750 and
650 nt respectively (Gowda et al. 2003). Both accumulate to high amounts at molar levels higher than that
of the virion RNA. LMT1 RNA, which is produced
during replication by termination upstream of a previously unknown controller element that produces only
minute amounts of a 3´-terminal mRNA-like sgRNA,
but without known function (Ayllon et al. 2004). The
mechanism of production of the smaller LMT2 has been
The CTV genome consists of 12 open reading frames
(ORFs) and potentially encoding at least 19 protein products (Karasev et al. 1995). The CTV virons are polarly
coated with two separate coat proteins (CPs) p25 and
p27, elaborated as major and minor (ca. 3%) CPs, respectively (Febres et al. 1996). The minor CP is associated with small amount of two other proteins p65, a
homolog of cellular heat shock protein of the 70 kDa
family (HSP7O), and a large protein, p61. The 12 ORFs
of CTV are expressed through different number of ways
including, proteolytic processing of polyprotein, translational frame shifting and up to 32 different 5´- and 3´subgenomic RNAs (Che et al. 2003). The two mechanisms are used to show the protein encoded by the 5´half of the genome which encodes ORFs 1a and 1b. A
large, ~400 kDa polyprotein encoded by ORF1a is
proteoltically processed by virus encoded proteases
(Karasev et al. 1995). ORF 1b is translated by a +1
frame-shift. The second mechanism is used to express the 3´-coterminal ORFs 2 to 11.
From the early genomic characterization of CTV, it
is obvious that defective RNAs (dRNAs) are with almost all known CTV isolates. Most of the CTV dRNAs
consist of the two genomic termini with extensive internal deletion. CTV isolates have multiple defective
RNAs with various large sizes (Zhou et al. 1997; Ayllón
et al. 1999b; Che et al. 2003). Recently CTV dRNAs
were categorized in six classes (Batuma et al. 2004).
Different factors contribute to the biological diversity
of CTV isolates, such as genetic variation following
super-infection with multiple isolates, homologous RNA
recombination between sequence variants, the presence
of defective RNAs and top working to new varieties
(Ayllón et al. 1999a, 2006; Roy and Brlansky 2004;
Vives et al. 2005).
The 5´ half of the genome consists of two ORFs
encoding protein associated with viral replication. ORF
1a encodes a large, ~400 kDa polyprotein, that includes
two papain-like protease domain, a methyltransferaselike domain and a helicase-like domain. The ORF 1b
encodes an RNA dependant RNA polymerase-like do-
© 2011, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Sagheer Atta et al.
main (Satyanarayana et al. 1999). The 3´ half of the
genome encodes ten genes that are not required for
replication in protoplasts (Ayllón et al. 2003) with five
gene-blocks. The five gene-block is unique to
closteroviruses, and encodes a small, 6 kDa hydrophobic protein (ORF3), a 65 kDa cellular heat-shock protein homolog (HSP70h, ORF4), a 61 kDa protein
(ORF5), and a tendem pair of structural proteins, a 27
kDa capsid protein (CPm. ORF6) duplicate followed
by the 25 kDa (CP ORF7) (Pappu et al. 1994; Karasev
et al. 1995). The small p6 is single-span transmembrane protein not required for virus replication or
assembly, which exists in ER and functions in Beet
yellow virus (BYV), another member of Closterovirus,
for cell to cell movement (Peremysolve et al. 2004).
p65 is the homologous of HSP70 heat-shock proteins
which together with p61 and two capsid proteins are
required for virion assembly (Satyanarayana et al. 2004).
Protein p20 accumulates in amorphous inclusion bodies of CTV infected cells (Gowda et al. 2000). The
product of 3´-most ORF (ORF11), p23, is a multifunctional protein with no homologue in other members of
Closterovirus, that: (i) binds RNA molecule in non-sequence specific manner (Lopez et al. 2000); (ii) contains a zinc finger domain that regulates the synthesis
of plus- and minus-strand molecules and controls the
accumulation of plus strand RNA during replication
(Satyanarayana et al. 2002); (iii) is an inducer of CTV
like symptoms in transgenic C. aurantifolia plant
(Ghorbel et al. 2001); and (iv) is a potent suppressor
of intracellular RNA silencing in Nicotiana tabacum and
N. banthamiana (Lu et al. 2004). The p33, p18 and
p13 genes are involved in infection and movement in
some hosts (Tatineni et al. 2008).
The complete nucleotide sequence of CTV has been
determined in at least nine distinct isolates (Karasev
et al. 1995; Albiach-Martí et al. 2000; Suastika et al.
2001; Vives et al. 2005; Ruiz-Ruiz et al. 2006). Phylogenetic analysis of the complete sequences reported
for nine CTV isolates revealed three main clusters that
included (i) the severe SP isolates, T318A from Spain
(Ruiz-Ruiz et al. 2006), SY568R from California (Vives
et al. 2005), NuagA from Japan (AB046398) (Suastika
et al. 2001), and VT from Israel (Mawassi et al. 1996);
(ii) the mild isolates, T30 from Florida (Albiach-Martí
et al. 2000) and T385 from Spain; and (iii) T36 from
Florida (Karasev et al. 1995), Qaha from Egypt
(AY340974) and a Mexican isolate (DQ272579).
Within-group nucleotide identities were over 97.5%,
whereas the lowest identity (75.6%) was between VT
and Qaha.
CTV isolates vary in their pathogenicity and also contain various genomic virus variants (Zhou et al. 2007)
that can be detected by aphids or graft transmission to
different citrus host species. The sub-isolates segregated in this way can be differentiated by pathogenicity
tests in different hosts, by dsRNA patterns (Moreno
et al. 1993) or by serologically using specific monoclonal antibodies (Permar et al. 1990; Cambra et al.
1993). It has been demonstrated that the haplotype
distribution of two CTV genes can be altered after host
change or aphid transmission (Ayllón et al. 1999).
Molecular hybridizations and single-strand conformation polymorphisms analysis of the coat protein gene
(Rubio et al. 1996) have been used to differentiate the
Mediterranean CTV isolates. The best diagnosis method
for CTV is to graft-inoculate indicator seedlings of
Mexican lime and observe them for vein-clearing, leaf
cupping, and stem-pitting (Roistacher 1991). Electron
and light microscopy can be used to identify CTV particles and inclusions, but DAS-ELISA (Cambra et al.
1979) revolutionised the diagnosis for testing a large
number of samples during surveys of large citrus areas
for CTV control in nurseries and for epidemiological
The production of monoclonal antibodies specific to
CTV (Permar et al. 1990) and others reported by
(Nikolaeva et al. 1996) solved the problems of specificity and increased sensitivity of ELISA tests. A mixture of two monoclonal antibodies (3DF1 and 3CA5)
or their recombinant versions (Terrada et al. 2000) can
recognise all CTV isolates tested from different international collections. A detailed description and characterization of these monoclonal antibodies has been
summarised (Cambra et al. 2000a). Tissue print-ELISA
(Cambra et al. 2000b) for CTV detection allowed the
sensitive indexing of thousands of samples simply and
without the need to prepare extracts. A number of di-
© 2011, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Distribution and Research Advances of Citrus tristeza virus
agnostic procedures based on specific detection of viral RNA were developed, including molecular hybridization with cDNA or cRNA probes (Barbarossa and
Savino 2006). PCR-based assays have been developed and modified (Zhou et al. 2001) based on
immunocapture (Nolasco et al. 1993) or print or
squash capture (Cambra et al. 2000c). A simple procedure has been described to perform nested-PCR in
a single closed tube (Olmos et al. 1999) which allowed CTV detection in single aphids and in plant
tissues. A co-operational PCR system (Co-PCR)
(Olmos et al. 2002) has been described, which supplying similar sensitivity to nested PCR. Real-time
RT-PCR protocol is more sensitive and allows the detection and quantification of genomic RNA copies in
infected citrus tissues or in viruliferous aphids
(Saponari et al. 2008). qPCR also is becoming more
and more useful as a method for gene expression analysis (Vaudano et al. 2009). Through BD-PCR (bi-directional reverse transcription-polymerase chain
reaction) analysis, a 392-bp fragment specific for the
mild strains was amplified and a 320-bp fragment specific for the severe strains was produced (Jiang et al.
2008). The RFLP (restriction fragment length
polymorphism) analysis for RT-PCR products of the
CP gene with restriction enzyme Hinf I identified seven
groups (Zhou et al. 2007; Jiang et al. 2008). RTPCR amplification patterns with primer set specific
for several CTV genotypes (Hilf et al. 2005) for 5´UTR sequence types I, II and III (Ruiz-Ruiz et al.
2006) or for three groups of isolates differing by their
p23 sequence (Sambade et al. 2003). Single-strand
conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of different gRNA regions (Sambade et al. 2007) has been
used to characterize the population structure of CTV
isolates and select specific variants for sequencing,
thus allowing estimates of the genetic diversity within
and between isolates (Ayllón et al. 2006). The phylogenetic analysis of p23 showed a high intra-isolate
sequence variability suggesting that re-infections could
contribute to the observed variability and that the host
can play an important role in the selection of the sequence variants present in these isolates (Iglesias
et al. 2008). Polymorphism analyses of p23, p25 and
p27 genes showed that most isolates contained high
intra-isolate variability (Iglesias et al. 2008).
Pakistan is generally considered among the top 10 leading citrus-growing countries of the world both in production and quality. The growing area of citrus in Pakistan is about 193 211 ha with an annual production of
2 459 500 tons (Anonymous 2008). It contributes 2%
of citrus fruit to the world’s production and earns a
major source of foreign exchange for the country. Citrus is grown in all four provinces of Pakistan, but Punjab
contributes almost 97% of the production of the
country. Generally the growing area and production
for different kinds of fruits and particularly for citrus
have been increasing since the 1960’s due to the increasing demand in the domestic and foreign markets
(Khan 1992). In Pakistan fungal and bacterial diseases
of citrus have been documented since 1920 through
different sources, however virus and virus-like diseases
infecting different citrus species could not receive due
attention for a long time because of the lack of proper
facilities for the detection and characterization (Mughal
2004). Tristeza is a devastating disease in the citrus
groves of Pakistan. In Pakistan only limited numbers
of surveys have been made to test the presence of the
disease in citrus orchards. Survey was made for citrus
virus and virus-like diseases in the N.W.F.P and Punjab
provinces. Along with other diseases tristeza was detected only in a few trees and confirmed by ELISA and
electron microscopy (EM) (Catara et al. 1988).
Investigation by EM, threadlike particles of CTV were
found in phloem tissues of the columella. CTV was
also confirmed by ELISA tests (Grimaldi and Catara
1989). Again a survey was carried out and more than
fifty orchards and ten nurseries were sampled in different areas of the Punjab. ELISA tests and EM observations showed that CTV was present in the varieties
in different districts. Mosambi was the most affected
variety (7 positive out of 35) among the Mosambi,
Bloodred and Pineapple sweet orange (Catara et al.
1991). Anwar and Mirza (1992) conducted a survey in
14 localities and in five districts, viz., Sahiwal, Sargodha,
Faisalabad, Lahore, and Sheikhupora, and confirmed
the prevalence of CTV by ELISA test with the highest
infection (18.8%) in Sahiwal, followed by Sargodha
(13.20%) and Faisalabad (13.13%), while no infection
was found in Lahore district. In NWFP, symptoms of
© 2011, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
vein-clearing and chlorosis were observed in young
leaves of C. aurantium, C. limon cv. Eureka and
C. sinensis by grafting and mechanical inoculation (Arif
et al. 2005). Extensive surveys of the major citrus
groves in Punjab and N.W.F.P and ELISA tests showed
that the CTV incidence in Bhalwal and the Punjab were
44.61 and 48.46%, and in Mardan and N.W.F.P were
37.39 and 40.86%, respectively in 2006-2007 (Iftikhar
et al. 2009).
According to the incidence of CTV, strategies to control CTV vary depending on the virus strains and citrus
varieties in each particular region (Garnsey et al. 1998).
Quarantine and bud wood certification programs are
useful measures to prevent introduction of CTV into
countries where CTV does not exist yet. In citrus groves
where CTV incidence is low, the disease can be suppressed by eradication or suppression programs
(Gottwald et al. 2002). And in the CTV endemic regions CTV tolerant rootstocks, mild strain cross protection and genetically engineered resistance combined
with certification programs are the potential ways to
deal with the problems (Lee and Rocha-Pena 1992).
Mild strain cross protection is the only best available
management method that can be applied to control SP
with mild CTV strain where disease is impossible to
control by eradication or suppression. This technique
has been widely used to control CTV on large scale in
commercial citrus plantations, especially with Pera
sweet orange in Brazil (Costa and Müller 1980), grapefruit in Australia (Broadbent et al. 1991), South Africa,
Japan, and limes in India (Lee and Rocha-Pena 1992).
These isolates were collected from old trees of the same
cultivar that have been grown for years showing only
mild or no symptoms. Cross protection is now being
implemented in the CTV endemic regions such as Florida
(Lee and Brlansky 1990). But unfortunately, the cross
protection strategy had less success in other areas or
with other varieties (Broadbent et al. 1991), which
showing that cross protection perhaps has to depend
on the varieties, CTV strains and environmental conditions prevalent in each region. Citrus sp. such as
C. reticulata, C. volkameriana and C. jambhiri (Rangpur
lime) are used as root stocks and somehow are tolerant
Sagheer Atta et al.
to QD-inducing CTV isolates and some hybrid
rootstocks including citranges (C. sinensis×P. trifoliata)
and citrumelos (C. paradisi×P. trifoliata) are also being used as CTV tolerant rootstocks to control CTV in
some citrus growing areas. The presence of other economically important diseases such as citrus blight,
viroids, and undesirable horticultural practices limit the
usefulness of these rootstocks (Garnsey et al. 1987).
Moreover, some CTV isolates induce SP symptoms in
the scions regardless of the tolerance of their rootstocks
(Bar-Joseph et al. 1989). Hence, these rootstocks do
not give control against CTV-SP isolates where these
isolates are widespread.
Genetic engineering gives the specific trait of
transgenic plants by incorporating a specific gene into
the plants genome without changing the other desirable
characteristics. Recent advances in molecular biology
and breeding to incorporate resistance genes in commercial varieties have given best results to tackle the
problem of crop losses due to pathogens. Plant transformation techniques have opened new vistas and possibilities for the development of sources of virus resistance compared with conventional breeding methods.
However, different and complex genetic characteristics of reproductive citrus biology along with their larger
plant size have put a great check on genetic improvement through conventional breeding. The first
transgenic strategy concept in which a complete or
partial gene is introduced into plant to obtain a specific
resistance was proposed by (Sanford and Johnson 1985)
as pathogen-derived resistance (PDR). PDR for a plant
virus was first performed in 1986 (Powell-Abel et al.
1986) by introducing the CP gene of Tobacco mosaic
virus (TMV) into transgenic tobacco plant which ultimately showed resistance to TMV infection and PDR
to CTV was for the first time confirmed by the incorporation of the CP gene of CTV strain in Mexican lime
(Domínguez et al. 2002). This concept of PDR has
been confirmed in several plant-virus systems
(Dasgupta et al. 2003). This strategy used in the transformation of other citrus hosts could not give clear or
best results (Febres et al. 2003). Viral sequences other
than CP genes have been explored to engineer PDR to
plant viruses. Non-coding sequences from the 5´ and
3´ UTR changed viral genomes of plants as well as satellite RNAs and D-RNAs to produce transgenic plants
© 2011, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Distribution and Research Advances of Citrus tristeza virus
resistant to viruses (Nelson et al. 1993; Zaccomer
et al. 1993). Even though the results had some variation with different plant-virus systems, the transformation of non-structural genes in transgenic plants is a
promising strategy for developing virus resistance, especially for movement protein and replication associated proteins such as RdRp (Pappu et al. 1995). Constructs derived from the CTV 3´-UTR were used to
transform sweet orange protoplasts and grapefruit plants
but conclusive results on protection at the whole plant
level were not reported (Febres et al. 2003). Transgenic
limes showing the p23 gene from a severe or from a
mild CTV isolate displayed leaf symptoms of similar
intensity, which was associated with the accumulation
level of the p23 protein (Fagoaga et al. 2005). It is
clear evidence indicating that disease induction in the
host may not be a side-effect of silencing suppression
but a consequence of disruption of the miRNA metabolism (Lewsey et al. 2007). In short, these results indicate that p23 is an important CTV pathogenicity determinant that interferes with plant development specifically in Citrus species and relatives (Fagoaga et al.
2005). Transgenic p23UI-N. benthamiana were resistant to infection with a viral vector made of Grapevine
virus A (GVA)+p23U (GVA-p23U), as indicated by the
absence of the chimeric virus from inoculated plants.
Inoculation of transgenic p23UI Alemow plants with
CTV resulted in delayed appearance of symptoms in 9
out of the 70 transgenic plants. However, none of the
plants showed durable resistance, as indicated by the
obtaining of similar Northern hybridization signals from
both transgenic and non-transgenic citrus plants
(Batuman et al. 2006). Superinfetion exclusion or homologous intereference a phenomenon in which a primary viral infection prevents a secondary infection with
same or closely related trait (Svetlana et al. 2010)
showed that superinfection exclusion of CTV occurred
only between the isolates same strain and with different strain.
Tristeza epidemic is still going on in many citrus regions including Pakistan although 70 years have passed
away since its first epidemic. Tristeza decline may
cause more losses in future and even destroy the citrus
industry of some countries. Dispersal of tristeza induced diseases in Pakistan is increasing very rapidly,
which may be able to destroy the citrus industry of
Pakistan as well as that of the neighboring countries.
While some management strategies may eventually
tackle the problem and restore the citrus production,
such as replacement of declining trees with new trees
on tristeza tolerant rootstocks, resistance genes, cross
protection, identification of pathogenicity determinants
for different disease syndromes. Citrus production can
be increased through nurseries running on a scientific
and professional basis. Certified citrus nurseries are
needed to solve the problem caused by CTV. Better
understanding of the relationship among CTV isolates,
host plants and vectors should be strengthened, which
has been absolutely limited in Pakistan. The combination of using certified budwood programs plus MSCP
strategy is certainly the best way to control the losses
induced by CTV.
This study was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (30471205), the Special Fund for Agroscientific Research in the Public Interest, China (20090300406), the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative
Research Team in University, China (PCSIRT, IRT0976),
and the Chinese Scholarship Council, China (CSC). Special thanks go to Prof. Li Zhongan, Southwest University,
China, for his kind help.
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(Managing editor ZHANG Juan)
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