ESR/U-series dating of Eemian human occupations of
Northern France
Jean-Jacques Bahain, Samer Farkh, Christophe Falguères, Qingfeng Shao,
Pierre Voinchet, Bassam Ghaleb, David Hérisson, Jean-Luc Locht, Nicole
Limondin-Lozouet, Patrick Auguste, et al.
To cite this version:
Jean-Jacques Bahain, Samer Farkh, Christophe Falguères, Qingfeng Shao, Pierre Voinchet, et al..
ESR/U-series dating of Eemian human occupations of Northern France. Quaternary Geochronology,
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Quaternary Geochronology 71 (2022) 101305
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ESR/U-series dating of Eemian human occupations of Northern France
Jean-Jacques Bahain a, *, Samer Farkh a, b, Christophe Falguères a, Qingfeng Shao c,
Pierre Voinchet a, Bassam Ghaleb d, David Hérisson e, Jean-Luc Locht f, g,
Nicole Limondin-Lozouet g, Patrick Auguste h, Agnès Gauthier g, Julie Dabkowski g,
Laurent Deschodt g, i, Pierre Antoine g
Histoire Naturelle de l’Homme Préhistorique UMR7194 HNHP, MNHN-CNRS-UPVD, Paris, France
Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
College of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210023, China
GEOTOP, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Archéologie et Sciences de l’Antiquité UMR7041 ArScAn, CNRS, Nanterre, France
INRAP, Glisy, France
Laboratoire de Géographie Physique, Environnements Quaternaires et Actuels, UMR 8591, CNRS - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - UPEC, Meudon, France
CNRS, Univ. Lille UMR 8198 – Evo-Eco-Paleo, F-59000, Lille, France
INRAP, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Palaeolithic sites associated with the Eemian Interglacial (MIS 5e) are very rare in NW Europe, and especially in
Northern France, where their preservation is restricted to very specific geological contexts, in association with
carbonated tufa (Caours) or peat deposits (Waziers). In order to check the reliability of ESR/U-series method to
date teeth recovered from archaeological levels in such specific geological environments, teeth were sampled on
these two Middle Palaeolithic sites and systematic in situ dosimetry was performed using portable gamma
spectrometer. The ESR/U-series ages obtained on the Caours site are very homogeneous allowing the calculation
of a mean age equal to 125 ± 11 ka, in agreement with the geological age, mammal’s association and other
available geochronological data (U-series on tufa carbonate, TL on burnt flints, OSL on sediments), despite a
relatively heterogeneous dosimetric environment (gamma dose rate ranging between ca 200–450 μGy/a). At
Waziers, reducing (water logging) environment linked to the peat leads to very specific U-series data of the
analysed teeth (U content lower than 0.1 ppm in all the dental tissues, evidence of leaching in some tissues), but
the mean ESR/U-series age, 129 ± 4 ka, is also in agreement with the available geological and
palaeoenvironmental data indicating that the dated teeth were associated with Late Glacial deposits prior to the
climatic interglacial optimum. These two case studies then confirm the reliability of ESR/U-series method to date
with good reliability and accuracy the archaeological levels linked to such relatively short climatic events
(ca 10 ka).
1. Introduction
Since the late 1980s, ESR/U-series dating method has been used to
date Middle Palaeolithic sites of Western Europe, alone or in combina
tion with other geochronological methods. The method was particularly
applied on teeth recovered from sites in Northern France, where the age
of the archaeological levels is often well constrained by stratigraphical
or paleoenvironmental data (e.g. Bahain et al., 2010, 2012, 2015, 2020;
Antoine et al., 2016, 2021; Guérin et al., 2017). Despite a relatively poor
precision by comparison to 14C or OSL results, ESR/U-series data usually
enable to correlate the dated levels to a given marine isotopic stage and
participate hence to the construction of a unified regional chro
nostratigraphical framework (Bahain et al., 2007; Antoine et al., 2000,
2007, 2014; Voinchet et al., 2015). However, this poor precision can be
a limitation to date levels associated to relatively short climatic or
geological events, such as Late Pleistocene Greenland stadials and in
terstadials (Rasmussen et al., 2014) or the last interglacial stage (MIS 5e,
ca 129–116 ka, Sakari Salonen et al., 2018), called Eemian in northern
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (J.-J. Bahain).
Received 26 November 2021; Received in revised form 29 March 2022; Accepted 3 April 2022
Available online 9 April 2022
1871-1014/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.-J. Bahain et al.
Quaternary Geochronology 71 (2022) 101305
Fig. 1. Location of the studied sites in northern France.
Fig. 2. Summary of stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental data available from the two studied Eemian sites from northern France (Caours and Waziers). The
analysed teeth were recovered from archaeological levels N1 and N3 at Caours and from units U4c-d and U4–U5 limit at Waziers.
European chronostratigraphy (Cohen and Gibbard, 2019).
Palaeolithic sites associated with the Eemian interglacial (MIS 5e)
are very rare in northern France Quaternary sequences owing to the
major erosion processes occurring during the early stages of the subse
quent Weichselian period (Antoine et al., 2016). In the 1980s some re
searchers considered even a lack of human presence in North-Western
Europe during this interglacial (Gamble, 1896).
In northern France, only two Eemian sites have been discovered so
far and are currently excavated: Caours (Somme) and Waziers (Nord)
(Fig. 1) (Locht et al., 2014, 2016; Hérisson, 2016).
2016) and Locht et al. (2014, 2016), the main part of these sites has
probably been destroyed or displaced during the earliest cold events of
the Weichselian, beginning ca 116 ka ago (Sakari Salonen et al., 2018).
Until the beginning of the 2000s, the Eemian archaeological evidences
in northern France loess-palaeosol sequences were hence restricted to
materials reworked by erosion (Antoine et al., 2002). Known since the
XIXth century (Prestwich et al., 1864), the Caours site was rediscovered
in 2002 (Antoine et al., 2006), in the frame of a research program
focusing on interglacial deposits in the Somme terraces system (Antoine
et al., 2007). The subsequent discovery of the Waziers locality in 2011
during a campaign of rescue survey, definitively demonstrated that
human groups were present in northern France during the Eemian
(Locht et al., 2014, 2016; Hérisson, 2016).
The Caours site, located close to Abbeville in the Scardon Valley, a
small tributary of the Somme River, was known since the 1940s
(Aufrère, cited in Breuil, 1952; Bourdier, 1969), but never really studied
and published at that time. The new investigation since 2002 shows that
2. Site presentation and sampling
As mentioned previously, Eemian archaeological sites are quite rare
in northern France, which probably does not reflect the absence of
human groups in this area at this time but rather taphonomic issues
(Roebrocks and Speleers, 2002). As explained by Antoine et al. (2002,
J.-J. Bahain et al.
Quaternary Geochronology 71 (2022) 101305
the site is characterized by a thick calcareous tufa formation (3–4 m)
overlying periglacial fluvial flint gravels attributed to the penultimate
glacial stage (Saalian, MIS 6) (Fig. 2) (Antoine et al., 2006, 2007; Dab
kowski et al., 2015, 2016). The lower part of the Caours stratigraphical
sequence fossilized four archaeological levels (Antoine et al., 2006;
Locht et al., 2016) containing abundant Middle Palaeolithic artefacts.
The associated interglacial faunal remains correspond to a
well-developed forested temperate environment where some open area
spaces as meadows persisted (Auguste, 2009). Uranium-series (U-series)
on carbonates, themoluminescence (TL) on heated flints and optically
stimulated luminescence (OSL) on sediments dates constrain the tufa
formation and Caours archaeological levels to 123 ± 3 ka, allowing their
attribution to the Eemian (Antoine et al., 2006, 2007; Antoine and
Locht, 2015). The malacofauna study permits to precise the position of
the Eemian climatic optimum in the lower part of the tufa formation
(units 4–10), the lowest part of the sequence being assigned to the late
Saalian glacial (unit 11) and the top of the tufa (units 1–3) related to a
climate drying during the subsequent interglacial stage (Limondin-Lo
zouet, in Antoine et al., 2006; Limondin-Lozouet, 2011; Limondin-Lo
zouet and Preece, 2014). Five teeth from the interglacial part of the
sequence, four from archaeological level N1 (unit 5) and one from N3
(unit 9), were sampled and analysed in the present work by combined
electron spin resonance and U-series dating method (ESR/U-series).
Another tooth from N1 level was previously dated by the same method
to 124 ± 15 ka (Bahain et al., 2010).
Waziers is located close to Douai, in the Scarpe river valley. The site
was discovered during archaeological survey operation in 2011 and
2013, a first sector being excavated in 2014–2015 (Hérisson, 2016). The
stratigraphic sequence (Fig. 2) encloses coarse fluvial deposits (sands
and gravels) recovered by calcareous silts, organic silts and peat levels
infilling a large palaeo-meander channel of the Scarpe River and then
covered by chalky gravels and finally by sandy loess deposits (Deschodt,
in Hérisson, 2016). The organic silts and peat layers yielded four
archaeological levels (N0–N3) with some Middle Palaeolithic flint ar
tefacts associated with large mammal remains including well preserved
mammal teeth. U-series minimum age (103 + 3,5/-3,4 ka) on char
ophyte gyrogonite extracted from calcareous sandy silt at the very base
of the interglacial sequence infilling the channel (Ghaleb, in Hérisson,
2016) and the malacological study (Limondin-Lozouet, in Hérisson,
2016) indicate the Pleistocene age of the sequence. Malacological and
mainly palynological data (Gauthier, in Hérisson, 2016) allow the
description of a vegetation dynamic corresponding to the transition
between a late glacial stage and an interglacial stage, then to an inter
glacial record. Indeed they demonstrate both open landscape and cold
environment in the fluvial deposits of the bottom of the sequence (units
3 and 4). Then, temperate environment conditions are recorded through
the successive development of pioneer trees then of deciduous forest
phases (Ulmus, Quercus, Corylus, lastly Carpinus as dominant trees) cor
responding to an interglacial while locally the site progress from a peat
bog to a swamp forest. The mammal fauna associated to these inter
glacial levels is, as at Caours, typical of a forested environment, while
species characteristics of more open area as equids were recovered in the
lower silty fluvial deposits and the position of the site in the valley as
well as the presence of Middle Palaeolithic industry in several levels has
allowed the attribution of the stratigraphic sequence to the late glacial
phasis of the Saalian glacial (MIS 6) and to the Eemian interglacial
(Auguste, in Hérisson, 2016). In the present work, four teeth from
Waziers, coming from the late glacial fluvial deposits, were analysed,
three from unit 4c-d and one at the boundary between units 4 and 5
(Fig. 2).
3. Methods and protocols
ESR/U-series dating method was applied using the protocol of
preparation and analyses described in Bahain et al. (2010). Enamel
layers were mechanically extracted from the teeth and cleaned using a
dentist drill to remove dentine or sediment contamination. The clean
enamel sample was then ground and the 100–200 μm grain-size fraction
was split into 10 (Caours) of 14 (Waziers) aliquots. One aliquot was kept
as “natural” reference and the other aliquots were gamma irradiated at
doses ranging from 50 to 2,000 Gy (Caours, IBL 60Co source, CEN Saclay,
France) or from 25 to 6,300 Gy (Waziers, Gammacell 137Cs source,
CENIEH, Burgos, Spain) with a dose rate of about 200 Gy/h.
The ESR intensity of each aliquot was then measured using a Bruker
EMX spectrometer at room temperature using X band (frequency mod
ulation of 100 kHz) at MNHN, Paris, France. The following parameters
were used for the measurements: microwave power of 10 mW, modu
lation amplitude of 0.1 mT, scan range of 10 mT, scan time of 4 min. At
least four measurements were performed for each aliquot on different
days. The ESR intensities of the radiation-induced of the enamel signal at
g = 2.00018 were measured peak-to-peak (T1-B2) according to Grün
(2000). Equivalent doses were determined from the obtained
dose-intensity data points using single exponential function with 1/I2
U-series analyses were performed on each dental tissue, by alpha
spectrometry (Caours samples) at MNHN, Paris, after chemical prepa
ration preconized by Bischoff et al. (1988), or by Multi-Collector
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (Neptune MC-ICPMS)
(Waziers samples) at Nanjing Normal University, China with the
chemical protocol of Shao et al. (2015a). Eventual radon loss was
determined from each tissue by combining alpha-ray and gamma-ray
data (Bahain et al., 1992). U-series data are displayed Table 1.
Table 1
U-series data obtained on the dental tissues of the analysed teeth from two Eemian sites of Northern France (Caours and Waziers). The ages are calculated with 1 σ error
U (ppm)
US 5 - N1
US 5 - N1
US 5 - N1
US 5 - N1
US 9 – N3
limit US4-US5
US 4c-d
US 4c-d
US 4c-d
0.332 ± 0.020
8.235 ± 0.220
0.301 ± 0.017
6.560 ± 0.219
0.393 ± 0.029
10.270 ± 0.242
0.338 ± 0.016
5.281 ± 0.165
0.193 ± 0.012
13.771 ± 0.316
0.070 ± 0.001
0.068 ± 0.001
0.036 ± 0.001
0.097 ± 0.001
0.071 ± 0.001
0.028 ± 0.001
0.009 ± 0.001
0.015 ± 0.001
1.376 ±
1.281 ±
1.247 ±
1.232 ±
1.063 ±
1.167 ±
1.274 ±
1.229 ±
1.222 ±
1.225 ±
1.175 ±
1.354 ±
1.467 ±
1.609 ±
1.246 ±
1.348 ±
1.386 ±
1.508 ±
± 0.086
± 0.052
± 0.078
± 0.080
± 0.102
± 0.042
± 0.055
± 0.052
± 0.087
± 0.048
± 0.003
± 0.004
± 0.009
± 0.002
± 0.004
± 0.004
± 0.008
± 0.0043
Apparent U-series age (ka)
220 ± 97
166 ± 48
299 ± 150
226 ± 62
327 ± 172
205 ± 96
121 ± 1
111 ± 3
93 ± 2
81 ± 1
150 ± 2
106 ± 2
111 ± 3
83 ± 1
J.-J. Bahain et al.
Quaternary Geochronology 71 (2022) 101305
Table 2
Radioelements contents of sediments associated to the analysed teeth from two Eemian sites of Northern France (Caours and Waziers).
WBT-19, 22–1 & 22-2
US 5 - N1
US 5 - N1
US 5 - N1
US 5 - N1
US 9 – N3
Limit US 4-5
US 4c-d
U (ppm)
± 0.093
± 0.123
± 0.071
± 0.046
± 0.102
± 0.085
± 0.077
The dose rate was estated from measurements by gamma-ray spec
trometry in laboratory from 100 g of sediments corresponding to the
analysed teeth with a low background high purity germanium (HPGe)
detector (Table 2). No disequilibrium in the natural radioactive chains
was observed in the sediments of the two sites. Water content of sedi
ments was previously measured for each dated level by drying it in oven
at 40 ◦ C during one week. The cosmic dose rate was estimated using the
formula of Prescott and Hutton (1994).
In situ measurements were also performed using Canberra
Inspector1000 spectrometer (Mercier and Falguères, 2007): at Caours,
which is a yearly excavated site, these measurements were made in the
immediate vicinity of each analysed sample and several measurements
were hence performed for the same N1 archaeological level; at Waziers,
as the site is close to a road and the sections not conserved for a long
time, the in situ dosimetry was performed on the single available section,
explaining why only one measurement was performed per dated layer.
At Caours, the in situ measurements are globally lower than the dose
rates calculated from the radioelement contents of the sediments while
at Waziers the data are quite similar for the two kinds of measurements.
The U-uptake parameters, dose rate contributions and ESR/U-series
ages with their uncertainties were then calculated (see details in Shao
et al., 2012, 2014; 2015b). As the U-series results on several dental
tissues were older than the corresponding EU-ESR data, it was not
possible to systematically apply the US model (Grün et al., 1988) and the
accelerating U-uptake (AU) model by Shao et al. (2012), allowing the
modelling of U-leaching from some of the tissues, was then used instead.
The age calculations were performed using the “AUAGE” and “USESR”
computer programs with the following parameters: a k-value (α effi
ciency) of 0.13 ± 0.02 (Grün and Katzenberger-Apel, 1994); water
contents of 0 wt% in the enamel and 7 wt% in the dentine; radioelements
content-dose conversion factors of Guérin et al. (2011); beta attenua
tions values in dental tissues were calculated using a Monte Carlo
approach taking into account the enamel thickness removed during the
sample preparation (Brennan et al., 1997) (Table 3).
Initial thickness
Internal side
External side
US 5 - N1
US 5 - N1
US 5 - N1
US 5 - N1
US 9 – N3
Limit US
US 4c-d
US 4c-d
867 ± 108
993 ± 124
893 ± 112
957 ± 120
931 ± 230
1250 ± 156
27 ± 3
50 ± 6
79 ± 7
43 ± 5
169 ± 18
38 ± 5
20 ± 2
17 ± 2
103 ± 25
135 ± 17
1209 ± 151
1113 ± 139
70 ± 9
55 ± 7
84 ± 11
39 ± 5
US 4c-d
883 ± 110
39 ± 5
75 ± 9
± 0.164
± 0.210
± 0.005
± 0.053
± 0.183
± 0.115
± 0.107
K (%)
0.202 ±
0.859 ±
0.039 ±
0.116 ±
1.169 ±
0.957 ±
0.942 ±
Water content (%)
4. Results and discussion
The ESR/U-series results obtained on the teeth from the two Eemian
sites of northern France are shown in Table 4, while Fig. 3 displays the
dose rate contributions (both in μGy/a and in %) for the different ana
lysed teeth.
Several interesting points can be highlighted in these data:
- The Waziers dental tissues display very low uranium contents, < 0.1
ppm in both enamel and dentine of all teeth. Moreover, the enamel
often shows higher concentrations than in the corresponding
dentine, which is very unusual. This behavior is perhaps linked to the
reducing environment associated with the decomposition of the
organic plant matter in the peat, leading to the fixation of the ura
nium in the humic acids of the peat rather than in the paleontological
remains, whereas thorium will be absorbed on the detrital particles
(Geyh, 2008; Waas et al., 2011);
- In consequence of this very specific geochemical behavior, the in
ternal dose has a restricted impact in the age determination as well as
the β dose contribution related to the dentines (<20%) compared to
the external (sediment + cosmic) dose (Fig. 3).
- By comparison, U contents of the Caours dental tissues range from
~0.19 to ~0.39 ppm in the enamels and from ~5.28 to ~13.77 ppm
in the dentines. They correspond to more usual values and leads to a
greater contribution of the Caours dental tissues to the dose rate,
ranging between 30 and 60%.
- U-series analyses reveal on the other hand high 230Th/234U ratios
(between 0.813 and 1.342) in the tissues of Caours teeth, leading to
apparent U-series ages higher than the EU-ESR age, which indicate a
possible U-leaching.
- As a consequence, only the AU model was used to calculate ESR/Useries ages for the Caours samples, this model considering an initial
U-uptake followed by a U-leaching. This U-leaching could be related
to the growth of the overlying tufa formation, implying phases of
important water circulation. This leaching, combined with the sig
nificant errors on the U-series isotopic ratios determined by α-spec
trometry U-series analyses on the Caours dental tissues, leads to large
age uncertainties for some teeth (e.g. CA-0501 and CA-0502).
- For the Waziers tissues, the apparent U-series ages are close to the
EU-ESR ages (120–130 ka) except for the enamel of tooth WBT-22-1
for which the obtained value is higher. As previously mentioned, this
modelling has however not impact on the age calculation due to the
poor associated dose contribution.
- On each site, the equivalent doses are quite low (Fig. 4). For the
Caours samples, the DE range between 50 and 80 Gy, but these
variations are counterbalanced by the local variation of external
doses, precisely recorded at the sampling location on the site for each
tooth. This work demonstrates hence the importance of an accurate
in situ dosimetry in the age calculation for such low radioactive
environment depending of the repartition of the palaeontological
remains that can represent radioactivity hotspots. The ESR/U-series
ages for Caours teeth determined using AU model for N1 teeth are
relatively homogeneous, ranging from 119 ± 42 ka to 126 ± 37 ka
and leading to a mean age of 124 ± 10 ka (±2σ) for level N1
Table 3
Initial and mechanically removed thicknesses of enamel layers during the
preparation of the analysed teeth from two Eemian sites of Northern France
(Caours and Waziers) prior to ESR/U-series dating.
Th (ppm)
J.-J. Bahain et al.
Quaternary Geochronology 71 (2022) 101305
Table 4
Equivalent doses, U-uptake parameters, contributions to the dose rate and ESR/U-series ages obtained for the analysed teeth from two Eemian sites of Northern France
(Caours and Waziers). The ESR-U/series ages are given with ±2 sigma.
Equivalent dose
U uptake parameters
p (regular) or n
Da α
Da β
Da (γ +
Da total
ESR/U-series ages
US (regular) or AU (italics)
N1– U5
79.31 ± 3.07
185 ± 117
259 ± 21
629 ± 186
126 ± 37
N1– U5
41 ± 37
316 ± 196
210 ± 20
567 ± 201
119 ± 42
N1– U5
121 ± 3
159 ± 10
169 ± 22
449 ± 24
119 ± 15
N1– U5
116 ± 1
74 ± 3
395 ± 20
585 ± 20
125 ± 5
59 ± 2
279 ± 21
210 ± 20
548 ± 29
129 ± 23
Limit US 45
− 0.0123 ± 0.0037
− 0.0139 ± 0.0098
− 0.0128 ± 0.0051
+0.0390 ± 0.1431
− 0.0088 ± 0.0005
− 0.0105 ± 0.0005
− 0.0077 ± 0.0001
− 0.0104 ± 0.0002
− 0.0312 ± 0.0057
− 0.0102 ± 0.0008
− 0.9386 ± 0.0461
− 0.9016 ± 0.0479
− 0.7551 ± 0.0608
− 0.5956 ± 0.0711
− 0.0106 ± 0.0010
− 0.8125 ± 0.0502
− 0.9384 ± 0.0438
− 0.6443 ± 0.0608
185 ± 143
20 ± 32
89 ± 12
470 ± 23
579 ± 41
132 ± 8
9 ± 22
48 ± 9
408 ± 20
465 ± 33
125 ± 8
21 ± 3
4 ± 42
408 ± 20
433 ± 26
138 ± 8
2 ± 20
69 ± 10
408 ± 20
479 ± 30
123 ± 7
67.53 ± 2.66
53.39 ± 5.30
73.16 ± 2.90
71.00 ± 10.62
76.47 ± 2.72
58.08 ± 1.70
59.71 ± 1.03
58.95 ± 1.66
Fig. 3. Dose rate contributions calculated for the analysed teeth of two Eemian sites of northern France (Caours and Waziers).
J.-J. Bahain et al.
Quaternary Geochronology 71 (2022) 101305
Fig. 4. Dose response curves obtained for the analysed teeth of two Eemian sites of northern France (Caours and Waziers).
(calculated with Isoplot, Ludwig, 2003), similar to the age of 124 ±
15 ka obtained previously by Bahain et al. (2010). The tooth ana
lysed from level N3 provides an AU age of 129 ± 23 ka. Given these
very homogeneous ages for the two dated levels, the attribution of
the deposit to the Eemian interglacial is confirmed with an
ESR/U-series mean age of 125 ± 9 ka.
- At Waziers, despite the impossibility to measure so precisely the
external dose rate variations due to a more restricted access to the
dated level that could explain the scattering of the age results ob
tained for the limit US 4–5 teeth, the homogeneity of the equivalent
doses obtained for the teeth of this level, comprised between 58 and
60 Gy, leads to the calculation of a weighted mean age of 128 ± 20
ka (±2σ), while the higher DE value obtained for the U4c-d level (76
Gy) probably in relation with a more radioactive background, leads
to an undistinguishable US age of 132 ± 8 ka. Given these very ho
mogeneous ages for the two dated levels, a weighted mean age of 129
± 11 ka (2σ) can be calculated from these four samples. This is in
good agreement with the attribution of the deposition of the fluvial
silts of Waziers U4 level to the Saalian late glacial and consistent with
the available palaeoenvironmental data.
collected from two Eemian sites of northern France, Caours and Waziers,
demonstrate the reliability of the method to date such Middle Paleolithic
sites (Fig. 5). The results also indirectly emphasize the validity of the
analytical procedures employed, despite peculiar geochemical charac
teristics of part of the dental tissues. Finally, this work also shows in
particular the importance of the in situ dosimetry measurements in the
Caours age calculation.
At Caours, the obtained ESR/U-series ages lead to the calculation of a
weighted mean age of 125 ± 9 ka in excellent agreement with the other
available geochronological data derived from U-series and luminescence
studies and dating the overlying tufa formation of 123 ± 3 ka. Associ
ated to the available palaeoenvironmental, mammal’s association and
archaeological data, they make of this site one of the best dated Middle
Palaeolithic sequence of France.
For Waziers, the newly established ESR/U-series chronology for
teeth of Unit 4, with a mean age of 129 ± 11 ka, represents the first
numerical age estimate for these levels. It confirms its attribution to the
Saalian late glacial stage (MIS6), one more time in close agreement with
the palaeoenvironmental data, and allows the attribution to the over
lying organic fluvial deposits and associated archaeological levels to the
Eemian interglacial.
Lastly, these results show the interest to integrate ESR/U-series
dating analyses during the chronostratigraphical study of such Middle
Palaeolithic sites when possible and demonstrate the necessity to
5. Conclusion
The combined ESR/U-series analyses performed on fossil teeth
J.-J. Bahain et al.
Quaternary Geochronology 71 (2022) 101305
Fig. 5. Geochronological correlation of the obtained ESR/U-series mean ages for two Eemian sites of northern France (Caours and Waziers) with the Marine isotopic
record of Lisiecki and Raymo (2005).
involve geochronologists to the fieldworks and excavations, since the
earliest stages of study.
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Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
We would like to thank the Caours and Waziers excavation teams for
their availability, patience and helpful discussions. The present study
was financially supported by the UMR7194 HNHP which allowed the
funding of the field missions and analyses, with the help of the PCR
PaléHauts funded by the SRA Hauts-de-France. The ESR and mobile
gamma-ray spectrometers of the French National Museum of Natural
History were bought with the financial support of the ‘Sesame Île-deFrance’ program and the ‘Région Centre’ respectively. U-series analysis
in NNU was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (grant 41877430). Lastly we would thank Renaud Joannes-Boyau
and Mathieu Duval for their valuable and pertinent comments which
have allowed a great improvement of the manuscript.
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