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2018, Drogues, santé et société
7 pages
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Ambio, 2023
Over the last 500 years, Europe (excluding Russia) consumed over 2500 million tonnes of ocean biomass. This is based on detailed historical data that we provide for human consumption per capita which was stable from 1500 to 1899 and tripled in the twentieth century. In the last 300 years, cod and herring dominated human seafood consumption. Whaling for non-food uses peaked in the 1830s and declined as cetaceans became scarce. Seafood consumption increased rapidly after 1900, and by the late 1930s, annual marine consumption in Atlantic Europe reached 7 million tonnes of biomass, facilitated by the globalisation of whaling. Atlantic European consumption, including fishmeal for animal feed, peaked at more than 12 million tonnes annually in the 1970s, but declined thereafter. The marine footprint of Atlantic Europe was significant well before modern fisheries statistics commenced. Our findings can inform future assessments of ocean health and marine life's importance for human society.
Islamic Financial Industry is experiencing a good high pace and many Islamic financial products have been introduced in a very short span of time as compared to conventional financial products but in fact the present prevalent Islamic financial system, around the world, has been developed keeping in view the products of conventional banking in order to attain same results/profit margins in a Shari'ah Compliant way. Consequently, the product becomes Shari'ah compliant but the core attributes of Islamic Economic System i.e. Justice and Social Welfare etc. are overlooked by the Industry. In other words, the conventional thinking of banking has an existence in Islamic Banking and only profit maximization concept is being considered rather than the concept of profit maximization with social welfare. This paper discusses all of such concerns and highlights the flaws and issues in the prevalent Islamic banking system and proposes suggestion/solution in this regard. The current depr...
Accesati -echipa de specialisti, realizam la comanda lucrari de licenta disertatie originale din orice domeniu. Lucrarile sunt intocmite individual si au continut unic, fara plagiat, respectand intocmai cerintele dvs (tema, structura, bibliografie sau norme de redactare). Calitate maxima in timp util . Redactam lucrari si pentru alte orase, plata se face prin transfer bancar.Plata se va face esalonat pe capitole prin alimentare card nu inainte de a previzualiza capitolul in format PDF. si dupa plata in Word Toate detaliile pe site. Contact: [email protected] Lucrari de Licenta, lucrare de licenta,.lucrari de disertatie drept, managementul resurselor umane, marketing bancar, managementul proiectelor, marketing in turism,finante banci, relatii publice, politehnica, ,comert,banci,contabilitate,turism,jurnalism,comunicare,psihologie,sociolog ie, snspa, contabilitate şi informatica de gestiune (cig),administratie publica,geografie
Proceedings of the Postgraduate and Early Career Conference in Medieval Archaeology, 2024
The present paper deals with the diversity between the crafts of painting and shield making, which overlapped in terms and final products. The paper follows the question of the emergence of armorial signs and the craft of shield-makers. The primary sources for the study are the statutes of the two mentioned craft associations and guilds from Prague, Florence, Siena and Vienna. Treaties about heraldry can help understand artisan practice, especially Bartolus de Sassoferrato's De insigniis et armis, which deals with armorial practice and law. By comparing these materials, the limits of a hypothesis are defined from which a general idea of the functioning of the workshops of painters and shield-makers can be drawn. The study is focused mainly on the Prague context in which painters and shield-makers participated and seeks the limits of hypotheses within the framework of European examples. Furthermore, we are looking for commonalities and dissimilarities that lead to a better understanding of the general phenomenon of producing and painting arms-whether on shields or other media.
Economic and Financial Review, 2019
KELOMPOK 5 I PUTU SETIAWAN 15101123 AYU DWI AGUSTIN 15101790 RIZKY AYU PRATAMA 15101930 LEVIANA GANU 15101828 KELAS E Fungsi dan Interkoneksi Komputer 1. Komponen -komponen komputer Komputer awalnya muncul pada tahun 1981. Kurang dari 20 tahun, komputer telah mengubah total cara kita berkomunikasi. Ketika komputer pertama diperkenalkan oleh IBM, hanya merupakan salah satu dari pelbagai pengolah data yang kecil. Tetapi dalam waktu 5-7 tahun, telah merebut, menguasai, atau memenangkan pasar. Dari sinilah IBM compatible PC/IBM PC kompatibel menjadi standar. Komponen -komponen Pembentuk PC a) CPU ( Central Processing unit) atau processor : merupakan otaknya komputer.
Asian Paleoanthropology
The timing of hominin dispersals during the early Pleistocene, specifically into East Asia, is well established. The pattern of migration across inner Asia and the subsequent duration/intensity of hominin colonization of these areas, however, are still poorly resolved. The large territory of Central Asia defines a clear path within Eurasia through which hominin dispersals farther east may have occurred. The purpose of the present study is to examine the degree to which an autochthonous evolutionary trajectory is supported in Central Asia and how the potential connections between this and neighboring regions may be characterized during the Pleistocene. Archaeological and human paleontological evidence from the region is reviewed and compared to that from the Near East, the Altai, and China. This review informs a more detailed analysis of the Central Asian Middle Paleolithic record. Prevailing theoretical models suggest that Central Asia was inhabited by Neandertals migrating from the west to seek refuge from expanding modern human populations during the Middle Paleolithic. Morphological analyses of the newly discovered Obi-Rakhmat hominin and a re-evaluation of the Teshik-Tash child, both from sites in Uzbekistan, provide a test of this model. Results indicate that evidence of the morphological pattern that typically describes European Neandertals is equivocal in Central Asia. Although both Obi-Rakhmat and Teshik-Tash express some Neandertal features, their morphologies also suggest some admixture with local populations and/or those migrating into Central Asia from the North and East.
In the aftermath of the civil war in Syria, millions of people left their homeland and they were forced to live in other countries. Either these people seek for asylum in the host countries or dream of going back home safely. There is no doubt that Turkey is the country hosting the most populated Syrian refugee groups in the world. Turkey has faced the negative effects of Syrian civil war since 2011 although European countries started to discuss Syrian refugee crisis nearly two years ago. Despite territorial kinship from various aspects, most of the Syrian refugees could not speak Turkish beyond a few words in their early days of residence in Turkey. The language barrier was an important problem to solve for daily life communication. The current research examines the efforts of the Turkish government and Turkish volunteer organizations towards Syrian refugees from the perspective of translation studies. Also, translation and interpreting solutions offered to Syrian refugees in other countries are compared and contrasted with Turkish setting via the facts and numbers in the following step of the study. Finally the research, which is based on document analysis model being a qualitative research method, concludes with the suggestions for better translation / interpreting solutions for the asylum-seekers. Suriye’deki iç savaşın ardından milyonlarca insan vatanından ayrılmış ve başka ülkelerde yaşamak zorunda kalmıştır. Bu insanlar misafir edildikleri ülkelerde ya sığınma talebinde bulunmakta, ya da güven içerisinde evlerine dönmeyi hayal etmektedirler. Şüphesiz, dünyadaki Suriyeli sığınmacıları misafir eden ülkelerin başında Türkiye gelmektedir. Avrupa ülkelerinin Suriyeli sığınmacı krizini daha yaklaşık iki yıldır tartışmaya başlamasına karşın, Türkiye Suriye’deki iç savaşın olumsuz etkileri ile 2011 yılından bu yana yüzleşmektedir. Birçok açıdan bölgesel benzerlik olmasına rağmen, Suriyeli sığınmacıların büyük bir bölümü Türkiye’deki ilk günlerinde birkaç kelimenin ötesinde Türkçe konuşamıyorlardı. Dil engeli, günlük iletişim açısından çözülmesi gereken önemli bir problem konumundaydı. Suriye iç savaşının yedinci yılına girdiğimiz günlerde bu çalışma; Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devletinin ve Türk gönüllü kuruluşlarının Suriyeli sığınmacılara yönelik faaliyetlerini çeviribilim perspektifinden incelemektedir. Ayrıca çalışmanın ilerleyen bölümünde, diğer ülkelerde Suriyeli sığınmacılara yönelik sunulan yazılı ve sözlü çeviri hizmetleri, Türkiye örneklemiyle reel veriler baz alınarak karşılaştırılmaktadır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden doküman inceleme modelinin temel alındığı bu çalışmanın son bölümünde ise, sığınmacılara yönelik sunulan çeviri hizmetlerinin geliştirilmesi adına tavsiyeler sunulmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: sığınmacı krizi, toplum çevirmenliği, Suriye iç savaşı, çeviri politikaları, çeviri hizmetleri
The parish church in Gołąb, erected in the years 1626-1634, is one of the buildings that stand out from Polish modern architecture of the 17th century. Its designer and builders are not known, but its plan was based on the church of San Salvatore in Lauro in Rome, built between 1591 and 1598, designed by the architect Ottaviano Mascarino. The projection of the nave of the church in Gołąb, the articulation of which is made of pairs of columns flanking large niches intended for altars, clearly refers to San Salvatore in Lauro. The facade and decorations of the parish church in Gołąb have a different genesis. As San Salvatore in Lauro did not have a facade at that time, the designer of the church in Gołąb decided to introduce a two-tower facade, referring to similar solutions, previously used in Czemierniki (after 1603) or Pińczów (before 1619). The decoration of the facade of the building made in the mortar refers to the German graphic patterns and motifs known from the sculptural workshop of Tomasz Nikiel, but also used by the bricklayers from Kazimierz Dolny. The supposed administrator responsible for the selection of the Roman design for Gołąb was Chancellor Jerzy Ossoliński, a founder known for other realizations based on Mascarino’s plans, stored at the Accademia di San Luca in Rome.
Remembering and re-enacting hunger
Boletim Geocorrente, 2021
Cognitive Systems Research, 2009
Revue de l' …, 2002
Chemistry of Materials, 2002
Scientific Reports, 2019
Proceeding of the 17th international …, 2008
Journal of Higher Education and Science, 2019
Cogitare Enfermagem
Applied Surface Science, 2013
Obesity Research, 1995