Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations
Volume 2, 2007
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
Alf Steinar Sætre
Norwegian University of
Science and Technology,
Trondheim, Norway
Jan-Oddvar Sørnes
Bodø University College,
Bodø, Norway
[email protected]
[email protected]
Larry D. Browning and Keri K. Stephens
The University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX, USA
[email protected];
[email protected]
Using ICTs effectively is a major consideration for managers. This paper, which draws on 67 indepth interviews with advanced ICT users, looks at that empirical data through two lenses:
Weick’s notion of enactment and Langer’s theory of mindfulness. We find that ICT use is more
realistically explained by employing the concepts of enactment, scripts, and mindfulness/mindlessness in concert. Mindfulness is required for media richness theory to be predictive,
and organizational members construct the richness of one medium through the use of other media.
Keywords: Enactment, Information and Communication Technologies, Scripts, Mindfulness/Mindlessness, Communication Media Richness.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have long interested both organizational
researchers and practitioners. Researchers have developed various theoretical perspectives on
technology and organizing, ranging from contingency theory (Burns & Stalker, 1961; Woodward,
1965) to the more recent structurational models (Barley, 1986; DeSanctis & Poole, 1994) and
practice-lens approaches (Orlikowski, 2000). Studying ICTs in organizations is particularly timely today because “both technologies and organizations are undergoing dramatic changes in form
and function” (Orlikowski, 2000, p. 404). All these changes afford us opportunities to study the
process of enactment, since organizaMaterial published as part of this publication, either on-line or
tions and organizational members must
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This paper aims to better explain,
through the analysis of thick qualitative
data, how ICT practices are enacted in
an organizational context. The goal is to
understand media use in organizations;
the theories employed are a means to
Accepting Associate Editor: Raafat Saade
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
this end. Enactment is a dynamic, even at times chaotic, process. To create order around enactment research, “organizational researchers will have to generate a rich set of theoretical interpretations, from a diverse repertoire of enactments (actions, influences, statements and events) on the
chaotic frontiers of management studies” (Orton, 2000, p. 232). We have rich qualitative data
stemming from 67 in-depth interviews to help us do this.
Enactment has now been studied in myriad contexts: strategic management (Mir & Watson,
2000), organizational downsizing (McKinley, Zhao, & Rust, 2000), wage-setting in the construction industry (Kreiner, 1989), organizational learning (Oswick, Anthony, Keenoy, Mangham, &
Grant, 2000), sensemaking (Weick, 1988; Weick, Sutcliffe, & Obstfeld, 2005), organizational
redesign (Orton, 2000), organizational environments (Manning, 1982), entrepreneurial environments and entrepreneurship (A. R. Anderson, 2000), structural forms (E. Clark & Soulsby, 1999),
corporate identity (Marziliano, 1998), organizing (Weick et al., 2005), the construction of self in
cyberspace (Waskul & Douglass, 1997), the generative capability of firms (Prencipe, 2001), work
and home environments (S. C. Clark, 2002), personal identities (Beyer & Hannah, 2002), cultures
of entrapment (Weick & Sutcliffe, 2003), and client-centered conversations in psychotherapy
(Wickman & Campbell, 2003), to name just some.
Despite all this research on enactment, few studies have tackled the important technology issues
present in organizations today. This paper fills that gap by using Weick’s (1979) framework of
enactment to study ICT practices. People enact ICT usage via social action. That is, the way
people interact with each other and with the technology itself is influenced by social processes —
norms, culture, and expectations. Previous research has linked enactment with schema and cause
maps. As social action unfolds, schema emerge (McKinley et al., 2000), and since every organizational member experiences social interactions in slightly different ways, individuals enact
unique cause maps (Orton, 2000).
We believe that scripts prove more appropriate than cause maps when talking about practices
such as ICT usage, since scripts guide behaviors, whereas both schema and cause maps only chart
how elements are causally related. Scripts therefore go one step further than cause maps; not only do they map how elements are causally related but they also provide “recipes” (scripts) for behaviors, thus focusing our attention on the self in relation to action and outcomes. Therefore, we,
like other scholars before (e.g., Ashforth & Fried, 1988; Barley, 1986; Gioia, 1986; Gioia &
Poole, 1984), use scripts as a guiding concept rather than maps or schema.
Using scripts instead of causal maps also lets us link enactment to Langer’s (1978, 1989) theory
of mindfulness/mindlessness. We focus our attention on the enactment of communication processes instead of on organizing and sense-making processes. Thus, integrating enactment, scripts,
and mindfulness/mindlessness yields an integrated analytical framework that deepens our understanding of ICT-based communicative behaviors in organizations.
The empirical data come from 67 in-depth interviews that we conducted with advanced ICT users
in both the United States and Norway about their everyday work life. Our findings show that the
portion of relevant variables that social actors pay attention to determines the degree of mindfulness; also the extent to which social actors pay attention to new variables in familiar situations
(instead of the same variables every time) determines mindfulness.
Our analysis shows that by coupling mindfulness to Media Choice Theories (MCTs), we can increase the predictive power of these theories. Furthermore, we show that media richness in itself
can be enacted. That is, through frequent interactions and rich media, leaner media can become,
if not rich, then at least richer.
In the conceptual framework section below, we explain the concepts of enactment, scripts, and
mindfulness/mindlessness. Then we detail our methodology. Following that, we bring our narra-
Sætre, Sørnes, Browning, & Stephens
tive data to life by providing concrete examples that establish the relationship between data and
theory. In this section we use data to link enactment, media choice theories, and mindfulness/mindlessness. This coupling is valuable in itself since it sharpens media choice theory and
broadens our understanding of both enactment and mindfulness/mindlessness. We end with a
closing discussion and conclusion.
Conceptual Framework
The role of enactment in organizing
In his book The Social Psychology of Organizing, Karl Weick (1969, 1979) compares organizing
to Darwinian natural selection and presents a model of organizing that consists of four elements:
ecological change, enactment, selection, and retention. Enactment, according to Weick, focuses
on the role of action in organizing and sense-making. Enactment centers our attention away from
the passive and receiving and on to the active part of being organizational members. Because all
social actors are involved in it, enactment is a crucial process for individuals and organizations
alike. Weick (2001, p. 187) contends that “enactment drives everything else in an organization.
How enactment is done is what an organization will know.” Or, as Smircich and Stubbart (1985,
p. 724) put it, “A pattern of enactment establishes the foundation of organizational reality, and in
turn has effects in shaping future enactments.” The first two elements of Weick’s theory provide
some insight into this perspective.
Ecological change indicates an alteration in the flow of experience of social actors. As cognition
research shows, these alterations are what individuals tend to monitor when registering change
(Einhorn & Hogarth, 1986). “Ecological changes provide the enactable environment, the raw
materials for sense-making” (Weick, 1979, p. 130). Sense-making is the process through which
organizational members understand and cope with a changing and enactable environment. Given
today’s rapid introduction of new information and communication technologies, with all their
implications for organizing, our environments are increasingly enactable.
Enactment means that people receive input as a result of their own actions. When people act,
“these actions become the raw materials from which a sense of the situation is eventually built”
(Weick, 2001, p. 183). Enactment implies that social actors interacting with the environment,
rather than being passive receivers of it, and reacting to responses to our own actions is part of
this enactment cycle. The enactment process or cycle is how organizational members make sense
of their environments. Ecological changes, such as the invention of new ICTs, people’s actions,
and their adoption of new ICTs in the workplace, are important parts of the raw materials for enactment. Almost 80 years ago, Mary Parker Follett pointed to the challenges associated with
drawing distinctions between environments (stimulus) and actors (response):
What physiology and psychology now teach us is that part of the nature of response is the change it makes in the activity which caused so-to-speak the response, that is, we shall never catch the stimulus stimulating or the response responding. (Follett, 1924, p. 60)
The point that Follett (1924) and later Weick (1969, 1979, 1995, 2001) make is that it is complicated, at best, to distinguish between actors and their environments. Weick further contends that
“enactment is to organizing as variation is to natural selection” (1979, p. 130). Natural selection is
at the core of Darwin’s (1872) notion of “survival of the fittest.” According to Darwin, nature
tries out variations of species. The ones best suited to (enact) their particular environments prevail. Enactment is defined as the constitution of the environment by social actors (Weick, 1969).
In our study this selection is not of species but of behaviors. That is, over time, certain activities
seem to prevail at the expense of other activities, even across contexts. This is selection and re-
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
tention. For example, if you now find yourself spending two hours a day communicating via
email and you were doing none of this 15 years ago, a form of trial and error — natural selection
and retention — has taken place in your work habits.
Weick’s notion of enactment — at least when applied to ICTs — is very much in line with what
Orlikowski (2007) calls “sociomateriality.” She states that “materiality is integral to organizing,”
positing that the social and the material are constitutively entangeled in everyday life. Her assertion fits well with those of Follett (1924) and Weick (1969, 1979, 1995, 2001). The basic premise behind the term sociomateriality is that technologies (the material) are enacted. It is this entanglement of the social and the material that is in focus when we look at how ICT use is enacted.
In this study, different ICTs serve as the raw materials for sense-making. It’s important to
note, however, that ecological change and alterations — or enactable environments — often
arise because of some action by the social actor. The actor’s capacity to both create the environment through action as well as respond to it is vital to our understanding of how individuals enact their work environment through the use of ICTs.
Research on enactment has spanned a great many issues where the social actors’ behavior and
responses are central to the enacted environment. Kreps and Bosworth (1993), for instance,
studied the unique dimensions of role enactment — status-role nexus, role links, and role performance — in communities immediately after natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes. Kreiner (1989), meanwhile, studied the enactment of wage systems on construction
sites and found that the enacted wage system allowed for some “cooking of the books” (p. 71).
Choo (2001) studied a program in the World Health Organization (WHO) and found that
sense-making and enactment are integral parts of an organization’s knowledge-generating system and, thus, organizational learning. Czarniawska-Joerges and Wolff (1991) argue that
managers, leaders, and entrepreneurs are enacted archetypes of leadership roles in organizations.
The central premise of Abolafia and Kilduff (1988) is that market participants create, or at least
co-create, the environment that then impinges on their activities. Showing that enactment is not
automatically directed toward progress and positive results, Edwards, McKinley, and Moon
(2002) argue that organizational decline can be enacted by both internal managers of an organization and its external constituents through self-fulfilling prophesies. Smircich and Stubbart (1985)
discuss Strategic management in an enacted world, and argue that the “environment of which
strategists make sense has been put there by strategists’ patterns of action — not by a process of
perceiving the environment, but by a process of making the environment” (p. 727). These studies
show that enactment is contextual, that it is not necessarily democratic, and that enactment opportunities do not necessarily need to be equally distributed.
While researchers have thus far scanted the enactment of ICTs, there are two exceptions that
are important to consider. Gallant and her colleagues (2003) aim to integrate sense-making
and enactment with informatics by creating what they call a communicative organizational
informatics (COI) framework, which they then employ to study wireless use of PDAs (personal digital assistants). They contend that users enact structural properties on PDAs that
they’ve learned from their previous use of other ICTs. Orlikowski (2000), meanwhile, persuasively argues that it is through human action and interaction that organizational structures are
enacted. Her study focuses on people’s use of Lotus Notes as a collaborative tool in different
settings. That study shows how people themselves enact structures simply by their technology
usage. Common to both of these studies is their focus on a single ICT. Our study, in contrast,
aims to be more comprehensive. It includes all ICTs commonly available to organizational
members. Our aim is to show how organizational members participate in the enactment not
Sætre, Sørnes, Browning, & Stephens
only of their environments but also of their media usage and indeed the very richness of the
media they employ.
In the following paragraphs we will elaborate on Weick’s (1969, 1979) model of the enactment
process, and then relate it to a subset of causal maps, namely scripts, which we then use to link
enactment to Langer’s (1989) theory of mindfulness.
Scripts: The linking pin between enactment and mindfulness
The enactment of scripts
Weick employs the broader construct of causal map because his focus is on organizing and sensemaking. Causal maps are the product of social actors’ enactment and depict how various elements are causally related (Weick, 2001). A script can be viewed as a causal map that is used as
a recipe for behavior (Ashforth & Fried, 1988). Put another way, a script is a causal map that
guides not only understanding but behavior. Barley views scripts as “behavioral grammars that
inform a setting’s everyday action” (1986, p. 83). The term “grammar” implies a certain sequence of behavior. Gioia and Poole elaborate on the importance of sequences in scripts, defining “script” as “a schematic knowledge structure held in memory that specifies behavior or event
sequences that are appropriate for specific situations” (Gioia & Poole, 1984, p. 449). Ashforth
and Fried (1988, p. 306) define script as “a cognitive structure that specifies a typical sequence of
occurrences in a given situation.” Therefore, “sense-making” — the enactment of meaning — is
the process of making sense of experiences by tracking the sequence of events. These theorists’
conceptualizations of scripts validate our view of scripts as a subset of causal maps. Given our
focus on specific ICT related behaviors, scripts are more useful than causal maps.
Over time, certain scripts perform more consistently than others, even across different contexts;
thus they come to be preferred. This is “selection” in Weick’s terminology (1979). Individuals’
reports of ICT practices are examples of scripts in this research. The prevalence of certain scripts
over others is at the very core of selection and retention.
The invocation of scripts
The invocation of a script results in behavior that is meant to be appropriate for the situation. We
can read in the newspapers “he invoked his rights to counsel.” Our employment of the term is
similar. By invocation we mean to call upon a law or rule; that is, for our purposes, to engage and
bring to bear this previously created and stored script. We use the terms “invoke” and “invocation” rather than terms like “use” or “employ” because we want to focus attention on the process
of engaging the stored scripts. Since scripts are created as a shortcut that allows one to take action based on just a limited part of the available information, using a script invariably reduces
one’s level of awareness or mindfulness in any given context (Gioia & Poole, 1984). Invocation,
therefore, focuses attention on the instantaneous script engagement process, while use implies a
continued consciousness that often is just not there.
We now turn to the issue of conscious or unconscious processing—that is, mindfulness or mindlessness.
Mindfulness and mindlessness
Mindfulness can best be understood as “the process of drawing novel distinctions” (Langer &
Moldoveanu, 2000, p. 1). People who are mindful of what they are doing often behave quite differently from people who act mindlessly (Langer, 1978); although under unaltered conditions one
would be hard-pressed to notice any difference between the two. Langer’s concept of mindfulness fits with the work of Burgoon and Langer (1996), who have defined mindlessness as “lim-
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
ited information processing, rigid categorical thinking, single perspectives, and failure to recognize context” (p. 107). (When people are mindless, they “treat information as if it were contextfree — true regardless of circumstances” (Langer, 1989, p. 3)).
Repetition and familiar situations move us toward mindlessness, yet all of us learn through repetition. The problem is that, with each repetition, less and less information is processed (Langer,
1978). The creation of meaning, sense-making, learning, and “the drawing of novel distinctions”
are mindful behaviors, but “once distinctions are created, they take on a life of their own. . . . The
categories we make gather momentum and are very hard to overthrow” (Langer, 1989, p. 11).
Thus we have moved from the mindful enactment of categories and scripts to the mindless invocation of them. As Langer nicely put it, “We build our own and our shared realities and then we
become victims of them — blind to the fact that they are constructs, ideas” (1989, p. 11). Ashforth and Fried (1988) argue that given the repetitive nature of many tasks, much organizational
behavior occurs quite mindlessly. Burgoon, Berger, and Waldron (2000) would agree, asserting
that much interpersonal communication occurs mindlessly. Repetitive tasks such as checking our
email and selecting a communication medium for each interaction are apt to become mindless
behaviors. Since social actors have limited communication capacity for processing information
(Broadbent, 1958; Shannon & Weaver, 1949), people process information selectively, causing
them to also ignore information (Langer, 1978, 1989).
Mindlessness can also be viewed as entrapment by categories (Langer, 1989). That is, we attend
to only a limited set of available cues — the evoked set (Abougomaah, Schlacter, & Gaidis,
1987) — while ignoring other cues that might let us draw novel distinctions. As summed up by
Timmerman (2002, p. 114), “Mindlessness is a state in which one does not attend to information
in the environment, but rather behaves in an automatic fashion, minimally attentive to behavior.”
Mindlessness can stem from various things: (a) overlearned behavior, (b) cognitive commitment,
(c) reliance on existing categories, and (d) limited attention paid.
It is also worth noting that in most of the writing on mindlessness and mindless behavior there
is an implicit assumption of linearity. That is, social actors observe some familiar cues that
trigger a script and lead to a specific mindless behavior that, according to the script, fits the
situation. But it might well be that these cues that social actors observe, trigger a set of scripts
that in turn focus their attention toward certain types of information, like trying to confirm that
a particular script fits, and away from other types of information, like what is unique about
this situation or event — information that might require modifying a script or even using a
completely new one. Such an explanation fits well with Weick’s (1979, 1995, 2001) notion of
retrospective sense-making. Distinguishing between mindful and mindless enactment and
mindful and mindless invocation of enacted scripts yields a deeper understanding of organizational behaviors.
The relationship between these key concepts is illustrated in Figure 1.
Enactment is usually mindful as social actors co-create their own working environments;
however, sometimes people are less than fully mindful of how they enact their environments.
That is, elements of mindlessness creep into the enactment process. One of the outcomes of
this enactment process is scripts. Scripts are recipes for behavior. These recipes are triggered
or invoked by some cue, and the social actor does not process the rest of the available information but acts based on the script, thus preserving cognitive capacity. The invocation of
scripts is inherently mindless, and is designed to be mindless. However, sometimes mindfulness creeps into this process, for example when changes are noticed.
Sætre, Sørnes, Browning, & Stephens
The co-creation
of the
Cognitive maps
for action
The initiation of a
script to preserve
cognitive capacity
Figure 1. The Relationship between key concepts
The research presented here is part of a larger investigation of ICT use in the workplace in Norway and the United States (see also Sørnes, Stephens, Sætre, & Browning, 2004). Data collection
for this study began in the fall of 2000 and ended in the fall of 2002. During that period, four researchers conducted 67 individual interviews. The interviewees were chosen based on their reputation as advanced ICT users within their fields. We sought early adopters and key opinion leaders in their fields. At the end of the interview we asked if they knew of other advanced users that
they would recommend we talk to, thus generating a snowball sample (Biernacki & Waldorf,
1981; Johnson, 1990). When choosing informants in this manner, we are not randomly sampling
from the universe of potential informants. Rather we are selectively sampling the specialized
knowledge of the topic that these informants possess (Johnson, 1990).
Social information-processing models dictate that social context determines ICT use. Our goal
was to use a broad sample of individuals from different firm sizes and types so that the social effects would be neutralized as much as possible in our data set. We chose ICT users from a wide
range of professions and organizations — a cross-section representing different industries, functional areas, professional and organizational tenure, and gender. Our respondents were quite diverse with 71% being male, 68% of them being from established (as opposed to entrepreneurial)
organizations, and 36% being managers, and they represented 34 organizations from the United
States and 30 from Norway. They represented industries such as banking, hospitals, software development, government agencies, management consulting, fish farming, higher education, water
purification, semiconductors, farming, e-learning, and sales. Of our interviewees, 30 were from
service industries while the remaining 37 were from product-related industries; 23 were managers
and 44 were non-managers; 34 were from Norway and 33 from the United States; 30 were from
small companies and 37 were from large companies. Table 1 summarizes the background of the
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
Table 1: Background of interviewees
United States
The one thing they all have in common is a reputation within their field, and among colleagues,
of being an advanced user of ICTs. The heterogeneity of our data allows us to draw more general
conclusions about ICT use across different contexts. We selected advanced users because, in addition to being articulate about their practices, these users are opinion leaders.
Each interview lasted 45–90 minutes and was audio-recorded and transcribed, resulting in some
2,500 pages of text. To facilitate our subsequent data analysis, we translated the Norwegian data
set into English and double-checked everything for semantic and contextual accuracy. Then, for
our analysis, we printed the Norwegian interviews with Norwegian and English translations sideby-side.
The in-depth interviews were loosely structured. Because this research involved multiple sites
and multiple interviewers, it was especially important to employ a similar format for the interviews, developing a common framework and maintaining cross-case comparability (Miles & Huberman, 1994). The structure of our interview guide also permitted us to exploit any opportunities that presented themselves — a method that is flexible and that favors adaptation to each context and individual (Miles & Huberman, 1994). Our interview guide contained a handful of topics that provided a baseline for adapting the interview to the unique opportunities that presented
themselves in each interview. Our topical questions were: Could you walk me through a typical
day; how do you use the internet; how do you use email; how do you use ICTs for internal communication, and how do you use ICTs for external communication; what is it critical in making
this communication work; how do you use ICTs to build and maintain relationships inside and
outside the organization; if you were to be more effective in your ICT use, what would you
change. The interviewer would typically just introduce a topic and then would provide a transition to the next topic when needed.
The data was categorized by multiple coders. The data was initially coded using a simple spreadsheet; subsequently it was coded using Nvivo. We used a constant comparative analysis (Glaser
1998; Glaser & Strauss, 1967). This approach assumes that “categories, concepts, and theoretical
levels of analysis emerge from researchers’ interactions with the field and questions about the
data” (Charmaz, 2000, p. 522). The strength of this method is the inductive progression from detail to abstraction (Browning, 1978). Our process started with a line-by-line analysis of the 2,500
pages of text, where we (1) identified incidents, which were then (2) categorized (Glaser 1998).
Incidents would range from short sentences, such as “I always check my email before I start
working,” to short paragraphs. The complete data set consisted of 24,000 incidents. Through the
Sætre, Sørnes, Browning, & Stephens
coding process this was reduced to 6,000 ICT-related incidents. The coded data was used as a
database for searching for relevant incidents. The coding process yielded intimate familiarity
with the data that facilitated the selection of soundbites from the interviewees used in this study.
The method employed in this study can best be described as iterative grounded theory (Orton,
1997, 2000), an approach where the researcher, using an iterative process, gradually moves from
primarily dealing with data and theoretical categorization to focusing primarily on analysis (Orton, 2000). Among the best-known examples of this type of analysis are: Allison’s (1969) analysis of the Cuban missile crisis, Perrow’s (1984) analysis of “Normal Accidents” in organizations,
and Weick’s analysis of the Mann Gulch forest fire (1993).
In our analysis we worked with data and theory simultaneously, and theory and data fed off each
other into our analysis process. This process is described as a “back-and-forth character in which
concepts, conjectures, and data are in continuous interplay” (Van Maanen, Sørensen, & Mitchell,
2007, p. 1146). They go on to say, “If one thinks of concepts and conjectures as existing on a
conceptual plane and of data residing on an empirical one, the more links and the more varied the
links between the two planes, the more promising the research” (p. 1146). From the iterations
between extant literature and our data, the following overarching research question emerged:
How is media use enacted in organizations?
The iterative grounded-theory method employed in this study is illustrated in Figure 2.
Diffusion of
(36 of which
Coding of
Credibility and
Garbage Can
Media Choice
Figure 2: Iterative Grounded-Theory Methodology
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
Iterations occurred both within each kind of analysis (the coding and collapsing of categories occurred over several iterations, as we moved between individual incidents and the various categories created) and between both the conceptual and theoretical analysis. It also occurred with the
data itself, as we continued to revisit the categories as well as the raw data in our theoretical analysis. Our analysis gained power through these iterations since we considered the multiple implications of each of these theories for our focal issue. Practically speaking, each incident is held up
to several theories in order to find which of these theories best explains or predicts each incident
(or behavior). Naturally there are times when an incident can be explained by multiple theories,
forcing the researcher to choose one over the other. In such cases we exploited the fact that we
were multiple researchers and gained useful insights through the deliberation of such instances.
The methodologist Donald T. Campbell argued that if a social scientist tries out multiple theories
to explain the focal issue before finding one that fits, “he has tested the theory with degrees of
freedom coming from the multiple implications of any one theory” (1975, p. 182). Herein lies the
strength of iterative grounded theory.
The purpose of (iterative) grounded theory is to operate as a reflexive practice whereby naturalistic data drawn from the field informs theoretical concepts in place. It is also designed to inform
the understanding of practice by applying theories already in place to the understanding of practice. To display our data, we selected vignettes or narratives from the interviews that contain accounts relevant to our proposed conceptual framework. We used the researchers’ intimacy with
the data, as well as searches of our database, to select the narratives used for analysis in this paper. Selecting such vignettes places a heavy burden on the academic integrity of the researchers
to select soundbites that are representative, not of any kind of average, but of what the informant
purported (see Punch, 1986, for an extended discussion). We searched for examples of our three
central theoretical constructs: enactment, scripts, and mindfulness/mindlessness. This is consistent with Glaser’s (1978, 1998) view that researchers may flexibly draw on, and construct frameworks based on, the theoretical leads suggested by their data. Similarly, Strauss (1970) states that
while the emphasis in the 1967 monograph with Barney Glaser was theory generation, its analytical style could also be used in the context of previously developed theory — so long as it had
been carefully grounded in research.
As researchers, we acknowledge that it is difficult to talk about mindlessness in behaviors after
asking all our interviewees to be mindful of their own behaviors as ICT users. Due to retrospective sense-making, we expect that interviewees will make sense of even their mindless behavior
as they tell us about their actions and their reasons for acting (Weick, 1995). However, through
such self-reported examples we can provide plausible evidence that routines are established and
result in ICT use that happens without much consideration. Indeed, social actors are often mindful of some aspects of a situation, but, as we will show, they are often not mindful of other, possibly more important, aspects of the very same situation. Hence we can show, at least in part, examples of mindless behavior in organizations.
Enactment is a “supercategory” that permeates the data set. Because we ask interviewees to account for their ICT practices, they offer examples of how they have acted in past circumstances;
many of these accounts can be viewed as some form of enactment. Our operationalization meant
that incidents of enactment would have to include at least the action and the reaction or consequence (either implicit or explicit). For example, a university professor forces students from one
e-learning platform to another by gradually reducing the functionality of the old platform. This
action (itself a reaction to the availability of the new platform) produces reactions from his students both intended (compliance) and unintended, or at least undesired (complaints), and unintended consequences (such as mounting pressures on his colleagues, from satisfied students, to
follow suit). Another example is the young student manager in an upstart company who provided
his employees with the latest and greatest communication technologies (action) in order that they
Sætre, Sørnes, Browning, & Stephens
might be able to reach each other at all times. In exchange for this availability they could use the
cellphones to call and message their friends, which they did with a vengeance (reaction). This
policy and the employees’ adaptation of it lead to a blurring of the work-life boundary, both by
bringing work into their private lives (at least partially intended consequence) and by bringing
their social life to work (unintended consequence).
In our analysis, which we present in the following sections, we couple our theoretical framework
with some narratives selected from our substantial pool of raw data. The theoretical frameworks
served as a sensitizing device for looking at, interpreting, and analyzing the narrative data
(Browning & Henderson, 1988; van den Hoonaard, 1997). The goal of this paper is to understand
media use and selection in organizations; the theories are a means toward this end. The close
coupling between the data and the theoretical framework is reflected in the following sections.
Findings: How Media Use is Enacted in Organizations
Enacting ICT Practices
Using our integrated theoretical framework for data analysis, we found examples of enactment,
scripts, and mindfulness in all 67 of our interviews. Our data showcase numerous examples of
how the individual actors use ICTs as their raw materials and rearrange ICTs to respond to different situations.
Many organizational theorists characterize organizations and their external environments as complex systems that constantly interact (P. Anderson, 1999; Daft & Lewin, 1990). These complex
interactions create opportunities for enactment to take place. For example, sales representatives
discuss how they adjust their own personal ICT-use scripts to accommodate the needs of their
customers. Without an external agent driving their script formation or execution, ICT use would
be driven by other exigencies. ICT practices don’t happen in a vacuum; they are consciously and
unconsciously influenced by the so-called environment. Scripts are a key concept in our study;
they sit squarely between enactment and invocation, and they are the linking pin between enactment theory and mindfulness. The list below, provides some examples of ICT-use scripts, and
illustrates the diversity of scripts that we found in our data:
I always check my email before I start working.
I never check my email until after 2 p.m.; otherwise I never get anything
I always fax my orders because emails get lost.
You can always call people’s work cellphones, and if they have not turned
them off they are on call.
I always use face-to-face communication when a decision is involved.
I never use pagers with customers until I really know them.
Always use the Internet to do research in preparing for a meeting.
Use email to build trust in the sales process.
Always use face-to-face communication to build trust.
I always use email.
Voice-mail and phone are most efficient for internal communication.
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
In a trusting relationship use a 4:1 ratio of electronic communication and faceto-face.
Always use face-to-face to check that new people are real (and not some
hacker in a basement).
Always avoid using physical paper.
Enacting Mindfully
If we place enactment on a continuum ranging from highly mindful to completely mindless, we
can learn more about ICT use. For example, on the moderately high end of this mindfulness continuum is an example of ICT use where successful practices were actually appropriated from others and implemented in new organizations. A staff member at a college in Norway related how a
group from his college went about constructing its Web pages — a project that involved their collaborating with an external Web-design firm. “We tried to describe to this little company what
we were aiming for,” the person recalled. “In doing this we have stolen shamelessly from all the
other solutions on the market.” These people clearly were mindful of how they wanted to present
their organization to the higher-education market, so the environment itself became part of how
the college sought to establish its own identity (set itself apart) in that market (the environment).
But it is not evident how mindful they were that by looking mostly at colleges and small universities similar to their own, they were not only setting themselves apart but were also communicating membership in that group by using similar structures and design elements on their own homepages.
Most literature focuses simply on the mindful enactment of ICT-use scripts. But there is a much
wider range of mindfulness. One of our American interviewees had a very clear script for how to
search for novel and hard-to-find information for a management consulting company. “I probably use Google very systematically 20 times a day,” she reported. “And anything [emphasis added] that I want to know about, I'll do a Google search.” That last statement makes clear that this
is, in her mind, a reliable method or script for finding information — so reliable, in fact, that she
invokes it every time she needs to learn something. Although she was fairly mindless about the
specifics of her search when invoking this Google script, she was certainly mindful when she created it. She told us:
What Google does — [well,] other engines will return a result as a function of
how frequently a certain term is used on that Web site, [whereas] Google looks
at how many times a Web site is accessed that has those terms. So you always
come up with the most used sites, which are usually the most useful sites. . . .
And the real power, I think, from Google is that you have implicitly built into it
the wisdom of hundreds of millions of people.
Not everyone, of course, has such faith in the collective intelligence of people. (As playwright
Thornton Wilder has one of his characters remark, “Ninety-nine percent of the people in the
world are fools and the rest of us are in great danger of contagion” (1954, The Matchmaker, Act
I.)). Although mindful, at least retrospectively, of why she constructed her own search script
when looking for unique and hard-to-find information, she failed to see the irony in her imagining
that she had found this precisely where the most people had previously looked for it. Keeping in
mind social actors’ limited rationality and cognitive capacity, we see that while fully mindful of
some aspects of her task, she was also quite mindless of other important aspects of it. To a certain extent it is the quality of reasoning behind a choice that determines the degree of mindfulness
or mindlessness. (Here, one can easily get entangled in issues, such as intelligence and reasoning
abilities, that are well beyond the scope of this paper). That is, what portion of the relevant vari-
Sætre, Sørnes, Browning, & Stephens
ables do social actors pay attention to and include in their reasoning? By “portion,” we mean
both the relative size (variance accounted for) and sameness (same variable or different ones).
The economy can serve as an ecological change agent and alter the degree of mindfulness about
previously enacted scripts. A consultant in the high-tech industry in California’s Silicon Valley
explained to us how a protracted economic downturn affected people’s use of ICTs: “Well, certainly, in our firm there’s a lot less travel, and so there’s a lot more emphasis on electronic communications.” This interview also shows that ecological change (downturn in the economy) increases mindfulness of certain elements like cost, leading to decisions like this: “It’s not costefficient to travel to Atlanta, so let’s have a video conference instead.” Furthermore, events like
9/11 increased people’s awareness of the risks of traveling, not to mention the cost of air travel
(in both money and time) due to increased security measures.
In sum, whereas previously there would have been a meeting in Atlanta, under these altered conditions there wasn’t one. In other words, ecological change led social actors to be more mindful.
On average, social actors are now more mindful of certain variables, such as what media to use,
than they were before the ecological change. This increased mindfulness typically comes at the
cost of downplaying other variables, such as the nature of the meeting (level of ambiguity, urgency) and other variables previously considered more salient than they are now.
This is largely due not only to our bounded rationality (March & Simon, 1958) but also because
we, at a meta-level of bounded rationality, are willing to give such decisions only a finite amount
of time and consideration, or cognitive effort. We are thus seeing a shift of the variables that constitute the enactable environment. Mindfulness, in other words, does not necessarily mean that
mindful social actors are paying attention to more variables than they usually are; they might just
be paying attention to different ones. In other words, an increased degree of mindfulness occurs
when social actors pay attention to and act upon more variables and/or different variables than
they usually do.
In a world of constant change and bounded rationality the question is how many variables, or how
large a portion of variables, and which portion of variables must social actors pay how much attention to before their behavior is considered more or less mindful?
Prior research has largely treated the enactment of scripts as mindful and the invocation of scripts
as a relatively mindless exercise (Ashforth, & Fried, 1988; Burgoon, & Langer, 1996; Gioia &
Poole, 1984). But our own data argues for a more complex view. Not only are there different
levels of mindfulness in ICT script invocation and use, but the enactment of scripts can also be
more or less mindful. In our examples, mindful social actors, when selecting their communication media, actually consider at least some of the criteria spelled out in media-choice theories:
opportunity for fast feedback, ability to convey multiple cues, opportunity to tailor the message to
the situation, and ability to convey ambiguous and subjective material.
Mindfulness and Media Choice
One of the most prominent mindful ICT themes in the data concerns the prevalence of face-toface communication in important or emotional situations. The usefulness of face-to-face communication was consistent, in both our Norwegian and U.S. interviews, in two types of situations.
One was when initiating a relationship (say, with a potential customer), and the other was when
closing a deal. In both situations, the common script was, “Use face-to-face communication.” A
U.S. salesperson explained, “If a customer has any sort of emotion, if it’s a subject that’s emotional, whether positive or negative, I’ll go see him, because in sales every decision is emotional.”
This person is mindful of the power of the “face-to-face to close deals” script, because he sees
every closing or decision as emotional, and emotions can best be dealt with through rich communication channels, or media, such as face-to-face (Daft & Lengel, 1984, 1986). He is also enact-
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
ing his own work context by setting client expectations through his media choices. If he switches
to a leaner medium, like email, that very switch will convey a message in itself (Sitkin, Sutcliffe
& Barrios-Choplin, 1992). However, if he is practicing his “every decision is emotional” belief,
he will end up rather mindlessly using rich media where common sense as well as media-choice
theories would dictate the use of leaner media.
One of our Norwegian respondents offered some additional insights into the script for reaching an
agreement and closing a sale. This person was a sales-and-marketing director for an IT firm offering “real-time” solutions. Over 70% of his contacts with customers were by email. Nevertheless, he pointed out that the most important part of the customer relationship takes place in person: “Face-to-face is a must in the initial stages, throughout the process to resolve conflicts or
disagreement, and in the closing of a sale.” Not only does he include the deal-closing script, but
he also extends the script to include using face-to-face for initiating relationships. Furthermore,
he is acutely aware of why face-to-face is so useful in the closing of a deal: “Email is not suited
to deal with conflicts, because it is too rigid.” What our informant calls “rigid,” media-choice
theories call “lean,” referring to the lack of ability to pick up on multiple cues, delay in feedback
and so forth. In this sense, rich media are more flexible than lean media.
The next examples shed further light on the enactment of the face-to-face script. An American
interviewee who conducted a fair amount of international business told us, “For a decision of any
size, I think, in almost every case, there’s got to be at least one or two face-to-face meetings.”
This person had a colleague who also worked internationally, and they both had found that in
closing such deals, face-to-face communication was essential. “It’s rare that a deal gets concluded
without face-to-face,” that colleague told us. The following U.S. example from a person who
conducted most of his business domestically makes a similar point:
If they’re going to spend that kind of money, they’re going to want to meet our
sales people, our sales managers, our vice-president, and our executives. The
bigger the deal, the more face-to-face time it requires. . . . In our industry
there’s a lot of CEOs who spend half their time just closing deals.
Our interviewees not only recognized a “face-to-face for closing deals” script, but also recognized
that it is ubiquitous within the industry. The ubiquity of this script can also indicate that there are
elements of mindlessness at play, but more likely it is a result of an almost universal recognition
of the ambiguity and equivocality associated with substantial procurement decisions.
Face-to-face communication is considered appropriate for dealing with emotion and conflict since
it lets us pick up on multiple, and perhaps conflicting, cues as well as allowing for flexible communication and immediate feedback (Daft & Lengel, 1984, 1986; Lengel & Daft, 1988; Rice,
1993). For initiating relationships and closing deals, face-to-face communication is preferred by
several of our interviewees both in the U.S. and in Norway. In both the initial stages of a relationship and when closing deals, uncertainty and ambiguity are high, so richer media prove more
appropriate (Daft & Lengel, 1984, 1986). However, as we shall see, not all media choices are the
results of mindful behaviors.
Some enacted scripts result from mindless behaviors. One counselor in continuing education (executive education) at a university in Norway told us of how he and his colleagues used various
media. With colleagues in the same building, they used a combination of face-to-face and electronic media, but with colleagues officing in the adjacent building, almost all of their “discussions
and communication happened through email.” These people followed the same script: if they
needed to communicate with their colleagues in the other building, they would use electronic media because it felt too far to walk. They paid far less attention to the content and purpose of the
communication than to the physical distance. It is not even physical distance, as that could often
be the same as with people within the building; it was more the “barrier” of going from one build-
Sætre, Sørnes, Browning, & Stephens
ing to another. While this example illustrates some mindfulness in their choice of email, it also
shows a certain level of mindless script invocation. In other words, they attended to only a few or
one of the available cues (another building), and ignored other and perhaps more important cues
(content, context, and purpose of the communication). This selective cuing supports the conclusion that there are levels of mindfulness to be found in ICT use. Structures — in our case, scripts
— are only created and can only exist through practice (Giddens, 1989: Orlikowski, 2000).
Through their practice of not bothering to walk over to the adjacent building, organizational
members have unconsciously enacted two media-usage scripts: one for colleagues in their own
building and one for colleagues in the other building.
Similarly, the U.S. salesperson who viewed decisions as emotional placed a premium on face-toface communication and mindlessly enacted a script:
My philosophy is very simple: If I have an opportunity to meet with a customer, I will drop everything else because it’s more important. And even if I
spend two hours and only get five minutes’ worth of information.
He went on to say that he might ask quick questions on voice mail, or even send an email “if it is
unimportant,” but if he thinks the information has “any significance” he will definitely use faceto-face. He does not believe that leaner media are complementary to rich face-to-face communication. This assumption leads him to use rich media in situations where media-choice theories
would predict leaner media usage. For him, leaner media are useful only for trivial, short messages. This script — the superiority of face-to-face communication at all times — leads him to
spend maybe 120 minutes to get something that might otherwise have taken five minutes, but he
finds the time and effort spent are worthwhile. Although he thinks he is mindful (“I do this because everything is emotional, and emotions can only be dealt with face-to-face”), he is in fact
largely mindless (he ignores any cues that might lead him to use leaner media, such as receiver
preference, convenience, speed, availability of media, and so forth) when invoking this script that
leads him to utilize an inappropriate medium, at least according to media-choice theories (Daft &
Lengel, 1984, 1986; Fulk, Steinfield, Schmitz, & Power, 1987; Sitkin et al., 1992). The initiative
to act face-to-face, even though it involves a significant allocation of resources, is less mindful
than routinely considering several variables. An alternative explanation is that he can be mindless — and automatically choose to use face-to-face communication — because he knows that
face-to-face is a “mindful” medium with many simultaneous cues. In short:
Whenever a high degree of mindlessness influences media choice, media-choice
theories are less than predictive.
This assertion supports Timmerman’s (2002) argument that media-selection theories, such as media richness, and social-influence theories are non-predictive unless one considers the mindlessness/mindfulness of the actor. Specifically:
Whenever ecological change has taken place in such a scope or scale that media choices should, according to MCT, be affected but social actors are not
mindful of these changes, then media choice theories are non-predictive.
In other words, it is not the mindlessness per se that renders media choice theories non-predictive,
it is the mindlessness combined with the scale and scope of ecological change that has the potential of rendering MCT non-predictive.
Unintended consequences as an indicator of less than mindful
Some mindful script invocations begin with one objective and result in novel unintended consequences that may or may not be desirable. There are many examples of informants deliberately
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
enacting ICT scripts. But we also see examples where mindful ICT use creates new problems.
Consider the case of a Norwegian college professor who used technology to impose a specific
learning experience on his students. Wanting his students to employ the “superior” software, he
deliberately reduced the functionality of a previously used software application so that they had to
use a new software package to complete some course assignments. But this mindful creation of a
learning environment had unforeseen consequences. He discovered that the word traveled fast
about his requirements, and students monitored whether friends in other professors’ classes were
being required to do the same thing. And some students “started to question why others did not
do it.” The professor kept an eye on these misgivings and noted the mounting pressure on his
colleagues to do the same, which was good, he thought, since it placed him “ahead of the game”
— something that appealed to his desire to be on the cutting edge. In this example, the professor
thought he was creating — mindfully enacting — a better learning environment for his students,
but he also affected the working climate for the colleagues in his own department as well as for
the university at large by raising the expectations of students. In this example we see a new work
environment being enacted; part of it has been mindfully enacted while another, not insignificant,
part has been enacted through unforeseen consequences, which arguably then was less than mindfully enacted.
Another example of unintended consequences is provided by one of the IT firms in Norway that
sought to create a mutually beneficial exchange relationship with its employees. The firm provided each employee with a free cellphone; in exchange, the firm claimed the right to contact
employees 24/7 to request help in solving company problems whenever they arose. As our interviewee said, the firm “had a “crystal-clear policy: when the cellphone is on, we can call them anytime, day or night.” Say, for example, the firm developed problems with some software code.
They would promptly “call the number [of some employee], and if the cellphone is on, which it
often is if you use the number for all your friends as well, then we reach the person.” The motivation for this policy was quite clear, as was the incentive for programmers to leave their cellphone on.
But this policy, and the firm’s free exploitation of it, enacted an environment that virtually erased
any distinction between company time and private time. This led to people feeling that they were
never really off work. Our interviewee, one of the founders of this company and an institutor of
the cellphone policy, solved the problem this way: “So I often turn the phone off for a whole day,
to people’s great irritation. It is one way of doing it —s o people can choose between free phone
and at the same time be called.” One might be mindful of what is intended by a certain behavior,
in this case a cellphone policy, but one is not able to foresee all the consequences of the policy —
thus the dramatic exchanges he describes. This example shows that not only are there stages to
enactment, but it is in fact an ongoing process. As social agents, we are never done enacting. We
are always transacting with others, and through our transactions with others we are continually
enacting new contexts, environments, and scripts, or modifying existing ones.
Further illustrating this point is an example from a Norwegian dairy-and-pig-farming couple who
had invested heavily in farming technologies and ICTs to increase the efficiency of their farm.
Their investments, they told us, had led to a new kind of problem because of the special requirements of the technology: “We can’t call the relief worker — ring just to say that now we want a
relief worker. That doesn’t work for us [anymore]. There is too much technology in our cowshed for doing that.” Their new work environment was enacted by using pretty standard computer equipment and software and implementing it in a novel context. The new farming environment that they had enacted through their investments in high tech created a new “environmental” problem in that relief workers with the right set of competencies proved hard to find. In
this case, enactment that generated one kind of opportunity also restricted other options. The
farmers had increased their productivity while easing their workload, but had in effect restricted
Sætre, Sørnes, Browning, & Stephens
their ability to easily leave the farm for extended periods. They felt trapped. Our study shows
that enactment of ICT scripts can have substantial unintended consequences, showing that even in
enacting scripts there are degrees of mindfulness.
Our findings regarding mindfulness and the unintended consequences of ICT-related behaviors
can be summarized as follows:
Given the finite capacity for social actors to process information (bounded rationality), even mindful ICT behaviors can have substantial unintended consequences.
In fact, it is likely that:
Mindful ICT behaviors more frequently result in unintended consequences than
do mindless ICT behaviors, given that mindful behaviors often are caused by
noticeable ecological change, and that mindless behaviors most commonly occur under unaltered conditions.
Under unaltered conditions the rather mindless invocation of existing scripts has proven a successful way of preserving cognitive capacity.
The Enactment of Media Richness
While many interviewees spoke of their media preferences and experiences, many also discussed
how they enacted the richness of a certain medium. The enactment of the richness of one medium took place through the use of a different, often richer, medium, or by using multiple media.
One Norwegian executive education counselor explained that when there is no relationship established, he is mindful of how he crafts email messages: “I do relate more formally to this person
[someone new] in written form, and I am more careful then … because I will spend time on formulating myself in a good way.” Phrases such as “relate more formally,” “I am more careful,”
and “spend time on formulating myself” indicate a high degree of mindfulness when communicating. As the actors interact, they enact or co-create a relationship that consists of trust and, to
various degrees, mutual understanding:
What I say is that it is easier. For example, some project managers I have been
working with for three to four years now, and they know me very well … and I
am much more effective towards them than I am towards others.
Being “effective” means “achieving more with fewer words and less time spent carefully crafting
messages. The communication, and hence relationship, becomes more effective. Social actors
enact, through the use of interaction and multiple media, the richness of a lean media such as
email. One international policy advisor stated:
I know some people very well because I have met them physically on many occasions . . . We have established a relationship–a working relationship. But I
do feel that the use of the Net [email] is much easier now when I know the
people from the physical meetings. I can write them in another way.
In this case, the use of one medium — face-to-face — affects the perceived and experienced richness of another—email. This relationship, enacted over time through the use of multiple and rich
media, facilitates communication. In this example we have seen the enacting of increased richness of a lean medium (email) through the use of a rich medium (face-to-face).
Say you learn that a person is laidback but really sarcastic, too, so you read his emails a little differently than you read other people’s. Then one day you receive an email from him that you
don’t understand, so you give him a call about it. He explains that it was an understatement.
Suddenly it all makes sense. Not only does it make sense, it is also amusing. As your relation149
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
ship progresses in this manner, you jointly negotiate (enact) the use of email as a richer medium
than might be assumed under media-richness theory (Daft & Lengel, 1984, 1986) and socialinformation processing theory (Fulk et al., 1987).
A famous illustration of “enacted richness” is the correspondence between Victor Hugo and his
publisher following the publication of his novel Les Misérables in 1862. Hugo sent his publisher
a card containing only the symbol “?”. In return he received a card from his publisher containing
only the symbol “!”. Within the enacted context of Hugo's relations with his publisher (and the
public’s reaction to the novel), these single-symbol messages were loaded with meaning; lacking
such an enacted context, such messages would be utterly meaningless. By using rich media and
through frequent interactions, social actors can and do in important ways enact augmented richness of what we would traditionally label lean media.
The use of a rich medium, such as face-to-face communication, to increase the richness of leaner
media can also be seen in the following example. An American interviewee confessed: “I will
spend a lot more personal time with somebody I don’t know. I will very rarely page a new customer.” He doesn’t feel that it is appropriate to use leaner media until a relation is established. “I
will very rarely send them emails until I get to know them,” he says. Before he could use leaner
media such as email and pagers, he needed to “build confidence and trust within that individual.”
Once he had done that, then “it’s acceptable to send them pages, send voicemails, or emails. But
I try to keep that to a minimum until I really feel comfortable with them as well as they feel comfortable with me.” Through the use of face-to-face communication he enacts a relationship that
allows him to subsequently use leaner media in the relation. But media richness can also be enacted through the repeated use of a leaner media. For example, J. Campbell (2006) found that
regular use of videoconferencing by high-apprehension individuals led them to perceive the medium as richer. It’s reasonable to expect that at least a part of this increase was due to enacted
One of our Norwegian respondents who does a lot of her business internationally has met most, if
not all, of her worldwide contacts in person. Meeting people face-to-face is important to her, she
says, because “then [you] have a tie that makes it much easier to get in touch with them.” Not
only is it easier to understand and communicate with people you have actually met face-to face,
but this enacted understanding helps determine how to approach a conversation, “because then
you know what [sort of] guy this is—if the guy is very formal or informal.” She says that having
once met a person, she knows if it is someone she can “joke around” with. This kind of personal
understanding is difficult to enact through leaner media. Understanding just what kind of person
you are communicating with is important, she says, because “if you communicate with some
group in the U.S., then you know who you can joke with when it comes to [named U.S. president]
and not.” She says that this is important to know, because if you don’t, “you should not take the
chance either.” Enacted personal relationships allow for both greater flexibility and understanding as well as improved effectiveness of communication.
In these examples, we find social actors considering at least some of the elements of mediachoice theories — opportunity for fast feedback, ability to convey multiple cues, opportunity to
tailor the message to the situation, and ability to convey ambiguous and subjective material —
when selecting their communication media. More importantly, however, is that in all these examples we see social actors striving toward leaner and more efficient media replacing the richer,
and more time-consuming, media such as face-to-face. In other words:
The richness of a particular medium is not only a function of the objective media characteristics, or the collective perception in a group of that media, but it
is also a function of how the richness of those media has been enacted among
Sætre, Sørnes, Browning, & Stephens
the communication participants on previous encounters and through the use of
other media.
That is:
Social actors can enact the augmented richness of a leaner media through the
use of richer media and frequent interactions.
Social actors can enact the augmented richness of a leaner media through the
use of multiple media and frequent interactions.
This extends our understanding of media choice, since media choice is not only determined by
objective media characteristics (Daft & Lengel, 1984, 1986), or the collective perception of a medium in a given social context (Fulk et al., 1987), but also on the enacted richness of a medium
between particular social actors.
Summary and Discussion
This study suggests that the constructs of enactment, scripts, and mindfulness/mindlessness are
tightly coupled and thus should be used in concert to better understand ICT use. Our findings
support the assertion that ICT-use scripts are co-created between individuals and their environments. These scripts are often enacted mindfully, but mindfulness occurs on a continuum and is
influenced by many factors. The most common mindfully enacted script we encountered is that
face-to-face communication is preferred for emotional or ambiguous and important situations.
We also found that scripts that are mindfully created can become mindlessly invoked and used
even when they might be ineffective. Mindful ICT use can also have unintended consequences,
both positive and negative. Finally, varying levels of mindful ICT use can affect perceptions and
use of additional ICTs.
The rapid changes in organizations today and the ubiquity of ICTs provide organizational members highly enactable environments (Louis & Sutton, 1991). This is very different from the environment found in high- reliability organization (HRO’s) where “control” and ability to “act on
variables” rather than change produce mindfulness (Weick, Sutcliffe, & Obstfeld, 1999). Our
interviewees were articulate about how they enacted new scripts. Though an important part of
their ability to articulate this process stems from retrospective sensemaking, it’s clear that much
of their enactment of ICT usage is mindful (as with the salesperson who always used rich media
because every decision is emotional); nevertheless, some was less than fully mindful (as with the
consultant who always used Google to find what no one else could find on the Internet). When
changes were so subtle or in such a minor aspect of a situation as to escape their notice, we saw
that enactment can to a certain degree be mindless (as with the information director who continued to give a printed copy of her electronic newsletter to the people working on the farm even
after they acquired a computer, while she emailed it to everyone else). If ecological changes are
so subtle as to be almost imperceptible, though over time amount to substantial changes, we find
mindless enactment of scripts occurring. This mindless enactment is likely to be so slow that it is
better described as evolution of scripts. A social actor may eventually become aware of this evolution, and perhaps even the mindlessness of it, especially when the script fails (evolutionary failure), which it inevitably will.
Often the use of previously enacted scripts is automatic and hence mindless, but sometimes a situation will change so dramatically or unexpectedly that even the invocation of a script becomes
mindful instead of automatic. (One tragic example captured in our dataset was the mindfulness
with which people communicated with one another immediately after 9/11, particularly when the
cellphone networks were down or clogged.) In such instances, the mindful invocation of a previ-
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
ously enacted script becomes either a starting point for enacting a new script or an opportunity for
revising the existing one. Figure 3 summarizes this. The two dimensions in our figure are enactment of scripts and invocation of scripts. Both enactment of scripts and invocation of scripts can
be mindful or mindless. (As stated previously, both enactment of scripts and invocation of scripts
are on a continuum of mindfulness. The dichotomy used here is only for simplicity, and the
terms “mindful” and “mindless” can be considered near the ends of the mindfulness continuum.
In the face of ecological change
new scripts are mindfully enacted
that meet the requirements of
these altered conditions. Once
these altered conditions become
normal social actors mindlessly
invoke enacted and retained
Subtle changes that lead to the
enactment of minor alterations in
existing scripts. The mindless
evolutionary enactment of scripts,
or scripts based on old habits.
These scripts are mindlessly invoked in situations that are
changed, but similar enough that
the same old script is invoked.
In the face of ecological change
new scripts are mindfully enacted that meet the requirements of these altered conditions. Social actor aware of conditions for invoking script and of
opportunity for refining and revising previously enacted script.
When mindlessly enacted
scripts meet substantial ecological change. Leads to either
termination of existing script or
the mindful enactment of new,
more appropriate scripts.
Figure 3: Mindless and Mindful Enactment and Invocation of Scripts
Social actors faced with a new situation or some alteration are more acutely aware of environmental cues and thus strive toward behaviors — communicative or otherwise — that allow them
to cope, or even excel, under these altered conditions (as with the IT consultant in a company that
was just noted on the stock exchange, so the management of the company was now acutely aware
of how they communicated and what they said to whom due to the rules and regulations pertaining to insider information). These mindfully enacted scripts tend to work quite well when these
“altered” conditions do not change again. Given stable conditions, mindless invocation of mindfully enacted scripts works quite well (as with most people’s use of email to keep in touch with
their friends), allowing social actors to ration their finite cognitive abilities.
The mindless invocation of mindlessly enacted scripts may be the most precarious position for
people to find themselves in, as it often leads to inappropriate behaviors (as with the consultant
who always used Google to find unique information that no one else could find). When behaviors
become so inappropriate as to be socially unacceptable (behavioral failure), social actors are suddenly compelled to become mindful of their invoked scripts, (as with the salesperson who always
used email to follow up and keep in touch with customers, but with one of them he discovered
that he never got any response, and learned that with this person only voicemail worked). This
Sætre, Sørnes, Browning, & Stephens
sudden mindfulness usually leads to scrapping the old script and mindfully enacting a new, more
appropriate one.
While this study serves to integrate Weick’s theory of enactment and Langer’s theory of mindfulness, several opportunities for future research exist. Prior research has theorized the concept of
mindfulness/mindlessness, and while this study drew implications from data, actually measuring
mindless behavior remains a challenge. Interview data relies on self-reports of behaviors, which
means that interviewees are engaged in retrospective sense-making of mindless moments when
giving accounts of behaviors, mindless and otherwise. We believe that observational data in
combination with interview data would shed further light on issues related to mindless behaviors
in organizations, by serving as a check on informants’ retrospective sensemaking during an interview.
Another area for future research lies in exploring the unintended consequences of mindful ICT
use. Our own findings demonstrate the prevalence of unintended consequences of mindful behavior, but we still know very little about how these unexpected outcomes affect behaviors and
ICT use. For example, if highly mindful ICT use results in something unexpected, does that result in the mindful modification of scripts? Studies of disaster suggest that people often do learn
from mistakes and unintended outcomes (Weick & Sutcliffe, 2001). As our findings indicate,
mindfulness/mindlessness is not a dichotomous variable, but a continuous one. Is, then, the degree of “unintendedness” really just a reflection of the level of mindfulness? Enactment is something that occurs when we are relating to our environments; it’s a continually ongoing process. A
fair amount of our enacting (with) our environments should occur in a state of more or less mindlessness. Exploring the implications and scope of mindless enactment should prove a ripe field
for future research.
The complexity of ICT use is not likely to decrease in the near future. Regularly we find that new
ICTs emerge through technology advancement and by the convergence of existing ICTs. As individuals make sense of ICTs, they will continue constructing, using, and modifying scripts. As
scholars, our task is to study the scripts, create models of their use, and empirically test those
models. It is through our theoretical contributions that we develop sustainable explanations of
Some Implications for Practitioners
Organizational members are well advised to be more mindful or aware of how they enact their
ICT-choice scripts. Managers might well communicate to their organizational members to be
mindful of what media they use and with whom. That is, to be mindful of the attributes and characteristics of each media, and to discuss when each medium is most appropriate in terms of communicating clearly, documenting information, defusing and de-escalating conflicts, and so forth.
We see evidence that organizational members tend to favor one medium (email, voice-mail,
pagers, and so on) over all others, and this choice then tends to become their default modus operandi, for better or worse. This mindless routine might not be the most effective way to use ICTs
as individuals’ communication partners have divergent preferences, and as different media are
appropriate and effective for handling different situations.
The authors are grateful to Hewlett Packard Inc. for the funding of the original research through
two grants. We would also like to thank Bob Travica and two anonymous reviewers for their
helpful comments.
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Dr. Alf Steinar Sætre is an Associate Professor in the Department of
Industrial Economics and Technoloyg Management at The Norwegian
University of Science and Technology. His research interests are in the
areas of information and communication technologies, organizing,
information management, innovation, technology commercialization and
new venture creation. He has published articles in such journals as:
Venture Captial, The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation, and Informing Science. He is a co-author of the recent book
Information and Communication Technologies in Action: Linking Theory
and Narratives of Practice. Alf Steinar has a Ph.D. in Organizational
Communication from The University of Texas at Austin, where he was a
Research Associate at the Institute for Creativity and Capital.
Enacting Media Use in Organizations
Dr. Jan-Oddvar Sørnes (Ph.D, NTNU, 2004), Vice Dean, and Associate
Professor in Organizational Communication and program director of the
Master of Science in Energy Management program Bodø University College. Jan teaches introductory courses in organizational communication,
energy management, and graduate courses in qualitative research methods.
His published work appears in journals like Informing Science, Qualitative
Inquiry, Case Studies in Organizational Communication, the Anna Lindh
book series on conflict prevention, and several book chapters. Jan has coauthored two books titled Information and Communication Technologies in
Action: Linking Theory and Narratives of Practice (2004) and Kommunikasjon og Teknologi i Organisasjoner (2007 – in progress).
Dr. Larry Browning (Ph. D. Ohio State) is a professor of organizational
communication in the Department of Communication Studies and the John
T. Jones Centennial Fellow in Communication, College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin. His research areas include the role of
lists and stories in organizations, information-communication technology
and narratives, cooperation and competition in organizations, and
grounded theory as a research strategy. In addition to many articles, he,
along with his co-author, Judy Shetler, wrote: Sematech: Saving the U.S.
Semiconductor Industry. College Station, TX: Texas A & M University
Dr. Keri K. Stephens (Ph.D., University of Texas, 2005) is an Assistant
Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University
of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on workplace ICT use. She
studies ICT use sequences, simultaneous and multi-tasking ICT use, and
the consequences of working in organizations containing a multitude of
ICT options. Her published work appears in Communication Theory,
Communication Education, Journal of Business Communication, Journal
of Health Communication, Informing Science, and Case Studies in Organizational Communication. She is a co-author of the book, Information and Communication Technology in Action: Linking Theory and Narratives of Practice.