Antonio Visingardi,
[email protected], CIRA (Italy)
Fabrizio De Gregorio,
[email protected], CIRA (Italy)
Thorsten Schwarz,
[email protected], DLR (Germany)
Matthias Schmid,
[email protected], DLR (Germany)
Richard Bakker,
[email protected], NLR (The Netherlands)
Spyros Voutsinas,
[email protected], NTUA (Greece)
Quentin Gallas,
[email protected], ONERA (France)
Ronan Boisard,
[email protected], ONERA (France)
Giuseppe Gibertini,
[email protected], Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Daniele Zagaglia,
[email protected], Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
George Barakos,
[email protected], University of Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Richard Green,
[email protected], University of Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Giulia Chirico,
[email protected], University of Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Michea Giuni,
[email protected], University of Glasgow (United Kingdom)
The paper describes the objectives and the structure of the GARTEUR Action Group HC/AG-22 project which deals with
the basic research about the forces acting on obstacles when immersed in rotor wakes. The motivation started from the
observation that there was a lack of experimental databases including the evaluation of the forces on obstacles in rotor
wakes; and of both numerical and experimental investigations of the rotor downwash effects at medium-to-high separation
distances from the rotor, in presence or without sling load. The four research centres: CIRA (I); DLR (D); NLR (NL); ONERA
(F); and three universities: NTUA (GR); Politecnico di Milano (I); University of Glasgow (UK) created a team for the
promotion of activities that could contribute to fill these gaps. In particular, both numerical and experimental investigations
were proposed by the team to study, primarily, the effects of the confined area geometry on a hovering helicopter rotor,
and, secondarily, the downwash and its influence on the forces acting on a load, loose or slung, at low to high separation
distances from the rotor disc. The following activities were planned: a) application and possible improvement of
computational tools for the study of helicopter rotor wake interactions with obstacles; b) set-up and performance of four
cost-effective wind tunnel test campaigns aimed at producing a valuable experimental database for the validation of the
numerical methodologies applied; c) final validation of the numerical methodologies. The project started in November 2014
and has a duration of three years.
hover or low-speed forward flight, in contrast to fixed-wing
aircraft. These are the main reasons why helicopters are
employed in missions within “confined areas”.
A confined area is a region where the flight of the helicopter
Chord length
is limited in some direction by terrain or by the presence of
obstacles, natural or manmade, such as steep valleys and
Pressure coefficient
buildings. Rescue operations, emergency medical services,
Rotor speed
ship-based rotorcraft operations are just some examples of
Rotor diameter
helicopter missions within confined areas, Figure 1.
Rotor radius
u, v, w
Velocity components
x, y, z
Geometrical coordinates
Pressure difference wrt p∞
Collective pitch
Advance ratio
Rotor solidity
Hover In Ground Effect
Hover Out of Ground Effect
A helicopter is an aircraft that generates the lifting force by
means of the blades, which are rotating aerodynamic
surfaces. Therefore, a helicopter does not necessarily
require a relative wind to fly and can efficiently operate in
Figure 1: Examples of helicopter operations
in confined areas
The wake system generated by the helicopter rotor may
interact with the airflow around the obstacles, with an
intensity that increases with the proximity of the rotor to the
ground and/or the obstacles. This mutual interaction
generates aerodynamic forces that may result in: (a) high
compensatory workload for the pilot; (b) degradation of the
handling qualities and performance of the aircraft; (c)
unsteady forces on the structure of the surrounding
obstacles; (d) noise levels creating discomfort to the
community residing in the area.
loading and on the distance of the sling load from the rotor
disc. The instabilities that can arise from these forces affect
the rotorcraft and/or the load itself, and their avoidance is
therefore crucial not only for safety reasons but also when
a controlled attitude of the load is required. An example for
the latter case is represented by drop test experiments,
such as PHOENIX[2.], NASA X40-A[3.],[4.], ESA-IXV[5.], in
which the helicopter is both the carrier and the launch
station of tests articles, which represent the sling load,
Figure 5.
The obstacle wake can be highly unsteady, complex and
challenging to predict, Figure 2.
Figure 4: Helicopter with a
sling load
Figure 2: Complexity of the obstacle wake[1.]
This flowfield is further complicated by the presence of the
helicopter which induces an additional flowfield that can
significantly alter the upstream airflow when the aircraft is
operating close to a surface. Thus, the helicopter
experiences a combination of the wake induced by the
obstacle and the airflow induced by itself.
The presence of vertical surfaces forces a part of the rotor
wake to flow upward along the walls and to become the recirculatory inflow with respect to the rotor, Figure 3. The
aerodynamic performance of the rotor changes because
the upward rotor wake interferes with the flow field around
the rotor.
Figure 5: NASA X40-A
drop test[4.]
Previous work
Several publications address the problem of the helicopter
ground effect in confined areas and the majority of them
concern investigations of the helicopter-ship interactional
problem, example papers are reported in references[6.]-[11.],
whereas a numerical and experimental investigation
concerning the more general problem of the rotor
performance in the wake of a large structure is illustrated in
Quinliven[12.]. Nevertheless, references of the evaluation of
forces acting on obstacles in rotor wake are scarce.
Likewise, there are few experimental databases for the
validation of numerical methodologies, their accessibility is
uncertain, and do not provide force measurements on
obstacle surfaces.
A few papers describe the characteristics of some
experimental databases. They also testify the complexity of
the problem and the importance to better understand the
phenomenology and its implication on the flight safety.
Some relevant examples are provided in the following:
a pioneering work is represented by Timm[13.] in which
the author illustrates the basic requirements for the
generation of an obstacle-induced flow recirculation and
what the driving parameters are. Qualitative results of
an experimental activity are provided and solutions for
a mitigation of the problem are also proposed;
a more recent experimental investigation is illustrated in
Iboshi[14.]. The authors illustrate the set-up of an
experiment consisting in a rotor hovering over a ground
plate delimited by one or two vertical plates.
Performance evaluations are made at certain
combinations of the wall height, space between walls
and rotor height. An increase in the required torque
Figure 3: Helicopter operations in confined areas
A helicopter sling load, Figure 4, is another, yet particular,
case of obstacle subjected to forces produced by its
interaction with the rotor wake. Once airborne a sling load
comes under the influence of aerodynamic forces and
moments associated with its size, shape, mass, and
transport speed. Furthermore, in the particular case of
hover/low-speed forward flight conditions, where the load is
fully immersed in the rotor wake system, these forces are
strongly related to the intensity of the downwash effects of
the wake which, in turn, are mainly dependent on the blade
coefficient as well as in the vibratory torque coefficient
is produced by the presence of the vertical walls;
distances from the rotor, in presence or without sling load,
is observed.
the comparisons of Navier-Stokes CFD predictions of
the airflow around a helicopter rotor hovering near a
land-based hangar with experimental velocity data
gathered during a flight test campaign by using
ultrasonic anemometers are illustrated in Polsky[15]. The
rotor is numerically modelled by an actuator disk and
several turbulence models are tested. The importance
of an atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) modelling is
also considered. Although the helicopter downwash
dominates the flowfield, the CFD investigation also
demonstrates the importance of accurately predicting
the flow over and around the hangar structure. For this
purpose, experimental data were gathered by the
authors around the full scale hangar and sub-scale wind
tunnel data including surface pressures and oil flow but
these results are not shown in the paper;
An Action Group, namely HC/AG-22[22], was created in the
framework of the GARTEUR organization by four research
centres: CIRA (I); DLR (D); NLR (NL); ONERA (F) and three
universities: NTUA (GR); Politecnico di Milano (I) - PoliMi;
University of Glasgow (UK) - UoG, with the aim to promote
activities which could contribute to fill these gaps. For the
purpose, this team proposed to investigate, both
numerically and experimentally:
the occurrence of aerodynamic interference between a
helicopter and obstacles of different shapes located in
the vicinity of the helicopter is numerically and
experimentally investigated in Lusiak[16]. For the
particular case of a well-shaped obstacle, such as a
typical town courtyard, numerical computations are
performed by coupling the FLUENT software for the
rotor aerodynamics with a panel code for the fuselage
aerodynamics and compared with the measurements
made in a low turbulence wind tunnel TMT in terms of
tensometric measurements of forces and moments. The
results indicate that the phenomenon of aerodynamic
interference can seriously disturb the flow around the
helicopter and change the loading of some of its
elements. Substantial changes in the value of the
resulting loads can make the helicopter difficult to
The aerodynamics of helicopter slung-load systems is
investigated in a few publications. A relevant example is
given by Gabel[17], where a specific section is dedicated to
the experimental evaluation of the aerodynamic instabilities
induced by the load attitude and the separation distance of
the load from the helicopter. CFD is used in Prosser[18] to
resolve the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations for
prediction of aerodynamic forces and moments acting on
dynamic helicopter sling loads; no influence of the rotor
wake is taken into account. Similarly, Theron[19]
summarizes the work on the aerodynamics of a slung load
cargo container without considering the effect of the rotor
wake: two different CFD codes are used to study the threedimensional flow over the stationary container and the twodimensional simulation of the stationary and oscillating
container. Comparisons with experimental measurements
are also reported. Finally, two relevant papers concerning
the measurement of the helicopter downwash velocity are
represented by Leese[20],[21], where no sling load is however
The analysis of the previous work highlights the lack of
experimental databases including the evaluation of the
forces acting on obstacles when immersed in rotor wakes.
Instead, in the case of the helicopter sling-load problem, the
lack of both numerical and experimental investigations of
the rotor downwash effect at medium-to-high separation
primarily, the effects of the confined area geometry on
a hovering helicopter rotor from the standpoints of both
interactional process and the evaluation of the forces
acting on surrounding obstacles;
secondarily, the downwash and its influence on the
forces acting on a load, loose or slung, at low to high
separation distances from the rotor disc.
The know-how acquired by the GARTEUR AG-17[23.],[24]
about the wake modelling in the presence of ground
obstacles was capitalised and set-up the basis for this new
research activity.
The project, started in November 2014, has a duration of
three years, with conclusion planned for October 2017,
during which the following activities are planned:
application and possible improvement of computational
tools for the study of helicopter rotor wake interactions
with obstacles;
set-up and performance of cost-effective wind tunnel
test campaigns aimed at producing a valuable
experimental database for the validation of the
numerical methodologies applied;
final validation of the numerical methodologies.
The present paper provides the details of the above
indicated activities. In particular, section 3 illustrates the
statement of the work. The wind tunnel experiments and the
numerical activities are described, together with some
example of results obtained, in sections 4 and 5,
respectively. Some conclusions are finally drawn in section
In order to achieve the objectives of HC/AG-22, the project
is structured in four work packages. The partners are
involved in experimental activities, during which suitable
databases are produced for the phenomenological
understanding and the quantification of the forces arising
during the rotor-ground-obstacles interactional process, as
well as numerical activities aimed at both providing baseline
indications for the set-up of the experiments, and enhancing
and validating the employed commercial or in-house
computational tools.
Project Work Package Architecture
The project architecture is shown in Figure 6 and a short
description of the work packages is provided in the
Table 1 reports a summary of these experiments, while the
main characteristics of the test rigs, of the wind tunnels, and
of the model obstacle are illustrated in the following.
Figure 6: Project work package architecture
WP0 – Management & Dissemination: is aimed at
the fulfilment of all the obligations concerning the
project management and the dissemination of the
results. Through this work package the project
interacts with: the Group of Responsables (GoR), by
receiving inputs and providing the information required;
and the scientific community, by collecting the results
of the activities of the other three work packages and
disseminating them;
WP1 – Preliminary Computations & Code
Enhancements: deals with a preparation phase during
which partners are involved in literature review and
computational activities aimed at providing necessary
and useful inputs to the two following work packages
where experimental databases are produced (WP2)
and the modelling capabilities of the applied numerical
tools are validated (WP3). It also provides WP0 with all
the information required for management and
WP2 – Wind Tunnel Test Campaigns: concerns the
performance of four wind tunnel test campaigns that
have been identified by partners as particularly
meaningful for the phenomenological understanding of
the flow field generated by a model rotor operating in
HOGE/HIGE conditions in the presence of obstacles,
and the quantification of the forces acting on them. The
resulting experimental databases are used in WP3 for
the final validation of the numerical tools proposed by
the partners. It also provides WP0 with all the
WP3 – Final Validation of Codes: is aimed at the final
validation of the numerical tools proposed by partners.
The validation is performed by comparing the
numerical results of the computational activity with the
experimental data produced during the wind tunnel test
campaigns of the project in the framework of WP2. The
work package also provides WP0 with all the
Table 1: Experimental tests
CIRA: HOGE/HIGE rotor with a loose/sling load
The external loads carried by a helicopter are typically
connected in the proximity to the fuselage in order to remain
in its shadow, thus avoiding unsteady aerodynamic loads
induced by the main rotor wake and possible instability
phenomena. Instead, for some particular missions, such as
rescue operations (SAR) in adverse conditions or drop
tests, these loads can be located at a larger distance from
the fuselage, so that the knowledge of the wake downwash
and of the forces and moments induced on the loads
becomes crucial for the safety of the mission.
The CIRA test campaign aims at evaluating the effects of
the main rotor wake on a sling load, in terms of aerodynamic
loads and pressure distributions, in this latter condition.
The activity is ongoing.
Test activity
The test activity investigates firstly the characteristics of the
main rotor wake several diameters downstream of the rotor
disc in HOGE condition. The influence of the main rotor
wake is quantified in terms of induced loads and pressure
distributions on a sling load positioned at different distances
form the rotor disc, while measuring the lift of the rotor. In
addition, the mean load induced by the sling loads
immersed in the rotor downwash wake on the rotor is
measured, Figure 7. Secondly, the effect of the interaction
between the rotor and the sling loads during the landing
phase, when the rotor is in HIGE condition, is also
evaluated, Figure 8.
The four partners CIRA, ONERA, PoliMi and UoG proposed
four different wind tunnel test campaigns, complementary
to each other, to be carried out in their own wind tunnel
facilities and aiming at analysing, with a wider and deeper
insight, different aspects of the phenomenology. A fully
instrumented obstacle was put at disposal by DLR.
Figure 7: CIRA experimental lay-out - HOGE
blades with NACA0012 airfoil, diameter D = 0.71m and
speed Ω = 2600 RPM. The collective pitch was set at a fixed
angle θ0 = 7.5°, Figure 10.
Figure 8: CIRA experimental lay-out - HIGE
The tests is being conducted in free air inside the CIRA
laboratory of Testing Engineering and Methodology. The
experimental campaign will make use of the R/C helicopter
model Blade 450 3D RTF, equipped with a four-bladed
rotor, with rectangular blades and NACA 0013 airfoil,
having diameter D = 0,72m and rotor speed Ω = 2400 RPM,
Figure 9. The forces and moments will be measured by
using the six-component balance ATI Mini40 IP65. A sling
load of cylindrical shape and fineness ratio 2, having length
equal to 20% of the rotor diameter, is being manufactured
at CIRA via Additive Manufacturing technique. The cylinder
is equipped with some pressure ports for the
characterization of the pressure distributions.
Figure 10: R/C helicopter Sphynx 3D
The helicopter is mounted in the centre of a square-shaped
courtyard as shown in Figure 11. The platform simulating a
complete ground is at 1.2 m above the building floor. The
walls have a parallelepiped form; they are in wood and
screwed on the floor. The interior side of the walls are
painted in black for the visualisations. The wall is 0.36 m
high with a thickness equal to 0.30 m.
Figure 11: Helicopter mounted in a square-shaped box
representing a closed courtyard
The tests were conducted in free air in a laboratory
environment at ONERA Lille.
Figure 9: R/C helicopter Blade 450 3D RTF
ONERA: HIGE rotor in proximity to a wellshaped obstacle
Test activity
Tests were realised with and without the presence of
obstacles, which represent a typical town courtyard with a
squared shape, in HIGE/HOGE and quasi axisymmetric
conditions. The distance between the rotor and the ground
was varied as indicated in Figure 12.
ONERA developed a scaled rotor bench with the objective
to investigate the interactional effects between the rotor
wake and its close environment, which can be infinite or
finite ground effect, or obstacles of any kind.
The activity is nearly completed and a number of related
publications has been already produced and reported in the
Test rig and obstacle model
The test rig is originally based on the commercial R/C
helicopter model Sphynx 3D including a rotor head with
global and cyclic control in pitch. The helicopter was
strongly customised: the tail rotor and the cyclic pitch were
removed; a six components balance, an external energy
supply, etc. were introduced. The rotor has two rectangular
Figure 12: Layout of the ONERA test cases
The forces and moments on the rotor were measured via a
a 6-components balance. The acquisition of the balance
signals was done at 2 kHz during 15s with a high frequency
filter at 1 kHz to eliminate the high frequencies folding.
The pressure measurements along the floor and the wall
were realised by using 9 Druck PDRCR42 of 75 mbars
flush-mounted on a rod alternatively inserted in the floor
and in the side wall. An example is provided in Figure 13.
The pressures were characterized in static (~5 sec) with a
MENSOR differential sensor with a guaranteed accuracy of
0.25 Pa on the scale ±400 Pa.
Figure 16: Module of the velocity field.
Figure 13: Pressure measurements on the ground with
and without the side walls
The flow visualisation was made with a high speed video
camera, a smoke generator and a laser light sheet aligned
with the rotor head. Figure 14 shows an extracted image
with the field of view focused on the blade tip, in direct
negative colour. The rotor head appears on the right-up
side. The vortices shed at the extremity of the blades are
well visible and their core, generated by the centrifugation
of the smoke, grows rapidly at their birth. Near the ground
the flow expand radially with rebounds of the vortices at
different height.
PoliMi: HIGE rotor in proximity to an obstacle in
windy conditions
The wind tunnel test campaign proposed by PoliMi deals
with a helicopter model hovering in close proximity to a solid
obstacle, with and without natural wind, with the aim to
study the mutual aerodynamic interference. A first entry for
the wind-off test was carried out in a large testing
environment on the side of the wind tunnel. The second test
entry, comprising both wind-on (µ = 0.05) and wind-off
tests, was instead carried out in the large test section of the
Wind Tunnel of Politecnico di Milano (GVPM), whose
dimensions allowed for an even reduced interference with
the surroundings.
The activity is completed and a number of related
publications has been already produced and reported in the
Test rig and obstacle model
The test rig consists of an in-house developed helicopter
model, inspired to the MD-500, fixed to a horizontal pylon
that can be moved by a system of two traversing guides so
that its height from the ground and distance from the
obstacle can be changed. The roll angle of the helicopter
can be adjusted.
The helicopter model is powered by an on-board electric
motor and is fixed to the pylon by the tail (tail rotor is not
present), Figure 17.
The rotor model has four rectangular blades with NACA
0012 airfoil, and the following main characteristics:
Figure 14: Smoke visualization of blade tip vortices
The Stereo-PIV measurement were made in an area
located below the rotor and on the advancing blade side of
the model, Figure 15. The two PIV cameras as well as the
laser were synchronized with one-per-rev signal provided
by a sensor on the helicopter rotor. The acquisition
frequency was set at 4.8 Hz, which is equivalent to one PIV
recording for nine rotor revolutions. Figure 16 shows an
example from the SPIV results of the flow field in between
the helicopter and the surrounding walls.
Figure 15: Configuration of the model and PIV zone
Diameter D = 0.75m;
Chord c = 0.032m;
Solidity σ = 0.11;
Fixed collective pitch θ0 = 10°;
No cyclic pitch;
Speed Ω = 2480 RPM (1st entry) - Ω = 2580 RPM (2nd
The obstacle was provided by DLR and the main
characteristics are described in section 4.5.
The following measurements were made for each test:
forces and moments on the rotor by means of a 6components balance (20E12A JR3 Force Torque
steady (average values) pressures on the obstacle
walls (several pressure taps linked to a PSI Pressure
unsteady (time history) pressures on the obstacle walls
(20 Kulites XCS-093). The unsteady pressure
acquisition was synchronized with the acquisition of the
rotor blade azimuthal position;
PIV flow field survey downstream of the obstacle,
Figure 20.
Figure 17: Helicopter model & Test Rig
Wind tunnel characteristics
The Wind Tunnel of Politecnico di Milano is widely used for
helicopter tests thanks to the generous dimensions of its
test chamber (4m x 3.84 m) and its very good flow quality.
Furthermore this facility allows to use the return duct too as
a quite large test chamber (13.84m x 3.84m) usually utilized
for building tests. The tests of the present campaign were
carried out inside this huge room as represented in Figure
18 in order to minimize the interference effect of the
Figure 19: PoliMi measuremet points
Figure 20: PIV measurements
An example of the measured pressures and PIV are
illustrated in Figure 21 and Figure 22, respectively.
Figure 18: PoliMi GVPM experimental lay-out
Test activity
Several model settings, Figure 19, were tested during the
campaign by changing the following three parameters:
1) horizontal distance from the obstacle;
2) height from the ground;
3) wind velocity.
Each combination of them defined a test configuration. A
matrix, containing the lists of the configurations was defined
before the start of the campaign.
Figure 21: Example of Cp measurements on the PoliMi
obstacle in wind-off conditions - µ = 0.05
away from the rotor centre line. It was used to carry out
forces and moments and LDA measurements.
Figure 22: Example of PIV measurements on the PoliMi
obstacle in wind-off conditions - µ = 0.05
UoG: HIGE rotor in proximity to an obstacle
without wind
The wind tunnel test campaign proposed by UoG was
aimed at investigating the rotor flow in the vicinity of an
obstacle. In particular, it consisted of a set of tests
reproducing hovering flight conditions at different positions
with respect to a cubic obstacle with side dimension equal
to the rotor diameter. Two different rotor rigs were used and
load measurements from the rotor, pressure measurements
on the obstacle faces and velocity measurements of the air
flow were gathered during the campaign.
Figure 23: UoG large rotor test rig 1
Rotor rig 2, Figure 24, could be used in the same laboratory
space, or it could be mounted in the UoG de Havilland wind
tunnel, which has a 2.66m x 2.07m x 5.6m (W x H x L)
working section. This rotor rig was used to perform StereoPIV and pressure measurements as well as flow
The activity is completed and a number of related
publications has been already produced and reported in the
Test rig, obstacle model and equipment
Two simplified rotor systems available at Glasgow were
used within this project: large rotor rig 1; small rotor rig 2.
The notional obstacle was a simple cuboid shape, which
was mounted on a load cell. In addition it was fitted with
surface mounted transducers.
The main characteristics of the rigs and the obstacle are
summarised in Table 2.
Rotor Rig 1
Rotor Rig 2
Obstacle size
0.3 m
Rotor diameter
Number of
Blade chord
0.3 m
53 mm
31.7 mm
1200 rpm
4000 rpm
Collective pitch
Rotor speed
Table 2: Main features of the UoG rotor rigs.
Rotor rig 1, Figure 23, was placed in a large laboratory
space with an even, flat ground extending to a 5m radius
Figure 24: UoG small rotor test rig 2
Test activity
The matrix of the tests conducted at UoG is reported in
Figure 25 where the red circles indicate the positions of the
centre of the rotor with respect to the obstacle. Some
conditions on planes different from the symmetry plane
were also tested.
The following measurements were made for each test:
forces and moments generated by the rotor were
measured by a 6-components AMTI MC36 model load
cell mounted on the rotor rig 1. The intention to trim the
rotor to zero rolling and pitching moment by varying the
cyclic angle settings proved to be difficult in practice so
the moments were measured for given blade settings
and the changes in moment due to rotor proximity to
the obstacle were recorded;
a 2-component LDA system mounted on a traverse
system was used to measure the induced velocity on a
plane 40mm above the rotor rig 1, as the distance from
the ground and from the obstacle changed;
a ZOC valve system was used to measure the pressure
on the top and side faces of the cubic obstacle. These
measurements were taken by using the rotor rig 2 to
provide support data for the PIV analysis in addition to
the obstacle load. Some data were sampled with the
rotor rig in the wind tunnel, while other cases were run
in the large laboratory space;
The LaVision system running Davis 8 stereoscopic PIV
was used to measure the flow in the region of
recirculation between the obstacle and the rotor. The
system was installed in the working section of the UoG
de Havilland wind tunnel, and the rotor rig 2 was used
for these tests.
Figure 27: Smoke flow visualisation.
z/D = 1.93 above the ground
DLR F20 model obstacle
A wind tunnel model, property of DLR, was used as an
obstacle during the activities of the project. The DLR-F20wind tunnel model[31.] resembles a container in model scale.
The model was originally used to measure the airloads and
pressure distributions in the context of a study for air
dropping of containers from military transport aircraft (DLRMiTraPor-Project), Figure 28.
Figure 25: UoG Measurement points
An example of the measurements acquired during the test
campaign is provided in Figure 26, referring to an LDA
Figure 28: DLR-F20-Model in DNW-NWB-Wind Tunnel,
The model is a cuboid with size 0.45 m x 0.8 m x 1.0 m. The
cuboid is made from an aluminium frame onto which
aluminium plates are fixed, Figure 29. It is instrumented
with 5 Kulites and 155 pressure taps, Figure 30. The Kulites
are still installed. The PSI-module has been removed but all
tubes and clutches are still installed.
Figure 26: LDA scan over rotor disc. Inflow velocity
Smoke flow visualizations were also made and an is shown
in Figure 27.
Figure 29: Internal layout
of brick
Figure 30: Sensor
installation on brick
During the HC/AG-22 experiments, the cuboid was simply
laid down on the floor.
The numerical investigations are performed by each partner
applying in-house-developed or commercial computational
tools. Preliminary computations were performed with the
aim to test the initial modelling capabilities of the proposed
tools. Code enhancements are also carried out for those
cases where an improvement of the tools capabilities was
required in order to better simulate the phenomenology
under investigation. All partners are currently involved in the
final validation activity.
The simulations are performed by using computational
methodologies, which span from the lower fidelity flight
mechanics ones up to the high fidelity and sophisticated
Navier-Stokes based ones, Figure 31. The numerical tools
are summarized in Table 3 and described in the following.
Figure 32: Cp distribution over PoliMi obstacle in
wind-off conditions – x/R = 0; z/R = 2
Figure 31: Numerical methodologies applied
Figure 33: Cp distribution over ONERA wellshaped obstacle and ground
DLR applies the panel method UPM to study the
interference effects between rotor and obstacle. UPM[33.] is
an unsteady free wake panel method based on the Laplace
equation. The ground and obstacles may be modelled by a
panelised surface with sources/sinks. The rotor is trimmed
allowing the analysis of the rotor trim state in the presence
of an obstacle.
A related publication has been already produced and
reported in the reference[34.].
An example of computed flowfield velocities and
streamlines around the PoliMi obstacle in wind-on
conditions is shown in Figure 34.
Table 3: Numerical methodologies applied
CIRA computations are performed by RAMSYS[32.], which
is an unsteady, inviscid and incompressible free-wake BEM
solver, developed at CIRA, for multi-body configurations. It
is based on Morino's boundary integral formulation for the
solution of Laplace’s equation for the velocity potential φ.
Ground effect problems are solved by the application of a
Mirror Image Method (MIM) or by using the more
sophisticated Surface Singularity Method (SSM). The
forces on the obstacles are evaluated by integrating the
surface pressure distributions.
An example of predicted pressure distributions on the
obstacle and ground surfaces is shown in Figure 32 and
Figure 33.
Figure 34: In-plane velocity magnitude contours and
streamlines for the PoliMi obstacle in wind-on
conditions at µ = 0.05 – x/R = -0.5; z/R = 2
NLR uses the commercial tool FLIGHTLAB[35.]. It contains
a panel method for the modelling of ground/walls/ship deck
that is used to interact with rotor wakes. The rotor wake may
be modelled by means of a simple Peters/He finite-state
wake or by the more complex free vortex wake methods.
The vortex wake is either prescribed or free and a timeaccurate method is also available. A method for the
computation of the rotorcraft wake geometry using NURBS
is also proposed for further development and
An example of computed Cp and streamlines for the
ONERA well-obstacle is shown in Figure 35.
ONERA based on the same approach than the MINT code,
for the free wake model and extended with a multi-body
module and the Multilevel Fast Multipole Method. To take
into account for any kind of obstacle geometry, specific
developments are implemented in the context of this
GARTEUR. The second tool is the elsA code[43.], an
unsteady Navier-Stokes code able to simulate complete
helicopter configuration taking into account any kind of
obstacle geometry.
A related publication has been already produced and
reported in the reference[26.].
An example of wake development and flow field velocity
predictions by PUMA and elsA codes is shown in Figure 37
and Figure 38.
Figure 35: Cp and streamlines for the ONERA wellobstacle experimental case, full-scale dimensions with
NTUA simulations are performed using two codes. The first
is GENUVP[36.],[37.],[38.], a panel code combined with a vortex
particle approximation of the wake. The code uses a multiblock MPI-enabled Particle Mesh solver for the wake
evolution and tree algorithms for the panel part. The wake
is generated along prescribed lines such as trailing edges
of blades and corner lines of bluff bodies. The second code
is HoPFlow[39.], a fully coupled hybrid code that combines a
URANS un-structured compressible solver close to solid
boundaries with an overlapped Particle Mesh Lagrangian
solver using compressible particle approximations. The
particles carry mass, vorticity, dilatation and energy while
their volume is varying in order to take into account flow
compressibility. In the case of independently solid bodies
(rotor blades and fuselage) separate grid are introduced for
each one.
Figure 37: Lifting-line + free wake modelling of the
wake development for the ONERA obstacle
A related publication has been already produced and
reported in the reference[40.].
An example of wake development modelling for the PoliMi
obstacle in wind-off conditions is shown in Figure 36.
Figure 38: N-S wake modelling for the PoliMi obstacle
in wind-off conditions – x/R = 1; z/R = 2
PoliMi adopted computational scheme is a coupled
approach making use of the ROSITA[44.],[45.] Navier-Stokes
(NS) solver and a Blade Element (BE) approximation. The
coupling is made by means of an actuator disk: the loads
computed with the BE approach are introduced in the NS
computation through the disk actuator, then from the NS
solution the velocity on the disk are obtained and used
again for the load evaluation by means of BE. The iterations
continue until convergence.
Figure 36: Wake development for the PoliMi obstacle in
wind-off conditions - x/R = -1; z/R = 2
ONERA computations are performed using two different
tools. The first one is the PUMA code[41.],[42.] developed at
The CFD code ROSITA numerically integrates the
unsteady compressible Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes
(RANS) equations, coupled with the one-equation
turbulence model by Spalart-Allmaras. Multiple moving
multi-block grids can be employed to build an overset grid
system using the Chimera technique. The equations are
discretised in space by means of a cell-centred finitevolume implementation of the Roe’s scheme. The Gauss
theorem and a cell-centred discretisation scheme are used
to compute the viscous terms of the equations. Time
advancement is carried out with a dual-time formulation,
employing a 2nd order backward differentiation formula to
approximate thetime derivative and a fully unfactored
implicit scheme in pseudo-time.
a comparison between measured and computed Cp on the
obstacle surface.
A related publication has been already produced and
reported in the reference[28.].
An example of computed flowfield velocities and
streamlines is shown in Figure 39 and a comparison
between measured and computed PIVs is given in Figure
Figure 41: N-S wake modelling and streamlines for the
PoliMi obstacle in wind-off conditions - x/R = -1; z/R = 2
Figure 39: In-plane velocity magnitude contours and
streamlines for the PoliMi obstacle in wind-off
conditions - x/R = 0; z/R = 2
Figure 42: N-S Cp distribution for the PoliMi obstacle in
wind-off conditions - x/R = -1; z/R = 2 (top) and
x/r=0,z/R=2 (bottom)
Figure 40: Comparison between computed (top) and
measured (bottom) flow-field. PoliMi obstacle in windoff conditions - x/R = 0; y/R = 0, z/R = 2.
UoG employs the Helicopter Multi-Block Method HMB2
code[47.],[48.],[49.],[50.], that has rotor-modelling capability using
either resolved blades or actuator disk models. The solver
uses RANS/URANS methods on overset grids and fast
implicit algorithms to speed-up convergence.
A related publication has been already produced and
reported in the reference[46.].
An example of the N-S wake modelling and streamlines
evaluation is shown in Figure 41 while Figure 42 illustrates
The present paper described the objectives and the
structure of the GARTEUR Action Group HC/AG-22 basic
research project dealing with the evaluation of forces on
obstacles in rotor wake. The project, started in November
2014 and has a duration of three years with the conclusion
planned for October 2017.
The activities were structured in four work packages the
main ones being represented by experimental activities and
numerical investigations.
The experimental activities consisted of four low-budget
wind tunnel test campaigns, complementary to each other,
conducted in the CIRA, ONERA, PoliMi and UoG test
facilities, and aimed at analysing, with a wider and deeper
insight, different aspects of the phenomenology. All
campaigns, with the exception of the CIRA one, were
All partners were also involved in numerical investigations
during which in-house developed or commercial
computations were performed with the aim to test the initial
modelling capabilities of the proposed tools. Code
enhancements are also carried out for those cases where
an improvement of the tools capabilities was required in
order to better simulate the phenomenology under
investigation. All partners are currently involved in the final
validation activity.
Finally, a consistent dissemination activity is promoted by
the project with about ten papers presented at conferences
or published on relevant scientific journals.
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