Appendix D-1 Development of the Roughness Classification Table

The literature offers a large range of values for the roughness length [z0] with uncertainties as large as 65% , prompting further research into the development of analytical techniques. By the surface descriptions provided in most published tabulations, it becomes apparent that these lengths were primarily based on agricultural parameterisation schemes developed over 20 years ago. Wieringa (1993) provides an extensive review of the results, methodology, and theoretical foundation of 50 comprehensive studies on the roughness of homogeneous terrain types. The development of the UWEP DSS's roughness classification table, including a compilation of the various proposed roughness length categorisation schemes that were considered, is provided in

Appendix D - 1. Development of the Roughness Classification Table The literature offers a large range of values for the roughness length [z0] with uncertainties as large as 65% (Schaudt, 1998), prompting further research into the development of analytical techniques. By the surface descriptions provided in most published tabulations, it becomes apparent that these lengths were primarily based on agricultural parameterisation schemes developed over 20 years ago. Wieringa (1993) provides an extensive review of the results, methodology, and theoretical foundation of 50 comprehensive studies on the roughness of homogeneous terrain types. The development of the UWEP DSS’s roughness classification table, including a compilation of the various proposed roughness length categorisation schemes that were considered, is provided in Appendix D - 1a. The advantage of the roughness length parameter over the more conventional drag coefficient [CD] is its independence of height within the inertial sublayer (ISL) of the urban boundary layer (UBL) where the logarithmic mean wind speed profile is applicable (Wieringa, 1993). In developing the Roughness Classification Table for the UWEP-DSS, the primary challenge arose from the limited stratification of urban-type roughness in the published roughness length categorisation schemes, compounded by the inability of existing two-dimensional (2D) land-use maps to provide information on the heights of structures. Additionally, urban-type roughness is typically only homogeneous over short fetches. Attempting to define an effective roughness length, commonly referred to as a roughness class, based on various combinations of published homogeneous roughness lengths, proved problematic given the lack of agreement throughout the literature. Studies suggest that the effective roughness is greater than the weighted-average of the individual lengths. This has prompted extensive research into quantifying urban-type roughness (Coceal & Belcher, 2005; Jacobson & Malte, 2005; de Wit, Stathopoulos & Wisse, 2002; MacDonald, 2000), based on building and street canyon geometry, quantified through frontal and plan area density and weighted mean building height. In support of gustiness, or turbulence models, which produce high-resolution local roughness maps to resolve obstacles (J. W. Verkaik & Smits, 2001; van Kuik & Bierbooms, 2005; J. W. Verkaik, 2006), 3D urban terrain zones have been defined for specific cities, inventorying characteristics of buildings (Ellefsen, 1991). Despite the vast quantity of literature pertaining to the use of the roughness length, in the parameterisation of the effect of the underlying terrain on the wind speed, this parameter is the largest source of uncertainty in the calculations of the vertical wind speed profile (Belcher, Jerram, & Hunt, J. C. R., 2003) especially for low wind speed regimes (Hanna & Chang, 1992). As previously mentioned, there is substantial disagreement in the literature concerning the estimation of the displacement height parameter, with some studies choosing to neglect it completely (Petersen et al., 1998; Jacobson & Malte, 2005). Various methods have been developed to determine the displacement height, including a temperature variance method (TVM) (Rotach, 1994), a minimising least squares chi-square error method (Schaudt, 1998), and morphometric methods (Kastner-Klein & Rotach, 2004), in addition to the iteration method (exact solution) (Schaudt, 1998) and the assumption of a constant value (Oke, 1978). These numerical methods require meteorological values not readily available (e.g., several measurements at different heights) and are computationally intensive. The literature suggests that displacement height is correlated to roughness length (i.e., z0  1/d) (Wieringa, 1993) and dependent on plan area density [lp] (MacDonald, 2000 after Plate (1995)) and mean roughness element height [H]; yet no agreement could be found in published tabulations (Rooney, 2001; Plate, 1995 after Theurer (1993); Wieringa, 1993), as graphically summarised below. The approximation provided by Wieringa (1993) (i.e., d ~ 0.7H), yielded values that produced questionable results when used to calculate the parameters for the Urban Parameterisation table. As such, the displacement-height provided within the urban parameterisation table, is calculated through a combined function of plan area density and mean building height, as detailed in Appendix D – 2. Figure D-1.1. Displacement height as a function of roughness length d1, d2, & d3 represent an amalgamation of displacement heights for a specific roughness length from the previously cited literature. The displacement height [d], or zero-plane displacement, serves to elevate the zero plane above the mean building height (Roulet, 2004) and to account for the fact that the top of the RSL is not necessarily the bottom of the ISL (Wieringa, 1993). Disagreement within the literature regarding roughness length and displacement height resulted in the calculated zero-plane [d0 = z0 + d] being below the mean building height, equated to the top of the UCL [zH], for the urban sub-regions tabulated within the Urban Parameterisation table. Since the logarithmic profile is not applied below the top of the RSL [z*] by the UWEP module, this minor discrepancy was considered immaterial. References Belcher, S. E., Jerram, N., & Hunt, J. C. R. (2003). Adjustment of a turbulent boundary layer to a canopy of roughness elements. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 488, pp. 369-398. Coceal, O., & Belcher, S. E. (2005). Mean winds through an inhomogeneous urban canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 115(1), pp. 47-68. de Wit, M. H., Stathopoulos, T., & Wisse, J. A. (2002). Airport wind speeds used for the design in urban environments: The Eindhoven case. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 90(11), pp. 1289-1298. Ellefsen, R. (1991). 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